A very good summary. There are some signs of hope, though. Matt Moran – the Liberal candidate for the new…
A very good summary. There are some signs of hope, though. Matt Moran – the Liberal candidate for the new…
Essentially humans en masse are fairly stupid. They are willing to be corralled into group think. Like allowing themselves to…
Some incredible totals for Brisbane City, Archerfield and Greenbank. Should ease this arvo apparently.
That’s exactly right, an expendable 20Million man army to invade Taiwan
The Ceaucescus were firing squad. Some of the spectators joined the fun with their AK’s.
Indolent, I just read the report in your second comment at 10.42. Thanks for posting.
It makes me ask more questions. First, is it true? Second, if it’s true then how did the foreign objects get in there – deliberate or accidental? Third, are the people showing abnormalities a random sample of anyone who has been “vaxxed” or ones who have become unwell after injection? Fourthly, what does all this mean for me and others?
The gall of those mongrel bastards.
You sold your rank and file members out, you disgusting pieces of corrupt criminal filth.
Never forget, never forgive.
Sky News Daytime says that Fetterman kid is ok, no worries, his doctor has said he’s fine.
that’s because its filled with wankers every other night.
Perplexed of Brisbane:
It looks like the Civil Emergency to hobble the elections will be the lack of diesel. The call is out for Biden to plunder the Diesel reserves, not just the oil reserves. And they’re down to 23? days.
The report says that since COP26 last year, governments carbon cutting plans have been “woefully inadequate”.
Only an urgent transformation of society will avoid disaster, the study says
Suggest to the UN that the societies that are currently increasing their emissions the most should be transformed first (China and India prominent among them), and watch the UN change its tune.
This whole shitshow is all about nobbling western economies, not saving Gaia.
They are. Going rate is $10 per vote.
Huge Breaking! Democrat Blows Whistle On Widespread Orlando Area Ballot-Harvesting Operation In Black Communities (27 Oct)
The numbers of mules look to be tens of thousands. This is an enormous organized effort. Add that the two major voting machine vendors are Chinese and Venezuelan and you get the picture.
Fetterwoman’s quack has an interesting back story and as for his note, it’s a joke.
The dumbocrats truly are beyond parody. You could jokingly claim pretty much all dumbocrat politicians are braindead (e.g. shrillaree, AOC, buttplug, kamela, that foul syphilitic ol’ geriatric), yet here they are, unrepentantly running a senate candidate who is literally braindead.
No prizes for guessing who set the precedent.
PA Senate Candidate Reminds Everyone That ‘Fetterman’ Is The Name Of The Doctor Who Created Him, Not His Actual Name (27 Oct)
Tucker on the Fetterman/Oz debate and “Dr” Clifford Chen.
Each new melodramatic statement only reveals how desperate they’re getting.
And the war in Ukraine isn’t going to have the effect they hope for.
If this day in the life of a Twitter employee is real, then just WOW (red wine on tap!)
A stinky glued himself to the Girl with a Pearl Earring last night.
They don’t seem to appreciate fine art much.
Climate activist glues forehead to €80m Vermeer masterpiece Girl with a Pearl Earring (27 Oct)
Instapundit doesn’t seem to have any problem with providing a free speech platform for people who hate Jews, if that Fetterman link is anything to go by.
We cognoscenti stick to shiraz based Rosé.
Tucker Carlson: The US is about to run out of diesel fuel
DeSantis Goes Off On ‘Gender Ideology’: You Don’t Have The Right To Impose That Ideology’
I would advise caution when casting aspersions on Fetterman’s doctor.
Not due to wishing to protect the doctor, or even knowing anything about him/her/whatever. But rather due to the fact that if the Dems and media accept a “second opinion” in this case, what do you think they’ll do the next time a non-Borg candidate is selected and their doctor says they are fine?
Msm reporting H&L juror had more than one document in the jury room. Juror will not be charged cos Canberra has no juror misconduct law.
So here they are preaching to the rest of the country how to behave and yet run to a set of rules set up by an 8th grader. My apologies to any 8th graders reading this.
Can we have some detail please? Exactly what “transformation” is proposed?
The soupy, gluey potatoheads are fast running through their sympathy quota.
Won’t be long and they’ll be dacked by a fed up art lover. Or ten.
That commenter seems reminiscent of a certain avian.
I wonder what Mel Brooks thinks of Fetterman?
The more i see and hear of Desantis the more i lean toward him over Trump. Clear simple cut through. Doesnt get side tracked by the marxists…But i guess he has yet to experience the full swamp treatment which would even befoul Mother Teresa.
Now they’re just taking the piss.
oh. What’s this. Some sacred sites? Cave paintings? Burial grounds?
No… its a colonial homestead
gaia demands the genitals of young people, please throw into the nearest volcano
On Ravensworth.
Some dreamings are more equal than others. It all depends on who can produce the better class of bullsh*t.
“We don’t have a connection to this homestead or to this area at all,” he said.
Sorry, that last is also a quote from Perry.
The NSW IPC should just be honest with themselves and say “we don’t want coal mining.”
I want each and every member of the sh*tty Commission to relinquish their vehicles, their homes, their food and their clothing and go live in a cave. Because coal mining and all its subsidiary industries gave them all those things.
The cave, of course, is naturally formed, but they could always do the honourable thing and tip themselves down a mineshaft.
Can we have some detail please? Exactly what “transformation” is proposed?
I can summarize it for you if you like.
Way too many of you, just the right number of “us”.
Cite you the “Frontier massacre” where “Eyewitnesses” described the party which carried out the “massacre” as being led by a man who had been dead for two years at the time.
Fair Shake – You are thinking conventionally. This is not a time where conventional politics can make an iota of difference.
It must be Trump since he no longer gives a shit. He is honey badger. He is the battering ram for DeSantis. He crashes through the swamp or he crashes. If he crashes it’s the end of the US republic. If he crashes through DeSantis should get two terms to clean up the mess the Dems made.
