Basically no phone reception here for a week. Both Telstra & Optus putting up 5G towers and we were told…
Basically no phone reception here for a week. Both Telstra & Optus putting up 5G towers and we were told…
The family said Abu Lebdeh feared for her safety and has gone to a secret location where she will hide…
Slowly slowly these timid gerbils are starting to speak up… Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for ‘realistic’ renewables…
Hey Dover, did you see this? The New England Journal of Medicine just identified a brand-new illness: SRDS—Sudden Russian Death…
Vinegar Tits and Pretty-boy are stymied. The Nosferatu Nurses refuse to be interviewed by NSWaffen. What can we do now?…
calli says:
October 21, 2022 at 5:43 pm
100%. And I would imagine international flights have the edge on domestic with 25-30+kg of luggage per passenger. Bound to be small lithium batteries in some of that stuff. Travelling with children? Kids toys for a start.
Soft response Carpe.
They deserve a firm hand!
I realise the cops have no choice but to pander to them, and are unable to leave them to the gentle intervention of the folk that they are fucking around.
Once again the fault is the Government. Serious mandatory sentences is the only deterrent. The deterrent must be useful and productive however. Ten years removing windmills with a shovel and a shifting spanner should be about right.
Watch this space in 20 years time when the next conservative government is in power.
Crikey, you got done over.
Trackers will follow a dog hundreds of metres, even kilometres away. And follow with pinpoint accuracy.
Thank you for all the comments about the digitized Title Deeds.
After more recent comments, however..
From what I read, there is now no mechanism/obligation to inform the Title holder of a claim on the Title. The holder, Joe Schmuck Esq. finds out there is a hitherto unknown claim/caveat or other de facto obstruction only after a much richer, well funded entity knocks on the door, out of the blue.
With the old paper, the document held any additional limitations or financial constraints ONLY if printed/attached/stamped etc.. on the original Deed. That is, with the full knowledge of said Joe, who had to retrieve and produce the original owner/mortgagor copy, in his/her/their possession.
The older Deeds were 2-sided, thin cardboard things, ruled on the reverse side, for just such alterations.
The two options are NOT the same.
It’s also interesting that no one commented on the privatisation bit. Just fresh out of recent hacks of private databases.
Ha- just ducked into town for parts, bloke on a bit of a conspicuous corner has cut early haylage wrapped in white, blue and pink- two carloads of aactivewear women and tiny kids in Osh Kosh had parked up and were climbing and posing- on my way back, I came around the bend just as old mate was gunning the big Massey across the paddock towards them hard enough to spew black smoke out of the exhaust- poor dears scattering everywhere with a hundred metres of good regrowth to run through for escape- didn’t stop, laughed my arse off tho.
he must have torn strips off them, if they’d confessed to being anywhere near Indonesia in the last three months they’ll never find the pieces
I have had plenty of experience in dealing with Titles and in WA they’ve been in digitised form for about 20 years now! (maybe longer)…
And yes, it is true that any idiot can lodge a “caveat” or some other “interest” on your title which you’ll only find out once you go to transact on the Title (but also in WA you can buy automated alerts for such things). But a caveat or interest on a title is not gospel truth as the “Lands Registry” just register, they don’t fact check.
When you go to transact on your Title (i.e. sell your place) a Settlement Agent would tidy/check all of that up.
Gilas yep I’d thought that there had been enough data hacks recently that the security risk went without saying.
That’s the rub, increased exploitation by insiders and bad actors, with no better access, ease of use or lower charges for us peasants.
Privatization or engulfment by the Corporation of Australia- again, goes without saying.
you can buy automated alerts for such things
case in point
JC says:
October 21, 2022 at 4:29 pm
If a state was intent on cancelling someone’s ownership of property, a piece of paper would be as useful as a digitized report.
Er.. no.
Digitized is eons easier, can be suitably targeted through AI algorithms. Alterations happen in the dark.
A WEFfer’s wet dream.
Additionally, you can make a screen shot of a digitized copy.
Two words: Photoshop, GIMP.
And, sorry, continued Gilas…
The privatisation* of WA’s Land Registry was quite a big deal. I think it was the biggest govt asset sale in WA history. Why have gubberment producing Titles at a total cost of $30 and selling copies (proper term “duplicates”) at $35 when a private body can produce them at $15 and sell for $20. Everyone wins.
*WA Land registry was not technically privatised. Yes it now ran by a private organisation but they don’t own the Titles/duplicates – the State does.
Yes, and Wally,
the biggest property fraud scam that ever occurred in WA was a paper-based fraud.
