And it is a bit of a stretch to suggest that this was a cunning ploy by the US to…
And it is a bit of a stretch to suggest that this was a cunning ploy by the US to…
Woke up this morning to find we have been flooded in. I looked at a cylindrical vase I left empty…
DOGE Uncovers More Than $300M in Loans Given to Children 11 Years Old or Younger During COVID
Report: ICC prosecutor pressured alleged victim to retract claims against him
People seem to need a hysteria. Essentially humans en masse are fairly stupid. They are willing to be corralled into…
Doctor Warns: Covid ‘Vaccine’ Designed to Infiltrate Every Part of Your Body, ‘That’s Why People Are Dying’
Gorton’s liking for a pretty face and a few drinks earned him the nickname of “Jolly John” – that’s the first Ive heard of “Bungles.”
Good subject for your next book, Top Ender?
The ALPBC 7 o’clock News played the Brittany story with a straight bat (by their standards). Nobody wants to be the first to get hit with a contempt of court charge.
Some may remember the fact one of our servos was taken over by a small Indian village a few months ago, the half a dozen local girls sacked and the hot box turned over to curries and other savoury dishes.
Decided to top up the last couple of diesel jerry cans the other day and went to the second servo, to be greeted by curried egg sandwiches, strange music and a swarthy sub Continental behind the counter.
It looks like there’s only one servo left to do a recce on to see if the Visa campaign is meeting its employment targets.
You realise you could help by a small alteration to your dressing regime, huh?
This whole story about the discovery is a bit suspect. Here is the process of dealing with jury documents in Queensland courts. You would expect similar in other jurisdictions.
Jurors have a file with their juror number on it. They place these files in a box which is then locked in a cupboard whenever they leave the room. The sheriff is the only one with a key to that cupboard. The box is plenty big enough for the folders so there’s no chance of them falling out and in any case the sheriff doesn’t place them in the box himself and has no reason to touch them.
Daily Mail
Ek roll ap die vloor..
Write a post about how shitty vigilantism is.
Ed-mong: why do you think vigilante is good?
Smooth rain energy there Ed.
Smooth and slippery.
Ultimately what the left have done is weaponise liberty and freedom against the right. They are liars, hypocrites and have no morals, yet they frame everything in moralistic terms. They always reframe everything in terms of doing good for some section of the community or the community as a whole. Conservatives are then left to answer a lie reframed as a good and generally they either shy away or are just not bright enough to push back against the framing.
Soon as anyone on the right tries to push back against the abuse of freedom by the left they are branded hypocrites, fascists or nazis. The left don’t care if they are hypocrites, the end always justifies the means. The left have no shame, no scruples and need to be treated as what they are: criminals.
Ok. Thanks. Otherwise there’s no indication of what the issue is.
We had a lot of this shit happening in Coffs Harbour a few years back – rock up to work at the construction site and no one notices the sign out the front is spelled slightly differently, Fawtly Towers like.
A couple of weeks later the cheques are bouncing and the new owners – looking suspiciously like the old owners but with more hair, are denying owing one any money at all, and poor bastard tradies are a quarter of a million in the red.
From the Oz.
LOL. I only saw this now. This sounds a lot like the Dems currently in the US saying they weren’t really for the lockdowns, and kids only missed like a week or two off school. Set aside the stuff about economic policy, who actually introduced gay ‘marriage’? Liberals. The arguments used to argue the case were liberal arguments, often classical liberal. State shouldn’t be involved in marriage. If it is, it must be neutral and non-discriminatory. And so on.
And as for ‘climate change’, it wasn’t conservatives largely arguing for a carbon price or other economic mechanisms that would yield a reduction in carbon emissions since the mid-2000s. Who more or less caved on the science back then too.
Sure, there were conservatives that have disgraced themselves, but let’s not pretend that classical liberals and libertarians, quasi or otherwise, weren’t involved and similarly disgraced.
My preference would be ‘liberalism’ rather than ‘left’ but there is no Latin word for ‘liberalism’. I should ask Deadman if he can think on it.
Is Keating a flamer?
Who cares?
William F Buckley Jr was definitely a closeted Flamer.
Here’s a 1:42 clip of Buckley debating uncloseted Flamer Gore Vidal on YouTube.
Three flamers in the one paragraph would make it masterbating.
Conservatives are cucks who enjoy watching their civilisation get gangbanged by the liberal/lefties.
Que 1970s porn music.
Magda Szubanski is labelled a ‘hypocrite’ after she weighs in on Lang Hancock’s racist statements and a photo of her resurfaces doing ‘blackface’ in a comedy sketch
Magda is also an expert on health
Magda’s Big National Health Check
Magda Szubanski embarks on an immersive and personal journey to discover what health looks like in Australia today, revealing major health challenges facing our society and how we can work together to improve our chances of a healthy life.
how we can work together
Oh let me guess
“we” can pay people more for working less
“we” can introduce a sugar tax, like the one that did diddly squat for Mexico
“we” can put further requirements on packaged food to expand the patchwork quilt of motherhood info panels, warnings, serving sizes, average adult daily consumptions, nutritional breakdowns
“we” can extent NDIS payments to fatties, because it’s nothing to do with personal responsibility
“we” can ban meat for clean green boog protein
“we” can tell tubby kids that they’re actually a-OK, because nasty western capitalist expectations are the problem, not the solution
Daily Mail article about latest episode of The Project. Like everybody else getting a bit fed up up with this story. Now this idiot is attacking everything Gina has done good for his people. Who does he think he is to demand she explain herself, on a low rating show, over her fathers comments from 38 years ago.
Adding yet more fuel to the fire for those who don’t want to support The Voice.
“Tony Armstrong accuses Gina Rinehart of ‘throwing money at blackfellas everywhere’ to win them over and demands she appear on The Project to explain what she REALLY thinks of her dad’s comments: ‘Worst thing you could say about another race’
Tony Armstrong weighed in on Australian Diamonds netball saga on Thursday
The Indigenous former AFL player turned TV host took aim at Gina Rinehart
Rinehart pulled $15million sponsorship of the Diamonds after controversy
Rising netballer Donnell Wallam refused to wear uniform with her company logo
She said she took a stand over comments made by Rinehart’s father in the 1980s”
Johannes Leak.
Hayek is interesting in direction setting, but in practice the lines between a classic liberal and a conservative can become blurred. I know of conservatives who have a very clear idea of alternatives to Marxist leftism on the gender, feminist and familial fronts and who would thus steer well away from the emergent leftist fantasies in this arena now sweeping the world. Hayek I suspect has more in mind forms of economic organisation and fiscal matters when he speaks of the ‘prejudices’ held. I recall discussing with Hayek in a seminar in the mid-70’s the openness vs closedness in daily freedoms delivered by the bureaucratic state and its heavy hand vs communal pressures in pre-literate societies, for freedom was his yardstick and catchcry.
I doubt he envisaged the current gender madness, for instance, even though in the mid-70’s in Australia, that writing was on the wall, for the concept of ‘sexual harassment’ was just hitting its straps in the university sector, reviling some men for what were at that time regarded as simply the normal courtesies and compliments a man was socially expected to offer to a woman, at work or elsewhere. A severe concept such as ‘harassment’ disallowed all sexual attraction in the workplace and was feminist designed to drive society-wide all normal socio-sexual relationships underground, to turn them illegitimate. The paradox now is that women have to fight for the right exist as women. Heterosexuality itself is to be socially dismantled.
The end result is normalising Drag Queen Story Times for toddlers.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
David Rowe. FMD.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Steve Kelley.
Tom Stiglich #2.
Lisa Benson.
A fisherman from the city was out fishing on a lake in a small boat. He noticed another man in a small boat open his tackle box and take out a mirror. Being curious, the man rowed over and asked “What is the mirror for?” “That’s my secret way to catch fish” said the other man. “Shine the mirror on the top of the water. The fish notice the spot of sun on the water above and they swim to the surface. Then I just reach down and net them and pull them into the boat”. “Wow! Does that really work?” “You bet it does”. “Would you be interested in selling that mirror? I’ll give you $30 for it”. “Well, okay”. After the money was transferred, the city fisherman asked “By the way, how many have you caught this week?” “You’re the sixth” he said.
