Open Thread – Tues 9 Aug 2022

Mad Meg, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1564

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August 10, 2022 7:56 pm

Unfortunately Bolt has outed himself as a twerp and a twat.

A prissy twerp and twot

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 7:56 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

August 10, 2022 at 7:23 pm

Could do with the addition of “heaving”, “throbbing” and possibly some “thrusting”.

August 10, 2022 7:58 pm

Sydney pastor and political hopeful Victor Tey lost Covid vaccine unfair dismissal case
Ashley Nickel and Brett Lackey For Daily Mail Australia – 7h ago

‘Freedom was something I took for granted as an Australian-born citizen. But recent events have shown us that freedom is a fragile thing and the biggest threat to our freedom is not a virus, but authoritarian politicians in government,’ he told Liverpool City Champion.

‘Their heavy-handed approach to Covid has destroyed lives, ruined jobs, crippled businesses, separated families, divided the nation and increased our national debt for future generations.

‘We can’t let them do this to us again.’

August 10, 2022 8:02 pm

I do have a life, you know. Unlike most of you, it seems.

As usual, you declare victory after releasing the squirrels to distract from the fact that you can’t fight the main argument.

August 10, 2022 8:04 pm

My theory is that Trump actually “set THEM up”.

[insert smiley face]

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 8:05 pm

Could do with the addition of “heaving”, “throbbing” and possibly some “thrusting”.

I thought I was being quite reserved. I resisted the temptation to insert ‘moist’ into every sentence of that magnum opus.

August 10, 2022 8:06 pm

As usual, you declare victory after releasing the squirrels to distract from the fact that you can’t fight the main argument.

The main argument is that you are a fat little turd. And no one gives a rat’s arse what you have.

August 10, 2022 8:09 pm

Their heavy-handed approach to Covid has destroyed lives, ruined jobs, crippled businesses, separated families, divided the nation and increased our national debt for future generations.

We can’t let them do this to us again.

Exactly. Never forget, never forgive.

August 10, 2022 8:09 pm

Jennifer Marohasy on the utter idiocy of the green view about the GBR:

It is no coincidence that the latest Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) report claiming record high coral cover was released on the same day the net zero legislation passed the lower house of the Australian Parliament, on 4th August 2022.

In March, AIMS was claiming more than 90% of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) to be severely bleached. That was in the lead up to the federal election, the climate change election.

Now in August, just a few months later, the same organisation is claiming healthy corals and record high coral cover across more than two-thirds of the GBR.

These two results are irreconcilable. It is not possible that 90% of the reef was severely bleached in March and at the same time the corals were healthy and expanding their range.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2022 8:10 pm

“Unfortunately Bolt has outed himself as a twerp and a twat. The Trump test has smoked a lot of these out.”

It isn’t just with Trump that Blot shows his colours. He’s a fair-weather on a lot of issues and he suffers from this hideous disease of wanting to be liked by his ideological enemies. I will always praise him re. his courage with Cardinal Pell, when almost no one else in the MSM would stand up for Pell, Bolt did. But sometimes I wonder what planet he’s on. When he insinuated that Latham was a racist, over a cretinous Twitter joke during one of the election debates, that was it for me and I haven’t watched him since. Quite frankly I don’t miss him. Oh and Latham, despite a few days of MSM storm and social media denunciations, didn’t apologise for his lame joke and is now back on Sky. That’s what you do, you don’t apologise and you don’t grovel to the lynchers and censors. You stand firm. Latham stood firm.

John H.
John H.
August 10, 2022 8:10 pm

“Coles has introduced an Acknowledgement of Country on its receipts…”

Now we know why lettuce is so expensive.

August 10, 2022 8:12 pm

Exactly. Never forget, never forgive.

correct- the political class seeing how far they could go for future reference. Would like to see how many of these miserable specimens are wef ‘young leaders’. Hunt, Bragg, Hockey?

August 10, 2022 8:13 pm

Anyone who doesn’t understand that MAGA and the Trump movement is ascendant is not paying attention.

August 10, 2022 8:14 pm

Latham is quite a guy and is wasted in the LC- he should be in the Senate with Pauline and Jacinta.

August 10, 2022 8:15 pm

Scottish family fights deportation after Nadesalingam ruling

Who’d a thunk it, eh?

Was never going to happen.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 10, 2022 8:16 pm

Dot at 6:03 – I think that’s enough Diggers and Dealers for this year.

August 10, 2022 8:18 pm

Jennifer Marohasy on the utter idiocy of the green view about the GBR

She and Peter Ridd have done sterling work demonstrating the true state of the GBR, but to no avail as they’re effectively arguing with quasi-religious imbeciles that are impervious to reality.

August 10, 2022 8:19 pm

Anyone who doesn’t understand that MAGA and the Trump movement is ascendant is not paying attention.

Everything is just peachy, custard.

August 10, 2022 8:23 pm

Everything is just peachy, custard.

Good to see you have finally come to your senses, mOntser.

August 10, 2022 8:34 pm

The Fair Work Commission noted Covid was a significant occupational health and safety risk at the time and that vaccines were the most effective way to minimise that risk and ensure a safe workplace.

‘My evaluative assessment is that the (Winc’s) dismissal of the applicant was not harsh, unjust or unreasonable,’ Deputy President Bryce Cross wrote.

‘(Winc) had a valid reason for the dismissal, and it afforded procedural fairness to the Applicant prior to making the decision to bring his employment to an end.


Boambee John
Boambee John
August 10, 2022 8:37 pm

August 10, 2022 at 8:02 pm
I do have a life, you know. Unlike most of you, it seems.

As usual, you declare victory after releasing the squirrels to distract from the fact that you can’t fight the main argument.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fattest squirrel of all?

August 10, 2022 8:44 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
August 10, 2022 at 6:20 pm

Good to see some ‘inside the tent’ critique arising there, Sancho.

I was going to offer a similar review – ‘a smooth enough take off, but a total crash landing’.

That will happen on an ill prepared landing strip.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
August 10, 2022 8:45 pm

August 10, 2022 at 8:02 pm
I do have a life, you know. Unlike most of you, it seems.

As usual, you declare victory after releasing the squirrels to distract from the fact that you can’t fight the main argument.