Someone’s property in a very rich suburb got sold while they were overseas, came home to find a whole new family living in their place (who didn’t know they were part of the scam).
Hasn’t happened since digitisation (not saying it can’t).
Bill slugs Gates opining that putie’s war is a good thing because the good old Earth will benefit from folks using less fossils; and dying of cold.
Lidia Thorpe is quite presentable, judging by the pic of her and Deano in this morning’s paper.
I’m seeing the usual suspects lining up to take potshots, so i’m thinkin’ they must have a Tranny wearing a spotted bowtie and riding a unicycle lined up to replace her.
Dang ….. it’s happened again! …
my brain readd that as ‘fkg crossbow’.
Wondering if I need a software update.
Kanye is a plain speaker.
Biden, is fucking retarded.
Once is happenstance twice is coincidence, thrice….
He has been acquitted of more charges this afternoon. The young man faced 21 charges so the jury is still deliberating on some.
I made a comment about this case last week, but it has all the features of a “moral panic”, of hysteria, of embellishment, of fabrications, of parental grooming and of over zealous police eager to charge a young man. It is highly reminiscent of the moral panic day-care sexual abuse hysteria of the 1980s and early 1990s, when the lives of many innocent people were destroyed by false accusations, most of the accusations clearly ludicrous and unhinged. People in the UK, NZ, US and here in Australia were convicted on dubious evidence and sent to jail, only to be cleared later.
Climate protesters who glue themselves to anything at all must be ridiculed as much as possible. Only when they realise that they are not admired but made fun of will they stop the nonsense.
I had an awful dream about coming across a couple of these ‘stinkin revolution mob doing this to one of my favourite old piccies ‘the raft of the medusa”
I actually got to see this on the wall at the louvre back in the day, and my dream took me right back with all the details.
The mongs had vandalized it and were stuck to the wall, alongside it with a cooing crowd of photographers and media filming their smug faces.
I dreamed I walked up, got my cut down knife out and stripped them them stood there backhanding them over and over slashing their smug little faces up with my ‘pimp ring” till they were unrecognizable, stopping once the police finally attended.
Nasty little dream, but until there are actual consequences to being a mong we will see a lot more displays of public tardation.
it won’t be the first…
Lidia is obviously of Aboriginal descent.
So is Deano, apparently.
I abhor violence, as a rule, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Rolfey in a Phone Box with Deano.
Lidia Thorpe is quite presentable
STFU you idiot. Thorpey looks like a crazed frill neck lizard. The bikie looks like all bikies: a pumpkin filled sack of greaseless cooking paper. This guy has no criminal convictions but I don’t know if he has been charged with anything. But the Rebels has a long and proud criminal history, from everything to murders to illegal possession of a croc. Thorpey was on a panel investigating the gangs. I wonder who approached who first: the bikie or thorpey..
Have a great weekend Catters….
See you on Monday if I’m still on this Earth! 😛
-Struth: Take some vino, a bex and calm down,
-Grigs: Take some books and learn,
-Munt: Take a long walk…
Lysander says:
October 21, 2022 at 6:20 pm
The privatisation* of WA’s Land Registry was quite a big deal. I think it was the biggest govt asset sale in WA history. Why have gubberment producing Titles at a total cost of $30 and selling copies (proper term “duplicates”) at $35 when a private body can produce them at $15 and sell for $20. Everyone wins.
As I wrote upstream, a transfer used to cost some $94 per property, and take less than 30 minutes.
Now it’s around $1,000 per property, involves lawyers, several forms, and takes two-three weeks.
Not sure that’s “Everyone” winning.
The mere fact this was done in secret, even to the lawyers who get to sup on the additional fees, tells me there was no, none, zero compelling political case.
When was this proposal taken to an election?
And no, this is not the same argument as digital CHESS share holdings.
Vastly different market needs and dynamics.
Thorpey was on a panel investigating the gangs.
Don’t be a dope all your life.
Thorpey sits on a committee that thinks up stupid ways to waste money, with input from interested parties, like the cops.
Do you seriously think the cops tell Thorpey:
“Hey, Lids, we’re kicking down T-Bone Teddy’s front door tonite and stealing all his drugs”
Because, yeah, that’s what they do, but they don’t tell the Senators that.
sorry mate I don’t swim upstream so perhaps I missed the point.
I have to go now but happy to continue next week!
(But I will note that it the settlement aspect you’re looking at, has nothing to do with “privatisation”).
