
Tim Blair: We’ve all encountered a hostage puppy or two. Problem is, not all of us have realised it.Once you’ve…
Tim Blair: We’ve all encountered a hostage puppy or two. Problem is, not all of us have realised it.Once you’ve…
Tina Norton.
Al Goodwyn.
Steve Kelley.
Technically Rebel isn’t fat. She’s now thin. As to her latest announcement I wonder if it’s a way to get back in with woke Hollywood? I dimly recall she was cancelled for something or other a year or two ago just as she was starting to get big roles.
As we skip down the road to energy insufficiency…………………
FTB: My passport lapsed during the great plague and, being slack as slack can be, I did nothing about it. Recently learned that my genetic line will manifest itself in a further generation in September with the expected arrival of a grandaughter, which means I’m going to be gouged for the passport premium to get to Connecticut by October, when I figure the mother-in-law, ex, etc. will be over the novelty and I can have a clear view of the new arrival.
So I’m thinking, it’s taking two months to issue new passports, why not extend existing ones? I’m sure they could be stamped or updated, valid for, say, two years as an emergency measure.
But that probably makes too much sense for Australia.
Not a bad comparision, Squire.
Nothing about that article seems untrue.
When state Dems have homes picketed police arrive to enforce no go zones.
Schumer threatens ‘çonsequences” after roe vs wade reversal is leaked, but not for the leaker… for the Judges.
Having a judge conveniently assassinated would cement in Dem power nicely.
Im sure there are some Hawaiian judges they could nominate to get them over the line.
Here’s an association that exists.
Faulty: ‘Put your sitting member last’ to the accompaniment of mucho fire and brimstone and Armageddon, which then devolved into ‘well only some of them, the ones I approve of can stay’.
St. SADS, as correctly described earlier this morning:
St. Ruth – being the guardian of The One True Path and all that – if you could be so kind as to provide a list of approved jabbees, it would be greatly appreciated. I am aware it would take some time away from your primary role of looking for attention (and approval from Furniture Shop management), though.
Once you have a “critical mass” of people who feel they have no stake in society, that society becomes socially and politcally unstable and has to be reinforced with repressive measures by the state security apparatus. Then the social contract is broken and all bets are off.
Blown away.
Sounds like someone in Mossad has been having some fun at the expense of Iranian news people.
Iran claims Mossad agent ‘Fart’ killed by drone, laughter ensues (9 Jun)
Fight! Fight, in an unspecified manner!
Bourne1879, I wonder if the counsels in the police case in the qld Supreme Court have the temerity to bring to the fore that the judges themselves have been exempt from vaccination yet are being asked to consider whether anyone else may have had a similar right.
You live in a bubble of your own making.
Quote something I have said, and not what you’ve dreamed up.
You might not attract the mirth of the sane as much.
I was having a chat (debate) with an old lefty mate of mine regarding his Murdoch666 phobia. He couldn’t accept that Murdoch666 has more diversity in his news than their ABC. So I tried a new angle that came to me like an epiphany.
Murdoch is a capitalist who will seek to take advantage of any market where there is a potential win. This is why The Oz is fairly “conservative” but has lots of loons writing for it as well. Murdoch understands that market and a national paper needs to cater for the loons as well as mainstream Oz.
But, the kicker is that Sky is full of extremist loons during the day and conservatives at night. Why?
Murdoch (and Sky) understand that you’re more likely to be at home during the day if you’re a loon (unemployed, student, part-timer) than at night for conservatives (who’d more likely be older and be fully employed).
Makes sense, right? No point putting your conservative presenters on during the day!!! You’d blow your ratings!
What’s unspecified about not complying?
BoN – I think Rebel was cancelled for no longer being fat. Perhaps Daily Mail readers could advise. I always get distracted by TOWIE bikini pictures.
Brilliant analysis, Lysander.
I fantasise about the day when a journalist asks a prominent politician – “How many old people and poor people are you prepared to sacrifice to save the planet?”
“How much is your quarterly energy bill?”
“What proportion of your income do you spend on energy bills?”
“Is your workplace heated and airconditioned at no cost to you?”
And so on.
It infuriates me that these pampered wankers are in charge of energy policy. Living as I do in a cooler part of the country, I know that age pensioners and others on fixed incomes, not to mention the working poor, are dreading their heating bills this winter. And, it’s not optional around here, where it can drop to -7C overnight, and days of single figure maxima are routine.
Firewood is very expensive, and anyway many Green infested local authorities are trying to stamp out its use, with some success. The recent bushfires burned 100+ years worth of firewood, but facts have never been relevant in this tussle.
But for a bit of good luck and good management, I might be one of those age pensioners shivering in a draughty rental or a shoddy public housing property this winter. In a country with energy reserves bursting at the seams, it’s unforgiveable.
Thing is, is no-one here is infallible. Maybe the Melbourne archdiocese is doing the right thing by insisting choristers are vaxxed.
Seems like it’s occurred to Steve people won’t be keen on lowering their expectations,
electricity-wise, when it’s dead calm at oh-cold-thirty.
Flight chaos in Melbourne too, one of my travel companions return flight to Melbourne is delayed 7 hours.
Struth isn’t Furniture Shop management? Too good in Sales?
Your own quote. Again.
If there are jabbees you despise, there must be jabbees you don’t despise. Who are they, and why are they different now, when before every single person who got the needle was traitorous scum regardless of circumstance?
It’s a simple question. Surely a piece of piss for The Great Communicator and Leader of People to answer.
Lysander, the only thing I’d add to your 10.20am analysis is that Ruperdink Mudrock had his Australian management invent news.com.au to cater for the loonies, who otherwise would flock to loony “news” sites like Fakefacts/Nein (and the ABC through its censorship by omission) because there wasn’t a place for loonies on “news” sites.
Smart marketing.
St. Ruth. DeaTh Camps are not real, and were never real – regardless of what Madam Zeeee says.
Lets all let that one slide through….after all it’s tribal now.
No, far better to just require choristers with a sniffle to not attend. Given the prevalence of COVID among the vaxxed the vax requirement is ineffective. Every work place I’m aware with a vax mandate has had COVID shoot through it.
Does anyone still use heating oil? We used to have a 200l tank in the garage growing up and it would get filled up once a year before winter.
Re: masks.
There’s a great deal of back and forth about masks. We really don’t know how useful they are. In fester’s stupid comment, he dishonestly assumes that all virus droplets aren’t blocked by a mask. Studies suggest that lots are and even if the virus catches you, the load may be reduced.
Here’s more.
Again, we really don’t know and next to impossible at this stage to be able to figure it out.
It’s really about risk management. Fester of course can’t acknowledge that because he’s a fraud.
They won’t be given much of a choice while the current targets – 45% by 2030 – remain.
I have wondered how far off we are. 20 years of immigration, without necessarily assimilating, increasingly authoritarian governments, the last couple of years of bullshit, the demonisation of everything that was normal 20 or 30 years ago, etc. etc.