Remind me what “the main argument” was, m0nty.
It seems to me that you’ve spectacularly beclowned yourself on every aspect of this that you’ve commented on. However if there’s some point on which you feel your credibility self-immolation was less than 100% feel free to reiterate it.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2022 8:46 pm

Alan Tudge was on Credlin tonight. I actually quite like him. He was a good education minister and I think he has a lot to offer the party…perhaps as leader one day. He survived the carnage on 21 May, despite the scum at the ABC, progressive MSM and social media sewers who all tried to lynch him over a consensual relationship with that ghastly and very dismal “Miller” creature, a miserable ghoulish woman who looks and speaks like a character straight out of the “Village of the Damned”.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 8:50 pm

an ill prepared landing strip

Got it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2022 8:50 pm

However if there’s some point on which you feel your credibility self-immolation was less than 100% feel free to reiterate it.

Liberty quote!!

August 10, 2022 8:52 pm

Well done steak with Ketchup?

Black shoes and a brown belt

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 10, 2022 8:55 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
August 10, 2022 at 8:46 pm
…that ghastly and very dismal “Miller” creature, a miserable ghoulish woman who looks and speaks like a character straight out of the “Village of the Damned”.

Cassie your way with words is exceptional — such a perfect description of the vacant eyes and joyless mouth of that screature

August 10, 2022 8:56 pm

For mUnty, truth and honesty are like a pessary.

It’s good for him…he just doesn’t like it stuck up him

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2022 9:06 pm

Family seeks funds for Kumanjayi Walker inquest

Kristin Shorten
Investigative Journalist
An hour ago August 10, 2022

The family of Kumanjayi Walker – whom NT police fatally shot in 2019 at Yuendumu – have launched a crowdfunding campaign in an attempt to raise $400,000 ahead of the upcoming coronial inquest into the teenager’s death.

The Justice for Walker group, along with GetUp Australia, launched the GoFundMe on Tuesday afternoon with a four-minute video shared on social media.

In the video, Walker’s cousin Samara Fernandez Brown asks for donations to fund lawyers and the family’s travel to Alice Springs for the coronial inquest, which is set down for three months from September 5.

“It’s extremely important to me and to family and community to be present throughout the coronial inquest so we have an understanding of everything that led up to the events of Kuman­jayi’s death,” she said.

“So that we, as a family and community, feel empowered in this process and have a greater understanding of what we can demand … for the sake of our youth so it will never happen again to anybody else’s family the same way it has to ours.”

Ms Fernandez Brown said it was important that members of the Parumpurru Committee – which consists of Yuendumu elders, emerging community leaders and Walker’s relatives – are present at the inquest “so that all voices are heard”.

“Most of, if not all of, the Parumpurru Committee members would have known Kumanjayi personally,” she said. “They represent the views of the Yuendumu community. They are our representatives and our voice.

“To do that, we need financial assistance.”

The Adelaide woman said attending the lengthy coronial inquest, which will be live-streamed via YouTube, will be costly.

“I don’t think people grasp how expensive it is,” she said. “Most family and community members are located in Yuendumu, which is about three hours out of Alice Springs.

“Flying lawyers in and getting family here … our lawyers and our team are all from interstate.”

The inquest comes after Northern Territory police officer Zachary Rolfe was in March found not guilty of murdering Walker at the remote outback community of Yuendumu.

Constable Rolfe shot Walker three times after the 19-year-old stabbed him with scissors during an arrest in November 2019.

In July, Constable Rolfe, who had been suspended from duty since the shooting, returned to work in Darwin.

The GoFundMe page says Walker’s family and community were devastated by the trial’s outcome. “We feel let down by the system but hope the coronial inquest will give us the answers to long-awaited questions and allow us to speak our truth,” it says.

The page states that funds raised will go directly to Walker’s family.

GoFundMe? Wasn’t that a whitefella invention?

August 10, 2022 9:11 pm

Greg’s Airplanes P-39 in US and Russian service.

As ever an excellent and detailed analysis of why the P-39 excelled on the Eastern Front but not in the Pacific.

P-39 V ME-109 is not often a match up that springs to mind, but the real world performance analysis shows why the P-39 did so well.

August 10, 2022 9:12 pm

“No, the president was not briefed, was not aware of it. No. No one at the White House was given a heads up, no. That did not happen.”


August 10, 2022 9:16 pm

“No, the president was not briefed, was not aware of it. No. No one at the White House was given a heads up, no. That did not happen.”

As believable as a Monty prediction.

August 10, 2022 9:19 pm

A good line from a New York comic referring to Biden’s new image makeover as “the open casket look”. Via some annoying pom on lotus eaters.

August 10, 2022 9:19 pm

Fair Work found Mr Tey’s termination was fair because Covid was a significant occupational hazard and vaccines were the most effective way to minimise risk

Fair Work, Ministry of Truth. Same same.

How the fuck Fair Work can claim significant occupational hazard? Where are we now? Vaccines do fuck all but they MAY reduce the severity of your own COVID?!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 9:22 pm

The family of Kumanjayi Walker – whom NT police fatally shot in 2019 at Yuendumu – have launched a crowdfunding campaign in an attempt to raise $400,000 ahead of the upcoming coronial inquest

BWS and Liquorland are stocking up.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 9:22 pm

“No, the president was not briefed, was not aware of it. No. No one at the White House was given a heads up, no. That did not happen.”

Could be technically true.
I mean, if it was directed by the Hiden administration, there is no need for them to be briefed.

August 10, 2022 9:27 pm

“The future of the 23 million (in Taiwan) will be decided by the 1.4 billion chinese on the mainland.”

China has an army of 2.8 million. Give every Taiwanese military age man a rifle and you’re well into the Swiss “Shoot twice and go home” territory.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2022 9:30 pm

BWS and Liquorland are stocking up.

All the humbugging….

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 10, 2022 9:32 pm

Bolt is controlled opposition.

August 10, 2022 9:32 pm

BWS and Liquorland are stocking up.

Kumanjayi Walker limited edition slabs of VB?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 9:35 pm

Kumanjayi Walker limited edition slabs of VB?

One can per slab comes with a couple of holes in it.

August 10, 2022 9:37 pm

Alan Tudge was on Credlin tonight. I actually quite like him. He was a good education minister and I think he has a lot to offer the party

I can never understand some folks acceptance of the poor workplace standards of politicians! ..
behavior that, ordinary, folk would be dismissed for in the “real” world .. imagine how you’d go with an “nfair dismissal” case for having “sex on the job” ….
Tudge was screwing the help whilst on the tax-payers dime! .. simples .. the character/looks of the “employee” shouldn’t be a talking point just the fact that, like a lot of other pollies, he was using the workplace for personal gratification instead working full-time for the vote-herd …!

