Open Thread – Weekend 1 Oct 2022

View of Constantinople, Ivan Aivazoski, 1870

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October 1, 2022 10:09 am

an hour before the grand final last week the downstairs dunny flooded over onto the newly water-proofed and tiled floor.

I was upstairs taking a pre-match shower and came down stairs to find a centimeter of water pooled on the floor and heading over to where the newly laid hardwood is.

I promptly dumped the armful of dirty work-clothes on the floor to stop it going further

plumber reckons its likely that like a plug of ‘stuff’ that was hanging about in a section of unsupported pipe from upstairs came down with the shower water and stopped at the elbow underground.

plausible but …

I think its much more likely that Arky did it.

October 1, 2022 10:09 am

The Victorian government wasted at least $20m on a joint venture, run by the chief executive of the state’s rail authority, selling bridge safety monitors that did not work as they should.

That’s nothing.
Victoria’s REFCL program (based on “unprecedented application” of the technology) was approved on an original costing of $151 million.
We are now north of $1 billion, due to “significant technical causes”.

My experience is that when state authorities get into joint ventures with the private sector especially in innovations in technology you will find a lot of money spent with no tangible assets to show when the project winds up. The auditors will find accounts to cover the expenses but do not delve into what the money purchased and why it was necessary. It is the number one method of committing fraud and keeping at arms length through the auspices of a separate company. A large portion of the money will have already found its way to remote accounts sometimes in WA.

October 1, 2022 10:09 am

H B Bear says:
October 1, 2022 at 10:05 am

Struth is very disappointed in you lot.

Particularly me and perhaps KD. We’ve truly disappointed him.

October 1, 2022 10:10 am

A modicum of common sense is not an exacting standard.

October 1, 2022 10:10 am

How China spies ‘signed up Bob Hawke’
Unfaithful to his wife, unfaithful to his nation.

Turd of a man.

I refused to acknowledge or ‘eyes right’ the traitorous arsehole when he stood on the steps of Sydney Townhall at the October 1987 welcome home march for Vietnam War veterans. He was central in the Jeparit saga in 1969.

Wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2022 10:10 am

For someone who doesn’t own shares in Flash-Cat Inc, you’re getting a bit mouthy, don’t you think?

Hasn’t he got his own platform? Double-Down Australia, or something? With the motto ‘Give me your local screechers, your grifters, your angry cat ladies, your preppers, your huddled masses of Birds?’

Struth is very disappointed in you lot.

It’s mutual.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 1, 2022 10:11 am

On hurricane Ian. One radio report had a guy saying he was rebuilding because 90% of the time it is perfect.

October 1, 2022 10:11 am

Fact check-

Dachau (/?d??xa?/) was the first concentration camp built by Nazi Germany, opening on 22 March 1933.

October 1, 2022 10:14 am

you’re getting a bit mouthy

yap, yap, yap

October 1, 2022 10:17 am


You’re now introducing an entirely different topic. The Holocaust, which was what you firstly indirectly referred to – here:

It’s ludicrous to equate a near century old regime that was enacting a policy of industrial genocide

Commenced in 1941.

October 1, 2022 10:18 am

This is an experimental vaccine, it should never have been released. As with all vaccines, there are complications. Myocarditis is never mild. When heart cells die, they are never replaced. Long term consequences care unpredictable

And in a masterpiece of timing, AHPRA *yesterday* served me with a document requiring me to respond to a number of (anoymous) complaints from early 2021, including that I had:

1) Made antivaccination comments (contrary to Australian Government Advice)
2) Discouraged people from getting their children aged 11-15 vaccinated
3) Making antisemetic comments (for likening the oppression of dissenters to the treatment of the jews)

My response followed 3 main themes:

1) I dont respond to anonymous complaints – ever – the accused ALWAYS has the right to confront their accusers
2) I am no longer a HCW (registration expired at midnight overnight!) which kinda limits your authority no?
3) To all of you who are ‘just following orders’ at AHPRA – go (self pleasure) yourself, with a (spiky tropical fruit) – sideways, twice – have a nice day….

October 1, 2022 10:19 am

You’re now introducing an entirely different topic.

Rubbish. You started comparing regimes, as I did. Deflecting from your absurdly lame argument isn’t working. Go try harder.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 1, 2022 10:20 am

I refused to acknowledge or ‘eyes right’ the traitorous arsehole when he stood on the steps of Sydney Townhall at the October 1987 welcome home march for Vietnam War veterans

I do believe that many of the veterans voiced their free and uncensored opinion of the “Little Aussie Battler” that day…

October 1, 2022 10:20 am


Really, they sent you that swill and accusing you of antisemitism to boot. Wow.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 1, 2022 10:21 am

There’s going to be a lot of very unhappy women in twenty years time,

cats, there’s going to be a lot of cats in twenty years’ time.

Let’s get ahead of the blighters.

Let’s release a new ‘study’ or ‘report’, consisting entirely of modelling and lotto numbers, ‘proving’ that cats produce twice as much methane as cows.

October 1, 2022 10:22 am

Visited Jedburgh today. Apart from a magnificent ruined abbey, it’s the place where a gentleman farmer named Hutton turned geology on its head.

We visited there in the mid-a1980s. Speaking of heads, my wife kept hers down after a waitress told us that one of the historical highlights in Jedburgh was the hanging of a dozen members of her clan one morning. Notorious border reivers, apparently.

Ah, so you’ve met some of my rellies then. We spent months trying to track down my dad’s gg-grandad that he was named after missing from the 1851 census. Eventually discovered in Jedburgh jail for cheque fraud of 20 quid.
Since then our research has uncovered some seriously nasty reivers characters across various family lines.
Explains a lot.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2022 10:24 am

a number of (anoymous) complaints from early 2021, including that I had:

1) Made antivaccination comments (contrary to Australian Government Advice)
2) Discouraged people from getting their children aged 11-15 vaccinated
3) Making antisemetic comments (for likening the oppression of dissenters to the treatment of the jews)


By ‘anonymous complaints’, do they mean anonymous when they were delivered to AHPRA, or did they just redact the complainant’s name/s before they sent them to you?

You did, of course, receive the actual wording of these whinges?

Jesus. That is fucked, with a capital CK in the middle.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 10:25 am

H B Bear says:
October 1, 2022 at 10:05 am

Struth is very disappointed in you lot.

Is there any way we can make it up to him?
Could we take up a collection to buy him a new boat?

October 1, 2022 10:25 am

Rubbish. You started comparing regimes, as I did. Deflecting from your absurdly lame argument isn’t working. Go try harder.

Makka, try and focus. The sudetenland was annexed in 1938. The Nazis began their genocidal push in 1941. So yes, the annexation can’t be more comparable than this in terms of what Rasputin is trying to pull. The only difference is that Rasputin’s army is incompetent and stupid. Unfortunately, the Nazi’s weren’t.

October 1, 2022 10:26 am

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also to takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject.

safe and effective

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 1, 2022 10:26 am

BIDEN TO PUTIN: “America is fully prepared with our NATO allies to defend every single inch of NATO territory, every single inch. Mr. Putin, don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. Every inch.”

What Biden’s handlers really need to do is lay down some red lines. That would make his tough words extra credible.

This is just blowhardery given that NATO territory isn’t being threatened.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 1, 2022 10:27 am

So KD you won’t be joining our convoy?

October 1, 2022 10:30 am

Good compilation video of biden; he’s gone; you would feel sorry for him if he wasn’t such a grub:

October 1, 2022 10:30 am

Where/how will the response to the NS1/2 damage take place?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2022 10:32 am

So KD you won’t be joining our convoy?

No chance.

Out thar be broomsticks.

October 1, 2022 10:33 am

Oh, a neighbour up here is looking for a chaser bin driver if anyone is interested.

Maybe a job for munty? I’m sure special anti COVID filtration could be put on the cab, along with a small doughnut hopper. Real work might help him!

October 1, 2022 10:35 am

He gave only scant details during his life of his commercial interests in the country, and the source of his personal wealth was largely a mystery.

I wonder how much interest the ATO took in this?

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
October 1, 2022 10:35 am

sfw, the asylums of old were full of epileptics with bizarre behaviours like fish man, often dangerous to themselves and others and completely inexplicable. In more enlightened times I’ve seen 2 people with a temporal lobe phenomenon called hyper-religiosity where the person goes into a state of ecstasy and believes absolutely they are about to enter the kingdom of Heaven. No need to eat or drink and at extreme risk of dying. One was in the city where the team agonised over what to do without breaching human rights and she had an extended hospitalisation. The other was in the country where we just gave IM Valium (anticonvulsant) for a couple of days then he went home back on his usual meds. The old texts document the most commonly seen and gave them names. These days they just label them as complex partial seizures if they ever get to the right diagnosis. Progress you see.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 1, 2022 10:39 am

A YouTube blast from the past.

October 1, 2022 10:40 am

Oh, a neighbour up here is looking for a chaser bin driver if anyone is interested.

I still have my Heavy Combination Licence until my Star Chamber in the Canberra Magistrates Court in November.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2022 10:41 am

Could we take up a collection to buy him a new boat?

Nah. It’d just be dim sim money for him. ‘Hearty Aussie tucker’ and all that.

I reckon he’s on the payroll of Big Corporate now, or at least their puppets. That’s what he says, anyway.

I find it curious that after all the puffery about Last Holdouts and prepping and guns and Death Camps, and that he would never submit to tYranny, that he now waits at the table of the Big Machine for his crumbs.

Perhaps he’s had an epiphany. Perhaps the necessity of providing for his family caused this 180 flip. Perhaps he just wants more money to buy a bigger boat. Any or all of these things would of course be at his fellow citizens’ cost.

Dependent on your point of view, one could almost classify this state of affairs as….. well, traitorous.