You’re not real bright, old toothless one.
You don’t seem to recall what I have said about your jab taking in the past?
What were my words?
You seem to know them all off by heart.
What did I say about your circumstances?
No wonder they kept you on traffic.
Once you have a “critical mass” of people who feel they have no stake in society, that society becomes socially and politically unstable and has to be reinforced with repressive measures by the state security apparatus. Then the social contract is broken and all bets are off.
Locking young/middle aged out of the property market, then deliberately spiking energy prices 9and therefore everything else) is a surefire way to remove the consent of the governed.
Add in some quite blatant “laws are for little people”/ not applicable to certain groups and people also become cranky.
Got an email from the gas retailer yesterday. Gas price is rising 21% on 1 Jul.
That’s probably as much as they think they can get away with, since their retail tariff is rising to between $23 to $38/GJ (depending on usage) vs the AEMO wholesale price on their website a moment ago of $40/GJ. So they’re losing up to $17/GJ on every GJ they’re selling to retail customers even after the price rise. Crazy.
I thought news.com.au was somewhere to dump hopeless j’ismists so you didn’t have to pay redundancies until they were snapped up by the ALPBC.
They suddenly became very unfashionable in the mid-70’s.
I still see the odd one on farms (not being used for heating oil).
Wouldn’t anyone who didn’t superglue themselves, XR style,
to the doors of their local vaxtermination centre be a disgraceful arsehole too?
The choreographed January 6 committee propaganda pantomime being played out in Washington DC as we speak has a single purpose: to stop Donald Trump running for president in 2024.
Hiding in plain sight. None so blind. Shallow cock smokers. The NT News:
Obviously this is the upgrade that allows radio waves to drop the chemtrails. Only sick denialists would pretend otherwise. Don’t say you weren’t warned, traitors.
““How many old people and poor people are you prepared to sacrifice to save the planet?””
It’s a good question and you know what the honest answer is? They don’t care. I know, I live in a Teal electorate full of hypocritical narcissistic scum. They simply don’t care about anyone living west of Darlinghurst. You only have to read Princess Allegra’s campaign line “A Better Climate for Wentworth”…..which would have to be one of the most empty, vacuous, bullshit lines of election wankery ever and it says a lot about this electorate that they voted for this elitist and vacuous bimbo and that they believe this tosh. Oh and the streets of Wentworth are pretty quiet today. Why? Well because many Wentworthians have headed down in their big SUVs (most of which aren’t electric) to Perisher and Thredbo for the opening of the ski season. It’s the June long weekend…..what fun! Hooray! Who cares about elderly and poor people shivering and dying of the cold. Let them eat cake! I need to ski!
That’s the main secret of Putin’s Russia: If you love Putin, money will flow on you like water.
Really? Okay, I love Putin! I love Putin! There. Now, can I have my money waterfall now? Or you can drop it by later, that’d be fine.
Typical Western corporate media hit piece. Do they all come from the same source, I wonder. It wouldn’t surprise me if they did. They all read the same, peddle the same smears and accusations and tropes, trot out the same narrative.
I t’s hardly inconceivable. It’s likely what was happening throughout the Covid panicdemic. We had government agencies keen to push their narrative, and what better way than to pass around that day’s Covid articles the evening before to a trusted group of scribblers and dribblers? Feel free to run this under your byline, guys. How many journalists would have an ethical problem with this kind of arrangement? Not many, I’ll bet. They’re fully on board with what they’re putting out, they regard the source as the the gold standard, and you gotta do what you gotta do to keep your job in these hollowed-out legacy media organisations.
Anyway, there are quite a lot of interested parties in the Ukrainian project whose investments are looking increasingly shaky. The Western PR campaign is the one battle space they continue to dominate. For what it’s worth.
I wish I could say the same, but sadly there are people I can’t avoid who talk of little else. Which ones they had, how many they had, when they’re getting the next one, etc.
The government and its MSM spent two years terrorising them into believing they were in mortal danger, so they latched onto the jabs as their saviour.
Talking about the jabs is like a mantra that keeps them safe.
I agree JC.
I absolutely respected the Italian parishioners I saw masking, hand sanitising and social distancing.
It’s a mitigation strategy and just maybe, it worked.
As for the archdiocese, maybe there’s a legal aspect to insisting on vaccination, i don’t know.
They have the right to make whatever decision they consider prudent.
Not as if Archbishop Comensoli didn’t made mass accessible to all parishioners vaxxed or unvaxxed as soon as the hostile Victorian government allowed.
Michael Tracy on Tucker.
Hard core, lefty, anti war, anti establishment journo effectively sacked from his previous job because he maintained that stance regardless of administrations.
What a time to be alive.
Probably one of the most important posts this year.
Naomi Wolf is a lefty.
She has had a not quite road to Damascus experience with covid.
The linked long article is about gun control.
I strongly recommend all take the time to read it, and share with all who care about our freedoms.
Great take Vicki.
We have all been saturated with divide and conquer propaganda from our government masters since covid arrived.
This blog is testimony to the success of these tactics.
Communication is about getting the message across.
It often works best when the seed of doubt is sown, rather than splitting the atom with evidence.
thefrollickingmole at 10:39 – the last couple of years shows people will put up with a lot if they think government is keeping them safe. Periodically you have to get out the nightsticks and administer a good beating.
St Ruth answered it himself at 6:59 this morning.
Let’s go to the tape.
So there you have it.
It’s the people who disagree with Leader of the Flannelette Underground.
I certainly recall you got various family members mixed up.
The Approved Jabbee List. Hopefully it only contains white Anglo Christian males. Because, y’know, and as you’ve said before – they’re the only ones that can save us.
Oil for heating was fucked over by two things in the 70s.
1. The oil embargo made it suddenly very expensive.
2. Bass Strait gas discovery made gas very cheap.
Interestingly, we owned a house outside of NYC when we lived here permanently and the boiler could be switched to either gas or oil. In the 90s, oil was actually cheaper than gas in the US. The place was getting seriously short of gas then.
Yes spot on Tom, to say Murdoch is a crusading ideologue is a lie. He’s just a capitalist.
Vicki, you should be commended for the time you put into researching this issue. I have also put in many hours but not to the depth you appear to have gone to. I feel your time will pay off in the end. The longer this goes on, the more confident I am that the choice to refuse the jab is the right one.
I have been treated as weird by some friends and colleagues for this position. When I question what research they personally did before getting jabbed, they admit they have not done any and tell me that they trust that the authorities know what they are doing. Not sure how that is going to work out for them in the long run.
June 10, 2022 at 8:53 am
In real life no one I know discusses vaccines or vaccine status any more.
Thank goodness
Oh sure Rosie, you hold up the corner of the rug and we’ll all sweep the issue underneath, righto.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret: Black people are not afraid of White people. We’re afraid of “crazy” White people.
