Mater’s Musings #59: And they still can’t drink ‘til 18

No. Sadly, it’s not a meme.

It was bad enough when some of the twisted ideologues that I’ve seen fulfilling the roles of either Principal and/or Teacher, were merely ‘influencing’ my children.
That they now have the ability to ‘bypass’ my authority (and responsibility) to determine what is best for my children, is horrifying.
Just think about the types of people that are now infesting that vocation.

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October 2, 2022 8:58 am

How far does this charade have to go before the parents as a group say NO?
I’m not a parent but if a school decided to override my rights as a parent and destroy my childs future on a whim – the respective teachers would be getting a visit from me and a cricket bat.
F’n a$$oles!

October 2, 2022 9:05 am

Thank you.

Keith Bates
Keith Bates
October 2, 2022 9:14 am

As long as people keep voting for extreme socialists, they are going to get extreme socialist policies,

October 2, 2022 9:23 am

I am glad I was fortunate enough to avoid public schools for my children. That being said, some of the private schools that were not so grounded in religious ethos were accelerating towards this at a fast pace in the end.

Parents are saying no. In my town the small church based schools are bursting and another one is about to open.

Education vouches allowing parents to direct education funding to their school of choice will help, but church based schools will continue to face at least 3 problems:
1. Government mandating content (and having to rely on govt funding)
2. Getting enough teachers that are both capable and willing to uphold the values of the school.
3. Parents that move their kids to the school because of the disaster the public system has become and then lobby/pressure the school to lower their values and become more like the schools they just escaped.

I don’t see this problem going away soon.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 2, 2022 9:25 am

This craziness is not restricted to stupid, destructive adults if my limited experience is any guide.
A 14-y-o in my extended family has self diagnosed several debilitating conditions and has effectively engaged in “doctor shopping” by refusing to accept alternative medical opinions and moved on until they find a doctor who agrees.
The whole mindset is brought on by a permissive upbringing, Dr Google, and lack of discipline at the State school.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 2, 2022 9:28 am

Well said mc.
You have reminded me of a dream I hold – for an Uber-like disruption of the education industry by a conservative force which addresses all the issues you raise.

October 2, 2022 9:32 am

It takes a village apparently….

October 2, 2022 9:37 am

They can also ignore doctors.

Wow, just wow.

Real talk. I have mentioned this before, this only happened recently.

A friend of a friend of mine got a very well paying job in Victoria.

He and his wife moved there with the kiddies. They were so shocked with the lunatic indoctrination they wanted to homeschool, the state did not allow it under their terms, despite Mrs 3rd Degree of Separation being an actual primary school teacher in NSW.

Move out of Victoria NOW!

October 2, 2022 9:52 am

It’s part of the ever encroaching bugmen coup into every aspect of our lives.

They won’t be satisfied till they turn everyone into a sexless bugmen drone.

October 2, 2022 10:33 am

and/or without consulting medical practitioners.

It’s all over for the Psychology Board and the College of Psychiatrists.

October 2, 2022 10:37 am

As long as people keep voting for extreme socialists, they are going to get extreme socialist policies,

Rubbish. The marxist takeover of ejucashun began in the Bolte and Askin eras. Was probably happening under Bjelke-Peterson too. People never voted for this poison- it’s part of the long march and the marxist takeover of arts, meja and educashun.

October 2, 2022 10:40 am

I am glad I was fortunate enough to avoid public schools for my children. That being said, some of the private schools that were not so grounded in religious ethos were accelerating towards this at a fast pace in the end.

Parents are saying no. In my town the small church based schools are bursting and another one is about to open.

When I first moved to Vicco, most kids were in private education and I imagine this is still the case.

October 2, 2022 10:41 am


October 2, 2022 11:25 am

Thomas Sowell on education:

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 2, 2022 11:30 am

They were so shocked with the lunatic indoctrination they wanted to homeschool, the state did not allow it under their terms,

That’s odd, because one of the grounds for Homeschooling is:
[4] Other

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 2, 2022 11:37 am

The marxist takeover of ejucashun began in the Bolte and Askin eras. Was probably happening under Bjelke-Peterson too.

