GreyRanga has been circulating a pirate trailer.
GreyRanga has been circulating a pirate trailer.
Lizzie’s a hornbag though. Are there any decent pics?
I’ve had a drink with her…. good instincts.
The last two weeks have been somewhat entertaining. It’s like the local teenage brats have turned up to the shopping…
what tax on super are they pushing?
Regarding the discussion up-thread about possible regal names for Charlie when he starts reigning, I’d like to offer a potential match.
Given Charlie’s green credentials and fear of the rising sea levels, I give you….
King Canute II
Not true. Patton urged an advance to Moscow. If anyone could have done it he would.
Stop being a useless git. You said tyrants and commies; Kings, PMs and Popes.
If anyone will eat their own words, it can be you.
Except how exactly does the time line matter with respect to the treaty? If Poland was attacked then it was attacked unless you’re suggesting there was a two week expiry imbedded the treaty.
If you can’t give a straight reply without trying to finagle your way through with bullshit then don’t bother replying. Otherwise you may have to be asked various other questions if you know what I mean.
All that maybe true, but you can’t always get perfection in human events.
Who gives a shit? So what, we didn’t execute enough Nazi Germans, Black Dragon Society Japanese or Soviet Commisars?
It was a good start. The same people who don’t know about the Karyn Massacre probably don’t know about Klaus Barbie or
Oradour sur Glane.
Fucking iPhone.
Pity about his “mysterious fatal accident”.
It would be quite a sight for concentration survivors watching allies marching with there ex captors to Moscow.
There was no legal excuse to do so.
He was probably on the run from the Clintons.
One of my first jobs at Uni (whilst working in the crashlab on my ‘community medicine’ degree) was to go to autopsy of *every* vehicle accident fatality in SA. This was in the mid 80s and at the time, the SA road toll was of the order of 350/year. Now, 4o years later, it has shrunk by 3/4 at the same time as the road transport activity has likely increased by 300 or 400%. By that metric, you are now 10 times less likely do die on the roads than you were back then. No doubt the figures in NSW are comparable.
This is a classic case of the law of diminishing returns and the reasons why ‘Experts’ cannot be allowed to let their little area of interest dominate public policy. We have 90% solved the problem, yet they want more!
Western Australia has the Queen’s Birthday holiday scheduled for the 26th September, they will have to rename that holiday soonish.
September 8, 2022 at 11:21 pm
I guess that’s a ‘no’ about me getting the Golden Lions for my driveway, huh?
console her with a post-it note with ‘One-nil’ written on it?
Nuremberg is held as a civilisational milestone.
The reality is more sordid.
well, a few doctors got hung, so there is that?
You are saying the details of the treaty (i.e. agreement to partition Poland) were published & known to all?
When the west declared war on Poland, Germany was the only country invading the place.
The Soviets did not ‘liberate’ eastern Poland to save them from German aggression for another fortnight.
Try putting a bet on the winner of Melbourne Cup the day after the race, you’ll find timelines are very important.
As there has been an awful lot of quite interesting discussions on War this thread, I have a nice little segue to a related topic.
Are there any Cats out there willing to take one for the team and watch the Abo version of Apocalypto that will be shown on SBS in a week or so’s time?
Perhaps Sinc may read this and help us. After all, having watched Q&A for us, he must have the proverbial cast iron guts.
Dan Andrews & other vac mandate looneys are secretly jealous.
United Australia Party deregistered. I guess Clive just gave up.
Really? He’s the number one spruiker for The Great Reset. Only a small window of opportunity, you know. Full steam ahead.
well, a few doctors got hung, so there is that?
Apparently not enough to make the current crop more circumspect!
With who and what?
They were running short of riflemen for their infantry battalions.
They struggled with the krauts, who had nothing like the armour, artillery and close air the Red Army possessed.
And importantly, nothing like Stavka’s disregard for casualties.
He really knows how to tell it how it is.
Vernon Coleman: ‘Here’s How They’ll Bankrupt You’
With two inches of mayonnaise over the top.
Nom nom nom.
They were known to the signatories, you clown. Poland had a treaty with France and Britain so the Russian move on Poland was covered by the treaty. Again what does timeline have do with the price of borsch?
What a imbecilic comment.
Have you ever made sense, Driller?
Both Germany and Russia invaded Poland and both actions were covered by the treaty. Then, when the war ended, the Allies conceded Poland to the Soviets, yet because you’re an oppositional clown, you don’t consider this to be fucked up.
Georgie’s on my mind.
Know the song Driller?
I sincerely hope not. PSC (Plus-Size Clive) has yet to reveal the video EVIDENCES that prove the theft of untold millions of freedom votes.
Turtlehead, remind the folks why you emailed Sinc threatening a lawsuit, you dreadful dreadful big blouse.
Art TakingBack ??
YELLEN: Under Biden’s plan, we will “rid ourselves” of oil and gas.
These people are out of their fucking minds
Patton had the equivalent of a couple of SS divisions in POW camps receiving full US military rations and keeping fit and in military discipline, ready to be armed and activated. But he would have needed another 50 German divisions if the Unthinkable happened, because the Anglo American troops mostly just wanted to go home.
The water levels here in Sarajevo are very low indeed, and I have been checking out all the rivers as we pass in the bus. All the rocky shoals are above water and the stream through the city has the baffles exposed. The water is still just flowing over the top – rain has been falling up stream in the past couple of days so that may have helped.
There has been talk of problems on the Rhine/Danube route since we got here.
The Allies still had a war in the Pacific to fight, the US was already pulling troops and equipment out of Europe and shipping them to the Pacific.
The Allies also had secured an agreement with Stalin that Russia would declare war on Japan within a month of the fall of Berlin so they were better off having Russia joining them in the Pacific war rather than becoming their enemies in eastern Europe.
mUnty not wrong (for once).
JC you wouldn’t have golden lions at your place? They’d be concrete. Otherwise you’d be letting your paisano down. Right.
Gonzalo Lira Retweeted
Will Schryver
Increasing evidence of LOTS of foreign troops (US, UK, Swedes) involved in the ongoing Kharkov / Izyum counter-attack. This would explain their initial successes. But it also *significantly* raises the stakes for this battle.
Has that friendly neighbourhood appendix come out yet? Don’t refuse painkillers, demand them!
You are saying that any secret conversation between the German & Soviet governments is automatically known by the western powers.
No need to explain to us how you came to hold this imbecilic belief.
What can you say.
Kate Retweeted
Ethical Skeptic
Client today: “I was reluctant to get the \/, because I was pregnant. But my work and doctor said it was important that I get it and insisted.
Now I have a 6 month old baby just diagnosed with cancer.”
Explain which part is incorrect.
“Patton urged an advance to Moscow. If anyone could have done it he would.”
I doubt he could have done it. The French tried, the Swedish tried and the Germans tried, all failed.
Australia ?? had a 36% INCREASE in Deaths (all-causes) in August 2022 compared to the average # of deaths logged since January 2020.
Kate Retweeted
Comedian David A. Arnold posted this to social media on Saturday.
