Open Thread – Tues 6 Sept 2022

David with the Head of Goliath, Caravaggio, 1610

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September 6, 2022 1:25 pm

Joe Biden Gets Lost on Stage — Starts Mumbling About “Rededudenedefet” this Year (VIDEO)

Joe Biden had another rough day today.

Biden traveled to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to talk to captive union crowds and still the venues were empty.

At one point in his speech in Wisconsin Joe started mumbling about “rededudenedefet” this year.

TelePrompter: “Do you know how much we Reduced the deficit this year?”

Joe Biden: “Do you know how much Rededudenedefet this year?”

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 1:27 pm


Make their primary responsibility the concerns of their constituents with the actions of the bureaucracy. Restrict sittng days to only two weeks a year. The first week to be devoted to repealing obsolete legislation, the second week to passing new legislation, with no more pages of legislation to be passed than were repealed in the first week.

If nothing else, it should improve the readability and conciseness of new Acts of Parliament. Then we could hope eventually to return to the era of “Ignorance of the law is no excuse”. At present, even legal eggspurts do not understand the full range of Australian federal and state law.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 6, 2022 1:28 pm

September 6, 2022 at 10:05 am · Reply
I get very angry when I hear Leftists laughingly mock Ivermectin, as they typically do, by referring to it as a “horse dewormer”.

Just about every modern medicine that we take is only approved for humans after it can be proved to work on animals in the lab.

The antibiotic that saves us from infection was previously a medicine for mice medicine, later being used for humans.

September 6, 2022 1:28 pm

mizaris says:
September 6, 2022 at 12:51 pm
Dot – September 6, 2022 at 6:40 am

I’m female and worked in wastewater.

You aren’t shitting all over men though. You’re a good egg. Plus, the women who do that generally DON’T do the hard work you have done.

September 6, 2022 1:29 pm

DEVELOPING: Body Found in Hunt For ‘Kidnapped’ Billionaire Heiress Eliza Fletcher

Jogged into a 13%er … and the rest is history.

– The media, the left and most of the right deny this fact publicly but know it is actually true.

– Or realize you need to stay away from cannibalistic rape apes, there’s a starter.

– Seems nowdays most of these 13%ers just can’t stop their criminal behavior! Once a criminal always a criminal, and no one is safe when they are near.

And Finally

– Amish gonna Amish

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 6, 2022 1:34 pm

Cows were spayed in the yards in the late 70’s early 80’s around the Nebo area of Qld. I was building stockyards then and helped in the yards from time to time.

Back then they would have called a spayed a spayed.

Now they are having null-gender affirmation procedures.

I suspect the ABC’s biggest issue (pat self on back: avoided making the pun about them having a beef) is that the cows aren’t being counselled by sheep with plastic horns on their heads (trans-sheep) or purple-haired bulls with nose-rings that were too inferior for the farmers to allow them to breed.

September 6, 2022 1:34 pm

Aussie Federal Government Cries Poor on Fuel Taxes – But Still has Billions to Spend on Climate Action

Essay by Eric Worrall

The Australian Albanese Government claims revenue is too tight to extend a temporary fuel tax cut which saved motorists $6 billion per year – but they still have cash to spend on a $20 billion renewable grid upgrade.

‘It will be difficult’: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese concedes cost of living crisis will worsen ahead of increase to fuel prices

Ahead of an expected rate hike and an increase to the price of fuel, Anthony Albanese has conceded the coming months will be difficult for many Australians.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has admitted the end of the fuel excise cut will further add to the skyrocketing cost of living issues facing Australians.

The former Coalition government announced the temporary six-month halving of the fuel excise tax – which was 44.2 cents per litre – during the March Budget amid soaring petrol prices.

The measure, which ends on September 29, will see the excise again rise by 22 cents.

Ahead of a new parliament sitting week, Mr Albanese said the cut announced in the budget had bipartisan support as he noted it was a “difficult decision” to end it.

The plan is to spend $20 billion over 8 years, or $2.5 billion per year on the green grid upgrade. The temporary fuel excise cut, which cost the government $6 billion per year (half the $12 billion raised annually), saved Australians $0.22 / litre fuel ($0.81 / gallon).

So by these numbers, if the government cancelled its green grid upgrade, the savings could fund a $2.5 billion per year permanent cut in fuel tax, which would save Australians $0.22 ÷ $6 billion x $2.5 billion = $0.09 / litre, or $0.33 / gallon.

September 6, 2022 1:40 pm

What should be happening is they all get rounded up and prioritized for “immediate” deportation back to wherever ….. bite the hand that doesn’t want to feed you .. typical boat-folk attitude! .. FFS!

September 6, 2022 1:45 pm
Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 1:58 pm

CDC Warns Of New ‘Stealth’ COVID Variant Where You Test Negative And Get No Symptoms

WHO makes this rubbish up?

September 6, 2022 2:02 pm

WHO makes this rubbish up?

The Babylon Bee. Look it up.

September 6, 2022 2:17 pm

British News Broadcaster ITV Creates Gameshow for Desperate Viewers to Win Chance to Have Energy Bills Paid

Yes, it’s like something out of a dystopian ‘hunger games’ movie, except it is unfortunately real life. ITV News in Great Britain is running a wheel-of-fortune type marketing campaign where desperate viewers can call in for an opportunity to spin the wheel and win having their energy bills paid.

Comrades, it is not a spoof, this actually took place today and it looks like it will continue due to popular demand. UK citizens are facing astronomical increases in energy bills as a result of the EU green climate change agenda in combination with Russia halting the export of natural gas. The price of natural gas increased 30% today alone as Russia cuts off supplies completely. Europe is on the brink of the worst economic recession in history.

ITV steps in with a promotional effort that shows just how bizarre this Build Back Better future has become. Perhaps next week viewers might be able to call in for a chance at winning extra food rations, chocolates or even gasoline. Here’s a video to show what is happening. WATCH:

September 6, 2022 2:22 pm

More one way rides in helicopters?

September 6, 2022 2:33 pm

More one way rides in helicopters?

The helicopter ride vaccine is Safe and Effective!

September 6, 2022 2:41 pm

but so too was early treatment of the infected who, from Day 1 of a pandemic, were to be medicated with anti-viral drugs

eh fuck them. pharma profits uber alles!

September 6, 2022 2:42 pm

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has admitted the end of the fuel excise cut will further add to the skyrocketing cost of living issues facing Australians.

let them eat …. bugs! crickets! cockroaches!

September 6, 2022 2:49 pm

let them eat …. bugs! crickets! cockroaches!

While driving a hyper expensive electric Ute that doesn’t work.

Fuck them. Fuck the lot of them.

September 6, 2022 2:51 pm

The Seekers – Come The Day (Stereo: 1967)
Judith Durham & the Boys’ opening number in their free concert at the Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne.

September 6, 2022 2:53 pm

UK energy crisis is a burden of war

It would be a crime and a folly to let the domestic costs of the war fall disproportionately on the least well-off. Solidarity in sharing these burdens is obligatory. In wartime, markets are not sacrosanct.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. The UK has rightly supported Ukraine’s cause in its war with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Today’s soaring gas prices are as much a weapon in Putin’s fight as missiles directed at Ukraine and, like them, they will kill.

It would be a crime and a folly to let the domestic costs of the war fall disproportionately on the least well-off. Solidarity in sharing these burdens is obligatory. So, too, is willingness to shed shibboleths. In wartime, markets are not sacrosanct.

Price controls, even rationing, must be on the table.

The price of natural gas is nearly five times what it was a year ago. The result is a distributional shock, a terms of trade shock (since the UK is a big net importer of gas), an overall price shock (with inflation likely to hit 20 per cent), and a contractionary shock to gross domestic product.

The distributional shock is the most important. According to ING, even with the measures already taken by the government, the cost of energy could rise from 12 per cent of household disposable income for the lowest decile in 2021, to 41 per cent between October 2022 and September 2023.

Even at the sixth decile it could go from 4 per cent to 14 per cent of disposable income. This would be a massive (and massively unequal) squeeze on people’s real incomes.

According to the Resolution Foundation, the UK is set to experience the largest two-year decline in median non-pensioner real disposable income after housing costs in 100 years.

It is evident that losses to less well-off households on this scale would be morally and politically unbearable. So, too, would be the costs to businesses and the likely reductions in spending and gross domestic product.

Something has to be done, and it has to be massive, given the scale of this shock. So, what should it be?

There exists a standard, professionally approved package. It is, as IMF staff have recently repeated, to allow price signals to operate freely and target the vulnerable. That approach would surely be better than the regressive tax cuts discussed in the Tory leadership contest.

But this is one of those situations in which a difference of degree is a difference in kind.

A rise in prices that is manageable by most of the population is one thing. A rise in prices that imposes such big costs on almost everyone, while giving huge windfalls to a few producers, is something else altogether.

These price rises are unnecessarily and unsustainably large. It is also hard to target assistance, without creating a cliff edge between those who are helped and those who are not. Not least, it is very difficult to target the help in ways that allow for differences in household circumstances.

None of this matters all that much if the price rises were smaller. But these are too large. The country cannot permit many millions to do without the energy they need, especially in winter.

So, what is to be done? Torsten Bell, chief executive of the Resolution Foundation, has argued in the Financial Times that we need to cap energy prices below current market rates.

I agree. Indeed, we need to do this, while simultaneously targeting assistance at the most vulnerable, since it is certainly sensible, in terms of incentives and limiting the fiscal costs, to allow a significant, albeit constrained, rise in prices.

The UK has the substantial advantage that it is not overwhelmingly dependent on foreign sources of gas. On the contrary, almost half of total supply comes from the UK continental shelf. Furthermore, only 44 per cent of electricity is generated by gas, with another 43 per cent coming from zero carbon sources (nuclear and renewables).