October 1, 2022 10:42 am

No one here will defend the duplicity of the west here let alone neoconservative internationalism, more so since after the last two and a half years of authoritarianism, but truly Putin has gone troppo:

1. Lamenting the fall of the USSR.
2. Pretending he didn’t subvert Ukraine since 2008 and the Ukrainians started shelling separatist areas for fun.
3. Having a lunatic puppet Patriarch blessing the war with a jihadi angle, whilst stealing $70 bn USD and basically being a bigamist. It’s as holy as a swingers party and stealing from the poor.
4. Obsessing with some Soviet era conspiracy theory about “Anglo Saxons are destined to rule the world!”.
5. Some bizarre claim about the west – not China, Laos corrupting the world with drugs (let alone the Russian mafia who never get prosecuted for CP) or the scourge of Russian alcoholism.
6. Ethnic groups Anglo Saxons have wiped out? Putin ought not try to get the moral high ground here.
7. Laughable claims about transgender issues ruining the west when you can easily find very rich Russians being degenerate as they please.
8. He claimed recently before February this year that Ukraine did not have a right to exist.
9. A clear failure to quickly capture the entire country, major capital airport & airfield, ditto the government personnel & assets.
10. He has never distanced himself from Dugin and his (literally comparable to Hitler or his influences) fascist, racist and imperialist ideology of pan eurasianism.

October 1, 2022 10:46 am

October 1, 2022 at 10:40 am
Oh, a neighbour up here is looking for a chaser bin driver if anyone is interested.

I still have my Heavy Combination Licence until my Star Chamber in the Canberra Magistrates Court in November.

Yep – still have Heavy Combination Licence, with Mandatory (> 75) GP and Cardiologist checks before renewal

October 1, 2022 10:48 am

Jack Posobiec: Putin Is Not Bluffing On Threat To Use Nuclear Weapons Citing US Precedent From WW2

October 1, 2022 11:01 am

3. Having a lunatic puppet Patriarch blessing the war with a jihadi angle, whilst stealing $70 bn USD and basically being a bigamist. It’s as holy as a swingers party and stealing from the poor

You’re understating it. He stole around $2oo billion making him the richest man in the world.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 1, 2022 11:02 am

Science in action.

King’s College in London doing study on menopause in “trans-women” (30 Sep)

Not to put too fine a point on it, but men pretending to be women do not get menopause. That isn’t an obstacle to the researchers at Kings College in London. Apparently they got some money to research the non-existent phenomenon.

Lately it seems most government money for science goes to investigating imaginary stuff. I should apply to Albo’s science minister, whoever he, she or it is, for a grant to start a unicorn ranch.

October 1, 2022 11:03 am

I think its much more likely that Arky did it.

It’s the vibe.

October 1, 2022 11:09 am

Oh no “Struth is disappointed in you lot”. Why didn’t he say something? If only he’d let us know we could have hid on the couch like he did. Why is he only mentioning some names, I demand to be personally named. Just for that I’m gunna sell the Hartley and sook.

October 1, 2022 11:10 am

Makka, try and focus.

Your argument is pathetic. Just give it a rest and stop digging holes.

October 1, 2022 11:11 am

If only we’d kept the car industry.

October 1, 2022 11:17 am

Where/how will the response to the NS1/2 damage take place?

Possibly space. Major satellite outage? It won’t be anywhere visible to punters.

October 1, 2022 11:17 am

If only we’d kept the car industry

Shut up! JC. Not again.

October 1, 2022 11:20 am


I now have some sympathy for Russia to keep those areas with large Russian majorities. This doesn’t look like it’s going to happen though.

October 1, 2022 11:24 am


Bi polar??

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 1, 2022 11:27 am

the asylums of old were full of epileptics with bizarre behaviours like fish man

Thanks Sfw and Shy Ted for two interesting comments. I’d never heard of Mr Wilson before, his story is fascinating.

Not far from my house a guy lives in a camp in the bush. Years ago he lived about a k west of here, also in the bush. Which was interesting since it was only after many years of walking and cycling the fire trails that someone told me about the guy. I’d never seen his camp. One day though a brush fire went through that area and sure enough there it was, no more than about 100 m from the fire trail.

Then a developer came along several years ago. The whole area has now been turned into a suburb, which has slightly cramped my walking and cycling activities (cycling around a bunch of houses is boring compared to a forest full of interesting things like goannas and hermits).

I didn’t know where he went after that, until a couple months ago I spotted a blue tarp in the bush near a reserve which I go for a walk in fairly often – he’d rebuilt his camp there, it appears.

In maybe twenty years I have never once seen the guy. He lives quietly, does his own thing and causes no harm far from the crowd and the government.

Johnny Rotten
October 1, 2022 11:28 am

A blonde goes into a nearby store and asks a clerk if she can buy the TV in the corner.

The clerk looks at her and says that he doesn’t serve blondes, so she goes back home and dyes her hair black.

The next day she returns to the store and asks the same thing, and again, the clerk said he doesn’t serve blondes.

Frustrated, the blonde goes home and dyes her hair yet again, to a shade of red.

Sure that a clerk would sell her the TV this time, she returns and asks a different clerk this time.

To her astonishment, this clerk also says that she doesn’t serve blondes.

The blonde asks the clerk “How in the world do you know I am a blonde?” The clerk looks at her disgustedly and says “That’s not a TV – it’s a microwave!”

October 1, 2022 11:28 am

Lately it seems most government money for science goes to investigating imaginary stuff. I should apply to Albo’s science minister, whoever he, she or it is, for a grant to start a unicorn ranch.

Dark matter.

October 1, 2022 11:28 am
October 1, 2022 11:37 am

Putin claiming to fight against despotism and dictatorship is a joke.

Johnny Rotten
October 1, 2022 11:38 am

To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge.

– Confucius

October 1, 2022 11:39 am

Putin claiming to fight against despotism and dictatorship is a joke.

So is sucking up to fascists like George Soros.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 11:39 am


October 1, 2022 at 11:11 am

If only we’d kept the car industry.

And Sidchrome tools.
Don’t forget the spanners.

October 1, 2022 11:42 am

The link between G&T and bipolarism is proven fact, Bush.

Trust me.

October 1, 2022 11:43 am

This doesn’t look like it’s going to happen though.

Who knows. There are maniacs on all sides. The annexation won’t be reversed peacefully if ever now. The problem is Putin’s narrative of the west plan to weaken and destroy Russia , to break it up etc is playing out now in front of Russia’s hardliners eyes. So to extricate themselves the hardliners will have to roll over somehow or they will fight on, with brutal backs to the wall intent. And the threat is already on the table if Russia is existentially threatened. And on the other side is a POTUS who has lost his marbles, so who tf knows who is really running the show.

The scenario ahead isn’t at all good.

October 1, 2022 11:45 am

Oh God. The world’s greatest race/sports caller Matt Hill has got a punk haircut — popular with celebrities trying to reverse the ageing process.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 1, 2022 11:51 am

October 1, 2022 at 11:37 am
Putin claiming to fight against despotism and dictatorship is a joke.

A bit like leftists who claim to be in favour of democracy, but reject the outcomes of elections that give power to people the left doesn’t like. See Hungary, Poland and Italy.

October 1, 2022 11:53 am

claiming to fight against despotism and dictatorship is a joke

again, without a hint of irony

October 1, 2022 12:02 pm

As you can see the little gang of sneerers. …reduced by one already. ..tick tick tick…….are having conniptions ……
This is precisely why we need to discuss the over emotional crap spewed forth from the denialists.
After the last two and a bit years, those who have it bad, like KD are now noticeably and obviously losing their shit.
People are now waking up to the bullshit of the hollow nothingness that is Sancho.
That I point out what is the bleeding obvious to the sane….to people who can read between the lines and see clearly JC’s fear in what he has done to himself, or the piss poor behavior of Frau Notaclue is not feuding.
It is pointing out the weak and lacking personality traits that allowed this all to happen.
It is a valid subject.
You just happen to have many of these types here.

October 1, 2022 12:03 pm

after 5 years here with nothing but a free standing trough a washing machine on the floor, the new laundry is now 100% functional

stone went on the kitchen last week and the polish on the hardwood is no longer green
wall tiles will be done on thursday

just this morning re-installed the steam oven and induction cooktop

window dressing is finished except for 3 Venetian blinds along the kitchen dining wall.
FMD, window furnishing costs nearly as much as 80sq.m of solid hardwood floor.

new 3.5 seater couch and single arrived yesterday.

we have a house again

all I need to do now is throw out all the old furniture … its all junk

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 1, 2022 12:04 pm

My name is ‘Sue’! How do you do! Now you’re gonna die!

What caused the holes in SUE the T. rex’s jaw? Probably not an infection (, 30 Sep)

SUE the T. rex is one of the most complete, best-preserved Tyrannosaurus rex specimens ever found. That level of preservation helps reveal details about SUE’s life. For instance, SUE lived to a ripe old age of about thirty-three, and in those years, suffered their fair share of injuries. SUE’s most mysterious ailment might be the holes in their jawbone.

These holes, some the diameter of a golf ball, dot the back half of the left lower jaw. It’s not clear what caused them, but similar injuries have been found in other T. rex fossils.

Maybe Occam’s Razor should be applied: T. rexes played golf, badly. Meanwhile, if you have enough Cash you can have a Sue of your very own.

Spectacular T. rex skeleton may fetch $25 million at auction (the new owner gets to name it, too) (30 Sep)

The 3,000-pound (1,400 kilogram) specimen — nicknamed Shen for now; whoever buys it gets exclusive naming rights — was uncovered in Montana’s Hell Creek Formation, a region renowned for its fossils dating to the late Cretaceous period, which ended about 66 million years ago. Shen measures about 40 feet (12.2 meters) long, 15 feet (4.6 m) tall and 6.8 feet (2.1 m) wide, according to Christie’s.

Shen’s auction, planned for Nov. 30, marks the dinosaur specimen as one of many to be auctioned in recent years, including Stan the T. rex, which in 2020 shattered records as the most expensive dinosaur fossil ever when it sold for $31.8 million.

