As Snowcone would say, “I’ll take that as a comment”.
June 9, 2022 9:56 pm
During the original AIDs epidemic there were people in San Francisco who were having dozens of sexual contacts a week with different people.
Using that as a yardstick Arsehole rather than aerosol isn’t out of the question.
Plus it’s general fluids as well. Particularly from sores.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 9, 2022 9:59 pm
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you horrible mob.
Mme Zulu is into single figures for her radiation and chemotherapy treatment – it’s knocked her quite badly – her doctor says she is doing very well, but it will take weeks, if not months, to recover her full health.
June 9, 2022 10:08 pm
try 300 in uk. 156 in spain, 138 in portugal.
3 days later
uk 321, spain 198, portugal 191, germany 113, canada 100
Knuckle Dragger
June 9, 2022 10:09 pm
Delta at 7.15:
eggy thinks I am Grigory M
Thinking it through, I’m amazed at how diabolically devious I (supposedly) am. Apparently, I mocked myself, argued with myself and tried to dox myself.
Apparently I’m six different blokes living in four cities.
Though reputation of West Australians (praised upthread) has taken a nosedive.
A treasuredguest complained the bed in their room was lower in one corner (points to a castor wheel broken off – possible) & that the room was damp.
Stymied as to what could possibly make the room damp, it just isn’t possible.
Anyway, after moving the treasured guest to another room the engineering manager inspected the deficient room. Nothing to see.
The bed is level as a billiard table, and has all six legs.
No sign of damp whatsoever, the room is as dry as chips.
This type of incident happens more often than most laymen readily accept.
(Yes, otherwise respectable & seemingly normal people really do carry on like that)
Apparently I’m six different blokes living in four cities.
It will get easier.
Four of them will be dead within a year.
Or so I’m told.
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 10:18 pm
Delta at 7.15:
eggy thinks I am Grigory M
Ovum man is off his meds again?
Or on them, as the case may be.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 9, 2022 10:20 pm
This type of incident happens more often than most laymen readily accept.
(Yes, otherwise respectable & seemingly normal people really do carry on like that)
One of the ouens is concierge at a high class hotel in Perth. He says about a third of the guests check in, take one look at the room, and demand an upgrade.
Wally Dalí
June 9, 2022 10:21 pm
if any of the bulldust threatens their bottom line
Aye there’s the rub, Pedro. None of any of the most high-handed Welcome to Voice virtue signalling will ever hurt the earnings of the usual corporate suspects say, Coles, Suncorp, Qantas, Atlassian, Mindaroo.
It’s all positive for them, throwing their hat into the middle of the circle jerk.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 9, 2022 10:26 pm
Zulu, that’s good news.
Thanks, Sal.
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 10:27 pm
eggy thinks I am Grigory M
Bwah ha ha ha.
And apparently I am Ruprecht from Blair’s old blog.
The obese ovum copped a shot across the bow from Admin, invoking the “no dickheads policy” and a threat of banning, which drew the very respectful response…
“Go ahead, dickhead!”
June 9, 2022 10:29 pm
During the original AIDs epidemic there were people in San Francisco who were having dozens of sexual contacts a week with different people.
He says about a third of the guests check in, take one look at the room, and demand an upgrade.
Back when TripAdvisor was a thing & sorta mattered, I used to have a ton of fun playing (i.e. responding to) with the reviews – as most were utterly vapid, plain stupid, or completely pointless.
Knuckle Dragger
June 9, 2022 10:34 pm
“Go ahead, dickhead!”
He’s probably got to the 1000 post benchmark, and reckons he’s already got the cred. That, or there aren’t enough mining truck discussions for his taste.
Knuckle Dragger
June 9, 2022 10:36 pm
During the original AIDs epidemic there were people in San Francisco who were having dozens of sexual contacts a week with different people.
Whatever you do, don’t Google ‘bug chasing’.
June 9, 2022 10:37 pm
Brisket is best two ways – salted hot and left top seep a;; its blood out then boiled and eaten cold – salt meat as we used to have it forever We’d cut some of the fat off and have it on damper, with a touch of jam if we were lucky. Luxury!
The other way I know is the American way, a slow cooked roast with plenty of smoke and flavourings like dry rub.
Naturally, our way is best 🙂
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 9, 2022 10:40 pm
as most were utterly vapid, plain stupid, or completely pointless.
My favourite was the hotel in England – somebody left a long whinge on Trip Advisor.
“You checked out in a hurry – your husband was arrested, fighting with the police in the car park at 2. 30A.M – we have the security footage, and you left, owing four hundred pounds.”
We’d cut some of the fat off and have it on damper, with a touch of jam
That’s actually making me almost salivate. It’s almost enough to make a bloke (for a couple of moments anyway) go back into the stock camp, just to eat like that again.
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 10:56 pm
During the original AIDs epidemic there were people in San Francisco who were having dozens of sexual contacts a week with different people.
I see they tried to pull a Grim Reaper 2.0 with monkey-pox.
What a disaster that was. Running adverts which basically said “Y’all gonna get it!” without bothering to explain how, then accusing the public of ignorance and bigotry when they became wary of sharing utensils etc.
A better campaign?
“If you are into drugs or buggery and like to cut a few corners, mend your ways.
The rest of you … just carry on.”
Mme Zulu is into single figures for her radiation and chemotherapy treatment – it’s knocked her quite badly – her doctor says she is doing very well, but it will take weeks, if not months, to recover her full health.
I’m pleased to hear that ZK2A. We do think of you occasionally and send silent best wishes.
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 11:25 pm
I declare this from Mother Lode at 6:21 as the winner of the internet for today:-
A messianic complex – if Jesus was a jerk.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 9, 2022 11:31 pm
I’m pleased to hear that ZK2A. We do think of you occasionally and send silent best wishes.
Thanks mate. Thirty five years together, which, as she points out, is more then three times the sum total of both our marriages…..
1. Trim off all the visible fat.
2. Put the meat in a ziplock back with a generous amount of Texas BBQ marinade. Massage well.
3. Leave for at least 24 hours in the fridge. massaging occasionally to keep the meat coated.
4. Remove meat from fridge and allow to come to room temperature.
5. Wrap the meat tightly in at least two layers of foil.
6. Cook in the air fryer at 150deg for at least two hours.
7. Partially unwrap meat at the top, and cook another hour at 150.
8. Open the foil right up and cook for 30 minutes at 180deg.
9. Allow to stand for 20 minutes before slicing across the grain.
Serve on rye bread with sauerkraut, cheese and a generous dollop of German mustard. Brown in a frying pan. (Cook in a sandwich press if preferred.)
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity says:
June 9, 2022 at 10:47 pm
Helen says: June 9, 2022 at 10:37 pm
We’d cut some of the fat off and have it on damper, with a touch of jam
That’s actually making me almost salivate. It’s almost enough to make a bloke (for a couple of moments anyway) go back into the stock camp, just to eat like that again.
Oh God
Yellowstone’s based on the Driller.
June 10, 2022 12:00 am
What shame, almost a tragedy, about Arky’s Model A.
All the work and time he put in.
Best of luck Arky, you deserve some to come your way.
And as an aside.
I know exactly when the names started being called and who started it.
You’re lying as unusual . You started the ethnic name calling and in any event I won’t stop now, you moronic white trash loser.
Your brain may be mush now, but I never started with the names, you did
Feeling hurt now? Lol
All here know I never got involved in your pathetic late night stouches…
Oh, they were my stoushes were they?
The shitkicker from FNQ never involved himself in late night stoushes.
He can sure pick’em as he’s now teaming up with you. Two inbred rednecks don’t worry me.
until………you decided to add you two cents worth regarding a subject which had nothing to do with you, and get mouthy.
Lol. The only time you got in my radar was with the starvation prediction, you fucking moron.
And make terrible, racist, bigotty bigot remarks about people who live in Sunshine.
Don’t like it, then don’t play in that sandpit, you malaria riddled redneck grub.
So go your hardest, shitfabrains.
Oh I will. You two ought to do a sister swap. It’s what you do up there no? 🙂
Pedro L. Gonzalez
Every single Good Liberal like Peterson will stab you in the back when it counts and side with the left, because their natural allies are on the left, not the right.
Quote Tweet
Dr Jordan B Peterson
· 20h
Wouldn’t you like see a major politician speak like this? McConaughey nails it:
June 10, 2022 1:08 am
Are you under the delusion that your comments are taken as anything other than a laugh and those of a greasy wog wanker JC
You’re nothing.
June 10, 2022 1:22 am
And anyone with half a brain can see motherlode’s melt down for what it is.
The truth wacking him in da face and da widdle guy doesn’t wike it.
There’s no massiah complex here.
I know many who think like me.
They may not be on this blog but they are out there and they despise you for participating in apartheid and telling those standing firm to go fuck themselves.
Which is what you did and what you never factor into things when bemoaning how people treat you.
And in so doing destroying their lives and our nation.
Your deaths as traitorous surrender monkeys is seen as nothing but crude justice.
You brought this on yourselves.
All of it.
Don’t blame me for you.
I may despise you but I don’t wish you dead.
What you deserve is another story.
You’ve been a disgrace for two years and now moan when the truth is spoken about your disgusting behavior.
Suck it up…you deserve it….and more.
You were right wing and you knew better.
We know this by now. I’m just posting it as an intro to the meat of the piece in the WSJ.
San Francisco experienced a moderate earthquake Tuesday as liberal Democrats revolted against woke, coercive progressivism and overwhelmingly recalled three school board members. The political seismic waves are rippling across the country, potentially signaling a bigger quake in November.
This is the losing margin.
The school board recall was a landslide, with Alison Collins (79%), Gabriela Lopez (75%) and Faauuga Moliga (72%) getting soundly defeated. Successful recalls are rare, and it takes real effort to lose by 3 to 1 or 4 to 1. San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Shamann Walton dismissed the recall as driven by “closet Republicans and most certainly folks with conservative values in San Francisco, even if they weren’t registered Republicans.”
Yep, there are Republicans under every rock.
And here’s the tiny closet.
That must be some closet. Republicans make up only 6% of the city’s registered voters. More than 85% of voters backed Joe Biden in November 2020. The recall was a populist groundswell supported by fed-up parents and liberals,
Asians are now just white supremacists dressed in kimonos or whatever.
Asians make up more than half of Lowell students, which the board’s progressives believe is unfair. An old unearthed tweet by Ms. Collins accusing Asians of using “white supremacist thinking” exposed her closet prejudice. After getting stripped of her senior board positions, Ms. Collins sued the school district and colleagues for $87 million.
Vaccine Deaths and AutoImmune diseases are through the roof.
[Skip to the 30 minute mark]
h/t Unz Review
Ed Case
June 10, 2022 4:44 am
Are Boosted people carriers of a killer Covid?
Sounds like that may be the case.
No wonder Labor pollies have closed their Electorate Offices.
Tintarella di Luna
June 10, 2022 5:21 am
I note Ardern and Elbow have been named as having the worst dentition of all politicians — if Arden’s uppers were grafted onto Elbow’s lowers he’d be able to eat an apple through a tennis racket
Ed Case
June 10, 2022 5:34 am
Albanese has had some plastic surgery and had his teeth capped.
If they were only capped, then he’s in the clear.
I’d say he’s had his front teeth Root Canaled as well, which will lead to Cancer not too far down the track.
John Howard had similarly fucked teeth from smoking, i think he may have had root canals as well back when he took Downer’s job.
Some may agree with Struths tactics or entertained by it but his blind hatred of the vaxed (he will walk it back shortly) is only shared by a tiny fringe of the un vaxed.
June 10, 2022 6:14 am
Naturally I’m only speaking from personal experience not all.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 10, 2022 6:34 am
Wouldn’t you like see a major politician speak like this? McConaughey nails it
Jordan Peterson falls for a Hollywood guy eh?
Let’s see.
He’s pro-abortion, and likes Beto – tick.
He’s a climate tragic – tick.
He’s a mask nazi – tick
I could find quite a few other interesting articles. Nope Dr Peterson, Mr McConaughey is not a centrist, he’s a solid lefty who is also a talented actor. I wonder if he likes the colour teal?
I’m pretty sure I’ll take google over the scientific evidence of one person’s eyes.
the person that wrote this was the same one that spun anecdotes about her own personal observations of mask wearing in cuntry NSW last week … then got snippy when it didn’t fly right.
witches-hats are out early this morning
is sancho driving the ute while you put up the detour signs rosie?
Knuckle Dragger
June 10, 2022 6:53 am
Today’s topic is root canals, but only root canals performed by flamer dentists.
Knuckle Dragger
June 10, 2022 6:58 am
Winter is here.
19.8 degrees. Beanie time.
June 10, 2022 6:59 am
Bespoke you fuck head.
Don’t put words in my mouth.
There are certain jab recipients I despise.
Many on this blog.
The disgraceful arseholes who pretend to be so offended at my reaction toward people that have been giving their fellow countrymen and me the finger for the last two years.
There are no innocents I am speaking to with truth that so offends them.
So now it comes back to bite them on the arse and we are supposed to feel sorry for them?
Soon, when the good Nazi Frau notaclue drops off the perch or gets sick, after her behavior. …..surrendering. ..gaining special privileges not granted to those who would not bow, who would not participate in this apartheid state……took off overseas and then decided to shove it up people like me by reporting in on it everyday…….while we were imprisoned here……..she deserves all that is coming to her.
Pure Scum.
And now the same types are offended by my words.
Pathetic garbage.
There are no innocent fuckers here that can pontificate over what is decent.
June 10, 2022 7:05 am
With cognitive dissonance and denialism abounding amongst the jabbed I will be interested to see how they react to the new SADS propaganda. They’ll accept mean words can kill before they’ll accept the Sudden Adult Death of Kimberly Kitchens from the jab.