So, while imported gas is a big tail, there is no reason at all why it should wag the energy dog.

As an emergency measure, the government can and should impose price controls on domestic gas producers and generators of nuclear and renewable electricity. These prices should be substantially higher than prewar, but not at today’s “Putin levels”.

The government should also subsidise the price of gas imports to these controlled levels. These controls (and subsidies) should end when prices of imports fall, as they surely will.

The government will also need to fund the envisaged subsidies and targeted assistance to the vulnerable. Again, as in wartime, this should be done through additional borrowing and taxes on the well-off, justified as a special and temporary “solidarity levy”.

This will not go down well with many members of the Conservative party. Yet, the new prime minister needs to remember that this electorate need never again be their concern. The nation as a whole definitely is.

This is war. The government must act. Tinkering is not enough. Go big. Be bold.

Financial Times

September 6, 2022 2:56 pm

John Connor II
September 6, 2022 at 2:51 pm · Reply

Thought for the day:

The difference between a drug cartel and the government is that the cartel doesn’t force you to take their drugs.

September 6, 2022 3:00 pm

A call on governments to reform the fuel excise

The NRMA is calling on Australian governments to transition from the antiquated fuel excise model to a more progressive and equitable ‘user pays’ charging system to ensure the necessary funds to build and maintain roads over the long term.

Fuel excise in Australia is set to return to its full 46 cents per litre on the wholesale price of petrol and diesel on 29 September 2022, following a temporary reduction to ease cost of living pressures.

The NRMA believes now is the right time to consider a ‘Road User Charge’ model that will improve the current tax system and help to ensure greater fairness for road users as Australians transition to more fuel efficient vehicles, including fully electric variants.

Transitioning the fuel excise to a Road User Charge model should be revenue neutral and not increase the overall tax burden on motorists.

Reform should also include consolidating other road-related taxes and charges, including registration and stamp duty, to simplify the system and improve transparency for motorists.

Critically, a Road User Charge should not create a further barrier to the uptake of EVs in Australia. Last year, the NRMA supported introducing a 2.5c/km (indexed to CPI) charge on EVs, but only from 1 July 2027 or when EVs represent 30 per cent of new vehicle sales.

To accomplish this, the NRMA proposes a phased approach to introduce this Road User Charge model:

Phase 1
Rationalise the tolled motorway network
Network-wide charging will improve simplicity, consistency and user equity.

Multiple trip charging caps could benefit rationalisation and support heavy users.

Phase 2
Replace fixed charges, including registration and stamp duty, with a distance-based charge
Distance-based charging will remove inefficient and inequitable fixed charges.

Distance-based charging can underpin further road pricing reform.

Phase 3
Replace fuel excise with a distance-based charge, including caps to ensure cost neutrality
Distance-based charging will remove a regressive and unsustainable tax.

Distance-based charging at the state and territory level would effectively administer a ‘tax switch’, giving states greater control over decision making that impacts their road network.

Phase 4
Introduce variable charging based on location, time of day and type of vehicle
Variable charging will improve user equity and enable dynamic traffic management.

Network efficiency will enhance asset utilisation.

Phase 5
Adjust changes over time to ensure sustainable roads and transport funding
Enables flexible charging based on consumer propensity to pay and funding requirements.

Enables improved decision making in relation to capital expenditure and maintenance.

September 6, 2022 3:02 pm

“Ivermectin, fixed me up in three days flat. That’s the only study I’ve needed.”

I have read well over 100 articles about Ivermectin, probably over 200, I tried to get it when I got covid but no luck. Any well researched person who doubts Ivermectin is only reading big pharma approved material.
And as someone else said “who gives a fuck? it’s harmless and has been in use for decades.” as far as I can tell only worms don’t like it.

September 6, 2022 3:06 pm
September 6, 2022 3:07 pm

Biden Has a Labor Day Festival of Fail With Remarks in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania

But then at further remarks in Pittsburgh, he had still more difficulties. His crowd was minuscule. Looks like the last place anyone wanted to be on the holiday was with Joe Biden except for the union folks who were likely told to be there.

Finally, he again seemed to get lost as to what he was supposed to be doing at the end of his remarks, “Where am I going?”

September 6, 2022 3:10 pm

Replace fixed charges, including registration and stamp duty, with a distance-based charge
Distance-based charging will remove inefficient and inequitable fixed charges.
Distance-based charging can underpin further road pricing reform.

Probably a silly question but what does distance based charging mean? ..
I’m guessing that the majority of Oz road travel isn’t on toll roads so how do you fit non-toll road usage into the pix?
reality check# .. I don’t drive so don’t care .. just curious .. LOL!

September 6, 2022 3:14 pm

Unearthed Clip Completely Exposes Top January 6th Committee Member

It’s hard to pick the most grating member of the January 6th committee. I think for pure hysterical unseriousness, you’d have to go with Adam Kinzinger. He’s so bad that even the other members rarely acknowledge his existence publicly. Of course, Liz Cheney is in the discussion, though she manages to be a bit more cunning in her dissolution of all the principles she claims to hold dear.

But as far as the Democrats on the committee go, the choice is easy: Jamie Raskin takes the cake.

You see, Raskin objected to the certification of the 2016 election in an attempt to stop Donald Trump from assuming power. He’s never once apologized for or reframed his efforts. Instead, he’s acted as if they simply never happened, and certainly, the news media has shown zero interest in pressing him on the matter.

You see, he didn’t “deny” the election, they say. He simply objected on procedural grounds with no actual thought of overturning the results.

That’s what makes a newly unearthed clip from 2003 brought forth by the RNC so damning. It’s not just about his actions, which he would later take in 2016, but it’s a window into his intent over a decade prior.

Raskin’s language in the clip isn’t ambiguous. He outright accuses the 2000 election of being stolen, an allegation he now maintains is the gravest of sins. “Election denial” has become a phrase du jour on the left, and it’s been one the January 6th committee has used repeatedly to describe a segment of people they openly disdain and want to punish. Yet, here’s one of the committee’s top members claiming a presidential election was stolen, with George being a “court-appointed president.”

He goes further, though, delving into the false conspiracy theory that all the votes weren’t counted in Florida. The votes were counted multiple times in Florida following the 2000 election. Gore saw fit to try to force recounts until he won, and the courts finally said enough.

How do you square that with Raskin’s current proclamations and grandstanding? The answer is that you can’t square it, though he won’t be asked to do so

The point is this. Everything these people claim their enemies are, they actually are. Hypocrisy undergirds the January 6th committee and the Democratic Party. Raskin and others started the trend of denying election results before any Republican ever even entertained the idea.

September 6, 2022 3:16 pm

When the gloss of publicity fades along with whatever “appeal” you thought you had even the smallest “victory” helps .. LOL!

September 6, 2022 3:16 pm

” Any well researched person who doubts Ivermectin is only reading big pharma approved material.”
Any well read person, is that an appeal to authority?

I’ve yet to see a double blind randomised trial of any dosage, for any period,in combination with any other drug, where ivermectin makes a whit of difference but as I’ve said repeatedly take all the ivermectin you can lay your hands on, no cares given.

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 3:24 pm

The plan is to spend $20 billion over 8 years, or $2.5 billion per year on the green grid upgrade.

So, while spending this money over 8 years, presumably from now on, what happens when you take out the NSW Electricity Generating Plants powered by Coal before then? What plan is next when the reliable 24/7 Power Generation has been discarded without this Micky Mouse green grid nowhere complete?

And the next Federal Erection is in 2025……………..I can just see the state of Australia then. A failed State. Failed by the Idiots in Federal and State/Territory Guv’ments. An accident just waiting to happen. Laybore fiddles while Australia goes down the toilet.

The Clever Country……………..LOL

September 6, 2022 3:25 pm

I’ve yet to see a double blind randomised trial of any dosage, for any period,in combination with any other drug, where ivermectin makes a whit of difference but as I’ve said repeatedly take all the ivermectin you can lay your hands on, no cares given.

You are being silly now. Do you know how Ivermectin works? This is like saying Interferons won’t work for the same reasons.

There’s a good chance said studies exist anyway. Look on Pub Med/NBCI of US NIH.

September 6, 2022 3:26 pm

I have read well over 100 articles about Ivermectin, probably over 200, I tried to get it when I got covid but no luck. Any well researched person who doubts Ivermectin is only reading big pharma approved material.

Starmec oral. Easy to dose etc. if I go off grid at all, I will get some.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 3:28 pm


Probably a silly question but what does distance based charging mean? ..
I’m guessing that the majority of Oz road travel isn’t on toll roads so how do you fit non-toll road usage into the pix?

I think that Vicco already has such a system for EVs. IIRC, it involves providing odometer readings at registration time, and receiving a bill.

The fascist wet dream would be for cars to be tracked using in-built GPS, and billing to be deducted automatically from bank accounts. If nothing else, it would make a business of faking GPS signals profitable.

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 3:30 pm

I have read well over 100 articles about Ivermectin, probably over 200, I tried to get it when I got covid but no luck. Any well researched person who doubts Ivermectin is only reading big pharma approved material.
And as someone else said “who gives a fuck? it’s harmless and has been in use for decades.” as far as I can tell only worms don’t like it.

Yes and the Worms are in Big Pharma and Big Guv’ment. They don’t like it one bit.

September 6, 2022 3:31 pm

On that kidknapping…

“Was accused of rape”

That should play no part of the criminal justice process.

You could simply accuse someone until the cheap truck turned a “good” result.

September 6, 2022 3:34 pm

“let them eat …. bugs! crickets! cockroaches!”

