Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
It’S all getting getting a bit over top Tom.
Take a look at the comments.
Don’t be shocked! You can now #RechargeYourImmunity with an updated #COVID19 booster. https://fda.gov/update
and in conjunction with this it’s pretty clear that it’s no well meaning mistake but deliberate malice.
Bundy and cola slabs must’ve been on special again.
John Pilger: Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda Works
In the 1970s, I met one of Hitler’s leading propagandists, Leni Riefenstahl, whose epic films glorified the N@zis. We happened to be staying at the same lodge in Kenya, where she was on a photography assignment, having escaped the fate of other friends of the F@hrer.
She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public.
Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I asked. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.
I think of this as I look around at the propaganda now consuming Western societies.
Of course, we are very different from Germany in the 1930s. We live in information societies. We are globalists. We have never been more aware, more in touch, better connected.
Are we? Or do we live in a Media Society where brainwashing is insidious and relentless, and perception is filtered according to the needs and lies of state and corporate power?
The United States dominates the Western world’s media. All but one of the top ten media companies are based in North America. The internet and social media – Google, Twitter, Facebook – are mostly American owned and controlled.
In my lifetime, the United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenceless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries. It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries.
The extent and scale of this carnage is largely unreported, unrecognized; and those responsible continue to dominate Anglo-American political life.
Last December, Russia proposed a far-reaching security plan for Europe. This was dismissed, derided or suppressed in the Western media. Who read its step-by-step proposals? On 24 February, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy threatened to develop nuclear weapons unless America armed and protected Ukraine. This was the final straw.
On the same day, Russia invaded – according to the Western media, an unprovoked act of congenital infamy. The history, the lies, the peace proposals, the solemn agreements on Donbass at Minsk counted for nothing.
On 25 April, the US Defence Secretary, General Lloyd Austin, flew into Kyiv and confirmed that America’s aim was to destroy the Russian Federation – the word he used was ‘weaken’. America had got the war it wanted, waged by an American bankrolled and armed proxy and expendable pawn.
Almost none of this was explained to Western audiences.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is wanton and inexcusable. It is a crime to invade a sovereign country. There are no ‘buts’ – except one.
When did the present war in Ukraine begin and who started it? According to the United Nations, between 2014 and this year, some 14,000 people have been killed in the Kyiv regime’s civil war on the Donbass. Many of the attacks were carried out by neo-N@zis.
I was wrong. Sky Outsiders is on now. Long live the king!
Quite … and that is going to be a significant barrier to moving forward – admitting that not only tears down a whole lot of other civilisational pillars, it also exposes you to the realisation that you yourself got something personally important irretrievably wrong. Most people will never be able to do that and will remain in denial.
Bosi of the Blue Singlet?
Banana Bosi?
Bosi with a Banjo?
Let’s see how amusing people find this.
Deaths are Soaring in Highly Vaccinated Victoria, Australia
Long Live the Queen and Freddie Mercury……………………….
out of the blue: perceptive redshift
why becoming extreme creates the perception of extremism in others
Only 20 more days left to save the grifters at the Daily Exposé.
JC is no boy. I’ve seen more youthful visages on Galapagos turtles.
Assuming you had what my American friends call a ‘Lap-Appy’ (keyhole surgery), the shoulder pain is likely referred pain from either a bit of blood or remnants of CO2 under your diaphragm. Unfortunately, like all things in medicine, there are 2 remedies 1) sit up (if its blood – to help it drain) or 2) Lie down, turned to the bad side (if its residual CO2 from the laparoscopy).
Nah. He’s funny in a retarded sort of way, doubling down again and again in the face of repeated abject failure. Keep him, I reckon.
I have no idea what his social media fauxs pas must have been like for the UAP to knock him back (and considering the peanuts with actual criminal histories they accepted), but they would have been rippers if this is the toned-down version.
There will be yet another cause for him to latch onto shortly.
You just know he’s the sort of bloke that sits on the couch with a conveyor belt of Doritos, maxing out the card for every single infomercial that pops up.
Ban Sancho for besmirching Blue Singlets.
How dare you!
And the compliant ones are all
1) Off with the ‘rona
2) Off with side effects of the jab
3) Furloughed as ‘close contacts’
4) Skiving off due to poor morale due to resentment at the ‘authorities’ and self loathing once they realised what they had done to themselves
No matter – soon they will be replaced with cheap imports, just like the rest of the population.
It’s (Almost) Always the Feds: How the FBI Fabricates Schemes To Entrap Would-Be Radicals
The FBI’s long history of using informants and manufactured plots to prosecute extremists
Here’s a tip: If you have some radical political views and an acquaintance reaches out, encourages you to act on your convictions, and maybe offers to introduce you to a guy who can sell you some bomb parts, don’t take him up on it. That guy’s almost definitely working for the feds.
For the past two decades, the FBI and federal prosecutors have brought case after case against would-be radicals who were ratted out by informants. They have been enormously successful in obtaining convictions in these cases, despite persistent criticisms that the FBI uses unscrupulous informants, conjures up the very plots it disrupts, and entraps defendants who have little to no ability to actually carry out a terror attack.
It looked like the case against the Michigan militia members who allegedly plotted to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in October 2020 was going to be another data point in that trend: an extremist group riddled with FBI informants set up to take the fall for all their big talk. An unusual thing happened, though. The jury didn’t buy it. When the verdicts were read a year and a half later in March, two of the militia members were acquitted, and the jury deadlocked on the other two.
‘You Actually Had To Have Articulable Facts’
The sort of informant-led investigation that resulted in the arrests of the Wolverine Watchmen is largely due to the rollback of Watergate-era restrictions on the FBI following 9/11. The Whitmer case wasn’t just a poorly conceived investigation; it was the direct result of a strategic internal policy change that allowed the FBI to begin targeting people who had done nothing illegal in order to prosecute the war on terror.