Yesterday, he died suddenly and unexpectedly. He was 54 years old.
“When the west declared war on Poland”
When? In 1939 Britain (and the empire) and France declared war on Germany after it invaded Poland. There was never any declaration of war against Poland.
You’re coming around.
The above is not quite the same as “when the allies declared war on Germany, for some weird reason they did not also declare war on the Soviet Union.”
I have made no such comment.
You should comment only on what people write, not on what you deem them to have written.
It is one of your many failings.
You do this often. (Just as well you’ve no background in data analysis & suchforth)
Turtlehead, you left out the part in (your copy and paste) where you were threatening legal action Sinclair because I was a big meanie to you.
Many times I’ve asked you to stop talking to me for the reasons I’ve expressed and every-time it’s you tries to initiate discourse, make comments to piss me off or you join pile on attempts.
Will you just fuck off and stop talking to me. I’m not interested in you agreeing with me and in fact that bothers me even more. You’re a non-entity, just bugger off. Just keep writing your stupid shit.
Show us your scar head prefect.
Thanks Cassie – auto correct & sticky keyboards are a pain.
Change “on” to “over”
alternatively, insert “Germany” after “on” (or if you’re really cranked up, make that “Nazi Germany”) 🙂
They struggled with the krauts, who had nothing like the armour, artillery and close air the Red Army possessed.
And importantly, nothing like Stavka’s disregard for casualties.
The Russian military was a truly formidable war machine by this time, along with its industrial capacity, and the Nazi’s had failed to be able to give Russia a knock out blow when it was in much worse shape.
The Allies only chance of winning would have been to ultimately go nuclear on them, assuming that the could hold a front line that gave them airfields within B-29 range of Moscow.
Global CV19 Vax Propaganda Means Mass Casualties – Dr. Pierre Kory
flyingduk says:
September 9, 2022 at 2:37 pm
One of my first jobs at Uni…….*every* vehicle accident fatality in SA. This was in the mid 80s and at the time, the SA road toll was of the order of 350/year.
I remember those days. Driving in SA was a lottery! I was at substantially more risk driving on the public roads to Mallala raceway than I was when competing!!
……why ‘Experts’ cannot be allowed to let their little area of interest dominate public policy. We have 90% solved the problem, yet they want more!
Many years ago the Qld government thought it should do something so it commissioned a panel of road safety experts. Added to the panel were a couple of highly experienced race drivers who were to assist by giving advice on young driver training. One of those race drivers was Kevin Bartlett who had a stellar career as a professional driver and was passionate about road safety, particularly for young drivers.
Anyway, the report was completed and submitted to Government. Not one recommendation, not one, from the race driver panel was accepted – only those of the other ‘experts’ were acknowledged.
Bartlett told me about this and was annoyed that Government wanted to listen to supposed experts who had no idea other than more studies and more money without making any progress. Meanwhile, more young kids were being killed on the roads and driver training has not progressed to any notable extent.
He’s mentally incompetent. I explain how screwed up things were that the Allies allowed Russia to take Poland at war’s end but the motel employee suggests the timeline was important. He’s beyond help.
The fuckheads are banked up and it’s tomorrow. Three fucking days. They are all short of staff.
The Allies only chance of winning would have been to ultimately go nuclear on them, assuming that the could hold a front line that gave them airfields within B-29 range of Moscow.
Forgot to mention that it would seem to be that the Russians thought this as well. Their immediate post war priorities were nuclear weapons and a delivery system. The delivery system being a copy of the B-29 built based on examples that had landed at airfields they controlled.
The fact that they are now determined to literally squeeze the life out of us, one way or the other, and turn the survivors into obedient little robots. Just read the WEF website.
What some people are finally starting to realise is that the bad things happening in the past few years, from Covid to inflation to energy poverty did not happen by accident but to plan and the plan is for us to “own nothing and be happy”. That’s if we’re still alive to enjoy the new nirvana.
We know who the bad guys were in WWII.
Where it gets tricky is that good guys were only good to a point.
Fact check# .. the winner(s) write the history .. the losers get the blame ..!
It was 48 or 49 when the sovs got the bomb, I think. The nuke secrets were stolen from the Americans of course. The red scare wasn’t bullshit.
Seen that aplenty, actual field experience on a panel totally ignored as they were there only to add credibility to the dumb decisions/recommendations of the shiny bums.
“”It was 48 or 49 when the sovs got the bomb, I think. The nuke secrets were stolen from the Americans of course. The red scare wasn’t bullshit.”
Correct. And the Soviets could thank the likes of Alger Hiss, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and others.
Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings.
Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these strange clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021.
It’s not yet known if the cause of the new clot phenomenon is COVID-19, vaccines, both, or something different.
The Epoch Times received additional videos and photos of the anomalous clots, but could not upload them due to the level of gore.
“Lady Colin Campbell, said this morning HM had a form of bone cancer.”
I hope not, that is meant to be pretty painful.
JCsays: September 9, 2022 at 3:47 pm
You were puzzled why the allies didn’t declare war on the Soviet Union two weeks before the Soviet got around to occupying Poland.
Now, because you were on losing round, you pluck out of the sky Poland’s fate at the end of the war.
You don’t get off that easily from ahistorical pronouncements.
No puzzlement in the least. You’re stupid.
No, that’s just you being a moron.
Here’s what I said.
Drills, on a more important point, people are saying that you are lying about owning a pub. Can you clear it up as you frequently imply you do.
With who and what?
They were running short of riflemen for their infantry battalions.
They struggled with the krauts, who had nothing like the armour, artillery and close air the Red Army possessed.
It would have been interesting to have viewed from afar.
Id guess Allied airpower would have driven the USSR from the skies fairly quickly.
Artillery would have been interesting, both sides were pretty big on flattening stuff before moving in.
Armor, the Russkies would have had a massive quantity advantage, plus their anti-tank guns were pretty damn good.
Manpower: Russkis advantage, plus they could sell the “see the capitalist’s are siding with the Nazis” for propaganda very well.
Home front: Every semi Commie shop steward in the “west” would have been sabotaging & striking making supply difficult.
Short of opening cans of sunshine over vital areas I cant see how the West would have been in any condition to have fought against the Soviets.
Still a morally shit decision though.
A quick observation before the bus to Dubrovnik takes me with it…if the Powers That Be want to switch europeans over to eating insects – good luck with that!
Everyone here eats meat, and lots of it. What we would consider an adequate portion is nothing compared to the giant plates of everything animal, salads optional although spuds are a staple.
I suppose it comes from real hunger within living experience – no one wants that ever again.
Whatever you do, do not, I repeat do not go to the doxing thread.
Just so we’re clear, back around 2016 or so, you said you were putting the leasehold on the pub for sale. You then went quiet about it. I don’t really care about your private movements, however it does matter if you’re leading people astray in your posted claims. It also points to the reason why you’re constantly supporting lowlifes who make grandiose claims about themselves. It also includes you defending plagiarism.
Just clear it up for us , Champ.
