Lethbridge has nailed it.
Lethbridge has nailed it.
Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
Citation disputed. That quote is furthered in the Book Of Marsellus:
The key is what marriage is.
Outstanding. I got a Pulp Fiction line in at the top of the page.
Endorphins going everywhere.
What’s with the “Verily”?
Have you bin readin’ books agin?
Cardinal Pell could have taken the line that being good upright people at the ABC and realising their mistake as corrected by the High Court, they would happily take up the opportunity being sued would offer them, of demonstrating their uprightness of character and their relish to make amends in a manner that displayed their humility and as a suitable forum to warn others about being too quick to drag someone’s good name through mud.
where’s the fucking energy coming from you fucking mong?
if that table of retards was even half representative of every other table in Brighton tonight then there’s the reason why we’re rooted.
Somehow society has managed to produce a lot of wealthy people who are profoundly stupid.
Yeah, well, I want to be one of them fancy fellers that sits on chairs, and has a waistcoat.
‘Bove my station, I know.
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
I think they’re nuts, but they control politics and the purse strings, so I’m investing heavily in lithium, cobalt, graphite and anything else “green”, because their ridiculous demands are 1,000x supply, guaranteeing me a very rich retirement.
When they bitch and moan about my wealth, I’ll remind them that they insisted that this was my path to sainthood. “That’s “St. Beery” to you, you miserable fuckers” will be my unassailable response.
I can’t believe people are lining for testiclesplatter.
What next pining for AIDs instead of monkeypox?
On hospitals, we have a lovely N Irish lady as a temp nurse. I asked how WA hospitals compared to the NHS ones.
6-8 patients per nurse vs 12 over there( dad shift)
Up to 12 on NS in WA vs up to 20 over there.
Even worse, apparently WA hospitals are a model of efficiency compared to NI.
She hasn’t been to a lot of WA hospitals, but her assessment of the NHS was scathing.
Sssh! McClown will take her words as a challenge. A benchmark for him to aim for.
He’s up to the task.
40,000 years, 60,000 years. Pah!
I’ve just been sent an advertising brochure for some outback tour of some sort.
“culture dating from 70,000 years”
Wonder how long this new..er.. record, will stand?
And right about now their guard will be down and they won’t be expecting the knee in the nuts you are about to give them”.
I think that is what is called a textual variant. Rejected by the council that confirmed the New Testament Canon, but accepted by most male Australian scholars. Especially those blessed with those two Biblical virtues, bonhomie and good humour.
Is there anyone getting as sick of this shit as I am?
In the early 1960’s it was claimed Aborigines had been here 8,000 years – then, in the 1980’s, it climbed to thirty thousand years, by 1990, it was 40,000 years….
Oh, and the latest is that science has disproved the claims that Aborigines were the third of the three waves of immigration to this country over the now flooded land bridge from Asia – they were the “First People.” in this country..
It seems the legals here are averse to exploring the significance of how the Ellis defence may or may not be invoked by the Melbourne Archdiocese in defending the definition of ‘ survivor’ as being someone who claims to be the survivor of abuse in contrast to someone who claims to be a ‘survivor’ of (false) allegations with regards to an abuse.
return on grift looks to be diminishing rapidly
entering the “reputational capital destruction” phase of the pandemic investment cycle
First defeat in French parliament for Macron’s government
National assembly rejected proposal for proof of vaccination, test at borders
Sancho – Slugs were ginning up a class action against ESTA, the failed emergency call centre. They dropped it when it became apparent that the wife of the chairman of Slugs was on the Board of ESTA. Muppets.
Regards Pell
Jesus certainly didn’t turn the other cheek on the money lenders in the temple did he.
In fact there were whips involved : John 2:15
Sorry, Sal, the latest here in this part of the world, that any insights into Aboriginal culture, and history was gained “yarning with the local elders.”
I done a meme. Is that how thses things work?
I think that was the meaning.
The brochure is obviously subsidised. (the clue is the expensive production – tour companies have had one helluva kick in the guts the past couple of years, & are getting one helluva kick in the guts this year – no way they can afford to push out glossy smooth expensive brochures on the off-chance)
Aboriginal,indigenous, first nations entrepreneurs have really been enterprising in 2022, starting up businesses everywhere & presenting world-class tour operations (at least in the write-ups they’re world class)This is an amazing surge of
aboriginal,indigenous, first nations enterprise.I commend all these people who’ve simultaneously exhibited so much get up & go. Such enterprise is far better than the govt splurging taxpayer money (confiscated from actual enterprising or working people)
Good morning all.
Well, look at that:
Inflation 9.1% corrected.
Which means I don’t owe you $2, we cancel each other out – perhaps.
Waiting for the new growth figures to come out – currently – 1.6%
At this rate I’ll be able to buy and extra can of baked beans.
Should be able to sneak this in before Tom gets out of bed…
After Appearing to Be Reporting Live from Ukraine War Zone, Former CNN Host Chris Cuomo Spotted 24 Hours Later in the Hamptons.
Johannes Leak.
Warren Brown.
Bob Moran.
Peter Brookes.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
Al Goodwyn.
A.F. Branco.
Tom Stiglich.
Matt Margolis.
Henry Payne.
Patrick Cross.
Lisa Benson.
Dr John Campbell on Omicron BA 2.75.
This bio-weapon that Fauci & the NIH funded is just amazing to watch.
At some stage the those who cut the cheques for this gain of function research need to be held accountable.
Thanx Tom.
In January 2023 the new Congress needs to disclose all US funded research off shore.
And if they don’t want to disclose it they need to on shore it.
If the US wants to do dodgy research they can do it in their own back yard.
The next time US funded gain of function research gets out of the lab they can suck on it first.
Bern, you may have noticed that, in the Marxist revolution being imposed on America*, the ruling class is above the law, as A.F. Branco notes.
*No-one voted for it. The only way Marxists could get their puppet into the White House was to cheat.
