You left lawyers out. A bounty perhaps.
You left lawyers out. A bounty perhaps.
There’s a story in the family files that a GGGrandfather was the first man killed in a motor vehicle accident…
For Ukraine? You serious?
Are you saying they assassinated Abe?
Reply to the daily telegraph post, Libs say the tide has turned: It will be the same as the WA…
Did you get over to WA Cassie? At least I have had the ability of seeing my parents daily.
Compulsory masks disappeared in WA a couple of weeks ago. We are now where we should have been all along – free choice.
No Calli, I’m going in early December.
Give him the biggest hug.
I must have missed that part where Technical And Further Education colleges use Australian Tertiary Admission Ranks for selection purposes.
The new strains must be weak as. My poor mum was admitted to hospital very close to dying on Friday after months of illness (not covid according to RAT tests in previous weeks), and found to have covid as well as everything else. (She was enjabbenated, but a year later than most.) Turns out the ‘everything else’ was one lung unusable with a stage 4 lung cancer which already owned her lymph nodes and one or two other organs, and the other lung had emphysema.
Yet the covid tested clear three days later; maybe the jab actually did something.
We are losing her anyway. Its going to be soon.
Twiggys lucky he’s got the cash and clout to pay off any adversaries.
He’s best mates with Stokes, so the media is on side. McClowns on the payroll so the state government are on board. He’s UWA’s biggest benefactor so they’ll be no pesky academics throwing spanners in the works. By spending money on green projects, political opponents are subdued, and might make a few quid.
He can dig up WA with impunity. Fair play to him.
Except at all health industry locations.
Sorry to hear the news about your mother Chris.
Our Health minister was itching for a mandate during the winter outbreak but the CHO would not comply.
Hydrogen BOOMs are fairly gentle, as these things go. But imagine the zeros on his ANFO bill!
Now we’ve got dozens of people dying because paramedics can’t get to them on time and the hospital emergency wards are overloaded and her response is, “Meh…it happens.”
Thanks Rosie!
Rich turds like twiggy aren’t betting on H; they’re just positioning themselves for the subsidies. H as a fuel is as real as a transitioning male. The WEF and the UN are betting on H as a chimera to destroy reliable power, fossils and nuclear, for the plebs so the WEF plan occurs. That is no power, no food and fucking insects for food.
I will accept hydrogen is part of the solution, when that solution entails:
1) producing the hydrogen using electrolysis powered by nuclear; and,
2) consuming the hydrogen in the Fischer-Tropsch process to make synthetic fuel.
Why do you consider Twiggy to be a rich turd. What’s rich or poor have to do with being a scumbag? Twiggy may be a turd, but it’s not because he’s wealthy.
Australians are still wearing those stupid masks…
Really? Not in this neck of the woods.
Roger, in the shopping centres of Sydney’s Lower North Shore, they are de riguere. It is riduculous. People even wear them walking alone in the suburban streets and alone driving the car!!!
Throw a trillion bucks at something, you’re bound to get an outcome.
Aboriginal industry?
Its outcomes have been a 1% of fat cats and a sty of entitled misery for everyone else.
we are in the unfortunate position that we actually pay our civilizations worst termites to do so.
All the universities are infested with Jacobin know-nothings who pass on their anti-knowledge to others, and are richly rewarded for doing so.
The damage is even worse in governments, which all seem to be in love with having credentialed mongs as employees, so yesterdays wimmins studies student is todays public serpent..
How far would the Aboriginal industry have gotten if universities and government didnt create positions for life for the screechiest civilization haters?
They would be housoes and bitter pisswrecks.
I saw a dude on a e-scooter wearing one.
and fucking insects for food.
Ok, but I draw the line at kissing them as well.
Why do you consider Twiggy to be a rich turd. What’s rich or poor have to do with being a scumbag? Twiggy may be a turd, but it’s not because he’s wealthy.
Is he rich: yes. is he a turd: yes. Why is he a turd. The chunks own him; every oz of iron ore he mines they get. He partners that other rich turd, cannon-brookes in solar in the NT; his brats are greens and he supports the voice.
I saw masks on an old chap and his carer in the supermarket today, but he’s obviously health compromised.
Otherwise, nada.
People don’t even put them on in the chemist, even though there are large signs out the front proclaiming they are mandatory in health care facilities.
Australia’s oldest man, Frank Mawer, dies aged 110 after contracting COVID-19
Look at the headline they wrote – the vast majority of people who read that will be saying the old fella died of Covid. A deliberate deception to push the narrative and keep the elderly terrified. The Covid link is tenuous at best:
Bingo, there’s the headline! Hey. I contracted Covid several weeks ago and it weakened me, too. Then I recovered. I just want everyone to know that if I die in my sleep tonight, it wasn’t the Covid, okay? Anyway, the son continues:
Sounds as though he strengthened again. So he died in his sleep at the age of 110, as 110 year olds have a tendency to do, and him contracting Covid lord-knows-when probably didn’t have a thing to do with it. I wonder what questions the son was asked, what his answers were, and how he feels about the death of his father being hijacked to push the Covid catastrophe agenda?
These ABC journalists are fucking shameless. I despise them. They have blood on their hands. How many peoples’ deaths have they caused or hastened by their obscene Covid scaremongering? And they’re still at it. They truly are the enemy of the people. They deserve to be treated as such.
September 20, 2022 at 5:00 pm
Rich turds like twiggy aren’t betting on H; they’re just positioning themselves for the subsidies. H as a fuel is as real as a transitioning male. The WEF and the UN are betting on H as a chimera to destroy reliable power, fossils and nuclear, for the plebs so the WEF plan occurs. That is no power, no food and fucking insects for food.
Instead of “Panem et circenses”, we will get “Insects, grubs, and the Hunger Games”.
Thanks for restoring the thumbs up facility Dover.
Okay, so he’s just a virtue signaling turd then. What should he do with China – not sell his ore? I don’t think so. In any event, I believe most iron these days sells though the spot market, so you really don’t have to make nice with those fascist rats.
What, he’s a judge on the TV show? Really? I’ll have to watch it. You know what time it’s on?
AGW time is considered to correlate with the Industrial Revolution.
Post WWII if your looking for CO2.
There’s not much warming to be seen from the advent of the industrial revolution and most of that is a temperature rebound from the little ice age that petered out in the mid 1800’s.
Curiously a great chunk of the supposed anthropogenic temperature increase occurred in the early part of last century and then flattened out in the 1950’s – 80’s.
Earth’s epochs are on very long time lines. The North American continent is still slowly rising from the lost weight of the ice sheet in the last ice age.
Ok whos going to be toppled first.
Putin or the german government??
Germany’s Die Linke on verge of split over sanctions on Russia
Leftwing party’s future in balance after series of resignations, as former co-leader calls coalition ‘stupidest government in Europe’
In her speech last Thursday, Wagenknecht had called chancellor Olaf Scholz’s left-leaning governing coalition “the stupidest government in Europe” because it imposed sanctions on Russia, which supplied over half of Germany’s gas needs before the start of the war in the spring.
“Yes, of course the war in Ukraine is a crime”, Wagenknecht said. “But how dumb is the idea that we can punish Putin by pushing millions of German families into poverty and destroy our economy while Gazprom makes record profits?” The speech was greeted with applause not only by the Linke leadership but also by delegates of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).
Wagenknecht no longer holds any official positions in Die Linke, but was nominated to be its sole speaker in the recent parliamentary session on the national climate budget.