I promise to Rabz that I will not post the song tonight. No I won’t. Even though he has to admit owning a T Rex (not the band) would be extremely psychedelic.

October 1, 2022 12:08 pm

Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Col Joye’s Joy Boys 1960/1

October 1, 2022 12:16 pm

We live in a world now amongst the self deluded.
Those who speak of the caravan having moved on.
A lovely young woman with beautiful young kids has been boosted and now, at 45year’s old has found out she has….out of nowhere. …stage 4 aggressive breast cancer.
The insane nurses in the hospital wanted to jab her again and she let them…….but this is why denialism is definitely a subject we need to come to grips with and fight.
When asked why she accepted the booster. ……she said why not, she hasn’t had any bad reactions to it!
Not even contemplating the cancer could at least be….maybe. …a side effect.
Those poor kids.
Denialism, right now, is one of our most important issues to discuss.
Look at KD.
He actually scoffs at my predictions of how much time the jabbed have left while choo choo is obviously no longer with us.
Like Shane Warne….
LikeKimberley Kitchens. …
Like so many others.
Yes….the Internet is forever.

Denialism is living a lie.
Our enemies are banking on that continuing.
This is not feuding.
It’s stating facts.

October 1, 2022 12:20 pm

In Bruce of Newc’s post at 12.04 pm:

This really shits me.

SUE the T. rex is one of the most complete, best-preserved Tyrannosaurus rex specimens ever found. That level of preservation helps reveal details about SUE’s life. For instance, SUE lived to a ripe old age of about thirty-three, and in those years, suffered their fair share of injuries. SUE’s most mysterious ailment might be the holes in their jawbone.

What is wrong with using the word “it” if one is not familiar with sex? Use of “their” simply enrages the sensible reader. FFS.

October 1, 2022 12:21 pm

Bolding failed when trying to highlight the word “their” in the above quote.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 12:23 pm

I think we need a separate thread for Steely Eyed Patriots vs Scoffers, Sneerers, Traitors and Denialists.

October 1, 2022 12:25 pm



Cheers. That kinda news is a good start to the day. I am hooked on the Nespresso Lungo 9. Cant help it.

October 1, 2022 12:25 pm

least be….maybe


October 1, 2022 12:26 pm

An overall increase in deaths since the jabbing started of over 20% is met with stupid statements like “40 months left, the internet is forever”
Even after one of his boosted sneerer mates has already left this world in all probability.

The truth offends those living lies.

October 1, 2022 12:26 pm

Duais ($5.50; J: J. Parr; T: E. Cummings) to win today’s Group 1 Turnbull Stakes ($1m, 2000m) en route to victory in the Caulfield Cup (2400m) on October 15.

Top Ranked ($4.20; J: H. Bowman; T: A. Neasham) to win the Group 1 Epsom Hcp (1600m, $1.5m) at Randwick.

Fun fact: 30 horses entered for the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday, November 1, are running today at Flemington or Randwick.

Fun fact #2: Few of the Sydney horses running in Sydney or Melbourne today has any dry-track form because of the La Nina deluge in Sydney that began a year ago.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 1, 2022 12:29 pm

Good news!

‘Extinct’ wood-eating cockroach rediscovered after 80 years (, 30 Sep)

A large wingless wood-eating cockroach, unique to Australia’s Lord Howe Island and thought extinct since the 1930s, has been rediscovered by a University of Sydney biology student.

“For the first 10 seconds or so, I thought ‘No, it can’t be’,” said Maxim Adams, an Honors student under Professor Nathan Lo at the University of Sydney’s School of Biological Sciences. “I mean, I lifted the first rock under this huge banyan tree, and there it was.”

We clearly need to emit more CO2 so that global warming extincts it again.

October 1, 2022 12:30 pm

The AFR View

Queensland makes right tax call

Queensland’s retreat on property tax would be a win for everyone if it turned into a wider overhaul of taxes

Only one good thing came out of Queensland’s egregious and short-lived interstate property tax plan, scrapped by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on Friday after a string of stories and critical editorials in The Australian Financial Review. It has at least rekindled debate about reforming the rest of Australia’s unfit-for-purpose tax system.

State Treasurer Cameron Dick proposed to tax the owners of Queensland property on the basis of their other Australian properties too, unless they happened to be Queensland residents and voters. As a combination of unprincipled tax grab and parochialism it had little equal.

Unsurprisingly, the idea was killed off when other state premiers declined to hand over personal data to assist the double taxation of their residents. And when Queensland realised how much investment it might drive into the southern states.

But the tax must not die in vain. Australia cannot be as productive as it needs to be with the tax system it has. If Queensland’s retreat underscores the need for the comprehensive tax review that the Financial Review has called for, then everyone is a win

October 1, 2022 12:37 pm

“Freight industry wants to use electric trucks and vans but says government inaction is holding it back”
How embarrassing.
Mr Hemmingsen, who installs EV charging points, had to travel to clients in an old, combustion-engine station wagon until recently.

He finally received an electric van a few months ago.

October 1, 2022 12:39 pm

Nothing as agile and innovative as the scamming industry.
not sure this is the bank’s fault.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 1, 2022 12:39 pm

I blame Bill Gates for killing the planet then trying to save it or something.

‘Dark data’ is killing the planet. We need digital decarbonization (30 Sep)

While most climate change activists are focused on limiting emissions from the automotive, aviation and energy industries, the processing of digital data is already comparable to these sectors and is still growing. In 2020, digitization was purported to generate 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Production of digital data is increasing fast— this year the world is expected to generate 97 zettabytes (that is: 97 trillion gigabytes) of data. By 2025, it could almost double to 181 zettabytes. It is therefore surprising that little policy attention has been placed on reducing the digital carbon footprint of organizations.

It seems ironic that global warming, which isn’t happening, is now caused by IT billionaires who are telling us to eat bugs to save the world from something which isn’t happening.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 12:41 pm


October 1, 2022 at 12:26 pm

An overall increase in deaths since the jabbing started of over 20% …

Looks like the Daily Exposé is still open for business.
Pro tip. Hold any of their pussent calculations up to a bright light.
Pussents ain’t Mr Exposé’s strong suit.

October 1, 2022 12:42 pm

Stockman Slams Washington’s Pointless War On Behalf Of A Fake Nation

The messages are coming in loud and clear today – from the crashing pound, to repudiation of establishment governments in Italy, Sweden and more to come, to Hungarian Prime Minister Orban’s call to end the Sanctions War and do so pronto.

So let’s be clear: Washington’s dunderheaded intervention in the intramural spat between Russia and Ukraine and the accompanying global Sanctions War is the surely the stupidest, most destructive project to arise from the banks of the Potomac in modern times. And the architects of this perfidious folly—Biden, Blinkin, Sullivan, Nuland et. al.—cannot be condemned harshly enough.

After all, this madness is being pursued in the name of abstract policy norms—the rule of law and sanctity of borders—that make Washington a laughing stock. More than any other nation on planet earth (and by a long-shot), it has serially and blatantly violated these standards scores of times in recent decades.

Among other actions, Washington’s interventions in Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Somalia etc were not only pointless; they were also a self-evident violation of the very rule of law and sanctity of borders upon which Washington now beats its breasts ever more stridently.

Moreover, by wallowing in this unhinged hypocrisy Washington has abandoned every semblance of commonsense as to why this conflict happened in the first place and why it is wholly irrelevant to the national security of the American homeland, or, for that matter, Europe, as well.

The fundamental fact is, aside from the historically short interval of iron-fisted communist rule during the Soviet era, Ukraine had never been a nation-state within its post-1991 happenstance borders. In fact, for upwards of 275 years before 1918 much of its territories were borderlands, vassals and outright provinces of Czarist Russia; and before that constituents of the Polish-Lithuanian Empire and others.

So we are not dealing with the invasion of a long-established, ethnically and linguistically coherent state by its aggressive neighbor, but with the left-over potpourri of separate tongues, territories. economies and histories that were smashed together by brutal communist rulers between 1918 and 1991.

Accordingly, the fast-approaching dark, cold winter of stagflationary collapse in Europe is not being done in heroic defense of the grand principles proffered by Washington and NATO. To the contrary, it amounts to the pointless and grubby business of preserving a vile status quo ante that was confected on the lands north of the Black Sea, not by the ordinary course of historical evolution and nation-state accretion, but by the bloody-hands of Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev.

In any event, the staggering economic costs for the everyday peoples of Europe in pursuit of such a threadbare and illegitimate purpose is starting to register among the long-suffering victims of Brussels’ elitist rulers. Hence the thunderbolts from the Italian elections this weekend and Viktor Orbán’s parallel appeal to the European Union to lift sanctions and thereby potentially reduce energy prices by half in one swell swoop.

Or as our friend James Howard Kunstler rightly summarized:

Let us agree that the place called Ukraine was never any of America’s business. For centuries we ignored it, through all the colorful cavalry charges to-and-fro of Turks and Tatars, the reign of the dashing Zaporozhian Cossacks, the cruel abuses of Stalin, then Hitler, and the dull, gray Khrushchev-to-Yeltsin years. But then, having destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia and sundry other places all on a great hegemonic lark, the professional warmongers of our land and their catamites in Washington made Ukraine their next special project.

They engineered the 2014 coup in Kiev that ousted the elected president, Mr. Yanyukovich, to set up a giant grifting parlor and international money-laundromat. The other strategic aim was to prepare Ukraine for NATO membership, which would have made it, in effect, a forward missile base right up against Russia’s border. Because, well, Russia, Russia, Russia!

Long Read, but good History Lesson!

October 1, 2022 12:47 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 12:47 pm


October 1, 2022 at 12:39 pm

Nothing as agile and innovative as the scamming industry.
not sure this is the bank’s fault.

