@dom_lucre BREAKING NEWS: The South African National Assembly announced that they will be confiscating the land, assets and money from…
@dom_lucre BREAKING NEWS: The South African National Assembly announced that they will be confiscating the land, assets and money from…
Just have a ‘Double’ and you can get away with it. Easy peasy.
Just love the fact that a tough shearer from NSW put the 17 year old would be terrorist in a…
The Bee. Again, nothing much to laugh about. U.K. Imam Opens Service With Land Acknowledgment Of Indigenous Britons That Once…
How are the ankles? Back?
The scum also rises. Via the Telum daily media moves newsletter:
NOVA Entertainment Podcast Network debuts Dear Clementine
Clementine Ford has joined the NOVA Entertainment Podcast Network as the Host of her own new podcast, Dear Clementine. Clementine offers readers advice in each episode, answering questions about relationships, work dilemmas, and more.
Clementine is the author of several books, including Fight Like A Girl and Boys Will Be Boys.
A new episode of Dear Clementine is released each Thursday.
Listeners can send their questions to Clementine at [email protected]
You’re on the Cat, which is your safe space. You wouldn’t survive anywhere else. It’s like a hothouse for rare tropical dickheads.
UNBELIEVABLE! Look At This Piece Of Paper Biden Is Holding With Instructions Reminding Him To Do The Most Basic Things
As Joe Biden met with wind industry executives at the White House on Thursday, the gaffe-prone illegitimate commander-in-chief mistakenly held a cheat sheet backwards.
The card showcased to the world step-by-step guidance prepared by his staff instructing him to the illegitimate president to do the most basic things.
“YOU enter the Roosevelt room and say hello to participants,” the notecard states.
The staff wrote the words “you” and “your” in capitalized letters to emphasize to the leader of the free world, who regularly forgets where he is, who he is talking to, what he is talking about and who he is, the appropriate time to sit or speak.
“YOU take YOUR seat,” advised the card, titled, “Offshore Wind Drop-By Sequence of Events.”
“YOU give brief comments,” the instructions continued.
The card also instructed Biden which reporter to take a question from.
“YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question,” the staff wrote. “YOU Thank participants.”
You’re on the Cat, which is your safe space. You wouldn’t survive anywhere else.
Projecting again, m0nty.
How do you know where I go and what I do?
Especially now that we’re getting our freedoms back, even though the big bad virus is still out there.
Squeal, m0nty! Squeal like a pig!
This ‘lived experience’ thing needs to be called out.
Everybody has a ‘lived experience’ and it is different to everybody else’s. So what?
What the identity mongers are saying is that some ‘lived experiences’ are superior to others.
They are setting up a hierarchy based on their opinions of whose ‘lived experiences’ are more important than those of less favoured people.
BTW, watched a couple of shows in a series on SBS (I know) about migrant integration. The first was about Assyrians, Christians, who fled religious persecution from you know who. Well, well, they are all employed and integrated.
The second was about the Viets in Inala, Brisbane. They interviewed a woman whose mother had sent her out via people smugglers as a child, in the hope of getting a better life and avoiding retribution from the VietComs because her father was an officer in the Army.
It’s a long story, but she eventually landed in Brisbane, got her mother and siblings over, but her father died before all that. They are now productive and integrated Aussies.
Of course, SBS cherry-picks their stories. But I think that the Vietnamese refugees, for example, have been a net positive, despite the drug trade in Cabramatta. Look at Luke Nguyen, a guy who worked in his parents’ modest Cabramatta restaurant from the time he could carry anything and is now a successful restauranteur and media star. OK, it’s a cherry-pick, but my family contacts in Sydney’s far western suburbs suggest that Vietenamese men and women are doing well and intermarrying.
The elephant in the room is the Islamic crowd, who have no intention of integrating. Nobody is allowed to say that, though.
Oh, and in this town of many Snowy Scheme descendants, I still see and hear groups of old blokes chatting over coffee in Slavic languages. Considering that they were fed boiled mutton, it’s a miracle that they are still alive.
Just remind me, monty. What happened to your blog?
Jo Nova exposes the hippie climate “scientists” and their models at her blog.
ENSO is playing games with climate scientists — mocking their ability to predict the single greatest natural short term climate swing factor. The El Niño–Southern Oscillation drives floods, droughts, bushfires, and essentially pushes the planetary temperatures up and down on a year by year basis. Nothing determines the year’s climate headlines more than this one thing, yet climate scientists haven’t the faintest idea what drives it.
When they learn not to be slaves to models?
June 24, 2022 at 1:01 pm
Frozen Brussels Sprouts?
Brussels sprouts are not a foodstuff, they are a projectile. This has been confirmed by research in boarding school and university residential college dining halls.
Fact check: 100% correctomundo.
Toad, for years I was a regular on the Bishop Hill site run by Andrew Montford (UK). It was dedicated to using science and maths to debunk the global climate catastrophe agenda.
It was an outstandingly good site – BoN may wish to comment. The problem was that the many high-powered scientific contributors continued to imagine that it was about science.
Every couple of weeks someone would post something that HAH! proved that it was all a lie. But nothing happened.
I became unpopular for saying that it was not about science, it was about politics.
Andrew Montford still occasionally writes about climate stuff. He has been seen at The Conservative Woman.
A great warrior for truth.
In a bid to boost their credibility they hired Peter van Onselen – a millenial’s idea of a very smart person – as national political editor.
They are perfectly fine to use in a lamb stew or curry but if I’m preparing sprouts as a side I use fresh.
Hey Johanna, I was a regular reader/lurker at Bishop Hill years ago – not a poster though.
I learnt a lot from there.