Id go a step further and state how stupid it was to make Germany reliant on Russian gas and oil in its quest for green power instead of following France and building nuclear.
If only the 110 year old had taken his 5/6 th shot it would have stopped him dying. It is a miracle shot I tell you.
Not !
“These ABC journalists are fucking shameless. I despise them. They have blood on their hands. How many peoples’ deaths have they caused or hastened by their obscene Covid scaremongering? And they’re still at it. They truly are the enemy of the people. They deserve to be treated as such.”
I have seen some people wearing masks on the Lower North Shore, but not many. And none of them even look at people without them.
Bad juju maybe.
I was also surprised to hear that the NSE government was removing the obligation to wear masks on public transport. I have not seen anybody obliged to wear one, and often even the bus drivers are maskless.
I just put it down to there being a sad underclass that clings to the putrid things because they forget why they ever put them on and now cannot remember what conditions would let them take them off.
Same, staff told not to bother.
Twiggy has a disturbingly messianic side to him – thinks he can save the world. If he had Bill Gates’s money, he’d probably be more dangerous than Gates.
I have no problems with billionaires who want to spend their money on enormous yachts, fleets of jets and the various trappings of extreme wealth. Enjoy your success. However, once you cross that line of thinking you can use your vast wealth to shape humanity to your ends, well – I have no problem with you forfeiting that wealth in order to cut you down to size.
Uh oh, seems like up ticking is back and welcomed by the majority.
JC and Sancho must be so happy. However you will note their constant efforts to deride it as unreliable. Can’t have people up ticking comments that they don’t like as it might make them look like don’t have much support on certain topics.
After all as we all know JC is the most popular poster here.
Just think, Dover only took away our uptick priveleges….we got off lightly. I remember when Sinc shut down the blog for a whole weekend.
Eating insects is so yesterday.
Apparently raising them in the necessary quantities will have too great an environmental impact.
Synthetic or cultured meat is the now the go.
The sophistry employed by the likes of motherlode is disgusting.
Opposing tyranny is sticking a pot on your head……implying it’s impulsive childish behavior to resist tyranny.
Morons who were told the jab would kill them…..and now deaths are up over 20% in Australia. …so far…..and people have choo choo’s email here and yet dead people don’t respond to emails……weighed up the risks.
What good to your brother or anyone dead?
The moronic insanity of thinking killing yourself an option.
The moronic insanity of knowing you can choo choo out of here any second always being in the back of your mind.
Tick tick tick…….
Of course it won’t happen to you.
Millions of your fellow countrymen and women went through hell and did not and have not submitted.
But you were special.
It was no skin off of their noses like it would be for you!
Dot could never have been employed anywhere else….and his words, not mine….”would have been destitute”
But of course holding a mirror up to arseholes who scoffed at all they were told…who called the unjabbed nanna killers and conspiracy theorists. …..is called being a tyrant.
You could only find such mental sickness with denialists.
People too arrogant to admit they were duped.
Too bigoted to be told by country people or low scum truckies.
Yes you did make your choices.
Just like Choo Choo and Warnie.
Tick tick tick……
You were told.
You knew better.
Dunno, I’m really not that fussed.
You can’t say that because we really don’t know. One or two or three places may have kept records such as the UK, but that’s not the world and it’s actually laughable – in my opinion – that folks can make assertions about climate before reasonable global temp records were kept in a scientific way when we’re talking about tiny fucking wiggles from year to year.
Who says and what were those accurate devices around the world? As I said Gez, there may be some scientific evidence for gerbiling such as Co2 acting as a anthro gas, and there may be a case to go to nuclear just in case, due to risk management. However, I would make a claim that our only half way decent records would be from 1970 onward and even those may be tampered with through lying and general dishonesty. Unless shit like that is audited, its use is basically a zero.
I reckon we have no freaking idea. However, I see both the naysayers and the gerbilers as exact twins. They both annoy the shit out of me because their arguments are basically bullshit. Again, to make anything from tiny, absolutely tiny, temp wiggles is a joke and we really don’t have any record going back in time that we can risk our living standards and economic well being on.
Twiggy has actually tried to do real things making possibilities for real Aboriginal people with his own company. Remember also Abbott put him in charge of a $40M initiative to go around the Aboriginal bureaucracy as well.
Supporting the Voice makes sense if you want doors open to you in the Swamp.
If ever going to hell ( I won’t of course but let’s be hypothetical), I could imagine the worst punishment God could mete out would be to share a “hell” cell with you for eternity. And you know what, I would end up choking you dead every single day for eternity, you whiny little bitch.
I think I may reestablish my battered wives club.
Apparently raising them in the necessary quantities will have too great an environmental impact.
Who would have guessed? Only anyone capable of comprehending that 2 + 2 = 4 is not a symbol of white supremacism.
Bet he’s got a boat though.
You are one of the very few ‘low scum truckies’ who thinks he knows what ‘sophistry’ means.
Hint: You don’t.
JC and a friend.
In hell.
2022, colourised.
Just think, Dover only took away our uptick priveleges
Well, mine are still taken away. Can’t even log in as apparently, I do not exist. Gonna go pout now.
At least Twiggy pays tax.
KD would have shot the unarmed at the shrine.
After all….they were inciting rebellion.
So speaketh one so emasculated they cried over some unfavourable upticks, so badgered all & sundry until upticks were removed.
Thanks for the image Mole. It would be pretty close as to how I would imagine our “cell” relationship working out. The good side would be choking dead the little whiny bitch everyday.. well that can’t attract anymore punishment as we’re in hell already.
Just joking, have never used ticks that I am aware of so it does not matter whether it works or not.
Stop thinking. You need to be more idiotic. Embrace wind power and 3rd world nation black outs!
Drills, you’re drunk. Take it easy.
Much as it pains me to say it struth, you are not being your best self with this.
It gets worse.
There’s no way they’re going to have enough minerals for EV Batteries to supply the demand they’re artificially creating by legislating against the sale of ICE vehicles after 2030 or whenever and introducing subsidies for EV purchases.
They haven’t thought this through.
Have you looked at job ads recently?
The HR dickheads are still boasting about COVID SAFE! workplaces and needing to be double vaxxxxes and boosted.
You chucklehead. How bad do you think it was in early 2022?
Hell is listening to the girls talk about painting the caravan.
I know I am late Tom but David Rowe is repulsive.
I disagree. “It is not about going green, it is about going without.”
well that can’t attract anymore punishment as we’re in hell already.
Every time you strangle him 2 more appear.
The devil knows all the best tricks.
Beige… I think we’ll paint the ceiling… beige
Promising people an EV and then telling them they can’t have a new car at all isn’t going to fly.
This isn’t North Korea.
He would have Chris.
He is ex Vicplod loser hiding out in Darwin as they do.
He has been brainwashed on these matters.
Anyone daring to mention non compliance and he is sent into conniptions.
Smug in their ignorance. …as trained.
ZH is reporting the EU is seeking sweeping new powers to intervene and control critical supply chains in an “emergency”. The Single Market Emergency Instrument. Because they have such a great record at managing their shithole they now want to have the power to control markets.
Dr. Paul Offit, one of the world’s most respected vaccine experts, is now officially an anti-vaxxer!
Good, there would be more Roosters to choke dead each day. No kidding, imagine being in continual proximity to the whiny little turd. No don’t.