I see that m0nty-fa has still not worked out what a “peer” relationship between the Queen and Churchill as PM entailed.
“Peer relationships are relations with individuals working on the same level of the organizational hierarchy with no formal authority over each other.”
No, bern. I’ve had enough. And I’m on holiday.
King Charles I dissolved the Parliament.
King Charles II dissolved the Parliament.
King Charles III…
(I’m not saying he’s a commie-pedo-subterranean-reptilian monarch as per St Ruth’s comments).
And fine holiday blogs too calli.
I was given a bottle of Croatian red many years ago.
It kicked like a mule, but was just the thing for a cold winters night.
But they had still massive logistical issues supporting their forces. They were virtually living off the land in Germany. Also the USAAC and the RAF could have easily established air superiority which would have compounded the problem.
Stalin and Beria should also have been on the dock at Nuernberg for crimes against humanity. Stalin, if nothing else than Holodomor and Katyn, and Beria for the gulags. There is also an argument that if Ribbentrop was charged, then Molotov should have been as well.
Ignoring for the moment it was land that was colonised (how do you colonise a people? How do you set up your own outposts in their minds?). And wasn’t everyone in a land the British claimed a British subject – just like the ploughman and the merchant in Britain? Windschuttle mentions in his fits book about fabrication of Aboriginal history that, according to records, early Sydney was a very cosmopolitan place – anyone in the empire could up stumps and try their luck anywhere else. And when someone suggested distinguishing between subjects of British origin and locals she was outraged at the idea that any of her subjects be made inferior to others.
Racist empire? Lefties use the word racist like a piece of paper sticky taped to some kids back reading “Kick me!” Anyway, would you say India was colonised? Did the British set up colonies? That was perhaps an exception – the British used their navy and undisputed sway over the sea to plant colonies in, lets be honest, backward places.
But lets consider not only these backward places but include the jewel of the Empire, India. Had the British not turned up, where would they be now? And let’s also posit that no imperial powers had turned up – no France, no Spain, no Germany (late to the game, but there you go) etc. Would they really be better off? We can romanticise indigenous traditional lifestyles, but it is just puff. Certainly the people of the time gravitated toward what the British brought. And this includes equality, democracy, the judicial system, free speech etc. And it is clear that none of the current crop of anti-colonialists would want to give that up. They are so used to it that they think it is the natural state and that if the Brits had not arrived their own patches of geography would have developed to the same level.
Also hearing (altho these are the types of things you never know will be true or not) that Harry ran out of time and didn’t get to see the Queen before she passed (to the Father).
Unconditional surrender was a big strategic error. It robbed German resistance to Hitler of any momentum. It was all at the behest of Stalinist sympathisers in the US State Dept who wanted to eliminate any post war danger to Soviet domination of Europe.
A mate of mine seems to be finding out just what a fascist shithole Australia is.
Numerous engineering reports being sent in and rejected.
The upshot is that some council Mong has turned up at the property and essentially demanded roughly $200k of remediation work on retaining walls that were built 12 years ago.
The walls being in place when the council Mongs approved plans for a house which was built 11 years ago.
FMD the Australian bureaucracy makes Australia a dangerous place.
Message from V. Putin – currently in a proxy war with the UK:
Please accept our deepest condolences on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
The most important events in the recent history of the United Kingdom are inextricably linked with the name of Her Majesty. For many decades, Elizabeth II rightfully enjoyed the love and respect of her subjects, as well as authority on the world stage.
I wish you courage and perseverance in the face of this heavy, irreparable loss. I ask you to convey the words of sincere sympathy and support to the members of the royal family and all the people of Great Britain.
Well said Mr Putin and very gracious of you too. I am quite sure that the Brits said something similar when Mr Stalin passed away as we all will do one day.
.1 That’s a lie. It is very very rare that I join “Pile on” conversations.
.2 Make comments to piss me off. Any comment I make will piss you off. My existence pisses you off. My guess is that I’m one of the few people who see past your loudmouthed Tough Noo York Guy personna who has to shit on everyone who doesn’t acknowledge your position of the “Leader of the Pack”. The classic example is your hatred of Bruce of Newcastle. You didn’t just disagree with him, you actively denigrated and verbally abuse him whenever he writes. Your treatment of people who won’t allow you to dominate them is pathetic and pathologic.
.3 …you were threatening legal action Sinclair because I was a big meanie to you. You mustn’t have been listening when I told you I had the original email where I wrote to Sinclair. I still have it. Nowhere does it state what you claim, which is quite normal for you. Reality is defined as what happened – not what you think happened.
I leave this subject now to Dover Beach to adjudicate on.
September 9, 2022 at 1:30 pm
If you dismiss letting the Japan’s emperor off the hook as an act pragmatiem then same can be said for some Germans. Considering the cold war had already started.
The USA, Britain and France needed to have a somewhat functioning Germany. Unfortunately there was a quite large overlap between “experience and competent manager” and Nazi.
Patton wanted to kick off against the Russians straight up after the end of WW2. I think he was also involved in letting (former?) NAZIs run things in Germany post war for awhile as they were the ones who knew how to do it.
OMG, people re-running WWII If Only I was In Charge. It makes Monday Morning Quarterbacking look like a pale shadow.
Yep, some horrible things were done by the ‘good guys’, like repatriating people who ended up being shot.
It is utterly pointless to speculate on alternative scenarios, unless you are designing a new video game.
It does highlight what some people here don’t comprehend – that people at the top sometimes have to choose between two ugly choices. There is no objective way to decide in retrospect which was better or worse.
In the movies, on TV and in most books it is always the pure, principled choice against the grubby, corrupted one. That is not the real world, at all. This binary depiction is ludicrous.
I am not defending Ministers (many of whom are dills) but to suggest that their choices are simply between Good and Evil is absurd.
We have a English Daughter in law. Wifey is telling me she’s grieving with Queen Liz’s death. She teared up when the met up for coffee today. Folks really loved the old gal.
And in Climate Change SyderKnee………………It’s raining again………………….
Correct – Patton was of the opinion that the “Nazi’s were just another political Party – like the Republicans and the Democrats back home.”
Had the British not turned up, where would they be now?
In numerous “colonies” of Britain around the world, where I have had the opportunity and privilege to meet the older and wiser, there is one common and universal statement on their present condition:
“I wish The British would come back and run the place!”
I guess seeing your children and grandchildren’s future being devoured by crumbling infrastructure, corrupt and incompetent administration, and period coupe’s does that.
The young typically don’t agree, principally because they’re Marxist idiots.
Mid autumn festival this weekend.
Eat as much moon cake as you can.
I agree. And her mourning and funeral process will be something for the ages to witness. Shes was loved by many in Aussie as well. When she toured here in the 50’s , it’s said that over 70% of the nations population at that time turned out to see her. That’s popularity.
Patton wanted to kick off against the Russians straight up after the end of WW2. I think he was also involved in letting (former?) NAZIs run things in Germany post war for awhile as they were the ones who knew how to do it.