If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs.
– Aesop
As Cassie has outlined for herself, we change over the years. It is very clear that my view on freedoms in the 1970’s were influenced strongly by libertarian ideas gained from my hanging around the edges of the Sydney Push in the early 60’s and engaging in anti-Vietnam activities in the late 60’s and early 70’s. As a single parent with two toddlers in the mid-70’s dumped by an ardent male feminist, I was starting to change my views. The natural scepticism of my youth in the bootstraps 1950’s reasserted itself against the heady leftist atmosphere of the Dawkins era of higher education reform and I wondered by Hayek, who seemed to be a sensible old gent, was so hated by the left. It still took me until the early 90’s to change my vote though; Hairy, my husband since 1981, is proud that the last time he voted Labor Federally was in the 1980’s when he voted for himself. Leftism dies hard.
Thanx Tom.
Gorton’s liking for a pretty face and a few drinks earned him the nickname of “Jolly John” – that’s the first Ive heard of “Bungles.”
We’ve had this discussion before, so why you would make that claim beats me.
Everybody in Canberra called him Bungles because he was a fucking bungler.
You idiot.
I should take pity on you.
You were told by someone, whose comments you don’t troll, that Gorton was Bungles, about 6 months ago.
And I don’t know about the pretty face either, but he liked ’em young, put it that way.
Me too DrBG. Although if a description is needed “anti-authoritarian”.
Democrats make desperate midterm ads
Freedom tunes.
October 27, 2022 at 11:04 pm”
I think you’ve said it best.
Janet A has written a very good piece in today’s Oz re. the Canberra trial..
Lehrmann trial: Nothing less than the rule of law is at stake
When summing up to the jury, before calling a mistrial, ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum said: “There’s no blueprint for how a young woman might respond to sexual assault.” There is, however, a blueprint for the Australian justice system. Though not perfect, it is based on centuries of experience and learning about how to test allegations, gather evidence, establish proof and provide fairness.
What unfolded before rape allegations against Bruce Lehrmann reached a courtroom, and after the mistrial was announced on Thursday, illustrates what a precarious position we find ourselves in. In the media, and on social media, crusaders are intent on lowering the guardrails of justice.
Compounding that travesty, during the media’s persecution of Lehrmann, lawyers did precious little to protect the principles that form the blueprint for a fair and just society. It cannot be the case that you defend the rule of law for an alleged terrorist, but not for an alleged rapist. As Arthur Moses wrote in the Australian Law Journal last year, the demand for novel and bespoke standards in relation to allegations of sexual assault is “self-evidently dangerous”. Yet we find ourselves in these dangerous waters because most lawyers have become #MeToo cowboys or #MeToo lapdogs. The Higgins/Lehrmann imbroglio raises ineluctable questions that go to the heart of the administration of justice in this country. Too many people in positions of influence have crossed a legal Rubicon, damaging the careers and lives of others by presuming guilt. But it is not too late to return to fundamental principles so that travesties of this magnitude will not be repeated in the future.
Unless lawyers step up, we face the real prospect of the rule of law giving way to open slather where certain laws apply differently to certain people. Once we go down that path, we are on a slippery slope to becoming a country ruled by the mob with the loudest, most influential voices.
Rape is a truly monstrous crime. As Moses, one of our most eminent silks, wrote in a separate piece last year, we all agree that those convicted of such crimes ought to be punished, regardless of whether they are a cabinet minister or a cabinet maker. Or a political staffer. But as Moses said, the corollary of the principle that the law applies equally to each of us means that we are all entitled to the protections afforded by our justice system.
The Australian justice system is built on two foundations. First, equality before the law. And second, the presumption of innocence, which at its core includes the right to a fair trial.
The persecution of Lehrmann by sections of the media upended this. A flank of high-profile journalists and celebrities transformed the presumption of innocence into the presumption of guilt.
In this instance, as in others, many in the media used the cover of #MeToo to advance careers, preen in public, and pursue political agendas. Feral activists on social media and some more seasoned journalists in the mainstream media decided that an allegation of rape was sufficient to do away with protections offered by the law such as the presumption of innocence, due process and the rule of law.
We have reached a critical point when those accused of sexual assault are not being afforded these protections.
McCallum’s criticism of sections of the media before the Lehrmann trial commenced was spot on: “What concerns me the most is that the distinction between an allegation and a finding of guilt has been completely obliterated.”
This raises the other dismal feature of our current sexual assault landscape. It ought to be standard practice for lawyers to defend the rule of law. They ought to be the first responders, reacting in real time, to the dangers posed by public witch hunts and crusading journalists. Instead, except for a few honourable exceptions, the profession has largely vacated their own field.
For starters, lawyers could be raising important questions about what evidence is needed before a DDP decides to prosecute. Notwithstanding the mistrial, another critical question concerns whether the DPP did everything reasonably in his power to ensure that the accused received a fair trial.
On June 23, the ACT DPP, Shane Drumgold, demanded agreement from publisher Harper Collins that Aaron Patrick’s book Ego be recalled from retailers, fearing that the book presents “a real risk of serious interference in the administration of justice”.
Did the DPP express similar concerns about Higgins’ press club address with Grace Tame, given that pairing the two women raised the very concerns that troubled McCallum about conflating an allegation with a finding of fact?
That address is still accessible on the internet by anyone, including a juror.
If Higgins’ statements outside court on Thursday morning amount to contempt, they ought to be prosecuted too. If we believe in the rule of law, there is no room for an unofficial “Brittany Law” whereby certain laws apply unequally to certain people. Higgins’ statements appeared tailor-made to continue a media trial of this debacle, not to resolve it in a court.
Lawyers could be asking searching questions about jury directions given in this criminal trial too. For example, should McCallum have issued the so-called Black direction, named after model jury directions set down by the High Court in Black v The Queen? When advised by the jury on Tuesday that they could not reach a unanimous verdict, McCallum encouraged them to keep deliberating to see if they could yet reach a verdict in the trial. Privately, some senior lawyers have told The Australian that the Black direction is overused, and was potentially inappropriate in this case where there was so little objective evidence and so much pre-trial publicity that ignored the presumption of innocence.
There are even more profound questions for the High Court. Given the waning commitment to the presumption of innocence, the time has surely arrived for our most senior judges to reinforce the two foundations of our justice system.
Should the right case come before them, and the Lehrmann case may fit the bill, the High Court could make it clear that there should be a permanent stay on a prosecution where an alleged victim has aired allegations in the media before making a formal police complaint. That will stop dead in their tracks further media juggernauts. Unless our highest courts draw a line in the sand to protect against the real possibility for the contamination of the justice system, and of juries, #MeToo media trials will continue to threaten a fair trial.
The criminal justice system is the last bulwark against injustices in our broader society.
Throughout the media trial, the trial proper, and after the mistrial, those who are dismissive of the rule of law, the presumption of innocence, and a fair trial, have thrown the gauntlet to the legal establishment. They are daring the DPP, the legal system and the courts to take them on. It now falls to those legal institutions to rescue the rule of law. Legal capitulation will leave our bulwark against injustice in a dangerous state.
Why hasn’t the amphibian from Mosman been charged for her prejudicial Logies speech?
Keep in mind this means you can never get someone elected in a Parliamentary system.
Even Trump in the US had to join one of the major parties.
Albrechtsen gets to the heart of it. Presumption of innocence, reasonable doubt, and the dangers of jury tampering are all in play and under threat here.
We have an acting PM and a media “personality” actively interfering in the trial and…crickets. Add to that the “accidental finding” of that paper and we’re almost there. We used to assume a fair trial was sacrosanct. No more.
da fck is rong wit u?
Anyone who claims that Higgins somehow got caught up in a snowball created by others can now desist, she is front and centre, an ambition to obtain some career/political advancement is central, she can’t even abide by a reasonable request by the judge.
The incredibly hypocritical claims re unwanted publicity are taken up by ardent twitterati who seem to forget Grace Tame had to fight long and hard to go public about her ordeal, long after a fair trial where she was afforded every privacy.
