A perfect Sydney afternoon spent eating and quaffing with various Sydney Cats. Whilst we all celebrated Donald, we all reminded…
A perfect Sydney afternoon spent eating and quaffing with various Sydney Cats. Whilst we all celebrated Donald, we all reminded…
That is rather silly. Trump is realistic about his life and I’m sure would be happy to hand over to…
Has anyone seen an objective summary of Albo at the NPC? Teh Paywallian just has some pom pom waving from…
It is so good to see the US Capitol Police are still so good at their job. NOT. https://redstate.com/terichristoph/2025/01/23/man-arrested-for-gun-in-capitol-n2184734
Would this be available through an aged care package? Luckily I was spared dealing with navigating the aged care system…
Obviously! Obviously it didn’t work for you.
re: Tim Blair
There are possibly people in those court cells who have stolen, who have broken, who have beaten and tortured those weaker than them; possibly who have raped.
And yet those UN goons are still not fit to clip those detainees toenails with their teeth.
If you really want the gold standard in Being Fucked Around, try insurance companies.
Mental arithmetic is basically innate for a human being of average IQ. Schools help you on your way, but if a person is retarded learning the x tables off by heart isn’t going to help. This is why you have so much trouble thinking straight, Mr Ed. I wouldn’t blame schooling.
A young bloke at the pub, Beau, who has just had his first child (a son), tells me that the bub’s mum loves reading.
I was thrilled. If the new bub’s mum reads to him in infancy, he’ll be in front of 90% of the population.
For a start, he’ll be literate, which most kids now aren’t.
Beau understands that most real learning occurs in the home, not at school. The politicisation of the school curriculum means that learning can’t now be left to teachers.
Googlery …
Mater, Zatara et al …
Googlery’s singular skill – Googlin’ stuff – has deserted him.
I called my bank yesterday. Thirty minute wait and I just hung up.
If you really want the gold standard in Being Fucked Around, try insurance companies.
I have found GIO excellent and also SunCorp as well – all Aussies on Call centres not Overseas.
Are we allowed to draw any adverse judgements about the Sandy Hook families?
Mater at 7.56:
Rinehart should very publicly and immediately withdraw every cent of Hancock Prospecting sponsorship, or as I believe it is known in sporting circles as ‘free partnership cash’.
That cash – all of it – should be immediately funnelled into one of her existing projects, the RFDS.
Originally designed for use by cattle stations and remote roadhouses, the RFDS is now the primary transporter of sick and/or injured indigenous punters from ‘communities’ to hospitals in Tennant Creek, Alice Springs, Mount Isa, Darwin, parts of northern WA and in some cases Adelaide.
Naturally, the vast majority of those illnesses and injuries are caused by or derived from bulk piss sinkage – but Rinehart still does it. $15 million is another plane, plus crew wages plus infrastructure and fuel for quite some time.
The allegedly indig netty players simply cannot complain about it. The skip netty chicks have no recourse. None. None whatsoever.
Fifteen million dollars for Netty Australia is a whole pile of casserole nights, lamington drives, reverse auctions and fundraising walks, so those ungrateful bitches had better get fucking cracking.
Much better than ‘Adam & Steve Have a Baby’.
Apologies JC
I have found GIO excellent and also SunCorp as well – all Aussies on Call centres not Overseas.
Should have been Sancho Panzer
Can’t be long before Lidia tries out the “I was young and inexperienced” defence now that there’s a concerted effort across party lines to force her to resign.
What’s she really being asked to resign about?
If she’s done something wrong, call a Senate Inquiry, let’s have the evidence in public.
What’s happening now is a carefully orchestrated Witch Hunt.
Thorpey is being Cancelled, and the clear message is:
We can gang upon you too, wotcha gonna do about it?
My sister isn’t a glamorous Rachel Weisz, but she’s streets ahead of me! Tall and dark haired and slim.
Harrumph! Life can be so unfair.
The AFR View
Chalmers will succeed or fail in his grip on spending
The Treasurer says he wants to restore Labor’s reputation with voters for better economic management. That requires spending restraint.
Jim Chalmers’ first of many tests in next Tuesday’s budget is to get the federal government’s spending under control before another global shockwave makes his job even harder than it is. He’s starting out with another $18 billion in Labor spending promises added during the election campaign for the next four years.
Last week, the government confirmed another blowout in the National Disability Insurance Scheme. So, on Tuesday night, Dr Chalmers must show structural spending cuts beyond the routine efficiency measures if he is to keep things under control.
Dr Chalmers’ political aims are not exactly modest. As the former chief-of-staff to treasurer Wayne Swan told The Australian Financial Review’s Ron Mizen this week, he wants to change the historic narrative in voters’ minds that Labor governments are worse economic managers than the Liberals. His former boss began a decade of deficits that lasted until the Coalition’s Josh Frydenberg balanced the books in 2019. After the pandemic blew up the budget again, deficits now stretch into at least the 2030s. Dr Chalmers’ ambition to revive Labor’s economic reputation rests on making his resolve on spending clear from next Tuesday onwards.
It can’t be about preparing the ground for higher taxes
Next Tuesday’s bottom line is being flattered by a commodity price boom and reduced welfare spending that’s sliced $140 billion off deficits over the next four years. But the outlook on Tuesday is still likely to be for several years of lower growth, higher than expected inflation, higher unemployment and the smaller but entrenched deficit. Against that, Dr Chalmers will also be fighting expectations of higher spending that became unanchored during the pandemic.
It seemed to become the government’s job to throw eye-watering amounts of cash at problems while the Reserve Bank and its central bank peers created the money from thin air. After a “no one left behind” Labor election campaign, Dr Chalmers has said no to any substantial spending to relieve cost-of-living pressures from higher interest rates and energy bills. That, he correctly says, would risk stoking inflation even further. As we report, the budget will push out by a year – until 2024 – when inflation is expected to fall to within the Reserve Bank’s 2 per cent to 3 per cent target.
Dr Chalmers wants the budget to start a conversation about what the budget can afford. Two weeks ago, he was focused on the revenue side. He seemed set to make an early splash with the idea of effectively raising income tax by scrapping or shaving the stage three tax cuts due to start in mid-2024. That’s been vetoed, at least for now, by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese because of its political costs.
This week, Dr Chalmers’ most notable words were about spending. The government needed to ensure that the NDIS did the job “it is supposed to do” for the “extraordinary amount of money” being spent on it. The Labor spending monument is now forecast to cost $50 billion by 2025-2026, or $20 billion more than projected in 2017. The scheme is something any good society should have. But the government can’t allow such an uncontrolled spending blowout. It has conceded as much this week by putting it under review.
The world is grim. A long era of artificially cheap money is ending as post pandemic and wartime inflation bites hard. That’s roiling financial markets for everything, and threatening a global recession next year. Even Australia’s usual pillar of support in China has its own serious problems. The bond market’s swift despatch of UK prime minister Liz Truss shows little tolerance for bad government.
In this fragile world, as Dr Chalmers noted on Friday, things can go wrong again quickly with a commodity-dependent mid-sized economy holding a trillion-dollar debt. Dr Chalmers’ first test on Tuesday is to show that he is a serious treasurer leading a serious Labor government that is committed to the difficult task of budget repair to tackle the current inflation breakout, to rebuild the fiscal buffers and to provide a solid macro-foundation for growth. It cannot just be about preparing the ground for higher taxes to finance a structural increase in the government’s share of the economy.