By which time the Allies were exhausted. Maybe an A Bomb or two or three would have done it but not boots on the ground.
That and the Morgenthau Plan were Godsent opportunities for Goebbels. It probably added an extra year to the European war.
The Great Rockhampton Goat Race and Dame Nellie Melba – 1927 Rockhampton part 1 – the fun story
Supposed to have been a demonstration in a newly independent Kenya, broken up by the local cops with teargas and batons. A group of Kikuyu women had had enough of this “Uhuru” nonsense, and they wanted the British District Officers back.
Patton’s Ego. With Hitler dead the allies and their homefront’s had no stomache for launching into a hot war going east against the Soviets. Especially not after they saw what had happened to the Wehrmacht.
Err thanks bern I took the bait and read that hot mess.
Tucker Carlson on the Left, and St Ruth, and why they are attacking the Queen today:
(If you think some Greens’ tweets were bad, he’s got a doozy)
B777 hard / rough landing:
Yes you do. When I have time, I’ll be happy to dig them up. Just to remind you, you disgusting, worthless protoplasm, that you went on accusing me (with others0 that I had dobbed in Brian even when he said it wasn’t true. Recently you talked about me to The Driller calling me venomous. I hope I am to you and more.
Totally. However, I don’t comment on the trash you post here unless it includes me.
No, I think you’re a fucking moron who is an absolute zero to me. As I told you many times (which got this most recent discourse going) it pisses me off equally when you post replies to my comments -even those agreeing with me. I’ve asked you to stop doing that as I don’t respect anything you say.
He misleads people with his bullshit most times. You wouldn’t know, because you’re a low IQ moron. Whenever I say something about Fester, I will always explain why.
I also have correspondence from Sinclair claiming you did make threats. In any event, I would like Sinclair to send me a copy for perusal. Are you okay with that? Yes or no? 🙂
But what a weasel. You complained to Sinclair that I’m mean to you and you subsequently want to converse with me? Are you deranged?
There’s no acrimony with you dickhead. I’ve asked you many times to stop talking to me. I don’t want anything to do with you as I find you revolting. Truly Turtlehead, I find you disgusting. You actually revolt me.
Sure, Let’s ask Dover to demand we/ you stop trying to converse with me. Just fuck off.
Bing bong.
It was much easier back in the early days of blogging talking to some random about mutual concerns then having to navigate constant monoovering of a small click of political groupies.
Remember folks, buy the sprockets.
That’s just hand-patting.
Conditional surrender, ie an armistice was what got us WWII. There was absolutely zero chance the Allies would go ‘Ah geez Germany, not again. Use your words, darling’ and just had their leash wound in a bit.
The Boche needed to be, and were smashed out of the park and shamed for going on 80 years. They’ve got more front than Myers just looking people in the eye on the international stage as it is.
Mehreen Faruqi:
“Condolences to those who knew the Queen. I cannot mourn a leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples.”
Go to South America and see what the alleged Colonists did there. The Spanish and Portuguese raped the place and stole all the treasure. Did they build railways, roads and leave Institutions and sound Government? Did they Fuck. And they did it in the name of the fucking Pope and all those shitheads. Give me a break. What a load of fucking Colonists they were. You, and I call you a Lady only as I want to be polite, have No Fucking Idea………………….NFI
World war 2 ,world war one, Ukraine, the voice to parliament….doxxing, thermomixes and fucking football.
Talk about anything and ignore what indolent posts.
No mental issues here.
A public commnt that is tendentious and completely lacking in grace.
I note her father was the recipient of a Commonwealth scholarship that changed his life and, subsequently, hers.
It would have been a better use of Ms. Faruqi’s time to reflect on the selfless role the Queen played in promoting the Commonwealth and the good of its peoples over nearly seven decades.
I’m attacking the queen?
You unadulterated fuckwit.
You sure you don’t mean I’m inciting a rebellion?
You and KD need to got back to school and learn some comprehension skills.
Comment, from the Oz.
Reason to hope re King Charles.
It’s a little harsh, KD as all the worst offenders are 99% deadsky and the sins of the father don’t accumulate to the kids. In a lot of these cases, it was the grand father.
But you do have a point. Not content to Shutting the FUCK Up, they , along with the Schweeds, began the gerbil warming hysteria after the Acid Rain bullshit died a timely death.
I’ve never been to Germany and won’t set foot in the joint after what was found out they did.
St. Ruth. I posted this earlier from one of your fave sites:
You must have missed it. Please enlighten people on the UN interrogators in The Camps that have just been enabled by the new legislation, and that The Camps’ real purpose was for climate change deniers.
The post is only two days old. Not two years ago. Any analysis from a landlubbing POV would be appreciated.
September 9, 2022 at 4:55 pm
World war 2 ,world war one, Ukraine, the voice to parliament….doxxing, thermomixes and fucking football.
Who rattled your fucking cage you crunt? Go back to sleep. Even better, go to another Blog you TWAT.
Germany has a plan for global military domination and racial genocide. Conditional surrender was not a serious option.
The Morgenthau plan did not help the German High Command. This is stupid. If it had any psychological effect, it killed the myth of a 1000 year Reich.
The fuckheads are banked up and it’s tomorrow. Three fucking days. They are all short of staff.
Can’t be appendicitis. Have you had a pregnancy test; maybe you’re knocked up.
had !
You Jabbed, Johnny Rotten?
Would explain the original fall, decreasing mobility, weight loss and fragility. Keeping silent on the matter is precisely what you would expect of someone who has at all times protected her privacy, practiced stoicism with courage and behaved with great dignity throughout her long reign. No ‘poor me’ nonsense- unlike others I could name but don’t wish to mention in the same paragraph.
Nanowires, corpse sludge blood, lizard peddler empires and satire sites.
It’s all very cool.
Not a shallow cocksmoker to be seen.
After four hundred years of Portuguese colonial rule, in Mozambique, and Angola, 90% of the Africans there were illiterate, and lacking the most basic of services?
You should never ASS U ME, stupid.
We are going to win
Reason to hope re King Charles.
FMD; this ponce wants to take us back to feudalism.
You must answer, JR. He needs to know about your personal choices, so as to compare it to his existing database.
Or, for a different answer you could ask why he was so shithouse, such an abject failure that Clive Palmer knocked him back for preselection in favour of a foreign woman.
That’s right KD, Mark Steyn, and those who signed the Barrington declaration and the overall death statistics and the likes of the CDC now backtracking on getting the boosters, and on it goes….you, being a fucking brain dead ignoramus….on purpose , because you can’t handle the truth, dismiss it all as nano wrigglers.
You are more the sad joke, every day.
The Morgenthau Plan was made public in Sep 1944, after it has been rejected. Only after this did Goebbels publish his “Jewish Moida Plan” propaganda.
The war ended in Europe in May 1945.
The Morgenthau Plan did not make the war longer, the war was already being fought to unconditional surrender.
It’s not an assumption. You’ve directly linked from that site, and wildly applauded others who did – and still do. Now – how about that analysis of Madam Zeeeee’s piece?