… not to mention the Deep State, which has been waiting patiently for decades in the US civil service for the right moment to launch its power grab via Fauci et al.
Morning inmates
Thank you Tom for the laughs each morning. Ramirez, no matter how much he tries, just can’t escape his Trump derangement.
The Global Warming Policy Foundation has released its latest paper on the European Energy Debacle.
90 pages in pdf, but worth the time to read.
My conclusion is that the situation will continue like Australia, with the political bureaucracy refusing to admit they were wrong as the ship of state heads for the rocks.
They will only admit their incompetence long enough to commandeer all the lifeboats and head for safety, as the rest of us do a Birkenhead Drill.
Early ABC
Full covid anecdote mode and getting desperate by using the rural doctor angle. “We don’t have the resources to cope”.
I’m in a rural area. Lots of covid but the hospitals aren’t overrun. Probably due to the fact that the elderly population is made of tougher stuff than the sniffle freaking millennials.
I been told by many and backed up by my own experience with departments like the DCP eny frustration at the process or the mistakes they do you get a black mark on your name.
Several layers of committees no accountability just control.
In the US you could take them to court, not hear though. You have to follow the process and be ‘nice’ while they don’t.
I once saw 170,000 years claimed.
Another Perry Williams article at The Australian!
Spanish infrastructure giant Acciona says that for Australia to reach its net zero target it will require a price on carbon.
Translation: for Australia to disappear up its own arsehole it needs to completely fuck itself with nugatory and damaging climate change bullshit measures.
The Economist veering out of its lane
for the record, most child sexual abuse occurs in the home
How about the government admitting that Ivermectin etc are a better idea than “boosters” of the same old rubbish they foisted on us last time?
Biden is such an old person.
For those who are not inclined to watch these videos (or all I them), I’d urge you to at least look at this one for the minute between 12:50-13:50.
Even Dr John (a huge proponent of vaccines at the beginning of this bullshit), is starting to question if the effects of the vaccines are contributing to the consistent and very significant increase in excess deaths, which can’t directly be attributed to Covid.
democratic cling desperately to ectopic pregnancies to defend abortion on demand.
It’s child abuse.
Where’s Monty with an opinion?
from family first another former trans teen with surgery regrets
Ivana Trump has died, apparently of a heart attack.
cohenite has explained it well that there is really no case to answer.
Also the standard is set out in Annetts and Tame is nothing like the rather ambit claim being made now.
Read this. Written in 2003.
Sure there is significance. If this current claim gets anywhere, family law will become extremely grubby.
Of course any claim should be rejected by the first court that hears it.
There is no case to answer (erring on a basis of facts) and no legally valid basis to such a claim (it errs as a question of law).
Remember there was a woman who accused a priest who died in the 1950s, of abusing her in that decade, prior to his death?
Now what if her extended family to thrice removed all want compensation.?
This is going to get very silly. People will sue over being “triggered” for things allegedly or falsely claimed that allegedly or never (perjuriously) happened to third parties.
Slooooow news day, or so it would seem.
The teev is running with the dastardly Hitler-in-waiting who threw rolls of No-Skid at Alan Joyce’s house.
And some eggs. In the middle of the night. While nobody was home.
My money’s on a hysterical, rejected interior designer whose colour co-ordination wasn’t quite on point. A nation holds its breath.
Millennials are now pushing 40 and are in loveless marriages.
Bernard Salt and his merry band of bullshitters have been milking this grey nomad sob story for two decades.
Time to start slamming Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
Dumb kids.
As for your smashed avo on toast being $30, ask yourself if this has anything to do with the Rainbow Warrior generation leeching off solar PV subsidies and attacking competition in property development for years upon years.
Businesses need to cover their costs and pay themselves a salary.
I’m sure Australia is the cradle of civilisation, soon as the baby got out of the cradle and could walk, pissed off after seeing what a bunch of useless pricks they were going to have to put up with. Now 200,000 years and climbing, the baby has continued to be correct.
KD it would have been one of the neighbours.
Sydney reno stoushes turn best friends into the Hatfields & McCoys.
My 200,000 beats your 170,000 Dot. I pulled that one out of my arse, the same place the other figures came from.
This is overdue. Well overdue (the Hun):
Superb casting, if true. Clueless fop playing a clueless fop.
What kind of man indeed. Shane Warne would have said this bloke ‘has no match awareness’.
Cameron Smith, 5 under the card after the first round at St. Andrews.
Normally this would be worthy of a round of applause, but the trash ‘tache throws it all in the bin.
How much longer before the USA finds itself in a constitutional crisis?
?Idaho Rejects 2020 Election
?Res. Biden Not Legitimately Elected
?Idaho, Texas, Wisconsin: Who’s Next?
“Both the Idaho and Texas resolutions contend that secretaries of state circumvented their state legislatures, even though both states have Republican secretaries of state.”
“The Idaho Rep. Party will consider 31 resolutions at its three-day convention starting Thursday, including one already adopted by Texas Republicans that President Joe Biden isn’t the legitimate leader of the country.”
““We reject the certified results of the 2020 presidential election; and we hold that acting president Joseph Robinette Biden was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.””
Thanks Albino.
I couldn’t remember the exact details.
No3 son is the manager of a fine establishment. Owner made all sorts of promises before he brought his apartment. He had the week off and when he returned hit the owner up for the promises. No can do, 2 hours later handed his notice in, got another job half the hours and same money. 3 other job offers as well. Son runs a tight ship. Makes 5% net more on turnover than industry standard when the owner helps and more when owner away. He is known as the best operator in town. Owner most upset and doesn’t know what to do. Too late, too greedy.
Farmer Gez –
Yep – when husband was off-colour a few months ago he went to local regional hospital only to confirm the RAT test that he had Covid.
After that we simply administered the recommended protocol of usual vits, supplements plus aspirin, anti histamine & his steroid inhaler. He was fine a few days later & tested negative on Day 6.