Knuckle Dragger
June 10, 2022 7:09 am
I am speaking to with truth
Your truth. As yesterday’s perfect post from Lode indicated, don’t confuse volume with accuracy.
There are no innocent fuckers here that can pontificate over what is decent.
Ha ha ha. When both Bosi’s grifters and Palmer – who put up a semi-literate certified nutcase pretending to be a doctor as a candidate, and who used Nigerian FB accounts to gin up support, and who got 0.06% of the vote, and yet knocked back the Troubadour of Tub (putting a woman in the spot he wanted) – won’t have you, there would seem to be a problem.
I could find quite a few other interesting articles. Nope Dr Peterson, Mr McConaughey is not a centrist, he’s a solid lefty who is also a talented actor. I wonder if he likes the colour teal?
Fester, you incel. Recently you told us how you weren’t talking to neighbors because you feared they were leftwing. Not even two days later you were criticizing leftwingers for refusing to engage with people on the Right.
It behooves you to explain what exactly MM said in his piece about guns that makes him a far out leftwinger.
Sucking up to people on the site here doesn’t mean you’re not expected to defend your position. After the Haram comment the other day, you cannot be taken seriously about anything and you’re just a run of the mill clown… a complete buffoon.
June 10, 2022 7:14 am
I’ve been too busy this week to comment and trying to catch up with all the comments. I see the Iconic Aussie Hero, AKA the most intelligent truckie to grace these pages, has got tabs on himself again. I will be putting forward his name for the position of President for life after Queenie kicks the bucket. Do I have any seconder’s. I think I won’t be able cope without his words of wisdom to guide me through daily life. We just have to hope no one puts up a detour sign and heads back out of town.
June 10, 2022 7:16 am
Stymied as to what could possibly make the room damp, it just isn’t possible.
Anyway, after moving the treasured guest to another room the engineering manager inspected the deficient room. Nothing to see.
The bed is level as a billiard table, and has all six legs.
No sign of damp whatsoever, the room is as dry as chips.
This type of incident happens more often than most laymen readily accept.
(Yes, otherwise respectable & seemingly normal people really do carry on like that)
Yes indeedy. Since I have been staying at the motel, I have discovered again why dealing with the general public is not for the faint of heart.
Among a bizarre litany of ‘complaints’, my favourite is the woman who complained to the management that the dawn chorus (there are masses of birds around here) woke her up early.
Quite what the management were supposed to do about it remains a mystery.
In an apparent backdoor effort to tax meat, the burps and farts of cattle and sheep are set to be taxed by the leftist government of New Zealand in a bid to, they claim, save the world.
The left-wing Labour government of Jacinda Ardern has drafted proposals to levy taxes against farmers for the methane emissions produced by cows and sheep in what would be the world’s first green tax on livestock.
“There is no question that we need to cut the amount of methane we are putting into the atmosphere, and an effective emissions pricing system for agriculture will play a key part in how we achieve that,” the government’s climate change minister James Shaw said per The Telegraph.
As a chemist I think this stuff is hilarious. It was pretty obvious from CSIRO’s Cape Grim data that methane oxidizes in the atmosphere very rapidly. Methane levels had plateaued, then started to rise again just after fracking was invented. On top of that methane has no more effect than CO2 because the water cycle finesses both. I’m sad for Kiwi farmers, though, who are government by unscientific lunatics.
I think I won’t be able cope without his words of wisdom to guide me through daily life.
Australia’s answer to JD Vance. Australia’s first redneck intellectual and soon out with his book titled, Redneck Elegy and How To Engine Brake Going Downhill.
I stopped going to a dentist when I found out he was a flamer.
My dentist is an Asian chap. Very neat and precise.
I’ve been unable to determine his dress sense, as he’s always in the blue scrubs. Therefore, his flamer status remains unknown.
June 10, 2022 7:33 am
Zulu, good to hear that the light at the end of the treatment tunnel is becoming visible to Mme Zulu. As anyone who has been close to it knows, it’s not something you’d undertake if you absolutely didn’t have to.
This is what MM wrote and said about gun control in the US. I don’t agree with some of it as I think the red flag point would be open to abuse. However, it’s not outlandish leftwing crap as the ridiculous incel implies.
“There is a difference between control and responsibility. The first is a mandate that can infringe on our right; the second is a duty that will preserve it. There is no constitutional barrier to gun responsibility. Keeping firearms out of the hands of dangerous people is not only the responsible thing to do, it is the best way to protect the Second Amendment. We can do both.”
McConaughey lays out a four-step plan to increase gun responsibility, proposing background checks, an age requirement of 21 to purchase assault rifles, Red Flag Laws, and a national waiting period for the purchase of assault rifles.
McConaughey writes that “to find common ground” on the issue, both sides “are going to have to answer the call and reach for the higher ground of our collective responsibility.” He says “business as usual isn’t working.”
Here is his letter to the Austin American-Statesman in full:
I am a father, the son of a kindergarten teacher, and an American. I was also born in Uvalde, Texas.
That’s why I’m writing this.
I believe that responsible, law-abiding Americans have a Second Amendment right, enshrined by our founders, to bear arms. I also believe we have a cultural obligation to take steps toward slowing down the senseless killing of our children. The debate about gun control has delivered nothing but status quo. It’s time we talk about gun responsibility.
There is a difference between control and responsibility. The first is a mandate that can infringe on our right; the second is a duty that will preserve it. There is no constitutional barrier to gun responsibility. Keeping firearms out of the hands of dangerous people is not only the responsible thing to do, it is the best way to protect the Second Amendment. We can do both.
Depraved acts of violence, with guns as the weapon of choice, are ripping apart families, tearing at people’s faith, and shredding the fabric of our society. We have an epidemic of indiscriminate mass shootings, of parents burying their children, of inaction, and buck-passing. Saving the unnecessary loss of lives is not a partisan issue.
The need for mental health care, school safety, the prevalence of sensationalized media coverage, and the decaying state of American values are all long-term societal factors that must be addressed, but right now, we don’t have the luxury of time. We need to focus on corrections and countermeasures that can also and immediately reduce the gun violence tragedies that have become too common in our country.
We need to make the lost lives matter. Our leaders must make bipartisan compromises on a few reasonable measures to restore responsible gun ownership in our country.
I believe:
1) All gun purchases should require a background check. Eighty-eight percent of Americans support this, including a lot of responsible gun owning Texans. … I’ve met them. Roof, who killed nine people in a black church in South Carolina in 2015, got his pistol without a completed background check due to a legal technicality. The system failed. Gun control activists call this a loophole. I call it incompetence.
2) Unless you are in the military, you should be 21 years old to purchase an assault rifle. I’m not talking about 12-gauge shotguns or lever-action hunting rifles. I’m talking about the weapon of choice for mass murderers, AR-15s. The killer in my hometown of Uvalde purchased two AR-15s for his eighteenth birthday, just days before he killed 19 students and two teachers. He obeyed the law. Had the law been different, perhaps I wouldn’t be writing this today.
3) Red Flag Laws should be the law of the land. These measures, which are already in effect in 19 states and Washington, D.C., empower loved ones or law enforcement to petition courts to temporarily prevent individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others from purchasing or accessing firearms. These laws must respect due process, judicial review, and hold account individuals who may abuse such laws.
4) We need to institute a national waiting period for assault rifles. Individuals often purchase weapons in a fit of rage, harming themselves or others. Studies show that mandatory waiting periods reduced homicides by 17 percent. Gun suicides account for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. A waiting period to purchase an assault rifle is an acceptable sacrifice for responsible gun owners when it can prevent a mass shooting crime of passion or suicide.
Integrating gun safety training, safe storage proposals, and bolstering school safety are also beneficial, but are not government-only solutions. Companies, private organizations, and responsible gun owners have a big role to play.
I want to be clear. I am not under the illusion that these policies will solve all of our problems, but if responsible solutions can stop some of these tragedies from striking another community without destroying the Second Amendment, they’re worth it.
This is not a choice between guns or no guns. It’s the responsible choice. It’s the reasonable choice. It’s a quintessentially American choice: Where I have the right to be me, you have the freedom to be you, and we have the responsibility to be US.
To find common ground on this issue, both sides are going to have to answer the call and reach for the higher ground of our collective responsibility.
Business as usual isn’t working. “That’s just how it is” cannot be an excuse. The heinous bloodshed of innocent people cannot become bearable. If we continue to just stand by, we’re living a lie. With every right there comes a duty.
For ourselves, our children, and our fellow Americans—we have a duty to be responsible gun owners. Please do yours and protect the Second Amendment through gun responsibility. It’s time for real leaders to step up and do what’s right, so we can each and all just keep livin’.
Old School Conservative
June 10, 2022 7:39 am
If the content of Tom’s Toons is any guide to public opinion, there is a groundswell against climate activism.
The dude walking around the Capitol in a buffalo headdress is still in jail after 2 years. Meanwhile Bunter Hiden is as free as a bird making loads of money selling his Picasso’s.
On top of that methane has no more effect than CO2 because the water cycle finesses both.
Do you have a handy link to a potted explanation of this Bruce?
Zulu, glad Madame has finished the treatment for now though the side effects are bad.
I’ve recently finished 39 radiation treatments over two months combined with hormone therapy. Fortunately no discernible side effects.
I wish your lady well.
June 10, 2022 7:57 am
It’s shocking.
The dude walking around the Capitol in a buffalo headdress is still in jail after 2 years. Meanwhile Bunter Hiden is as free as a bird making loads of money selling his Picasso’s.
It’s beyond shocking- the US is now a fucking anarcho-tyranny controlled by wealthy criminals and marxists. How is the place any better than Brezhnev’s USSR in the 70s? Hey at least Brezhnev was an engineer and fought the nazis. Old poo poo pants has never done anything like that. Dirty thieving old kunt.
Old School Conservative
June 10, 2022 7:58 am
I’m back to reading all of the posts by Struth and JC. They are quite entertaining.
They are in a daily competition for the most bitter and twisted, aggressive abuse of other Cats.
Usually the competition is a draw.
Although JC’s impression of a furious, impotent old man shaking his fist at the clouds puts him marginally in front. BoN’s dignified silence in the face of attempted and juvenile put downs from JC showcases the futility of letting acrid emotion overrule reason.
Both have an alternative persona which I once valued.
June 10, 2022 8:02 am
I generally like and appreciate BoN’s posts, he knows what he is talking about, and I’m afraid some simply do not understand the science behind it. Ignorance is not a good starting point for ridiculing others.
Having said that, I’m puzzled about the Bible/Scripture restricting him to comment on some things.
Not a Bible basher myself by any means, but I’d appreciate pointers to the relevant chapters, and verses that forbid speaking about certain things.
Plenty of Christian scientists around who have no problem talking about anything.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 10, 2022 8:06 am
Do you have a handy link to a potted explanation of this Bruce?
Wally – it’s an analysis from first principles since my primary field is water chemistry and thermodynamics. Here’s the explanation I put up in May. No one has pointed out any flaws, and it fits with other stuff like the Svensmark hypothesis.
In short the long wave energy which would be causing global warming is locked up as latent heat of vaporization, then released to space in the upper atmosphere above most of the CO2 in the air column below.
The climateers’ models notoriously can’t get cloud cover right, which is a tell that they either don’t correctly model the water cycle or they avoid doing so because it would pull down their house of cards.
I can’t point to an article in the scientific press as I’ve not seen one. The science though is incontrovertible since it is just the well-known physical chemistry of liquid and gaseous water.
There’s a small difference between sneering and being objectively critical. You need to try and finesse this side of your comments.
Mother Lode
June 10, 2022 8:12 am
Thanks for posting that letter, JC.
I saw a headline saying Matthew McConaughy had made an anti-gun speech (that’s quality j’ism for you) but I doubt there is a single thing that the NRA would object to – in fact it is likely mostly stuff they would recommend.
Far more remarkable is that a comes from an A-list Hollywood actor. But I think he was talking to Hollywood, that to everyone else in America. The people who really count.
Apparently the petition to return the illegals to Bileola attracted over just over 600 000 signatures! ..
it can now be revealed that 600 000 of them signed to ensure the boat-folk wouldn’t be their next door neighbours ..
June 10, 2022 8:16 am
Bruce of Newcastle says:
June 10, 2022 at 8:14 am
Thanks, got it, hence my infrequent posts and responses.
Mother Lode
June 10, 2022 8:17 am
Sorry for the above, I meant that he was NOT talking to Hollywood, but to everyone else.
June 10, 2022 8:18 am
Further to my last post (sorry about the language)- at least in the USSR in the 70s you weren’t automatically declared evil or at best suspect for being a white guy (or even a little boy).
Wally Dalí
June 10, 2022 8:18 am
Both have an alternative persona which I once valued.
Alternative personas?
You mean… THEY are Grigory?
sheesh this place does my head in sometimes
I generally like and appreciate BoN’s posts, he knows what he is talking about, and I’m afraid some simply do not understand the science behind it. Ignorance is not a good starting point for ridiculing others.
Gabor, just because someone uses complex jargon (which is often used to create a false aura of knowledge) doesn’t mean shit. Fester doesn’t just believe man hasn’t impacted the climate- not even in a small way. This national treasure peddles the ‘scientific’ view that we’re heading for a great cooling phase. He’s also said that the vaccine causes metals to replicate in the body. When asked to explain this unique view, he says the bible prevents him from defending the vax to metals argument. This is Nobel Prize winner once suggested only he and Hallward were the authorized science posters at the Cat.
June 10, 2022 8:20 am
Think about those disgusting, defamatory ads from the Canbra coven that Scummo made us pay for.
