Open Thread – Wed 13 July 2022

Sacred Allegory, Giovanni Bellini, c. 1490–1500

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July 14, 2022 11:19 am

I really don’t care if someone has to travel interstate to get an abortion.
It’s a big nothing.

There you go rosie, you are on the road to acceptance of who you are.

The next and final step is to start cheering on her pain and suffering, because according to your worldview she actually deserves it. It’s not a big reach for you from where you are right now. She’s hanging out with an illegal immigrant, she’s just asking for trouble. Go on, go all the way, be who they want you to be.

Cassie of Sydney
July 14, 2022 11:22 am

“The next and final step is to start cheering on her pain and suffering, because according to your worldview she actually deserves it.”

Such sanctimonious and hypocritical guff from the same person who wrote the following words….”legitimate grievances”

What a slimy hypocrite you are Monty.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 14, 2022 11:30 am

With no criminal offence there cannot be liability at either the higher criminal standard or the lessor civil standard so as to sustain a claim for damages by the parent.

Setting aside the Pell case for a minute, I would have thought it possible for a criminal case (“beyond reasonable doubt”) to fail, but a civil case (“balance of probabilities”) to succeed on the same facts.
I looks like the ambulance chasers are trying to avoid a de-facto re-trial of the “J” case. Very wise, as the High Court decision could be construed as not going within a bull’s roar of satisfying even the civil standard.
But, as myself, duncanm and dover pointed out, the absentee father’s case for “receiving traumatic news” is against Seven-Nilligan and the ABC.
Consider this.
The Beaumont children go missing.
Ten years later the Adelaide Advertiser* runs a story that Bill Jones-Smith (has to be hyphenated) abducted and brutally tortured and murdered the children. Jones-Smith is tried and acquitted. How is Jones-Smith legally liable for the ‘Tiser’s reckless reporting?

* My example takes a great leap of faith in assuming that anyone believes what is written in the ‘Tiser.

July 14, 2022 11:32 am

There was nothing stage managed about it.

The woman doctor was an activist who did not immediately report the crime but publicised it, I bet without the girl or her family’s permission. The revolting irony here, apart from lefties like fat boy pretending to be concerned for the girl, who was raped by a scumbag only there because of leftie policies about illegal immigrants, is that they have such concern over the short distance the poor girl had to travel(incidentally Ohio has a heartbeat law which is approximately 6 weeks) when the left went out of their little minds over Kyle Rittenhouse and his travel to murder peace-loving pedophiles. The left don’t like travel I guess.

July 14, 2022 11:34 am

due to Ohio’s abortion laws she had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion

Due to a celebrity abortionist’s
A) ignorance of Ohio law
B) cynical political grandstanding
she had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion.
Fixed for no charge.

July 14, 2022 11:35 am

According to Ohio law, nothing prevented this girl, given her age, from being provided an abortion. Nothing at all.

And yet she was not. The specialised doctor in Ohio knows far more about Ohio law than you do, db. If your answer is “ah but that shouldn’t have happened because I know better than an expert in the field” then you haven’t got much of an argument, have you?

Monty is trying to leverage the actions of the doctor to pretend that Ohio law, and by inference, the decision in Dobbs, because it returns the decision to the state level by striking down the positive claim that the Constitution entails a right to kill the child in the utero, is monstrous because the child had to travel a little further to obtain an abortion.

It’s not even about travelling a little further. The implication of Dobbs is not that there will be red states where abortion is banned completely and blue states to which women can escape. That is merely a transitional stage. No, the ultimate plan by Republicans is a national abortion ban, plus the criminalisation of leaving the country to get an abortion. The end point of the project is to use the full power of the state to force females to give birth, even if they are a 10-year-old rape victim. In fact, cases like this will be held up as examples to cower other females, to teach them a lesson about what sort of country they are living in now: a theocratic fascist state.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 14, 2022 11:39 am

Bear earlier.

H B Bearsays:

July 14, 2022 at 11:05 am

As any law student would know nervous shock is a very particular kind of injury and head of damage. The success or failure of the case has almost no relation to events surrounding the criminal case. 

Surely there are two limbs to this.
.1 It would need to be proven that shock and trauma occurred (yeah, thr ambulance chasers will have a tame psych on board); and
.2 That the shock and trauma was a result of something George did

But, yes, Viktorianistan.
No doubt the trauma will have been exacerbated by George failing to immediately plead to something he didn’t do. And, by the way, was not charged with.
This is simply a quick publicity burst hoping for a cash payout.
I suspect the traumatised father has been knocked back by the National Redress Scheme and this is the last roll of the dice. Cheap too, because they just re-purpose the statements made to the Redress Scheme as their statement of claim on George.

July 14, 2022 11:40 am

The specialised doctor in Ohio
Ah that would be the celebrity abortionist, accuracy is important you know. The one with a direct financial interest in things.

July 14, 2022 11:41 am

July 14, 2022 at 10:29 am

Monty scuttles back in for a triumph stroke over a 10 year old rape victim.

Ignoring the pachyderms in the room

.The person committing the rape shouldn’t be in the country, possibly a beneficiary of Hidens catch and release programs.
. The abortion was almost certainly legal under the law of the state
. Your disappearance for the last few days was noted yellowbelly.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 14, 2022 11:42 am

I have been alerted to an invitation from a lovely lady for me to post at the Furniture Store.
You know what?
I think I will register there this arvo and get to it.
Bring it on, you deranged nut-job.

July 14, 2022 11:47 am

Setting aside the Pell case for a minute, I would have thought it possible for a criminal case (“beyond reasonable doubt”) to fail, but a civil case (“balance of probabilities”) to succeed on the same facts.

As I noted the High Court removed the fact of the criminal offence. The father, as you say, can’t have a case against either Pell or the Church because the offence never existed. He can’t sue the lessor courts because they have immunity; so, as you suggest, he could only theoretically sue the media who reported on the overt-turned lower court Judgments. The abc especially.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 11:48 am

July 14, 2022 at 10:18 am
I see the Ohio 10-year-old rape victim story has been confirmed.

The religious fundamentalists who screamed that it was fake can now have a bit of shush.

I see that m0nty-fa was so busy gloating that an element of his hysterical ravings about the cancelling of Roe vs Wade, that he forgot the main point.

To remind m0nty-fa, the major issue was whether the 10-year old had to travel to a different state for an abortion, because of a restrictive law applying post the USSC decision. But it has been confirmed that the law did not prevent her from getting an abortion where she lived. It was a beat-up for political purposes.

All that was left for m0nty-fa to gloat over was the “rape” excuse for abortion, which was not relevant in this case. m0nty-fa continues to ignore the issues of late-term abortion, sex-selection abortion and “lifestyle” abortion. m0nty-fa is and remains a hypocrite.

July 14, 2022 11:48 am

Bring it on, you deranged nut-job.

Crazy sex is the best sex, or so I have heard.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 11:49 am

July 14, 2022 at 10:29 am
Odds on the abortionist’s “6 weeks and 3 days” story being totally false now shorten, so “stage managed beatup” is the favourite.

Tim N, you were completely wrong about this. Shush, lest you look even more of a fool.

m0nty-fa, you were completely wrong about the legal elements of this case. Shush, lest you look even more of a fool.

July 14, 2022 11:50 am

I see that m0nty-fa was so busy gloating that an element of his hysterical ravings about the cancelling of Roe vs Wade, that he forgot the main point.


That was made up too, we have learnt in current year minus a few.

July 14, 2022 11:51 am

That is merely a transitional stage. No, the ultimate plan by Republicans is a national abortion ban, plus the criminalisation of leaving the country to get an abortion. The end point of the project is to use the full power of the state to force females to give birth, even if they are a 10-year-old rape victim. In fact, cases like this will be held up as examples to cower other females, to teach them a lesson about what sort of country they are living in now: a theocratic fascist state.

All lies. You really are a revolting bastard.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 11:52 am


All of the details in the initial story were correct, despite the skepticism of those who were upset by facing the inevitable consequences of their worldview.

Your hurt feelings about experiencing cognitive dissonance have no relevance to the facts of the story.

No, the legal elements of the argument were completely wrong. Your hurt feelings about experiencing cognitive dissonance have no relevance to the legal facts of the story.

July 14, 2022 11:52 am

The end point of the project is to use the full power of the state to force females to give birth, even if they are a 10-year-old rape victim

Including catch and release of undocumented, illegal immigrant rapists?

Winston Smith
July 14, 2022 11:53 am


Inflation number is pretty ugly, but I think it’s peaked.

It’s a pity you didn’t take up my bet – you just missed out on the easiest $1 win you’ll ever get.
Do you want to try for 12% in the next 3 months?
The usual pot – $1.

July 14, 2022 11:53 am

Don’t tell me some people are waking up………………………

Nearly every decision Joe Biden has made just happens to be the same as what President Xi would have preferred.

The keystone pipe, energy dependence, the Afghanistan debacle, the end of tariffs, jailing critics of China, and allowing Chinese companies strategic control and access. Then there’s the Hunter Biden laptop…

July 14, 2022 11:58 am

so due to Ohio’s abortion laws she had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion. That’s it.

