These Democracies are not the ones you’re looking for.
These Democracies are not the ones you’re looking for.
From the West Australian Kate Chaney has defended east coast donations boosting her re-election campaign for Curtin and challenged the…
Here’s an interesting point: Will the votes from the states who refuse to demand ID be admissable when the Electoral…
Gonna be a bit hard for Elbow to cope with voter priorities: What is the most important issue of the…
All arrivals into Oz: Ten men have been slammed for the “gangster bravado and bloodlust” they displayed as they killed…
And btw – I am definitely not waving the pom-poms for Biden. This war was probably avoidable, IF Biden had staked out a clear position of deterrence, maintained sanctions on Nord Stream, not dumped $80 billion of military hardware in Afghanistan and not slow-walked military aid to Ukraine hoping that Putin would help out with the Iran Deal. All of that together probably convinced Putin that this was his best shot at dismantling the Ukrainian state.
Lost 50% of it’s value since April. At the moment , it’s a dagger. Although the pace of decline is easing.
It’s homing in on the covid lows with a hot war in Europe. Sentiment is shit.
Agreed, but a USD top would be a better catalyst.
Blacks and Hispanics aren’t voting Republican in a thousand years.
Why would they?
Because some are smarter than you ed. You share dickless’s head don’t you. Have you got Ashli’s murder on tape to replay when you feel down.
China keeping quiet but waiting to spring. What a clusterfuck. Or perhaps not.
Ed Casesays:
October 2, 2022 at 10:51 am
Going rate is eight hundred bucks – cash only, no receipt given.
How does that work?
The presentation starts with an acknowledgment: We …
Where’s the cash there?
Yes, people, Dickless really is this dumb.
The cash is in the hand, Dickless.
October 2, 2022 at 11:22 am
Ashli Babbitt was not a victim or a passive observer. She was first to the Speakers Lobby doors. She led the attempted insurrection, literally.
Lie. There was no “attempted insurrection”.
That Epoch Times piece is a bunch of nonsense. If that is your whole argument, you have nothing.
Nyah, nyah, nyah, m0nty-fa won’t listen to different evidence.
Babbitt may have been stupid rather than evil, but the line between the two was fairly blurred among the rioters that day. Either way, Lt. Byrd saved more lives than he took that day.
Prove the last sentence.
Just wait til the Global Times starts running articles on the “unequal Treaty of Aigun”.
Lol and you would know. All internal dissent against Ukraine’s Govt has been crushed long ago. No-one gives a fk what “the people of Ukraine” think or want. This war is well out of their hands now.
We are all being played, Putin most especially.
He doesn’t seem to have any inkling, but he needs to go all Sun Tzu until after the mid terms.
China is in a quandary.
Adding Russia to its portfolio of would be client states in no way substitutes for losing Western economic ties.
It’s reported that the recent meeting between Xi & Putin was difficult for both.
And there’s been no B&R investment in Russia since February.
Explain, Fisk.
I mean, I’ve kind of called this one since March, and you haven’t. So it seems I’m getting better information no? 🙂
China never stops complaining about Teh Century of Humiliation ™ and all the awfully unfair treaties signed by the failing Qing Empire with the evil foreigners (see: the international concessions of Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc, Taiwan to the Japs….), except, curiously, the single biggest transfer of territory to the Russian Empire, which was the Treaty of Aigun! Vladivostok was literally a Chinese city before that! ‘
Chiang Kai Shek was always a lot more assertive on the Qing territorial claims than Mao, because the latter had to get his weapons from Stalin to win the civil war. So the CCP have always been cagey about claiming all the land back from Russia, but everyone knows that if Russia is weakened enough, the CCP will lose no time in “revisiting” the Unequal Treaties.
Ah, so Fisk is our man in Kiev? Right.
And btw, I said Putin couldn’t survive this a couple of months ago. So no, you aren’t getting better info. You’re just a smug prick. (smiley face)
The very basic error that a section of the conservative movement have made on Russia-Ukraine is viewing the entire war through the lens of domestic culture war politics – as if a Putin battlefield victory would some how end the transgender movement in the West or reverse the outcome of the 2020 election – rather than just looking at the competing claims on their own terms.
Credit Suisse almost certainly.
because blacks and hispanics are a monolithic voting bloc?
like you’d know Ed
almost as silly as Fisk claiming to know Russia’s nuclear maintenance budget
cartoon characters
October 2, 2022 at 11:31 am
Ashli Babbitt was not a victim or a passive observer. She was first to the Speakers Lobby doors. She led the attempted insurrection, literally.
She did not commit a crime which carries the death penalty.
You have no proof she was leading an “insurrection”. You cannot get shot for trespassing. The cops made no attempt to restrain her. They did not give a lawful order to stop did they?
She was shot like a feral dog.
Very interesting that the fascist m0nty-fa now openly supports pre-emptive police shootings. If he is not careful, BLM and Ante-fa will combine to use him as a “Nazi” punching bag.
Ed Case says:
October 2, 2022 at 9:42 am
Welcome To Country is a nice thing to have, you’ve gotta be a mean spirited misery guts not to acknowledge that.
FMD, you are either on drugs, drunk, or an nincompoop.
Coupla months ago! A bit behind the curve there, old man.
There has been a short reprieve.
It is now the last weekend to save the Daily Exposé, not the last day.
So there’s still some time, but don’t dilly dally.
It will be Monday before we know it.
Crack open those piggy banks, Cats.
Contrary to popular belief and practice, there is no evidence that the modern indigenous political protocols of “Welcome to Country” and “Acknowledgement of Country” ceremonies were ever a part of traditional Aboriginal culture. Instead, they were created as recently as the 1970’s by none other than Ernie Dingo and Richard Walley. An article in The Australian — published in 2010 — explains that:
ENTERTAINER Ernie Dingo and prominent Perth Aboriginal performer and writer Richard Walley have emerged as the modern-day creators of the controversial “welcome to country” ceremony, after visiting troupes of Pacific dancers forced their hand during a visit to Western Australia in the mid-1970s.
While never an official aboriginal greeting to people who were new to their specific region, Dingo said that it was nonetheless a custom for aboriginal people to “get the sweat from under their arms and rub down the side of your shoulders so any spirits around can smell the perspiration or the odour of the local, and say, he’s right, leave him alone”. This aspect alone has caused organisations such as the Presbyterian Church of Australia to formerly review whether or not it is appropriate for its member
post-modern gibber
October 2, 2022 at 1:06 pm
Credit Suisse almost certainly.
Deutsche Bank would be my pick.