Banks normally put a hold on first time payments for 24-48 hours.
If a new payment comes through for a large amount, I pay a tiny portion first and confirm with the other party that they have received it.
I then pay the remaining balance to the saved account number.
Even if it gets intercepted, I only lose $100, not $20k.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 1, 2022 12:49 pm

Losing power and becoming irrelevant?

Health experts slam move to scrap Covid isolation rule as ‘very dangerous’

Health experts have hit out at the removal of Covid isolation rules saying it’s far too soon and warning there will be fallout.

A decision to scrap mandatory Covid isolation requirements has been slammed by medical experts and authorities, with national cabinet’s call labelled a “very dangerous move”.

While many welcomed Friday’s announcement to ease the requirement to isolate after contracting Covid, some experts said the decision came far too soon.

Professor Michael Toole of the Burnet Institute — who has spent decades researching infectious diseases — said there would soon be fallout.

“Totally irresponsible decision. Cases will go up, followed by hospitalisations, deaths and Long Covid,” he said on Twitter.

High-profile GP and former head of the Australian Medical Association Dr Kerryn Phelps said it “doesn’t make any sense”.

“Absolutely not (the right time). I think this is a really concerning development,” she said.

“To reduce that isolation period down to zero (days) at this time just doesn’t make any sense in terms of public health.

“It is the last remaining vestige of public health measures. When this next wave comes, which is being predicted by the end of the year, this could make things even worse than they need to be.

“This is a very dangerous move.”

National cabinet’s decision on Friday was also disputed by Kooyong Independent Dr Monique Ryan, who said it was “deeply disturbing”.

“It is deeply concerning that national cabinet has essentially abandoned all the measures put in place to minimise Covid 19 infection and reinfection,” a statement read.

“At this stage, it is unclear if the decision to scrap isolation requirements was considered by the Health Advisory Committee.

“This is deeply disturbing and must be clarified to the public.

“Requiring people who are infected with Covid 19 to isolate from others while they are most infectious protects our health and hospital systems, our economy and workforces and the safety of vulnerable people in our community.”

Australian Medical Association president Steve Robson said the timing of the decision was wrong given the case numbers overseas and the amount of Australians travelling.

“We’re seeing overseas a huge upswing in the number of Covid cases again,” he said.

“We’re coming into holiday season where people will be travelling around the world.

“We think it is a period of significant risk and we’re urging caution.”

October 1, 2022 12:50 pm

“Globalists Are Marching Us Relentlessly Toward Nuclear Armageddon,” Warns Former Senator

Today’s developments are a sobering reminder that nuclear war threats are mounting. Retired Virginia State Senator and retired Marine Col. Richard Black addressed members of the US Congress in an open letter on Tuesday about “globalists are marching us relentlessly toward this nuclear Armageddon.”

Black pointed out:

There would have been no war had we not overthrown the democratically-elected government of Ukraine by violently ousting President Yanukovych in 2014. We promoted war by flooding Ukraine with massive arms shipments afterwards.

The former senator said, “the US could have achieved peace by simply pressing Ukraine to implement the 2014 Minsk Peace Agreements which it had signed, establishing a clear framework for settling outstanding issues peacefully. Ukraine promised to implement the Minsk agreements, but chose instead to make war on the Donbass for the next seven years.”

He said NATO could’ve sought peace but chose war instead.

NATO had ample opportunity for peace but deliberately chose war. The US realized that, with Russia’s back to the wall, it would have no choice to but to attack. In 2007, US Ambassador to Russia William Burns pointedly warned that movement toward absorbing Ukraine into NATO might well trigger war between Ukraine and Russia. Nonetheless, the Obama administration overthrew the Ukrainian president and flooded in weapons, knowing that doing so would trigger war.

Black said billionaire elites who have an interest in the region are making “war profits even if it means gambling the lives of hundreds of millions of people across the globe.”

“Should we annihilate the world’s population to intervene in a border war where the US has no vital national interest?” the former senator asked.

Black called for an immediate end to this war by making Ukraine a neutral, non-aligned state, “just as we did during the Cold War with Austria in 1955.”

But it appears the former senator’s plea to avoid further conflict went unheard after Zelensky’s declared intent to apply for expedited NATO membership as President Putin proclaimed the annexation of 15% of Ukraine.

Based on Article 5, any acceptance of Ukraine into NATO would automatically trigger a Russia-West world war (WWIII).

Here’s the former senator’s open letter to lawmakers on Capitol Hill:

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 12:50 pm

Vote 1 – St Ruth to the Duelling Thread!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 1, 2022 12:54 pm

Health experts slam move to scrap Covid isolation rule as ‘very dangerous’

It’s a disaster! Now wukkas can’t get 5 days off on full sick pay because of a positive crud test.

October 1, 2022 12:57 pm

Just about anyone that owns a house in Melbourne (and has paid off their mortgage) is a millionaire.
House in my mum’s street sold for 2.2mil in early 2020, changed hands again in early 2022 for just under 3.2.

Australia gained nearly 400,000 new millionaires last year as wealth inequality rises

October 1, 2022 1:00 pm

For Cat Farmers

The Economist – Global Food Security Index 2022

Exploring challenges and developing solutions for food security across 113 countries

The 11th Global Food Security Index shows a deterioration in the global food environment for the third year, threatening food security

The GFSI considers the issues of:


Measures the ability of consumers to purchase food, their vulnerability to price shocks and the presence of programmes and policies to support consumers when shocks occur.


Measures agricultural production and on-farm capabilities, the risk of supply disruption, national capacity to disseminate food and research efforts to expand agricultural output.

Quality and Safety

Measures the variety and nutritional quality of average diets, as well as the safety of food.

Sustainability and Adaptation

Assesses a country’s exposure to the impacts of climate change; its susceptibility to natural resource risks; and how the country is adapting to these risks.

October 1, 2022 1:04 pm

The fundamental fact is, aside from the historically short interval of iron-fisted communist rule during the Soviet era, Ukraine had never been a nation-state within its post-1991 happenstance borders. In fact, for upwards of 275 years before 1918 much of its territories were borderlands, vassals and outright provinces of Czarist Russia; and before that constituents of the Polish-Lithuanian Empire and others.

Blatant Russian propaganda, also lies.

October 1, 2022 1:04 pm

Trump’s latest ad:

People who don’t admire this guy are shitheads and should be beaten into unconsciousness; which is a redundancy I guess.

October 1, 2022 1:04 pm

Australian dollar’s pain could be short-lived

Economists predict the Australian dollar faces a brighter outlook after a torrid week that pushed the currency to April 2020 levels, amid a rush for greenbacks that has reduced the pound to rubble and punished almost everything else in its wake.

Investors are piling into the safe-haven US dollar amid fears of a world recession.

If this dynamic changes quickly, the Australian dollar could be trading at US75¢ by Christmas, according to Bank of America.

The median forecast from AFR Weekend’s quarterly survey of 34 economists projects the local currency at US66¢ by year-end, before edging back up to US69¢ by June next year. However, those predictions are sharply lower than in the June poll, when analysts had expected the Australian dollar to be US72¢ by Christmas and US74¢ by mid-2023.

Since then, the US dollar has become king as central banks race to raise interest rates to repel red-hot inflation. The promises of more increases by policymakers in the US, UK, Canada and Europe, even at the risk of tipping their economy into recession, has rattled financial markets, particularly stocks and currencies.

The Australian dollar has tumbled more than US3¢ this month, putting it on track for a staggering 10 per cent drop this year. It steadied at US65¢ on Friday, having fallen as far as US63.61¢ this week, the weakest level in more than two years.

The US Federal Reserve is forecast to take its Fed funds rate to 4.6 per cent by mid-2023, according to the median forecaster. The Reserve Bank will go to 3.3 per cent.

“The combination of widening interest rate differentials with the US in addition to downward revisions to global growth, including a likely recession for Europe in 2023, are adding to the risk-off sentiment and taking the Aussie down a weaker path,” said Katrina Ell, an economist at Moody’s.

“The RBA is struggling to keep pace with the Fed in raising interest rates,” agreed Bob Cunneen, chief economist at MLC Asset Management. He expects the difference between Australia and the US to approach negative 1 percentage point by the end of this year, from 0.77 percentage points currently.

The Reserve Bank holds its policy meeting on Tuesday, and is expected to raise the cash rate by 0.5 percentage points to 2.85 per cent.

Terms of trade

A deterioration in the historical link between the Australian dollar and commodity prices has also come into play. Typically, the currency follows the gyrations of natural resources prices, particularly key exports iron ore and coal.

Coal prices have soared since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as the world seeks alternative sources of energy. The Reserve Bank’s index of commodity export prices is up 18 per cent for the year so far.

Meanwhile, Australia’s terms of trade, which is the ratio of export prices to import prices, rose to its highest level on record in June. Typically, an increase in the terms of trade is associated with a higher Australian dollar.

“[The Australian dollar-commodity prices] relationship has been eroded somewhat as resources prices have gone to extremes in the post-pandemic period,” said Alex Joiner, chief economist at IFM Investors.

Contributing to the breakdown is a muted amount of future mining investment, compared with that of the commodity boom of 2005 to 2012, which sent the Australian dollar above parity.

“This phenomenon is not unique to Australia, with most major commodity exporters experiencing a soft exchange rate despite super-strong commodity exports and high commodity prices,” said Warren Hogan, an adviser to Judo Bank.

Question mark over China

The Australian dollar is equally seen as a proxy for Chinese growth because of the countries’ strong trade links, and has inevitably declined on worries about the health of the world’s second-largest economy due to its zero COVID-19 policy and troubled property sector.

“China’s sluggish economic growth and weak steel production suggest that the iron ore price could slide towards $US75 per tonne,” said Mr Cunneen, noting that prices of coal, gold, metals and food were also showing signs of peaking. On Thursday, spot market iron ore was fetching $US95.85 a tonne.

But some economists are optimistic about the recovery.

Bank of America is the most bullish, forecasting the Australian dollar to bounce to US75¢ by Christmas and US78¢ next year.