Milligan and others have long been seeking a reduction in the standard of proof in sexual assault claims.
They cannot be allowed to trample on this fundamental part of the rule of law.
Really decent piece by Albrechtsen.
AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine has been linked to a 30-percent higher risk of getting a very rare blood clotting condition compared to the Pfizer jab, a large international study said Thursday.
Michael Ramirez toon is spot on .. LOL!

There are far too many people in this wide brown continent who believe that the criminal justice system, and in particular where sexual violence is alleged, follows – or should follow – the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard formula.
At the ABC
Of course they would
“The water that was going to be used was still speculative … and both of those were sort of quite environmentally damaging.”
Apparently dams cause “huge amounts of suffering”
No, he doesn’t bother to explain how.
Dam projects scrapped in federal budget would have damaged environment, water expert says
Roger Franklin on the campaign trail in the US — US Midterms: Here Come the Republicans.
So does prolonged drought. And floods.
“da fck is rong wit u?”
Bad case of WEF, apparently.
From Franklin’s piece in Quaddie:
Never change, Roger. It’s perfect.
Great article by VDH, with much in it for those opposed to the reactionary fascist left “establishment” and their lackeys.
The switcheroos of the two parties
Victor Davis Hanson
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
October 28, 2022 at 12:02 am
Soon after, Ms Higgins’ partner, David Sharaz, entered the courtroom with PR consultant Emma Webster, who helped Ms Higgins “war-game” her media strategy before her rape allegations were published in February 2021.
From the Oz.
Mizzz Higgins was a ministerial “media advisor”. Why did she need a “PR consultant”? Surely this was her area of expertise? Or was she hired purely as office decoration?
Firey are generally a militant lot, which is surprising because most of them don’t have time to make placards in between sleeping, eating, using their free gyms and landscaping in their second jobs.
However, they’re on the campaign trail in Vicco (the Hun):
They want their trucks replaced (claims are made they’re 27 years old) along with other new equipment and training facilities.
You could almost think ‘yeah okay’, aside from said trucks being serviced over and above schedules – and also aside from the inability to train and use stuff when you’re asleep – although it’s like the milk you have to have a second sniff of before dubiously pouring it into your coffee.
But then you get to this:
Aaaand there it is. Mind you, Andrews will probably give it to them.
My God.
Either an idiot or a total sellout. I plumb for the latter.
Rishi Sunak
@RishiSunak United Kingdom government official
Great call with @JustinTrudeau
As close friends and free market democracies the UK and Canada have a vital role in promoting economic growth and stability, as well as ensuring Ukraine is supported unequivocally.
I read yesterday that they had slipped the “fine” back in, but this goes even further.
Tom Fitton
ALERT: Not only has @PayPal instituted $2500 fine for “misleading” information, etc it says it can hold ALL the money in your accounts for up to six months “if reasonably needed to protect against the risk of liability or if you have violated our Acceptable Use Policy.”
What can you say? Tragic.
20 year old Regan Lewis from Kansas was mandated to get a covid shot to complete her clinical trials to be a Registered Nurse. She went into cardiac arrest the next day and died. I don’t understand how this doesn’t bother people…
Sadly inevitable (Hun):
Had the potential to be the Next Big Thing. Ricky Ponting watched Pucovski in the nets once when Pucovski was 12, and told the national selectors at the time ‘We’ve got one here’.
Had a couple of concussions coming up through the ranks, but his brainbox started overcompensating by reproducing concussion symptoms every time his bonce contacted something – whether it be a glancing zing off the helmet grill or a volleyball.
Truly shit, and not his fault.
Now they’re paying people to push their LGBT agenda.
Now that I didn’t see coming…
Did anyone notice what wasn’t in Peter Dutton’s budget reply speech?
No repudiation of net zero by 2050.
Newsweek again
Nearly 90 Percent of the World Isn’t Following Us on Ukraine
Ed Casesays:
October 28, 2022 at 5:20 am
Gorton’s liking for a pretty face and a few drinks earned him the nickname of “Jolly John” – that’s the first Ive heard of “Bungles.”
We’ve had this discussion before, so why you would make that claim beats me.
Everybody in Canberra called him Bungles because he was a fucking bungler.
You idiot.
I was in Canberra during the Gorton years, and never heard him called “Bungles”, only Jolly John. The Chinese whispers must have changed it on the way to Queensland.
You idiot.
In Stunning Strategy Reversal, Pentagon Will No Longer Rule Out Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuclear Threat
The harbinger of death
Biden warns most COVID-related deaths this year will be result of people not being updated on their vaccines
Yes I am aware I have spoken about cricket while my country is being destroyed.
Some questions….
1. Will Higgins be charged for her performance outside court yesterday (and performance it was…worthy of a Logies)?
2. Will Higgins and her partner be charged for illegally recording telephone conversations?
3. Will the amphibian of Mosman be charged for prejudicing a trial?
Here’s my hunch, it’ll be NO to all three. The rule of law in this country has not only been trashed, but something worse, the rule of law is now dependent on your political ideology.
“No repudiation of net zero by 2050.”
I noticed Roger.
Mizzz Higgins
That’s Higgins Pty Ltd to the likes of me ‘n you, B Joan
Indeed, that refusal to act signalled as much as anything that there were no restrictions on what was publicly said.
Had the desperate fading belle, whom everyone knew would know better, been fined and a more general warning issued to the
fifth columnfourth estate that such frenzied j’ismistic excesses would not be tolerated we would find ourselves (and certainly Lehrmann) in a very different place today.Rising netballer Donnell Wallam
Is that the same as “aspiring rapper”?
At0748, buggered the link, sorry. Search for the title.
Lockdowns in 2020 Cured My Climate Activism: The Problem is Poor Soil, Not Oil
clowns to the left of me
the jokers are just getting worse. and maybe there is a reason.
Nice that the legal system can skin everyone out and declare that principles are stake.
Win, lose, stay, appeal or retrial, the ticket is always clipped by the legal fraternity.
No, the girl actually has talent, so I’m told.
It’s a pity she’s allowed herself to be used by the race baiters.
In the trial she might have been compelled to tell the truth. No political media advisor has experience with that.
A PR Consultant, on the other hand, is adept at spinning the truth once it leaks out so that it seems to attest to the opposite of what if straight out says.
Good to see sooo many sportsfolk are as one wiv the current sheeples luv being woke fad ..
16 of the Oz Socceroos squad Qatar bound for the World Cup expressing their woke-ism wiv a video message about workers rights in Qatar .. lotza angst and sadness but not quite enuf to make a stand by boycotting the tournament .. still they stand wiv their maaate, “Fonz” so that should be example enuf to show those they criticize how serious they really iz ..!
One thing they have over-looked tho .. they get to go to Qatar and partake in the riches on offer BUT FIFA doesn’t forget or forgive! .. so enjoy while you can .. LOL!
For your penance you must crack open a bottle of Aberlour this evening.
If you don’t, you can be sure you are going to hell.
This has been raised before but it’s still very concerning.
Doctors find Graphene is shedding from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, forming Blood Clots & decimating Blood Cells
and this. I would be delighted if someone could refute this. The comparison is within the same age group.
COVID Vaccinated Young Adults are 92% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Young Adults according to UK Government
And panties.
I didn’t preface my remark properly.
The legal profession aren’t unwilling participants in the media/public opinion circus.
They use it or abuse it as of need.
Parliament won’t bring them into line because the brethren are numerous in the ranks.
As referred to by Boambee John above – great article….
The Switcheroos of the Two Parties
By Victor Davis Hanson
October 27, 2022
Our two parties have both changed, and that explains why one will win, and one lose in the midterm elections.
The old Democrats have faded away after being overwhelmed by radicals and socialists.
Moderates who once embraced former President Bill Clinton’s opportunistic “third way” are now either irrelevant or nonexistent.
Once considered too wacky and socialist to be taken seriously, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the performance-art “squad,” the radicals of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and her hard progressive wing are today’s Democratic Party kingpins.