‘There Are a Lot of People Who Are Understandably Very Concerned About Mr. Epps’
“Exactly how many of those present at the Capitol complex on January 6 were FBI confidential informants, agents, or otherwise, working directly or indirectly with an agency of the United States government?” Donald Trump asked at a January 15 rally in Arizona. “People want to hear this. How about the one guy, ‘Go in, go in, get in there, everybody,’ Epps. ‘Get in there, go, go, go.’ Nothing happens to him. What happened with him? Nothing happens.”
they know they are toast if Trump wins in 24
Touch of tar*: Check.
Alphabet person: Check.
Perfesser: Check.
Imbecile: Confirmed.
*H/T Thomas Keneally
Ban Sancho for besmirching Blue Singlets.
Yeah bastard!
There was a woodcutter in town when I was a kid called Big Reg.
Reggie wore a blue shearers singlet in all weather. The singlet hardly touched his body because the hair that covered the big bugger was that thick and long.
Johnny Rottensays:
September 11, 2022 at 9:07 am
Long Live the Queen and Freddie Mercury……………………….
The Queen with Paddington Bear and “We Will Rock You” by Queen with Adam Lambert
JC – your comment at 2.08 pm on 10/9/22
What’s you reasoning, fascism cops it communism gets off lightly.
And go with a furriner COW, what’s worser.
You would of loved to be one of the many flies on his wall when the knock back call came threw.
I’ll bet they tried to neutralise the pre-election online bile with a gentle let-down.
“Yeah, sorry mate, but your not the right fit this time. To be honest, your a bit too smart and ahead of your time for this electorate. But Cloive is impressed. Very impressed. He’s got big things planned for you. Really big things. We’ll be in touch.
What’s that? Yeah, nah, we’ll call you.”
(Spelling and grammar deliberate to assist the print handicapped).
I don’t like Albo but he has just said some nice things about the Queen and the Monarchy. And then he went on with the usual BS left wing shite.
Pro tip – us insiders know that ‘the slab’ is the cold hard table they put you on after you cark it from your op. We refer to the softer, warmer table they use for the actual op as the ‘table’.
“I’m trying to think what the death of the Queen represents. People are saying it’s the end of an era, but what freaking era is that.
I think it marks the end of the post war era.”
Actually JC, I’ve been thinking about this for the last two days, ever since I heard the news on Friday morning. I believe Queen Elizabeth’s passing marks the official end of a moral world and in particular the end of a moral West. Maybe I’m being too maudlin but to me her death is a portent, akin to the sack of Rome.
We’ve seen the writing on the world over the last two decades, but her passing now confirms how much we live in a decadent and immoral West, a post-Christian West, a West that celebrates the obscene, the pagan, the promiscuous, the opposite of truth, the vulgar, the indecent, the tawdry, the obnoxious, the dissolute, the lewd and the self-indulgent. In contrast Queen Elizabeth (and her generation) stood for duty, sacrifice, service, fidelity, loyalty, patriotism, devotion, decency, stoicism, self-control, and discretion.
I was struck by all of this last night watching the broadcast from London of the proclamation of Charles as King Charles III. It was a dignified, historical and dutiful occasion, full of majestic pageantry that the Brits do so well yet, only two weeks ago, the same city played host to a festival called the Notting Hill festival, it is a festival of vulgarity, of lewdness, of promiscuity, of violence (particularly towards women…but that violence is okay, because it was largely perpetrated by men of Caribbean origin), of fetishes and of obscenity.
A question to my fellow Cats, what values are better for societies?
I think we all know the answer.
No, no.
You misunderstand.
Blueys are fine.
I’m besmirching the low IQ fuckwit from Queensssland who arrives here every day with his “The End Is Nigh!” sandwich-board.
You know … the boatless one.
Tom, Outsiders is on.
An ingredient allegedly used in the COVID-19 vaccines is patented to help medications break through the blood-brain barrier, and the presence of this ingredient could pose a threat to the health and safety of the U.S. military, according to Dr. Samuel Sigoloff, a major in the U.S. Army and a whistleblower.
We speak with Dr. Sigoloff about his findings, his attempts to alert the U.S. military amid the vaccine mandates, and how he was punished for issuing his warnings.
I’m not a cat.
September 11, 2022 at 9:02 am”
Sorry Tom…missed that.
Re the shortage of Cannuck Drs (not just the dead ones)
*theres* your problem: said Drs are paid to read big pharma and big foods ‘scripts’, NOT to keep *you* healthy!
Thanks Duk.
The surgeon came around, and wasn’t very specific with the cause but explained what you said. It’s referred pain. He said it should go in a few days tops.
Queen Elizabeth’s death is symbolic and will be used by historians to refer to a certain age in hindsight, but it doesn’t mean anything real in the present.
If it upsets upper class twits who see it as a sign of their privilege dissolving in a new age where they don’t get respect just for being who they are… then some good will come if it.
Darn Sancho now I don’t have an excuse to bitch and nag for the next decade.
You got a drain tube in JC?
They fuckin’ sting coming out.
Just thought I’d let you know.
You’re welcome.
I am amused at the thought that JC is now literally a windbag.
Why Did US Torpedo The April Ukraine War Negotiated Settlement?
Most Americans are unaware how close Russia and Ukraine came to ending the current war in April.
Last March 27, Ukraine president Zelensky told his people “Our goal is obvious – peace and the restoration of normal life in our native state as soon as possible.”
He was hinting at what went unsaid: Ukraine and Russia, brokered by NATO member Turkey, reached a tentative fifteen-point peace plan to end the month old war.