But no, a conventional politician is not who is required now. The US is too far gone for that. Actually I don’t think there is any way back, really, given how embedded the Left is in every institution and how fascist they’ve become. But if anyone can break the deep state it is Trump, not DeSantis. DeSantis is too nice and not battle-hardened enough.
I think the Republican voters think like this, since in polls they regularly give Trump three to five times the primary vote over DeSantis, despite DeSantis being everything that you say. He’s excellent. But the times are very dark, and no mere Reagan could rescue the nation from the disaster they (and we) are headed for.
Just wow:
The absolute state of Western punditry.
They don’t need one. It is perverting the course of justice.
Thanks Dot — maybe you need to confer with the ACT chief justice McCallum.
Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.
– Dolphin 101
Love your jokes Johnny Rotten !
The Climate Change Zealots are Coming for Your Pets
From Armstrong Economics –
“The climate change zealots have found a new scapegoat to blame for changes in the weather – the family pet. CNN has dubbed the term “carbon pawprint” and is urging owners to switch their pets over to insect-based diets or lab-grown meat and reconsider future animal adoptions.
There was a 2017 study entitled “Environmental Impacts of Food Consumption by Dogs and Cats” that claims pets are responsible for global warming. “Dog and cat animal product consumption is responsible for release of up to 64 ± 16 million tons CO2-equivalent methane and nitrous oxide, two powerful greenhouse gasses (GHGs),” the study cited. The author suggests “reducing the rate of dog and cat ownership” in favor of smaller rodents or reptiles. If someone must have a dog, they claim it is better to adopt a small breed as it eats less.
“As calculated, US dogs and cats consume as much dietary energy as ~62 million Americans, which is approximately one-fifth of the US population. Although there are fewer dogs and cats in the US than people, they derive more of their energy from animal-derived products (33% ± 6% vs. 19% for people). Thus, if pets’ consumption was included in calculations, the US would be equivalent to a country of ~ 380 million in terms of raw dietary energy consumed and a country of about 690 million in terms of animal-derived energy consumed.”
The study glosses over the fact that many animals eat meat that is not safe for human consumption and would be otherwise thrown away. The study makes numerous mentions of the mental health benefits that pet ownership provides, but still concludes that reducing the number of pets in our society is for the greater good.
I am certain that those flying in their private jets to Davos are creating a larger carbon imprint. Around 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions, but the average person must always be forced to change their ways. I do not put it past the extreme leftists to implement taxes on pet ownership.”
Does this mean that I can shoot the neighbour’s dog?
Y’know, cos its killing the planet.
I wonder if they will stick their heads to the original of ‘Dogs playing pool’. That would get every bogan in the world angry!
Arthur Sarnoff masterpiece
Notice how the “elites” pushing climate change are happy to see things priced out of reach of the plebs, rather than any thoughts of divesting themselves of the intolerable burden of their own consumption?
Your full 747 to Bali will be priced out of your reach, their private jet to whatever fleshpot they desire will always be affordable for them.
The only response people stating what “we must do” is now a blunt ‘Well kill yourself then“.
Thats all.
No argument with cultists, just encouragement for them to make the only sacrifice that matters.
From the press release which is in advance of the next big climate conference to be held in Egypt what we are supposed to transform to is not really articulated. It says:
“We had our chance to make incremental changes, but that time is over,” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP, who produced the study.
“Only a root-and-branch transformation of our economies and societies can save us from accelerating climate disaster,” she said.
The UN acknowledges that achieving massive cuts in emissions is now a tall order. But it points to electricity, industry, transport and buildings as areas where rapid transformations away from fossil fuels can be made.”
So there it is, roots and branches.
BREAKING: Ballots Discovered “Pre-Loaded” Inside Drop Box in Pennsylvania… Two Others Reportedly Also Had “Pre-Loaded” Ballots Inside the Boxes
Had a couple of concussions coming up through the ranks, but his brainbox started overcompensating by reproducing concussion symptoms every time his bonce contacted something – whether it be a glancing zing off the helmet grill or a volleyball.
Truly shit, and not his fault.
The Australian said Pucovski suffered his first serious concussion playing Junior Footy.
Sounds like he was knocked out and didn’t wake up for quite a while.
You must know the details, so why the HorseShit?
I’m sort of hoping that the Dimocrats overdo the vote rigging again and the subsequent supp/opp/ression of protest.
Oppression seeds revolt.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
October 28, 2022 at 2:55 pm
Some dreamings are more equal than others. It all depends on who can produce the better class of bullsh*t.
Cite you the “Frontier massacre” where “Eyewitnesses” described the party which carried out the “massacre” as being led by a man who had been dead for two years at the time.
Zombies, yet another white assault on the indigenes.
self immolation or its not legit
actually got banned from a couple of socialist media platform for say that
Bruce of N
But if anyone can break the deep state it is Trump, not DeSantis. DeSantis is too nice and not battle-hardened enough.
DeSantis for president, Trump as “Czar” (the US seems to love this title) for reform (spelled “decimation five times over”) of the Executive Branch, with a timeline of three years.
Foreign investors are pulling out quickly: China’s economy is looking bleak/A major purge is coming
The reshuffle of the Chinese leadership has spooked foreign investors. The next day, on Oct. 24th, Chinese stocks suffered their worst day in Hong Kong since the global financial crisis in 2008, as foreign investors rushed to sell Chinese stocks. Nearly all the stocks in the Hang Sheng index were lower, with Chinese internet and technology stocks being hit particularly hard.
Analysts generally expect China’s economy to slow in Xi’s third term, not primarily because of the labor force demographics, productivity, real estate, etc. that drive growth, but because of the CCP’s regressive economic policies.
Incoherent Rambler:
I certainly hope so, because a successful revolt is the only way to miss a full on Civil War in the US.
Would a quick dip in the hot tub after dinner suffice?
The US has Civil War experience, which makes it less likely for them to try a repeat.
The AU civil war. Now that will be a problem.
Notice how the herald-Sun joins in the insanity by using the “correct pronouns”?