Wally Dalí
June 10, 2022 8:21 am
Bruce o Newc-
Thanks, I’ve actually got a lot of your posts bookmarked and half-committed to memory- the “finessing” threw me a bit, it made me imagine a chemical exchange which I hadn’t digested.
Yea, that was my point. There’s nothing I can see that is objectionable in that letter and corresponding dialogue. As I said, I disagree with the Red Flag point because I see it as a way for the left to abuse the rule. Other than that, I’m not 100% with it, but it’s not objectionable in the way Fester implied it was.
Climate 200-backed teal independents have maintained calls for higher 2030 emissions reduction targets despite the energy crisis, and called on Anthony Albanese to restrict LNG exports while phasing out coal and gas from the electricity grid as soon as possible.
Independent MPs Zali Steggall, Allegra Spender, Kylea Tink and Zoe Daniel on Thursday attacked gas companies and accused LNG exporters of paying “very little corporate tax” and reaping “huge profits” at the expense of Australian energy users.
The teal independents, who want to accelerate the transition to renewables and urged against new incentives for coal and gas, backed in the ambitious medium-term emissions they took to the May 21 election.
Despite the gas sector contributing almost $500bn a year to the national economy and the crisis being blamed on offline coal-fired power stations, Ms Steggall said Labor should use a super-profits tax to fund household subsidies and make the NEM more efficient.
With coal and gas expected to be included in a draft Energy Security Board capacity mechanism to shore up investment in baseload generation, only West Australian teal Kate Chaney supported freeing up supply of gas and “possibly coal” in the short term. Ms Spender, who supports a 50 per cent 2030 emissions reduction target, said while gas would play a role over the next 10 years, “the direction has to be in renewables”.
Resources Minister Madeleine King said the government will urgently review the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism, a trigger allowing it to force LNG exporters to put more gas into domestic reserves. Ms King said the gas trigger rules, due to expire on January 1, would be improved so the government can “ensure future supplies of gas”.
The ESB’s draft capacity mechanism, to be released in the next fortnight after energy ministers ordered a focus on investment incentives for renewables and storage technologies, is expected to feature coal as a short-term option. Under the mechanism, retailers would purchase energy contracts in advance to lock in supply and investment.
Ms Steggall said increasing the use of gas or coal would “exacerbate and prolong the underlying cause of this energy price crisis while failing to … put in place a solution”. “It would mean rewarding the fossil fuel companies for a problem of their own making, but with greater windfall,” the Warringah MP said.
Ms Daniel said the crisis should “not be used as cover for backsliding to extend the life of coal or gas as energy sources”.
“Nor should fossil fuel producers and suppliers be able to make huge windfall profits as a direct consequence of Vladimir Putin’s … war on Ukraine. If anything, it proves that we must move rapidly to develop and secure renewable energy and storage to protect our communities from the variables of global energy markets,” the Goldstein MP said.
Ms Spender, who said the government should be tougher on gas companies paying “very little corporate tax”, told The Australian that unlike solar, wind and batteries, coal and gas were “vulnerable to price spikes”. “The current energy crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. Renewable energy is the cheapest energy in the country right now,” the Wentworth MP said.
Oil and gas lobby group APPEA hit back at the independents, saying their claims “misrepresent our contribution and don’t reflect the way our tax system works”. Acting APPEA chief executive Damian Dwyer said the oil and gas industry “pays over $5bn a year in payments to all levels of government, totalling more than $150bn since the late 1980s”.
“These payments include PRRT collections, which have delivered over $40bn since its introduction and the latest budget shows these will rise by over $4bn over the next four years,” Mr Dwyer said. “The full scope of our economic contribution is far wider than just payments – employing tens of thousands of workers, delivering energy security to households and businesses and facilitating regional growth.”
Ms Tink, who won the previously safe Liberal seat of North Sydney, said failure to incentivise renewable energy over the past decade had fuelled the energy crisis. “We’ve paid too little attention to our nation’s energy security, letting exporters reap huge profits without protecting our own domestic supply,” Ms Tink said.
Ms Chaney, who claimed the blue-ribbon Perth seat of Curtin, said “the current perfect storm affecting gas prices may need to be addressed by freeing up supply of gas and possibly coal in the short term”. “This should not be used to justify a long-term increase in investment in fossil fuel operations,” she said.
Kooyong MP Monique Ryan blamed the Coalition for failing to plan for renewable energy alternatives and said “it is important to develop short-term solutions to the domestic energy crisis but that is no reason to revise the realistic emissions reduction targets that I support”.
Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie called for “immediate and strong federal government intervention”, including pulling the gas trigger.
Thanks Wentworth
Thanks North Sydney
Thanks Mackellar
Thanks Curtin
Thanks Kooyong
Thanks Goldstein
June 10, 2022 8:25 am
BoN, the Bible has lots of excellent advice.
Proverbs 31:10-31 is a favorite of mine though I’m not formally religious.
Kennedy said post-pandemic government spending will be higher than spending before COVID. Excluding temporary direct COVID support, payments as a share of GDP are expected to average 26.4 per cent in the coming decade, compared with 24.8 per cent in the decade before the pandemic.
“Most of the additional structural spending is driven by spending on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), aged care, defence, health and infrastructure. Further pressures exist in all these areas,” Kennedy said.
So, unavoidable massive increases in public spending – as prescribed by an unimpeachable senior public servant.
No way around it, apparently.
But how to pay for all this?
In the election campaign, Labor talked about finding savings from “rorts” in the Morrison government’s spending. But the magnitude of the task will go well beyond redirecting funds from Morrison waste.
Problematic for NDIS, where every ‘saving’ has a sad face on morning TV.
Ongoing review of the tax base and tax concessions will be important, Kennedy says.
Albanese’s election commitment was not to raise taxes, or have new ones. The only exception was to crack down on multinationals’ tax avoidance.
Pro Tip: Albo, don’t fret, pet. Kennedy is giving you the road map:
1) Finances are far worse than we thought due to [insert favourite externality];
2) The pain must be shared, and those who can must pay for those that can’t but still want nice things – it’s the Labor Way;
3) There is no alternative, My Government is acting on the advice of Senior Public Servants as we are forced to [insert exciting fiscal and taxing measures here].
I will be putting forward his name for the position of President for life after Queenie kicks the bucket.
Oi! I had first dibs on that job!
In other news, the kids and grandchildren are visiting for Her Maj’s birthday weekend. For once it isn’t raining. Therefore I am enjoying being chief cook and bottle washer is preparation for my more onerous role once HM carks it and I am installed as Absolute Monarch.
I promise to serve my people fairly, conscientiously and foc (or mate’s rates should the royal purse grow thin).
June 10, 2022 8:31 am
Independent MPs Zali Steggall, Allegra Spender, Kylea Tink and Zoe Daniel on Thursday attacked gas companies and accused LNG exporters of paying “very little corporate tax” and reaping “huge profits” at the expense of Australian energy users.
straight from the numerically illiterate greens playbook.
“Income was X! Why wasn’t tax X x Y ?”
Wally Dalí
June 10, 2022 8:32 am
Independent MPs Zali Steggall, Allegra Spender, Kylea Tink and Zoe Daniel on Thursday attacked gas companies
Can the MSM keep calling these wimmin “independents” when they all have the one Svengali Simon backer, and consistently act in unison?
Protest organizing group Shut Down D.C. plans to block access to the Supreme Court in Washington on June 13.
In online meeting footage obtained by The Epoch Times, the group announced that it planned to seal off all three vehicle entrances to the court so justices wouldn’t be able to get in and announce a decision that might overturn Roe v. Wade.
So the announcement date is 13 Jun. It’ll be interesting to see if Roberts somehow overturned the (leaked) decision of the five conservative justices. Also interesting in light of the Kavanaugh assassination attempt and Garland’s refusal to enforce the law over the persecutive protests at their houses. Will these people use this protest as a way to take out the conservatives on the bench? The following is Surber’s blog article from yesterday:
The climateers’ models notoriously can’t get cloud cover right, which is a tell that they either don’t correctly model the water cycle or they avoid doing so because it would pull down their house of cards.
Now this argument has been around for about a decade. I recall reading about the large impact even a smallish estimate error of cloud cover does to projections. As I said, this has been around for a decade and although I haven’t really kept up, I find it hard to believe the cloud argument hasn’t received any focus since the past decade. I suspect it has been addressed in some way or another. Fester implies it’s now a dead argument having been resolved. I bet he’s bullshitting.
June 10, 2022 8:38 am
McConaughey is a typical left wing gun grabber. Sound reasonable while promoting incrementalism. After the horror stories here about ex wives, who believes that Red Flag laws won’t be abused?
Background checks just put you on a government list so that the authorities can come around to your place and grab your guns on some pretext. As for gun suicides (or any), I wish people wouldn’t do that as its messy but if you can’t check out at a time and place and with a method of your choosing you are a slave.
On “assault rifles”, he’s full of shit. Getting one requires that it be made before 1986 and you have a FFL. Semi auto rifles are not “assault rifles” and AR doesn’t stand for Assault Rifle.
If you want an age requirement raise the voting age while you are at it.
Might also be an idea to stop giving boys legally prescribed drugs for the “disease” of being a boy.
Top Ender
June 10, 2022 8:39 am
And in news no-one is interested in:
‘I found my princess’: Rebel comes out as gay
Aussie star Rebel Wilson has come out as a lesbian at the age of 42, revealing that she is in a relationship with a woman.
Sancho Panzer
June 10, 2022 8:44 am
June 10, 2022 at 6:59 am
Bespoke you fuck head.
Don’t put words in my mouth.
There are certain jab recipients I despise.
Many on this blog.
The disgraceful arseholes who pretend to be so offended at my reaction toward people that have been giving their fellow countrymen and me the finger for the last two years
Ah, right.
Only “certain jab recipients” draw the wrath of St Ruth.
Previously it was anyone who took the jab anywhere who were at fault, no matter what their personal reasons, because they were impinging on your FrEedoM (apparently).
Now it is just those who disagree with St Ruth and, as Mother Lode said last night, do not bow before his omnipotence.
It has nothing to do with the impact of vaxxes, but everything to do with attacking the recalcitrants in the Convoy in My Mind.
But we knew this.
Two vaxxed people from Melbourne – Rosie and Matrix. One gets bucketed daily and the other cops nothing. If it was about principle they would both be copping it, surely.
One of them wouldn’t be getting a free (ahem) Nazi pass would they?
The World Health Organization says its latest investigation into the origins of COVID-19 was inconclusive, largely because data from China is missing, another blow to its years-long effort to determine how the pandemic began.
The report said no new information had been provided on the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 was introduced to humans through a laboratory incident, and “it remains important to consider all reasonable scientific data” to evaluate this possibility.
Reflecting the political wrangling that has dogged the drafting of the report, it includes a footnote outlining how members of the panel from Brazil, China and Russia disagreed that further studies were needed on the lab hypothesis…
A cynic might say that substantial BRI transfer payments to Russia and Brazil are in the works.
The answer is out there somewhere.
End of story.
Sancho Panzer
June 10, 2022 8:47 am
Now this argument has been around for about a decade. I recall reading about the large impact even a smallish estimate error of cloud cover does to projections
It’s WEF cloud seeding (remember that?).
But I can’t say too much.
The old testament Book of Caractacus forbids it.
June 10, 2022 8:48 am
I didn’t spin stories, I made a truthful observation, then objected to the inference I was a liar.
If the premise is
No one outside the big bad capital cities wear face masks from personal choice it’s a false one because I see them here in country QLD too.
Then again, trolling comments about me from the habitually mendacious are valued as they should be.
At least Sancho is honest about telling tall tales.
Now does the water vapour we exhale normally travel only a foot, or one to one and a half metres?
Sancho Panzer
June 10, 2022 8:49 am
Incidentally Mother Lode’s takedown of St Ruth at 6:21 last evening now has 35 dickless upticks.
Well worth a read.
Five paws.
Wally Dalí
June 10, 2022 8:49 am
Speaking of water cycles…
I’d better push off and see how many whitewashed lambs there are to pick up off the sodden turf. 23mm in Dalibrook after nightfall, and another dose due before noon. The sunwrack is happening somewhere behind some big ol dark clouds… I might even let Danno the wonder dog ride in the cab, just this once.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 10, 2022 8:50 am
I have no idea why anyone would attend such churches as these.
Maybe it’s the skin-suit thing Iowahawk talks about. Certainly sounds like under the facade there’s nothing actually Christian in them.
June 10, 2022 8:50 am
Titus 3:10
English Standard Version
10 As for a person who stirs up division, safter warning him once and then twice, thave nothing more to do with him,
June 10, 2022 8:53 am
In real life no one I know discusses vaccines or vaccine status any more.
Thank goodness.
Sancho Panzer
June 10, 2022 8:53 am
It came as news to me that tall tales (with added embellishments and condiments) were not welcome here.
Up until then it appeared that Tall Tales and Toppering were core business here.
As electricity prices rise, advocates like Gavin Dufty from the St Vincent de Paul Society are worried that people who can not install rooftop solar will be unfairly impacted by rising power costs.
Mr Dufty also worries that people who can not access solar could be left behind in the renewable energy transition and stuck with higher bills.
“It should be worth looking at a green power deal for all those people, [including] renters, low-income households that can’t afford to put solar on and they want to participate.”
It appears that, despite expectations, carbon-free electrons are not ‘too cheap to meter’:
“Some 100 per cent green is quite competitive to non-green products, some of the 100 per cent green are incredibly expensive — there’s a big range in price.
So, if I get this correctly, there is a tsunami of low-income folk gagging for “incredibly expensive” green electricity.
But cheap.
Sounds like a job for Government.
June 10, 2022 8:56 am
The Ladies and they are indeed Ladies of this blog show more sense in one day than the old teal ducks will show in a year or ten. The whole lot of the old ducks are narcissists and should be frozen to be used as aircraft cockpit window testing. At least that that will be of moer use than trough squabbling. A true waste of oxygen.