Ciao for now anyhoo!!! 🙂
So is Deano, apparently.
Stop press, Ed-Mong is wrong….
Hes a Kiwi you utter spastic.
Ticket clipping, Gilas. Everyone gets a piece of the action.
Same as Councils and DAs.
– CAD plans
– demo report
– tree report
– waste management report
– engineer specs
– environmental impact report
All for a carport.
Peter Dutton is turning into a huge disappointment.
What’s Thorpey’s boyfriend gotta do with him?
One of his Senators was playing ducks and drakes with a Criminal Trial in the Supreme Court last week, why hasn’t he sacked her yet?
I think I’ve got a better idea.
Just ignore them.
Do what the Volkswagen people did…just pretend they’re not there.
As attention seekers, being ignored is much worse than being ridiculed.
As attention seekers, being ignored is much worse than being ridiculed.
Welease Woger @6.52.
Yes, much as though I would prefer disembowelling by a petrol driven chainsaw, the staff at the people’s car place did it perfectly. Turn off the lights and the heating, walk away. Let them shit themselves while wondering if this was such a good idea.
Remove the audience and they’re fucked.
calli says:
October 21, 2022 at 6:48 pm
Ticket clipping, Gilas. Everyone gets a piece of the action.
It is generally taught that 1 kg of cancer cells, circa 10^23 cells, will kill the average 70ish kilogram host, but with the help of immune escape.
So I wonder how many toxic, ultimately useless and deliberately parasitic “systems” can a society tolerate before it collapses, in a process not unlike thermodynamic death?
It must happen at some stage, no?
Added ridicule; the only attention they got was people wanting to know how long they managed to hold off before they laid down a grogan.
Questions for the Premier (& political suckhole hangers-on-ers):
1/. What do we get for the extra $906?
2/. What extra benefit do we get for having to wait an extra Fourteen business days + Seven hours + Thirty minutes?
3/. Lawyers must now be involved in the process, what are these lawyers bringing to the table?
And the public nuisances who glue themselves to roads….media blackout.
Good ol’ Sancho says:
85n minutes later, someone says:
“With the Conservative Party hierarchy demanding a snap leadership election to replace the prime minister, [Boris] Johnson remained with his feet stuck in the sand in the Dominican Republic, more than almost 7000 kilometres away from Westminster.”
Whaddya reckon, Sancho?
+ Emergency services (i.e. main roads or cops) put up cones & formwork around the “traffic hazard”.
This would mean nobody can provide extra water during the long hot day.
Though I’m still a fan of the “runaway panicking coach horses galloping flat out down the street” as a method of rapidly clearing the glued-down arses from the public roadway.
I’d opt for removing them asap followed by at least 24 hours in the watch house without electronic devices before they come up before a magistrate.
And a media blackout.
Is there a protocol for when a jury foreman declares that an agreement is unachievable?
In a ‘he said she said’ like this, where there is no direct evidence, it must be completely unlikely that jurors will change their minds.
It is a matter of opinions, not assessment of facts.
How could it possibly have got to court?
Cairns News did a couple of interesting articles on land titles, 2nd & 3rd on this page.
You might not like what you read. Like Dean Martin, the people who did this have no criminal convictions.
Dr. Shimon Yanowitz Discusses Covid Injection Vial Contents – We are in a Genocidal War
How could it possibly have got to court?
And how can a jury not resolve this in a couple of hours?
Perhaps an 8-4 impasse.
More than likely.
Is the foreman a boy or a girl?
Don’t be a dope all your life.
STFU you retard; I’ll be whatever I want. At least I have a choice, unlike you. Thorpey was on a joint parliamentary law enforcement committee. The bikers run crime in Australia, along with the wallopers, and she’s playing knickers and knackers with the head of the bikers. I think you’re jealous: of thorpey.
How dare you!
Added ridicule; the only attention they got was people wanting to know how long they managed to hold off before they laid down a grogan.
In that case lots of water, and laxative laced chilli con carne.
wait till you get to the bestial dog pottery . .. that’s a hoot!
He hasn’t said anything.
where there is no direct evidence,
When they went thru Security, she had her clothes on.
When Security checked on her, 30 seconds after he exited the buiding, they found her nude and asleep.
The Jury might be interested in how that came to be.
it must be completely unlikely that jurors will change their minds.
It’s 11-1, some dork is holding the inevitable up.
though that might be the Incans not the Mayans. Peru museum is full of it.
He gave a complete and quite detailed statement to the police.
Pitt is a clown.