Come to think of it, that Adam Bandt is a weedy little fucker.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 6, 2022 3:39 pm

I’ve yet to see a double blind randomised trial of any dosage, for any period,in combination with any other drug, where ivermectin makes a whit of difference but as I’ve said repeatedly take all the ivermectin you can lay your hands on, no cares given.

I’ve yet to see one which wasn’t a “designed to fail”.

Who do you expect to fund such a trial that isn’t designed to fail? Originators certainly won’t. Even if generics or governments would, scientists know that in the medium to long term their careers depend on the originators. Anyone who’s worked in any profession with pharma companies as clients knows that it’s war and that once you do any work for a generic that’s the end of any work for originators – and since only originators spend big money on trials, no-one whose living depends on getting paid to do trials is going to do anything that would help the generics at the expense of the originators.
Sure, that doesn’t prove that Ivermectin works, but it does give an explanation why the vast data on tens of millions of people from places like India showing massive benefits from Ivermectin hasn’t been corroborated by formal trials.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
September 6, 2022 3:43 pm

Insects eaten alive by a swarm of greenies.

September 6, 2022 3:47 pm

EXCLUSIVE – Official Documents confirm real reason Moderna is suing Pfizer: Moderna created & patented COVID Virus in 2013 following Gain of Function Research which allowed Moderna to develop COVID Vaccine before World knew COVID-19 existed

This is something David Martin was talking about a year or more ago. Not the lawsuit but the fact that part of the virus (in fact he believed that all of it at various times over the previous two decades) had been patented prior to the “pandemic”.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Distance based charging has been raised before.
In the 1980s this was put forward for the transport industry by some smarty in the Qld govt. (or praps it was the C’wealth govt)
The idea was to charge rego on trucks by mileage, by means of an odometer on the hub of each trailer.

It came unstuck coz there wasn’t a way to measure the distance trucks travelled on private land.
It was only furious & forceful representation by the truckies that stopped it, the public service was right on board with the concept.

NRMA’s proposal will be equally as ill-considered. Hector & Myrtle are good NRMA members & drive to the corner shop twice a month. The thinking will be their rego will go to $5 per year (coz low distance) while petrol heads who drive all the time will pay Big $$$$ & serves them right!

September 6, 2022 3:48 pm

It is evident that losses to less well-off households on this scale would be morally and politically unbearable. So, too, would be the costs to businesses and the likely reductions in spending and gross domestic product.

Something has to be done, and it has to be massive, given the scale of this shock. So, what should it be

I dont suppose going back to reliable fossil fuel based energy (coal) would be on the cards then?
Just how much of a “shock” would it have to be to overthrow they shibboleths of AGW and its handmaiden, carbon based poverty.

Carbon constraint = poverty.
No one has broken the link between energy consumption and standard of living.

Going to be a lot of dead pensioners before the dickheads and wise mongs of government relearn that.

September 6, 2022 3:59 pm

Probably a silly question but what does distance based charging mean? ..
I’m guessing that the majority of Oz road travel isn’t on toll roads so how do you fit non-toll road usage into the pix?

check your odo reading at rego time (which they currently do).

The spastics don’t even think that it’ll lead directly to a burgeoning new market in odo tampering and disconnected speedos.

As Boambee John points out – their wet dream is for your vehicle to be GPS tracked everywhere and then charge on distance, location, and time (eg: higher charge for peak times in the cities).

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 3:59 pm

September 6, 2022 at 3:34 pm
“let them eat …. bugs! crickets! cockroaches!”

Come to think of it, that Adam Bandt is a weedy little fucker.

Just feed him to the Triffids or Giant Venus Fly Traps. Mother Nature fights back !!!!!!!………….LOL

September 6, 2022 3:59 pm


September 6, 2022 at 12:32 pm

I loath land tax even more than CGT, pure unadulterated theft. However looks like an high court challenge would likely squash this iteration.

The tax will possibly tank prices too. For SEQ might give a needed hair cut but for us in the regions would be devestating. My value has just got back to parity after the downturn.

Chrisifulli really needs to start asserting or get out of the way. He’s proving as useless as Freckless was…

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 4:05 pm

I do like that Painting of David with Goliath’s head. But I was always led to believe that Goliath was so much bigger than David and that David only had a sling shot. So Goliath’s head should be much larger than depicted and maybe David used Goliath’s sword to remove the head from the body.

Obviously, artistic licence here or the Bible is wrong…………….Or I’m wrong………………LOL

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 6, 2022 4:05 pm

September 6, 2022 at 3:58 pm
‘I’m DONE with Portland’ : Furious residents of the Dem-led city reveal to why they have no choice but to sell their homes as ‘homeless drug addicts’ set up camp right outside their front doors

They’ll move elsewhere and keep voting Democrat.

September 6, 2022 4:08 pm

September 6, 2022 at 3:49 pm
Private jet with prominent German businessman and 3 others on board crashes into Baltic Sea with “no explanation at all”

Similar to


A ghost plane crashed in the Australian outback today- killing all eight aboard – after flying 1,900 miles in five hours with no one at the controls.

The tragedy was a repeat of last October’s bizarre accident in which golfing great Payne Stewart and five others were killed when their Lear Jet out of Florida flew on autopilot for hours, finally running out of fuel and crashing in South Dakota.

The Australian plane set out with seven miners on a short flight from Perth to the gold-mining town of Leonora, both in Western Australia.

Officials believe that – as in the case of Stewart’s jet – the plane suddenly lost pressure, leaving the pilot and passengers unconscious.

The plane did not respond to radio contact and traveled northeast across the vast outback at 25,000 feet, flying virtually in a straight line for at least five hours across three states before running out of fuel and crashing.

Sons of Gwalia Ltd., one of Australia’s largest gold producers, said seven of its employees were on the plane. There were no survivors.

“It would appear as though the airplane was on autopilot, certainly on heading hold, and it would have maintained a constant heading until the aircraft ran out of fuel, at least on one engine anyway,” said an Australian Transport Safety Bureau spokesman.

“It’s consistent with some sort of a problem with the cabin pressurization system or oxygen system, [but] that’s yet to be determined,” he said.

PS Sons of Gwalia Ltd Mine and Herbert Hoover’s (Later President America) House and Township below worth visiting

A Brief History Of Gwalia And The Sons Of Gwalia Mine

Seeking additional capital, Hall commenced negotiations with a London firm who sent 23 year old mining engineer, Herbert Hoover, to inspect the mine. Hoover recognised its potential and the London and Western Australian Company subsequently took over control of the mine on 17 November 1897. In January 1898, the Sons of Gwalia Company was launched on the London Stock Exchange with Bewick Moreing & Co securing the controlling financial interest. Herbert Hoover was appointed General Manager from 1 May 1898.

In his first week at Gwalia, Hoover increased working hours, introduced single-handed work, instituted shift changes at the working face, and stopped double time on Sundays as well as bonuses for working wet ground. Hoover’s strategy was to cut costs by reducing unproductive work time and introducing contract labour. Hoover recruited a number of Italian workers whom he regarded as his allies against the unions: “I have a bunch of Italians coming up … and will put them in the mine on contract work. If they are satisfactory I will secure enough of them to hold the property in case of a general strike and … will reduce wages.” By the early 1900s and up to the closure of Sons of Gwalia Mine in 1963, a large proportion of the miners were Italian or Yugoslavian.

Hoover oversaw the design of the staff and office buildings on the hill overlooking the mine and growing townsite where the workers lived. He was transferred to China in November 1898 before the majority of the buildings (including the Mine Manager’s House) were completed. Hoover went on to become the 31st president of the United States of America.

September 6, 2022 4:08 pm

They’ll move elsewhere and keep voting Democrat.

Many have trouble admitting their screw ups.

September 6, 2022 4:09 pm

September 6, 2022 at 3:58 pm
‘I’m DONE with Portland’ : Furious residents of the Dem-led city reveal to why they have no choice but to sell their homes as ‘homeless drug addicts’ set up camp right outside their front doors

Federal data from the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that nine percent of teens and adults in Oregon had illicit drug use disorders in 2020.

September 6, 2022 4:10 pm

OldOzzie says:
September 6, 2022 at 11:17 am
Rosie – Further Contras

CDC Warns Of New ‘Stealth’ COVID Variant Where You Test Negative And Get No Symptoms

Ahahaha! That’s it then!

I’ve had it for over two years. 😀

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

check your odo reading at rego time (which they currently do).

The spastics don’t even think that it’ll lead directly to a burgeoning new market in odo tampering and disconnected speedos.

These spastics are unable to conceptualise that not all the odometer is run up on public roadways.

September 6, 2022 4:16 pm

Johnny, David was a youth. He had a slingshot, which he used in his duties as shepherd, frightening off predators.

He used Goliath’s own sword to cut off the giant’s head, which he then presented to King Saul.

All in 1 Samuel 17. One of my favourite Bible stories as a child.

I love Michelangelo’s rendition too. It captures the moment when David hears the giant’s taunts and blasphemies against the LORD. David’s sling isn’t quite ready, he’s turning the stones over in his hand and his deadly eyes are fixed on the foe. All the muscles are tensed for the next action.

September 6, 2022 4:17 pm

Oregon was the first state in the United States to decriminalize possession of personal-use amounts of heroin, methamphetamine, LSD, oxycodone, and other drugs after voters approved a ballot measure in 2020 to decriminalize hard drugs.

nah – that’s not it.

September 6, 2022 4:18 pm

What another 0.5 percentage point rate rise will mean in September

$500,000: Up $145 to $2,472 from $2,327

$600,000: Up $173 to $2,966 from $2,793

$700,000: Up $202 to $3,460 from $3,258

$800,000: Up $231 to $3,955 from $3,724

$900,000: Up $260 to $4,449 from $4,189

$1,000,000: Up $289 to $4,943 from $4,654

Calculations based on the cash rate rising to 2.35 per cent from 1.85 per cent, which would see a popular Commonwealth Bank variable climb to 4.29 per cent from 3.79 per cent

A borrower with an average $600,000 mortgage will now be faced with a $173 jump in their monthly mortgage repayments as the central bank battles the worst inflation since 1990 and borrowers deal with the highest cash rate since February 2015.