“The fourth quarter could be an inflection point given the potential lagged impact of China easing and potential reopening, alongside the Fed shifting from inflation autopilot to growth data dependence,” said Tony Morriss, chief economist at Bank of America.

For JPMorgan, it is only a matter of time before the influence of commodity prices gains the upper hand and sends the local currency higher.

“Commodity directionality should strengthen over time, as per the historical relationship,” said Ben Jarman, chief economist at JPMorgan, forecasting the Australian dollar to climb to US74¢ by mid-next year. He noted that even though commodity prices are likely to fall, they will still remain elevated in historical terms.

On a trade-weighted index basis, which measures the value of the Australian dollar against the currencies of its major trading partners, the Australian currency is 1 per cent higher year-to-date.

October 1, 2022 1:06 pm

We get it Ozzie, you’re a Putin tankie and are in favour of genocide of the Ukrainians. No need to go on and on about it.

October 1, 2022 1:06 pm

They engineered the 2014 coup in Kiev that ousted the elected president, Mr. Yanyukovich

His election was rigged and there is actual video evidence of his congeners rigging Parliamentary votes. That video was posted by me on Sinc Cat and twostix cried about it for months.

Caught. Red handed.

You forget that the revolution against him was popular.

No one wanted him back either.

October 1, 2022 1:08 pm

20 upticks for a Sancho comment?!

Some sort of record!

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 1, 2022 1:10 pm

Knuckle Dragger says:
October 1, 2022 at 8:56 am
Bob Hawke will not be kindly remembered by history.

But he will be forgotten by any Labor-manufactured anti-corruption commission.

October 1, 2022 1:12 pm

I’m calling Detective Eliot Stabler at Law&Order SVU. 🙂

October 1, 2022 1:15 pm

Please don’t JC.

Those NBC owned franchises are a woke wet dream.

Just buckets of socially hip and justicey baby batter smeared all over.

October 1, 2022 1:15 pm

20 upticks for a Sancho comment?!

They seek him here,
They seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in Heaven?
Or is he in Hell?
That damned, elusive, Arkynel.

October 1, 2022 1:16 pm

It occurred to me that the sabotage of the Nordstream pipeline may have been carried out by anti-greens who wanted to embarrass the German greens and make them admit that renewables are useless. It makes more sense then some theories.

October 1, 2022 1:16 pm

Put a duelling button on the posts , give us something more to tick.

Delta A
Delta A
October 1, 2022 1:16 pm

October 1, 2022 at 12:02 pm

It is pointing out the weak and lacking personality traits that allowed this all to happen.
It is a valid subject.

Okay, you’ve done that, ad infinitum.

You have mocked, censured and abused. Nothing else. No civilised discussion, no plan to move forward , not even to retaliate. Just the same filthy language and utter lack of respect, over and over again.

Until Dover dedicates a thread to hysterical raving, take your word walls to the duelling thread.

October 1, 2022 1:18 pm


I am here in Canbra with family after a funeral.

Some absolute mad lad greeted me at a Big W with a full blown face shield and a face mask! After the ACT had a virtual 100% triple+ vaccination rate!

He had to be taking the piss! He was very cheerful!

October 1, 2022 1:19 pm

People who don’t admire this guy are shitheads and should be beaten into unconsciousness; which is a redundancy I guess.

Sure, but Morning In America was a trail blazer.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 1, 2022 1:20 pm

An Indigenous senator has sensationally taken at aim the Albanese government for being “sycophantic and spineless” in a speech where she also rattled off complaints against Penny Wong, transgender activists and fat people.

Country Liberal Party Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price took to the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Sydney on Saturday, promising to champion “common sense” in federal parliament.

The Warlpiri-Celtic dedicated much of her address to slamming the Albanese government’s plan for a Voice to Parliament which she said was an attempt to create “racial separatism”.

She took particular aim at Foreign Minister Wong who, she said, displayed hypocricacy earlier this week by saying she was “triggered” by comments from Pauline Hanson telling another senator to “piss off back to Pakistan”.

“Despite the fact she lectures off on the floor of the Senate about what us Aboriginal folks really mean while simultaneously deriding me and our good friend and fellow hypocrite, Senator Thorpe, for calling Wong out for attempting to paint us both with the same brush because we’re Aboriginal,” Senator Prince said.

“I did put it to her, I don’t think she liked it very much … at one point that perhaps we need to co-design an Asian voice to parliament.

“So that policies that affect Asian Australians can be their responsibility and any time I need expert advice on how to better improve Wong’s life, I can consult with the Asian voice.”

In a later panel with Warren Mundine, the former Coalition candidate and President of the Labor Party, and academic Anthony Dillon, Senator Price said the Voice was “terrible idea”.

Senator Price is one of the 11 First Nation’s members in Australia’s 47th parliament.

During her address to the CPAC forum, she bragged about a moment during fellow Indigenous senator Jana Stewart’s speech in which she said Australia is suffering a racial gap.

“I thought thank you Lord for strategically placing me after my Labor colleague to deliver my first speech. There could be no better contrast,” she said.

“No better way for me to announce to this woke, sycophantic and spineless Labor government that their statements were fashioned from fantasies and lies.”

Senator Wong fled the chamber quickly after Senator Price’s own maiden speech in a sign she “managed to crawl right under” her skin, she said.

“Her bolt from the Senate floor and out the door to avoid following senate tradition mind you,” the senator added.

Her speech touched on much of the talking points from conservatives in recent times, decrying the Left ideology of body positivity for being in direct contrast to trans activists advocating for “playing God”and “surgically remove health body parts”.

Senator Price was the keynote address in a line up that featured fellow senators Matt Canavan and Alex Antic and former prime minister’s Tony Abbott and John Howard.

Former Queensland senator Amanda Stoker, former government minister Gary Hardgrave were also billed as speakers.

Former Sky News host and MP Ross Cameron and now-One Nation NSW upper house member Mark Latham are expected to address the conference on Sunday.

October 1, 2022 1:24 pm

It’s not as if anyone here is fooled by pure Russian propaganda. This is a site full of gullible rubes but even they can see through that obvious rubbish.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 1, 2022 1:24 pm

Indolent says:
October 1, 2022 at 9:20 am
Bill Gates says political polarization ‘may bring it all to an end’ and could even lead to a civil war

The article goes on to say he also pointed out the dangers of misinformation.
So. On the same page as Saint Jacinda.
Surely it’s just a coincidence that two WEF graduates are spruiking the take-down of free speech.

October 1, 2022 1:27 pm

Australian dollar’s pain could be short-lived

New all time lows this week on China’s RE Nasdaq index. So I don’t expect i/o demand to be picking up while China RE implodes.

The USD is looking like it’s taking a breather before new highs as the US 10 yr yield sits on it’s highs. US interest rates have plenty to go yet.

AUD has unsurprisingly fallen over 1c this week alone, most of that yesterday.

We may see a rally of sorts but nothing sustaining. We could easily see 50 something before year end I’m thinking.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 1, 2022 1:28 pm

It’s not as if anyone here is fooled by pure Russian propaganda.

How’s Mr Mueller getting on Monty?
Seems to me he might know a little about such things by now.

October 1, 2022 1:30 pm

Fatboy, it’s a war and there’s bullshit coming from both sides. STFU.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 1, 2022 1:34 pm

“America is fully prepared with our NATO allies to defend every single inch of NATO territory, every single inch. Mr. Putin, don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. Every inch.”

Would that be the same inch that Brandon said inflation has risen?

October 1, 2022 1:34 pm

Every aspect of the shitsorm engulfing the EU states (he he, go European anarchy) is a direct result of Merkel’s fascist policies.
Yet no one, individual or media, is publicly sheeting home the blame to her.
Just what kind of retributive power does the disgusting old witch wield?

October 1, 2022 1:35 pm

There are no rallies, makka. Just death and destruction. However if the pipelines wasn’t fucked with I would have done okay on the long trades. I get out early NY time with a small loss on my futures trade and flat to slightly down on the other bullshit.

If you trade counter trend and it doesn’t work, you get out early or you run out of money.

If China’s economy springs a serious leak with real estate, and I reckon there’s over 50% chance, the Aussie is sore toothing to the low 50s.

Cliff Boof
Cliff Boof
October 1, 2022 1:39 pm

“These holes, some the diameter of a golf ball, dot the back half of the left lower jaw. It’s not clear what caused them, but similar injuries have been found in other T. rex fossils.”

Brenneke slugs?

October 1, 2022 1:41 pm

In classic Oz fashion, as the rest of the world is confronting the disaster of climate scamism, we are just entering our journey into dystopian hellishness.
Government is obviously copying the policy of our world’s most incompetent reserve bank. “Make no move until disaster is certain, then blame the victims”. “Oh, and increase taxes”.

October 1, 2022 1:44 pm

Just what kind of retributive power does the disgusting old witch wield?

She’s a German.

Stop or their universities will produce another Marx or Goebbels.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 1:46 pm


October 1, 2022 at 1:08 pm

20 upticks for a Sancho comment?!

I’d like to thank the Academy, my fellow nominees, the director, the producers, everyone involved.
I think this award isn’t just for me, it’s for the [insert trending cause du jour here]

October 1, 2022 1:50 pm

Talk about embarrassing.
Sancho attempting to suggest only the Expose’ is reporting thr excess deaths.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 1, 2022 1:59 pm

I demand retrospective cancelling of the 1960’s group name “Joy Boys”.
For obvious reasons.

Johnny Rotten
October 1, 2022 1:59 pm

October 1, 2022 at 1:04 pm
Australian dollar’s pain could be short-lived

Economists predict the Australian dollar faces a brighter outlook after a torrid week that pushed the currency to April 2020 levels, amid a rush for greenbacks that has reduced the pound to rubble and punished almost everything else in its wake.