This is obviously a Dog & Pony Show, there’s some favoured Post Turtle waiting in the wings for Thorpey’s job.
Who gives a fuck if she didn’t swear the Oath?
Jesus Hisself said:
Swear no Oaths
After being uncontactable in a private Mental Hospital for nearly a year.
Then he remained silent at Trial, despite Evidence that he’s given 3 different versions of the truth when asked why he returned to PH early on March 22, 2019.
Have you thought about a mental hospital Groogs? I’m sure we could get you a referral.
Ed’s got the hots for thorpey; what is it with lefties and ball-tearer ratbags? Thorpey’s got hands like a wharfie’s. After a session with her bikie probably didn’t get on his other hog for a week.
“After being uncontactable in a private Mental Hospital for nearly a year.”
Nope Dick Ed, it wasn’t a year. He was there for a month or two, and quite frankly, given the fact that he was being hounded by MSM scum, that same scum who’d contacted his US based sister and were harassing his family, he needed help. I don’t blame him. Apparently he was suicidal, understandable given the MSM scrutiny and the serious allegation against him.
Thorpey is quite attractive, in a Pugsley sorta way.
I’d been taking you trolls word for it that she is as ugly as sin.
As a matter of fact, even though I’m enrolled in Griffith, i’ll be voting for Thorpey at the next Election.
Why Asra Panahi died in Iran:
the regime claimed Panahi had some sort of underlying “health condition” that caused her to suffer a heart attack after security forces administered a perfectly reasonable beating
Spare me the sanctimony.
Chris Dawson had his life turned upside down and was jailed on far less evidence than this bloke had arrayed against him.
But you never said a word to defend Chrisso, did you?
“Spare me the sanctimony.
Chris Dawson had his life turned upside down and was jailed on far less evidence than this bloke had arrayed against him.
But you never said a word to defend Chrisso, did you?”
What is the evidence against Lehmann? The bruise? The fact that she was found naked? My God you’re ridiculous.
and this is why one should read Shakespeare
As a matter of fact, even though I’m enrolled in Griffith, i’ll be voting for Thorpey at the next Election.
You’re not old enough to vote.
“When Security checked on her, 30 seconds after he exited the buiding, they found her nude and asleep.”
Such a ludicrous lie, why bother?
Homer is railing against Thorpey on Currency Lad like she is Bob Menzies reincarnated.
That tells you the Labor Party have a ringer to replace Thorpey and NewsCorp and the Useful Idiots are doing the dirty work for them.
That old line about how he has a decal on the back of his helmet that reads “if you can read this then the bitch has fallen off”. Consensus view seems to be that it will be legible soon.
That sounds very interesting Wally, but I must confess I didn’t understand any of it.
This is what the GOP is up against in Arizona.
Aaaand there it is:
‘Thorpey’ is clearly a dude with a five o’clock shadow and Adam’s apple.
Ed, you big old flamer you.
Erm… that’s his spiel.
Unlike CHESS, well CHESS doesn’t cost me anything and brokerage keeps on getting cheaper.
As for parasitic systems being tolerated by a society; are we even a society anymore? Government got too big before COVID and instead of protecting what different groups did within society, it ruined all of that. At best we are a constellation of different cliques now, and within those cliques people don’t want to mix.
Engineering certificates for brick garages? What a laughable civilisation.
Q & A must have gone close to regaining old heights last night with Turtlehead Bowen and Ross Garnaut. Alas I’ll never know. Time to put it (and us) out of its misery.
Has “Thorpey” got any ink?
“Lidia, oh! Lidia, say have you met Lidia
Oh! Lidia, the tattooed lady “
Erm… that’s his spiel.
Why try to fake a knowledge of Yiddish, Roger?
Like almost everything else, you’re a dud at it.
Thorpey is pretty cool.
Now, we all know and agree that the CIA funds all the Greens Parties worldwide.
What’s Thorpey done to upset them?
Thanks for the link, Old Ozzie. I remember the Journalists Club, also the Taxi Club and the Graphic Arts Club as raffish late night drinking venues back in the day. From the comments at your link, it seems that the heritage of the Journos’ was plundered, including valuable paintings and original cartoons.
I suppose the era of Sydney’s late night boozers, like those clubs, the old Bourbon and Beefsteak, and Martin’s Bar, is gone for good. It was fun while it lasted.
Uploaded only a few hours ago, this is a very good analysis of the current state of the UK by comedian Andrew Lawrence.
Get ready for the Labour sh!tshow.
See what I mean, Cassie?
It’s his spiel.
