Open Thread – Weekend 10 Sept 2022

Road to Racquencourt, Camille Pissarro, 1871

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September 12, 2022 12:10 pm

Sydney Morning Herald
Under the Queen I was a republican. Under the King I have become a monarchist. That’s because of Charles’s powerful advocacy for the environment. Nothing else really matters. And also his unashamed support for elite arts and cultural institutions – conservation where it is really needed.
Annie Godfrey, Kensington

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 12:12 pm

September 12, 2022 at 11:07 am
A load of farking crooks which is why they were renamed as ‘Goldman Sucks’…………….

Why are they crooks?

You need to ask them that question.

Maybe cos’ it pays better than being honest. Maybe cos’ they can be and get away with it. Maybe cos’ they learnt from the Mafia. Maybe cos’ sheep need to be shorn on a regular basis. Maybe cos’ the Meek will inherit the World as it says in that fantasy book called the Bible…………………..

Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Not the last one.

September 12, 2022 12:13 pm

The Euro is burnt toast. A failed currency experiment as they never consolidated the individual country debts and not one person in Europe got to vote on it apart from the crooks at the top. The Euro will fail along with the the EU and the Brits did the right thing to keep Sterling.

Don’t confuse reality with ideology as you see a load of that going on here.

The Euro has withstood a great deal of tension and it would be foolhardy to say it’s going to be dropped. It won’t be unless Germany and France say it will. That could happen. Britain found it very easy to leave the EU because it held onto the pound. If Britain had adopted the Euro it would still be in the EU.

The EU will break up and all of those Countries will go back to their own money.

The Euro could break, but the countries will not be heading back to their old currencies. That’s because they would also have to carry in their accumulated debts expressed in Euros, which then would need to be converted to the new domestic currency. Some of these currencies would end up tracking to zero.

The US Dollar is the Best of a very bad bunch along with the South Pacific Peso (our very own OZ dollar).

The Greenback will hold up despite all the insults from the Demonrats. The Australian dollar has China risk. You forget the Yen.

September 12, 2022 12:13 pm

What does it mean to have a recession in the middle of a huge labour market shortage? Does that mean all those jobs that aren’t filled disappear… and if so, who cares apart from shareholders? What is lost from the perspective of the average worker?

I have a suspicion that if a recession does come, it would be worse for the rich than it would be for the poor.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
September 12, 2022 12:15 pm

Russia shelling power plants instead of military targets is a sign of weakness. They prefer targets that don’t fight back.

Vlad is a despicable human being but it is a very good tactic from a military perspective. You take away the capacity of your enemy to engage in long term warfare. The Allies engaged in it in WW2 and eventually it led to a weaker defense from the Germans. I was wondering when Vlad would get around to this if he wanted to win a war quickly.

September 12, 2022 12:15 pm

Under the Queen I was a republican. Under the King I have become a monarchist. That’s because of Charles’s powerful advocacy for the environment. Nothing else really matters. And also his unashamed support for elite arts and cultural institutions – conservation where it is really needed.
Annie Godfrey, Kensington

This reads like Titania McGrath.

September 12, 2022 12:17 pm

rickw says:
September 12, 2022 at 11:54 am

In addition, the minutes silence was held shortly before the start of the race meaning it was telecast globally. Every monitor and screen around the track switched to an image of the Queen; every race car (inc the German, Italian, American teams) had its own tribute attached; and, a large number of the pit crews and officials wore black arm bands.

Given that F1 is a global sport with an average audience of ~80m people per race, many of whom would not be have been subjects of Her Majesty, it was a dignified and appreciated gesture by F1 management. But again, apparently it was too much effort for the AFLW.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2022 12:18 pm

September 12, 2022 at 12:05 pm
Russia shelling power plants instead of military targets is a sign of weakness. They prefer targets that don’t fight back.

When the lights go out in Melbourne, m0nty-fa will get a limited example of why power is needed to fight a modern war. But the subtlety of the moment will escape him.

September 12, 2022 12:19 pm

huge labour market shortage

No we don’t. We a market saturated with Karen’s.

September 12, 2022 12:19 pm

You need to ask them that question.

Yes, explain what they are doing that’s illegal. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t make them crooks. You’re not the sovereign lord, dude.

Maybe cos’ it pays better than being honest.

Oh, the circular bullshit. So you have no explanation what they do that’s illegal.

Maybe cos’ they can be and get away with it.

Gert away with what. Explain yourself better.

Maybe cos’ they learnt from the Mafia.

Oh God.

Maybe cos’ sheep need to be shorn on a regular basis. Maybe cos’ the Meek will inherit the World as it says in that fantasy book called the Bible…………………..

Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Not the last one.

Stay off the internet. It’s not doing you any good heading off to crappy sites, picking up this sort of drivel and believing it. Trust me on this. If you keep going to these detestable sites you’ll end up with believing the Rothschilds own the central banks and then you’ll finally get to the cul de sac of Jew hatred. That’s where you’re heading if you’re not careful.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 12:23 pm

September 12, 2022 at 12:10 pm
Sydney Morning Herald
Under the Queen I was a republican. Under the King I have become a monarchist. That’s because of Charles’s powerful advocacy for the environment. Nothing else really matters. And also his unashamed support for elite arts and cultural institutions – conservation where it is really needed.
Annie Godfrey, Kensington

Why were you under the Queen? Don’t you have your own persona and dignity? Charlie Boy is Charles de Turd as explained to me with a friend who has an Irish accent. Albo likes him as they are both right into this Climate Change ‘thingy’.

BTW, we all love the environment but maybe not all with this UN mandated ‘Climate so called Emergency’. This Planet has been around for 4.5 Billion years or so and is still here.

September 12, 2022 12:24 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2022 12:24 pm

September 12, 2022 at 12:13 pm
What does it mean to have a recession in the middle of a huge labour market shortage? Does that mean all those jobs that aren’t filled disappear… and if so, who cares apart from shareholders? What is lost from the perspective of the average worker?

I have a suspicion that if a recession does come, it would be worse for the rich than it would be for the poor.

Now we know why m0nty-fa failed Economics 1 at Monash.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 12:30 pm

September 12, 2022 at 12:19 pm
You need to ask them that question.

Yes, explain what they are doing that’s illegal. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t make them crooks. You’re not the sovereign lord, dude.

Maybe cos’ it pays better than being honest.

Oh, the circular bullshit. So you have no explanation what they do that’s illegal.

Maybe cos’ they can be and get away with it.

Gert away with what. Explain yourself better.

Maybe cos’ they learnt from the Mafia.

Oh God.

Maybe cos’ sheep need to be shorn on a regular basis. Maybe cos’ the Meek will inherit the World as it says in that fantasy book called the Bible…………………..

Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Not the last one.

Stay off the internet. It’s not doing you any good heading off to crappy sites, picking up this sort of drivel and believing it. Trust me on this. If you keep going to these detestable sites you’ll end up with believing the Rothschilds own the central banks and then you’ll finally get to the cul de sac of Jew hatred. That’s where you’re heading if you’re not careful.

LOL. Ever heard of free speech and someone having their own opinion? No, I didn’t think so.

September 12, 2022 12:31 pm

Vlad is a despicable human being but it is a very good tactic from a military perspective. You take away the capacity of your enemy to engage in long term warfare. The Allies engaged in it in WW2 and eventually it led to a weaker defense from the Germans. I was wondering when Vlad would get around to this if he wanted to win a war quickly.

It shows that he has given up on quickly retaking the ground lost in the counter-offensive, because causing blackouts is going to make him exceedingly unpopular with civilians. Those much-vaunted independence referendums have been scrapped.

September 12, 2022 12:32 pm

Record Numbers Have Quit Finland Army Reserves Since Russia Invasion

A record number of people in Finland’s army reserve have switched to civilian service this year following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Officials claim the trend does not pose difficulties for the country’s national defence.

The number of requests to be transferred from the army reserve to civilian service has surged this year, from just 460 applications in 2021 to over 3,300 so far this year. The trend started at the beginning of the year but surged in March following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February.

While some believe that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has likely played a role in the surge of applications, broadcaster Yle reports that the applications do not ask the motives of the applicants.

Civil service director Mikko Reijonen stated that the Russian invasion very likely played a role in the number of requests to leave the army reserve, however, saying that “possibly, at that point, many people have also thought about whether their conviction is the same” — but claimed that he did not see the trend as an issue for Finland’s national defence.

“The size of Finland’s reserve is around 900,000 people, so this is a small number. It must also be remembered that those who are required to complete supplementary service are given a very good week-long training. Thanks to it, they get the skills to act in everyday crises and are also assigned to various tasks in exceptional circumstances,” he said.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 12:35 pm

I have a suspicion that if a recession does come, it would be worse for the rich than it would be for the poor.

MontyPox. Are you for real or what? In every Downturn and Recession and maybe a Depression, the smart Rich end up buying stuff for pennies. The dumb rich go broke and jump out of windows. Darwin was always right.

September 12, 2022 12:38 pm

China gives ‘endorsement’ for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Hong Kong: A senior Chinese official offered Beijing’s most robust endorsement yet of Moscow’s war in Ukraine, telling a group of Russian lawmakers that China “understands and supports Russia,” particularly “on the situation in Ukraine,” according to an official Russian description of the meeting.

Li Zhanshu, the third-ranking member of the Communist Party of China, visited Moscow last week after attending an economic forum in the eastern Russian city of Vladivostok, where he met with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Li is the most senior Chinese official to leave the country since the start of the pandemic.

