Only the rich can afford to be leftards.
Only the rich can afford to be leftards.
Pro-Hamas supporters in Melbourne & Sydney will continue with their weekly protests despite the cease fire until “their demands are…
The narrator believes Trump is dismantling Joe Biden’s legacy and argues that Trump’s second term could be more impactful than…
Yes. My late eighties mum gets help for shopping via myAgedCare, not NDIS.
God, she’s a kunt.
Bruce O’Newk:
Old Ozzie:
“And this is why I will NEVER vote Liberal ever again. What the Hell has happened to your party, Mr Griffin? It has become indistinguishable from the Marxist Left and the Greens.”
John Spooner.
Mark Knight on recycled AFL coach Ross Lyon.
Warren Brown.
Christian Adams.
Steve Bright.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Bob Gorrell.
Matt Margolis #2.
Gary Varvel.
The superior man thinks always of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort.
– Confucius
Tim and Janice met on a singles cruise and Tim fell head over heels for her.
When they discovered they lived in neighbouring cities only a few miles apart Tim was ecstatic. He immediately started asking her out when they got home.
Within a couple of weeks, Tim had taken Janice to dance clubs, restaurants, concerts, movies and museums. Tim became convinced that Janice was indeed his soul mate and true love. Every date seemed better than the last.
On the one-month anniversary of their first dinner on the cruise ship, Tim took Janice to a fine restaurant. While having cocktails and waiting for their salad, Tim said “I guess you can tell I’m very much in love with you. I’d like a little serious talk before our relationship continues to the next stage”.
“So, before I get a box out of my jacket and ask you a life-changing question, it’s only fair to warn you, I’m a total golf nut. I play golf, I read about golf, I watch golf on TV. In short, I eat, sleep, and breathe golf. If that’s going to be a problem for us, you’d better say so now!”
Janice took a deep breath and responded “Tim, that certainly won’t be a problem. I love you as you are and I love golf too; but, since we’re being totally honest with each other, you need to know that for the last five years I’ve been a hooker”.
“Oh wow! I see” Tim replied. He looked down at the table, was quiet for a moment. Deep in serious thought he added “You know, it’s probably because you’re not keeping your wrists straight when you hit the ball…”
I don’t think I’ve commented on my favorite outcome of the Canberra trial.
“We the jury find the defendent innocent of all charges, yer ‘onner.”
“No, you can’t do that…”
“yes we can, yer ‘onner, and fuck you.”
& just like that, the DNC group that signed the letter regarding a Ukraine pivot have withdrawn it.
The security state must be hideous to see in person.
I’ve only just got to that bit – been catching up all night.
What was said? There isn’t a 2.00pm post from anyone unless it’s been wiped…
Trafalgar data overnight re Georgia.
Believe it if you want.
After 2020, there is little point showing up in that state.
What was said? There isn’t a 2.00pm post from anyone unless it’s been wiped…
Kanye showed up and was doing his thing.
It’s a really targeted budget.
Reducing the PBS maximum, the tweaks with the income/assets test.
Childcare/parental leave benefits for households up to $250k.
A large part of this was buttressing parts of the population that vote Labor now but might be thinking of jumping to Teal at some stage because it’s cool.
One of the biggest issues Australia faces will be the energy price increases that big businesses face from Jan 1st.
Few businesses have the clout to have multi-year contracts in place.
A lot of businesses received the new pricing notices this month for their new power prices from 1st January.
It will mean that a lot of businesses will choose between passing on costs to the next party, eating part of the cost increase, or reducing costs (ie sacking staff).
The budget forecast that household savings are going to crater (further) thinks that businesses will pass on 100% of the costs and all will be fine & dandy.
Ex-Port Adelaide star Donald Dickie sells NDIS firm for more than $40m
Two decades after his career was cut short by injury, former Port Adelaide star Donald Dickie is celebrating the multimillion-dollar sale of his NDIS business
we can have white elephants but not commuter carparks at existing railway stations
In Coburg, no intention of paying, no wonder some restaurant ask for deposits
Melbourne pizza restaurant ‘shames’ group who ‘ran out on $500 bill
AFL boss Gillon McLachlan’s Prahran property pulled from the market
Outgoing AFL boss Gillon McLachlan, who had been looking to offload his pricey Prahran pile for $11m, has taken it off the market.
Dont worry folks, you can catch a train to nowhere instead.
Ambulance response times to critical emergencies worst since Daniel Andrews came into power
Daniel Andrews says Covid has done damage to ambulance response times, after it was revealed callout times are worse now than when he came to office.
The Albanese Government will almost double the number of parent visas and will significantly increase the number of skilled visas available as part of the federal budget.
Gabor, it was insufficient and varied between States.
Tinta is better informed and placed to speak on the way things were and the deficiencies of how things are now than I am. My contact with the NDIS is more recent and relates to the milder form of autism spectrum for two of my grandchildren and an adult son (so, clearly genetic, and it’s still important to have services here); additionally the severely schizophrenic partner of one of my sons, who is mother of one of my grandsons (a well and capable lad, thank goodness) also receives NDIS care. All of these could be better served in my opinion within the health system at far less expense in cooperation with voluntary associations.
That all said, in the distant past of the 1980’s, I have sat on a public platform as wife with my husband in politico mode on a panel being grilled by a group of elderly parents of highly disabled adult (and some younger) children. At that time there was nothing in place to help these parents beyond uncaring institutional placements should the parents die. Their distress made this one of the most difficult evenings I have ever sat through as all sides of politics on this panel tried to wriggle around this issue when the need to do more was so obvious. Gillard was well intentioned, but far too unaware of the road to hell that became the NDIS. The resultant behemoth is too prone to take over by far too broad an application of the term ‘disabled’ (every sore back) and the needs of the most disabled become swamped by other concerns, imho.
State vs Commonwealth provisions and bickering also seem to muddy the waters a lot.
we have a precedent now
I’m hoping something similar happens here and there is a wave of unfair dismissal claims.
“Porzio has ruled similarly cases in the past, and he is quickly becoming go-to judge for lawyers representing city employees.
And as it has in the past, the city is appealing. Until that court rules, the vaccine mandate remains in effect”
Amazing how legislation touted as intended to support the severely disabled is now a lawnmowing, sexual services and a pathway to millionairedom.
How cleaners, gardeners and handymen get paid under the NDIS
But from whence does this originate? Glad you asked.
THESE two glorious martyrs came from Rome to preach the Faith in Gaul toward the middle of the third century. Fixing their residence at Soissons, they instructed many in the Faith of Christ, which they preached publicly in the day, and at night they worked at making shoes, though they are said to have been nobly born, and brothers.