75 percent of African Americans worry they or a loved one will be physically attacked because they are Black.
Churches would be better off making sure no one with an elevated temperature comes through the door.
Corrosion of the ties that bind society together.
All looks superficially sound until a crucial tie breaks under pressure.
In other more vibrant parts of the world that is known as offering a bribe to the local official to get around to having a look at your issue. Priority on the queue for repairs is another one and even real estate agents do it with respect to rentals. It is different when we do it.
Is there a section which asks which ethnicity those people are worried they’ll be attacked by?
Oh. Righto.
areff, if you need the passport by September, you may as well go the cheaper route.
You’d think they’d have cleared the backlog by then.
A few weeks ago I was outed by Tom as a “square” for being totally unfamiliar with a fast-food advertising jingle.
Since that embarrassment I’ve engaged in remedial action to restore my social licence.
I’ve been purposely watching advertising on commercial TV.
After consuming a cumulative total of a few hours of commercial TV ads, there is one standout observation:
Where are all the white women? They’ve been cancelled.
Yes, we do. Effectively zero. For the same reason I said yesterday, at the level of practice, mask wearing hardly ever followed acceptable protocol.
Harry Hindsight has amazing predictive abilities.
We walked into a pandemic we were told was potentially as serious as the Spanish flu from 100 years ago. Initially, who should we have listened to if not the medical establishment? Perhaps janitors union? Who?
Only later, did we find out they were unreliable arseholes.
Pay the standard fee (can’t remember what it was) and then pick it up in 6-8 weeks.
Or pay $500 & have it delivered in 4-5 days.
In other more vibrant parts of the world …
Some while ago, I had to get an urgent passport issued.
I got it in two days.
I had to pay double the normal cost and pick it up at the Sydney passport office.
Speaking of vibrancy, the passport waiting area part of the office was absolutely packed.
You would not know you were in Australia.
Sitting at the chemist yesterday, a sign in front of me advised me that masks must be worn.
Half of the staff behind the counter had theirs on their chin.
Not that I blame them. But isn’t it time to just stop the theatre?
When first watching some ads, I suspected I had the wrong VPN or something & was accidentally receiving ads from Bombay.
Nope, they were (haha) Australian ads, coz the same ones appeared on FTA TV.
White men exist aplenty, they’re all bungling doofuses, domestic violence perps, or idiots who can’t cook.
If the family in the ad is happy & functional, the dad won’t be white.
But the women/housewives, phwooarrr, it’s like I’ve accidentally logged onto Tinder “exotic edition” or something.
The hot young things are all either from Cape Verde Islands or sent by a Ford Model agency’s branch in Oman, Delhi, or Macau.
‘SARS-2 surges only in the winter, goes endemic after two waves, is impervious to vaccination, and has become harmless with Omicron’
A brief look at the Corona pandemic in Europe from the perspective of excess mortality
Here are scum comments that will be responded to with reality that shitful souls can’t handle.
From Choo Choo and a few of the sneerers here trying to justify their submission.
Apparently I was lazy for not taking the jab and therefore not working by being banned from doing so (even though I never went on welfare, and never have my whole life…nor been a public servant like a Vicplod waste of taxpayer funds)
Think about that for just a second.
Think about the level that the shitstains of humanity will lower themselves to justify their own failure.
Is Choo choo dead yet, by the way? he had more jabs than a herion addict.
It won’t be far off by the looks of things.
All completely unnecessary for his survival to take the jabs, and just to keep a union job while Nurses in his state standing up to Tyranny still cannot work.
Complete shithead and a disgusting attitude from a surrendering, soft cock.
Enemies of Western Civilisation.
Tell me why I shouldn’t laugh at their demise.
Actions have consequences.
And their actions have effected millions, and millions into the future.
All done with an arrogant dismissal of their fellow man.
I see him and the likes of Notafan as nothing less than traitors.
She never should have used their green tick as she claimed she wouldn’t and was only “scared of the virus”,…….and then calling in on holidays in Rome the next minute while we’re all holding the line.
The same Rome she lost her shit over at the start……….so deadly she couldn’t wait to get back there.
Fuck these people.
They are traitors and I will laugh when they very shortly leave this earth.
And I make no apologies for that.
As I said, there are no innocents being attacked by me.
They’ve well and truly shown their colours over the last two years.
And they have harmed millions of Australians holding the line with their selfish attitudes.
Others who are angry and don’t try to justify what they have done or lie about the deadliness of the jab in front of others, who are now realising what has happened, and admit they got brainwashed and are coming out of it, are obviously self reflective and still are not lost and were never evil.
I suggest to you that the likes of Notafan and a few of her mates here, are evil.
Couldn’t give a flying fuck about her nation or her fellow man and will try to twist the truth, outright lie, and continue as she has just done above, excusing the mandating of Catholics in attending Church and singing about god, for example.
She isn’t the only one, just a very good example.
Think about the courage of the jabbed who are presenting you with proof the jab kills.
That’s maturity.
That’s a sane mind.
That is the mind of a realist, someone who isn’t burying their heads in the sand.
An adult.
Someone who has overcome the cognitive dissonnance, the denialism, and is starting to fight back.
They are righting wrongs and they are fighting.
See here’s the thing KD, while you’re fighting me and not the fuckers who poisoned you, you are still in denial.
SAD as it is.
Heres the most blatant bit of historical rewriting you will ever read compressed into one sentence..
Gruinaid hads an obituary for a useful idiot who was in charge of the CND in Thatchers time.
Totally not a front group for the USSR.
He argued that the Warsaw Pact countries posed little or no threat to the west, that the Soviet Union was in internal meltdown and therefore was unlikely to attack, and that deterrence could never work because it implied the willingness to strike first.
History, since the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989, has proved him right:
You think you do, but don’t appear to understand the point. Do masks work if they are properly worn? The point isn’t if we’re wearing them properly or not so stop steering the point to some other area that isn’t being debated. I knew my mask never worked because I rarely wore it properly and I used it for days on end. We’re talking specifically about the science of mask wearing potentially eliminating or reducing risk. We don’t know nor unable to know because it would be fucking impossible to set up an experiment to test the theory. Why is this so difficult for you to appreciate?
If you choose to respond about the ineffective mask wearing then have that discussion with someone else as I’m not interested.
SARS-2 surges only in the winter, goes endemic after two waves, is impervious to vaccination, and has become harmless with Omicron:
His sons are the crusading ideologues, particularly James.
Directly related to this edict to all News editors in Sept 2021.
Salva, the trend I’ve noticed in tellie ads are lesbians in four wheel drive promos. Obviously there’s a market… “it’s not my cup of tea”
Cassie @ 1044
And the irony is that the NSW ski resorts are starting the season with the highest snow depths at a Queen’s Birthday long weekend since 1968 and more snow forecast over the weekend.