Li travelled in advance of a trip by Xi Jinping, China’s leader, who is expected to go to Kazakhstan on Wednesday and Uzbekistan later in the week, where he will meet with Putin at a gathering of leaders from the region.

In Vladivostok Li praised Putin, saying that under his leadership Russia was “not crushed by the severe sanctions of the United States and the West, but rather in a short period achieved stability and showed resilience”.

But it was later in Moscow on Friday that he offered his strongest endorsement of the Russian leadership.

“We see that the United States and its NATO allies are expanding their presence near the Russian borders, seriously threatening national security and the lives of Russian citizens,” Li said, according to a description from the Russian parliament. “We fully understand the necessity of all the measures taken by Russia aimed at protecting its key interests; we are providing our assistance.”

“On the Ukrainian issue, we see how they have put Russia in an impossible situation,” he added. “And in this case, Russia made an important choice and responded firmly.”

September 12, 2022 12:42 pm

Smallpox doesn’t mutate because it now doesn’t get much of a chance to circulate?

Bill must be too busy to hand out “blankets” now he’s troughin’ at gummint minister level .. LOL!

September 12, 2022 12:46 pm

What is lost from the perspective of the average worker?

probably their house

September 12, 2022 12:47 pm

LOL. Ever heard of free speech and someone having their own opinion? No, I didn’t think so.

You’re entitled to have any opinion you want -including very stupid opinions. However, you’re not entitled to have stupid opinions uncontested.

Anyway, my comment about staying away from the internet was just advice for your mental health as I have an uncomfortable feeling about where you’re heading. No biggie.

September 12, 2022 12:49 pm

LOL. Ever heard of free speech and someone having their own opinion? No, I didn’t think so.


September 12, 2022 12:56 pm

I am not cheering for a recession, of course, but if the labour market remains tight in an economic downturn so that wages keep going up, then regular workers shouldn’t particularly care that rich retirees and other shareholders are not getting those sweet franking credits.

Trickle down economics doesn’t work either in good times or bad, so tradies and nurses should not give a tinker’s what is happening to Qantas shares.

There has been so much inter-generational wealth shifting from the hard-working young to the rich boomers, it’s about time things went the other way for a bit.

September 12, 2022 1:00 pm

I mean, that is just a colossal rout of the Russkies in a mere four days’ work. Phenomenal. Hope the Emperor for Life in Beijing is paying attention and not getting any ideas about Taiwan (he’s probably looking more to Siberia now tbh)

September 12, 2022 1:02 pm

I am not cheering for a recession, of course, but if the labour market remains tight in an economic downturn so that wages keep going up,

You are cheering for a recession.

A recession by definition is a sudden, deep fall in aggregate income, you fat swine. You don’t have a recession like what you’re talking about without falling real incomes. Stop talking about this stuff as it’s painful seeing another human being (even you) post really dumb stuff.

September 12, 2022 1:05 pm

(he’s probably looking more to Siberia now tbh)

That’s the risk, right? 🙂

September 12, 2022 1:10 pm

Every one of my bosses recreational toys and work machinery represents employing someone like me. He goes down so does me a countless others.

Envy has been the catalyst for all of the atrocities committed.

September 12, 2022 1:12 pm

Trickle down economics doesn’t work either in good times or bad, so tradies and nurses should not give a tinker’s what is happening to Qantas shares.

Yes they have an interest. Where the hell do you think super funds put their hard earned? Over the last 4 weeks my super has bounced around plus or minus 7 to 10k a week, and I only have around 1/8th what Scummo said I needed for a comfortable retirement.

September 12, 2022 1:13 pm

There has been so much inter-generational wealth shifting from the hard-working young to the rich boomers, it’s about time things went the other way for a bit.

Look on the bright side Monty. As long as the government doesn’t get its mitts on it to spend on travel allowances or some arts council installation, the hard-working young will inherit it eventually.

September 12, 2022 1:15 pm

Hit post too soon. Today I physically have 15 K less in super than I did 12 months ago, and that is after over 5k in contributions as well. All caused by the gyrations on the stock exchange.

September 12, 2022 1:16 pm


I’m not having a go at you, but dude, you have to admit, you could recruit from high care nursing homes everywhere and have a more functional military than what those fucking Russians have come up with. I’m no military strategist, but we’ve moved from late winter , spring and summer with the Russian campaign’s objective to essentially take over a farming country. We’re now approaching autumn and winter where the seasons count and these fuckers are being routed like the Italian military in desert campaigns. This is beyond embarrassing.

September 12, 2022 1:19 pm

Trickle down economics doesn’t work either in good times or bad, so tradies and nurses should not give a tinker’s what is happening to Qantas shares.

No one on the Right ever described the process as “trickle down economics”. It was always meant as a pejorative term. But even so, if it didn’t work explain how living standards rose since the Industrial Revolution, you big, fat abalone?

September 12, 2022 1:21 pm

Dover, do the right thing like the Italians did and switch sides quickly. I want you on our team. Team Uke. Hurry please before the train leaves the station. 🙂

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2022 1:22 pm


I am not cheering for a recession, of course, but if the labour market remains tight in an economic downturn so that wages keep going up, then regular workers shouldn’t particularly care that rich retirees and other shareholders are not getting those sweet franking credits.

Relax, the friends of the wukkas in the Liars Pardy will make sure that the labour market remains tight, by lowering immigration.

Ooops, hey, wait on there ….

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2022 1:24 pm

September 12, 2022 at 1:10 pm
Every one of my bosses recreational toys and work machinery represents employing someone like me. He goes down so does me a countless others.

Envy has been the catalyst for all of the atrocities committed.

And m0nty-fa follows faithfully the leftist pseudo religion built on envy and hatred.

September 12, 2022 1:27 pm

you could recruit from high care nursing homes everywhere and have a more functional military 

Not so far fetched, ex-child soldiers.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 12, 2022 1:27 pm

September 12, 2022 at 12:56 pm
I am not cheering for a recession, of course, but if the labour market remains tight in an economic downturn so that wages keep going up,

You really didn’t learn anything in your failed economics course did you. If businesses stop hiring and start retrenching (or going under entirely) how likely is it that the labour market will remain tight?

then regular workers shouldn’t particularly care that rich retirees and other shareholders are not getting those sweet franking credits.

If the retirees aren’t getting the franking credits that will be because companies are either (a) totally bereft of accumulated earnings, or (b) making losses and thus not paying income tax, or (c ) both. None of those is a good prospect for the lower paid workers or anyone dependent on taxpayer funded support.

Trickle down economics doesn’t work either in good times or bad, so tradies and nurses should not give a tinker’s what is happening to Qantas shares.

“Trickle down economics” has always been a left wing fantasy, as has been explained on this site a number of times. Workers are first in line for benefits when the economy picks up, just like they’re first in line for the detriment of getting retrenched when a recession hits.

There has been so much inter-generational wealth shifting from the hard-working young to the rich boomers, it’s about time things went the other way for a bit.

What “shift”? When have “hard working young” ever had wealth? I’d bet that most people on this site started out with very little when they were young and accumulated whatever they’ve got as they went on. Except parasites who married into money and have been sponging ever since while pretending that their internet hobby is a “business”.

September 12, 2022 1:27 pm

Envy has been the catalyst for all of the atrocities committed.


My theory is that envy is more predominate in the male of the human species. Just a hunch through observation, that’s all.

September 12, 2022 1:28 pm

Trickle down economics doesn’t work either in good times or bad, so tradies and nurses should not give a tinker’s what is happening to Qantas shares.

Sure montell, just make them invest 18% of their earnings into the stock market though, amirite?

They never want to retire, do they?

Get off the drugs you stupid clown.

Outing yourself again as a work shy upper class socialist leech.

September 12, 2022 1:33 pm

Hope the Emperor for Life in Beijing is paying attention and not getting any ideas about Taiwan

Probably the major positive, if there is one in the Uke fracas.

Given China has a historical beef with Russia over ceded territory…. (Very anti-China source here)

‘This is our land,’ China now claims Russia’s Vladivostok as part of its territory

September 12, 2022 1:33 pm


Wukkas doon care y’bout Ansett goon bust!

Wukkas doon care y’bout businesses closing’ doon afta 9/11 or durin’ CO-VAHD!

Just as vile as the UK blow in commie unionists of the late 1970s.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2022 1:34 pm

Timothy N

Except parasites who married into money and have been sponging ever since while pretending that their internet hobby is a “business”.

I wonder to whom this could possibly refer? (Rhetorical question.)

September 12, 2022 1:34 pm

News just out:

Ukrainian brigade called, The Nonagenarian Brigade, because the troops are over 90 years of age and recruited from high care Ukrainian nursing homes (with some in wheel-chairs), have routed the Russian military and are now clearing Odessa.


Bill P
Bill P
September 12, 2022 1:35 pm

“We want to know, what would YOU name the #Uranus Orbiter & Probe Mission?”
The Oozlum Bird.

September 12, 2022 1:38 pm

If the RUS were as bad as the Italians they wouldn’t have held Kherson this last fortnight, nor made the advances they have in Donetsk were the UKR have been fortified.

Dude, the Ruskies are pretty freaking bad. Ukraine is a giant freaking farm and a few quarries and they can’t take it.

September 12, 2022 1:41 pm

“Uranus Orbiter & Probe Mission”


September 12, 2022 1:46 pm

My theory is that envy is more predominate in the male of the human species.