JUNE 10 .. lest we forget ..!
In 1942. the Germans destroyed absolutely the
Village of Lidice in Czechoslovaki and murdered Hundreds.
There are just Green Fields there to this day.
In 1944 in France at the Village of Oradour-sur-Glane , near Limoges,
they murdered hundreds and also destroyed the Village.
The Ruins are there to this day.
lori frank
· 7h
The pregnancy center our church partners with was vandalized this week. ?
It does, indeed.
June 10, 2022 9:02 am
Wally I thought you would know once is a pattern for dogs and small children. The cab is the place to be coz you’re there. You and me bud, woof woof.
June 10, 2022 9:02 am
And in Teal News…
Sometimes it seems that providence has a perverse sense of humour. Imagine making the Zoes and Zallis of the world the public and legislative face of deindustrialisation just when the crunch finally starts to come to fruition. The imperious twats get to spout ABC platitudes about privilege just as people start to ‘freeze’ during winter.
Maybe, just maybe there is hope after all, in a dark sense at least.
June 10, 2022 9:02 am
‘I found my princess’: Rebel comes out as gay
Fat chick couldn’t get a man, so she takes the coward’s route.
I used to like the way she stood up for herself. But it turns out she’s just like the rest of the professional liars who pretend they’re someone else for a living.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 10, 2022 9:03 am
Thanks, got it, hence my infrequent posts and responses.
Gabor – Occurs to me you may have misunderstood, sorry. I could not reply to you yesterday not because of what you said, but because how the question arose. Likewise that’s why I did not reply to Sancho. I really don’t like saying this. However it’s important that I correct any misconceptions – I’ve no issues with Sancho or yourself, and normally I respond to anything you address to me, but I was constrained yesterday for other reasons, which I hold personally as very serious, and which had nothing at all to do with the scientific questions you both raised.
I respond to anything you address to me, but I was constrained yesterday for other reasons, which I hold personally as very serious, and which had nothing at all to do with the scientific questions you both raised.
Quick, can someone get a towel and block the gap under the door? The sanctimony is oozing out.
June 10, 2022 9:12 am
So calli I take it you’re not a seconder?
June 10, 2022 9:13 am
I did try to read the Bible from cover to cover once but gave up I’m sorry to say. To be honest, from what I’ve read and what’s been read to me, I think I prefer the Old Testament to the New. I just can’t believe in ‘turning the other cheek’ and that ‘the meek will inherit the world’.
June 10, 2022 9:13 am
Excellent toon (h/t mh at Adam’s):
June 10, 2022 9:14 am
I would like to register my objection to St Ruth calling JC a dago.
He may be a swarthy spiv and a dud driver, but there’s no need for that sort of language.
June 10, 2022 9:18 am
From the Courier Mail :
Queensland’s Police Commissioner has been called “a most unimpressive witness’’, who failed to properly consider the human rights of police before making Covid-19 vaccination directions.
“The Commissioner’s approach to the task which she was required to undertake prior to making the directions was an abject failure of public administration,’’ Dominic Villa SC told the Supreme Court.
Mr Villa was making final submissions in a civil trial on behalf of a group of seven police challenging the Commissioner’s vaccination directions, affecting 18,000 staff.
Another 54 police and 12 ambulance officers also are seeking to overturn mandatory Covid-19 vaccination directions in the trial.
Queensland Human Rights Commission is intervening, submitting that decision-makers were required to consider a number of human rights of employees before making such directions.
“The Commissioner’s regard for the human rights of those under her command was perfunctory,’’ Mr Villa told Justice Glenn Martin.
“Your honour would be entitled to find that the Commissioner regarded the entire human rights exercise as a box ticking exercise.”
Commissioner Carroll was cross-examined about her vaccination directions over two days last week.
“We submit it is breathtaking in its arrogance that the Commissioner did not give evidence in chief as to the reasons why she made the decisions or identify the material upon which she relied in making those decisions,” Mr Villa said.
He said the evidence showed that the Commissioner did not consider a Human Rights Compatibility Assessment document, prepared by Crown Law, until after she decided to make a September 7 vaccination direction.
Mr Villa said there was no rational justification for the vaccination mandate.
He said for the small number of police who objected to mandatory vaccination there were alternative measures that could achieve the same benefit, when there were already high rates of community and police vaccination.
Dan O’Gorman SC, for 54 police applicants in the legal challenge, said the Commissioner had not outlined her decision-making process in any detail.
Mr O’Gorman said circumstances had changed with the Omicron variant, and the Commissioner had an obligation to review her vaccination directions.
He said based on all the evidence, a mandatory vaccination direction was no longer of utility or could no longer be justified.
Dr Christopher Ward, for 12 ambulance officers, said there was no suggestion they were in greater risk of hospitalisation or death as a result of being unvaccinated than anyone in the community who visited restaurants, cafes, bus stations or cinemas.
He said their decision to remain unvaccinated had not affected their ability to do their jobs.
Dr Ward said the Queensland Ambulance Service Covid-19 double vaccination rate was more than 95.2 per cent, at the date of the latest direction affecting ambulance staff.
“So, we are dealing with 4.8 per cent at the highest of the entire service, let alone a lower proportion of the service who are in front facing roles,’’ Dr Ward said.
He said Omicron had peaked and any suggestion that the level of risk remained high was unfounded.
While the hearing was going on, anti-vaccination protesters, including police and a doctor, staged a demonstration outside the Supreme Court in George St on Thursday.
Can’t argue the points and can’t handle reality.
So attack the messanger.
The one speaking truth to the dribbling cretins of this blog.
Look, I get it.
The last thing you are going to do is look at yourselves and what you have done.
That would take strength of character.
And if you had that you would not have done it.
Go off all emotional if you like….KD even needs to imagine associations that don’t exist.
It’s not who has taken the jab….Its the pitiful bullshit put forward to excuse oneself and their piss poor behavior and attitude over the last two years amongst the shitful fuckwits here who can’t for the life of them figure out why they’ve lost all respect.
The ones who said it was a personal choice….what utter garbage.
The ones who participated in the apartheid system destroying millions of lives of those holding the line and now don’t tolerate being reminded of their shitful actions
Etc etc.
Two years of zero integrity and harming others is now meant to be forgotten and now you’re all just decent people, just innocent morally pure victims of the jab. sorry..SADS……
You fucktards might want to contemplate this.
Nothing I have done has had any impact on you.
My words here are not actions against you.
Did you take actions against me and the rest of us holding the line?
By your pathetic stance or lack thereof, you fellow countrymen who held the line know what you did…..and they still suffer not being able to even work.
A subject hardly ever brought up here at Dovers Denialists.
No surprise there.
So spare us the tearies because someone holds you to account.
This nanna killer hasn’t hurt a soul and hasn’t complied.
Pathetic scum complaining about speech while ignoring their own actions.
How very left wing.
June 10, 2022 9:21 am
And the beat goes on………..jab jab booster booster…………….
There’s a few interesting Supreme Court cases against Police Commissioners on foot. Better late than never?
June 10, 2022 9:22 am
Wife is having to do diversity and disabled training in the APS. Takes more than a day, across the the whole PS how much time is wasted. Mind you they can’t be stuffing up the country while doing it. It’s an online thing. 1 minute did my head in. Unadulterated bullshit.
So spare us the tearies because someone holds you to account.
This nanna killer hasn’t hurt a soul and hasn’t complied.
Pathetic scum complaining about speech while ignoring their own actions.
How very left wing.
Give it to them, Struth, they deserve much worse!
H B Bear
June 10, 2022 9:26 am
The one speaking truth to the dribbling cretins of this blog.
When will the Kool Aid be served?
But, I’m not thirsty.
Will these people use this protest as a way to take out the conservatives on the bench? The following is Surber’s blog article from yesterday:
Democrats want to kill and replace justices (8 Jun)
He’s usually cautious in what he says about such things, but not this time.
Losing a SCOTUS Justice to assassination & rapid insertion of a Biden choice onto the bench, that’s one conspiracy theory too far.
For that theory to hold water, you’d first have to see the White House & Fed govt allowing mobs to turn up at the homes of SCOTUS justices and there to unfiltered public conversation about killing one or more judges.
Oh dear, Faulty has let the attack pussy off the chain.
June 10, 2022 9:27 am
Being told this morning the issues at Sydney airport overnight was due a problem with not having enough people on deck who were allowed to refuel planes.
You’d think that heading into a long weekend the place would ensure they were over staffed to avoid this kind of issue.
It exposes the back for more knives, but stops endless payback.
June 10, 2022 9:28 am
Excellent toon (h/t mh at Adam’s)
Thanks, Johanna. Bob Moran posted it after my 3am search, so I’ll give it another run tomorrow — excellent, as you say.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 10, 2022 9:28 am
Now does the water vapour we exhale normally travel only a foot, or one to one and a half metres?
Rosie – The condensation travels only a foot or so. You see that yourself on a cold day.
Condensation is water droplets. It is not water vapour. Water vapour is gaseous H2O.
The report about the Italian multiple university study is that, yes, condensation is caught by a mask. That is scientifically feasible since the water droplets can be big enough to be retained, and also they can wet the hydrophilic fibres of the mask.
What then happens is the droplet containing the submicron size virus particles dries out rapidly: it converts from liquid water to water vapour. Water vapour will go straight through a mask for the same reason air does: they’re gases. The free virus will go through a mask because it is between 1 and 3% of the size of the holes in the mask, ie roughly the size of a soccer ball compared to a soccer goal.
As with a mask the same goes with condensation. After a foot or so the droplets containing the virus dry out because relative humidity is less than 100% and the surface area to volume ratio is huge. Drying out is so quick that the droplets have evaporated after a foot or so.
Whereupon a mask is useless against the now dried out virus particles.
I am explaining this in detail to show to you that I did not lie and that I was accurate scientifically. I suspect the problem is that I use terms scientifically (like “water vapour”) which you may think means something else.
Numerous studies show that masks are totally useless for viruses of this size. I think they’re useful for bacteria, which are about 100 times bigger, although again there’s a difference between theory and practice. We found this with HSEC in our smelter – the only way that actually stopped the guys breathing in 1-10 micron particles (ie. roughly bacteria-sized) was to issue them all with thousand dollar positive pressure Racal-style full face helmets with neck seals. That worked in the real world, nothing else did.
June 10, 2022 9:29 am
Aussie star Rebel Wilson has come out as a lesbian at the age of 42
A cynic could believe hitting the forties might’ve been nearing the upper age limit for the quirky fat chick thing. And going svelte wasn’t working out quite so well, marketing-wise.
Hence the playing of a marketing TETSU* card.
*They Eat This Shit Up.
June 10, 2022 9:29 am
Bern, it’s the same situational blindness as that occurring at the passport office.
Who could possibly have predicted it?
June 10, 2022 9:29 am
“Your honour would be entitled to find that the Commissioner regarded the entire human rights exercise as a box ticking exercise.”
She was only following orders.
June 10, 2022 9:29 am
That is, if the refuelling shortage is true.
June 10, 2022 9:30 am
I’d say he’s had his front teeth Root Canaled as well, which will lead to Cancer not too far down the track. John Howard had similarly fucked teeth from smoking, i think he may have had root canals as well back
Mongercine, its like medicine but practiced by assistant bed pan scrubbers, 3rd class, probationary.
“How clever am I”, said the road rager. “How clever are you, road rager”, said no one else.
June 10, 2022 9:34 am
My passport renewal experience.
Pay the standard fee (can’t remember what it was) and then pick it up in 6-8 weeks.
Or pay $500 & have it delivered in 4-5 days.
I paid the fee & got it within the week.
I view the line ups at the passport office as the government sending a price signal.
Deliberate under resourcing to ensure people pay the $500 fee.
June 10, 2022 9:36 am
At least in places like Pakistan, the government official who is shaking you down gets the cash.
In Australia, the shakedown is built into the system.
Tesla’s have been crashing for years but the Feds didn’t give a shit until Elon upset the Cathedral.
NHTSA Upgrades Tesla Autopilot Probe Into Emergency-Scene Crashes U.S. auto-safety regulators at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have escalated an investigation into Tesla’s Autopilot, after identifying new crashes that occurred with first-responder vehicles at emergency scenes.
June 10, 2022 9:37 am
Unfortunately the US seems to be where Russia was 100 plus years ago. It makes me very sad to say this. And only five years ago, it looked as though it was going to recapture its past greatness- opportunity and prosperity for all from Dearborn to Beverly Hills.
June 10, 2022 9:40 am
Pretty sure this is illegal in the US.
PGA Tour Suspends 17 Players Playing in Saudi-Backed LIV Golf Tournament The PGA Tour suspended Phil Mickelson and 16 other golfers for competing in a new rival, Saudi-backed golf league.
Unless the PGA screws with the pension scheme for the suspended players, I can’t see them pursuing it.
There has been significant recrimination of late on the blog in respect to the emerging vaccination injuries. Maybe I should not venture into this domain, but I will.
As many of you are aware, I have been vehemently opposed to the so called genetic vaccines from early 2021 when the initial reactions began to occur. At that time, with very little prior understanding of immunology, I threw myself into research into this field in order to come to some sort of comprehension of what we were dealing with. Naturally, it was not long before I came into contact with the work of so many “dissenting’ immunologists, vaccinologists, virologists etc such as Malone, VanDen Bossche, McCullough, Ioannidis, Bhakdi, Lawrie, Rose, Yeodon, Clancy and many, many others, including frontline Covid treating physicians like Pierre Kory, Malcolm Kendrick et al.
