And at 8am Victoria is running now on 84% coal. Wind is 2% and solar 2%. And SA has added…
And at 8am Victoria is running now on 84% coal. Wind is 2% and solar 2%. And SA has added…
Bev Macarthur is pretty good. A few of the vicco liberals are ok. Can’t think of any in new at…
Build loads of the new High Efficiency Low Emission (HELE) Coal Power Plants. The rest of the World is. Why…
From Dover – previous page There are Ukrainian reports that Russian soldiers are eating cats and dogs. Maybe, just maybe,…
They will be going all out to steal the election for the Dem. Report: Drag Queens to Fundraise for Democrat…
I’d like to see your commentary continue, Doc.
See my post at 8.09 am.
Beyond Blue says that there a 9 official suicides each day in Australia (does that mean it’s higher but not classified as suicide?).
Anyway of the 9, 7 are men.
3300 a year out of 26mill doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s a big number of punters topping themselves.
Re the Senate results, the balance of power will be held by the narcissist roid boy from Canberra, who I predict will vote with Labor and the Greens every single time.
Latest missive from the UAP
We have been made aware, disappointingly, that the party has been infiltrated by members of the Liberal Party, Labor Party and The Greens, masquerading as UAP supporters.
Sadly, this tactic is not uncommon, particularly leading into, and during, the critical stages of an election campaign.
We will of course take the necessary steps to ensure these individuals do not disrupt our important current or future plans to improve the lives of all Australians.
With this in mind, we are asking our United Australia Party members to please alert us to any individual – including former candidates – who may have used party membership information to contact you, in an attempt to establish or ‘set up’ local branches they purport or claim to control. Be assured that this has not been initiated by the United Australia Party HQ.
With your help, we hope to identify these individuals who seek only to disrupt us. Please contact us directly by replying to this email if you have been contacted by any individual in relation to the matters outlined, or anything similar.
We have been made aware, disappointingly, that the party has been infiltrated by members of the Liberal Party, Labor Party and The Greens, masquerading as UAP supporters.
Every single one of them!
This is something a university education is supposed to impart – awareness that knowledge comes in competing flavours and the student’s role is to learn to assess each theory and its paradigm on its evidential merits. Doesn’t happen in universities today of course. Climate religion is run by its own clerisy who inhabit and control most university education and its cultural spin-offs these days.
Bettina Arndt’s view on Bolt last night is that university educated women overwhelmingly have only one view on matters climatic, and that this is reinforced by the fact that they graduate into female dominated employment, taking senior roles in the unionised public sector (like my two daughters-in-law) or in ‘woke’ major corporates (like my daughter). Thus they vote Teal in the wealthy electorates where they reside with their husbands, who as men might not have quite this exposure to the green religion and who thus vote with a wider focus on the issues.
Arndt’s theory sounds explanatory to me, given my sample of three. 🙂
calli, I think the so-called expert named Ben on Channel 7 may be the head of the Ponds Institute, Ben Oquist. The garbage he came out with sounds like it would come from them.
The obvious question the is: How have we, as a society, failed those women.
Ask and you shall receive.
What will Bowen do about that? Surely this must mean the end of the world!
Yesterday on TV, Allegra Spender’s flat refusal to countenance, or even hear, any other view but hers on matters climatic put her in my book into the category of zealot, despot and idiot.
I don’t suppose saying ‘you stupid girl’ in Captain Mainwaring mode, would do any good? 🙂
Rant? We’ve only just begin to rant!
Please continue.
I just dobbed in the Troubadour Truckie as a closet Liberal.
Let’s see what happens as paranoia takes its natural course.
Mak Siccar – Yes, it’s nice to see Pierre Gosselin getting wider coverage. John Hinderaker had a piece on that blog post yesterday. Pierre has been working like a trojan to get German language climate articles into English for a long time. He translates a lot of stuff from Fritz Vahrenholt, who is the German Ian Plimer.
June 16, 2022 at 8:46 am
Thank you.
If I understand you correctly, it sounds like even the solid slug at close range is not likely to do serious damage, assuming it does not penetrate the armour plate.
Mak Siccar:
June 16, 2022 at 8:56 am
Yes, indeed.
Ah thats very thin sheet, mainly for deflecting blades. I think even an arrow would have a good chance of going through it it hit at 90 degrees, and a crossbow bolt certainly. A decent hunting crossbow will go through even modern body armour at less than Level 3 (5.56/.308 rifle) rating.
René Artois Allo Allo -‘You stupid woman!’
Fat Cloive.
Is there no limit to the people he can blame for his own failures?
Top move for a fledgling political party. Sign people as members, take their subscription money/volunteer effort, then have a purge of members based on dibber-dobber emails to Fat Cloive HQ about who might be an “infiltraitor”.
An expert is an expert in a theory. Any field with more than one theory will have more than one flavour of expert.
This is something a university education is supposed to impart – awareness that knowledge comes in competing flavours and the student’s role is to learn to assess each theory and its paradigm on its evidential merits.
I completely agree. In my day (sometime last Century), a University Degree was nearly all about teaching you how to think. That no longer happens, more is the pity.
I don’t suppose saying ‘you stupid girl’ in Captain Mainwaring mode, would do any good? ?
For a White Man to say this, he would then be called a racist.
Dr Faustus, Dr Hairy last nite was spending considerable persuasive efforts to convince me that moving to Florida for the next few years would be wise, for De Santis wouldn’t let Florida become the uncomfortable place in which to reside that Dr Hairy forsees for Australia.
Nah, I say. I want to stay here and face it with our own people. Caring too for the children and grandchildren as best we can. It takes a lot of terror for people to just flee without thought, and I am not there yet.
Uh huh. Of course he did. Someone probably stole it.
Because a series of failure candidates (let alone the ones who didn’t even get to that level) headed by a billionaire firmly cemented in his own self-interest, topped by policies varying according to individual candidates couldn’t possibly be to blame.
No. Had to be ‘stolen freedom votes’.
It’s Australia One without the common sense.
ABCcess radio interviewing AnAl at 7:30.
Apperently today they are holding a ceremony celebrating committing to 30% reduction in CO2 planned by 2035 or something.