You can’t walk this back, you know.
Yet if he hadn’t…………
You are a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Perfect boofhead copper material.
He lost, you great spastic.
If we want to hark back to what could have been, the yanks did have the nuclear option before the Soviets. The Soviets were shitting themselves about that.
However, before that was even necessary, the US could have wound back lend-lease support to Russia in order to let the two former allies attrition each other to a point where Russia couldn’t dominate half of Europe. Yes, I know all the arguments against this, but Stalin was gleeful about Germany and France going head to head for much the same reason.
Without US lend-lease, including the Studebaker trucks pulling around their artillery, the Soviets probably wouldn’t have advanced too much beyond their original borders, before a stalemate developed. It would have required a deft hand on behalf of the yanks, but if they knew them what they knew in 1947, would they have considered it more closely?
All hypothetical, but food for thought.
You’d have to tell me what site it is, and again, you ASS U ME it’s a favourite site because I may have linked to it?
I must have thousands of favourites , that be the case.
What’s your question, KD?
That’s right. I do.
Because when you promote shitfests like those sites which claim to have REAL EVIDENCES of nanowrigglers and lizards in uniform with red shoes, and you laud the people who wrote it as ‘experts’, I will:
1. Throw every single thing in those sites out the window; and
2. Take the piss out of the Radio Rental fanatics that munch on it. Every time.
You’re a serial failure, grabbing onto one drowning cause after another. When are you joining the nearest cult?
Oh okay. I’ll make it simple.
St. Ruth. What happened to the Death Camps?
unconditional surrender was a plan hatched in the US State Dept by Stalinists. Had another option been implemented the disaster that descended on Europe post 1945 would not have occurred.
Soviet infiltration of the State Dept came to light after 1991.
Who were the greatest threats to freedom, Nazis or Soviets ? Turning Germany into rubble was a mistake.
The dishonesty in the term “personal choices” has been exposed and demolished.
There was nothing personal about it.
It affected everyone else, destroyed your nation and harmed your fellow man.
Submission to tyranny is never personal when it effects others.
And I don’t need to know.
But your local coffee shop, pub, employer, etc, etc, etc all needed to know…….that’s how personal it was.
September 9, 2022 at 5:03 pm
You Jabbed, Johnny Rotten?
You mean, with the experimental (mental) gene therapy emergency approved ‘Drug’. Of course not as that is why I am still alive and kicking.
How about you? I know that you keep going on like a pork chop as they say here, so why not lighten up a little? If you will, so might I………………..LOL
Except I’ve been right all along….and you don’t like it.
Get choo choo in here, faggot.
Speaking of the ultimate failure.
But lets consider not only these backward places but include the jewel of the Empire, India. Had the British not turned up, where would they be now? And let’s also posit that no imperial powers had turned up – no France, no Spain, no Germany (late to the game, but there you go) etc. Would they really be better off? We can romanticise indigenous traditional lifestyles, but it is just puff. Certainly the people of the time gravitated toward what the British brought.
I recall reading that 10 years after independence the Indian government did a survey to find out what the masses thought about life after the British. Apparently most people didn’t know that the British had gone, and a substantial proportion didn’t know that the British had ever arrived.
Yellow star, right?
No badge for the ‘purebloods’?
Concentration camps.
Remember, you’re a serial embellisher.
Gas pipes etc.
Let me ask you this, do you think this is all over?
And if it isn’t why would you ask such a retarded, stupid question?
How else could it have been defeated?
Mr Rotten:
Don’t pay no heed to things like this:
St. Ruth always calms down. After a nice boat ride.
Their population size is an estimate. Folks not registering births is common place and so is dying side of the ledger. I actually kind of like that- the state not knowing you exist.
Germany has a plan for global military domination and racial genocide. Conditional surrender was not a serious option.
The Morgenthau plan did not help the German High Command. This is stupid. If it had any psychological effect, it killed the myth of a 1000 year Reich.
I think the unconditional surrender was an error as it removed any possibility of an inside coup attempt getting up a head of steam.
And the Morgenthau plan was extraordinary in its stupidity for ensuring the boxheads were effectively told “even if you surrender now we will destroy you and your future”…
And Maters point on lend lease is a good one, most of the Russian supplies relied on American motors to be brought up to where they could be used.
When the war ended, almost 33 percent of all the Red Army’s vehicles had been provided through Lend-Lease. More than 20,000 Katyusha mobile multiple-rocket launchers were mounted on the chassis of American Studebaker trucks.
In addition, the Lend-Lease program propped up the Soviet railway system, which played a fundamental role in moving and supplying troops. The program sent nearly 2,000 locomotives and innumerable boxcars to the Soviet Union. In addition, almost half of all the rails used by the Soviet Union during the war came through Lend-Lease.
“Without Lend-Lease, the Red Army would not have had about one-third of its ammunition, half of its aircraft, or half of its tanks. In addition, there would have been constant shortages of transportation and fuel. The railroads would have periodically come to a halt. And Soviet forces would have been much more poorly coordinated with a constant lack of radio equipment. And they would have been perpetually hungry without American canned meat and fats.”
Ouch….how to make friends and influence people around here.
You are either a sock, or new here, but this is a blog for the mentally ill denialists.
Nobody’s dying.
No young people are having strokes.
No increase in overall deaths since the jab came out is happening.
You keep that sort of talk up, you’ll really upset the apple cart.
The terms for peace following WW1 were hardly weak and a return to the status quo ante. If you could dissolve empires, partition lands, depose heads of state, etc. something might have been worked out earlier that saved civilians, prevent the Soviets from occupying Eastern Europe, and the like. Certainly a serious option.
Turning urban Chermany into rubble was absolutely necessary. I hope the Polish extract their trillion+ dollar reparation claim as well.
And choo choo has decided to call it quits, because he has better things to do as a unionised rail , scoff….worker…….
tick tick tick……..
Winston Smithsays:
September 9, 2022 at 4:26 pm
Let us hope there is some balance.
Knuckle Dragger says:
September 9, 2022 at 5:17 pm
Oh okay. I’ll make it simple.
St. Ruth. What happened to the Death Camps?
Dan Andrews closed his after 801 people died there.
Turning Germany into rubble was a mistake
NO it was not. The only way to smash a military Guv’ment like the NAZIs was to smash them all. Same as the Japs with 2 A Bombs dropped on them. The only problem is that in ALL Wars, the innocents get smashed as well. Poor fuckers.
Show me how to do it better without anyone getting hurt.
Only for the Soviets.
The silence of the la….jabbed.
It never happened……It’s all over…just ask KD.
It’s all conspiracy theory.
There’s no such thing as Davos and the WEF.
Antonio Guttrres is not one time head of Socialists Internationale’
Klaus Schwab is some name the tin foil hat brigade have made up.
Bill Gates is a nice bloke.
And on it goes.
BUT NOBODY IS DYING (except for an increase in overall deaths of 30 percent in Australia alone…so far…) because of the jabs……that 30 percent is from the government’s own website, so surely it can be dismissed as a nanowriggler tin foil hat jokefest.