Looks like Allegra has had an immediate impact on the climate for Wentworthians! They’re too stupid to understand what a solar minimum is and its effects.
Lachlan is quite rightwing. FMD, you’re delusional, Fester. It’s almost a full time job correcting your insane bullshit. James left the firm couple of years ago and has zero influence.
Indeed Bruce. Many a millionaire’s child going full fascist.
JC, all I’m worried about is how masks are used and justified as a matter of public policy. I appreciate your point but it is simply not relevant to whether or not mass mask wearing makes a difference. Ignoring how it is used as a matter of practice when that is all that really matters when you are trying to argue that we don’t and cannot really know because of this or that confounding factor (age, health, etc.) makes no sense.
You are a subject of the Crown and you have no rights. If the State Government decides to confiscate (i.e. steal) your property, you have no right to compensation. If the State government decides to restrict your liberty in any way, you have no recourse. The case is all about procedureal fairness, not rights.
This is why Morrison set up the Cabinet of State and Federal leaders, so that it could implement these policies that the Commonwealth on its own could not. See also Howard and the Kyoto protocol.
We’re currently in our apartment with our kid in isolated another part of the space because she’s tested positive for covid since Sunday. It’s basically a head cold.
There was a woman who called in to Nanny Neil’s yesterday literally in tears, because she was going to lose her trip to Singapore and The Maldives in two weeks.
Then I start to smell rats.
Through the sobs she said they had been looking forward to it for two years, and had already put it off several times.
So you’ve been planning it for two years but didn’t think to tee up passports?
And, if they’ve deferred “several times”, how come they are going to lose the lot this time?
Look, no excuses for the passport office, but this woman was clearly pity-trolling, looking for a free holiday/upgrade.
I gather the Pommy Foreign Secretary has some sand in her gusset.
Big boys’ games.
Big boys’ rules.
Hmm yes Lachlan seems like a fairly solid citizen!
“His sons are the crusading ideologues, particularly James.”
Nope…Lachlan Murdoch is most definitely NOT a crusading ideologue. Lachlan gave a speech recently at an organisation called the IPA, which last time I looked wasn’t some fashionable leftist progressive think-tank. I somehow doubt that if Lachlan was a crusading progressive ideologue he’d be giving any speeches at the notorious sinister far-right IPA.
James is a progressive (he’s certainly married to one) and I don’t know about Elizabeth, who keeps a low profile.
Finally caught it last week – Omicron I presume – and that’s my experience, and I’m in the “at risk” category due to a coupel of chronic medical conditions inc. asthma so I was prepared for/half expecting much worse.
Having said that, it’s reported Australia is currently leading the death toll on an adjusted for population basis, but then it’s really our first widespread winter wave – see the link to eugyppius just above.
On the bus, a young prole sitting next to me
said the vaccine mandate was protecting me.
“and my kids”, the cuck grinned
“could have all have been twins
If I hadn’t had that free vasectomy!”
Fair enough, but that wasn’t what Uncle Fester was posting. Fester reckons the science of mask says they can’t work. She has no idea if it’s scientifically true or not. She argues droplets are thinner than the spaces in masks, but that simplistically suggests all water droplets are the similar dimension. They aren’t.
Look Dover, if other people were using masks like I was, then there was zero chance they worked. 🙂
Yep, had that in my large group house in Canberra in the mid 70s. Worked a treat, too – a large open plan living area with lots of uncovered windows, but it kept us warm. We had to fill it up two or three times each winter, though. It wasn’t exactly cheap, but it was affordable. I’d hate to be paying to heat that space today.
In those days, thanks to the Snowy scheme, Canberra had the cheapest electricity in the country. In another huge cold bedroom, I used to leave a 2 bar radiator on all night while I slept. It cost three fifths of a poofteenth, and luckily I didn’t get burned to death in an electrical fire.
Why have none of the big political players challenged the notion that the price of energy is a mere distraction on the road to Nirvana? What is wrong with these people?
It’s the entire advertising industry.
In a recent spam email from a clothing retailer, 6 models – 5 non white. The single white was a tattooed freak.
Do the advertisers think this will sell their products? Or is the advertising industry promoting the idea that there are way more non whites amongst us than there actually are?
Yes and fucking Fester needs to be placed in permanent moderation for peddling fake news bullshit like that, which appears to be all he’s doing these days.,
People may think I’m being harsh or Fester, but the turd deserves a decent fucking whack over the ears every time he posts fake crap.
Fake news/crap is corrosive, no matter if it’s from the left or the Right. Stamp it out!
Perth’s dam volumes have been increasing ever year since 2015:
This year we’re already above (before winter!) many years’ previous levels!
Tell me why I shouldn’t laugh at their demise?
Total sicko narcissistic sociopath.
How are those Death Camps going by the way?
And the empty shelves because truckies couldn’t get a tyre changed because wrong coloured flouro?
Covid 19 has always been the usual flus and colds that the tests can’t distiguish between anyway.
THAT’S WHY THEY MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED,……….read it again if you’re still brainwashed and can’t see what that basic fact means.
Long Covid is like SADS.
Renaming vaccine injury.
What we are seeing play out in Washington DC as we speak is unprecedented: a choreographed witchhunt by the Democratic Party against its political enemies, broadcast live from Washington DC by all three major free-to-air US TV networks and all cable news networks, except Fox News, which has refused to co-operate.
It is astonishing because this is happening in the “land of the free” which notionally has a free press.
It is not possible in a free country that the media could collude with a political party to smear (and eventually prosecute) party enemies.
Unless this is arrested, the USA will become a fascist one-party state indistinguishable from communist China or Soviet Russia.
Not a good idea to let the passport expire for too long. I had an out of date one that exceeded the time limit (10 years I think) and at that point you are not able to use it as ID to get a renewal. Found myself in the position of not being able to prove I was an Australian without original naturalisation documentation that was not in my possession and sitting in a box (interstate) somewhere from the seventies. At such times it becomes apparent how maliciously unhelpful the bureaucracy can be when it wants. Despite a mass of supporting ID like banks, drivers licenses and so on it comes down to a “computer says no” followed by a blank stare and chewing of the cud while they wait for you to go away.
Seeing you’re a self confessed Liar, I can conclude that makes me a nice bloke.
Knowing who your enemy is, is not narcissism, shitfabrains.
And when I laugh, heartily, I will have still not harmed them in any way as much as they have harmed others.
#not one nanna killed.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
June 10, 2022 at 11:14 am
Yes spot on Tom, to say Murdoch is a crusading ideologue is a lie. He’s just a capitalist.
His sons are the crusading ideologues, particularly James.
Third generation. Keith, then Rupert, now Lachlan and James.
See also Packer, Frank, Kerry, James.
One other point about the Murdoch press
I read
The Oz
There are frequent and numerous stories about the negative effects of renewables and the impact of western policy toward energy.