I bet not one court catamite there will dare harsh their mellow by asking any inconvenient questions about ruinables and their expense.
It will all be “no more coal… moar money for renew-balls spivs
My back of the envelope calculation says 9 deaths a day now sounds too low.
Back in the ’80s, one of my university jobs was to go to the post mortems of all the road accident deaths in SA ( I was working in the crash lab at the time) and one thing I noted was that pretty much every time I went to a ‘VA – PM’, there was a suicide on the next table. By that metric, the number of suicides and VA deaths was about equal.
At the time, the Australian Road toll was about 3000/yr (8/day), suggesting that the suicide rate was also about 8/day.
Fast forward 40 years, with bigger population and social unrest, I suspect the suicide figure must be higher. Add that to the fact that some ‘vehicle accidents’ are suicides.
I trust that this consists of REAL EVIDENCES, capable of being put before a REAL JURDGE.
The UAP concept is (or was) first rate. It was just hijacked by the kaliedoscope of moon units who were attracted to it. Exhibit A (the NT Independent):
You know they couldnt do more to reopen the people smugglers business if they tried.
The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, has said he sees “no impediment”* to allowing them to stay but the government is yet to confirm when and how this will be achieved.
Asked if it could involve permanent residency, Giles told Guardian Australia: “What I’m intending to do is enable to allow the family to continue in Biloela with certainty which is the position that the prime minister has also articulated.”
“That’s what the community wants and what Australians expect,” he said.
Albanese met the Nadesalingam family on Wednesday after a cabinet meeting in Gladstone.**
The Nadesalingam family is part of a cohort of about 30,000 people seeking asylum who arrived in Australia by boat between August 2012 and December 2013. Labor has not said what will happen to others who have not been found to be refugees in that cohort.***
Giles indicated the Nadesalingam precedent would not necessarily be applied universally – with cases to be treated on a case-by-base basis.
“The powers under the [Migration] Act are discretionary for a reason, because the law can’t codify all unjust circumstances,” he said.****
“These are special circumstances and deserve to be treated on their merits. I think what we’ve seen here is a groundswell within that community [for the Biloela family to stay].”
Labor has made commitments in its platform to abolish temporary protection visas for refugees and to re-evaluate the cases of those found not to be owed protection through the “fast-track assessment” process.*****
* being found not to be a refugee 7 times by various courts is now ‘no impediment’..
** The PM has endorsed, quite explicitly, non refugees gaming the system until a positive outcome is obtained.
*** Gillard/Rudd gifts, proving the people smugglers speil about “Önce you land they cant get rid of you” is 100% correct.
**** This worm speaks of justice when hes allowing non refugees to effective take/buy slots available to those actually already found to be refugees by the UN and awaiting resettlement.
***** 30,000 non refugees to be alocated protection spaces over those who are refugees… because justice… or something.
You know what this means don’t you?
It’s time for … sealed indictments!
Issued by Reiner Fuellmich.
Reported by Gonzalo Peso.
Aka Mr Hyphen Sea-Patrol. Forgive me if I regard him as a fucking idiot.
Further thoughts on the melting down of 130,000 SLR’s by the Australian Government:
These were cambered in 7.62X51 NATO which had a number of disadvantages compared to the 5.56X45 NATO.
Due to improvements in body armour, the USA is now adopting a 6.8X51 round that has a composite case construction, a stainless steel base to allow higher chamber pressures and boost velocity.
Note the appearance of the number 51. My understanding is that this round / size has been selected because the case head is identical to the older 7.62X51 NATO. Hence to convert many existing weapons to the new caliber requires only a barrel change.
Essentially the venerable SLR’s could have been converted to the new caliber with a barrel change. In Civvy Land, a new barrel costs a couple of hundred dollars.
Would a converted SLR be an ideal firearm for this caliber? Absolutely not, but when you had 130,000 of them and your pants are down around your ankles….
Turnbull is the shadow figure in Morrison’s downfall
The 29th prime minister turned himself into a quasi opposition leader – and channelled wavering inner-city Liberals towards the independents, Labor and Greens.
Analyses of the Morrison government’s downfall – an administration removed more for personal resentment towards its leading figures than administrative or economic incompetence – have failed to recognise the contribution of one man: Malcolm Turnbull.
More than any other person outside of parliamentary politics – even more so than the teal independents’ financier Simon Holmes à Court – Turnbull used his eloquence, fame and media connections to define his successor government as amoral and unworthy of office.
The 29th prime minister, who remains a Liberal Party member, turned himself into a quasi opposition leader – one who represented and channelled wavering inner-city Liberals towards the independents, Labor and the Greens.
Turnbull involved himself in every significant scandal and challenge of the Morrison government.
From the supply of vaccines during the pandemic to the construction of nuclear-powered submarines, Turnbull went after the government where it was most vulnerable. His most damaging critiques were over the treatment of women in politics.
Offending women
In the cases of former education minister Alan Tudge and former attorney-general Christian Porter, Turnbull was one of the forces behind the Four Corners exposés into their behaviour, triggering events that led to the destruction of Porter’s reputation from allegations that even those who believed them conceded could never be proved to a criminal level.
When he was forced out of office in 2018, Turnbull spoke fondly of Morrison. Later, after being told Morrison’s involvement in his removal was not benign, he treated the prime minister as an enemy.
He implicated Morrison’s office in a cover-up of a sexual assault allegation in 2019 by young ministerial adviser Brittany Higgins, a story that exposed, more than any other, Morrison’s inability to articulate that he understood the female experience.
Women’s rejection of Morrison’s suburban masculinity was enough on its own to cost the government power.
Policy advocate
Ministers and loyal Liberals dismissed Turnbull as bitter and vengeful. Turnbull said he had a civic responsibility to advocate for good public policy.
Either way, his words resonated. Some of the Coalition seats lost last month experienced record or near-record Liberal support when Turnbull was leader: Kooyong and Higgins in Melbourne, Brisbane and nearby Ryan, Curtin in Perth, and his old Sydney seat of Wentworth – where Turnbull chose not to endorse a Liberal, Dave Sharma, who had the potential to carry a version of Turnbull’s own urbane liberalism to the party’s senior ranks.