This talk of brussel sprouts reminds me of my childhood. My mother was the worlds worst cook in spite of the fact Nana owned a restaurant. She had the ability to destroy any taste the food had. The meat was always burnt. Mashed potato had uncooked bits in it, over cooked greens, grey cauliflower. I went flatting for 18 months. Learnt to cook. Went back home, cooked dinner, Dad said it was the best he’d eaten. Looks can kill. I never realised food could taste good for years.
just to rub it in for those waiting on a passport, mine showed up today. Less than a month turnaround without paying the fee for prompt service.
I think Monty qualifies as a middle aged white man who needs to shut up.
Ditto Adam Bandt.
Though I encourage both to continue speaking, voluminously.
And Ms Thorpe.
I’m sure Aboriginal people in rural and remote Australia think as highly of her as we do, the ones I follow on Twitter definitely do.
Bishop Hill was, with WUWT, defining in fghting climate hysteria.
Progressives are just tribalist.
Nothing good comes with tribes.
Perhaps we should call them regressivists?
— mocking their ability to predict the single greatest natural short term climate swing factor. The El Niño–Southern Oscillation
My ‘go to’ argument when I meet a believer.
June 24, 2022 at 10:50 am
Monty pronouncing guilt befre the show trials are over?
Hows Mullerween going lardass?
As well as could have been expected, given the dubious provenance of the supposed “evidence”.
Yes, WUWT. A brilliant site.
In early days it was enlightening how he tracked down primary weather stations so poorly sited they would always provide high temperatures.
The Pharmaceutical Industry has its dick firmly stuck in the sausage making machine and which ever way the grinder runs, it’s gonna hurt.
They ran with this scam, knowing full well it was a scam, and are now staring financial and criminal disaster in the face.
I have no sympathy at all.
Doesn’t Monty have a serious heart condition?
June 24, 2022 at 11:52 am
the noble, the virtuous, the faithful, the honest
Nah. Just the criminals who planned a coup and insurrection.
Enough about Shrillary and the DNC, m0nty-fa.
Real Deal
Wikipedia is silent on her education. Does anyone know if she has any academic qualifications?
Failed pre-school?
Guardian beat up.
Pope Francis orders online release of second world war-era ‘Jewish’ files
Drbeen Medical Lectures
BA.4 and BA.5 Have Significantly Escaped Protection From Vaccines and Infections
The only good news is that these variants are not more deadly than their ancestors. No other good news here.
Failed pre-school?
Yes but she still would have done Arts/Law at La Trobe. Indigenous scholarship of course.
Either that or a Cert IV in practical You Lottery at the Basement Campus under Adjunct Professor Billy mUnter.
Worst people, monty?
Lidia Thorpe left school when she was 14
The ‘kept my legs shut’ comment is rather odd.
I think dear Lidia is 1/64 aboriginal. I would post that in the Oz but cant be bothered getting rejected.
In relation to Brittany, I reckon that there is a strong chance of a conviction, evidence or no evidence. We are talking Canberra and presumably a jury of woke public servants.
Finally who the hell is quoting “Allah Pundit ” a well known RINO.
China Calls Feminism & Culture War a Foreign PLOT
Black Pigeon Speaks
But she comes from a long line of strong, black women…
That’s what they’re after – the Greens aren’t going to put their two favorite cudgels down.
Boambee Johnsays:
June 24, 2022 at 3:04 pm
Real Deal
Wikipedia is silent on her education. Does anyone know if she has any academic qualifications?
Failed pre-school?
I’m more interested in the educational qualifications and mental age of the voters that voted for Adam “Piss Ant” Bandt and this Thorpe woman.
Tucker Carlson: It’s time to reassess our view of Kamala Harris
Might buy a Glock and carry it around in NY.
Remember your trigger discipline with the Glock, completely off until you want Go!
Vikpol famously and fatally struggled with this.
But she comes from a long line of strong, black women…
That’s almost completely run out of blackness….
The elephant in the room is the Islamic crowd, who have no intention of integrating. Nobody is allowed to say that, though.
You just said it. Well done and a big tick from me.
June 24, 2022 at 12:44 pm
Warren Mundine, Jacinta Price & Waleed Aly.
The axis of evil.
Wouldn’t go that far, but they are all wrong.
m0nty-fa just “knows” that he knows more about indigenous affairs that Jacinta P or Warren M. Really, how could that lot know more about the subject than an urban nerd? Ridiculous!
m0nty-fa has been on a real sugar hit today, “you lot”, Watergate, indigenous affairs. I have been waiting with bated breath for the signature call of the triumphant m0nty-fa: “Tick tick, tick, aaaannnnyyyyy dayyyy nooooowwwww!
time to give some respect to people like her who have a very different lived experience.
As do Bess and Jacinta Price, and Warren Mundine, but you reject their “lived experience”. Surely theirs is as valid, if not more so, than hers?
An extract with which I agree 100%.
Thus avoiding the fate of the Australian Democrats. Gotta maintain the high moral ground and keep the dog whistling up.
How China’s Tech, Economic Gains Have Cost the US | China in Focus
June 24, 2022 at 1:32 pm
No-one is trying to hide from her. No-one is seeking a “safe space”.
You’re on the Cat, which is your safe space. You wouldn’t survive anywhere else. It’s like a hothouse for rare tropical dickheads.
Speaking of “safe spaces”, how is Phat Pussy going? Or weren’t you able to survive there? Was it not a safe space for rare donut dickheads? Felt unsafe in the presence of Rex A, Steve from Brissy and Homer P, did you?
June 24, 2022 at 3:01 pm
Doesn’t Monty have a serious heart condition?