It was.
Queensland was run during the 32 years of Coalition and National Party Government by a Local Government pollie named [Sir] Robert Sparkes.
He also wrote textbooks for the State High School system.
Basically, Bjelke-Petersen was chosen Premier because he was dumb, amoral and pliable

October 2, 2022 12:01 pm


Has that assessment been approved by a member of the Tacher’s Union?

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 2, 2022 12:53 pm

Groups of effected people need to come together (in this case, parents/grandparents/families) to lobby and fight continuously until change occurs. Much effort and not giving in will be needed, and time, plenty of hours invested will be required. But it is the only way to stop this madness.

Our entire political system is supposedly based on the “will of the people,” which is to say that nothing changes in this country until the groundswell is overwhelming. So, make it a groundswell.

October 2, 2022 2:32 pm

Good post Mater, but I had to to the Vic Dept of Education website to see for myself, because frankly I did not believe it.

So without even consulting parents or even doctors, “principals or others working with students”, can authorise chemical castration and surgical removal of breasts and genitalia.

On second thoughts I don’t believe it. If you tried to do that to a rapist murderer the Human Rights Commission would go ballistic. Its all a sick joke.

October 2, 2022 3:45 pm

some of the private schools that were not so grounded in religious ethos were accelerating towards this

Xavier here in Melbourne last year abetted a sadly confused lad by indulging his fantasy of being a girl.

I imagine he got to make and serve the scones after the school’s latest prayer fest for boat people and other illegal aliens

October 2, 2022 8:14 pm

‘Mature Minor’.

Can’t wait for a slimey lawyer to use this defense when a teacher gets caught sleeping with a student.

October 2, 2022 8:24 pm

these people are activists who have been groomed since childhood by post-structuralists.

when you read the terms post-modern, post-structural, post-colonial, intersectionality, progress, or cultural marxism, recognise that they are all facets of the same Marxist gem

it isnt a fiction or a conspiracy theory, its a fact and they operate in cells, and cartels and they started executing the plan before the kiddies were even born.

they did indeed march through the institutions
and they will march right on through everything else too until this disaster plays out like it did in every other cultural revolution before now.

what you are seeing now is the results of their work … behold all of the ‘progress’

my daughter cut her tits off about 2 years ago
she’s been on hormones ever since
there is no shortage of ‘experts’ ready to help either
everything from surgery to psychiatry

she’ll be 30yo next year and when she was 18yo and before Uni, she was a normal bright and intelligent person.

something went wrong

very wrong

and there’s fuck all I can do about it.

October 2, 2022 8:38 pm


I wish I could more then your not alone in the frustration. If you need to talk get my email from Dover.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
October 2, 2022 9:00 pm

This BS needs to be sheeted home to the responsible Minister, Natalie Hutchins and Dep Sec Jenny Atta, both no doubt rewarded with their current positions for ideological loyalty.

October 2, 2022 9:13 pm

Jeepers Matrix, you have my best wishes and thoughts. The only weapon you have is Love, but it is a mighty sword. Hang in brother, you are not alone.

October 2, 2022 9:15 pm

Same as Bespoke.

October 2, 2022 10:43 pm

“It takes a village apparently….”

More like The Village People.

October 2, 2022 10:58 pm

It’s outrageous, I agree. However let’s keep some perspective, it relates to how a student is allowed to behave whilst at school. It doesn’t mean the school is able to sign the consent form for “gender affirming surgery” (an Orwellian term if ever there was one).
But yes, still outrageous. Just don’t make the mistake of the leftists interpreting the worst possible outcomes, the school can’t chop bits off nor can it organise having bits either chopped off or sewn on.
I genuinely wonder though, how many people is this actually affecting? In the whole state of Victoria? 1 to 10? 10 to a 100 or more? 1000’s (unlikely I would have thought).
This world is going nuts, I’m not a religious person but I value our Christian ethos, and I’m beginning to see the Sodom & Gomorrah thing unfolding throughout the West.