Pay him no mind and, like the super glue enthusiasts, he’ll eventually go away.
“See what I mean, Cassie?”
I know.
This is what the GOP is up against in Arizona.
The mid-terms are stuffed; and that is a great pity with candidates like Kari Lake running in Arizona. They’re already sending out fake ballots.
Special Ed isn’t allowed to use the super glue. Or the sharp scissors.
“The mid-terms are stuffed; and that is a great pity with candidates like Kari Lake running in Arizona. They’re already sending out fake ballots.”
John Hinderaker of Powerline thinks otherwise. He thinks Lake will win in Arizona and the GOP are performing very well in…..wait for it…..Minnesota!
Richard Cranium
When Security checked on her, 30 seconds after he exited the buiding, they found her nude and asleep.
Being a bit of a contrarian might amuse you, but you should at least try to stick to the facts. Provide evidence for the “30 seconds” claim.
It’s 11-1, some dork is holding the inevitable up.
The 11-1 vote for acquittal?
Richard Cranium
Who gives a fuck if she didn’t swear the Oath?
If she didn’t, that would be fine with me, but she would not be a senator without doing so.
The security guard claimed it was two hours later.
No sharp pencils either, crayons only.
Richard Cranium
That tells you the Labor Party have a ringer to replace Thorpey and NewsCorp and the Useful Idiots are doing the dirty work for them.
Vacuous even by your standards. Thorpe is a member of the Slimes. They get to nominate her replacement, who will not be a Labor person.
All True and sold off by Beryl Gladyslocklian – and this private organisation does not now even issue the certificate of title you have to do a search to verify that the property stands in your name – the government does not give a shit because if anything untoward happens and someone manages to steal your title and it does happen, too often for anyones comfort, then under the real property act you do not get the property back only compensation.
I know of a situation where a couple had purchased a block of land on the central coast of NSW. There was no mortgage on it and they had intended to retire there. They’d owned it for a few years A friend who’d known about their future plans and had seen the property happened to be driving by and noticed a FOR SALE sign and contacted the couple and in conversation said “Oh I notice you have your block of land up for sale” Well the alarm bells rang and they investigated — they found out that the property had actually been bought and sold more than once. They didn’t get their property back I don’t know about compensation but that is a story quite old by now, and that happened while the NSW government still had control of Land Titles.
In the US I had heard advertised an insurance product called LIFELOCK which is insurance against property fraud. I would suggest that a caveat be put on the property but even that is useless because any Jo Blow can just sign a withdrawal of Caveat and get rid of it because there is nothing to stop that happening — I know that has happened done by people who are shonks and know how to rort the system. It is very very dicey, made worse by the rapacious government that is not above selling their grandmothers for a fee.
Richard Cranium
Now, we all know and agree that the CIA funds all the Greens Parties worldwide.
Started by the KGB, probably still funded by its successor.
From the Oz…
Police charge man after allegedly sending death threats to Senator Pauline Hanson
A Victorian man has been charged after allegedly threatening to kill Pauline Hanson via social media.
A man has been charged by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for allegedly sending online threats toward Pauline Hanson.
Ibrahim Koshin is alleged to have been responsible “for making the serious online threats, including threats to kill, towards the member of the Australian Senate via a social media platform in September and October 2022,” police said in a statement.
Officers arrested the 27-year-old man at his Brunswick West home while searching the property.
They seized a laptop and a desktop computer as a part of executing the search warrant.
He was charged with two counts of using a carriage service to make a threat to kill, and one count of using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence.
Ms Hanson has said that she has been the subject of death threats in the past, sharing images of violent messages and posts that have been allegedly directed to her in the past.
“Here’s the rot my office and I have to put up with,” she said on Facebook in June 2020.
The maximum penalty for these offences includes 10 years’ imprisonment.
He attended Melbourne Magistrates Court today and was released on bail.
“This arrest should send a strong message that the AFP and its partners are working tirelessly to identify and prosecute anyone who breaks the law by harassing, menacing or threatening politicians, including those who work alongside them,” AFP acting commander Anita van Hilst said.
“The AFP supports the political expression and freedom of speech, however when it leads to criminal behaviour, including threats and harassment, even online, it will not be tolerated.”
He will reappear in court in December.”
I think he eats crayons.
Local oaf, that was a good movie.
No crayons for special ed, he eats them.
CCTV, and she would have had to fill out a security log…
I just flew back home from the Tax Summit (The Tax Institute’s national annual convention). The keynote presenter was the egregious Mick Trumble. He was advocating for the government to renege on the already legislated middle income earners’ tax rate cut from 32.5% to 30%.