The alienating radicals of Antifa and Black Lives Matter often serve as the new party’s shock troops on the streets. They opportunistically appear to push the party to embrace no-bail laws, defunding the police, and the destruction of the fossil fuel industry.
Since none of those positions poll even close to 50 percent with the public, the Democrats routinely either slur their opponents as racists, nativists, and climate denialists or obsess on another Trump psychodrama distraction from the Russia collusion hoax to the Mar-a-Lago raid.
What “blue dog” centrists are left in the Democratic Party either keep mum or, like Tulsi Gabbard, flee in disgust.
Former President Donald Trump also recalibrated the Republican Party and helped to turn it into a nationalist-populist movement that would rather win rudely than lose politely. The MAGA agenda pushed Jacksonian deterrence rather than unpopular nation-building abroad. It finally focused on fair rather than just free trade. Republicans now unite in demanding only legal immigration and promoting domestic investment rather than globalist outsourcing and offshoring.
In response, many of the old Bush-Romney country-club wing left in disgust. Others licked their wounds as fanatical NeverTrump something or others.
Both parties have also been radically changed by additional issues of class, race, and wealth.
Compare the income profiles of voters, whether by ZIP codes or congressional districts. A once lunch-bucket carrying, union member Democratic Party has become the enclave of three key constituencies.
First, there is the subsidized and often inner-city poor.
Second, the meat of the party, is the upscale, bicoastal professional and suburban credentialed classes.
Third, the real rulers of the party are the hyper-rich of Big Tech, Wall Street, Hollywood, the corporate boardroom, the administrative state, the media, and the legal world. Almost all these institutions have lost public confidence and poll miserably. Their cocooned leaders are never subject to the ramifications of their own often unworkable policies.
In contrast, Republicans this election cycle concerned themselves mostly with material issues of the battered middle classes — inflation, the price of fuel and energy, a secure border, crime, parental control of schools, and realist foreign policy.
Reforming social security, reducing capital gains taxes, and pruning back regulations are still doctrinaire Republican agendas. But they are not iconic of the middle-class dominated party as they once were in the age of Ronald Reagan.
Democrats, as the champions of the well-off, remain redistributionist and seek to tax the middle class to fund ever more government programs.
President Joe Biden canceled some student loans. He printed lots of money. And he expanded entitlements. But even these calcified Great Society issues are drowned out by the real concerns of the professional leftist elites who run the Democratic Party.
After all, they do not worry much about the price of diesel fuel, or whether border communities are swarmed by illegal immigration. They are indifferent to whether it is unsafe to take a late-night subway ride. And they are not too worried about being mugged or whether they can splurge for a weekend steak.
Instead, condescending Democratic movers and shakers are obsessed with climate change and sermonize about ending fossil fuels. Diversity, equity, and inclusion — all mandated equality-of-result agendas — are their cultural religion, along with transgender advocacy, and abortion on demand in all 50 states.
The net result of these radical shifts is that Republicans began bonding with the neglected working classes and those without college degrees. That way they drowned out left-wing racial obsessions with ecumenical class concerns.
In the process, the new Republican Party in 2022 is poised to win 45-50% of Hispanic voters and a near record number of African-American men.
In our changed political landscape, poorer Republican candidates are routinely outspent in most of their races. Conservatives are more likely to be canceled by left-wing anti-free-expression institutions like Facebook and Twitter. Their access to online knowledge and communication is often warped by monopolies and cartels like Google and Apple.
The Democrats claim Republicans are racists. But they cannot explain why record numbers of minorities are now deserting the Democrats, and the blue-state urban areas they run, to join the new Republicans.
As Republicans diminished the role of race, the Democrats grew ever more obsessed about it — and ignored class. The Oprahs, Meghan Markles, and MSNBC anchors of the world fixate over skin color in direct proportion to their own affluence, status, and privilege — as their hypocrisy turns off the middle classes of all races.
In sum, the party of old left-wing progressives has become one of rich regressives. And once country-club Republicans are becoming a party of middle-class populists. And the election will reflect both those changes.
Rising netballer Donnell Wallam
Is that the same as “aspiring rapper”?
Either that or it’s a subtle reference to being a forward who’s main job is too stand under the net and throw the ball hoopward ..
reading yesterday and no idea if true or not but she, apparently, scored the winning goal in the last minute after just coming off the substitute bench and had less than 3 minutes game-time all-up! .. seems the “look-at-moi” performance far outweighed the actual event ……!
I note Rowe considers power points (depicted as the ghostly figures behind Dutton) as something to be afraid of.
Perhaps he is inadvertently admitting to what AGW mutts have been at pains to deny for so long: that it is not really fossil fuels they want stamped out, but reliable energy altogether. Every power point is evil. People having access to electricity is evil.
I wonder if it was the only objection to Dutton’s reply. Or is it like the antennae of male mosquitos which are attuned to the frequency of the beats of a female mosquito’s wings such that they are deaf to a diesel truck right next to them but resonate in a blur in response to a solitary female half a kilometer away.
Would explain why Rowe is so utterly unaware of big events bur obsessed with boring boutique ones.
Same cars, different track.
Precisely like the U.S.
From Indolent’s link at 8:30.*
Dr Philippe “demonstrated” nothing.
He “asserted” something and showed some slides purporting to be “graphene affected blood cells”.
He doesn’t explain exactly how these dastardly graphenes are transmitted from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.
Oh, and “Dr” Philippe.
He isn’t a Doctor of Naturopathy by any chance, is he?
* Only three days left to save the Daily Exposé.
we have been venezuelised without even noticing
BREAKING: FBI Whistleblower Leaks Document Showing Agency Targeting ‘Misinformation’ Under ‘Election Crimes’ Ahead of 2022 Midterm Elections
No you wouldn’t.
Lawyers care not what laws are enacted, the ticket is clipped every which way. Only ever used a commercial lawyer for business. Worth every cent. Saved me a lot of money. In recent times have found them quite hopeless. Can’t even transfer property without stuffing it up. Banks too. Mind you conveyancing in Australia is a scam.
Sorry if I implied Dr. Philippe van Welbergen was a naturopath.
It appears his calling is homeopathy.
Yuuuge difference there.
So, according to Dr Philippe, the jabbed are transferring graphene ‘shards’ to the unjabbed (aka ‘purebloods’).
Sorry. Apologies. That wasn’t the right word. The word used was ‘transmitted’.
Transmitting graphene shards. Via an as-yet undisclosed method. Thus killing the unvaccinated. According to ‘Dr.’ Philippe.
Makes you wonder why we had deAth Camps at all.
I watched the clip of Ms. Higgins delivering her prepared speech out side the courthouse. Within her speech she quoted some research on reporting and convictions relating to sexual assault. It made me wonder if it was the same research that found its way into the jury room? And if it was the same, does it mean anything?
Elon Musk Twitter Takeover Nears Completion, Banks Send Cash for Acquisition as Musk Clarifies Intent to Advertisers
Meanwhile Mr. Musk used the platform to notify Twitter advertiser of his intent in the purchase {link}:
From the internet – the in-demand osmosis-based homeotherapy practitioner:
Smacking it, toots. Right out of the park.
Looks like I am back in the lead-lined diving suit again until Dr Philippe sorts it out.
Or Dr Nick Riviera.
What’s a “graphene shard”? How does it exit the body?
And, since there are so many “vaccinated”, shouldn’t they be part of a closed system of graphene sharing by now?
Do the unvaccinated breathe it in, or is done by skin contact? If graphene is found in their bodies, has the substance occurring in the environment (minus the vaccinated) been explored?
So many questions.
Or…it could all be just bull for clicks and eyeballs. You never know with this stuff.
Good News Day – Nolte: Layoffs Hit Far-Left CNN as Primetime Viewership Collapses to 512K
Here are the overall numbers during that week for context purposes:
FOX: 2.3 million
MSNBC: 1.12 million
CNN: 512,000
Fox News is beating CNN times four.
FOX: 1.48 million
MSNBC: 719,000
CNN: 458,000
Below you’ll see that just a few weeks away from a huge election, CNN barely inched over the 100,000 mark of 25- to 54-year-old demo viewers during primetime and missed it entirely in the total day numbers.
