Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
Capitol – Adelaide
Queen Consort Adelaide Saxe-Meiningen
Not a Scottish lass.
Sheesh that’s classic Fetterman Lumpy Skin Disease Man!!!
“I I I I I, mumble mumble mumble, I I I I I, mumble mumble mumble, I do, I I I, mumble, I do support, I I I, I do support fracking” (took me a while to transcribe that!)
Captain’s Dad was in Japan as a fighter pilot. It was very well defended. Every little island had a mountain gun in it which could roll out and fire and roll back in again, camouflaged. He said the thinking at the time was it would have cost at least a million men to take, island by island.
The bombs was good.
And the Barossa.
Peace Was Never an Option – Romanian Defense Minister Resigns
From Armstrong Economics –
“Romanian Defence [sic] Minister Vasile Dincu said during an interview that re-negotiating terms with Russia was the only way to end the war. He has been forced to resign due to these beliefs. Dincu took to Facebook to say he could no longer perform his job due to the “impossibility of cooperation with the Romanian president, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.”
“I think my withdrawal from the post is necessary so as to not harm decisions and programs which require fluid command chains and to not block a series of projects which are absolutely necessary for … the ministry and the army,” Dincu continued.
Calls have been growing for foreign leaders to urge Zelensky to talk to Putin to end the growing conflict. The powers that be want war and have already decided our fate. Zelensky signed a decree at the beginning of October to ensure this is a forever war – at least between Ukraine and Russia. Zelensky said that he would never negotiate terms with Putin. “Therefore, we are ready for a dialog with Russia, but with another president of Russia,” Zelensky said. Putin, however, has been willing to speak with Zelensky. “We will either wait for the current president to change his position or wait for the next president to change his position in the interests of the Ukrainian people,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.
What Zelensky does not realize is that Putin is a middle-of-the-road guy. The men wishing to secure his place will not be as lenient, which is something my sources have confirmed. Putin has held off on pressure to secure the Donbas by any means necessary. Although that sounds absurd, Zelensky would have a better time negotiating with Putin because others in the Kremlin want more than the Donbas.
Foreign leaders must stop supplying Ukraine with endless funds and military aid to avoid a forever war. Without Western help, Ukraine would have fallen earlier in the year. Others nations, who have nothing to gain but everything to lose by helping Ukraine, should push away from this globalist agenda to propel the world into ruin.”
Our little Scottish hero went to the Territory and then turned straight around and came back.
He said in a thick Scottish accent, while planting a BRITISH flag in Chamber’s bay…”Arrr, let’s fork orf quickly, for this place is only fit for bent Vicplod cops in hiding”
Sauerkraut is put in barrels.
German thinking.
Ha! I am of German South Australian Descent on one side.
Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts.
– E. B. White
Not after the last 67 times.
Bourke and Wills never even saw the northern coast.
They heard the sea and quickly turned around, dropped the seashells, and fucked off.
Couldn’t have seen that coming.
h/t: Gab
KD re T20.
Look, the Alinta Austrians might make the semis, but I think the NZ game fucked their run rate so badly they will totally implode in one or two qualifiers trying to get the points and pump up the run rate.
And the midget cheating ranga needs his chain yanked as well.
His spray directed at Boult the other night was laughable, and it shows a deep flaw in his character.
He doesn’t respect anyone.
And I don’t mean saying nice things to them.
He doesn’t respect his opponents abilities.
Boult and Southee are very handy bowlers and he tried to hit them both out of the park first ball.
One went straight through second slip waist high, and the other he tied himself in knots and dragged it on.
There is still quite a strong market for salmon Stubbies.
If South Australia is so shit-hot, what are you doing in Queensssland Champ?
put the bong away, Steve
Why are the Lehrmann jury allowed to return home? They should be locked in a cheap hotel with bad food until they sort out their differences.
In good news for budgeteers iceberg lettuce is now down to $1.98 a head.
I still didn’t buy one.
I can top that.
I grow some, but still dont eat them.
October 26, 2022 at 3:57 pm
Another ignorant clown.
We may have faults in SA, but at least we speak properly.
