External pressures will eventually lead to budget cuts if internal pressures don’t.
External pressures will eventually lead to budget cuts if internal pressures don’t.
Of course they weren’t—back then, China wasn’t as contentious it is now It’s a bit bloody rich for you to…
As has the IMF.
Yes but the idiots don’t care. As they have no accountability or ability and swan off on Taxpayer Funded Lifetime…
Moslems filled the UK streets cheering the massacre of Christians in Syria. Will the UK Govt stand by also when…
September 22, 2022 at 8:34 am
I was just suggesting there are better ways to fix the problem than raise interest rates.
Like Biden stop throwing money around like confetti, stop pushing up energy costs through green tape, ending the war in the Ukraine, that kind of thing.
You obviously do not understand how the Military Industrial Complex works.
I realised that I misspelled principal in one of my comments upthread, please forgive.
Just Now The Netherlands ??
Bizarre display in the House of Representatives. The cabinet disrupts the meeting by leaving the plenary room when Thierry Baudet mentions facts about Sigrid Kaag’s career and truths boms regarding the connections between Marxism, Deep states University’s like Oxford in the UK and the Secret Service of the Global Elites.
The Philistine – The Iron Law of Oligarchy
Salvatore Babones
Si cambia il maestro di cappella, ma la musica è sempre quella. That old chestnut—the choirmaster may change, but the music remains the same—was a favourite of the socialist sociologist (is there any other kind?) Robert Michels, a German who moved to Italy in 1907 to avoid the Kaiser, then to Switzerland in 1914 to avoid the war, and finally back to Italy to enjoy the sunshine. Wikipedia says he was a fascist and a eugenicist (at least they don’t call him a racist or a homophobe), but his real crime was to write an exposé of Germany’s Social Democratic Party. Michels claimed that the party’s nominally socialist leaders didn’t actually listen to ordinary workers (gasp!), but instead exploited working-class voters to further their own careers and promote their own interests. That made the socialists, in his view, no better than the conservatives—or the fascists.
His book on the German Social Democratic Party, however, is available in English, and is considered a standard work. It made Michels notable as the author of the only “law” in sociology: the Iron Law of Oligarchy.
Another fan of the choirmaster aphorism, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, made it the basis for his entire theory of politics. Pareto argued that changes in governments were irrelevant, since the rotating cast of presidents and prime ministers all sang from the same psychological songsheet. He took it for granted that elites would corner the market for political leadership, but thought that the ruling class was itself ruled by its own historically-conditioned emotional mind. The leaders of competing political parties might apply different logical derivations to arrive at nominally distinct policy positions, but these would merely serve to obscure the basic emotional impulses that were shared among all members of a particular society’s ruling class.
Pareto seems not to have studied Australia, but were he chained to a chair and forced to watch a week of ABC News, in addition to suffering severe mental trauma he would observe that elite Australians are the emotional heirs to a Western civilisation they are desperate to disavow. Although they tend to be lazily atheist (Sunday brunches seem somehow less demanding than Sunday sermons), Australian elites are wracked by Christian guilt and yearn for spiritual cleanliness; thus their extravagant acknowledgments of country and bizarre fixation on carbon emissions.
Elite Australians on all sides of politics also tend to be frigidly asexual, leading to an obsession with androgyny, gender identity and transgenderism.
Anthony Albanese may be no Jacinda Ardern (he’s not even a Julia Gillard), but he’ll do. He certainly seems to be fully committed to policy continuity—at least, where it counts.
Indigenous voice to Parliament? Check. Net zero by 2050? Check. Child gender transitioning and drag queen story time? Check and mate. About the only hot-button issue on which Labor has sought to differentiate itself from the Liberals is the use of gender-neutral language in hospital maternity wards
In an apparent efficiency drive, he proposed to “invest” (that is, spend) an additional $3 billion in taxpayer funds in order to “unlock” $52 billion in investment in hydrogen, batteries and “blue carbon”—the fashionably green name for carbon capture at sea.
If Albanese were really smart, he would brand it “teal carbon” and gain six MPs.
The road to hell is paved with such good intentions; just ask Doctor Faustus. No one is driven to promote indigenous voices, affirm gender identities, or save the Earth itself, by a desire to do harm.
Nonetheless, elite Australians’ impulses in all these directions are, let us say, non-rational. As Pareto would have understood, teal carbon may not actually save the planet, but it just might save your soul, and that’s what really matters in a parliamentary democracy like Australia’s.
In any case, the wagon of state will rumble on towards the same cliff edge no matter who holds the reins. And with cliffs as nice as those in Wentworth and Warringah, who’s to mind? Teal is the new black, and Albanese wears it more comfortably than Morrison ever did. Oligarchy never looked so elegant.
Sky presents the Letitia James action against the Trumps with only the barest alternative message re her motives.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
September 22, 2022 at 8:22 am
Comment, from the Oz, on the Albanese style of Government. Well said!
Albanese has spent his entire political career railing against privilege and inherited wealth and advantage,
Yet since he became PM he has totally embraced the very same privilege.
There have been many overseas trips accompanied by flunkeys, in taxpayer funded jet planes. Here at home chauffeured limousines are among the trappings of privilege Albanese and his born to rule, political cohorts have effortlessly embraced. He is surrounded by staff to attend to his every beck and call. People, who in another place he would sneeringly refer to as servants.
So all the privileges of inherited wealth, which Albanese has berated over almost his entire adult life suddenly seem to become acceptable.
Double standards and hypocrisy, for so long held up and sneered at by our ruling Left Establishment as the province of inherited wealth and a monarchical system suddenly and miraculously appear justifiable to what amounts to a political aristocracy.
He likes fighting Tories………..lol. Or is it that he likes telling S(Tories)…………………..More lol.
I lived in a Council House until I was……………………And now I live in anuvver’ Council House in Canbrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Has Sky News Daytime ever covered the Pelosi deals?
Not just Special Forces, I wonder if recruitment is down all across the board.
I was really pleased that Ben Roberts-Smith was invited to attend the Queen’s funeral. I bet Elbow would have prevented him if he could but then again I think Morrison would have been the same. Our political class is unworthy.
Victor David Hansen…
“We have a bi-coastal elite that’s never subject to the consequences of their own ideology”.
It’s time to force feed the left their own ideology.
Oh and thanks OldOzzie for that American Thinker anecdote that supports vaccine injuries would logically occur immediately after receipt, even if it took a long time for the symptoms to be correctly diagnosed.
Our political class is unworthy.
That’s putting it mildly. Our political class is a complete failure and are presiding over the decline and fall of the entire western group of nations.
Upthread there’s a link to a work by Sally Gillespie, PhD.
Really, the best name they could come up with was “kiddipedia”? with all those possible connotations?
Uh oh
And there it is
And though he didn’t say it appears to have been a single dose vaccine which means j&j?
Must be slacking.
Anchor Whatsays:
September 22, 2022 at 8:44 am
Has Sky News Daytime ever covered the Pelosi deals?
Far too many to cover and not enough airtime………………………
Norma-Lee eye wood, butt its the principal.
Also feminism monty.
Latest poll in Victoria has the state Libs on 28% primary. Ouch.
Plibeserk: the republic is a conversation we need to have, not right now, but in the future.
Once again, where is the republic that works better than a constitutional monarchy?
Certainly not the USA. Which one?
Or is it us that have to “make it work properly”, like socialism/communism?
Monty at this blog: 5% approval, if that.
Rosie, I agree with you there, Biden and every other enviro-loon politician are to blame. I don’t like the feeling of helplessness, that the current situation is not within our power to change because too many of our fellow citizens cannot see the danger and won’t vote to correct it.