The latest increase means this borrower would have seen their monthly mortgage repayments surge by $573 since early May.

The Reserve Bank of Australia has enacted a fifth successive interest rate increase.

On Tuesday the RBA board lifted the cash rate by another 50 basis points to 2.35 per cent.

The seven-year high increases the repayments on an $800,000 mortgage to $1000 a month since May.

Use our calculator below to see what Tuesday’s increase of 50 points (the right toggle button) means for your mortgage repayments.

September 6, 2022 4:21 pm

And as someone else said “who gives a fuck? it’s harmless and has been in use for decades.” as far as I can tell only worms don’t like it.

That’s really the crux of the problem, who is the state to ban us from access to medicines that are at worst harmless. Big pharma profits were the real issue. It’s an absolute disgrace.

September 6, 2022 4:22 pm

Ukrainians paid for the failure of the Kherson counteroffensive with 3000 dead and 7000 wounded

Imagine getting KIA or WIA for Zelensky. Only way it could be worse was if it was for Elbow.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Sancho Panzer says: September 6, 2022 at 10:18 am

Righto Bill.
What did these graziers do with these ‘spayed’ cows?
Put them back out to fatten up, where a fair percentage will keel over from infection, with the remainder chewing up valuable pasture which could be used to run prime steers?
Yeah, nah.
It might have been a quaint little practice in some Queensssland backwater, but there is only one true path for all cows which have passed their use-by date as breeders.
To the chopper sale.
Do not pass “Go!”.

Bill is correct.
Are you across this topic? Yeah, nah.

September 6, 2022 4:27 pm

The Reserve Bank of Australia has enacted a fifth successive interest rate increase.

Exactly what mission are they on?

September 6, 2022 4:31 pm

Imagine getting KIA or WIA for Zelensky. Only way it could be worse was if it was for Elbow.

And as a ‘Tory’, Elbow considers you an enemy anyway.
What a shit sandwich that would be.

September 6, 2022 4:33 pm

Where would we be without the Bee? That “stealth” Covid story made my day.

We have to laugh at the goons because we can’t throw rocks at them. Yet.

Rishi Singh’s “unburdening” will be the start of an avalanche, all trying to paint themselves in the best possible light while finger-pointing at the fall guys. By the time the gadarene rush of “truth telling” is over, the only one left to imprison will be the tea lady.

September 6, 2022 4:34 pm

Mortgage pain as RBA hikes rates to 2.35pc

I says it all about our fake ‘economy’ when a mortgage rate which is at least 10% below the real inflation rate is regarded as some kind of burden.

September 6, 2022 4:35 pm

Meanwhile Mongs in Masks are evident in the breakfast room here at the hotel.

Masks for serving yourself from the buffet, but suddenly it’s “safe” to sit and eat.

I would pity them if I wasn’t so angry.

September 6, 2022 4:41 pm

CCP Mini-Lathes just hit a new record low: $630 for 14” between centres with a 4” chuck and 3/4 hp direct drive motor. Appear to be selling strongly.

Come the revolution, the spice isn’t going to come from every second person having a 3D printer in their garage. It’s going to come from every second person having a CCP mini lathe in their garage.

(Note: Regulators in the UK having discovered 3D printers and their capabilities, then discovered that large numbers of people had lathes, and that they were even for capable, only 200 years to late, they briefly proposed registration of lathes and licensing of lathe owners, before having the shit beaten out of them by the previously austere Society of Model Engineers.)

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 4:45 pm

Here is a comparison of inflation in the UK v Russia. And they think that Sanctions work?…………..LOL

comment image

September 6, 2022 4:47 pm

Probably a silly question but what does distance based charging mean? ..

Think smart power meters.
The ones they can switch off when demand peaks.

Keeping the middle lane free for the big nobs during peak hour..

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal loaves of bread‘..

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 6, 2022 4:47 pm

The Backlash to rule them all? Every controversy about The Rings of Power so far | Headliners

Tolkien wrote a very detailed and intricate story – or, rather, he created a world where characters, history, and culture are all connected. This is what makes The Lord of the Rings so good, giving it a depth and a substance which allows it to carry so much more weight.

Then these morons come along, see only the most superficial level of the movies, and think they can create something monumental by stealing some of the obvious things like elves and orcs and wizards and hobbits and making a boring old 2022 woke story, with no sense at all of how shallow it is (and thus not to be compared to Tolkien’s work) nor of how it contradicts it.

More than this, LOTR was a personal creation. It is not as if Tolkien took an established setting like a story about Vikings or Rome. Who owns that? No, he made it all. There was no Middle Earth other than the one he created. So taking his creation and then changing it to something we would have deplored takes a whole new level of bastardy. “Your stuff is good enough to steal, but not to respect. You didn’t create Middle Earth properly, you moron.”

Well, those are the objections of someone who has an appreciation for the original work and is nauseated at the presumption of mediocrities thinking they can match the original.

But it would seem, apart from the visuals, that the whole production is bad. Bad acting, caricaturish language, cheap costumes, and surprisingly inept special effects. Oh, and too long, too drawn out.

Add to that the usual veneration of wokism, it is just a bad show.

They paid $250 million just for the rights to the appendices of Tolkien’s work. That is one reason why they cannot even directly draw on the Silmarillion.

The appendices!

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 4:51 pm

September 6, 2022 at 4:27 pm
The Reserve Bank of Australia has enacted a fifth successive interest rate increase.

Exactly what mission are they on?

They haven’t yet heard that the coalition is no longer in power?

September 6, 2022 4:54 pm

Ukrainians paid for the failure of the Kherson counteroffensive with 3000 dead and 7000 wounded

but the cash taps are still fully open

September 6, 2022 4:54 pm
September 6, 2022 4:55 pm

before having the shit beaten out of them by the previously austere Society of Model Engineers

Is there any truth that they were sent ashore first at Normandy on D-day after being told Goering was using non standard gauges on his model set?

/is this link a trap??

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 4:56 pm

September 6, 2022 at 4:34 pm
Mortgage pain as RBA hikes rates to 2.35pc

I says it all about our fake ‘economy’ when a mortgage rate which is at least 10% below the real inflation rate is regarded as some kind of burden.

That is not a hike. Try 1989 when our Variable Mortgage Interest Rate was 19% pa when Inflation was around 15% pa………………………….

Tell them that they are Dreaming at 2.35% pa………LOL

We were so poor that we lived in middle of road………………………

LO fucking L…………………………

September 6, 2022 4:56 pm

Big protests seen already in Germany,

It’s gonna get worse. ING Bank on Chermany;

Monthly industrial orders have been dropping since February and the latest release is, unfortunately, no exception. In July, German industrial orders dropped by 1.1% month-on-month, from -0.3% MoM in June. On the year, orders were down by almost 14%;

September 6, 2022 4:59 pm

The NRMA believes now is the right time to consider a ‘Road User Charge’ model that will improve the current tax system and help to ensure greater fairness for road users as Australians transition to more fuel efficient vehicles, including fully electric variants.

Spoiler alert. Whenever you see the words “improve the tax system” and “ensure greater fairness” you should be aware that you are about to be conned or propagandized. And in this case the dead give-away is in the words “as Australians transition to more fuel efficient vehicles, including fully electric variants.”
The question is why the NRMA has come out with this proposal now? For its members? For the good of the community? I doubt it. More likely chasing government money and more power for themselves.

September 6, 2022 5:01 pm

Exactly what mission are they on?

Recession is a foregone conclusion. By the time these IR hikes start showing up in employment , CPI etc we will be well down the hole. Other CB’s are the same. The message being “socialised” is if inflation is to be brought under control then a recession is what it takes.

Clearly our Govts have failed miserably yet again because instead of opening up SUPPLY, they have opted to sit back while the CB’s crush demand.

September 6, 2022 5:05 pm

The NRMA believes now is the right time to consider a ‘Road User Charge’ model that will improve the current tax system and help to ensure greater fairness for road users as Australians transition to more fuel efficient vehicles, including fully electric variants.

They could easily slap a ‘Road User Charge’ on electric vehicles…if they were the actual target!

100% that the various Roads authorities could print out a list of all electric cars registered today, at the press of a button, and implement ‘fairness’ almost instantaneously.

They won’t, because they want ‘fairness’…and their excise.

Cassie of Sydney
September 6, 2022 5:09 pm

We haven’t discussed here the Chilean referendum…..from Powerline…


There’s an old joke that French libraries filed their nation’s constitutions under “Periodicals.” I also recall Walter Berns once telling me the story of a visit he took to South America—it was either Argentina or Chile, I don’t recall which country he specified—where one of his academic hosts dismissed the American Constitution with the comment, “You’ve only had one constitution, while we’ve had lots of them.”

This all came back to mind with regard to the referendum this weekend for a proposed new constitution for Chile, the product of its recently installed socialist government that appears to be losing popularity at a rapid rate.

I didn’t follow the story closely, but understood that the new proposed constitution was nearly 200 pages long, with nearly 400 articles, and about 100 new “rights,” which included the usual lefty goo-goo “rights” to a clean environment, “gender equity,” and so forth. This is the kind “prolix” constitution, typical of recent decades, that John Marshall warned would never be understood by a democratic people.

I didn’t bother to try to find the draft and read it. All I needed to know was that the American left, which remains almost as obsessed with the long-departed Picochet as they are with Trump. I saw a pile of articles from the usual lefty outlets about how wonderful the proposed Chilean constitution was.