The infamous Porsche driver who filmed the aftermath of a truck crash that killed four police officers in Melbourne has had a dramatic day at court after initially refusing to appear.
Richard Pusey allegedly uploaded graphic images of the April 2020 Eastern Freeway crash in a Google review of a Porsche dealership and in a complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.
The 44-year-old is facing two charges of using a carriage service in an offensive manner and two charges of breaching their bail by allegedly reoffending.
He was scheduled to appear at Sunshine Magistrates Court at 10am on Friday, but the court was told Pusey, who uses they/them pronouns, refused to come out of the Sunshine police cells.
A Sunshine police uniform sergeant told the court they were told by custody management at the Metropolitan Remand Centre earlier in the day that Pusey had refused to go to court, get dressed and was non-compliant with their directions.
In the end, Pusey was physically removed, carried out of their cell and transported naked with a blanket to Sunshine.
The sergeant said Pusey had not used violence, with magistrate Michelle Mykytowycz describing their stance as “passive refusal”.
The sergeant also said physical force was not used on Pusey to bring them to Sunshine.
A Sunshine custody officer told the court he had asked Pusey if was willing to go to court.
The custody officer said after about three or four attempts to get a response, Pusey said they did not want to go to court or see the magistrate and asked if they were being recorded.
Police and custody officers were not given a clear reason for why Pusey refused to appear in court.
Ms Mykytowycz said she would move on with the hearing even if Pusey still refused to appear.
“I do think this matter does need to be finalised,” she said
“If we were at the start of the proceedings I must say my concern would be greater. The evidence is all but finished from the prosecution case.”
She asked the police sergeant to tell Pusey that if they did not appear in court by 11.45am the hearing would move ahead without them.
When the sergeant returned after 11.45am, he relayed the following message from Pusey.
“I didn’t want to come out. I wanted to do it on video at prison like I requested several times,” Pusey said.
“Take me back to prison, I’ll do it from there.
“I’m happy to proceed by video only. Adjourn it, stand it down, take me back to prison.”
In response, Ms Mykytowycz said she would move ahead without them.
“As I’ve indicated the court cannot be hijacked by the desires and whims of those in custody,” she said.
“I acknowledge the difficulties that have occurred for him and particularly the manner in which he was brought to court today, but I am going to proceed in his absence.”
When the hearing resumed, Ms Mykytowycz reiterated her surprise that Pusey had not appeared.
She said it very was significant in her view that the accused person should be there, especially since Pusey was self-represented.
But more than 10 minutes later, the court was told that Pusey would be appearing in court and in person after all.
When the hearing resumed, Pusey appeared in court in a green prison jumpsuit with long black hair and a beard.
For the next hour, Pusey, who is representing theirself, cross-examined a police sergeant.
On several occasions, Ms Mykytowycz had to clarify or pull back Pusey over what they were saying.
She also had to remind them of the rules of a contested hearing and the type of questions they were allowed to ask.
“It’s not sufficient to make statements, you do have to ask the questions because this is not evidence,” Ms Mykytowycz said at one stage when Pusey was discussing images of the crash.
At one point Pusey brought up the Netflix series on infamous American serial killer and sex offender Jeffrey Dahmer that they had seen on television “the other day” when discussing the charges they were facing.
“I don’t think we need to hear that,” Ms Mykytowycz swiftly said in response.
Pusey’s line of questioning was mainly centred on images of the crash. He suggested that other people had taken pictures at the scene.
Police allege Pusey distributed graphic pictures of the April 2020 crash – some of which showed the severely injured officers – online in a Google review of a car dealership and for a complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.
Pusey was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment on April 28, 2021 after they were found guilty of outraging public decency by filming the deaths of four police officers.
Pusey had been pulled over by police for speeding when a truck veered into the emergency lane and fatally hit the four officers.
The former mortgage broker has been self-represented throughout the hearing.
Ms Mykytowycz entered courtroom seven at Sunshine Magistrate Court around 20 minutes after the hearing was supposed to begin and said there had been a “bit of an issue”.
“I’m told at this point in time he doesn‘t wish to come into a courtroom,” she said.
The message she asked to be conveyed to the custody officers was she “certainly won‘t be engaging” with Pusey unless they were in court.
She suggested Pusey could appear via video link with the camera turned off.
Ms Mykytowycz also said she would ask the custody officers to give evidence if Pusey did not appear, which was what ended up happening.
She said she had hoped the issue might have been “averted”.
“I must say, Mr Pusey … he’s generally, he’s always, in fact, very polite and respectful of a court when he’s actually here,” she said.
The CFMEU are a sewer full of turds. Their members were beaten and shot at in Victorian streets by Dan’s Stasi and yet, they STILL call for their members to support the evil POS Andrews and his regime that imprisoned and brutalized them. Words fail.
they? who the fuck is they? barbarians are in the gates
some carrots, celery and crank it up to 60C, should be good to go
About that.
A few years ago we removed the gates. I hope you don’t mind.
Richard Pusey asked a good question:
did anyone else record the aftermath of that event?
The sistah juror who brought in the research material, thereby breaching jury rules, did so deliberately. Several days of fruitless deliberation and the judge returning the jury to figure it out was always going to produce the “reasonable doubt” that in effect slaps Britney down. Now, Britney gets her retrial. Fkg unbelievable.
You’re so full of shit! If you’re really so righteous, it’d be you in that thing.
Neil Oliver made an interesting observation the other day about people using the term “for the greater good”.
All manner of statist obscenities can be justified when using the term, e.g. kiddie sacrifice (sound familiar, anyone?).
In this case, Fido and Fluffy are extinctified, for their own and the greater good.
Not only foreign investors.
Wealthy Chinese Activate Financial “Escape Plans” Terrified Of Xi’s Coming Reign Of Terror (27 Oct)
Be interesting to see if this affects real estate prices here. With Albo as PM they might think they have a better chance at
buyingops getting Australian residency.Only if it’s lye. Just to be sure.
sorry.. if you insist on people calling you ‘them/they’, shouldn’t you be referring to yourself as ‘we/out’ ?