I spent a year writing a book about Turnbull’s relationship with the Morrison government. The most common question I’m asked is: Why did he do it?
Even by the rough standards of Australian politics, Turnbull’s treatment of his former colleagues was extreme. It didn’t end with their defeat.
‘Shameful behaviour’
On Monday, in an interview with his preferred media outlet, the ABC, Turnbull accused Morrison and successor Peter Dutton of “shameful” behaviour for swapping French for British or US submarines.
“They did enormous damage to Australia’s national security,” he said on RN’s Breakfast program.
Three other Liberal leaders turned on the party: John Gorton, who was prime minister from 1968 to 1971; Malcolm Fraser, prime minister from 1975 to 1983; and John Hewson, the opposition leader from 1990 to 1994.
None of the three had any significant political impact after they left office, which might make Turnbull a unique and contradictory figure in Liberal history. He led the party to a narrow victory in 2016, and participated in its convincing defeat in 2022.
Turnbull’s motivation is a matter for him to explain. It is hard not to conclude, though, based on his extensive published writings and public comments, that Turnbull regarded Morrison as intellectually or professionally inferior.
Turnbull once described Morrison, a former head of the NSW Liberal Party, as a “classic state director”, by which he seemed to mean that Morrison was unworldly or narrowly political.
To be replaced by such a man must have intensified the pain of defeat. To witness him emerge triumphant from the 2019 election would have felt unjust, a reversal of the order of Turnbull’s natural life.
An impressive leader
Turnbull is impressive when he chooses to be. He can also be brittle and unpleasant. Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley, who once considered Turnbull a good friend, described to me how he complained about being asked to attend a routine campaign event during the almost disastrous 2016 election.
“Do I have to f—ing do this f—ing thing?” he said, according to Ley.
“When he is in front he is unassailable,” Ley added. “When he gets behind, he doesn’t do so well. He doesn’t particularly manage adversity well.”
Turnbull doesn’t have to endure professional adversity any more. His rivals have lost power, and are now arguing with themselves over how to, or whether to, win back voters who were Turnbull’s natural supporters.
The 67-year-old could now savour his electoral vindication, and retire to enjoy his wealth and his family.
Instead, he has chosen to become an international lobbyist for dam-driven electricity generators.
Among the companies he represents, as a board member of the International Hydropower Association, is the Chinese government-owned company that operates the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest, which required the resettlement of 1.3 million people.
That’s one way to save the planet.
Worth mentioning again that the ABC’s correspondent in Colombo did a vox pop of prospective Indian Ocean cruise customers a few days ago: “We’ll be sent to an island but after that we’ll be alowed to stay and live a happy life in Australia.”
Riccardo Bosi, yeah I remember that name. How did he go at the election? Oh yeah, he didn’t even register his party and all of his fake candidates got smashed to smithereens.
He should stick to supporting his wife.
I note that South Australia, that progressive modern state of renewable energy is importing nearly a quarter of its energy needs from Victoria (coal fired) and thus drawing down on the system. And the media and energy pundits are blaming generators and coal fired stations.
A well worn path for former Australian politicans.
Dutifully reading from the script they’ve been handed.
Never mind the 7.62×51 SLR would be a handy thing to have in large tracts of Australia. Reach out and touch someone 800+ meters away…..
Would have been handy for the arming 2nd line troops in case of invasion, or militia as discussed a while back.
Chris Bowen says energy shortage due to ‘decade of under-investment’ in renewables
Luckily, Shitweasel has a cunning “comprehensive national plan” to set things aright:
So, 97.3% probability it’s the much-loved, back-of-a-coaster, Rewiring the Nation Plan and AEMO’s acclaimed Integrated System Plan.
Plus a vast bucket of OPM laid out to entice AGL, Origin, and China Light and Power to provide ‘too cheap to meter’ hopey hope electricity.
Iron Law: When a complex, large scale engineering and investment problem catches fire and starts to burn to the waterline, the very best solutions are developed by ministers and political advisors in three days of brown-trouser Zoom meetings.
At least he was already Mr Harbourside Mansion thanks to Ozemail and his Packer era insider mates.
The sham of the NEM is exposed through the flaming wreck.
The First Viking Invasion of England—This Month in Catholic History
Among the most astonishing miracles of grace is the transformation of the Vikings from bloodthirsty heathens into committed Christians.
This is a well written article for those interested.
“YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice #211: Marc Andreessen
SloMo’s late capitulation on zet zero laid the groundwork for this narrative.
Dr. Faustus, would you mind if I made your 9.03am comment a guest post? And is the
Maintainence and replacement of the batteries or of the entire unit (generation and storage)?
I watched my mother break the odd wooden spoon like that.
Once I remember, my younger brother let go a few choice words and mum appeared
This time she had the old silver-plate table spoon that apparently Nan once stole from a train.
Not sure exactly why but I copped that right between the eyes.
anyway I have that spoon now and I’m safe as long as she doesnt know where it is
Those unwise people pulling the piss out of UAP/Cloive’s suffering at the hands of Traitors should reflect:
You are too eager to mock and much too stupid to notice the “important current or future plans”.
In the works.
Best minds.
begging the question
Wooden spoon stories and African boarding schools. My mother’s headmistress used to dish out the punishment with a sand shoe across the backside. Apparently she used to keep a bucket of water in her office so she could wet it beforehand, thus maximising the effect. She is still convinced that the school chef (big, fat, sweaty) used to press the fish cakes into patties with his armpit.
It didn’t help. Unless you are an actual goldfish, going to an election with the same policies as the Opposition from the last one does present some rhetorical problems.
Monty implies that Lefties are brought up to be spoilt brats. That definitely figures.
What a freakin’ scam that was.
I always wondered if Trumble chose not to be part of Offset Alpine or whether they froze him out.
He was the one of the few cronies who missed that boat.
“With your help, we hope to identify these individuals who seek only to disrupt us.”
Here’s a name of one individual…..Clive Palmer.
Clive Palmer is the ultimate “disruptor”, he always manages to ultimately disrupt his own political creations.
The young lady who blames earthquakes on climate change and is willing to take her medicine of no power to save the world. There are many like her; their screams will not be edifying or indicative of enlightenment:
But we still have our Mosins right? … I’ve got hits with mine out to 800 Arshins
Never mind the 7.62×51 SLR would be a handy thing to have in large tracts of Australia. Reach out and touch someone 800+ meters away…..