CNN: “Chile is voting on one of the most progressive constitutions in the world.”

[It is] conceived to fix the country’s stark inequality. The country’s current constitution was written during Augusto Pinochet´s dictatorship and — despite many amendments — most Chileans say it lacks legitimacy and is too free-market oriented. . .

If approved, Chile’s constitution would become one of the most progressive in the world, giving the state a front-line role in the provision of social rights. The draft puts a strong emphasis on indigenous self-determination and on the protection of the environment; the highly privatized water rights system will be dismantled, among other things. Gender equality will be required in all public institutions and companies, and the respect for sexual diversity is also enshrined.

These articles all saved me a lot of time and trouble.

So the Chilean people rejected it in the referendum by a 60-40 margin. Maybe they looked and decided they didn’t want to become Venezuela after all:”

The hard-left Chilean government is on the nose and this referendum outcome is good news. It also bodes well for our own looming referendum re. the Voice. Whilst I’ve long thought the outcome of the Voice referendum will be a resounding NO, by next year the gloss will have well and truly faded from around the Albanese government and the NO vote will be substantial. There’s one thing you can be sure of in life, that leftists/progressives always overreach.

September 6, 2022 5:16 pm

Latham accuses Labor MP of attempting to drive home drunk from parliament

One Nation NSW leader Mark Latham has used parliamentary privilege to accuse Labor MP and whip Anna Watson of attempting to drive after being “paralytically drunk” in Macquarie Street.

At a budget estimates hearing on Tuesday, Latham asked parliamentary officials if there was a security report relating to an incident involving Watson, who he alleged was drunk in the NSW parliament bar and later had to be stopped from leaving in her car.

The alleged incident, which dates back to August 2020, came after a meeting of the parliament’s cross-party advisory group on bullying, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, of which Watson is a member.

Latham told budget estimates that he saw Watson in the parliament’s bar “paralytically drunk, as drunk as anyone I’ve ever seen in my long time working in a parliament house”.

Latham said Watson was “screaming into her phone: ‘You’re too effing good for him, you’re too effing good for him.’ ” Watson later confirmed she had been drinking with Latham.

In a statement, Watson, the member for Shellharbour, acknowledged she had too much to drink on the night Latham had referred to but denied attempting to drive.

“During a particularly difficult period of my life where a close family member was experiencing a personal crisis, and out of respect for this family member I will not disclose the details of this matter, but I did turn to alcohol to deal with the stress,” Watson said.

September 6, 2022 5:18 pm

Id like to think it was the notion of effectively setting up a shadow state, complete with its own courts, for the indigies that sank it.

Equal but superior..

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 5:22 pm

The hard-left Chilean government is on the nose and this referendum outcome is good news. It also bodes well for our own looming referendum re. the Voice. Whilst I’ve long thought the outcome of the Voice referendum will be a resounding NO, by next year the gloss will have well and truly faded from around the Albanese government and the NO vote will be substantial. There’s one thing you can be sure of in life, that leftists/progressives always overreach.

Of course it will be a Great Big Fucking NO. You are not voting on anything that you can see or read. Would you sign a blank cheque and hand it over? These fuckers need shooting……………..

Bruce in WA
September 6, 2022 5:23 pm

Ah, Western Australia, my Western Australia …

a state in which to raise families, with an easygoing lifestyle the envy of so many …

and a police state the next:

Did you know that in Western Australia you can be charged for drink driving, even if you have only had alcohol after going home and sitting on your couch? Sounds ridiculous, but it is entirely true.

Read it and weep.

September 6, 2022 5:28 pm

Masks for serving yourself from the buffet, but suddenly it’s “safe” to sit and eat.

Sizzler had to shut down their all you can eat salad bars because people were catching hepatitis from them. Funny place to take a shit when you think about it, masking probably wouldn’t have helped there either.

September 6, 2022 5:33 pm

The World’s Biggest Whinger Lewis Hamilton who only won with the fastest F1 Car, and is being beaten by his Mercedes Teammate George Russell, shows up his incompetence

Verstappen Sr’s comments would have only rubbed salt into the wound for Hamilton, who had looked on course for his first win of the season only to finish fourth to continue his dreadful campaign for the Silver Arrows.

The seven-time world champion was ultimately left him exposed to the sheer pace of Verstappen’s RB18 down the straight on the safety car restart as he lost his place immediately. However, it was later discovered the 37-year-old had pressed the wrong button which activated a slower engine mode, giving him less power to defend against the Dutchman.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Bruce of WA: AFAIK that scenario is possibly in almost any jurisdiction. A driver can be breathalyzed at any time for 2 hrs after they’ve been behind the wheel. (this time frame may have changed)
Four hours is a bit of a stretch though. They’re having a lend with that.

It is something to always be mindful of. Never admit to driving, be ‘unable to recall’ & if at home having a few, flatly deny driving at any time in the previous few hours.

Any claims of being seen/cctv/dashcammed are to be met with “dunno who was driving the car, or even if it was taken out tonight

September 6, 2022 5:49 pm

Any claims of being seen/cctv/dashcammed are to be met with “dunno who was driving the car, or even if it was taken out tonight“

There is a very good series called “Capture” that posits that the software exists to stitch up punters on live CCTV with fictional vision. Used by the Security agencies global, but definitely the US and UK. Creating evidence.

September 6, 2022 5:57 pm

Japan launches campaign urging young people to drink more booze

Did business with Japan 1979 -2019 – over 50 trips

Fond memories of having signed 2nd Major Contract finalised on Xmas Eve, was invited to End of Year Team Party (instead of Xmas) – low table, with thankfully pit for legs, great evening of drinking, only Gaijin there- slept on overnight flight on Xmas Day

Always enjoyed Japan Airlines Executive Dining room Beaujolais Nouveau day after release

1st shipment of this year’s Beaujolais Nouveau arrives in Japan

TOKYO – Nov. 1, 2019

This year’s first shipment of Beaujolais Nouveau wine arrived at Haneda airport on Friday morning. Importer Suntory Wine International said 3,192 bottles arrived on a JAL flight at 6:30 a.m.

A further 2,640 bottled also arrived at Kansai International Airport at 7 a.m. More shipments will arrive at Haneda, Narita, Kansai, Chubu, Fukuoka and Shin-Chitose airports over the next two weeks.

Japan will uncork the first Beaujolais Nouveau of the season at midnight on Nov 21. The wine will sell for around 2,560 yen per 750-milliliter bottle.

The third Thursday in November traditionally marks the official debut of the new season’s Beaujolais around the world, and the Japanese are the first to get a taste of the light red wine because of their time zone, holding midnight parties.

September 6, 2022 5:57 pm

Rheingold livery 40CM cars, 1930s Super-Modelle locomotives specially produced in I Gauge

I Gauge? What the hell is I Gauge? Little wonder SME had a special detachment on the beach head as soon as it was secure!

September 6, 2022 5:58 pm

Going to be a lot of dead pensioners before the dickheads and wise mongs of government relearn that.

The mongs would consider that a feature, not a bug.

September 6, 2022 5:59 pm

One of the key aspects recent South American elections has been mineral rights.
It unites huge parts of the political spectrum.
But those alliances get binned when voters see what else tries to get passed.

September 6, 2022 6:02 pm

It’s like the FBI had the B team on the job.
Demonstrates how wrong all the DNC surrogates have been.

September 6, 2022 6:02 pm

What were they thinking?
Medical records?

September 6, 2022 6:03 pm
September 6, 2022 6:04 pm

Shouldn’t be I, but One gauge @ 10mm to the ft or 3/8 inch to the ft. Track gauge a bit over 44mm as opposed to the 32 mm for 0 gauge.

September 6, 2022 6:07 pm

RNC Research
Biden: I ran for president to restore “decency” and “honor” and to treat “people with some respect.”

Biden has spent the past week smearing Trump voters as “backwards” and “full of anger, violence, hate, and division.”

September 6, 2022 6:09 pm


Does that put 1 gauge close to modern G scale which has a 45mm gauge?

September 6, 2022 6:11 pm

Changi POW Camp’s lathe:

September 6, 2022 6:12 pm


Donald Trump and Joe Biden held rallies in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania last week. How did they go? These videos tell the story:

Donald Trump and Joe Biden Both held rallies in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania this week.

Here is what they looked like back to back.


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 4, 2022

The level of public enthusiasm for Dork Brandon is near zero. But don’t be overconfident, because 81 millionLOL Joe Biden won the presidency with scarcely more enthusiasm in 2020. Still, I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure the Democratic Party isn’t counting on him to do it again in 2024.

September 6, 2022 6:17 pm

One gauge had a defined scale ie 10mm /ft

With G gauge, the 45mm track can represent 2’6″ through standard gauge track, this representing a number of different scales ie 1:32 through to 1:19.

Winston Smith
September 6, 2022 6:18 pm

A question for the grain growers:
Considering the taking over of the rural fire units by the government and the loss of so much local fire fighting skills and knowledge, just how safe from arson attacks by Extinction Revolution are our crops?

September 6, 2022 6:19 pm

rosie says:
September 6, 2022 at 3:16 pm

Not interested in debating you and far too busy to go into Trialsite and Robert Malone archives to find all the posts.

September 6, 2022 6:21 pm

Italy breaks ranks; lift the Russian sanctions, “we are on our knees”

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Italy breaks ranks; lift the Russian sanctions, “we are on our knees”

It was supposed to be the other way around wasn’t it?

Winston Smith
September 6, 2022 6:41 pm

A bit of side wind there, pilot.

September 6, 2022 6:49 pm

It’s okay, there’s clearly nothing to debate.