My concern had always been that the medical bureaucracy AND GPs have not told people to follow these elementary procedures. From the beginning they were told to take paracetamol (useless for the start of dangerous inflammatory process) & call an ambulance only when desperately ill ie you can’t breathe!
Knuckles the clueless fop has grown up being able to do anything he wanted with no repercussions. No idea. This is the true definition of privilege. They are so insulated from reality. I recall his grandfather wanted to lead the D Day landings. Admirable but totally divorced from reality. Privilege thinks every idea is a good one. Us lesser mortals know the light at the end of the tunnel is more likely to be the express coming towards us.
Well I got the coof last Monday, had a rather sleepless night, lots of nightmares and a bit sweaty. Tuesday I could feel it moving into my chest but felt somewhat poorly otherwise. Wednesday it was still in my upper chest but started to reduce late in the day and developed a sore throat. Thursday chest is clear it seems but throat is raw. Friday morning still have terrible sore throat, feel pretty good otherwise but can’t speak and it hurts to swallow.
It’s unpleasant but I’ve had worse colds and flus.
In How Good Government is Done news:
Albanese calls emergency national cabinet meeting as premiers push for pandemic leave reboot
Federal Health Minister Mark Butler (Thursday):
Under the bus he goes.
Good Morning
Wacker Plate
Too late, too greedy.
I had a staff member get head hunted in May.
40% pay bump & didn’t ask for it to be matched.
Too good an opportunity to pass up.
She worked through her notice & I gave her a glowing reference.
Quality staff are in high demand.
I’ve had worse hangovers.
In the early 1960’s it was claimed Aborigines had been here 8,000 years – then, in the 1980’s, it climbed to thirty thousand years, by 1990, it was 40,000 years….
It hit 40,000 years in 1988, the 200th anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet.
The mathematically minded will note that 40,000 is 200 squared, probably not a coincidence.
Well, that didn’t last long…
Yesterday Elbow ruled out an emergency national cabinet meeting.
Today, it’s on, with reports that union heavies were unhappy.
The biggest change in narrative is around the tax payer money that the federal government has been spraying around.
Under ScoMo any pushback against state demands was “stingy”.
No under Albo it’s “responsible”.
The state premiers must be a state of shock when they are told no more money (for now).
I reckon Butler telling people to stay home if they can would have resulted in him getting a talking to by the chief klepto’s.
Do the union hevs want another lockup Roger? Or vv? Never know these days.
And the AMA.
Oh…that’s right. Same thing.
If there’s no money, it’ll be the last national cabinet meeting for a while.
I think the Prince Andrew interview can be filed alongside the Tom Cruise jumpin-on-the-couch interview.
ie, it was only spectacular viewing if you already hated the bloke.
Me, I don’t care at all. If the highlights shown on the news are anything to go by, I’d be most embarrasssed by the goblet of white wine.
They were whinging this morning about no money in kitty to pay for Covid relief.
So sad. Too bad.
For once there are no hollow logs for Labor to pillage.
I’ve been wondering how far we could get into winter before the motley collection of witches, phonies and megalomaniacs tried it on again.
Dot, I am sad that you have such a jaundiced view of marriage. I don’t know whether it’s from personal experience or by observing friends and relatives.
Marriage is what you make it, both of you. Look after each other, respect each other and it works. Choosing the right kind of person is the other half of the equation.
Hope you find the right one.
Wait for it.
“73 is the new 52”.
Failure of a PM continues to roam the world at our expense, picks up a souvenir on the trip. Where to next Tony? I’m still eating the shit sandwich you served me when you told me to ‘take one for the team’.
Michael Smith News.
Does the evil old turd really believe this?Pope Francis: Climate Change Has Become an ‘Emergency’
“And the AMA.
Oh…that’s right. Same thing.”
Indeed and the AMA is the most far-left of all the unions and that includes the CFMEU.
Failure of a PM continues to roam the world at our expense, picks up a souvenir on the trip. Where to next Tony? I’m still eating the shit sandwich you served me when you told me to ‘take one for the team’.
Agree, it’s not a good look. Rather self indulgent in fact.
Google “anna sergeeva ukraine minister”.
Wonder why this isn’t getting much coverage.
Taxpayers around the world are supporting this.
The poor US tax payer.
After Scummo’s $300bn Covid cash splash, all that’s left is the smell of OPM in the morning.
And inflation.
And hungry zombie premiers demanding more, MORE…
Pretty obvious husband number three was taken by the vaxx too.
Greens with stethoscopes.
“The left wing city lawyer with no experience in the bush who’s now Australia’s Agriculture Minister.
Friday, 15 July 2022”
He’s also a particularly nasty individual. If foot-and-mouth disease arrives here, we’re fucked but we’ll know who is to blame and it won’t be the Morrison government.
To be honest, I don’t think he has any idea what he is supposed to have “written”. I understand he is not well and these statements may well be the work of his staff, a la Biden.
Oh, there will be money.
It’s already been decided.
Courtesy of Westprint Maps
Knuckle Dragger says: July 15, 2022 at 7:17 am
Hugh Grant is too nice. No matter how hard he tries, he’ll not manage to convey the black-heartedness.
John Thaw could have done it. David Suchet could have done it. They’ll need to find someone who can pull off the dead-eyed look found in non-empathetic drug dealers.
Top marks to Hugh Grant if he can manage to pull it off.
I couldn’t think of a less appealing movie. Or a duller plot. Sullenberger plonking into the Hudson river was a snorefest of a movie, I cannot imagine how unwatchable this one will be.
I got a very nasty chilly feeling when Benedict was removed.
Actually #4.
Died of Melanoma.
Which is Donald’s current wife’s name.
I think not.
Don’t know about that.
This is all political theater (BIRM).
They won’t push too hard and Elbow will be made to look strong and decisive by denying their requests.
Contrarian view.