October 2, 2022 at 12:27 pm
Also funny to see the left’s new found love for the neo cons and the Washington war machine.
They’re very programmable, just look at munty.
Indeed. In 2020, during the BLM riots, he was violently anti-police shootings, even with warnings.
Now he follows the leftist post-Jan 6 narrative, that pre-emptive police shootings are good.
Welcome to Country
Only Traditional Owners/Custodians of the land on which the event takes place can deliver a Welcome to Country. (for MONEY, as much as they can get)
To arrange a Welcome to Country in your area, contact our Regional Network office nearest you. They can provide contact details for a Traditional Owner/Custodian.
Acknowledgement of Country
If a Traditional Owner is not available to do a Welcome to Country, an Acknowledgement of Country can be delivered instead.
An Acknowledgement of Country is usually delivered as part of Welcome and Housekeeping at meetings and events.
It should be delivered at significant/large internal meetings or meetings with external participants e.g. branch meetings, inter-departmental meetings etc.
There are three types of Acknowledgement of Country:
Generic — this should be used if you don’t know the name of the people on whose land you are gathered, or if there are disputes about the land (multiple Aboriginal peoples identify as Traditional Custodians for that area). The words are:
‘I begin today by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we today, and pay my respects to their Elders past and present. I extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples here today.’
Specific — this should be used where there are no disputes and you know the name of the people on whose land you are gathered. The words are:
‘I begin today by acknowledging the people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we today, and pay my respects to their Elders past and present. I extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples here today.’
General (Australia wide – webinar / website / printed material) – The words are:
‘In the spirit of reconciliation the [organisation] acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.’
You may also like to contact your local land council or one of our Regional Network offices for more advice about acknowledging Traditional Owners in your area.
Advice from Reconciliation Australia
‘There are no set protocols or wording for an Acknowledgement of Country, though often a statement may take the following forms.’
General: I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today. I would also like to pay my respects to Elders past and present.
Specific: I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today, the (people) of the (nation) and pay my respects to Elders past and present.
Example from ReconciliationAustralia.org.au:
Reconciliation Australia acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
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I think this was mentioned the other day.
Where’s all the mining being done?
Bitcoin mining more emissions-intensive than beef production, uses more energy than Austria, study finds
ABC Science /
October 2, 2022 at 1:16 pm
Ed Case says:
October 2, 2022 at 9:42 am
Welcome To Country is a nice thing to have, you’ve gotta be a mean spirited misery guts not to acknowledge that.
FMD, you are either on drugs, drunk, or an nincompoop.
You are talking about Dickless Ed here. Consider the possibility that all three options apply. Drugged, drunk and a nincompoop.
DB has been “on the brink” since 2008. It’s chock full of dud CDS. The ECB and BIS has their back.
The Ernie Dingo I used to know regarded pulling the legs of gullible “whitefellas” as being fine sport. He doesn’t seem to have changed….
What happened to old mate Armchair Warlord?
The larrikinism & pranking notwithstanding, was he a very private & withdrawn bloke back then?
Locked his account after claiming Ukraine was on the verge of a Battle of the Bulge style defeat on the first day of the Kharkiv offensive. Humiliating.
Too funny. Was he really a US Army armoured corps Captain?
A man was in a tattoo shop getting some new work done. The artist was known to be quite an airhead, but everyone agreed he did amazing artwork. So there he was working on this bloke. A portrait of an Indian that was a full back piece. At one point the client tells the artist “Oh yeah, I want the Indian holding a tomahawk. I think that’ll look awesome”. The artist replied, cool as a cucumber. “A tomahawk huh? Woah, easy there, fella. One thing at a time. I haven’t even finished his turban yet”.
You cannot open a book without learning something.
– Confucius
I am under no illusions about the war ending any time soon. Ukraine enjoys a lot of battlefield advantages right now with Putin’s mobilisation coming too late to affect things before winter hits. Things will be different later on, no doubt. Will there be a Russian spring offensive? Probably. Then the shoe will be on the other foot.
As long as Putin can keep domestic politics below boiling point, he can dig in for a long while too.
I wonder if a lot of aboriginal place names really mean “fuck off, whitey” in the local language?
Our Emperor Has No Brain
Biden must know he’s losing his mind – Staying in office is clearly more important than doing the right thing and resigning.
I normally feel great sympathy for any person battling the terrible disease of dementia. However, in the case of President Biden, who the whole world knows is battling this affliction, the sentiment I feel is closer to disgust.
The reason my normal empathy is lacking is that President Biden himself must know he has this condition … and he won’t acknowledge this and do what’s best for the country and resign.
Not only does Present Biden know this so too does his wife and children. So too does every person who works in the White House. Indeed, it now must be a 24-hour operation for White House aides to write the teleprompter scripts and stage directions they must produce for President Biden.
The best (dark) comedy bit proving my conjecture occurred when White House aides dressed up a volunteer as the Easter Bunny and said Easter Bunny performed his assigned task of keeping our president away from reporters and Easter egg hunters.
What motivated me to write this column is the cringe-inducing moment that happened yesterday when President Biden (going off script) asked if a deceased Congress person was in the room.
My new maxim is that what shouldn’t happen … will happen (and vice versa). So it’s very possible President Biden will still be president in January 2025. At that point, I can’t imagine the post-traumatic stress of White House handlers who got “Bernie” through not one weekend, but 208 weekends.
One day someone will write the White House tell-all of all tell-alls and the public will belatedly learn how severe President Biden’s cognitive condition really was. Until that day, we’ll continue to live in the surreal world depicted in the Peter Sellers’ cult classic “Being There.”
And they claim its not about subjugation. This is stupid and dangerous because it will filter down to personal interactions. Similar to the US.
I don’t think the source ABC report actually says anything of the sort.
On the indigenous place names thing.
The biggest town near us has a decidedly Anglo name, but sits astride the boundary of three “First Nations” lands.
Despite what Bruce Pascoe might say, no Aboriginal cartographer clearly documented the boundaries.
I see some very long hyphenated place names in it’s future.
Take the You Cringe, You Lose challenge with sTan Grant’s latest undergraduate essay, this time exploring income inequality. OMG could it be destroying democracy? Strap yourself in for some big brain thoughts.
It follows the usual sTan Grant formula of cause and effect: lash a few current goings-on together using some basic bitch pretext, name-drop a handful of notable academics and apply their philosophies in a way that demonstrates a superficial (at best) understanding of them, then arrive at a hackneyed, totally unoriginal, totally predictable conclusion.
sTan really ain’t the brightest, though he sure wants you to think he is. It’s really awkward. He’s like a middle class teenager who’s just discovered socialism.