Nice troll.

September 12, 2022 1:52 pm

September 12, 2022 at 7:24 am
ANZ and Westpac are predicting the same, except the drops are 18% for Syd & Melb and 8% elsewhere.

Probably a reasonable adjustment. But nothing gets clicks like “housing crash” in a headline.


Sydney prices went up 27% the year through Dec’21. (Melb. 20%)

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 12, 2022 1:58 pm

Seems the average Ruskie soldier has little interest in defending territory they never cared about taking in the first place.
The further they advanced the more they came upon Ukrainians who made it quite clear they were not viewed as saviours but invaders.
Like the Italians and unlike the Germans in North Africa, there’s no esprit de corp to hold them together.
The Uke Cong have the hearts and minds of the overwhelming majority. I’m not saying that the regime doesn’t stink though.

September 12, 2022 2:13 pm

Then the UKR have nothing to worry about.

Of course they do. As horrifically incompetent the Russian military is, they are still causing much death and destruction.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2022 2:13 pm

“I am not cheering for a recession, of course, but if the labour market remains tight in an economic downturn so that wages keep going up, then regular workers shouldn’t particularly care that rich retirees and other shareholders are not getting those sweet franking credits.”

You are cheering for a recession, of course.

When you’re not wanting to imprison your ideological opponents on trumped up charges, all because they disagree with you, you want to attack and impoverish those Australians who, unlike you, worked hard for years to accumulate their wealth.

My God you are disgusting.

September 12, 2022 2:13 pm

September 12, 2022 at 12:05 pm
Russia shelling power plants instead of military targets is a sign of weakness. They prefer targets that don’t fight back.

*Says the fat armchair general who does not have the slightest clue about military history or strategy.

Targets that don’t fight back are a soldier’s dream.

*To be fair perhaps this is the montypox attempt at a clever joke.

September 12, 2022 2:15 pm

Kiev was a feint to help Russia consolidate Kharkiv. And Kharkiv was a feint to help Russia consolidate teh Donbas.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
September 12, 2022 2:15 pm

Phuk me….get this people. A part for a Cat engine ; made in the USA shipped to and landed in Perth $4500 plus gst. The same Cat part made in china $8900 , ex Singapore , I have to pay the freight plus gst. Theres some profit gouging going on .

September 12, 2022 2:16 pm

RUS was also able to harrass the UKR as they advanced from the air and with artillery, which is why there is a huge stream of wounded filling UKR hospitals in Kharkov, Poltava, and Dnipro

Personally I couldn’t care less what victories the ukes have, I refuse to support a neo-nazi regime, that is in the pocket of US corruptocrats .

China on the other should be nuked out of existence for unleashing this bioweapon against us.

September 12, 2022 2:17 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
September 12, 2022 at 8:51 am

Just got a hang up phone call.
Obviously Chinese spies.
Or Zelensky.
Or the AFL.

Are you sure it wasn’t Rasputin calling to ream you out? I had a really bad phone call with Xi the other day.

September 12, 2022 2:17 pm

Glorious recriminations on Russian State Media, even going so far as to target Putin’s advisors! Getting closer…

September 12, 2022 2:18 pm

Personally I couldn’t care less what victories the ukes have, I refuse to support a neo-nazi regime, that is in the pocket of US corruptocrats .

China on the other should be nuked out of existence for unleashing this bioweapon against us.

You seem smart.

September 12, 2022 2:18 pm

China on the other should be nuked out of existence for unleashing this bioweapon against us.

It was a bioweapon, but I don’t think the idiots did it intentionally.

September 12, 2022 2:18 pm

Perth Tradersays:
September 12, 2022 at 2:15 pm

So cheaper from the US than China??


September 12, 2022 2:19 pm

*To be fair perhaps this is the montypox attempt at a clever joke.

If anything it shows how desperate the EU is, having shot itself in the arse, that thousands upon thousands of ukes are being sacrificed.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
September 12, 2022 2:21 pm

thefrollickingmole….and both painted yellow.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
September 12, 2022 2:22 pm

…the price difference is huge.

September 12, 2022 2:23 pm

It was a bioweapon, but I don’t think the idiots did it intentionally.

The timing and the results would indicate to me that if it was an accident, (or more likely staged to look like an accident and create plausible deniability), that the outcome were extraordinarily fortuitous. ie Fall of Hong Kong democracy, ouster of Trump and election of the most corrupt potus in US history

September 12, 2022 2:24 pm

monty “Money” Halfpenny

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2022 2:24 pm

would probably be a mega-wriggler


September 12, 2022 2:25 pm

Because life isnt painful enough Im about to open a new front on AMSA (marine authority).

Long story short I have a renewal notice for my Coxswains certificate which is basically asking me to re-provide every bit of evidence first tendered for near shore operations.

Ive sent them a polite letter inviting them off is where they should fuck, as I have my original certification (1980’s vintage) which was granted in perpetuity.
Furthermore I have invited them to provide me with the legislation which repealed an “in perpetuity” certification.

Im sure to lose, but Id rather give them some shit over this sort of mongdom where they constantly pretend a $300 cash gouge, plus another $1000 worth of jobsworth courses & running around is needed to stay ‘current”.

September 12, 2022 2:26 pm


You giving them too much credit. The problem with bio-weapon is that virus don’t just attack the front line, but also will also double back on you. It was most likely a bio, but they didn’t deliberately release it. Bios would only be considered when borders are sealed due to war.

September 12, 2022 2:29 pm

dover0beach says:
September 12, 2022 at 2:25 pm

The mood in Moscow is for escalation.

With what, the kitchen sink? They’ve already use it. You need to see past the current mood and look forward. 20% of the economy is already being tossed into the war effort. Full mob. would mean even more and I’m not sure the Russian mummas want their sons killed in Ukraine.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2022 2:29 pm

He reportedly cited disrupted global value and supply chains, along with a bottleneck in the labor market and a shortage of gas and electricity leading to soaring costs, as key reasons why the Eurozone inflation is at record highs.

Close but no cigar. Try near universal central bank funded deficit spending.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 2:31 pm

You giving them too much credit. The problem with bio-weapon is that virus don’t just attack the front line, but also will also double back on you. It was most likely a bio, but they didn’t deliberately release it. Bios would only be considered when borders are sealed due to war.

If it was a proper Bio Weapon then it would have killed Billions of people. So it wasn’t. Or, if it was it failed very well.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2022 2:32 pm

I have a suspicion that if a recession does come, it would be worse for the rich than it would be for the poor.


Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2022 2:33 pm

“The timing and the results would indicate to me that if it was an accident, (or more likely staged to look like an accident and create plausible deniability), that the outcome were extraordinarily fortuitous. ie Fall of Hong Kong democracy, ouster of Trump and election of the most corrupt potus in US history”

Add the economic devastation to the West, something which is probably only beginning to impact us now.

In April 2020 my mother said “China has been able, with a flu virus, to do what the Soviet Union couldn’t do in 70 years, which is to destroy the West.

I don’t believe it was an accident.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2022 2:40 pm

Perth Trader at 2:15 – does Stokes still have the China Cat franchise? That might explain it.

September 12, 2022 2:41 pm

I don’t believe it was an accident.

Neither do I.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 2:44 pm

Welcome to the 5th largest Economy in the World with a First Rate Guv’ment of Headless Chickens.

“California sent out an emergency public notification to warn residents that the power grid was under a strain. Since people are likely unwilling to turn off their power during the summer heat, California is concocting “de-energization” plans. Simply put, California plans to temporarily turn off the power grid in the name of public safety.

This is the same state that plans to eliminate gas-powered cars yet does not have the capability to maintain the current electrical grid. Companies are already creating advice for residents to “get ready for a PSPS” (Public Safety Power Shutoff). PG&E warned that some residents may be without power for “several days.” Their advice seems quite dystopian. Those who will DIE without power due to medical conditions may receive an exemption to power their medical devices.

Several days without electricity will cripple small businesses, and large businesses will also suffer. Those who may need but do not qualify for an exemption could die. They are recommending that people use camping stoves and outdoor charcoal grills to cook, but that is not an option for many. The elderly are especially vulnerable without power. Those without power banks will be unable to charge their phones and will be isolated from the world. Kids will be unable to attend school. They are asking people to power their EVs, but you can only go so far on one charge. It will come as no surprise if they shut off electricity for the poorest areas first.

Perhaps we could have funded this project instead of sending over $120 billion to Ukraine. California is still pushing to end the use of fossil fuels but look at the situation they are in currently.”

Elbow and Turtle Head Bowen are you paying attention? No, of course not.

September 12, 2022 2:45 pm

Wouldn’t it be more accurate to compare covid vax to the annual flu vax? Also, I don’t think anyone noteworthy was saying (at least in 2021) the covid vax was going to eradicate covid. It was always that we were heading towards a flu vax like environment.

The COVID Vax is EXACTLY the dame business model as the fluvax:

1) Low efficacy
2) largely obsolete even before you get it because resp viruses mutate too fast
3) Pushed onto Health care workers to ‘save grandma’
4) doesn’t save grandma
5) on those relatively few occasions where it works, it takes away valuable opportunities for updating/exercising your immune system naturally – leaving you more vulnerable in future
6) Ignore 1-5 above and push it out annually anyway.