Here’s the full context:
Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.
– Anonymous
Oh look, this country is now collecting garbage from Syria and bringing it back here…
“Four women and their children are on their way home to Australia after being taken from a camp for Islamic State families in Syria.
The Australian can confirm 17 people – four women and 13 children – crossed the border overnight Australian time and are now in Iraq.
They will stay in Iraq for a short time before flying home to Australia. “
This garbage, of course, will be “stored” in Sydney’s sprawling western suburbs, provided with shelter, food, water and other provisions, all paid for by you and me.
I wonder how long before one of them, or their sprogs, threatens a Christian, Yazidi or Jew, or decapitates someone? Here’s my hunch (I’m into hunches this morning), I suspect it won’t be long!
Oh and here lies the priorities of this Sleazy government. A few weeks ago they spat on Jews, this week they’re bringing Islamic terrorist garbage back to this country.
Beat me to it Cassie !
Janet A is one of the reasons why I still keep my subscription to the Oz – superb writer.
I know. And the assistance will be instantaneous. No waiting for months on end for the glacial bureaucracy to tick the box on services.
And all the “agencies” set up for dealing with such people will be clipping the ticket as well.
will they be pressured relentlessly to apologise for their husband/father’s outrageous words and deeds?
I’m guessing not.
“will they be pressured relentlessly to apologise for their husband/father’s outrageous words and deeds?”
And their own outrageous words and deeds.
Oh. A homeopath and skin care guy. Probably not Botox but definitely healing stones.
I know I’m being unpleasant about him, but I have very little faith in the medical profession already, and zero faith in witch doctors.
Thinking through the China hype
Graying demographics are worse than Japan’s, meaning China and US economic growth potential will be roughly equal by 2030
OCTOBER 27, 2022
China’s changing view of the Western model
Two things changed that reverence for supposedly more mature Western models. The global financial crisis of 2008 shocked and damaged China and convinced officials there that greater government control of the economy was essential to prevent crises and recover from them.
The emergence of Donald Trump and Boris Johnson reduced to absurdity, in their view, any argument that Western democracy would ensure governance in the interest of the people.
This puts us in a situation analogous to the 1920s and 1930s. On one side was visionary socialism charging forward with attractive social arguments, but implemented by institutions that severely damaged human dignity. On the other side was laissez-faire democratic capitalism that produced advanced technology but also catastrophic business cycles, wanton ecological destruction exemplified by the Dust Bowl, unsafe food and a combination of tycoons and heartlessly exploited workers that was morally indefensible.
Subsequently, the totalitarian socialist side proved unable to adapt and self-destructed. The democratic capitalist side learned to moderate its business cycles through novel fiscal and monetary policies and it borrowed socialist and socialist-like ideas such as social security, government medical insurance, strong unions, support for farmers, food safety regulation and suffrage for women and Native Americans. This ability to learn and adapt ensured survival and victory.
Western democratic capitalism is again in trouble. Pew Research polls show US popular support for democracy declining rapidly. Viktor Orbán of Hungary and other illiberals are more sustainable than Trump. Whether our system retains its historic ability to adapt is an open question.
Unlike the late Soviet Union, China has been very adaptable, but one must ask whether Beijing’s current leaders are destroying that adaptability.
China’s new economic model
China’s long-term economic prospects
Xi having gotten his third term, the controversies over zero-Covid, Russia, decapitation of the big platform companies, political controls on the economy, private sector malaise, severe political repression and extreme decoupling of Chinese elites from global society will be sand in the gears of the economy for five years, possibly followed by a historic succession struggle.
Harvard Professor Lawrence Summers vividly captured the comparison problem when he recently pointed out that, if the United States absorbed Mexico, its GDP would increase but its international power would not necessarily increase. Inside China are many Mexicos.
Likewise, University of California Professor Bradford DeLong has characterized China as sixty million people living at Spanish levels, three hundred million living at Polish levels, and one billion living at Peruvian levels.
Given its loss of powerful drivers and its demographic problems, China’s potential growth after 2030 is probably similar to that of the United States. Xi’s over-centralization, Japan-style industrial policy, kneecapping of the private sector, and political controls may further reduce China’s potential growth.
Therefore, if the United States keeps growing at recent rates, the curve of Chinese GDP might rise to bounce off America’s and then be left behind.
That outcome would depend on efficient US economic management, at best an uncertain prospect. The reality of Sino-American economic competition is that we are currently in a historic race between Xi Jinping and Trump-Biden to see which country can degrade its economic management faster through protectionism, failure to deal effectively with great social changes and dominance of politics over economics.
Presently, Xi is winning that downward race, but no outcome is inevitable.
Geopolitical responses
These are great historical tides. On the historical record, governing elites are very slow to recognize alterations in historical tides. Changed policies tend to occur only when the inertia of ingrained ideas and institutionalized doctrines hits a brick wall.
The assumptions that China’s rise is inexorable, that Xi’s policies are forever, and that the Sino-America relationship is a zero-sum game are already so ingrained in US officialdom and US academia that they are not likely to change soon in line with altered reality.
The brick wall is not currently visible. Let us hope that it will be economic rather than military.
Email Released in Danchenko Case Proves Obama and His Deep State Lied and Set Up President Trump in Attempt to Remove Him from Office
Doc BG/Bespoke:
I prefer “Apprentice Lighthouse Keeper.”
When you’ve won the war, “optics” don’t matter any more.
US gets a nasty surprise in Ukraine
Biden’s own party calling for negotiated war settlement while Moscow’s ‘dirty bomb’ claim may actually have merit
OCTOBER 27, 2022
Something has got to change in Ukraine, for sure. The plea by 30 left-wing US lawmakers from President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party on Monday seeking a negotiated settlement with Russia to end the Ukraine war was an extraordinary event.
They made four key elements in their letter addressed to President Biden:
. Washington should explore “vigorous diplomatic efforts in support of a negotiated settlement and ceasefire” in the war in which the US has spent tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars in military assistance.
. Such efforts should be front-loaded with “direct talks with Russia.”
. A framework for peace should include “incentives to end hostilities, including some form of sanctions relief, and bring together the international community to establish security guarantees for a free and independent Ukraine that are acceptable for all parties, particularly Ukrainians.” [Emphasis added.]
. The war is wide open, the Western narrative notwithstanding. “The alternative to diplomacy is protracted war, with both its attendant certainties and catastrophic and unknowable risks.”
The signatories would have been aware that although the Biden administration is pursuing a hardline policy, things can change if the midterm elections on November 8 hand down a crushing defeat to the Democrats.
Several extraneous factors are also at work. For a start, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s planned visit to China comes so soon after the unveiling of the US National Security Strategy in Washington, which visualized China as the enemy. Europeans are dissenting.
French President Emmanuel Macron called on the US to take the lead to engage with the Kremlin, echoing what Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been demanding. There is discontent in Europe, hit hard by the economic crisis, that the American oil companies are “war profiteering.”
Lurking below the radar is the hidden truth that Ukraine is a basket case with a non-functioning economy. The US cannot expect its European allies to keep that economy afloat.
What emerges is that UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace’s secretive visit last week to Washington was more in response to a summons from the White House than a British initiative. Wallace said in a dark tone as he was leaving that there were things to be discussed that were far too sensitive to reveal.
At any rate, after the flurry of phone calls on October 22 by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu with his French, British and US counterparts regarding the possibility of Ukraine using a “dirty bomb” in the war, the foreign ministers of France, the US and the UK promptly issued a joint statement rejecting “Russia’s transparently false allegations” and called it “a pretext for escalation.”
Nonetheless, acting on the Russian allegation, the International Atomic Energy Agency has been told to undertake an investigation. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Rafael Grossi, the agency’s director general, on Monday and “welcomed the IAEA’s readiness to visit Ukraine.”
Could elements in Kiev have their own Plan B to escalate the war and drag the US and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) into it? There are no easy answers.
The bottom line is that “constructive engagement” has begun between Moscow on one side and Washington, London and Paris on the other. But it’s really touch-and-go.
