Open Thread – Weekend 30 July 2022

A Wet Road by Moonlight Wharfedale, John Atkinson Grimshaw, late 1800s

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Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 30, 2022 12:47 pm

H B Bearsays:

July 30, 2022 at 12:37 pm

Albo might take a while yet to fully fill Prime Ministerial shoes.

If he was a racehorse he would be in the float back from the yearling sales with the breeder on the phone to the abattoir. 

In a just world, his maiden (and only race) would be at Dapto in the guts of a racing greyhound.

July 30, 2022 12:50 pm

The Australian constitution is a busted waste water plant, vandalised by children of political dynasties, ringed by a pretty 1950s wood picket and tennis court wire fence.

There’s a reason why those flowers bloom.

July 30, 2022 12:51 pm

Can we have disco lights and party streamers at the executions of the traitorous politicians and so called elite that have and are destroying this wonderful country.

July 30, 2022 12:54 pm

You know, there were some silver linings on 21 May 2022, Keneally’s loss and the mass execution of the aforementioned far-left progressives from the Liberal Party. Sure, there’s still some scum remaining, Birmingham, Archer, Fletcher and Bragg, but there numbers have been severely depleted and they’re wounded.

Agree- although it’s sickening and frightening to look at motley crew of campus marxists now in charge, getting rid of the trash mentioned above was certainly a plus. Pissie Crime’s black hand. I’m still not sure what the way forward is though- a cleaned up LNP maybe. New parties don’t really seem to work.

July 30, 2022 1:01 pm

Disagree Bear, Malturd promised to be useless and in that capacity succeeded. How do Australians keep voting for such spineless inadequates. On second thoughts you are probably right, malturd is a pompous fool in the same mold as gough and mal where did my trousers go.

July 30, 2022 1:05 pm

Winston Smith
July 29, 2022 at 8:42 pm

Some thoughts on the AEMO crisis:
The WA grid is separate from the Eastern grid.
Would an incoming W.A. Government think of telling the rest of Australia to piss off and install multiple 1 – 5 GW Nukes, and not treating them as cash cows for governments milking the excess?
How much industry would move from East to West?
If we are having smug meters installed over here, and the suppliers of power are able to turn off individual lots/sites/homes/shops, this suggests there is a flow chart of who and when. Has this question been asked in Parliament?

The above illustrates well why I consider Turtlehead to be a waste of space. He tries really hard to sound smart but can never get past an IQ of 82.

Turtlehead, the decision is allow nuclear reactors in Australia resides with the Federal government and it alone.

July 30, 2022 1:10 pm

Yuval Noah Harari: How to Survive the 21st Century- Davos 2020Prof. Yuval Noah Harari takes to the Congress Hall stage at the World Economic Forum annual meeting to speak about how nuclear war, ecological collapse and technological disruption pose an existential threat to human civilization. Directly after, he explores the challenges of the 21st century and how to address them before it is too late with Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, moderated by Orit Gadiesh.

Cassie of Sydney
July 30, 2022 1:19 pm

Further to the Chesterton quote above, a quote more famously known as “Chesterton’s fence”, I regard his words as neatly defining the essence of “Conservatism”. It accords with why I am a conservative. It’s why I voted NO to SSM. The fence of marriage has now been destroyed by the left. I see no reason to take down or destroy a fence unless the fence is faulty…and even then, I would repair it rather than dismantle or destroy it.

July 30, 2022 1:23 pm

A recent case however has said blood is no longer necessary, only the first 2. In fact you can be adopted by a mob and by that act become a 3rd nations.

So much for those stalking horses they refer to as ‘intergenerational trauma’ and ‘intergenerational disadvantage’.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 1:31 pm

Why NZ’s all black mood bodes ill for Ardern ahead of election


Dark and stormy clouds are forming above New Zealand – and not just of the climatic kind.

Amid an especially bracing few months that have brought frigid temperatures and regional flooding, Kiwis are also having to contend with ill winds of another sort – social, economic and sporting – that are sweeping the nation and causing rising public disquiet.

For many New Zealanders, most winter troubles can be soothed by the inevitable victories of the national rugby team – the venerated All Blacks – which are notched up with great regularity and aplomb.

But Kiwis’ faith in the national team has taken a hammering recently, further fuelling the country’s feeling of unease.

The All Blacks are presently suffering an extraordinary run of losses – including most recently to Ireland – under an unpopular coach and with few near-term prospects of improvement in sight.

Until relatively recently, the ABs, as Kiwis call them, were ­safety ensconced as the world’s best rugby side. Now the team is ranked fourth and in real danger of sliding further down the rankings should its current poor form persist – as many expect it will.

Frustration and anger at the sputtering team machine, including how it is run off the field, is only fuelling New Zealand’s unusually dark mood and – most worryingly for Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern – is emblematic of the nation’s crisis of confidence as a whole.

Few countries are so allied to a single sport as NZ is to rugby. The game’s historic grassroots appeal, and longstanding cultural and societal links, are threaded tightly in the nation’s fabric. Indeed, the success or failure of the All Blacks ­affects the national psyche in ways that few sporting teams do in other countries.

All Black defeats may never have brought down a government but the fortunes of incumbent ­governments have followed those of the national team with uncanny regularity.

This time around, the country’s disillusion in the team is reflected in similar disillusion in the government, with a protracted cost-of-living crisis abetted by climbing inflation and a low-growth economy, rising Covid cases and hos­pitalisations under a cracking healthcare system and escalating gang violence – all of which spell potential disaster for Ardern in the polls.

Should the current conditions persist and the country’s mood prove stubborn, as well it might, the next election – to be held in 2023 – could easily shape up as a “change election” that would eject Ardern and her Labour Party from power.

Even if there is the merest hint of change in the air – and there ­appears to be one brewing – it may be hard to stop it from coming.

Any inescapable indication of looming political change is not yet visible among voters, however. Although polling shows the centre-right opposition National Party – led by Christopher Luxon – pulling ahead of Labour in the party vote, Ardern remains comfortably ahead of Luxon as preferred prime minister.

So far, she remains well-liked by the majority, and her individual brand of empathy and her ability to connect with voters remain effective political tools. As such, Ardern is still thought of by her party as its biggest asset.

However, some commentators are starting to question this thinking amid the array of lingering problems facing the nation and the robust challenge mounted by a revitalised National Party, which has been out of power since 2017.

Ardern’s once celebrated management of Covid has come under increasing criticism, particularly the draconian decision to ban Kiwis overseas from returning home and the slow vaccine rollout which resulted in more lockdowns as the rest of the world was opening up.

Her role in addressing the ultimately violent occupation of the grounds of the New Zealand parliament in central Wellington by groups calling for an end to all ­pandemic restrictions also came under scrutiny.

Then there are the broken election promises: in 2017, Ardern promised to build 100,000 affordable homes within 10 years: five years later, only 1366 have been built. She promised to lift 100,000 children out of poverty but the number of children in poverty has increased.

The government has now been driven to buy up motel rooms to house homeless families, much to the fury of local NIMBYs. Meanwhile, emissions have increased by 2 per cent since 2018 while net ­migration has turned negative for the first time in decades as young people flee the country for better opportunities abroad – mostly in Australia.

As her troubles mount, there is growing sentiment in New Zealand that Ardern, like the troubled All Blacks, needs to lift her game.

And, just as there is chatter about who will replace the All Blacks’ coach, there is now growing speculation over who might follow Ardern as party leader. This question has never arisen before, quite possibly because there were no obvious contenders. But should her appeal wane to a point that could endanger Labour’s election prospects, then all bets are off.

Indeed, there has long been speculation in some quarters that Ardern might seek at some future point to leverage her international star power to pivot to an important global role overseas.

It is also worth noting that an unexpected and abrupt prime ministerial change is a recent memory for Kiwis.

In December 2016, at the height of his power and ahead of the 2017 general election in which he was expected to win his fourth term of office, John Key shocked the nation by resigning as prime minister and leader of the National Party. He cited the desire to spend more time with his family at home as a primary reason for his decision. It showed, nevertheless, that even popular leaders can head to the exit.

Ardern and her team have certainly moved to attend swiftly to the country’s social and economic headwinds. Ministers have recently issued plans to crack down on gang activity (new legislation to expand the scope of firearm legislation) and take the sting out of high fuel prices (cutting petrol ­excise duty and mandating the ­extension of half-price public transport fares).

Treasury also aims to reduce headline inflation by 0.5 percentage points in the June quarter, even though elevated government spending is seen by critics as stoking inflationary pressures in the first place.