September 12, 2022 2:46 pm

JC – yesterday OldOssie posted a link that concluded with: Many sectors of Russia’s front are thinly manned, with forces being held in reserve to wage a mobile defense. The actual troops at the front amount to a string of token forces who are there primarily to try to slow the enemy while reserves are brought forward. While holding a mobile reserve is the correct approach given the force deployment that Russia has made, this is problematic because it allows the Ukrainians to make temporary gains.

Russia continues to attempt to win the war with a light hand – bare minimum force deployment and precision strikes, sparing critical infrastructure. ….(and)… the mere existence of these counteroffensives suggests that Russia must raise its force deployment…….

Your comment “This is beyond embarrassing.” may prove prophetic. The ‘special military operation’ has unquestionably been relatively restrained, certainly when compared to a total war scenario. If Putin takes an “ok, fvck this” approach, artillery shells could be replaced by thermobaric and other highly destructive weapons.

If nothing else, it is apparent that the current Russian strategy cannot endure given the effectively endless military arms supplied to the UKR by the West and the continuing threat of counteroffensives on lightly defended Russian positions.

Having said all that, we need to be really careful what we wish for. Enhanced Russian engagement in UKR will result in many more deaths (soldiers on both sides plus many civilians). We can probably all agree that the idea of a forced Russian retreat would be an bitter international humiliation for Russia. Politically, it would be a disaster for Putin and his ruling party and there is no chance, none, that Putin wouldn’t order a vicious retaliatory escalation.

This is a mess and it appears that a negotiated peace is the only realistic solution. But, the West is not really interested in pushing that concept and there is a lot of truth in the saying that the West will fight Russia “to the last Ukrainian”. Meanwhile, Zelensky seems to be believing his own press releases and also seems disinterested in any negotiated peace. He seems to think that as long as the weapon supply continues, UKR can fight on for years if necessary.

(one of life’s curiosities – lots of politicians and others appear to support one side or the other, but very few seem to talk ways to stop it).

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 2:49 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
September 12, 2022 at 2:33 pm
“The timing and the results would indicate to me that if it was an accident, (or more likely staged to look like an accident and create plausible deniability), that the outcome were extraordinarily fortuitous. ie Fall of Hong Kong democracy, ouster of Trump and election of the most corrupt potus in US history”

Add the economic devastation to the West, something which is probably only beginning to impact us now.

In April 2020 my mother said “China has been able, with a flu virus, to do what the Soviet Union couldn’t do in 70 years, which is to destroy the West.

I don’t believe it was an accident.

It wasn’t the “Virus Thngy” at all. It was the so called ‘vaccines’ (drugs) that will do it. The West will do it to themselves in the chase for money and greed.

September 12, 2022 2:52 pm

Russia shelling power plants instead of military targets is a sign of weakness. They prefer targets that don’t fight back

There is no such thing as a ‘military’ or a ‘civilian’ target … BOTH need to be destroyed to win a war, particularly an industrialised war because the ‘tooth to tail’ ratio is now very large. The troops at the front can only keep fighting so long as the are kept supplied with food, fuel, munitions etc. by the ‘civilians’ in the rear.

‘Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics’ is the relevant adage here.

(ps – it’s good to see vlad read my earlier post listing the 4 real targetsets in war : the food, the fuel, the electricity and transport – even the greens understand this)

September 12, 2022 2:56 pm

If it was a proper Bio Weapon then it would have killed Billions of people. So it wasn’t. Or, if it was it failed very well

This is an example of ‘asymmetric warfare’ – the real damage is done, not by the attack itself, but by the response to it – covid per se did almost ZERO damage to western freedoms and economies, but our governmental responses have been devastating to their own citizens

September 12, 2022 2:59 pm

Great comment, Speedbox.

September 12, 2022 3:00 pm

This is a mess and it appears that a negotiated peace is the only realistic solution.

There is no point talking about a “negotiated peace” unless you are willing to illustrate what that looks like in practice, as well as how to get there. If it simply means Ukraine cutting a land-for-peace deal with Putin cementing his current gains in place, it’s extremely unlikely (zero chance in fact) that Ukrainians from Zelenskyy down will support that.

On the other hand, if it requires Putin giving up his post-February 23rd gains in return for Ukraine staying out of NATO, then you need to first find a way to push Putin back to those lines by force, because he certainly isn’t going to retreat voluntarily (and also no Russians will support that) even under negotiated conditions. And I don’t think that’s what you have in mind.

The only possible way “negotiations” can actually come to fruition is by pressuring both sides to come to an agreement, i.e. if the US (and China to some extent) started forcibly imposing themselves on Russia and Ukraine, over the heads of both their politicians and the general public, with both financial inducements and sanctions on the table for compliance. Ironically, this line is being pushed by “anti-interventionists” who blame the US for the conflict starting in the first place!

Which is why I suspect the real agenda behind calls for a “negotiated peace” is to unilaterally cut off the arms supply to Ukraine, and to just let Putin grind the war on indefinitely.

September 12, 2022 3:02 pm

A recession by definition is a sudden, deep fall in aggregate income, you fat swine. You don’t have a recession like what you’re talking about without falling real incomes

The devil is in the detail there, old man. If aggregate income is falling but the falls are all being suffered by spivs, grey nomads, cruise ship layabouts, trustafarians and other parasites on society, why should the working classes give a shizen? Particularly when the labour market is still tight enough to justify wage increases.

If you have your super primarily in shares instead of property, you’re losing out already and I have little sympathy for you.

September 12, 2022 3:05 pm

dover0beach says:
September 12, 2022 at 2:25 pm
The mood in Moscow is for escalation.

That may be correct. Mrs Speedbox will be back in Russia (Moscow) on 19 October and in the town of Kislovodsk a few days later. She is well aware of her responsibilities to extract as much local intelligence as possible on the mood of the people. A report will be prepared. 🙂

September 12, 2022 3:05 pm

Putin invading Ukraine and gaining territory: “Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!”

Putin getting his arse kicked by Ukraine’s counter-offensive: “Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck. Barley cross-fingers?”

September 12, 2022 3:06 pm

If you have your super primarily in shares instead of property, you’re losing out already and I have little sympathy for you.

Which just happens to be where most workers have their superannuation allocated.

September 12, 2022 3:10 pm

The mind just boggles and I wonder if people truly believe what they are saying. The centre of Russian public opinion right now is that Ukrainian identity is completely fictitious, and the Ukraine state is a genocidal Nazi entity (I know this, because quite a few of you here have been repeating exactly this line) that oppresses ethnic Russians and is a forward base for US imperialism against Russia.

And Putin is going to somehow split the difference with this regime! lol

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2022 3:12 pm


When you’re not wanting to imprison your ideological opponents on trumped up charges, all because they disagree with you,

Don’t forget his vicarious enthusiasm for having Ante-fa beat them up in the streets (but he is too unhealthy to do more than cheer from the sidelines). Gutless worm (with apologies to worms, which perform useful functions).

September 12, 2022 3:15 pm

If aggregate income is falling but the falls are all being suffered by spivs, grey nomads, cruise ship layabouts, trustafarians and other parasites on society, why should the working classes give a shizen? Particularly when the labour market is still tight enough to justify wage increases.

If you have your super primarily in shares instead of property, you’re losing out already and I have little sympathy for you.

Lets try to unpick this turducken of idiocy.
aggregate income is falling but the falls are all being suffered by spivs, grey nomads, cruise ship layabouts, trustafarians and other parasites on society, why should the working classes give a shizen

Because the “working classes” not only start off with less, but are more likely to be living paycheck to paycheck, and reduction in income will affect them as well, but they will have less of a ‘buffer’ to accommodate it.

Particularly when the labour market is still tight enough to justify wage increases.

Labor to bring in tens of thousands more migrants as it eyes bargain with union movement
You utter tard.

If you have your super primarily in shares instead of property, you’re losing out already and I have little sympathy for you.

So apparently the caricatures of evil moustache twirling landlords cackling as they wring another $5 rental increase from Montys working class has been replaced by kind, benevolent ones.

Also known as “tell us where your money is parked without telling us”..

September 12, 2022 3:19 pm

Here’s a tune that will appeal to St Ruth and his followers. It’s All Lined Up by Shreikback, circa 1992.

Nihilism never goes away. There is always a percentage of the population who find it irresistible.

Great song, though. I never knew what it was about until I read the full lyrics. Some excellent one liners in there, as well as fine music.

A one hit wonder for Rabz?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2022 3:22 pm

I thought communists weren’t allowed to own property Monty?
Property owners are what Lenin raged that the bourgeoisie are.

September 12, 2022 3:24 pm

I thought communists weren’t allowed to own property Monty?

Unless they are dickless.
Which monty allegedly is.

Something about seizing the means of reproduction..

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2022 3:24 pm

The devil is in the detail there, old man. If aggregate income is falling but the falls are all being suffered by spivs, grey nomads, cruise ship layabouts, trustafarians and other parasites on society,

That’s a big, big “if” there m0nty-fa, parasite on society that you are.

Particularly when the labour market is still tight enough to justify wage increases.

And unless your pets in the Liars Pardy, “friends” of the wukkas, cut rather than increase immigration, the labour market is not going to remain tight.

No wonder you failed Economics 1.

September 12, 2022 3:26 pm

Whoops, it may have been 1982.

Aplogies, as The Grauniad would say. 🙂

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2022 3:28 pm

September 12, 2022 at 3:06 pm
If you have your super primarily in shares instead of property, you’re losing out already and I have little sympathy for you.

Which just happens to be where most workers have their superannuation allocated.

Ahah, “invested” into the tender loving care of the Industry Super Funds, creation of the Liars Pardy, “friends” of the wukkas.