Thats a lie.
In Ohio, the following restrictions on abortion were in effect as of June 28, 2022:

A patient must receive state-directed counseling that includes information designed to discourage the patient from having an abortion, and then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided. Counseling must be provided in person and must take place before the waiting period begins, thereby necessitating two trips to the facility.
Health plans offered in the state’s health exchange under the Affordable Care Act can only cover abortion in cases of life endangerment, or in cases of rape or incest.
Abortion is covered in insurance policies for public employees only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest.
Medication abortion must be provided using the FDA protocol.
The parent of a minor must consent before an abortion is provided.
Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest.
Most patients will undergo an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion, since the provider must test for a fetal heartbeat. The patient will be offered the option to view the image.
Abortion is banned at six weeks of pregnancy, except in cases of life endangerment or severely compromised physical health.
The state prohibits abortions performed in response to genetic anomaly.
The state requires abortion clinics to meet unnecessary and burdensome standards related to their physical plant, equipment and staffing.

a theocratic fascist state.

You hysterical wabble jowled loon.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 14, 2022 11:59 am

Shine Lawyers, who are representing the father, said the plaintiff was making a claim of nervous shock relating to finding out about allegations his son was abused.

Weak sauce. The authoritative case law refers to minors dying far away as a jackaroo or IIRC, a horrible train station accident.

Plaintiff Lawyer MO:

1) Pull together shameless allegations, facts and law into a civil claim sufficiently complicated that it can’t be flatly denied as vexatious;

2) Find a judge/court that will find it has to go to trial to sort out the complex ‘balance of probability’ of the claim;

3) Make offer to settle on a ‘no admission basis’, for a sum less than the anticipated costs of defending + legal casino risk of losing.

4) Recover [ahem] ‘legal costs and outgoings’ and take 40% of the net settlement.

5) Rinse and repeat…

Works particularly well when there is an insurer, or well-heeled pragmatic, publicity-averse organisation on the other side.


July 14, 2022 11:59 am

Reading a story that at the moment NY hospitals are having minor surgery patients wear nappies (or diapers as they call them) instead of using catheters.
Mainly because of staffing issues.
It’s a blog post so totally unverified.
If there’s any truth to it no doubt it will get coverage in the coming weeks.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 11:59 am

so due to Ohio’s abortion laws she had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion.

No, m0nty-fa, this was both the key issue (the need to travel interstate) and the key fallacy. Ohio law would have permitted her to get an abortion there, the abortion industry chose to use her case as a beat-up.

Try to read to the end of articles, not just the headlines.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 14, 2022 11:59 am

Dylan Voller:

The 25-year-old was due to face Sydney’s Downing Centre Local Court on Wednesday where he was set to be sentenced for drug possession.

He pleaded guilty to the charge of drug possession in May but failed to turn up to court on Wednesday, causing a delay in his sentence.

I thought normally a bench warrant was issued?

July 14, 2022 12:00 pm

When Jimmy Carter decimated the US economy in the 1970s with runaway inflation, his saving grace was that average wages were rising.

The US economy is once again being butchered by a Democrat president – this time a puppet of the radical Marxist American left — but there is no saving grace. American workers are being hit by the double whammy of falling wages and record inflation.

The response of the White House Marxists is to ship billions of dollars to the Ukraine – a distraction from the main game as communist China overtakes the US economy, helped along by the Chinese Communist Party’s purchase of the US president. Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Oh come on
Oh come on
July 14, 2022 12:00 pm

If you find yourself to be sympathetic to the Russian perspective, perhaps read some of Putin’s speeches back again where he waxes lyrical about the reconstruction of the Russian empires of history, and give yourself an uppercut.

Still waiting for you to provide links to these speeches you refer to, m0nts

July 14, 2022 12:01 pm

If there’s any truth to it no doubt it will get coverage in the coming weeks.


Arse covering.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 12:04 pm

The implication of Dobbs is not that there will be red states where abortion is banned completely and blue states to which women can escape. That is merely a transitional stage. No, the ultimate plan by Republicans is a national abortion ban, plus the criminalisation of leaving the country to get an abortion. The end point of the project is to use the full power of the state to force females to give birth, even if they are a 10-year-old rape victim. In fact, cases like this will be held up as examples to cower other females, to teach them a lesson about what sort of country they are living in now: a theocratic fascist state.

m0nty-fa goes full Handmaid’s Tale. Perhaps he could provide evidence to support his assertions?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 14, 2022 12:04 pm

I thought normally a bench warrant was issued?

That’s my understanding, as well.

“Don Dale survivor” F.F.S. The place might have been tough, but it wasn’t Auschwitz or Buchenwald.

July 14, 2022 12:04 pm

so due to Ohio’s abortion laws she had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion. That’s it.

Thats a lie.

It was demonstrably not a lie. Your argument is that her doctor devised a plot to make Republicans look bad. No, Republicans look bad because they made a bad law.

What was that about seethe and copium?

Oh come on
Oh come on
July 14, 2022 12:05 pm

I’ll let you off the hook a bit, m0nty. I know you aren’t going to provide links to these speeches. You can’t, because the speeches as you described them don’t exist. You invented their existence in order to appear as though you knew what you were talking about, even though you did not, which is your standard MO.

So I don’t expect any links from you. Relax, you can leave Google alone. However, I may ask for them whenever you attempt to paper over your lack of knowledge with some garbage you just made up.

Have you ever considered that your problems could be avoided by not being such a dishonest, know-nothing blowhard? Give it a try, it might work.

July 14, 2022 12:05 pm

Our hero

On December 16, 2021, Ken Akamatsu announced he will be running for the House of Councillors, the upper house of Japan’s House of Representatives, as part of the Liberal Democratic Party, in the 2022 summer election, with a platform to protect freedom of expression in Japan from foreign and domestic puritan and politically correct censorship, standards, regulations and influences.[12][13]

July 14, 2022 12:06 pm

No, the ultimate plan by Republicans is a national abortion ban, plus the criminalisation of leaving the country to get an abortion. The end point of the project is to use the full power of the state to force females to give birth

Lucky the Supremes have effectively made that impossible by restoring the responsability of making laws around this up to the states.

For the repubs to carry out their cunning plan they would have to win every state/territory and impose state based laws one at a time.

See its all Biden playing 6D chess to protect the holy sacrament of baby mincing!

July 14, 2022 12:07 pm

It’s 2022 & people are still being arrested for weed.
What a waste of resources.

July 14, 2022 12:09 pm

I’m not relying on my own interpretation, we’ve already heard from others in the field that the Ohio law permits an abortion after 6 weeks where the life of the mother is at risk.

Link please. I must have missed that one.

If only that were true of most Republicans in Congress, but it isn’t. The only way in the short term of anything like a national ban would eventuate is via SCOTUS and it would involve a ruling where the protection of the law is extended to the child in utero (unlikely either Gorsuch or Kavanaugh would agree with this).

I have no faith that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will stand in the way of a life goal of Alito and Thomas.

LOL, monty is up in arms about the ‘full power of the state’ being employed to enforce the extension of the protection of the law to the child in utero. Monty celebrated this when it came to the abolition of slavery, segregation, and so on, but its a bridge too far for the child in utero.

Foetuses are not full persons, db. You may wish it to be so, but they are not.

July 14, 2022 12:12 pm

Lucky the Supremes have effectively made that impossible by restoring the responsability of making laws around this up to the states.

“States rights” is a canard that is discarded by Republican judges when its implications prevent them from enacting their policies. It has always been so.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 12:12 pm

July 14, 2022 at 12:04 pm
so due to Ohio’s abortion laws she had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion. That’s it.

Thats a lie.

It was demonstrably not a lie.

Then demonstrate that it is not a lie, don’t just assert it.


July 14, 2022 12:14 pm

You can bet your little white cotton socks Shine aren’t doing this action for free. Who is paying?

July 14, 2022 12:15 pm

One of the biggest financial crims from the Obama administration gets rewarded.
Contrary to the what his bio says, he was the architect of the biggest mass eviction in the US since the Depression.
And set up provisions in the Dodd-Frank act to protect Wall Street from all litigation.

Michael Barr Confirmed as Fed’s Top Banking Regulator
The Biden administration saw a key figure of its financial-regulatory team move into place as the Senate confirmed Michael Barr to become the government’s most influential banking regulator.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 14, 2022 12:15 pm

It’s 2022 & people are still being arrested for weed.
What a waste of resources.

A scheme like they have in the Netherlands – all forms of drugs are technically illegal, but the Dutch cops “tolerate” a small amount of “weed” for personal use?

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 12:15 pm

July 14, 2022 at 12:06 pm
No, the ultimate plan by Republicans is a national abortion ban, plus the criminalisation of leaving the country to get an abortion. The end point of the project is to use the full power of the state to force females to give birth

Lucky the Supremes have effectively made that impossible by restoring the responsability of making laws around this up to the states.

ROFLMAO, m0nty-fa trips over another rake. He should (if he truly believes the bullshit he posted) be celebrating the USSC decision, for protecting abortion.

July 14, 2022 12:16 pm

Remember the movie Nomadland?
Michael Barr should have received a credit.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 12:17 pm

July 14, 2022 at 12:09 pm
I’m not relying on my own interpretation, we’ve already heard from others in the field that the Ohio law permits an abortion after 6 weeks where the life of the mother is at risk.