October 2, 2022 11:18 pm

…and Mater, they might not be able to drink until their 18, but we test their “E” to make sure it’s safe without asking for ID (I know, or knew anyway people as young as 13 using Ecstasy). We provide legal immunity and shelters for people to use illegal drugs. This ruling from Education that you posted means we also now essentially providing “safe spaces” for perverts to corrupt our children during school hours. It’s outrageous, and very consistent with the Dan Andrews world view. And nobody seems to care outside of few people on sites like this inhabited by, as seen by mostly disengaged Australians, as grumpy old curmudgeons. We truely have lost our way. You watch, NSW etc will follow Vics lead.

October 2, 2022 11:22 pm

More like The Village People

made laugh and cry at the same

October 2, 2022 11:22 pm

Maniac says:
October 2, 2022 at 10:43 pm
“It takes a village apparently….”

More like The Village People.

The Village People were at least entertaining and mostly harmless. I personally don’t know or care if they were actually pillow biters or just filling an entertainment niche.
These bastards running our country though, they are just sick bastards.

October 2, 2022 11:26 pm

I genuinely wonder though, how many people is this actually affecting?

HT … thousands

its everywhere all at once

if you can’t see then consider yourself lucky

October 2, 2022 11:47 pm

MatrixTransform says:
October 2, 2022 at 11:26 pm
I genuinely wonder though, how many people is this actually affecting?
HT … thousands

its everywhere all at once

if you can’t see then consider yourself lucky

I don’t see it anymore because Mrs HT and I now live in a very small world of our own. We invite very few in (children and grandchildren). The world outside has become toxic, especially after the COVID hysteria and the subsequent atomisation of society. We are retired, self funded and have little need to participate in a society that seems to hate both us and itself. I’m not sure if that’s lucky, it just is what it is.

1,000’s. That’s truly awful. How is it we live in one of the worlds richest, (supposedly) freest countries in the world yet confront this bullshit poisoning our very souls?

October 3, 2022 12:03 am

it just is what it is

you know this stuff has made it all the way into primary schools?
it is now part of the curriculum
the vultures have them under their control at school particularly
its everywhere and especially hidden from view

my wife is a teacher … she’s horrified
my son is a teacher … he’s one of them

look out for your little ones

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
October 3, 2022 8:17 am

Homeschooling is soon going to be the only way to go.

October 3, 2022 10:09 am

Perfidious Albinosays:
October 2, 2022 at 9:00 pm
This BS needs to be sheeted home to the responsible Minister, Natalie Hutchins and Dep Sec Jenny Atta, both no doubt rewarded with their current positions for ideological loyalty.

First you have to get though the wall of SJW’s and political groupies.

October 3, 2022 10:09 am

I genuinely wonder though, how many people is this actually affecting?

Everyone who accepts it in any way either for themselves or for anyone else.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 3, 2022 11:16 am

Best regards to you & Mrs MT.

October 3, 2022 12:54 pm

the globohomo empire spreads its wings

October 3, 2022 1:24 pm

Vic private schools allow every climate indoctrination mob in. Like the AYCC who tell the kids abject BS, e.g. that tsunamis are caused by climate change (is there anything it can’t do?)

Do they vet the material at all?

No, because “most kids didn’t worry about the odd bit of misinformation because the presenters are so enthusiastic” it’s about promoting activism to kids.

Another school activist mob, project rocket, ostensibly an anti bullying organisation, reeks of other motives .. but is given access to children, unbeknown to parents

you don’t even know what’s going on at the school your kids go to, and if you ask you are treated like it’s none of your business

The problems they have in the USA are here now, different, but the same secrecy about what’s going on

October 3, 2022 6:46 pm

One thing is for absolute sure, every kid presenting with “gender dysmorphia” will be classified as being a “mature minor”

October 3, 2022 7:16 pm
October 3, 2022 7:45 pm

thanks BBS, its a mess

we are a blended family here and kid number 3 appeared in one and two’s lives when they were more or less already at-large.
the kids move in completely different circles and they are civil but hardly siblings.
it’s my lot and her lot … complicated, as they say

they are all fiercely intelligent.
scarily at times
all university educated
they just chose different paths

My first two grew up in Melb inner northern suburbs and both went to public schools. They both took to the seduction of Marx like ducks to water. Their mother is a PhD post-structural feminist so they don’t know any different and despite my pragmatism and patently better life examples, they still chose the Dark Side.