Whether any government measures will provide sufficient comfort to the edgy nation, though, remains to be seen. The longer the problems persist, the more entrenched the county’s mood will be – and the more dis­illusioned the electorate will ­become with Labour.

Key, one of the most successful NZ prime ministers in the modern era, saw value in a victorious All Black team in terms of national sentiment but also as a political dividend.

He assiduously aligned himself closely with the triumphs of the All Blacks, and the optics on his frequent visits to the winning changing room and his close embrace of NZ rugby heroes of the day had political pulling power.

Key enjoyed the luxury of having his premiership – from 2008 to 2016 – coincide with arguably the most successful period ever in All Blacks history.

Ardern, however, is not as fortunate. Her All Blacks have been labelled the worst since the game turned professional in 1995.

Political success, after all, is ­almost always about luck and ­timing.

Craig Greaves is a freelance writer who spent nearly a decade working for the US State Department advising on New Zealand foreign policy and New Zealand politics.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 1:43 pm

10m ago
Greens issue demands in response to PM’s address
Paige Taylor

The Greens have called on Labor to support the party’s Bill endorsing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and back the Greens’ path to a national treaty.

The demands, issued by email to media from Senator Lidia Thorpe, the party’s spokeswoman on Indigenous affairs, were made within minutes of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese concluding his speech confirming there would a national vote on an Indigenous voice to Parliament in his first term in government.

The Greens party was the first to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its call for a constitutionally enshrined voice in 2017.

However, it has since opted to prioritise a truth-telling commission and a treaty.

The Uluru Dialogue, a collective of Indigenous leaders, described Mr Albanese’s speech as momentous.

If successful, a First Nation voice would create a better future for all Australians, the Uluru Dialogue said.

July 30, 2022 1:47 pm

Predictions are difficult,……………………………….but this one came true! Meme.

July 30, 2022 1:48 pm

I put up this article from The Catholic Weekly today FYI.

We’ve all got to be in this
Theresa Ardler, a lecturer in Aboriginal Spirituality at ACU, meets Pope Francis last week. She presented him with a personal copy of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Chiara Porro, Australia’s Ambassador to the Vatican, is centre of photo, and Jacqui Remond from ACU in the background. Photo: Vatican Media

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 30, 2022 1:53 pm

Turtlehead, the decision is allow nuclear reactors in Australia resides with the Federal government and it alone.

Is that right? What’s the Constitutional head of power?
I thought that the Feds effectively controlled private enterprise involvement with uranium through the corporations power, but that the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 wasn’t expressed to apply to the states.

July 30, 2022 1:54 pm

However, it has since opted to prioritise a truth-telling commission and a treaty.

That’s probably something they should avoid if they don’t wish to be humiliated.
My series of six posts recently on this blog, should indicate why.

The truth won’t be kind to their cause.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
July 30, 2022 1:57 pm

Comments at the Oz over Elbow and Langton’s drum beating about a “Voice” referendum are running about 96% “No”.

Another 2% are running at “Hell,No”.

The remaining 2% are snivelling virtue signallers.

I don’t think I will punting on a win for the “Yes” vote anytime soon.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 2:03 pm


Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 2:03 pm

Dover – see my test above. For some reason two posts – both from my other computer – went into moderation, whereas this one and the test above didn’t.

For your amusement…

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 30, 2022 2:07 pm

July 30, 2022 at 1:54 pm
However, it has since opted to prioritise a truth-telling commission and a treaty.

That’s probably something they should avoid if they don’t wish to be humiliated.
My series of six posts recently on this blog, should indicate why.

The truth won’t be kind to their cause.

Mater, I suspect that “truth-telling” is one of those terms which no longer means what it used to mean.

July 30, 2022 2:08 pm

Comments at the Oz over Elbow and Langton’s drum beating about a “Voice” referendum are running about 96% “No”.

Another 2% are running at “Hell,No”.

The remaining 2% are snivelling virtue signallers.

Thus proving that Australia is a waaaycist country.

Watch this space.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
July 30, 2022 2:14 pm

A recent case however has said blood is no longer necessary, only the first 2. In fact you can be adopted by a mob and by that act become a 3rd nations.

So a big night on the piss with a mob without putting your foot in it can get you an inside run of exclusively Aboriginal jobs? No possibility for gaming the system whatsoever. Nosiree.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 2:14 pm

Mater, I suspect that “truth-telling” is one of those terms which no longer means what it used to mean

“Truth – telling” means “Stories my Nanna told me” are to be accepted as ‘Gospel truth”, despite the absence of any evidence to prove such “truth.”

July 30, 2022 2:14 pm

Mater, I suspect that “truth-telling” is one of those terms which no longer means what it used to mean.

Yes, I suspect it’ll be right up the ‘social’ version of ‘justice’.

July 30, 2022 2:15 pm

…right up there with the…

July 30, 2022 2:45 pm

Mater says:
July 30, 2022 at 12:08 pm

Excellent news!

I’ll drop in for a coffee when I’m up at Walgett this harvest.

(Assume you will be moving)

July 30, 2022 2:46 pm

Plan to illuminate Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance with rainbow lights celebrating faggotry cancelled due to “threats to staff”.

Warms the heart, it does.

July 30, 2022 3:01 pm

I’ll drop in for a coffee when I’m up at Walgett this harvest.

I’ll be accepted into the new upper class by then. Favoured by decree.

Not sure I’ll wish to continue to mingle with the proles. Make an appointment with my man, and I’ll consider your request.

July 30, 2022 3:06 pm

Yeah big nambas……and indolent and all the rest.
You’d think the jabbed would be grabbing the piano wire about now and screaming for justice and revenge but……..the mind only copes with so much with many people.
The way those posts. …the truth being overwhelming , are ignored is amazing to witness.

July 30, 2022 3:11 pm

Plan to illuminate Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance with rainbow lights celebrating faggotry cancelled due to “threats to staff”.

This seems to be the current “leftie” face-saving agenda .. no detail(s) “threats” ..
The Manly “7” were warned off going to the game .. cos .. “threats” .. LOL!

July 30, 2022 3:29 pm

He’s back.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 3:31 pm

Thank you Dover – I will thrash myself.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
July 30, 2022 3:38 pm

Plan to illuminate Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance with rainbow lights celebrating faggotry cancelled due to “threats to staff”.

I don’t believe that for a second — the numbskulls who proposed that must’ve got such a backlash they decided to call it off and have used the “threat to staff excuse” as cover.

Remember a few years back when the entire staff of ABC in the Sydney Mausoleum in Ultimo decided they felt unsafe because Roger Franklin wrote a satirical piece in Quadrant on line in answer to some effrontery to the normies by the ABC? Can’t remember the details but the ABC response was typical of prevailing Leftist tactics.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
July 30, 2022 3:41 pm

snap shatterzzz

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 30, 2022 3:46 pm

Archer Season 12 arrives on 12th August.

July 30, 2022 3:48 pm

just moved on AAP:

No gay disco by the tomb of the unknown soldier.

Threats derail Melb Shrine’s rainbow plans

Plans to light up Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance in rainbow colours have been abandoned after staff were subjected to “hateful” threats and abuse.

The display was intended to commemorate LGBTQI people in service as part of the upcoming exhibition Defending with Pride, which chronicles their stories of denial and exclusion, along with recognition and inclusion.

The Shrine of Remembrance organisation announced on Saturday afternoon that while the exhibition and Last Post service scheduled for Sunday would go ahead, the lighting of its colonnades would not.

“As a peaceful place of remembrance, we seek to provide a safe and inclusive place for all,” a statement shared on social media said.

“Over several days, our staff have received and been subject to abuse, and in some cases, threats.

“We have seen something of what members of the LGBTIQ+ community experience every day. It is hateful.”

In the interests of minimising harm, the shrine sought guidance from partners and others including veteran associations, the Victorian government, and representatives of the LGBTQI veteran community.

The organisation noted in the statement that, 50 years ago, creating a memorial to women’s service was controversial and opposed by many, as was the introduction of an annual service commemorating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

“A decade ago, conversations around veteran suicide were taboo, yet today it is the subject of a Royal Commission,” the statement said.

“Society’s values change, and the Shrine is a participant in that change and will continue its efforts to honour the service and sacrifice of all who have served Australia.”

The shrine’s pride exhibition officially runs from August until July 2023.

July 30, 2022 3:49 pm

Just how much of an emergency is the climate emergency to actual American voters?
Read on.