Speaking of basic bitch thinking…hi m0nty.
Landholders in these parts have reported the odd tresspass from indigenous kids who take “always was, always will be” quite literally. Police are reluctant to intervene if the trespassers claim to be engaging in “cultural activities”.
There was a recent case in central QLD where police issued an apology to an aboriginal man after he was removed from pastoral leasehold land and took his case to the QLD Human Rights Commission which determined that under the Hunan Rights Act the man had a right to perform ceremonies on his traditional land.
Where will it end?
I wonder what sort of remuneration Grant is on? In other words, how much is he lifting of the taxpayer including your average Coles check out chick? The marxist playgroup got quite cranky a few years back when their salaries were published. Time to know again and anyway I thought pubic serpent salaries were meant to be public knowledge. It really is obscene, grotesque and feudal that these ABC parasites get paid massive (secret) salaries to lecture and insult productive Australians. Fuck off ABC and fuck off Canbra.
There was a recent case in central QLD where police issued an apology to an aboriginal man after he was removed from pastoral leasehold land and took his case to the QLD Human Rights Commission which determined that under the Hunan Rights Act the man had a right to perform ceremonies on his traditional land.
Where will it end?
Attacking property rights is a big part of the left’s objectives (except theirs of course)
My grandfather pioneered the family farm in the early 1920’s. He wrote in his journal “Nothing. No campsites, no middens, no bones, no cavepaintings, nothing. No sign that mine weren’t the first footprints, ever, on this part of Earth.” That passage gets quoted to any of the “Always was, always will be..”
For whatever reason, we discovered that the last of the “traditional owners” lived two hundred kilometers away, and had never set foot on the place in their lives..
Yes, it is, but following on from bespoke’s comment, I was thinking of the personal level.
Someone is going to get hurt or killed and someone else is going to get put through the racism wringer by the media and likely a criminal trial, which will all set back local relations between the indigenous and whites which have hitherto been quite low key and positive.
Presumably there was no bush tucker or game to be had there.
Race war.
I think that’s what they want that too Roger- they’ve tried to start a race war in the US and the Australian left, being completely devoid of original thought or intelligence takes all its cues from the American left. The left does not want people of difference races to get along.
October 2, 2022 at 1:58 pm
I am under no illusions about the war ending any time soon. Ukraine enjoys a lot of battlefield advantages right now with Putin’s mobilisation coming too late to affect things before winter hits. Things will be different later on, no doubt. Will there be a Russian spring offensive? Probably. Then the shoe will be on the other foot.
As long as Putin can keep domestic politics below boiling point, he can dig in for a long while too.
m0nty-fa has reviewed his support for a fascist police state this morning, and decided that backing off on the forecast of Wussian victory might distract attention from that.
There was a native title claim placed over one of my exploration leases in the WA Goldfields back in the early 2000’s by an aboriginal “elder” who lived in a nearby town. Strangely, it was only a few days after the exploration claim was lodged with WA Mines.
It held up operations for over two years, cost me tens of thousands of dollars in cancelled hire contracts and administration costs (travel, government licence fees, lawyers. etc. etc.).
It finally made a court date, the “elder” never appeared, nor did anyone appear to represent him. Claim dismissed, exploration licence granted, work commenced.
The bloke who filed the original native title claim was never heard of again, and the QANGO organisation that funded his claim refused to divulge his whereabouts or give any information about where he might be found.
Rinse and repeat, over and over for countless other miners.
Yet it supported farming, meaning there was water.
Let’s just say Zulu could be economical with the truth when it suits his argument.
Cite you the case of the well, supposedly dug by the elders, and used as a campsite since time immemorial…actually dug by the Army in World War Two…
So, you asked for Costs, right, Pedro?
Grogs beclowns himself, in one easy lesson…..
Of course.
Costs were awarded, could never find anybody to recover them, claimant in the wind.
Still looking after nearly twenty years. Fat chance.
Old story but wow, lost for words
You farmed without water, Zulu?
Alt-Right academic, Richard Hanania, has called it. The China/Russia alternatives are a busted flush. Long live the globohomo empire!
Grogs beclowns himself even further…
So, there is water on the property, but the local Aborigines never found it in 2,000 years of walking around.
Big Serge has locked his account for a few days. Armchair Warlord took a month or mores break. Came back about a month ago and gave it up within a week. Perfectly understandable.
Groogs dreamtime needs work.
I want to give him a hint, but…nah.
Once during a major war, the soldiers were looting all villages, of food, wine and women.
Before they could enter one such village, the villagers decide to scarper, except for one young man, who had a 80-year-old grandmother. So the soldiers found the one occupied house and tore inside.
“Bring us some food!” they demanded. The young man said “But I have only half a loaf of bread”. “War is War, bring us the food!”
So he gives his last morsel of food.
“Bring us some wine!” “But I doubt if there is any in the house, you know how things are these days!” “War is War, bring us the wine!”
So the young man manages half a bottle and gives it to them.
“Now, bring us a woman!” “But everyone has left the village. The only female here is my 80-year-old grandmother!!” “War is War, bring her to us!”
The old woman is brought and she’s so frail and weak that the soldiers decide against it and say “We’ll let you off this time.’” Granny says “The hell you will, War is War!”
Scrolling back, what’s all this stuff about Navy Intelligence?
I worked in it for most of my Service time. Is there something I should have seen?
There’s a major reason why the world in 2022 is like the world in 1939
When Russia invaded Ukraine in February, the world was not on the brink of anything resembling a world war.
If you took a time machine and went back to February 2022 and asked the American people if they’d be willing to spend more than $50 billion and send the world into an economic tailspin if Russia invaded Ukraine, my guess is they would have said no. They might have talked about bulking up NATO forces, they might have talked about sanctions, but I doubt they would have supported propping up a corrupt regime in a notoriously corrupt nation with tens of billions of dollars that taxpayers already struggling under the weight of inflation and economic malaise would have to pay. Nor would they have wanted to bring America and the world to the brink of a nuclear cataclysm.
But here we are, six months later, exactly there, with Vladimir Putin opaquely threatening to use nuclear weapons and the leader of Ukraine goading the United States to strike first with its nuclear weapons.
What is saddest about all this is it didn’t have to happen. A new piece in Foreign Affairs states, “[I]n April 2022, Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim settlement: Russia would withdraw to its position on February 23, when it controlled part of the Donbas region and all of Crimea, and in exchange, Ukraine would promise not to seek NATO membership and instead receive security guarantees from a number of countries.” So essentially, in April, less than two months after the beginning of the war, the parties involved were close to agreement with returning to the status quo of what existed the day before Russia invaded. But the agreement collapsed. Why? Two words: Joe Biden.