August 10, 2022 9:39 pm

One can per slab comes with a couple of holes in it.

Virtual Snap! I typed that on the end then deleted it!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 9:41 pm

Tudge was screwing the help whilst on the tax-payers dime!


The ‘help’ was also screwing the boss, and from all accounts hoping for higher honours a la Mrs Joyce 2.0 whilst in the taxpayer trough as well.

pete of perth
pete of perth
August 10, 2022 9:41 pm

Can you still buy 2.5L bottles of sherry. More classy than a slab I recon.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 10, 2022 9:44 pm

9News Perth
We have a Covid bombshell tonight with figures revealing the true number of deaths is much lower than feared.

Just 10 per cent of WA lives claimed have been from the virus alone.

It’s good that mainstream news is running such stories – at last – but if this is news to you, you haven’t been paying attention.

It would have been nice if the media dropped these kinds of “bombshells” when McClown was going full fascist with his vaxx mandates and lies about the severity of the WuFlu predominated. Who gives a shit now?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 9:51 pm

Can you still buy 2.5L bottles of sherry

Not in the NT you can’t. Not any more, anyway. The empty containers are excellent for smashing and killing your missus with the broken bits, but it’s really hard to get the same result with a can.


August 10, 2022 9:56 pm

The ‘help’ was also screwing the boss, and from all accounts hoping for higher honours a la Mrs Joyce 2.0 whilst in the taxpayer trough as well.

The “help” wasn’t elected and ended up out of a job .. admittedly with a decent “handshake” after BRADBURY accepted Tudge gave her a “nudge” or several .. LOL!

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2022 10:01 pm

“Tudge was screwing the help whilst on the tax-payers dime! .. simples .. the character/looks of the”

Firstly, I don’t think he’s the first nor will he be the last.

Secondly, until recently here in Oz we really didn’t care much about what politicians did in private.

I read the whole saga in The Oz. They didn’t have actual sexual intercourse, now they might have done other things but apparently there was no “intercourse”….perhaps there was some cunnilingus and fellatio but no actual “intercourse”.

Finally, the Alan Tudge/Ghoul Miller story should never have been a story, the relationship ended in 2017, the story was deliberately put out there by Louse Nilligan and their ABC to undermine the Morrison Coalition government. I’ll reiterate what I said above, Tudge is actually quite reasonable and has something to offer parliament…and the Liberals desperately need people like him.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 10, 2022 10:07 pm

Louse Nilligan.

Lovely darts Cassie.

August 10, 2022 10:07 pm

When the BIG jobs need doin’ time to turn the TV off & roll up the sleeves .. LOL!
Cleaned the fridge doors/sides tonight, not the inside just the outside! .. removing & cleaning up several dozen Grandees pix and umpteen O/S trip magnets is a major operation I tellz ‘ee! ..
the fridge is now OMO white rather than “houso” grey !.. took me 2 Conway Twitty albums to get it all dun .. LOL!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2022 10:16 pm

“Firstly, I don’t think he’s the first nor will he be the last.”

I always thought Ben Chifely the ultimate in stodgy respectability, but apparently he was chasing not only his private secretary, but also her sister, into the bushes.

August 10, 2022 10:18 pm

Firstly, I don’t think he’s the first nor will he be the last.

Well that’s all right then!.. mitigating circumstances !.. after all others have dun it and more will follow .. plus of course, they is pollies .. different rules to ordinary wukkas ..
gotta allow “our betters” a bit of leg-over time seeing they worx soooo hard on “our” behalf , tugs the forelock and backs out bowing .. !

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 10:20 pm

From the Oz, a sob story about Sooky Serena Williams retiring short of Margaret Court’s record.

Her astonishing longevity defied injuries and racism

Claims Williams really was betterer than Court … just coz.
Getting a pasting in the comments and upticks.

Gyro Cadiz
Gyro Cadiz
August 10, 2022 10:21 pm

Eastward and westward, there are many ways not too far off a great circle route. Passage to Japan, east of the Solomons, would be longer, but also harder for the Chinese to interdict.

Correct. We have faced this same strategic situation before. We maintained our trade via the Cape and behind what they called ‘the strategic line’ of island bases from Hawaii to new Caledonia.

The real difficulty is passage through the Indonesian archipelago, but the Chinese would face worse difficulties trying to interdict us, unless Indonesia is on their side.

Also correct. The PRC is actually in a worse strategic position than was Imperial Japan in 1941. We have far more strategic depth than we did back then, and Indonesia is in the game (and they loathe the Chinese). There is very little chance of them siding with the PRC. They have long memories and have never forgotten the Manchu invasion of Java in the 12th century.

Also, WE can blockade THEM. The PRC is the world’s largest energy importer and most of it comes by sea (coal, oil, LNG). These tonnages cannot be replaced by pipeline or rail, the tonnages are far too large, and the markets are on the coast. They also rely on imported food and many imported industrial inputs.

This will hurt us badly, but it will cripple them.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 10, 2022 10:22 pm

As usual, you declare victory after releasing the squirrels to distract from the fact that you can’t fight the main argument.

What was the “main argument” again, m0nts?

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2022 10:22 pm

I should clarify something. When I read the word “screwing” I take it to mean “intercourse”, which apparently Tudge and Miller did not have. Tudge did have a relationship with Miller, and he paid the price, a very heavy price, his marriage ended, he was humiliated by their ABC and the leftist media, PM Scumbag didn’t stand by him and he lost his portfolio. Luckily, unlike the dripping wets like Zimmerboy and Sharma, Tudge actually retained his seat on 21 May 2022. Now I’m quite willing to forgive him. The expose of him and Miller was a political hit job…..end of story.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 10:24 pm

I read the whole saga in The Oz. They didn’t have actual sexual intercourse, now they might have done other things but apparently there was no “intercourse”….perhaps there was some cunnilingus and fellatio but no actual “intercourse”.

Can you please re-write this more in the house style.
See KD and Dot’s examples above.
Except don’t say “pudding”.

John H.
John H.
August 10, 2022 10:24 pm

August 10, 2022 at 9:11 pm
Greg’s Airplanes P-39 in US and Russian service.

As ever an excellent and detailed analysis of why the P-39 excelled on the Eastern Front but not in the Pacific.

P-39 V ME-109 is not often a match up that springs to mind, but the real world performance analysis shows why the P-39 did so well.