With the 2022 midterm elections less than four months away, a New York Times/Siena College poll revealed that just 1 percent of registered voters viewed climate change as a “top priority,” let alone the most important issue facing the nation. The poll placed climate change far behind concerns about inflation, the economy, record crime rates, and the humanitarian crisis on America’s southern border. Even among voters younger than 30 — the demographic that is typically most energized by debates about environmental policy — the corresponding figure was a mere 3 percent.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 3:57 pm

Ben Roberts-Smith’s fate in the hands of one man
By Deborah Snow and Michaela Whitbourn
July 30, 2022 — 5.30am

There were no handshakes or back-slaps as the curtain fell on the epic Ben Roberts-Smith defamation case, at 12.44 pm sharp in Sydney’s Federal Court on Wednesday. The soldier, as he had done for months, sat masked and unreadable in the back row of the courtroom, his parents Len and Sue nearby.

The judge, Anthony Besanko, quietly thanked the legal teams – including lawyers for the Commonwealth, which kept a gimlet eye on proceedings throughout to guard national security secrets – and uttered the words: “I reserve my judgment. Adjourn.”

After 100 days of evidence, the final battle lines have been drawn as closing arguments began in the Ben Roberts-Smith defamation trial.

Then the two opposing sides withdrew to their separate meeting rooms for a last debrief. And it was over.

It seemed an oddly muted end to hearings which have kept the nation transfixed for more than a year, with the airing of alleged war crimes by Roberts-Smith and some of his elite military brethren in Afghanistan, the exposure of his extramarital affair, bitter rivalries inside the Special Air Service and alleged attempts by the Victoria Cross recipient and his inner circle to intimidate witnesses and cover up evidence. Throughout, the former SAS corporal has denied all wrongdoing.

Whatever the judge’s final ruling – expected to be handed down in six to 12 months’ time – the case will endure as a legal landmark for decades to come.

University of Melbourne Law School Associate Professor Jason Bosland, director of its media and communications law research network, describes it as “the most significant defamation case in the history of Australian defamation litigation”.

“If Ben Roberts-Smith wins, then I think the damages payout will [set a new] record. On the other hand, if the media win, it will be very significant in terms of investigative journalism because the media will have succeeded on the truth defence, and historically that has been so difficult [for media outlets] to rely upon,” Bosland says.

He adds, “Of course, if they do succeed on truth, it will operate as a quasi-investigation into war crimes as well, which is also significant in and of itself”.

Few would wish themselves in the shoes of Besanko, who now has to sift through a mountain of evidence, elicited from more than 40 witnesses delivered over 110 days, to decide whether Roberts-Smith will forever be branded a man who murdered Afghan prisoners, bullied former comrades and struck his former lover.

Nine’s newspapers, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, have taken the calculated risk of mounting a truth defence. That means their legal team, headed by Nicholas Owens, SC, had to convince the judge that the war crimes and other wrongdoing alleged by star investigative reporters Nick McKenzie and Chris Masters were, on the balance of probabilities, true.

But Roberts-Smith’s legal team, headed by Arthur Moses, SC, and Matthew Richardson, SC, have urged the judge to be rigorous in applying what is known as the Briginshaw standard.

This is an evidentiary principle derived from a 1938 divorce suit, which holds that even in a civil suit like this – with a lower standard of proof than in a criminal case – the court must take particular care in weighing the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence if there are grave consequences for those involved.

Moses ran hard on this in his summing up, saying the criminal allegations being made by the media outlets fell “at the very highest end of objective seriousness … [and] strike at the very heart of Mr Roberts-Smith’s morality and humanity”.

Underscoring this point, Moses added that “murderer” was “ordinarily a label … reserved for convicted criminals flowing from a criminal proceeding”.

He also pointed out that if the judge accepted all the evidence from the media outlets as to the five unlawful killings of unarmed prisoners that Nine alleges, this would implicate other soldiers –particularly the SAS witnesses known as Person 4 and Person 11.

Person 4 is said to have shot a prisoner at Roberts-Smith’s command at a village compound known as Whiskey 108 in April 2009, while Person 11 is alleged to have conspired with the Victoria Cross recipient to execute an unarmed man, Ali Jan, at the village of Darwan in late 2012.

Moses told the judge that in addition to branding Roberts-Smith a murderer, “Your Honour is [effectively] being asked to make a finding that Person 4 is a murderer. Your Honour is being asked to make a finding that Person 11 is a murderer”. (Person 11 has denied the alleged execution, while Person 4 declined to give evidence on the grounds of self-incrimination.)

July 30, 2022 4:02 pm

The organisation noted in the statement that, 50 years ago, creating a memorial to women’s service was controversial and opposed by many, as was the introduction of an annual service commemorating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Most likely because the introduction of such measures sought to break down the fellowship of servicemen and women into it’s component parts for political exploitation.

Exactly what they are trying to do now with the broader Australian society.

Divide and conquer.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 30, 2022 4:18 pm

Trudeau’s Government confirms the Quadruple/Triple Vaccinated have accounted for 90% of Covid-19 Deaths across Canada since the beginning of June

As requested yesterday:

Canadian Covid deaths are clustered in the 50+ age group – ~97% of deaths.

The 50+ age group is ~95% vaccinated;

The unvaccinated make up ~5% of the population and ~10% of the Covid deaths.

We now have less than 2 days to pay up and save The Exposé.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
July 30, 2022 4:30 pm

Steps in the right direction:

England’s Rugby Football Union (RFU) and Rugby Football League (RFL) will restrict transgender participation in the domestic game, with the governing bodies recommending that only players recorded as female at birth be allowed to play in the women’s category.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 4:31 pm

Posted over on the old thread about an excellent book “Resistance” by Halik Kochaniski – her book on “Poland and the Poles in the Second World War” is also well worth reading.

The final chapter of “Resistance” deals with the issues that newly liberated countries had, dealing with collaborators, and persuading Resistance movements to either join their countries army, or disarm..

July 30, 2022 4:33 pm

Oh dear…Elbow has donned his Akubra.

This can only bode ill for the nation.

Cassie of Sydney
July 30, 2022 4:36 pm

July 30, 2022 at 3:46 pm
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP and Cardinal George Pell in front of the new plaque at Barangaroo marking Pope Benedict XVI’s arrival for World Youth Day in 2008. Photo: Giovanni Portelli”

I remember it was late in the day, back in 2008, I was working in our CBD offices and I was asked if I’d like to go down and stand on Bridge Street and watch and wave to the Pope. I said sure. So a group of us went down, there was a throng of people, and we stood on the street as the Pope whizzed by in his pope mobile. Anyway, just after whizzed by, I remained standing along Bridge Street and a Channel Nine film crew rushed up and asked me “what did you think of the Pope, he was very quick”. I responded “well of course, he’s German, he likes fast cars”. I remember everyone laughing, including the crew.

I don’t watch morning television yet the following morning this exchange was shown on Channel Nine’s Today Show. Several of my friends, including my Rabbi at the time, saw it and they all roared with laughter. They said I was very funny!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 4:41 pm

Oh dear…Elbow has donned his Akubra.

He’s convinced it makes him look a 100%, fair dinkum Aussie..

July 30, 2022 4:42 pm

flyingduk says:
July 30, 2022 at 9:52 am

If you eat meat your urine will cause the end of the world.

As an obligate carnivore, let me just say that there will be quite a shitfight if they come for my food…

A shitfight will be nothing compared to my reaction if they take duck of my menu!

July 30, 2022 4:43 pm

The Guardian – The rouble is soaring and Putin is stronger than ever – our sanctions have backfired

Energy prices are rocketing, inflation is soaring and millions are being starved of grain. Surely Johnson knew this would happen?

Western sanctions against Russia are the most ill-conceived and counterproductive policy in recent international history. Military aid to Ukraine is justified, but the economic war is ineffective against the regime in Moscow, and devastating for its unintended targets. World energy prices are rocketing, inflation is soaring, supply chains are chaotic and millions are being starved of gas, grain and fertiliser. Yet Vladimir Putin’s barbarity only escalates – as does his hold over his own people.

To criticise western sanctions is close to anathema. Defence analysts are dumb on the subject. Strategy thinktanks are silent. Britain’s putative leaders, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, compete in belligerent rhetoric, promising ever tougher sanctions without a word of purpose. Yet, hint at scepticism on the subject and you will be excoriated as “pro-Putin” and anti-Ukraine. Sanctions are the war cry of the west’s crusade.

The reality of sanctions on Russia is that they invite retaliation. Putin is free to freeze Europe this winter. He has slashed supply from major pipelines such as Nord Stream 1 by up to 80%. World oil prices have surged and eastern Europe’s flow of wheat and other foodstuffs to Africa and Asia has been all but suspended.