The infidels listened to their instructions, and were astonished at the example of their lives, especially of their charity, disinterestedness, heavenly piety, and contempt of glory and all earthly things; and the effect was the conversion of many to the Christian faith. The brothers had continued their employment several years when a complaint was lodged against them. The emperor, to gratify their accusers and give way to his savage cruel, gave orders that they should be convened before Biotin’s Varus, the most implacable enemy of the Christians. The martyrs were patient and constant under the most cruel torments, and finished their course by the sword about the year 287.
For the second trial, Pell should have asserted diplomatic immunity. There was the assertion that he had committed such grave wrongs which may have warranted that he face trial despite diplomatic immunity; but by then he had already done that.
Amazing how legislation touted as intended to support the severely disabled is now a lawnmowing, sexual services and a pathway to millionairedom.
How cleaners, gardeners and handymen get paid under the NDIS
Know someone with a child on NDIS, he reckons the above is true. Can find more builders & housekeeping services than say actual professionals like speech therapists or occupational therapists.
One family member qualifies for NDIS, the other can sit back and relax, apparently.
interesting testimonials
“NDIS should never have been allowed to get started, it was a Gillard fantasy, and I blame Tony Abbott for not knocking it immediately on the head and putting something more rational and realistic in its place to help severely disabled people whose parents are naturally concerned for their future, especially when they, the parents, are deceased.”
Yep. Contrast this with Labor in power. They don’t waste any time. The bottom line is that when the Liberals are elected, they’re gutless. There’s simply no point electing them.
WATCH: Joe Biden shames Americans who aren’t also getting their 5th COVID shot and therefore don’t care if people die in the pandemic he ended
The reason the Overlords are pushing a lot harder on the climate nonsense here is because they know the Sheep are pushovers and will just take it and not fight back. And as we know, most of the posters here accepted the mandates and took their clotshots like good little Sheep.
The bruhaha over Netball is said to have an element of “standing behind indigenous players”, with some commentators pointing to a thing called the Indigenous Round.
There is a whole raft of agitprop about indigenes. The list grows. The stolen generation that has trouble naming genuine cases, the land rights decision based on island culture, the fake news about them being treated as fauna prior to 1967 referendum, the failure of the Big Sorry that was supposed to kiss it all better, the rules about who can claim indigeneity – leading to TimBlair’s memorable quip about the Stollen Generation, the repeated calls for Treaty, Yeah, and now The Voice that is based on a gaslight notion that just having people in parliament isn’t good enough.
Australia heads down a BLM style course of propaganda at its peril.
Of course if the government capped ndis at 50% of the lawnmowing and cleaning services and you had to pay the balance yourself out of your own income people might find they could actually push a vacuum cleaner.
Ahhh, it brings back memories of communal living.
Although, I was always more than willing to put the clothes of such people into the dryer (for them) in their absence. Set as hot as possible, you could manage to shrink a number of choice items to beyond usable. They’d whinge either way. Best to just accept that a whinge was inevitable. Notes stuck to the front of the machine (with requests) sometimes worked, but not a guarantee.
In such communal environs, one learns to buy clothes one size larger for vulnerable items. Everything goes through a hot dryer (at one point or another), whether you want it to or not, regardless of precautions.
Female superiors had no qualms in making us do their laundry for them…from washing baskets to folded on her bed. No issues at all with grubby little minions touching their smalls…as long as they didn’t have to do it.
Russell Brand on Rishi.
I wonder how big this “non-dom” tax-status is for those who reside in the UK but don’t pay a range of taxes in the UK.
Doesn’t seem right that the wife of the PM is one of them.
Paying an hourly rate plus travel time is also a lovely rort that would be sharpened up by getting clients to make co-payments.
“And as we know, most of the posters here accepted the mandates and took their clotshots like good little Sheep.“
It wasn’t just some slight pressure mandate, it was full-on totalitarian control. Even here in NSW we were told we couldn’t travel outside our five kilometre circle. The fines imposed on offenders for various things were outrageous. Having to prove vax status to go shopping was outrageous.
Hardly a “good little sheep” thing.
Brand is one of them. Why do you think they allow him to stay on youtube?
We’re getting climate charged because we voted for it.
How many teals again?
‘The climate is changing in Kooyong’
You wanted more parking at the station and that level crossing removed on Glenferrie Rd, too bad, so sad.
Anyone who got the clotshots is a Sheep.
Everyone should have stood up with the few other brave ones. If that had happened, the draconian nonsense would have lasted a week, tops.
Instead, 95% of you have given the signal to the Overlords that they can do whatever the fuck they want.
oops no Josh already scrapped the Kooyong carparks
Gillards NDIS was a vehicle to mop up unemployment. But the NDIS has been very good to me with funding for support workers for two wheel chair children ,( one now deceased) and me with Lymphoma. Pre NDIS ,Queensland disability services were good and the therapists excellent they knew their patients they could have verified the truly disabled and their needs .There were stories of NDIS planners who did not know what the disabilities were. Its chaos at the moment. The new broom is history repeating itself.
If living costs are going up how about a tax cut?
On cruise ships and laundry fights. Our last voyage on QE saw one guy packing for starting a ruckus in the laundry. I believe it came to blows – the Beloved watched the tail end of it. Marched off to his room by a couple of burleys, told to pack his stuff and flung off at the next port.
I guess his Tripadvisor rating would have been “no stars”. 😀
Don’t mess with the “Commodore”. Don’t mess with the ship.
A friend of my wife gets NDIS funding. Two of her clients one bind and an elderly lady have no other support base. Ideally it should be family or volunteers.
How about those cheap and bill busting “renewables”, eh?
So glad we switched off our “dirty coal” and adopted them.
Effect of Ivermectin vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in Outpatients With Mild to Moderate COVID-19
I forgot to add…with his missus.
Shudder to think what the return trip would be like.
13.7 billion saving from discretionary grants?
I’m calling bullshit on this.
I suspect the slimy pricks will actually be cutting grants to rural councils and keeping the cash for big social welfare spending.
Grants can make up 40% of council budgets and most of their spending on roads and infrastructure.
Whitlam proposed that 1% of the budget be returned to councils. It’s never happened as the Canberra thieves would rather keep your taxes to spend as they want, not as you need.
I’m not disputing that ndis doesn’t provide necessary and valuable support for the severely disabled.
But the funding blow-outs suggest it’s a very attractive scheme that people with significantly less needs aren’t fighting tooth and claw to access.
What’s wrong with a co payment for gardening and cleaning services?
What is the rationale for everything has to be completely free to the recipient?
Quite. Though it becomes fraught. I’m cleaning mum and dad’s at present under sufferance – theirs. Dad’s now half blind and mum can barely walk, but mum “cleans” the house before I come in the clean it. Grrrrrr…
Sometimes a third party is best, but finding one is a battle in itself. They’re on a My Aged Care waiting list. Being in a holiday destination full of short term rentals isn’t helping.