Depends whether you consider that him being a heartless prick is a serious condition?
Fantastic edit of that legendary match now almost a half a century ago – All Blacks vs Barbarians 1973
Beginning with a very funny haka!
My son says his has been posted.
nice resource for the idionistas blaming global warming for their houses slipping into the ocean.
I’ve plenty of time for a houso who has made something of their life after some pretty tough breaks. That side of Lidia Thorpe I can respect.
A tired marxist aboriginal noise-maker with a chip on her shoulder, not so much.
The Paywallian reports Prof van Wrongselen’s book of newspaper columns in jeopardy following Mrs Pirate Pete’s comments. Time to rethink your Christmas stocking fillers. Not to mention the School of Wrongology reading list.
708 comments over at the Oz on the Thorpe / Bandt idiots – none in favour.
The “rebuke” quote is actually that Albo reckons Bandt should “have a think about” the issue. Hardly a Keating-esque put down.
This is all rather boring tbh. Bog standard positioning: Bandt to the left of Albo, Albo in the centre, Dutton not even in the picture he’s that far right.
What I want to hear about is the teals. What are they doing? Learning the ropes I suppose, but at some point they need to start throwing their weight about. Then we’ll see how things play out in the new Parliament.
The good thing about this is that nobody really cares what you think. She certainly doesn’t.
The good thing about this is that nobody really cares what you think.
If you were capable of thought nobody would care what you were thinking either.
Squeal, m0nty! Squeal like a pig!
That’s the lesson from Thorpe’s comments. People on the Cat just don’t matter to her.
Makes a refreshing change when the LNP in government didn’t care about vast swathes of Labor voters.
You don’t need a science degree to understand that male swimmers have an unfair advantage over women once puberty kicks in.
It’s written right there in front of all of us – in Australian swimming’s record books and on the honour board of every swim club in the country.
Every open age world and national record that has ever been set by women has been beaten by a boy aged as young as 14 or 15.
At the age of 14, Kyle Chalmers was faster over 50m and 100m freestyle than the fastest female sprinter of all time – Sweden’s Sarah Sjostrom.
Her 50m world record – 23.67 seconds – has been eclipsed by 4,121 male swimmers.
American Katie Ledecky, widely regarded as the best female swimmer ever, holds the top 20 times by women for 800m freestyle, including the world record (8:04.79).
But 458 male swimmers have bettered that time, including Mack Horton, who managed it when he was just 15.
It’s those performance numbers that convinced FINA’s leaders to propose a new policy effectively banning transgender women from competing in elite female events.
The data was bundled up in a detailed presentation by international scientists to delegates at last weekend’s FINA Congress in Budapest, where the groundbreaking vote to back the proposal was made.
Oz, with some pretty graphics in the rest of the story
Her disdain for what Australians think may explain why she only lasted 12 months in the Victorian parliament.
At the Oz. Good on you Avi! This Disproves that it was an Andrews staffer? maybe, but absolutely proves that he was an Andrews stooge. I hope that this pr1ck’s affiliation and his possible monetary compensation is fully exposed. Come on Rachael Blax, here is your chance.
Yep. I want everyone who wants to wave swastikas and condemn all Jews to go out in public and do so. That way, I get to be able to see who the nasty loonies are.
Snork, snork…….
FOAD montifa. Are you sick yet. The left as personified by bandt and thorpe are traitors. So are you.
of course they did
What I want to hear about is the teals. What are they doing? Learning the ropes I suppose, but at some point they need to start throwing their weight about. Then we’ll see how things play out in the new Parliament.
Exactly what “weight” have the Teal Ducks got to throw about? The Liars have a majority in the Reps, and the Real Ducks are a non-event in the Senate. They have had their moment in the sun.
June 24, 2022 at 4:55 pm
Free speech demands that everyone, even Nazis, have the right to say whatever they want.
Yep. I want everyone who wants to wave swastikas and condemn all Jews to go out in public and do so. That way, I get to be able to see who the nasty loonies are.
What are the odds that a high proportion of the “nasty loonies” will turn out to be on the fascist left?
LOL. The damage control is real.
Pope Francis orders online release of second world war-era ‘Jewish’ files
I suspect nefarious intentions.
This pope is a bad dude.
Didn’t monty confess to voting for the Greens on this blog?
Yes, indeed.
And everyone in the Baba backline was a Williams.
Bog standard positioning: Bandt to the left of Albo, Albo in the centre, Dutton not even in the picture he’s that far right.
Probably not quite ‘bog standard’.
Albo will certainly be having a Faaaark Moment, with his liege Lord of the Senate going off piste.
No doubt Albanese loathes Empire with the best of them, but he’s got a national agenda to manage.
30 mins of the best of Beth Dutton from Yellowstone; she is one of the great characters of TV/movies:
M0nts, I am not so sure about that. Her maternal grandmother and her aunts perhaps, earlier aboriginal activists from the 30’s to the 70’s, but she herself seems to have had quite a comfortable existence within the activist part of the aboriginal industry and is now a senator. Plenty of good jobs came her way and a smooth path to a senoratorial position and salary – in spite of having been made bankrupt for $7ooK owing plus $55k to the tax department (from her wiki bio). She claims marital issues caused this for herself and her three children. Well, she wouldn’t be the first nor the last person, male or female, to be in that boat (lots of marriages are not made in heaven) but she’s done ok in the world of work before and since and the debts presumably are all scotched now.
She’s got old white men in her Viking ancestry too – the name of Thorpe is Norse.