So, we are free to laugh at any misfortune which befalls someone we disagree with?
That one is filed away.
On the cross bench of the HoR. Calling for an Indigenous Voice.
On face nappies, there is overwhelming evidence that they serve no useful purpose, regardless of whether they’re worn correctly or not.
However, what I do find absolutely unacceptable is that people were compelled to wear them in the first place. I have always regarded them as a physical assault on my person by the state and the simple fact is no stupid stinking political fascist imbecile ever had any right to force people to wear the f*cking useless ridiculous things. There’s still a face nappie mandate in place on public transport in Sydney, FFS.
Forcing people to wear face nappies was never about “science” and it was never about “safety”. It was solely about the twin concepts of humiliation and control of the populace.
Anyone who hasn’t yet realised that simple fact is an irredeemable idiot.
I don’t mind seeing dusky bintage on telly ads.
And I’ve got no problem with the ethnics being purdy and skinny, and surrounded by the trappings of capitalism, cars and gadgets, ostentatious hair and jewelry, at leisure on all locations from wild seascapes to squeaky clean servos.
But it is alarming how all- and I mean ALL- of the European looking men are overweight, unshaven, slobby and stupid.
Unless this is arrested, the USA will become a fascist one-party state indistinguishable from communist China or Soviet Russia and a separate democratic state where individual freedom thrives.
There will be a split if the DemonRats continue on their current path, hopefully a peaceful split.
It is unfair to say Rupe is a rampaging capitalist. He periodically changes governments.
Fake news/crap is corrosive, no matter if it’s from the left or the Right. Stamp it out!
FMD, pot, kettle…………………………………….JC
I thought it was just my friends.
Here’s hoping that the “get famous” card next played by Rebel Wilson is the leaked sex tape. RRRRRRRRowr.
Wally – that is what the Internet is for.
This is real…
They’ve made a gay “pride” month ad to educate “bottoms” on the best diet for being sodomised:
Rebel Wilson’s whole thing was that she was a jolly fatso.
That was it.
She isn’t going to get any work as a stomach-stapled lesbian.
JC, the amazing gymnastics going on inside News Corp are fascinating:
1. The company hasn’t banned factual reporting on energy policy.
2. News Corp commercial management has taken a decision to campaign, independent of the company’s journalists, for renewable energy.
3. By taking the leftist position on renewables etc, News Corp management is taking the position supported by 90%+ of its journalists, leftists who would never dream of thinking for themselves and therefore violating leftist tribal rules (which require absolute, unquestioned conformity).
Therefore, you can continue to get credible reporting on climate/energy policy in News Corp outlets, even though the company’s commercial management is campaigning for renewables and, by default, higher electricity prices.
In any sane company, that would at least be called cognitive dissonance!
Big Boy’s Rules. So sad too bad. They thought it was ok to kill Russians. Pity the same thing didn’t happen to that piece of crap David whatever in Afganistan.
HBBEAR at 12:05. I represent that.
Tell me about it.
Although my family came to Australia in the late 1950s, every time I encounter a bank or a government agency I have to prove who I am, because the first name I have used since Infants school (my middle name) is not the same as the one on my birth certificate.
No matter how many times I have done it before, producing the stat decs, each time I have to do it again.
If only my name was Ali Ali.
Please lets not rehash the mask are Ace!!! wars.
Heres the best information, from the 2019 Australian government pandemic plan on masks.
Healthcare settings
High-quality evidence to support the use of PPE in healthcare settings is scarce. Although some studies indicate a benefit of surgical masks and respirators in preventing influenza infection, many studies show no significant benefit from their use. Healthcare workers show varying levels of compliance with the use of surgical masks and respirators. As the effectiveness of masks and respirators is particularly dependent on compliance and correct usage, low compliance has been cited by one systematic review as the likely cause of the low effectiveness of masks and respirators demonstrated by some studies
And thats in healthcare settings, what about the general public.
High-quality evidence to support the use of PPE in community settings is scarce. Although some studies support the benefit of surgical masks and respirators in preventing influenza infection, many studies show no significant benefit from their use.
Use of face masks and respirators in Initial Action stage.. Whole population
Resource implication… Massive
Pros: May reduce community transmission. If high adherence, may delay epidemic peak or decrease epidemic size. May empower population* (ability to take personal protective action).
Cons: Requires enormous stockpile. Major logistical difficulties of distribution. Large resources required for risk communication on how to use masks appropriately. Huge amounts of waste created. May lead to disregard of other protective actions (e.g. hand hygiene or social distancing) through feeling of being protected
• Limited evidence to support this measure.
• Compliance unlikely to be high unless severity is high.
• No culture of mask wearing in Australia.
• Type of mask (respirator or surgical mask) needs to be defined.
• If inadequate stocks, homemade masks could be used; large effort required to communicate how to make and use homemade masks.
In effect evidence is poor.
*Homeopathic medicine.
thanks for the clarification on Murdoch sons. I did some googling and Lachlan seems fairly solid but James is a bit regressive.
And I think that Murdoch Senior wouldn’t be reporting such great stories (about renewballs for example) if there weren’t a market for it – and there obviously is! But for the first time ever, I don’t see Murdoch as a conservative or regressive owner, but rather as a clever capitalist who knows how to capture broad, alternate and niche market attention. Good on him!
Thanks Vicki. I agree with pretty much all of your comment except the bit I have bolded. I have watched the opposite happening here, possibly because I’m looking at it from the other side of the vaccination coin.
You have not been called names and your integrity questioned. How could it? You are a sensible, kindly person. Perhaps you haven’t noticed that I have been called “insane” and cowardly and my words “atrocious behaviour”. All because I am vaccinated.
None of the vaccinated contributors to this blog have called the unvaccinated names. Not one. Some, including me, have pushed back against the shrill, demented denouncing by one commenter. Most of them with humour but for some the whole miserable thing is wearing wafer thin.
There are many unvaccinated people here who comment, and they have my respect, not because of a chemical they either have or do not have in their systems, but because of their good character that has remained consistent throughout. Ditto the vaccinated.
Sorry, the bolding didn’t appear to work. This was the bit:
Please do not take offence. Very early in the piece I opined that the vaccination issue would cause a huge rift in the Cat.
Yes Tom, I agree but just look at Sky with Dilbert and Clannel (or formerly Spews) on during the day giving soft interviews to Elbow and “Charmer” – and then Rowan and Rita at night… Dilbert and Clannal give those at home during the day something to agree with whilst the rest of us, not living in imaginary land, work hard to get home to watch some Rita and Rowan… I think Sky planned it beautiful and good touch by producers/management to capture largest market share.
Some might argue that’s devoid of ethics, but I think it’s a brilliant strategy.
Although my nightly fix of Tucker is fast radicalising me to what’s called common sense. 😛
Just imagine elected officials of the federal US government inciting a mob to riot outside where public officials are housed, chanting that they want to hang one in particular, to achieve their seditious aims of overthrowing the democratic system. I imagine if that ever happened, you lot would condemn those politicians in the strongest possible terms.