I haven’t had a look at the 6.8, but my guess is that it’s even flatter shoot than the 7.62 and probably comparable at 800 metres.
Flat shooting is useful when your 2nd line consists largely of Suburban Mongs.
Anyway, all pure conjecture because The Australian Government paid for them to be destroyed. People should remember that when they’re drilling holding a broomsticks. Because they certainly won’t forget it when they facing down the enemy holding grandpa’s under and over shotgun.
She is still convinced that the school chef (big, fat, sweaty) used to press the fish cakes into patties with his armpit.
Please don’t elaborate on how he made the hole in the round doughnuts then. The mind boggles as to what part of the anatomy he might have used………Not the fingers,. thumb or big toe then………lol
Jesse Watters reacts to Fauci testing positive for COVID-19
Rickw, the new 6.8 kind of negates the advantages a bit by running a short barrel and a high chamber pressure. 80,000 PSI from memory. The rifle the US has adopted is also just as heavy as a M14, something like the 6.5×55 swede would’ve done just as well from a decent barrel length, modern manufacturing and powder loads.
The yanks are trying to be all things to all people again. How much better off would it have been just to adopt the round the poms proposed back in the 50’s?
How can Fauci get COVID?
Four jabs.
Double masker.
Scary times.
Better have another jab and maybe another mask.
It’s a bit more angry and dashed off than your normal guest posts, but sure.
Even without catastrophic failure, network batteries lose capacity: the literature suggests 8 to 12 years and on average they are not doing 25% of their job. Replaced by 20 years.
Similarly wind turbines: European experience is they are replaced at between 15 to 20 years – although many fail sooner.
Solar: longer time to failure, but a wide range of estimates: 10 to 50 years. Solar farm installations are estimated to live 25 years – although that’s panels, not the associated Sun-following technology.
Not a shooter, but if called up despite being long in tooth I’d be delighted to carry a SLR. Liked it much better than the M-16 or the M-60. I don’t know why, it was just nice for some gut feel reason. It’s a shame they’ve been melted down. I haven’t liked any other firearm as much, although my dad’s old Lee Enfield was a fine beast.
There’s been some snootiness about the DNR militia using Mosin-Nagants. I don’t think the rifle is the issue, training and tactics would be, yes, but Mr Hayha used one with some slight success.
June 15, 2022 at 10:05 pm
I reckon it’s Steve. You know he lurks.
Sad. m0nty-fa is gagging for a tick from Steve from Brissy.
Sorry, m0nty-fa, not going to happen. SfB knows that, as a Kulak, you are ideologically unreliable. He sees you as a useful tool of the revolution, to be sent to the Gulag later.
She thinks renewable energy means we’d “never have bush fires, floods or earthquakes ever again”?
Wow. That’s a 9th dan level of clueless crazy.
We won’t be spitting the dummy for much the same reasons. Despite the barnacles, Australia is a pretty beaut place.
just got notice from electrickery co that sydney electrickery price has just more than doubled to over 50c/kwh and solar feed in has halved. what kind of witchcraft is this??
We won’t be spitting the dummy for much the same reasons. Despite the barnacles, Australia is a pretty beaut place.
yes it is actually- the more I see of it and the more I learn about the pioneers, the more amazed and impressed I am.
No words.
For those wanting to skip the pain of actually watching the complete lack of anything resembling accountability by the vic government, voice for Victoria is watching and tweeting summaries for the pandemic accountability and oversight committee here:
Figures. You all act as if you got smacked as children.
What’s with the “You all”?
Have you used up your allotment of “You lots” for June?
BTW, Cassie will not be amused.
June 16, 2022 at 9:58 am
It’s Australia One without the common sense.
Riccardo Bosi, yeah I remember that name. How did he go at the election? Oh yeah, he didn’t even register his party and all of his fake candidates got smashed to smithereens.
He should stick to supporting his wife.
m0nty-fa’s nasty streak is never far below the surface. It’s the envy element of socialism.
m0nty-fa’s nasty streak is never far below the surface.
correct- spiteful and malicious. Not much caring and sharing.
Well said! What was it Churchill said” Socialism is the creed of envy?”
Resident Mindworms tackling the big issues…
Decrying what he called the “ultra-Maga” agenda, Biden said states have introduced hundreds of bills targeting LGBTQ+ people, that parents of transgender youth are being harassed in Texas and Mickey Mouse is targeted in Florida for Walt Disney’s*defense of gay rights.
“These attacks are real and consequential for real families,” Biden said.
The measures also include encouraging the placement of LGBTQ+ children in foster homes** that support their sexual orientation*** and creating a new working group on LGBTQ+ homelessness. They come after the Department of Justice has challenged some conservative state laws on trans kids as unconstitutional.
* Id say Walt Disneys zombie might be surprised at his new found support for chemically castrating pre-teens, but Hiden probably thinks hes still alive.
** Not creepy
*** Not surrounding them with pro trans proaganda.
In effect once a kid slips into the grasp of the trans/medical lobby the skids are greased to ensure a good little gelding is produced as the end product.
Thanks, P. I am one of those who is interested.
Busy rewatching series 5 of The Last Kingdom. Set in those times.
Not always kind to Christianity, but still conveys the same essential story.
The Christians won. They had a better message and brought literacy and Romanitas back.
I remember Grandad chasing me down the street after I was playing petrol stations with my sister…. garden hose directed into the fuel tank of his 4wd, circa 1970 Balgowlah.
Dad tells me he dismantled his fuel system as a result. Got a bollocking from Dad.
toilet seat
Bosi’s biggest issue was all the rice & onions he self declared that he was living on.
Anybody with a bag of magic beans, NEM is ready to take your call.
Yes. We’ve all been beaten as children which explains us apparently.
Girls were treated with respect not physical whacks in my day, M0nts. Toddlers though were given a tap on the behind or the hand, more indicative than hurtful in any way. Boys were punished physically because young boys are very physical in their testing of authority. Authority responded likewise.