Sorry to all those who fell for the the vax poison and government lies.
Japan Bombshell: COVID-19 Vaccines 4X+ Myocarditis Risk than Background Population: ‘Extremely High Myocarditis Death Odds’
It would also be quite something to have a two-year-old on your knee reading that, and looking up at you in between page turns going ‘What the fuck?’
Mental arithmetic is basically innate for a human being of average IQ.
Average IQ in Australia is allegedly, 98, so, no, it’s not.
Schools help you on your way,
No they don’t, reading and arithmetic takes about 6 weeks to learn in Adult Education classes.
Homes Victoria have been busily selling off their old housing stock over the last few years (some would be good buying if you had the spare capacity). I’m sure someone is making sure the new supply is keeping pace with the evictions from the old though, not outsourcing to the ever more regulated private rental market… right…
Aussie Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions To Carbon Footprint
In another foretaste of potential future ‘carbon allowance’ limits, a major bank in Australia has introduced a new feature that links purchases to a customer’s carbon footprint and warns them when they are going over the average.
Australia’s Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has partnered with Cogo, a “carbon management solutions” company, to launch the new feature, which is part of CBA’s online banking platform.
The bank gives the customer the option to “pay a fee” to offset their carbon footprint, with the average listed as 1,280 kilograms, a long way from the ‘sustainable’ figure of 200 kilograms.
A person’s carbon footprint is calculated and then an ‘equivalent’ metric is show to make the customer feel guilty about it, such as “8 trees being cut”.
“By combining our rich customer data and CoGo’s industry-leading capability in measuring carbon outputs, we will be able to provide greater transparency for customers so that they can take actionable steps to reduce their environmental footprint,” CommBank Group executive Angus Sullivan said in a statement.
The bank has promised to refine the calculation down to showing how much CO2 individual purchases are responsible for.
While initially presented as a handy way for someone to track their consumption habits and the supposed impact they have on the environment, some fear that such schemes could one day become mandatory and place limits on purchases of customers who exceed their ‘carbon allowance.’
As we previously highlighted, allied with climate lockdowns, technocrats want to exploit hysteria over climate change to increase financial control over individuals.
Such a proposal was presented in the science journal Nature by four environmental “experts” as a means of reducing global carbon emissions.
Everyone would be issued with a ‘carbon allowance card’ “that would entail all adults receiving an equal tradable carbon allowance that reduces over time in line with national [carbon] targets.”
The authors make it clear that the program would be a “national mandatory policy.”
Carbon units would be “deducted from the personal budget with every payment of transport fuel, home-heating fuels and electricity bills,” and anyone going over the limit would be forced to purchase additional units in the personal carbon market from those with excess to sell.”
Of course, the wealthy would be easily able to afford the offsets, and many of them are directly invested in the trading mechanisms that the scheme would be based on.
The proposal makes clear that the means of measuring a person’s uptake of carbon units for travel would function “on the basis of the tracking the user’s movement history.”
The authors note that mass compliance with COVID-19 lockdown regulations has greased the skids for further intrusive tyranny and that, “people may be more prepared to accept the tracking and limitations related to PCAs to achieve a safer climate” as a result.
What’s she really being asked to resign about?
Because she (if it’s a she) has no integrity, believes the rules of her very highly-paid sinecure don’t apply to her, that she failed to disclose she was polishing a senior OMCG member while receiving high-level briefings on how OMCGs get shit tins of cash and drugs into the country:
And because most of all, she fails to see that as a problem.
Still have my much loved copy of Little Black Sambo, great story. Sambo’s parents are Mumbo and Jumbo. 🙂
I wouldn’t be calling them Crisis Actors on Twitter, put it that way.
Or mention Miles Mathis.
Great moments in libertarian thought:
Part One:
“Let’s ask nice Mr Stalin to help us fight the fascists”.
Part Two:
“Ukranians are all fascists. Support nice Mr Putin”.
Part Three:
“We should bet the house on the three legged horse”.
That’s because you’re here. Otherwise it would be 121.
The well being economic index Dr Chalmers (for a doctor of Paul Keating he is) was fond of talking about in opposition seems to have been consigned to the forgettery.
Are we talking claims?
Or signing up for a policy?
After the Jan. 6 Committee finishes, maybe a GOP Congress can probe some actual ‘threats to democracy’
By Glenn H. Reynolds
Congressional Democrats have nearly wrapped up the political circus generally known as the Jan. 6 Committee.
That panel was supposed to look into the allegedly democracy-shaking events of Jan. 6, 2021. Though this has been called an “insurrection,” it was closer to a campus mob occupying the dean’s office than a coup d’etat.
The actual violence that day pales in comparison to the bloody and fiery riots that raged across American cities in 2020, with approval, tacit and otherwise, from Democratic politicians and media (who described those riots as “fiery but mostly peaceful”).
Now Americans are more concerned with skyrocketing prices, economic stagnation and the threat of a nuclear war in Europe, after some unwise comments by President Joseph Biden gave Vladmir Putin an apparent green light to invade Ukraine. (The White House staff walked them back, as they so often do with the dodderer-in-chief’s remarks, but the damage was done).
If that happens, the question is what a new Republican congressional majority should do. The answer is lots of things, but I have one suggestion: It’s time for some hearings of their own.
Meanwhile, the Justice Department has been treating Americans with political views it dislikes as domestic terrorists. Attorney General Merrick Garland, at the behest of teachers unions and the White House, sicced federal investigators on parents who spoke up at school-board meetings. Now the FBI is breaking down doors among pro-life activists, even as it turns a blind eye to widespread arson against crisis pregnancy centers. Polls indicate that a majority of Americans now view the FBI as Biden’s personal G@stapo.
How did we get to this state of affairs? Congress should be asking pointed questions, and getting answers under oath.
Sancho Panzersays:
October 22, 2022 at 11:29 am
I have found GIO excellent and also SunCorp as well – all Aussies on Call centres not Overseas.
Are we talking claims?
Or signing up for a policy?
discussing how to reduce premiums on renewal
Mmm…yes; because a similar scheme with airline tickets has proven so popular.
Report: Congress Preparing $50 Billion Lame-Duck Ukraine Aid Bill as RINO Mitch McConnell Promises ‘Greater’ Assistance
Comments not Kind
– The American people don’t want to fill the people of Ukraines pension funds nor the oligarchs pockets. Dump McTurtle!!!!!!!!!!!
– What does Economic TREASON look like? Shipping BOATLOADS OF OUR TAX DOLLARS to a country which is neonazi, UNELECTED, DICTATORIAL and engaged in a suicidal effort to provoke a war with Russia? Does ANY OF THAT sound like it is AMERICA’S best interest?
I would suggest, if the BULK of the Congress is REPLACED and they try ANYTHING like that, an America First Congress bring down the FULL WEIGHT OF THE CONSTITUTION on their necks. Treason is treason. Whether GEOPOLITICAL or ECONOMIC.
– I’d sure like to see Mcturtle go down for this
– He’s terrible for the party.
– He is the Party Poop!
Let’s break this down, because it reads like UniParty spin:
Opinion, which you’ve borrowed from someone else.
More opinion.
Your misogynist fantasies run wild here.
This is an orchestrated Political Hit, you’re on the bandwagon as a very low level flack doing Labor/Greens dirty work for them.