It has been an ongoing preoccupation for obvious reasons. Once I understood the history of the development of vaccines and the requirements for longitudinal clinical trials and research prior to release of vaccines I knew that something was terribly amiss in this response to the pandemic. It was also clear that while Prof. Kariko had certainly advanced mRNA research significantly in the years since Robert Malone first discovered the technology, over 25 years of research into a vaccine for corona viruses was still unfit for release.
While I realise I am a bit of an outlier in terms of the lengths I go to satisfy myself on such matters, it has astonished me how otherwise intelligent people blindly accepted the assurances of the medical technocracy, and especially Big Pharma, in spite of the accumulating evidence of vaccine injuries and the relatively low mortality rate for Covid in otherwise healthy people. One could go on and on about these reservations – and this has been done, of course, in this blog.
In the face of this, I find it difficult not to be resentful of the spite and derision levelled at the unvaccinated who have refused to submit to a process that, to them, seemed possibly fatal. On the other hand, I have the utmost sympathy for those who, in spite of their own reservations, were required to submit to vaccination to keep their employment and provide for their families. There is no question that these people should be supported.
As for those who chose to “take their chance” because they wanted to travel, go to the gym, go to restaurants and to the cinema, and to shop without restrictions….well….sorry……but you reap what you sow. Yes, of course I am distressed when I hear of the emerging illnesses and deaths (we have attended two funerals of friends in the last couple of weeks of deaths of “unknown causes”). And, of course, my greatest distress is waiting for notification of problems of my loved ones who have been vaccinated – grandkids whose school required it etc.
So, there it is. I would hope that we can all find it in our hearts to be compassionate. Believe me, I know how difficult these two years have been. It further upsets me that I am SO angry about the travel permits I, as an unvaccinated, had to get, the inability to get a haircut or buy household items. And I am angry that, even as the truth emerges, many are trying to exculpate themselves. I recently exploded in response to a newsletter from a Liberal think tank which claimed that “there was little initial evidence” about vaccine problems. I replied, “What about the bloody Great Barrington Declaration???” What about all the eminent virologists etc – including Nobel proize winners, who plaintively warned against the vaccines??? The writer responded, sheepishly, “You are right….”
Yes folks, I am bloody angry. But I am fond of all of you and wish you all well.
June 10, 2022 9:44 am
Aussie star Rebel Wilson has come out as a lesbian at the age of 42
Had her pegged as gay (no pun intended) when she first became a popular. Gaydar still working fine.
June 10, 2022 9:45 am
Rebel Wilson’s best work was on Fat Pizza.
June 10, 2022 9:47 am
Truth is, and to illustrate how denialism works, good Catholics prefer to remain ignorant of the fact that the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, requires all volunteers be double jabbed. So, eg, a person can participate and sing in the congregation but not in a choir. But then, I suppose denialism could counter that a congregant could also sing, preferably in key, when the choir sings a motet or some such reflective piece. In short, it’s not over.
June 10, 2022 9:47 am
Renewable energy is synonymous with life. It is the pulse of this living planet. Be it from the constant solar rays, the ebbing tides, the circulating winds, thermal heat from the depths, the powerhouse of water both as hydro and hydrogen. There is nothing here to be afraid of . Fossil fuels are the remains of life long passed. It’s had its day, but sweeping away its legacy will be a challenge.
Steve Dillon, Thirroul
June 10, 2022 9:49 am
Steve Dillon, Thirroul
Let go of the bong, Steve.
June 10, 2022 9:50 am
I note every day others post about the rising death tolls amongst the jabbed.
Now it’s really starting to take off.
Remember when I always asked…how many boosters are you going to get?
Trying to stop low integrity types from killing themselves?
While the sneerers scoffed away.
As they have always done.
They ignore it all again today.
The truth is…the first time you were tested in life you failed miserably and then spent two years trying to justify your actions by attacking or ignoring all those speaking the truth.
And it seems you are going to let them kill you without owning a reality too hard to swallow.
Cognitive dissonance is strong.
You’re developing cancers and blood clots were going to kill you anyway. …that or the very common SADS that we’ve all known about for years.
Won’t be from your own submission that killed you.
After all.’re better than that.
Whereas past generations who loved their children would have fought the mangy dogs that did this to them.
But not here..
As am I, Vicki. No forgetting, much less forgiving.
Speaking of, Goose Morristeen: “We haven’t mandated vaccines, except when we have”.
H B Bear
June 10, 2022 9:53 am
Does the world need another fat lesbian comedian?
June 10, 2022 9:54 am
You’d think that heading into a long weekend the place (Sydney airport) would ensure they were over staffed to avoid this kind of issue.
Bern, Sydney airport’s operating margin is north of 80%. It is a licence to print money.
SACL has no financial incentive to care about how its monopoly pricing delivers the rivers of gold. As long as the flights operate, SACL couldn’t care less.
H B Bear
June 10, 2022 9:54 am
PGA golfers. The world’s best paid serfs.
June 10, 2022 9:55 am
Shanghai seems to be on the cusp of yet another lockdown, with mass testing underway in several districts.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 10, 2022 9:56 am
Saw smoke yesterday whilst driving and thought it was the fireys burning off.
Six local Fire and Rescue crews rushed to the battery manufacturing facility on Munibung just after 1 o’clock to reports smoke was billowing from the roof.
Firefighters — equipped with breathing apparatus — entered the warehouse to search for the seed of the blaze. They’ve since contained the fire and have begun clearing the building of toxic smoke, utilising a gas detector to confirm all clear.
I think the smoke I saw was from the second fire the story mentions not the battery one. But it raises a fun question: are battery factories the new fireworks factories?
H B Bear
June 10, 2022 9:56 am
As long as the flights operate, SACL couldn’t care less.
They wouldn’t even have planes if it improved profit margins.
· 11h
?WANTED for HOMICIDE: Do you know these guys? On 5/25/22 at approx. 8:26 PM, in front of 257 Lexington Ave in Brooklyn, a 61-year-old male was found with trauma to the head, causing his death. Any info? DM @NYPDTips, or anonymously call 800-577-TIPS.
Imagine making the Zoes and Zallis of the world the public and legislative face of deindustrialisation just when the crunch finally starts to come to fruition. The imperious twats get to spout ABC platitudes about privilege just as people start to ‘freeze’ during winter.
“Let them huddle under blankets and shiver in the dark.”
Yep, that’ll go down a treat. The Marie Antoinettes of this gilded age of idiocy.
June 10, 2022 10:00 am
That’s a great take Vicki.
And how a decent woman would be expected to respond.
Men and right wingers come from a more personal responsibility background.
And a civic duty background.
There is freedom to defend whether in a uniform or not.
Knuckle Dragger
June 10, 2022 10:04 am
‘I found my princess’: Rebel comes out as gay
Tom, at 9.02:
Fat chick couldn’t get a man, so she takes the coward’s route.
The Szubanski business model. Fashionable faux box-munching, anticipating profit.
Mme Zulu is into single figures for her radiation and chemotherapy treatment – it’s knocked her quite badly – her doctor says she is doing very well, but it will take weeks, if not months, to recover her full health.
Excellent stuff, ZK2A.
Long may she rule your kitchen.
“Yep, that’ll go down a treat. The Marie Antoinettes of this gilded age of idiocy.”
We all know what happened to Marie Antionette in the end, it wasn’t pretty.
As I wrote a few days ago, I now understand why revolutions happen.
June 10, 2022 10:09 am
Tucker is on fire.
The ratings will tell the story.
Tucker versus every other channel showing the Jan 6th hearings.
June 10, 2022 10:09 am
Mme Zulu is into single figures for her radiation and chemotherapy treatment – it’s knocked her quite badly – her doctor says she is doing very well, but it will take weeks, if not months, to recover her full health.
(Now where is that “I’m sooo frightened” meme?)
you sad tosser
try 300 in uk. 156 in spain, 138 in portugal.
seems a little high for just intimate contact.
As Snowcone would say, “I’ll take that as a comment”.
During the original AIDs epidemic there were people in San Francisco who were having dozens of sexual contacts a week with different people.
Using that as a yardstick Arsehole rather than aerosol isn’t out of the question.
Plus it’s general fluids as well. Particularly from sores.
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you horrible mob.
Mme Zulu is into single figures for her radiation and chemotherapy treatment – it’s knocked her quite badly – her doctor says she is doing very well, but it will take weeks, if not months, to recover her full health.
3 days later
uk 321, spain 198, portugal 191, germany 113, canada 100
Delta at 7.15:
Apparently I’m six different blokes living in four cities.
Though reputation of West Australians (praised upthread) has taken a nosedive.
A treasured guest complained the bed in their room was lower in one corner (points to a castor wheel broken off – possible) & that the room was damp.
Stymied as to what could possibly make the room damp, it just isn’t possible.
Anyway, after moving the treasured guest to another room the engineering manager inspected the deficient room. Nothing to see.
The bed is level as a billiard table, and has all six legs.
No sign of damp whatsoever, the room is as dry as chips.
This type of incident happens more often than most laymen readily accept.
(Yes, otherwise respectable & seemingly normal people really do carry on like that)
You’re Markus Porcinus, or somebody.
Zulu, that’s good news.
It will get easier.
Four of them will be dead within a year.
Or so I’m told.
Ovum man is off his meds again?
Or on them, as the case may be.
One of the ouens is concierge at a high class hotel in Perth. He says about a third of the guests check in, take one look at the room, and demand an upgrade.
if any of the bulldust threatens their bottom line
Aye there’s the rub, Pedro. None of any of the most high-handed Welcome to Voice virtue signalling will ever hurt the earnings of the usual corporate suspects say, Coles, Suncorp, Qantas, Atlassian, Mindaroo.
It’s all positive for them, throwing their hat into the middle of the circle jerk.
Thanks, Sal.
Bwah ha ha ha.
And apparently I am Ruprecht from Blair’s old blog.
The obese ovum copped a shot across the bow from Admin, invoking the “no dickheads policy” and a threat of banning, which drew the very respectful response…
“Go ahead, dickhead!”
Back when TripAdvisor was a thing & sorta mattered, I used to have a ton of fun playing (i.e. responding to) with the reviews – as most were utterly vapid, plain stupid, or completely pointless.
He’s probably got to the 1000 post benchmark, and reckons he’s already got the cred. That, or there aren’t enough mining truck discussions for his taste.
Whatever you do, don’t Google ‘bug chasing’.
Brisket is best two ways – salted hot and left top seep a;; its blood out then boiled and eaten cold – salt meat as we used to have it forever We’d cut some of the fat off and have it on damper, with a touch of jam if we were lucky. Luxury!
The other way I know is the American way, a slow cooked roast with plenty of smoke and flavourings like dry rub.
Naturally, our way is best 🙂
Helen says: June 9, 2022 at 10:37 pm
That’s actually making me almost salivate. It’s almost enough to make a bloke (for a couple of moments anyway) go back into the stock camp, just to eat like that again.
I see they tried to pull a Grim Reaper 2.0 with monkey-pox.
What a disaster that was. Running adverts which basically said “Y’all gonna get it!” without bothering to explain how, then accusing the public of ignorance and bigotry when they became wary of sharing utensils etc.
A better campaign?
Remember, we are defending ‘democracy’!
The posts about preparing meat reminded me of this video of preparing tomahawk steaks
Cultural appropriation!
From now on refer to them as “hatchet steaks”.
I’m pleased to hear that ZK2A. We do think of you occasionally and send silent best wishes.
I declare this from Mother Lode at 6:21 as the winner of the internet for today:-
Thanks mate. Thirty five years together, which, as she points out, is more then three times the sum total of both our marriages…..
Now to brisket:
1. Trim off all the visible fat.
2. Put the meat in a ziplock back with a generous amount of Texas BBQ marinade. Massage well.
3. Leave for at least 24 hours in the fridge. massaging occasionally to keep the meat coated.
4. Remove meat from fridge and allow to come to room temperature.
5. Wrap the meat tightly in at least two layers of foil.
6. Cook in the air fryer at 150deg for at least two hours.
7. Partially unwrap meat at the top, and cook another hour at 150.
8. Open the foil right up and cook for 30 minutes at 180deg.
9. Allow to stand for 20 minutes before slicing across the grain.
Serve on rye bread with sauerkraut, cheese and a generous dollop of German mustard. Brown in a frying pan. (Cook in a sandwich press if preferred.)
Oh God
Yellowstone’s based on the Driller.
What shame, almost a tragedy, about Arky’s Model A.
All the work and time he put in.
Best of luck Arky, you deserve some to come your way.
You’re lying as unusual . You started the ethnic name calling and in any event I won’t stop now, you moronic white trash loser.
Feeling hurt now? Lol
Oh, they were my stoushes were they?
The shitkicker from FNQ never involved himself in late night stoushes.
He can sure pick’em as he’s now teaming up with you. Two inbred rednecks don’t worry me.
Lol. The only time you got in my radar was with the starvation prediction, you fucking moron.
Don’t like it, then don’t play in that sandpit, you malaria riddled redneck grub.
Oh I will. You two ought to do a sister swap. It’s what you do up there no? 🙂
Are you under the delusion that your comments are taken as anything other than a laugh and those of a greasy wog wanker JC
You’re nothing.
And anyone with half a brain can see motherlode’s melt down for what it is.
The truth wacking him in da face and da widdle guy doesn’t wike it.
There’s no massiah complex here.
I know many who think like me.
They may not be on this blog but they are out there and they despise you for participating in apartheid and telling those standing firm to go fuck themselves.
Which is what you did and what you never factor into things when bemoaning how people treat you.
And in so doing destroying their lives and our nation.
Your deaths as traitorous surrender monkeys is seen as nothing but crude justice.
You brought this on yourselves.
All of it.
Don’t blame me for you.
I may despise you but I don’t wish you dead.
What you deserve is another story.