No money announced today but further “support” pending COVID developments.
Australian medical bureaucrats…..Eyes closed, fingers in ears, singing La la la la……………………….
What if there was a link between SARS-CoV-2 infection severity and duration and the microbiome? TrialSite has chronicled multiple studies now suggesting associations, including multiple research initiatives sponsored by a Malibu-based physician-investigator Dr. Sabine Hazan. In November 2021, Dr. Hazan’s bombshell finding detected SARS-CoV-2 traces in fecal samples, suggesting the potential role of COVID-19 and the gut. Importantly, Dr. Hazan has conducted numerous industry clinical trials as founder of Venture Clinical Trials, and as TrialSite chronicled, some of the first ivermectin-based studies in the United States. Showcasing over 40 peer-reviewed studies with investigations centering on the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, Hazen hypothesizes a novel way of understanding why ivermectin may have an inhibiting effect on SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19. Ivermectin is a byproduct of Streptomyces fermentation, and thus is “capable of feeding Bifidobacterium,” hence the possibility of a mechanism of action that leads to the prevention of COVID-19 susceptibilities.
Big step down for Elbow, Chalmers & Butler if that’s the case.
Will confirm the unions run the country domestically via their puppets the Labor premiers.
Don’t know if its been mentioned but Ivana Trump died.
Albo is softening them up for the bad news.
‘Enormous waste’ in Morrison govt’s budget (15 Jul)
Complete hypocrisy, but he has to fight Tories to be able to rein in mendicant ALP Premiers.
Via the ABC:
‘Australian homes are so cold that some are falling below the WHO’s recommended ‘safe’ temperature’ (18c).
Global warming…making Australians cold and miserable.
Great news!
The Michael Staindl GoGundMe has jumped $50 overnight to $2,493!
Only $407,507 to go.
The only decision Albosleazy ever made is if he needed more Rub than Tug, errrr too late.
In breaking news, trans comedian can’t take a joke.
This is the company the QLD govt has partnered with to build its large wind farms.
Sounds like they’re getting very deeply involved in domestic affairs, already advising on national policy.
Large profits to be made courtesy gullible Labor politicians.
The Labor Party is ruling out a ban on travel to Indonesia – they don’t want to damage our trade relationship with Indonesia, or affect the tourist industry…..EIGHTY BILLION DOLLARS, you fools.
Has my donation registered yet?
18*C room temp? Try 6*C in the Dalibrook River Cottage. No wonder the girls are so tetchy from April through to November.
The only thing saving me from being stabbed in the kitchen by wifey on Christmas Eve* is the fact that internal overnight temp finally climbs into double figures.
(* the dominant modal cause of murder for husbands in Australia)
Vets travelling to UK for the F&M outbreak in the early 2000’s stopped over in Bali to get acquainted with cases there.
He was pretty good playing the appalling Jeremy Thorpe in A Very British Scandal.
Fair go…they’ve been focussed on how to blame the Morrison govt for it.
This is from the Expose and I would say it’s a biggee. It’s based on the entire Qatari population with a link to the source study.
BREAKING – New Study finds Natural Immunity to Covid-19 does not wane by even 1% but the Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Anyone else having trouble distinguishing arse from elbow?
That’s pretty much correct Roger- it’s all a game to them. Also, I’m sure inflicting damage on a productive industry would give them great pleasure- racist, redneck, male, colonists etc etc. Just read The History Man by Malcolm Bradbury to see how their twisted minds work.
Talking to my best mate yesterday, he’d gone to GP for check up. He has an extremely rare medical condition that he keeps on top of. The qwack sends him off for some tests, he finds out he has had pleurisy many years ago when he had a cold he couldn’t shake. The coughing caused an aneurysm in his lung. What he annoyed at the qwack wasn’t really very interested. Time to find a new one.
a look at public-private informational control
is the sunshine about to finally get in?
Can We Hack Humans? Should We?
Controlled destruction
Macron: Turn out the lights, brace for Russian gas cutoff
What about informed consent?
Court: Air Force Cannot Discharge Troops Who Filed for Religious Exemptions from Vaccine Mandate
Spanish engineering firms are fairly active in Australia. They look at the margins being made and figure there is money to be made. And then start dealing with the unions.
UN deletes satirical article on ‘benefits’ of world hunger: ‘No one works harder than hungry people’
Florida Rejects 41 Percent of Submitted Math Textbooks Because They Contain CRT, Common Core, and Social Emotional Learning
Top part of Daily Mail (US) article.
Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they’re embarrassed by ‘bad science’ – including vaccinating children under 5 to ‘make their advice palatable to the White House’, doctors claim
The NIH and CDC are reportedly facing staffing shortages as low morale drives away employees
Decisions like the closure of schools and then requiring face masks once they reopened led to many questioning leadership
Lately, the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children four years old of younger has confused some in America’s top medical agencies
Bari Weiss’ ‘Common Sense’ Substack reports that data from both Pfizer and Moderna’s clinical trials for jabs in under-5s show limited effectiveness
Contract prices paid rather than margins being earned.
I’d love to see the QLD govt’s contract with them.
I guess we’ll find out.
But the Palacechook has her hand out – and I can’t see her pumping Elbow’s tyres for no return.
Queensland politics doesn’t work like that.
“Dr Faustussays:
July 15, 2022 at 9:08 am
Hugh Grant is too nice. No matter how hard he tries, he’ll not manage to convey the black-heartedness.
He was pretty good playing the appalling Jeremy Thorpe in A Very British Scandal.”
Yep…and he was very good playing the sociopathic husband in The Undoing.
Pony Girl is in a death spiral. I wouldn’t try and predict what she might do. For the rest of them just a bit of the usual Canberra bashing.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
July 14, 2022 at 11:20 pm
I’ve just been sent an advertising brochure for some outback tour of some sort.