Link please. I must have missed that one.

No need for a link, it has already been posted above. m0nty-fa probably scanned past it, to avoid confronting reality. Worm.

Oh come on
Oh come on
July 14, 2022 12:18 pm

m0nty says foetuses are not full persons. Why are foetuses not full persons? Because m0nty says foetuses are not full persons.

Compelling stuff.

Oh come on
Oh come on
July 14, 2022 12:20 pm

I must have missed that one.

Is anyone else noticing a pattern here?

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 12:20 pm

July 14, 2022 at 12:14 pm
You can bet your little white cotton socks Shine aren’t doing this action for free. Who is paying?

No win-No pay, but the plaintiff might receive an unexpectedly high bill for “outgoings”, should the case fail.

July 14, 2022 12:20 pm

Mexican President Lopez-Obrador Offers to Bail Out the United States from the Biden Created Energy Crisis, and Will Supply Electricity to Texas
July 13, 2022 | Sundance

Mexican President Lopez-Obrador is offering to bail out the United States energy crisis.

A crisis that Joe Biden has created.

We have officially gone through the mirror.

This is jaw-dropping.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 14, 2022 12:21 pm

July 14, 2022 at 11:35 am
[According to Ohio law, nothing prevented this girl, given her age, from being provided an abortion. Nothing at all.]

And yet she was not. The specialised doctor in Ohio knows far more about Ohio law than you do, db. If your answer is “ah but that shouldn’t have happened because I know better than an expert in the field” then you haven’t got much of an argument, have you?

Anyone capable of thinking can understand the “danger to the mother” exception. It’s so obviously applicable that its non-use in this case invites immediate suspicion of a beatup.
The Ohio AG said that the exception would clearly apply in the case of a 10 year old. Are you claiming to know better than him?
And what do you mean “specialised doctor”? And are you claiming to be psychic, by asserting that that particular doctor “knows far more about Ohio law” than anyone else? What knowledge do you have about the Ohio doctor? As best I’m aware the “Ohio doctor” hasn’t been identified in any media report.

… The implication of Dobbs is not that there will be red states where abortion is banned completely and blue states to which women can escape. That is merely a transitional stage. No, the ultimate plan by Republicans is a national abortion ban, plus the criminalisation of leaving the country to get an abortion.

And your evidence for that is….?

July 14, 2022 12:21 pm

Dr Faustussays:
July 14, 2022 at 11:59 am

All true but point 4, contingency fees, are banned. You can get around it with litigation funding but that is complicated and usually only in class actions.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 12:22 pm

Oh come onsays:
July 14, 2022 at 12:18 pm
m0nty says foetuses are not full persons. Why are foetuses not full persons? Because m0nty says foetuses are not full persons.

Compelling stuff.

Some might say that m0nty-fa is not a full person, or at least not the full quid.

July 14, 2022 12:24 pm

Foetuses are not full persons, db. You may wish it to be so, but they are not.

Medical science says life begins at fertilisation. Where does medical science define a “full person”? But I remember somebody else coining a word “untermensch” for human life they marked for extermination.

July 14, 2022 12:26 pm

Anyone wanting to see a full blown Nazi funeral, check out Max Blumenthal’s twitter.
Brought to you by “This week in Ukraine”.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 14, 2022 12:27 pm

The rape abortion story still has a long way to go before any verdict can be delivered.
The bloke is charged though evidence gathered from the suspect hasn’t been processed to ascertain proof of the crime.
He been offered bail, which is very odd considering the alleged crime.
We shall see punters.

July 14, 2022 12:28 pm

Your argument is that her doctor

Her abortion specialist.
The one facing having to cease practice.
The one whos career and specialty depends on the industry keeping going?

That one?
Well yes.
Caitlin Bernard, MD is a family planning fellowship-trained obstetrician and gynecologist. Her clinical interests are in contraception, abortion and miscarriage care, in addition to general obstetrics and gynecology.

Winston Smith
July 14, 2022 12:30 pm

Bruce O’Newk:

Nothing green ever works part 998 and a half.

They’ll just raise the deposit by 100%, and give the recyclers 50% of it.

July 14, 2022 12:30 pm

“Don Dale survivor” F.F.S.

That would be everyone ever incarcerated there.

July 14, 2022 12:30 pm


Sheesh. You’d think proof reading would be enough.”

Oh – and here’s me thinking your were being a bit narcissistic (or brutally honest, perhaps).

But hey – you know me: beautiful, honest and modest. If only I had a little humility, I’d be perfect. Sigh – these are the crosses we must bear, aren’t they? Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 14, 2022 12:30 pm


July 14, 2022 at 11:48 am

Bring it on, you deranged nut-job.

Crazy sex is the best sex, or so I have heard.

Well, possibly.
As long as you don’t give your real name and address, or any means of tracking you down.
And again, it’s just something I’ve heard.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 14, 2022 12:34 pm

He been offered bail, which is very odd considering the alleged crime.

An alleged victim wrapped up in privacy.
An alleged perpertrator who has no documented identity, who is inexplicably on bail and is likely to abscond back whence he came.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 14, 2022 12:38 pm

Foetuses are not full persons, db. You may wish it to be so, but they are not.

Of all people, m0nster, you should be careful advancing an argument about the relative worth of one human life over another.
Unintended consequences and all that.

Oh come on
Oh come on
July 14, 2022 12:39 pm

That young Mr Voller is really living his best life, eh? One to watch, for sure. I’m expecting big things from him.

July 14, 2022 12:42 pm

Re the aging population of China:

John Lee wrote a very good China article in the Weekend Australian. He says they have a window of 5-7 years before the aging population causes restrictions on expansion of the economy.

Dads Navy!

July 14, 2022 12:43 pm

Wow! Kneel…what brought that on? Did I say something to offend you?

Is it narcissistic to have a go at interpreting a painting styled as “allegory”? I was hoping a smarter Cat would have some ideas on what it all meant.

July 14, 2022 12:45 pm

Oh, and m0nty. I don’t mind being wrong about that ten year old. And I don’t mind looking a bit silly either. It won’t be the first time and definitely not the last.

Not sure what a “full” person is, by the way. You’re either human or you aren’t.

July 14, 2022 12:45 pm

It’s 2022 & people are still being arrested for weed.

Too much money in it for the cops.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 14, 2022 12:46 pm

BJ at 12:20.
I thought the “no win, no fee” ambulance chaser model was based around litigation funders taking a bet on likely winners and financing the action up to a point for a fee.
Hard to see this one passing muster with a litigation funder.
It could be a bit of cheap pro-bono as a promotional exercise.
Lawyers being lawyers, with large amounts of the direct compo actions sorted, they will be looking to a second wave of “consequential loss” type actions from family members.
If so, I don’t think this is a great foundation case to set precedent.

July 14, 2022 12:47 pm

Top Endersays:
July 14, 2022 at 11:02 am
Meanwhile in Viktoraistan:

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has been asked to explain a $1900 bill that was sent to a family who rushed their unconscious 15-month-old son to hospital themselves because they could not get an ambulance after six Triple Zero calls.

wow – having a browse through their annual report is an eye-opener.

If you wondered how the Andrew’s government rewards its maaaates and shuffles cash around.

Details of individual consultancies over two years
Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission – Workplace Equality Review: $1.42M

A cool $1.4 million to tell you you’re a bunch of racist white blokes and you need more wimminses and coloured people on staff.

July 14, 2022 12:49 pm

It’s 2022 & people are still being arrested for weed.
What a waste of resources.

Bloody ridiculous.

What’s worse is that we are moving to ban smoking, it literally protects you from COVID!*

*[Smoking down regulates the ACE-2 receptors].

July 14, 2022 12:50 pm

It could be a bit of cheap pro-bono as a promotional exercise.

Pro Boner gets to recover “costs” from the courts when they win cases.
“Costs” including lovely billable hours…

July 14, 2022 12:52 pm

Anyone capable of thinking can understand the “danger to the mother” exception. It’s so obviously applicable that its non-use in this case invites immediate suspicion of a beatup.
The Ohio AG said that the exception would clearly apply in the case of a 10 year old. Are you claiming to know better than him?

He said it was possible, not that it would “clearly apply”.

Yost also said that the state’s abortion restrictions include an exemption for medical emergencies, broader than to save the mother’s life, that could have been used in the 10-year-old’s case and allowed her to obtain an abortion in Ohio. He said abortions are allowed if there is a substantial likelihood “that a major bodily function will be permanently impaired” by carrying a pregnancy to term. Because medical complications are “substantially amplified when you talk about a very young mother,” he said it’s possible the 10-year-old could have obtained an exemption.

“Ultimately, you would have to have the detailed facts to make a case-by-case determination,” said Yost.

One might surmise that perhaps Yost should refrain in future from popping up on Fox News with opinions pulled out of his ass before he is briefed on the facts of a case.

We are wading in here to a very weedy part of the law. How does an Ohio doctor make a determination that a 10-year-old would or would not have her life threatened or organ/s impaired by carrying a child to term? You can’t just say “common sense”, because the law here is murky and highly contested, especially mere days after Dobbs came down.