It is no secret that Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and Special Air Service (SAS) are in the driver’s seat in the Ukrainian military command in Kiev and on the front lines. The paradigm is something like the tail wagging the dog. MI6 calibrates the dynamics of the war while the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Pentagon claim success for Biden’s Russia strategy.
MI6 has a whole history of that sort, be it in Iran or the Suez crisis, even in Hong Kong.
The current regime change in Westminster absolves MI6 of accountability. Of course, Boris Johnson – Volodymyr Zelensky’s best friend, guru and guardian – has become a burned-out case. He has discreetly withdrawn his hat from the ring and slunk away.
Kiev has been deprived of its last hurrah, as Russia nips the “dirty bomb” in the bud, clearing the pathway for its grand offensive to end the war. Whether the planned Russian offensive will go ahead would depend on any meeting between Biden and President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Group of Twenty (G20) Summit in Bali on November 15-16.
The big question is whether this is a wake-up call for the one-dimensional men in the Biden Team. Perhaps that is too much to expect. But there is no question that the 30 Democratic lawmakers stand vindicated.
I suppose there’s no room for Anarcho-capitalists any more?
Regarding comments to ‘prosecute the juror who scuttled the Lehrmann trial’, it seems there is no such offence in the ACT. See para 12.
Calli, what about the slides? As I said, this has been raised before, by others. Even leaving aside the shedding aspect, it’s pretty obvious that something is very wrong.
Knuckle Dragger:
re: Albrechtsons column.
My contribution to the weekend music because it’s topical.
October 28, 2022 at 9:30 am
Law Girl
Why is Heidi Yates, the ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner, standing next to Brittany. Doesn’t a crime need to have been committed for you to be a victim? As in, a verdict? Terrible optics.
From the Comments
Steve Oh from Oz
Replying to
Is that who that guy is?! I thought he was her solicitor!
This is Australia’s near future!!! No heavy industry will survive in Australia under Bowen.
The energy crisis has been hitting Europe’s largest economy hard, with two of Germany’s largest steel manufacturing plants being forced to shut down.
ArcelorMittal’s plan to deactivate one of its largest steel plants in Hamburg last month caused shockwaves through out the industry.
The world’s second largest steel company also said it would later shut down a blast furnace at its Bremen site at the end of October.
ArcelorMittal is the first large industrial group in Germany to shut down production due to the energy crisis.
High energy use sectors—from steel, chemicals, glass, paper, to ceramics production—have now been put on notice.
The CEO of ArcelorMittal Germany, Reiner Blaschek, warned that the German wing of the steel manufacturing giant can no longer compete with high energy prices, according to Slay News.
Rising gas and electricity prices have left many industrial firms in Germany facing input costs exceeding profitability.
“With a tenfold increase in gas and electricity prices, which we had to accept, within a few months, we are no longer competitive in a market that is 25
We’ve had this discussion before, so why you would make that claim beats me.
Everybody in Canberra called him Bungles because he was a fucking bungler.
Note what is lacking.
Any link/proof or outside source for this information.
As usual
Ed is just a lying, guano sniffing, fantasist.
Is anyone aware who is funding the Higgins circus.
It would be revealing.
Magda Szubanski is labelled a ‘hippo’after she weighs in on practically anything.
It is like a piecost.
Editorial: Dems disconnected from voters’ concerns
Opinion by Boston Herald editorial staff – Wednesday
It’s as if the powers that be aren’t listening to the people.
As it turns out, they’re not.
A poll from Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies shows that the three issues top of mind for voters are inflation, the economy and jobs, and immigration. They also think that Republican leaders are on the same page.
Democratic leaders, on the other hand, are most concerned with Jan. 6, women’s rights, and climate change, according to the poll.
Disconnect is an understatement.
Yet if you consider the daily struggles of ordinary citizens vs. the talking points of Capitol Hill big shots,
it’s as if America is two different countries.
Oh, no.
Then is when victims need support most – before there is an established crime.
ABC gets is panties moist over a slave state…
A masterpiece of not saying certain things.
This is the jewel in the crown of putting glitter on a turd.
Though the movie (and Boyega’s charm) softens him, Ghezo was a complicated figure who colluded with slave traders before liberating his kingdom.
Wiki says that is a lie!
Ghezo, also spelled Gezo, was King of Dahomey (present-day Republic of Benin) from 1818 until 1859. Ghezo replaced his brother Adandozan (who ruled from 1797 to 1818) as king through a coup with the assistance of the Brazilian slave trader Francisco Félix de Sousa. He ruled over the kingdom during a tumultuous period, punctuated by the British blockade of the ports of Dahomey in order to stop the Atlantic slave trade.
Ghezo ended Dahomey’s tributary status to the Oyo Empire. Afterwards, he dealt with significant domestic dissent, as well as pressure from the British Empire, to end the slave trade. He promised to end the slave trade in 1852, but resumed slave efforts in 1857. Ghezo was assassinated in 1859, and his son Glele became the new king.
Elon To Replace 3,200 Twitter Employees With One Hardworking Immigrant Named Amar
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Only hours after officially taking over Twitter, Elon Musk has taken action on firing underperforming employees. After reviewing the metrics on individual employee productivity, Musk abruptly fired 3,200 Twitter team members and replaced them with Amar.
“Amar is a hardworking immigrant from India who can easily do the work of 3,200 Silicon Valley millennials,” said Musk. “Once we filtered out all the breaks for meditation, wine-on-tap, matcha sipping, shuffleboard, and corn-hole, we discovered that these employees could all be replaced with Amar, who will outperform all 3,200 of these employees by at least 9%.”
Amar’s resume includes a steady stream of success at several call centers in Mumbai, and since his start date on Monday, he has already outworked 2,973 of the employees in weekly productivity. Sources say he works 18 hours per day, sleeps at the office, and takes baths in the bathroom sink, all of which he says are much better working conditions than where he came from.
At publishing time, Twitter employees had announced they all found jobs working for the DNC in Washington, D.C.
Who doesn’t have a limited liability company and a book deal? The AGM must be fun.
Someone’s been sticking pencils in their ears?
“Graphene shards”
What about them?
What the fuck would a homeopath faith healer know about them?
Mmmyes. Yes it has. And it doesn’t cease to be bullshit.
Oh, yeah. Something is wrong alright.
* Only three days left to save the Daily Exposé.
A Kiwi and an Aussie go to a pastry shop.
The Kiwi whisks three cookies into his pocket with lightning speed. The baker doesn’t notice.
The Kiwi says to the Australian “You see how clever we are, bro? You’ll never beat that!”
The Australian says to the Kiwi “Watch this mate, an Australian is always cleverer than a Kiwi”.
He says to the baker “Give me a cookie, I can show you a magic trick!”
The baker gives him the cookie which the Australian promptly eats.
Then he says to the baker “Give me another cookie for my magic trick”.
The baker is getting suspicious but he gives it to him. He eats this one too. Then he says again “Give me one more cookie…”
The baker is getting angry now but gives him one anyway. The Australian eats this one too.
Now the baker is really mad, and he yells “And where is your famous magic trick?” The Australian says “Look in the Kiwi’s pocket!”
Article 1
Higgins Pty Ltd a company formed to minimise tax on Miss Higgins 15 of fame and other purposes.
What’s a piecost?
About $4.50
Even if you accept Miss Brittany’s version of that Friday night her actions are bizarre. The only thing she didn’t do was start a Tik Tok.
I prefer “Apprentice Lighthouse Keeper.”
You may wish to reconsider…
There will be a dedicated mid-terms thread Wednesday week.
You guys just can’t stop talking about her going commando. Why is that? It’s very revealing.
Oh dear.
Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna
Hint: the panties are a metaphor.
Jacqueline Maley. SMH. Lehrmann ‘walked free’ from the court. Since when was he un-free you goose.
$7.50 at Pik a Pie servo in Stawell last week – probably temporary though.
Yep. Commercial pies are creeping up. There was a chicken and bechamel one for $9 at a French patisserie that is rapidly coming back to the field. Great puff pastry but the Frogs never quite nail the Aussie pie. Vietnamese bakers do a much better job.