You’ve been a disgrace for two years and now moan when the truth is spoken about your disgusting behavior.
Suck it up…you deserve it….and more.
You were right wing and you knew better.
Obviously “they” mean something to you, you inbred redneck, otherwise you wouldn’t be commenting.
How’s da convoy going?
We know this by now. I’m just posting it as an intro to the meat of the piece in the WSJ.
This is the losing margin.
Yep, there are Republicans under every rock.
And here’s the tiny closet.
6% of registered voters. LOl.
Asians are now just white supremacists dressed in kimonos or whatever.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
Steve Breen.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Patrick Cross.
Lisa Benson.
Vaccine Deaths and AutoImmune diseases are through the roof.
[Skip to the 30 minute mark]
h/t Unz Review
Are Boosted people carriers of a killer Covid?
Sounds like that may be the case.
No wonder Labor pollies have closed their Electorate Offices.
I note Ardern and Elbow have been named as having the worst dentition of all politicians — if Arden’s uppers were grafted onto Elbow’s lowers he’d be able to eat an apple through a tennis racket
Albanese has had some plastic surgery and had his teeth capped.
If they were only capped, then he’s in the clear.
I’d say he’s had his front teeth Root Canaled as well, which will lead to Cancer not too far down the track.
John Howard had similarly fucked teeth from smoking, i think he may have had root canals as well back when he took Downer’s job.
I’m pretty sure I’ll take google over the scientific evidence of one person’s eyes.
Article is from the Georgeinstitute and of course not just the covid viruses are spread person to person.
Air travels out from a normal exhaled breath roughly 1 to 1.5 metres before it becomes exceedingly diluted, and water droplets are barely detectable
Some may agree with Struths tactics or entertained by it but his blind hatred of the vaxed (he will walk it back shortly) is only shared by a tiny fringe of the un vaxed.
Naturally I’m only speaking from personal experience not all.
Jordan Peterson falls for a Hollywood guy eh?
Let’s see.
He’s pro-abortion, and likes Beto – tick.
He’s a climate tragic – tick.
He’s a mask nazi – tick
I could find quite a few other interesting articles. Nope Dr Peterson, Mr McConaughey is not a centrist, he’s a solid lefty who is also a talented actor. I wonder if he likes the colour teal?
the person that wrote this was the same one that spun anecdotes about her own personal observations of mask wearing in cuntry NSW last week … then got snippy when it didn’t fly right.
witches-hats are out early this morning
is sancho driving the ute while you put up the detour signs rosie?
Today’s topic is root canals, but only root canals performed by flamer dentists.
Winter is here.
19.8 degrees. Beanie time.
Bespoke you fuck head.
Don’t put words in my mouth.
There are certain jab recipients I despise.
Many on this blog.
The disgraceful arseholes who pretend to be so offended at my reaction toward people that have been giving their fellow countrymen and me the finger for the last two years.
There are no innocents I am speaking to with truth that so offends them.
So now it comes back to bite them on the arse and we are supposed to feel sorry for them?
Soon, when the good Nazi Frau notaclue drops off the perch or gets sick, after her behavior. …..surrendering. ..gaining special privileges not granted to those who would not bow, who would not participate in this apartheid state……took off overseas and then decided to shove it up people like me by reporting in on it everyday…….while we were imprisoned here……..she deserves all that is coming to her.
Pure Scum.
And now the same types are offended by my words.
Pathetic garbage.
There are no innocent fuckers here that can pontificate over what is decent.
With cognitive dissonance and denialism abounding amongst the jabbed I will be interested to see how they react to the new SADS propaganda. They’ll accept mean words can kill before they’ll accept the Sudden Adult Death of Kimberly Kitchens from the jab.
Your truth. As yesterday’s perfect post from Lode indicated, don’t confuse volume with accuracy.
Ha ha ha. When both Bosi’s grifters and Palmer – who put up a semi-literate certified nutcase pretending to be a doctor as a candidate, and who used Nigerian FB accounts to gin up support, and who got 0.06% of the vote, and yet knocked back the Troubadour of Tub (putting a woman in the spot he wanted) – won’t have you, there would seem to be a problem.
Next up – six days to repent!
Struth Attention Deficit Syndrome.
Fester, you incel. Recently you told us how you weren’t talking to neighbors because you feared they were leftwing. Not even two days later you were criticizing leftwingers for refusing to engage with people on the Right.
It behooves you to explain what exactly MM said in his piece about guns that makes him a far out leftwinger.
Sucking up to people on the site here doesn’t mean you’re not expected to defend your position. After the Haram comment the other day, you cannot be taken seriously about anything and you’re just a run of the mill clown… a complete buffoon.
I’ve been too busy this week to comment and trying to catch up with all the comments. I see the Iconic Aussie Hero, AKA the most intelligent truckie to grace these pages, has got tabs on himself again. I will be putting forward his name for the position of President for life after Queenie kicks the bucket. Do I have any seconder’s. I think I won’t be able cope without his words of wisdom to guide me through daily life. We just have to hope no one puts up a detour sign and heads back out of town.
Yes indeedy. Since I have been staying at the motel, I have discovered again why dealing with the general public is not for the faint of heart.
Among a bizarre litany of ‘complaints’, my favourite is the woman who complained to the management that the dawn chorus (there are masses of birds around here) woke her up early.
Quite what the management were supposed to do about it remains a mystery.
Sorry Sanchez, but the bible prevents be from responding.
That’s funny knuckles. I stopped going to a dentist when I found out he was a flamer.
Kiwis rise up! Jacinda wants to take away your sheep!
Cow Farts and Burps to Be Taxed for Climate Change in Backdoor Meat Tax (9 Jun)
As a chemist I think this stuff is hilarious. It was pretty obvious from CSIRO’s Cape Grim data that methane oxidizes in the atmosphere very rapidly. Methane levels had plateaued, then started to rise again just after fracking was invented. On top of that methane has no more effect than CO2 because the water cycle finesses both. I’m sad for Kiwi farmers, though, who are government by unscientific lunatics.
Australia’s answer to JD Vance. Australia’s first redneck intellectual and soon out with his book titled, Redneck Elegy and How To Engine Brake Going Downhill.
My dentist is an Asian chap. Very neat and precise.
I’ve been unable to determine his dress sense, as he’s always in the blue scrubs. Therefore, his flamer status remains unknown.
Zulu, good to hear that the light at the end of the treatment tunnel is becoming visible to Mme Zulu. As anyone who has been close to it knows, it’s not something you’d undertake if you absolutely didn’t have to.
Onward and upward for Madame! 🙂
This is what MM wrote and said about gun control in the US. I don’t agree with some of it as I think the red flag point would be open to abuse. However, it’s not outlandish leftwing crap as the ridiculous incel implies.
If the content of Tom’s Toons is any guide to public opinion, there is a groundswell against climate activism.
It’s shocking.
The dude walking around the Capitol in a buffalo headdress is still in jail after 2 years. Meanwhile Bunter Hiden is as free as a bird making loads of money selling his Picasso’s.
On top of that methane has no more effect than CO2 because the water cycle finesses both.
Do you have a handy link to a potted explanation of this Bruce?
Zulu, glad Madame has finished the treatment for now though the side effects are bad.
I’ve recently finished 39 radiation treatments over two months combined with hormone therapy. Fortunately no discernible side effects.
I wish your lady well.
It’s shocking.
The dude walking around the Capitol in a buffalo headdress is still in jail after 2 years. Meanwhile Bunter Hiden is as free as a bird making loads of money selling his Picasso’s.
It’s beyond shocking- the US is now a fucking anarcho-tyranny controlled by wealthy criminals and marxists. How is the place any better than Brezhnev’s USSR in the 70s? Hey at least Brezhnev was an engineer and fought the nazis. Old poo poo pants has never done anything like that. Dirty thieving old kunt.
I’m back to reading all of the posts by Struth and JC. They are quite entertaining.
They are in a daily competition for the most bitter and twisted, aggressive abuse of other Cats.
Usually the competition is a draw.
Although JC’s impression of a furious, impotent old man shaking his fist at the clouds puts him marginally in front. BoN’s dignified silence in the face of attempted and juvenile put downs from JC showcases the futility of letting acrid emotion overrule reason.
Both have an alternative persona which I once valued.
I generally like and appreciate BoN’s posts, he knows what he is talking about, and I’m afraid some simply do not understand the science behind it. Ignorance is not a good starting point for ridiculing others.
Having said that, I’m puzzled about the Bible/Scripture restricting him to comment on some things.
Not a Bible basher myself by any means, but I’d appreciate pointers to the relevant chapters, and verses that forbid speaking about certain things.
Plenty of Christian scientists around who have no problem talking about anything.
Wally – it’s an analysis from first principles since my primary field is water chemistry and thermodynamics. Here’s the explanation I put up in May. No one has pointed out any flaws, and it fits with other stuff like the Svensmark hypothesis.
In short the long wave energy which would be causing global warming is locked up as latent heat of vaporization, then released to space in the upper atmosphere above most of the CO2 in the air column below.
The climateers’ models notoriously can’t get cloud cover right, which is a tell that they either don’t correctly model the water cycle or they avoid doing so because it would pull down their house of cards.
I can’t point to an article in the scientific press as I’ve not seen one. The science though is incontrovertible since it is just the well-known physical chemistry of liquid and gaseous water.
Old School
There’s a small difference between sneering and being objectively critical. You need to try and finesse this side of your comments.
Thanks for posting that letter, JC.
I saw a headline saying Matthew McConaughy had made an anti-gun speech (that’s quality j’ism for you) but I doubt there is a single thing that the NRA would object to – in fact it is likely mostly stuff they would recommend.
Far more remarkable is that a comes from an A-list Hollywood actor. But I think he was talking to Hollywood, that to everyone else in America. The people who really count.
Gabor – Titus 3:10.
Apparently the petition to return the illegals to Bileola attracted over just over 600 000 signatures! ..
it can now be revealed that 600 000 of them signed to ensure the boat-folk wouldn’t be their next door neighbours ..
Bruce of Newcastle says:
June 10, 2022 at 8:14 am
Thanks, got it, hence my infrequent posts and responses.
Sorry for the above, I meant that he was NOT talking to Hollywood, but to everyone else.
Further to my last post (sorry about the language)- at least in the USSR in the 70s you weren’t automatically declared evil or at best suspect for being a white guy (or even a little boy).
Both have an alternative persona which I once valued.
Alternative personas?
You mean… THEY are Grigory?
sheesh this place does my head in sometimes
Gabor, just because someone uses complex jargon (which is often used to create a false aura of knowledge) doesn’t mean shit. Fester doesn’t just believe man hasn’t impacted the climate- not even in a small way. This national treasure peddles the ‘scientific’ view that we’re heading for a great cooling phase. He’s also said that the vaccine causes metals to replicate in the body. When asked to explain this unique view, he says the bible prevents him from defending the vax to metals argument. This is Nobel Prize winner once suggested only he and Hallward were the authorized science posters at the Cat.
Think about those disgusting, defamatory ads from the Canbra coven that Scummo made us pay for.
Bruce o Newc-
Thanks, I’ve actually got a lot of your posts bookmarked and half-committed to memory- the “finessing” threw me a bit, it made me imagine a chemical exchange which I hadn’t digested.
Yea, that was my point. There’s nothing I can see that is objectionable in that letter and corresponding dialogue. As I said, I disagree with the Red Flag point because I see it as a way for the left to abuse the rule. Other than that, I’m not 100% with it, but it’s not objectionable in the way Fester implied it was.
It’s the thoughtlessness that really gets to me.
And in Teal News…
“Teals ignite gas war with claims of profiteering
Climate 200-backed teal independents have maintained calls for higher 2030 emissions reduction targets despite the energy crisis, and called on Anthony Albanese to restrict LNG exports while phasing out coal and gas from the electricity grid as soon as possible.
Independent MPs Zali Steggall, Allegra Spender, Kylea Tink and Zoe Daniel on Thursday attacked gas companies and accused LNG exporters of paying “very little corporate tax” and reaping “huge profits” at the expense of Australian energy users.
The teal independents, who want to accelerate the transition to renewables and urged against new incentives for coal and gas, backed in the ambitious medium-term emissions they took to the May 21 election.
Despite the gas sector contributing almost $500bn a year to the national economy and the crisis being blamed on offline coal-fired power stations, Ms Steggall said Labor should use a super-profits tax to fund household subsidies and make the NEM more efficient.
With coal and gas expected to be included in a draft Energy Security Board capacity mechanism to shore up investment in baseload generation, only West Australian teal Kate Chaney supported freeing up supply of gas and “possibly coal” in the short term. Ms Spender, who supports a 50 per cent 2030 emissions reduction target, said while gas would play a role over the next 10 years, “the direction has to be in renewables”.
Resources Minister Madeleine King said the government will urgently review the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism, a trigger allowing it to force LNG exporters to put more gas into domestic reserves. Ms King said the gas trigger rules, due to expire on January 1, would be improved so the government can “ensure future supplies of gas”.
The ESB’s draft capacity mechanism, to be released in the next fortnight after energy ministers ordered a focus on investment incentives for renewables and storage technologies, is expected to feature coal as a short-term option. Under the mechanism, retailers would purchase energy contracts in advance to lock in supply and investment.
Ms Steggall said increasing the use of gas or coal would “exacerbate and prolong the underlying cause of this energy price crisis while failing to … put in place a solution”. “It would mean rewarding the fossil fuel companies for a problem of their own making, but with greater windfall,” the Warringah MP said.
Ms Daniel said the crisis should “not be used as cover for backsliding to extend the life of coal or gas as energy sources”.