Pravda, a Russian mouthpiece, claims that Boris Johnson tried to block any peace negotiations. Again, that’s Pravda, but it comports with known facts and Johnson never denied saying in private what he’d already said in public.
So, essentially, the combatants had resolved their conflict, only to have the west appear saying it would rather have more war. The “they” in that statement is telling. Johnson was no doubt acting on behalf of the man who “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”; that is, Joe Biden.
At the very moment when a fragile peace could have been worked out and negotiators begun to solve the differences between Russia and Ukraine, Joe Biden steps in and does what he does best, mess things up. The timeline here is interesting. Even though, on March 10, the US promised Ukraine $13 billion and, on March 26, Biden told the world that Putin “cannot remain in power,” the Russian and Ukrainian negotiators were still able to come to an agreement on a peace deal. And staggeringly, Joe Biden scuttled it.
Here we are in September, and much of the world is in recession, prices for everything are up dramatically, the US has provided Ukraine with upwards of $60 billion in aid, and Europe is facing energy shortages and skyrocketing prices just as winter approaches. And now nuclear war is in the air.
All of this because Joe Biden wants revenge on Russia for something it didn’t even do.
And there we have it. The world of 2022 is looking a bit more like the Europe of the late 1930s and on the brink of nuclear war because of Joe Biden’s Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Me farm in area with enough rainfall/running water to grow wheat & sheep, but Aboriginal Hunter/Gatherers had no luck there.
I’ll have 20 bucks wortha that bullshit, Zulu!
Put me down for a Ton
The Difference Biden/Trump
For “Joe Biden” read “Obama and US Democrats”. The idea Joe Biden is driving any of this is laughable.
Our village idiot can’t even cut and paste a quote correctly. Sad.
A bit of advice JC, invite the munster round for chow down a few times, then suggest to the missus a weekend away with the Munsters and she’ll be thinking the US is looking good again.
Tactical brilliance Ranga!
Interesting article, OldOzzie. Why do you think the world is on the brink of nuclear war, and who do you think is going to use nuclear weapons?
Groogs reduced to verballing now. Mother would not approve.
The Louis Vuittons will be stacked up in the hallway before m0nster has inhaled his third piece of cheesecake.
Elbow’s government to repatriate “Australian” ISIS widows and children from Syrian camps.
Over 500 scientific papers to be withdrawn by publisher
He dared tell the truth, so he must go.
House Democrats demand resignation of World Bank chief over climate remarks
Close enough, though I’d say you’d need to be lobotomised to even consider it.
Trans treatments are the new lobotomy
Fed’s preferred gauge shows inflation accelerated even more than expected in August
Snowden Didn’t “Flee to Russia”: Obama Trapped Him There
They’re doing equally well with their health policies as their policing policies.
NY Declares Polio ‘An Imminent Threat To Public Health’
Evolution of War Projectiles
Naomi Wolf: Elites covering up deadly vax ‘complicit in a massive crime’
Brooks: Italy, Sweden Results Send ‘Big Message for Joe Biden, You’ve Got to Control the Borders’
Exclusive — Tom Emmer: Pelosi Continues ‘Worldwide’ Farewell Tour as DCCC Cuts Off Vulnerable Members
REVEALED: Pfizer CEO Met with EU President Ursula von der Leyen Before Multi-Billion-Euro Deal Struck on Vaccines – And Now He Won’t Testify Before EU Committee
Sancho Panzersays:
October 2, 2022 at 1:18 pm
There has been a short reprieve.
It is now the last weekend to save the Daily Exposé, not the last day.
So there’s still some time, but don’t dilly dally.
It will be Monday before we know it.
Crack open those piggy banks, Cats.
Meanwhile, the MSM whores that relies on the corporates to keep them going, fails to make a mention from you.
Funny that.
Based natural selection.
Just for Custard
I don’t know about the “bring down” part, but pedophilia is most certainly happening, and more and more out in the open.
Under the property, certainly.
“…the cultural critique of modernism, of cosmopolitanism, whatever you want to call it, urbanism, it’s cohering around the world. And we see it in almost every Western country.”
Alas, I’d suggest you could probably count the number of Liberals who realise this on one hand.
Indolent at 4:22.
Dare to hazard a guess as to why Polio, a disease which had, to all intents and purposes, been eliminated in the Western World, is on the rise?
I’ll give you a hint.
It has to do with loons like RFK Jnr hijacking the Covid argument to run a campaign against all vaccines.
Why the Air Force grounded most if its workhorse C-130H cargo planes
The Air Force is unable to fly 116 of its 128 C-130H cargo planes due to issues with how the propellers on the craft were assembled, Air Mobility Command confirmed Friday.
The 116 affected planes, which consist of the C-130H model and variants, were initially grounded Tuesday. Inspections continue to figure out which of those aircraft have defective propeller barrels.
“[The] propeller barrels in question had been installed in 100 C-130Hs, as well as the entire inventories of eight MC-130H Combat Talons, seven EC-130H Compass Calls, and one TC-130H,” according to Defense News.
Air Mobility Command told Defense News that the issue was uncovered by a maintenance crew. While running a test on a plane that had recently undergone maintenance, they found that the propeller was persistently leaky.
Technicians discovered a crack in the propeller’s barrel, and further inspection uncovered two more planes with the same issue. Air Mobility Command then mandated the field inspection of all planes with the older model of propeller, before ordering all problematic propellers replaced.
There was an old priest who got sick of all the people in his parish who kept confessing to adultery.
One Sunday, in the pulpit, he said “If I hear one more person confess to adultery, I’ll quit!”
Everyone liked him, so they came up with a code word. Someone who had committed adultery would say instead that they had “fallen”.
This seemed to satisfy the old priest and things went well until the priest passed away at a ripe, old age.
A few days after the new priest arrived, he visited the Mayor of the town and seemed very concerned.
“Mayor, you have to do something about the pavements in town. When people come into the confessional, they keep telling me they’ve fallen”.
The Mayor started to laugh, realising that no one had told the new priest about the code word. But, before he could explain, the priest shook an accusing finger at him and shouted “I don’t know what you’re laughing about, because they tell me your wife has already fallen three times this week!”
Polio vaccine, apparently it’s the vaccine people forget about when declared the covid vaccines are the first not to prevent transmission.
Lizzo Twerking With Madison’s Flute Is The Antithesis Of Civilizational Excellence
Our culture delights in the desecration of the sacred. The desecration is sometimes unthinkingly casual, but often deliberately profane.