Lachlan Murdoch: Tech giant censorship, activist journalism and the preservation of freedom
News Corp co-chairman and Fox Corporation executive chairman and CEO Lachlan Murdoch delivers a speech to the IPA for the opening of The Centre for the Australian Way of Life.
What HUGE rift is that? The “rift” these days is Queersland redneck posting comment after comment abusing people – reminding me of a NYC vagrant yelling at passersby. There’s no huge rift. People either received the vax or refused it and we went on with our respective lives.
Gee, imagine a pubic serpent being in favor of higher taxes…
Treasury boss’s quiet message: Higher taxes are the cure for our budget blues
Ross Gittins
Economics Editor
Sure, but how do you get the deficit down? The government will be reviewing all the spending programs left by the Coalition, looking for savings. But what savings it finds will mainly be used to pay for Labor’s promised new spending.
So the main way to improve the budget balance will be by “raising additional tax revenues”. Kennedy implied that this would be done by reducing businesses’ and households’ tax concessions.
And this, this is where we are.
Ardern says consensus on climate is ‘good for our region and good for the world’
By Katina Curtis
Further from joint Anthony Albanese and Jacinda Ardern press conference, Ardern says she is heartened by Australia’s new position on climate change, saying the issue is the number one threat for the Pacific.
“It is good for our region and good for the world when we work collaboratively on this extraordinary challenge,” she said.
“So it’s incumbent on us to do our bit. I know with regards to New Zealand we have a lot more to do, but we welcome being joined on that journey by Australia.”
Albanese says he feels like Australia “has got out of the naughty corner” in terms of the international reaction to what it was doing on climate.
“We’ve been in the naughty corner for nine years. And the consequences of that, we are feeling right now with the energy crisis that is here in this country,” he says.
Low rent mong.
Fatboy, are you referring to Portland or Seattle?
Okay – the acres of scrollable tit for tat and denouncements aren’t a rift.
They’re a distraction from more important things like fighting over pizza toppings and scatter cushions.
Except, if you remove the redneck’s comments and replies, there was some friction, but I wouldn’t call it a huge rift.
Time for a paradigm shift.
Billie Jean’s not my lover.
All you doomsayers and political bores need to realise that you are .0001.
Yelling at people that they are wrong has been – shall we say, a path not studded with success.
Well, I have. But the point is, no-one has copped any flak because they are vaccinated.
Hmmm. Who could it be? Why so coy? Name names!
I am with Mother Lode on this. I really don’t care. If someone wants to wallow in some imaginary bruise-free martyrdom, fill your boots.
Monty your rake seeking is incomparable…
You first Monty…
I imagine if that ever happened, you lot would condemn those politicians in the strongest possible terms.
Nolte: Hours After Kavanaugh Threat, Biden Predicts ‘Mini Revolution’ If Roe Overturned
You want to see what a left-wing mini-revolution looks like…?
Report: Antifa Attacks a Crisis Pregnancy Center in Portland: ‘F*ck CPC’
Report: Pregnancy Center Vandalized with Threatening, Pro-Abortion Messages
Report: Perp Vandalizes Crisis Pregnancy Center in Washington, Leaves Menacing Message
Crisis Pregnancy Center Attacked on Facebook After Patricia Heaton Tweets Support
Report: Madison Anti-Abortion Headquarters Set on Fire, Vandalized, Graffitied
Wife has said her goodbyes to her Dad. She was shocked by how much her Mother was worn down caring for her Dad. She had always put on a brave face on Whatsapp. Couldn’t hide it in person. Wife brought back her Grandfather’s binoculars he used as a reconnaissance observer before he was a pilot in WWI.
That doesn’t make sense. It isn’t what I see in the Daily Denouncement.
Weak as water!
Anthony Albanese says he will seek to “work through” the concerns of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern surrounding the deportation of New Zealanders who commit crimes in Australia.
Ms Ardern has repeatedly criticised the harsh implementation of Section 501 of the Migration Act which deports New Zealand citizens who commit crimes in Australia regardless of how long they have spent across the ditch.
The Prime Minister said his counterpart had been “very forceful” in her views and flagged the policy’s implementation would be considered. More
“We have listened to those views. We will work through some of those issues between now, and we’ll have a ministerial meeting, a leaders’ meeting, coming next month,” he told reporters on Friday.“And we’ll work through with our department, work through the implementation of the way that section 501 has been dealt with. But we’ve listened to the concerns and there’s more work to do.”
I agree.
Apart from the Truckulent Troubadour and a couple of his enablers (past, present and emerging), it is pretty much live and let live here.
Good lord, frollickingmole. Do you realise the slippery slope you’re on?
One minute you’re reading everything published by the Guardian. OK. It’s good to know what the enemy is thinking.
But now you’re reading the world’s dumbest Keynesian, Ross Gittins, at ShakeMyHamas.com???
Less of a slippery slope; more like diving off a cliff!
That should read “But the point is, no-one has copped any flak simply because they are un-vaccinated.”
The most troubling aspect of masking the human face is that it diminishes the human reality of a face to the point of enabling that humanity to be denied.
Emmanuel Levinas has it that the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’, is inescapably revealed upon the encounter with the Imago Dei most essentially present in the face of another. As a Shoa survivor, he knew a fair bit about the denial of humanity in another.
In the most radical of terms, there is the promise of that face to face meeting which is the beatitude in seeing the Face of God.
Wifey just had a bunch of photos nicely framed of Palestine (known then), Syria and Lebanon taken by her dad during WW2. I guess the troops were being shipped and massing there before heading off to North Africa and elsewhere. Amazing pics. There’s one pic of Tel Aviv with an inscription on the back saying he’d never seen or believed there was such a modern city.
Monty now will ritually denounce Maxine…
Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.
June 10, 2022 at 12:33 pm
Just imagine elected officials of the federal US government inciting a mob to riot outside where public officials are housed, chanting that they want to hang one in particular, to achieve their seditious aims of overthrowing the democratic system. I imagine if that ever happened, you lot would condemn those politicians in the strongest possible terms.
We would. Let us know when it does.
Resident Mindworms live on TV.
In one particularly cringeworthy segment, Biden started babbling nonsense before Kimmel threw him a lifeline and cut to commercial.
“There’s a lot of major things we’ve done,” Biden claimed. “But what we haven’t done is we haven’t been able to communicate it in a way that is magnified another way.”
“Well see, that’s kind of perfect—” Kimmel agreed as Biden continued to ramble.
