Finbarr Bermingham@fberminghamExclusive: the European Parliament has removed curbs on lawmakers meeting Chinese officials
Finbarr Bermingham@fberminghamExclusive: the European Parliament has removed curbs on lawmakers meeting Chinese officials
Arabism has appealed to many poms. A culture of laziness, living in tents, attractive camels.
2AM last pie in the roadhouse bain-marie retard strength. Those following me will find death a blessing.
Steve T, you might be onto something about Indian curry being crap. Waiting at the airport there is an Indian…
People seemed to like this one I made. I have such sights to show you….
Pictures please, or it didn’t happen.
Hitler was terrified of a war on two fronts, again as a result of his WW1 experience. The Russians allying with him vanished that threat and gave him a free hand to attack westward.
Had they instead said they would side with the Western powers then Hitler would never have dared invaded nations so freely – he would have been a demagogue who had his moment in the sun then been overshadowed and disposed of with the next big thing.
I can feel pity for the Russian people and what they suffered in WW2, but I cannot fall in line with the idea that Russia was unjustly and perfidiously attacked. The Russian state was party to all that. If the Germans were insanely vicious in their attack on Russia then the Soviet government were blithely complicit in setting it all up.
“The Power of the Pessaries” didn’t workshop well, KD.
Porn doesn’t work if the actors can all work from home.
Confronting the fact that you’re a sad sack of shit and that annoying ppl is your only hobby must be difficult, m0nty.
Old news.
Silver is both a monetary metal and a commodity and as such currently has opposing forces pulling it – the shitty state of the economy tends to pull its price down, and the rampant money printing of late pulling its price up.
Historically, the ‘silver gold ratio’ (the price of 1 oz of gold vs the price of 1 Oz of silver) varies from a low of about 15:1 to a high of 60 or even 100:1. The present ratio, at 95:1 is on the high end and would therefore historically be likely to fall (ie silver will gain more value than gold relatively speaking.
The above, plus the increasing demand for silver to feed the worlds ‘green dream’ means I am buying more silver than gold atm.
Not sure if this was posted before.
Read it with open mind, it’s about the Ukraine situation and how it came to be.
I just asked them, Sanchez. Hoping I get a response.
“You could’ve just said – “People reacting to monty is just like me reacting to Lizzie”.
EVERYONE would then understand.”
Quite so.
They would be torn by the fact that their goals and philosophy were praiseworthy – only a bit of the implementation let the team down.
To report that Pol Pot’s regime was a humanitarian disaster risks sending the message that his politics was a problem.
stalin later gave a speech stating that the nayzee-soviet pact “secured us peace for two years”.
All while the western powers flailed into ignominy and the nayzees went on to conquer pretty much the remainder of Europe, before turning three million jack boot clad fieldgrau landser onto those vast eastern plains.
Epic stuff, but you just would not want to be involved, on either side.
I’ll pass thanks.
And, honestly, without the uniforms do you think it possible to distinguish between life under the Nazis and under the Soviets. The only difference is surely the holocaust, but Hitler is not despised merely as a racist. And certainly the Soviets were eager to slaughter innocents because of their supposed criminality as apportioned by doctrine.
I once spoke to a bloke (uncle of a friend) who had, as a little kid, been on the last boat out of Riga before the Soviets took over. Unfortunately the boat went to Germany. There was one story about how, near the end of the war, his mother went out of hiding to try to get some food, and was spotted by a group of soldiers who started shooting at her. She escaped by falling down, pretending to be dead, and getting covered by falling snow before the soldiers got close enough to be able to find her.
I asked him whether the soldiers were Communists or Nazis. “What’s the difference?” he asked.
Theoretically. It never quite worked out that way.
JC at 8:08.
Let us know what the two dweebs think of your business plan.
And from 1920 onwards, they facilitated the Germans working around the Versailles restrictions, and rearming to a point that when Hitler eventually came to power (and it was undertaken openly), German military might was close to parity with the Western powers. In technological and doctrinal terms, they were light years ahead due to research and training activities undertaken in Russia.
Russia eventually took it hard, but they helped to instigate it and empower the Germans. They also cheered wildly (and supplied him) when Hitler turned towards the West, for no other reason than they thought the Capitalists and Socialists would attrit each other massively. Boy, wasn’t Stalin pissed off that France was such a walk over, and losses were so light amongst the Germans.
The average Russian didn’t deserve what he/she got in WW2, but the Bolsheviks were as much to blame as Hitler.
mUnty goes misere
sad fuck
Marxism never understood where these things came from, what they represented, and what the achieved.
The inequality where the brilliant and the productive receive greater rewards is part of the genius of capitalism to unleash brilliance and productivity.
Lefties, contrary to all experience and history, believe wealth is the natural state for humanity, rather than poverty.
Probably why they always fail.
I’m interested in these ‘sheets of talking points’.