September 22, 2022 at 8:48 am
Someone got 100 upticks? Garnering the latter 22 within 30 min when the page had already turned?
Must be slacking.
Sancho Panzer
September 19, 2022 at 9:35 am
I dunno.? The quickest method for me got three done in a minute.
?If I did it a bit more I could probably do 4-5 minute.?
Not rapid fire.? But 30 in ten minutes gets the job done.
Hello Dover. And these up sticks are not being ‘knobbled’? Wot’ a strange Bog, I mean Blog Shite, I mean Blog site this is………………………..
Rosie, I agree with you there, Biden and every other enviro-loon politician are to blame. I don’t like the feeling of helplessness, that the current situation is not within our power to change because too many of our fellow citizens cannot see the danger and won’t vote to correct it.
Voting doesn’t work. A Revolution is what is needed.
It’s not working because people aren’t following the rules and the same can be said about the UK/AU.
September 22, 2022 at 8:50 am
Latest poll in Victoria has the state Libs on 28% primary. Ouch.
Actually, 2.8% is more like it in Danistan…………………………..
The lawsuit the NY AG is bringing against Trump is a *civil fraud suit, not a criminal fraud suit.
This is because Her office did not have enough evidence of criminal wrongdoing to indict a criminal offense.
Section 6663 of US law imposes a civil fraud penalty of 75% of the portion of underpayment that is due to fraud. IF* it can be proven.
But it is a civil matter, not a criminal offense, period.
There is no indictment, there is no criminality really.
It is like suing someone for restitution or damages. A civil suit.
In other words.
All for show.
Groundhog guy or “Matt” heading for a hiding. Que surprise…
Bit like Chrisifulli at end next year… Should be killing it but na going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Now Biden has declared the plandemic over, all the clot shots need to be removed from use. They only have emergency approval. The emergency is over.
All you Covid bedwetters must be in a tizzle. LOL!
Better go get that clot shot booster before they pull them, quick!
Don’t forget the minute’s silence for Her Majesty, at 11 A.M..
Voting doesn’t work!
Who believes that 2022 will be right and proper?
More 2020/21 voting issues are being uncovered every week.
A major lawsuit has been submitted by Fulton County, Pennsylvania against Dominion Voting Systems on Wednesday morning.
The lawsuit focuses around violations of their contract, certification issues, connectivity issues, and alleged foreign databases and scripts found on the systems. Some of the claims are on par with the “debunked” rumors associated with the “most secure election ever” claims, including internet connectivity, outdated security protections, remote accessibility, and random USBs inserted.
Much of the evidence disclosed is the result of an analysis and report issued by Erick Speckin. The Gateway Pundit reported on Speckin’s research in another PA county earlier this week.
He has always been that way. I thought he was chosen as Obama’s VP so nobody would be tempted to get rid of Obama for fear of President Biden and then they install him anyway at a later date. And that’s why the US is a disgrace, nobody is too disgusting to be their president except Trump, of course.
Which brings me to our current economic and political situation. When Trump was president world economy was booming and peace was breaking out all over the place. This could not be tolerated by the elites who need chaos and crises to be able to rule. As a result we will all have to go through some hard times before enough people come to their senses, you could say we need a critical mass.
As we speak, businesses and departments around Australia are still busily bringing in Covid Mandate policies which are far beyond, and unsupported by, Government Health Orders.
Even in today’s Covid environment, they are writing up new, enduring vaccine policies specifically for (and only for) the Covid vaccines, despite what we now know about both Covid and the vaccines.
It’s unbelievable.
Sounds high. Time to get with The Chairman and buy a Party T-shirt.
Being a hawthorn Supporter all my life I cannot understand the flight of their supporters.
Once again this issue of race whcih Lenin used over 100 yrs agoa has reared its head.
The reaction from the players is they never heard any of this.
I refuse to beleive the accusations as some of them a mad. I do not understand the recation from the lefties and the ABC if a players partners was to have an abortion they would oppose it.
Also this notion of family which they been ridiculing for as long as I remember is being protected by them.
The players are teated with cotton balls and you have players such as Burgoyne who player 350 games had his career revistalised at Hawthorn and was one of the underlying reasons to Hawthorns success (Lake and Hale being the others.
You have Josh Gibson come to the club and enjoyed it. Brad Hill is looking to re unite with Clarkson at North Melbourne.
I would like ot know what is the real reason for this. Lizzie Beare or Cassie are good at finding hte underlying reasons.
My only thought is after a successful season the AFL is to be torn down. THere are successful coaces who were at Hawthorn at the time, Beverage, Ruttne, Simpson, Bolton and others. These people will be drawn in and could have theor careers wrecked.
THis is anarchy in the AFL.
I think I read only in the past week of some idiot article that indigineos and people of colour and women were under represented in coaching and management at mens AFL.
Sporting clubs are the ffabric who binds Australian Society together. You integrate. As a 2nd generatioer I learned a lot of brader community, attitudes etc from footy clubs. Loved them. The guys were good guys. The most respectful one I recall were teh English migrants and a Christian Faith based team.
Finally I can not understand peoples acceptance of this from teh ABC and regarding it as a bastian of legal truth.
THis is a lie like Cardinal Pell, wage theft and their attach on Jordan De Goey and footy clubs in general where men have sex with a lot of females who tich the “Having Sex with a Footbalelr Box”.
F.A. Hayek, from The Constitution of Liberty:
The current situation has greatly altered the task of the defender of liberty and made it much more difficult. So long as the danger came from socialism of the frankly collectivist kind, it was possible to argue that the tenets of the socialists were simply false: that socialism would not achieve what the socialists wanted and that it would produce other consequences which they would not like. We cannot argue similarly against the welfare state, for this term does not designate a definite system. What goes under that name is a conglomerate of so many diverse and even contradictory elements that, while some of them may make a free society more attractive, others are incompatible with it or may at least constitute potential threats to existence.
A woman went on vacation, leaving her husband behind. Before she left, she told him to take extra special care of her cat. As soon as she arrived there, she called her husband and asked if the cat was all right. Her husband said “The cat just died”. She burst into tears and said “How could you be so blunt? Why couldn’t you have broken the news gradually!? Today, you could have said that it was playing on the roof; tomorrow, you could have said that it fell off and had broken its leg; then on third day, you could have said that the poor thing had passed away in the night. You could have been more sensitive about the whole thing. By the way, how’s mother?” “She’s playing on the roof!” he replied.
The local desperadoes will be performing some ceremonial circle work.
Victoriastan Lieboral’s need to find their inner Zac Kirkup. WA showing the way again.
The death of Rory Nairn, a New Zealand plumber, was caused by myocarditis stemming from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, a coroner confirmed.
Nairn, 26, died on Nov. 17, 2021, just 12 days after receiving the first dose of the vaccine.
Coroner Sue Johnson led an inquest into the cause of Nairn’s death and publicly released the findings on Tuesday.
“The cause of [Nairn’s] death was myocarditis, due to vaccination with the ComirnatyTM Pfizer/BioN Tech COVID-19 vaccine,” she said.
Jab jab booster………………….more please.
Johnson used evidence based on expert findings by pathologist Noelyn Hung, who said the direct cause of Nairn’s death was “acute myocarditis.”
September 22, 2022 at 9:06 am
Now Biden has declared the plandemic over, all the clot shots need to be removed from use. They only have emergency approval. The emergency is over.
As we speak, businesses and departments around Australia are still busily bringing in Covid Mandate policies which are far beyond, and unsupported by, Government Health Orders.
Even in today’s Covid environment, they are writing up new, enduring vaccine policies specifically for (and only for) the Covid vaccines, despite what we now know about both Covid and the vaccines.