September 12, 2022 3:31 pm


I’m not going to respond to rank idiocy, you oversized girdle-wearing abalone.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 3:33 pm

H B Bearsays:
September 12, 2022 at 2:40 pm
Perth Trader at 2:15 – does Stokes still have the China Cat franchise? That might explain it.

Ben Stokes doesn’t need Chinka as he already has SA on toast. Nice to see someone born in NZ playing for England.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2022 3:42 pm

September 12, 2022 at 3:31 pm

I’m not going to respond to rank idiocy, you oversized girdle-wearing abalone.

A highly evocative description!

September 12, 2022 3:42 pm

I swear, i didnt know this existed till i put the apparently non matching search terms in google

I’m not going to respond to rank idiocy, you oversized girdle-wearing abalone.

September 12, 2022 3:42 pm

Funny moment just now on ABC24. John Lyons was gifting us his expertise on recent events. Mentions large numbers of Russian-speaking Ukrainians fleeing Kharkov to RUS proper but never asks, why?

The MSM is still trying to claim that russia is shelling its own people at the nuke plant. The narrative has gone off the rails.

September 12, 2022 3:43 pm

Ahah, “invested” into the tender loving care of the Industry Super Funds, creation of the Liars Pardy, “friends” of the wukkas.

The most professional salami slicers in oz

September 12, 2022 3:45 pm

Interesting conversation up thread about the EUR. Croatia is about to seap the Kuna for Euro, as are a couple of other states around these parts. Worry locally is that it will be inflationary, like Greece and Italy in 2001.

On envy, I can’t help but think Loren and that photo! Never confuse it with competition. One is healthy the other…not so much.

September 12, 2022 3:46 pm

Well, that’s that. Off to Hvar. See you guys on the new thread.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 3:48 pm

As I have said many times. The Euro is burnt toast. Good riddance as well.

September 12, 2022 3:48 pm

Bought a USB Endoscope (snake camera) on Ebay .. bloody thing worx! .. LOL!

September 12, 2022 3:49 pm

New cat_ Come for the Montynomics lessons, stay for the home coloscopy highlights reel.

September 12, 2022 3:50 pm

If it was a proper Bio Weapon then it would have killed Billions of people. So it wasn’t. Or, if it was it failed very well

A proper bioweapon that kills vast amounts of people, won’t spread much past the initial surprise deaths. The aim of bioweapons is psychological, to spread fear and chaos. The balance between lethality and spread has to be considered. The potential blow back has to be weighed as well.

The damage inflicted by releasing covid-19 as far as the ccp is concerned is far outweighed by squashing democracy in Hong Kong which was spilling over into mainland, the ouster of Trump and the placement of a compliant potus.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 12, 2022 3:58 pm

you oversized girdle-wearing abalone.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2022 3:59 pm


September 12, 2022 at 1:27 pm

Envy has been the catalyst for all of the atrocities committed.


My theory is that envy is more predominate in the male of the human species. 

I agree.
You see it everywhere.
Even here, God forbid.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 12, 2022 4:01 pm

Don’t know if Cassie has see this — Louse Milligan – Queen of Hypocrisy – ABC Four Corners journalist Louise Milligan urges media to correct their mistakes

ABC investigative journalist Louise Milligan told a writers festival on Sunday that reporters and media outlets must correct any mistakes they make “immediately” – and if they fail to do so they “should hang their heads in shame”.

The high profile Four Corners’ reporter, who has been involved in multiple defamation proceedings in the past year, told the Melbourne Writers Festival on Sunday it can be “exhausting and traumatic”, but if errors are made by reporters they must be quickly fixed.

“If we make mistakes we must correct it immediately and people who don’t should hang their heads in shame,” she told the audience of about 200 people.

Milligan’s comments at the event raised eyebrows, given her own failure to correct the record after making defamatory and untrue statements about former federal MP Andrew Laming in March last year.

Milligan accused Dr Laming of “upskirting” a woman, despite the fact that the politician had already been questioned by Queensland Police about the incident, and cleared of any wrongdoing.

Dr Laming initially asked Milligan to delete the tweet and apologise. She eventually deleted the post but refused to apologise, which prompted the Coalition MP to launch legal action.

The ABC funded Milligan’s legal costs in the matter, with the taxpayer-funded broadcaster covering the $200,000 bill, which including a $79,000 payout to Dr Laming.

“She preferred to use taxpayers’ money for a Federal Court settlement than have any risk of loss of face that comes with an apology,” Dr Laming told The Australian on Sunday.

Before an audience of about 200 people at the festival, Milligan criticised the defamation laws in Australia, saying: “It’s for people with means, or people with blind trusts or whatever, who can afford to do it.”

She spoke of the defamation proceedings she was involved in last year with former Attorney-General Christian Porter, who launched legal action in the Federal Court against the public broadcaster and herself.

“It’s absolutely exhausting and traumatic and I was working every day from first thing in the morning ‘til midnight, just preparing,” she said.

“The system is designed to frighten and disempower journalists, and you have to be so tough.” Mr Porter discontinued the case in May last year and it was later revealed the ABC agreed to pay $100,000 in mediation costs relating to the legal action.

Milligan was discussing the risks of investigative journalism and defamation laws alongside The Age’s deputy editor and investigations editor, Michael Bachelard, SMH and Age investigative reporters Kate McClymont and Nick McKenzie, and defamation barrister Matthew Collins KC.

McKenzie said the defamation proceedings Nine Entertainment is fighting in the Federal Court against Victorian Cross recipient Ben Roberts-Smith will cost the company more than $20m.

The trial has finished and the judge is yet to deliver his verdict.

“Nine has deep pockets and it is funding hard journalism and, more importantly, the defo cases that go with it,” McKenzie said.

But Nine Publishing managing director James Chessell told The Australian later on Sunday that McKenzie’s reference to the cost of the Roberts-Smith case was inaccurate.

“This figure (more than $20m) is not correct,” he said.

“We haven’t – and won’t be – disclosing the costs of the case.

“I agree with Nick that it’s a great thing that Nine is backing its journalists.”

McKenzie went on to suggest that other media outlets, including The Australian and the Herald Sun, didn’t pursue investigative journalism projects with the same vigour as Nine.

McKenzie failed to mention the years of investigative work by The Australian’s chief correspondent Hedley Thomas into the disappearance of Sydney mother Lynette Dawson in 1982, a project which cost millions of dollars but ultimately resulted in Chris Dawson’s murder conviction last month. In 2018, The Teacher’s Pet podcast earned Thomas and producer Slade Gibson a Gold Walkley, the highest honour for investigative journalists in Australia.

McKenzie also overlooked the Herald Sun’s Lawyer X expose by reporters Anthony Dowsley and Patrick Carlyon, which revealed a defence barrister acting for feared gangland and mafia figures in Victoria was also a police informer. The investigation was recognised with a Gold Walkley in 2019.

In fact, News Corp Australia journalists have won three of the past four Gold Walkeys; over the same period, journalists from The Age have not won any.


September 12, 2022 4:02 pm

If you have your super primarily in shares instead of property, you’re losing out already and I have little sympathy for you.

Shit, could you image what prices would be if these billions would be slopping around in the property market.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 12, 2022 4:03 pm

Bought a USB Endoscope (snake camera) on Ebay .. bloody thing worx! .. LOL!

That is so out there my first thought was that you had got from the Trading Post.

“Tell him he’s dreeeaming.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2022 4:04 pm



September 12, 2022 at 2:17 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
September 12, 2022 at 8:51 am

Just got a hang up phone call.
Obviously Chinese spies.
Or Zelensky.
Or the AFL.

Are you sure it wasn’t Rasputin calling to ream you out? I had a really bad phone call with Xi the other day.

I know, I know.
I mean, he tried to put me at ease by offering a great deal on a bundled gas and electricity plan, but I saw straight through him.
Name, rank and gas meter number.
That’s all he got.

September 12, 2022 4:07 pm

Bought a USB Endoscope (snake camera) on Ebay .. bloody thing worx!

2nd hand ones are pretty cheap, but shitty.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2022 4:11 pm

““If we make mistakes we must correct it immediately and people who don’t should hang their heads in shame,” she told the audience of about 200 people”

LOL…now that is a classic example of chutzpah.

Real Deal
Real Deal
September 12, 2022 4:14 pm

you oversized girdle-wearing abalone.

JC, your insults are sublime.

I have an image of you on an alien planet with a robot with clawed hands standing next to you having insults hurled at him.
“You Neanderthal Ninny”. “You Jabbering Judas”, “you bubble headed booby”.

And now. “You girdled wearing abalone”.

mOnty could be Will Robinson to your Dr Smith. Beats being Moneypenny to your 007.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2022 4:17 pm

ABC Four Corners journalist Louise Milligan urges media to correct their mistakes

Haha, someone buy her a mirror.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2022 4:17 pm

“should hang their heads in shame”.”

The thing is with Louse Nilligan, she has no shame, none whatsoever. She doesn’t give a toss that her lies, embellishments and distortions destroy careers and lives.

September 12, 2022 4:18 pm
September 12, 2022 4:20 pm

Tintarella di Luna says:
September 12, 2022 at 4:01 pm

Don’t know if Cassie has see this — Louse Milligan – Queen of Hypocrisy – ABC Four Corners journalist Louise Milligan urges media to correct their mistakes

ABC investigative journalist Louise Milligan told a writers festival on Sunday that reporters and media outlets must correct any mistakes they make “immediately” – and if they fail to do so they “should hang their heads in shame”.