“Look how the press has changed. Look how the press is it has changed,” Biden said, before he started making up words. ” I know you get—you overstand [sic] it. You don’t just understand it, you overstand. But here’s the deal. One of the things is that it’s very difficult now, to have a… even… with notable exceptions, even a really good reporters, they have to get number clicks on… on… nightly news. So instead of asking the question, anyway, it just, everything gets… gets sensationalized… in ways… but I’m convinced we can get through this. We have to get through it. And one of the things, look—”
“I’m going to take a break,” Kimmel interrupted, clearly seeing Biden was glitching and wasn’t able to complete a coherent idea. “and then we’ll talk a little bit more.”
What a stupid comment.
This is quite horrifying to watch.
Turd World stuff.
The Prime Minister said his counterpart had been “very forceful” in her views
Yeeeah bend over and take one for the team, AnAl.
We’ll have to keep the Sri Lankan Visa trawlers and all the violent offenders too stoopid for the Mongrel Mob to tolerate in Aotearoa. What a great decade we’re headed for.
But now you’re reading the world’s dumbest Keynesian, Ross Gittins, at ShakeMyHamas.com
I was just gobsmacked that less than a month into the AnAl reich and already its springtime for taxeaters.
You should probably turn on CNN, Tim N. You might learn something.
He would. He’d how every single opinion segment is fake news.
Of course they would.
I have a theory about a small sub-set of the unvaxxed.
I think some (and I emphasise – only a small minority) of these vax holdouts are enjoying the opportunity to drop out and don’t want it to end.
A version of the mid-life crisis but clothed in moral righteousness rather than the personal selfishness which usually characterises these personal shifts.
Not really directed at anyone here.
Just an observation of a couple of people in my extended circle.
And M0nty think how bad it would be if unelected employees of the US government did it?
Why that would be horrible to contemplate!
Speak of the very man, how bout that M0nty?
Anthony Albanese says he will seek to “work through” the concerns of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern surrounding the deportation of New Zealanders who commit crimes in Australia.
NZ deports more islanders back to their countries than Australia deports NZ’ers.
It’s a tired narrative she trots out each time she’s here.
June 10, 2022 at 12:58 pm
Monty now will ritually denounce Maxine…
only in your dreams.
The fascist fatso is quite happy for his enemies to be threatened or attacked (“Punch a Nazi”), but lives in terror of those victims fighting back.
“and went on with their respective lives”
Except the millions who still cannot.
This pig ignorance to their actions is what this is all about.
JC is a POS for speaking absolute crap like this.
If I was as low class as him, I’d call him what he calls me…….
These statements, and Cassie being holier than thou and so many others.
Your actions may just speak louder than words and combine that with the “no harm done” self excusing delusion…it’s something to behold.
Self centred.
Earlier today BoN gave Titus 3:10 as a reason why he doesn’t give an answer. Presuming that some of his interlocutors are too devise and troublesome to answer.
While not wanting to start a stoush or do anything to disturb the bonhomie and wit here, I do wonder Bruce whether you are misunderstanding the Bible here.
As a Christian myself who values Scripture, I think Titus 3 is talking about divisive people in the church. It’s to be dealt with in house. He is not talking about discussions with people in the community or on a forum.
My understanding of St Paul is that he argued and debated with people from Antioch to Athens. He talks about renouncing secret and shameful ways and setting forth the truth plainly 2 Cor 4:2.
Whether you answer JC, Sanchez or anyone else is your business of course, but I think it is fair to say that the Bible gives us no mandate for that. Appreciate much of what you say Bruce, but was a little puzzled by that.
June 10, 2022 at 1:05 pm
You should probably turn on CNN, Tim N. You might learn something.
Hahahahahahahaha, ROFLMAO. He would certainly learn about the stupidity and narrow-mindedness of the fascist left.
Of course you lot respond to January 6 news by seeking refuge in debunked lies.
The reason those nurses can’t work and can’t save people’s lives, is because you took the jab.
You made it possible for the government to push them out by submitting.
By giving them the numbers.
Each one of the jabbed owns that.
But hey, you’re all really nice people that have never said anything against the unvaxxed!!!
Delusional fuckers.
Real Deal..
Just accept the fact he’s a fraud. It took me a while to get to that understanding. Go through today’s comments and I highlighted three attempts at fake news. He’s an outright fraud.
Projection again M0nty?
I bet you think 2000 Mules is fiction too.
In a couple of years we have moved from CNNs “Firey but peaceful protests” to Montys new standard “Firey but mostly debunked” ones.
Low energy.
Calli suggested there was a huge rift here, you redneck. There isn’t. It’s just you shouting inanities at the crowd as they walk past.
Works for low-info voters like Monty.
Of course, if it weren’t for them pesky deboonkers going around on Twitter and Fox debooonking all of the un-deboooonk-able Fake News, the Lizard People wouldn’t need the Kangaroo Court to debooooonk everything from er two and a half years ago.
Gotta say, thanks christ Musk put Twitter on notice before this show trial kicked off. The farce has already been deboooooooonked for scrubbing Ray Epps out of the vids.
Comey Barrett and Kavanaugh can probably rest easy, Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn would have to be prime targets for the amount of information which they disseminate.
And Wussell Bwand too, but his re-packaged scoops are usually a solid year behind the cutting edge.
If you’re the shining example of learning anything worthwhile from CNN, then Tim is better off watching paint dry.
debunked lies.
The biggest “debunked lie” is that there was an [unarmed] insurrection on Jan 6. Compared to previous efforts in DC by members of the fascist left, and even setting aside the clear incitement on Jan 6 by federal law enforcement officials, what happened then hardly rates even as a protest.
LOL, months of rioting vs lying eyes.
The reason those nurses can’t work and can’t save people’s lives, is because you took the jab.
You made it possible for the government to push them out by submitting.
Fact check-
Gotta face up to it people, if there had been any sort of principled, simple yet immovable opposition, the “mandate” would have barely lasted a week.
The serial failed predictor, at 11.11:
I’m not ‘fighting’ you. If that’s what you think ‘fighting’ is, I’m not surprised you’ve been screeching it for the past couple of years.
It’s not ‘fighting’ you. It’s laughing. AT you, not WITH you.
Every wordwall is more shrill. Every time, the language is more desperate, the circumstances more and more diabolical despite states of emergency going down all over the country, nobody caring any more and the DeaTh Camps (which never were) either closing, closed or never opened.
The sole fatality was a bloke in Howard Springs who smuggled a bottle of vodka in and skolled the lot before collapsing and dying. Obviously though, it was really the vaccine.
Your steady descent into full-volume, a Grade industrial strength lunatickery amuses me. That’s why none of the abuse matters – you’ve lost the plot where you’re pitied rather than taken offence to.
…..and we’ve got to admit our errors, forgive the weak and/or unwary, welcome them into the resistance and strengthen our resolve, or it will surely happen again.
The lies are unravelling.
Vicpol has spent big on batons, shields, helmets, tear gas, guns and an armoured assault vehicle. Plus recruitment of sheilas. They made the best guards in concentration camps.
June 10, 2022 at 10:25 am
Lysander says:
June 10, 2022 at 10:20 am
Brilliant analysis, Lysander.