It’s unbelievable.
Not really as now you know where all the clots are………………………………..
Johnny, I don’t want a revolution that would cause even more destruction than we are seeing. You never know where a revolution will take you. I just want our normal, old world back. Going back five years will do with the knowledge of what not to do to avoid being back here.
bern at 4.31:
Unfortunately, this is on the money.
Trump, as great as he was (at this very minute I’m wearing one of the 45’s 2020 campaign singlets) is not coming back to the big chair.
This whole thing is becoming a bit wistful, and frankly it’s also cargo cult-ish. Build little planes, and they will appear in the sky and deliver goodies.
Ethnic Rioting in Leicester overnight, been happening since August 28.
Unz Review
How am I a COVID chicken little if I was jabbed against my will to keep my job?
I had to laugh at this one. Frigid, asexual? Hardly, considering all the shenanigans in parliament, eg. Bananababy, Brittney Higgins et al.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
September 22, 2022 at 9:01 am
Don’t forget the minute’s silence for Her Majesty, at 11 A.M..
Well, a nice touch but it won’t work very well IMHO
Doc’s gift to Zambia
A Sydney GP is helping build desperately-needed healthcare on the other side of the world
St Kevin’s Eastwood parishioner Dr Mark Hanley has helped forge a partnership between Catholic health and education organisations a world apart to serve the poorest of the poor in eastern Zambia.
The only hospital in the whole district is the 170-bed St Joseph’s Province Hospital in Lumezi, with the trailblazing religious Sister Mary Gemma the sole surgeon for around 170,000 people.
“A Catholic-run high school for the district now has many of its senior school students dreaming of studying nursing, and for the very brightest and most dedicated this is now becoming a possibility,” said Dr Hanley.
“Watching these women and their generous and unwavering faith in action now, it is no surprise to learn that some of the giant flagship hospitals of Australia, known internationally as centres for excellence and research, were originally started with the dedication of Catholic nuns like Sr Mary Jemma.”
Umm…here’s a piece from today’s Oz by Tony Abbott…
“Government made the Covid crisis even worse
As health minister in the Howard government, I was responsible for the national pandemic plan that was regularly updated, most recently in August 2019.
There was nothing in that plan about closing down most businesses or locking people in their homes.
Instead, the focus was quarantine on our borders to slow the spread of disease, while hospitals ramped up and precautions were taken for the vulnerable.
Comparable countries had similar plans. With the exception of Sweden, though, those plans were all junked in the early stages of the pandemic – in fright at the reportage out of northern Italy of apparently overwhelmed hospitals and bodies being stored in freezer trucks.
Instead, almost every country adopted a version of China’s Wuhan plan: closing down non-essential enterprises and locking people in their homes in the hope of eradicating the virus.
In Australia, that meant an initial lockdown for about two months, from late March 2020, followed by subsequent state and city-based lockdowns whenever cases spiked, until the arrival of the Omicron variant in late 2021, when it was finally accepted that the disease could no longer be controlled and when about 90 per cent of Australians had been vaccinated against it.
For the best part of two years, most schools and universities stopped classroom teaching; many businesses operated on a stop-start basis; Australians needed special permission to leave the country; and it was illegal to be in confined spaces without a mask.
Melbourne eventually had substantial protests that produced a heavy police response, sometimes including tear gas and mass arrests.
At the start of the pandemic, prime minister Scott Morrison warned us that 2020 would be the worst year of our lives.
Actually, it was two years and it’s a moot point what was worse: the disease or the response to it.
As of now, Australia has officially recorded about 14,000 Covid deaths. About 12,000 have been this year, after the abandonment of lockdowns and the slow easing of most other restrictions.
Obviously, every death is sad; and no one should make light of a disease that can still kill the very old and the very vulnerable.
Yet in contrast to the extreme anxiety that greeted every Covid death in 2020 and 2021, as a society we seem to have taken this year’s Covid deaths pretty much in our stride given that the average age of the victims has been 82 and they’ve invariably had a range of other health conditions.
There is little doubt that Covid was considerably more deadly in the absence of vaccinations, and a better case could be made for lockdowns prior to the vaccination of most aged-care residents by the middle of last year.
Yet the case for any extensive lockdowns rests on the dubious assumption that life itself is more important than getting on with living; and that it’s reasonable for governments to let fear of death justify massive restrictions on how we live.
In April, the then prime minister said his government’s measures, including funding the states’ lockdowns, had saved 40,000 lives.
Given the federal government alone spent some $350bn on measures associated with Covid, this equates to roughly $10m per life saved, or about $2m per “quality life year” gained, on the optimistic assumption that the average victim had five good years left.
Yet the money spent to mitigate the impact of pandemic, at about $25,000 per Australian man, woman and child, is almost certainly the least of the costs incurred.
There’s the decline in educational attainments, especially for youngsters without ready access to parent-teachers, plus two years of lost social development; the people in aged-care facilities who went for two years largely without visitors; the delayed treatments and diagnoses of other diseases, as health systems prioritised Covid – plus the mental health issues that lockdowns exacerbated; the businesses closed and the economic opportunities lost.
There’s the impact on people’s work ethic and work culture of the doubling of the dole, of being told to work from home and of being officially forbidden from “soldiering on” when mildly ill; plus the democratic deficit from the curtailment of parliamentary sittings and normal cabinet government in favour of emergency decree justified by reference to unelected and unaccountable experts.
Never before have the citizens of free countries so widely abandoned the spirit of keeping calm and carrying on.
It all adds up to a weakening of national morale that may take years to recover from.
It was all supposed to be “following the science”.
But how could the science before March 2020 have been so different from that afterwards; and how could the science, even in this country, have so differed from month to month and from state to state?
Royal commissions typically probe every disaster to consider what might have been done better. This disaster shouldn’t be an exception just because governments may have made it worse.
Tony Abbott was the 28th prime minister of Australia. This column is based on a speech to the Institute of Public Affairs in Melbourne on Wednesday.”
A few questions for Mr Abbott…..
1. Did you speak up to condemn the lockdowns in 2020 and 2021? If so, I don’t recall it.
2. Did you speak up to condemn the forced closures of businesses in 2020 and 2021, which has led to economic devastation and bankruptcies? If so, I don’t recall it.
3. Did you speak up to condemn vaccine mandates? If so, I don’t recall it.
4. Did you speak up to condemn the state border closures? If so, I don’t recall it.
5. Did you speak up to condemn the “heavy police responses” used during the “substantial protests which included using tear gas and mass arrests“? I note, Mr Abbott, your delicate language. The truth is that it wasn’t “heavy police responses”, they were “brutal police responses”. However again, if you did speak up at the time, I don’t recall it.
6. Did you speak up to condemn the arrest of a heavily pregnant woman in her own home in August 2020? If so, I don’t recall it.
I could go on Mr Abbott, I note your hindsight, which is truly wonderful. The thing is Mr Abbott, maybe my memory is somewhat patchy but I fail to recall you ever speaking up over the last two and a half years. However, there were some brave souls who did dare speak up, about vaccine mandates, about alternative treatments, about lockdowns, about police brutality, names such as Craig Kelly, Alan Jones, George Christensen, Gigi Foster and a few others, and for their honesty many of these people paid a “heavy” professional price, they were ridiculed, censored, silenced and in the case of Craig Kelly, had his political career basically terminated by a grotesque Liberal in name only PM by the name of Scumbag Morrison. The thing is Mr Abbott, I just don’t remember you being one who dared to be brave and raise your head above the parapet to speak up. You could have spoken up more vociferously last year when you were politically targeted for not wearing a mask at the fucking beach, but once again, just like when you were PM, you chose meek silence when dealing with a deliberate progressive “gotcha” against you. Okay, okay, it’s nice that you speak up now but I would suggest that the ship sailed long ago, just like your credibility.