The track record of Australian Economists in predicting the value of the Australian Dollar has been abysmal. So why believe what they say now? Same with predicting Recessions.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 1, 2022 2:32 pm

“These holes, some the diameter of a golf ball, dot the back half of the left lower jaw. It’s not clear what caused them, but similar injuries have been found in other T. rex fossils.”

A Connecticut Yankee in King Rex’s Court?

October 1, 2022 2:34 pm

Some good memes

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 2:35 pm

October 1, 2022 at 10:11 am
Fact check-

Dachau (/?d??xa?/) was the first concentration camp built by Nazi Germany, opening on 22 March 1933.

A Detention Centre.
Not dissimilar to Wellcamp, apart from being full for 12 years.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 1, 2022 2:36 pm

These holes, some the diameter of a golf ball, dot the back half of the left lower jaw. It’s not clear what caused them, but similar injuries have been found in other T. rex fossils.”

Sounds like dinosaur herpes.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 1, 2022 2:43 pm

m0nty-fa’s trolling remains very low energy.

October 1, 2022 2:44 pm

“I did put it to her, I don’t think she liked it very much … at one point that perhaps we need to co-design an Asian voice to parliament.

“So that policies that affect Asian Australians can be their responsibility and any time I need expert advice on how to better improve Wong’s life, I can consult with the Asian voice.”


October 1, 2022 2:45 pm

It occurred to me that the sabotage of the Nordstream pipeline may have been carried out by anti-greens who wanted to embarrass the German greens and make them admit that renewables are useless. It makes more sense then some theories.

Always back self interest.

It could have just been organised crime, after going long on oil or gas.

October 1, 2022 2:45 pm

Sounds like dinosaur herpes.

I think it was dino monkeypox.

Rothschild’s hypothesis suggests that the claw marks are the result of courtship behavior, possibly even between two male T. rex specimens. Scientists don’t know SUE’s sex, but the fossil’s size makes some paleontologists think SUE was male, and there are lots of examples of homosexual activity in nature

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 2:48 pm

It could have just been organised crime, after going long on oil or gas.

It could been jellyfish wanting to huff some free Methane!

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 1, 2022 2:49 pm

I think they were just on holidays.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 2:52 pm

Jellyfish are always on holidays, when they aren’t huffing Methane outta someone else’s pipe.

October 1, 2022 2:55 pm

Catching up from this morning…

Germany began its existence in 1871, you magnificent poltroon.

That’s like saying the concept of “Australia” or being “Australian” did not exist until Jan1 1901.

Ed is technically correct. (Shit hell must be getting cooler !).

The Holy Roman Emperor had as one of his subsidiary titles ‘King of the Germans’ between the reign of Otto the Great (961) until at least 1653. From 843 it was called the kingdom of East Francia, Regnum Francorum orientalium , but under Otto it actually retitled King of Germany , rex teutonicorum, so one can quibble the start date, and a few fringe areas, but essentially it was the same kingdom.

“Germany” was divided into several administrative districts after 1500 as part of the reorganisation of the Empire under Sigismund and the last Holy Roman Emperor to use the title of King of/in Germany was Ferdinand iii (until 1653).

However the sense of “Germany”, being “German”, and “German lands” had been retained , and regained impetus after Napoleon abolished the Holy Roman Empire, and indeed after the 1848 revolutions the sense of one Germany was particularly strong, so much so that a pan German “constitutional convention” created a constitution despite the opposition of the monarchs, and until at least the Austro-Prussian war, there was the hope that Austrian Germans would be included to separate those German lands from the Hungarians and Slavs under the Habsburgs.

The entity that came into being in 1871 called itself the 2nd German Reich for a reason.

October 1, 2022 2:55 pm

Jacinta going gang-busters at CPAC as the usual leftie fucktards gather outside with a few wallopers earning their $3 grand extorted from Nigel:

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 3:01 pm

Wong sounds like a loathsome person, though I wonder what a Liberal is doing on a Conservative Political Action platform.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 3:23 pm

Queen initiated into Welsh Druid Order.
This is legit, but some w eird shit.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 3:31 pm
Johnny Rotten
October 1, 2022 3:51 pm

Comment from Europe

From the Armstrong Economics Blog –

COMMENT From Europe: Message: Have any connections with either Russia or Ukraine and do not care if Donbas and Crimea belong to Russia or any other nation. Europeans just want to go on with their lives in peace but now have to pay a high price for the sanctions. People are starting to question the sanctions and want the gas to flow again. So the anger is turned against our own political leaders over the sanctions.

By destroying the pipelines people no longer can complain. So that also points to the climate zealots in the west being responsible for the sabotage and not Russia. How it was presented in the media also points to the west. It was a ready media package with the Danish air force taking pictures of the leak and Swedish seismologic data to show it was an explosion. The information was intended for us in the west. Look they have blown up the pipelines. And Germany was fast to say that the pipelines were destroyed forever and can not be fixed. Without any facts. Then the day after a spokesperson from the Nordstream company said they would investigate the damages after the gas has run out.
Regards MS

REPLY: This is why being a student of history, I am not supporting Putin, or being a Republican against Democrats, or whatever other explanation some may try to apply. I am warning that we are being manipulated into war for ulterior purposes. Hermann Goring was asked at the Nuremberg trials WHY DID THE PEOPLE FOLLOW HITLER? His response was perfectly correct, despite the fact that many just preferred that the German people were inherently evil and different from the rest of the world. As he said, the very best outcome is you get to return home unharmed. He stated the truth “it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along.”

This is simply the way it is. The leaders create all wars, NEVER the people. War is merely a continuation of politics that moves to violence. Like two guys arguing in a bar. Many times, one becomes so infuriated unable to win the argument verbally, so they begin to throw punches. What do we have to gain from war? Absolutely NOTHING other than hoping to return in one piece and we still have a home and family to return to.

October 1, 2022 3:54 pm

Where’s tickler as he’s normally drunk about now and beginning to post vids.

October 1, 2022 4:00 pm

Back at Adams, JC.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 4:00 pm

JC @ 3:54.
Heartfelt grovel increases patronage at lolly-shop by 20%.

October 1, 2022 4:01 pm

The?progressives?are ready and wanting you to show up for a fight.?They want you to show yourselves as the animals that they say you are.?They are?provoking folks who see themselves as American patriots so?that?they can cast them as domestic terrorists.

Don’t take the bait. They are looking to provoke a civil war. Instead, give them a civil rights response: peaceful and nonviolent protest is the only way forward. That’s the proven way to fight the oppression of a greater power with asymmetrical advantages.

October 1, 2022 4:01 pm

The braindead lamestream meeja – plumbing subterranean new depths (again).

This is a headline and brief intro from the Oz this morning:

How China spies ‘signed up Hawke’

Bob Hawke was unwittingly used by the Chinese Communist Party to help rehabilitate the country’s image after the 1989 Tiananmen massacre.

So after publicly and preposterously bawling his eyes out about the alleged deaths of “pro democracy students”, the hideously uglee micro todgered garden gnome* was then “unwittingly” signed up by the Chicoms**.

If you can believe that, I’ve got a cheap bridge for sale. 🙂

*Thanks Mavis, for enlightening us, not that any of us were remotely interested.

**Those monstrous lower North Shore edifices don’t buy themselves, you know.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 4:02 pm

Gonna miss the tickler.
Great contributor.

Johnny Rotten
October 1, 2022 4:08 pm

A stockbroker walks past a kid selling lemonade.

“Hey mister, ya want some lemonade?”

The stockbroker is just getting out of his brand-new BMW in a nice tailored suit. He was about to walk past when he a double take at the sign that says “Lemonade $50”.

“Your sign is wrong kid. I think you mean fifty cents”. The little girl shakes her head. “Nope, fifty bucks mister. I need the money for Summer Camp!”

The stockbroker pauses for a minute, because he appreciates a good hustle but clearly this kid is going about it the wrong way.

“Look sweetie, I know you’re trying to make money but you have to charge what people are willing to pay. No one is going to pay that much for a tiny cup of lemonade. Now what do you think is a fair price?” The little girl beams and says “Fifty bucks mister!”

The stockbroker gives a little sigh and shakes his head. “Okay I’m gonna pass. You see? You can’t make a profit when no one pays your price. Now do you have anything else for sale?” “Homemade brownies, ten cents!”

The stockbroker winces in frustration. “Okay look, I studied economics at Harvard and I got my MBA from Wharton so I’m going to teach you a little about business, okay? Now each of your little cups of lemonade probably costs you about ten cents including the margin cost of your stand”. He takes out a dollar. “I’ll pay you ten times that much because I want to help you understand about markup”.

The little girl shakes her head and smiles. “No thanks, mister. Fifty bucks please!”

“You know what? I give up. Take this dollar and I’m going to buy ten of your brownies, I know you’re losing money on them, and I’m not going to buy a single cup of your overpriced lemonade. I’m trying to be nice and teach you about business but I guess this is the only way for you to learn a lesson”. “Okay!”

The girl takes the dollar and puts ten brownies on a plate.

Just to make the point, the stockbroker decides to eat one of the brownies right in front of her. Suddenly he begins coughing and gagging uncontrollably. “Oh my God… what is… what did you put in these!!?”

She grins happily and says “It’s my special recipe! Eggs, flour, butter, cocoa, sawdust and dog poo!” “This is horrible! I have to get this taste out of my mouth!”

The little girl takes out a jar full of $50 bills, cocks her head to the side and says through a beaming grin “Ya want some lemonade now?”

October 1, 2022 4:12 pm

You guys kidding? He’s jumped over the fence and groveled back to the lollipop blog? And I just saw he apologized for being a “dickhead”

Fucking wow, it puts those Iranians slicing their scalps in acts of religious contrition in perspective.

Tickler, if you’re reading this, don’t you think that as your talent manager, you should freaking talked to me before jumping over the fence and doing an imitation of a sh’ite lacerating his forehead on the holy day? FFS, man-up a little. Never apologize without talking to me – especially to the Lollipop tycoon.