No more handbags into court, Makka. Nothing. Zip. Nada.
Calli. You have no idea how tough my hide is.
are you suggesting naked juries?
incoherent ramblersays:
October 28, 2022 at 4:37 pm
Calli. You have no idea how tough my hide is.
are you suggesting naked juries?
Hmmmm. A big step up from a knickerless accuser.
Oooo…rambler. I was referring to those who want others to do without “for the planet”.
You may soak yourself in a hot tub, roll yourself in the snow and thrash yourself with spruce boughs for that minty fresh feeling. Very therapeutic.
As for naked juries, why not? Liven things up a bit and definitely no tampering.
I find it mind boggling that a juror who ignored more than seventeen separate warnings from the judge about researching information outside the jury room gets to walk away without any penalty despite causing untold expenses and court time to be pissed away, not to mention the personal trauma to the defendant.
I get that it is the ACT Town Council is running that travesty, but surely they could pin “perverting the course of justice” on he/her/it/xe.
Sieze and sell their home, car and first born children, strike he/her/it/ xe off the rolls and banish them to Yeundemu NT for life.
Eeeeew. That reminds me of the hotel we stayed at in Lake Bled. Naked saunas. Brrrrrr.
Just as well I did a bit of research before blundering in. The miasma of chlorine should have alerted me.
Pedro. It was deliberate. And very blatantly and cynically so. They all knew there would be no punishment, except to the accused.
How about “contempt of court”?
Failing to follow the instructions of the court is contempt. Is it not?
Nah, the recalcitrant Juror woulda been dismissed, and an 11-0 Guilty Verdict given.
You don’t have ReTrials when 10 or 11 are for Not Guilty.
The BruceSter is just lucky there wasn’t a Judge only Trial.
Chris Dawson was found Guilty on far less Evidence.
And how monstrous was The Australian‘s reporting of that case?
PRO TIP: Do not accept bullion coins for any reason, without drilling them.
I was given a really nice US 1990s gold ‘fifty dollar’ coin containing one ounce of gold to test on the XRF.
Five readings said it was 93% gold. (remainder mostly Cu plus an interesting 0.3% Pd).
It had been nipped with side cutters. I took a bunch of readings through the break in the coating, and after 2 thou of coating, it was about 75% tungsten, 25% copper. Density appeared correct for gold.
The dealer who gave it to me said these things are being created in Chinese factories and sold for what they are actually worth. Naughty, naughty people might use them to deceive! These bastards are doing many kinds of fake, including even fake stamps for collectors!
… banish them to Yeundemu NT for life.
I’ll have you know I met some “government workers” who volunteered for service in Yeundemu.
Not for very long.
How disgusting can you get.
She’s beyond being cheated now.
GypsumEd has arrived.
I’ll be off now.
I said that about DJT in 2020.
Trump was always going to be close in the swing states.
11%, if true too big a number to cheat.
Lombardo, in Nevada is now 7 ahead.
If they can keep the demonrat cheating to a manageable level, the Republics will fucking romp it in.
If this is true the cheating won’t stop the onslaught… I think… I hope. 🙂
I’m sure Ainslie Bullion would be more than happy to let you do that.
DeSantis is part of the club. Endorsed by Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush and other like them.
A few days ago Ron recorded phone campaign add for Colorado senate republican candidate Joe O’Dea, who is openly anti-Trump. That’s the only out-of-state candidate that Ron has endorsed so far.
He is best as a governor.
As for the US of A – Trump 2024. There are no other options.
The Liars are good like that. The Lieborals should try it some time.
An engineer could not find a job, so he opens a clinic, and puts a sign outside that says “Get treatment for $50; if not cured get back $100”.
A doctor thinks this is a good opportunity to show up the engineer and earn a quick $100. So he visits the clinic.
Doctor: “I have lost my sense of taste”.
Engineer: “Nurse, bring the medicine from Box # 22 and place 3 drops in the patient’s mouth”.
Patient (Doctor) spits out the medicine and says: “This is not medicine! It’s gasoline!!”
Engineer: “Congrats… you have your taste back! That will be $50 please”.
The Doctor, annoyed, returns after several days to recover his money.
Doctor: “I have lost my memory and can’t remember a thing…”
Engineer: “Nurse, bring the medicine from Box # 22 and place 3 drops in the patient’s mouth”.
Doctor: “Wait… that medicine is for the sense of taste” protests the Doctor.
Engineer: “Congrats. Your memory is back! That’ll be $50 please”.
Doctor leaves, but after several days, angrily returns for one last try.
Doctor: “My eyesight has become weak”.
Engineer: “Well I don’t have any medicine for that. Take this $100”.
Doctor: “But this is only a $50 note…?”
Engineer: Congratulations! Your eyesight has gotten better. That will be $50 please”.
Dot, I have no desire to tell anyone else how to live their life. And I can still vote, if I am ever offered anyone worth voting for. Which hasn’t happened for a looooong time.
I might join a political party called the “Why can’t you dull buggers just leave me alone?” party. Briefly.
If the judge had any credibility she would just charge them with common law contempt of court.
Yep. Voting is pointless. Plus, I don’t do mandatory anymore. Fuck em.
Ed Casesays:
October 28, 2022 at 4:56 pm
Nah, the recalcitrant Juror woulda been dismissed, and an 11-0 Guilty Verdict given.
You don’t have ReTrials when 10 or 11 are for Not Guilty.
The BruceSter is just lucky there wasn’t a Judge only Trial.
This advice from Richard Cranium, KC, Dr of Laws, the greatest known expert on ACT criminal law.
Perhaps, for the benefit of those less knowledgeable on the subject, you could list the relevant legislation, naming specific clauses?
That’s the LDP, Doc.
PRO TIP: Do not accept bullion coins for any reason, without drilling them.
Goldmember approves of this message.
October 28, 2022 at 4:57 pm
PRO TIP: Do not accept bullion coins for any reason, without drilling them.