Obviously, most parents relied still on calm talk about a strict morality, viz, know to do the right thing, which is clearly outlined for you, and if you transgress then expect a consequence. Basically, be responsible for your actions.
The extremes today are parents who ask the child’s permission for everything they wish the child to do. Proper parental guidance flies out of the window. I can’t think of a better way to create a confused boundaryless and self-entitled generation, such as that which we see in many stressed families today.
Am I cynical for thinking the sudden hiccups in power supply are a carefully arranged act of mutual convinience between the new government 9pledged to roll out rivers of gold to renew-balls spivs) and the the spivs themselves?
Would I be bad if I expected a number of no paper trail conversations were had between certain politicians and the companies that have suddenly decided to shit the tin?
I wonder what Brandon thinks about Walt’s other interests.
Dr Faustus, it posts at 12pm. I’ve added your follow-up as an endnote.
If Walt was still alive (and/or I had a time machine), I’d be looking to cadge an invitation to one of his backyard barbecues.
And OG Walt would be so far up the MAGA spectrum these days (and not by any fault of his own- The Overton Window has indeed shifted that far), that his own employees and minions would be parading* outside his office and home by day and night with torches lit and pitchforks held high…
* Imagery is deliberate. And Lucasfilm is now a Disney Property. Suck it, Mouse!
Given the state of water supplies and the spiv based “fixes” put in place this is a perfect analogy.
Bowen says we can store water, we should be able to store power
By Marta Pascual Juanola
Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen has fired back at calls to keep coal generators in Australia’s energy system because renewable power doesn’t always flow.
Bowen reiterated the long-term solution to energy pressures was a shift to cleaner energy.
“You can say the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine. Well, the rain doesn’t always fall either but we managed to store the water,” Bowen said.
“We can store the renewable energy if we have the investment, and that is an investment that has been lacking for the last decade, that’s the problem.”
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s press conference has been dominated by the nation’s power crisis and the Australian Energy Market Operator’s unprecedented move to suspend the east-coast electricity market until further notice.
Asked whether Australians could be certain the challenges would be addressed and no blackouts would take place, Albanese said the government was working with the operators to address the woes but “you can’t fix a decade of inaction in 10 days”.
“You had politics and scare campaigns put ahead of good policy, and now we are having to deal with the consequences of that,” he told reporters.
Albanese said investment had gone into producing clean energy in Australia but an antiquated transmission system meant it wasn’t being fed into the grid.
“Meanwhile, the ageing coal-fired power stations have been more susceptible to outages and disruptions because they are old,” he said.
Bowen said the move by the AEMO was aimed at fixing a national energy market that wasn’t working as it was intended and would not continue for a day more than needed.
He said ongoing energy shortages were driven by scheduled and unscheduled outages at aging coal-fired power stations which were being repaired by generators and remained confident blackouts and load shedding could be avoided.
“What we’ll do is keep doing what we are doing,” he said.
“State and territory ministers convened some short-term responses, some medium and longer-term responses, including giving AEMO the power to store gas and release it when necessary.
Funny the 3 of us who carpool (all currently teaching manual arts)were speculating the same thing this morning.
I think, Matrix, you might be confusing bat crud with monkeypox.
WHO Investigating Possibility Monkeypox is Sexually Transmitted (Newsmax, 15 Jun)
Isn’t it so comforting that we have such perspicacious people in charge of such things?
“BTW, Cassie will not be amused.”
I’ll just have to ramp it up!
I reckon the collapse of the electricity infrastructure is going exactly as planned. It reminds me of part of Christopher Booker’s The Real Global Warming Disaster where I recall reading that the 70s energy crisis was pretty much kept going by Carter.
Earthquake girl. She likes dogs, porpoises, sand between her toes, piña coladas, and gettin’ caught in the rain; she’s not much into health food but is into champagne; and makin’ love at midnight in the dunes on the cape.
I wish to state for the historical record Cats,
That I look forward to Benito M0ntylini’s young pride and joy discovering the concept of teenage rebellion…
…And taking out a membership in one of the LNP’s right-leaning factions.
And then successfully standing for preselection in his home seat.
He needn’t ever win an election, but watching the Fat Man go utterly ballistic in perpetuity would be glorious!
Dumb pollie comments could keep this country going forever if we could turn them into electricity.
I’ll withdraw this comment when he advocates a dozen hydroelectricity dams.
Which he won’t. It’s canonical doctrine that dams are bad for Gaia.
It would be a vindication if he foresaw something would happen and he was proved right. Trumble, according to the article, made it happen. That is not vindication. It is revenge.
Trumble’s problem (one of many) is that however smart he is, he thinks he is smarter, so he fails.
He openly campaigned against the Libs, but the Libs still will not cut him loose. So the party leadership must be fine with it.
Why should I support a party that won’t even support itself?
Why should I support a party that won’t even support itself?
turns out that a Brains Trust cant actually hold brains … they have to be distributed to beneficiaries
Hard to imagine anyone more useless than Angus Taylor and than along comes the Bowen grub/parasite
At least Angus was easier on the eye.
if you posit things as (x,y,z….) (t) you can represent that as world lines and unfold t into a physical dimension as past present and future to be able to map it and discuss it. when you add a time dimension t’ to get (x,y,z,…) (t, t’) how would you represent that? given t’ is not a physical dimension, then you can consider t’ as a view into all the possible virtual views of the evolution of (x,y,z)(t) past present and future likely within light cone c. t’ doesnt represent parallel universes since its not physical. we don’t really have words to describe it other then maybe virtual worlds, or ghost worlds or holographic. if you unwrap the wave equation across t’ in a similar way you unwrap past,present and future on world lines then the 2slit experiment becomes a demonstration of conservation of information across (t,t’) or a universal consistency principle.
so when you place a detector at a particular slit you occlude inconsistent paths through (t,t’). The addition of t’ means that this is an information based theory. We perceive evolution through t as change, but have no reference point to suggest we may be evolving through t’ and certainly no language for it. one way to look at it is that what evolves through t’ is the entirety of t. thats why I called it parallel time. from the vantage point of t anything perpendicular along t’ is perceive as instantaneous. this allows the idea of superimposed states to be understood as not physical but parallel temporal. it’s a hard concept to wrap your head around.
putting some maths to this is way above my pay grade
Be grateful for small mercies:
WHO discourages mass vaccination for monkeypox outbreak
Although a slight worry that WHO is only “discouraging” mass vaccination.