Is there a service that provides them?
September 4, 2022 at 8:17 pm
Traditional Marxism wants to dismantle societies with social inequity and inequality and replace it with a more equitable and equal society.
Theoretically. It never quite worked out that way.”
Of course it never works out that way. But my point was that progressives aren’t Marxists, rather the opposite, they’re all about entrenching and embedding social inequity and inequality under the guise of wank woke drivel such as “diversity, inclusion and equity”.
Huffington Post, Daily Kos and The Chaser.
Rick Stein was mentioned upthread. On SBS Food shortly he has the outtakes of his barge journey from Bordeaux to Marseille. The shows themselves are marvellous because Stein has an eye for history, not just culinary delights. Tune in.
Gonzalo Lira
The key bit of information: There has been a 28% increase in deaths-at-home in the UK. That means, a sudden and unanticipated death.
The next 5 to 7 years will be horrifying.
Excess deaths, the data
Re the Hitler thing, it could be that the product gets made because there’s a demand for it.
I watched the movie Fury last night, about American tanks in Germany in 1945. Did well at the Box Office too.
One of many more recent movies exploring different aspects of world war two.
Perhaps the interest is because it was a war that directly involved the UK, the US, Canada Australia and New Zealand and what happened in Russia and Cambodia didn’t.
you forgot the ABC, Vic Gov and Fairfax media
On the topic of Cornwall, I know the counties of Cornwall, Somerset, Devon and Dorset quite well. My grandfather’s ancestors were German Jews who washed up on Cornwall’s shores in the 1730s. Penzance once had a small and vibrant Jewish community, quite active for about a hundred years. You can still see the Jewish presence in Penzance. They were poor people, pedlars and watchmakers. The community dispersed in the mid 1800s as people left for London and further afield…Australia. Cornwall and Devon’s scenery is majestic and well worth visiting.
Love the first two. Ugh to the third!
And it’s cheap.
There is a lot of public domain or very cheap footage available.
A writer, editor and voice over guy put in a bit of time and voilé … 2-3 hours of TeeVee.
From “The Age,”
Father’s Day news (the Hun):
Apparently it wasn’t Damir Dokic.
Just noticed the banner too, Doverlord.
Uptick. Not dickless, but with dick because Father’s Day.
Why is SBS obsessed with Hitler?
Then again, the History Channel is too.
Very much agreed.
The problem of power systems – this is true of all of them – is the ossification of social strata when the children and grandchildren of those brilliant innovators are given the keys to the economy and bugger it all up when they don’t have the same spark.
Inclusion in the top 1% is quite volatile, Fatboy.
the dumb fuck has just discovered post-modern speak
and will need at least two more years under mentor to be even allowed to be a practicing Village Idiot
fuck it’s tragic listening to this mong flounder
Monty sets up so many people here. They are the beclowned ones. He rings a bell and people start salivating. They then quickly move onto rationalizing why it is so imperative his claims must be countered. Conservatism is losing on all fronts and the self proclaimed champions of conservatism waste their time perennially complaining about people like Monty. Great strategy, works so well that conservatism has lost in education, the media, politics, SSM, LGBTQi, racism, economics, the vaccines, the pandemic response, with wokery penetrating deep into corporate, sport, and popular culture.
But go right ahead, keep on responding to someone who is clearly sucking you into pointless discussions. That worked so well in the past. Sent Monty running away beclowned and embarrassed. Pigs arse. He wins so much here he is tired of winning.
Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics
You can’t beat an idiot with no shame in an argument.
Monty said on Sinc’s cat he only comes to troll.
Time to take old yella out back.
The funniest bit is monty’s attempts at both dominance and male feminism.
It’s like being punched by the least attractive lesbian.
The (recent) BBC’s War and Peace and The Killing Fields we’re both fairly decent, but not documentaries.
Boambee Johnsays:
September 4, 2022 at 8:34 pm
I get this message:
This site has been reported as unsafe
Hosted by thecurrencylad.com
Microsoft recommends you don’t continue to this site. It has been reported to Microsoft for containing misleading content that could lead you to lose personal info, financial data and even money.
Go back
He transitioned and now self identifies as a fat lesbian.
Does male feminism include watching your missus get hot and heavy with the stud of the town? You know, because you empathise with her needs?
“Inclusion in the top 1% is quite volatile”
Always get the feeling that Zuckerberg’s days might be numbered.
Cassie of Sydney says: September 4, 2022 at 8:36 pm
Spent several weeks on a motoring tour encompassing both counties.
Main impression: They’re so different it is a struggle to accept they’re right beside each other.
Cornwall is harsh & bleak, Devon is soft – epitomising the phrase “….a green and pleasant land”
One is left puzzled as to why they’re so oft lumped together in the one phrase “Devon & Cornwall”
Heck, the landscapes of the North & South islands of New Zealand are more like each other than are Devon & Cornwall.