Amateur tip: Use a large magnet; Hold it to the item. If there is any grip it indicates metal impurity which is usually used to fake the weight of gold. Especially useful if buying gold jewelry. Not 100% foolproof but good quick method.
Pusey for PM.
There is no truth to the rumour Mother dropped Groogs on his head as a baby.
Doc BeauGan:
Too late.
The WCYDBJLMA Party was subsumed into the FAAFO* – for a week or so anyway.
*”Fuck Around And Find Out Party”
What if we find ourselves with the government and the private sector mandating it in the workplace as a part of their inclusion strategy?
With they and them pronouns, he could be the entire cabinet.
A government has absolutely no business giving me orders. I’m happy to consider any advice on its merits. But I’m a freeborn Aussie, and if I’d wanted to obey orders given by stupid, ignorant fools, I’d have joined the army. Or possibly the police.
Yeah. I can hear the crowd chanting his name.
We want Pusey! We want Pusey! We want Pusey!
New Weekend Reading up.
Tell them, politely, to bugger themselves with a broken bottle.
Another pitch meeting in about an hour….
Big nobs in Tokyo liked an Idea I pitched about 6 months back and are after more details.
Only problem, its not an area of business I love or have deep knowledge of.
And its all this sites fault.
A throwaway conversation about baggage handling led me down a little rabbit hole of studying it a bit and possibly finding a little profit making avenue.
Turns out another chap had pitched a slightly different version and mine seemed to compliment the idea nicely.
Not many people know this but baggage is a massive little earner for airlines.
$281-billion a year in various baggage charges….
My preferred pronoun in those circumstances would be HRH. And don’t tell me I can’t have it because “inclusion”.
incoherent ramblersays:
October 28, 2022 at 5:32 pm
Pusey for PM.
Yeah. I can hear the crowd chanting his name.
We want Pusey! We want Pusey! We want Pusey!
Don’t know who they are but I guess they will be popular with heterosexual men and lesbians?
H B Bearsays:
October 28, 2022 at 5:28 pm
There is no truth to the rumour Mother dropped Groogs on his head as a baby.
She bashed his head against a door post, and broke the door post?
Oh, and a head’s up. Speedbox has another guest post scheduled tomorrow on internal Russian politics and their influence on Putin.
Can I also thank the contributors for what has been a cracking week of posts, Rafe, Peter, WolfmanOz , and special mention to Gyro. Well done.
And, of course, to the regular commenters that make this place what it is. Thank you.
Firstly, well done, Mole!
Never forget – BBB*. Wing it man! Your idea was good enough to get a hearing, so listen to their ideas on how it could work. Nod wisely.
* Bullsh*t Baffles Brains
Thank you Dover. I love this place. And I’m rather fond of all the commenters, even the annoying ones.
They make me think.
“And, of course, to the regular commenters that make this place what it is. Thank you.”
Thank you for everything DB.
I am in the midst of writing a piece. Will get it to you over the weekend.
Putting up a predictions thread for the US mid-terms mid-week. so. If you’re so inclined, have a think about what you think the swing will be either R or D, and the gains in the House and Senate.
If its a piece on the Libs, I will get my welding mask ready.
“DeSantis is part of the club. Endorsed by Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush and other like them.
A few days ago Ron recorded phone campaign add for Colorado senate republican candidate Joe O’Dea, who is openly anti-Trump. That’s the only out-of-state candidate that Ron has endorsed so far.”
So? I think American needs some healing and DeSantis is the one to do the healing. He would also bring over centrist Democrats.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Donald Trump, but it’s time to move on.
“If its a piece on the Libs, I will get my welding mask ready.”
LOL…no, it isn’t.
“If its a piece on the Libs, I will get my welding mask ready.”
LOL…no, it isn’t.
I can do something on pruning and propagation and fertilising. It might translate into politics. 😀
“Thank you Dover. I love this place.”
As do I.
“If this is true the cheating won’t stop the onslaught… I think… I hope. ?”
Hinderaker of Powerline is saying similar.
Did Pusey run the Sovereign Citizen defence? Couldn’t hurt.
October 28, 2022 at 5:26 pm
October 28, 2022 at 4:57 pm
Just as an aside I learned this method from a pawnbroker. I was employed as a young grad to do research for a welfare organization doing a project on poverty and its effects. My job was to interview clients of pawnshops. Yes, I was young and naïve . I had to stand outside, approach customers when they left and ask permission if they would answer a few questions to help inform understanding of poverty. Boy did I learn a lot. Especially how to read body language, backing off at a twinge, keeping away from the blokes with big angry dogs tied up a few spaces away and not starting too early when the desperates would be hovering around waiting for clear space before submitting their night’s takings. Alcoholics, druggies, gamblers, women pawning their jewelry to afford stuff for Christmas, people who had lost jobs or just surviving on small incomes until a big bill hit.
Probably, but I think this healing would be akin to treating eczema on a patient with a second stage cancer. First, you need to cut out the cancer. DeSantis is not the man for this job. Considering that he is part of the club, he might only put some band-aids on the rapidly deteriorating patient.
Even Megyn Kelly agrees that Trump is the man.
Although I think it failed in the US to a charge of running over 6 fellow citizens. Needless to say Australian courts are not bound by US case law.
Don’t we wish.
Snip snip: out with the dead wood. Encourage the strong new growth (thinking Alex Antic et al) and clone him so that we might, at least, have a worthwile Senate.
Whenever we ‘move on’ we get Malcolm Turnbull or Rishi Sunak.
Even Dutton has gone down a rabbithole.
Peter Dutton believes voters will return to the Coalition in 2025 to clean up Labor’s ‘big mess’ from latest term in government (28 Oct)
The ‘big mess’ is Net Zero. Until you ditch it you aren’t winning any elections Mr Dutton.
Need an Ash Wednesday on the dead wood. Where’s the jerry can?
Even Megyn Kelly agrees that Trump is the man.