“culture dating from 70,000 years”
Sorry, Sal, the latest here in this part of the world, that any insights into Aboriginal culture, and history was gained “yarning with the local elders.”
BMW Starts Charging Subscription Fees (In Some Countries) To Use Already Installed Hardware
According to the WSJ the program is already active in South Africa, Germany, in the U.K., and in New Zealand, where it will cost you, respectively, the equivalent of $15, $17, $18, and $30 to use your heated seats according to BMW websites in those countries. Consumers have the option of monthly, yearly, three year, and unlimited service plans. For those unsure about taking the plunge, it appears that the Quandt family is generously letting you use them for free for a trial period. It’s been reported that BMW has a similar subscription service going in Korea.
Being able to automatically dim your high beams will run you about $12 a month in the UK. Back in 1952, Cadillac may have charged you the substantial sum of $53.36 (~$600 in rapidly depreciating 2022 dollars) to have your Caddy equipped with GM’s Autronic Eye dimmer system, but it didn’t charge extra to use it.
Draghi resigns.
Also known as stories my Nana told me.
Perhaps the narrative is shifting…
The ABC is fishing for the stories of people who’ve had elective surgery cancelled or other difficulties accessing health care promptly.
This issue was studiously avoided last time around.
Toyota owners call for peeling paint fix
Owners of white Toyota models with delaminating paint say they are being left to foot the bill for repairs, despite the carmaker acknowledging the defect.
A group of Toyota owners are calling on the Japanese carmaker to fix a known paint peeling issue across multiple models.
Disgruntled motorists have taken to Facebook to share their stories, with a group called ‘Toyota Australia Peeling Paint’ growing from 150 members to more than 850 at the time of writing, following a story aired on Channel 9’s A Current Affair earlier this week.
Some say “envelope sized” paint strips have shed while driving on the highway or when washing their Toyota vehicles, while others posted images of the exposed metal being affected by corrosion.
“Toyota Australia has received reports of paint peeling,” the company wrote in a statement issued to Drive.
“The condition involves a specific factory-applied white paint colour (colour code 040) and may occur when sunlight//ultraviolet exposure over time degrades the adhesion between the factory-applied paint primer coat layer and the base metal electrodeposition layer, causing paint to peel from the metal body panel.”
Toyota Australia has acknowledged selected Corolla and Rukus variants manufactured between 2007 and 2015 may have been affected by the issue – with a ‘Warranty Extension Program’ in place for those models.
Not sure what has got her doing this squawking, I looked up the next Qld election and it isn’t until Oct 2024. Unless she’s getting a sniff of a spill, which seems awfully unlikely.
WHO “safe” temperature is 18C [source: Wali Dali]
When I lived in Germany, the warmest parts of the house were kept at 13C.
The hallways, shower, dunny, shoe/boot room, pantry, etc were much colder than 13C.
Gumboots are two sizes smaller & are impossible to pull on, when they’re kept in -2C.
July 15, 2022 at 8:25 am
Failure of a PM continues to roam the world at our expense, picks up a souvenir on the trip. Where to next Tony? I’m still eating the shit sandwich you served me when you told me to ‘take one for the team’.
Look, whilst I understand your disappointment in Tony Abbott (something many of us share), he hasn’t been PM for close to seven years. I think you should move on, such fixations aren’t healthy. Here’s an idea, why don’t you start directing your anger at a new “Tony”, as in Anthony Albanese. Let me tell you why, because any residual disappointment in Tony Abbott’s government is going to be very quickly superseded, actually it’s happening already, by this new Labor government under Tony “The Flying” Albanese.
Have no problem hacking Humans. Start with the politicians, trouble is most are so inhumane. Nah, yeah do it anyway. How many bits.
Second column about Australia in the Global Times this week.
Australia go get fucked.
And you would be wrong
July 15, 2022 at 9:20 am
Can We Hack Humans? Should We?
CRISPR is the biggest threat to the human race (outside an ELE like an asteroid etc).
The last Labor Minister I can recall who had any first hand knowledge of agriculture is John Kerin.
Another triumph for the greater good.
He got unresigned again about 5 minutes later. 😀
He will have to though since Salvini says he won’t support the government coalition without 5 Star being in it.
Italian Drama: Prime Minister Mario Draghi Offers Resignation… President Refuses to Accept
(14 Jul)
The mess is going get a lot messier when the interest rate rises start impacting on the Italian government debt mountain.
Tweet/Twitter thingo from Albo. Could you imagine the uproar if a Coalition Governemnt brought in Fijian students to work in aged care?
Bruce of Newcastle at 9:52 – more the nature of the press: maaates moving into consultancies, focussing on circuses etc. The usual signs the government needs changing.
Matt Taibbi has published a column on the stupidity of the Jan 6th hearings.
He’s paywalled this one so I will post in full.
If you don’t like it, get your scrolling finger ready.
Had actually run a farm, IIRC.
On the Political Efficacy of Trump’s Endless Prosecution
As more and more effort is spent trying to put Donald Trump behind bars, he keeps growing politically. Is it time to wonder if there’s a connection?
Tonight was meant to be the grand primetime finale of the January 6th hearings, but those have been postponed. MSNBC’s Ali Vitali, when asked the reason, answered in classic fashion. “Look,” she said. “You have to inferthat the reason for that is they’re getting new cooperation, not least of which from former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone…”
Do we? Have to infer that? From George Nader to Michael Cohen to Hope Hicks to Michael Flynn to Don McGahn to Alexander Vindman to Cassidy Hutchinson to a long, long list of others, we’ve been repeatedly told the key Bearer Of Secrets had turned states evidence, and the “John Dean moment” was here. Do you remember the New Yorker article from the summer of 2018, “Allen Weisselberg, the Man Who Knows Donald Trump’s Financial Secrets, Has Agreed to Become a Coöperating Witness”? The one containing the line, “Allen is the one guy who knows everything”?