You can get past that rubbish by clicking “More Information” which then has a link to the site.
Excellent Netflix production from Germany (dubbed & subs) about a female STASI assassin framed then gaoled but released when the WALL comes down and looking for revenge …… KLEO ..
Boambee Johnsays:
September 4, 2022 at 8:34 pm
I get this message:
This site has been reported as unsafe
Hosted by thecurrencylad.com
Microsoft recommends you don’t continue to this site. It has been reported to Microsoft for containing misleading content that could lead you to lose personal info, financial data and even money.
Go back
That only comes up if you are using Microsoft. Other systems don’t show it. I suspect that some unhappy troll has “reported” the site to be a pest. I move straight through, and have not had any issues. Up to you to decide.
Hey Head prefect send this to turtle:
1) Green Britain: Six in ten British factories at risk of going under as energy bills soar
Bloomberg, 3 September 2022
2) Conservative-run council loses power after £1bn spree on green energy
The Times, 3 September 2022
3) Christmas goes dark as councils cancel Christmas lights
Sunday Express, 4 September 2022
4) John Constable: Know why your fuel bills are soaring? 20 years of ‘renewables’ lies
Daily Express, 2 September 2022
5) Green transition will deliver repeat inflation shocks, TCorp’s chief economist warns
The Australian, 4 September 2022
Net Zero Watch
As for analogies involving that person Monty – easy to come up with names suggestive or even quite denotative of one’s arch-rival. But that would be facile. Unbecoming.
Electric car owners told to avoid charging during California heatwave
US power companies have warned California’s electric-car owners to avoid charging their vehicles this weekend, as high temperatures and a public holiday spark concerns about the strength of the state’s energy grid.
The rollout of electric cars in California has triggered an energy crisis that many industry insiders have feared since the increase in sales of zero emissions vehicles.
Electric-car owners in California have been told to avoid charging their vehicles as the US state prepares for a heat wave this weekend.
The Labor Day holiday coincides with predicted temperatures between 35 to 38 degrees celsius in south-west California, placing excess demand on the state’s electricity grid.
In a media statement from the American Public Power Association (APPA), electric-car owners have been warned that charging their vehicles during high-demand periods (between 4pm and 9pm) could lead to power outages.
“The top three conservation actions are to set thermostats to 78 degrees (fahrenheit, 25.5 degrees celsius) or higher, avoid using large appliances and charging electric vehicles, and turn off unnecessary lights,” an APPA spokesperson said in a statement.
“Lowering electricity use during that time will ease strain on the system, and prevent more drastic measures, including rotating power outages.”
I’m a fan of DrBG so I do not wish to contradict him.
IIRC it was Infidel Tiger who asked Sinc on the old Catallaxy to allow M0nty to come back. I believe IT knew what he was doing in this regard and why.
it aint holy water … back from the dead
All this UK west country talk. I was born in Plymouth, raised in Cornwall.
Truly Gods country – with its own Cathedral; Home Park, PL2 3DQ.
I try not to converse with Turtlehead.
It’s good to hear from you recently. When I first came to Catallaxyfiles many years ago now, you posted often and I always appreciated.
I’ve noticed that ABC radio has put out a missive that today was actually Fathers’ and Father Figures Day.
Next it’ll be Father-Identifying Personx Day, and then soon it’ll be the Sorry Parent Day at the close of Toxic Parenting Week Of Awareness.
In finding it hard to believe there is an alpha village idiot who isn’t Muttley.
Give the devil his due. Muttley is the alpha.
I’m always lurking. My time spent now is trying to find IT and get him back on.
Regardless of how it goes on this blog –
Today I wish M0nty a very Happy Father’s Day.
I like having arguments, P. Don’t fear to contradict me, if I’m wrong I want to know about it.
I don’t want to ban m0nty. I think he’s a sad case, but his provocations are mildly amusing. I often laugh at his more outrageous sallies. So does Tom. There may well be others too who find his need to be irritating more entertaining than anything.
I know, and mostly I enjoy them.
Bed Bath & Beyond CFO, 52, is identified as man who jumped to his death from 18th floor of NYC’s ‘Jenga’ tower – two days after firm announced plans to lay off 20% of staff and close 150 stores
Finished Perry Mason.
Could have been great.
Was only ok.
Della Street was given the best story arc.
Stephen Root is making hay, but his best work was Barry.
Snap Bear.
I was going to say the term for that was ‘to be Szubanskied’.
The Tigers are just a rabble.
I’m embarrassed about the entire organisation.
We are as far behind the rest of the comp as the Bunnies were when they got booted from the comp.
It looks like BLM and Antifa were funded by Ethiopian and Middle Eastern Marxists.
Who of course, wanted nothing but the most mostly peaceful protests.
The FBI knew about this.