“Nor should fossil fuel producers and suppliers be able to make huge windfall profits as a direct consequence of Vladimir Putin’s … war on Ukraine. If anything, it proves that we must move rapidly to develop and secure renewable energy and storage to protect our communities from the variables of global energy markets,” the Goldstein MP said.
Ms Spender, who said the government should be tougher on gas companies paying “very little corporate tax”, told The Australian that unlike solar, wind and batteries, coal and gas were “vulnerable to price spikes”. “The current energy crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. Renewable energy is the cheapest energy in the country right now,” the Wentworth MP said.
Oil and gas lobby group APPEA hit back at the independents, saying their claims “misrepresent our contribution and don’t reflect the way our tax system works”. Acting APPEA chief executive Damian Dwyer said the oil and gas industry “pays over $5bn a year in payments to all levels of government, totalling more than $150bn since the late 1980s”.
“These payments include PRRT collections, which have delivered over $40bn since its introduction and the latest budget shows these will rise by over $4bn over the next four years,” Mr Dwyer said. “The full scope of our economic contribution is far wider than just payments – employing tens of thousands of workers, delivering energy security to households and businesses and facilitating regional growth.”
Ms Tink, who won the previously safe Liberal seat of North Sydney, said failure to incentivise renewable energy over the past decade had fuelled the energy crisis. “We’ve paid too little attention to our nation’s energy security, letting exporters reap huge profits without protecting our own domestic supply,” Ms Tink said.
Ms Chaney, who claimed the blue-ribbon Perth seat of Curtin, said “the current perfect storm affecting gas prices may need to be addressed by freeing up supply of gas and possibly coal in the short term”. “This should not be used to justify a long-term increase in investment in fossil fuel operations,” she said.
Kooyong MP Monique Ryan blamed the Coalition for failing to plan for renewable energy alternatives and said “it is important to develop short-term solutions to the domestic energy crisis but that is no reason to revise the realistic emissions reduction targets that I support”.
Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie called for “immediate and strong federal government intervention”, including pulling the gas trigger.
Thanks Wentworth
Thanks North Sydney
Thanks Mackellar
Thanks Curtin
Thanks Kooyong
Thanks Goldstein
BoN, the Bible has lots of excellent advice.
Proverbs 31:10-31 is a favorite of mine though I’m not formally religious.
In Here We Go, Here We Go, Here We Go news:
Usually the speeches of treasury secretaries are relatively bland, echoes of their political masters. But an address this week from Steven Kennedy was something quite different.
So, unavoidable massive increases in public spending – as prescribed by an unimpeachable senior public servant.
No way around it, apparently.
But how to pay for all this?
Problematic for NDIS, where every ‘saving’ has a sad face on morning TV.
Pro Tip: Albo, don’t fret, pet. Kennedy is giving you the road map:
1) Finances are far worse than we thought due to [insert favourite externality];
2) The pain must be shared, and those who can must pay for those that can’t but still want nice things – it’s the Labor Way;
3) There is no alternative, My Government is acting on the advice of Senior Public Servants as we are forced to [insert exciting fiscal and taxing measures here].
Be of good cheer.
Do you find Uncle Fester’s characterization of Mathew M’s discourse accurate after reading the details? Yes or no? 🙂
“THEY are Grigory?”
No, Grigory is Delta A. Delta A is Grigory.
Oi! I had first dibs on that job!
In other news, the kids and grandchildren are visiting for Her Maj’s birthday weekend. For once it isn’t raining. Therefore I am enjoying being chief cook and bottle washer is preparation for my more onerous role once HM carks it and I am installed as Absolute Monarch.
I promise to serve my people fairly, conscientiously and foc (or mate’s rates should the royal purse grow thin).
straight from the numerically illiterate greens playbook.
“Income was X! Why wasn’t tax X x Y ?”
Independent MPs Zali Steggall, Allegra Spender, Kylea Tink and Zoe Daniel on Thursday attacked gas companies
Can the MSM keep calling these wimmin “independents” when they all have the one Svengali Simon backer, and consistently act in unison?
Hmmm, Monday night may get interesting.
Activists Plan To Block Entrances And ‘Shut Down’ Supreme Court To Prevent Expected Roe v. Wade Ruling (9 Jun)
So the announcement date is 13 Jun. It’ll be interesting to see if Roberts somehow overturned the (leaked) decision of the five conservative justices. Also interesting in light of the Kavanaugh assassination attempt and Garland’s refusal to enforce the law over the persecutive protests at their houses. Will these people use this protest as a way to take out the conservatives on the bench? The following is Surber’s blog article from yesterday:
Democrats want to kill and replace justices (8 Jun)
He’s usually cautious in what he says about such things, but not this time.
“Independent MPs Zali Steggall, Allegra Spender, Kylea Tink and Zoe Daniel”
Amazing policy and ideological uniformity for so called “independents”.
We are us!
Now this argument has been around for about a decade. I recall reading about the large impact even a smallish estimate error of cloud cover does to projections. As I said, this has been around for a decade and although I haven’t really kept up, I find it hard to believe the cloud argument hasn’t received any focus since the past decade. I suspect it has been addressed in some way or another. Fester implies it’s now a dead argument having been resolved. I bet he’s bullshitting.
McConaughey is a typical left wing gun grabber. Sound reasonable while promoting incrementalism. After the horror stories here about ex wives, who believes that Red Flag laws won’t be abused?
Background checks just put you on a government list so that the authorities can come around to your place and grab your guns on some pretext. As for gun suicides (or any), I wish people wouldn’t do that as its messy but if you can’t check out at a time and place and with a method of your choosing you are a slave.
On “assault rifles”, he’s full of shit. Getting one requires that it be made before 1986 and you have a FFL. Semi auto rifles are not “assault rifles” and AR doesn’t stand for Assault Rifle.
If you want an age requirement raise the voting age while you are at it.
Might also be an idea to stop giving boys legally prescribed drugs for the “disease” of being a boy.
And in news no-one is interested in:
‘I found my princess’: Rebel comes out as gay
Aussie star Rebel Wilson has come out as a lesbian at the age of 42, revealing that she is in a relationship with a woman.
Ah, right.
Only “certain jab recipients” draw the wrath of St Ruth.
Previously it was anyone who took the jab anywhere who were at fault, no matter what their personal reasons, because they were impinging on your FrEedoM (apparently).
Now it is just those who disagree with St Ruth and, as Mother Lode said last night, do not bow before his omnipotence.
It has nothing to do with the impact of vaxxes, but everything to do with attacking the recalcitrants in the Convoy in My Mind.
But we knew this.
Two vaxxed people from Melbourne – Rosie and Matrix. One gets bucketed daily and the other cops nothing. If it was about principle they would both be copping it, surely.
One of them wouldn’t be getting a free (ahem) Nazi pass would they?
COVID-19’s origins obscured by lack of Chinese data, says WHO panel
A cynic might say that substantial BRI transfer payments to Russia and Brazil are in the works.
The answer is out there somewhere.
End of story.
It’s WEF cloud seeding (remember that?).
But I can’t say too much.
The old testament Book of Caractacus forbids it.
I didn’t spin stories, I made a truthful observation, then objected to the inference I was a liar.
If the premise is
No one outside the big bad capital cities wear face masks from personal choice it’s a false one because I see them here in country QLD too.
Then again, trolling comments about me from the habitually mendacious are valued as they should be.
At least Sancho is honest about telling tall tales.
Now does the water vapour we exhale normally travel only a foot, or one to one and a half metres?
Incidentally Mother Lode’s takedown of St Ruth at 6:21 last evening now has 35 dickless upticks.
Well worth a read.
Five paws.
Speaking of water cycles…
I’d better push off and see how many whitewashed lambs there are to pick up off the sodden turf. 23mm in Dalibrook after nightfall, and another dose due before noon. The sunwrack is happening somewhere behind some big ol dark clouds… I might even let Danno the wonder dog ride in the cab, just this once.
I have no idea why anyone would attend such churches as these.
Progressive Lutheran Denomination’s First Transgender Bishop Accused of Racism, Resigns 1 Year into Term (9 Jun)
Methodist Church’s First Drag Queen Pastor: ‘God Is Nothing’ (31 May, via Instapundit)
Maybe it’s the skin-suit thing Iowahawk talks about. Certainly sounds like under the facade there’s nothing actually Christian in them.
In real life no one I know discusses vaccines or vaccine status any more.
Thank goodness.
It came as news to me that tall tales (with added embellishments and condiments) were not welcome here.
Up until then it appeared that Tall Tales and Toppering were core business here.
Yea, self flagulation over the years of Liz bashing is commendable. It’s courageous in fact.
A new poverty emerges; Renewable Energy Poverty:
Locked out of solar, Rosemary found a green power deal. But advocates say they can be hard to navigate
It appears that, despite expectations, carbon-free electrons are not ‘too cheap to meter’:
So, if I get this correctly, there is a tsunami of low-income folk gagging for “incredibly expensive” green electricity.
But cheap.
Sounds like a job for Government.
The Ladies and they are indeed Ladies of this blog show more sense in one day than the old teal ducks will show in a year or ten. The whole lot of the old ducks are narcissists and should be frozen to be used as aircraft cockpit window testing. At least that that will be of moer use than trough squabbling. A true waste of oxygen.
JUNE 10 .. lest we forget ..!
In 1942. the Germans destroyed absolutely the
Village of Lidice in Czechoslovaki and murdered Hundreds.
There are just Green Fields there to this day.
In 1944 in France at the Village of Oradour-sur-Glane , near Limoges,
they murdered hundreds and also destroyed the Village.
The Ruins are there to this day.
Sanctimonious me thinks
Sound insurrection-y.
It does, indeed.
Wally I thought you would know once is a pattern for dogs and small children. The cab is the place to be coz you’re there. You and me bud, woof woof.
Sometimes it seems that providence has a perverse sense of humour. Imagine making the Zoes and Zallis of the world the public and legislative face of deindustrialisation just when the crunch finally starts to come to fruition. The imperious twats get to spout ABC platitudes about privilege just as people start to ‘freeze’ during winter.
Maybe, just maybe there is hope after all, in a dark sense at least.
Fat chick couldn’t get a man, so she takes the coward’s route.
I used to like the way she stood up for herself. But it turns out she’s just like the rest of the professional liars who pretend they’re someone else for a living.
Gabor – Occurs to me you may have misunderstood, sorry. I could not reply to you yesterday not because of what you said, but because how the question arose. Likewise that’s why I did not reply to Sancho. I really don’t like saying this. However it’s important that I correct any misconceptions – I’ve no issues with Sancho or yourself, and normally I respond to anything you address to me, but I was constrained yesterday for other reasons, which I hold personally as very serious, and which had nothing at all to do with the scientific questions you both raised.
It’s actually evil with what’s going on with the green energy bullshit, Doc F.
The liars appear to have close down any chance of nuke. I saw a video one of the idiots talking about how stupid nuke is. It was in Twitter.
About those batteries.
Quick, can someone get a towel and block the gap under the door? The sanctimony is oozing out.
So calli I take it you’re not a seconder?
I did try to read the Bible from cover to cover once but gave up I’m sorry to say. To be honest, from what I’ve read and what’s been read to me, I think I prefer the Old Testament to the New. I just can’t believe in ‘turning the other cheek’ and that ‘the meek will inherit the world’.
Excellent toon (h/t mh at Adam’s):
I would like to register my objection to St Ruth calling JC a dago.
He may be a swarthy spiv and a dud driver, but there’s no need for that sort of language.
From the Courier Mail :
Queensland’s Police Commissioner has been called “a most unimpressive witness’’, who failed to properly consider the human rights of police before making Covid-19 vaccination directions.
“The Commissioner’s approach to the task which she was required to undertake prior to making the directions was an abject failure of public administration,’’ Dominic Villa SC told the Supreme Court.
Mr Villa was making final submissions in a civil trial on behalf of a group of seven police challenging the Commissioner’s vaccination directions, affecting 18,000 staff.
Another 54 police and 12 ambulance officers also are seeking to overturn mandatory Covid-19 vaccination directions in the trial.
Queensland Human Rights Commission is intervening, submitting that decision-makers were required to consider a number of human rights of employees before making such directions.
“The Commissioner’s regard for the human rights of those under her command was perfunctory,’’ Mr Villa told Justice Glenn Martin.
“Your honour would be entitled to find that the Commissioner regarded the entire human rights exercise as a box ticking exercise.”
Commissioner Carroll was cross-examined about her vaccination directions over two days last week.
“We submit it is breathtaking in its arrogance that the Commissioner did not give evidence in chief as to the reasons why she made the decisions or identify the material upon which she relied in making those decisions,” Mr Villa said.
He said the evidence showed that the Commissioner did not consider a Human Rights Compatibility Assessment document, prepared by Crown Law, until after she decided to make a September 7 vaccination direction.
Mr Villa said there was no rational justification for the vaccination mandate.
He said for the small number of police who objected to mandatory vaccination there were alternative measures that could achieve the same benefit, when there were already high rates of community and police vaccination.
Dan O’Gorman SC, for 54 police applicants in the legal challenge, said the Commissioner had not outlined her decision-making process in any detail.
Mr O’Gorman said circumstances had changed with the Omicron variant, and the Commissioner had an obligation to review her vaccination directions.
He said based on all the evidence, a mandatory vaccination direction was no longer of utility or could no longer be justified.
Dr Christopher Ward, for 12 ambulance officers, said there was no suggestion they were in greater risk of hospitalisation or death as a result of being unvaccinated than anyone in the community who visited restaurants, cafes, bus stations or cinemas.
He said their decision to remain unvaccinated had not affected their ability to do their jobs.
Dr Ward said the Queensland Ambulance Service Covid-19 double vaccination rate was more than 95.2 per cent, at the date of the latest direction affecting ambulance staff.