Thanks for that. The P-39 is a forgotten fighter but this account shows that should have not been the case.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2022 10:26 pm

Also correct. The PRC is actually in a worse strategic position than was Imperial Japan in 1941

Interesting comparison, indeed. My compliments, and thank you.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 10, 2022 10:28 pm

Claims Williams really was betterer than Court … just coz.

Don’t be coy. Court is some crazy religious nut who believes in God and stuff so there’s no way she could be better than Williams. Also, Williams is black. Why waste time comparing their tournament records? Williams is clearly better!

August 10, 2022 10:29 pm

I should clarify something. When I read the word “screwing” I take it to mean “intercourse”, which apparently Tudge and Miller did not have.

So she got a 5 figure payout for what exactly? .. my understanding of some of it is that Tudge kicked her out of the bed (whilst on a working business trip) to take a middle-of-the-night phone call .. I guess it must be my imagination as to why they were in bed together .. probably somewhere with a cold climate & dodgy air-con, I suppose ……….!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 10:32 pm

OCO at 10:28.
So you read the article then?

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2022 10:32 pm

August 10, 2022 at 10:29 pm”

I made it clear in the rest of my comment, which you clearly you didn’t read, that they did have a relationship. No one has denied that. Besides, whatever happened to the quaint notion of “forgiveness”?

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2022 10:35 pm

“Except don’t say “pudding”.”

Can I say “orgasm”? I do rather like those.

August 10, 2022 10:39 pm

Caught a Bolt clip on YouTube.

Had the first half of an ad by Trump. Very effective.

The Dems must be pooing themselves over what is going to happen in Nov.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 10:39 pm

I think the phrase might be “explosion of loin joy”.
My Cartland is a bit rusty.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2022 10:40 pm

SMH editor Bevan Shields defends Peter FitzSimons’ interview with Indigenous senator Jacinta Price

“Well, he would,wouldn’t he?”

August 10, 2022 10:41 pm

I made it clear in the rest of my comment, which you clearly you didn’t read, that they did have a relationship. No one has denied that. Besides, whatever happened to the quaint notion of “forgiveness”?

“forgiveness” .. ya gotta be kiddin’ the bloke was having it off on the taxpayer dime .. in his own time he can do whatever he like sbut when it comes to paid employment he should have got what a normal wukka would have got .. SACKED .. not demoted back to $200K + freebies and lotza ” he just he got sprung but he’s a good bloke so let’s forgive & forget” …….!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 10:42 pm

‘Alan could hold himself back no more. He tore her heaving bodice, swept her up in his chiselled, battle-hardened arms, carried her the scant ten feet to the rose petal-scented bed and thrust her upon it. He looked down, seeming to tower over her, a colossus of male symmetry.

‘Get out of the way’, he intoned. ‘The cricket’s on.’

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 10:45 pm

The tart in question, also fully paid for by the taxpayer, was also ‘having it off on the taxpayer dime’, elected or not.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2022 10:49 pm

“The tart in question, also fully paid for by the taxpayer, was also ‘having it off on the taxpayer dime’, elected or not.”

Correct….neither was innocent.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2022 10:49 pm

. He looked down, seeming to tower over her, a colossus of male symmetry.

“Bring us another tinny, will you? The cricket’s on.”

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 10, 2022 11:03 pm

They didn’t have actual sexual intercourse, now they might have done other things but apparently there was no “intercourse”…

Hahahaha that reminds me of a bit of the Mrs’s family gossip. A couple of years back, one of her uncles got busted by his wife (the Mrs’s aunt) in bed with the bin woman. This was all rather peculiar because…

a) we’re talking old people here. The wife’s dad is the youngest of about 12 kids, and his sister (the aunt) is quite a lot older than him. And he’s 70ish. The cheating husband must have been over 80. From what I could glean about the bedroom shenanigans the aunt walked in on, there was no “intercourse” taking place, either. They were doing and had done “other things” over the course of their torrid affair, but it would seem not all that much. The bin woman was a young floozy in her 70s.

b) the bin woman wasn’t actually a bin woman (ie. a garbage collector employed by the local authorities, which is a not-disrespectable occupation in Vietnam). She collected food scraps that many households leave separated from their other rubbish so that people like this woman can pick up said food scraps and sell what they collect on their rounds to pig farmers for the pigs to eat. People doing this kind of work are a couple of rungs up from a beggar in the social hierarchy. The nature of their work, plus the fact they’re dirt poor, means they tend to be dirty and smelly.

It was a curious match – the old uncle from a relatively well-to-do family somewhat inexplicably falling for the slightly less-old but dirty and smelly woman who collects the pig slops. And them both being busted getting not-so-hot and not-so-heavy.

And of course, as it’s Vietnam, everyone knows about it. Hell, I know about it, and I don’t even speak Vietnamese. And now you know about it, too.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2022 11:04 pm

Up Late with Ben Harvey: The unvarnished truth about sex and booze at Diggers and Dealers
Up LateThe West Australian
Wed, 10 August 2022 9:00PM


Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
August 10, 2022 11:10 pm

August 10, 2022 at 9:37 pm
Alan Tudge was on Credlin tonight. I actually quite like him. He was a good education minister and I think he has a lot to offer the party

I can never understand some folks acceptance of the poor workplace standards of politicians! ..
behavior that, ordinary, folk would be dismissed for in the “real” world .. imagine how you’d go with an “nfair dismissal” case for having “sex on the job” ….
Tudge was screwing the help whilst on the tax-payers dime! .. simples

Was he working a night shift “on the taxpayers’ dime” when the hide the hot dog was happening?
Politics isn’t a 24 hours a day job, surely.
Yes, a workplace affair is unwise, especially between a superior and subordinate, but it’s not per se evidence of misuse of taxpayers’ funds. He’s allowed to knock off work at some point and stable the racehorse, and even if he’s lodging it in a work colleague that doesn’t convert the incident into something taxpayers are paying for.

Real Deal
Real Deal
August 10, 2022 11:12 pm

Or just use the D.H. Lawrence economy of words style:-

“He did it to her.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 10, 2022 11:13 pm

Tudge was screwing the help whilst on the tax-payers dime! .. simples ..

Tudge, Tudge, wink, wink does she go?

August 10, 2022 11:30 pm

“Bring us another tinny, will you? The cricket’s on.”
And warm up some pies.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 11, 2022 3:24 am

They didn’t have actual sexual intercourse, now they might have done other things but apparently there was no “intercourse”…

He didn’t inhale?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 11, 2022 3:44 am

‘Get out of the way’, he intoned. ‘The cricket’s on.’