The FBI also knew about the CIA illegally spying on Trump and USSC justices.
Time to shut down the CIA and their criminal buddies at the FBI and SACK EVERYONE!!!
I didn’t have a great Father’s Day. My father-in-law has a stroke yesterday, in hospital today and rather discombobulated. Plus my sister’s father-in-law died of a heart attack yesterday after a long battle with emphysema. No rona connections, you ghouls.
You have NOT stopped talking about Fatboy since you began posting today.
As for not liking fighting- are your Fatboy comments notes from one
Lover to another?
Regarding a person like Monty.
If analogies regarding estimations are called-for, Monty is not at all like an individual’s diamond-wearing arch-enemy on this site, that is, the enemy perceived to be someone who makes no bones about self-perception as having been graced by Providence.
It is therefore unjust for a Queanbeyan resident to target the nature of the self- perceptive person.
Rather, an analogy more accurate involving someone like the person Monty would be to recall that the Archfiend is someone who would make two true claims only for the sake of deceiving with the third claim. It used to be said as the trick of the devil. No doubt an unwelcome analogy even if apt.
If it was just you lot agreeing with each other, it would get extremely boring. Some people like it that way, because they are also boring.
Who said a anything about fighting? There’s something disconnected about some of your comments, JC, that makes you sound pissed as a newt. You always deny it, but you don’t come across as altogether sober.
Not often I am credited with that high a strike rate, so I will take it Francis.
Monty, please link to a thread that includes not one comment from you, in which everybody on the Cat is agreeing, all harmonious & purring at each other like kittens.
Naaa That’s just you, professor. You’re always suggesting someone who disagrees with you must have a mental problem. STFU about fatboy, you boring old clod. Your mind reading crap about Fatboy is dull and boring.
There’s nothing to deny, professor as I rarely drink and when I do it’s social.
Any thoughts of heading over to Havana and boring us with your disturbing travelogue about a hooker and her young daughter for weeks on end?
Your stoushes with JC don’t count, Sally.
Nearly every single one of your fucking comments is sanctimonious judgements about people here and mind-reading Fatboy.
Fiendish is as fiend does.
That’s the word I was looking for. Demonrats are fanatics.
One can be truthful for the sake of what is true or one can be truthful for the sake of being free to be a liar.
This describes the Washington Post in a nutshell or in this case, a twitter comment.
This would be really something.
This is from Cernovich’s twitter feed.
Does anyone know what he’s talking about here?
Cernovich is also linking to this:
What is all this and what has been uncovered?
The thing that really gives me some goose bumps is the recent summation from scientists viewing pics from the Webb telescope, suggesting the pics can’t tally up with the Big Bang. That kinda creeps me out a bit.
Keep the Faith.
What faith, Franz?
There is only one.
You mean the Simulation?
No, but perhaps by simulation I mean the simulacra.
Anyway, I mean the faith our fathers, the faith that said, ‘ Silver or gold I have none’.
For the present, then, maybe fitting that things be left with faith of our fathers. No mention of dungeon firenand swords.
God’s work, Harry. Try to hunt down Tiny Dancer, Pickles and Token while you’re at it.
Meanwhile, just got back from a tour of a thirteenth century castle and Varazdin, the old capital. The countryside is still green, with the slightest hint of gold and crimson in the forests, an anticipation of autumn. The little roadside orchards are laden with all sorts of apples and quinces and pears, the flower gardens all but spent. Soon there will be a dusting of frost over all of it.
All the holdings are small, farming here is a family affair. Many of the whitewashed, terracotta roofed houses have little vineyards as well as orchards, chook pens and a few animals. Roadside stalls gleam with nets of red, yellow and green peppers, chilis of various sorts, onions and potatoes.
It has been hot today – an Indian summer. The cobbles of the old city burned through the soles of our shoes so we and our guide sat under some pleached birches and enjoyed the local beer. We had him all to ourselves (it was one of those private tours) so I asked him about the pandemic and his thoughts. You will not be surprised – they mirrored much of the commentary here, especially on “experts”, lockdowns and handouts. For someone in his mid-thirties, he was very well informed.
The castle was Trakoscan. It had a magnificent collection of weaponry, including pikes, sabres and heaps of long arms of the muzzle loader variety.
No flensers.
I had wondered about the appearance of Zagreb, and the walls covered with graffiti despite there being very little litter about. There was an earthquake here in 2020 and all the buildings are awaiting renovation/refacing.
We walked back to our hotel through the big central park last night – there was no hint of danger, our spidey senses were not activated at all. Apparently the place is pretty much crime free.
Mine own darling spouse is from Zagreb. The cathedral is quite something, from memory, with its chequered roof, although it’s the interior that is magnificent, as in my soul does magnify the Lord.
I wouldn’t be too complacent.