Personally I’ll be managing my own risk by avoiding every sort of monkeypox jab. We’re certainly not ‘All in this Together’.
sorry Nannas, but it’s the back of the canoe for youse
like all good commies, the kiddies are coming for you stuff
All this talk of body armour and how it works prompted a question:
Why is it illegal to buy, own or wear body armour in Australia?
Nuttin’ better than having access to other peoples money .. FFS
AnAl coughs up $700million over the odds and Macaroon sez, “Je t’aim” ..
Why is it illegal to buy, own or wear body armour in Australia?
Can’t have the plebs protecting themselves.
Similarly females can’t buy pepper spray to protect themselves from molesters at night. As the police can’t and the courts don’t lock up the crooks ’cause the parliament won’t legislate for minimum sentences.
Strange, they seem to manage in Singapore.
It takes at least 4 years (full-time) to qualify as a nurse so not exactly a”quick fix” initiative .. LOL!
They’ll be looking to mass-import nurses from outside Australia, and use streamlined bridging courses to align whatever near-parity skillsets and qualifications they have to Australian standards.
There’s a reason there’s a preponderance of English and Irish accents among the younger medical staff, and a great many from the subcontinent.
Sometimes it pays to read the “small print after the “headline” clickbait .. LOL!
The mine, near Muswellbrook, is approved to operate until 2026, but BHP has told the ASX it would apply to extend that until 2030.
Thanks, P. I remember reading Tom Holland on the unlikely spread of Christianity through Scandinavia and Germany. Quite miraculous.
Zipster, have you read “The Fabric of Reality” by David Deutsch? He’s a Many Worlds advocate.
“Tax on [property] turnover means people are in houses that don’t suit their circumstance. So, we would get a better allocation of houses if we replace stamp duty with land tax,” Tulip said.
Or, God forbid, it’s as simple as old folk feeling more secure and comfortable being in the surroundings they are used too …!
Make your own.
It’s traditional.
They’ll be looking to mass-import nurses from outside Australia, and use streamlined bridging courses to align whatever near-parity skillsets and qualifications they have to Australian standards.
My reading of it is they/we are investing in training “local” folk .. maybe it’s ambiguous enough to cover all options .. LOL!
Paging Paul Hogan!
Researchers discover crocodile species that likely preyed on human ancestors (Phys.org, 15 Jun)
Yes, that is the first sentence of this report. Giant dwarf crocodiles…
I like that they really are giant dwarf crocodiles, which just happen to be almost exactly the same size as current crocodiles. Science can be ineffable sometimes.
I suppose if you have Permanent Residency, you count as ‘Local…’ 😉
Oh, and if you settle in the State and district in question (kinda important to work in a local hospital)…
😉 😉 😉
Monty Python did a sketch about that, once…
Re nurses, my wife let her registration lapse due to an extended illness, early last year she was able to go back to work and looked for a re registration course, very few options and all of them expensive, we live in rural Vic and at the time there were no courses here, she was considering one in Rockhampton that was around six months online but required six weeks in Rocky for practical training. Just before she applied one came available at LaTrobe, online with a four week practical at a place near Wodonga, so she applied and was accepted. The nurses registration board dragged things out and charged fees, the cost of the course itself was around$10k from memory. She’s back working and happy but it’s not easy to get reregistered here. I wonder what the overseas nurses have to do and how much it costs to get registered here.
Jorge, I lifted the article from the National Catholic Register without acknowledging the author –
Thomas J. Craughwell – Blogs – June 16, 2017
who died one year later at 61 yrs on June 13, 2018.
Raising interest rates in the US is going to have consequences for the ECB which Christine Lagarde has lulled into dreamland. It has already exposed the Yen and that could very likely trigger another cascading Asian currencies crisis and help to bring the yuan undone. That in turn will spread to Europe, starting with Italy, but infecting everyone in the EU including, finally, Germany. One by one countries will clamour to leave the EU when they realise there are no more bailouts coming their way. When this happens the WEF dream of a Great Reset will crumble and the US will be left astride the smoking ruin it worked for all along.
Who’d a thunk it .. researchers with a sense of humour .. or maybe it’s just me left wonderin’ ..!
GIANT DWARF CROCODILES! .. shirley, ya gotta be one or the other .. LOL!
The 303 ? …. be still my heart 🙂
Nature already perfected the means to store solar energy..
it’s called coal
Using words of no more then two syllables, on a single sheet of paper, can someone explain to me, why the television screen, in the waiting room of the cancer centre of a Perth hospital, needs to display a “Acknowledgement of country” an “acknowledgement of the elders” and a reminder as to what season it is on the local Aboriginal’s calendar?
It’s no wonder “fitba” has soo many knockers when you get this sort of stupidity at any level let alone “international” .. FFS!
Re the nurse reregistration courses, the one in Rockhampton was around $10k too from memory
The Feds dont want you bullet resistant or the same reason they dont want you armed…. they want all the toys for themselves lest you get uppity… this is why all tyrants disarm their populations as soon as they can
as to what season it is on the local Aboriginal’s calendar?
That’s a”newie” got a full season list? .. asking for a friend .. LOL!
Grifters gonna grift.
Marxists gonna Marx.
Wotcher gonna do ’bout it, normies?
Using words of no more then two syllables
Cos they/re wan/kers
There’s a reason there’s a preponderance of English and Irish accents among the younger medical staff, and a great many from the subcontinent.
That’s the myth.
Thai, Filipino & more south Americans these days.
The agencies scoop ’em up & bring them here.
Noongar Six Seasons
Birak (December – January)
Bunuru (February – March)
Djeran (April – May)
Makuru (June – July)
Djilba (August – September)
Kambarang (October – November)
Police shooting from the 2min 30 mark.
How many people would this nutter have killed if he didn’t commit suicide by cop.
The EM-1 and -2 rifles designed to use the .280 British ‘kurz’ round derived from the .303 were gorgeous and well-engineered pieces of kit.
Except that the US Army would never suffer anything less than 30-06 Springfield or similar.