September 6, 2022 6:51 pm

Italy breaks ranks; lift the Russian sanctions, “we are on our knees”

Will the Square Heads assign the job of capitulation to the Mong Squad that laughed at Trump?

September 6, 2022 6:52 pm

A bit of side wind there, pilot.

Landed in Mackay late arvo in November in a few storms but never that crazy in a DSH8. Had a few go arounds there at that time of year too.

Closest to that would be an almost empty B737 (I was one of half a dozen passengers during GFC) at Brisbane when some roaring SE’s were buffeting the airport. Yup you could tell the pilot was on an angle and just before touchdown did same kicking tail into line…


September 6, 2022 6:58 pm

Dork Brandon


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 6:59 pm

I love Michelangelo’s rendition too. It captures the moment when David hears the giant’s taunts and blasphemies against the LORD. David’s sling isn’t quite ready, he’s turning the stones over in his hand and his deadly eyes are fixed on the foe. All the muscles are tensed for the next action.

Calli at 4:16.
Quite so.
The study of the human form is breathtaking.
From every angle you can almost see the incipient movement portrayed by his rendition of the muscular structure.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 6, 2022 7:01 pm

Reading an account of “Torpedo Eight” – the torpedo squadron, from the air group on board the United States Navy U.S.S. Hornet, during the battle of Midway, fought in June 1942.

Of thirty eight pilots and aircrew, three survived the battle….

September 6, 2022 7:01 pm


Had one QF B737 flight into Brisbane where we were getting smashed all over the place, crosswinds and turbulence.

Everyone braced for the almost inevitable carrier landing.

Barely felt the landing. Steward requests round of applause for the feat of airmanship, everyone heartily obliges!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 6, 2022 7:02 pm

A question for the grain growers:
Considering the taking over of the rural fire units by the government and the loss of so much local fire fighting skills and knowledge, just how safe from arson attacks by Extinction Revolution are our crops?

“Well sergeant, this header is fitted with a chopper and unfortunately the bloke with the matches is now spread out over fifteen metres.”

September 6, 2022 7:07 pm

feelthebern says:
September 6, 2022 at 9:44 am

JC, apart from a child being taught to pray everyday, name something that gets drummed into kids like climate change.
Even the hardest core footy fan wouldn’t indoctrinate their kids like climate change is.

Bern, it’s incredible at the effort that’s been put in to brainwash the young folk. Forget the arguments that gerbil warmening isn’t occurring as that won’t pass muster. They know zero about trade offs etc. They don’t understand the potential benefits if there was a warmer world of 2 degs C. They were never taught the costs of mitigation as though there is nothing to be said about the possibility that leaving things alone could be hugely less costly than acting. They don’t even know about the potential of fully scaled nuclear. It’s horrendous what’s going on. I actually don’t think the teachers even know.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 6, 2022 7:15 pm

Well sergeant, this header is fitted with a chopper and unfortunately the bloke with the matches is now spread out over fifteen metres.”

Well, Sergeant, this is “Snowy Rowles’ country, and the remains of the bloke with the matches have just been dumped down the nearest old mine shaft.

September 6, 2022 7:32 pm
September 6, 2022 7:34 pm

State Memorial Service for Judith Durham AO
Live Stream

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 7:35 pm

September 6, 2022 at 6:02 pm
It’s like the FBI had the B team on the job.
Demonstrates how wrong all the DNC surrogates have been.

No, they had the G (estapo) Team, as planned.

September 6, 2022 7:38 pm

Did you know that in Western Australia you can be charged for drink driving, even if you have only had alcohol after going home and sitting on your couch? Sounds ridiculous, but it is entirely true.

Did you know that in SA they list the ‘allowable defences’ to the crime of having your car snapped at a velocity above the local limt, and NOWHERE in that list appears ‘I can prove I did not do it’. You only allowable defence is is ‘I didnt do it but will nominate someone else who did’.

Fun fact, if you nominate TWO people who might have dun it … eg ‘I was interstate at the time, with my sister in charge of the car, and I asked her and she says she cant remember, I might have been her and it might have been her husband..’, they DO drop the charges (ask me how I know).

Winston Smith
September 6, 2022 7:39 pm


Changi POW Camp’s lathe:


Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 7:43 pm

A bit of side wind there, pilot.

Many years ago, watched a Caribou bringing some CMF mortarmen into Tianjara Range land in a strong cross-wind on a narrow gravel strip. The nosewheel touched down first, and the rest of the aircraft started to swivel on the axis of the nose wheel. Pilot “dropped” the main wheels very rapidly, and some pale faced figures stumbled out by the rear ramp.

Not quite kissing the ground, just contemplating the return journey after the shoot!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 6, 2022 7:44 pm

Of thirty eight pilots and aircrew, three survived the battle…

George Gay, the only survivor of the attack commanded by John Waldron, was cremated, after his death, and his ashes scattered over the area of the Pacific where his shipmates had died….

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 7:48 pm


I actually don’t think the teachers even know.

Those teachers who might know probably fall into two groups. First those who know and deliberately conceal that knowledge. Second, those who know but fear to speak out.

There is probably (hello Diogenes) a small group who know and speak out, but the rest ensure later that the children who hear them get the “official” story.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 7:48 pm

Hello Arky, also.

September 6, 2022 7:56 pm

Good argument for guns; and check out the wet leftie comments; if only it would happen to them:

Cassie of Sydney
September 6, 2022 7:58 pm

Andrew Doyle, creator of Titania McGrath, writer and commentator with GB News, has written a new book called, “The New Puritans, How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World”. I haven’t read it yet, but I will be. I’ve ordered a copy. Doyle is one of my favourite anti-woke warriors.

Doyle has been interviewed on a few podcasts over the last week, talking about his book. His book is a serious analysis of wokery, and he draws on what happened in Salem. What’s interesting is that Doyle says something I’ve long suspected, that, as with Salem, whilst there are a minority of radicals out there who believe in the nonsense pedalled, such as the gospels of CRT and the nonsense that a transwoman is a woman, or that a female can have a penis or that white people are intrinsically evil because of their skin colour, most of the government officials, the judiciary, the bureaucrats and the MSM don’t believe the nonsense but instead they do two things, firstly, these people are rank opportunists and/or secondly, they’re too shit scared to stand up and say no…enough….to this nonsense. And this is precisely what happened in Salem. As Doyle says, having read the history, it’s clear that there were major figures in Salem at the time who knew that the hysterical witchery accusations were bunkum but they either chose to ignore it or were too fearful to stand up to it.

So Doyle says that we, ordinary people, must stand up and say no, enough. And our most potent weapons, contempt and ridicule.

I was reminded of the exchange earlier this year when Senator Alex Antic asked Brendan Murphy, a former government health officer who also happens to be a medical doctor, to define a woman. Murphy hesitated, squirmed and then looked right, left and centre. He then claimed being a women was “contested”. Antic actually did ridicule him in a beautifully subtle way. Murphy deserved and deserves scorn and ridicule for his pedalling of such nonsense. And then, LOL, Murphy and his department took three months to come up with a 78 word definition of a “woman”. Well, I know what a woman is, and the definition isn’t 78 words, a woman is an…

adult human female

I’m pretty sure that’s three words.

As Sall Grover says, “anyone who tells me a woman can have a penis is lying and I’ll never believe another word that person says”. Quite right Sall, and I’ll never believe another word that comes out of Brendan Murphy’s mouth, because what’s really insidious about Murphy, just like those cowards at Salem, is that he knows full well this transgender shit is all nonsense but he’s happy to go along with it, either out of fear or rank opportunism…..whatever the reason, he’s a coward and deserves contempt and ridicule in spades.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

cohenite says: September 6, 2022 at 7:56 pm

Good argument for guns; and check out the wet leftie comments; if only it would happen to them:

It isn’t as good an argument as it may at first seem.
For that is not a firearm the householder is using, but a pellet launcher.

September 6, 2022 8:04 pm

For that is not a firearm the householder is using, but a pellet launcher.

How did you see; for some reason my copy had it blanked out.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 8:07 pm

Fun fact, if you nominate TWO people who might have dun it … eg ‘I was interstate at the time, with my sister in charge of the car, and I asked her and she says she cant remember, I might have been her and it might have been her husband..’, they DO drop the charges (ask me how I know).

Fun fact.
There was a guy in NSW a few years ago who developed a similarly foolproof plan.
The trick is, you nominate a person who may have visited Australia but is not a resident and drives on an International licence. He was not entirely sure of the U.S. address of the driver but gave a name, and address c/o her employer.
Worked a treat.
Until someone tipped off the cops and they started digging. Found out that the woman was (a) dead and (b) not in Australia at the time of the offence.
He ended up doing three years for perjury over a $77 fine.
His name?
Justice Marcus Einfeld.
He also lost a bunch of cosy little retirement gigs as well.
The problem with the daisy chain of nominated drivers is that you create the possibility of 2 or 3 perjury charges.

Granted, the chances that they would delve into it are low, but the consequences of swapping a fine for perjury jail time isn’t worth the guts-ache, IMHO.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 6, 2022 8:11 pm

Many years ago, watched a Caribou bringing some CMF mortarmen

Caribou was always regarded as proof that, given enough horsepower, a brick chicken house could fly.

September 6, 2022 8:13 pm

The problem with the daisy chain of nominated drivers is that you create the possibility of 2 or 3 perjury charges.

No perjury in my case – it was the truth.

I made a stat dec that I was interstate and my sister had the car. I said I asked her and she couldnt recall – but it was either her or or her husband at the helm.

The first response from PoPo was ‘tough luck – nominate the driver or pay up’

I replied ‘ I have nominated the driver…it was either A or B, ergo I HAVE nominated the driver’.