People are the same everywhere. Sure, it’s safer than some other places on Earth but not devoid of crime.
Oh Gabor
Oh tempora
Oh mores.
Something about a a fiddler walking down by the river Nile.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Gary Varvel.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Steve Kelley.
Chip Bok.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom.
Snapshot of the park as we walked back to the hotel. A half-moon hanging above, the huge plane trees gleaming in the park lights, their vast mottled trunks smooth and silky. The dog walkers are playing with small pooches, throwing a ball that they all chase – the Jack Russell is fastest…naturally. One hairy, unidentifiable fluff ball quits, lays prone on the soft grass, tongue lolling.
On the paths, children are out and about with their parents. One little girl has an impressive scooter that sparks when the wheels move. Others are up in the bandstand, playing. Teenagers are sitting in circles on the grass, chatting, others strolling hand in hand.
There are people everywhere, typical of a city where flats are small and the wide open spaces are treasured.
Thanks for the reminder Franx – the stirring of my soul and the shivers up my spine – I’ve never forgotten that feeling evoked in singing that hymn full-throated with all the children at our little Catholic school every Friday at Benediction. Now that was a hymn, an anthem to faith, not the Kumbaya-piffle
Calli, my husband and I toured Trakoscan and the area in the summer of 2014. I thought the castle was a scaled down version of Neuschwanstein without the crowds and a prettier view from it. Gazing into the small lake below the castle I noticed a shoal of fish undulating about lazily.
We also visited the Veliki Tabor fortress nearby which was very well preserved and showed what Middle Ages life and war was like.
Coal miners help push tourists’ dead electric car (3 Sep)
This story brings up an interesting aspect – EVs have to be light as possible, so are made of plastic. Owners with flat batteries are going to have fun when they try bootleg tows – they just might tear the front off their car if they hook up to the wrong bit of it.
NTZ has another German EV story today. I won’t do a summary as it’s stuff we know. Interesting to see it percolate into the brains of mainstream people though.
“I wouldn’t be too complacent.
People are the same everywhere. Sure, it’s safer than some other places on Earth but not devoid of crime.”
No where on the planet, where human beings roam, is devoid of crime, however some places are a hell of a lot worse than other places. I reckon Zagreb is a lot safer than London.
We all know politics is downstream of culture, we also all know that politics is downstream of the cost of living. Re. the coming midterms, I think it’s time for Trump and GOP Trumpists to shift the narrative from the 2020 election and move onto something that’s immediately effecting Americans right now, inflation, energy and fuel prices. When people go to vote in November, they will be thinking about the cost of living, not what happened in November 2020.
Cassie, Cassie, how could you possibly think such a thing?
Khan’s London: 100-Man ‘Machete Brawl’ Leaves Boy Dead and Teenager Fighting for His Life (4 Sep)
London is a very culturally enriched city. And the cultural enrichment does seem to be increasing rapidly.
By the way, the Newspoll is out…..not that I read anything into it. Again it’s only three months since the election. Worth remembering, before the resident donut muncher comes here to gloat, that this time three years ago, Albanese’s preferred PM percentage was about 27% and a year later, in mid 2020, Albanese’s rating was at a low of 25%.
However, the Liberals need to start opposing and the first thing they can oppose is the “Voice”. Here are some ideas for the Liberals…”say NO to race discrimination”…..”say NO to apartheid in Australia”.
Well, they’ve been released official figures for OAPs & others from 20th September and, as usual, well below the “official” inflation level(s) …. FFS!
Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment will all rise $38.90 a fortnight for singles and $58.80 a fortnight for couples.
The maximum rate of pension will increase to $1026.50 a fortnight for singles and $773.80 for each member of a pensioner couple or $1547.60 per couple.
JC at 11:41 pm.
That was creepy.
Googlery level creepy.
Lets hope.
I’ve said a few times now that Trump has the ability to stuff this up for the GOP.
Clearance diver-level creepy.
“Mostly peaceful” – noice..
Another 25mm forecast this week to turbo charge the crops and pasture into Spring.
Will the horrors of climate change never cease?
Simple observation.
The further out into rural areas you go, or the further East you go in Europe, the less overt hustling you see.
Paris, Rome and Milan are infested with culturally rich grifters.
No sign of it in Greece, Hungary or Croatia.
trange! .. I don’t recall labor complaining/opposing any of the BAT FLU extravaganza spending .. maybe I missed a few things .. LOL!
“I think Australians understand that we’ve inherited a budget which is heaving with a trillion dollars in Liberal Party debt and that means some difficult decisions including this one.”
Clearance diver-level credible, too.
“I’ve said a few times now that Trump has the ability to stuff this up for the GOP.’
Serious question.
Why didn’t The Three Musketeers have muskets?
Big if true, I know.
the ABC on the latest in vaccine developments.