Britain’s domestic gas bills face tripling inside a year. The chief beneficiary is none other than Russia, whose energy exports to Asia have soared, driving its balance of payments into unprecedented surplus. The rouble is one of the world’s strongest currencies this year, having strengthened since January by nearly 50%. Moscow’s overseas assets have been frozen and its oligarchs have relocated their yachts, but there is no sign that Putin cares. He has no electorate to worry him.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 30, 2022 4:45 pm

All is well.

Collingwood have won 10 in a row.

Without rainbow jerseys.

July 30, 2022 4:48 pm

Someone reckons the Lollipop Cat may have closed down. Is that true?

Winston Smith
July 30, 2022 4:49 pm

Perplexed of Brisbane:

As owners of nuclear-powered submarines, Vice Admiral Vaujour said France knew “very well” the workforce and logistical challenges involved in maintaining the complex technology.

Vice Admiral Vaujour can go and shit in his silly hat.
We’ll lease a dozen Ohio Class off the US and outfit them with torpedos and other good explodey stuff.

I like the way you think but we are getting Virginia class boats. The Ohio’s are the retiring ballistic missile subs. A few new Columbia class missile boats with Virginias for cover would be great.

Non-proliferation has been a failure. Look at the nations who have nukes now. The Indos are having whinge about AUKUS but I think they can trust us more than China.

The frogs can go jump. If we are genuinely serious about a nuclear capability, then we can do it and do it well. Just need to keep the union scum away from it as they’ll sabotage it at every turn a la WW2.

My understanding is that both Gt Britain and the US have told us to wait in line. They claim to have no spare capacity for our orders that’s why I suggest the Ohio which is still a damn fine sub and can be retrofitted. The Virginia class would be great to have, but Congress scuttled the plan to add another couple to the fleet which would have allowed Huntington Ingalls Industries to add another production line. But that didn’t happen, and so it looks like a “Come as you’re dressed war” again.

July 30, 2022 4:53 pm


Why do you think more serious charges were appropriate? Did you read this?

Akron Police Chief Stephen Mylett said Liming and three other teens drove into the parking lot of the school around 10:30 p.m. and started discharging a SplatRBall gun at people on the basketball court. It is not clear if Liming fired the SplatRBall gun.

Both groups then began fighting and Liming was knocked unconscious, said police.

Liming’s family members said the suspects continued to beat him until he was dead.

One of Liming’s friends called 911 and when officers arrived at the I Promise School, Liming was pronounced dead at the scene.

July 30, 2022 4:57 pm

China’s Army Posts “Get Ready For War!” Message On Social Media, State Mouthpiece Says PLA Has “Right” To Intercept Pelosi’s Plane

What are the Betting Odds America does not have the CoJones to Defy China and allow Pelosi to go to Taiwan?

America the Hom(o)e of the Weak/Woke

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
July 30, 2022 4:57 pm

My understanding is that both Gt Britain and the US have told us to wait in line. They claim to have no spare capacity for our orders that’s why I suggest the Ohio which is still a damn fine sub and can be retrofitted. The Virginia class would be great to have, but Congress scuttled the plan to add another couple to the fleet which would have allowed Huntington Ingalls Industries to add another production line. But that didn’t happen, and so it looks like a “Come as you’re dressed war” again.

Fair enough. Makes sense on that score. Ohio’s will put the cat among the pigeons. From cruise missiles straight to SLBM’s. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

I guess that was why there was talk of the UK basing some subs in Oz.

I wonder if it is worth getting some Soryu’s as well as a stop-gap for attack boats?

July 30, 2022 4:59 pm

Love it, Cassie!

The Beloved zipped up the street to have a look too, possibly on the same day. The Pope was staying out at an enclave at Kenthurst and the route took him past the back of our place. Good times.

July 30, 2022 5:02 pm

Just how much of an emergency is the climate emergency to actual American voters?

This is not the point. AGW is being used, just as the chunk virus was and still is, to justify the suspension of rights and the taking of control by the elites who are misanthropic. Just imagine a world with Klaus, Bill Gates and Prince Tampon in charge.

July 30, 2022 5:06 pm

Ahaha! The Vikings now showing on 9Gem.

Frank Thring being his particularly evil self.

Another acting career for Wolfman to examine. 😀

July 30, 2022 5:13 pm

If DashCat is having some difficulties (it happens), come hop in under the porch guys.

I’ll make some snacks and pour drinks.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 30, 2022 5:13 pm

Oh dear…Elbow has donned his Akubra.
Who does he think he is… Pat Dodson?

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 5:15 pm

I like the way you think, Perplexed, but Oz will be lucky to get hunter-killer nuclear subs let alone missile submarines.

About as much chance of putting F-35s on our two helicopter carriers.

Don’t forget, you live in the nation that didn’t have Spitfires and Hurricanes when the Japanese attacked us – even though they’d been the fighter of choice in the mother country for two years.

July 30, 2022 5:15 pm

He’s convinced it makes him look a 100%, fair dinkum Aussie..

He’s probably got RM Williams boots on as well.

Which most fair dinkum Aussies can’t afford.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 5:18 pm

Of course they have:

The Greens have called on Labor to support the party’s Bill endorsing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and back the Greens’ path to a national treaty.

The demands, issued by email to media from Senator Lidia Thorpe, the party’s spokeswoman on Indigenous affairs, were made within minutes of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese concluding his speech confirming there would a national vote on an Indigenous voice to Parliament in his first term in government.

The Greens party was the first to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its call for a constitutionally enshrined voice in 2017.

However, it has since opted to prioritise a truth-telling commission and a treaty.

July 30, 2022 5:20 pm

Unvaccinated Canandians over the age of 50 are significantly overrepresented in covid deaths?
At least they aren’t dying from the vaxx.
BTW where is Monty?
My guess; fit as fiddle and fantasizing about football.

July 30, 2022 5:20 pm

Frank Thring being his particularly evil self.

I always think of him as Herod (Antipas).

But he also played Pontius Pilate in Ben Hur, making him the only actor to have played, in film, the two historical characters legally responsible for Jesus’ crucifixion.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 30, 2022 5:20 pm

He’s probably got RM Williams boots on as well.

And skinny jeans.

Which look gay on young blokes and absolutely Oxford Street limp wrist on old blokes.

Of course, it suits him. Plastic Prime Minister – PPM.

July 30, 2022 5:23 pm

Pope Benedict was at the wheel of the Pope mobile?
I remember looking down Bourke St when Princess Diana and Prince Charles were unveiling a plaque, I was on the wrong side of it and couldn’t be bothered walking down so they missed out.

July 30, 2022 5:30 pm

What have Aboriginals donated to society? I dunno, I grew up with them and gained a quirky sense of humour about the world and people and animals and their interactions. The hardest working person (and one of the most observant and anticipatory) in my camp at the moment is an aboriginal girl.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 30, 2022 5:34 pm

Disagree Bear, … and mal where did my trousers go.

As I have previously opined trousers are overrated.

July 30, 2022 5:34 pm

I don’t much care about what Aboriginals have contributed, or not.
I prefer to treat people as individuals.
The problem is none of this Voice stuff contributes one iota to resolving the problems faced by Aboriginal people, particularly in remote communities.
Nor will it.
Jacinta Price knows it, im sure she’s not the only one.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 5:39 pm

However, it has since opted to prioritise a truth-telling commission and a treaty.

Thereby going some distance towards scuppering any referendum, regarding the “Voice” once and for all.

July 30, 2022 5:46 pm

Top Ender, wasn’t Bluey Truscott flying a Spitfire when he flew to his doom?

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 5:47 pm

A Good Journalist With More Faith Than Facts

Chris Kenny is a journalist I admire more than most. His acuity and, more important, his tenacity in calling out the worst of Leftist nonsense – global warming hysteria, energy policy, woke culture, ABC bias and so on – are second to none. But in the case of the Aboriginal Voice, that tenacity seems to have morphed into intransigence. An unwillingness to do more than barely recognise that there is genuine opposition to this proposal.

More at Quadrant

July 30, 2022 5:49 pm

Britain’s domestic gas bills face tripling inside a year. The chief beneficiary is none other than Russia, whose energy exports to Asia have soared, driving its balance of payments into unprecedented surplus. The rouble is one of the world’s strongest currencies this year, having strengthened since January by nearly 50%. Moscow’s overseas assets have been frozen and its oligarchs have relocated their yachts, but there is no sign that Putin cares. He has no electorate to worry him.