J’ismists, especially female ones, struggle with the whole innocent until proven guilty concept. That is part of the problem when the media and communications advisors turn up at court complexes.
The great thing about Glasgow is that if there’s a nuclear attack it’ll look exactly the same afterwards.
– Billy Connolly
long covid
Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Conditions Including Post-Treatment Lyme
Bruce K. Patterson MD
H B Bearsays:
October 28, 2022 at 11:04 am
Yep. Commercial pies are creeping up. There was a chicken and bechamel one for $9 at a French patisserie that is rapidly coming back to the field. Great puff pastry but the Frogs never quite nail the Aussie pie. Vietnamese bakers do a much better job.
Shhmoakesys Gourmet Pies $7-$8
Best Pie: Shhmoakesys Gourmet Pies, Kincumber, NSW
It’s no secret there are plenty of good pies in Australia, but Shhmoakesys in Kimcumber, NSW has come out on top thanks to a smoked meat filling that’s prepared for over eight hours.
While the ‘delicate melt-in-your-mouth pastry’ is also a crowd-pleaser, the generous size of the pies is what makes them a crowd favourite.
Shhmoakesys founder and owner Chris Oakes spilled the secret to what makes their pies so delicious is the puff pastry and the fact they don’t ‘over gravy’ the inside so diners get to experience full flavour of the smoky meat.
‘We have a little secret with the pastry and I will let you in on it – we don’t use shortcrust, we use puff pastry only,’ he said.
‘That happened by mistake. We ran out of shortcrust so we used puff and that week we had so many comments about how nice the pastry was so we thought we’d keep it that way and since then everybody comments on how nice the pastry is
Only because they regard all men as guilty.
I thought the journo kiddie who hacked New York Post was fun. Just shows that even working for a righty paper you can’t assume a journo isn’t a Bernie Bro.
New York Post Says Website, Twitter Account Were Hacked to Post ‘Vile and Reprehensible’ Content (27 Oct)
The headlines in the screenshot make it very clear where he/she/yxes politics are at.
Mme Zulu and I lunched in an Indian restaurant in Glasgow a few years ago. The waiter was six feet four of be – turbaned splendor, with a diction that was pure Billy Connolly..how I kept a straight face..
graphene shard slide
Pie shop at Robertson. Deeeelish!
Gay Irishman wants to rescue something which is in rude health.
‘Virtue-signalling’: Alan Joyce wants to ‘save the Great Barrier Reef’ (28 Oct)
Will all Qantas passengers will now be required to wear snorkels?
Too ’82?
Sorry – was busy with visitors, so slow to answer.
I don’t have any expertise in interpreting those slides. They could be of anything. If they were slides of plant tissue, I might be able to make head or tail of them. I would like to have an opinion from a couple of doctors here, with some discussion on what they could mean.
My comment related to the gentleman’s credentials which I think are not in keeping with the type of analysis he is pushing.
Disinformation, you say?
“Disinformation” is not a word from the English language. It is a direct translation of the Russian word dezinformatsiya. It is a KGB form of tradecraft from the Red Banner Institute of the KGB First Chief Directorate, otherwise known as the KGB foreign spy academy.
Disinformation is definition 159 in the KGB’s “Lexicon of KGB Terms,” published internally by the Soviet foreign intelligence service before 1984. Here it is: “Misleading by means of false information; A form of intelligence work in the Active Measures field, which consists of the secret channeling towards an adversary of false information, especially prepared materials and fabricated documents designed to mislead him and prompt him to take decisions and measures which fit with the plans and intentions of the Intelligence Service.”
No wonder it’s become the left’s newest favorite word.
Electrify America Chargers Are Rarely Used – What’s Up With Non-Tesla Fast Charging?
Electrify America reported they conducted 1.45 million charging sessions in 2021. They announce that with pride, but it’s worth noting that they had around 3,500 charging stalls at the end of 2021, and around 2,300 at the start, for an average of just under 3,000. So that works out to a rough average of around 1.25 charging sessions a day per stall, a shockingly low number. They began the year with just 0.5 sessions per day and grew to the larger number by the end of the year.
Of course, as an average, some stalls would see far more and some less, and they would see more on some days and less on others. As such many stalls would not see use on many days, while others might get a line at certain times.
EA charges 31 cents/kWh if you pay their $4/month membership fee, and 43 cents otherwise in most locations.
According to EA, they distributed 41 gigawatt-hours in 2021 in this 1.45 million sessions, for an average session of around 28 kWh — which amounts to 80 to 120 miles of range per session, much less than the capacity of most modern cars. In addition, even if they earned the full 43 cents for each kWh, this implies revenue of around 17 million dollars. At the USA average price of 13 cents/kWh this suggests roughly 12M of gross margin.
These small numbers are surprising because Electrify America is the largest of the non-Tesla charging network (though a fairly distant 2nd to Tesla.) It’s unlikely any of the others are doing much better. The number is certainly not enough to support the cost of a charging station, though today that cost is handled by government subsidies, and particularly in the case of EA, due to the large penalty VW had to pay over the dieselgate scandal, which is what got EA started. Based on data from subsidy applications in California and Texas, installation costs anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000 per stall, while Tesla manages a much lower price.
– There are a variety of possible reasons for this low usage:
– Reliability
– Fail operational and free
It is perverting the course of justice and her honour can explain why not.
Constant warnings and reckless indifference satisfy the fault element.
Now see the ACT Criminal Code 2002 again – intent means “engage in conduct” not “I did not intend for those unwelcome consequences”.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
October 28, 2022 at 11:28 am
The great thing about Glasgow is that if there’s a nuclear attack it’ll look exactly the same afterwards.
Mme Zulu and I lunched in an Indian restaurant in Glasgow a few years ago. The waiter was six feet four of be – turbaned splendor, with a diction that was pure Billy Connolly..how I kept a straight face..
Glasgow is renowned for it’s Indian and Italian cuisine. I worked there in 1990/1991 for 11 months. To hear a Glaswegian accent from these peoples was a hoot.
Musk comes in swinging.
Danny Bhoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63jKvxOfbeM
It should be a bloodbath at Twitter. Expect a spike in cleaning expenses.
Best news I’ve heard today.
It’s fun that the Twits are already in the bargaining phase.
Twitter Employees Draft Letter Demanding Assurances Against Discrimination for Their Political Beliefs (27 Oct)
Twitter Employees Circulate Letter to Elon Musk ‘Demanding’ to Retain Their Jobs and Benefits (26 Oct)
Elon could profitably replace all these wretches with West Virginian coal miners, as the Left has been telling them to learn to code for years and years now.
I didn’t spend nearly long enough in Glasgow – loved the place. Back again in June/July next year to have a look at Kelvingrove and the Burrell Collection.
“Only 81 x 3.8 = $307.8 trillion till we have power to cheap to meter!”
And only 81 x 10 = 810 years to get there!
Just got out from being bogged to the axles in a very straight paddock. We had to pick a path for the tractor to get to the ute.
If I thought it was wet, it’s wetter than I thought.
I hate that. Once I went to get a bit of firewood, and my Tarago stuck in 3/8″ of wet grass. I do mean stuck, wheels spinning, not bogged to the axles.
I bagged the tractor to the axles when I tried to pull that ridiculous shopping trolley out.
So then I got 100m of old fence wire and chains, and the old Fordson and lined it up from higher on the hill…
Phew. It pulled them all out.
Did that several times in the last few months, fortunately never managed to bog tractor and hilux and landcruiser at the same time, although I had plenty of twofers.
Juror had two more documents:
Justice McCallum’s written judgment, released on Thursday, contains a footnote that the juror who caused the mistrial had two more unlawful documents in their folder.
“Following the discharge of the jury, I was informed by the Sheriff’s officers that the same juror was also in possession of two additional academic articles on the topic of sexual assault,” Justice McCallum’s note read.
“A review of the article reveals that it could be deployed to support either side of the central issue in this case, which was whether an act of sexual intercourse was proved beyond reasonable doubt.”