Picture it: musket fired, bad guy killed in seconds, long stretches of swordplay gone from the movies. Result: no Hollywood profits.
“The Three Swashbucklers” just doesn’t scan, even in the original French
‘…refer to as the Hitler Channel aka History.’
There was always someone ‘goose stepping across the screen.’
Woe, is me
Not sure why an attractive young lass can’t get a new (full-time) job in this current climate.
She should also think about cutting-back on the skydiving, scuba diving, and partying
That’s the problem with social media these days, you open the window for people to see straight through you.
What ever happened to We’re The Sweeney, Son Episode 239.
Tintarella di Lunasays:
September 5, 2022 at 6:06 am
faith of our fathers. No mention of dungeon firenand swords.
Thanks for the reminder Franx – the stirring of my soul and the shivers up my spine – I’ve never forgotten that feeling evoked in singing that hymn full-throated with all the children
Indeed Tinta, I remember singing it at our boarding school.
Hollywood already did that.
Scene from the original Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Swarthy Middle Eastern type enters stage left, scything the air with great flourishes of his scimitar and looking jolly well menacing.
Before he gets within 5 metres, Indiana Dundee rolls his eyes, pulls out his revolver, and shoots him stone dead.
Why didn’t The Three Musketeers have muskets?
Wasn’t Annette Funicello as musketeer?
Gunplay. Now there’s a word that should be returned to front and centre in the lexicon, alongside ‘popery’ and pettifoggery’. If we want to make the world a better place, we should be serious about this stuff.
‘I’m not sure we should confront the Baron down at Smuggler’s Cove tonight’, said Julian.
‘There may well be… gunplay.’
maybe Neanderthals just intermarried with sapiens and lived happily ever after.
Oh to have been a Mouseketeer.
Holiday sounds great btw Calli, keep the reports coming.
Small edit suggestion
Maybe sapiens raped Neanderthals and lived happily ever after.
In 2016 Trump offered middle and working America hope, hope for a change after the divisive, stagnant, war mongering Bush and Cheney years, followed by the sinister magic Negro years.
Dwelling on what happened in November 2020, however valid, is not going to win elections. Voters want hope, opportunity and a party and leader that will deal with bread and butter issues, like illegal immigration and skyrocketing power and grocery bills.
‘I’m not sure we should confront the tunnel people down at Lake Burley Griffin tonight’, said Julian from the Hino 300 cabin.
‘There may well be… gunplay.’
Did somebody say swordplay?
Went out for family birthday last night.
10% Sunday surcharge and a credit card surcharge on top of that.
Guess that’s how it is.
(Get the impression that some businesses still prefer cash. )
Rosie says:
September 5, 2022 at 7:54 am
maybe Neanderthals just intermarried with sapiens and lived happily ever after.
Seems the artist has caught BLMitis.
Neanderthals are suspected of being the first species to exhibit the pale skin trait.
November 2020 continues to be unpicked. Completely necessary to ensure the cheating is eliminated.
Trump has all the solutions that his people are looking for.
Clearly it had to be this way.
the ABC celebrating mental illness again.
I agree Farmer Gez, especially as the author suggests some Neanderthals had red hair and there is no remnant Neanderthal DNA in sub-Saharan Africa.
You spoiled my romantic notions JC.
Greens Senator Nick McKim wants a pause on cash rate increases
industry to pensioners, get a job.
Like everyone else. And they went in hard and early. So much for looking after their own people.
Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up
Daily Mail: ‘My Son Hunter’ a Hit at Hollywood Screening: ‘Not Your Mother’s Conservative Movie’
Brian Nichols
Glenn called it back in 2020.
Let’s be blunt about it.
m0nty-fa has failed with his own blog (Twice). However, desperate for attention, he comes here to babble nonsense. It would not matter if he simply babbled about fantasy football, or golf, or his failure as a potential economist. But he doesn’t.
He babbles perpetually about political ideas that have more than a hint of fascism in them. He is happy with the concept of political street violence, but only by the pseudo-fascists whom he supports. He is quite happy to call for the suppression of political ideas with which he disagrees.
He is a menace, and, while he should not be silenced, as long as he propounds his foolish ideas here, they must be countered. Let him go back to his own blog, where he can talk to himself as much as, and for as long as, he wishes.
“Trump has all the solutions that his people are looking for.”
Nope…such hubris will result in disaster.
re Duncan M’s article on the 20-something casual worker squibbing on her 4×3 house repayments… how big is the blind spot here?
I can remember buying my first copy of the Economist because it had a cover article on the US housing bubble being a bit dodgy. Created by the Clinton admin compelling lenders to have a certain amount of house loans out to borrowers with no security and often no demonstrable means of making payments. Hidden by the euphemism “sub-prime”, the jingle-mail collapse was laundered as “Global Financial Crisis”, and in the melee Rudd got the memo to seize Australia for the WEF under corporations law.