I am not surprised at all that the doctor decided not to tempt a years-long lawsuit and took the easy way out. It was best for his career not to become a national celebrity test case, and it was better for the child to get the abortion done as quickly as possible without being tied up in red tape. There is no need to imagine a vast left-wing conspiracy to make Republicans look bad.

And what do you mean “specialised doctor”? And are you claiming to be psychic, by asserting that that particular doctor “knows far more about Ohio law” than anyone else? What knowledge do you have about the Ohio doctor? As best I’m aware the “Ohio doctor” hasn’t been identified in any media report.

The phrase used in the Columbus Dispatch story was “child abuse doctor”, which implies a doctor who specialises in handling victims of child abuse. Presumably such a person, who would have experience in the field, would have a pretty strong working knowledge of Ohio state law in practice. They would certainly know far more about it than you or I.

July 14, 2022 12:52 pm

Google maybe looking for an excuse to shed full time (woke) staff and keep the contractors that do the grunt work.


July 14, 2022 12:56 pm

Your argument is that her doctor

Her abortion specialist.

No mole, I was talking about the as-yet-unnamed “child abuse doctor” from her home state of Ohio, not Caitlin Bernard who is in Indiana. The Ohio doctor was running the case, not the Indiana one.

July 14, 2022 12:58 pm

He been offered bail, which is very odd considering the alleged crime.

Of $2 million USD! I don’t think an undocumented dude working at a cafe has that kind of scratch.

Apparently it’s a constitutional rights issue. Pesky things, aren’t they.

July 14, 2022 1:00 pm

California is Running Out of Cans to Put Beer In (13 Jul)

Hope they don’t run out of drinking water then. Beer, historically was a source of clean water (albeit with flavour).

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 1:01 pm


Foetuses are not full persons, db. You may wish it to be so, but they are not.

The term you are groping for could be either untermensch or lebensunswertes leben.

July 14, 2022 1:01 pm

Full vs partial vs non-persons?


Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 1:02 pm

John at 1224


Old bloke
Old bloke
July 14, 2022 1:02 pm

flyingduk says:
July 14, 2022 at 8:27 am

……. it lays out a pretty persuasive case for the fall of the West and the coming supremacy of China.

The sudden and spectacular fall of Mega Babylon will see a reshaping of the world order, China will play a part along with other players, in particular Russia and Iran. They will be joined by their vassal states, the ‘Stan countries, the Norks, and others. Sadly, Edom (eastern Europe and possibly Japan) side with them. Things will get very brutal and primitive.

July 14, 2022 1:03 pm

Hard to see this one passing muster with a litigation funder.

Litigation funding in Australia is now 100% dependent on the respondent’s insurance situation.
To a degree the law firm & the respondent are no longer the key parties.
It’s the litigation funder (behind the law firm & PS no one gives a fuck about the applicant).
& the insurer (behind the respondent) negotiate a settlement if the metrics allow it.

July 14, 2022 1:04 pm

He been offered bail, which is very odd considering the alleged crime.
Of $2 million USD! I don’t think an undocumented dude working at a cafe has that kind of scratch.
Apparently it’s a constitutional rights issue. Pesky things, aren’t they.

You have to put up 10% in cash to meet bail in the US .. the high amounts for serious crime is to, hopefully, ensure the, alleged, perpetrator doesn’t have it or a “bail bondsman” operation touch it!

July 14, 2022 1:05 pm

It’s in the legislation itself. Doctors have an ‘affirmative defense’ where the mother’s life is in danger or could suffer permanent impairment.

Ah I see, so you’re just making a bare assertion that you would interpret the law a certain way, when it appears evident that a doctor in the field – at whom it is directed – does not interpret it that way. So you are pretending that you know more about how the law works to direct an Ohio doctor than… an Ohio doctor.

Full vs partial vs non-persons? Amazing that liberals are now developing a nomenclature similar to those fixated by race. Thing is that as soon as monty begins this delicate task of distinguishing the ‘full’ person from the ‘partial’ person and so on, we are going to find that the protection of the law is going to also be denied to people after birth that do not, or no longer, satisfy the characteristics of ‘full’ personhood.

That line of thinking makes no sense whatsoever, db. Particularly as you are using it to justify removing rights of women – or more specifically, denying that women had those rights to begin with.

July 14, 2022 1:06 pm

full persons

What was that NAZI word for people of less worth?

July 14, 2022 1:06 pm

Apparently it’s a constitutional rights issue. Pesky things, aren’t they.


Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 1:07 pm

that could have been used in the 10-year-old’s case and allowed her to obtain an abortion in Ohio. He said abortions are allowed if there is a substantial likelihood “that a major bodily function will be permanently impaired” by carrying a pregnancy to term. Because medical complications are “substantially amplified when you talk about a very young mother,” he said it’s possible the 10-year-old could have obtained an exemption.

Ultimately, you would have to have the detailed facts to make a case-by-case determination,” said Yost.

m0nty-fa again displays an inability to read right to the end. Does m0nty-fa have all “the detailed facts”? I doubt it.

July 14, 2022 1:09 pm

“Wow! Kneel…what brought that on? Did I say something to offend you?”

Oh, sorry – it seems that didn’t come across to you in the way I intended.
’twas all rather tongue in cheek stuff, just having a laugh – at my own expense as much as yours.
Pobodies Nerfect and all that.
No offense intended at all – and none taken either.
Carry on.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 14, 2022 1:10 pm

It’s 2022 & people are still being arrested for weed.
What a waste of resources.

Yes. My second eldest son, in his forties, was arrested in an inner city street buying a small amount of marihuana from another a man who lives in a nearby flat. The seller was fined $500 and my son was fined $100 as a second-offender as he’s been nabbed before (on both occasions I had to recompense him for the fines so that he could eat that week).

I don’t like ‘weed’ and I think it is dangerous for all young people as it crazes and demotivates them.
But criminalising those who are culturally hooked on it and suffer the long-term problems of dependence is not a good use of resources.

July 14, 2022 1:13 pm

Hunter Biden is a brave man.
Goes does water slide naked.
Clearly doesn’t respect his junk.

July 14, 2022 1:15 pm

Litigation funding in Australia is now 100% dependent on the respondent’s insurance situation.

Can back that up. Was involved in civil action as part of a group a few years back. We hardly dealt with the the respondent after the initial filing and heaps with the lawyer their PI insurance hired.

That said the process is as much as a punishment as the outcome which we had a victory but it was pyrrhic in the end in some ways. No one made any money from except the lawyers.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 1:15 pm

OK, who has been giving m0nty-fa all the sympathy tucks, err, ficks, err ticks. Up until around 1100, he was getting a steady 2 per post, then 3 per post until around 1200, then everyone went off-shift.

July 14, 2022 1:16 pm

All good, Kneel. I needed more coffee as usual.

Also…just replaced my dodgy glasses for a new prescription. Always a worry – you try on frames and hope for the best as you squint into the mirror. There is always the chance you end up looking like Edna Everidge.

Now that’s narcissism! 😀

July 14, 2022 1:16 pm


The doctor in question was the one who was the single source for that story.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 14, 2022 1:17 pm

So you are pretending that you know more about how the law works to direct an Ohio doctor than… an Ohio doctor.

m0nty, face facts.
Ohio doesn’t have a hard date 6 week abortion limit, it has a detectable foetal heartbeat limit, and it has a danger to the mother exception.
The story was presented by the abortionist as the Ohio doctor contacting her on the basis that the pregnancy was at 6 weeks and 3 days, beyond the putative (and wrong) 6 week limit.
The two frontrunners here are:
the Ohio doctor was ignorant of the law and panicked unnecessarily, thus inadvertently facilitating the beatup; or
the Ohio doctor was in on the beatup.

July 14, 2022 1:20 pm

What was that NAZI word for people of less worth?


July 14, 2022 1:22 pm

No one made any money from except the lawyers.

It’s the Australian way.

July 14, 2022 1:24 pm

The doctor in question was the one who was the single source for that story.

That doctor was not in charge of the case. Bernard was brought in afterwards.

If your contention is that Bernard is running the vast left-wing conspiracy and the Ohio doctor is just a patsy, you’re completely in cuckoo land.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 14, 2022 1:27 pm

It’s 2022 & people are still being arrested for weed.
What a waste of resources.

Being arrested for pot possession is for the little people.

NYPD Mulls Halting Drug Tests for Marijuana (Newsmax, 13 Jul)

According to a memo obtained by Newsmax, the NYPD was no longer permitted to drug test for marijuana under the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, which legalized recreational marijuana in the Empire State last year.

The memo, issued Monday by the deputy commissioner for legal matters, Ernest Hart, summarized an opinion by the New York City Law Department and was titled “NYPD No Longer Permitted to Drug Test for Marijuana.”

High justice has a new meaning. Meanwhile:

Regular cannabis use impairs performance in female athletes (13 Jul)

Younger women who use cannabis regularly, even when healthy and physically active, aren’t able to produce as much anaerobic power as non-users, and they show signs of greater risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

Compared with non-users, cannabis users showed 18% less power output during the first 5 seconds of pedaling and 20% less during the second 5-second period.