Pfizer accidentally proves original COVID Vaccine destroys the Immune System after publishing Study for new Omicron Jab
A One-Term President?
From Martin Armstrong –
“The debate continues on whether Joe Biden will run for re-election in 2024. Any sane citizen clearly would not encourage him to continue ruining America. The Democrats have even voiced concerns over Biden’s effectiveness as a two-term president due to his frequent blunders and low poll ratings. His age and declining mental health have made him a difficult puppet to handle.
In a “60 Minutes” interview, Biden himself admitted he might not seek that second term. Or, perhaps, his handlers have not decided. Biden said he is relying on “fate” and that it is “much too early” to decide whether he is confident in his own ability as president. If he and/or his handlers were confident that he could be re-elected, legally or otherwise, Biden would be confidently stating his desire to continue his job.
Biden told CBS. In March 2021, Biden was confident that he was beginning a four-year term and told reporters he would run for a second term. Times have changed! In fact, Joe Biden said that previous statements about running again were simply intention statements. “Look, my intention, as I said to begin with, is that I would run again. But it’s just an intention. But is it a firm decision that I run again? That remains to be seen,”
The entire interview aired like an ad for the Republicans. This happens every single time he strays from his script, and it is why he rarely makes media appearances in comparison to past presidents. Biden yet again misspoke and threatened war with a major power after saying that the US would defend Taiwan if China invaded. Yet again, the White House back-tracked on Biden’s comments – a difficult puppet indeed.”
I wish Chris
Without my comment being taken as support that bullshit, they may not have much of a choice as a big number of their utilities are heading to the wall. From what I read, these companies had ceiling prices to retail, but the wholesale side has no corresponding protection. That’s bankruptcy in these current circumstances.
I explained it four times. Asserting that the last 25 years has flat-lined without offering context in that the preceding 25 showed a drop and there was no recovery after that is 100% misleading.
Wrong. Once again you’ve failed to explain why 25 years isn’t a trend. The preceding years are irrelevant unless 25 years is too short to make a good case for a trend.
At least in your latest comment you’ve admitted that at some point there are enough years of a particular phenomenon for that phenomenon to be seen to be a trend even though that phenomenon has not existed for all eternity. Now all we’ve got to do is establish whether 25 years is enough in this case.
The statistical reason that makes Fester’s 25 year claim misleading is that it flat-lined at the lows without any recovery
What “lows”? You’re looking at 50 years of data which divides into 25 years of decline followed by 25 years of flatlining. What makes you assume that the decline couldn’t or shouldn’t have continued further than the first 25 years if BoN’s assertion is inaccurate? In the context of approximately 35 billion tonnes of snow cover, why is the few millions of tonnes change shown in the first 25 years of the chart indicative that some geophysical floor for snow cover has been reached? Why didn’t it keep declining? Remember, BoN wasn’t asserting that the last 25 years has been a time of change, he was asserting only that the last 25 years has seen stable snow cover which suggests that there isn’t drastic change going on.
I have and now it’s the 5 times. Merely saying I have not provided the “grounds” doesn’t make it any truer or persuasive as you have continually failed to show why that is the case.
Your previous comments were based on the unproven assumption that the last 25 years doesn’t reflect a climate phenomenon that wasn’t present previously. You didn’t get within a trillion light years of explaining why that need be so.
Depends on the steepness of the decline and one needs to make a judgement call, so yes, it could matter or not. We would need to read the numbers. In the real case, in Fester’s chart , it most certainly matters because the fall in the first 25 years was steep enough to appear material, yet Fester left that part out.
Firstly, on what grounds are you suggesting that a few million tonnes of change out of about 35 billion tonnes, over a period of 25 years, is “material”? Maybe it is but what are your geothermal grounds or grounds in thermodynamics or hydrology for asserting that it is? Please, please don’t tell me that you just looked at how big the lines looked on the page. Scale matters.
Secondly once again you’re committing the logical howler of assuming that things don’t change. By your analysis we’d have to assume that there was no change in climate conditions between the depth of the Younger Dryas and the Holocene Climate Optimum, because the shift in temperature was too quick. Just as an example, shifts in ocean phenomena like AMO and PDO tend to happen quite quickly – why do you assume that they, or changes to solar output, or anything else, can’t have caused a change in climate conditions somewhere around the turn of the century, thus making the last 25 years different to the previous 25 years?
And, note once again, the time asserted in climate science to be necessary to establish a trend is as short as 15 years, and even the IPCC on the defensive says 30 years – once the trend is prima facie established the onus is on the naysayers to prove it doesn’t exist. And incessantly repeating “there can’t be a trend now because there wasn’t one before” is just nonsensical.
I’m happy to tell you. As we really don’t have a great deal of seriously accurate and comprehensive data then most certainly every year counts especially if the beginning of AGW time is considered to correlate with the Industrial Revolution. So yea, 25 years more does count and it really counts when you have 50 years of info with snowfall declining in the next 25 years without any recovery.
I’m happy to tell you. As we really don’t have a great deal of seriously accurate and comprehensive data then most certainly every year counts especially if the beginning of AGW time is considered to correlate with the Industrial Revolution. So yea, 25 years more does count and it really counts when you have 50 years of info with snowfall declining in the next 25 years without any recovery.
I presume you mean “previous” not “next”.
But this is a serious logical error on your part. Once again you’re assuming that trends are irreversible. The temperature records for the 20th century are clear – warming from 1914-1940, then cooling till the mid 1970’s, then warming till about the end of the century, and possibly a slight upward trend since then but maybe flatlining – statistically within the bounds of error given the limitations of temperature measurement. The records give no reason at all to doubt that 25 years is enough – in fact they support it.
The idea that we need to judge a trend by reference to the whole “AGW” period, [?, are you suggesting that Watts’ steam engine caused the earth to emerge from the Little Ice Age?] or since the Industrial Revolution is just more argument by assertion. You need to demonstrate by scientific or statistical analysis why that would be appropriate rather than just assert it.
Remember again, this is about you positively asserting that 25 years is too short.
I wonder how many dummies on here are gonna get the booster clot shots.
This isn’t North Korea.
No but it soon might be the way they are going………………………….
Yeah? Nah.
Intellectual charity is the thing. Assume the person you disagree with is mistaken or misinformed rather than malevolent. And you might also consider the possibility that you may have it wrong. Seems to me that the people you argue with are not stupid at all.
Sorry, double included one of JC’s paras without it being in italics.
Well that was quick.
Ian Plimer’s Green Murder was mentioned in these august pages so I used the Cat Amazon link to purchase it. Sunday evening. It has just been delivered.
However, I see both the naysayers and the gerbilers as exact twins.
That’s because you’re cross-eyed.
It ain’t the heat, it’s the humility.
– Yogi Berra
exactly how useless are you dot.
Spare me the hard luck…you’re a special case story.
It doesn’t work on those you were willing to make the new Jews , mein Dotenfarter.
A man, when he died, wanted to be buried with all his money.
He decided to trust a third of his money to a Priest, a third to a doctor, and a third to his lawyer to bury it with him when he died.
After his death, at the man’s funeral, the priest whispered to his dead body and placed a bag in his coffin. The doctor then proceeded to whisper to the body and placed a bag in there as well. Then the lawyer went and dropped off a bag and moved on.