James Madison, the new world’s great political mind, appeared coincident in history with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the old world’s great artistic mind. Of the entire founding class, it is Madison, born three months after the declared start of music’s high classical period, who lived most contemporaneously alongside mankind’s greatest artistic achievements.
Not entirely unreasonable then, that Madison would come to develop a taste for fine art and culture — a taste which developed then flourished not least by way of his enduring relationship with his political ally and predecessor in office, Thomas Jefferson.
Civilizational Excellence in Decline
That ambition stands in stark juxtaposition to the crude morass into which our fourth president’s antique crystal flute was thrust as a stage prop at Lizzo’s Washington D.C. show, Tuesday night.
“It’s like playing out of a wine glass b-tch, so be patient”, she remonstrated, flippantly hauling the priceless antique onto the stage, clad in a leotard, and clawing at the ancient keys with inch-long alienesque nails.
But of course, there was no music to it. Just a solitary f@rted-out “C#,” a trill from “B,” and of course, the accompanying twerking.
In the twerking, it seems, we always find the very antithesis of that aforementioned civilizational excellence. Not just the act itself, which to be sure, is a special variety of 21st-century personal vulgarity, but in the collective response it provokes.
It is the twerk that seems to evince in any crowd a manifest succumbing to the worst angels of our natures. The brainless shrieks of approval, the demented adulation for an unveiled sexuality not content with mere liberality, but further possessed of a flippant, aggressive, and unapologetically performative disposition.
I see the dirty old woman is on a jaunt around the world –
Pelosi has been traveling around the world, almost unnoticeably, while she makes her “farewell tour” as speaker of the House.
These people are toxic garbage.
Exclusive — Tom Emmer: Pelosi Continues ‘Worldwide’ Farewell Tour as DCCC Cuts Off Vulnerable Members
I read about that too OldOzzie- the American left is rubbing people’s noses in their filth now.
Top Endersays:
October 2, 2022 at 3:47 pm
Scrolling back, what’s all this stuff about Navy Intelligence?
I worked in it for most of my Service time. Is there something I should have seen?
Dickless Ed thinks that Ashlii Babbit (formerly USAF) was part of a Naval Intelligence plot to simulate an “insurrection” at the US Capitol in January 2021. (Ans that she is still alive.)
Not sure what he is smoking, but I doubt that it is legal.
October 2, 2022 at 5:09 pm
I read about that too OldOzzie- the American left is rubbing people’s noses in their filth now.
Did you Click Through?
Author – Ben Crocker is an Australian conductor, scholar, and writer, currently serving as Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation scholar, in Washington DC.
Yeah I did but I also saw it on PJ Media last week. It’s the spite and obscenity that’s beyond belief.
Yes he seemed to know the notes!
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
October 2, 2022 at 4:48 pm
So, there is water on the property, but the local Aborigines never found it in 2,000 years of walking around.
Under the property, certainly.
Surely Brice Pascoe mentions the development by aborigines of drilling equipment and windmills in his comprehensive history?
Ukraine is our little bitch and they will do what they are told.
It’s done now, negotiate an out so that it doesn’t escalate further into a big kaboom.
There is a peace deal because most of the areas taken by Russia are Russian people. As I said, why do you want to have those fuckers under your tent when they hate and want to kill you?
Also, I think the Americans have have gone overboard. Their objective is no longer to just help Ukraine, it now appears to be something else like wanting to dismantle the Russian military. Rasputin has miscalculated before and you don’t want him fucking up and begin using nukes.
Rasputin’s beef is with the US. He thinks the US is always bullying other countries. He’s obsessed with the Americans. It’s not a good position to be in when Russia is losing and el Capitan (US) is seen as wanting to destroy Russia. It’s a very ugly situation.
This is why I think Mollie Hemingway’s commentary is pretty decent. Demented keeps pushing. The Demonrats have caused this for the reasons I mentioned earlier.
Crikey, I accidentally read an Ed Case comment.
Are they all this stupid, or is this one an unusual example of ignorance of the topic?
Brother got the all clear so excellent news there.
Can now turn my attention to other things coming up like pennant bowls and tonight’s NRL decider. Reckon Penriff will get the bikkies by 18+
war is in the air, everywhere I look around
War is in the air, every news and every sound
And I don’t know if I’m being foolish
Don’t know if I’m being wise
But it’s something that I must not be deceived in
And it’s there when I look in Europe’s eyes
Dover, doesn’t this bilge deserve to be posted at the Duel thread? Sure, it’s Head, but there’s just thin assertion without anything to back it up. It’s just stupid abuse.
Guidance please.
The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.
– Confucius
Up there with broadacre machinery and minimum till agriculture.
Dare to hazard a guess as to why Polio, a disease which had, to all intents and purposes, been eliminated in the Western World, is on the rise?
Okay, I’ll bite:
1. Polio is on the rise in the Third World because of malnutrition and drinking water contaminated by sewage
2. Before Third Worlders woke up and refused the vaccine, Polio was diagnosed as Infantile Paralysis, same as happened here
Here’s an Odds On cert:
Since some NGO resumed diagnosing Polio as Polio, Infantile Paralysis diagnoses have crashed.
I’m so sorry…he’s from Brisbane.
Mollie Hemingway accusing Demented of escalating the Cold/Hot war with Russia. She sums it up well.\
Stop it before it really gets ugly.
Yore GranPappy was using minimum till agriculture?
The smooth brains m0nty steals his analysis from still think it’s 1942 on the eastern front. m0nty, it was the Wehrmacht that couldn’t conduct Winter offensives in the east and had to wait until Spring (and late Spring at that, when the mud had dried) before launching its major offensives. Hence the dopey assumption that warfighting grinds to a halt during Russian winters. Nope! The Red Army, once it was unquestionably ascendant over the Wehrmacht in late 1942-early 1943, went on the offensive and basically didn’t stop until they’d overrun Berlin.
Both the Russians and Ukrainians are perfectly capable of conducting strategic winter operations in that part of the world. Obviously.
Good news BB. Don’t miss the Lezball grandfinal first.
Oic, Ed Case is just being a contrarian. He doesn’t believe any of his own clueless comments.
Back to “scroll” 😛
Black Ballsays:
October 2, 2022 at 5:33 pm
Brother got the all clear so excellent news there.
Can now turn my attention to other things coming up like pennant bowls and tonight’s NRL decider. Reckon Penriff will get the bikkies by 18+
There’s a Football Game on Tonight?
If you know nothing about farming or are incapable of instantly identifying the glaring (& very deliberate) hole in Ed Case’s logic – then it’s probably best to not chip in.