Key points were Russia withdraw from all Ukraine except for breakaway Donbas and Crimea. Ukraine would pass on future NATO membership, pledging neutrality between Russia and NATO. Donbas and Crimea would undergo political transition based on self-determination to be recognized by both combatants. Ukraine security would be guaranteed by neighboring countries but no foreign troops would enter Ukraine.
What’s not to like?
For the US weapons makers, the end to a weapons manufacturing boondoggle. That $60 billion in free weaponry to Ukraine fighters has depleted our ammo dumps.
For the US military, the end to a new perpetual war, albeit a proxy one, to relieve the boredom of peace.
For the political class, the end to the new Cold War with Russia to weaken, marginalize, and keep them from economic integration with Europe.
So on April 9, Uncle Sam sent Boris Johnson, the latest version of America’s British Prime Minister poodle, to Kiev, to school Zelensky on who’s running the war. The UK, Johnson advised “was in it for the long run,” would not be party to any Ukraine, Russian agreement since the “collective West” saw a chance to “press” Russia and make the most of it. Johnson cannot be accused of subtlety.
Two weeks later, the US sent Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to Kyiv to reinforce Johnson’s warning and make clear the US and NATO were determined to use the war to “weaken” Russia. NATO ally Turkey has blamed the US and UK for sabotaging a promising chance to end the war early on.
When it comes to provoking, preventing and prolonging senseless war, America always fails the test of peace. Getting back to the question posed: Why did the US torpedo the April Ukraine war negotiated settlement?
Because we can.
And thus falleth all great empires – all we can do now is strap in and enjoy the ride.
I’ve always been a windbag, Fatboy. You’ve always been fat.
You are forgetting one important thing. This is present day Victoria.
And this is going back up Fatboy.
Also, I been cooped for four days and I’m bored to hell, so excuse me if I’ve posted more comments than you like.
No, but thanks for the kind thought, Sanchez.
(never quote me on this monty, but …) well played sir!
enough time to binge watch all 5 seasons of ‘Yellowstone’ I would think.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘The most extraordinary honor of my life’: Former president Donald J. Trump writes movingly for DailyMail.com of his time with the ‘iconic’ Queen – and her riposte when he asked: ‘Who WAS your favorite PM?’
. Former President lauds the late Queen’s ‘grace, charm, nobility… she was an icon to the world and her loss is felt by billions’
. She was beloved by the American People like few others – the Queen was truly special to us,’ he writes
.Gives a heartfelt account of ‘talking the whole evening’ and being with her ‘side-by-side’ during his state visit to the UK…memories he and Melania will ‘cherish for the rest of our lives’
. Says ‘she saw her country through the Blitz of London, the Cold War, the Falklands conflict, the coal miners’ strikes, Brexit, COVID, and so much more – she was always there for her people—resolute and unflappable’
. ‘Her Majesty missed nothing,’ he writes. ‘She always knew exactly what to say…’ revealing her answer to his intriguing question about Britain’s PMs
. As we grieve,’ he writes, ‘we are comforted that King Charles III will be a great and outstanding successor… Melania and I were blessed to get to know him well… he will be an inspiration to the British People’
. His generous tribute concludes: ‘She was Britain at its best. God bless the Queen. God bless her family. God bless the United Kingdom’
Laurie Tingle is a Political Tart. NFI
How do you change the Australian Constitution to get a President? Good luck with that.
A chest drain coming out certainly smarts,
but yeeting pacing wires is weird beyond words.
I’ve watched all episodes, Duk. Great, great series.
At the end of this it is looking more likely that Donbas and Crimea will return to Ukraine. So yeah, good move not to appease Putin’s invasion.
“At the end of this it is looking more likely that Donbas and Crimea will return to Ukraine. “
LOL…my God you’re a moron.
Yes mine was well before Crossie.
Brilliantly summed up, Cassie. But I would add that we still live in a world of fundamentally decent people. Our rulers are the primitive savages, worshipping the animist hippy religion of climate doom, which aims to abolish the free market and take our living standards back to the Middle Ages.
No, don’t just accept these kids are stupid as they aren’t. Blame the American teachers union – THE most toxic organization in the West other than the Demonrat party.
I’m fine. All good except for terrible shoulder pain which the nurse reckons is caused by the op. The pain killer works though. Wow.
Shoulder?! What has your shoulder got to do with your transitioning surgery. Fess up head prefect, what is really going on?
September 11, 2022 at 9:32 am
Queen Elizabeth’s death is symbolic and will be used by historians to refer to a certain age in hindsight, but it doesn’t mean anything real in the present.
If it upsets upper class twits who see it as a sign of their privilege dissolving in a new age where they don’t get respect just for being who they are… then some good will come if it.
You Fat TWAT. The Royalty is another arm of our Institutions. So who would be a President here? And the ‘Pollies’ want to make the choice here? Get fucked. We the People need to make the choice.
Cassie, have you not been keeping up with the news? Putin’s invasion forces are Russian away from the front line quick sticks. It’s a bit of a rout.
The US decided to teach Putin a lesson, and the Russkies are getting it good and hard.
And this is going back up Fatboy.
WTF is that?
Neil Oliver Pays Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, The River of Time She Bridged is Extraordinary
September 10, 2022 | Sundance
Video + Transcript
At the end of this it is looking more likely that Donbas and Crimea will return to Ukraine. So yeah, good move not to appease Putin’s invasion.
Stick to fantasy football, you have at least some chance of being correct there.
There was a recent poll from a couple of weeks back. 30% of those polled wanted the US to go fight Russia because of the Ukraine incident. Who are these people?
“Cassie, have you not been keeping up with the news? Putin’s invasion forces are Russian away from the front line quick sticks. It’s a bit of a rout.