Please go away Mr Abbott.
I usually enjoy Mr Babones’ work. However:
If this was the case, they wouldn’t be elite.
The rot set in long before then.
That’s funny.
That admission seems to have been memory holed.
Mike Lindell is suing the FBI, saying they violated his ‘First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment’ rights by seizing his phone
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is suing the FBI and Department of Justice for seizing his mobile phone outside a Hardee’s in Mankato, Minnesota, and accusing the authorities of violating his constitutional rights.
Lindell sent Insider a copy of the lawsuit in which Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray were listed as defendants.
Represented by a legal team including conservative lawyer Alan Dershowitz, Lindell’s suit claims the FBI violated his “First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment” rights. He is also demanding that his cell phone be returned and that any information obtained from his phone by the FBI or DOJ not be released.
The lawsuit gives a detailed account of Lindell’s side of the incident, in which he describes driving home at 4 a.m. on September 13 with a friend after going duck hunting in Minnesota. Per the suit, Lindell’s group was at a Hardee’s in Mankato sometime in the late morning when they found themselves boxed in by FBI officers.
Lindell’s team wrote that the FBI must have had him under surveillance because he had not made his location at the Hardee’s publicly known.
The filing also stated that Lindell began “fearing for his and his friend’s lives” as FBI officers approached their vehicle. Per the filing, a conversation then ensued between Lindell and the officers about “Dominion Voting Systems,” indicted Mesa County clerk Tina Peters, and Lindell’s private plane travel. The officers also seized Lindell’s phone.
Lindell told Insider last week that the phone seizure was linked to an investigation into Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, a pro-Trump Colorado election official accused of facilitating an election-data leak.
Lindell has been linked to Peters, who was accused in April of accepting a private plane ride from the business owner. Lindell also told Insider that he’d been helping to pay off Peters’ legal fees, with some funds coming from his “personal money” that was redirected through a fundraising platform called the Lindell Legal Offense Fund.
Lindell’s team further claimed in their filing that the MyPillow CEO had been subjected to “unlawful detention” and that the agencies had been “unreasonable” when executing the search and seizure warrant.
The DOJ declined to comment in response to an email from Insider.
Speaking to Insider on Tuesday, Lindell said he was suing over what he thought was the “worst violation” of his rights.
No one was jabbed against their will to keep their job.
You’re shilling for BigPharma again.
September 22, 2022 at 9:19 am
How am I a COVID chicken little if I was jabbed against my will to keep my job?
The same way that I refused to get the Jab. I used my Freedom to say Bollocks and up yours (I mean theirs and not yours). You had to do what you thought was for the best for you at the time…………………………..You are NOT a Chicken Little at all.
Fuck off Ed.
CEO told my boss “he’s jabbed or he’s fired”.
Fuck off and play in traffic.
Big call, Nucky.
Who’s your boy now, DeSantis?
Thanks Johnny.
Ed Casesays:
September 22, 2022 at 9:24 am
No one was jabbed against their will to keep their job.
You’re shilling for BigPharma again.
BS Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment. Many, many, many people were conned into getting the Jab by the Authorities, Business, etc, Not me though.
I’ll translate that into words you can understand:
Asexual in this context means they’re all Perverts.
Trump may run again but not reinstated by some master plan.
Since Monty the Fascist is up early and gracing us with his presence, I thought it worthwhile to repost Black Ball’s apt words last night about the fascist called Monty…
“Black Ballsays:
September 21, 2022 at 11:30 pm
Well after Monty’s failed Malmo escapade, which he blamed on others mind, I would have expected him to be silent.
The fact he has explicitly failed to condemn a bloke, twice his age, of running down his victim in his car, is beyond words.
“He’s probably a nutter” Monty furiously typed, as he stroked his penis watching BLM and Biden calling for attacks against his political opponents.
A special kind of hell awaits for special kind of fuckwits”
Thank you BB, you’ve said it best.
So, you took that to Fair Work Australia, and you’re now looking at a 6 figure payout.
LOL. I just found out that you can give yourself an up stick. Try it Head Case and see if it works for you…………………..LOL
Tony Abbott urges against coronavirus restrictions, argues ‘uncomfortable questions’ need to be asked
1 Sep 2020
The courts in WA have backed the Police Commissioner’s power to say this. Any cases on private companies in a non-quasi military setting?
DeSantis is looking good and without the baggage.
I’d pick him over Trump.
Correction required.
Custard stood for the senate and presumably committed his own cash and time to the effort.
Faulty, on the other hand, had a grand plan to get Cardimona elected to the Senate so that the electoral allowances could be used for “The Cause”.
Ed you ridiculous clown, NSW changed their Anti Discrimination Act to allow discrimination against non jabbees.
But you already knew that.
Many on this blog are in denial about what the conservative movement has become.
And for many years, m0nty-fa is in permanent denial about what the DemonRat Party has become since the 1990s.
Take it easy champ!
We like the custard.
The thing is Mr Abbott, I just don’t remember you being one who dared to be brave and raise your head above the parapet to speak up. You could have spoken up more vociferously last year when you were politically targeted for not wearing a mask at the fucking beach, but once again, just like when you were PM, you chose meek silence when dealing with a deliberate progressive “gotcha” against you. Okay, okay, it’s nice that you speak up now but I would suggest that the ship sailed long ago, just like your credibility.
Please go away Mr Abbott.
So very very true. And as for me not getting the Jab. Well some of my friends thought that I was nuts. Well, I am nuts but for many different reasons…………………..lol
Kid Rock.
Off the top of my head, it’s s 49 in the NSW Act.
I’m not surprised.
Anyone who can manipulate the ‘upticks’ can also repeatedly ‘report’ comments to have them automatically disappear, including his own stupid, boastful, ill advised and incriminating comments, when it suddenly appears it might be inconvenient.
September 22, 2022 at 9:13 am
The death of Rory Nairn, a New Zealand plumber, was caused by myocarditis stemming from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, a coroner confirmed.
Nairn, 26, died on Nov. 17, 2021, just 12 days after receiving the first dose of the vaccine.
There needs to be many more autopsies on the young and the young(ish) who have died “suddenly.” It is really the only way that pressure will mount for a RC.
A minute of silence at 11.00AM in memory of HM Queen Elizabeth, Cats!
Don’t be as clown.
Unless you’re claiming discrimination on the basis of Race, Sexuality, Gender, or breastfeeding, that Act doesn’t apply to you.
September 22, 2022 at 9:37 am
JC, remember all those times you railed against Memory Vault? custard is about the same sort of character
Take it easy champ!
We like the custard.
Yes, and I now like Dot even though I may well disagree with Dot on economic stuff.
Cassie, I understand your sentiment, but at least he is bringing these questions to the surface even if a bit late.
I think we need to remember the wise words :
Ed Casesays:
September 22, 2022 at 9:42 am
NSW changed their Anti Discrimination Act to allow discrimination against non jabbees.
Don’t be as clown.
Unless you’re claiming discrimination on the basis of Race, Sexuality, Gender, or breastfeeding, that Act doesn’t apply to you.
How about Religion. Always a good one to use. My religion is the Demon Drink. Will that one work?………………………LOL
Biden administration pressuring FBI agents to ‘find’ crimes committed by political opponents?
Several current and former members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation have come forward recently to tell the Washington Times that the Biden administration is pressuring FBI agents to “find” crimes that justify President Joe Biden’s repulsive characterization of conservatives and Trump supporters (“MAGA Republicans”) as “domestic terrorists” and “semi-fascists.”