Mainly she’s been educated by marxists within the aboriginal industry and the university sector with certificates in victimology, in which she has excelled. A far cry from Jacinta Price, who rightly calls out Thorpe for her ‘privilege’ both now and in the past. Jacinta Price recognises that her own path, like Lidia Thorpe’s, has been very different from the struggles of earlier aboriginal activists let alone the struggles felt in tribal communities, and that it is the values of contemporary Australians that have produced the privileges they both have managed to attain and enjoy. Thorpe should kiss the flag, not deny it. Australians including aboriginal men fought to provide the benefits and freedoms it has offered to her as to all Australians.
Go to a park in Mosman.
Neo-Nazis unfurl flag in Australian park (23 Jun)
I suppose if you go to a park for an outing having a BBQ while you’re there is a logical action.
It’s the job of Bandt to stake out a position outside Albo’s comfort range. Otherwise he gets accused of being part of another government coalition. This is all very deliberate, I reckon, stage managed to signal to the lefty base that he’s extreme enough to differentiate himself.
It’s all theatre, but when the whips are cracking in Parliament this short-term messaging will be forgotten.
Mak Siccarsays:
June 24, 2022 at 4:53 pm
Ok Jeremy has claimed to be PRGuy.
Avi actually got a Court order that Twitter had to reveal PRGuy’s identity. I hope Avi takes that through to its conclusion and gets Twitter to provide the info under penalty of perjury, just in case Jeremy is actually a confected stooge put up to protect someone in Maximum Leader’s office.
If you argue with trolls, you deserve your fate.
Bandt’s PhD is about how to implement communism.
On March 4, 1995, at Murdoch University, Mr Bandt wrote “the parliamentary road to socialism is non-existent” and described the Greens as a “bourgeois” party in a two-page memo.
My heart condition is under control with drugs. You should see my daily pill regimen, I’m like Hunter S. Thompson on the road to Vegas.
So when are you giving your house to the local land council and deporting yourself to Old Blighty?
ABC: Albanese to visit Paris to ‘reset’ our relationship with France. What a pathetic stunt. What a disgusting waste of money. Because fifty million Aussies care deeply about France. Have a good time in Montmartre Albo.
My heart condition is under control with drugs.
Krispy kreme arent a pharmacy.
And boxes of lard dipped sugar balls arent “medications’.
Jupiter Mines (JMS) still paying dividends (hip hip hooray!).
Now Ramaphosa being a commie, that’s theatre for you.
They’re not revolutionaries, they’re grifters. They know their bread is buttered side up.
She’s a Marxist; she detests everything the flag symbolises.
Her presence in parliament should be considered in light of Popper’s paradox of tolerance.
It was a very hard question, so three months is amazingly fast. /s
Health Secretary Dr Brendan Murphy provides definition of a ‘woman’ three months after first asked by Senator (24 Jun)
So if you are ever asked that incredibly difficult question you now have the official Federal Department of Health’s definition. Pollies better start memorizing the 78 words.
Or you could say they have XX chromosomes. Provided, of course, that you don’t mind losing your job, being banned from Twitter and Facebook, and being investigated by the AFP for a hate crime.
This is like 70% of the population
Amazing thread.
I’m like Hunter S. Thompson on the road to Vegas.
You about as funny as an impacted bowel. Speaking of which Beth Dutton’s fight with the vegan slut near the end of the video is full of memorable insults about arseholes.
I can understand Jewish outrage at these pathetic scum, although I reckon laughing at them would be a better tactic. And banning them would be a serious error. Let them come out and show themselves and discover what the great majority think of them and their shenanigans.
Gonzalo Lira
Imagine watching video of pregnant women getting shots of thalidomide. That’s how I feel when I watch this video.
This is what hyperinflation looks like.
Gonzalo Lira
This — but faster. Instead of four years, think 12 months.
Mild understatement.
But he’s talking to 2%?, 3%? of the voteherd.
June 24, 2022 at 5:49 pm
It’s the job of Bandt to stake out a position outside Albo’s comfort range. Otherwise he gets accused of being part of another government coalition. This is all very deliberate, I reckon, stage managed to signal to the lefty base that he’s extreme enough to differentiate himself.
It’s all theatre, but when the whips are cracking in Parliament this short-term messaging will be forgotten.
I wonder if m0nty-fa will forget it? Or some of the extreme Slime? Or even the Teal Ducks?
This is a 10 part tweet. I saw elsewhere earlier that there are discussions in America about breaking up Russia.
Gonzalo Lira
The American government is now openly calling for the dismemberment of the Russian federation.
They have even had quasi-congressional hearings to discuss how this could be achieved.
Russell Brand
Top Gun: Maverick – The HIDDEN Truth THAT NOBODY’S TALKING ABOUT!!!!
Surely Putdowntheforkamine is part of your regimen?
Old article but I never realised this almost happened.
Do it. Do it now!
Could Lidia Thorpe be charge with swearing a false oath? Asking for a friend.
gender assigned at birth?!?!?!? say what!
complete bullshit
Definition of “woman” is easy.
An adult female of the human species.
If the follow up question is to define a “female” then you can get into chromosones, egg production & fertilisation, fallopian tubes, vaginas and capacity to give birth to a human child.
Or you can simplify all of it – gals have a gash, blokes have a cock. Though that’ll upset the woke.
Quite mutual I suspect. Come back after the mid terms to see which side has been the most successful. The Soviet Union then Russia famously funded the green movement for a loong time (which is paying off big right now), and I suspect China is extremely active too (just ask Hunter).
Mak Siccarsays:
June 24, 2022 at 4:53 pm
Ok Jeremy has claimed to be PRGuy
No connection to the TaliDan regime he claims. Complete bullshit.