The high profile Four Corners’ reporter, who has been involved in multiple defamation proceedings in the past year, told the Melbourne Writers Festival on Sunday it can be “exhausting and traumatic”, but if errors are made by reporters they must be quickly fixed.

“If we make mistakes we must correct it immediately and people who don’t should hang their heads in shame,” she told the audience of about 200 people.

Wow. From the person who spent years telling lies about Cardinal Pell.

That’s not chutzpah, it’s delusion.

Oh, and ‘exhausting and traumatic’ – she could fill in for our most self pitying drama queen here.

September 12, 2022 4:22 pm

Poor JC, if there’s a recession he might not be able to afford his third Manhattan apartment.

Don’t worry old cock, you will still have enough to pay for my next steak lunch.

September 12, 2022 4:24 pm

One’s enough Monster 🙂

September 12, 2022 4:26 pm

JC, you need to go back into surgery to remove your bile duct.

STFU dickless; you need to have a penile transplant which can be achieved by removing your pinhead from your shoulders and grafting it to your girlie groin.

September 12, 2022 4:30 pm

DaFisk says:
September 12, 2022 at 3:00 pm

Yes, both Putin and Zelensky have painted themselves into a corner. Too many lives and too much treasure has been expended by both and neither will/can accept any loss of face. Zelensky has said that Ukraine will only negotiate with Russia when Ukrainian forces have pushed the Russian army back to their positions of February 24th.

The issue of a negotiated peace is extremely problematic. Ukraine will demand hundreds of billions of dollars in reparations, Russian disassociation from the Donbas, relinquishment of the Crimea, a legislated undertaking never to re-invade and prosecution of Russian officials/senior soldiers for war crimes. On top of that, Ukraine will seek fast-tracked membership to NATO.

In contrast, Russia will require lifting of all international sanctions and the return of funds currently frozen in international banks, insist that the Donbas be recognised as an independent enclave, Ukraine must officially declare neutrality and never join NATO and as for the Crimea, Hell will freeze over first. Submitting to prosecution will be laughed at.

So, I take it back. The gulf is too wide. Perhaps, as mentioned upthread, Russia and Ukraine need to expend more blood and treasure before any negotiations could even be contemplated.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2022 4:31 pm


September 12, 2022 at 3:31 pm


I’m not going to respond to rank idiocy, you oversized girdle-wearing abalone.

What sort of insult is this?

Winston Smith
September 12, 2022 4:33 pm

Johnny Rotten:

If it was a proper Bio Weapon then it would have killed Billions of people. So it wasn’t. Or, if it was it failed very well.

Not necessarily – a bioweapon is primarily a psychological weapon. Look at the West for how good a weapon it can be at disrupting society and demoralising a nations military.
Secondly, China is now well aware of our capacity (or lack of it) to retaliate against a bio attack.
Thirdly, China conducts warfare across the entire spectrum of human activity. Our leaders appear to have locked themselves into the idea that wars are fought with armies and weapons.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 12, 2022 4:35 pm

September 12, 2022 at 2:26 pm

You giving them too much credit. The problem with bio-weapon is that virus don’t just attack the front line, but also will also double back on you. It was most likely a bio, but they didn’t deliberately release it. Bios would only be considered when borders are sealed due to war.

The news when the virus first became publicly known was that the CCP had needed to hermetically seal off one of its own provinces* and leave it to its fate. Unless that was a world class disinformation effort by the Chicoms, it would seem most likely that the spread of the virus was not a smoothly conducted deliberate operation.

* From the rest of China. International flights continued without the rest of the world being warned. Good global citizenship.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 4:35 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
September 12, 2022 at 4:31 pm

September 12, 2022 at 3:31 pm


I’m not going to respond to rank idiocy, you oversized girdle-wearing abalone.

What sort of insult is this?

He meant to say, what a load of baloney but he got it wrong,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2022 4:37 pm

Calli at 3:45.
Re Croatian wines.
The reds from the Peljesac Peninsula are pretty good.
Some of the vineyards are on incredibly steep slopes and sparsely planted.
I remember a local saying to us, “All wines here are organic … nobody can be bothered carrying chemicals and fertilisers up the hill”.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2022 4:40 pm

you oversized girdle-wearing abalone.

Well, the next Road Ranger who gives me grief is going to get that one with both barrels.

September 12, 2022 4:43 pm

Look at the West for how good a weapon it can be at disrupting society

If it was a bio-weapon then it’s become a massive own goal for China. Massive disruption internally to their economy and social fabric. And now they are enduring the mother of all RE collapses.

No, whatever it was intended to be I strongly suspect a clusterfk at the Wuhan Lab allowed the virus out. And the real story is the funding of the research inside China provided by Fauci’s organisation. And the huge vaccines money spigot. The rest is noise and boxes of distraction squirrels designed to continuously throw punters off the scent.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 12, 2022 4:43 pm

calli: I hope you Hvar good time.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 4:45 pm

Winston Smithsays:
September 12, 2022 at 4:33 pm
Johnny Rotten:

If it was a proper Bio Weapon then it would have killed Billions of people. So it wasn’t. Or, if it was it failed very well.

Not necessarily – a bioweapon is primarily a psychological weapon. Look at the West for how good a weapon it can be at disrupting society and demoralising a nations military.
Secondly, China is now well aware of our capacity (or lack of it) to retaliate against a bio attack.
Thirdly, China conducts warfare across the entire spectrum of human activity. Our leaders appear to have locked themselves into the idea that wars are fought with armies and weapons.

I disagree Winston. And please read my post again. The Chinks have won as it is the West that has jabbed most of it’s people with the poison. I never had the jab as my crystal balls gave me fair warning and being a retired persona mandate was like water off of a duck’s back. Just like a Guv’ment promise. I am from the Guv’ment and I’m here to help you. LOL.

Good Luck everyone and St Ruth is right even though he goes on like a pork chop so many times. Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 12, 2022 4:45 pm

Old School Conservative says:
September 12, 2022 at 4:43 pm
calli: I hope you Hvar good time.

Hvary good.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2022 4:46 pm

Louse Milligan is not deluded. She knows exactly what she’s doing. She is an iniquitous individual.

Delta A
Delta A
September 12, 2022 4:49 pm

Four Corners’ investigative reporter Louise Milligan said journalists must take swift action to correct any errors they make or ‘hang their heads in shame’.

I saw that, too, Tinta. It actually precipitated a spluttering attack.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2022 4:50 pm

Old School Conservativesays:

September 12, 2022 at 4:43 pm

calli: I hope you Hvar good time.

There is a bar in Hvar which is well above par.
In a hotel just on the right hand corner of the quay as you look at it from the sea.
Open to the public.
Top place for a sunset Dark ‘n Stormy.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 12, 2022 4:51 pm

September 12, 2022 at 3:02 pm

The devil is in the detail there, old man. If aggregate income is falling but the falls are all being suffered by spivs, grey nomads, cruise ship layabouts, trustafarians and other parasites on society, why should the working classes give a shizen? Particularly when the labour market is still tight enough to justify wage increases.

This is the mental equivalent of applying Zeno’s Paradox to jumping off a 40 storey building, on the basis that it’s somehow qualitatively different from the known effects of jumping off a 20 storey building.
The failed economics undergraduate seems to think that employers will keep offering jobs and being willing to pay wage increases in a recession. On the contrary, there won’t be a recession unless economic growth contracts, and economic growth contracting doesn’t happen just by “help wanted” signs coming down – when it happens, jobs and pay rises start disappearing.
One reason that jobs and pay rises start disappearing is that the categories of people m0nty has listed have less income (as he notes), and so they spend less (as he fails to appreciate), so employers have less revenue to pay wages and (because of the loss of turnover)less reason to pay increased wages to exiting employees or even to keep them on the payroll.
Of course all this is self-evident to the mentally competent.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 12, 2022 4:52 pm

exiting employees

existing employees.
Though the former works in this case.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2022 4:53 pm

the Wuhan Lab allowed the virus out

I still haven’t seen anything to exclude the idea that staff were selling the lab animals at the wet market after use, particularly the rhesus monkeys. It’s the sort of hustle that appears widespread in China these days – thinking for example of the baby powder scandals.

September 12, 2022 4:57 pm

So, I take it back. The gulf is too wide. Perhaps, as mentioned upthread, Russia and Ukraine need to expend more blood and treasure before any negotiations could even be contemplated.

Putin already had a pretty good set up in Ukraine even or especially after 2014 – direct control over Crimea, unfettered access to the Black Sea, significant influence within the Ukrainian state and a corrupt ruling class in key EU capitals doing his bidding. Plus the prestige of being the “world’s second most powerful military”, victor of WWII…. Most of that is now gone or seriously contested. What a waste!

September 12, 2022 4:57 pm

Good Luck everyone and St Ruth is right

About what?

Preferably some unique idea that others are denying.

September 12, 2022 4:59 pm

It seems unlikely that China would intentionally release a deadly virus in one of its own cities, but once it was loose they lobbied pretty hard for the rest of the world to keep its borders open to the virus.

Winston Smith
September 12, 2022 5:00 pm


If it was a bio-weapon then it’s become a massive own goal for China. Massive disruption internally to their economy and social fabric. And now they are enduring the mother of all RE collapses.