The allegations follow Biden’s infamous “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” diatribe, ironically delivered at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, in which he demonized roughly half the nation as threats to “the very foundations of our republic.”
This attempted weaponization of the FBI is, of course, itself a threat to the very foundations of the republic and is part and parcel with Biden’s recent fascistic rhetoric and his—or his handler’s– selection of a backdrop for the Philadelphia speech that might have made Hitler blush. The blood red (and yet very dark) set was outlandishly intimidating and authoritarian. In fact, it looked like something out of the Third Reich or Dante’s Inferno or a combination of the two.
And Biden has the gall to slander his political opponents by calling them “semi-fascists!”
Projection and gaslighting are now Democrats’ two favorite tactics. This, combined with worship of the LGBTQ community and abortion—and hatred of capitalism, traditional values, and their political opponents—is all they have. So, they practice them incessantly. (Too many low information voters—as well as highly indoctrinated college graduates– fall prey to these tactics and mindless obsessions.)
Unfortunately, this is not the first time an administration has used a government agency to target its political opponents. (See also the IRS scandal, etc.) This is, however, the first time a president has used multiple (FBI, DOJ, CIA, DOD, etc.) government agencies to target his political opponents and their supporters—while also viciously and publicly smearing them via a speech to the nation.
Biden’s unhinged and unglued attack on nearly half of his country’s citizens is unhelpful, undignified, and unprecedented. Blaming MAGA Republicans for his—and his nation’s—ills is eerily reminiscent of Nazis scapegoating the Jews. That he has instructed the FBI, et al., to go after his opponents and their supporters is truly chilling.
Read this
I answered your question with yes. Yes, I do condemn him.
Stop lying.
The more you explain it, the more I don’t understand it.
– Mark Twain
I’m going back a few years when Memory Vault was trying to expose rorts in the welfare system in Western Australia, wrote a book exposing some of those rorts, and was, not so politely, told to leave the State as soon as possible, for the good of his health.
Sep 19
BREAKING: Some of the 100 documents with classified markings the FBI seized from Trump’s home likely were related to the fraudulent Hillary-paid dossier — specifically, “Annex A” of the Obama-ordered Intelligence Community Assessment, according to ex-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe.
Ratcliffe had declassified the Annex, which former FBI officials Comey and McCabe insisted the CIA attach to the ICA even though Ratcliffe says it was “garbage.” Ratcliffe said the FBI and US Intelligence Community falsely classified the Annex along with 100s of other dossier-related docs. The dossier was never US intelligence, even though it was classified as such, and was in fact Democratic campaign oppo research whose core allegations were made up from whole cloth
Abbott was one of the few who spoke out against restrictions and lockdowns during the pandemic. A few random articles:
Ex-Aussie PM Tony Abbott Warns: Big Government Is Loving Lockdowns and Seizing Personal Freedom
23 Dec 2021
Tony Abbott criticises Australia’s Covid-19 response, slams rules as ‘oppressive’
11 October 2021
Tony Abbott reveals why lockdowns are turning Aussies into ‘snitches’ as the ex-PM accuses cops of acting in an ‘overbearing manner’
1 September 2021, Dailymail
Tony Abbott blasts Dan Andrews government and calls for end to national lockdowns
9 September 2020, News dot com
Tony Abbott says lockdowns and travel bans should be SCRAPPED while launching a scathing attack on ‘dictator’ Dan Andrews
2 September 2020, Dailymail
Dot @ 9:35. In what way?
The ex-commando is suspected of murdering an Afghan prisoner in the district of Qarabagh during an Australian operation in October 2012. Months later, the ex-commando allegedly told his priest that he had executed the prisoner and that other commandos had also breached the rules of engagement. The priest was so concerned, he recorded the alleged confession in a written memo later passed to church and military officials and obtained by The Age and The Herald.
Ex-Priest surely?
Seal of the confessional broken, I think thats a defrocking!
And from the looks of it the military “leaking” to papers to ensure a jury/public opinion is tainted before a trial/investigation even starts.
Tell me again why I should have any respect for the organizations involved?
CONFIRMED: Latest court filing by Durham reveals that, as I first reported in early 2018 for RealClear, then-Special Counsel MUELLER sent FBI agents and others on his team to London in a last-ditch attempt to get Steele to corroborate his dirt on Trump. Over 2 days of interviewing the dossier author–on Sept 18 and Sep. 19, 2017 –MUELLER’s team came up empty.
As a result, MUELLER decided not to renew the expiring dossier-backed FISA wiretap on Trump adviser Page, and shut down the dossier part of his investigation in Nov 2017, when Danchenko finally admitted he never actually met with the source of the dossier’s core allegations and just made up everything he attributed to his invented source.
Now that new court filings document that ROBERT MUELLER did, in fact, rely on the debunked Steele/Danchenko dossier as the roadmap for his probe only to learn its core allegations of Trump-Russia “collusion” were fabricated by Danchenko, why didn’t MUELLER advise the FISA Court that the information underlying his June 29, 2017, wiretap renewal on a Trump adviser was fabricated?
Why didn’t he admit his warrant lacked probable cause? The court has since declared it invalid. Why didn’t MUELLER charge Danchenko for lying? Why didnt he report his findings about the dossier in his final report? Why’d he leave out the fact he interviewed Steele in London Sep 18-19, 2017? Why’d he cover it all up?
Why isnt MUELLER under investigation for defrauding the court and obstruction?
It’s that and much more. Restrictive energy supply is elevating the price of everything. This to me is the biggest issue by far. And suddenly Powell grows a faux pair and decides he is the re-incarnation of Volcker (“Keep at it”). Elevated energy + higher/rising IR’s = fkd economy.
As a guide, until the 3m/10yr spread goes deeply negative, I don’t see the Fed stopping. And we aren’t there yet by a big margin.
Dot, don’t look free Groogs QC advice in the mouth.
Jacinda Ardern, who imposed some of the world’s most stringent restrictions on NZ citizens during covid, will tomorrow lecture the world from the UN GA bully pulpit.
Meanwhile, she’s refusing a Royal Commission onto her government’s handling of the covid response.
At least she’s getting pressure from the opposition & the press…why is nobody pushing Albanese for a commission of inquiry?
“Yes, I do condemn him.
Stop lying.”
No you didn’t, all you did was call him “nuts’.
Stop lying.
No. 1985. WA doesn’t have a welfare state, the Commonwealth does.
I was curious about those aspects, too.
Sounds like plenty of people in the former Hawthorn admin hierarchy have an interest in the current allegations disappearing. Current AFL Commission member, MCC chap …
Standards are standards.
It’s a slippery slope.
A short clip from his 50 min speech ‘Australia and the Coronavirus Crisis’
Abbott says governments need to face ‘uncomfortable questions’ about economy over lives (3:06)
I will answer when I go home.
Do try not to double down.
Do you remember Faulty doing this in real time?
Or was this just #356 in a long series of Faulty’s history re-writes?
He can’t get the future right.
He can’t get the past right.
Not a lot going for him.
When Trump visited DC last week he personally delivered a message to US Army General James C McConville who has overseen security at the Whitehouse.
Who’s is charge again?
State governor & presidential aspirant Gavin Newsom has said people are leaving California in droves because of Trump’s immigration policies when in government.
How does he figure that?
Among those who left were his in-laws, who moved to Florida and recently donated to DeSantis’s PAC.
Custard is an okay dude who’s been caught in some crappy stuff. Faulty is just human garbage.
He also seems to have a “hard” side to him re the press. ie; no pandering
He’s taking it to the left and they don’t like it.