Years late but ya got there.
This is an attempt at SeaLioning by proxy and
Yes, it does belong on the Duelling Thread
However, this particular commenter appears frighted of taking it to the duelling thread.
No problem, let’s obtain guidance from Dover and see if low IQ assertions are okay in place of explanations.
There’s a reason he’s on the “scroll past” list of many.
He doesn’t add anything & it saves having to use brain bleach if you don’t read him in the first place.
Welcome to the new multipolar geo-political world order.
Then please scroll past like you said but didn’t do. You’re merely demonstrating you have no tolerance for Dover’s directions. Take it to the duel thread or scroll. In your case it’s scroll if you’re just contemplating another dumb assertion without explanation. No more on this as you’re thread wrecking now. Thanks Drills.
Both the Russians and Ukrainians are perfectly capable of conducting strategic winter operations in that part of the world. Obviously.
The Ukes are being resupplied through Poland by NATO, so, yeah, they can keep going.
Unlike 1942, they aren’t being resupplied by the U.S.A. or anybody else, so the writing is on the wall for Mr. Putin.
A losing Rasputin is a very dangerous animal. He cannot contemplate losing because losing would mean he would likely be dethroned and therefore deadsky. If he’s forced to look at the abyss Rasputin has nukes.
JC, if you want to play up, don’t tell us about it, just click to the stoush thread & carry on there.
Thank you.
I will if I choose, but I’m not the problem, You are which is why I asked Dover to offer guidance about where your comment belongs. Thanks.
Piers Akerman today
The prospect of Italian politician Giorgia Meloni becoming Italian prime minister has sent the progressive world into a tailspin.
She’s been slammed as far-right, fascist even, because elements of her party can trace their heritage back to the fascist Benito Mussolini. There is, however, zero evidence – so far – that she intends to reintroduce any of Mussolini’s heinous policies.
The same shaming argument could be used against the ALP for its links to Communism and the White Australia policy.
What frightens the progressives in Europe (and Australia) is Meloni’s embrace of traditional values which don’t include bowing before the shrill advocates of identity politics.
She is condemned, as she said in a speech to the World Congress of Families, because she defines herself as an Italian Christian woman and mother.
Identifying by nationality is a sign of aberrant nationalism to progressives who insist that we must all pretend that we believe we are all equal and virtually anonymous within the United Nations.
Unless of course you are at present a Ukrainian (and Meloni is opposed to the authoritarian criminal Putin’s attempt to seize swathes of that country).
Or, in Australia’s case, you are attending an event organised by a historically corrupt sporting organisation such as FIFA’s soccer World Cup in Qatar, which managed to secure the rights to the 2022 event despite its flagrant breach of universal human rights.
Let’s just say there will be no homosexual pride rallies in Qatar, where Muslims face the death penalty for acts of sodomy while others merely face fines or up to three years in prison.
Of course, just as the Nazis tried to hide their anti-Semitic policies during the 1936 Berlin Olympics to convince visitors they were just a friendly lederhosen-wearing, beer-drinking bunch of well-intentioned citizens, the Qatar government has said it will permit foreign same-sex couples to hold hands and kiss in public without fear of arrest during the World Cup.
Turning a blind eye to reality is so commonplace in the progressive world now that it’s amazing supporters don’t fall over in giddy heaps.
The European nations that so eagerly signed up to every stupid emissions target and closed their coal and nuclear plants are now falling over each other in their race to recommission coal mines, restart coal-fuelled power plants and even introduce fracking as the prospect of a winter in which they may have to rely on unreliable renewable sources of solar and wind power becomes a reality.
From the Baltic to the Mediterranean, the smug, once-socialist nations are being forced to rethink suites of policies.
The Germans have walked back from their beloved Mutti Merkel’s ban on nuclear and coal, and are living with millions of unwanted migrants who flocked into the country following her erasure of borders.
The Swedes are not only rethinking their neutrality but have rejected the soft progressive migration policy which saw their country invaded by sham refugees with a tendency to violence such that Sweden is known not only for being the birthplace of Ikea but for topping the European charts for rapes, shootings and bombings.
The progressives are silent about these facts but find the time to protest against Meloni’s defence of the natural family founded on marriage, her desire to increase the birth rate of Italian nationals so as to avoid the need to rely on newly-arrived migrants for the workforce, and to put a value on human life and freedom in education while rejecting gender ideology.
Western feminists have largely been as silent about the protests against Iran’s mullahs for their murderous attacks against women who refuse to wear hijabs as they have been in support of Meloni.
She should be an international standard-bearer for women as the only female party secretary in Italy, a candidate for the mayoralty of Rome while pregnant, a voice for those who want to be mothers and hold power.
As she said, the low birth rate is the biggest problem facing Europe.
Meloni believes in a society where every choice has consequences and you accept responsibility for them.
She rejects a society where every desire becomes a right, every whim becomes a right and no one bears any responsibility.
Perhaps Meloni has drawn so much angst because she represents a link to values that the social media culture abhors but which were lauded when the Queen’s life was celebrated just a week ago.
She has held up a mirror to the progressive society and the picture isn’t pretty.
In a recent speech she quoted the British author G.K. Chesterton’s lines: “Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.”
Division based on racial heritage has no place in modern Australia
Those swords have already been drawn here when so-called experts introduce their indulgent tailored versions of facts to support unproven modelling of everything from global warming to pandemic controls.
Conservatives should take heart that the progressive world is showing signs of decay.
You need a duel button on the posts.
The USA and friends are playing a very dangerous game for the Soviet hardliners are still there behind Putin and blowing up the pipelines has now shown Russia that this is a war intended to defang and declaw the Bear, assuming they would even allow it to still breathe. That means that pushed up against the wall, Russia will have no choice but to use at least tactical nuclear weapons.
Hi Drills
Head has been good enough and respectful to Dover, and responded to your mere assertions over at the dueling thread. You need to go there now. Thanks.
You need to get bit by a rattlesnake and meet some hippies on the beach.
Come on baby, light my fire control system!
Sorry, let’s get this straight – if Putin fired tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine, you would support this right? (“have no choice”)
A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home.
He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed: “Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home. I want her to know what I go through, so please allow her body to switch with mine for a day. Amen”.
God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man’s wish.
The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman. He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awakened the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches, drove them to school, came home and picked up the dry cleaning, took it to the cleaners and stopped at the bank to make a deposit, went grocery shopping, then drove home to put away the groceries, paid the bills and balanced the check book. He cleaned the cat’s litter box and bathed the dog.
By then it was 1pm and he hurried to make the beds, do the laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor. He ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home. Set out cookies and milk and got the kids organised to do their homework, then set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing.