“So, we are dealing with 4.8 per cent at the highest of the entire service, let alone a lower proportion of the service who are in front facing roles,’’ Dr Ward said.
He said Omicron had peaked and any suggestion that the level of risk remained high was unfounded.
While the hearing was going on, anti-vaccination protesters, including police and a doctor, staged a demonstration outside the Supreme Court in George St on Thursday.
The hearing is continuing.
Naomi Wolf has been seriously red pilled. (via
mUnty wants another free steak.
Bad mUnty. Sit.
Can’t argue the points and can’t handle reality.
So attack the messanger.
The one speaking truth to the dribbling cretins of this blog.
Look, I get it.
The last thing you are going to do is look at yourselves and what you have done.
That would take strength of character.
And if you had that you would not have done it.
Go off all emotional if you like….KD even needs to imagine associations that don’t exist.
It’s not who has taken the jab….Its the pitiful bullshit put forward to excuse oneself and their piss poor behavior and attitude over the last two years amongst the shitful fuckwits here who can’t for the life of them figure out why they’ve lost all respect.
The ones who said it was a personal choice….what utter garbage.
The ones who participated in the apartheid system destroying millions of lives of those holding the line and now don’t tolerate being reminded of their shitful actions
Etc etc.
Two years of zero integrity and harming others is now meant to be forgotten and now you’re all just decent people, just innocent morally pure victims of the jab. sorry..SADS……
You fucktards might want to contemplate this.
Nothing I have done has had any impact on you.
My words here are not actions against you.
Did you take actions against me and the rest of us holding the line?
By your pathetic stance or lack thereof, you fellow countrymen who held the line know what you did…..and they still suffer not being able to even work.
A subject hardly ever brought up here at Dovers Denialists.
No surprise there.
So spare us the tearies because someone holds you to account.
This nanna killer hasn’t hurt a soul and hasn’t complied.
Pathetic scum complaining about speech while ignoring their own actions.
How very left wing.
And the beat goes on………..jab jab booster booster…………….
Did he chew it or was it straight down?
There’s a few interesting Supreme Court cases against Police Commissioners on foot. Better late than never?
Wife is having to do diversity and disabled training in the APS. Takes more than a day, across the the whole PS how much time is wasted. Mind you they can’t be stuffing up the country while doing it. It’s an online thing. 1 minute did my head in. Unadulterated bullshit.
So spare us the tearies because someone holds you to account.
This nanna killer hasn’t hurt a soul and hasn’t complied.
Pathetic scum complaining about speech while ignoring their own actions.
How very left wing.
Give it to them, Struth, they deserve much worse!
When will the Kool Aid be served?
But, I’m not thirsty.
Bruce of Newcastle says: June 10, 2022 at 8:33 am
Losing a SCOTUS Justice to assassination & rapid insertion of a Biden choice onto the bench, that’s one conspiracy theory too far.
For that theory to hold water, you’d first have to see the White House & Fed govt allowing mobs to turn up at the homes of SCOTUS justices and there to unfiltered public conversation about killing one or more judges.
testable hypotheses on BA.4 and BA.5 covid variants
Oh dear, Faulty has let the attack pussy off the chain.
Being told this morning the issues at Sydney airport overnight was due a problem with not having enough people on deck who were allowed to refuel planes.
You’d think that heading into a long weekend the place would ensure they were over staffed to avoid this kind of issue.
Don’t confuse “meekness” with “weakness”.
Weak people double down, meek people do this.
It exposes the back for more knives, but stops endless payback.
Thanks, Johanna. Bob Moran posted it after my 3am search, so I’ll give it another run tomorrow — excellent, as you say.
Rosie – The condensation travels only a foot or so. You see that yourself on a cold day.
Condensation is water droplets. It is not water vapour. Water vapour is gaseous H2O.
The report about the Italian multiple university study is that, yes, condensation is caught by a mask. That is scientifically feasible since the water droplets can be big enough to be retained, and also they can wet the hydrophilic fibres of the mask.
What then happens is the droplet containing the submicron size virus particles dries out rapidly: it converts from liquid water to water vapour. Water vapour will go straight through a mask for the same reason air does: they’re gases. The free virus will go through a mask because it is between 1 and 3% of the size of the holes in the mask, ie roughly the size of a soccer ball compared to a soccer goal.
As with a mask the same goes with condensation. After a foot or so the droplets containing the virus dry out because relative humidity is less than 100% and the surface area to volume ratio is huge. Drying out is so quick that the droplets have evaporated after a foot or so.
Whereupon a mask is useless against the now dried out virus particles.
I am explaining this in detail to show to you that I did not lie and that I was accurate scientifically. I suspect the problem is that I use terms scientifically (like “water vapour”) which you may think means something else.
Numerous studies show that masks are totally useless for viruses of this size. I think they’re useful for bacteria, which are about 100 times bigger, although again there’s a difference between theory and practice. We found this with HSEC in our smelter – the only way that actually stopped the guys breathing in 1-10 micron particles (ie. roughly bacteria-sized) was to issue them all with thousand dollar positive pressure Racal-style full face helmets with neck seals. That worked in the real world, nothing else did.
A cynic could believe hitting the forties might’ve been nearing the upper age limit for the quirky fat chick thing. And going svelte wasn’t working out quite so well, marketing-wise.
Hence the playing of a marketing TETSU* card.
*They Eat This Shit Up.
Bern, it’s the same situational blindness as that occurring at the passport office.
Who could possibly have predicted it?
She was only following orders.
That is, if the refuelling shortage is true.
I’d say he’s had his front teeth Root Canaled as well, which will lead to Cancer not too far down the track.
John Howard had similarly fucked teeth from smoking, i think he may have had root canals as well back
Mongercine, its like medicine but practiced by assistant bed pan scrubbers, 3rd class, probationary.
Doctors ‘baffled’ by sudden uptick in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” despite Government data proving COVID Vaccine is to blame
“How clever am I”, said the road rager. “How clever are you, road rager”, said no one else.
My passport renewal experience.
Pay the standard fee (can’t remember what it was) and then pick it up in 6-8 weeks.
Or pay $500 & have it delivered in 4-5 days.
I paid the fee & got it within the week.
I view the line ups at the passport office as the government sending a price signal.
Deliberate under resourcing to ensure people pay the $500 fee.
At least in places like Pakistan, the government official who is shaking you down gets the cash.
In Australia, the shakedown is built into the system.
This sums it up; from Tom’s toons:
Tesla’s have been crashing for years but the Feds didn’t give a shit until Elon upset the Cathedral.
NHTSA Upgrades Tesla Autopilot Probe Into Emergency-Scene Crashes
U.S. auto-safety regulators at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have escalated an investigation into Tesla’s Autopilot, after identifying new crashes that occurred with first-responder vehicles at emergency scenes.
Unfortunately the US seems to be where Russia was 100 plus years ago. It makes me very sad to say this. And only five years ago, it looked as though it was going to recapture its past greatness- opportunity and prosperity for all from Dearborn to Beverly Hills.
Pretty sure this is illegal in the US.
PGA Tour Suspends 17 Players Playing in Saudi-Backed LIV Golf Tournament
The PGA Tour suspended Phil Mickelson and 16 other golfers for competing in a new rival, Saudi-backed golf league.
Unless the PGA screws with the pension scheme for the suspended players, I can’t see them pursuing it.
There has been significant recrimination of late on the blog in respect to the emerging vaccination injuries. Maybe I should not venture into this domain, but I will.
As many of you are aware, I have been vehemently opposed to the so called genetic vaccines from early 2021 when the initial reactions began to occur. At that time, with very little prior understanding of immunology, I threw myself into research into this field in order to come to some sort of comprehension of what we were dealing with. Naturally, it was not long before I came into contact with the work of so many “dissenting’ immunologists, vaccinologists, virologists etc such as Malone, VanDen Bossche, McCullough, Ioannidis, Bhakdi, Lawrie, Rose, Yeodon, Clancy and many, many others, including frontline Covid treating physicians like Pierre Kory, Malcolm Kendrick et al.
It has been an ongoing preoccupation for obvious reasons. Once I understood the history of the development of vaccines and the requirements for longitudinal clinical trials and research prior to release of vaccines I knew that something was terribly amiss in this response to the pandemic. It was also clear that while Prof. Kariko had certainly advanced mRNA research significantly in the years since Robert Malone first discovered the technology, over 25 years of research into a vaccine for corona viruses was still unfit for release.
While I realise I am a bit of an outlier in terms of the lengths I go to satisfy myself on such matters, it has astonished me how otherwise intelligent people blindly accepted the assurances of the medical technocracy, and especially Big Pharma, in spite of the accumulating evidence of vaccine injuries and the relatively low mortality rate for Covid in otherwise healthy people. One could go on and on about these reservations – and this has been done, of course, in this blog.
In the face of this, I find it difficult not to be resentful of the spite and derision levelled at the unvaccinated who have refused to submit to a process that, to them, seemed possibly fatal. On the other hand, I have the utmost sympathy for those who, in spite of their own reservations, were required to submit to vaccination to keep their employment and provide for their families. There is no question that these people should be supported.
As for those who chose to “take their chance” because they wanted to travel, go to the gym, go to restaurants and to the cinema, and to shop without restrictions….well….sorry……but you reap what you sow. Yes, of course I am distressed when I hear of the emerging illnesses and deaths (we have attended two funerals of friends in the last couple of weeks of deaths of “unknown causes”). And, of course, my greatest distress is waiting for notification of problems of my loved ones who have been vaccinated – grandkids whose school required it etc.
So, there it is. I would hope that we can all find it in our hearts to be compassionate. Believe me, I know how difficult these two years have been. It further upsets me that I am SO angry about the travel permits I, as an unvaccinated, had to get, the inability to get a haircut or buy household items. And I am angry that, even as the truth emerges, many are trying to exculpate themselves. I recently exploded in response to a newsletter from a Liberal think tank which claimed that “there was little initial evidence” about vaccine problems. I replied, “What about the bloody Great Barrington Declaration???” What about all the eminent virologists etc – including Nobel proize winners, who plaintively warned against the vaccines??? The writer responded, sheepishly, “You are right….”
Yes folks, I am bloody angry. But I am fond of all of you and wish you all well.
Had her pegged as gay (no pun intended) when she first became a popular. Gaydar still working fine.
Rebel Wilson’s best work was on Fat Pizza.
Truth is, and to illustrate how denialism works, good Catholics prefer to remain ignorant of the fact that the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, requires all volunteers be double jabbed. So, eg, a person can participate and sing in the congregation but not in a choir. But then, I suppose denialism could counter that a congregant could also sing, preferably in key, when the choir sings a motet or some such reflective piece. In short, it’s not over.
Renewable energy is synonymous with life. It is the pulse of this living planet. Be it from the constant solar rays, the ebbing tides, the circulating winds, thermal heat from the depths, the powerhouse of water both as hydro and hydrogen. There is nothing here to be afraid of . Fossil fuels are the remains of life long passed. It’s had its day, but sweeping away its legacy will be a challenge.
Steve Dillon, Thirroul
Let go of the bong, Steve.
I note every day others post about the rising death tolls amongst the jabbed.
Now it’s really starting to take off.
Remember when I always asked…how many boosters are you going to get?
Trying to stop low integrity types from killing themselves?
While the sneerers scoffed away.
As they have always done.
They ignore it all again today.
The truth is…the first time you were tested in life you failed miserably and then spent two years trying to justify your actions by attacking or ignoring all those speaking the truth.
And it seems you are going to let them kill you without owning a reality too hard to swallow.
Cognitive dissonance is strong.
You’re developing cancers and blood clots were going to kill you anyway. …that or the very common SADS that we’ve all known about for years.
Won’t be from your own submission that killed you.
After all.’re better than that.
Whereas past generations who loved their children would have fought the mangy dogs that did this to them.
But not here..
As am I, Vicki. No forgetting, much less forgiving.
Speaking of, Goose Morristeen: “We haven’t mandated vaccines, except when we have”.
Does the world need another fat lesbian comedian?
Bern, Sydney airport’s operating margin is north of 80%. It is a licence to print money.
SACL has no financial incentive to care about how its monopoly pricing delivers the rivers of gold. As long as the flights operate, SACL couldn’t care less.
PGA golfers. The world’s best paid serfs.
Shanghai seems to be on the cusp of yet another lockdown, with mass testing underway in several districts.
Saw smoke yesterday whilst driving and thought it was the fireys burning off.
Future of Flames (Blair’s blog, 10 Jun)
Here’s the story unpaywalled:
Fire and Rescue responding to two seperate structure fires in Lake Macquarie (9 Jun)
I think the smoke I saw was from the second fire the story mentions not the battery one. But it raises a fun question: are battery factories the new fireworks factories?
They wouldn’t even have planes if it improved profit margins.
This has to stop.
“Let them huddle under blankets and shiver in the dark.”
Yep, that’ll go down a treat. The Marie Antoinettes of this gilded age of idiocy.
That’s a great take Vicki.
And how a decent woman would be expected to respond.
Men and right wingers come from a more personal responsibility background.
And a civic duty background.
There is freedom to defend whether in a uniform or not.
Tom, at 9.02:
The Szubanski business model. Fashionable faux box-munching, anticipating profit.
They put pineapple on the Tomahawk Steaks!
Qld Culinary Supremacy Roolz!
And what action is the Flannelette Underground going to take today?
Excellent stuff, ZK2A.
Long may she rule your kitchen.
“Yep, that’ll go down a treat. The Marie Antoinettes of this gilded age of idiocy.”
We all know what happened to Marie Antionette in the end, it wasn’t pretty.
As I wrote a few days ago, I now understand why revolutions happen.
Tucker is on fire.
The ratings will tell the story.
Tucker versus every other channel showing the Jan 6th hearings.
Best not to rush it. All the best!