The US decided to teach Putin a lesson, and the Russkies are getting it good and hard.”
As I wrote above, you’re a moron, and that’s insulting to other morons.
Private hospitals are like private golf courses. Basically just the same – but nicer.
I gave up private health insurance a while ago. I’m not really too big on insurance generally. I’m pretty sure I didn’t have comprehensive car insurance for years. No accidents helped.
Tucker responds to that skank jennifer lawrence’s shit comments about him and Trump.
mUnty opens up a rich, new seam of wrongology. Fuckwit.
Monty should volunteer to go help Ukraine fight Russia.
“I gave up private health insurance a while ago. “
I’m very grateful for my private health insurance. I consider it money well worth spent.
Thanks for that pic*, JC. Unfortunately, my copy had gone to God in an old laptop and I now have a new copy in my files. Much appreciated.
*The Cat’s fat troll trying to play golf.
Chicken Hawk, keyboard warriors, front bar urges.
So who would be a President here? And the ‘Pollies’ want to make the choice here? Get fucked. We the People need to make the choice.
The pollie-muppets got their collective arses handed to them on a plate last time because they would not allow a vote for the president. It will happen again if they do not budge.
Of course m0nty-fa, running dog lackey of the fascist establishment will always support the establishment’s “right” to make a choice over the unenlightened masses, who cannot be relied on to do the “right”(ie, politically correct) thing.
Putin’s poodles in the media and on socials are not having a good time of it today. They probably should flee like his soldiers.
Fearing a Complete Shutdown from Russia, Europe Scraps Plans to Cap Russian Gas Prices
September 10, 2022 | Sundance
The Left has never had a problem with hypocrisy. I’m guessing those 18yo Trot Albo vids will take a while to surface being pre mobile phone days.
As low as standards have now dropped, not even our peacetime ADF would want him.
Besides, I dare say a Ukrainian soldier has more than a 10% chance of dying in the front line.
Putting his money where his mouth is, is just not Monty’s cup of tea.
The stuff of faith based aviation nightmares.
Even Waffleworth managed to appear generous. Something he manages quite well.
I’m guessing bicep implants.
If Presidential EO 13848 was specifically constructed to thwart the current occupant of the WH, why did he just extend it?
And EO 13818
This executive order could easily take down the entire corrupt political establishment
if and when it is properly used,
Also just extended.
Who really is in control?
mUnty should be an expert in Swedish counter resistance but he squibbed it. #neverbeentomalmo
September 11, 2022 at 9:19 am
Johnny Rottensays:
September 11, 2022 at 9:07 am
Long Live the Queen and Freddie Mercury……………………….
The Queen with Paddington Bear and “We Will Rock You” by Queen with Adam Lambert
Thanks Old Ozzie you are a Gem. And i still love marmalade sandwiches and Paddington Bear and the QUEEN…………………….
The Queen’s death ‘unearths deep wounds from colonisation’
Australia’s deep wound of colonialism is that most Aboriginals were ardent advocates of it. Peace and food, what’s not to like?!
Anyone with an appreciation of the beauty of golf is appalled by that photo on a number of levels (see above on private golf courses).
Albanese announces public holiday to mark Queen’s death
The Prime Minister has announced a public holiday on Thursday 22nd of September to allow Australians to pay their respects to Queen Elizabeth II.
White man’s beef, tea, flour and tobacco beat the lifestyle of a Stone Age hunter gatherer.
Horses, lever guns, scenery, big cars, horses, real women (one crazy), horses..
whats not to like?
But enough of the qwerty people demanding respect because of what they get up to with the contents of their underwear. Or the BIPOCs, or the the trannies.
I clicked on the MonyPox web shite and I got this……………
Is that him? What a fat fucker and all those donuts………………………lol
“Putting his money where his mouth is, is just not Monty’s cup of tea.”
No…I’m still waiting for his weekly postings from Malmo.
And he had the gall to blame his refusal on a family within the Bosi family.
A blatant lie.
Family issue
The Queen’s funeral is on Tuesday 19th.
So why the Thursday holiday two days later?
The Victorian Grand Final holiday is on the Friday.
Nice four day weekend for the wukkas.
“They probably should flee like his soldiers.”
Hmm…whilst we’re on the topic of moral cowardice, we’re still waiting on Monty’s apology for calling Cardinal Pell a “rock spider”.
But such apologies need to come from a man…and that he isn’t.
As an insider, for a long time I would have agreed that private cover didnt really add a lot, unless you were ‘in the industry’ and had the ability to judge the qualities of the various specialists and self refer.
Now, having seen the terminal decline of the public system (which is a symptom of the terminal decline of the public themselves), I regard private cover as essential, whatever the cost. If you dont have it, enjoy your ‘all nighters’ at the local ER, surrounded by meth heads, morons and the morbidly obese – btw they WILL be sicker than you and you WILL have to wait for them.
PS …. the old Darwin adage ‘get a pain – get a plane’ is now true everywhere – if you need to get to hospital fast, take a taxi, do not wait for an ambulance that may take 40 minutes to come* and will then ramp you for 1 hours. As a walk up, at least you will be inside the doors when you collapse.
* I noticed this particularly in my last few years as a volunteer fireman (yes – man) in the Adelaide Hills – we went to quite a few serious crashes where no ambulance was seen for a half hour or more, and we were increasingly getting called to ‘first respond’ to collapses and cardiac cases due to no ambulance available.
Who offered to buy m0nster’s ticket to Sweden?
Now post the one where Ricky withdraws his offer because his wife got sick.
None of the stuff you posted were refusals. It’s called negotiation, that’s what happens with contract work.
The back channels tell me St Ruth is claiming (yet again) that he is banned from here.
I’m guessing bicep implants.