At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for salad, breaded the pork chops and snapped fresh beans for supper. After supper he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed.
Come 9pm he was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren’t finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he managed to get through without complaint.
The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said “Lord, I don’t know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my wife’s being able to stay home all day. Please, oh please, let us trade back”.
The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied “My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were. You’ll just have to wait nine months, though. You got pregnant last night”.
Ed Casesays:
October 2, 2022 at 5:47 pm
Up there with broadacre machinery and minimum till agriculture.
Yore GranPappy was using minimum till agriculture?
Was the (very obvious) sarcasm too subtle for you?
I’d be interested in seeing the rationale for a natural storage of potable water being required to grow a crop.
It’d be about as necessary as an ashtray on an Isle of Man racing motorcycle.
Will JC roll back his comments suggesting CO2 via “risk analysis”…. we should go nuclear?
Attaching yourself to a fraud to make a case is not a good look, yet you did it.
CO2 in the atmosphere is not a threat, much like methane.
Are you sure about that?
Meloni was a WEF Young Leader.
She’s a NeoLiberal Wolf in Sheep’s clothing.
Such as?
If Ackerman is talking about detaining Communists, then he needs to explain what was heinous about detaining Antonio Gramsci.
Dryland agriculture…who’d have thought it possible?
Mmm…the ancient upper Mesopotamians, I guess, just for starters.
But that policy of cutting Ukraine loose has already been tried and failed – Biden provided no military support in February, next to nothing in March, moved the US embassy to Lviv (winking at Putin’s fait accompli) and offered a helicopter ride to Zelenskyy. Obviously, Ukraine had other ideas, and Russia’s invasion stalled in the face of serious resistance (and no, John Kerry, Putin isn’t helping Biden with the Iran deal), and Ukraine certainly aren’t going to stop fighting now.
There is no evidence that the majority of Russian speakers in Ukraine support Putin’s annexation, or that they are especially hostile to Zelenskyy – after all, he got most of his votes from the Russian-speaking regions in the 2019 elections. It’s also worth noting that Ukraine voted 90% for independence from the USSR in 1991, with none of the Russian-speaking areas tipping below 80% (except for Crimea, which was around 55%).
The real problem with supporting a peace deal is that it needs to outline exactly what that deal is going to look like. To get Ukraine to stop fighting, it would have to at a minimum push Russia back to its Feb 23 lines. But Putin isn’t going to pull back voluntarily under any circumstances. So if you really want a negotiated solution, you actually need to ESCALATE substantially against Putin and then pull back once he’s been thrown to where you want him (sort of like Nixon’s strategy against N.Vietnam).
Where I live now was, due to absence of year-round water supply, totally ignored & untouched by Aboriginal tribes, it wasn’t the domain of any tribe & is in the confluence of three tribes, used by none.
That has changed. Despite a total & complete lack of artifacts or any other trace, all three tribes now claim it was used by them, lotsa.
This is quite confusing, coz no matter what, if the soft-headed left imply the land is traditionally owed by an Aboriginal tribe, there’s two tribes immediately pop up & vehemently denounce the claim.
No matter what, she’s two to one against any claim. Quite entertaining to watch the hopscotch negotiated by the whitey pen-pushers of the indigenous industry.
Unlike 1942, they aren’t being resupplied by the U.S.A. or anybody else, so the writing is on the wall for Mr. Putin.
Head Case – The Russians can make their own weapons in Russia and the war is now being financed by the US/EU Sanctions only working to increase Russia’s revenue from increased prices for Oil and Gas (up some $US 67 Million since the war started). The Sanctions are actually working in Russia’s favour and not as intended by the West (to hurt Russia).
Boambee John says:
October 2, 2022 at 1:29 pm
October 2, 2022 at 1:16 pm
Ed Case says:
October 2, 2022 at 9:42 am
Yes and you made me laugh out loud. Thanks
I don’t when US support arrived in the Ukraine. Mollie suggests its US$67 billion so far and that’s just US support without counting what the rest of NATO is sending over. Most certainly Ukraine is where it is and so is Russia because of outside support to the Ukrainians.
Look, I am not supportive of Russia. I think Rasputin is a corrupt piece of shit. I just don’t want to see this getting really ugly.
Some traditional hunting items that must have been invented by aboriginal people. Tinnies, 30 caliber rifles, nylon fishing lines, nylon fish nets, styrofoam floats.
And their artists made canvas, plywood and masonite board, acrylic and oil base paints.
I nearly forgot the wheel…………………………………
Black Ballsays:
October 2, 2022 at 6:09 pm
Piers Akerman today
I thought Piers was dead. Good to see he’s still exhaling and writing good stuff. Meloni is talking the talk; let’s hope she walks the walk.
Those maps delineating tribal national boundaries are holy writ, don’t you know.
Those borders, at least, are respected by the left!
I kid you not, one day in the bar a member of some now defunct Indigenous Congress (the cocktail bar that is, the entitleocracy don’t slum it in the public bar) spent about 15 minutes explaining to a TV cameraman that all those things actually are traditional Aboriginal hunting implements.
His rationale required some pretty fair quantum leaps to follow, however he’d convinced himself & was hell-bent on convincing everybody else.
Your Kipling Pome this morning – The Stranger – and one of the replies:
Stan on March 12, 2018 at 9:05 PM
I watched on ADH Alan Jones delivering the closing key address at CPAC and it was a tour de force. He spared nobody in Australian politics particularly the Liberals and he named names. Just like me, he is not impressed by Dutton.
I must attend next year.
How much of the cereal growing acreage in Australia has year-round bush water? (say within 10 miles)
One quarter?
Thus the other three quarters must be growing cereal only in their imagination or something.
I’m struggling with Ed’s rationale for how grain cannot be grown without a swimming pool or something occurring naturally every coupla miles.
This may be another “Traffic paddles” moment.
Particularly when you need a dry finish.
Isn’t Dutton turning out to be like dynamite without a fuse.
Huh? Please explain.
(in the context of waterholes, not weather)
It was announced that the CPAC had astronomical live-streaming statistics with just ADH recording over 750,000 and Sky News having record stats, US stats yet to be reported.
Surely this should change some minds in the Liberal/National leadership.
1. What did he say about him?
2. Why don’t you like him?
Personally, I think he’s un-electable. Forget policies etc, but he looks like a borg and thuggish. Appearance matters.
That gave me a belly laugh, thanks.
He’s neither photogenic nor charismatic.
On a scale of 1-10 he’d rate zero for both.