He was asked whether there had been any justification for legislating it in the first place. As a former leader of a supposedly free market/individual liberty supporting party, he might have suggested that it was a good thing for people who earned money to be allowed to keep it and decide how to spend it. That didn’t get a mention. In fact Trumble dismissed every suggested justification for it. Is the Overton Window still even part of the building?
When The Brucester exited without Higgins, it sparked a frantic search.
It didn’t take 2 hours to find her, it didn’t even take 2 minutes.
How was it that she wound up naked, given she was too drunk to scratch herself?
Timbo – mUttley made a comment today stating that (Lizzee Trussed’s) “tax cuts were unfunded and would have sent the government’s budget further into deficit”.
This is the sort of irredeemable idiocy we are dealing with.
Collectivists – any of your hard earned income that the government allows you to retain is a “subsidy” and tax cuts are an “unfunded expenditure reduction”.
Sometimes, I sort of wish that I’d never become an economist.
Ignorance being bliss (or strength) and all that. 😕
special ed
See also this monstrous dinobore …
Famous for announcing many many future non existent surpluses …
Shut. It. Down.
Fire. Them. All.
Nuke. From. Orbit.
Salt. The. Earth.
Ed Casesays:
October 21, 2022 at 9:03 pm
The security guard claimed it was two hours later.
Then provide the evidence for your “30 seconds” claim.
October 21, 2022 at 9:33 pm
Presumably m0nty can do what Art Laffer disclaimed the ability to achieve – calculating precisely the turning point in the Laffer curve without actually seeing what happens when a rate is changed.
Mick Trumble seemed to think he could do that as well.
Another data breach has just been announced on Sky, didn’t catch the organisation’s name. This is obviously enemy action now with both Russia and China the most likely attackers.
Timbo – the more big stupid government takes, the more it wants.
Big stupid government is the closest thing in human history to a perpetual motion masheen*.
Until it isn’t. As we might just be about to discover. 😕
*Idiocracy spelling (which is basically where we are)
That’s some serious psychosis, which requires some serious drugs.
There’s not enough beer in the galaxy to make her attractive, let alone cool.
The alarmist kanks always default to the consensus. Look at this quality field of sceptic scientists:
Professor Anthony Barrett FRS FMedSci joins GWPF Academic Advisory Council
The other members of the GWPF Academic Advisory Council are:
Professor Christopher Essex (Chairman)
Professor Wade Allison
Professor Ray Bates
Sir Ian Byatt
Dr John Constable
Professor Vincent Courtillot
Professor John Dewey FRS
Professor Peter Dobson OBE
Professor Samuel Furfari
Christian Gerondeau
Professor Laurence Gould
Professor William Happer
Professor Ole Humlum
Professor Gautam Kalghatgi
Professor Terence Kealey
William Kininmonth
Bryan Leyland
Professor Richard Lindzen
Professor Ross McKitrick
Professor Robert Mendelsohn
Professor Garth Paltridge
Professor Ian Plimer
Professor Gwythian Prins
Professor Paul Reiter
Professor Peter Ridd
Dr Matt Ridley
Sir Alan Rudge FRS
Professor Nir Shaviv
Professor Henrik Svensmark
Dr David Whitehouse
Andor is turning into an awesome series.
I don’t know how such an anti establishment, anti big government, libertarian series got the green light.
Episode 7 of 24 just aired & the robots have arrived.
Yes those robots.
The “rent a riffers” rendering some pure pop … 🙂
Big, burgundy coloured Thorpe-shaped flamer crayons.
Tinta at 8:56.
Defrauded under a paper titles system, right?
Used to be I wondered how this type of theft could happen. The case mentioned by Lysander @622pm is a corker & is the one that started me wondering how the heck this could possibly happen. The title deed is the possession of either the landowner or the bank – and thus tamper-proof. (or so you’d think)
Then something similar happened to me.
There is a reasonable expectation that the public service is pedantic & across their game, particularly those whose entire career is spent in one dept & rise to the head of that dept.
Hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahahah… hahahaha….. hahaha..
The following is not intended to represent any state of Australia, especially Qld, & is not meant to represent any particular public servants, especially any in Qld.
A Liquor Licence in the state of … Kingsland… is a paper (parchment really) document. The original is so crucial & so unique that manual visual inspection of it is a key ‘tick box’ part of any visit to the premises by a Liquor Licencing Inspector.