First World Problems.
Everyone should have stood up with the few other brave ones.
I think we’re into the realms of fantasy now, as Captain Mainwaring used to say.
You’d think with modern technology cruise ships could organise booking times for the use of laundry facilities to avoid confrontations .
I like the number system that pathologists use, or the “beeper” in pubs – take a number and come back when it lights up. If it isn’t cancelled within 10 minutes, the place scrolls on to the next one. To get one, you have to link to your room number so the thing can be traced.
See – we’ve fixed the problem. World Domination is next.
Someone I know gets a DVA cleaner once a fortnight or once a month, not sure, blithely mentioned cleaner is there for two hours but supposed to be there for three.
Same still looks after the garden and mows the lawn herself though she pays someone for an hour or two of heavy work once a month.
Not bad for 86.
The Sheep vs. the Brave.
It reminds me of the “there’s two types of people” tosh sprouted by the third type – the facile twit.
Life is complicated, and that’s how garbage is foisted upon us. Like the example of Schiphol airport yesterday, everyone wants to swan through the immigration queues without the interminable wait, but no one wants to risk being the first with lead poisoning.
Even here in NSW we were told we couldn’t travel outside our five kilometre circle. The fines imposed on offenders for various things were outrageous. Having to prove vax status to go shopping was outrageous.
Hardly a “good little sheep” thing.
And if there was universal non compliance this shit would have been over before it started. But there wasn’t non compliance, the sheep did exactly what they were told.
I’m irrelevant but that doesn’t mean I don’t give credit or respect when it’s earned. The cut of though is when it’s demanded.
At St. Boarding’s College we had a ‘drying room’, as dryers were considered a shameless expense and in all likelihood the work of Satan. It was a large room in the bowels of the dormitory with exposed hot water pipes, and on which you would hang your clothes if they’d been in either the rain or the machine.
A very swift and very effective pecking order was – had to be – established if you wanted your clothes left alone, as the minds of teenage boys are wicked and evil and ingenuous.
Believe me, in that Lord of the Flies environment ‘you don’t get to touch my undies’ is the least of your concerns.
Our NDIS support workers are Spanish speaking International students .We have the distinction of having children in an English speaking home who understand Spanish but can communicate in neither. The Carers proved it to me by asking a question in Spanish and then getting an answer on the English Yes and No cards.
I was thinking of those eighteen months of lockdowns Calli.
Risking thousand dollar fines daily with constant police and military patrols, hearing stories like family dobbed in by neighbours for sharing a meal, getting fined, deciding they may as well finish the meal and getting fined again.
Local hairdresser coping a 20k fine customers 1k each.
People locked in high rise apartments for a couple of weeks.
All those fines were enforced.
People who didn’t experience it have no idea.
Of course if the government capped ndis at 50% of the lawnmowing and cleaning services and you had to pay the balance yourself out of your own income people might find they could actually push a vacuum cleaner.
This sort of thing used to be the go with NSW Housing .. need something simple dun call the Repair Line .. Got so out of hand that HC started charging for “simple ” tasks like changing light bulbs ect .. call-outs for “littlies” that incur charges have virtually disappeared nowadays …
once you pay somehow you manage to find a way ..!
Just keep pretending that vaccines didn’t do anything for the frail elderly, the immuno compromised etc and they should have taken their chances with delta to avoid being called sheep by the bravest of all.
Another one who was insulated from the prospect of losing a house and the means to feed their family.
95%’s a bit much. The millions upon untold millions of heavily-armed Last Holdouts, as related by the Gallery Cavoodle should have brought that number down a bit.
Just to recap on the news overnight.
– Laundromat wars can break out anywhere, anytime.
– Hilary Clinton might be arrested on the 28th. Or not.
– The BoM is using radar to … wut? … control the weather? Who wrote this?
Money >> freedom. I get it.
The medical sector is exempt under the proposed regulations
I don’t know about elsewhere but one thing that is very noticeable in Fairfield is the numbers of different NDIS providers that have shop front offices on either the main shopping ‘drag’ or inside any the 3 shopping centres .. these rentals can’t be too cheap in prime locations so business & returns must make it worthwhile …!
But he wasn’t representing the people of Manly. He was representing activists and rent seekers to the people of Manly. There was no one speaking on the people of Manly’s behalf.
And what a clean slate indigenous languages are going to be. If you thought Bruce Pascoes excursions into fantasy were bad enough at least you could point to documents, artefacts, geography, and common sense to show it was unsupportable.
With these languages they will be able to make up all sorts of nonsense to weave a narrative, insisting that certain words meant not just land, but the divinely ordained harmony of the environment (so even a fence is a sacrilege since interferes with the movement of native animals), or vendetta becomes mixed with restoring a spiritual balance rather than mere revenge. The seasonal movement of animal herds will whisper wisdom as to the health of the Earth, bark lean-tos become hearths of Vesta, each stone knapped to shape a tool will have re-shaped the world, and every casual act a symbolic ritual and so on.
And that is not even looking at the new words that will be invented for newly required concepts like ‘equality’, ‘social justice’, and ‘fascist’.
A shit-fest, catered by turds.
All those fines were enforced.
No they weren’t. The majority of those who didn’t pay the fines never had to pay, most were rescinded.
Civil disobedience absolutely worked with respect to non payment of those bullshit fines.
So much for Elbow’s pre-election talk of cutting immigration and skilling up the workforce.
Australia is not being run for Australians.
Tan Grant has some riveting insights on the Budget and the state of the nation:
Leaving aside the other howlers, how does Tan know that this group of people “probably” have investment properties attracting big rent. And, does that include the ones whose properties have been destroyed by recent floods?
No critique of increased spending, except one. BTW, who knew that we are on a “quasi war footing”? What a load of hooey.
Expenditure on the NDIS exceeds that on Defence, and is growing exponentially.
His general point that the poor are hardest hit is correct, but every word after that is complete rubbish.
Don’t tell me Tan hasn’t got a couple of units or a ‘holiday house’ (read: Air BnB cash cow) somewhere.
Just keep pretending that vaccines didn’t do anything for the frail elderly, the immuno compromised etc and they should have taken their chances with delta to avoid being called sheep by the bravest of all.
No one is, or was, saying the elderly taking the vax were sheep you jackass.
Working age individuals who didn’t want it, but folded, on the other hand….
The BoM can drag their chemtrails and EMP equipment up to D-town, thank you very much. Hot and drenchy but without the rain, for the next ten days or so at least.
I’m sick of these shitty Internal Server Errors.
Rickw, there was never going to be “universal non-compliance”. There was always going to be those who
This is bullsh*t.
It looks as if WordPress is blocking anything about P h a r m a and N W O.
What’s wrong with kids helping out?