As they were carpooling back from the funeral the lawyer asked what the priest whispered. The priest, with tears in his eyes, said that he had to confess he spent some of the money on an orphanage so that some hungry kids would not starve and that he feels bad for what he had done, but that he had no choice.
The doctor then admits that he too had to let him know that one of his patients needed a surgery that he alone could not do, that he spent some of the money to save the person’s life.
The lawyer looks at them with scorn and says “How could you? You have betrayed a man’s last request!” The doctor and priest look at the lawyer and asks “So your bag had all the money he entrusted you with?” “Damn right” he replies “I wrote the cheque for the full amount, not a penny less!”
Stupid enough to jab themselves.
And emotional to go with it.
It’s just reached the top of my “To read” pile.
I’m sure they have. It’s a mistake to assume they are stupid. By next decade these parasites will be long gone having pocketed squillions from being on the “inside” , firing up demand (and prices) then leaving nations with a clusterfk mess of an energy grid and transport disaster to deal with.
Roger, I would like to think that, but recent experience would suggest that most people will take what they are given….they can then deal with the trouble makers separately.
Am a member of a blue party here in Victoria. Our local electorate is Dan country. We at last have a chap brave enough to go up against the dictator.
HO finally approved someone. They encouraged this chap to have a go. Since they gave him the green light, it’s been crickets for him. In his words , it’s like they turn the switch to off. Rita P invited him onto her show. On the day of the show HO contacted him and said no. He apologised to Rita.
I caught up with him last night with a couple of others. I advised him to tell HO to get lost, call Rita back and go on the show. Seriously there has been so little support from HO and such poor polling, ….as well as shit policies, I’m about to quit. So if we are to get pushed out we may as well go out having a crack. The chap is a young bloke, full of life and mistakes. Who knows what he’s going to say but it should be interesting. I’m sure it will upset both sides of the house. Bring it on!
FMD. My sister borrowed my car yesterday and wanted to replace the tatty old steering wheel cover. I told her ‘Totoro preferred but Hello Kitty OK. Frozen is right out.’
Then this morning I saw a Kalashnikitty sticker on a car in Perth!
They won’t stop at utilities. They will get into food, transport, and commodities etc. Anywhere they can stick their nose into an “emergency”. And they will handle it with their usual ruthless efficiency and utter professionalism.
I’m more optimistic, mc.
Perhaps that comes from not living in Victoria…but even Andrews knows there are limits to what he can inflict upon the masses without inviting serious consequences for himself and his party politically.
Heck…even Xi knows that no government – even one with a totalitarian grip on power – can preside over a drastic reduction in living standards without dire political consequences.
You are wrong comparing yourself to the Jews who suffered in the Shoah.
You are wrong to say I desire to class people as undesirable based on a hard brained medical theory, or at all.
Please stop.
You are going to totally isolate yourself with this idiocy, stop.
It’s also incredibly rude ignoring those who got vaccinated but didn’t want to (and with good reason or an understanding of why it was absolutely not necessary).
If you want to be rude and invective, go ahead, but I would rather you didn’t lower the tone for me.
I’m literally Hitler? Give yourself an uppercut son.
I like Chris Kenny most of the time, but he’s skating on thin ice at the moment.
Strike 1: The Voice
Strike 2: Ardently anti-monarchy despite the demonstrable failings of republics.
Timothy Neilson and others, forget it guys. It’s like trying to teach calculus to a chimpanzee.
The debate continues on whether Joe Biden will run for re-election in 2024.
It’s not really about Joe. The damage is being done by the puppet masters, and by eight years of BHO.
How about Sluggy Freelance? Bun Bun would do nicely.
(Totoro is awesome btw, I can always watch it again. Superb.)
I’m not wrong and you’ve completely misunderstood the point being made. You consider the proceeding 25 years to be worthy of calling it a trend but the entire 50 year record ,which would offer an clearer picture in terms of the time scale with respect to the AGW span? Naaaa, who cares.
I can’t go into this anymore and I hope people will make up their own minds about who’s offering the more persuasive view. A truncated 25 year period or an un-truncated 50 year span. People can make up their own mind as to which is clearer in figuring out the trend.
All along I have said the Public Health Acts need repealing, Berejiklian abused her executive privilege in making executive orders without Parliament sitting for months; and legislation ought to have sunset clauses, subject to a very prescriptive negative rights based constitution.
Furthermore we know Berejiklian made a political display to downplay a corruption hearing; COVID has been in the west since at least March 2019 and rules like social distancing were made up political stunts with little to no clinical or statistical evidence to back them up.
There is no way any sane, reasonable person could possibly compare me to Adolf Hitler.
I am not perfect; I think government power should be so diluted that Federation itself was probably a mistake or done incorrectly; show me one fascist or National Socialist who has ever made the same arguments.
I know it is amusing in some ways but it is also bluddee mystifying to try come to terms with such delusional hyperbole.
I need a drink.
Alright, who hasn’t been eating their word salad?
I like Chris Kenny most of the time, but he’s skating on thin ice at the moment.
Strike 1: The Voice
Strike 2: Ardently anti-monarchy despite the demonstrable failings of republics.
The Voice is definitely his weak spot; he is insane about it; tonight he had that POS Simon Longstaff on and they both apologised for that 3rd nations skank calling Betty a fucking racist.
I can see how “Dismissing alternative algorithms” might be xenophobic, for example, if you set a multiplication problem and marked down a Russian student who either used Russian Peasant multiplication, or the multiplication method developed by Karatsuba.
But every maths teacher I had when I went to school praised students that found alternate ways to solve problems. Have maths teachers actually become bad in this regard?
There is no way any sane, reasonable person could possibly compare me to Adolf Hitler.
Who compared you to Hitler?
Always objective and to the point, Hallward, except there’s a gaping hole in your bullshit, which is almost always the way with you.
You decided to enter the discussion the other day uninvited and of course trying to demonstrate just how smart and intelligent you are. You introduced the Holocene period to somehow suggest it was warmer earlier than now. Uncle Fester is talking about 25 years and I’m arguing he cheery picked as he had 50 years of date on the chart. The Holocene, which we’re currently in now, began 12,000 years ago. You complete donkey, you’re actually arguing my point to some degree in that when looking at trends it’s better to go longer than it is for a shorter time frame otherwise why mention the holocene? And what this has to do with calculus? Not much at all, you bignoting bubble head.
Kenny on the Voice is a strange one. He was front and centre calling out the Hindmarsh Island Aboriginal Industry mumbo jumbo.
Rita P invited him onto her show. On the day of the show HO contacted him and said no.
Wise move.
Rita Panahi woulda nailed him with a gotcha question, he’da become the issue, and it’s another 4 years of Menshevism.
The Liberal Party are in with a show this time, they’ve just gotta keep it simple.
Bun Bun might prejudice interactions with the plod; no sense turning an RBT stop into a gorefest.
Sam from Day By Day might make it better.
Ah, no.
I am, however, sent into conniptions* by big-talkin’ tall-story-tellin’ fake country boys who presume to tell me what to do, when to do it, how it should be done and who tell all and sundry who don’t follow every step of their particular path that they are shallow cocksmokers who deserve to die.
And especially sent into conniptions by people with a long and distinguished history of over-embellishment and outright bullshit – let alone those who put themselves up as ‘new Jews.’
First the ANZACS, now an entire religion. There’s no cloak he won’t wear.
*I assume ‘conniptions’ means ‘desire to take the piss out of’. I don’t know, simple (actual) country boy that I am.