Sensing her disappointment he added, “We can do it if a wicket falls”.

August 11, 2022 4:02 am

Johannes Leak. Brilliant.

August 11, 2022 4:03 am
August 11, 2022 4:04 am
August 11, 2022 4:05 am
August 11, 2022 4:06 am
August 11, 2022 4:07 am
August 11, 2022 4:08 am
August 11, 2022 4:10 am
August 11, 2022 4:11 am
August 11, 2022 4:12 am
August 11, 2022 4:17 am

One of the great Leaks.

August 11, 2022 4:21 am

Thanks, Tom. Yes, a great Leak. All over bandana man.

August 11, 2022 4:50 am

Not much mainstream coverage but Ilhan Omar only won her primary by 2-3%.
Putting this into perspective, the primary for AOC in NY later this month was cancelled as the only other DNC candidate withdrew.
That’s a red rag to a bull for the next cycle for Omar.
Unlike AOC who has a job for life.

August 11, 2022 5:20 am

The DNC/FBI have dropped the story to Newsweek.
It was a “confidential human source” that predicated the raid on Trump.

This would be a similar situation to the ASADA/darkest day in sports fiasco.
That is, threaten targets with jail time if they disclose anything around the so called report into drugs/organised crime in sport.
Then leak to Caroline Wilson non stop to buttress the narrative about how serious it all is.

August 11, 2022 5:22 am

The Dems must be pooing themselves over what is going to happen in Nov.

no the Dems are quite relaxed about it – the fix is in

August 11, 2022 5:24 am
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 11, 2022 5:46 am

Leak is simply superb, and AF Branco’s banana on the flag is priceless – as is Margolis – the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre she does struggle is no Jen ‘psircle back’ Psaki,

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2022 6:33 am

Aside from the already-mentioned excellence of Leak, the toons are rightly smacking up the FBI.

Tell you what, Clarice Starling would never have stood for that.

Johnny Utah – oh, man. No way, dude.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2022 6:46 am

Leak is simply superb, and AF Branco’s banana on the flag is priceless – as is Margolis

Interesting but not surprising that Ramirez has ignored one of the biggest ever US political stories.
Although to be fair he puts a lot of time and effort into his artwork. So maybe tomorrow.

August 11, 2022 6:49 am

Young, dumb and full of pudding.

August 11, 2022 6:50 am

So when is Trump being charged or indicted?

No charges more or less proves there was no probable cause.

August 11, 2022 6:59 am

For all you Cats who are out of practice in modern day sexual relations. Intercourse is penetration with penis , outercourse everything else . The two oldies probably having fun with outercourse as old men usually suffer ED . You know like pushing a marshmallow through a letter box a client refered it as . But a lot can go on without penertration.

August 11, 2022 6:59 am

I’m sure we all had friends, family & associates that shared some Trumps nuttier moments.
I know I did & to this day I get them on group chats.
Funny I didn’t get any of them sending the Pelosi China comments.

Add this to the GOP ad cycle this November.

August 11, 2022 6:59 am

“Documents? All I went for were the Louis Vuittons!”

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 11, 2022 7:02 am

Mudar Zahran at American Thinker has some interesting background on the recent Israeli attacks on Islamic Jihad leadership in Gaza. Their approach was successful and resulted in the puppet masters in Iran agreeing to a swift ceasefire.
Western MSM did what they usually do, trying to paint the Israelis as the bad guys. Each attack was described as also killing children. Wait a minute. The Gazan jihadists have often paraded their children in jihadi garb, with weapons in hand. It is they who say their children are expendable. As one or more Israeli leader has said, there might be a lasting peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.

August 11, 2022 7:07 am

Leak! A perfect skewering, up there with Dad’s best. Bill would be proud.

August 11, 2022 7:08 am

I love the way he has managed the physical decomposition of Bandanaman – an outward manifestation of an inner reality.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2022 7:17 am

A feel-good story for everyone (the Tele):

A Dubbo father who came to the aid of his pregnant daughter armed with a chainsaw has been sentenced in Dubbo Local Court on Wednesday.

Anthony Kevin Hangan, 41, appeared in court accompanied by his wife as he pleaded guilty to two domestic violence related charges including destroying or damaging property and stalking or intimidating with the intention to cause fear of physical or mental harm.

Mr Hangan appears to be of excellent character. He was in his own house where his filled-in daughter and boyfriend also lived, and got woken up by daughter dearest because her BF had locked her out of their room. After punching the door:

The man refused to open the door with Hangan saying something to the effect of “I’m going to get a chainsaw”.

Hangan left and returned with said chainsaw, with the door partially opened at this stage, making three cuts in the lower portion of the bedroom door.


The man ran out of the house and called police as he made his way to the BP service station on the corner of Newell and Mitchell Highways all while Hangan was chasing him from behind. Police arrived at the scene shortly after, stopping the man near the LH Ford Bridge as he provided a statement.

Mr Hangan, clearly a wordsmith and skilled craftsman, sorted out the misunderstanding in court:

Hangan told police that he chased the man because he wanted to “punch the s**t out of him”, revealing that his daughter’s boyfriend was egging him on, asking for him to chase him, saying words to the effect of “come on you fat c**t, I’m gonna bash the f**k out of you”.


The court heard from Hangan’s lawyer, Matthew Quill that the damage property charge was down to a “technicality” with his client only intending to use the chainsaw to unlock the door.

The whole thing ended happily. The court threw out the damage charges (which should never have been laid because you can’t be charged for destroying your own property) and he got a nine month conditional release order for the rest – which is a very small price to pay for entering the pantheon of legends.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2022 7:19 am


Never heard of it.


August 11, 2022 7:21 am

And that is why you never, ever let daughter dearest and her boyfriend co-habit in the family home.

If they want to play Mothers and Fathers, they can also play Leases and Mortgages.

August 11, 2022 7:23 am


“Get yerself ready luv…”

August 11, 2022 7:24 am

And that is why you never, ever let daughter dearest and her boyfriend co-habit in the family home.

If they want to play Mothers and Fathers, they can also play Leases and Mortgages.

Very Anglo. Look traditional Chinese families are often actually set up for this. But they would be married.

August 11, 2022 7:25 am

Very Anglo. Look traditional Chinese families are often actually set up for this. But they would be married.