70 y. o. relative of my wife gets her lawn mowed courtesy NDIS (or some other government scheme).
3 adult children live in the vicinity, one of whom has recently moved back home due to a relationship bust up.
They’re not bad people, but they seem to think this is “free”.
Living in a large house worth several million, btw.
What a dick.
When approached to apply for the Essendon job, he tut-tutted about “culture” and “the vibe” after they sacked Ben Rutten as coach.
“Not for me”, says Ross.
Nek minnit, St Kilda unload their coach (Brett Ratten) and appoint Lyon who makes a point of saying he was approached some time ago by “a family close to the club”.
Lindsay Fox has offered him the coaching job weeks ago. Lyon doesn’t want to look like the back-stabber he is, so he tells them they need to have an “independent review” then sack the existing coach.
What a difference a vowel makes.
Sacking Rutten? Very bad.
Sacking Ratten? Meh. No probs.
one of those ‘great outcomes’ would be locking everyone out of Mount Warning, would it ?
” consistent with the globally averaged temperature, obtained by decadally filtering the time series and regressing it against a similar low-frequency filtered time series of globally averaged temperature”
And lookit! The more you filter, the better they agree! Try a 30 year filter, they’ll be even BETTER correlated, guaranteed – it’s a mathematical certainty.
Hey, I’ve got an idea – how well does atmospheric CO2 concentration correlate with temperature “adjustments”?
Wait – no, don’t check that, you might start to disbelieve “The Science”.
And we all know since the COVID debacle how well listening to the “expert consensus” works, right? So you better listen to “The Consensus” this time. After all in 1988, we only had 10 years left – and in that same year, if things didn’t change, well that famous diner in NY (as used in “Seinfeld”) would be under water by 2020. And you know what, things are worse than we thought! So when we now say we only have 10 years or we’re all gonna die, you better believe us this time, despite said diner still being high and dry – that wasn’t a “hard” prediction, just a guess at what MIGHT happen if we didn’t change our evil ways.
Okay. I give up.
Enjoy demonising people peoples. I’m off to the garden.
October 26, 2022 at 7:50 am
Just keep pretending that vaccines didn’t do anything for the frail elderly, the immuno compromised etc and they should have taken their chances with delta to avoid being called sheep by the bravest of all.
I would call myself elderly? (coming up to 78), Frail? OK Knees are Crap and I would be a Wuss in Physio Recovery if Op, immunocompromised – definitely – over 90 times in Hospital over 2 years of COVID with 4 Minor Ops & 1 Major Op, 2 years Cancer Immunotherapy, plus, plus.
I had been taking AntiVirals well before COVID and after a lot of reading decided to give mRNA Vaccines a miss
Loads of Non Stop pressure from Family, GPs, Specialists, and I was going to take Novavax,, but by the time it arrived , gave it a miss, but did have Seniors Flu Vax as normal
In a blended household of 7 people and only one unvaxxed, was the only one not to get COVID over this winter, nor colds, fevers, gastric (joys of 3 primary age school kids), and based on this did not have the 2nd Seniors Flu Vax that had been recommended by my GP – made it thru Winter unscathed
I have the fullest sympathy for those that were forced by employment or other pressures to have the Vaccine, or who decided to take the vaccine
Everyone is entitled to their own view, and I do not have the right to comment on other people’s decisions, to quote the ladies of America “My Body, My Choice”
Big Pharma are a tool of the New World Order.
Or are they?
For those who don’t know, Matt Walsh, of the Daily Wire on YT, and of the doco-film “What is a woman?” filmed protests at a recent anti-abortion rally in Nashville.
This guy is quite impressive, he articulates normal ideas at the same level as Jordan Peterson, without the para-psychological mumbo-jumbo.
See for yourself, the protesters in full flights of deranged lunacy, adorned in their green-purple hair, nose-rings, unhinged violent shouting, etc. etc.
In a just society they’d be scheduled in mental asylums, forced on regular depot-antipsychotic preparations and excluded from interacting with normal humans until successfully treated.
Or… better still… arrested, convicted and sent to forced labour in deep mines, supporting normal society until they rot.
Don’t know Sancho. I was trying to make a point summarised by “it’s complicated”.
Perhaps my submission in point form was too much for the algorithm of death.
Sometimes the spinning Internal Server Error wheel just stops on your number.
You know how it is. Can’t possibly have a well argued position when you can just as easily point fingers at everyone else and say, “It’s all your fault!”.
The picture wireless tells me Adam Zampa was ruled out of the crikkit last night with covid.
Covid. So that’s what they’re calling monkeypox now.
No, it just doesn’t like you atm, calli.
Looks like it, Roger.
I’ll try to repost some time later. It wasn’t earth shattering stuff, just a snapshot of the sorts of people who responded in the best way they knew how in the circumstances, including those who thought the whole thing was an Evil Plot.
Ditto the smallest High School in the country.
Home to insta-tuberculosis and permanently damp PT kit.
Well, you keep pretending that they did, because the only people I saw that got sick beyond a two day hangover and a week long slight cough, are those that were boostered up the kazoo.
“Why am I sicker than others?”, they’d ask.
I didn’t have the heart to tell them, although given the abuse I’d previously received from them re my vaccine hesitancy, it was a close call. I’m a forgiving soul.
Bottom line is, mandated or freely taken, it was sold on a lie. It was not fully approved, it had not undergone the same diligence as all other vaccines, and its efficacy on illness and transmission definitely wasn’t known. The other lie was that Covid wouldn’t mutate like the flu (Dr Murphy to a Senate committee).
When people say they took it after making themselves ‘informed’, they are kidding themselves. They knew Only what they were allowed to know, and no more.
If people didn’t wake up that the fix was in on the 3 April 2020 when experts were saying that a vaccine may never be found, yet Premiers were saying that we were to locked up until one was, you needed the scales removed from your eyes. From that contradiction alone, people should have been able to predict exactly that which we experienced over the last 30 months, including the uselessness of the vaccine which sold as the panacea.
OldOzzie says:
October 26, 2022 at 8:19 am
I would call myself elderly? (coming up to 78), Frail? OK Knees are Crap and I would be a Wuss in Physio Recovery if Op, immunocompromised – definitely – over 90 times in Hospital over 2 years of COVID with 4 Minor Ops & 1 Major Op, 2 years Cancer Immunotherapy, plus, plus.
You would have been the perfect poster-boy for the (claimed) absolute necessity of vaxxing.
You took a measured risk, with eyes open, mind working.
Qudos++++ to your ability to think independently, rationally, and to avoid swallowing the faecal effluent excreted by our health “experts”.
Rosie, my great aunt Belle was looking after her daughter at 92. Still did all the garden on a 1/4 acre. Her batteries ran out at 106. I wish I had more of her genes.