Queensland won’t release modelling on land tax increase
The Palaszczuk government will not release modelling to justify its controversial multi-jurisdictional land tax changes that will slug investors when they start next year.
As investors scramble to work out how many thousands of dollars more they will pay in land tax, Treasurer Cameron Dick is standing firm on the new tax that will hit landholders from 2023-24.
Investors and the Real Estate Institute of Queensland have called on the treasurer to scrap the changes, which introduce land tax based on property people own in other states.
A spokesman for Mr Dick said the law changes were announced in December last year and would not come into effect until July 1 next year, giving landholders 561 days to make adjustments to their investment portfolios.
“All material relevant to the revenue forecasts for the land tax changes has been outlined in the 2021-22 budget update, the explanatory notes to the relevant legislation or the 2022-23 budget estimates hearing,” the spokesman said.
“The land tax changes were first announced in the 2021-22 budget update on 16 December 2021.”
Queensland Treasury has previously said the tax change will raise only $20 million a year from 2023-24 and impact about 10,000 landholders, most of whom who live interstate.
During recent budget estimate hearings, Under-Treasurer Leon Allen would not confirm there was full economic modelling done on the tax change, which investors claim will hit them with extra tax of up to $25,000.
He told the hearings a “range of information was put into that whole decision-making process”.
Opposition treasury spokesman David Janetzki said it was clear there had not been thorough analysis of the land tax changes before they were announced.
“It’s becoming typical of the Palaszczuk government that it seeks to implement this tax without modelling, proper consultation or detailed analysis,” he said.
“Economists, property industry experts, lawyers and academics are raising new concerns every day. It’s difficult to recall a more poorly prepared or considered tax policy. It will drive out investment and drive up rents.”
In December last year, Mr Dick announced the changes to land tax to include interstate land holdings, asserting that some interstate investors “exploited tax-free thresholds in different jurisdictions to minimise their tax obligations”.
In an Australian-first, landholders will have to voluntarily disclose their interstate holdings in other states before being taxed for their Queensland holdings.
A Sydney-based investor told The Australian Financial Review on Monday that his land tax bill would jump by about $27,000 next financial year as a consequence of the state’s new tax rule.
Another said his land tax would rise by $15,000 to $20,000 a year.
Other investors are irate with the changes, saying they will drive investors out of Queensland as well as push up rents and that they felt like they were being taxed twice in two different states.
“The new rules are a disgrace. They impact Queenslanders, non-Queenslanders and tenants,” another investor said.
Another investor, who did not want to be named, said they would have no choice but to pass the increases onto their tenants.
NSW Finance Minister Damien Tudehope is seeking advice on whether the Queensland scheme, which relies on the goodwill of revenue offices in other states to pass on information to be effective, is constitutional.
Property Council of Australia’s Queensland executive director, Jen Williams, said it had repeatedly raised concerns about the unorthodox method of calculating land tax that required landholders to self-report and cross-checking with land tax systems in other states.
“At a time when the state is in the midst of a housing supply and affordability crisis, it appears counterintuitive to introduce any adjustment, or for that matter, any new tax, upon the industry,” Ms Williams said.
“This is not just closing a tax ‘loophole’, it is the most significant reform to a land tax system that has operated effectively for decades, and it should have been consulted upon to the same extent that a reform of its magnitude would normally entail.”
Johnny Rottensays:
September 9, 2022 at 5:36 pm
…The only way to smash a military Guv’ment like the NAZIs was to smash them all. Same as the Japs with 2 A Bombs dropped on them. The only problem is that in ALL Wars, the innocents get smashed as well. Poor fuckers.
The Japanese in particular ought to have an annual festival in early August to celebrate getting off lightly. If their insane government hadn’t been brought to heel with nukes they would have just about depopulated the place with futile conventional war resistance to the Allies.
I think it was Dimitri Panin’s “Notebooks of Sologdin”, in which he suggested that so much American aid was pumped into the USSR that the quality of food, even in the gulag improved!
Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up.
Whoops, wrong thread.
September 9, 2022 at 5:27 pm
You mean, with the experimental (mental) gene therapy emergency approved ‘Drug’. Of course not as that is why I am still alive and kicking.
Ouch….how to make friends and influence people around here.
You are either a sock, or new here, but this is a blog for the mentally ill denialists.
Nobody’s dying.
No young people are having strokes.
No increase in overall deaths since the jab came out is happening.
You keep that sort of talk up, you’ll really upset the apple cart.
Really? And why is that? What is a sock by the way? The only ones I have are the ones that I put on my feet. And why do I have to be new here? Maybe I have just changed my handle and I am making you disturbed? I don’t really know but I don’t give a shit. To me you seem to be one of those people with a chip on each shoulder and like a dog with a bone, just cannot let go…………………………
So STFU and go to another Blog. Maybe a Bog or something similar.
Actually, I quite like this Blog here………………………………
Patton really wanted a command in the Pacific war, Washington wouldn’t give him one. Not a surprise though, having two super-egos like MacArthur and Patton together would have caused strife.
The former NAZIs didn’t run anything in occupied Germany, the only remnants of the German Army who continued in their previous role were the German Military Police. The Allies kept them together to run the German PoW camps.
Electric vehicle fast charging network
The future of motoring is electric vehicles, and we’re preparing for tomorrow with our network of EV fast charging stations
We’ve installed more than 50 electric car charging stations across major NSW roads such as the Hume, Newell, Sturt and Oxley Highways, as well as the Mitchell, Pacific, Olympic and Great Western Highways.
As we continue to expand, Members with electric vehicles will be able to confidently tour the entirety of NSW and ACT knowing we’ll have a charging station near you.
The NRMA electric vehicle fast charging network is the largest regional network of fast chargers in Australia, helping to future-proof our communities and keep you moving now and into the future.
Electric vehicle charging station map
This NRMA EV charger map shows current charging stations available to Members and is updated as more become available. Terms and conditions apply.
NRMA Expands its investment in Australia’s EV future with Chargefox
4 July 2022: The NRMA has revealed the next step in its strategy to play a lead role in the electrification of Australia’s transport future with the acquisition of Chargefox by the Australian Motoring Service (AMS).
The AMS is made up of Australian Mobility Clubs including the NRMA, RACV, RACQ, RAC, RAA and RACT and after increasing its shareholding position, the AMS is now the sole owner of Chargefox.
Chargefox, Australia’s largest EV charging network, will continue to operate as usual and will refocus with renewed support on its ambitious target to have more than 5,000 EV plugs across the country by the end of 2025, providing greater EV charging options and reducing emissions across the country.
As the largest member of AMS, the NRMA continues to expand its investment in fast-charging infrastructure. Its existing fast-charging network across NSW and the ACT is Australia’s largest and is set to expand further with a recently announced partnership with the Australian Government to build 117 fast charging sites across the national highway network.
The NRMA’s electrification footprint across Australia is growing through all its businesses including:
• NRMA’s investment in Electric Highway Tasmania last week that aims to provide 27 charging locations across the island by mid-2023.