The devotional and constant tweeting for his lord and master isn’t the work of someone taking the piss.
The time and effort needed points to a direct link to Andrew’s office.
Who the fuck is called Jeremy anyway?
His parents were obviously taking the piss.
“He looks like a snivelling little turd, let’s call him Jeremy.”
Fester, are you suggesting Bunter is in the Green movement? WTF?
Can he prove it?
Jeremy Maluta is a cypher
It must be just me, but I couldn’t work out what the hell is going on.
Can someone explain it for a poor old pensioner?
“I suspect nefarious intentions.
This pope is a bad dude.”
What a load of rubbish.
The documents were made available online to researchers in 2020, and the paper version to researchers long before that.
Making them generally available should end (but won’t) the nefarious allegations against Pope Pius XII
Braking Toad:
Tab ‘A’ fits into slot ‘B’.
As simple as that.
Someone posted upthread that Van Wronglesen’s book is on hold because of Mrs Bandana’s contempt.
The Oz has a full list of books on hold as a result.
The Dolly editor will be very unpopular in the publishing industry.
June 23, 2022 at 9:07 pm
Bern, if this is legit who do they think this will benefit? China certainly, if the US thinks they could become a powerbroker in these regions bordering China they are seriously deluded.
Mater, I dunno the exact timing (exactly when), but my understanding is that Patton essentially saved Italy from Soviet invasion through Yugoslavia. Patton apparently aimed his tanks at the Sovs on the Yugo/ Italian border and told them to make his day.
Bruce O’Newk:
And by how many months did the Morganthau Plan to deindustrialise Germany extend WW2?
It was a propaganda windfall for Goebbels and convinced the Germans they had little to lose.
As do I. They should be offered a box to stand on and a bullhorn to shriek into at every opportunity.
In addition to PVO’s tome being shelved, the other authors on the backburner include:-
Britnah ‘Iggins ‘erself.
Grace Tame.
Samantha Maiden.
Nikki Savva.
The delays could take years if it goes to appeal. And there will be a lot of pulping and/or re-drafting in case of a not guilty verdict.
Thank you for highlighting this. I was going to repost it because it shouldn’t be missed. If there is any justice in the world, they will all be charged and convicted of fraud, corruption, malfeasance, deceptive behaviour, everything up to and including murder. The big question, however, is who is going to hold them to account.
whoops wrong Fred.
Twelve million dollars worth….
In addition to PVO’s tome being shelved, the other authors on the backburner include:-
Britnah ‘Iggins ‘erself.
Grace Tame.
Samantha Maiden.
Nikki Savva.
That’s a lot of outhouse paper gonna be missed ! .. time to stock up again .. LOL!
After previously being unable to provide the definition of what a “woman” is, Health Secretary Dr Brendan Murphy has now given an answer – which has been described as “absolute drivel”.
When are we going to fire these lying, incompetent, sniveling pieces of shit?
Comment, on the Oz, about Lydia Thorpe’s brainfart. Fair enough!
If you’re gonna post this, you really need the correct image to go with it.
This is like 70% of the population
Amazing thread.
Cops and government want to think about what they’re doing.
When the people have nothing left, there’s not much holding them back when they get treated like shit.
Are in reality, multi-racial, multi-generational, multi-cultural and about as equal and inclusive as equality and inclusivity gets in Australia.
Look at the legions of people who gather around the ‘Designated Places’ every day, in defiance of this hated symbol of health-based oppression…
As an aside, I doubt if we even know how much iron dust is being already flushed into the oceans of the world from rivers. I’d say his plan is needing a LOT more study.
My 2c worth Winston and I am not a chemist but rock lickers do chemistry up to 2nd year generally. Dumping iron into the ocean won’t help as we are in an oxidising environment rather than reducing. Iron sulphate however I have seen mentioned as food for bacteria, ok cool. Bacteria remove CO2 but where does the sulphate go? Noting sulphates can form some benign compounds but also some nasty ones. Nothing I see answers that question for me yet. Also what are the unintended consequences of this method? So many questions…
So now Victoria and other states are banning the swastika. I do hope, in the name of consistency, they follow up by banning Wagner’s music. Wagner’s music was beloved by Hitler and other Nazis and was a central theme of Nazi Germany, particularly at Nazi rallies, just as much as the swastika was. In fact, much of Wagner’s philosophical writings and music inspired Hitler. Despite some young musicians agitating to play Wagner’s scores in Israel, his music is still banned out of respect for Holocaust survivors. This I can understand, I know a woman (now very elderly) who remembers hearing Wagner on her arrival in Auschwitz.
As a Jew who believes in free speech, I’m totally opposed to the banning of the swastika or any other symbol for that matter, just like I’m totally opposed to banning offensive speech, even Holocaust denial. Holocaust denial is repugnant and makes me feel sick but I don’t want it banned, doing so is counter-productive and runs contrary to the whole notion of “free speech”. I’d rather see ugly symbols and ugly speech exposed to the disinfectant of broad daylight where we can rightly mock and ridicule. Weimar Germany had stringent hate speech laws, they worked well didn’t they? In fact, those laws just sent the Nazis underground and we know what ensued from that.
As for anti-Semitism, most anti-Semitism in the West now emanates from the far-left and the adherents of a very odious religious ideology. Am I worried about a group of mainly pimply faced, socially awkward young men, most of whom probably couldn’t use a can opener, camping out in the Grampians and singing songs under a Nazi flag? I don’t like it but I reckon those Grampian Nazis pose less danger to me and other Australian Jews than the hundreds of Muslims who congregated on a suburban Sydney street in May 2021 screaming for Muslims to slit the throats of Jews (note…not Israelis….JEWS).