Or a penis extension. Head prefect is just that sort of guy who’ll undergo whatever is necessary to present himself in the best possible way.
September 11, 2022 at 9:33 am
I am amused at the thought that JC is now literally a windbag.
How dare you call JC a wind bag and I am not religious………………………….You crunt.
The Russian speaking civilian population too,
given the good guys’ predilection to massacre.
At the time I said it, he was indeed a convicted and gaoled rock spider according to the law. But then his appeal won (on a technicality), and now he is not. Not hard to understand, Cassie.
The Prime Minister and Governor-General will travel to London for the Queen’s funeral, with the memorial to be held upon their return.
Bear, just being hypothetical. Say one saw him on a golf course at the time the pic was taken and were so overcome with anger at the way he was attired and playing, you ran him over with a golf cart and killed him. Or you clubbed him to death out of sheer anger. As I lawyer, do you think you could reduce the sentence?
Who offered to buy m0nster’s ticket to Sweden?
Cheaper, simpler and easier to brick him up in an unused fireplace.
Look. The Russians under Putin have farked it up. Just like WW One. All done by Christmas What idiots we we have as so called World Leaders.
Monty, I would be as happy as you if the corrupt, anti-democratic thug in Kiev managed to defeat the army of the corrupt old thug in Moscow, who’s trying to expand the Russian empire again.
But, as you know, there are two wars currently in progress – a battlefield hot war and a propaganda cold war.
If one of your Twitter parrots has tweeted that Putin is beating Zelenskyy, there’s a lag period of one to four weeks to elapse before claims on the battlefield are corroborated by political events in Moscow and Kiev.
If you are claiming that Putin has beaten Putin on the battlefield, it sounds to me you are setting yourself up make a fool of yourself, of which you have long track record here.
I can’t, because it isn’t wasn’t to be found. I wonder why?
BTW, that’s not negotiating, that’s back peddling.
Not having private health insurance is fine if your medical issue is life threatening but a different kettle of fish if you a trade apprentice being told you have to wait twelve months for a knee reconstruction.
Then private health insurance is a ten days golden ticket.
The would be the ‘back channel’ consisting of four people, and of whom one is Bird.
I dunno, maybe I’m just a gullible softy, but anyone who writes a such a nice letter to Charles about his mother can’t be all bad.
U.K Energy Reaches Crisis Point, Britain Announces New Oil and Gas Leases and Lifts Moratorium on Fracking
September 10, 2022 | Sundance
From the comments:
Green energy…
dies this Winter.
Hopefully the World will give this Green Energy BS a proper burial and say Never Again to Soros and the WEF.
Look harder, it’s there.
I was making some quite reasonable requests before I accepted the job offer. Not my fault that Ricky can’t organise anything more complicated than a PA on the back of a truck. He didn’t even register his political party, LOL.
I thought Bird was banned at the store by the ‘free speech’ champion.
The Russian Defence Ministry has confirmed it is puling troops out of areas in which Ukraine is conducting its counter-offensive. Can’t get more definitive than that.
No one is declaring total victory yet, but signs are certainly poor for Putin’s tankies.
September 11, 2022 at 10:46 am
I dunno, maybe I’m just a gullible softy, but anyone who writes a such a nice letter to Charles about his mother can’t be all bad.
JC I don’t know whether I am the Jonny that you refer too but I agree with you 100%. Long live King Charles the Turd as the Irish would say it after a Guinness or more………………..
Indolent and Old Ozzie
Worthwhile reminder of that frightening Riefenstahl practice in relation to which sections of the public become a ‘submissive void’. The very antithesis of the Passible.
The Australian Guv.ment has been very respectful. I am impressed.
Yes. Because the ‘Russian Defence Ministry’, in line with its values of openness and transparency, broadcasts its troop movements in the middle of a battle for the edification of lazy hypochondriac indoor rangas on the other side of the world.
Yes, I was referring to you.
I’m sure the Albanian told his backbench to STFU or they would have their throats slit. But yes, they’re being superficially respectful.
Superficially respectful is actually worse than saying how you really feel though. 🙂
Good catch. The idiot has more intellectual leaks than an incontinent on the booze.
duk – private health insurance is certainly good for getting to the front of the queue. Not sure how it stacks up on value against a lifetime of (genuine) self insuring allowing for a couple of knees and a hip. Both my hospitalisations have fallen into the catastrophic category so far. The degenerative stuff is yet to come.
Let’s just assume for a minute that it does exist (and I don’t believe it does), does this look like anything except a ‘no jump’ at the door?
Your refusal had nothing to do with Riccardo, his wife or his kids. What you did was what loud mouthed cowards allows do when called out. You reneged, and made excuses.
Who knows Riccardo’s offer was genuine?
It was, but does it matter?
But of course:
The Queen leaves a complicated legacy for Indigenous Australians
Wiradjuri person? What’s that all about?
Oh, right. You’ve got to hand it to the good professor. It’s clear they’ve got at least three good grifts going simultaneously and is pitching a fourth.
Who knows Riccardo’s offer was genuine?
Regardless, I think it would have easily been crowd funded, if he wasn’t intent on bullshitting his way out of going.
Yes it does.
Glib online challenges happen all the time.
I got rid of the incidentals part of health insurance several years ago as it’s just not worth it and pay my own freight for dental. I just have hospital coverage. The other crap like physio – I don’t care.
They are well practised in lying.
Lol Yes!
People like Riccardo, and those of a similar background, don’t make glib online challenges. He would have paid up as offered.
Besides, if Monty thought it was glib, he could have called Riccardo out. Instead, he broke out in a cold sweat, started pissing his pants and vomiting lame excuses.
Glib online challenges happen all the time.