Now Biden is shoveling money to the sub-productive again, and he must be demented to believe an economy can be built on a paper pile of decrees. The Thai Massage Man and his smokescreen summit will do the same, building a house of cards with residency visas and printed money.
The Superannuation sector will cast us all in concrete shoes, as they pour portland grey into and endless sprawl of rail hubs and dogboxes where once were paddocks and pubs.
So comrades- for balance! – open your arms wide for the uber driver voteherd and bend over a bit for the insertion of the 12% super suppository comrades, we can stay atop this heaving sea of ones and zeros and live on protein from the bugboxes where once cricket was played…
“He is a menace, and, while he should not be silenced, as long as he propounds his foolish ideas here, they must be countered. Let him go back to his own blog, where he can talk to himself as much as, and for as long as, he wishes.”
Dwelling on what happened in November 2020, however valid, is not going to win elections. Voters want hope, opportunity and a party and leader that will deal with bread and butter issues, like illegal immigration and skyrocketing power and grocery bills.
I watched the Pennsylvania rally yesterday and yes he did a bit of 2020 reminiscing but covered today’s issues far more .. I suppose, when you run a 2 hour non-stop talk-fest recounting the past is always gonna take up a slice ..
Personally, I’m in absolute awe of anyone who can not only talk for 2 hours but leave me wanting more at the end ….!
Low vaccine booster rates are now a key factor in COVID-19 deaths – and racial disparities in booster rates persist
Dwelling on what happened in November 2020, however valid, is not going to win elections.
Maybe not per se, but it will pay to mobilize the conservative voter, and remind the cheating swampers that they will be being watched.
Neanderthals were bred out – or their way of living became unsustainable.. but the conclusion of that article, is (drum roll…)
If I recall correctly, Harrison Ford ad libbed that because he had a stomach bug on the day….
and mine …. hides own red hair and dupuytrens contractures
I doubt it
Alec Baldwin ad libbed with a stunt gun, looky what happened on that set
ate them is more likely
Picture it: musket fired, bad guy killed in seconds, long stretches of swordplay gone from the movies. Result: no Hollywood profits.
Good guy misses with musket shot (no semi auto musket) gets skewered by bad guy with sword.
rosie, best not to reference outright commie propaganda sites like “The Conversation”.
What, streams of links from rubbish sites like the Daily Expose are AOK but if an article is from a source you don’t like it’s a big bad?
I assume adults are capable of discerning.
KD, mole etc.
I can’t even repost the Lady Pages on Medium because they’ve gone into overdrive.
I can’t keep up with the crazy.
The best one was a woman who was an unmarried, childless poet at 31 who was annoyed men in their fifties hit on her. Does she think she is in her prime child bearing years? Let me guess. Most men at 31 are not accomplished according to her. If she was a man, she’d be laughed at (“professional” “poet”).
Date an electrician love. The masters of the universe get the IG models.
Good men are out there, you think you’re better than them and it’s their fault.
All these older gents however, wanted was a “nurse and a purse”, apparently.
What’s she going to support them with? Her high paying career in poetry?
Then a strong BIPOC woman chimes in that male fertility is an “issue” after 35. Which is complete garbage because the data is conflated with their (usually) older wives/baby mommas.
The best one in the past two weeks was when Oxana Tepid Fart dropped the “I’m a Lady!” mask and said how disappointing his life as a male, fake female, man hating, creepy “female ally” was.
Imagine if a woman pretended to be a man and had a patreon etc to write inflammatory shit about women.
These people are totally delusional. No doubt they seethe and cope with Kate Upton and Justin Verlander being married (he is 39, she is 30). Oh no she baked him something and put a wholesome pic on IG, domestic abuse!
Subtle, isn’t it.
Timothée Chalamet Bisexual Cannibal Film ‘Bones and All’ Gets 8.5-Minute Standing Ovation at Venice Film Fest
No Eyrie.
The game is to use their own narrative against them.
Masks are bad good double plus good bad.
Ivermectin is horse dewormer, except in the UK.
PCR testing found COVID dating back to March 2019 in Spain.
You don’t have to take a vaccine, except when you do.
I am never taking a Trumphitler vaxxx, oh god I am thankful for my fauci ouchies! Only racist orcs don’t want to six times vaccinated with the safest vaccines ever.
We better do what the super smart Chinese do, like live PCR tests on fish, the ocean is a super spreader. It was absolutely necessary to “lock down” society like a giant prison camp.
Any of the bush lawyers here care to comment? is giving the community a chance to express their sadness, concerns and hopes for the future what an inquest is supposed to do?
Internal server error, twice.
I’ll try breaking up the comment.
Well it’s a good thing voices are being heard in lieu of actual evidence.
Part II. I tried the whole thing, but got another internal server error. Let’s try para by para.
You are contradicting yourself.