Oh and here are some conundrums, I confess to liking a conundrum or two. If we’re going to ban the swastika then will the hammer and sickle symbol also be banned, it is after all a symbol just as evil and just as murderous as the swastika? Say, what are the chances of that happening? I say ZERO. Oh and here’s another conundrum, every time Israel has to take military action in Gaza or elsewhere, across the west Socialist Unity and far-left scum flock to the streets with their Muslim buddies to protest and partake in genocidal Jew hatred, you know what I’m talking about, what one commentator here quaintly calls their “legitimate grievances”, those “grievances” involve calling for the throats of Jews to be slashed, calling for Jews to be thrown into the ovens again, and cars full of Muslim men driving through Jewish suburbs of North London screaming for Jewish women and girls to be raped, anyway when those protests/rallies occur in the West, frequently attended by left-wing politicians and here in Oz, many Greens and some Labor supporters, you’ll quite likely see people carrying banners and posters with the swastika superimposed over the Star of David. So will we see the police arrest those protesters carrying a placard with a banned symbol? Say, what are the chances of that happening? I say ZERO.
Anyway, the ultimate aim of this ban isn’t out of any deep concern about a growing number of Nazis in this country or the fact that the Grampians might now be the site of some Nuremberg type rallies. No, the end result is that the left want to ban any kind of right-wing and conservative speech. They’re coming for us.
Rant/spiel over.
Winston Smithsays:
June 24, 2022 at 7:10 pm
Braking Toad:
Or you can simplify all of it – gals have a gash, blokes have a cock. Though that’ll upset the woke.
Tab ‘A’ fits into slot ‘B’.
As simple as that.
And in engineering terms, Tab ‘A’ is Male and Tab ‘B’ is Female. There is no other Gender term used.
This guy does some really amazing work. DIY RC vehicles:
And in engineering terms, Tab ‘A’ is Male and Tab ‘B’ is Female. There is no other Gender term used.
Yet. There is already an effort to avoid the use of the terms master and slave in computers.
Can you define “You wouldn’t survive anywhere else.”?
Do you mean our points of view would be metaphorically beaten to a pulp after vigorous debate and we’d have to withdraw from the arena cowed and never to return?
We’d be banned after our contrary point of view is known?
And stop giving yourself upticks.
From the Oz article about the cancelled books:
”FitzSimons and Ms Higgins, the pitch document for the book and the contract between Ms Higgins and publisher Penguin Random House are likely to be aired in court. FitzSimons and Wilkinson have been subpoenaed and will be called as witnesses.
Penguin Random House had hoped to sell 100,000 copies of Ms Higgins’ book, at $29.99 each”.
If the guy gets acquitted then surely the whole tone of Higgins book would be affected and its value seriously affected.
This trial is going to make pop corn sales go through the roof.
Seems like some people wanting to commercialize her victimhood before it was proved she was a victim.
Just extraordinary that it could come to this situation without anybody at Ch 10 picking up on the dangers of Wilkinson becoming an active participant in the saga and the legal ramifications.
Higgins going to be under great pressure when giving evidence and seems like she had given defence multiple lines of attack in relation to credibility.
30 mins of the best of Beth Dutton from Yellowstone; she is one of the great characters of TV/movies:
Crude and vulgar
Some niggling jobsworth has gone about the place painting lines out the front of offices in the city with the message “no smoking on front of the line”. I noted today the graffiti under a no smoking sign “tobacco tax relief now” which made me smile, it looked like a professional stencil job too.
23 State Financial Officers Demand the SEC Put Investors First, Not ESG Scores
I can understand Jewish outrage at these pathetic scum, although I reckon laughing at them would be a better tactic.
Old college who was Jewish had the same view, thought if you want to worship a dead loser go for it. At least your are in the open and open to be mocked.
3 minutes ago
She really is trying to see how much she can annoy people. So if according to her not standing for the flag is not an issue, why should I bother sitting around for welcome to the country or smoking ceremonies? Same, same I would think.
That’s a good point. There are other reasons for ignoring welcome to country but the double standard is a good one. I also like the misappropriation points: thorpe uses many Western aspects of society; the bitch should be running around in a lap-lap or emu-feather-apron or whatever the 3rd nation ladies wore in the good old days.
Oh dear.
2-pack and other multiple-coupled freight wagons are referred to as ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’ units as well, denoting which wagon subunit carries the triple valve and auxiliary reservoir tank for their collective braking system.
‘A’ and ‘B’ ends are already taken up on said wagons for determining axle position for fault-finding purposes and to quickly identify where the handbrake is (Always at the ‘B’ or Brake end. You also count your Left and Right from the B end, so L/R1 and 2 are axles at the B end, and L/R 3 and 4 at the A).
Crude and vulgar
You poor dear; have a Bex and a good lie down.
June 24, 2022 at 8:01 pm
And in engineering terms, Tab ‘A’ is Male and Tab ‘B’ is Female. There is no other Gender term used.
Yet. There is already an effort to avoid the use of the terms master and slave in computers.
In fact, the terms master and slave is used throughout Electrical Engineering. Ships are referred to as a ‘She’ and so is Mother Nature. Sydney Ferries still use the term ‘Man Overboard’ on the notices next to the Life Rings on the ferries. ‘Person Overboard’ here we come……………….lol.
So the brake master cylinder in a car will be what?, the brake non-binary hetronormative cis-gender queer Xi/Xer cylinder
You Rang
This is like 70% of the population
Amazing thread.
This is apparently a 35 minute video of the incident.
The last minute has what happened to the charges and what fines he had to pay.
A win/win for masochists. They get to suffer twice.