Today in Liberalism:
All your omicron anecdotes aren’t worth the pixels they’re written on.
Razey called everyone who got vaccinated ‘sheep’, no exceptions.
Delta was the covid variant in circulation until late 2021, not milder omicron which apparently still contributed to the deaths of 11,000 plus people in Australia in 2022.
As for those at risk choosing not to get vaccinated, bully for you.
Mandatory non vaccination, is that what you wanted?
Sydney house prices have dropped by 10 per cent this year, according to latest data
Sydney house prices have dropped by 10 per cent this year, with the wealthiest areas suffering the biggest hits, the latest data shows.
House price falls were greatest in local government areas (LGA) with the highest house prices, with the northern beaches recording a 16 per cent fall from January to September.
Meanwhile suggested price when listed $6.5 Million
3/47 The Crescent, Manly, NSW 2095
4 Bedrm, 3 bathrm, 2 Car, Apartment
Sold on 19 Oct 2022
Razey at 7.57:
I suppose money does equal freedom.
It certainly allowed people with enough of it to be insulated from the shitshow – ask any of the Hollywood people, noted singers etc who flew in and out of Quenthland because Pallashay let them. It also (I would imagine) allow one to have a screech at people who weren’t in that position.
It may also allow one, while announcing their intent to do so all the way, to move overseas at a moment’s notice.
Or not.
Perhaps Bill Shorten could tell us what percentage of the NDIS is spent on gardening and cleaning.
Trending on Twitter: UK Prime Minister Appointee Rishi Sunak is a WEF Puppet
This is just one, with corporate chart –
Truly amazing.
October 26, 2022 at 8:37 am
All your omicron anecdotes aren’t worth the pixels they’re written on.
As for those at risk choosing not to get vaccinated, bully for you.
Mandatory non vaccination, is that what you wanted?
let me repeat what I wrote on the bottom of the previous page of this thread
I would call myself elderly? (coming up to 78), Frail? OK Knees are Crap and I would be a Wuss in Physio Recovery if Op, immunocompromised – definitely – over 90 times in Hospital over 2 years of COVID with 4 Minor Ops & 1 Major Op, 2 years Cancer Immunotherapy, plus, plus.
I had been taking AntiVirals well before COVID and after a lot of reading decided to give mRNA Vaccines a miss
Loads of Non Stop pressure from Family, GPs, Specialists, and I was going to take Novavax,, but by the time it arrived , gave it a miss, but did have Seniors Flu Vax as normal
In a blended household of 7 people and only one unvaxxed, was the only one not to get COVID over this winter, nor colds, fevers, gastric (joys of 3 primary age school kids), and based on this did not have the 2nd Seniors Flu Vax that had been recommended by my GP – made it thru Winter unscathed
I have the fullest sympathy for those that were forced by employment or other pressures to have the Vaccine, or who decided to take the vaccine
Everyone is entitled to their own view, and I do not have the right to comment on other people’s decisions, to quote the ladies of America “My Body, My Choice”
The problem is the vaccine was designed for alpha and delta and doesn’t work for omicron, which has a substantially differently-shaped spike protein. So yes we do know there was a protective effect against delta for a couple months before it faded. But it’s useless for omicron.
Of course now that Pfizer et al are producing an omicron-shaped vaccine it might have an effect, but that’s moot because omicron is roughly as dangerous as the common cold. And the vaccine is going to be just as harmful because it is mRNA, with the same issues of myo and clotting. So there is no justification for the current mix at all, especially since they still are including the delta version in it.
Incredible Shrinking Vaccine Efficacy: Federal Health Minister Concedes Severe Cases Not Prevented (25 Oct)
This is too good to leave behind.
Marina Medvin ??
NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights, acted arbitrary & capricious, notes:“Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.”
Life imitates art.
3/47 The Crescent, Manly, NSW 2095
4 Bedrm, 3 bathrm, 2 Car, Apartment
How times/prices change .. I knew someone who bought their terrace on The Crescent for $9 500 back in 1967 .. no idea if they are still there ..! course back then no one really wanted to live in Manly cos too far from work .. LOL!
A quasi-journalist is using his quasi-brain to deliver us his quasi-insights.
Mandatory non vaccination, is that what you wanted?
Certainly a better option than what we got, given that the vast majority have functioning immune systems.
More on DemoCrap Strategy
Democrats Should Stop Lamenting Their Failure to “Get the Message Across,” It’s Not That
The issue has never been messaging, it’s the message.
Democrats have been effectively communicating their message for years and this is exactly why people are turning away. They see, time and again what it is exactly their message represents be it through Black Lives Matter riots, Antifa’s heinous terrorism, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, higher taxes, energy dependence, and spending like a drunk teenager with daddy’s credit card. They see what that messaging manifests into when their child comes home with a book that depicts graphic homosexual acts and they begin talking about their gender fluidity or their victim/oppressor status in the social justice hierarchy.
They see the two-tiered justice system, the dog and pony trials, and more importantly, who they aren’t investigating or trying to put cuffs on.
It’s all nonsense and it comes from a party that just gets more nonsensical every day.
The Democrats are continuously giving examples of their message and the people are resoundingly answering “no.” Democrats can’t seem to accept this. Their constant reaction to losses is that the party didn’t go far enough to the left, and as a result, they continue to devolve into a clownish shadow of the party’s former self.
It is trending on the Daily Exposé (which, incidentally, is on it’s last legs. Give generously).
Because, without the “corporate chart”, it’s nothing.
Other way around.
“Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.”
Can employers who have to reinstate and provide back pay to the employees they fired, sue Pfizzer for letting the cat out of the bag?
UK Prime Minister Appointee Rishi Sunak is a WEF Puppet
Of course he is.
Trending on Twitter: UK Prime Minister Appointee Rishi Sunak is a WEF Puppet
This is just one, with corporate chart –
oops, blockquotes wrong way round.
Will we see it in Oz?
Freeloaders! LA’s homeless infuriate locals by boasting about hooking up washing machines to street power lines and setting up HUGE 10-man tents on sidewalks – complete with flowerbeds!
I have to wonder what he’s actually getting. I seriously doubt he’d still be walking around after 5 of the real thing.
Joe Biden Calls For ‘One COVID Shot Each Year’ as He Gets Fifth Vaccine Shot
Gawd! Really? Another one?
Is this a falsifiable statement?
How do we test this hypothesis?
As a WEF puppet, what policies will he introduce?
I’m not sure I have enough alfoil to make a suitable hat for that.
In Slow MotionTrain Wreck news:
Off to a good start:
David Koch says budget ‘failed’ to deliver on election promises
Worse, Fat Karl:
Karl Stefanovic grills PM Anthony Albanese over federal budget
When you’ve lost breakfast TV at the first hurdle – and you haven’t even gotten to the bad stuff…
Until there is a pie warmer in every kitchen with an Asian shopkeeper in attendance, we have no business calling ourselves a compassionate society.