• NRMA’s car & truck rental company SIXT Australia commitment to convert half of their 16,000 nationwide rental fleet to electric within five years.
• NRMA electric ferries revolutionising the future of transport on Sydney Harbour.
NRMA Group CEO Rohan Lund said as Australia’s largest Mutual representing more than 2.7 million Members the NRMA was ideally placed to play a key leadership role in the nation’s transport sector transition to electric vehicles.
“Australia is not immune to the global transition away from fossil fuels in transport and towards sustainable energy sources and we must make significant steps now to ensure the nation is not left behind, this is why today’s investment by Australia’s motoring clubs is so important,” Mr Lund said.
“Between us we represent over 8.5 million motorists nationwide and they are looking to their motoring clubs to show leadership in this space. The acquisition of Chargefox by the NRMA and its sister clubs is just the latest in a series of significant steps taken by the NRMA to help lead this transition.
“The impact Chargefox has already had on Australia’s transport s impressive – over 14 million carbon-free kilometres charged and growing – and this will grow significantly with today’s announcement.
“It is widely accepted that electric vehicles will appear in far greater numbers on Australian roads in the coming years and the NRMA is committed to ensuring the nation has the infrastructure it needs to deliver on this transition.”
Chargefox charging station locations
It seems a bit weird that Charles mulled openly about choosing another name to be known by as King, due to association with the Stuart kings. Why did Elizabeth name him Charles in the first place, given that she would also have known the history? Surely she would have had a reason.
September 9, 2022 at 5:44 pm
Queensland won’t release modelling on land tax increase
Of course not as there has never been an modelling. You don’t need a model for extortion. The Mafia have the model for that already………………LOL
EV drive days
Supported by the NSW Government, we’re hosting a series of elective vehicle (EV) drive days where you can find out everything you need to know about owning and driving an EV.
You’ll have the opportunity to get behind the wheel of an EV for a test drive and talk to experts about buying and charging EVs. You can also check out a range of vehicle models and find out about chargers currently available in Australia.
Our EV drive days are free to attend and open to all, so bring your friends and family along. Even if you’re not up for a test drive, there’ll be food available to purchase, Member giveaways, information stalls, and EV experts on hand to answer all your questions.
Our first drive days in Ku-ring-gai were a huge success. Read about the event and see some great pictures and video footage.
Next up, we’re bringing EV drive days to Wagga Wagga and Newcastle:
Wagga Wagga EV drive days – 17 and 18 September 2022
Newcastle EV drive day – 26 November 2022
Spent this arvo in the Melbourne Zoo with son and Grandson. The animals were great. The lecturing info placards about the imminent death of everything because of humans please send money was amusing. Driving back into the city and passed a giant pink banner stating that the gender pay gap is f*king real.. Flying home tonight
September 9, 2022 at 5:55 pm
It seems a bit weird that Charles mulled openly about choosing another name to be known by as King, due to association with the Stuart kings. Why did Elizabeth name him Charles in the first place, given that she would also have known the history? Surely she would have had a reason.
Look, Charlie Boy can always change his name from the one that he was given and christened with. Just like you I guess. So Fuck Wit for you then? Seems quite appropriate given all of the posts that I read from you…………………………
EV road trip: Dubbo to Broken Hill
Go west across the heart of NSW to discover a vastly different world to the coast, where pastoral and mining history blends with authentic outback characters into an unforgettable experience.
And what’s more, you can now take this road trip in the comfort of your electric vehicle – thanks to the NRMA’s network of fast chargers. We’ve taken the guesswork out and planned the journey for you, including opening charging stops at Broken Hill, Wilcannia and Cobar, with Casino, Brewarrina and Bourke to follow soon (say goodbye to range anxiety). We also took the journey ourselves in an EV and captured the best places to eat, sleep, discover and enjoy.
– Day 1: Dubbo
– Stop 2: Historic times
– Stop 3: Top up at the NRMA fast charger
– Day 2: Dubbo to Cobar
– Stop 2: Follow the Bogan
– Stop 3: Mining riches
– Day 3: Cobar to Broken Hill
EV drivers in Wilcannia can use the NRMA fast charger located outside the charming façade of Wilcannia Hospital on Ross Street. The Indigenous artwork here, ‘River Fish’, was specially created for the NRMA by local artist, Eddy Harris.
Wonder how long that will stay working
– Stop 2: Only in Broken Hill…
– Stop 3: Venturing further
So how will Markle exploit the situation.
Common sense dictates that she stays well away from any aspect of the mourning and funeral, but will that towering narcissism allow her to do so?
More likely, we will be treated to the full panolpy of hypocrisy and faux victimhood that her script writers are no doubt working on as we speak.
If she leaves the UK being hated, that will be a victory for her. Endless daytime TV opportunities present themselves.
Disclosure. I believe that Markle is a genius, which in no way detracts from my other belief that she is an evil bitch.
Well if Rex is busy with higher priorities, good.
“Mehreen Faruqi:
“Condolences to those who knew the Queen. I cannot mourn a leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples.””
Yet this same despicable woman follows an ideology that for fourteen hundred years, since its inception, has….
1. enslaved people and is still enslaving people, particularly sub-Saharan blacks.
2. raped women
3. forced subjected peoples to convert to her pernicious ideology
4. invaded and colonised lands across the Middle East, the sub-continent and parts of Europe and created empires such as the Ottoman Empire and the Moghul Empire (where more than fifty million Hindus and Buddhists were butchered)
5. stole Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist religious sites
6. routinely murdered people who objected to her pernicious ideology and plundered the wealth of those colonised peoples
7. Continues to terrorise people across the globe through bombings, decapitations and so on.
I suggest someone tell Ms Faruqi to shut her fucking mouth.
Oh yes, the JAX realignment shtick
*Referring to” Liz
I’ve read one account that claimed that, had World War Two gone on into 1947, as was planned, anywhere up to fifteen million Japanese would have died from starvation or disease.
“Queensland parliament to be called off for a week as mark of respect for the Queen”
Something the Queen wouldn’t want.
They just don’t get it.
Ever the diplomat….
…and famed Stalinist, Winston Churchill.
Jorge you’re starting to sound like Bird with this lunatic fringe stuff. You could never negotiate with the Nazis. Or the Japs. Or Mussolini. Or the Soviets.
All had to be destroyed.
At the recommendation of an acquaintance, in the past two days I flew and drove down to Sturgis the host town for the annual biker meet.
It was fantastic in a way that only the US can produce. The museums, bizarre bars, extraordinary people, shops selling everything than anyone could dream of for bikes, including lots of guns.
It was fantastic. Most memorable were the people. Genuinely friendly and not in the “y’all gotta come round for supper sometime” way. They were the real deal. I loved it.
Yeah Johnny, I’m not buying what you’re selling either. You sound like a sock.
I am not particularly interested in what the real Johnny Rotten has to say about the Queen dying, let alone a fake one.
Smells like laundry day today.
“Ever the diplomat….”