“Anchor Whatsays:
September 20, 2022 at 6:31 pm
I like Chris Kenny most of the time, but he’s skating on thin ice at the moment.
Strike 1: The Voice
Strike 2: Ardently anti-monarchy despite the demonstrable failings of republics.”
Agree…was just thinking the same thing, I can tolerate Kenny’s spruiking of the Voice and the anti-monarchy rubbish because I think he’s getting desperate and he’s becoming more strident because he knows that his precious Voice is going to fail bigtime and he knows that nobody has the stomach for any republic referendum however what really gave me the shits tonight was his oh so gentle interview tonight with that disgusting far-left progressive hypocritical loon named Simon Longstaff. His coddling of Longstaff was too much for me. In fact, the likes of Longstaff scare me….and he gave the shivers, something only fascists do.
Yea but no. There ought to be a little more humility about how much we actually don’t know and why the best course would be to take a risk management approach and just go for nuclear.
Kenny on the Voice is a strange one. He was front and centre calling out the Hindmarsh Island Aboriginal Industry mumbo jumbo.
No, it’s par for the course for this Controlled Opposition figure.
Hindmarsh Island Bridge was a nothingburger, the Island was better off without it.
The Voice, that’s straight up Bolshevism.
Didn’t he write a book about that? I wonder if he copped too much flak over the book.
Why all this banging on about those that got jabbed and those that didn’t?
I chose not to get jabbed for various reasons and as I was fully retired and fairly independent at the time (I still am), the mandates didn’t work on me. I did have pressure from some friends though to get jabbed but that was about it. Also, I live in Sydney and it I didn’t have to put up with Desperate Dan’s Stormtroopers firing rubber bullets at me when I was out and about exercising my Freedom of association.
Closed Borders and Lockdowns didn’t really impact me that much. Inconvenient, yes, but I went out walking just about every day, weather permitting.
I also have a very good Immune System so I did not see the need to get jabbed with what I considered to be an experimental gene therapy emergency approved (at the time) drug that looked to have had the most minimal of testing before being released. Also, I considered the ‘Virus’ to be no worse than a bad case of the ‘Flu’ and I had not had the Flu since 1974 when I was a young Man.
For me, there’s a lot, lot more to all of this, however, I made my own decision not to get jabbed and I stuck with it.
Also, as far as I know I never got the ‘Virus’ (never been tested). I did get a Common Cold in both Winters (2020 and 2021) and this Winter just gone, just like I nearly always do every Winter.
Ritalin delivery late due to driver strike.
If you call the outrageous outrage by the Cat’s resident Karen banging on. It’s just her, angry at some of the people here for not following him as the lead piper leading mass rejection of the vax and other mandates.
Good to have you back Groogs. mUnty has been shouldering the wrongology and, frankly, he’s not in great shape.
You really ought to avoid uncommon words – they make you look stupid. My decision based upon the needs of my brother as against my own is sophistry. And disgusting.
I feel like a circus clown has erupted in outrage. One difference though – one of circus clowns’ stock jokes is dozens of them clambering out of an absurdly little car. Whereas the Furniture Store has kind of the opposite problem, yeah?
Are you saying that 20% of people who had the shots are dead? Since that is 95% plus of people in Australia that would mean excess deaths (less those who died who were not already on a trajectory to die from other causes) would be 19% of the population.
It is precisely these sorts of transports of comedy that make you so laughable.
You made the anti-vaccine movement look ridiculous because you would not engage on any kind of rationality. You tell people near 20% of the people they know are dying and they don’t see it then they are quite reasonably write you off as a frantic loon, and everyone who voices any sort of concern about vaccines are automatically dumped into the same lunatic pit.
What a freakin’ hero.
You made it worse you spittle flecking self-frottering moron. Get it? You made the anti-vaccine position disreputable and more difficult.
I thought I had made myself clear the last time I engaged with you, but apparently that stout oaken club was too subtle to penetrate your thick skull. So let me be clearer still.
You are an idiot. An idiot with mental pretensions far above your competence, much less intellectual. I am talking ‘nose-bleed’ above. Your preposterous persona as the peoples hero is pantomime. You are a small man lookin for an arena wherein to be big. A stupid man lookin for an issue where he might be be influential – by discounting 95% of people, but more to the point by excluding 99.9% of the people you might meet. You desperately need to be a messiah, and need a nodding audience to create the illusion.
How ridiculous must you be to think the expression ‘Opposing tyranny’ has any natural place outside the histories of Tacitus or Suetonius – we have developed a more subtle way of expressing ourselves since dead Romans sucking up to the new regime. Not saying it has no meaning, but the formulaic expression is hopelessly cliched but you write in what I imagine must be earnest in the rhetorical slogans of the ancients whose affectations must be discounted to get to the truth.
And, finally, you have a dig at my decision regarding my brother. I must assume there is no one in you life that you would take a chance for. I will bet they are grateful for that. Your corrosive histrionics, made more shameful by your oratorical imposture, I bet people yo know do stuff like hide your shoes and rearrange the tablets in your medicine cabinet hoping that you will cut them off from your thoughts.
You don’t even have the lizard-brain smarts to know that winning people over might involve not calling them septic scum. How can anyone take you seriously after the few seconds you reveal yourself. You really have no idea what they have done, been through, or though. Because it doesn’t matter to you. They thought differently to you, and on that basis they are expected to be ashamed of themselves and seeking your absolution.
Go back to the Furniture Store – conspicuous for its inability to draw any new adherents on its own merit. We can write off the possibility that you might fade into obscurity with dignity, but on that fading sham of a site you might fade with less ignominy.
You leftist!
Dunno if this’ll give you conniptions or not;
I’m a country boy & I’m telling you to keep commenting on the Cat. Love your work.
Struth must have caught hydrophobia or something, coz he used to be so brilliant at taking on Greenies & that ilk.
This vaxxx absolutism he’s embraced with such fervour, he really should step back from it a bit.
Anchor Whatsays:
September 20, 2022 at 6:31 pm
Yes. He’s pissed me off enough to no longer care about his programmes.
Don’t be comin’ here wit’ you fancy book learnin’.
So Twiggy when are you going to recompense all those poor Anaconda Nickel shareholders?*
‘Climate change is not a joke’: Andrew Forrest (Sky News, 20 Sep)
Good joke son. Pity that you lied to your backers then, as you are now.
(* Not me, fortunately. Let me just say the assumptions of Twiggy and Sherritt were, um, heroic at the time. As I recall Anaconda Nickel went bankrupt twice, and Murrin has never gotten anywhere near forecast capacity. Some of the scientific papers were pretty interesting at the time.)
Gave yersilf away there jugga, coz it’s spelt : book larnin’
Yea but no. There ought to be a little more humility about how much we actually don’t know and why the best course would be to take a risk management approach and just go for nuclear.
And Ultra SuperCritical Coal; and gas.
Go ahead make our day. The “battered wives” as you call them are the many here who have offended you over some minor point. Some of the disputes have been going on for years. I have lost count of the “battered wives” you have created here who are none to thrilled with your methods of engaging here.
Most normal people might have a disagreement one day but move on. But not you as you will constantly go back to refer to it.
I look forward to you continuing the drama as I am sure Dover really appreciates the constant angst and negativity your presence brings to this blog.
Naturally I include your faithful lap dog in this.
“I think I may reestablish my battered wives club”.
Brilliant. Superb, and completely accurate.