I mean, it did give us the FAL and MAG-58, but the .280 British would have been an interesting avenue to explore.
Who knows? We might even see it back… 🙂
Sounds about right, too.
Comment on the Chris Dawson trial, which dragging itself along by inches. Latest today was:
‘Get rid of her for good’: court hears alleged exchange in Chris Dawson murder trial
All the “evidence” so far seems mere verbal similar stories. Not one piece of concrete evidence that wife Lyn’s disappearance was caused by the accused.
A jury might well see the weight of evidence as being significant, but seeing as it’s a judge-only trial it looks like he might be acquitted. Pity. Poor Lyn.
there really needs to be an entrance test at every voting booth.
You know, something brain-teasy like a couple of different shaped pegs and holes.
“The obvious question the is: How have we, as a society, failed those women.”
No, no, no.
The obvious question is: what can we do to encourage women to neck themselves at the same rate as men? We MUST have equity, and there is no way that we can supply resources to MEN, so reducing their suicide rate is a non-starter. Therefore, we must encourage women to equal men in this regard.
It’s also blindingly obvious that women are under-represented in being gaoled, under-represented in dying at war, under-represented in committing violent crime and so on. We MUST encourage them to match men in these regards – preferably to exceed them (equity is just not good enough, we have to make up for centuries of oppression here!)
You know it makes sense (to a leftie).
They aren’t sufficiently discriminatory to be effective- You don’t need to be particularly smart or spatially aware to pass one of those tests if you’re physically strong enough…
CNN Puts Inflation into a Political Context
June 15, 2022 | Sundance
early last year she was able to go back to work and looked for a re registration course, very few options and all of them expensive
Same in WA.
We have a handful of ex-nurses (RNs) who’d like to do part time work here, but re-registering just makes is such a massive pain in the ass they wont do it.
We MUST have equity, and there is no way that we can supply resources to MEN, so reducing their suicide rate is a non-starter.
On their ABCcess they had an acknowledgement that med died earlier than women, and a need to close the gap etc.
“whats this” I mused to myself “ABC looking at a problem affecting men”???
Within about 1 minute the bait and switch was revealed, no call for resources, just an insistence men must be more like women.
After that I drove in blissful silence again.
All Quite on the Western Front was on my youngest son’s VCE reading list just 8/9 years ago.
Neither that nor Gatsby (considered the greatest American novel) are obscure.
Tucker Carlson on Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tonight:
“The descendant of conquistadors is once again lecturing you about racism.”
Holy shit!
That was quick.
Some people say he should’ve aimed for the legs.
Some people.
“You know, something brain-teasy like a couple of different shaped pegs and holes.”
Pegs and holes? How is something that holds clothes to the clothesline gonna help tell yas I’m smart, let lone somthin that just aint there?
Can I vote now? I really want that Centrelink payrise dem Lay-ba folks is talking about – them sound likes the one for me, bro, day got my vote.
Eloquently put, a good summary of ‘experts’ today.
“Some people say he should’ve aimed for the legs. “
Probably do something if it was a shotgun…
Top Ender says:
June 16, 2022 at 12:39 pm
Why is it illegal to buy, own or wear body armour in Australia?
Can’t have the plebs protecting themselves.
Similarly females can’t buy pepper spray to protect themselves from molesters at night.
Years ago (maybe 20-25) in SA it was possible to buy small pepper spray canisters and although it wasn’t legal, they were seemingly readily available albeit ‘under the counter’. They were specifically for personal protection and were tiny (about the size of a women’s lipstick) and many women carried them in their handbags.
Then, somebody in Govt said that they could be used to incapacitate women and various threats were issued by the Police that pepper spray was classified as an offensive weapon and fines or even jail could be the penalty for possession. Those who were selling them were warned/fined and availability largely evaporated.
As far as I know, personal pepper spray is only legal in WA, subject to ‘reasonable excuse’.
If Plod shot a murderous villain in the leg instead of the highly recommended centre of mass, the Usual Suspects would be screaming “police torture”.
“You don’t need to be particularly smart or spatially aware to pass one of those tests if you’re physically strong enough…”
What’s your point?
Just because you have the physical co-ordination of a spastic in a tumble dryer doesn’t mean you can’t get a drivers license…
If Plod shot a murderous villain through the legs, and severed the femoral artery, you could hear the howls on the moon.
if you posit things as (x,y,z….) (t) you can represent that as world lines and unfold t into a physical dimension as past present and future to be able to map it and discuss it. when you add a time dimension t’ to get (x,y,z,…) (t, t’) how would you represent that? given t’ is not a physical dimension, then you can consider t’ as a view into all the possible virtual views of the evolution of (x,y,z)(t) past present and future likely within light cone c. t’ doesnt represent parallel universes since its not physical. we don’t really have words to describe it other then maybe virtual worlds, or ghost worlds or holographic. if you unwrap the wave equation across t’ in a similar way you unwrap past,present and future on world lines then the 2slit experiment becomes a demonstration of conservation of information across (t,t’) or a universal consistency principle.
Homer explained it best:
The Frolicking Moll:
We thought the the “Stolen Generations” was a big deal.
Just wait until this steaming mess hits the fan with the next generation of Lawyers in the US, Australia & GB.
Because shutup, Winston explained.
This piece of filth should serve life…in solitary confinement…….hanging in chains…upside down.
Someone’s made up a new Mess Game, military Cats:
(Who can see a bunch of young Diggers taking this a wee bit too far? 🙂 )
Just because you have the physical co-ordination of a spastic in a tumble dryer doesn’t mean you can’t get a drivers license…
Actually, it does .. towel-head near me on the ‘rorters” for being classed as a “head-case” passed his NSW driving test 1st time .. LOL!
Less furious agreement out of you, my good man… 😀
(But let’s face it- If you put one of these blocks out the front of a polling booth and you bar entry to anyone who can’t put the correctly shaped blocks into the holes, you really can’t deny entry to someone who physically smashes the squarish shapes into the rounded holes. Unless they concuss themselves into unconsciousness in the process)
Someone, please, explain to him in words of three or less syllables why that is not currently possible on the scale required and is unlikely to be so for the foreseeable future.