You quoted something about Western living standards. What about Russians? The idea that it is not a democracy so it doesn’t matter if he pisses people off is making some spectacular assumptions.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 5:49 pm

I believe he was Areff.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
July 30, 2022 5:50 pm

Just watched the PM’s teary announcement on the “Voice” referendum which was staged in Arnhem Land in front of a supportive crowd with lots of clapping. Now I don’t know about you guys, but it struck me as passingly strange that the entire audience seem to be, well, white. Where were the downtrodden residents of such cesspits as Wadeye (google it)? If there is supposed to be a reach out to disadvantaged Aborigines, why wouldn’t you go to where the Aborigines live. If he wanted to speak to a bunch of clappy whites and relatively privileged ‘blackfellas’ he could have done it in Marrickville or Canberra and saved the airfares.
Pure theatrics.

BTW. The page doesn’t seem to be saving my posting details.

July 30, 2022 5:50 pm

Dover, that could be, but the kid wasn’t blameless in what occurred. He wasn’t like some innocent kid walking down the street and ended up attacked. He provoked those other lunatics and I suspect that’s why they’re facing lessor charges.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 5:53 pm

Top Ender, wasn’t Bluey Truscott flying a Spitfire when he flew to his doom?

Flew Spitfires in England, crashed off the West Australian coast flying a P40 Kittyhawk.

Cassie of Sydney
July 30, 2022 5:55 pm

“A Good Journalist With More Faith Than Facts

Chris Kenny is a journalist I admire more than most. “

I sometimes wonder whether Kenny’s cheering and support for the “Voice” is because he wishes to atone for his involvement in the Hindmarsh Island affair.

Just a theory.

July 30, 2022 5:57 pm

I trust Federal Court judge Anthony Besanko understands that the media activists trying to take down the SAS and Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith regard the judge as a dumb patsy who will roll over in their campaign to destroy the last Australian regiment that can win wars after the castration of the rest of the ADF.

If Australia is to have a future as a sovereign country, Nine/Fairfax must pay a record amount in damages. BRS is this country’s Cardinal George Pell.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 6:01 pm

BRS is this country’s Cardinal George Pell.

Quite an apt comparison.

July 30, 2022 6:02 pm

Cannon fucking brooks just paid $24 million for Dunk Island. I bet the bearded POS puts a SMR on there for when the effect of his renewable crusade closes the rest of the electricity sector on the mainland down.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
July 30, 2022 6:03 pm

Good Lord.
Have a look at our esteemed PM’s dorky style of wearing an Akubra.

Not on the back of your pointy head, you poseur.

July 30, 2022 6:05 pm

Talk about the wrong turn of phrase.

Gretchen Whitmer Promises She Will Fight To Keep Abortion Legal For ‘Your Kids’.

July 30, 2022 6:06 pm

whoops in quotes

Gretchen Whitmer Promises She Will Fight To Keep Abortion Legal For ‘Your Kids’.

July 30, 2022 6:09 pm

Don’t forget, you live in the nation that didn’t have Spitfires and Hurricanes when the Japanese attacked us – even though they’d been the fighter of choice in the mother country for two years.

If you want to shed a tear, have a look at this.

RAAF Spitfires awaiting disposal in Oakey, QLD in 1946

Melted into ingots.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
July 30, 2022 6:09 pm

Most of the flim flam around this ‘Voice’ proposal seems to neglect an obvious sequitur.
Albo has put forward a ‘bare bones’ proposal. As I read it the proposal allows the Parliament to legislate as to the membership of this body. It authorises the body to make representations to the Parliament. It can also legislate as to the processes and procedures of this body.
Question is what would happen if or when a Parliament exercised it powers in this respect?
If the Parliament were to change the makeup of the “Voice’ or if the Parliament were to not act upon representations, what would happen? All uproar would break loose and cries or RACISM would abound.
No Government would resist. Effectively this “Voice” becomes an alternative, unelected Government.
Comments welcome. Maybe I’m wrong.

July 30, 2022 6:13 pm

A few funny things:

1. The original list and current list of COVID symptoms compared to other colds, or influenza.
2. The admission the viruses won’t be stopped now by the vaccines (see CHO Paul Kelly).
3. The media for the last year or more insisting that new variants are more infectious, but just as virulent- contrary to how viruses normally evolve.

The absolute state of clown world.

July 30, 2022 6:15 pm

What was the provocation? Getting hit with paintballs. All we know is that someone in his group did that, not the victim himself. You could use the provocation defence in an assault but they beat him on the ground and killed him at the scene. That looks to me like murder not involuntary manslaughter.

If there’s provocation, it’s generally not first degree murder.

July 30, 2022 6:16 pm

The “voice” of the electorate is the Parliament.

Well, it’s meant to be anyway. Why have elections if it isn’t?

July 30, 2022 6:16 pm

The wimmin’s movement’s obsession with abortion is absurd and where the hell do the ‘rats find filth like Whitmer?

July 30, 2022 6:17 pm

Remember the “flurona” bullshit being peddled about six months ago?

I’m surprised they haven’t pulled that out this time.

July 30, 2022 6:18 pm

Provocation in Australia eh?

July 30, 2022 6:18 pm

Collectivists, Cats – could they get any more weird or creepy?

Peoples with an appendage are known to expel gases from their fundament and liquid from their third leg.

Both of which are now alleged to contribute to the imminently imminent demise of this planet.

Unrelenting idiocy. We must resist it with every fibre of our being.

July 30, 2022 6:19 pm

The “voice” of the electorate is the Parliament.

Obviously the political establishment doesn’t think so- bit of a giveaway when you think about it. More signs of broken democracy.

Cassie of Sydney
July 30, 2022 6:20 pm

“If Australia is to have a future as a sovereign country, Nine/Fairfax must pay a record amount in damages. BRS is this country’s Cardinal George Pell.”

Yep, I hope so.

Think of Craig McLachlan, whose career has been destroyed, thanks to a combined hit job by Nine/Fairfax and their ABC, who was charged by Victorian Police, who was acquitted of ALL of those charges, he tried to sue Nine/Fairfax for defamation but Nine/Fairfax pulled out all the ammunition and so, McLachlan, having seen his career destroyed, pulled out and quite frankly, who could blame him, there’s only so much legal lawfare a human being can endure.

July 30, 2022 6:21 pm

It’s a fairly tough thing to claim in NSW. Then you have an issue of immediacy.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 30, 2022 6:21 pm

Albo has put forward a ‘bare bones’ proposal. As I read it the proposal allows the Parliament to legislate as to the membership of this body. It authorises the body to make representations to the Parliament. It can also legislate as to the processes and procedures of this body.

Parliament can also legislate the “powers” of “Da Voice”.
Firstly, why is the word “powers” being used in relation to an advisory body?
What if Parliament ceded the power to amend or veto legislation?

July 30, 2022 6:22 pm

It’s interesting how Gates filth has resurfaced- always thought of him as a 90s person.

July 30, 2022 6:24 pm

What do you refer to a Cat holding an office of responsibility engaging in (allegedly) dodgy behaviour?

A Corruptocat.

July 30, 2022 6:25 pm

I think JC is right.

Winston Smith
July 30, 2022 6:26 pm


And the voice will be either a pointless toothless clawless tiger or an undemocratic unfair power, either one only representative of left wing urban dwellers suffering only the disadvantage of their imagination.
Nothing else will change.

Yes it will.
Australia will become the New South Africa and the squeal of ‘Apartheid’ will be heard throughout the land as support for us is stripped away because ‘Racist’.
None of our Allies will come to our aid – especially not the UN.
Think it through.

July 30, 2022 6:29 pm

McLachlan’s case is why we should have levels of acquittal – neither would be a partial acquittal, but if the prosecution case rests on impossible or dishonest claims from the accusers, then a civil case ought to assume the plaintiffs case is already proven.

July 30, 2022 6:30 pm

Go to Walgett and poll the local population. I doubt they give a shit about activist causes.

July 30, 2022 6:31 pm

The wimmin’s movement’s obsession with abortion is absurd…

No it’s not. It reveals that feminists, unlike the rest of female humanity, despise the children they bear so much that they support having them murdered in the womb.

Feminists despise children and what women were designed to do as renewers of our race.

Feminists hate the themselves. They have no redeeming features. They can’t even cook.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
July 30, 2022 6:31 pm

Top Endersays:
July 30, 2022 at 5:15 pm
I like the way you think, Perplexed, but Oz will be lucky to get hunter-killer nuclear subs let alone missile submarines.

About as much chance of putting F-35s on our two helicopter carriers.

Don’t forget, you live in the nation that didn’t have Spitfires and Hurricanes when the Japanese attacked us – even though they’d been the fighter of choice in the mother country for two years.

Thanks Top Ender but Winston Smith deserves credit for nominating Ohio’s. I hope you are wrong but I suspect you may be right.

I think that the ‘only colonials’ and our own cultural cringe stop us now (apart from the commos in our midst) from getting the weaponry we should have.