Parents in Indiana have lost custody of their kid because a court ruled their not “affirming” their child’s “gender identity” was abuse
Nor is it true that covid fines have been revoked en masse.
COVID-19 fine concession scheme
Found this as I was tracking the spoor of some hyperlinks last night.
It describes our current culture, and our political class, so well.
– Sun Tzu– Hillaire Belloc
Looks like Susan Sarandon might have woken up.
Susan Sarandon Posts Holocaust Reference. Gina Carano Got Canceled For Similar Message.
Sunak just might manage to completely destroy the Conservative Party, since Britain uses FPP.
He’s reappointed Hunt as Chancellor, Hunt being a full-bore swampy. A pommy Matt Kean.
Then in the leadership election a couple months ago the Tory members rejected Sunak in favour of Truss, despite her wet past, because she was saying things they liked (and even tried to do some of them).
Now, since members chose the “wrong” candidate the elites have installed their preferred candidate by stealth – by monstering BoJo and that female candidate to drop out leaving only Rishi as the only remaining choice. And then they didn’t do a vote at all.
Which means the Tory base are going to be furious and disgusted. With Hunt as Chancellor they’re likely to stay furious and disgusted until finally the election has to be called. Which will be brutal.
Same here and everywhere where the Davos elites hold sway, of course.
To understand events around the world today, one must think in terms of the class struggle (25 Oct)
Democracy used to allow the ordinary people some say in how they were being governed. Now through wheezes like stacking elections they have mostly lost that. Let them eat bugs, say the elites.
Indeed, it seems that Ben Wallace travelled to Washington to speak with Austin directly precisely because of this failure.
Just keep pretending that vaccines didn’t do anything for the frail elderly, the immuno compromised etc and they should have taken their chances with delta to avoid being called sheep by the bravest of all.
More likely the faux vax made a lot fewer of those people in quick time.
All Those Warnings About Models Are True: Researchers Given Same Data Come To Huge Number Of Conflicting Findings
It’s bad…they’ve also lost Stan Grant.
She almost certainly means Republicans since she is a far-far-lefty.
As a case of projection though it’s pretty amazing.
Rand Paul slams CDC for ‘conflicts of interest’ over agency’s cozy relationship with Pfizer, Moderna
Gee, an enterprising local legal firm/s must be looking at these decisions and wondering if they can undertake a similar action in this jurisdiction.
Sarandon is the Lefty’s Lefty. She’s the go to girl when commentary isn’t Left enough.
What possible conclusion can be drawn, other than the authorities want him to carry on murdering people?
Richmond man arrested for murder after being released on THREE prior murder charges
The algorithm still doesn’t like my comment.
It must have had some truth in it.
“A Globalist If I Ever Saw One – I Believe Conservatives Are Doomed” – Nigel Farage Blasts New UK PM Rishi Sunak
The NDIS is one of those ‘grand ideas’ that Labor governments come up with when in power, usually developed on the back of an envelope and promoted and run by the money grows on trees community who have mostly never held a proper job but who are chock full of Marxist fantasies about ‘improvements’ of things that either don’t need improving or are full-blown nonsense on steroids.
I am thinking particularly of the Whitlam era and its attempt to impose yet another layer of government in Australia – the money-sink of the Regional Councils, long forgotten by many now but hugely expensive, shonky money lending, along with free university education for all and the Dawkins expansion of CAE’s and then their consolidation in Australia’s money-hungry edu-mills. Plus all of the other Whitlam excesses, but with awards for Labor silliness also going to later contenders such as Pink Bats, the NBN (still tearing up money), the NDIS, all climate quangos and of course the latest big one: Net Zero.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Punches Back at Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum – Vows to End Agreement with Globalist WEF
Gabor asks:
Gabor it is very excusable to not know the before and after of being severely disabled especially being non-verbal and severely intellectually disabled and relying on the
‘generosity’ of politicians and the ideology of academics and ‘activist/advocates’.
It pains me greatly to contemplate and re-visit the before but pains me even more to think that what started out as such a good idea support by the people of Australia has become and absolute travesty. It need not be like this.
I won’t bore you with the details, but was at the coalface of the parent-family campaign for an end to what was ‘available’ which was always underfunded, patchy, inconsistent, lottery-like and chaotic, where you could not move from one town to another within state boundaries let alone move to another state for work or other reasons without losing any kind of help at all and going to the bottom of the list; where there was no future preparation for when loving, caring parents/families became either ill, insane, demented or died.
We families campaigned for that future which we thought would provide service that was responsive and personalised to the individual with severe life-long disabilities.
Why has it gone pear-shaped and out-of-control? because Julia Gillard in her determination to make political capital out of the most vulnerable in our community was desperate to have the states sign up and entered into multilateral agreements promising ANYTHING to get it done. And the states saw the opportunity to offload its responsibilities in health (particularly mental health) and in provisions of fundamental disability services to people who were not sufficiently disabled to become participants in the NDIS. To say nothing of greedy opportunists who set themselves up to milk the beaucratic leviathon which has become the NDIS.
The Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government passed the legislation and it left to the bureaucracy to design and administer the NDIS, mostly by people clueless as to its purpose, it was designed in the image of its creators – the bureaucracy. Furthermore activist/advocates have campaigned for services that were NEVER envisioned to be part of the Scheme and I ask are they deliberately trying to make the entire thing financially unsustainable.
The Liberals were over a barrel and did not want to push back and be seen as cruel, unfeeling and mean. Great work guys – unbelievable – I am very fearful for the future, my son is finally doing well and it was for people like my son and others who cannot provide or care for themselves in their day to day lives that families campaigned.
As always I can tell you that no families of those who in the severe disability category as I have described were/are on any advisory bodies that has created the debacle.
End of rant/sorry about that.
ps. I am old enough to have lived through it and seen it all.
And my generation won’t be around too much longer to tell the tales and ring the warning bells.
As others have noted, whatever happened to monkeypox? It was briefly top of the pops for disease panic, as COVID was tapering off. We had numerous stories (correct word) in the media about what it is, the symptoms, how we should all be alarmed and alert, etc.
Then, it was discovered in children and domestic pets, and the Cone of Silence descended.
Nobody wants to talk about it any more.
Modern ‘epideimology’ in practice.
More likely she’s anticipating a Dem wipeout come 8 November.
Just checking.
Are we all aware why people defend their chosen medical procedures, in some cases, to the death?
Are we aware of why people turn into avenging angels when they discover they are the victim of a botched medical procedure/medication? (if they are still alive)
Tell me what you think.