It doesn’t matter anyway, as he’s just warming the seat for the real leader.
Matthew Guy is a better leader than Dutton. Guy at least appears in public, even though it’s usually to announce that he #standswithDan or to provide support for Samantha Ratnam.
(With the SFL’s you gotta take your wins where you can find ’em.)
This is more than we’re hearing from Dutton.
Neither is Arthur Calwell redivivus.
Mind you, he only attracted 32% of the primary vote to Labor, so there may be something in this theory.
He wanted to know why Dutton did not stand up for any conservative values, in particular why has he not presented any pushback to the voice.
From what I saw after the Queen’s memorial in the Parliament House, he wants to be loved by the enemy. The sooner he goes the better. Surely there is somebody else with some guts and conviction.
I’m not sure anyone (other than Peanut Head) is unelectable. That said, Spud will probably lose the next election. Hard to see the Lieboral primary vote getting back to a point where they will be competitive. Every Teal now has the benefit of incumbency.
The Liberal Party employed Alan Jones in a high profile job that he leveraged into a bullshit Radio career and now he’s dumping on them when they’re down.
There’s something basically wrong with this bloke.
As did Scomo.
A valid point, Tom.
Equivalent to face masks.
Roger says:
October 2, 2022 at 6:03 pm
We have been hearing from the Biden administration that we have united the world against Russia. That’s clearly not true.
Welcome to the new multipolar geo-political world order.
The oncoming winter will test the resolve of the west, particularly in Europe. The next few months will be the hardest for a very long time.
As the temperature drops and houses become colder with inadequate gas to heat them, businesses reduce capacity due to limited energy in addition to citizens feeling the cost-of-living crunch, some people will literally have to choose between heating their homes and eating. I think it will become increasingly difficult for European political leaders to justify spending money and energy supporting the Ukraine when their own people are suffering, and potentially worse, becoming politically restless (this is already happening).
Both the German Chancellor and the French President have already said, multiple times, that negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are inevitable and must take place – and the sooner the better. Neither seemed at all confident that Ukraine’s desire that Russia withdraw to its pre-2014 borders (ie. withdraw from Crimea) was achievable.
I think that the Ukrainian’s preferred, but unrealistic, peace demands will eventually be overcome by a brokered peace deal being effectively forced on them – unless of course the USA wants to keep this conflict going as long as it takes to terminally weaken Russia (and that will be a very, very long time, if ever). But the other truth is that as none of the nations are on a war footing and their major industries have not turned onto the manufacture of weapons. Advanced weapon systems, in particular, are already in short supply. We know that a new batch of HIMARS rockets promised to Ukraine haven’t even been manufactured yet and that manufacture will take many months, and probably a year or more. In any case, Ukrainian usage of foreign supplied arms has been prolific and is eventually unsustainable. As are personnel losses of which Russia has a marked supply advantage and also happens to be the second largest arms manufacturer in the world.
In the meantime, European nations that live under the NATO umbrella and appear to have a far better understanding of Russian/Ukrainian history, are paying a high and increasing economic/political price. It is all very well for Biden and Co to pontificate from across the Atlantic but I wonder whether that may cause some fractures between the assorted alliances.
Most Europeans want the war to be over and for things to go ‘back to normal’. The overwhelming majority couldn’t care less about the Crimea and prior to February, would have been hard pressed to pinpoint the Donbass region on a map.
The increasing cold and soaring prices may focus their minds on whether they wish to continue their support, or initiate a negotiated peace even if that peace doesn’t entirely suit the Ukrainians.
That is, indeed, who Albanese reminds me of…
It’s been nowhere near that much. If you actually break down the pledged versus delivered military aid (scroll down), you’ll find that the US pledged somewhere around $25 to the end of August, but delivered less than half of that.
There’s 3 years to go before the next Election, the Liberal Party would be mad to start rabbiting on about “conservative values” and there’s a long way to go on The Voice.
Basically, Labor hasn’t shown any of their cards yet, so why should Peter make the running for them?
$25 billion obviously
Fair enough, but move ahead and assume the gerbil warming issue appears to be bedded down. What are those bints useful for?
If it was wet enough to have permanent waterholes you’d very likely have either or:
1. A rainforest.
2. A river.
3. A lot of rainfall.
4. Lots of land you could backfill with soil and utilise as arable land.
“No no, not permanent waterholes, just enough above normal rainfall to last from sowing to harvest. Exactly.”
Don’t tell too many people this, but those in the know have a suspicion he might not be 100% heterosexual.
Which would ruin anyone’s career on stage, screen or the wireless.
one of the replies:
Stan on March 12, 2018 at 9:05 PM
Indeed, the stranger within my gates is a white socialist who holds the gate open for others to take my home while other white socialists hold me down so I cannot shut the gate. Those entering are not the enemy, the stranger. They are doing what normal people should do. The enemy, the stranger, are those members of my own stock who make war on their own.
Saw that comment, Winston.
In other news, there’s a Firefly in orbit The first stage uses Reaver engines. Heh. Firefly Aerospace made orbit on their second try.
12 months fr0m now, where are we with Ukraine and Russia?
You in the know, eh Dot?
Just seeing if I could email Ralph Babet’s office- none given. Just phone numbers in Melb and Canbra. Doesn’t seem too keen to hear from people. Odd.
Re your soccer comment:
People have already commented about this before that “Wogs” are not amused by the welcome to country puppet shows. Particularly the ones born here don’t like being “welcomed” to their own country.
I take it these will not be votes for the voice.
As I understand it, Speedy, Zelensky can’t sign away Ukrainian territory without a national referendum.
That makes a peace agreement that cedes territory difficult, although I think it is the only realistic solution.
STFU ed; I know you’re trying to take the piss but you’re too much of a shithead to be good at it.
As for Dutton, I reckon if he hasn’t kicked some leftie’s arse by the end of the year he’s a write-off. Pity.
Even Teena McQueen, Liberal Party Vice President, admitted at CPAC that the Teal electorates are gone forever, the the Liberal voters are elsewhere.
You know how much tangible aid Germany is providing to Ukraine out of the whole pool? Less than any one of the Baltics. It’s a drop in the ocean. Ditto for France. It’s basically the US, Poland, UK and the Baltics that are doing the heavy lifting here.
I think that’s exactly their strategy at this point, and it’s working tremendously well.
The Lieborals should get Curtin back unless something goes wrong. No SloMo is a big plus. He was electoral poison.
I fear she’s one of the few Liberals who realise this.
The rest want to court the voters in those electorates with comely whisperings in their green ears.
Mind you, as we’re seeing in Europe, things can change very quickly existentially.