Trump can fuck this up big time for the GOP (BIRM).
Here endeth the lesson.
This is correct.
Although he seems to have gone down a Trump rabbit-hole, you can’t question custard’s good intentions.
Do the right thing, climate change people – die in California:
California will begin offering the option of human composting after death thanks to a bill recently signed into law that aims to tackle climate change.
Human composting, also known as natural organic reduction (NOR), would be an option for residents who don’t want to be buried or cremated upon their death – starting in 2027.
The process involves placing the body inside a long, reusable steel container along with wood chips and flowers to aerate it – allowing microbes and bacteria to do break down the remains.
Daily Mail
Don’t ask me questions on Sat night either, or until 2 PM on Sunday!
When Trump visited DC last week he personally delivered a message to US Army General James C McConville who has overseen security at the Whitehouse.
Sounds like a pretty important moment.
Is there a photo of the two of them meeting?
Usually presidents & former presidents can’t walk 10m without being photographed.
It was more of a pamphlet than a book. Today, it would have been a website – potentially, a $20,000 one.
The topic was how to rort the Commonwealth welfare arrangements. Little hints here and there, followed by his traditional ‘send me cash and I’ll reveal all’ business model.
I think he moved on from WA after his local supply of suckers dried up.
Sounds like plenty of people in the former Hawthorn admin hierarchy have an interest in the current allegations disappearing. Current AFL Commission member, MCC chap …
The “guilty as charged” verdict is already in! .. the media just hasn’t announced it yet ..!
Mail online has stopped taking comments .. always a sure sign of a leftie victory .. LOL!
How does what we eat affect our health span and longevity? It’s a complex, dynamic system
An interesting idea but it will take an enormous amount of work to find the optimal balance. Because we are bespoke working it out at the individual level will be a huge challenge.
The link I posted above is very interesting.
Did Trump sign the insurrection act?
That appears to be the key in all of this.
The problem with Q these days is that everyone knew that Trump has been bullshitting all along, and Q was a distillation and celebration of his bullshit. Trumpists didn’t care back when he was winning all the time, but now they don’t really have much time for the bullshit while Trump has new lawsuits every week and is losing bigly.
The process involves placing the body inside a long, reusable steel container along with wood chips and flowers to aerate it – allowing microbes and bacteria to do break down the remains.
Why steel? .. wouldn’t cardboard be more “green” …. and save having to dig the container for re-use ..!
The Hawthorn story appears to have legs, it’s pretty sordid.
But the bottom line is:
Don’t recruit players with Aboriginal ancestry, they’ll be more trouble than they’re worth, whether due to Family Structure, Alcohol, Drug Use, Gambling Addiction, Sex Addiction, Mad Partners, …
pick one … or two, … or five.
Yeah, the ABC talks about various great Aboriginal Players of the past, but they keep the lid on all the other stuff mentioned above, which has nothing to do with racial attitudes of the past.
Until custard starts hinting at the ‘protocols’ no he is not like MV.
What do they do with the bones? Surely someone has worked out that bones do not compost, at least not for decades.
So according to these climate scientists the climate science is settled, they have done enough to convince government and the public and there is no more need for IPCC talk fests. Now only action is the answer to getting to net zero.
One has to ask if the authors are worried that they are losing the narrative hence the call for the immediate closing down of debate and research? Or perhaps they really have descended to the level of fanaticism typical of doomsday cults? I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the final conclusions were agreed just to understand their thinking. The alternative thought I’ve had is that this was a politically directed piece of work from warmest central who can see the writing on the wall for green domination coming from the energy crisis in the UK.
Or due to the fact that 16% of Australian Aborigines are Psychopaths.
Have a think on that number, from memory it’s 5+% for Maori, 3% for African Americans, 4% for Native Americans, 1% for White Americans and .5% for East Asian Americans.
Incredible, just incredible. Thought Leader’s popularity has risen to 103 on the relevant post. Officially he’s now the centurion. He’s the Cat’s Centurion. Incredible.
According to a Harvard Centre of American Political Studies poll (so, hardly skewed to the right), a majority of Americans are more concerned about the Socialist left wielding power than MAGA Republicans – 55% to 45%.
And that was one week after Biden’s “battle for the soul of the nation” speech.
59% also believe Hunter Biden’s laptop content is genuine.
No kidding, do you have any boundaries?
Nice left hook!
Maybe I shouldn’t say that.
We’re not supposed to smite the opposition.
That, though, was a very worthy example of smiting.
After a 12 hour operation a month ago, Farnsie is moving into something called ‘rehabilitation.’
I wouldn’t be selling him life insurance.
By all accounts, a nice bloke, with magnificent pipes.
I was watching a youtube video recently about singing techniques. One of the singing teachers remarked that it helps to have a wide neck, which might explain Pasifik Islanders’ ability to both sing and play sport.
JF has a very wide neck on an average frame.
There you go.
Bones will compost quicker than that given the right conditions & microbes.
Which means 41% think it was Wussian misinformation? That should concern us.
Yeah, the ABC talks about various great Aboriginal Players of the past, but they keep the lid on all the other stuff mentioned above, which has nothing to do with racial attitudes of the past.
It never fails to amuse me with all these “exposures” how in organizations employing dozens of folk so few apparently know anything until the media get involved and then VOILA everyone and their dog feelz the urge to go public cos they need to unburden … LOL!
Are you disputing the 16% figure, or just indulging in a paroxysm of virtue signaling?
I’ve noticed you’ve been in a spot of bother lately, so i’ve been upvoting your comments out of pity.
Ed how do you come up with a figure of 16%? Has the entire population been diagnosed? Why come up with an exact number of 16%.
I’m in trouble? Are kidding. It’s been a hilarious few days.
3. Did you speak up to condemn vaccine mandates? If so, I don’t recall it.
Still doesn’t seem to get a mention in that article.
Where’s this 103 upticks?
Can you link to the post?
I might have to join in.
Laying the groundwork so they can say “remember when Arky gave himself 100 upticks”? And some will actually believe it happened.
Dirty fuckers.
This one will be fun, especially since the Cali electricity grid is on the verge of collapse.
California seeks to ban sales of diesel big rig trucks in bold bid to cut pollution (21 Sep, via Instapundit)
Maybe handcarts pulled by donkeys will replace them. California sure has a lot of donkeys. The 2027 deadline will be especially fun, since it’s only five years away and means that a horde of Dem bureaucrats will be forced to use EVs. Which they will entertainingly hate doing.
Good point at 10.35 am.
Ball Four was published in 1969, until then Sports Journalists knew about but kept secret Baseball Stars drunkenness, drugtaking, infidelities,
criminal behaviour.
There’s never gonna be a Ball Four in Australia, that would be a hammer blow for a small market.
If you get enough, you can make wind turbines out of them.
Latest poll in Victoria has the state Libs on 28% primary. Ouch.
Only 4% less than Federal Labor. Double ouch!
Here Sanchez. Dude, next time DIY unless you lost the bones in your fingers.
It may change from Thought Leader to the Centurion. Incredible result.
Just sad.
Remember when Arky gave himself 103 upticks?
Or did he?
I hope you are not insinuating that I am the phantom upticker.
Always fun to read a Monty comment where there is nothing in it that is correct, not even “and” and “the”.
Any day now Monty, any day.
Speaking of which, we’ve got a case on trial up here atm which involves a bloke – who was already dead – being fed into a wood chipper. A love triangle and insurance money involved, apparently.
Sounds okay, and it’s probably cathartic as well – but you’ll never ever get all that DNA out of a chipper.
Not recommended.