DeSantis, Kari, all the other outstanding candidates only have a shot because of Trump. I can’t think of one reason why Trump shouldn’t run again except for permutations of the swamp lies about him. There is however one lesson from Trump: the media is controlled by the left. Without the media the demorats in the US would be in a phone box. That has to be the focus of Trump’s second term: bringing the media and the bureaucrats to heel.
Reports are that it was one of the male jurors. Lift your game.
As for ‘deliberately’ – well yes, he knew what he was doing, so it was ‘deliberate.’ But there is a vast mass of people out there (some of them male!) who assume that the rules do not apply to them. It doesn’t have to be some cunning plan to abort the trial, just pure arrogance.
We Are Cannon Fodder
‘Biden is advocating for experimentation on children:’ Woman, 18, who detransitioned back from a boy slams president for pushing ‘gender-affirming care’ by giving White House interview to controversial trans TikTok star
The whole thing is a giant vote of no confidence in all justice systems. Not a good look.
Scholz and Macron threaten trade retaliation against Biden
They caught this one. How many get missed?
The ‘big mess’ is Net Zero. Until you ditch it you aren’t winning any elections Mr Dutton.
Um,… Labor just won an Election on NetZero.
It’s dead, buried and cremated as an Issue.
The Issue now is Labor’s broken promises on reducing Living Costs for average people.
If Labor think ditching NetZero is a winner, let them try it out first.
The whole thing is a giant vote of no confidence in all justice systems. Not a good look.
Horse shit.
This guy was a ringer, his brief was to prevent a Guilty Verdict and he succeeded.
He’s the bathwater, the Jury system is the baby, don’t get the 2 mixed up.
GREEN COLLAPSE: World’s Largest Chemical Producer Permanently Downsizing In Europe – Blames High Energy Costs
Joh, we’re told daily that there’s a cunning plan to rid the planet of most of its human population.
Aborting a trial is small beer.
Yes, the TV versions of pawn shops are somewhat romanticised – although you do get an occasional hint in the US version when someone comes in at 3 am needing cash right now. They don’t need it to buy groceries.
I knew that Adelaide was on the slide years ago when I went there for a work trip. The hotel was quite OK, and only a few blocks from the centre of town. But, the view from the balcony was of boarded up shops, several pawnbrokers and a lot of down and out folks shambling around.
There used to be interesting pawn shops around Sydney’s Central Station, going up George St towards the Town Hall. They had an extraordinary array of taxidermy, war relics including weapons, and bits of Australiana like carved emu eggs.
I didn’t have the money to buy anything, but the inventory was remarkable – and yes, they were mostly owned by European Jews in those days. A bit of history that is gone.
It was the Estate Jewellers in Castlereigh Street that always caught my eye.
Thanks Groogs. Owe you little buddy.
Stupid autocorrect. Castlereagh. There. Underline it in red, I don’t care.
Bowen and Albanese seem intent on re-running the failed scare stories of the past about nuclear. Too expensive, and it will pop up in your backyard!
Which is exactly what wind and solar are doing. Blighting the landscape and becoming not just intermittent but unaffordable. Just ask the Europeans.
Nuclear power stations don’t have to be located anywhere controversial. They could be placed exactly where coal fired power stations are now, which means no new grid construction to remote and blighted rural locations!
Musk to welcome Trump back onto Twitter as he reverses lifetime bans, takes helm as CEO and tweets ‘the bird is freed’ – after firing executives including Parag Agrawal who walks away with $42M
Bowen and Albanese make you nostalgic for KRudd, Swansteen and the nuclear milkman.
Ed – Do pay attention. The Libs will never win an election with Net Zero as a policy because their base hate it worse than ebola, since it is a lie. They therefore will not vote for the Libs. The Coalition cannot possibly win elections when the 10% core base voters refuse to vote for them. That is why they got a primary vote less than 36% compared with over 41% the previous election. The ALP by contrast went from 33.3% to 32.6% primary vote. That is not an endorsement.
The primary votes are quite illuminating.
Year : Coalition : Labor
2016 : 42.0% : 34.7%
2019 : 41.4% : 33.3%
2022 : 35.7% : 32.6%
So Labor went backwards in every election, yet are now in office. Yep, until the Libs and Nats get a brain they’re in the wilderness. The base has left the building in disgust over net zero.
If you’re so inclined, have a think about what you think the swing will be either R or D, and the gains in the House and Senate.
Okely Dokely.
The Supreme Court vote on Abortion ended it for the Republicans.
The reason?
Abortion is popular with their White base, the people who elected Trump in 2016.
Hispanics in California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma are going to Vote Republican because of the SC decision?
That reasoning is false, they’ll vote for the guy that keeps them employed, Joe Biden, not the guy that’s going to make it impossible for Blacks to have legal abortions.
“Um,… Labor just won an Election on NetZero.
It’s dead, buried and cremated as an Issue.”
Nope, the Liberals lost the election because of net zero.
Once the bills come in, small and medium sized business shut down and the blackouts start, it’ll be a issue hotter than a Vesuvius lava flow.
I also think the Albanese honeymoon is over.
New world order?
“Bowen and Albanese seem intent on re-running the failed scare stories of the past about nuclear. Too expensive, and it will pop up in your backyard!”
The scare stories are not going to work.
And thank you Dover for running this blog which we all greatly appreciate.
There’s nothing like a precipitous drop in the standard of living to focus the attention of voters.
Hear, hear!
So Labor went backwards in every election, yet are now in office.
Yeah, Bruce, it’s called Preference flows.
Yep, until the Libs and Nats get a brain they’re in the wilderness.
Peter Dutton appears promising.
So long as he remembers “It’s the Economy, stupid.”, he’ll do well.
The base has left the building in disgust over net zero.
35.7% is the Base, they’re not leaving, no matter what.
No one went Teal, “independent”, Green or Labor over NetZero, but they didn’t like Matt Canavan playing ducks and drakes over the issue and Barnaby Joyce and Scott Morrison not being Leader’s arseholes.
Internal Server Error
An excellent article on the Canberra trial https://www.rt.com/news/565449-australia-metoo-brittany-higgins/
My apologies if already posted but am dealing with flooding and no cricket in Melbourne.