Prince Harry’s memoir is ALREADY being advertised for half-price at £14 by WHSmith – three months before it hits the shelves
. The 416-page autobiography is finally expected to hit the shelves on January 10
. Publisher Penguin Random House has promised ‘raw, unflinching honesty’
. Harry was reportedly paid a $20million (£18.4million) advance for the book
. But some retailers have already cut the book to half-price for pre-order copies
DAN WOOTTON: To be published just four months after the death of the Queen and just months before his father’s coronation, Prince Harry’s shameless Me Me Me-moir Spare will be the most damaging chapter yet in his mission to bring down the Royal Family
Mom Drops Hammer: “Parents Don’t Send Their Kids to School To Explore Their Sexuality”
Just got my latest quarterly electric bill .. used less electricity than last quarter, according to the pix graph, but bill is $30 dearer .. wondering if Luigi would “please explain” how he is lowering energy costs again?
I just took the opportunity to lock in 12 months of electricity pricing at about a 5% premium on my current (variable) rates.
Pre vaccine fatality rates
Dr. John Campbell
Here’s another thing – many of the people will be co religionists, and making sure they don’t backslide.
The 13 children will be married as soon as they are legally available.
Just watch this cancer cluster grow as the families are brought in to the feeding trough of Australia. I calculate it will be 130 after the first round of ‘family reunions’, and there will not be one gene test to prove who is who.
Seems Britnah’s media buddies are using blog spotters. Yesterdays clips of her stating that she had been “required”, to tell the truth, has disappeared down the memory hole. In current rotation is a clip of her stating that she “told the truth”. LOL!!!
Sancho’s comment stating that Lidia the tattooed lady is Australia’s version of Al Sharpton is comment of the week. Much forboding of her future behaviour.
Two beggars are sitting side by side on a street in Rome, Italy. One has a Cross in front of him, the other is holding the Star of David.
Many people walk by, look at both beggars, but only put money into the hat of the beggar sitting behind the Cross.
After a while, the Pope comes by. He stops and watches the throngs of people giving money to the beggar with the Cross, while none are giving to the beggar with the Star of David.
Finally, the Pope approaches the beggar with the Star of David and says. “My poor fellow, don’t you understand? This is a Catholic country. This city is the seat of Catholicism. People aren’t going to give you money if you sit here with a Star of David in front of you; especially when you’re sitting beside a beggar who is holding a Cross! In fact, they would probably give more money to him just out of spite”.
The beggar with the Star of David listens to the Pope, smiles and turning to the beggar with the Cross, says “Hey Moshe, look who’s trying to teach the Goldstein brothers all about marketing!”
After reading this page to the top, I have to say I loves you all long time.
The one in the Southern Highlands?
If so, I concur.
He’ll get back to you just as soon as he’s finished relocating those terrorist families who hate everything about our civilisation – except its generous provision of welfare – to just down the road from you.
Mr. 32% is not governing Australia for Australians.
I just took the opportunity to lock in 12 months of electricity pricing at about a 5% premium on my current (variable) rates.
Living alone my energy bills aren’t massive but when you know your using stuff properly and they keeps rising it gets, bloody, annoying .. my quarterly water bill was bigger than the last electric one plus I can now bench press an $80 grocery shop without effort .. FFS!
BPC 157 as Potential Treatment for COVID-19
The emergence of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in China at the end of 2019 has caused a large global outbreak. COVID-19 is largely seen as a thrombotic and vascular disease targeting endothelial cells (ECs) throughout the body that can provoke the breakdown of central vascular functions. This explains the complications and multi-organ failure seen in COVID-19 patients including acute respiratory distress syndrome, cardiovascular complications, liver damage, and neurological damage. Acknowledging the comorbidities and potential organ injuries throughout the course of COVID-19 is therefore crucial in the clinical management of patients. Here we discuss BPC 157, based primarily on animal model data, as a novel agent that can improve the clinical management of COVID-19. BPC 157 is a peptide that has demonstrated anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective, and endothelial-protective effects in different organ systems in different species. BPC 157 activated endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is associated with nitric oxide (NO) release, tissue repair and angiomodulatory properties which can lead to improved vascular integrity and immune response, reduced proinflammatory profile, and reduced critical levels of the disease. As a result, discussion of its use as a potential prophylactic and complementary treatment is critical. All examined treatments, although potentiality effective against COVID-19, need either appropriate drug development or clinical trials in humans to be suitable for clinical use.
unless you are pfizer
Dover:” … you can read off its general principles? OK to amend birth certificates?”
Official documents should only be amended from their original where a clear error was made at the time it was originally created eg, using 1922 instead of 2022 on a birth certificate. Otherwise, as Orwell supposes in 1984, the past will be “fluid” and we will not be able to learn from it.
“Must we use preferred personal pronouns in the workplace?”
That would be compelled speech – so no. I tend to follow Jordan Peterson in this – ask me politely and I’ll likely agree to call you whatever you want, but try to demand it and I’ll push back.
“What about publicly funded sex changes? ”
I view these procedures as “cosmetic surgery” – that is, apart from a very few exceptional circumstances, it should not be paid for at public expense. Pay for it yourself, same as a face lift.
“What about the treatment of minors?”
Treatment is up to the legal guardian of the minor.
These are all “conservative” principles, because they rely on “what has worked” in the past – that is, conservative principles are NOT to conserve what is, but rather to conserve what has been shown to work and discard what does NOT work. This means we are handing our heirs and successors the “best” that we and previous generations have discovered.
Under such principles, if tech or other creates a “new” space (eg, social media), then conservatives would by default use the same rules as for similar things (the publisher vs common carrier arguments), but be open to trying something “new” for the “new” thing – until such time as we can determine what works and what doesn’t.
Then we keep what works, and throw out what doesn’t. This can and should be well documented, so that future generations can determine whether things have changed sufficiently as to warrant trying again (or not), as well as have something to compare whatever they have that is “new” to, and what options may be worth trying.
I would suggest I tend to be fiscally conservative (live within your means etc), but socially progressive (in favour of expanding which groups get what rights).
Evolution not revolution, if you like.
The only constant is change.
We must learn, not only from our own mistakes, but also from the mistakes of others.
And we must be free – if history shows anything, it is that a free people make a prosperous and safe world for themselves, while authoritarian rule always devolves to poverty and ultimately chaos.
we cant fill a grocery bag for less than $120-150
The Fireys, not police were the first called to an accident when a child was seriously injured . moot point as to whom was driving but the fireys got given lots of goodies after election . They have Him by the S and Cs
Excellent post by Gary Johns at Quadrant On-Line, “Reframing the Debate in Aboriginal Affairs”.
Re: the US Midterms.
While I really hope non-RINO Republicans clean up and take the house, I am concerned that if he Dems clearly cheated in the 2020 election and everyone did three fifths of sweet FA about it, why wouldn’t they do the same again? What is different this time?
Just popped into the local pub before doing the shopping – I can never face up to that milling, meandering, and murine milieu without a drink.
The bar tender made a point that he had asked the boss about getting Lagavulin on the shelves (they have no Islays- not even Laphroig!).
He just wanted to check if I recommended the 8 or the 16.
I thought 16 should cover the Isley gap most convincingly.
(Amazing that a pub in Mosman didn’t have it. Neutral Bay’s The Oaks has at least three. Including those two Lagavulins.
Yes. Leads me to wonder if he reads the Cat.
Here we go again. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-63407459
There is “no credible pathway” to keep the rise in global temperatures below the key threshold of 1.5C, according to a bleak new UN assessment.
Scientists believe that going beyond 1.5C would see dangerous impacts for people all over the world.
The report says that since COP26 last year, governments carbon cutting plans have been “woefully inadequate”.
Only an urgent transformation of society will avoid disaster, the study says
And if it is BS call it out. This gains trust and credibility from the laymen.
October 28, 2022 at 1:33 pm
Excellent post by Gary Johns at Quadrant On-Line, “Reframing the Debate in Aboriginal Affairs”.
Yes. Leads me to wonder if he reads the Cat.
Some of the “old-style” Labor types are looking much better than the “new-style” Liberals. Think Gary Johns, Peter Baldwin, Mark Latham.