You remind me BoN that I was forced to sell my Minara Resource shares to Glencore in 2011 when I really didn’t want to.
He’s got it exactly backwards.
King Charles III’s climate change advocacy could ‘enliven’ the monarchy (Sky News, 20 Sep)
Mr Oquist, Chuck spruiking climate rubbish is absolutely guaranteed to endeaden the monarchy not enliven it. You lot hate it already, and we righties who support it certainly won’t any longer if Charlie gets his green jackboots on. His sons ain’t promising much in the way of reality either.
Memo to Windsors: stop producing sons, keep to daughters. Anne is sane, the males are all fruitloops.
Mr Anti Socialist when it suits, hey Fester, you hypocrite.
Forrest presumably floated the company and people decided to buy stock because they liked the story. The company didn’t live up to expectations and collapsed in a heap. Why would Forrest even think about making other shareholders whole (“recompense”) when they knew the score and took the dive into a risky investment? Truly, you disgust me and it just isn’t me with the comments about you at Discord chats.
“You desperately need to be a messiah, and need a nodding audience to create the illusion.”
A slew of upticks would do.
Because once it was mandated it put people in the position of surrendering their bodily autonomy or their immediate livelihoods. It divided most people into two groups: those on the out, and those on the inside.
Being on the out is horrible, almost as horrible as eventually, reluctantly surrendering after months of fucking bullying so as to keep a tenuous foothold on the inside position, even as the requirements to stay there were being increased.
This should never be allowed to occur again, but there are those of us who fear that the social credit score system they have almost all the components they need ready to drop into place, is now a certainty because the trial run received such little co-ordinated resistance.
Look Cronkite, the issue is this as I see it. There’s simply no limit to the potential demand humanity has for energy. Residual demand is stratospheric over time. The problem with those two is that theyemit at around 30% of regular coal for supercritical and around 50% for gas. ( A pal in the US owns about 30% of the gas plant he built and reckons gas emits about half of regular coal). It simply defers the problem of emissions, which is okay too. However, if you want to consider emissions as a risk management problem it’s better to make out way to cheap, scaled nuke asap.
Oh, yes.
Hence the meltdown yesterday when he discovered the uptick disciples numbered one (1).
Never forget.
So sad
Even if this is true (and I suspect it is for many or most of those heralding a new green dawn), they still haven’t thought this through. Choking off impugned energy sources that support our long term standard of living will have highly unpredictable effects. Europe is a cold winter’s month away from revolution. The people who engineered its predicament may believe they can control any unrest, that they’re administering necessary shock therapy, that their positions will ultimately be strengthened. I don’t think they’ve considered the very real possibility that they are playing with forces that can get completely out of hand in the right circumstances – a complete and sustained breakdown in law and order. They could end up paraded naked through the streets before being hurled to the mob.
No, this won’t happen, some might argue – look at how compliant the masses were in locking ourselves in our homes in submission to the Covid tyranny. It’s a fair point.
However, did the lights go out? Did Netflix cease transmission? Did we run out of food because there was none to be had? Did our home and water heaters stop working? No, there was no lack of material comfort during the lockdowns, as the energy kept flowing.
But what if it stops and doesn’t start up again for weeks or months? That’s what we’re facing this time around. People will not starve and freeze in their homes.
Presumably you’re implying Struphid was the female (tick receiver) in the instance There were the males (the tick givers) who were just as angry. The bunny boiler was beside himself for instance.
It was hilarious watching Struphid’s angry bewilderment when he realized it was a mirage.
Thank you, Tezza McCrann, for reminding people not only of the ridiculous delusions of Dim Chambers, but that we all have the privilege of paying GST on fuel excise, i.e. A tax on a tax.
I haven’t, Bear and won’t be doing so while alive on this Earth.
Most missed this piece of super-trivial tommy-rot, if it ever happened at all.
What was hilarious was watching the Head Prefect turn into a sobbing pantywaist upon discovering the blog readership was upticking against him.
Lol, did you make a video, sobbing into the webacam: “Leeeave my upticks aloooone!”
UK brewers are facing tenfold price increases for the CO2 they use to carbonate and package beers, the Financial Times reported on Friday, also citing supply disruptions that could threaten brewing ahead of the Christmas season.
According to the report, the market disruption follows a warning from US fertilizer group CF Industries last month that it would shut down a major UK ammonia plant that makes CO2 as a byproduct. The company said its decision was due to soaring natural gas prices, which have made production unviable.
“Brewers have been approached with little or no notice by their suppliers to accept huge surcharges for the continued supply of CO2, or issued with ‘force majeure’ letters to say ‘we can’t guarantee that your supply will continue,’” policy director at the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) Andy Tighe told the media outlet. “This risks an awful lot of production coming to a standstill just at the wrong time,” he warned.
The report also pointed out that gas suppliers have been struggling to source CO2 from international markets because of ammonia plant closures in Europe.
The energy price spikes and shortages have come as brewers prepare to increase production for Christmas. According to William Lees-Jones, managing director at JW Lees brewery in Middleton, Greater Manchester, the CO2 that had cost £250 a ton ($284) in June was priced last week at £2,800 a ton ($3,187).
September 20, 2022 at 7:23 pm
Johnny Rotten says:
September 20, 2022 at 7:03 pm
Why all this banging on about those that got jabbed and those that didn’t?
Because once it was mandated it put people in the position of surrendering their bodily autonomy or their immediate livelihoods. It divided most people into two groups: those on the out, and those on the inside.
Being on the out is horrible, almost as horrible as eventually, reluctantly surrendering after months of fucking bullying so as to keep a tenuous foothold on the inside position, even as the requirements to stay there were being increased.
This should never be allowed to occur again, but there are those of us who fear that the social credit score system they have almost all the components they need ready to drop into place, is now a certainty because the trial run received such little co-ordinated resistance.
In which case, I will do exactly the same as I did before and totally ignore the Guv’ment Mandates.
Saddened, at the time, Drills. Saddened that there could be so many gullible people believing a lie by the noted liar. And then the truth came out and that I shouldn’t have worried as the votes were fraudulent. Faith was restored.
Your lie was so disgustingly dishonest that it was removed by the blog owner. You’re such sad case even silly Ed is right- that you will lie you ever made a comment 15 minutes after you made the comment.
It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.
– Mark Twain
The new patient the psych ward says to another patient “I’m Superman!”
“No you aren’t” the other guy replies.
“I am, I swear it!” says the first guy.
“You are definitely not Superman”.
“Oh yeah, wise guy” growls the first guy “How do YOU know I’m not Superman?”
“Because” the first guy responds calmly “I am Superman”
The first guy looks at the second guy incredulously and asks “And just why do you think that?”
“Because God told me I am Superman” the second guy responds.
At that point, a third patient sitting nearby them stands up angrily, looks at the two of them and says, You guys are both crazy fools. Also, I said no such thing!”
I’m not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did.
– Yogi Berra
Thrombosis occurring following the COVID experimental injections (clot shots) is a huge problem that won’t go away.
The new Mustang keeps rear-drive platform and V8 but misses out on hybrid power
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
This is quite silly.
It means you would not eat anything with vitamin K in it. A side effect of vitamin K consumption, required for blood coagulation, can be thrombosis.
Like foods such as: red meat, spinach, broccoli, tomato, mango, hazelnuts, kiwifruit, blueberries, carrot, olive oil, potatoes, pears, seafood, poultry or dairy.