The reality is that no Greens Senator ever retires at the Election, they retire MidTerm, some weirdo is appointed to the Vacancy by the State Premier, NewsCorp and BlogTrolls then give the weirdo a profile to take to the next Election.
Internal Polling must show Thorpey as a drag on the vote, but she hasn’t taken the hint, so the big guns have been wheeled out.
Thorpey has gone to ground, she knows she’s fucked, but i’d like to see her call out Peter Duttonj for not applying similar rules for Linda Reynolds, who’s attempted to interfere in an ACT Supreme Court Rape Trial.
So she’s got plenty in common with the other 226 in Federal Parliament.
GAE wants to unleash the national security state upon anyone that isn’t repeating Slava Ukraini.
Sending children to school age 5 didn’t work for the vast majority when I went there in the early 60s, most of them still can’t read well or do mental arithmetic.
I’m 74 now but my recollection of starting school at 5 in England is the 1st year was, basically, playing with toys, colouring-in ect .. all recreational very little “learning” so I’m assuming that as the standard 1st year curiculum back then …
Thinking on learning and age .. I could read & write by 7 no problems but one thing i have never been able to master is the alphabet .. never been able recite a thru z off-the-bat in my life, still can’t .. no idea why I had a good education, luv reading, and am no slouch with memorizing but for some reason I get a mental block when the full aphabet sequence comes into play ..
Arizona Sec of State Hobbs, Dem governor nominee, showed up to office 19 days in past 6 months
Hobbs’ absences from her state office have lasted weeks
Seems to be an American DemoCrap Theme don’t turn up to Work
Joe Biden as He Prepares to Depart for Another Weekend Vacation in Delaware: Democrats “Have a Great Record” On Crime (VIDEO)
Joe Biden on Friday afternoon departed DC en route to Delaware for another vacation after making a brief stop in Dover.
According to the New York Post, since being installed in January 2021, Joe Biden has spent more than 40% of his presidency on vacation.
There are no visitor logs at Biden’s Delaware compound so the American people have no idea who Biden is meeting with off-the-record.
We have no idea who is visiting Joe Biden every weekend in Delaware.
That’s the point of the article though db: there is no such thing as right-wing conservatism these days. The right lost the culture wars, there is nothing currently existing that they want to conserve any more. Conservatism exists only on the left.
The phenomenon of the “natcon” is illusory. So-called natcons are actually just fascists, who want big government which imposes their twisted, narrow, racist version of nationalism on a country which doesn’t want it. The term “post-liberal” is also code for fascism, as its core is using the power of the state to implement its economic and social preferences against the will of the majority.
To be in the mainstream right in modern times is to be a subscriber to a radical agenda to purge society. No wonder you lot love Russia so much, your ideology is not much different to Stalinism.
Ha ha.
You know, your Knuckle Dragger persona is very similar
to your MK50 persona.
And I always thought your MK50 persona had barely repressed homosexual undertones.
Like the Labor Party then? OK.
The bikie saw to that.
Got ‘her’ right in the Adam’s apple.
Europe and the United States Go Thelma and Louise Over the Ukraine
Sorry to burden you with film references, but this iconic scene (1 min 25 Secs) from Thelma and Louise seems to capture the current zeitgeist infecting Europe and the United States:
I will leave it to you to decide if Europe is Thelma or Louise. In either case, this is a suicide pact that the United States and Europe are jointly executing without taking time to think about the ultimate consequences of their current actions.
Both the United States and Europe have expressed openly their goal of getting rid of Vladimir Putin. Putin, in their juvenile world, is the source of all suffering and all evil. Quite a powerful guy according to Western mythology. Yet–irony alert–it is the leaders in the West that are being toppled. Joe Biden’s party is facing a massive rebuke in the upcoming November election. Italy gave the Prime Minister reins to an outspoken Conservative–a clear rejection of the traditional political hacks that had been in charge in Italy. And the United Kingdom is in the grips of a record setting meltdown of its political order. For the first time since Parliament came into being (we’re talking three hundred years), the Prime Minister was forced to resign after 40 days in office. While the Tories are trying to paint lipstick on this pig of a situation and call it Marilyn Monroe, it is a total clown show. The UK will continue to give lip service to backing Ukraine, but the economic reality will dictate either cutting back support in order to maintain the readiness of the British military or gutting the British military in favor of arming Ukraine. The UK cannot do both.
Notwithstanding the economic turmoil roiling Europe, the political leaders continue to pay lip service to backing Ukraine while their ability to actually send financial and military support fades. Germany is a prime example and is arguing over whether to send tanks. Neocon Anne Appelbaum (wife of former Polish Defense Minister Sidorski) provided a firsthand report of Germany’s schizophrenia on this issue:
Like Thelma and Lousie, the United States and Europe are gunning their engines and tossing equipment willy-nilly into Ukraine. I guess they hope something sticks.
You may be out of your depth here Edflamer.
You have not the wit, charm, capacity to evolve a discussion, nor the ability to win friends or influence people that the egg_roomba possesses in spades.
NB: I will be busy this afternoon. I’m going pigging in my Mini Moke.
In my Navy uniform.
My understanding is the curriculum in the UK back then was 2 grades ahead of Australia by Grade 7, although low intelligence children were separated from the brighter kids.
Brunch of the Gods: crisp streaky bacon, between thick cut fresh white bread fried on the inside in the bacon fat. Plus mug of 2x double shot black covfefe.
Uh huh.
Leaving the P76 in the garage, are we?
Yeah, good.
They all have formulae where you can trade off excess and level of cover for reduced premium.
They will be incredibly helpful with that.
Get back to me with your claims experience.
Just a little test.
Ring any given insurance company and select “.1 – I wish to take out a new policy.”
Then call back and select “.6 – I wish to lodge a claim.”
The former will be answered in under five seconds. The latter could be 20 – 40 minutes.
Blanked out pages
Dr. John Campbell
Pfizer / European commission vaccine contracts, over 100 blanked out pages
Same as Sydney, bern: scattered showers. But the rain has cleared which means Moonee Valley’s heavy 8 rating will likely be upgraded to a soft 7 during the day.
It’s also fortuitous that much of the Manikato Stakes meeting was called off because of last night’s electrical storm as the track isn’t as chewed up as it otherwise would have been.
I think so, yes – although I can fit three fully grown boars in the boot.
Does it have gold bwaid on the sweeves?
Nuclear Disasters: Should You Get Iodide Now?
Why yes. Yes it does. Mucho stripes of sleeve braid, brightly coloured.
I am frightfully important, you see. Choose your words carefully.
Sancho Panzersays:
October 22, 2022 at 11:56 am
Are we talking claims?
Or signing up for a policy?
discussing how to reduce premiums on renewal
Yeah, good.
They all have formulae where you can trade off excess and level of cover for reduced premium.
They will be incredibly helpful with that.
Get back to me with your claims experience.
OK 10 years ago,
but GIO excellent when in an Investment property Restauranter Tenant had sublet to 3rd world asian people working in his restaurant without our knowledge, and were cooking in the lounge room (not the kitchen) and started a fire – they all disappeared and one of our other tenants in the apartment block reported the fire
GIO were efficient in getting an Insurance assessor in quickly and arranging Building repairs – seamless
The bikies’ mole is not for turning.
There will be no apology or resignation (unless further dirt turns up).
It will go something like this …
“I do not apologise for standing up for my proud brothers who were about to be exiled from their own lands by a racist regime!”