Woke remake of Soylent Green for the anniversary?
Part III
He comes here because no-one pays attention to him on his blog.
Indeed, this article
(from the dreaded Expose) gave me a crucial insight into my question as to whether the real game was to:
1) physically get the jab into you or
2) use the vax programme as the excuse to set up the control infrastructure for something else (digital ID, economic reset, CBDC etc)
The answer was #1.
I would have missed that if I reflexively went for ‘junk site bad’.
What is the electronic equivalent of the ‘ad hominem’ attack?
“Gosh!”, exclaimed Georgie. “If we can catch those beastly smugglers before Daddy gets back from hols, he will be jolly pleased.”
“Yes he darn well would be”, agreed Julian. “That might be a good time to come out as gay”.
Monty created a mirror blog when Sinc’s closed but very few trusted him enough to post there and he closed it.
Part V (Part IV, an innocuous sentence, triggered the error):
Honestly, how many times are the same people going to fall for his annual ‘Hitler was a fascist’ bait? It’s like tapping on their knees with a hammer. They can’t help themselves, and he knows it.
September 5, 2022 at 9:05 am
Part II. I tried the whole thing, but got another internal server error. Let’s try para by para.
You are contradicting yourself.
In what way?
September 5, 2022 at 9:08 am
Part III
He comes here because no-one pays attention to him on his blog.
That is his problem.
In my opinion, obviously, Daily Exposé is all rubbish, the Conversation is mostly rubbish, but I expect people to use their own discretion.
I’m not going to not link to articles because Eyrie or anyone else says so (except that North Korean satire account on twitter because IT didn’t like it).
The conversation article hyperlinks back to other sources, either covid related deaths of US minorities are higher amongst the unvaccinated or they aren’t.
You can take away whatever you like.
September 5, 2022 at 9:12 am
Monty created a mirror blog when Sinc’s closed but very few trusted him enough to post there and he closed it.
He also had Steve from Brisbane and Homer piling on to him there, “correcting” his political errors. It seems that having his own side piling on to him for political incorrectness was too much for him to bear.
September 5, 2022 at 9:15 am
Part V (Part IV, an innocuous sentence, triggered the error):
Honestly, how many times are the same people going to fall for his annual ‘Hitler was a fascist’ bait? It’s like tapping on their knees with a hammer. They can’t help themselves, and he knows it.
He is indeed stupid, but I am far more concerned for his own incipient fascism than history about Hitler.
Er, I remember that scene well, it was ‘skip’ who said that, not ‘Georgie’ so any coming out is going to involve interspecies erotica, not just SS/MSM/etc etc etc
Johanna, I now use MS Edge to post the daily ‘toons because my preferred browser, Brave (which I use the rest of the time), is not up to it.
Now, it’s personal peace of mind that I won’t get frequent error flags. Brave was invented to break the Big tech browser monopoly — noble, but no cigar because Microsoft was invented to make computers and browsers and it was so good at it that it became part of a monopoly.
MS stuff works because it was invented by sociopathic coding nerds like Bill Gates and, when it comes to the crunch, I use what works.
You’d think they’d have learned after celebrating those two homo pedos who proceeded to prostitute their kid with them in the US. They can’t help themselves.
“And” seems more likely. The fertility stuff fits with the control stuff – both are right in the sweet spot of WEF climate crazy. As is the kid tranny encouragement and the lady pages weirdness Dot puts up. The Georgia Guidestones had a magic number 500,000,000 written on them. The same sorts of people as the businessman who is thought to’ve erected them are Davos attendees.
Recall too that Ehrlich’s partner John Holdren was Bambi’s science czar.
How about the grieving family look at themselves as to why that POS behaved in the manner he did for most of his life. Its not our fault we were on the piss all the time neglecting the little shit, just because he saw everyone around beating the crap out each other had nothing to do with it. Remember, no care no responsibility. Give us more money cause its your fault. Can I have half the money for the waste of time inquest. None of this will be mentioned in the final report except give us more money.
There are so many things wrong with this idiocy.
In years past, I would not have had to point it out.
Firstly whoever is travelling now, all good, go for it….. if it doesn’t require showing a Nazi pass.
If you do show it anywhere to get the special privileges only given to the jabbed then….fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Notafan’s behaviour over all of this has been inexcusable and disgusting.
As has many others.
Get it right, Knuckle fucker…..AT THE MOMENT you are ALLOWED to hop on a plane unjabbed.
The “ALLOWED” part is the key here, and this can be changed by decree in a millisecond because that was what the exercise was all about.
You may have to read that bit again, real freedom is something you and your Vicplod mates have no real concept of.
We, while the criminals in our parliament are above the law and outside of the constitution, are living in an undemocratic prison shithole and day release is not freedom.
At least she is being honest.
The law of evidence has always had a problem with stories my Aunty told me. The Vibe less so.