Where I’ve found work is entirely reliant on having electricity. No power = no business. I’m kind of viewing it as a temporary job, but where I’d jump to if it fails I have no idea as nearly everywhere will be in the same boat. Hell, it may well impact basic services like water and sewerage.
I reckon we’re going to have blackouts this summer once we start getting the 30+ days, especially if coal plants have downtime.
“Bowen and Albanese seem intent on re-running the failed scare stories of the past about nuclear. Too expensive, and it will pop up in your backyard!”
Yep, and they weren’t “failed scare stories”.
They were successful scare stories.
Dutton has made a huge mistake advocating for Nuclear, he’ll hafta walk it back or he’s finished.
Dover Beach:
Doc Beaugan:
This is the great conundrum of our time.
We have a government that is capable of, and has shown itself willing to employ lethal/near lethal force against those who defy it.
Now for someone who doesn’t have any dependents and is willing to sacrifice everything – their house, their life savings, their possessions and most importantly their reputation – then that’s OK. It will be of great comfort as you look out the bars and see yourself as the lesson being held up to the rest of society as to just how powerful the state can be.
And remember that the people who swore they had your back, who laughed and called you a ‘Front Bar Urger’ and said “You First” are finding themselves busy doing something else.
You’d look pretty silly wouldn’t you?
The only way out is to prepare for when societal frustration develops a sufficient head of steam to ignore the costs. And we are no where near that level of frustration yet.
I understand the anger, the frustration, and the desire to tell those who rule us to get stuffed but until people are cold and hungry, we are just pissing into the wind and getting wet and smelly.
There used to be interesting pawn shops around Sydney’s Central Station, going up George St towards the Town Hall. They had an extraordinary array of taxidermy, war relics including weapons, and bits of Australiana like carved emu eggs.
Lotza inter-action with pawnbrokers during my drinking days .. Aceben corner of Hay & George a favourite and another small one on Market Street cnr with Elizabeth was another regular stop .. had an expensive watch that spent more time between that pair than on my wrist for several years .. no probs re-hocking it as it was worth a fair bit, at the time, but I’d only ask $10 at a time to ensure I could get it back on a regular basis ..
only died of old age several years ago I’d had it since I was 14 so over 50 years …..
Dover Beach:
Aww shucks, DB. Thanks.
I try…
No Ed. The base knows all about preference flows and are very artistic. All that space on the ballot paper to write stuff and draw tasteful doodles.
Which is what I did, but not the doodles. I am not sufficiently artistic.
Winston, from what I’ve read of history it only takes about 3% of population active to have a successful insurgency and/or overthrow the government, although with a much higher percentage sympathetic and willing to provide support. Top ender and flying duck would probably be able to give more useful detail.
The hard part is working out when you can start slitting throats. To early and you’re a murderer. A precipitous drop in living standards would bring it about PDQ. See Sri lanka recently…
Estate Jewellers – window-shopped there many a time. Some glorious pieces on display there.
Like KD, apologies for not engaging with the ‘important issues’ of the day, none of which I can have the slightest effect on by commenting here. My bad.
It’s interesting that the Labor government has been much more disciplined on the spending front than expected, though. They have not stood on top of Parliament House and hurled money out like confetti, as some people expected.
Given that their constituency is like a bunch of hungry chicks is a nest, it will be interesting to see how long it lasts.
No that’s Ed.
One of the reasons I love Science Fiction is the social aspects of it.
I doubt there’s a societal organisation that hasn’t been thought of.
I would have thought a novel/SF thread every now and then would be a good idea, but have no idea of how it would be run.
I have just assumed that as no one else has suggested it, it wouldn’t be popular.
Much the same with Sneakers in the West. The public service are bleating like orphaned lambs. A few of the Liars know that this is what ultimately kills them.
Janet Albrechtsen:
That obliteration of the “distinction between an allegation and a finding of guilt” is not just the preserve of “sections of the media”.
Morrison and his apology in Parliament – obviously;
Albanese and Plibersek
Gillard and ANU
I’ve no real idea about Lehrmann’s state of grace. But you can now certainly measure the depth of shite a defendant is in by the number of past, present, and future Prime Ministers queueing up to condemn him and support his accuser.
On the vibe.
Um,… Labor just won an Election on NetZero.
It’s dead, buried and cremated as an Issue.
The Issue now is Labor’s broken promises on reducing Living Costs for average people.
If Labor think ditching NetZero is a winner, let them try it out first.
You are a fucking idiot. I don’t care whether you wear rubber or knitted crotchless panties, you are biological detritus. Everything flows from energy; cheap energy which is reliable is the basis of any successful economy. NetZero, turtle’s wet dream, is the antithesis of that. Every living cost increase, inflation, the cost of freckled dildoes, your favourites, everything flows from energy costs. NetZero is nothing more than energy cost increase for no reason. AGW does not exist, renewables are shit. And you are a dildo sucking crotchless pantie wearing retard. Nothing personal of course.
Interesting pitch conversation…. Clever chaps are always fun to bounce ideas off.
More homework needed….
That RT article is good.
Nice timeline of events.
Calli, I’ve tried to respond to you several times but it keeps getting eaten up.
At least she did not end up in real estate.
I also think the Albanese honeymoon is over.
Whether the honeymoon is over or not isn’t gonna bother Luigi overmuch .. all he does is look around his front bench and knows the competition for top “dog” is non existent .. there is no one capable of pushing him out and winning an election .. Luigi got in on two positives .. he is neither BRADBURY or “Billy” .. benny wrong, plus-I-suk, the turtle or any of the rest of the conga line of nonentities were unlikely to have ousted BRADS .. even Dudzy would consider his chances fair against Luigi’s current crop of underlings ..!
Keeping the powder dry.
It used to be that the first order of business for the Libs getting into power was to fix the deficit – which means pay for Labor’s drunken binge.
The Libs this time seem to instead say ‘Hold my beer!’