If you look at who it’s affecting in China, it somewhat like Mao’s Hundred Flowers Campaign.
The people getting new ring gear cut are the property speculators, the Uberwealthy entrepreneurs, and the flashy ‘lookatme – car owners’. The Chinese manage their trade to political ends. If half of the German car industry sales are to China, then Germany has a major problem on its hands if Xi suddenly refuses imports. In much the same way that if Xi says to Australia, “We don’t want your coal and gas and iron ore for the next year.” then Australia also has a major problem.

John of Mel
John of Mel
September 12, 2022 5:03 pm

Putin already had a pretty good set up in Ukraine even or especially after 2014 – direct control over Crimea, unfettered access to the Black Sea, significant influence within the Ukrainian state and a corrupt ruling class in key EU capitals doing his bidding

Maybe, just maybe, he did care about those 14000 ethnic Russians, including kids, killed since 2014 and about the rest of them in the region who were asking Russia to interfere.

September 12, 2022 5:03 pm

Somebody here maliciously claimed that I am embittered because property prices had risen more than 50% since I sold, and that was the source of my embitterment.

Truth is, I didn’t quite sell at the top of the market (in July last year) but was not far off. It continued to rise for a few months, but has stagnated and softened since then back to when I sold. I’ve been watching the market, and it’s about where it was when I sold, except that there is a lot less desperation.

Chatting to the old man (who was military) on Father’s Day and I said that living in a motel was a bit like being in the army. The best bits. No cooking, no cleaning, hardly any personal possessions, no bills other than the obvious one.

BTW, any news on the PNG communities who regard Charlie as “boi bilong Missus Qwin”?

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 5:04 pm

Four Corners’ investigative reporter Louise Milligan said journalists must take swift action to correct any errors they make or ‘hang their heads in shame’.

I saw that, too, Tinta. It actually precipitated a spluttering attack.

Spike Milligan was a far better Reporter and observer of Human Life. And funnier. This Louise bint has NF idea.

John of Mel
John of Mel
September 12, 2022 5:06 pm

About what?

That we are f#cked?
And that it is mostly self-inflicted? Something about weak men creating hard times?

September 12, 2022 5:07 pm

The people getting new ring gear cut are the property speculators, the Uberwealthy entrepreneurs, and the flashy ‘lookatme – car owners’.

You can add in untold hundreds of millions of family type property buyers who are not primarily speculating but leveraging savings with borrowings into bricks and mortar in the belief property is a safer bet for their future. A very large section of China’s adult working population have been crushed with this property collapse. So I wouldn’t be dismissing this as just a problem for the Rich List. It will have major economic and social ipacts for many years to come.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 12, 2022 5:07 pm

What sort of insult is this?

Abalone is poached. By the……… Chinese.

JC is calling mUnter an inscrutable dry cleaner. It’s so obvious, and despicable.

September 12, 2022 5:10 pm

Maybe, just maybe, he did care about those 14000 ethnic Russians, including kids, killed since 2014 and about the rest of them in the region who were asking Russia to interfere.

I thought this was about “NATO provocation”?

September 12, 2022 5:15 pm

John of Melsays:

September 12, 2022 at 5:06 pm

About what?

That we are f#cked?
And that it is mostly self-inflicted? Something about weak men creating hard times?

Lots of people have been saying that for a long time.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
September 12, 2022 5:16 pm

I’ve heard some people called a Bearded Clam but never an Abalone.

John of Mel
John of Mel
September 12, 2022 5:16 pm

I thought this was about “NATO provocation”?

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a part of it.

Winston Smith
September 12, 2022 5:19 pm

Is anyone else getting these annoying messages? “Announcingyou as the winner of $6.8 million in the National Lottery Draws. Please confirm your reference code XXXXXXXXXX at our website.
I’m already a Zimbabwean Trillionaire, why do they think another $6.8 Zim million dollars will get me onto their shitty site?

John of Mel
John of Mel
September 12, 2022 5:20 pm

Ukrainians certainly became more aggressive after the “orange revolution”, sponsored by the US State Dep.

September 12, 2022 5:20 pm

I thought this was about “NATO provocation”?

Then you would only be partially right. Ukraine’s military has been murdering their own citizens- men, women and kids since 2014. So you really shouldn’t be such a smart arse gloating over their deaths by cheering on Zhelensky’s neo-nazi crims and thugs. What’s worse, the saintly west and other assorted ignoramii support that state sponsored genocide with a sick fervor primarily to deflect from their own stench of corruption.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 5:22 pm

Winston Smithsays:
September 12, 2022 at 5:19 pm
Is anyone else getting these annoying messages? “Announcingyou as the winner of $6.8 million in the National Lottery Draws. Please confirm your reference code XXXXXXXXXX at our website.
I’m already a Zimbabwean Trillionaire, why do they think another $6.8 Zim million dollars will get me onto their shitty site?

Just delete.

September 12, 2022 5:23 pm

Maybe, just maybe, he did care about those 14000 ethnic Russians, including kids, killed since 2014 and about the rest of them in the region who were asking Russia to interfere.

If he cares about ethnic Russians living in Ukraine, why did he issue them Russian passports but is now denying them entry to Russia at the border?

September 12, 2022 5:24 pm

Diogenes says:
September 12, 2022 at 1:12 pm

Trickle down economics doesn’t work either in good times or bad, so tradies and nurses should not give a tinker’s what is happening to Qantas shares.

Yes they have an interest. Where the hell do you think super funds put their hard earned? Over the last 4 weeks my super has bounced around plus or minus 7 to 10k a week, and I only have around 1/8th what Scummo said I needed for a comfortable retirement.

What a con that turned out to be. “Give us your money, trust us.”

Like maybe a fifth (possibly a quarter) of the working population, compulsory super has delivered nothing to me, except garnisheeing my wages.

When I entered the workforce in the 1970s, super was only for government employees and a few select employees in the private sector. It would give them a decent retirement.

Here we are where billions of dollars have been sucked into super funds, and retirees are struggling. The Perfect Universe has not turned up.

Pleanty of executive employees on super funds on huge salaries.

September 12, 2022 5:25 pm

Anser it Winston.

Comes with free case of 4x

Trust me..

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

BTW, any news on the PNG communities who regard Charlie as “boi bilong Missus Qwin”?

Probably that would be the whole of PNG.
It’s just straight pidgin, nothing more, nothing less. “Number one picanninny belong missus quween.

September 12, 2022 5:28 pm

On the contrary, there won’t be a recession unless economic growth contracts, and economic growth contracting doesn’t happen just by “help wanted” signs coming down – when it happens, jobs and pay rises start disappearing.

You’re thinking too macro, Tim N. Economic growth tends to be uneven in good times and bad, some sectors can hold up quite well even while the total shrinks. There will be parts of the economy that will still suffer labour market shortages in a near-term recession, particularly those affected by immigration.

And yes, it is possible for Labor to increase immigration and for wages to still keep rising. You idiots.

September 12, 2022 5:29 pm

I’ve heard some people called a Bearded Clam but never an Abalone.

Peter Slipper notably among them.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 12, 2022 5:30 pm

Pleanty of executive employees on super funds on huge salaries.

All highly qualified.
Plenty of years of experience as trade union officials.

September 12, 2022 5:33 pm

And yes, it is possible for Labor to increase immigration and for wages to still keep rising. You idiots.

I agree. Union wages will NEVER be negatively affected – they only go one way and will not be subjected to nett job loss with your leftard grifters in charge. You fkg mOron.

September 12, 2022 5:34 pm

What can I tell you. If you haven’t twigged by now that taking your super out of the managed funds and rolling it into an SMSF was the smart play, you’re obviously too slow to pick it up now.

And no, you don’t actually have to manage a SMSF yourself if you’re not a full-time professional spiv like JC, there is a decent-sized industry in that stuff now.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 12, 2022 5:34 pm

September 12, 2022 at 5:28 pm

You’re thinking too macro, Tim N. Economic growth tends to be uneven in good times and bad, some sectors can hold up quite well even while the total shrinks. There will be parts of the economy that will still suffer labour market shortages in a near-term recession, particularly those affected by immigration.

[I assume you mean “not affected by immigration”.]
But even if you’re correct that means that there will be sectors of the less well off who will suffer.
So why be sanguine about it?

Winston Smith
September 12, 2022 5:41 pm


Anser it Winston.
Comes with free case of 4x
Trust me..

Sceptical Cat is sceptical.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 5:42 pm

When I entered the workforce in the 1970s, super was only for government employees and a few select employees in the private sector. It would give them a decent retirement.

Here we are where billions of dollars have been sucked into super funds, and retirees are struggling. The Perfect Universe has not turned up.

Pleanty of executive employees on super funds on huge salaries.

Should have followed Warren Buffet and bought shares with him. Whoops, as hindsight is a wonderful thing.

September 12, 2022 5:42 pm

[I assume you mean “not affected by immigration”.]

I meant affected by lack of immigration, to be clear, which is the main reason the labour market is so tight right now.

But even if you’re correct that means that there will be sectors of the less well off who will suffer.

Not necessarily, it could be confined to white collar jobs or in those sectors which have already enjoyed big gains recently – like how house prices are slightly down this year but were up massively last year so it’s not as if there’s real pain there. But yes, there are winners and losers out of every economic trend.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 5:50 pm

September 12, 2022 at 5:34 pm
What can I tell you. If you haven’t twigged by now that taking your super out of the managed funds and rolling it into an SMSF was the smart play, you’re obviously too slow to pick it up now.