“How many idiots ate their clot shots today? DERP!”
I still think you glow in the dark.
Denver Tests The Basic Income On The Homeless
From Martin Armstrong –
“Governments love to conduct social experiments on the masses. What would happen if we gave the most financially vulnerable in our population cash every month? The Denver Basic Income Project just approved a new general basic income program for a select number of homeless people who will now receive $1,000 per month in cash. The money came from the American Rescue Plan Act at the cost of $2 million.
Cash, as in the government is actually not tracing these purposes for a reason. They are targeting around 140 people, meaning this is an experiment. Do they plan to address why these individuals became homeless? Will there be mental health or drug evaluations? Will people have access to information and tools such as learning how to budget or re-enter society? Throwing money at problems is never the solution. Are there any tools to help people re-enter the workforce?
At worst, they will expand this program and continue to reward people not to work. Once they begin to hand out free cash, people will continue to expect free cash. We saw it with the COVID unemployment benefits, where people chose to leave the workforce as it was more lucrative than participating in society. The University of Denver’s Center for Housing and Homelessness Research plans to study this experiment funded by you.”
Er… you not liking something is not the same as it being a lie.
You are unable to point to even one instance of me lying. Not one.
Yet neither you nor Ed Case are able to point to even one instance of this.
Go back to sobbing over people upticking against your dishonesty & exhibitions of poor character.
Way back when, one of the ouens worked in a psychiatric facility. This was when the “First Blood” films were at their peak. One night, the cops brought in five “Rambo’s.” They put them in the same ward and watched them fight over who was the real Rambo….
What you’re espousing head prefect is the precautionary principle; it’s the last refuge of the alarmist because they have no evidence to support alarmism. The precautionary principle (PP) is based on Pascal’s wager. Pascal could not believe in Christianity and his scientific mind could not see any evidence for an afterlife. However, he lived in an era where disbelief could result in death. He therefore thought it better to pretend to believe to stop persecution while alive and also just in case there was an afterlife to pretend so it would help him go to heaven.
The PP is therefore what fraudsters do when they have no evidence: alarmists, say, even if we don’t have enough evidence it’s better to take precautions in case alarmism is real. This is not just theoretical. The PP is described in the Victorian Environmental Protection Act 1970, Section 1C. Again, in respect of alarmism, this section may be moot because while the Section speaks of “a lack of full scientific certainty” not being a bar to preventing environmental degradation, it is not clear scientific certainty for or against alarmism rises to the level that would confer standing. Alarmists now have that standing as the recent Whitehaven case showed when North Shore spoilt brats gained access to the courts to attack coal production.
Head prefect, there is no equality in this dispute, or exchange of ideas. There is a belief or ideology by alarmism which rejects evidence and reason.
Jordan Peterson the incel
Australians aged close to or beyond 100 would probably have lasted forever if not for covid.
“Science based medicine”
A man is visiting friends in Alabama and decides he needs a drink so he goes to a local bar. He walks in and orders a glass of wine. Everyone sitting around the bar looks up expecting to see a flamboyant Yankee. The bartender eyes him suspiciously and asks “You ain’t from around here, are you?” “No sir” He says “I’m from Minnesota”. “What the hell do you do in Minnesota?” the bartender asks. “I’m a taxidermist!” the man replies. “What the hell is that!?” The bartender asks. The guy says nervously “I umm, mount dead animals”. The bartender smiles and shouts out to the whole bar “It’s okay fellas, he’s one of us!”
LOL again
This is meant to be an own goal. It wasn’t.
You are all child abusers. You prey upon impressionable children and indoctrinate them into your insane ideological cult, a cult which holds many fanatical views but none so deranged as the idea that boys are girls and girls are boys. By imposing this vile nonsense on students to the point even of forcing young girls to share locker rooms with boys, you deprive these kids of safety, of privacy, and of something more fundamental, too, which is truth. If education is not grounded in truth, then it is worthless, worse, it is poison. You are poison. You are predators. I can see why you try to stop us from speaking, you know that your ideas are indefensible, you silence the opposing side because you have no argument. You can only hide under your beds like pathetic little gutless cowards, hoping that we will shut up and go away. But we won’t. I promise you that.
–Matt Walsh, in his documentary What Is a Woman?
I am the transgender wolf girl mentioned here.
These people are fuckin’ nuts. They can tell you very adeptly and with scientific rigour & empirical data why anti vaxxers are wrong, but they can’t tell the difference between a penis or vagina, or xx/xy.
Having a meal at an Italian restaurant in East Melbourne and who walks in …. Our favourite former prime minister …
I’ll correct you.
You meant to say: “The blog owner removed it in the mistaken belief it was wrong”
For I was correct.
Btw, which particular embarrassing blunder of yours are we referring to? You dishonestly claim I post falsehoods all the time, without ever being able to point to one.
Point to this one, or we’ll never know which lie you are propagating now.
I forgot about the extremely privileged Olivia Wilde declaring a man with children and a tenured professorship was a “pseudo intellectual” “incel”.
No one would know who she was if she was ugly.
She has no trade and she didn’t even finish her college degree.
Tucker has an outstanding intro on the perverts infiltrating schools sexualising and corrupting children’s minds. Salty deals with one of the bastards:
High School Defends “Fetishistic” Large Bust-Wearing Teacher
If you have a list of 14 terrorists, killing 10 in combat where there is no functional government is good as you only have four left to capture (or kill).
If you are fighting a non-asymmetric war, you care because all wars are wars of attrition b y virtue of being war at all.
If Ukraine took out 3,000 more Russian tanks and 60,000 Russian soldiers, they’d be on their way to winning or at least regaining all of their territory.
“We don’t measure the enemy dead”. The more I think about it, it is possible.
The RAAF refused to hit a target because it would make stunning and brave women of colour work a little harder to collect fresh water.
Which was sexist, because women can do everything.
Maybe I am thinking of a competent, non woke, non politicised (ha!) military would care about enemy losses and the ratio of blue v red losses.
There’s a photo of it operating a circular saw.
Very carefully. 😀
ML, I have a slightly different take but in your circumstances would have done the same.
Roy Morgan Poll Shows Huge Increase In Support For The Monarchy From Labour Voters Over The Last Decade
“A special Roy Morgan SMS Poll last week revealed support for the Monarchy amongst Australians has grown over the last decade with 60% (up 5% points since November 2012) now saying Australia should remain a Monarchy while only 40% (down 5% points) say Australia should become a Republic with an elected President.
A look at these results by voting intention reveals what may be a surprise to some – it is those who vote for the ALP who have driven this increase in support for the Monarchy from a decade ago.
Now a clear majority of ALP voters, 58% – up a stunning 18% points since November 2012, say that Australia should remain as a Monarchy – a far larger change than by either L-NP voters or Greens voters who appear far more set in their ways.
L-NP voters are staunch supporters of the Monarchy with over two-thirds, 68%, saying Australia should remain as a Monarchy, although this is down slightly, by 3% points, on November 2012.
At the other end of the spectrum it is Greens supporters who are clearly in support of a Republic with only a third, 34%, saying that Australia should remain as a Monarchy, up 4% points in a decade.
Supporters of Independents and Other Parties – an increasingly large share of the electorate, are also moving more firmly in favour of the Monarchy. Now nearly three-quarters of these voters (72%) say Australia should remain as a Monarchy, an increase of 15% points on November 2012.”