Bikies’ – the placement of the apostrophe is deliberate.
‘All the rage’: Protesters glue themselves to the floor at Volkswagen
Should I be afwaid of an anonymous fake Admiral on the internets?
Master and Commander of HMAS Plagiarist.
This is a new one
Unvaccinated Single Women Say ‘No’ To Vaccinated Single Men
Ask any single woman about the ease of dating in today’s world and they will most certainly roll their eyes and groan. As a single woman myself, I can vouch for how tough the dating climate is for every one of us. But unvaccinated, single women now have it that much harder. The reason? The decision as to whether or not they will date vaccinated men is now on the table. And I can tell you first-hand, which has nothing to do with the viability of the candidates, themselves, as rich and interesting prospects, but rather “sex” to put it bluntly.
The overriding concern that the harmful effects of this vaccine may, ultimately, enter these women once the raincoat comes off.
As these women chose to remain unvaccinated for a reason, mitigating any risk by eliminating candidates based upon vaccine-status has become their new norm. Doing so isn’t without its issues, admittedly. Qualifying single men by such a standard makes the pool in which to select from additionally small, especially if one is living in a blue state. On top of that, plenty of single men don’t shine to the notion that they aren’t being considered simply because they decided to get vaccinated. Among the most disgruntled, hostile men tend to be those who succumbed to the vaccine by force. Feeling penalized twice over for a vaccine they never wanted to begin with, many of these men don’t handle these women’s rejection well.
Guilt, annoyance, diminishment, and just plain rudeness are known to occur in relation to these women’s decision to stay committed to their particular stance. “I have been called names for stating that the vaccine is a dealbreaker for me,” said Anika Janis.
For these women, there is simply not enough information about the vaccine or its effects to warrant consideration. No one knows the ramifications or what is to come for those who took the vaccine.
Do not bring me to anger, for I am the destroyer of worlds.
Look upon my works (in Canberra), ye mighty, and despair!
No, actual conservatism exists and has a large constituency on the y-axis of the political compass. BTW, the ridiculousness of your attempt to understand conservatism without any substantive content, as if what merely mattered was ‘conserving’ rather than what in particular was identified as worth conserving is just ridiculous and very likely disingenuous. The idea that the ‘true conservative’ now is that whom wants to conserve puberty blockers for minors, terms of imprisonment for those that pray outside of abortuaries, and the like, is too absurd to be taken seriously.
You need to stop pretending that liberals haven’t used state power to advance their agenda upon the public, or that you haven’t cheered this on from your couch. You’re just crying now because conservatives in large enough numbers to matter have finally noticed your fellowtraveller’s hypocrisy here and are readying to return the favour.
Sancho Panzer says:
October 22, 2022 at 11:56 am
Are we talking claims?
Or signing up for a policy?
discussing how to reduce premiums on renewal
As I own my house with no mortgage I told the insurance company to piss off when I received my renewal. I was confronted with a huge increase in premium.
A block the size of mine sells for $600,000.00 with or without a 1960’s home on it. So if my home was a total loss I would still get around the same money, so why insure the home?
Also I am not in the bush so no bushfire danger, and on top of the hill so no flood danger.
Contents insurance is cheap so went with that.
Team Albo solves data security as only they know how:
Australian companies to face fines of $50m for data breaches
If I were a hacker my letter to every data-holding business would go along these lines:
Insurance premiums and phone charges = up.
You mean boors, munty, ken and ed.
Three feet is one of the more nasty pollimuppets. To think people actually vote for such toxic garbage
Hopefully the UN imbeciles were able to blunder across the border and stroll through this country’s most model correctional facility, the AMC. Where the two z-grade kidnappers and rapists I helped condemn to ten and twelve years incarceration currently reside*.
*There is no mention of the Crown in the ACT’s constitution or legislation, so the term “residing at his Majesty’s pleasure” is not relevant. The UN imbeciles would also have been impressed by that, no doubt.
So, it’s no Q E now, it’s “restoring financial stability”.
Err, pardon my ignorance, but who is this, Milton?
Pleasure and action make the hours seem short.
– William Shakespeare
A fleeing Taliban terrorist, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghan desert when he saw something far off in the distance.
Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the mirage, only to find a very frail little old Jewish man standing at a small makeshift display rack – selling ties.
The Taliban terrorist asked “Do you have water?” The Jewish man replied “I have no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They are only $5”. The Taliban shouted hysterically “Idiot Infidel! I do not need such an over-priced western adornment. I spit on your ties. I need water!”
“Sorry, I have none, just ties. Pure silk, and only $5”. “Pahh! A curse on your ties! I should wrap one around your scrawny little neck and choke the life out of you but… I must conserve my energy and find water!”
“Okay” said the little old Jewish man. “It does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie from me, or that you hate me, threaten my life, and call me infidel. I will show you that I am bigger than any of that. If you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a restaurant. It has the finest food and all the ice-cold water you need. Go in peace”.
Cursing him again, the desperate Taliban staggered away, over the hill.
Several hours later he crawled back, almost dead, and extending a $5 bill, he gasped “They won’t let me in without a tie!”
Dreyfus means three feet
God help us.
It votes.
The word doesn’t have much meaning if the stuff that is supposed to be conserved doesn’t exist. Patriarchy, white supremacy, religious pre-eminence, protectionism, the nuclear family… how can you defend these things if they have already been overrun by progress? You’re standing on the ramparts of a defeated castle, looking foolish.
The true conservative now wants to defend the hard-won freedoms from the post-Depression era and civil rights movements across the West. Yes, that includes personal rights that you don’t like.
People that you call “conservatives” are not in the majority. The left won the culture wars because it won the debate among the public, leading to large majorities behind expansions of rights like suffrage, gay marriage and abortion laws.
Revel in your rebellion. Glory in your status as the underdog, db. You are among the chosen few! All it will take is forty years in the electoral wilderness while you have a think about things. Off you go then.
Death to traitors.
Death to genocidal maniacs.
Anyone got a problem with that?
Thou art a fuckwit of the highest order.
The stuff that is supposed to be conserved does exist.
You saying it doesn’t means nothing.
Patriarchy may be lost, but there is nothing wrong with it anyway.
What is patriarchy other than the natural order of things during times of peace with non hysterical women?
Patriarchy is a duty men should have never given away.
Week men make hard times.
White supremacy is a fiction in the minds of the racist left.
The nuclear family is a beautiful thing and requires less government than a free forall of degenerate fuckwits looking for the government to be their mummy and daddy.
A defeated castle says Monty, yet in reality, the west haven’t even woken up to what is going on.
God help the left when they do.
Get your children checked out Monty, they don’t deserve to be murdered by you getting them jabbed.
You mention no one in particular.
Who’s the arbiter for Treason and Genocidal Mania?
It would be your modest self, by any chance?
But he is evolving though. Watch him carefully as Mr Ed has had more mutations that Covid.
The true conservative wants to conserve those things that allowed those movements to exist at all.
Reynolds, historian and honorary professor in Aboriginal studies at the University of Tasmania, believes that frontier violence did amount to a war. He says the 1992 Mabo decision which recognised Indigenous land rights meant that the conflicts were fought over ownership and control of land, the traditional spoils of war.
Reynolds must be aware that the Mabo decision was based on Australia being settled, not conquered. Is he trying to destroy Mabo, perhaps to cause internal conflict that could destroy Australia as a nation?