No? Neither had I. But it happened, another moment crumpled up and thrown at the bottom of what in the rearview mirror now looks like an enormous mountain of lost opportunity, a Giza Necropolis of spent political capital. Getting Trump indicted has seemed just around the corner for six long years now, but the action of every final showdown always unfolded like a Kafka novel, where the punchline of the Land Surveyor’s valiant and entertaining search for justice was that it never got him over even the first in a thousand lifetimes of the obstacles it turned out he needed to best to reach the center of the Castle. This still feels like that. Is this really the end, or barely just starting?
I’d planned to live-blog the hearings this evening over an introduction of the six-year history of the “We’ve definitely got him now!” show. Hearings are off, but it’s all worth reviewing anyway, especially since other events are conspiring to answer the question of just what all these years of efforts have won Democrats politically, which seems to be, not much.
The Endless Prosecution not only failed to win Trump’s accusers the public’s loyalty, it apparently achieved the opposite, somehow swinging working-class and even nonwhite voters toward Republicans in what even Axios this week called a “seismic shift” in American politics.
Democrats six years ago were presented with a unique opportunity, one so obvious even Donald Trump figured it out. The electorate was angry, beaten down, and willing to listen to anyone with a real plan, and instead of providing one — the obvious project would have involved throwing over some key donors for a while, then ripping off the populist politics of Bernie Sanders to re-sell them with slicker packaging — party leaders spent all their currency trying to sue, indict, impeach, remove, or jail Trump.
It’s an extraordinary story that’s gotten almost no attention, even as the Endless Prosecution has become a permanent feature of American life. Trump has become America’s Goldstein, increasingly invisible yet still always conniving to overthrow “democracy itself” through a succession of ever-bolder and more desperate schemes. Why, just recently he tried to call a White House support staffer who was “in talks with the January 6th panel,” meaning even at this late date he is seeking to obstruct justice still! Yet somehow he always escapes the promised reckoning, even as he lives high on the hog, right in our midst.
People have forgotten how long this has been going on. You can go back to November of 2016, when a group of six members of the Electoral College signed on to an effort to “deny Trump the presidency but also to undermine the legitimacy of the institution” in a hope of stopping Trump by getting 37 Republican electors to convert. Or, go back and read the December 15, 2016 Vanity Fair article, “Democrats are Paving the Way to Impeach Donald Trump,” which described how a series of legislators including Elizabeth Warren, Dick Durbin, and Chris Coons introduced a bill requiring Trump to divest himself of foreign holdings, with the failure to comply constituting a constitutional violation. We heard over and over that he was in violation of the Emoluments Clause, which led groups like ImpeachDonaldTrumpNow.Org(the site should have a jazzier name now, like StillImpeachingDonaldTrumpNow.Org) to push this as one of the first impeachment angles. When Trump was inaugurated, we heard promises to pull out all the stops to reverse the election, with none other than Michael Moore appearing in MacPherson Square to say, “I will not tolerate this again,” a scene highlighted by the Washington Post in a piece called, “The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.” The first mention of Trump’s name next to the word “president” in that paper was in conjunction with impeachment.
Texas Democrat Al Green made one of the earliest efforts to impeach for “Inciting Hatred and Hostility” and got 66 votes, then there was an idea about impeaching over relationships to China (which provisionally granted Trump 38 trademarks, including for an escort service!), followed by Senator Angus King suggesting Trump be impeached for appearing to ask Comey to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn (after which now-long-deceased John McCain said matters had reached “Watergate scope and size”); then there was talk of setting up an “impeachment clock” after Trump fired Comey, and articles were prepared by congressman Brad Sherman over obstruction of the Russia investigation as far back as July of 2017 (this idea would resurface over and over).
Next came an effort to remove him for failure of “moral leadership” after Charlottesville, followed by an effort to impeach for “undermining the independence of the federal judiciary” and “the freedom of the press,” all of which overlapped with a half-official, half-media-driven campaign to remove Trump as unfit under the 25th Amendment. Then it was emoluments again, then hearings on the Stormy Daniels matter, and high-profile interrogations of close aides like Michael Cohen that were hyped as the long-awaited Dean moments, except they never led anywhere.
When the Mueller Report was released, efforts to remove Trump actually stalled for a hot moment, with a depressed Steny Hoyer saying, “Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point.”
Then, after another lull following the momentum-cratering testimony of seeming hospice escapee Robert Mueller, and still one more downer after a judge threw out the DNC’s “collusion” lawsuit against Trump, Julian Assange, and the Russian state, the impeachment game moved seamlessly to Ukrainegate. That scandal ate up a year or so of our lives beginning in the fall of 2019, followed by a succession of congressional and litigious efforts to get access to Trump’s finances that among other things led to the Supreme Court case, Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP, which failed to deliver again as the court passed on separation of powers grounds.
Then in the last year of his presidency there was new talk of removing Trump over his failure of leadership during the Covid crisis, for his infamous interview with Bob Woodward in which he said he “played down” the danger of the virus for political reasons, then for alleged pre-interference with the mail system, then for inaction over “Bountygate,” just to name a few pursuits. Then came the actual election, which set in motion the series of seemingly far more serious events leading to the current series of investigations: Trump’s denial of election results, his alleged interference with vote counts in places like Georgia, and his role in the January 6th riots, all of which seemed serious enough that the New Yorker was able to write with a straight face two weeks ago, “A Potential Criminal Prosecution of Donald Trump Is Growing Closer.”