Just dropped wife at Sydney airport to go to Fathers Funeral. The driving of so many on the way back was atrocious, the worst is slow drivers pulling in front of faster traffic. One did it to me in the M5 tunnel and the again 5km later to a cop. I can assure listeners that ABS works well on cop cars and so do blue and red flashing lights. Trucks taking 5-10km to pass another truck blocking the road. Cars going from the right hand lane to the off ramp at the last second. Where’s my rocket launcher.
Why is it illegal to buy, own or wear body armour in Australia?
Because shutup, Winston explained.”
No, Winston – it’s because it’s THE LAW, one made by your betters, so just shut up and OBEY.
Can’t allow them Ned Kelly worshipers to get their way, where’d we be then, eh?
Handy stat for your next BBQ or family gathering:
345 coal plants are presently under construction across the world.
None of them in Australia.
No Nuke, No Work?
No COVID tests needed to fly to NZ.
Remember when horse face blamed Australia for COVID.
She really demonstrates that a mental pygmy can end up PM of NZ.
A filthy political creature.
A gollum.
Not knowing where they are going nor how to get there.
Steel is rather expensive, and your basic Ned Kelly-styled wrought iron plate will be lucky to stop 00 buckshot.
Trucks taking 5-10km to pass another truck blocking the road.
Otherwise known as every day on the M5.
There’s been some snootiness about the DNR militia using Mosin-Nagants. I don’t think the rifle is the issue, training and tactics would be, yes, but Mr Hayha used one with some slight success.
A Mosin-Nagant in good condition shouldn’t be discounted. One of my iron sighted mosins was out shooting my sisters brand new Remmington 700 with a telescope. The Remington turned out to have a barrel manufacturing defect but it was very amusing at the time!
Sancho Panzi
Does “dobbing in” gain you more soap from the boys in the yard as you sing in North Melbourne?
Does anyone here have standing?
Down town Mariopol is looking pretty good.
An Arab gang was responsible for recently abusing two Ukrainian refugee children in Sweden, according to the victims’ mother and police reports.
Portuguese authorities have identified and arrested a 41-year-old Pakistani national strongly suspected of raping a 6-year-old Ukrainian refugee, marking yet another horrific case of Ukrainian refugees facing s3x yak assault and r@p3 inside European refugee shelters.
Dunno. I’m an expert, still trying to charge my EV using my IPhone.
To be honest, she only got the position in the first place due to the confusion that is New Zealand’s Proportional Representation system, and the fact that Winston Peters thought her the most manipulable of all his potential coalition partners.
After that, it was purely the ‘wow’ factor of a youngish female who spouted all the correct inner-urban Shibboleths and made the NZedia’s trousers explode.
Now, all the media fluffing in the world is not going to help her, given her party’s efforts to tax cow farts, racially divide the nation and impoverish anyone on the land or who looks like they have more than 2 bucks to their name…
She’s a prettier Kevni. Nothing more.
There is only one way to look at the O’Biden/Harris Administration’s record on the economy and economic management.
They are deliberately try to crash the US – and by extension – the World economy.
This is the only explanation.
A 22-year-old pregnant woman has been found decapitated, just weeks before her family were set to surprise her with a baby shower.
Liese Dodd, who was eight months pregnant with her first child, was discovered by her mother in her apartment in Alton, Illinois, on Thursday.
Her decapitated head was found in a dumpster outside the building in a murder police have described as ‘abominable’.
It is not that sort of blog,
unless JC is on the viagra again.
It’s not the weapon.
It’s the attitude of the ‘loving’ Masters towards their ‘rescuees’ and loyal fellow Russian subjects that is the problem. Both from external observers and from sources within the so-called ‘Peoples’ Republics.’
But we don’t talk about that here- It upsets the vatniks…
I do when I’m not sitting down…
“An Arab gang was responsible for recently abusing two Ukrainian refugee children in Sweden, according to the victims’ mother and police reports.
Portuguese authorities have identified and arrested a 41-year-old Pakistani national strongly suspected of raping a 6-year-old Ukrainian refugee, marking yet another horrific case of Ukrainian refugees facing s3x yak assault and r@p3 inside European refugee shelters.”
According to one here, the Arab gang and the Pakistani national have “legitimate grievances”.
In the land of the sheep dog trials, anything is possible.
Australia turned into Detroit so quickly.
The driving of so many on the way back was atrocious
I’m seeing more of that. I’m calling it spike injuries. 🙂
Big call that one.
I remember when China blamed Australia for covid.
Imported on chilled meat packaging from SW QLD, so they claimed.
Very nearly put a family business out of business.
I see Marles is now asking China for (unrelated) punitive restrictions on Australian food imports to be lifted.
Soon enough we’ll be back on the Chinese bandwagon. We don’t learn.
She’s a prettier Kevni. Nothing more.
Well, female. Prettier?
Transport NSW staff told to rug up or work from home as office heating is set to be reduced
NSW Transport : We’re doing out part.
Would you like to know more?
Our part !
Like your style Frank.
Despite what Sheridan & Kelly in the Oz are saying.
Nothing has changed between Australia & China.
Marles is a very odd chap.
He shouldn’t be allowed near the crayons, let along overseas.
Rex Anger:
Magic Powder will do the trick – they can’t hit what they don’t see.
They haven’t tried a sheep dog for PM but it would be an improvement!
Although the sight of Biden cuddling the NZ dog would be horsendous.
Compare the Pair:
Sheep dog trials. All of them acquitted.
Not to worry…Elbow gave him Defence.
Allegedly and apparently, and it is said by some:
It’s because legislators are terrified of bank robbers using them, a la the excellent Heat scene. There’ve been a couple of active shooter events in the US where the crooks have worn it, forcing the jacks to retreat to gun shops for bigger and better weaponry.
Also, bikies would apparently wander around in it along with every halfwit wanting an aura of indestructibility, thus reducing the fatality rates in underworld shootings.
It seems to have escaped some that people wanting a semi-auto centrefire rifle or anything like it badly enough will also be able to get hold of some form of ballistic protection.
‘I’d like to buy that SKS with the sear worn down you have in the back your ute, along with the 500 rounds next to it.’
‘No problem. You want some body armour as well?’
“Good Lord, no. That would be illegal.’