He may as well drink cum from her lovers out of a sample cup when they’re done.
Like I said, if this is the new normal, count me out. I’m Ward freakin’ Cleaver.
Live and let live, but you can’t cure (or outlaw) stupid.
Look, I agree with you alarmists are applying the precautionary principle, but I think they’re abusing it for their own purposes. The precautionary principle has some uses – for example, another way of describing it would be , “cover you arse in case things go really wobbly”. Traders use a variation all the time.
It’s okay to be on the cautious side because we can’t populate another planet yet. It’s good to use the precautionary principle when the risk of ruin needs to be entertained, but not when you have optionality.
Nuclear, over time would win out over anything else.
Okay , fair enough.
Andrew, 35, and Susie, 33, met on Tinder in 2018. Having overcome their very different attitudes to new-age spirituality, they now live ‘monogamishly’ together in Sydney
He may as well drink cum from her lovers out of a sample cup when they’re done.
He looks gay and she looks like a chunk.
I feel more sorry for this bloke.
I could have been like this guy.
I feel as though I dodged a bullet.
Can it get to a century?
I could have been like this guy.
You gay Dot?
JC/ Salvatore, a reminder:
That includes talking about what was said.
If Patrice O’Neal was alive today he would be the Emperor of all black people.
Then shut the prick up.
I was not wrong.
I referred to a comment of his that to this day stands on this site.
How about he STFU’s about it not existing?
I don’t care if it exists or not. I just don’t want it discussed on these threads.
When you keep making threats, but nothing ever happens, it just encourages them to keep pushing further.
Either act decisively or leave them to it.
Got to 42.
Run out by Dover for 2.
Oh look who’s running the blog again.
Well, that’s the way it works with Year 8s anyway.
And it doesn’t matter.
It is your decision.
I can’t believe people can talk “individual freedoms” out of one corner of their mouth and demand you forego yours out of the other corner.
Listen up folks.
It’s his Special Mastermind subject.
Curious, Dover.
And as said before, I judge no one who has exercised their own judgement.
No I have to re-plan my whole evening.
Good couple of posts earlier.
If Dover gives me my ticking stamp back I’ll give you a couple of ticks.
I struggle to think of a circumstance where I would consider I had a right to stick my beak into someone else’s personal decision.
Maybe if I had an immuno-compromised relative who had close contact with someone who lied about being vaxxed.
But apart from extreme examples like that … nup.
Bring it to a head here & now.
If a comment exists, show it. Then JC, without being allowed to wriggle out of it, should be made to take his lumps.
Likewise the converse.
It won’t happen, as JC will fold. When the chips are down & the game is serious, he hasn’t got what it takes to show his cards.
This is his modus operandi, how he in his mind evades humiliation and how he later claims he was actually right.
Hi Turtlehead.
Turtlhead, you sad little sneak. I/We know it’s you
He was asked last evening to present the evidence but he suggested that it was up to me to prove it wasn’t true.
Go take a look at the lunatic’s comment and as I keep telling you, Just go fuck off.
I’d actually like to flesh it out as a post as there are some interesting issues involved.
Lol Just get a load of Turtlehead wearing a Groucho Marx disguise thinking we can’t see him. FMD, in the past couple of days there’s been some really funny shit going on.
I recently made a prediction about the reinstatement of Donald J Trump.
This blog currently is off the pace in relation to this actually being able to happen.
The derision about my prediction is largely criticised by labelling the Q post psyop as far right conspiracy lunacy.
The problem with this idea is that the facts don’t support what is actually happening.
MSNBC today devoted a 15 minute piece to this and did their predicable projection dismissing the theory.
I have no idea to the timing, to the optics, to the information/revelations that are about to unfold but there is definitely a plan at play.
This blog (and most of course)and it’s former (self) are a massive influence in my awakening as to WTF is happening in this world.
I would just urge Cats to be more open eyed.
Andrew Gaze has taken exception to footballers having a drink and larf at the Brownlow. Not a good look for kiddies he sez. So far as I can see, Gaze has given Dean Laidley a pass.
Be silent Gazey
Perhaps I should have said “so called facts “
September 20, 2022 at 6:40 pm
I’m not wrong and you’ve completely misunderstood the point being made. You consider the proceeding 25 years to be worthy of calling it a trend but the entire 50 year record ,which would offer an clearer picture in terms of the time scale with respect to the AGW span? Naaaa, who cares.
Why stop at 50? Why not a few thousand? Answer, you’re just bloviating because you’ve got 0.0000 [recurring to infinity] scientific or statistical grounds for dogmatically asserting that 25 years isn’t enough for a trend. It’s pure argument by assertion with 0.0000 factual or logical basis.
Your most glaring logical error is your fanatical insistence that things can’t change and therefore something that was happening in the past must still be happening. That’s why you ignore the obvious temperature cycle in the 20th century which fits in with exactly what BoN was saying, and is strong evidence for 25 years (or less) being plenty to establish a trend in climate.
You might as well say that the average temperature of winter needs to be measured over a 12 month period.
I’m not a fan of argument from authority but if vast numbers of climate scientists and authorities are saying 15, 17 or 30 years is enough, then to dogmatically denounce BoN’s point without showing why those estimates are wrong is just exhibiting the factual and logical poverty of your assertion.
PS, what’s the “AGW span”? Are you signed on to the dogma that human produced greenhouse gasses have caused all the warming since the Little Ice Age? If not, why are you asserting that a climate trend needs to be measured over that span? Wouldn’t that be a circular justification of the dogma rather than a proper investigation of it? Are you claiming that the climate influences must be identical over the whole of the “AGW span”? What’s your scientific basis for that? Somehow it hasn’t made it into your comments.
I can’t go into this anymore
Of course you can’t because every single thing you’ve said has been refuted and you’ve got nothing left but bluster.
But I can’t leave without once again highlighting this piece of prime idiocy:
The statistical reason that makes Fester’s 25 year claim misleading is that it flat-lined at the lows without any recovery
I’ve already dealt with the “lows” bullshit and you had no response.
But the denial of flatlining once again reveals your reasoning in a circle, argument by assertion and insistence that “it was happening in the past so it must be happening now”.
BoN was saying that the downward trend had stopped. He never claimed it had reversed. “The downward trend has stopped” and “the downward trend has reversed” aren’t synonyms.
When a parent tells you that their 20 year old son has stopped growing do you say “don’t be ridiculous, he’s the same height he was two years ago”?
Right on cue, the front bar urger arrives.
Custard I believe Trump is very much back in the frame. Democrats are shit scared of him, hence the DOJ and FBI trying to get him, on orders of Biden.
You keep coming up with this ridiculous conspiracy that is frankly embarrassing for both you and the site. As for mentioning MSBC discussing it, who cares as that cable channel only traffics in fake bullshit.
How exactly is this going to happen? Explain the details of this assertion of yours exactly, or just STFU about it.
You need to explain how that would actually work.
Because, to be frank, you are sounding a little bit Hannity …
“Big things – tick, tock”.
JC is correct, if somewhat impolite.
There is no mechanism by which Donald Trump can become President before January 2025.
Except violent revolution.
No JC you go do the research. If you don’t understand it that’s your problem not mine.
It’s right in front of you. If you can’t see it. You are fast asleep.
This series of stills shows head prefect taking on his opponent, whoever the fuck that is:
The responses so far confirm my assertion.