And likely not so familiar with chainsaws.

August 11, 2022 7:25 am


“Lift yer linen”. – Not Quite Cartland

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2022 7:27 am

‘I’m glad you’re home. Little Joshy got suspended from school today.’
‘What? Why?’

‘Mr Farnsworth said he saw Joshy in the playground, kissing a girl.’
‘Kissed her on the lips?’

‘No, Stuart. He kissed her right on the outercourse.’
‘Oh my God.’

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2022 7:33 am

August 11, 2022 at 4:02 am
Johannes Leak. Brilliant.”

Thanks Tom, it’s nice to wake up and view a Leak masterpiece. He nails it.

BTW, overnight other vermin have gallantly come out to “defend” the honour of their great buddy, Pirate Man. One is Mike Carlton, the abusive piece of human garbage who was sacked from Fairfax for anti-Semitic comments back in 2014, this is also the same Mike Carlton who, in 2019, quaintly tweeted how he wished someone would “strangle” (former) Liberal MP Nicolle Flint who was appearing on a Q&A panel and said something the piece of human garbage didn’t like, and the other piece of human garbage who’s gallantly ridden to defend his friend’s honour is none other than Gerard Ridsdale’s once upon a time flatmate, the equally abusive Paul Bungjourno. They do say you can always judge a person by their friends.

Three amigos who happen to be three shit stains on Australian journalism and public life.

August 11, 2022 7:34 am

Dot, that’s why I said “boyfriend” not “husband”.

We’ve housed married children (and grandchildren) while houses have been built or deposits saved.

As for the other crap, my rule was always “no randoms for breakfast”. One way to ensure they took their relationships seriously.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 11, 2022 7:38 am

As for the other crap, my rule was always “no randoms for breakfast”. One way to ensure they took their relationships seriously.

Or quick outercourse in the car.

August 11, 2022 7:39 am

The China white paper on Taiwan.

The Global Times reporting on the white paper.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 11, 2022 7:40 am

A “Green” version of the Bushmaster goes on display according to the ABC news. An all electric vehicle the top brass boast.


August 11, 2022 7:40 am

Good morning everyone who isn’t a boosted Canadian doctor.

August 11, 2022 7:41 am

Mr Hangan shows how to treat arseholes. Who would have thought chainsaws work better than barrier cream or zinc oxide?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2022 7:41 am

Western MSM did what they usually do, trying to paint the Israelis as the bad guys. Each attack was described as also killing children.

Children were killed but not by the Israelis.

Hamas Orders Foreign Journalists Not to Mention Errant Terror Rockets That Killed Children (10 Aug)

As people have said before this war won’t end until the Palis learn to love their own children more than they hate the Jews. The IDF tried very hard to avoid killing children. They may have done so but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

August 11, 2022 7:41 am

I was sick last night, could have been the vaxx but the evidence suggested it was the chicken parmigiana.

August 11, 2022 7:43 am

I was sick last night, could have been the vaxx but the evidence suggested it was the chicken parmigiana.

It’s usually recommended to kill the chicken before you eat it

August 11, 2022 7:43 am

I have the same no random, or even regulars, if not married rule, calli.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2022 7:44 am

Mr Hangan shows how to treat arseholes.

Let the hate flow through you.

Good. Gooood.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2022 7:46 am

Speaking of such things there doesn’t seem to be much outcry in the MSM now that the authorities have arrested a suspect in the serial killings of muslims in Albuquerque. How odd.

August 11, 2022 7:46 am

Where do you live zippy, that hotels sell live chicken parmigiana?

August 11, 2022 7:49 am
August 11, 2022 7:51 am

Shorter Abstract…

What we should have done.

August 11, 2022 7:51 am

BTW, overnight other vermin have gallantly come out to “defend” the honour of their great buddy, Pirate Man.

I see his SMH editor is defending him too.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 11, 2022 7:51 am

Pirate Pete and his appalling wife present a rich vein for cartoonists.

August 11, 2022 7:54 am

Helluva gamble by the Pirate & the smh.
Clearly punting that Price didn’t also record the interview.
Time will tell.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 11, 2022 7:54 am

On the other hand, it is disturbing to see my preferred news source, InfoWars, lampooned.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 11, 2022 7:56 am

SMH litigation success rate is approaching Fat Clive’s. BRS is the big one.

August 11, 2022 7:56 am

I’m a day behind, but reading Fair Shake’s comment about Delingpole’s covid musings and talk of famine brought back thoughts about famine, which I’d never considered a modern global problem until I heard this:

Podcast: Cometh the Horsemen: Pandemic, Famine, War | Michael Yon and Dr Jordan B Peterson (1:23:19)

I didn’t know of Ton, but JP was prepared to give him a platform and he speaks as someone who knows what he’s talking about. A long one, but listenable at a higher speed, and once you start you may find you’re getting through the whole thing.

August 11, 2022 7:56 am

Kash stands by his original position that President Trump won’t be indicted. As Commander-in-Chief, Trump was the ‘unilateral classification authority.’

“Obama still has tons of classified documents at his house & he should. He’s a former President. Same with Bush!!”

This is the same BS that the J6 committee did. They hide facts that common people wouldn’t have knowledge of and pretend DJT committed a crime. Next!

PS – The statute that Marc Elias is pointing to doesn’t apply to the POTUS ?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 11, 2022 7:57 am

H B Bearsays:

August 11, 2022 at 7:54 am

On the other hand, it is disturbing to see my preferred news source, InfoWars, lampooned

Quite so.
Most disturbing to have a sound chap like Jones attacked.
We’ll chat further about it at the Club over elevenses.

August 11, 2022 7:58 am

Outercourse vs intercourse? Shouldn’t that be extracourse?

August 11, 2022 7:58 am

As for the other crap, my rule was always “no randoms for breakfast”.

It’s a good rule of thumb.

I never got the old Gen Xers and young boomers that were okay with it when I was a youngin, the sheer awkwardness is off putting.

Not now. Anything goes.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2022 7:59 am

CAIR cared.

Thanks Rosie! I missed that bit. Their more in sorrow that in anger comments are blackly comedic.

I can just imagine the horde of readied journos waiting to do outraged reports about white supremacists only for their editors to tell them to stand down and go back to cats in trees stories.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2022 8:02 am

Outercourse vs intercourse? Shouldn’t that be extracourse?

Don’t ask a lefty that question, they wouldn’t know the answer.