The missus’ daughter went through private catholic school and is only partly infected.
More like inoculated, I hope.
Her old man is a bit of a grub and lets say, not a good role model.

number 3 is now a lawyer
and when I croak
she doesn’t know it yet but
it will be her that has the burden of sorting out the mess

and she will
because she is one hell of a stand-up person

October 3, 2022 7:46 pm

bespoke, I will take up your offer
may take a little to organise
but I will

October 3, 2022 8:23 pm


October 3, 2022 10:25 pm

and Jannie … thanks Jannie

October 3, 2022 11:59 pm

MatrixTransform says:
October 3, 2022 at 7:16 pm
Deakin Uni …
and who knew it was a thing .
they have Pride Stairs

Ask them about their antisemitism policy.
“Yes, we have one. We’re in favour of it.”

October 4, 2022 2:29 pm

Relevant to this thread:

Christopher F. Rufo ??
BREAKING: The American Medical Association is asking Big Tech and the Department of Justice to censor, deplatform, investigate, and prosecute journalists who question the orthodoxy of radical gender surgeries for minors, arguing that public criticism is “disinformation.”

October 5, 2022 5:45 am

So, there are strident exhibitionists and attention-seekers who shriek “look at me. look at me”……and this is new in what way?

You could watch The Wild One (1952) with Marlon Brando “Watcha rebelling against Johnny?” ….”Waddya got?” or the whole of “Rebel Without A Cause” to quickly see that the desire to shock, offend, annoy “the squares” is not really all that new.

Meanwhile everywhere I go I see menswear, womenswear, boyswear and girlswear stores, and departments in the big retail chains…..with giant graphics of very normal-looking men, women, girls and boys to help anyone who might be confused by the terms. I never see the freaks I read about on blogs like this when I’m out and about…

Last Saturday at the markets on the waterfront in Airlie Beach it was packed. School holidays everywhere in Oz + long weekend and I did not see a single freak. No gender-benders; no in-your-face QWERTY, nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever.

Outside hyper-trendy vacuous-dickhead-assembly points in some parts of the crumbling inner- cities, does any of this stuff actually exist?

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 6, 2022 11:34 am

thank you for opening up about what’s happened to your family and has become a very real risk for so many more children.

It’s as if a “roller coaster” opened up one day for impressionable kids (please don’t think I’m being trite). And perhaps because they wanted to be thought of as special because they had their own misgivings of who they were – as kids often have when they’re growing up – they got on. So that offer of being “special” is not going to be easy to break, especially when they have invested so much of their actual selves.

It’s very hard to admit to being wrong, particularly when the investment made is so high and because to do so would cause it to become public. And when there are so many others who are all heavily invested in it for career/money/wanting to help/be a support, the riders are almost compelled by that pressure to see the ride through to the end.

Best of luck to everyone.

October 6, 2022 11:57 pm


apparently, being ‘special’ is all that’s needed to get by in the world

we’ll see about that

Winston Smith
October 7, 2022 5:35 am


How far does this charade have to go before the parents as a group say NO?
I’m not a parent but if a school decided to override my rights as a parent and destroy my childs future on a whim – the respective teachers would be getting a visit from me and a cricket bat.
F’n a$$oles!

I’m surprised as well. Even in the US, these perverts are getting away with it. How come the Fairey Godmothers aren’t waking up 6′ under? I mean’ it’s obvious what they are doing, so why let them continue?
And no cricket bat, they just suddenly move to a whole new town.

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