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:48 am
Remember when Arky gave himself 103 upticks?
Or did he?
Report comment
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:51 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:45 am
Here Sanchez. Dude, next time DIY unless you lost the bones in your
When a blog is mostly self-referential, like Leftists in a bubble, it may be worth taking a step back.
Pages and pages of ancient feuds using nothing but abuse (because nobody remembers the original cause) is dead boring and unattractive.
I exempt myself from that category because I certainly remember the cause, and my responses are vivid, literate and eminently readable.
Any time that lying, narcissist fake turns up here, I will be ready.
Bruce, did you not know that Trump has been bullshitting this whole time? Oh dear.
I didn’t know that they had imprisoned Dinesh D’Souza. Looks like 1776 was a failure.
Funny thing is I would have argued 4 years ago that the checks/balances/protections built into the US constitution were working. Things ain’t always what they seem.
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:48 am
Remember when Arky gave himself 103 upticks?
Or did he?
Report comment
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:51 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:45 am
Here Sanchez. Dude, next time DIY unless you lost the bones in your
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:00 am
The Mysterious Case of the Phantom Upticks
September 22, 2022 at 9:47 am
The fact he has explicitly failed to condemn a bloke, twice his age, of running down his victim in his car, is beyond words.
I answered your question with yes. Yes, I do condemn him.
Initially you tried to avoid a direct condemnation by referring to him only as a “nutter”. Good to see that you have finally accepted reality.
Don’t they have a dog pound?
Any mirrors in that motel?
Speaking of which, the bullshit decision by Judge Cannon to block the DOJ from continuing its investigation following the Mar-a-Lago raid has been reversed on appeal, by a bench of judges with a majority of Trump appointees.
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:48 am
Remember when Arky gave himself 103 upticks?
Or did he?
Report comment
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:51 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:45 am
Here Sanchez. Dude, next time DIY unless you lost the bones in your
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:00 am
The Mysterious Case of the Phantom Upticks
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:02 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:58 am
When a blog is mostly self-referential, like Leftists in a bubble, it may be worth taking a step back.
Pages and pages of ancient feuds using nothing but abuse (because nobody remembers the original cause) is dead boring and unattractive.
Any mirrors in that motel
It’s the Moosley defence.
To avoid linking the heinous act with the over-arching movement, you diagnose “mental illness” while they are still shovelling the remains into body bags.
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
I the amusing thing we’ve seen is that in the beginning of the week the very same people suggesting it was impossible to cheat are now pleading for people not to cheat. It’s one of the best 180s I’ve seen other than in trading when you can go from long to short or reverse by doubling up.
No, it’s been fkg boring. The worst ever I’ve seen in viewing over a decade. With everything happening here and around the globe, self indulgent pricks keep posting nothing but self centred babble and kiddie playground shit.
Donald Trump sits down with Jon Voight | Newsmax Exclusive
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:48 am
Remember when Arky gave himself 103 upticks?
Or did he?
Report comment
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:51 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:45 am
Here Sanchez. Dude, next time DIY unless you lost the bones in your
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:00 am
The Mysterious Case of the Phantom Upticks
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:02 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:58 am
When a blog is mostly self-referential, like Leftists in a bubble, it may be worth taking a step back.
Pages and pages of ancient feuds using nothing but abuse (because nobody remembers the original cause) is dead boring and unattractive.
Any mirrors in that motel
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:04 am
Initially you tried to avoid a direct condemnation by referring to him only as a “nutter”. Good to see that you have finally accepted reality.
It’s the Moosley defence.
To avoid linking the heinous act with the over-arching movement, you diagnose “mental illness” while they are still shovelling the remains into body bags.
Report comment
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:05 am
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
I the amusing thing we’ve seen is that in the beginning of the week the very same people suggesting it was impossible to cheat are now pleading for people not to cheat. It’s one of the best 180s I’ve seen other than in trading when you can go from long to short or reverse by doubling up
Just as well.
But, still, no upticks for you!
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:48 am
Remember when Arky gave himself 103 upticks?
Or did he?
Report comment
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:51 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:45 am
Here Sanchez. Dude, next time DIY unless you lost the bones in your
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:00 am
The Mysterious Case of the Phantom Upticks
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:02 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:58 am
When a blog is mostly self-referential, like Leftists in a bubble, it may be worth taking a step back.
Pages and pages of ancient feuds using nothing but abuse (because nobody remembers the original cause) is dead boring and unattractive.
Any mirrors in that motel
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:04 am
Initially you tried to avoid a direct condemnation by referring to him only as a “nutter”. Good to see that you have finally accepted reality.
It’s the Moosley defence.
To avoid linking the heinous act with the over-arching movement, you diagnose “mental illness” while they are still shovelling the remains into body bags.
Report comment
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:05 am
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
I the amusing thing we’ve seen is that in the beginning of the week the very same people suggesting it was impossible to cheat are now pleading for people not to cheat. It’s one of the best 180s I’ve seen other than in trading when you can go from long to short or reverse by doubling up
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:07 am
Report comment
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:07 am
September 22, 2022 at 11:05 am
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
Just as well.
But, still, no upticks for you
Haha, Monty appears to believe lefty propaganda.
Even the Soviets didn’t do that, son.
It’s possibly sad, but sad doesn’t explain how you’ve arrived at an exact figure of 16%. Explain the exactement. (that’s French, Ed)
Take the Airbus out for spin, Sanchez.
The change of scenery will do you good.
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:48 am
Remember when Arky gave himself 103 upticks?
Or did he?
Report comment
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:51 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:45 am
Here Sanchez. Dude, next time DIY unless you lost the bones in your
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:00 am
The Mysterious Case of the Phantom Upticks
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:02 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:58 am
When a blog is mostly self-referential, like Leftists in a bubble, it may be worth taking a step back.
Pages and pages of ancient feuds using nothing but abuse (because nobody remembers the original cause) is dead boring and unattractive.
Any mirrors in that motel
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:04 am
Initially you tried to avoid a direct condemnation by referring to him only as a “nutter”. Good to see that you have finally accepted reality.
It’s the Moosley defence.
To avoid linking the heinous act with the over-arching movement, you diagnose “mental illness” while they are still shovelling the remains into body bags.
Report comment
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:05 am
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
I the amusing thing we’ve seen is that in the beginning of the week the very same people suggesting it was impossible to cheat are now pleading for people not to cheat. It’s one of the best 180s I’ve seen other than in trading when you can go from long to short or reverse by doubling up
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:07 am
Report comment
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:07 am
September 22, 2022 at 11:05 am
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
Just as well.
But, still, no upticks for you
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:09 am
It’s possibly sad, but sad doesn’t explain how you’ve arrived at an exact figure of 16%. Explain the exactement. (that’s French, Ed
Oh look, we have a copy and paste flip out. First time I’ve ever seen that. How original
Catholic Cartoonist Puts Down His Pen to Discern Call to Become a Norbertine Father
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:48 am
Remember when Arky gave himself 103 upticks?
Or did he?
Report comment
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:51 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:45 am
Here Sanchez. Dude, next time DIY unless you lost the bones in your
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:00 am
The Mysterious Case of the Phantom Upticks
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:02 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:58 am
When a blog is mostly self-referential, like Leftists in a bubble, it may be worth taking a step back.
Pages and pages of ancient feuds using nothing but abuse (because nobody remembers the original cause) is dead boring and unattractive.
Any mirrors in that motel
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:04 am
Initially you tried to avoid a direct condemnation by referring to him only as a “nutter”. Good to see that you have finally accepted reality.
It’s the Moosley defence.
To avoid linking the heinous act with the over-arching movement, you diagnose “mental illness” while they are still shovelling the remains into body bags.