They dropped it at that point 🙂

It reinforces my long experience when writing to authorites – their first response is to ignore your position and say ‘tough shit pay up’. Its only when you persist that they actually address your position.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 8:32 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
September 6, 2022 at 8:11 pm
Many years ago, watched a Caribou bringing some CMF mortarmen

Caribou was always regarded as proof that, given enough horsepower, a brick chicken house could fly.

The F-4 Phantom was described as the triumph of thrust over aerodynamics.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

I replied ‘ I have nominated the driver…it was either A or B, ergo I HAVE nominated the driver’.

Well done.
I’ll keep that one in mind, if I’m ever in the firing line for a similar strict liability matter.

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 8:35 pm

September 6, 2022 at 4:16 pm
Johnny, David was a youth. He had a slingshot, which he used in his duties as shepherd, frightening off predators.

He used Goliath’s own sword to cut off the giant’s head, which he then presented to King Saul.

All in 1 Samuel 17. One of my favourite Bible stories as a child.

I love Michelangelo’s rendition too. It captures the moment when David hears the giant’s taunts and blasphemies against the LORD. David’s sling isn’t quite ready, he’s turning the stones over in his hand and his deadly eyes are fixed on the foe. All the muscles are tensed for the next action.

And in that Painting, Goliath has such a small head for a Giant. I wonder how big his body really was then. Probably not that big at all. All in the story telling as usual.

And as for the Bible, what a load of fantastic fantasy…………………..And stories.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 8:36 pm

Caribou was always regarded as proof that, given enough horsepower, a brick chicken house could fly.

Which, presumably, is why someone somewhere named it after a moose.
Damn fine aircraft.

RAAF reservists restore neglected Caribou – Australian Aviation (22 Apr)

September 6, 2022 8:39 pm

I’ve yet to see a double blind randomised trial of any dosage, for any period,in combination with any other drug

I’ll wager there’s many double blind randomised trials you haven’t seen

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 8:40 pm

The F-4 Phantom was described as the triumph of thrust over aerodynamics.

Even better with Rolls Royce Spey Jet Engines………………..

September 6, 2022 8:43 pm

“And in that Painting, Goliath has such a small head for a Giant.”
Sounds like you think David posed for Caravaggio.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 8:44 pm

The trouble with the nomination trick is that the opportunity for repeat business is limited.
That is what done Einfeld in.
He went to that well once too often.
When they started digging they found the same MO time after time.
“What a coincidence!”, they thought.
Then it was a simple desk job.
Pull the filed stat decs, compare signatures and he’s done.
Done in by his own cleverness.
Look, no-one gives a shit if you write off the points on someone else, as long as the fine gets paid by somebody … anybody.
Trying to nominate and avoid paying raises the stakes somewhat.

Bruce in WA
September 6, 2022 8:46 pm

Makka says:
September 6, 2022 at 5:49 pm

Any claims of being seen/cctv/dashcammed are to be met with “dunno who was driving the car, or even if it was taken out tonight“

There is a very good series called “Capture” that posits that the software exists to stitch up punters on live CCTV with fictional vision. Used by the Security agencies global, but definitely the US and UK. Creating evidence.

Fictional vision? Yeah …

Dead easy.

September 6, 2022 8:46 pm

It’s horrendous what’s going on. I actually don’t think the teachers even know.

they know you are a class enemy

it not your nonna’s hostage situation

the kiddies and the teachers have you right where they want you

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 8:49 pm

Mr Rotten – I suspect translation from Hebrew might be at issue here.

Nice Mr Goliath had a spear as his main combat weapon. The weight of the iron head of the spear is given: 7 kg. Fark, that’s big. (His bronze scalemail was 57 kg, damn I’m 190 cm and 100 kg, you put that amount of metal on me and I’d collapse in a heap.)

The text doesn’t record his sword’s weight and length. I suspect what David used to cut off Mr Goliath’s head wasn’t actually his sword…it was his eating knife. Everyone those days had an eating knife, only Goliath’s would’ve been sized to his proportions…

Goliath’s sword, if he carried one, would make claymores look wimpy. But Caravaggio couldn’t’ve fitted a gigantic claymore into that painting.

September 6, 2022 8:54 pm

And as for the Bible, what a load of fantastic fantasy…………………..And stories.

I do not concur.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 8:54 pm

Just to get a feel of this, the weight of the head of his spear, alone, was nearly twice that of my old SLR.

September 6, 2022 8:55 pm

Andrew Doyle, creator of Titania McGrath, writer and commentator with GB News, has written a new book called, “The New Puritans, How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World”

I first called these mongs the new puritans in about 2012

if that mole Titiana stole it, then good

If she came to it on here own … then better

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 8:55 pm

September 6, 2022 at 8:43 pm
“And in that Painting, Goliath has such a small head for a Giant.”
Sounds like you think David posed for Caravaggio.

Whatever the fark that means…………………………

September 6, 2022 8:56 pm

Caribou was always regarded as proof that, given enough horsepower, a brick chicken house could fly.

Careful there, Zulu. I’m not going to say exactly why but that is a sore point.

Even better with Rolls Royce Spey Jet Engines………………..

A good aircraft stuffed by the Poms. Late in service life in the UK they got some F-4J Phantoms with the GE J-79 engines. They were much appreciated by those who flew them.

Extreme crosswind landings are “fun” for certain values of “fun”. A few times I’ve looked at the drift angle on final and warned Mrs Eyrie that this might not be all that pretty. Always worked out so far.
Once landed at Peterborough in a bad crosswind. Half an hour later a guy turns up in a Cessna 182. Gets it on the ground and taxis to the parking area, opens door, dog gets out. Dog feels ground, turns around a few times, yep terra firma. All good. Was a sheepdog and flew lots. I guess she knew the runway shouldn’t appear out the side window on approach.

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 8:58 pm

September 6, 2022 at 8:54 pm
And as for the Bible, what a load of fantastic fantasy…………………..And stories.

I do not concur.

That’s OK as we have Free Speech here…………………..

September 6, 2022 8:59 pm

That lathe story is awesome

September 6, 2022 9:01 pm

Look, no-one gives a shit if you write off the points on someone else, as long as the fine gets paid by somebody … anybody.

Slight correction – it is the *state* that cares not if you are guilty, so long as you (or your lieutenant) pays up…..

Trying to nominate and avoid paying raises the stakes somewhat.

*always* escalate 😉

Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 9:02 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
September 6, 2022 at 8:49 pm
Mr Rotten – I suspect translation from Hebrew might be at issue here.

Nice Mr Goliath had a spear as his main combat weapon. The weight of the iron head of the spear is given: 7 kg. Fark, that’s big. (His bronze scalemail was 57 kg, damn I’m 190 cm and 100 kg, you put that amount of metal on me and I’d collapse in a heap.)

The text doesn’t record his sword’s weight and length. I suspect what David used to cut off Mr Goliath’s head wasn’t actually his sword…it was his eating knife. Everyone those days had an eating knife, only Goliath’s would’ve been sized to his proportions…

Goliath’s sword, if he carried one, would make claymores look wimpy. But Caravaggio couldn’t’ve fitted a gigantic claymore into that painting.

If you look at the Painting then that is not a Giant’s head.

September 6, 2022 9:03 pm

Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania was a pivotal moment in history

Most of President Trump’s supporters, including myself, agreed with Mark Levin that the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home was “the worst attack on this Republic in modern history. Period.”

That is one reason I joined thousands of like-minded people in Wilkes-Barre, PA this past Saturday to show support for the man who has been so unrelentingly demonized by the left that it has begun to feel like an attack on every single one of us. President Biden’s speech last Thursday night only validated that feeling.

Stalwart supporters came not only from around the Commonwealth, but from across the country. It was exactly because of current events that so many of us felt overwhelmingly drawn there — and I soon realized that it would be one of the greatest, most meaningful experiences of my life.

It was like a family reunion with 12,000 strangers. We were there to merge our shared pasts, to bear our current struggles, and to advocate for a leader who is the loudest and clearest voice defending our hopes for the future.

“These are the people they are mocking,” I thought. Good, hardworking people who would give you the shirt off their backs or risk their own lives to pull you out of a burning car. Yet they are hated because they won’t apologize for adhering to the social norms that have held the fabric of our country together.

These are the folks that have maintained “the permanent things” against all odds. This T.S. Eliot phrase, popularized by Russell Kirk, kept swirling through my mind as I waited with the huddled masses. These are the people with strong convictions of justice and honor and enduring moral order that Kirk wrote about:

A society in which men and women are governed by belief in an enduring moral order, by a strong sense of right and wrong, by personal convictions about justice and honor, will be a good society —whatever political machinery it may utilize; while a society in which men and women are morally adrift, ignorant of norms, and intent chiefly upon gratification of appetites, will be a bad society — no matter how many people vote and no matter how liberal its formal constitution may be.

I met many more of these first-generation Americans, some with shirts that read, “Latinos for Trump” and even a car that proclaimed, “Vietnamese for Trump!”

Folks expressed themselves with T-shirts, others with hats, flags, or buttons.

Among some of the best T-shirts were these:

“I used to be a Deplorable, but now I’ve been promoted to Ultra MAGA”
“Mean Tweets and Cheap Gas 2024”
“Trump was right — about everything”

I was struck by the fact that with everything they’ve already launched against him, including the intimate violation of raiding his home; and still anticipating the medieval siege weapons they have yet to drag through the moat in hot pursuit, Trump could still take to the stage as focused, motivated, and inspiring as he was. While the raid on Mar-a-Lago was unprecedented, Trump’s bold response in Wilkes-Barre the other night was also a pivotal moment in history.

Maybe it’s because now more than ever, it’s clear to him — and to all of us — that he is fighting to protect every one of our own little Mar-a-Lagos.

September 6, 2022 9:06 pm

The trouble with the nomination trick is that the opportunity for repeat business is limited.