For the moment I’d prefer to bypass entirely the question of which of all those offenses Trump was actually guilty (my guess would be some, including some of the serious ones, but then you’d also have to send cops in the other direction over similarly serious matters like the sham Russiagate probe), and just look at what all of this has accomplished politically. The “Boy Who Cried Wolf” factor is so massive that some would-be Trump detractors in the center-right may have blown off even the more alarming elements of the January 6th story (like the “You heard him, Pat, he thinks Mike deserves it” testimony by Hutchinson) on general principle. The Cry Wolf phenomenon gets worse every time national media overreacts to what any decent editor should recognize as relatively minor historical events. The New York Times for instance pulled out its ALLIED ARMIES LAND IN FRANCE font for the recent Trump-grabbing-steering-wheel story that turned out to have about nineteen holes in it:
This has been going on for so long, most Americans would feel odd, as if a limb were missing, if this were to end. Trump’s been out of office for two years but both the news media and Trump’s political enemies seem determined to keep him at the center of American life, not just as a media character but as a real political threat.
The January 6th hearings do feel climactic. However, as they’ve progressed, it’s been manifestly obvious they’re not having the desired effect politically. This week saw the release of a stunning New York Times/Siena poll showing Democrats now have more of a foothold with white college graduates than with nonwhite voters. The major shift was with Hispanic/Latino voters, where Joe Biden’s net approval rating has declined by 71%, going from a +40 rating to -31 since January of 2021.
There are polls showing Trump ahead of Biden in a theoretical matchup by five points or more, with Trump crucially holding his support levels throughout the January 6th hearings. A more amazing poll involved the American Federation of Teachers, which for the first time in a gazillion years showed members of a teachers’ union trusting the GOP more than the Democrats on education, an enormous swing that is impossible to blame on any combination of Tucker Carlson and Chris Rufo’s Twitter account. These numbers feel more like the result of years of ceding issues like education to Republicans while resources and energy get thrown into the Endless Prozess.
Regarding the Times poll, the “why it matters” analysis in Axios, which described a “seismic shift,” told most of the story:
We’re seeing a political realignment in real time. Democrats are becoming the party of upscale voters concerned more about issues like gun control and abortion rights. Republicans are quietly building a multiracial coalition of working class voters, with inflation as an accelerant.
Rather than try to deliver more and reposition themselves as a party taking on donors and the Washington permanent state, Democrats tightened those relationships and pushed all their chips on what looks to casual audiences like an effort to outlaw the opposition. Maybe Trump the individual deserves it, who knows. But political parties ultimately are about persuading voters, and these prosecutions have proven time and again not to be persuasive. A message keeps getting sent that so long as Trump exists, support is owed, not won, and that message loses votes, making this entire thing a net minus politically if Trump is not jailed and perhaps even if he is.
A friend who worked on the Hill for years insists the city was ruined by Game of Thrones. Everybody with a political job in the capital thinks of his or herself as a soldier in a thrilling bloodsport, instead of a pawn chipping away for incremental improvements somewhere. The Trump show is six years of thirtysomething Dems in gingham and power dresses gunning to be Arya killing the Night King. They think 80 million Trump supporters will collapse into ice cubes if they get him. It doesn’t work that way. You have to win in 50 real states, not Twitter.
How’s this for a segue…
This is one of the problems the CCP will face as China falls off its demographic cliff – who’ll look after the old folks? They won’t be able to import enough workers to do so, even if that was culturally acceptable.
Another heart attack at work this morning.
Bill Hayden retired to a cattle stud in SE QLD, but that doesn’t count.
Cassie, I admit it, I have Abbott Derangement Syndrome, I just wish he’d go away and stop spending our money touring the world and telling us what to do. Dunno why he’s accept the gong from Japan for doing his job. If he had any shame he’s move to Coober Pedy and take up opal mining.
What I find strange is the number of people that he crapped on who still love and admire him. A bit of battered wife syndrome I guess. I wouldn’t post anything about Abbott if he didn’t keep popping up aggrandising himself.
Ex some tier one cities, most homes in China are multi generational.
Sorry about the grammar and spelling errors.
July 15, 2022 at 10:13 am
Could you imagine the uproar if a Coalition Governemnt brought in Fijian students to work in aged care?
How’s this for a segue…
This is one of the problems the CCP will face as China falls off its demographic cliff – who’ll look after the old folks? They won’t be able to import enough workers to do so, even if that was culturally acceptable.
one of the things that struck me in over 90 times at hospital over 2 years of Covid was that number of very Old Chinese in the Hospital
Re your question who’ll look after the old folks?, the Australian Health System
Update on Ohio:
Read the thread. The mother is defending the accused. This case smells like week old fish.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
July 15, 2022 at 10:18 am
Teenagers heading to maximum security in WA
What the Democrats have created in America for African Americans who continue to go Backwards
A short video, one of the most shocking things I have seen in a long time, is embedded below. But first, some comments by my friend Sheila Qualls:
The content of this video is disturbing. Chilling.
It is a foreshadowing of poverty, prison, and even death. It tells the story of children — who through no fault of their own — have been corrupted and abandoned by a system that places no value on the traditional nuclear family.
When Minneapolis police officers showed up in St. Paul last week to execute a search warrant for a murder suspect, they were met by toddlers — some still in diapers — who punched, kicked, cursed, and threw rocks at them. (Alpha News is only publishing 30 seconds of the video, but it goes on for another two minutes.)
The behavior of these children is eerily similar to the behaviors of rioters who burned and looted Minneapolis two years ago.
I crossed swords (not literally) with John Kerrin after a flight at Perth airport during his brief stint as Treasurer. More of a shaker than a mover.
That’s the problem the demographic cliff presents…that model is no longer operational.
The younger generation – such as it is – can’t be out earning a living in increasingly difficult economic times and also be at home looking after the parents/grandparents. And they are already saying they can’t afford children of their own.
His first press conference as Treasurer was so bad I can still remember it.
He was a competent Minister of Primary Industries but Treasury was clearly a bridge too far.
“Cassie, I admit it, I have Abbott Derangement Syndrome, I just wish he’d go away and stop spending our money touring the world and telling us what to do. Dunno why he’s accept the gong from Japan for doing his job. If he had any shame he’s move to Coober Pedy and take up opal mining.
What I find strange is the number of people that he crapped on who still love and admire him. A bit of battered wife syndrome I guess. I wouldn’t post anything about Abbott if he didn’t keep popping up aggrandising himself.”