October 1, 2022 4:17 pm

Dead heat in the Group 1 Epsom Handicap at Randwick (1600m, $1.5m) between Top Ranked (J: H Bowman; T: A. Neasham, $2.10 fav) and Ellsberg (J: B. Avdulla; T: G Ryan, $8).

October 1, 2022 4:20 pm
October 1, 2022 4:31 pm

Boilover: Smokin’ Romans (J: E. Brown; T: Maher-Eustace, $21) wins the Group 1 Turnbull Stakes (2000m, $1m) at Flemington.

October 1, 2022 4:32 pm

Hurricane Ian Recovery Update Day 2

Excerpt from the article:

Alice, a 75-year-old woman without cash, and the only gas station she can find will only accept cash. Within seconds she is in line at the station with cash in her hand. This is what people do. Define living and you will find the light left by these comfortably invisible community stars. These are ordinary angels that defeat the looters by orders of magnitude.

There are many Janet’s and Alice’s right now, and fortunately there are overwhelming numbers of people responding to each call.

Yes, this is the fellowship part. Sweaty, perhaps a little scruffy, often accompanied by the smell of fuel-oil mix in the hug, but when you remove all class distinctions the remarkable human spirit that surfaces makes the back pain and callouses insignificant.

Electricity is nice, potable water even better, but perhaps fellowship is the most important part of the restoration process. At least, I think it is.

The desperation and worry on that unknown face tell me that you need my spot in line; here, take it.

I am not alone.

Every person reading this knows exactly what I am talking about without me even writing another word.


The best part.

Many people ponder the great universal questions of “why” these disaster events happen. I don’t have any idea.

Perhaps it’s just the way I’m wired, but I can only look at the immediate task at hand. Usually, I’m too busy focused on making the next the two feet of my immediate surroundings better, because looking at the hundreds of miles scares me. If I can make these next two feet in front of me better, then I will have accomplished something; and then – another two – and another two. Perhaps that’s my goofy way to deal with it.

However, when I think about fellowship and my community – perhaps we shouldn’t wait for hurricanes.

October 1, 2022 4:35 pm

Rothschild’s hypothesis suggests that the claw marks are the result of courtship behavior, possibly even between two male T. rex specimens. Scientists don’t know SUE’s sex, but the fossil’s size makes some paleontologists think SUE was male, and there are lots of examples of homosexual activity in nature

Allow Dr JMH – BVSc, room here. Bruce Pascoe’s advanced Aboriginal Industry Complex had not yet discovered Penicillin, so I suspect abscess, abscess, abscess.

October 1, 2022 4:36 pm

Isn’t this great. The fuckerberg death spiral.

Facebook scrambles to escape stock’s death spiral as users flee, sales drop

Meta is trading at its lowest since early 2019, and the stock is one of the worst performers this year in the S&P 500.
The company’s problems are mounting, whether it’s the ad hit from Apple’s iOS changes or the growing threat posed by TikTok.
“I’m not sure there’s a core business that works anymore at Facebook,” said Laura Martin, an analyst at Needham.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 4:36 pm

99% of those Trans kids are girls who are not likely to have kids anyway.

October 1, 2022 4:39 pm

The result of today’s racing is that the $5 million Caulfield Cup on October 15 is a lottery. The winner of today’s Turnbull Stakes, Smokin’ Romans, is now the $8 favourite for the Caulfield Cup, which means the bookies have NO idea who will win. Good luck, punters! Your guess is as good as theirs.

October 1, 2022 4:39 pm


Time travelling hunters from the 27th century, with big guns.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 4:40 pm

A 14-year-old Virginia girl started identifying as trans. Her school HID THIS from her grandparents, who adopted her as a baby.

Everybody went to School, but it isn’t a place where anything good ever happens.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2022 4:41 pm

I see the screamy corporate kow-tower is standing fast, telling it while taking the Big Machine’s dollar when he thinks nobody’s looking.

Bend the knee, St. Ruth.

Bend it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 4:42 pm


October 1, 2022 at 4:36 pm

Isn’t this great. The fuckerberg death spiral.

I think the Twatter fake accounts thing has put all social media advertising under the microscope.
And it ain’t pretty.

October 1, 2022 4:42 pm

I’m watching CPAC on ADH and it’s riveting. So many great speakers. We tend to forget the great extent of talent on the conservative side as the MSM makes sure they are not given any air time. This is a great talkfest and an opportunity to hear as many speakers as possible but life gets in the way.

October 1, 2022 4:43 pm

I mean, I wish I could hear all the speakers but life gets in the way.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 1, 2022 4:46 pm

Ed Casesays:
October 1, 2022 at 4:36 pm
99% of those Trans kids are girls who are not likely to have kids anyway.

Do you have a source for that number, or did you just make it up?

October 1, 2022 4:50 pm

I think the Twatter fake accounts thing has put all social media advertising under the microscope.
And it ain’t pretty.

Understatement of the year.

Spacechook is a bullshit advertising business built on the look-at-me narcissism of 13-year-old girls and fake internet accounts. That it is now collapsing is an inevitable result of the human gullibility on which it was built.

Johnny Rotten
October 1, 2022 4:55 pm

A man was sitting in a bar and noticed a group of people using sign language. He also noticed that the bartender was using sign language to speak to them.

When the bartender returned to him, the man asked how he had learned to use sign language. The bartender explained that these were regular customers and had taught him to speak in sign. The
man thought that was great.

A few minutes later the man noticed that the people in the group were waving their hands around very wildly.

The bartender looked over and signed “Now cut that out! I warned you!” and threw the group out of the bar.

The man asked why he had done that and the bartender said “If I’ve told them once I’ve told them 100 times – NO SINGING IN THE BAR!”

Johnny Rotten
October 1, 2022 4:56 pm

When anger rises, think of the consequences.

– Confucius

October 1, 2022 4:57 pm

Saw the sycamore in the Wall Old Ozzie. Robin was waaay out of his zone!

Our guide was resplendent in his kilt and sporran – those gale force breezes hardly lifted it, perhaps because of the weight of rainwater it had collected.

He told us about the border rievers and rattled off a few names – Nixon, Armstrong, Johnstone and … Turnbull.

Yes. Than makes sense.

October 1, 2022 5:04 pm

Tom’s comment at 4.50 pm

Spacechook is a bullshit advertising business built on the look-at-me narcissism of 13-year-old girls and fake internet accounts. That it is now collapsing is an inevitable result of the human gullibility on which it was built.

And reliability is being degraded hand over fist. I have a friend who runs a botany page with a good quota of active members. The system is running aground.

October 1, 2022 5:06 pm

Spacechook is a bullshit advertising business built on the look-at-me narcissism of 13-year-old girls and fake internet accounts. That it is now collapsing is an inevitable result of the human gullibility on which it was built.

It’s a scammy, fraudulent business and people like it because they’re too lazy to send an email to more than one person in advance when actually required, plus it is a free gallery of pics of hotties you’re not in the same league as.

Kill it with fire.

Winston Smith
October 1, 2022 5:06 pm


How about we just have longer gaol terms?* I am not comfortable at all with CDOs and the like.

How about we just hang the bastards?

October 1, 2022 5:13 pm

Kill it with fire.

Send the dragon.

October 1, 2022 5:14 pm

Facebook is a scam and I wish people would wake up to it.

If you pay for ads and engagement, it sucks you in for more and more, but delivers less and less.

If you had their business practice and were not FB, you would get indicted for being an MLM scam.

IG, WhatsApp and TikTok will kill it. Yes I know they own IG and WhatsApp but how much money can they really make from WhatsApp?

Really, how much is the CIA willing to pay for my LifeLog profile? Random WhstsApp chats at work and non work stuff I send to the group like hilarious knock off Chinese “Lego” and Indians running servos with Coke sold in auto parts shelves etc.

Then there is SnapChat, Google+, Telegram and Signal (glowie net).

Good riddance. It turned society into a witch trial presided over by His Honor, Gerald Springer.

October 1, 2022 5:14 pm

Dover read the hole thing. My take is fight but be smart.
Oh! And I have skin in game ( my little granddaughter and the authorities)
Also pushing for consistency in sentencing for murderer’s due to one of my twins being merderd. If you really want to ‘fight’ research the policies and procedures already in place in Australia. Plenty of brick and mortar groups doing the leg work could do with such skill. Looking for answers in some dead guys words, attending some talk fest isn’t going to change anything.

October 1, 2022 5:15 pm


Please read the whole comment if you can scan it without scrolling on a device.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 1, 2022 5:16 pm

Buried trunk revealed Japanese codes which helped win war in PNG
Cameron Stewart
10:30PM September 30, 2022

It was one of the luckiest discoveries of the World War II and one which helped forge Australia’s intelligence alliance with the United States.

In the jungles of Papua New Guinea, in January 1944, an Australian sapper was sweeping for mines after the retreat of Japanese troops when his metal detector found an object buried in a stream bed.

It was a steel trunk which had been buried and left behind by retreating Japanese troops because it was too heavy to take with them during their retreat near Sio, on the Huon Peninsula.

The sapper forced the trunk open to see an astonishing sight – it contained the secret codes for the Japanese 20th Army division, codes which the allies had never properly cracked.

What happened next gave Australian and US cryptanalysts an edge which accelerated their victory over the Japanese in PNG according to a new book The Secret History Of The Five Eyes.

The book to be released next week, and written by award-winning Australian documentary maker, author and former journalist with The Australian Richard Kerbaj, shines a spotlight on this largely forgotten incident which helped forge a partnership between Australian and US spy agencies that continues today as part of the Five Eyes pact.

At the time of the discovery, the US had made solid strides in breaking Japan’s naval codes which helped deliver crucial victories in the battle of the Coral Sea and at Midway.

In PNG, in March 1943, Allied code breakers had also uncovered Tokyo’s plans to reinforce Lae, allowing the Japanese fleet to be ambushed in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea and tilting the war in PNG in favour of the allies.