Let’s get to it.
Who is on your list?
Jay Bhattacharya: Lockdowns Brought Us Back to the Dark Ages, Can We Come Back
So Dan and his leftscum supporters like you are in fact fascists.
The true conservative wants to conserve those things that allowed those movements to exist at all.
Ha ha.
The Civil Rights Movement in America was an FBI Cointelpro from Go to Whoa.
The post Depression Era saw an increase in prosperity, but a drastic curtailment of Liberties.
When you see a dog, can you tell it’s a dog?
When you see someone murdered do you not see the murderer?
Excusing no retalliation when it’s against the bleeding obvious…….cowardice?
If you come across a man hitting a woman, do you wait for the government to tell you whether what you are seeing with your own eyes is actually happening?
What do you do about it?
Treason is an action.
It stands out like the dick on your forehead.
Mass murder does too.
On the UK, swirling down the pan.
Reading Guido, it looks like the options are going to be Rishi and Bozza.
Hard to see either being able to form a working majority.
Easy to see both being viewed as an insult by the parliamentary party.
At present, Keir Starmer will be praying that the Labour lunatic fringe can contain itself long enough to get him elected.
I see he’s joined the Taliban.
Great news….Rineheart has pulled the dosh from NA.
No, but I would suggest you need to define ‘traitor’. Because if it’s the Bosi definition, which according to his own manifesto means anyone engaging in ‘economic warfare’ (which is undefined), and ‘political warfare’ (which is also undefined, but could well be as someone with a differing political view) then I do have a problem with that.
If it’s not the Bosi definition, as a former adherent I would ask you to say exactly what it means, rather than throwing about empty rhetoric.
Secondly, please explain how and by whom the death sentence will be judged. You’ve previously (and weakly) indicated this would be done by ‘the people’.
This is important, because in this day and age of ginned-up agenda-driven courts and their MSM glorifiers, compounded by muppets who believe everything they read in the paper, by your rationale people like George Pell would be rotting in the ground right now for an act that was physically impossible. Be specific if you want support.
Lastly, please explain how and by whom the sentence will be carried out. Because if it’s not by you personally – and I don’t mean pulling a lever, flicking a switch or squeezing a trigger, because anyone can do that from a distance – then that’s a job for someone else, right?
If you personally are not prepared to swing the blade, hard into the back of the neck, then it’s all just hollow bluster. If you want support, be specific in explaining exactly what it is and how you want to do it, rather than hiding behind three-word protest slogans.
By the way: ‘Death to traitors’ was the motto of the Cheka, the NKVD and SMERSH. All extremely totalitarian organisations under the Soviet Union, and I’m not sure if your alignment there is accidental.
Shit hot!
Knuckle Dragger and MK50 are both [fake] personas of one particular person.
That’s not even arguable anymore.
I didnt know EdFuck was a Dan supporter.
Fuckoff you evil cunt.
Our little cowardly sneerers are scared of this talk.
Yet it’s appropriate.
We have had many discussions over the years regarding capital punishment.
And many were very pro executing murderers.
All of a sudden, these things must not be mentioned.
So who would be on my list?
Anyone who is a traitor or a genocidal mass murderer.
Or both.
There is nothing wrong with condemning those who have destroyed nations and murdered thousands.
It needs to be said.
It should be a given.
A stopped clock moment. Edflamer’s on the money.
The failed dictator and Voice of Teh PeoPle, who dreams of untrammelled power over the masses disguised with motherhood statements that mean what he wants them to mean.
Also the funniest bloke in town.
At present, Keir Starmer will be praying that the Labour lunatic fringe can contain itself long enough to get him elected.
There’s not a GE due for another 3 years and Tories have a majority of 84.
The solution is for a compromise Candidate to come through and withdraw the Whip from Sunak and, say, 25 of his hardcore supporters.
Richard Cranium
You’re carrying water for the Labor Party again.
Your understanding of sarcasm is limited. Go back to school and try again.
Monty wants us to believe families don’t exist, that we can’t defend marriage because it doesn’t exist, biological reality of the sexes doesn’t exist, and so on, but he is very afraid that there is a constituency out there that will defend them, which is why he has to say that they don’t exist but that their very existence is evil.
Not even the slaveowners had the chutzpah to defend slavery as a ‘personal’ right.
Remember how people like Monty used to pretend the culture wars were a figment of the conservative imagination and now they tell us they won so please shut up. No, we won’t.
Oh I’m mentioning it.
I’m asking you how you would define it, and how you would accomplish it, and knowing full well what the answer will be – if provided at all.
It will be someone else’s job but with you at the head of the table, and with a backdrop of the corpses of every single person with a differing view to you* – having had your individual brilliance finally recognised by the elements of society you allow to live.
*This includes people who thought your protest song was shit, and the bloke who bought your boat.
Listen to them bawling now!
Just heard that.
And the statement is a beauty.
Translation – “You’re a fucking rabble”.
And here’s the hook.
Translation – “I am dangling this carrot here for a couple of weeks. Over to you.”
Fucking brilliant.
Talk about “defusing the disunity”.
This will absolutely spark a shitfight between the current players who are going to miss out and the ex-players who are stirring the pot with nothing to lose.
Florida Agriculture Losses from Hurricane Ian
From Armstrong Economics –
“The damages from the hurricane are still being evaluated, but preliminary estimates state that Ian caused Florida’s agriculture industry to lose up to $1.56 billion. Around five million acres of farmland were destroyed by the hurricane, 60% of which was grazing land for cattle. An additional 500,000 acres were affected but not destroyed. Florida produces around $8 billion in agricultural goods per year, so this is a significant blow to the industry.
The Sunshine State was already experiencing hardships prior to Hurricane Ian, with some estimates saying the industry would decline by a third this year due to temperatures and disease.
“The impact on Florida’s affected commodities cannot be understated, especially the heartbreaking damage to Florida citrus, an industry already facing significant challenges,” state Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried declared. Orange juice alone is expected to cause a $304 million loss. The US Department of Agriculture said that orange production was already 32% down YoY, marking the smallest harvest in eight decades.
Up to $393 million may be lost from destroyed vegetable crops, while horticultural crops may experience a $297 million decline. Cattle is expected to decline by over $220 million.
The true damage cannot be assessed until the fields dry up. None of these figures account for inflation. Natural disasters will only contribute to rising food prices and shortages.”
And exactly the same thing goes for all the floods in Australia. Agricultural production will be impacted and food prices will rise along with supply disruptions. Stock up on that canned food and dry goods now (I mean yesterday).
Aussie Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions To Carbon Footprint
I don’t want support.
I am speaking about moral arguments and righteousness.
It is right, fair and just to declare mass murderers and traitors should be punished, and punished hard.
I would argue for the death penalty as a deterrent to those who may wish to go to war against us in the future.
I say it to get the sneerers shitting themselves.
Which they are.
If you are an Australian and committing economic war against this country, or serving the globalists, you are a traitor.
We need to be unafraid to use the correct names and apply them to those who are obviously doing these crimes.
If we had a media holding these people to account, or a judiciary not actively globalist, and a constitutional government, we could leave it to them.
We could leave it to those institutions who are there to protect us from such criminal behaviour.
They’ve all been long marched through.
So for us, it should be enough to make these statements, these reasonable statements without people shitting themselves because we do so.