Yes, I think we had Wirraways, Boomerangs and some Brewster Buffaloes when the Japs hit us.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 30, 2022 6:32 pm

If you want to shed a tear, have a look at this.

RAAF Spitfires awaiting disposal in Oakey, QLD in 1946

Melted into ingots.

About $200 million in today’s values sitting there.
Although, had they all survived, the scarcity value would be considerably less.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 6:34 pm

You are right Zulu – I always associated him with Spitfires.

July 30, 2022 6:34 pm

No need for a referendum , just form something like a National Cabinet for the “Voice”.
Worked for the States , should be no different to the digi knees just pull a representative from each of the tribes on the AIATSIS map.

July 30, 2022 6:36 pm

What happened to the other catallaxy?

Bill P
Bill P
July 30, 2022 6:37 pm

It was a Kittyhawk Areff

July 30, 2022 6:38 pm

Yes it will.
Australia will become the New South Africa

God please make it stop.

July 30, 2022 6:39 pm

What happened to the other catallaxy?

It died because those who were operating it didn’t think it was worth preserving.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 6:39 pm

What happened to the other catallaxy?

What, Monty’s?

July 30, 2022 6:41 pm

As I said before Watters and Greg Gutfeld are 2 of the best media commentators. Here is Gutfeld’s most recent; a great and funny analysis of biden and the left generally; and he’s right: to beat the left you have to do to them what they are doing to the non-left:

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 6:42 pm

Interesting issue for Wollongong Art Gallery.

It seems their major benefactor, Bob Sredersas, worked for the Nazi SD security section in WWII.

July 30, 2022 6:44 pm

Elbow making the Voice a priority while he & Chalmers insist the general public just have to suck up the various cost of living pressures over the next two years, which will make the 1973 oil shock & the following stagflation look like a mere blip, is not going to bode well for him.

It’s a Whitlamesque level of ideological obtuseness.

Cassie of Sydney
July 30, 2022 6:47 pm

Is it a year or almost a year since Sinc’s Cat shut down?

July 30, 2022 6:47 pm


Gutfeld reckons Hiden farted in front someone from the royal family. Do you know if that’s true or was Gutfeld kidding around?

July 30, 2022 6:48 pm

Review Time: The Civic Hotel, Sydney

Turned up at 6:10pm yesterday night after walking there from Central.

Initial impressions: Saw my confreres immediately while noting the interior is as Art Deco as ever and just as deafening. After some brief greetings, straight off to the bar.

As usual, the most aesthetically pleasing barmaids in Sydney. Served by a bobbed Brunette in Erkoes with ample boosage, which she didn’t mind showing off. Three pints of Furphy, $35.

Subsequent hoovering of the hot chips, chicken wings and Yeeros lamb, the latter of which literally melted in the mouth.

Still couldn’t hear a f*cking thing. Big screens everywhere, playing the ALPFL.

The crowd was mainly middle class, including people who were obviously lawyers.

The unisex toilets still confusing various punters, mainly those identifying as males.

Would I go back anytime soon?

You bloody betcha, just to behold that brunette barmaid. 🙂

July 30, 2022 6:51 pm

What happened to the other catallaxy?

The Perfesser had exhausted his patience.

July 30, 2022 6:52 pm

Gutfeld reckons Hiden farted in front someone from the royal family. Do you know if that’s true or was Gutfeld kidding around?

The old creep actually shat his pants. Corpse biden is literally the elites laughing at the plebs

July 30, 2022 6:53 pm

I don’t know how to categorize those murder classifications between here and the US.

Does this look like involuntary manslaughter?

Let the grand jury decide, which it did.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 30, 2022 6:55 pm


July 30, 2022 at 6:47 pm


Gutfeld reckons Hiden farted in front someone from the royal family.

As long as he didn’t follow through.

Bill P
Bill P
July 30, 2022 6:55 pm

Snap Zulu

July 30, 2022 6:56 pm

Is it a year or almost a year since Sinc’s Cat shut down?

Yes. I think the fourth of August is FlashCat’s birthday. DashCat started up a little earlier.

Is there a 12 month renewal date for blogs?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 30, 2022 6:57 pm

You bloody betcha, just to behold that brunette barmaid.

Preach it.

A good barmaid will drag you farther than gunpowder will blow you.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 30, 2022 6:57 pm

You bloody betcha, just to behold that brunette barmaid.

Always important to get priorities right.

July 30, 2022 6:57 pm

As long as he didn’t follow through.

Cronkite reckons he did. He reckons Hiden farted and dropped a dugan* in front of the royal family. I thought he dropped the dugan someone else.

* American for giving birth to a turd.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 30, 2022 6:58 pm

What’s the Lollipop Cat?

DashCat’s still up and about. Which is good.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 30, 2022 7:00 pm

Don’t forget, you live in the nation that didn’t have Spitfires and Hurricanes when the Japanese attacked us – even though they’d been the fighter of choice in the mother country for two years.

My own dad was seconded from Rolls Royce’s UK factory to come out here in 1945 and use his engineering expertise with the Merlin engine (learned on the job) to help Rolls Royce set up its aero engine plant in Lidcombe, Sydney. This was a gearing up to make Spitfires for the intensifying war on Japan. Then the atomic bomb was dropped and his job ended with the contraction of that factory.

That picture of all the Spitties ready for demolition was thus sad for me to see. Dad probably worked on those. We joined my father in Australia in 1946. They put us in an old-style flat in Manly for six weeks. I remember absolutely loving it, on the beach with my bucket and spade and my woolly swimsuit with a yellow bird appliqued on the front of it. It stretched and filled with sand regularly but I cared not. Locals gave us lollies, rationed in England, and we thought Australia was heaven itself.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 30, 2022 7:00 pm


July 30, 2022 at 6:51 pm

What happened to the other catallaxy?

The Perfesser had exhausted his patience.

Threats, including threats to family, were a bridge too far.
I suspect we weren’t privy to all the disgraceful manouverings
Thank God and Titus those few morons aren’t frequenting this place.
Always a great mystery to me why Sinc didn’t just ban all of them permanently.
Dover and AdamD, to their credit, have managed to keep those undesirables out of their respective blogs (after a shaky start with Bird over at Adam’s).

July 30, 2022 7:00 pm

What’s the Lollipop Cat?

Dash Cat.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 30, 2022 7:00 pm

Toad, 4.45:

All is well.
Collingwood have won 10 in a row.
Without rainbow jerseys.

Yeah baby.

The Horks have kicked five in a row and might just steamroll St. Kilda for the points.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 30, 2022 7:01 pm

On Dementia Joe…

I have a chortle when Tom does the ‘toons at 04:00am and Branco always has the empty thought bubble when he draws Joe.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 30, 2022 7:02 pm

DashCat’s still up and about. Which is good.

Yes. An alternative is always good to have close by in hard times, such as these.

Anything could happen. I’ll never forget the anguish when Sinc pulled the rug.

July 30, 2022 7:04 pm

DashCat’s still up and about.

Is it? I have been getting a “server not responding” message.

I thought it might have been closed for maintenance.

July 30, 2022 7:04 pm

Interesting issue for Wollongong Art Gallery.

It seems their major benefactor, Bob Sredersas, worked for the Nazi SD security section in WWII.

If only they pursued & cancelled Communists as rigorously.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 30, 2022 7:05 pm

Toad, 5.20:

And skinny jeans.
Which look gay on young blokes and absolutely Oxford Street limp wrist on old blokes.

Skinny jeans. The mark of the interior designer.

July 30, 2022 7:05 pm

2. The admission the viruses won’t be stopped now by the vaccines (see CHO Paul Kelly).

“The vaccines won’t do shit”


Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 30, 2022 7:08 pm

That barmaid at the Civic should have her assets seized and protected as National Heritage.
Nowt but skinny-fat tattoo’d laundry lady types behind the bar down here. And the barmaids are even worse.

Bill P
Bill P
July 30, 2022 7:08 pm

Second attempt
Snap Zulu

July 30, 2022 7:09 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
July 30, 2022 at 4:36 pm

…and we stood on the street as the Pope whizzed by in his pope mobile. Anyway, just after whizzed by, I remained standing along Bridge Street and a Channel Nine film crew rushed up and asked me “what did you think of the Pope, he was very quick”. I responded “well of course, he’s German, he likes fast cars”. I remember everyone laughing, including the crew.

I don’t watch morning television yet the following morning this exchange was shown on Channel Nine’s Today Show. Several of my friends, including my Rabbi at the time, saw it and they all roared with laughter. They said I was very funny!