That’s a huge performance drop if you’re a top level competitor. On the other hand you’ll feel a lot better about it if you’re stoned when you lose.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 14, 2022 1:31 pm

Oops, should’ve included the immediately prior para in that quote too – the NYPD policy is this:

Law enforcement experts are calling a proposed new policy “crazy” that would prohibit the New York Police Department from drug testing new recruits for marijuana use or conducting random testing.

July 14, 2022 1:31 pm

For high impact sports (NFL) weed is the best anti inflammatory available.
The NFL has now moved to a don’t ask don’t tell re weed outside the training camp window.
The benefits of not being under the WADA or USADA regime.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 14, 2022 1:32 pm

Things will get very brutal and primitive.

Worst case scenarios usually don’t happen, Old Bloke, and I take some comfort from that thought. You certainly paint a fairly compelling scenario for the ultimate end of the West.

Sometimes things can get pretty rough, and I guess that’s what you are speculating about. Polities though do have a way of reshaping themselves in order to save themselves. That’s my hope. Some way to go yet for full repair, but there are some small signs that the current climate cult lunacy of Net Zero in the West is on the turn and that ‘woke’ is on the run.

“There is a great deal of ruin in a Nation” – Adam Smith

July 14, 2022 1:33 pm

The two frontrunners here are:
the Ohio doctor was ignorant of the law and panicked unnecessarily, thus inadvertently facilitating the beatup; or
the Ohio doctor was in on the beatup.

There were no quotes in that part of the story. The six week thing was an assumption of the reporter, not of the doctors.

You are working really, really hard to find some loophole that will negate the effects of Dobbs, but there isn’t any. The project behind Dobbs is explicitly intended to force 10-year-old rape victims to have their rape baby, because to perform an abortion would be murder. That is the logic in its entirety, stripping away the complications of any particular case like this one. It’s not a complex thing to understand. No exceptions, no mercy.

July 14, 2022 1:34 pm

Albanese’s office has rejected Palaszczuk’s call for an unscheduled National Cabinet meeting to discuss the covid situation.

July 14, 2022 1:34 pm

I don’t like ‘weed’ and I think it is dangerous for all young people as it crazes and demotivates them.
But criminalising those who are culturally hooked on it and suffer the long-term problems of dependence is not a good use of resources.

I’ve known too many that have succumbed to it. Giving away good work to a life of wanting the next bong, ad infinitum. I think all of them used get on the piss first then finish off on weed. Such a waste. None of them wanted off.

July 14, 2022 1:35 pm

THC & young brains does not mix.
A mature society would move to an environment where weed would be 100% legal & all drug related crimes expunged from peoples records.
As long as the THC level (& other inputs) are disclosed, that’s all that matters.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 14, 2022 1:35 pm

Mole at 12:50.
Sorry, I didn’t spell out what I meant.
I think they have cobbled together a quick case with no real serious intent of it ever going court.
Just a promo.
Consider this.
There will be hundreds of primary victims who will have trousered $100k – $300k each, or more.
Even without “no win, no fee”, it would be easy to sucker some of them into shelling out $20k – $30k to run a case for mum and dad’s trauma.
Or have I been watching too much “Better Call Saul”?

July 14, 2022 1:37 pm

Costs to society of prohibiting weed versus costs to society of the proportion of people who become non-productive because of the weed.
Pretty simple equation.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 14, 2022 1:41 pm

There were no quotes in that part of the story. The six week thing was an assumption of the reporter, not of the doctors.

Come on m0nty. The story expressly states that Ohio doctor’s perceived problem was that the girl was 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. No mention of foetal heartbeat.

July 14, 2022 1:42 pm

An Australian billionaire is an investor in a high end weed business in the US.
Their highest selling line is an organic weed line.
They do your standard weed, a weed & tobacco mix, vape pens & edibles.
My view is this will be the model coming to Australia.
In 10 years time people will wonder why weed was illegal for as long as it was.
They’ll be punters getting out of jail for selling weed wondering why the billionaire class are getting rich off selling weed.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 14, 2022 1:42 pm

According to Ohio law, nothing prevented this girl, given her age, from being provided an abortion. Nothing at all.

So…Monty was trying to make a point with a story about a raped girl to show that dire consequences of the overturn of Roe v Wade when in fact even with it overturned the option of an abortion was available to the girl for precisely the reasons that made the story so tragic.

These stories show Roe v Wade was not necessary to deal with the exteme cases being used to justify the claim for a constitutional right. This story does show the lengths some people will go to in order to gin up a cause where none exists. It is the usual issue – when they have to lie or prevaricate it is because the real story doesn’t prove their point.

Looks like he will have to instead appeal to our sympathies with tales of women who go nightclubbing and have an unprotected rutting in an alley, get pregnant, and worry that a child will get in the way of more clubbing. Or the couple who decided her getting pregnant would plaster over the problems of their deteriorating relationship to only later decide this band-aid was not going to work.

Damn. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry when I typed that. But who could be so hard of heart.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 14, 2022 1:45 pm

Is it a counterpoint to optimism though to read a blast from the past? Consider this US Spectator musing just prior to the 2016 election.

Here, the writer fears a Clinto election and had yet to imagine how bad it could get, when an unlooked for Trump triumph was shattered to pieces in 2020 with the Biden fiasco.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 14, 2022 1:46 pm

Industry says all-female restrictions on new school build will cost taxpayer, benefit interstate companies

Construction industry experts say the gender quota conditions the government wants to impose on the new Strathnairn School build will just mean the ACT taxpayer has to pay more, and it will benefit interstate firms. Here’s why.


July 14, 2022 1:47 pm

Like smoke it will be taxed to point of making the illegal stuff more attractive, Bern.

July 14, 2022 1:47 pm

Does anyone know where the attributes my comment to Monty-fa apparently picked up come from?

It took less than 6 days to organise and perform the abortion.
The original doc used the single source doc to spread the story because

. Shes a long term media whore on abortion issues.
. He wanted a cut out to protect himself from scrutiny.

So who was telling the lie about the impossibility of getting an abortion in state.
The original doc or the single source lady?
Because one way or another someone has used a raped 10 year old to keep their business rolling on.

July 14, 2022 1:50 pm

So you admit the availability of a defense, you’re just not sure whether this doctor would succeed if she were charged. Do you think a jury would find that a pregnancy at 10-years of age wouldn’t threaten the life or risk permanent injury to the child/mother? Or are you simply defending the doctor’s decision to decline to abort and referring the child to an out-of-state doctor even though an affirmative defense was available?

Would it be a jury or a (Republican) judge? Either way, as I said I am unsurprised that the doctor chose the safer option in not putting his and his patients’ lives on the line for a national circus of a test case. The health system in America is poisonously litigious, any working doctor would try to avoid a courtroom if they possibly could. Especially when you don’t want to put a minor through all that.

The line of thinking makes perfect sense, which is why you are simply denying it without rebutting it. And the claim that women enjoy a right to kill the child in utero irrespective of the status of the child in utero is question-begging; if the child in utero did deserve the protection of the law (it does), woman could not possibly enjoy such a right.

You are assuming that a foetus is a person and working backwards from there in your logic, which is the definition of question-begging. It is a hard argument to rebut, because it is perfectly circular and doesn’t reference anything outside itself. If you believe a foetus is a person then it’s practically impossible to counter your abortion thesis using logic, because you are not holding a logical position. You can always answer with “… but a foetus is a person”, and think you’ve won.

For instance, I can state that the emotional logic at work here is not actually about the ideal of personhood at all, but about subjugation of women, and the re-establishment of Dark Ages patriarchal mores… but you will rebut with “… but a foetus is a person”. What can I say.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 14, 2022 1:51 pm

In other words, who could imagine how a derelict media and socialist capture of the Democrat Party could shatter all that was good about Trump’s Presidency and bring America to the very brink of ruin?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 14, 2022 1:54 pm

You are assuming that a foetus is a person and working backwards from there in your logic, which is the definition of question-begging. It is a hard argument to rebut, because it is perfectly circular and doesn’t reference anything outside itself. If you believe a foetus is a person then it’s practically impossible to counter your abortion thesis using logic, because you are not holding a logical position. You can always answer with “… but a foetus is a person”, and think you’ve won.

Lack of self-awareness alert!
Explain to us again m0nty your irrefutable grounds for saying a foetus isn’t a person.

July 14, 2022 1:55 pm

Like smoke it will be taxed to point of making the illegal stuff more attractive, Bern.

Will it be the California model?
Or will it be the Colorado model?
Or the Kentucky model?
There are many models to look at the least worst way to go.

July 14, 2022 1:57 pm

Come on m0nty. The story expressly states that Ohio doctor’s perceived problem was that the girl was 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. No mention of foetal heartbeat.

The passage in question:

On Monday three days after the Supreme Court issued its groundbreaking decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, took a call from a colleague, a child abuse doctor in Ohio.

Hours after the Supreme Court action, the Buckeye state had outlawed any abortion after six weeks. Now this doctor had a 10-year-old patient in the office who was six weeks and three days pregnant.

Could Bernard help?

It is true that the way the reporters phrased it was technically imprecise, even though in operation it is usually correct. Does this invalidate the rest of the story? No. Does this imply that either doctor made a mistake? Also no.