Also, the Japanese air force in PNG had been severely winged by an attack on Japanese aerodromes at Wewak in August 1943, which was based on the work of Australian-based codebreakers.

But the codes of the Japanese army were far harder to crack – until the discovery of the steel trunk. “In the main, we didn’t have a great deal of success against the tactical (coded Army) material,’ said Major Abraham Sinkov, a US codebreaker who was working alongside Australian and other allied codebreakers at the Central Bureau – the allied code breaking centre in Brisbane.

When the steel trunk arrived at the Central Bureau, its contents were so saturated the code breakers were unable to read them.

“Cryptanalysts used any method they could think of to dry out the pages, including hanging some on clothes lines and placing others in front of electric fans,” the book says.

“The books were water-soaked and practically stuck together,’ Mr Sinkov recalled. ‘We had to separate the pages one by one and … worked out an interesting procedure for swabbing the page with something like alcohol, I guess it was, which would cause the written material on the page to show up briefly but long enough to give us a chance to take a photograph of it and we were able to reconstruct practically all of this material.”

The ability to read the codes suddenly gave the Australians and Americans clear insight into the shortages of food, ammunition, ships and other equipment afflicting the Japanese forces which were already in retreat across PNG.

Mr Sinkov and his team of Australians and Americans in Brisbane photographed each page of the material found in the trunk and sent them to Arlington Hall, the US signals intelligence headquarters in Virginia.

With this information, the allies went from decrypting 1846 Japanese messages in January 1944 to 36,000 messages in March.

Any hope that Japan had of reversing its losses in PNG were over and the foundations for a lasting intelligence partnership between Australia and the US were fast being laid.

Seem to remember some discussion about this on the old Cat.

October 1, 2022 5:17 pm

He told us about the border rievers and rattled off a few names – Nixon, Armstrong, Johnstone and … Turnbull

McTavish, Campbell, Ramsey?

October 1, 2022 5:20 pm

What is Love?

One important question young men must pose to young women before thinking about marriage.

What is love? The permanent kind. Not the kind that breaks down upon contact with reality and life’s to-be-expected hardships. I’m talking about the kind built to last until death. The real stuff.

Love is mutual self-fulfillment through mutual self-sacrifice.

Love’s most perfect expression is in a good and lasting marriage.

Through vocal repetition, we have become habituated to the notion that marriage and children are a better deal for men than women. Men get it. It’s not easy to be a mother—particularly a working mother.

It’s a real sacrifice and it’s not easy. Lost completely in the conversation and thinking, however, are men’s motivations and sacrifices—most often made in silence.

Let me attempt to speak for my brothers in the silent majority about love, marriage, and baby carriage.

First, let’s address the cartoon elephant in the room. While it’s still the tradition that a man gets down on bended knee, does he really do so out of selfish, self-serving, or patriarchal reasons? Does he do it to subjugate her or to make her happy?

Now, let’s get real and think realistically. Who is drawn to the institution of marriage more? Do men and women want children equally?

Just asking these questions seems to answer them. Men and women don’t share the same mind and motivations. Our women like to think we are of one mind with them but we are not. We are very different.

Marriage and kids are a freely chosen sacrifice best done with your eyes open. If you don’t see having a kid a natural gift and expression of your nature, and your top priority, let’s not do it. I don’t want to do it.”

If you are unwilling to have this conversation with your lady—you have your answer. Or at least a good reason to push pause.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2022 5:21 pm

WA media are great.

October 1, 2022 5:22 pm


Cheers Dot.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 1, 2022 5:23 pm

He told us about the border rievers and rattled off a few names – Nixon, Armstrong, Johnstone and … Turnbull.

The Turnbulls were a pain in the arze to both the English and the Scots. Callie, if you have time, the Museum of the Border Rievers in the old gaol at Hexham is well worth a visit.

Winston Smith
October 1, 2022 5:29 pm

From a little bit further down the twitter link:

Beyond bored with Democrats saying, “I voted for Biden but don’t support ____.”
Yes, you do. You support pronoun policing and puberty blockers. You want little girls to see men undress in locker rooms.
It’s what you voted for.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 5:31 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

October 1, 2022 at 5:21 pm

WA media are great.

And scrupulously fair.
I stream 6PR all the time.
Best radio anywhere, bar none.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 5:34 pm

How about we just hang the bastards?

Is this a job application, Winston?

Winston Smith
October 1, 2022 5:35 pm


As bad as that is, what’s even worse is that it shouldn’t have made a crucial difference.
They should have had a plan nutted out to the last detail about how such an event would be handled – who would oversee contacting the banks, the customers, and finally the media.

The fact that there was this break in the hierarchy tells me that she was refusing to allow anyone to take action until she’d come to the office. And seeing that it wouldn’t be until 0830 or even 0900, then there is obviously a problem with a micromanagement and bankers hours mindset.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 5:37 pm

You did it, too. I remember you linking to a Fauci goon at the NIH.

Yeah, you won’t find JC or Rosie on any barricades.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 1, 2022 5:38 pm

I think it was dino monkeypox.

No primates yet.

Perhaps Triceropox. Symptoms include stegosores leaking galeomopus.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 5:40 pm

People ringing up after 7pm, outside a life or Death emergency, deserve to be abused.
Ditto for anyone calling before 7am.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 5:42 pm

It’s early morning in London and The Daily Exposé appears to be grimly hanging on.
Although I am a little confused.
He claims he is banned by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc, but then asks his readers to share his content … on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

October 1, 2022 5:45 pm

The Boomer Left Circles the Bowl

For the Boomer Left, “Our Democracy™” is translated as “Our Legacy™.”

In the past, I’ve mentioned how David Horowitz and Peter Collier aptly pegged their fellow Baby Boomers’ “New Left” as the “destructive generation.” Yet, it must be conceded that the now-aging radicals have managed, indeed, to create something—a paranoid, alternate reality known as “Our Democracy™.”

As with so much of the Baby Boomers’ old (née New) Left rhetoric, one must recognize how they’ve hollowed out the word “democracy” and reloaded it with their own partisan and personal meanings. For the Boomer Left, “Our Democracy™” is translated as “Our Legacy™.”

The fear that one’s life’s work may have been in vain is a powerful one. While most people measure their time in this vale of tears through the personal prism of faith and family, the Boomer leftist’s identity is subsumed by politics and sustained by external validation from their like-minded collective.

When weighing themselves in the balance, the crux becomes “did you further the ‘progressive’ project?” Consequently, as the Boomer Left’s septuagenarian narcissists “rage against the dying of the light” (which is not synonymous with “speaking truth to power,” for introspection isn’t their forte), their greatest fear is that all their earthly works will be undone.

So too, the Boomer Left’s all-consuming, narcissistic fear has proven capable of being inculcated generationally through sundry, escalating degrees of indoctrination. In both rhetoric and reaction, the Boomer Left has led and fed the collective “progressive” Left with a steady diet of paranoia, ironically rendering FDR’s heirs as the party peddling fear itself—not to preserve our actual democracy but their legacy.

And what is the Boomer Left’s legacy to which they so desperately cling as, wine and reefer in hand, they confront their own mortality and their legacy’s precarity?

What the Boomer Left confronts is a paranoid collective wherein God-given, constitutionally recognized, enumerated, and protected rights, such as the free exercise of religion, free speech, the freedom of association, and the right to bear arms are eviscerated.

Where justice is no longer blind, but colored through a political prism for the benefit of the leftist collective; and criminals are the creation and victims of an “unjust” society.

Where liberty and equality are replaced by the DIE cult’s worship of “diversity, inclusion, and equity.”

Where the freedom of conscience and the pursuit of happiness are crushed beneath dictates of the totalitarian state, that is the Boomer Left’s legacy.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2022 6:04 pm

6PR will show you the way, and set you free.

October 1, 2022 6:05 pm

Shut up! KD.

October 1, 2022 6:07 pm

Stooge of big media!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2022 6:08 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

October 1, 2022 at 6:04 pm

6PR will show you the way, and set you free.

And the West Australian.
A top read every day.

October 1, 2022 6:11 pm

You memory is failing you jabbed up clown.

I got jabbed against my will (for what turned out to be the common cold). Big pharma or the bread line.

You should not forget how many people are in my position.

We don’t deserve to condemned or wished ill will.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 1, 2022 6:14 pm

Jim Chalmers is in fact, very, very dumb.

Jim Chalmers in Labor’s Gomer Pyle

October 1, 2022 6:17 pm

I’m sorry I’m a dickhead.

Did he say that?
Man, I’m disappointed, weak as water as Mrs Slocombe used to say.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 1, 2022 6:17 pm

I will not have 6PR lampooned like a can of Woodstock. Keeping taxi drivers informed since … whenever.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2022 6:19 pm

Don’t bully me bespoke!

6PR have excellent talk back you know. They never ever cut me off and then ban me.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 6:19 pm

Jim Chalmers has lowset ears, a certain indicator that he’s not intelligent.
So, who’s giving him his marching orders?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 1, 2022 6:19 pm

October 1, 2022 at 6:11 pm

Dad is up to number 4. I’ll chill on the subject. ABC follower.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 1, 2022 6:19 pm

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

– Confucius

I don’t think Confucius would have made that claim if he’d met Joy Behar

October 1, 2022 6:21 pm

Give KD a pink petal with daisy cluster.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 1, 2022 6:22 pm

I got jabbed against my will (for what turned out to be the common cold). Big pharma or the bread line.

Why didn’t you take leave of absence and go cherry picking at Young until the hysteria blew over?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 1, 2022 6:24 pm

6PR will show you the way

What letters come between ‘P’ and ‘R’?

Think about that.

  1. Have there been increased number of floods in Australia? I don’t think so.

  2. The logistics of organizing the transport of gigantic wind blades through country towns and rural areas was always going to…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x