(Say) I possessed two satellite locations. A satellite location is an indivisible part of the main liquor licence. They are mentioned on the (one & only) licence document & are unmistakable. (eg, shop 22 at 105 King street, Blackstumpville).
If two licencees agree, they may transfer a satellite location from one licence to another. This transfer requires the written consent of both licencees.
There is no mechanism for a forced transfer of a satellite. None. It is prohibited by legislation.
Imagine how surprised I was when I telephoned the department for some innocuous reason to do with one of the satellites & was told it wasn’t licenced to me, & some months earlier had been transferred to another pub in town.
Acutely conscious of the legislation, I enquired how this could possibly have been fucking well transferred?
“You wouldn’t sign the paperwork, so we had to do it without you”
Despite there being absolutely no mechanism whatsoever in legislation, none, the liquor licencing department had conducted an illegal transfer without the knowledge of the outgoing licencee.
If the above story was true, the illegal transfer would have been conducted by the head of the department personally.
The transfer was permanent, could not be undone, & I was offered some (paltry) form of compensation, that wasn’t worth bothering with.
At that moment I understood clearly how such land thefts can occur.
I am not terribly au fait with the vagaries of liquor licences Sal, so – you lost your licence and had to reapply?
Are you saying there was no remedy for this at all? The Department can arbitrarily take it off you?
Or was it just a gigantic fuckup from Licensing?
A couple of interesting sites
Australian Mapping China’s Tech Giants
This multi-year project maps the overseas expansion of key Chinese technology companies.
Launched in April 2019 and re-launched in June 2021 this website now includes 27 companies and 3800+ entries. Each entry is populated with up to 15 categories of data, totalling 38000+ data points.
About this project
ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre has produced a world-first online database, four policy reports and detailed analysis of each of the issues that have emerged from this project in a suite of sharable resources including downloadable data, thematic snapshots, and associated articles.
In June 2021 we re-launched this project with new data points on all 23 existing companies, as well as the addition of four new companies and two major new policy reports. For this relaunch we focused our analysis on what has changed for these companies during Covid-19 and we took a deep dive into China’s global data collection ecosystem and supply chain issues.
This project and database – which first launched in 2019 – fills a comprehensive research gap in understanding the impact of the global expansion of Chinese technology companies. Throughout 2018, the Centre received frequent questions from media and stakeholders about the international activities of Chinese technology companies, from their operations in particular regions or how widespread the use of their products were outside of China. These were always difficult questions to answer. There is a lack of publicly available quantitative and qualitative data and Chinese companies themselves disclose little in the way of policies that impact data, security, privacy, freedom of expression and censorship. When we began this project, what information was available was spread across a wide range of sources and had not been compiled.
A major impediment to transparency is that Chinese media is under intensifying content control pressure from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). There are very few investigative reports emerging from within China, which severely limits the available pool of media sources. The global expansion and influence of US Internet companies, particularly Facebook, has rightly received substantial attention and scrutiny over the past few years and this should continue. However, the same scrutiny is often lacking in regard to Chinese technology and social media companies and their global activities.
The global scale reached by China’s giant technology companies needs to be understood with an account of the unique party-state environment that shapes, limits and drives their global behaviour. This sets them apart from other large technology companies expanding around the world. This project seeks to:
Report Announcement – VideoTranscript 08.27.2021
My small research group, Marco Polo, has a copy of the laptop. And we want to write a comprehensive report—
that’s analogous to the Mueller Report—on real foreign collusion.
There’s an amazing Australian think tank [ASPI] that has mapped out every single Chinese entity and their influence across the world in their Belt & Road Initiative. We’re going to be doing the same thing with Hunter. With the EXIF data that’s on these photos, we’re going to be going through and mapping out who he was meeting with and when.
But now a new report from watchdog organization Marco Polo USA outlines, in its 630-pages, a list of 459 “legal violations.”
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Documents At Least 459 Legal Violations, Watchdog Group Says
A year-long exploration of Hunter Biden’s laptop has yielded a 630-page report that its authors say document 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations by President Joe Biden’s son and his business partners.
Marco Polo, a nonprofit formed by a one-time aide to former President Trump to enable a team of cyber gumshoes to take a deep dive into the laptop that the crack-addled Biden left at a Delaware repair store, claims the report is a road map for local, state, or federal prosecutors to pursue charges. The group also sent its report to each member of Congress.