I suddenly want to grab a camera and film a “Welcome to Country” spectacle whilst making loud commentary about ‘primitive rites’.
For the edification of inner city Brahmin Class, of course.
Or you can simplify all of it – gals have a gash, blokes have a cock. Though that’ll upset the woke.
I wonder, has that line (repeated several times) from Arnie’s Kindergarten Cop, “Girls have got a ‘gina, boys have got a penis” been censored from re-runs?
A very good point, and I appreciate it being made.
What is a woman?
What is a man?
I asked Dr Dracula. He said, a miserable little pile of secrets.
Boys Have A Penis, Girls Have a Vagina
Thanks for the tip.
Excellent rant.
I give you a 93.1% rating.
When the people have nothing left, there’s not much holding them back when they get treated like shit.
As the hippies of the 1960s and 1970s were wont to say “When you’ve got nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose”.
Big Clive is internet famous outside of Australia.
Cancelled – Titanic 2
528,395 viewsJun 18, 2022
Bright Sun Films
1.19M subscribers
Do you mean our points of view would be metaphorically beaten to a pulp after vigorous debate and we’d have to withdraw from the arena cowed and never to return?
LOL. m0nty-fa was so vigorously “beaten to a pulp” on his own blog, by two fellow lefty idiots (BIRM), that he had to “withdraw from the arena cowed and never to return”. The fool didn’t even have a safe space on his own blog!
Shits me that if you are using it as part of Celtic, German, or other European history it get assumed it’s NAZI!!!!!, instead of the 8000+ years of it symbolizing other things. I’d much rather not having the scab picked at by outlawing the display and making a big deal about it. Let it revert to what it was.
In many ways, it’s another aspect of the war on western history. Demonising the culture by overly emphasising the evil, and denigrating the good that’s been produced from the overall culture of “the western world”.
Carpe Jugulum:
Does anyone remember the ‘cisnormative’ post that was put on the old Catallaxy files by some weirdo sheila chick about four or five years ago?
Jeez, that was a barrel of larfs.
Right up until we realised she was dead serious…
Shits me that if you are using it as part of Celtic, German, or other European history it get assumed it’s NAZI!!!!!
It is a big part of Indian culture. Banning it seems to have a tinge of racism.
What’s your point?
That’s what the ladies used to say to John Holmes.
Context, and how the bureaucratic state fucks us over.
Just because he ignored a regulation doesn’t mean the state can fuck him over.
Lots of ways out of this, but in the end, the state has gotten too big.
Nobody could’ve predicted this.
She’s all but in contempt of court, while Pirate Pete is in contempt of intelligence, having whatever little sense he had long beaten out of him by Frenchmen of all people.
Shits me that if you are using it as part of Celtic, German, or other European history it get assumed it’s NAZI!!!!!, instead of the 8000+ years of it symbolizing other things. I’d much rather not having the scab picked at by outlawing the display and making a big deal about it. Let it revert to what it was.
It was a Hindu symbol from way back. It was then picked up by Buddhists. I still remember my shock when I approached a Buddhist temple in south western China and it was covered all over with swastikas.
I may be wrong, but I think I remember one historic building in Collins Street that has some sculpture on the facade well above street level with the soon-to-be banned symbol on it.
I cannot let Chip Bok’s Strategic Baby Formula Reserve pass without a reference to the secret baby army from The Goodies [ffwd to 22:50].
Incidentally, it’s strange that Maximum Leader has been Premier for over 7 years, and has only realised the necessity of banning the swastika a few months after tens of thousands of Victorians protested in the streets with signs comparing him with the Nazis.
How long before Donella Trump Jr…
When the
blocks Log Cabin from having a booth at their conference,
swoops in to say what we’re all thinking
Going to talk about Trump on talkback tomorrow. My notes:
The world was a much safer place, a better place when Trump was in power
NK mutant in his box
The mullahs were contained. Trump blew up their top general Qasem Soleimani . Biden is giving them the bomb
China was under control; Xie was coming back for visit if Trump hadn’t been cheated in the election
Russia: putin wasn’t moving after Trump blew up Shayrat airfield in Syria
Food and petrol were plentiful; Trump made fun of global warming and the greenies
Trump told them go peacefully. They did. The trouble was entirely caused by antifa and blm groups in the crowd.
FBI found after a 6 month investigation: “the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump.” Commenting on the more than 570 alleged offenders who have been arrested, FBI estimated that 90 to 95% of them are “one-off cases.” Reuters 21/8/2021
Trump offered Pelosi the national guard to guard the Capital; she refused. She gave no excuse
Trump asked legitimate questions about the election; we now know are correct. The msm hid Hunter’s laptop and Biden’s connections to Russia and Ukraine. There were many irregularities with the voting. By comparison Democrats have fiercely contested every election loss; they never accepted Trump’s win and impeached him 3 times for things they themselves had done; all the Russian collusion was between Hillary the DNC. Everything said about him has been a lie.
NO cops died at Jand 6. Sicknick was scandously lied about; he did not die from being struck by protestors but died of a stroke 2 days after Jan 6. His natural death was hidden even from his own family while the demorats lied about his death. Other police officers have suicided in the 12 months after Jan 6, consistent with the usual rate.
ALL people at Jan 6 were unarmed yet 6 civilians died. One Ashley Babbitt, a war veteran, was shot for just standing near a door; another, Rosanne Boyland, was beaten to death by police on the steps outside; the other 4 died of natural causes.
Jan 6 is about one thing: to try and stop Trump running in 2024. Because this time he would clean out the swamp.