If you think an Ohio doctor would test a 10-year-old for pregnancy without listening for a foetal heartbeat, you are a bit thick. Apart from anything else, he would be too shitscared about lawsuits not to do so. People tend to go by the book in cases which might end up in court.

July 14, 2022 2:00 pm

Still, I’m content to wear the impetus of Dobbs as the end of the beginning re the abortion license. People that accept that the life of the child in utero is worth protecting shouldn’t be taken aback by this or that hard case.

Exactly, db gets it.

Accept that your side wants to use the coercive powers of the state to force a 10-year-old rape victim to give birth. That is who you are.

July 14, 2022 2:01 pm

In other words, who could imagine how a derelict media and socialist capture of the Democrat Party could shatter all that was good about Trump’s Presidency and bring America to the very brink of ruin?

ruin? it’s halfway to a socialist utopia!

July 14, 2022 2:04 pm

Accept that your side wants to use the coercive powers of the state to force a 10-year-old rape victim to give birth. That is who you are.

What a load of shit.

And thanks for utterly destroying this thread, mUttley, you f*cking moron.

July 14, 2022 2:04 pm

There are many models to look at the least worst way to go.

Fare enough, bern yet my cynicism kicks in thinking Australia will adopt the ‘idiot model’.
Subsidies or give it away for free.

July 14, 2022 2:06 pm

Accept that your side wants to use the coercive powers of the state to force a 10-year-old rape victim to give birth.

no force is required, its just nature at work

July 14, 2022 2:06 pm

Industry says all-female restrictions on new school build will cost taxpayer, benefit interstate companies

this discrimination by gov should be unconstitutional

July 14, 2022 2:08 pm

“There is a great deal of ruin in a Nation” – Adam Smith

A lot less than there was a few years ago.

July 14, 2022 2:09 pm

Motly-fa busy celebrating his abortion again.

He wraps up his big buterball of ‘i assume/ supposes” and presents it as evidence that Clarence Thomas himself was prepared to hold her down while the baby erupted Alien style from her guts.

The case is made up of multiple layers of bad things.
a rape.
A person who shouldnt have even had the opportunity to cause the rape
The abortionist leaking to the media their own “take’ on the law/case.
The actual abortion.
The abortionist using their catspaw to spread the story.
and so on.

July 14, 2022 2:13 pm

Accept that your side wants to use the coercive powers of the state to force a 10-year-old rape victim to give birth.

By devolving powers back to states, that will lead to a national blanket ban on….

Monty logic everyone.
This is the tragic result of snorting the icing sugar off the Krispy Creme products rotting your brain.

July 14, 2022 2:16 pm

Not at all. I begin with the child in utero being a human being. That is enough for me. You raised the ‘person’ angle, yourself, when you baldly asserted that the child in utero was not fully a person. The rest of your ‘circular logic’ gambit is just projection. Can you even explain how something can be partially or fully a person? No hand-waving either.

I would have thought a person should be able to survive outside its mother’s womb. There is no such thing as a partial person, you lot said that, not me.

All you done here is admit you can’t defend this personhood claim about the child in utero, so you’ve gone and tried to psychologize my opposition to abortion as simply motivated by misogyny. That is how clownish monty is.

Nobody cared about abortion until many years after Roe came down. It was weaponised by the American Right to gin up support among evangelicals, as a reactionary project to undo the winning of civil rights by women. It has misogyny at its core.

If you don’t understand that, you don’t know what you’re fighting about.

July 14, 2022 2:17 pm

A cool $1.4 million to tell you you’re a bunch of racist white blokes and you need more wimminses and coloured people on staff.

yeah and you get the newspeak dictionary revision 11

July 14, 2022 2:18 pm

The original doc used the single source doc to spread the story because

. Shes a long term media whore on abortion issues.
. He wanted a cut out to protect himself from scrutiny.

This is delusional. Seek professional help, mole.

July 14, 2022 2:18 pm

Fact free, but with a gratituous dig at the XYs, TheirABC reports on the sacking of yet another council:

Wingecarribee Shire Council in the New South Wales Southern Highlands has been sacked and an interim administrator appointed until 2024.

It follows a public inquiry into the council earlier this year, which examined whether the suspended councillors understood their roles or interfered in operational matters.

Local Government Minister Wendy Tuckerman announced the eight men would be sacked on Thursday morning, following recommendations made by the inquiry’s commissioner, Ross Glover.

More generally, why are local councils so dysfunctional? They get sacked with monotonous regularity because they have descended into pre-school grabbing, primary school hair-pulling, high school thuggery or university level corruption. That’s not counting chronic financial mismanagement.

Thank goodness they have never achieved their aim of being recognised in the Constitution. At least this way, State governments can sack them when it all gets too much.

July 14, 2022 2:20 pm

Accept that your side wants to use the coercive powers of the state to force a 10-year-old rape victim to give birth. That is who you are.

Moloch Munty

Nothing is to absurd help justify his desire for murder.

There is a complete lack of media follow up on these difficult and terrible cases. No doubt because the outcome doesn’t fit the narrative.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
July 14, 2022 2:24 pm

WTF….Californians are driving to Mexico to buy and are saving $1.50 a gallon. Ex tucker.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
July 14, 2022 2:25 pm

oops…’to buy fuel’….

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 2:26 pm

The project behind Dobbs is explicitly intended to force 10-year-old rape victims to have their rape baby, because to perform an abortion would be murder. That is the logic in its entirety, stripping away the complications of any particular case like this one. It’s not a complex thing to understand. No exceptions, no mercy.

m0nty-fa’s febrile imagination enables to see so clearly now what the future holds. Yet it is inadequate to cause him to comment on late-term abortions, sex-selection abortions, or “lifestyle” abortions, all of which it must therefore be assumed he supports without any restriction.

July 14, 2022 2:28 pm

monty thinks repeating the coercive powers of the state is rhetorically powerful. Almost a magic spell. Oh, look, the ‘coercive powers of the state’ are deployed against an ‘undocumented person’ that alleged raped a 10-year old. Yeah nah, I’m not moved.

I was talking about them being used against the victim.

BTW, again, I notice you ignore the fact that in Australia, dozens of children are left to die alone in Australian hospitals each year following an abortion. That is who you are, monty. We see you.

They are not given life-saving care, almost always because they carry severe foetal abnormalities which mean they would die soon anyway. This is unpleasant to think about of course, but not unexpected given the circumstances. I certainly wouldn’t second guess the parents who are going through immense anguish over these decisions. How can anyone criticise parents for wanting their “angel baby” to not suffer any more?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 14, 2022 2:30 pm

You are assuming that a foetus is a person and working backwards from there in your logic

Maybe M0nty shouldn’t move to Arizona then.

Federal Judge Blocks Arizona’s ‘Personhood’ Abortion Law (11 Jul)

A federal judge in Phoenix on Monday blocked a 2021 state “personhood” law that gives all legal rights to unborn children and that abortion rights groups said put providers at risk of prosecution for a variety of crimes.

One guess who appointed the judge.

July 14, 2022 2:32 pm

Just caught up with the thread.

Monty has spent the last four hours defending the politicisation of an appalling situation.
It rates as one of the more obscene examples of the “Whatever it takes” doctrine.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 2:33 pm


You are assuming that a foetus is a person and working backwards from there in your logic, which is the definition of question-begging.

You are assuming that a foetus is an untermensch or a lebensunwertes leben, and working backwards from there in your logic, which is the definition of question-begging.

July 14, 2022 2:36 pm


That’s the word I was looking for.

Cassie of Sydney
July 14, 2022 2:37 pm

I don’t understand how this can proceed when Cardinal Pell was acquitted and cleared…and why can’t the father be identified?

“George Pell, Catholic Church to be sued by alleged victim’s father

The father of a former choirboy, who lawyers say was allegedly abused by George Pell, is attempting to sue the cardinal and the Catholic Church.

Shine Lawyers solicitor Lisa Flynn said her client, who cannot be identified, has suffered psychological damage and is pursuing civil action.

“We’re here for the father of the deceased son, a son who our client alleges suffered sexual abuse at the hands of the church when he was a boy,” Ms Flynn said outside the Victorian Supreme Court on Thursday morning.

“I would like to take this of to say to survivors of sexual abuse that we will not stop fighting for you.

“Yours is a deep pain that is caused by the darkest of evils and we will not stop fighting and seeking justice.”

Ms Flynn said she could not discuss the damages her client is seeking and only confirmed they are pursuing a civil case.

“Our client has been through a lot. He has lost a child, which is horrific for any parent to have to go through but learning the circumstances about what happened to him has been very difficult for him,” she said.

“Our client has suffered significant psychological harm as a result of what happened.”

Cardinal Pell was accused of abusing two choirboys in 1996 and 1997. After he was initially found guilty in 2018, his convictions were overturned in 2020 by the High Court which found there was reasonable doubt in the testimony of his sole living accuser.

The court found his story was deemed improbable because of the timing, nature and location of the alleged ­offending.

Cardinal Pell was released from prison after more than a year in custody.

One of the boys died from an accidental drug overdose in 2014.

At a brief directions hearing on Thursday, the case was set down until August 4 with both parties required to file their final documents by July 28.