We expect our institutions to defend the nation agaist these crimes against our civilisation and against our very lives.
And we should very loudly let these instituions know what we expect from them.
Death to traitors.
Death to genocidal mass muderers.
Only a few years ago these statements would be a given and agreed with whole heartedly by most.
Heh. Someone who knows the value of money.
The Hun:
Extremely generous on Rinehart’s part.
The backhander:
BAM. And now:
Fucking gold. ‘Sources say they are reticent’. I bet they are.
Cop that, whiny netty chicks. Fuck off and take your fake, non-crowd drawing shitsport with you.
When words are scarce they are seldom spent in vain.
– William Shakespeare
You may be surprised at how little I fear the “dolly out of the pram” tanties of you and your ilk.
Is supporting Netball Australia a 100% Tax WriteOff?
Course it is.
An Irishman took his son to the bar on his birthday to buy him his first drink. The father bought his son a stout, but he didn’t like it and didn’t want to drink it. The father decided to drink it for him and ordered an ale instead. He didn’t like it either. So, the father drank it and ordered him a cider. Lager, cider, cream ale… he didn’t like any of them, so the father drank them and ordered whiskey instead. He didn’t like any of the Irish whiskeys the father ordered, so the old man drank them and decided to give up. By the time they left the bar. The father was so drunk he could barely push his son’s stroller home.
I just see a mindset that wants the legal benefits of Australia being settled – land rights and Native title, but the high moral ground of being invaded..”Mighty Aboriginal warriors resisted to the last…we want a treaty and billions of dollars in reparations..”
How else could it be defended if there wasn’t a personal right to ownership.
Vicplod head sees anyone daring to not be subservient to the criminals in our government as “inciting rebellion”
There should be more than rebellion by now.
Especially from the jabbed.
But back to the cricket.
Or the Ukraine war
Or some trial because a bimbo got caught being a bimbo.
Like the ‘obvious DeatH camps’, which turned out to be a ‘well what else would you have concluded’ moment?
Good, because you’re not going to get it with screamy soapboxing about things you are neither prepared to explain, nor actually accomplish yourself.
Or a 44 gallon drum.
Word is that it was designed specifically for South Australians. Can’t beat the Snowtown Special for versatility, and load carrying capacity.
All the good Nazis were cocky and secure at the start……..
Gina can direct her tax write-offs to more worthy and appreciative organisations.
The interwebs will be buzzing with hopefuls.
The gals have to be “flamers”, no?
I have been thinking the same for a while. The left have used government power and money to force compliance with its evil ideology dressed up as virtuous.
There is no reason why conservatives should not use government power to roll back the stupidity and evil. It is precisely the neutral stance of right governments that is abused by the left to relentlessly ratchet up the madness.
In fact it is now mandatory that right gov use its power to roll back the suicidal course the left has put us on. After that it can revert back to a neutral stance, safeguards must be put in place to prevent a return to the left’s madness.
You’re tying yourself in knots here db. The religious right don’t own the concepts of family, marriage and gender any more. No one listens to you any more on culture issues. You are as relevant as Bruce Ruxton.
You are your god-bothering cronies are in the process of taking over the Liberal Party, but we saw at he last election how useful they are, didn’t we?
You are really, really deep in the weeds here, if as I suspect this is a reference to Libya. Your quip is so obscure as to be a non sequitur.
By all means db, shout yourself hoarse. Just don’t lie about being anything other than a reactionary radical. No, you’re not part of a silent majority. You’re a fringe nutball.
Sounds more like the prelude to The Terror to me.
You’re frightened of words KD.
Death to traitors.
Death to genocidal mass murderers.
Tick tick tick……….
That settles it then.
Except that I know who both of them are, and you’re wrong…but what’s new.
Stand, fight, and if necessary fall*! In an unspecified manner!
*Somebody else!
Here’s plan for you, St. Ruth. Get yourself a Senate seat, and then use the cash flowing in from Big Gopvernment – including office space, administrative staff, and of course ‘expenses’ for The Cause.
No? Been tried already?
Is your ignorance because you are thick, or because you are frightened.
My odds are on both.
It’s not over yet shitfabrains.
You may wish to aquaint yourself with what Choo Choo’s killer has in store with his latest bill to parliament.
Then get back to me you rock dweller.
I saw a P76 on Gumtree the other day. Someone was offering it as a swap for a 16 foot Hartley,
It was defended as Natural Law.
Of course, 98% of people owned no Slaves, as a matter of fact the presence of Slaves depressed wages and living standards, which rose once slavery was ended.
Q. What does a senator say after sex?
A. Do you guys all belong to the same club?
You should show some respect for those who did not comply.
You know you wore a mask.
I know you did.
I know you used your good Nazi pass.
Were you out and about while the unjabbed were confined to their homes in Darwin?
Be honest you fucking weasel.
There are many women that make better men than you.
Huh, Trump praises vaxes and said even got a booster.
I don’t think KD is Mk50. As I recall Mk50 was just a prick, whereas I quite like KD. Mk50 was smarter (though not as smart as he thought he was), but KD is a nicer fella.
Montypox even more poisonous and obnoxious than usual but what would expect from a germalism ‘graduate’
KD = Mk50 = Mater.
Where’s Turtlehead/CMD Longtime Sniveler?
I wonder how Stuphid is impacting the so-called wonderful lurking experience? The lurking paradise.
Kenn Worth Road Ranger (and transgenderism advocate).
Turkey too, and possibly Argentina and Iran.
It really is amazing how badly and how quickly this Biden administration has destroyed Pax Americana.
I just fucking told you they weren’t the same bloke. Are you dead between the ears, or are you trying to improve your wrongology score by cheating?
Ah, good times.
The only flaw in the plan was the proposed meal ticket fell 93.1% short of a quota.
KD = Mk50 = Mater = Marter
Going down (phrasing) in flames, yes.
Speaking of the Senate, anyone heard from Ralph Babbit
I’m me, if that helps. Except when I’m not, which isn’t often.
Those times I’m just a potted palm sitting quietly in the corner.
NRL legend Paul Green had an advanced brain disease at the time of his death, doctors have revealed.
Well, a fair chunk of his “smarts” were direct lifts from other authors, so it’s hard to tell.
As they say “Choose your words carefully”.
Or in his case “Choose other people’s words carefully.”
Silly m0nty-fa still hasn’t worked out the difference between conservatism and socialism/fascism.
Conservatives wany to preserve that which is of value to society, and enables civil society to function in a cooperative, democratic, way.
Socialists of all breeds (international, national, pseudo-democratic, communists, fascists) want to gain and preserve (Note: Not conserve.) that which allows them to maintain power over (to borrow a phrase) The Lives of Others. Preserving a position of power is the means of dominating the population from a position of privilege. That is what the left does.
Except that I know who both of them are, and you’re wrong…but what’s new.
Yes but that is a statement from monty.
Coupled with what you’ve just said it’s quite the paradox.
Went to every protest in D-town, which is why I was able to talk about it – along with the parasite fringe groups with separate (yet unspecified) agendas that infested them.
What I didn’t do was call everyone who put their families and livelihoods first shallow cock smokers.
Mr ‘Socialism has sat me on my arse’.
They still have lamington drives.
This is fun, can anyone play?
Numbers = monty.
You’re right, Ed.
I just made it up to provide support to Monty’s speculation.
From the Oz – comments allowed…
Ed Case = Numbers
They’re both invented personas.