Every Single Senate Democrat Just Voted Against Defining Pregnancy As A Biologically Female Process (11 Aug)

August 11, 2022 8:03 am

Bad news for that Mademoiselle from Armentières, maybe.
Chermany never had dry summers before the catastrophe of
Brexit/Putin’s War/Global Climate Warming Change.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 11, 2022 8:03 am

I love the way he has managed the physical decomposition of Bandanaman

– a touch of Rhinophymia-by the looks of that red nose

August 11, 2022 8:03 am

Reinhart has given the Feds 5 days to respond to the motion to unseal the search warrant.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 11, 2022 8:04 am

Intercourse, outercourse?
Please, enough.
It’s starting to sound like a late night exchange on Sinc Cat between Faulty and the [snip – that will quite enough of those lurid descriptions Sancho]

August 11, 2022 8:07 am
Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2022 8:07 am

August 11, 2022 at 7:51 am
BTW, overnight other vermin have gallantly come out to “defend” the honour of their great buddy, Pirate Man.

I see his SMH editor is defending him too.”

Three points…..

1. Nine is not releasing the tape. Why not?

2. Bevan Shields, editor of the Stinking Sneering anti-Semitic Morning Herald…aka the SMH…has a delicate and fractious relationship with much of his journalistic staff so Shields doesn’t have any choice.

3. Shields doesn’t address Price’s accusation that Pirate Puke was aggressive and that she felt bullied by him.

But you know what, in the wonderful progressive shithole that Australia now is, there’s one rule for lefties and another rule for the rest of us. A progressive can smear, libel, screech and bully an indigenous woman, all because she’s of the right, a progressive can tweet that he wished a Liberal MP was “strangled” and on and on I could go with more examples of progressive leftist hypocrisy, but there’s never any blowback for them. In fact, they’re cheered. There’s not an ounce of opprobrium whatsoever. If Shields wants to defend Pirate Puke, then he’s no better than the rest of them.

And so much for “believe all women”. Caveat required, as long as they’re not women on the right, coz you see, they’re fair game.

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2022 8:08 am

Oh I see, that’s what Alan Tudge had….”outercourse”.

Winston Smith
August 11, 2022 8:09 am

From the Instapundit column:

Snarling Dolphin • 17 hours ago
So, reading between the lines of current reporting I gather the FBI searched through the underwear of Melania, but not Hillary. What possible justification for that could there be if Trump and Hillary broke similar laws as some allege?!?


R***** S***** => Snarling Dolphin • a few seconds ago
I’d search through Melanias underwear for free. Hell, I’d pay good money for the privilege. But Hillary’s? Not even on double quadruple overtime, with two condoms and double gloved would I do it.

August 11, 2022 8:09 am

The green bushmaster is just another example of useless Brass in the ADF. On a tank of diesel it runs for 8 hrs. How long on batteries? 3 hrs at most. Batteries have to be low in the chassis, close to the blast zone of mines. The shock is likely to damage the batteries. Extra weight of batteries, river crossings and towing round the diesel powered generator to recharge them. Yep, we are in safe hands. Not. At least they are saving the planet. Now lets paint them rainbow camouflage. Then the handbag brigade will be inclusively blown to pieces. If they had any wit they’d be fuckwits.

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2022 8:09 am

What about “cunningcourse” and “fellacourse”?

August 11, 2022 8:10 am

Add to the list of things to do in January 2023.
Call David Ferriero in front of a committee.
He looks like the kind of weasel that would resign instead of being able to face genuine scrutiny.

Winston Smith
August 11, 2022 8:15 am


Remind me to avoid The Naked Gun 2.5, whatever that is.

If you haven’t seen the “Naked Gun” series, you are terribly remiss in your understanding of the cultural paradise we are living in.

August 11, 2022 8:15 am

BTW it looks like Kellyanne Conway has checked out of the game.
During the primary season of the most important mid-terms in US history she has been holidaying in Europe with fat George & her cunt daughter.

August 11, 2022 8:17 am

Intercourse? Outercourse? Extracourse? Does it involve turnips?

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 11, 2022 8:18 am

We’ve housed married children (and grandchildren) while houses have been built or deposits saved.

As for the other crap, my rule was always “no randoms for breakfast”. One way to ensure they took their relationships seriously.

I have never allowed any intercourse or outercourse in my home — only one time that I know of — Older son was at uni and went to a Uni dinner dance with a lovely young lady from up the road, she became ill and went home early. At about 3 in the morning i heard the front door open and a female voice — I woke the slumbering Sunbather and said to the effect: “Son has a girl upstairs and probably intent on a bit of love puddinging, (thank you Dot) I want you to go upstairs immediately and tell her to leave that this is not that kind of family” He did not I was furious.

I heard the front door close at about 5:30am — at about midday when the son and heir appeared I said my piece, verbatim except changed name to protect the guilty:
“Son, there are only two people in this house with a licence to fornicate – that’s me and your father — you are never to bring a girl home to fornicate — you have to make other arrangements”. one and only time – advice taken.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 11, 2022 8:18 am

Good to see at least someone is endeavouring to maintain standards around here.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 11, 2022 8:20 am

Does it involve turnips?

GreyRanga you may be thinking of stone soup

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 11, 2022 8:22 am

Does it involve turnips?

Please. It is not that kind of blogue.

August 11, 2022 8:23 am

inter/outercourse. Brits had that one nailed with the whole inside/outside upstairs/downstairs thing. Must be a classist thing.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2022 8:24 am

This is how you do it.

Netanyahu orders Likud members not to give interviews (11 Aug)

The Libs need to do the same scorched earth tactic with the MSM.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 11, 2022 8:25 am

Oh come onsays:
August 10, 2022 at 10:22 pm
As usual, you declare victory after releasing the squirrels to distract from the fact that you can’t fight the main argument.

What was the “main argument” again, m0nts?

It seems to have been something about Trump personally appointing every low level magistrate in the US, and that therefore he shouldn’t complain if one of his personally appointed lackeys approves a warrant against him. Or the vibe, or something.

Winston Smith
August 11, 2022 8:33 am


The German people should threaten the Interior Minister, and the government of which she is a member, of suitable consequences if they’re taking cold showers in January.

…and if the German people don’t start registering their discontent over their national slide into Green Fascism, we won’t be so bloody kind this time – the Morgenthau Plan will be like a wrist slap compared to what needs to be done to sort them out.

August 11, 2022 8:36 am

Clearly punting that Price didn’t also record the interview.