The Melbourne Archdiocese was represented by Geraldine Gray, while Pell’s solicitor was Nicholas O’Bryan.”

This is grubby journalism from The Oz. Note the following…”a son who our client alleges suffered sexual abuse at the hands of the church when he was a boy“….they omit the inconvenient fact that the son denied he was abused at the hands of the church.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 2:39 pm

July 14, 2022 at 2:00 pm
Still, I’m content to wear the impetus of Dobbs as the end of the beginning re the abortion license. People that accept that the life of the child in utero is worth protecting shouldn’t be taken aback by this or that hard case.

Exactly, db gets it.

Accept that your side wants to use the coercive powers of the state to force a 10-year-old rape victim to give birth. That is who you are.

Once again, m0nty-fa is selective in his response. He omitted the qualification later in the same paragraph, as follows:

This doesn’t mean that you can’t make prudential accommodations, granting an exemption here or there or order to push legislation through, so long as you grant protection to the vast majority of cases. However, when monty gets in your face with these hard cases, return the favour.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 2:44 pm


monty thinks repeating the coercive powers of the state is rhetorically powerful. Almost a magic spell. Oh, look, the ‘coercive powers of the state’ are deployed against an ‘undocumented person’ that alleged raped a 10-year old. Yeah nah, I’m not moved.

Yet m0nty-fa is quite comfortable using the “coercive power of the state” to destroy the lives of actual living persons, many with families by driving them out of work in the name of “Klimate Change”, or any other fetish of the so-called “progressive” fascist left.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
July 14, 2022 2:45 pm

Theres a old country saying..’if you’ve got 1 solicitor in a town , he’ll scrape ahead. If you have 2 solicitors in a town they’ll make a living. If you put 3 solicitors in a town , they’ll become wealthy men.’ …..

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 14, 2022 2:48 pm

In Things are Grim Up North news:

Why Australia needs a national cabinet meeting NOW: Annastacia Palaszczuk reveals why she’s pushing for the country’s leaders to come together immediately

The Premier was asked what she would like to see a national cabinet meeting discuss.

‘I think the country just wants to know how this wave is going. How the hospitalisations are going. And get the information from the chief health medical officer which is what we used to get from national cabinet,’ Ms Palaszczuk added.

‘It doesn’t have to be a long meeting. Gives an opportunity for the Prime Minister to brief the country on how it’s going.’

Australia is now apparently so fallen that we can only find out what’s going on with Covid by having the Prime Minister brief the country.

Enjoy yer hols Albo.
The Moroon Palacechook is in full blame deflection mode…

(Technical note: with henchpersons like these, Klaus Schwab needs to get the trapdoor bridge over the shark-tank repaired pdq.)

July 14, 2022 2:49 pm

Particularly as you are using it to justify removing rights of women – or more specifically, denying that women had those rights to begin with.

You have to admire the pious righteousness of the left who can simultaneously be unable to define a woman but be prepared to protect her right to abort.

July 14, 2022 2:49 pm

“George Pell, Catholic Church to be sued by alleged victim’s father

Fuck me. This is ridiculous and, whilst not very Christian, is precisely the reason George should’ve taken everyone to court upon his HC exoneration.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 2:50 pm

I would have thought a person should be able to survive outside its mother’s womb. There is no such thing as a partial person, you lot said that, not me.

Two points. First, a baby can “survive outside its mother’s womb” from around the low twenties weeks of pregnancy. Will you accept a hard limit of 21 weeks for abortions? If not, why not? Because it would interfere with late-term abortions, sex selection abortions or “lifestyle” abortions?

Second, even for a full-term baby, the support of parents or other adults is required for many years for it to “survive outside its mother’s womb”. Your so-called definition has a hole in it more than a decade wide.

Winston Smith
July 14, 2022 2:51 pm


All lies. You really are a revolting bastard.

So correct.

Winston Smith
July 14, 2022 2:54 pm

Boambee John:

Your hurt feelings about experiencing cognitive dissonance have no relevance to the facts of the story.

No, the legal elements of the argument were completely wrong. Your hurt feelings about experiencing cognitive dissonance have no relevance to the legal facts of the story.

Montifa has no standing.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 14, 2022 2:54 pm

Albanese’s office has rejected Palaszczuk’s call for an unscheduled National Cabinet meeting to discuss the covid situation.

The side show has moved on.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 14, 2022 2:55 pm

“We’re here for the father of the deceased son, a son who our client alleges suffered sexual abuse at the hands of the church when he was a boy,” Ms Flynn said outside the Victorian Supreme Court on Thursday morning.

“I would like to take this of to say to survivors of sexual abuse that we will not stop fighting for you.

“Yours is a deep pain that is caused by the darkest of evils and we will not stop fighting and seeking justice.”

Ms Flynn said she could not discuss the damages her client is seeking and only confirmed they are pursuing a civil case.

The sincerity would choke a brown dog.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 14, 2022 2:59 pm

almost always because they carry severe foetal abnormalities which mean they would die soon anyway

m0nty-fa might or might not believe this, but he has no evidence either way. However, since foetal abnormalities should be detectable relatively early in the pregnancy, the odds are that he is again talking through his fundamental orifice.

July 14, 2022 3:03 pm

As much as I think Shine Lawyers have gone away and conspired and concocted more crap to better their case against Pell, I can’t see how a civil suit can be won against the backdrop of a 7-zip smashing? (Yes, I get that they’re different proceedings)…

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
July 14, 2022 3:06 pm

‘I have little doubt that my opinion on abortion will be taken into account , even if the abortion is legal or illegal , by a female in this country or another’ ….said by ‘egotistical spectator’.

July 14, 2022 3:11 pm

Boambee Johnsays:
July 14, 2022 at 2:44 pm

monty thinks repeating the coercive powers of the state is rhetorically powerful. Almost a magic spell. Oh, look, the ‘coercive powers of the state’ are deployed against an ‘undocumented person’ that alleged raped a 10-year old. Yeah nah, I’m not moved.

Yet m0nty-fa is quite comfortable using the “coercive power of the state” to destroy the lives of actual living persons, many with families by driving them out of work in the name of “Klimate Change”, or any other fetish of the so-called “progressive” fascist left.

Face it, the likes on monty don’t want compromise or cordial disagreement. They want you broken, crushed, made to submit to them, or dead.
And they’re not fussy about which one. There’s no live and let live.

July 14, 2022 3:16 pm

don’t understand how this can proceed when Cardinal Pell was acquitted and cleared…and why can’t the father be identified?

It can proceed in the case of an acquittal, especially where it was a line ball judgement.

7-0 in the High Court is not a line ball judgement.

Looks like Shine trawling for new customers.

July 14, 2022 3:20 pm

Try looking Flynn up at Shine. I’d say she isn’t liking unwanted attention and/or wants your personal details to look at her profile. She is a National Practise leader and likely Brisbane based so Shine is investing a bit into this foray and others if you go down the other rabbit holes that pop up.

Problem is on the first Google page you can look at her Linkedin profile. Been in her present job for 2 years but always with Shine as an ambulance chaser. As for the hit jobs on the Catholic Church she tried same 2 years ago and that went nowhere, mamamia article on the bottom of page 1 of searching her.

Lets just say she should be careful casting stones but she wont, as there is also an article that I couldn’t get past the CM paywall that she or her firm could be involved in overcharging a client in 2018. Sorta confirms what I am thinking, it’s all about the money.

July 14, 2022 3:21 pm

Agree Johanna but I’m beginning to think Shine Lawyers are more low life than Slugs and Grubs.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 14, 2022 3:27 pm

It can proceed in the case of an acquittal, especially where it was a line ball judgement.
7-0 in the High Court is not a line ball judgement.

Clearly not.

Yet this is the Victorian Supreme Court and McDonald J has said that: “If the Ellis defence isn’t going to be taken, the proceedings would go ahead,

July 14, 2022 3:31 pm

why can’t the father be identified?

Master Bob of Ballarat, who left his wife, embraced a new career as a whips and leather dom and was even profiled by the ABC, which was interested in his “alternative lifestyle”.

One might think that being a child who saw his suburban dad go kinky-winky-woo and leave his wife just as his boy was hitting puberty, well that might be a rational explanation for a teenager turning to drugs than a cathedral goosing that never could have happened.

July 14, 2022 3:31 pm

Shine are very connected in Queensland. Kerry the founder started out ambulance chasing in 1972. Has been AG in the Beattie Government and represented the ALP many times. Now on the Toowoomba Council.

No stranger to scandal as well. His wikipedia page is very sanitised. Google Shine scandals and Shine Lawyers dodgy. Some interesting results.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 14, 2022 3:39 pm

This is what stood out to me, Cassie:

After he was initially found guilty in 2018, his convictions were overturned in 2020 by the High Court which found there was reasonable doubt in the testimony of his sole living accuser.

I think the decision was rather more blunt than than ‘reasonable doubt’.

Shine Lawyers also has that shyster Erin Brockovich as a consultant.

July 14, 2022 3:45 pm

I have found a way to continue to enjoy this blog.
Any post from Monty is scrolled past without a glance.
Any post that references Monty is scrolled past.
I now scan all posts prior to reading for any of Monty’s aliases.

Much better now!