Onya, Cassie! 🙂

July 30, 2022 7:09 pm

Has anyone else seen this take on the

Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony and Its Effects

As an indigenous Aboriginal from the Kimberley in NW Australia, it is my duty to alert the public of the dangerous consequences and the curses they will unknowingly put on themselves, their families and others when they are coerced into the promotion and rise of Aboriginal religion. Few people know what the smoking ceremony does. It puts a curse on people, and the results are devastating.
There are two sides to Aboriginal culture: the domestic and the religious. Hunting, cooking, family relationships, etc are part of the domestic side. The religious side involves ceremonies, rituals, spirit and idol worship, witchcraft, astral travelling, ancestral blood covenants, ‘singing’ people with curses to hurt or kill them. Ceremonies and fetishes are used to seduce men or women into wrong relationships. Some men and women even have a relationship with spirit beings. It is also being picked up in astrology by non-Aboriginal people. This all brings people into bondage to the spirit world, because its foundation is animistic. It involves ancestral spirits connected to stones, trees, animals and the natural world. The Aboriginal dreamtime is an evolution of aboriginal myths and stories connected with fear and superstition. I know because I, and thousands of other indigenous people, have come out of that background.

July 30, 2022 7:10 pm

“Over several days, our staff have received and been subject to abuse, and in some cases, threats.

“We have seen something of what members of the LGBTIQ+ community experience every day. It is hateful.”

Fuck off pansies. You have one job and you fuck it up with all this homo crap.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 30, 2022 7:13 pm

My first reaction was that the “Voice” proposal was pure Kabuki theatre.
But on reflection I’m not so sure.

On the “Silver Blaze” principle, I’m wondering why there isn’t an express statement in the wording that the “Voice” proposal doesn’t give the Commonwealth any power to do anything that it couldn’t do if the “Voice” provision wasn’t there.
It does contain the words “subject to this Constitution” (see below), but that seems to me very vague. Does that mean that the provision doesn’t give the Commonwealth any ability to give the “Voice” any “power” that would otherwise be beyond Commonwealth power (in which case why does the Constitution need to state that Parliament has that ability?), or is it just referring to express constraints like the preservation of States’ powers (largely useless though that is in practice)?

In the hands of an activist High Court this could result in a huge increase in Commonwealth power.

There shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to parliament and the executive government on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The parliament shall, subject to this constitution, have power to make laws with respect to the composition, functions, powers and procedures of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

July 30, 2022 7:13 pm

Indolent how does food scarcity create lower cost labour? Also, why are you citing the UN?

Wouldn’t you work for subsistence pay if the alternative was starvation? Why do you think children worked in mines in the U.K. in the 19th Century and in poorer countries up to the present time?

And that article isn’t just about the UN report. It’s telling us clearly what the agenda is, with sources linked below.

The World Is Heading for a Reset
We’re at a pivotal point in history, with many sensing that society is already on edge, and rising inflation, food costs and product shortages threaten to push it over the line. While we’re told that looming food shortages are primarily the result of climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Rockefeller Foundation had already predicted this scenario in July 2020 and was calling for a revamp of the food system as a whole to address it.

Their report, “Reset the Table,” was published just one month after the World Economic Forum (WEF) officially announced its plans for a “Great Reset,” and many of the contributors to the Foundation’s paper are WEF members. They intend for the current food system to fall apart, so they can then “solve” the problem by introducing a new system based on patented lab-grown synthetic and genetically engineered foods and massive insect farms.

Attacks are coming in from all sides, however, and the food supply isn’t all that they’re after. An influx of investors — including Wall Street — entered the housing market during the pandemic, drawn in by low mortgage rates, easy access to loans and enticing home appreciation.

It’s now clear that not only did investors, including bigwigs like Blackstone and iBuyers — which make instant, cash offers online — dabble in the housing market during the pandemic, but their participation may have been instrumental in driving up prices and making it harder for the average American to achieve homeownership.

If the average American is pushed out of the housing market, and most of the available housing is owned by investment groups and corporations, you become beholden to them as your landlord. This fulfils part of the Great Reset’s “new normal” dictum — the part where you will own nothing and be happy. This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s part of WEF’s 2030 agenda.

In a world where natural foods are being threatened by lab-grown counterparts — Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, owns more farmland than anyone else in the U.S. — and mega asset management firms are buying up so many houses that some believe Wall Street investors could accomplish feudalism in 15 years, the concept of starvation driving labour takes on new meaning.

“No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem,” Kent wrote. “For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.”

July 30, 2022 7:17 pm

I think Biden dropped the grogan while at the Vatican.

July 30, 2022 7:20 pm

As I understand it, the old thief broke wind in the presence of Carmilla Carpet-Bowls and pooed his pants at the Vatican. Has there ever been a more disgusting low life for POTUS? The dirty thieving old grub and fellatio Jill make JFK look and even the Clintones look like models of probity (sort of).

July 30, 2022 7:20 pm

I think Biden dropped the grogan while at the Vatican.

Grogan for the pope, fart for Camilla.

Good grief! I am full bottle on Biden’s arse gaffes.

July 30, 2022 7:21 pm

which will make the 1973 oil shock & the following stagflation look like a mere blip, is not going to bode well for him.

Albo will skate unless the LNP get their act together and hit Labor with counter policies to bring living costs down. Starting with firing the whole RBA board and getting some competent people in there.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 30, 2022 7:25 pm

As an indigenous Aboriginal from the Kimberley in NW Australia

Who clearly does not speak for the other 300 or so clans, because:

It puts a curse on people

Righto, but that’s not all it is said to be used for. There are tribes/skin groups in the NT on the western side of Timber Creek between Katherine and Kununurra in WA that use smoking ceremonies for that.

The desert people will use smoking ceremonies to ‘cleanse’ a (free) house after someone’s died in it, or if a tribal marriage considered to be bad by the local spirit/kadaitcha man is consummated in it.

Crap little fires are also used in mens’ ceremony, and in sorry business dependent on where you are. Curses can be delivered by ‘singing’ as well or other similar things. Every year in the desert football leagues (and upper western NT patches, such as Peppiminarti and Wadeye) there’s a punch on in the grand final because the losing team forms the view that the winning team put a curse on the oval. Via smoking or otherwise.

This is the perfect reason the Voice will never actually be a Voice, and more a Grift. One tribe or clan does not and will never speak for all.

July 30, 2022 7:27 pm

So, the judge will take six to 12 months to deliver the BRS verdict.

They’re cheering down at the Office of the Special Investigator. Another half a year at least spending taxpayer money while achieving sweet-fuck-all, because they are unable to continue until the verdict comes in. Well done Stupid Fucking Liberals. $80 million dollars either wasted or, worse, used to persecute 19 outstanding soldiers.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
July 30, 2022 7:30 pm

Plan to illuminate Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance with rainbow lights celebrating faggotry cancelled due to “threats to staff”.

Bullshit. A very well written letter from an old digger explaining how putting their lives at great risk was for freedom, not grandstanding by a bunch of hedonists, recharacterised as deaths threats to enhance victim mentality.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 30, 2022 7:34 pm

Every year in the desert football leagues (and upper western NT patches, such as Peppiminarti and Wadeye) there’s a punch on in the grand final because the losing team forms the view that the winning team put a curse on the oval. Via smoking or otherwise.

Meanwhile, the rest of the country is moving through the twenty first century.

Winston Smith
July 30, 2022 7:35 pm

Bruce O’Newk:

Xi is getting angsty.

Xi is an old man in a hurry.
Mix this with nukes, and it’s not a good picture.

July 30, 2022 7:36 pm

I did a reload of Adam’s Cat home page and got this message:

This domain was recently registered at

I would be about a year since he registered the name. Maybe he forgot to re-register, or decided not to.

July 30, 2022 7:37 pm

“threats to staff”

the climate ‘scientists’ at the ANU tried the same thing

July 30, 2022 7:37 pm

FBI/Biden Coverup! Biden Vaccine & Fauci Corruption, Navy Cadets Abused by CRT?
Judicial Watch President @TomFitton discusses government whistleblowers claiming the FBI & DOJ engaged in a coverup on Hunter Biden corruption issues. Plus, new FDA documents reveal concerns about COVID vaccine booster timelines and a new lawsuit for Naval Academy “critical race theory” (CRT) records.

July 30, 2022 7:41 pm

I despair at the sheer imbecility of the Sky Right.
Apparently Nancy Pelosi is the new Zelensky.
At this time – with everything that’s going on – she decides to start a meaningless shit-fight with China. And Bolt, Morrow and the whole team give her three cheers.

They get played every time.