Well I’m glad you finally admit you suffer from Abbott Derangement Syndrome. Pity you didn’t suffer from Palmer Derangement Syndrome because it was Fatty Clive and his puppets in the senate who helped kybosh any talk about rescinding Section 18C…in fact they were leading the charge to undermine and humiliate Tony Abbott for the whole two years Abbott was PM….in fact Palmer, at the time their ABC’s favourite (all because he was actively participating in Abbott bashing), was a disgrace in parliament and he’s gifted us the bush pig from Tassie who is impossible to get rid of.
Oh and nobody here “loves” Abbott. I think he’s a fundamentally decent man, that’s not the same as “loving” him. I am acutely aware of his failings as PM but he did stop the boats (no mean feat) and he did get rid of the carbon and mining taxes….all stand out achievements when compared to the vacuum that followed him. He’s also a lot more decent than his successors, Turdbull, Morrison and now The Flying Albanese.
Cassie of Sydney says:
July 15, 2022 at 8:30 am
“The left wing city lawyer with no experience in the bush who’s now Australia’s Agriculture Minister.
Friday, 15 July 2022”
He’s also a particularly nasty individual. If foot-and-mouth disease arrives here, we’re fucked but we’ll know who is to blame and it won’t be the Morrison government.
We are being softened up for a foot and mouth outbreak. This is what the WEF wants. We are supposed to eat only vegetables and insects. Slaughtering our herds is high on their agenda.
We are dealing with truly evil bastards here. Sri Lanka and the Netherlands have found out already.
We have been regaled with global warming catastrophism from CO2 emissions for decades yet all of a sudden they have pivoted to nitrogen being the imminent danger when not a word was uttered about it since the science was settled.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says: July 15, 2022 at 10:09 am
Blokes who’ve failed to make a go of farming, are they better or worse than those who’ve never been west of Strathfield?
Some can be quite bitter (this applies to not just to failed farmers in the ALP, but all manner of ALP/regulatory/union types who’ve made a pig’s ear of cooking for themselves)
Kerin was a chook farmer for a few years, then spent Ten years at uni – with his spare time in the public service.
He was however, a country mile ahead of the current bozo.
He’s also a lot more decent than his successors, Turdbull, Morrison and now The Flying Albanese.
Yes that’s certainly true but it surprises me that he acts like he’s a spent force and just goes for consolation prizes. The Lieborals and meja have treated him in a most despicable way of course.
Look at what they’ve done to Bernie Finn too.
miltonf says:
July 15, 2022 at 8:25 am
Does the evil old turd really believe this?Pope Francis: Climate Change Has Become an ‘Emergency’
The Catholic Church has got back into the scientific pronouncements game.
Galileo was unavailable for comment.
We are being softened up for a foot and mouth outbreak. This is what the WEF wants. We are supposed to eat only vegetables and insects. Slaughtering our herds is high on their agenda.
yep sorry to say it but I think you are right- the political class and the pubes in canbra are fully on board.
Prince Andy’s life might make a decent drama if the whole lot was included. Hugh Grant would probably do it well. Kudos to Andrew for his Falklands career in helicopters, but who told him it was a good idea to say he couldn’t sweat?
Kerin was around when the wool industry committed hari kari. Farmers shouldn’t be patting themselves on the back too profusely. Taxpayers dodged a bullet there.
Remember that many pubes in canbra don’t ever think they ‘work’ for us- they ‘work’ for the UN in their ANU ejucated minds.
Note, he says these stores are profitable but the personal safety concerns are now too high.
Love the concept.
Unfortunately, the Palacechook is currently what passes in Queensland as a political colossus.
Top Ender says: July 15, 2022 at 10:50 am
Full & complete scenes with Koo Stark may skyrocket the ratings.
If that’s what the WEF wants, I can think of much easier and efficacious methods of introducing it to our herds than waiting for a tourist returning from Bali to accidentally disperse some contaminated soil on a farm.
A career in soft porn shouldn’t stop you from becoming a princess. AmIright grrrls?
But for covid and “keeping Queenslanders safe”, she’d likely be forever remembered as the accidental premier.
H B Bear says: July 15, 2022 at 10:59 am
In a break from the norm of that cohort of princesses & prospectives, at least Koo Stark’s risque photos were taken before she stood to become a Princess.
China’s official policy is 90:7:3.
• 90% are cared for by family;
• 7% receive some form of assistance to live at home;
• 3% are carted off to aged care warehouses and encouraged to die as quickly and quietly as possible.
China can see the cliff; but doesn’t really know what to do about it.
Back in the early days of the Australia China FTA, Australian aged care providers were being encouraged to set up aged management facilities in China.
To be fair, that isn’t a scientific pronouncement. All he’s saying in that statement is that whatever he thinks is happening to the climate constitutes an emergency for human beings, which is a practical judgement. That is to say, when so-called climate scientists, etc. make these judgements, we are not asked to ‘Trust the science’ so much as ‘Trust their practical judgements’. This didn’t work out so well for Ferguson or Flannery.
“Galileo was unavailable for comment”
Having died of natural causes a few centuries ago.
What’s next Tim, the Spanish inquisition?
Please don’t bother with tropes about the Catholic church and science .
They really needed to give that away in the Middle Ages when most people learned to read.
When I saw Galileo the first thing I thought of was the horse.
Maybe Frankie should get back to matters spiritual instead of shrilling for global marxism.
I will always remember the uh oh moment when we entered a fast food restaurant in LA somewhere near Paramount, and the staff were behind bullet proof shields with turntable arrangements for food and payment.
The CEO of Starbucks is doing the right thing by staff, good for him.
I remember my friend in the US saying about a location where she grew up, which had a demographic shift, go robbing every day and the stores all leave, then locals claim they are the victims of racist discrimination.
Have to agree with Flavius.