And that’s why Outsiders is on for 2 hours from 09:00am Sunday.
Those of a conservative ilk are having a quiet morning at home watching.
The leftie loons are still in bed
In my experience, the most troubling aspect is that it fogs your spectacles. I drove my wife to a dentist’s appointment yesterday and I took a book to read while waiting for her consultation to end. The dentist’s receptionist said that I’d need to wear a mask while waiting and she kindly gave me one.
I donned the mask, found a comfy chair, put on my reading glasses and opened my book. I couldn’t read a word, my goggles were all steamed up.
Ken can you add “but I repeat myself” to your repetitious comments. This is just in case any new visitor’s haven’t realised you’ve been crapping on for the last two years. No doubt the furniture shop has the same slop served daily from the dribbler in chief.
Syria and Lebanon taken by her dad during WW2. I guess the troops were being shipped and massing there before heading off to North Africa and elsewhere. Amazing pics.
They were fighting the Vichy French including the French Foreign Legion.
Mr Panzer, not long ago:
These people are generally drifters, motoring along in neutral for most of their lives.
Once they find a cause, though, it consumes them. In their eyes, they feel as though they now have a purpose – and that their life can now be validated. Their existence will mean something, whereas before it was just average and beige.
They’ll hold onto that cause until the end of time, regardless of whether said cause becomes the monstrosity initially thought. They will gather fellow travellers (cause-seekers, as above) and convince themselves that a) they are right, b) that they and only they can see what’s really going on, and c) that they are beholden to crusade under their self-made banner for ever and ever.
The abuse is just a by-product, and is generally (except when directed at specific people, as was the case yesterday afternoon) excellent comedy value.
JC 1:21 pm
Thanks JC.
If something like that ever happens, of course we would.
JC, the Australians were also fighting in Lebanon and Syria against the Vichy French and the French Foreign Legion in WW II. I saw a photo of a group of youngish WW II diggers standing in front of a stone wall on the road to Damascus on which had the names of their fathers were carved. Their fathers had also travelled the same road in WW I to fight the Ottomans.
Old blokesays:
June 10, 2022 at 1:45 pm…I never knew that the french foreign legion were allies of the axis. ty.
Old Bloke
Oh Okay, but I don’t think he was fighting there. In fact there was a pic of the dude on skis, which is funny if you keep in mind where he was from. North Western Victoria. Am I right though in suggesting the region was a staging post to mass troops and then move them where they were needed?
Monster was probably getting mixed up about this event.
Snap Tim.
I’d love Monty’s thoughts on Chucks comments
In light of the attempted murder of a SCOTUS judge.
Bwahahahahaaaa. Have we reached peak mUnty?
War in Ukraine Maps video.
Guy is very pro Ukraine but even he can’t stomach the government. Listen from the 4:30 – 10 minute part.
The toothless psychiatrist of Humpty Doo.
Sittin’ back with his Winnie reds, TAB ticket and failed marriage, only the poor barmaid and us have to listen to the dribble.
Pity we did not have CNN covering the Salem witch trials.
Well that’s gotta seem like a white elephant already.
Why build a secret base in Cambodia when you can build a public base in the Solomons?
Okay they haven’t built one yet, but you just know they’re going to. People don’t sign defense pacts without wanting to use them. SI may be all ‘move along, nothing to see here’ now, but a few months down the track, as soon as there’s a flopped blancmange on MKR, or a shooting match in Ethiopia, or one of fifty other distractions, wham, a big steaming bowl of Bang Sub Dok appears in Honiara.
Remember you read it here first, before* it was real.
* = and admittedly so.
Nobody else does.
I’m not sure the sanctions on Russia are working….Bloomberg News
April 11, 2022, 9:30 PM
Russia recorded the largest current-account surplus since at least 1994, as revenues from oil and gas exports surged and imports plunged after the U.S. and its allies imposed sanctions over President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
The proceeds have become a critical source of hard currency during the war, enabling authorities to pay for imports, support the economy and restore confidence in the ruble.
A stunning success, given I’m no longer married to that filthy cash-guzzling succubus.
Alllll day, porky. Keep it coming.
Paul Joseph Watson
Perth trader
Seeing their current account spiral is not necessarily a good thing. It means they can’t access imports. I read the other day their car assembly plants are closed because they’re unable to access parts.
And as much as it is painstakingly obvious you want to make me a one off, a rarity, I can assure you I am not.
So many at various sites agree wholeheartedly with me, will never forget, and will never submit.
The reason I take umbrage here is because I detest hypocrites.
You know Monty is a goose, he knows no better, He would have been the first in line to drop his trousers for Dan.
That’s a given.
Never said a word about him taking the vaxx.
He’d argue that doing everything the government told him to do was the right thing.
He’s sheeple.
But the hypocrites here are something to behold.
Wanking away as if they have all the answers in the world, know everything, and are just and proper in their right wing stance.
You’re no better than Monty, but declare yourselves to be so.
An American and a Russian are having a debate about who has the better form of democracy (an oldie but goodie from Cold War times).
The American says “I can walk right into the Oval Office, slam my fist on the President’s desk and say Mr Reagan, I don’t like the way you work.”
The Russian says “So what? I can walk right into the Kremlin and slam my fist on the table and say, Mr Brezhnev, I don’t like the way President Reagan works.” 😛
They were allies indirectly, they were under the control of the Vichy French Government.
or this mashup, with velvety smooth bass and wah-wah guitar
Gillon McPolo-Pony examines his navel to find out why no one is going to the footy. Still getting bigger crowds than the Big Bash League and AFLW.
Pity we did not have CNN covering the Salem witch trials.
I had a deep thougt or 2 after watching ‘the witch”
Its easy for us to sniff at the superstitions and beliefs of the era but imagine this.
You are brought up where witchcraft is accepted as real.
There are trials where people confess to engaging in witchcraft on a fairly regular basis.
People can sicken and die/ have limbs go corrupt etc for no known reason, and if they survived maybe it was because they made a pact with the devil/ or their mother did etc.
Imagine you are a mother, your kid has diphtheria or some other common but usually fatal condition.
You pray and pray but the kid gets sicker.
You believe if you sell your soul to satan the kid will get better.
You do so using whatever knowledge you have gleaned from the trials you have heard about.
The kid gets better..
You find a couple of like minded people who think the reason “x” happened was because they had done the same…
Someone dobs you in, you confess, after all you actually believe powers from beyond assisted you.
it would be a self perpetuating cycle of awfulness.
As much as it seems stupid its got parallels in Aboriginal ritruals, where because everyone knew what caused things, and every bit of “knowledge” supported that, some horrible absurdities retarded society for thousands of years.
JC….yes your right. There fleet of Boeings and Airbus are being cannibalized to keep them in the air. But the main point is… I think the sanctions are hurting the west as much if not more.
night night