This is essential for Australia. Only a strong US with Trump at the helm can protect Australia. Currently biden is the most corrupt POTUS ever. He is also demented. What do we have since Trump was cheated: China running amuck in the south pacific
Australia has been complicit in cheating Trump:
In 13 October 2016 the NSW LC passed a green motion which stated that it agreed with those who had described Mr Donald Trump as “a revolting slug unfit for public office”.
That passed with LNP support. Latham tried to remove it in 26/09/19. Both alp/lnp voted against it.
Good luck cohenite, I hope you don’t get cut off, good argument and straight facts.
“In 13 October 2016 the NSW LC passed a green motion which stated that it agreed with those who had described Mr Donald Trump as “a revolting slug unfit for public office”.
That passed with LNP support. Latham tried to remove it in 26/09/19. Both alp/lnp voted against it.”
How unsurprising.
Bluey. Okley dok.
If you have misconstrued my response as supporting these moronic bans then, hey I don’t.
I stated let them be in the open as my Jewish colleague stated. My opinion too. Bad ideas are discounted by informed discourse. Hence better in the open than banned.
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you mob.
Mme Zulu had completed all but three, of over thirty sessions of the dreaded radiology treatment, when she was told she had just tested positive for the dreaded Covid, and banged into isolation at the hospital.
I having asked nicely, she’ll be released tomorrow….
That while it’s got a much longer history than use by the Nazis party, the swastika has become yet another tool to beat down the cultures of the western world, similarly to slavery.
Truth doesn’t matter, history doesn’t matter, only how it can be used to in a bit for power.
Wasn’t singling you out particularly, more griping about the attitude attached to banning the symbol, as I put it above. The swastika matters less than how people use it in the demonisation of opponents.
“Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
June 24, 2022 at 9:39 pm”
Good to hear.
The regulation he ignored was: Registering his vehicle.
It hadn’t been registered in 10 years.
He also proved rather uncooperative to the coppers & actually called 911 on them.
However, as the linker says, 70% of the population empathise with him.
I certainly do. I’m on his side.
How are the Hawks going m0nster?
Cohenite @ 08:09pm
Jollife – hahaha – that brings back memories.
Those ‘toons would get the woke frothing.
hey mUnty … you need some solar installed?
Jollife was criticized for depicting male Aborigines wearing “nappies” – it was argued that such dress was never traditional, yet what do you see at every gathering of the “fax Aborigines’ – even Bruce Pascoe?
People have nightmares at the thought you may not be on their side, Driller. Literally have nightmares. We all do here.
By the way how’s Adonis? Has he said anything about four score and twenty years?
I wanna know how titus is doing? Has anyone heard from him, seen him around, received a telephone call? Where’s freaking titus when you need him? I woke up with a shocking (relax, but temporary) backache this morning and all I wanted to know was, where the fuck is titus.
Relatively harmless. The irony is that iron was dumped into the ocean from Burnie and Hobart for many years, and also off of Kwinana. The greenies opposed it so effectively that is was banned worldwide. Now the same greenies want to put iron into the ocean again. Go figure.
I suspect the idea is to maximize dispersion of the iron, which means once it oxidizes it’d be colloidal. Such iron precipitates are nanometre sized and would be suspended indefinitely without sinking. The bacteria and algae would get sufficient iron from the particles directly or through slow dissolution.
The sulfate is an easy one: there’s a huge amount of sulfate in the ocean already, nearly 3 grams per litre. It’s the third most abundant ion after sodium and chloride. You couldn’t possibly add enough sulfate to make any difference.
As to the idea of removing CO2 this way, it’s a well known and studied option. About as stupid as any. There might be an issue with toxic algae blooms, but it’s fairly harmless otherwise.
If you want a really cheap way to “solve” global warming (which isn’t actually happening much) all you have to do is put sulfate into the atmosphere instead of the ocean. That cools the planet directly via the Pinatubo effect – seeding more clouds and reflecting sunlight. And the way you do it is to turn off the flue gas desulfurization units on coal fired power plants – thereby sending the sulfur into the atmosphere. Not only does it cost nothing but it actually saves money on the desulfurization reagents.
Funnily enough the greens aren’t keen on that idea…
leilani dowding ?
From Robert F Kennedy. By 2018 3/4 of global cases of polio were from Gates Vax
JC – I’ve just purchased one of those post futurist Illy coffee machines.
It’s currently sitting in my kitchen in a very big box, unboxed.
The masheen itself appears to be a masheen of a dream – but if the coffee tastes crap, I will not be happy, Squire.
Many many Goose Springsteen videos will be visited and attributed to your good self, if that happens.
However, I’ve yet to encounter a personage on this planet who’s claimed that Illy coffee is nothing less than supremely tastee.
The Brasile has been purchased to use in it. 🙂
Kennedy is a leftwing antivax loon. Nothing he says can be believed. Even his wife says so.
This does not compute. 😕
You’ll love the coffee. The crema on top is great. You need to buy the Illy milk frother, but that’s if you want lattes.
Which wife?
The one who was driven to an early grave?
Or the one who told him to pull his head in over his batshit crazy Nazi accusations about vaxxes?
First rule of Titus Club.
You can’t talk about Titus Club.
JC – this is the one, which has a milk frothing appendage.
Finding a 350 ml stainless steel jug?
Good luck with that. 🙁
Yea, this wife
Larry’s wife in, Curb Your Enthusiasm. Cheryl Hines.
Okay, you got that one? That’s really nice. I got this one , which is much cheaper.
And bought the frother separately.
Speaking of sacred cultural garments.
Two in the wardrobe ready to go for a special gathering tomorrow night. Which one, Cats?
The brand new one or
The 35 year old one that’s had the collar replaced twice … 😕