This was long running and a number put their hands up to fill any funding gap.
Unfortunately it seems the fat lying bullshit artist Ranga did some real research and decided that he didn’t want to die in Malmo.
Just as a reminder:
Your assuming allot based on minimal contact and comradeship, Mater.
Was the fat creep right about the UAP deregistering itself? Just wondering- haven’t seen anything else about it.
You have no idea of my history with Riccardo.
Anyone with a modicum of deductive reasoning might assume that it could be significant.
a West that celebrates the obscene, the pagan, the promiscuous, the opposite of truth, the vulgar, the indecent, the tawdry, the obnoxious, the dissolute, the lewd and the self-indulgent.
which has been largely driven by the meja- just look at the way US TV changed in 60 years- it actually used to be quite nice and fun- Petticoat Junction, the Beverly Hillbillies, F troop, Lassie. For decades, to use Cassie’s words, it’s been indecent, tawdry, obnoxious, dissolute, lewd and self-indulgent.
I have always thought the hospital system would work better with an element of user pays and a stronger role for the price mechanism. Need to stop short of a full US model of have and have nots.
The meja is evil- even more so than I thought possible just 5 years ago.
Wikipedia showed the UAP as being de registered a few days ago.
The nastiness of the left is very accurately captured in The History Man by Malcolm Bradbury with the destruction of Carmody. The other sociology students couldn’t believe Carmody was sincere when he wore a uni blazer and tie- with them everything was parody.
*provided* you can pay the cost of whatever is needed, ‘self insuring’ is always a cheaper option because you are just paying for the cost of the procedure, not the cost + their profit + their admin fee.
The problem however is that (in this country*) many providers wont accept ‘self insured’ – probably because they have been burned in the past.
* In contrast to, say Dubai, where we would deliver out own patients to either the American (1st choice), Canadian (2nd) or European hospital, and pass $15k USD across the counter to get the ball rolling.
Holy shitballs.
Thanks ZK2A- that was an exercise in the absurd. Still the guy I voted for got up- I wonder if he’s an independent now.
private health insurance is certainly good for getting to the front of the queue.
Isn’t that the main reason for paying it!
Again, until recently, I would have agreed that public hospitals are fine/better for acute life threats (trauma/MI) but increasingly they are not – more and more people are getting delayed at (or even outside – ramping) the ED when they need to be receiving definitive care. Many people have died in ramped ambulances.
I have not heard of anyone getting ramped at a private hospital, and many big city private EDs are good at managing Heart attacks and strokes.
Absolutely so my assumptions are based only what I’ve read. This not uncommon.
I’m not the enemy and I am familiar with consept of brother hood.
Ricky’s entire political history has been glib online challenges, interspersed with glib public speeches. He has accomplished exactly nothing, got no one elected, had no effect.
He thought he’d score a few debating points by making a bulltish offer of underfunding some contract work with terrible conditions. I expressed keenness to do it and pointed out how rubbish his initial offer was, and we started working out the details in a slightly more professional manner. Then he withdrew because his wife got sick.
Of course you lot view that process as being “oh you just squibbed it” when it was Ricky who withdrew, not me.
Albanese announces public holiday to mark Queen’s death
The Prime Minister has announced a public holiday on Thursday 22nd of September to allow Australians to pay their respects to Queen Elizabeth II.
We is all equal! .. LOL! .. pollies get, at least, 2 weeks .. wukkas get 1 day and the 251s will find CentreLink closed .. if only we had a .. VOICE! .. LOL!
Of course, ‘insuring’ against relatively small, relatively predictable health costs like GP visits or physio makes about as much sense as insuring against your car needing fuel or servicing – you pay the cost of the service + their profit + their admin costs.
I only insure against catastrophes /.
It’s an OT, and we’ve all been repetitious. The only time I’ll intervene in such an instance is if it becomes a near everyday jeremiad.
Not much, but neither does the swearing of both sides, nor the baiting, nor responding to it.
That’s not what the replay shows.
September 11, 2022 at 10:07 am
Putin’s poodles in the media and on socials are not having a good time of it today. They probably should flee like his soldiers.
From an “impeccable” source, “Chatter on lefty blogs”.
He insists the UAP is still functioning and the deregistration is a purely administrative matter designed to reduce costs between elections. Very strange all-round.
He did not win it on a ‘technicality’. He won it because the seven justices of the HC unanimously found that there was a very real danger he was innocent given the evidence. A technicality would involve a procedural error, like a chain of custody error, or such like.
Besides, Monty, I remember the discussions well.
There were people lining up to contribute money to pay for your passage to paradise (Malmo). Riccardo’s offer was just the initiating one.
The only thing that stopped you going was you.
Not quite the best simile, Dover, since Jeremiah may’ve been incessant but was also correct.
Perhaps Krugmaniad or Goreiad would be better. 😀
He insists the UAP is still functioning and the deregistration is a purely administrative matter designed to reduce costs between elections. Very strange all-round.
yes it sure is
At the time I said it, he was indeed a convicted and gaoled rock spider according to the law. But then his appeal won (on a technicality), and now he is not.
The technicality was, there was no evidence, something the Victorian SC had concocted a ridiculous legal fiction to avoid acknowledging.
September 11, 2022 at 10:33 am
Hmm…whilst we’re on the topic of moral cowardice, we’re still waiting on Monty’s apology for calling Cardinal Pell a “rock spider”.
At the time I said it, he was indeed a convicted and gaoled rock spider according to the law. But then his appeal won (on a technicality), and now he is not. Not hard to understand, Cassie.
The “technicality” being that it was physically impossible for the events to have occurred. Minor detail?
And still no apology for making the assertion, and never actually withdrawing it? Gutless worm (sorry to worms for the association).