I do hope Jacinta recorded the encounter and will release the tape if the SMH refuses to.

It’s rule 101 for dealing with leftard journalists — most of whom will lie and cheat for their ideology: always record the interview.

Especially with a scheming, dishonourable piece of shit like Peter Fitzsimons.

Winston Smith
August 11, 2022 8:37 am


Plod being part of the problem again. Won’t let the bloke set up his MG42 on the porch, whilst simultaneously being unable to prevent his house from being burnt down.

The Totem Pole strikes again – only the top members of the hierarchy of victims are allowed vigilante justice.
imagine the screeching if the bloke had come back and burnt down the miscreants dwellings?

August 11, 2022 8:38 am

A “Green” version of the Bushmaster goes on display according to the ABC news. An all electric vehicle the top brass boast.

As if logistics aren’t hard enough in a war zone.

I had vehicles in the badlands of Afghanistan for about 75 days without seeing a base or any civilisation, let alone electricity.

When required, they were quickly refuelled out of the back of a ‘turning and burning’ Chinook, which was obviously dangerously exposed during the process. Alternatively, they parachuted in the necessary fuel. How do they propose to do this with bloody EVs?

Stupidity, the likes we haven’t seen since Monty’s last comment.

August 11, 2022 8:41 am

ABC RN AM reporting that Trump is subject to c. 6 investigations now, federal and state.

They’re worried this is boosting his 2024 prospects by creating a “narrative” that he is being politically persecuted.

You think!?

August 11, 2022 8:42 am

The green bushmaster is just another example of useless Brass in the ADF. On a tank of diesel it runs for 8 hrs. How long on batteries? 3 hrs at most.

And fuel (and ammunition) consumption under war conditions is often several times the quoted official figures, so my guess it will run for about 20 minutes in a real war.

John of Mel
John of Mel
August 11, 2022 8:42 am

I’m afraid Sundance is right – DeSantis is not the right man for the job of fighting against the Washington DC swamp.

“Since the original innocuous tweet 48 hours ago, from a private account, which did not even use the name “Trump,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been absolutely silent about the illicit FBI raid on the home of Florida citizen and former President Donald J Trump. DeSantis is showing us all who he really is; but are you willing to accept it?”

“Ron DeSantis is a good governor for the state of Florida and has many attributes that make him important for a host of reasons, but this is not a war-time general. Ron DeSantis is a politician.”

August 11, 2022 8:44 am

Shouldn’t that be extracourse?

I thought that was for the males only, or so I have heard.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2022 8:46 am

Principality of Hutt Island.

Uri Geller starts his own country (10 Aug)

Israeli illusionist Uri Geller has launched his own micronation on a Scottish island he owns, and is asking the public to become citizens.

Presumably state dinners will be spoonless affairs.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 11, 2022 8:48 am


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2022 8:52 am

As for the other crap, my rule was always “no randoms for breakfast”.

That scene in Trainspotting just encouraged this sort of thing.

August 11, 2022 8:54 am

And fuel (and ammunition) consumption under war conditions is often several times the quoted official figures, so my guess it will run for about 20 minutes in a real war.

Not to worry…I’m sure the field testing will be extra rigorous.

August 11, 2022 8:55 am

Oh I see, that’s what Alan Tudge had….”outercourse”.
10/10, Cassie, I was tinkering around the edges with posting that , as well .. beat me to it! .. LOL!

August 11, 2022 8:55 am

The majority of babies were born to unmarried mothers in Britain for the first time in recorded history, the Office for National Statistics revealed on Tuesday. ONS figures showed that there of the 624,828 live births recorded in England and Wales last year, over 320,000 were born out of wedlock, compared to 320,713 that were born to married parents or those in a civil partnership.

The empire is certainly in decline.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 11, 2022 8:56 am

Son, there are only two people in this house with a licence to fornicate – that’s me and your father

What was the immortal line from “On Golden Pond?”

“Would you prefer the same bedroom in which I first violated her mother?”

August 11, 2022 8:57 am

Past presidents retain so much documentation the need to build libraries to house them.

Winston Smith
August 11, 2022 8:57 am


My theory is that Trump actually “set THEM up”.

A novel scenario.
And not outside the bounds of reality… 🙂

“There’s no point getting old if you don’t get bloody cunning as well.”

From “Winston Smiths Book of Noteworthy Quotes.”

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 11, 2022 9:02 am

The majority of babies were born to unmarried mothers in Britain for the first time in recorded history, the Office for National Statistics revealed on Tuesday. ONS figures showed that there of the 624,828 live births recorded in England and Wales last year, over 320,000 were born out of wedlock, compared to 320,713 that were born to married parents or those in a civil partnership.

Let’s do the math.

Total live births: 624828

Births to married parents: 320713

Births out of wedlock: > 320000

Sorry, ONS, it don’t add up.

August 11, 2022 9:02 am

I have never allowed any intercourse or outercourse in my home

I must be soft! .. with 3 teenage daughters in residence I tried that line .. they laffed at me! .. LOL!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2022 9:02 am

Irish politics (the Hun):

An Irish pub in Melbourne’s CBD fired two staff members after it is alleged they spat in a drink belonging to a neo-Nazi following a heated political debate.

The Irish Times pub detailed the ugly incident on their Facebook page, which unfolded on August 2 at the Little Collins St venue.

Pub management allege the staffers spat into a drink belonging to Elwood man Jimeone Roberts, 29, as a “consequence of a discussion with the patron over a political topic”.

Strange, considering the Oirish were enthusiastic supporters of that Austrian painter.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 11, 2022 9:03 am


If you can’t say it you can’t do it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 11, 2022 9:07 am

They’re worried this is boosting his [Trumps] 2024 prospects by creating a “narrative” that he is being politically persecuted.

The Democrats never fail to do a good impression of Wile E Coyote when given the chance.

August 11, 2022 9:07 am

ABC RN AM also reports that Liz Cheney is on track to lose her Wyoming House seat Republican primary on August 16.

Things are looking so bad for her that Democrats are asking their registered voters to switch parties to back her!

1 4 5 6 7 8 13
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  2. Thanks for this little paeon to Sydney, it is nice to have our city recognised for its beauty and history.…

  3. Is the green new shit over yet? Can they finally wake up and admit it wasn’t anything other than an…

  4. I’ll bet the US knew all about the Chinese Naval exercises. I’m not so sure they trusted Australia with the…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x