Invented by the same person, likely to be highly closeted, but fruity.
Just listened to latest Megan Kelly podcast. The first part was about Covid Vax for kids.
CDC has just recommended the Vax be added to list of recommended Vax for kids. If adopted by states this Vax would then be required for kids to go to school.
Megan scathing about it as this in effect becomes a mandate. She rattles off some deaths due to Vax amongst young people. She mentioned 3 in NZ which did not include the case of Rory Nairn whose death inquest was last month and found to be jab caused. All NZ cases were Pfizer.
I recall an article by Frank Chung of News com au in June where he said NZ given 11 million jabs and in same time Australia 40 million. Yet we have miraculously had no Pfizzer deaths. I am no medical expert but if NZ had at least four admitted deaths from 11 million jabs you would think Australia would have had some from nearly 4 X as many jabs. Weird how lucky we have been.
Unless of course the people who approve the jabs, the TGA, are the same people supposedly monitoring the adverse effects. Might be a conflict of interest to actually admit there have been any. No problem admitting to the AZ jabs since no longer recommended.
Say No.
A paid advertisement on Fakebook for a Lord Mayoral candidate for Adelaide, Steven Kelly….
Are you a globalist or an Australian local politician?
“Dear fellow candidates are you a globalist or a Australian local politician?
Do you endorse these Global Agendas, the people must know who they are voting for.
Rex Patrick , Gupta Vivek, Jane Lomax-Smith for Lord Mayor 2022 and Sandy Verschoor do you know about the 2030 Agenda, The Great Reset, Build Back Better Global Agendas? Are you aligned with them, complicit ignorant or against?
A lot of text follows, ending with
“That’s why it is important for the people to know your views on this matter, are you aware about these agendas, who do you stand with are you a Globalist or an Australian Local Politician?
Waiting for your response to this matter
Steven Kelly”
I know it’s paid for, but it’s been up for 24 hours and all comments are in favour of Kelly.
How is it permitted by Fakebook?
mOron is doing his best to talk around, camouflage, squirrel deflect and forgettery the simple truth; Socialism is an utterly failed totalitarian ideology and everywhere it has been implemented.History shows it results in needless deaths and imposes misery for entire populations.
mOron’s Socialism is built on lies, deceit , perversions and corruption. It’s adherents and followers are commonly sick demented losers who cannot make it in a sensible world , among sensible people. So they gravitate to the freakshow on the left.
Mr. Ed. STFU as you’re really beginning to annoy folks. Stop making stupid comments meant to incite.
Ed Casesays:
October 22, 2022 at 1:26 pm
Is supporting Netball Australia a 100% Tax WriteOff?
Course it is.
Is supporting the RFDS? Another of Rinehart’s other causes, which might suddenly get an extra bucket of money.
You’re probably right. The giveaway is that KD is turning 80 next month, but was born in 1943. Suspicious, no?
Good that Gina is not a squish unlike Nelson. Nelson should resign in protest against this Marxist take over of AWM.
Let’s break this down:
Good enough for me, pard.
Both the creations of one deeply disturbed dude.
“Huh, Trump praises vaxes and said even got a booster.”
President Trump is a very smart man.
t’s understood Netball Australia will now approach major betting companies to come on board, although sources say they are reticent, considering how influential the players have been in this episode.
On two counts a betting company should be considered a non starter; the potential for conflict of interest, so easy to miss the hoop in a tightly contested game, and since when was the gambling industry a bastion of morality? ie Star Casino comes to mind. My bet is that the bimbos that made this decision probably don’t realise if it wasn’t mining there wouldn’t be any solar panels, wind turbines or transmission lines.
My prediction, and I hope I’m wrong, is that AWM will end up like the Museum of Australia also in Canbra.
That Trump story was from last year.
Is supporting the RFDS? .
Course it is.
Is there any good reason why the various Governments shouldn’t fully fund the RFDS?
You’re tying yourself in knots here db. The religious right don’t own the concepts of family, marriage and gender any more. No one listens to you any more on culture issues. You are as relevant as Bruce Ruxton.
m0nty-fa whistling as he walks past the graveyard of socialist societies at midnight.
You are your god-bothering cronies are in the process of taking over the Liberal Party, but we saw at he last election how useful they are, didn’t we?
m0nty-fa really doesn’t read what others post here, does he?
PS, doesn’t m0nty-fa claim to be a Catholic? God might not like the use of the contemptuous term “god-bothering”.
Bringing home the bacon was what Paul Bleating went on about all those years ago. Yes and Pigs might fly (one day).
As for Swanee, he had NFI and Chalmers will be another Laybore failure.
Can someone please let these ‘Pollies’ know that an Insurance Scheme is one that is funded. The NDIS is not an Insurance Scheme. It is all about robbing Peter to pay Paul. And Paul will always vote to rob Peter.
This will be a Budget Fiasco. More Debt and more Deficits until the Cows come home……………………
Knowing what you’re talking about always helps.
No one bets on Netball, but the Casinos and Betting Companies are obliged to donate a percentage to Charities/Worthwhile Causes [of their choice].
Montypox sounds quite cranky
Just the opposite, which explains your retreat to irrelevancies like the ‘ownership of the concepts’ or claims that ‘no one listens to conservatives on cultural issues anymore’. This is pretty much every tired refrain to people responding to liberalism’s manifest overreach, for instance, on the question of gender. You simply want to pretend that they don’t ‘own’ it, which is simply a indirect way of saying that you ‘own’ the concept and like Humpty Dumpty, it ‘will mean whatever you want it to mean, neither more nor less’; and of course, the ‘no one listens to you anymore bigot so shut up’ play.
A reference to Libya? Dear oh dear.
Who’s shouting? The clearest evidence that liberals fear a counter to their cultural program is this constant attempt to inculcate in their opponent the perception that they are alone, that their aims are stillborn, that there is no constituency for a defense of common sense, traditional cultural/ social values. All I have to do is look at the political compass to see that there is and that it is significant.
Don’t make me start traveloguing.
From the SMH November 2021:-
So, in a tax bill of more nearly 3 billion dollars, her tax dodge master-stroke is a $15 million sponsorship of Netty chicks?
By all means, travelogue. Just don’t tell me about your tits.
‘Netball Australia has had the rug pulled out from under it after mining magnate Gina Rinehart ripped up a $15 million sponsorship deal on Saturday.
In a swirling fiasco, the situation has continued to deteriorate in recent days following revelations last weekend that Diamonds players had concerns about wearing a team uniform that included sponsorship branding from Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting company.
The $15 million commercial agreement was a lifeline for the governing body, which has lost more than $7 million over the past two years, mostly due to costs associated with Super Netball.
In a statement issued on Saturday, Hancock Prospecting confirmed it had pulled its sponsorship of the sport, and its subsequent ties to Netball WA and the West Coast Fever.
“Hancock and Roy Hill were not made aware prior to the proposed partnerships, of the complexity of existing issues between Netball Australia and the Players Association. This includes the Players Association’s endeavours to gain a very substantial increase in wages during a time the sport is reeling financially, and unable to provide such an increase,” the statement read.
“Hancock and Roy Hill do not wish to add to netball’s disunity problems, and accordingly Hancock has advised Netball Australia that it has withdrawn from its proposed partnership effectively immediately,” they said.’
Hey….who agrees?
Traitors should be put up against a wall and shot, and the same with mass murderers.