Naa, ya think?
There’s repetition and monotonously boring repetition. Where do you think his is on a scale of one to ten? 38?
That’s a nice cop-out on a technicality. 🙂 It’s “jeremiadathon” most of the freaking day. I think he’s “jeremiading” even in-between shifts at Bakers Delight.
Your selective editing is noted.
FBI count is now 50 Trump allies:
How George Pell won in the High Court on a legal technicality
September 11, 2022 at 11:27 am
duk – private health insurance is certainly good for getting to the front of the queue.
I got rid of the incidentals part of health insurance several years ago as it’s just not worth it and pay my own freight for dental. I just have hospital coverage. The other crap like physio – I don’t care.
Same – happy to pay extra for my Female GP’s and my Female Plastic Surgeon who recommended me to Radiation Specialist and ENT Specialist at RNSH – I am a testament to a Great Public Health System – at St Vincents and RNSH, but happy to have private as backup if required – Dentists – haven’t seen one in 30 years – we don’t get on
Riccardo’s offer was made on at “February 23, 2017 at 1:06 pm”
This is a quote of yours from 8 hours later:
Did Riccardo have a family crisis in that 8 hours?
September 11, 2022 at 10:52 am
I can’t, because it isn’t wasn’t to be found. I wonder why?
Look harder, it’s there.
Then an IT eggspurt like you can find it, and link to it.
As I said last night, this is undoubtedly a big win for UKR. They reclaimed a significant area and important towns, and the morale boost will be immense. But its still unclear what this will mean overall. It looks like the areas reclaimed were only lightly defended by RUS forces so the gaining of territory isn’t accompanied by a significant mauling of RUS forces overall because they had largely been pulled out over the last few weeks. Whether that’s because of the UKR counteroffensive in Kherson or because of RUS offensive operations in Donetsk, combination of the two, we just don’t know. Will be interesting to see if UKR can exploit this success in the next few weeks or whether this is the full extent of the advance or somewhere inbetween.
Well, yes.
But second hand from someone who has a stronger stomach than me and actually reads the Furniture Store.
That comment was made in response to Ricky’s offer, which was basically to cover expenses and not pay me for doing actual professional work for him. I was not going to do it for the pure adventure. I’m not a grifter living on donations and a military pension like Ricky. I have mouths to feed, if he thought he didn’t need to pay me for real-life work then he had to change his tune.
How stupid is Elbow?! I see he is already talking about referendum on at republic .
I posted two weeks ago approximately, the story of my new relationship with a grieving widower and now writing a book about all of our the problems associated with it . So I am researching all I can on the subject .
It has been for Melburnians particularly, a year of losses loss of freedom, loss of businesses , loss of school and socialising, loss of work and probably loss of relationships and now a threat of loss of homes. ,
Loss and Grief have been suffered by many and Ithink the Queen’s death is going to have a greater impact on grievers . More Than we can ever imagine. especially those who lost family and friends during lockdown . Elbow has Buckleys .
m0nty, that “legal technicality” (lol) is a bedrock principle of a fair trial.
The fact is the High Court said no jury could reasonably convict – that goes back to the trial itself, and meant the appeal court should have over-turned the verdict.
That is not a legal technicality.
That is justice finding that a grevious injustice had occurred.
No jury should have convicted him.
Innocent at law and that is all that matters here on Earth – what he cops (if anything) on judgment day is a matter for our betters.
September 11, 2022 at 12:23 pm
That’s not what the replay shows.
Your selective editing is noted.
hahahaha, Monty thought because the Sinc cat was gone he was free to rewrite his Blancmange like u-turn on the malmo slitherdown.
Own it fat boy, when offered a way to prove the evil wingnuts wrong you instead retreated further than Xenophon and the March of the 10,000…
September 11, 2022 at 12:27 pm
Theres MORE!
Go on monty-Who, travel through time and space and change history some more.
It’s amazing that someone as sickly and fat as you can twist, turn, backflip and slither so effectively.
I’m genuinely impressed.
Tell us again how Covid is the biggest killer in Australia at the moment.
Total collapse of RUS forces in Kharkiv oblast. All territorial gains over 4 months, since “Phase II” withdrawal from Kiev and redeployment, wiped out and then some in 4 days. Russians in total panic and disarray.
Putin: “I remain a master strategist.”
pete m
Blast from the past. Nice to see you around.
Why even have juries, obviously judges are the final word on these matters. Better to have begowned beaks in powdered wigs decide everything on our behalf, not leave it to the riff raff and unwashed masses.
LOL. Read the actual article and look at what they are calling a ‘technicality’:
Pretending that this is a ‘technicality’ is absurd but I can see what they are doing here; namely, providing a reference for halfwits that want to maintain guilt in the face of the paucity of the evidence.
September 11, 2022 at 12:25 pm
How George Pell won in the High Court on a legal technicality
This High Court appeal
ROFLMAO. To “prove” his point about a legal technicality, m0nty-fa links to The (one-sided) Conversation, part of the “Get Pell” gang that pursued an innocent man for years, and got him jailed on a legal fiction for 14 months. And has never admitted to error.
Serious question Mater.
Did he show signs earlier of the potential to go off reservation?
Or is this just a sudden, recent thing?
The exoneration occurred on the basis of what the HCA noted several times as the incontrovertible exculpatory evidence of ‘honest witnesses’ vis a vis the original allegations which the HCA noted as having been fabrications. Now it so happened that the exculpatory evidence was sufficient to indicate that there was every possibility that an innocent person had been convicted. As for the fabrications, they were and are left to speak for themselves.
Forget Pell. You have much, much deeper problems. You have a Baker’s Delight deliver driver ruining your blog and doing so in-between shifts.