The world could do with diplomats like me!
“Yeah Johnny, I’m not buying what you’re selling either. You sound like a sock.”
Nope, he’s no sock. He’s lurked here for a long time. He’s not a pest like you.
They are there. Building commenced at the very beginning of Covid, when they were still carrying on about “2 weeks to flatten the curve”. Maybe they won’t even know what the ultimate purpose is until they get their orders from on high. Every western country reacted in exactly the same way, so it was obviously orchestrated.
We’ve been here before.
Imagine you’re Roosevelt.
You start negotiating with Hitler after five or so friendly frames of snooker and some nice scotch.
You get convivial and backslapping. You settle into easy chairs and pull out the port.
What do you agree to with your new chum?
Apart from being totally bizarre, what could they possibly agree upon?
Princess Anne stays in the background. Takes after her father.
Probably true of all the modern ideologies, incl. the first, but a conditional surrender will be sought first.
I see Steve Bannon was perpwalked in handcuffs today, on fraud charges. Why is it that so many of Trump’s allies are criminals?
No they didn’t.
Charging your EV at home
We already rely on home charging for many of our essential items such as phones and laptops, however, with an electric motoring future approaching, it could be your electric vehicle (EV) you’ll be charging at home next.
Driving an EV requires consideration and planning of where, when and how to charge. By understanding the different types of home EV chargers available, and which is best for you, EV ownership can be made much more convenient and cost-effective.
Owners have a few options when it comes to charging their EV at home, with options varying in price, charging speed and difficulty of installation.
What types of EV chargers are suitable for the home?
EV chargers are classed in one of four tiers, known as levels. These ascend as power output, price and complexity of installation increases. Level 1 and Level 2 are suitable for home charging, whereas Level 3 and Level 4 are generally only seen in public or commercial charging station applications.
Charging from a wall socket: Level 1 (single-phase alternating current [AC])
Charging from a home wall box: Level 2 (single- and three-phase AC)
Charging from a public DC charger: Level 3 (fast direct current [DC]) and Level 4 (super-fast and ultra-fast DC)
Charging from a wall socket – Level 1 EV charging
Utilising a regular 240-volt wall socket and the charging cable supplied with an EV – referred to as electric vehicle standard equipment (EVSE) – Level 1 is the cheapest and simplest form of home EV charging.
Level 1 charging outputs between 2.4 to 3.7kW per hour at 10 to 15 amps (A), due to limitations of a standard home wall sockets.
This means a Level 1 charger operating at the upper end of the range (3.7kW) can charge an EV with a 37kWh battery pack from empty to full in approximately 11 hours at a typical charge rate. For reference, a Hyundai Kona Standard Range EV has a 39.2kWh capacity providing 305km of driving range.
standard Australian wall socket outlet electric vehicle level 1 charging ev
Price and installation
Level 1 charging only requires one end of the EVSE to be plugged into a power outlet and the other into an EV, meaning Level 1 charging is portable and requires no modification to a home/accommodation venue. It’s as simple as that.
EVSE is included in an EV’s base price, meaning Level 1 charging only costs as much as the price of electricity consumed.
Please note: do not to use extension cords with EVSE. Extension cords are generally not suited to the sustained, high amperage conditions seen during Level 1 charging.
Charging from a home wall box – Level 2 EV charging
Moving up to Level 2 charging brings increased power outputs and reduced charging times, however cost and complexity of installation also rise sharply
– Level 2 single-phase
– Price and installation
As Level 2 single-phase wall chargers draw more current than a standard wall socket can provide, an electrician will need to be brought in to route a dedicated circuit/cable to the unit.
Many reputable brands offer Level 2 single-phase wall chargers in Australia on the lean side of $1250. However, labour cost for installation can vary depending on the design of your home, accessibility to wiring and other factors. An electrician’s quote is your only sure-fire way to know how much to budget.
Level 2 three-phase
Level 2 three-phase EV charging provides the highest power outputs of all AC charging options, however the privilege can come with a large price tag as most Australian residential properties do not have the required infrastructure.
The use of beefed-up wiring and wall charger allows a Level 2 three-phase charger to receive and output more than 400v. This increases charging output to a whopping 22kW – almost 10 times that of Level 1 charging.
Price and installation
While Level 2 three-phase wall chargers themselves do not cost a lot more than single-phase versions, coming in at about $1500–2200, the bulk of the expense to install one in your home will be an electrician’s labour charges.
Why is this? Most Australian residential properties are fed with single-phase AC, whereas three-phase AC is commonly reserved for commercial and industrial sites to operate heavy-duty machinery.
The cost to run three-phase wiring to a wall charger will depend on how far your property is from a three-phase connector on the electrical grid and whether power is supplied overhead or underground in your area.
– Comparing home EV charging setups
– Calculating estimated charging time
– Charging your EV with solar powering the solar panels
– Weather unpredictability
– Which type of home EV charger is best for me?
– How far you need to drive
– What type of EV you own
– Is three-phase charging suitable for my EV?
The NY and NYC governments are insane.
Have you looked at the charges?
If Bannon is guilty, then every charity director needs to be incarcerated too.
It would have required a deft hand on behalf of the yanks, but if they knew them what they knew in 1947, would they have considered it more closely?
Throttling back supplies would have required a very deft hand indeed. If this had been done, and the soviets sniffed this out, then no doubt they would have done some manufacturing rebalancing to address this. In some areas such as communication radio’s they would have really struggled to do this. Their indigenous radio manufacturing industry was terrible (one of their favourite aspects of the P-39 was the fact that it had a radio that worked.)
You can add lefties to that list.
Yeah, Dot, I know it sounds deranged. A month ago, I finished Diana Wests American Betrayal. Still fired up.
Why is it that none of them faced criminal charges before going against the Democrats?
Katharine Hepburn is a real looker?
Katharine Hepburn in a tennis dress …….
The negotiations wouldn’t have been with Hitler just as they weren’t with the Kaiser in WW1.
link Bons?
Cassie of Sydneysays:
September 9, 2022 at 6:07 pm
Great post, Cassie!
Ever the truthful, informed, articulate, knowledgeable realist.
A Cat jewel.
Any of the bush lawyers on this blog help out? Does the Senate have the power to censure Faruqi for her comments?
It’s the same charge that Trump pardoned him for at a federal level, but this time the state brought it. No double jeopardy because the Feds didn’t charge him before the pardon came.
He’s guilty as sin.
It’s the ideas that need to be destroyed.
They need to see their dreams in tatters as a lesson to those being exposed to them.
My kids sit around all day doing nothing, only to pass judgement on 96 year old passed monarchs. Leftist destruction of electricity, internet and air conditioning is the only things they’ll listen to.
A few things could be said in response to this…
But for now I’ll simply note your apparent lack of comprehension of the presumption of innocence.
What he is guilty of is literally 4.5% of how most charities deal with their donors and beneficiaries.
Bannon paid himself 1 mn from 25 mn.
Most charities take 90% in admin costs, non profit directors are paid like executives in small non listed companies.