July 30, 2022 7:45 pm

which will make the 1973 oil shock & the following stagflation look like a mere blip, is not going to bode well for him.

It’s a different era in the sense that in the 70s we had a fixed exchange rate. Incidentally, Fraser likely lost the election because of the impact the fixed exchange rate being too inflexible to make timely adjustments. Now it does move and it’s had a really decent run , relatively speaking, over the past month or so.

July 30, 2022 7:45 pm

And Bolt, Morrow and the whole team give her three cheers.

Don’t know much about Morrow but Bolt is rather pathetic and diminished now- a bit like Winston after O’Brien was finished with him. Anyone with a reasonable knowledge of US politics would know what an evil and spiteful cadaver Pelosi is.

July 30, 2022 7:46 pm

OldOzzie says:
July 30, 2022 at 4:43 pm

100%. Back in late Feb/early March when the various governments were falling over themselves to impose sanctions on Russia, there were a number here at the Cat, and others elsewhere, that queried “have you thought this through?”

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 30, 2022 7:49 pm

July 30, 2022 at 5:46 pm
Top Ender, wasn’t Bluey Truscott flying a Spitfire when he flew to his doom?

Yes, but they (two AAF squadrons (452, 457?) and one RAF one (543?), arrived well after the first raids on Darwin.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 7:50 pm

Statement from the ‘Gong Art Gallery about their Nazi contributor (scroll down):

Apparently he was a collector, and bequeathed a phenomenal collection to the Gallery. If they warehouse the lot they will not have much left on display.

July 30, 2022 7:50 pm

JC – on my EV post you commented:

I’m not sure the carmakers are going to be that profitable though. I see the impact of EV commodifying cars even more. Their margins will be wafer thin.

What did you mean by “EV commodifying cars even more”?

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
July 30, 2022 7:53 pm

They can’t even cook.

Bit unkind, but I still love it.

July 30, 2022 7:54 pm

Pelosi is the new Zelensky

Do these personages actually exist?

Pelopsi, Zedenisky, they might just appear fabricated to those of us blessed with cardboard cutouts of our own legendary world class political failures.

July 30, 2022 7:54 pm

Zelensky Told Americans That His Country Should Be More Important To Them Than Their Own

I bet Zelensky didn’t mention this –

Replying to
@yesisrevenge and @CTrekur
From the Panama Papers

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 30, 2022 7:55 pm

July 30, 2022 at 6:16 pm
The “voice” of the electorate is the Parliament.

Well, it’s meant to be anyway. Why have elections if it isn’t?

And the number of indigenous members of the current Parliament (11 IIRC) is a slightly higher proportion of the Parliament than the claimed proportion of the population.


Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 7:55 pm

BJ, haven’t researched that side of things much, but basically RAF sent Spitfires and personnel, and they joined in the effort by the RAAF and theirs.

The USAAF all of the defence of the Top End for much of 1942 – by themselves for the first half of the year – which is why I made that earlier spiteful comment – have written about it here. There is a very good book called Darwin Spitfires by Anthony Cooper which covers them.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 30, 2022 7:57 pm


July 30, 2022 at 7:36 pm

I did a reload of Adam’s Cat home page and got this message:

But I have an existing tab open which continues to refresh.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
July 30, 2022 7:58 pm

What happened to the other catallaxy?

It died because those who were operating it didn’t think it was worth preserving.

That’s a bit unfair. Sinc announced that he was no longer committed to spending the time and allowed others to put forward expressions of interest to keep it going.

July 30, 2022 8:00 pm

feminists hate themselves. They have no redeeming features. They can’t even cook

feminism* is one of the greatest blights on humanity, up there with islam, communism and nazism.

*My preferred term being “feminayzeeism”

July 30, 2022 8:21 pm

Wouldn’t you work for subsistence pay if the alternative was starvation?

I would have no master. I am bloody good with a claw hammer.

You have not answered the question though.

If you permanently reduce everyone’s income, how is labour cheap? It’s not. It is low productivity. The cheapness is illusory.

You need to look at unit labour costs. A wage earner in a rich country produces more on a dollar for dollar or hour by hour basis.

If and IF the elite’s plan is based on such dubious economics, it is bound to fail.

Such plans are based on a misguided messiah complex in solving issues that never needed solving, rather than a plan to make everyone, including themselves poorer just so they can establish themselves as neo feudal lords.

Bruce in WA
July 30, 2022 8:25 pm

My grandfather was in the RAAF and stationed at Potshot (later Learmonth) when Bluey Truscott was killed. The story from him, through Dad, was that Truscott was being a little less than serious when he miscalculated and went in.

July 30, 2022 8:28 pm
July 30, 2022 8:33 pm

Next Saturday night’s Radio Show, Cats – Reggae, Dub and Ska.

On a completely related note, for my beloved confrere, Cassie … 🙂

Iron Cove
Iron Cove
July 30, 2022 8:33 pm

Rabz, in 1979 the Civic was my hang.
Saw the Mentals there on maybe two dozen Tuesday nights.
Otherwise the Duggites, Matt Finish ( Mancini Shuffle),Kate Fitzpatrick with mum and dad in the crowd (the best version of “Come back again”),Ed Kuepper and the yard goes on forever?the Scientists (maybe).
As the song goes “memory fades…”.

July 30, 2022 8:38 pm

I did a reload of Adam’s Cat home page and got this message:

The link on the Currency Lad blog works fine.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 30, 2022 8:40 pm

Well, if Dash-Cat hits the skids, there’s always the Furniture Store.
AdamD might just have to register another similar name and re-start.

Winston Smith
July 30, 2022 8:44 pm


Turtlehead, the decision is allow nuclear reactors in Australia resides with the Federal government and it alone.

No shit, JC.
Thanks for your explanation…

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 30, 2022 8:45 pm

Boambee Johnsays:
July 30, 2022 at 7:49 pm
July 30, 2022 at 5:46 pm
Top Ender, wasn’t Bluey Truscott flying a Spitfire when he flew to his doom?

Yes, but they (two AAF squadrons (452, 457?) and one RAF one (543?), arrived well after the first raids on Darwin.

Apologies, that should be “two RAAF squadrons”, and Truscott (my memory failure) was no longer commanding No 452 when he died, but No 76, with Kittyhawks.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 30, 2022 8:47 pm

Xi is an old man in a hurry.
Mix this with nukes, and it’s not a good picture.

Substitute Xi with Putin and this is last month’s commentary.

July 30, 2022 8:47 pm

the Dugites, Matt Finish* ( Mancini Shuffle),Kate Fitzpatrick with mum and dad in the crowd (the best version of “Come back again”),Ed Kuepper and the yard goes on forever, the Scientists

Coves, yes. It is is one of the great venues of Sydney. Back when I was a collectivist, we used to have union meetings there in the late eighties. It was my local for nearly two years (I lived a block away) and the venue for most of my work lunch gatherings and Friday night extravaganzas from 2017 until the bat flu idiocy. Nonetheless, I have a photo of a group of us looking extremely cheery there in August 2020.

The last time I saw my favourite chickee from work we had lunch there in June 2021. I haven’t seen her since.

Yet last night, the Civic was back.

Back, Baby, Back. 🙂

* Responsible for one of my favourite songs, if I can find it

Winston Smith
July 30, 2022 8:49 pm

I’m so glad I didn’t put in a qualifier like:

Would an incoming W.A. Government think of telling the rest of Australia to piss off and install multiple 1 – 5 GW Nukes, and not treating them as cash cows for governments milking the excess?

Try comprehending the words that you read before you put your mouth in gear.

July 30, 2022 8:51 pm

Tried reaching Dash Çat via C.L.’s blogroll. Still deaded. Others may have a cache in their browser. I uploaded on a fresh Open Fred just after midnight, but had no success popping in earlier today. That remains the case.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 30, 2022 8:52 pm

Top Endersays:
July 30, 2022 at 7:55 pm
BJ, haven’t researched that side of things much, but basically RAF sent Spitfires and personnel, and they joined in the effort by the RAAF and theirs.

Nos 452 and 457 were RAAF squadrons raised in the UK with a mix of Australian and UK personnel. Truscott rose to command No 452 by January 1942.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 30, 2022 8:56 pm

Hello DashCat lurkers.

The existing tab still refreshes in a satisfactory manner (for me at least), and new Dashcat tabs are also just dandy.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 30, 2022 8:57 pm

Zulu has read up on Truscott by the sound of it, but I think it was over water and low height – horizon is very difficult to judge.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 30, 2022 8:58 pm

RAAF EATS squadrons … (Empire Air Training Scheme)

  1. Just watched the original Kekovich lamb ad at Michael Smith. My how things have gone backwards!!!

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x