And who thinks that in these dark times, not responding in the affirmative to my question is in your best interests?
Groogs has the stupid turned up to 11 today.
A rotten apple?
‘Hancock and Roy Hill have advised Netball Australia and Netball WA respectively, that it will instead provide a four-month sponsorship should they and their players wish to accept it, to continue funding the athletes and to help Netball as it arranges alternative funding and sponsorships,’ the company said.
In a 1984 television interview, Mr Hancock made a shocking statement about Indigenous Australians.
‘The ones that are no good to themselves and can’t accept things, the half-castes -and this is where most of the trouble comes,’ Mr Hancock said in the 1984 documentary film Couldn’t Be Fairer.
‘I would dope the water up so that they were sterile and would breed themselves out in future and that would solve the problem.’
Mr Hancock died in 1992 at the age of 82, and said Indigenous Australians who had been ‘assimilated’ should be left alone.
‘Those that have been assimilated into, you know, earning good living or earning wages amongst the civilised areas,’ he said.
‘Those that have been accepted into society and they have accepted society and can handle society, I’d leave them well alone.’
No one. Fuck off and make me a word salad.
Or netball hoops.
Whiny, virtue-screaming ex-captains with vested interests most certainly is a ‘complexity’.
This is gold.
Or more accurately, several billion tonnes of mined iron ore.
That didn’t sound like ‘I don’t want support’.
Explain yourself. Please use specifics. The post at 1.06 refers.
If you force someone to take something that may kill them, it’s attempted murder.
If that one person dies, it’s murder.
If more than one die, it’s mass murder.
If 600 extra deaths above the average are now dying since the jabs came out….each week…….In Australia alone, is that still mass murder, or is it Genocide,…… maybe an act of war?
Remember, according to Plod head in Darwin, you have no right to either have an opinion or attempt to work it out.
That’s inciting rebellion, doncha know!
He’d prefer it if you left Dan Andrews to make that call.
Oh man, if Mastriano wins even without the donor money its going to be a catastrophe for Ds these midterms.
Deadset crooks and frauds. They should be adorning lamposts;
“The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2”is one of the most influential scientific articles in history.
In February 2020 — about a month before a pandemic had been declared — five top virologists huddled to examine aspects of a rapidly emerging coronavirus that seemed primed to infect human cells. (The furin cleavage site kept one virologist up all night.) A few days later, they concluded the virus had not been engineered. In March, their conclusions were published in Nature Medicine.
“We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible,” the article read.
The article assured much of the media, Washington and the broader infectious disease community that there was no need to scrutinize the labs at the pandemic’s epicenter in Wuhan, China. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is well known for research on SARS-like coronaviruses, including gain-of-function research. Though a “correspondence” and not a formal paper, the article has been cited in the press 2,127 times.
It took 15 months and a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to reveal that each of the five authors had expressed private concerns about engineering or the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s store of novel coronaviruses.
Also troubling: A confidential teleconference organized by Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar had framed early drafts of the article. But several scientists on the call had undisclosed conflicts of interest.
Two authors were later found to have collaborated with the Wuhan lab or its American partner, EcoHealth Alliance. Anothervirologist who shaped the article’s central ideas without credit is synonymous with controversial viral engineering.
Also present on the call for “advice and leadership” but not publicly credited: director of the National Institutes of Health Francis Collins and director of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci. NIAID had funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology — a fact Fauci had been alerted to by late January.
Victoria are 6/200 against WA in the one-dayer.
Later today, Straya will be up against NZ in the T20 World Cup.
I do hope Pat Cummins got hold of Gina Rinehart’s message* about sport being no place for political agendas, very loud and very clear.
*Sledgehammer to the noggin.
Rug pulled?
No, no.
Netty Straya stood in the middle of the polyester rug, splashed petrol all around the edge, then started flicking lit matches everywhere.
The rest of that piece is telling.
Basically Gina is saying she was tipping money in, firstly to bail Netty out of debt and, secondly, to establish the sport on a firm footing.
What was becoming obvious was that the players wanted to snavel the cash for massive pay rises because … yo’ worth it grrrrl.
Anyone who believes that family, marriage and gender are “concepts” people can “own” rather than means by which God orders human life for the good is headed to a dark place. Once God’s order is rejected, they will inevitably seek to impose their own.
From fossil fuels?
Nooo. They would never.
Ed Casesays:
October 22, 2022 at 2:09 pm
I beg to differ Mr Ed Case. Check your facts first.
Netball betting is relatively new to the Australian sports betting environment. While netball has been a highly popular sport in Australia for some time, …
What the USA and Europe don’t really appreciate is that behind Putin there are all of those hard liner Communists from Soviet times. If Putin exits stage left then the hardliners will take over. So what then? Mayhem I would think…………….Putin won’t pull the nuclear trigger but others well might.
St ruth is a Soros honey trap.
I believe that rug was repossessed some time ago.
Are we having a hearing before a JURDGE with REAL EVIDENCES?
Or just a random shooting gallery?
Fuck off.
Your wet dream about a purge of the St Ruth Recalcitrants is pathetic.
I have no fear about a knock on the door from the Kenn Worth Road Ranger Deathsquad.
Because it is never happening.
Continue shouting at the clouds though, champ.
It’s fun to watch.
He that is giddy thinks that the world turns round.
– William Shakespeare
That means that a lot of us are giddy. Maybe the Bard should have studied more science just like our “Pollies’ today.
A couple of short fat blokes coming down the driveway, wheezing in the heat.
‘Geez mate. Any cows at home? You wouldn’t happen to have a hearty Aussie schnitzel would ya? Before your execution.’
Great news….Rinehart has pulled the dosh from NA.
All red-blooded males and lezzos get ready for the upcoming netballers calendar and photo shoots in People / Picture magazines.
Gotta pay for the carbon neutral travel to matches.
Or will it be back to local leagues? I’m sure they will be welcome there.
Can I order the Fillet Steak Please?
And the Vegetable?
Oh.? he will have Chicken Nuggets!
From the Comments on
Joe Biden Struggles with 2024 Question During Live Broadcast – 27 secs
Such happy reading with these well posted posts with lots of vitriol. What a great site of enlightenment and libertarianism…………………………………..In a fish bowl.
Time for a joke then.
Two old men are sat on a bench at the park. A young, fit girl runs past in a sports bra and a tiny pair of shorts. One of the men smiles and this brings the girl over. “Why are you staring at me and grinning, you pervert?” she says. The old man sweetly replies “My dear I’m not smiling at you, I’m smiling at the thought that no matter how bad the world gets, there will always be young, pretty girls in the summer to cheer up a lonely old man”. The girl replies “Aww you sweet old man!” leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek and jogs on. The old man turns to his friend and says “Two-nil to me and now your turn”.
Ha ha.
The cowards spit, and the rest stay quiet………
1930’s Germany springs to mind yet again.
How fucking typical.
No wonder we are in the shit we are in.
Only a couple of years ago most on Sinc’s old blog would have agreed wholeheartedly.
Traitors should be put up against a wall and shot.
Not hard.
Same with mass murderers.
Even easier.
But not now……..
Thorpe even has the fawning leftist lapdogs of Lee Rhiannon at the Sydney Morning Herald coming after her. They have an exclusive (I wonder who leaked it) on Thorpe repeatedly pressing Home Affairs about the case of a Rebels member who was under threat of deportation.