SAVAGE: Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake Tells Gender Confused Katie Hobbs, “Try To Milk A Bull” During One Of Her BEST Speeches Yet
Oh Lordy!
So a simple Doppler radar can instantly fry millions of tons of water from the air?
Tell us more, Steve.
“I Now Truly 100% Believe It was Because of the [Vaccine]” – Grieving Mother Vows to Bring Justice Following the Sudden Death of Her “Healthy and Athletic” 18-Year-Old Daughter
He was arrested in Australia.
So well said, Tinta. Chin up, darling. We who have seen it happen shall push to end this outrageous drain on funds that should rightly go to your son and others in a similar position. As you say, and I’ve said, a lot of what is done under the NDIS should be done by State health departments and Medicare, especially in mental health, which has been dumped into a non-existent ‘community’ care while the extensive grounds of old mental hospitals have been flogged off as valuable land.
TUCKER: Democrats Are ‘Trying To Destroy’ Americans By Promoting Soft-On-Crime Policies
Upcoming FBI Testimony Will Spotlight ‘White Domestic Extremism’
Ahh, so it only matters if it’s “white”. The FBI is now into racism.
“Conservative” has now got a bad reputation.
Maybe this article is correct:
How about the freedom parties in Australia get together, bury their differences and form the “RESTORE” party?
Lots of good slogans”
RESTORE Common sense
RESTORE The two genders
RESTORE Medical Freedom
RESTORE Commonwealth scholarships for University
etc, etc etc.
Kari is in Arizona, very contested. She may be another one of those who are going to ‘get the most votes’ but who don’t actually win. Eagle surveillance needed on the day.
Kiev’s full aid demands revealed
Ukraine expects the EU to provide it with billions of dollars every month, an aide to President Vladimir Zelensky has said
Ukraine needs between four and five billion dollars a month to keep its budget afloat, Alexander Rodnyansky, an aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, told German media group Funke on Tuesday. According to the official, Kiev expects the EU to cover roughly half of that sum.
“We believe that Germany could take on about $500 million a month,” Rodnyansky said, adding that it would be especially necessary in 2023. “The state has to function, pensions have to be paid.”
Kiev also hopes to get around $2 billion per month from the EU as a whole, the German outlet added. It is unclear if this sum would balloon further in the future, since Ukraine expects its inflation to reach 24.5% in 2022, according to the nation’s central bank.
The presidential aide accused Russia of opening “an economic front in the war” by targeting Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. Moscow has already succeeded in “choking off Ukrainian electricity exports,” he said, adding that Ukrainians would face “a very big crisis” this winter and would urgently need “thermal clothing, emergency power and diesel generators” among other goods.
German Economy Minister Robert Habeck already called for an “urgent winter aid” package for Ukraine, which would include power generators, transformers and network repair equipment. Germany itself is facing an acute energy crunch and is attempting to limit consumption amid high gas and energy prices caused partly by the EU’s drive to reduce its dependency on Russian energy imports.
Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal also put the total cost of Ukraine’s infrastructure recovery at around $750 billion on Monday. According to Funke, this sum includes the costs of developing and modernizing areas that have not been affected by Kiev’s conflict with Russia. The World Bank and the US believe the real cost of rebuilding Ukraine is half as high and amounts to around $350 billion, the media group reported.
“Biden calls for one covid shot a year”. I call one lead shot for Biden.
That should get the nanowrigglers running.
Excess young deaths, UK and US
Dr. John Campbell
Pfizer expects to hike U.S. COVID vaccine price to $110-$130 per dose
OK, being sneeringly dismissive is one thing. Outright lying is quite another. The link I provided showed a whole cavalcade of tweeted comments by various people, as well as a clip of a young Rishi himself.
And you accuse the Expose of being misleading.
ABC is unwatchable and woke Dr Who is unwatchable, so if an unwatchable channel loses an unwatchable program does anyone hear the single rotted tree falling in an impenetrable forest of swill?
The UK has the Reform Party.
True enough.
‘Studies show’ that just two drops of Sarandon’s blood dropped into a small town’s water supply will, within a week, turn it into a crime-ridden, bullet-riddled, gang-riven decaying inner-urban district with shuttered shops covered in graffiti and where the police remain on the defensive, and the streets are littered with homeless shelters, human faeces, and used needles in abundance, and grey diseased limp addicts heaped in long lines like flotsam washed up by a tide, each edging toward their own unnoticed death.
wont accept less than a morbidly obese trans-sexual
Well said mother.
Nope – up until the latest ‘bivalent’ shots, ALL the vaxxes contained genetic instructions to build the original WUHAN spike – which has been extinct for over 2 years.
Ask yourself *why* they kept pushing that out – and why they *still* do – noting that the ‘new’ vax still gives you the genetic code for the WUHAN spike?
The answer has to be: BECAUSE THEY WANT THE WUHAN SPIKE IN YOU. Its pretty obvious in retrospect that this was the goal all along – its why they didnt accept ANY of the established reasons for NOT vaccinating someone, including
1 – Already had the disease
2 – Not at risk of the disease
3 – in a group where the vax is/could be dangerous (eg pregnant).
4 – Damn near got killed by a reaction to the first shot
5 – The damn thing doesnt work.
I suspect the goal all along was to get the WUHAN spike into you naturally via infection, but this fell over early when it mutated into a more minor form, forcing them to go to plan B – injecting it into you under guise of a ‘vaccine’ instead.
Otherwise, why did they persist in using the WUHAN spike for all vaxxes up till now, and why do they continue to do so even with the ‘update’. Does each annual flushot (theres a discussion for another day) add in the ‘new’ strain AND keep giving you all the old ones???
Good idea, Eyrie, I think that we need an encompassing term that explains a set of policy hopes. Brexit was a good one, that’s for sure, and people flocked around it and also the acronym UKIP.
I’m not sure that Restore is the one, because like Regain, it smacks of the hopes of all baldies.
Riccardo Bossi went for a ‘voting intention’ name, with Australia 1, which floundered from both its name obscurity and the Party management. Patriotic names have to be snappy and have appeal.
MAGA might fly. Make Australia Great Again. It has a known provenance via Trump in the US.
We may yet have to come to that, reclaiming the Grand Alliance.
Reclaim – isn’t there a Party called this in Britain? That might fly too.
Have the Liberal Democrats managed to retain their full LDP name, which was under threat?
As Dover notes though, the libertarian streak doesn’t play so well in Australia, but things could change, with the LDP and with Australian voters.
Don’t mind me, I’m just speculating. 🙂
1 – Mandatory Digital ID
3 – Individual Carbon Footprint tracking
4 – Ever increasing restrictions on home production of food
5 – Free government pods and bugs…
NDIS original rationale:
I’m old enough to remember the heartbreaking tales of desperate love from aging parents caring for profoundly disabled children. People who absolutely deserve, in fact demand, help from a civilised country.