Possibly Labor had time to think things out and perhaps do some adulting. Or not. A Coronavirus, a GFC, a Collingwood Grand Final, is certain to come along and give all the excuse they need.
You can largely thank Josh & Scott for that.
Early treatment reliably prevents long-haul COVID symptoms
Early days.
Dutton has made a huge mistake advocating for Nuclear, he’ll hafta walk it back or he’s finished.
Look crotchless, I know you’re trying to be clever, but those panties are now on your pointy head. Dutton is on a winner with nuclear. As soon as Liddell closes and 10% of NSW’s power disappears up rub and tug’s arse the shit hits the fan. The alarmists will bleat there’s not enough renewables but the average punter, as he stumbles around his candle lit abode, will start to think: ok, coal’s out, the rest of the world is using our uranium, why the fuck can’t we use it to.
ACT attorney general ‘will consider’ jury misconduct laws after Bruce Lehrmann trial aborted
No worries, Indolent. Try tomorrow on the fresh thread. I’ll see it.
Ritual denouncements are a feature of leftist totalitarian states. Mao and Pol Pot quite liked them.
De Santis needs annealing in the big arena before he goes for the Presidency.
President Trump knows in his guts just how deep and duplicitous the swamp is, and he needs to set the scene for De Santis to take hold of the reins after a term as the VP.
So Trump/De Santis for the next election.
De Santis is not yet ready if people think the US needs ‘healing’. To the Left, ‘healing’ is about the Right doing what the Left wants.
Look at history – look at the Democrats who said reaching across the aisle, and look at how they sucked in their opponents and pissed on the US while preaching ‘healing’.
Look at Obama who, while preaching healing and tolerance, white anted and set up his little empire of FBI/DoJ.
‘Healing’ was nothing more than acquiescence to his program to destroy the US and the free world.
“I’ve no real idea about Lehrmann’s state of grace. “
I’m now convinced she’s a barefaced liar. She knows she lying. After watching her “performance” yesterday when she walked out of court with her “partner” and uttered those words, words written by activists, where she willingly disregarded the specific directions and orders of the judge, I regard her as totally despicable and lacking in any redeeming features.
Possibly Labor had time to think things out and perhaps do some adulting.
Once the top trough get the travel bug out of their system and spend some time in Oz their plans for us might become a bit clearer .. bit busy gallivanting around at the moment to bother with Oz internals ..!
So Trump/De Santis for the next election.
Or, Trump/Tulsi. That’s head explode stuff. And she was never a proper leftie, she’s too attractive.
The Issue now is Labor’s broken promises on reducing Living Costs for average people.
If Labor think ditching NetZero is a winner, let them try it out first.
Richard Cranium
If you are not able to see that Net Zero is the greatest obstacle to reducing living costs, then you are even more stupid and purblind than even I thought.
“May it please the Court, after the Prime Ministers remarks, how is my client supposed to get a fair trial?”
Today I signed in to Twitter for the first time.
Richard Cranium
This guy was a ringer, his brief was to prevent a Guilty Verdict and he succeeded.
Unless you were on the jury, or have good contact with someone who was, how do you know this?
Sorry Cohenite, he isn’t. He wants a “conversation about nuclear”, a “discussion”, and to “consider proposing” it. All that’s so limp it makes wet lettuce look rampant.
look, this is the server speaking
strictly, it’s not an error … sometimes youse just give me the shits
Calli’s right, try again in the morning
after I’ve had 2 coffees
For my part I find it cathartic to write. There is so much nonsense shoved down our throats via the MSM and by so-called ‘experts’, it is my method of venting and trying to set the record straight.
But more than that, I think the Cat is a national treasure. Those who contribute, in any context, represent a staggering diversity of life experiences. Our contributors are engineers, scientists, assorted trades, farmers, retirees, blue collar, doctors, lawyers, miners, business owners, nurses, executives, pilots, authors and more. Even a truck driver or two. In addition, there are a good number with military experience and others who have just found their own unstructured way through life. I have not yet seen a genuine question go unanswered – there is always somebody that knows.
The Cat can be robust at times and whilst Dover keeps a steady hand on the tiller, it is also part of its charm. Bravo the Cat. Long may you endure.
… the average punter, as he stumbles around his candle lit abode, will start to think: ok, coal’s out, the rest of the world is using our uranium, why the fuck can’t we use it to.
Mr Sulu:
you don’t know any average punters.
The only way Nuclear is being introduced is if Labor do it.
Dutton has announced for Nuclear, so the politics means Labor must oppose it.
All Dutton has to say is he’ll back an Inquiry into the Cost/Benefit for Australia.
If he lets cocksmokers like Canavan and Joyce take control of the issue, he’s fucked.
and Barnaby Joyce and Scott Morrison not being Leader’s arseholes.
Ooooh! Whatever happened to all the cuddly remarks about “Scotty” running a great campaign before the recent election? Richard Cranium operates like a paid Labor Party shill.
Anthony Albanese said boy’s alleged murder was ‘clearly’ racially motivated
As moronic as stating the (presumably) Aboriginal group (probably not Turveys) that smashed the murderers car was obviously racially motivated.
He was picked because he resembled the people who wrecked the car. If the people who had wrecked the car were a group of soulless gingers then they would have been attacked.
Very first order smooth brain stuff from Elbow of the immaculata dentata.
Dutton has made a huge mistake advocating for Nuclear, he’ll hafta walk it back or he’s finished.
Richard Cranium continues his work as a Labor Party shill.
Nor do I, but the state of soul of several current & former PMs warrants introspcetion on their part.
And I note now Albanese has now joined Lidia Littlefeather in offering gratuitous public comment on the death of the indigenous teenager in WA. What a grub.
Ludwigshafen is a BASF town, as are neighbouring Mannheim and Frankenthal.
Did grade 6 in Ludwigshafen.
DeSantis needs to remain Governor of Florida, thereby in control of the Florida National Guard.
Another VP candidate is needed – I suggest Palin, who is nearly as battle-hardened as Trump.
She’d also explode lefty heads in a very gratifying way.