July 14, 2022 3:47 pm

They must have accidentally given Sleepy Joe’s speech to Dr Jill

Jill Biden apologizes after comparing Latinos to tacos during San Antonio speech

Oh come on
Oh come on
July 14, 2022 3:49 pm
July 14, 2022 3:53 pm

crazed mask mandate agenda

They’re like the idiots here who hate Israel because the USSR told them to, as to fight a proxy war against the USA.

Useful idiots – past their use by date.

July 14, 2022 3:55 pm

Anthony Albanese hugs Solomon Islands PM and preaches positivity at Pacific Islands Forum in Fiji

hug it out bitches

July 14, 2022 3:57 pm

If Pell was acquitted 7-0, what is the basis of the civil claim against Pell and the Catholic Church?

civil has a lower standard of guilt

July 14, 2022 3:57 pm

“We’re here for the father of the deceased son, a son who our client alleges suffered sexual abuse at the hands of the church when he was a boy,” Ms Flynn said outside the Victorian Supreme Court on Thursday morning.

I repeat the High Court found there was no crime of sexual abuse by Pell. In addition the deceased boy told his mother he had not been abused. But it is victoristan. Maybe you can sustain a civil suit based on a non-existent offence there.

July 14, 2022 3:59 pm

Shine are Slater & Gordon wannabees and have filled the space partially vacated by S & G.
Any claim by a relative for damages for nervous shock is hard going at the best of times.
There usually has to be proximity i.e. seeing your child run over.
There is of course a lower standard of proof in civil cases ( balance of probabilities).Even if they get over that which I would consider highly unlikely they still have to prove a causal link between the damages and the event,I would have thought usually hard going.
Having said that my knowledge of tort law is about 40 years out of date so it may be more touchy feely these days.
Even if they won, what do they hope to do?Bankrupt Pell? I suspect he has no assets and no income and would not care?Dig money out of the Church? who knows?

July 14, 2022 3:59 pm

I had a commercial client who was formerly represented by Shine in relation to some personal injury proceedings. They gave faulty, incomplete advice at the outset (it should only ever have been a vanilla workers comp claim), and then my client went through the hands of several junior lawyers such is the level of staff turnover there.
The case ultimately failed in the NSW District Court. Although it was run on a “No Win No Pay” basis, my client was left with the costs bill for the other side.
I made complaint to the NSW Office of Legal Services on client’s behalf but somewhat predictably it went nowhere.

July 14, 2022 4:00 pm

If Pell was acquitted 7-0, what is the basis of the civil claim against Pell and the Catholic Church?

civil has a lower standard of guilt

ask OJ simpson

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 14, 2022 4:01 pm

The mind boggles here. If Pell was acquitted 7-0, what is the basis of the civil claim against Pell and the Catholic Church? Let’s grant that the father in question was injured by this allegation, how is Pell or the Church responsible if they weren’t the cause of its generation?

I’m sure the lawyers on here have discussed this upthread, but it looks like Shine is being invited to run the whole Horror in St Pat’s Sacristy confection again; just to a lower standard of proof. A standard perhaps more accommodating to ‘the practical timing doesn’t work and the accuser got a lot wrong but was allowed to change his evidence in a way that made him more believable and you can discount the defence witnesses exculpatory evidence because they are professional Catholics and we all know what Catholics are like‘ vibe.

July 14, 2022 4:04 pm

Went to the Archibald exhibition at the NSW Art Gallery yesterday..
While waiting for my daughter, I wandered idly into the permanent exhibition. First thing I noted were the additional notes describing some of the paintings.. dripping with woke connotations and imputations that I hadn’t noticed last time I was there, some 4 years ago.
Every plate replete with allegations of past violence, privilege, exclusion, misogyny etc.. All designed to inform the new patrons of their collective guilt or woke-ish supremacy, as the case may be.

There was even a room full of female-only painters and imagery. Because these highly educated, brave arts graduate employees never went to a major European art museum, where under-dressed female depictions regularly overwhelm the senses. Only victimhood and exclusion existed in the past, apparently.

But the highlight of this travesty was a large canvas depicting whaling (unfortunately I didn’t take photos) on the NSW South Coast in the 19th C, the helpful note educating the stupid troglodytic viewer that the local Abos were well known whalers sometimes since time began.
The fact that the painting subjects were clearly European, on wooden boats of the time, must have escaped the unheralded genius who wrote the note, for sometimes the intention-to-woke is just too strong.

Hence an honest question:
Does anyone on the Cat (Cohenite?) know anything about whaling FirstNationers? Did they use boomerangs or woomeras to kill the cetaceans? How big were the boats made of bark? How many whale-meat processing factories did they allow the stupid Europeans to see?
All these questions and not enough time..

July 14, 2022 4:05 pm

“All good, Kneel. I needed more coffee as usual.

Also…just replaced my dodgy glasses for a new prescription.”

As the CEO and the business owner both agree, the coffee machine is the most important machine on the premises! Any breakdown requires immediate “code red” priority repairs – it’s an emergency, I tells ya! Much groaning and gnashing of teeth if there is no coffee – and I am on that list too.

As for the specs, yeah you get that. I had the same prescription for 40+ years, no bifocals required. Now I need the multifocals. And this lot (I ALWAYS get 2 pairs!) are starting to get a bit, err, strong – my “coke bottle bottoms” are thinning as I age, and the “reading” part is actually +ve now (used to be about -1.5 the same as “far” vision, plus a little astigmatism which never changes). So another $600+ on specs soon, I guess (I never skimp on good quality specs – worth every cent!)

July 14, 2022 4:06 pm

Too much boring rehashing repetitive arguments about abortion, not enough music:

Billie Jean live, by Jacko. I guarantee, more than 50% of the audience would have jumped in the cot with him, if asked.

And then:

Led Zeppelin.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 14, 2022 4:07 pm

The sincerity would choke a brown dog.

Look up “sincerity” in the dictionary – it’s between “sh!t” and “syphilis.”

July 14, 2022 4:09 pm

DrF, I think you’re thinking of the living choirboy.

This is the father of the deceased one who said he was never abused. The same father, as Areff rightly reminded me of above, that left his wife to go sell his arse on the streets as a leather dominatrix.

July 14, 2022 4:10 pm

Presumably the likes of Shine and S&G identify entities with gobs of cash and then set about taking it off them. It would be nice if there was a law firm devoted to suing law firms.

July 14, 2022 4:14 pm

If Pell was acquitted 7-0, what is the basis of the civil claim against Pell and the Catholic Church?

If I was a cynical person Id guess they are hoping Pell pegs it part way through the process thereby forever besmirching his name as “Well he died before he could be found guilty”….

ABC and 7-Nilligan providing immoral support from the sidelines.

July 14, 2022 4:18 pm

Gilas, the only way the Abos could have gone whaling, would have been when the whales beached themselves. Otherwise they would have had to join a whaling crew after the ‘invasion’.

I too was at the gallery a couple of days ago and you are so right about those signs. They were lamenting that not only did Tom Roberts neglect to paint Abos and Chinese in his shearing painting, but there were no Germans or Italians! How the fuck would they know?

July 14, 2022 4:19 pm

I am not going to go into details but may have had a family member caught up in historical paedo priests and brothers abuse. The Church just paid out a 6 figure sum of money with little struggle as it turns out the perpetrator was a known entity. This was 15 years ago and Lawyers weren’t needed though in this case a solicitor assisted just for advise. IMO Shine are knowingly feeding off that and getting nice commissions as result.

July 14, 2022 4:19 pm

Did I read that as well as the alleged illegal immigrant’s DNA being tested, the alleged victims siblings are also having their DNA tested.
Odd, if true.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 14, 2022 4:20 pm

I made complaint to the NSW Office of Legal Services on client’s behalf but somewhat predictably it went nowhere.

Suspect you aren’t Robinson Crusoe. Inevitably their clients are unions and unsophisticated mugs.

July 14, 2022 4:23 pm

ABC and 7-Nilligan providing immoral support from the sidelines.

Shouldn’t they be the defendants as they were the ones who originally aired the allegations which caused much distress.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 14, 2022 4:28 pm

Lysander at 3:03.
Yes, criminal and civil proceedings have different standards.
But the Seven-Nilligan smashing in the High Court tells us that their view was that this wasn’t even close to satisfying a civil standard of proof, much less criminal.
As evidenced by Mizz Judd’s (QC, DPP, NFI) unsuccessful attempt to pull a rabbit out of her horsehair wig at the last minute.
And the Oz is being disingenuous when they say that the High Court found that the timelines were “improbable”.
The word they are looking for is “impossible”.
The Archbishop of Melbourne was meant to have slipped away from the procession he would lead out of a packed cathedral, bolt to the sacristy, abuse two choir boys (who also broke ranks from the procession unnoticed) and return to the steps of the cathedral without anyone thinking this was at all unusual.

July 14, 2022 4:34 pm

rosie, not sure as it hasn’t been officially released but he was probably the father.

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  2. Rubio sent out the memo, some organisations are trying to rebrand their DEI but twitter sleuths are all over them,…

  3. Thanks Makka. Just looked up details of the meeting. As id giving recognition to the Iranian regime wasn’t bad enough,…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x