No mention at the time of lawn mowing charged at $60/hr, sex services, criminal abuse, or a 15% skim off the top for NDIS concierges.
These things develop naturally when a huge tray of OPM is laid out and kept topped up by government.
Further to what I wrote about last night….
Firstly, Gina Rinehart is only fair game as far as the left is concerned because of her politics.
Secondly, who is “Andrew Gaze”? Never heard of him. But since he’s adamant that Gina should speak out about what old Lang said forty years ago, and since we now live in a society where, if you’re conservative or right of centre, you’re now going to be forced to pay a price for the sins of your father, it’s time we also dug deep to find dirt on stuff Andrew Gaze’s parents or grandparents might have once said. I’m sure there’s stuff there.
Andrew Gaze torches Gina Rinehart for not speaking out about her father’s comments on Indigenous people
Andrew Gaze has condemned Gina Rinehart for failing to distance herself from her father’s comments about Indigenous Australians.
The $15 million Netball Australia sponsorship fallout with Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting stems from comments made by Lang Hancock in the 1980s.
Hancock Prospecting pulled the plug on the lucrative partnership on Saturday, leaving the sporting organisation on the brink of financial crisis.
Indigenous player Donnell Wallam was said to be uncomfortable wearing a uniform with the company’s logo after Hancock made the offensive comments in the 1984 documentary Couldn’t be Fairer, eight years before his death.
“Those that have been assimilated into earning good living and earning wages among the civilised areas and have been accepted into society and can handle society, I’d leave them well alone,” he said at the time.
“The ones that are no good to themselves … I would dope the water up so that they were sterile and would breed themselves out in the future, and that would solve the problem.”
Now Gaze, Australian basketball royalty, has come out swinging, calling out Rinehart for failing to distance herself from the comments.
Gaze’s scathing critique comes on the heels of Anthony Mundine labelling the mining magnate’s move to pull the sponsorship money as a cop out.
Gaze echoed the same sentiment, stating if they had of come from somebody close to him he would have had something to say about it.
“She (Gina Rinehart) could have apologised for her father’s comments, distanced herself from them and told us that she doesn’t believe those things. Instead, she pulled her money out,” he said.
“I am not blaming Gina Rinehart for her father’s comments, but what I don’t understand is why she won’t very publicly disassociate herself from them,” Gaze said on SEN The Run Home.
“(She should say), ‘I love my dad, but (that was wrong)’.
“If my dad had said that, or if my uncle, or anyone associated with me, or if my friend said it, (I would say), ‘I love this person, I’m still going to love him, but I’m going to educate him, I’m going to say, no, that is not the right way to deal with that issue, it is actually vile what you’ve said’.”
“If you can’t reconsider that, then I’m going to question our friendship, if you’re going to maintain that view, then you’re not a friend of mine.
“Let’s talk about it, let’s discuss it, let’s figure it out, but if you can’t come to the conclusion that sterilising human beings is actually a good thing, then you’re no friend of mine.”
While a string of politicians including Jacqui Lambie and Barnaby Joyce condemned the netball team as being ungrateful, ordinary Australians took to social media to question why Rinehart still hadn’t apologised or distanced herself from her father’s comments.
“If I can be held accountable for the actions of every South Sudanese person in Australia, then Gina Rinehart can acknowledge the actions of the man she inherited her fortune from,” wrote Melbourne-based South Sudanese artist, Atong Atem.
“It would amount to ABSOLUTELY nothing without action. Literally folks are asking her to do good PR via empty gesture but it’s only fair.”
Retired soccer player and human rights activist Craig Foster quoted an ABC article that referenced one of Netball Australia’s initial requests of Rinehart before the sponsorship deal was axed.
“That an apology be made or at least some distance be put between Lang Hancock’s genocide comments and the values of the current leadership of Hancock Prospecting, led by Gina Rinehart,’” he quoted in a tweet.
“Surely must be a requirement of every associated sporting body,” he added.
As for Gaze’s weasel comment…
““I am not blaming Gina Rinehart for her father’s comments“.
Yes you are.
OK, duk…failing a response from Indolent, let’s run with that and see how he shapes up.
That would seem to be the most common reason that I have seen used.
Will we have a verdict today?
On JC?
132andbush, “tell us more Steve”. First I remove my tinfoil hat etc. But on a more serious note, I reckon they have the sensitivity wound up. I’ve looked at the radar near Captains Flat near Canberra when rain was forecast to find rain sweeping over my place, but for some strange reason when going outside no rain and didn’t look like it.
Let me explain Boris to you.
In December 2019, vast swathes of traditional Labour voters swung Conservative.
Note carefully. Not inner-city green left Labour but working class regional labour voters. They voted Conservative because of what they thought Boris represented – reduced uncontrolled immigration, a clean-break Brexit and an end to nutjob Green scams.
But Boris didn’t see that. His massive fucking ego told him that they voted for The Cult of Personality of Boris.
He then proceeded to behave like Napoleon, with Green Josephine by his side, doing fuck all about what he was really elected to do.
A couple of dead giveaways.
.1 Getting totally Britneyed with the staff when even the Queen had to sit alone at her husband’s funeral.
.2 When he was caught dragging his feet on Brexit, he came out with his ridiculous “Imperial weights and measures” announcement, thinking it would be a panacea for the “stupid man with a van” voters.
Boris is a vacuous, unreconstructed egotistical snob, and most people have seen through it.
He has squandered the opportunity of a lifetime. He could have consolidated that 2019 swing and turned generational Labour voters into Conservatives or at the very least, swinging voters.
Tribalism…best left behind in Sout hSudan, eh, Atong?
Treat people as first & foremost as individuals and judge them by their character, wouldn’t you agree?
Plenty of others go the other way – they become fervent supporters despite increasing evidence that they have been harmed. This is an example of ‘cognitive dissonance reduction’ – they deal with the ‘oh shit I made the wrong decision and got harmed’ thought by subconsciously suppressing it instead.
This explains why plenty of incompetent surgeons etc have loyal patient followings.
Up to about ten minutes ago, I was quite fond of the Focks Footy shoe ‘Bounce’, which generally followed the last match of a round on the weekend.
Hosted by Jason Dunstall. Used to have Spud Frawley on it, prior to his untimely passing not too long ago. Generally quite funny, if not informative. Good value all round.
Two of the regulars on that show were and are Andrew Gaze and Sharni Norder.
Hopefully, and this might be a bit of a test for Focks, Gaze and Norder will – before the start of the 2023 season – ‘not form part of the show’s future direction’.
Rambler! I sped read that to
Tell me what to think.
I thought someone had kidnapped you.
One positive from having paddocks saturated and every hole or hollow filled with water, it’s drowned the bloody mice.
internal errored…