I’m licensed to drive a car
not licensed to own a car
in another state while some offense is committed?

September 6, 2022 9:07 pm

As in 2020, Trump speaks to tens of thousands and Biden speaks to tens

Now, it’s 2022, and once again, Trump is speaking to tens of thousands and Biden is speaking to tens. What can and should we take away from that?

The head-to-head comparison comes from Benny Johnson, who put together a video showing Trump’s and Biden’s appearances in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. It’s important to note that Wilkes-Barre is part of Luzerne County, a Republican-majority county. However, that majority is not equal to, say, San Francisco County, where Biden claimed 85.26% of the votes to Trump’s 12.72%—something that’s a totally believable result if one knows that San Francisco is self-destructing because of its unopposed leftism.

In Luzerne, the vote split 56.7% for Trump versus 42.3% for Biden. In other words, although Trump carried the day with almost 87,000 votes, over 64,000 people still supported Biden. Both men have a lot of supporters who can turn up at their rallies.

When it comes to Wilkes-Barre rallies in 2022, the video from Trump’s rally makes it look as if all 86,929 of Trump’s voters tried to squeeze into the venue, and all the attendees are wildly enthusiastic. Meanwhile, the video from Biden’s rally shows what looks like a debate at a high school gym when the candidates are the two pathetic losers whom no one in the school likes. The room is mostly empty, and the energy is non-existent:

September 6, 2022 9:07 pm

What are the chances of the midterms being also a Presidential Election?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 9:07 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
September 6, 2022 at 8:54 pm
Just to get a feel of this, the weight of the head of his spear, alone, was nearly twice that of my old SLR.

But less that an M-60, or a Charlie Swede, or a mortar tube or baseplate. Look on the good side.

September 6, 2022 9:08 pm

and fuck off sancho
you don’t have dibs on every car story

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 9:08 pm

Extreme crosswind landings are “fun” for certain values of “fun”.

I loved our old Twin Otters which would shuttle us from Belmont to KSA. If you leaned out into the aisle you could look straight up and out of the pilots’ windscreen.

One day we had a biiig crosswind. I can’t recall whether we were landing at Kingsford Smith NS or SN, but since the wind was humungous I’ll say we were landing north to south. Peering down the aisle was interesting since we were pointing at New Zealand all the way, about 45 degrees off the direction we were actually going, until the last two seconds when the pilot deftly brought the heading in alignment with the runway and nailed a three pointer. I was very impressed.

September 6, 2022 9:11 pm

The Next Pope Should at Least be Catholic

Pope Francis doesn’t like America. Pope Francis doesn’t like capitalism. It is unclear whether Pope Francis even likes Catholicism.

Whatever the case may be, he seems to be doing everything he can to dissuade Catholics from remaining in the Church, and to keep prospective Catholics from joining.

When certain Christian leaders, such as the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, or the Southern Baptist Convention president, J.D. Greear, speak, nobody listens. Why? Because they sacrificed Christendom, and the glorious civilization it produced, upon the altar of wokeness a long time ago. When the pope speaks, people still listen. But that’s rapidly changing, and for the same reason.

A few of Pope Francis’ more memorable pronouncements are worth noting:

The first Pope, the apostle Peter, was willingly nailed to a cross in defense of his faith. Pope Francis won’t even display a cross for fear of offending people. The words of his god are found not in the Bible, but in 19th century revolutionary tracts and on the pretentious yard signs of gated communities. The faithful masses are screaming for real leadership rooted in courage, humility, and genuine concern for the suffering of Christians, not in condescending elitism.

If the cardinals don’t deliver, Catholics will walk.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 9:12 pm



Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 9:12 pm

A good aircraft stuffed by the Poms. Late in service life in the UK they got some F-4J Phantoms with the GE J-79 engines. They were much appreciated by those who flew them.

Extreme crosswind landings are “fun” for certain values of “fun”. A few times I’ve looked at the drift angle on final and warned Mrs Eyrie that this might not be all that pretty. Always worked out so far.
Once landed at Peterborough in a bad crosswind. Half an hour later a guy turns up in a Cessna 182. Gets it on the ground and taxis to the parking area, opens door, dog gets out. Dog feels ground, turns around a few times, yep terra firma. All good. Was a sheepdog and flew lots. I guess she knew the runway shouldn’t appear out the side window on approach.

I’m not too sure about that. We all have our own experiences I guess.
Rolls Royce make good stuff.

September 6, 2022 9:14 pm
Johnny Rotten
September 6, 2022 9:16 pm

September 6, 2022 at 9:08 pm
and fuck off sancho
you don’t have dibs on every car story

It is so good to see everyone getting on so well here on this BLOG………………..LOL

September 6, 2022 9:16 pm

video from Trump’s rally makes it look as if all 86,929 of Trump’s voters tried to squeeze into the venue, and all the attendees are wildly enthusiastic. Meanwhile, the video from Biden’s rally shows what looks like a debate at a high school gym when the candidates are the two pathetic losers whom no one in the school likes. The room is mostly empty, and the energy is non-existent:

Same as the actual presidential campaign in 2020 – yep the big guy ‘won’ and gathered more votes than even Obama in his last run

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 9:17 pm

But less that an M-60, or a Charlie Swede, or a mortar tube or baseplate. Look on the good side.

BJ – Carried the first two a lot (since I was the biggest guy in our AAR section). Trying to use one as a hand weapon would be tough, and Goliath’s spear had a shaft of wood to go with the 7 kg iron head. Easy 20 kilos. Try hitting someone sometime with a bag of cement, which is only 16 kg. He was a big bugger.

At least I got to fire the GPMG with both live and blank ammunition. Never had that opportunity with the 84mm.

September 6, 2022 9:17 pm

I haven’t watched the War of the Ring yet on prime.
I plan to next weekend.

The Tolkien body of work is very different to the Game of Throne & Star Wars universes which are now incorporating gender equality & sexual fluidity etc etc etc (The Message).
The author of GoT is still alive & writing the stuff.
The Star Wars universe has been superseded by fan fiction to the extent that one of the series (the Book of Boba Fett) is actually based on a fan fiction.
So I don’t much care about that stuff.

But Tolkien developed a universe from scratch & in detail.
I feel like fucking around with his stories is borderline sacrilegious.
It’s like making a Warhammer 40k movie and the God Emperor a black trannie.

September 6, 2022 9:18 pm

Trump is on the public record that he won’t take the position of speaker. He has Truthed that the 2020 election should be nullified. And that there should be (at least) another election.

September 6, 2022 9:20 pm

flyingduk, your link not worky.

September 6, 2022 9:20 pm
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

What are the chances of the midterms being also a Presidential Election?


[Snap Boambee John]

September 6, 2022 9:21 pm


Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Trump is on the public record that he won’t take the position of speaker. He has Truthed that the 2020 election should be nullified. And that there should be (at least) another election.

Doesn’t matter what Trump says.
None of that can or will, happen.

September 6, 2022 9:22 pm



September 6, 2022 9:22 pm

Predictions are difficult, especially about the future.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Custard, your noted is noted.

September 6, 2022 9:24 pm

For some reason the Cat is off the pace here…

September 6, 2022 9:24 pm

flyingduk, your link not worky.

Cut n paste

September 6, 2022 9:25 pm

Rolls Royce make good stuff.

About 20% of the Jet Fuel specification relates to historical technical problems on RR engines and fuels systems.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 6, 2022 9:25 pm


If you look at the Painting then that is not a Giant’s head.


Microcephaly is a condition in which a person’s head size is much smaller than that of others of the same age and sex. Head size is measured as the distance around the top of the head. A smaller than normal size is determined using standardized charts.

And, in among the list of causes for microheadedness:

Becoming infected with the Zika virus while pregnant can also cause microcephaly. The Zika virus has been found in Africa, the South Pacific, tropical regions of Asia, and in Brazil and other parts of South America, along with Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.

Maybe Goliath had microcephaly. Maybe he was a giant but had a small head. Maybe he was so angry all the goddamn time because people were teasing him. Maybe he couldn’t get a date for the end of school formal because the girls laughed at him and called him Pinhead.

Maybe he wanted David to kill him with a fantastic shot, at range, into a small target before cutting his tiny head off. Perhaps all he needed was a cuddle and $900,000 worth of NDIS carers.

But nooooo. Laugh at Goliath’s disability all you like, you monsters. Bet you’re glad he’s dead, you Nazis.

Horrible, horrible people. Just horrid.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Sanchez, earlier were you really doubting the account of spaying cows, or just pulling ‘bill from the bush’s’ leg?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 9:28 pm


September 6, 2022 at 9:20 pm

flyingduk, your link not worky

Not his fault.
His sister did it.
Or maybe her hubby.

September 6, 2022 9:28 pm

Just context nothing else

September 6, 2022 9:29 pm

That’s OK as we have Free Speech here…………………..

i shall not be moved

September 6, 2022 9:30 pm

Probably not that big at all. All in the story telling as usual.

Maybe not, there are still some pretty big units in Gath:

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 9:30 pm

Sanchez, earlier were you really doubting the account of spaying cows, or just pulling ‘bill from the bush’s’ leg?

Making the point that it’s the sort of archaic practice that might go on in scrubby country up north but not the sort oc thing seriously professional beef and dairy farmers down south would do.

September 6, 2022 9:32 pm

Another clue

The Q posts are the greatest psyop in our time. Trump is referencing them.

Wake up everybody.

September 6, 2022 9:34 pm

Maybe Goliath had microcephaly. Maybe he was a giant but had a small head.

Malcolm Gladwell wrote in one of his books that some scientist or historian had a theory that Goliath wasn’t exactly a giant but had acromegaly.
Which was then called rubbish.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x