Report comment
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:05 am
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
I the amusing thing we’ve seen is that in the beginning of the week the very same people suggesting it was impossible to cheat are now pleading for people not to cheat. It’s one of the best 180s I’ve seen other than in trading when you can go from long to short or reverse by doubling up
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:07 am
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Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:07 am
September 22, 2022 at 11:05 am
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
Just as well.
But, still, no upticks for you
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:09 am
It’s possibly sad, but sad doesn’t explain how you’ve arrived at an exact figure of 16%. Explain the exactement. (that’s French, Ed
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:11 am
Oh look, we have a copy and paste flip out. First time I’ve ever seen that. How original
Bing bong
Hey, someone is abusing the copy and paste function,
Get rid of it.
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:48 am
Remember when Arky gave himself 103 upticks?
Or did he?
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Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:51 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:45 am
Here Sanchez. Dude, next time DIY unless you lost the bones in your
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:00 am
The Mysterious Case of the Phantom Upticks
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:02 am
September 22, 2022 at 10:58 am
When a blog is mostly self-referential, like Leftists in a bubble, it may be worth taking a step back.
Pages and pages of ancient feuds using nothing but abuse (because nobody remembers the original cause) is dead boring and unattractive.
Any mirrors in that motel
Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:04 am
Initially you tried to avoid a direct condemnation by referring to him only as a “nutter”. Good to see that you have finally accepted reality.
It’s the Moosley defence.
To avoid linking the heinous act with the over-arching movement, you diagnose “mental illness” while they are still shovelling the remains into body bags.
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JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:05 am
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
I the amusing thing we’ve seen is that in the beginning of the week the very same people suggesting it was impossible to cheat are now pleading for people not to cheat. It’s one of the best 180s I’ve seen other than in trading when you can go from long to short or reverse by doubling up
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:07 am
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Sancho Panzer says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:07 am
September 22, 2022 at 11:05 am
The reference to the bones in your fingers was to simply suggest you could go look for the century instead of asking me to do it.
No, I didn’t accuse you of being a “dirty fucker”.
Just as well.
But, still, no upticks for you
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:09 am
It’s possibly sad, but sad doesn’t explain how you’ve arrived at an exact figure of 16%. Explain the exactement. (that’s French, Ed
JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:11 am
Oh look, we have a copy and paste flip out. First time I’ve ever seen that. How original
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JC says:
September 22, 2022 at 11:14 am
Bing bong
Given the state of forensics in QLD, a half-arsed hose out should do the trick.
You’d almost think certain people are trying to make this blog unusable
You mean people who have an uncanny knack of destroying things?
Daily Mail:
There is a full length photo of Ms Cousins accompanying this piece. The charge of outraging public decency is warranted.
dirty bitch
Momentarily, the old ‘blogwreckers’ chestnut will be wheeled out.
I’m watching the prayers of the faithful in Parliament House and there are practically none among the politicians who know how to respond.
The flag arrangements behind the lectern have the Torres Strait Islander flag in the most prominent position. At the Queen’s memorial you would think they would have the more sense.
Lathe of the week! $300 disassembled Sheraton 9” for Victorian Cats:
It was a small demonstration to show what would happen to this blog if everyone replied to every stupid trolling comment thrown out by idiots.
And yes. It becomes unusable very quickly.
Understand why I don’t reply at all to certain posters.
That was only replying to 20 minutes of their horse shit.
The place is already unusable for the targets the set.
““Any time that lying, narcissist fake turns up here, I will be ready.”
How sad your life must be, clearly you’re only here because you eagerly anticipate throwing abuse and vitriol at Lizzie. Don’t worry, she’s gone.
Oh and I hear Dan’s goons in Vic are looking for recruits. We can provide references for you.
I remember how Sinclair shut down his blog for a whole weekend…and the reasons behind it had nothing to do with JC or Sancho.
If the aboriginal flag is displayed as well as the Torres Strait Islands one then the state and territorial flags should have been there as well. Didn’t they want to be inclusive? Tut, tut.
Shaper of the week for WA cats, fire damaged Douglas:
I love science news, it can be so revealing.
New research shows US Republican politicians increasingly spread news on social media from untrustworthy sources (Phys.org, 21 Sep)
Stephan Lewandowsky, hmm, I wonder who he is? Aha! I remember now, he’s a climate funster and cartoonist John Cook’s mate, who thinks righties believe the Moon landings were faked (despite that Dr Schmitt, who is a climate sceptic, like went there.)
I think our Stephan is so much fun. He’s never been right about anything that I can recall.
We really can grow ’em in Australia. Overachievers we are.
[* I had a look at the paper to see what sites they regard as “untrustworthy”. They don’t ever say. But they do cite a bunch of lefty factcheckers like Buzzfeed and Politifact, so it’s pretty clear where they’re coming from.]
We have just come through 2 years plus when the political class declared a problem and then embarked on their responses.
What we saw was an explosion in power assumed – locking people in houses, mandating medical procedures, arresting pregnant women for Facebook posts, selectively enforcing bans on protests according to whether the would be violent or peaceful avoiding the violent but restraining their own brute violence until they could unleash it on the peaceful – the list goes on.
Their instincts are to control people more and more and to delegate to themselves ever more power for it.
So when they have an idea and advocate for some new thing we need to have, be it a ‘Voice’ or a change to the constitution, you can be sure it is not in our interest, but theirs.
Isn’t PETA’s “sex ban for all meat-eating men” just a little homophobic?
Johanna, that is not quite right.
The Head Feuder keeps a comprehensive file of screenshots & copy/pastes of everything said about him.
Certified Genius or more likely certified useful idiot His idea is to replace all your household gas equipment and petrol or diesel with electric thus pushing even more people onto the grid. We have an electric grid that currently struggles to achieve 4% renewable input in total across all five eastern states on a non-windy night and similarly when it is overcast during during the day and there is no wind. On these occasions we rely on gas or coal fired electricity or hydro top ups from Tasmania. Increasing wind turbines will not meet current demand let alone the increased demand, but the ABC runs with this guy’s proposals. This is dangerous stuff that ignores reality.
The best option to deal with abusive commenters is to scroll by and not reply. They would stop doing it it everyone ignored them. Engagement means encouragement and you get more of their abuse as a result.
Thancho the uptick nazi.
Oh yes, because the old blog was a failure without ticks. And responses … what were they, as it didn’t make for lively encounters. In any event, the ticking has been essentially made worthless by indiscreet untrustworthy individuals who abuse it.
Just like anything else, which requires trust only… and keep this in our minds front and center.
Nothing works on trust alone. It has to be verifiable because once you have a system in place that relies on trust alone it will eventually be rooted by human beings. They will fuck with it.
Just as the Centurion, Mater and Bush continue to advocate for ticks, which is essentially giving people an opportunity to cheat then I and some others will be pushing for the other side. As I said a while ago, I had no real idea there was cheating when it became obvious earlier this week.
Folks, never trust anything that can’t be verified. Doubt anyone who advocates for a closed system that isn’t transparent and tell the Centurion to go fuck himself good and proper.
Surely PETA’s soybois are on a sex strike too? 🙂
I love the great and thoughtful opinions posted here and the wonderful back and forth. I have learned so much from just reading the comments and travelogues. The feuds are depressing.
I don’t see why the should blog be shut down due to the childish drivel posted here the last few days. How about banning these deliberate spoilers for a fortnight and then assess their attitude on return- dover? And it has everything to do with JC, Sancho, Arky etc… I can’t understand why erstwhile decent contributors allow themselves to be sucked into their unflushed commode of pettiness and spite day in and out.