Focus on the most important priority. 🙂
Hard to believe one of the authors of that tendentious piece is a professor of law. I think his particular interest in child abuse has clouded his thinking on the matter under discussion.
Bear, don’t live under the misapprehension that the US model is based on some user pays capitalist model. It’s not as it’s a complete shitshow of complexity of state and federal government mandates and only recently was there liberalization across state lines. It’s basically a late birth abortion gone wrong.
September 11, 2022 at 12:37 pm
No jury should have convicted him.
Why even have juries, obviously judges are the final word on these matters. Better to have begowned beaks in powdered wigs decide everything on our behalf, not leave it to the riff raff and unwashed masses.
Meeeeoooowww, saucer of milk for the Phat Cat?
When Appeal Court judges decided to reject Pell’s appeal, they were (well, two of them were) providing justice. When a higher court said thy were wrong it became “begowned beaks in powdered wigs”.
A few things to know before stealing my 914
Dear Thief,
Welcome to my Porsche 914. I imagine that at this point (having found the door unlocked) your intention is to steal my car. Don’t be encouraged by this; the tumblers sheared off in 1978. I would have locked it up if I could, so don’t think you’re too clever or that I’m too lazy. However, now that you’re in the car, there are a few things you’re going to need to know. First, the battery is disconnected, so slide-hammering my ignition switch is not your first step. I leave the battery disconnected, not to foil hoodlums such as yourself, but because there is a mysterious current drain from the 40-year-old German wiring harness that I can’t locate and/or fix. So, connect the battery first. Good luck finding the engine cover release. Or the engine, for that matter.
Now, you can skip your slide hammer. The ignition switch’s tumblers are so worn that any flat-bladed screwdriver or pair of scissors will do. Don’t tell anyone.
Once you’ve figured that out and try to start the car, you’ll run into some trouble.
A lot of purple Freflogs floating around the city waiting on flights back to Sandland.
Engaged one bloke in conversation and played him along until I let it out that I was a Pies man.
Good times.
Gotta luv the way “our” ABC ignores the crux of the matter by failing to mention “Trevor” is a renter so has no say in “improvements” to the abode .. LOL!
September 11, 2022 at 12:25 pm
How George Pell won in the High Court on a legal technicality
Poor old m0nty. Once again he posts something without having read it, only to find that despite the dishonest headline it actually totally contradicts his assertion.
From m0nty’s link:
Jury decisions cannot be undermined without exceptional circumstances. Pell had to show more than the jury “might have” had a reasonable doubt. He had to show the evidence “precluded” a guilty verdict.
Correct. The evidence was found to “preclude” a guilty verdict.
Poor old m0nty. He’s a self-beclownment MACHINE!
It’s hard to know because I don’t read them in full or at all.
How George Pell won in the High Court on a legal technicality
This High Court appeal did not ask whether Pell committed the offences. It asked whether the two majority judges in the Victorian Court of Appeal, in dismissing Pell’s earlier appeal, made an error about the nature of the correct legal principles, or their application.
Dickless resorts to The Conversation. In dickless’s mind Pell is still guilty. That’s the point. The left is never wrong. The HC concluded this:
“a significant possibility that an innocent person has been convicted because the evidence did not establish guilt to the requisite standard of proof”
The standard of criminal proof not being met is not a technicality.
With all due respect Sancho, it’s not really a serious question. If you are wanting me to slag off Riccardo, I won’t, but I will give you a serious answer.
After recent events, the reservation got a whole lot smaller. Not hard to go off it. Most who don’t blindly bungle along compliantly, are generally considered “off reservation”.
A number of my acquaintances would tell you that the last 28 months have sent me “off reservation”, too. They are the types who think I should have been held down and forcibly injected.
Sticking to some fundamental principles is unusual nowadays, and is not particularly popular with those who have trivialised them to point of being bloody scary.
I wouldn’t have gone the same track as Riccardo, but we all dealt with it, and resisted it, in our own way.
Was there early signs of him doing something that wouldn’t be popular? Sure. He’s a man of belief and commitment, and not one to sit idly by. His appearances on the ABC well before Covid were clear clues.
Why even run the case in the first place. Witness testimonies in rape cases are obviously worth nothing. That’s the real legacy of this decision.
Once the intellectual veneer of Marxist theory is stripped away, the leftist worldview is revealed as essentially a regression to tribalism.
Then rely on our word.
Dover, let’s not have Twitter rules which are basically capricious. Stuthid is miles worse than Bird if you take out the anti-Semitism. In fact, if you remove the anti-Semitic stuff, Bird can be (not is, but can be) miles more interesting than the van canary. Yet Bird gets the size 10 and Stuthid remains. Unfair I think.
Moreover, sure anti-Semitism has much more serious connotations than throwing around other racist comments like wog etc. But perhaps you could say moderate Birdian commentary and also moderate sthuthid when say, he gets to 48 comments in a day criticising Rosie’s decision to get the jab.
Again, it’s your blog and you can do what you like. I’m just making a suggestion unlike someone else, who thought s/he owned your blog. I’m just keeping it real.
It effectively did.
Submissions were made that the timelines put forward by the prosecution regarding the alleged offending.
You might recall Mzzz Judd, DPP, asked if she could amend the original timeline which would make the offending “possible”.
The bench said “No”.
And, in doing so said “possible” falls a long way short of “beyond reasonable doubt”.
The Full Bench found (7-Zip) that “it was not open to a jury to reach a guilty verdict”.
They effectively said the alleged offending was not possible, based on the evidence.
I know the best narrative their ABC could come up with was “technicality”, but this was no mere failure to file by the due date on the correct form.
It was a slam-dunk, emphatic, Not Guilty!
x 7.
Stuthid is more annoying than USSR and that world competition level.