The timing of the report’s release, coming two weeks before the midterm elections, has a certain symmetry to the laptop’s initial introduction to the public. In 2020, days before the election, the New York Post published news of the laptop’s existence, as well as bombshells from it, but social media suppressed the story after the FBI had warned companies of so-called misinformation
The team put together by Garrett Ziegler, Marco Polo’s 26-year-old founder, has mined the laptop with digital savvy, and produced a thorough report that is anything but vague or superficial, weighing in at 1 gigabyte because of the number of screenshots from the laptop.
“I’ve been focusing on this for 13 months,” Ziegler told The Daily Wire. “It was really a thing of necessity. I recognized how rich the material was. It requires utter focus. It is so hard to write something comprehensive about it and do anything else on the side.”
10.12 p.m.
30 degrees. 81% humidity.
Approaching Peak Build-Up.
Less time spent talking about the “Stolen Generation?”
are we there yet … or is there more stupid to go?
Moving is another option.
Rheumatic heart disease still killing Australian children but a landmark study makes inroads
Anything and anyone can be targeted if the intent is there. “Easier” doesn’t equal intent and purpose. In other words if there is a will there’s a way.
Haven’t come across this yet, but there’s still time!
I did purchase in Mexico a small pottery bird that is very traditional. You blow into a horizontal slit on its base and on its chest is a small hole, so it acts as a whistle. Used in hunting, not just a child’s toy.
I was whistling away quite happily for a while.
The Guatemalan Mayas, btw, are known as the most heavily syncretic religious group, integrating elements of their older cosmology into Catholicism; the Church seems to go along with it or at least not overtly proscribe it. A very common belief of all in Guatemala, which fascinated me, was a belief in a slightly malevolent female white spirit (shades perhaps via Spanish influence of the old European White Goddess? but it could simply be indigenous) called the Lloola, who seeks to take the souls of newborn babies. As a result, universally in this country, mothers do not hang any newborn’s clothing and nappies out to dry in the open, but always undercover, which this spirit does not like. Our educated Catholic tour guide told us she and her family automatically followed this cultural tradition because everyone else does.
Yes. And ‘climate change’. Keep them illiterate and they can’t find out for themselves what a crock of nonsense they have been fed in the name of education.
Someone who can’t read the data on cables is breaking them to force their enemies onto satellite where they can read the traffic.*
So it must be Elon Musk!
*If you have 2 methods of conveying secret information and one is compromised and the other isn’t, you convince the enemy their secure line is compromised so they switch to the one you can read.
I was kind of hoping the brats who chucked the soup on “Sunflowers” would be pissed on by the bystanders.
I doubt it would do anything apart from asking the equivalent of “Are we there yet, Mum?”
However it does give an amorphous bureaucratic blob the opportunity to create a ‘rule’ for your ‘safety’ and then force your compliance or face the consequences.
Every little rule is a strand of cotton that will eventually tie the people more firmly than chains.
Can you explain who the ‘Turtlehead/CMD” is so we can respond appropriately?
Or are you trying to create another round of disagreements, in which case we take this to the Dueling Thread where I can provide evidence of your duplicity and viciousness?
Where’s Tom?
New OT Gilas
JC says:
October 22, 2022 at 3:50 am
Er.. no.
Digitized is eons easier, can be suitably targeted through AI algorithms. Alterations happen in the dark.
A WEFfer’s wet dream.
Anything and anyone can be targeted if the intent is there. “Easier” doesn’t equal intent and purpose. In other words if there is a will there’s a way.
100% correct, but what if a new process makes it easier to do it?
When one does an MBA, one learns about the principles of friction and contestability.
In summary: removing external barriers to any action makes that action more likely.
Now expand that to the securing/managing of the largest private asset class in Australia.. by a faceless, increasingly unaccountable and even hostile power.
Imagine what is then possible.. as they say… at the stroke of a pen.
And if anyone thinks this is mere paranoia, they haven’t been paying attention to the last 30+ years.
Thanks Bespoke.
Toms on the new thread and Leak is a beauty.
Professor Castles has been awarded a $3.2m Australian Laureate Fellowship via the Australian Research Council to improve literacy standards in high schools. In an interview with The Weekend Australian, she said testing the literacy of students starting high school would be a “good idea’’.
The Productivity Commission’s review of the national school reform agreement – which sets out funding priorities for governments – revealed that one third of children who struggle to read in year 3 fail to improve by year 5. And 28 per cent of those with reading problems in year 7 remain semiliterate in year 9.
Less time spent talking about the “Stolen Generation?”
Steal the fascist left’s language from them, call it what it is:
Development of a new Stolen Generation, a disgrace to Australia.
This is an ex-thread – it has ceased to be.