And no, you don’t actually have to manage a SMSF yourself if you’re not a full-time professional spiv like JC, there is a decent-sized industry in that stuff now.

Once I got the chance, I took all of my money out of Super as I do not trust any Guv’ment. They are always changing the rules. The BIGGEST RISK with so called ‘Super Dooper’ is LEGISLATIVE RISK. NOT INVESTMENT RISK.

September 12, 2022 5:58 pm

Re the public holiday to mourn the Queen, would not a Sunday have been both the most appropriate and the least instrusive day of the week as far as disruption to hospitals, businesses and so on?

September 12, 2022 5:59 pm

DaFisk says:
September 12, 2022 at 4:57 pm
Putin already had a pretty good set up in Ukraine even or especially after 2014 – direct control over Crimea, unfettered access to the Black Sea, significant influence within the Ukrainian state ……

Umm, not quite. In 2014, former Ukrainian President Yanukovych rejected an association agreement with the European Union in favour of closer ties with Moscow. This initiated numerous public protests known as the Maidan revolution (aka Revolution of Dignity). Yanukovych and his party were ousted from power and consequently Russia’s influence in Ukraine was largely extinguished. Russia responded by annexing the Crimea and unofficially supported a separatist insurgency in the Donbas region.

Then, from 2014-19 Poroshenko was President and he pushed for the Ukraine to join the EU and ordered the Ukrainian military to quash the Donbas insurgency. The Minsk Agreements tried to sort this out but fighting only reduced from time to time, but never stopped. Interestingly, Minsk II (2015) included Ukrainian constitutional reform that granted self-government to the Donbas region but despite signing that Agreement, Ukraine decided they didn’t want to play ball anymore.

Then, in 2019, Zelensky was elected and he pushed for not only EU membership but also NATO. Initially, NATO said that Ukraine’s acceptance was delayed, deferred etc but it is well known that the USA was heavily lobbying the other NATO members to accept Ukraine. The EU accepted Ukraine membership in Feb 2022 so for Russia, it was only a matter of time before NATO also accepted the Ukraine.

And thus, here we are.

September 12, 2022 6:02 pm

It seems unlikely that China would intentionally release a deadly virus in one of its own cities, but once it was loose they lobbied pretty hard for the rest of the world to keep its borders open to the virus.

Whether it was intentional or not, the fact they worked hard to ensure it spread is criminal enough. Let’s not forget the fear porn campaign they waged on social media, which if anything implies it was all planned.

local oaf
September 12, 2022 6:02 pm

Who is permitted to attend the Queen’s funeral, is it just current heads of state or can former leaders go too?

Can Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump show up – Keating, Rudd, Gillard, etc?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 12, 2022 6:02 pm

LOL…now that is a classic example of chutzpah.

I strongly suspect that she believes this – since she would imagine that in practice it would mean her sitting on high and admonishing/upbraiding/censuring other (and near by definition, lesser) j’ismists.

I can’t recall the quote exactly (and can’t check the source ‘cos I be sitting in pub wit’ beer) but it might have been George Bernard Shaw’s Man and Superman (at least something by that endearingly irascible man)…

Enough veering off on tangents on tangents.

The quote was along the lines of “the distance between the man of genius and the fool seems infinite to the fool, but to the genius all too brief.”

Whatever cachet 7-Nilligan might enjoy in the eyes of j’ism naifs I would think she is very alive to the fact they are only a few calumnies and slurs away from the seat she actually occupies. It is not a throne, but a backed up toilet. But those nihilistic neonates see a gilded rectal receptacle.

My point is that Louise, while welcoming the deference and adulation of graduates who still think fame is achieved through doggedness and courage, rather than salaciousness, pose a threat they do not realise, and the opportunity to nick the Achilles’ tendon and hobble these infatuated yet steadily encroaching putrefaction-sniffing goblins is like scratching an itch that won’t go away.

As for her possible vulnerability to accusations of the very type she now denounces – ego provides! She has never been wrong. Patriarchal courts with their straight white male myopia obsession with facts and evidence are blind to bigger truths. Just because you cannot prove something doesn’t mean it isn’t real. If someone does NOT prove that Pell is NOT a paedophile then doesn’t that prove he is? Like (-1 x -1). It equals 1, right!

September 12, 2022 6:03 pm

And yes, it is possible for Labor to increase immigration and for wages to still keep rising. You idiots.

Only by cutting red & green tape and implementing workplace reforms to increase productivity, among other important actions.

None of which would be acceptable to the unions or the ideologues in the ALP.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2022 6:04 pm

If aggregate income is falling but the falls are all being suffered by spivs, grey nomads, cruise ship layabouts, trustafarians and other parasites on society, why should the working classes give a shizen

If Marx thought in cliches.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 6:07 pm

September 12, 2022 at 5:58 pm
Re the public holiday to mourn the Queen, would not a Sunday have been both the most appropriate and the least instrusive day of the week as far as disruption to hospitals, businesses and so on?

Great idea Roger but the ‘oiks’ here need a holiday and Albo and Co are still jetting around the Planet burning up fossil fuels. Better for us to have a Monday off and take sickiees for a few more daze…………And Parliament still doesn’t need to sit either. This is the so called ‘Clever Country’………..LOL

September 12, 2022 6:10 pm

And yes, it is possible for Labor to increase immigration and for wages to still keep rising. You idiots.

Because supply and demand has no effect in Monty-nomics.

The unions dont give a stuff, they arent about individuals wages, they are all about volume of workers paying their yummy fees, as well as pumping up the super funds an amazing number of ex-union spivs seem to parachute into after representing the wukkas.
Business loves it, wouldnt be because they dont want to pay more.
Government loves it, adding 200,000 people a year keeps the “economy” from recession without actually doing anything constructive.
Banks love it, 200,000 freshly minted Australian spotless credit ratings to loan to.

Johnny Rotten
September 12, 2022 6:12 pm

local oafsays:
September 12, 2022 at 6:02 pm
Who is permitted to attend the Queen’s funeral, is it just current heads of state or can former leaders go too?

Can Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump show up – Keating, Rudd, Gillard, etc?

Who cares. As a loyal subject for 69 and nearly 70 years, I want to know whether I am mentioned in the Will and where is my 5 million pounds?

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2022 6:15 pm


“Emma Alberscreechi’s lawyers are on the phone.”

September 12, 2022 6:16 pm

Probably that would be the whole of PNG.
It’s just straight pidgin, nothing more, nothing less.

Lol! This reminded me of an old mate, a Catholic Priest, who was a missionary in PNG in the 90’s. He told me that the PNG folk were telling him about the resurrections in pigeon English:

Him girrip gen (He gets up again).

September 12, 2022 6:18 pm


Is that where you pay all of your hard earned dollars to a union that you’re forced to join and then get screwed over? Sorry, I meant Craig Thomson gets screwed?

September 12, 2022 6:25 pm

Excellent Analysis – An in-depth analysis of the F1® Italian GP 2022

Thanks to Versor, the official AI Partner of the Australian Grand Prix.

As Christian Horner said on Saturday after Qualifying “We. unlike many of their rivals, Red Bull opted not to install a Monza-specific extreme low-downforce rear wing. More downforce leads to better performance in corners, allowing Red Bull to be the fastest car out of the first chicane through Curva Grande, the second chicane, Ascari and out of the final corner.”

Red Bull has had a significant speed advantage on straights throughout the season, often running the fastest car on the grid, as seen most notably in Jeddah and Miami. Therefore many expected Red Bull to maximise this advantage at Monza, given its high-speed nature. As the violin plot above highlights, the straight-line speed between the Red Bulls and the Ferraris were very close, Verstappen was able to reach a higher top speed of 337 km/h compared to Leclerc’s 329 km/h; however, Leclerc was slightly faster on average at 323 km/h compared to an average of 322 km/h for Verstappen.

This revelation is not as surprising as it may seem at first glance, as unlike many of their rivals, Red Bull opted not to install a Monza-specific extreme low-downforce rear wing. More downforce leads to better performance in corners, allowing Red Bull to be the fastest car out of the first chicane through Curva Grande, the second chicane, Ascari and out of the final corner.

Lower levels of downforce also lead to outer tyre abrasion and heating of the outside of the tyre, causing graining, which is where rubber pieces that have been torn off a tyre immediately stick back to the hot surface of the tyre. This results in an uneven, irregular surface that hinders grip and traction and makes breaking and cornering more challenging. Whilst still remaining competitive with Ferrari in straight speed, Red Bull’s higher downforce meant that their tyre performance was far superior which was ultimately the key to victory for Verstappen, as it allowed Red Bull to run a one-stop strategy for Verstappen compared to the two-stop race Leclerc completed.

Verstappen took home victory after starting outside of the top 5 for the third time in the last four races, again proving that with the performance of both himself and his car at this point of the season, it doesn’t matter where he starts on the grid. The Dutchman now has the chance to win his second World Championship three weeks from now at the next Grand Prix in Singapore.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2022 6:25 pm

“Then you would only be partially right. Ukraine’s military has been murdering their own citizens- men, women and kids since 2014. So you really shouldn’t be such a smart arse gloating over their deaths by cheering on Zhelensky’s neo-nazi crims and thugs. What’s worse, the saintly west and other assorted ignoramii support that state sponsored genocide with a sick fervor primarily to deflect from their own stench of corruption.”

Quite so.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2022 6:27 pm


  1. Hmm- I thought that Mussolini was from the lamp-post, the Ceausescuses were from the balcony rails? …not that either one…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x