Castle is not supposed to rhyme with hassle!
Marcus Stoinis’ 59 off 18 last night was a cracker.
He came in looking visibly angry at the lower order’s dismal run rate and proceeded to demolish the Sri Lankan bowling.
Every six he hit was accompanied with a snarl and a fist pump, and I don’t think he smiled once, even after rolling off as a victor.
The Aussies need a few more like him – full of mongrel – and less sickly vegans and climate apologists.
US Intelligence Agency website literally just changed seconds ago from DefCon 4 to DefCon 3:
David Hicks should have received his fair entitlements under the Geneva Convention – a fair trial and a firing squad.
Or even, BANG BANG BANG. “why did you shoot that bastard , corporal?” “I thought he was going for a weapon, Sarge” ” As you were , then”.
closed my paypal account. They can get fcsuked.
October 26, 2022 at 3:51 pm
Try this one then,
go on.
Not after the last 67 times.
not even this one
You can be my Charlie?
Steve – even industrial tin foil won’t do for the hat you need.
BTW, Steve
Radar is not Audio (HAARP)
Sorry HAARP is not audio either. Its auroral.
Just a quick break away from teasing the denialists….
If you want a great road trip holiday, go up the Oodnadatta track.
If you love Australian History, there is none better.
And you get the added bonus of the Flinder’s Ranges.
Whatever you may think of me, at one time I was one of the most experienced and widely travelled tour drivers in Australia.
I was until covid, still one, part time (seasonally)
But take a long someone who knows that the pile of rocks you are looking at out to the right, was built by Stuart.
A good directory in other words, or you can miss a lot.
The magical springs country that ensure the steam train called the Ghan would wonder up through there, the remnants of the inland sea called lake Eyre.
Where there are still relatively well maintained fettler’s cottages.
I have about my home many things made and welded together from BBQ serviette holders to hat racks and the like made from the spikes still to be found in their thousands up there.
The beautiful Maree pub , made from ballast from the tall ships who returned with wool and wheat in the great Clipper races.
So English rock in the middle of the desert.
A great, albeit rough track at times, trip especially suited to the history buff.
One of my all time favourites throughout all of Australia.
It’s further away from Victoria.
I don’t really think of you, but after this how could I not think of you as Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek.
Zzzzzzzzz, huh, did I miss some rockszzzz…..snore …
Adelaide pronunciations will get you a job in the ABC or dubbing German cannibal porn.
For those of you that have taken the jab, get going now.
You don’t have long left.
Tick, tick, tick.
Anyway, back to the cricket.
The Paddies are 1/60 off six overs vs Engerland.
Struth – I agree.
I had the opportunity to run up the track and across the Simpson with #1 son some time back. An eye opening experience.
There is so much to see in the remote parts of Oz.
Oh, and … dEatH to TrAitOrs!
Struth at 4.07
If you can do more of that travelogue thing I am happy to read your contributions.
Awesome post, Struth
How upsetting.
I can’t think of you as anything less than a little urban wog who is scared of seeing unpaved surfaces.
And Wolf Creek is of course a meteorite crater found up the Tamami track and while interesting is nowhere near as spectacular as Central Australia’s Gosse’s Bluff.
William Christie Gosse was an exporer who folled the telegraph line which was completed in 1872 and wondered out west.
West of Allie Prings.
Also a great man who ended as a pauper and is buried in the museum park in Coolgardie WA.
And the Barossa.
Sorbs settled the Barossa Valley.
Round about the same time the Germans banned their language.
You’ve been clicking on moles links?
The Irish (I’m biased) have the propensity to be a great team and a surprise packet but they’re just too inconsistent…
And…there’s nothing better than the Irish accent talking cricket…
And I find it offensive to call police vans Paddy Wagons!!!
October 26, 2022 at 4:05 pm
Sorry HAARP is not audio either. Its auroral.
Well well well, what do we have here?
Using HAARP to control (exploit as they say) LIGHTNING , AND ALSO FIRE/FLAMES ! Including controlling the plasmas in flames themselves. As well as “ionospheric studies” to generate and AMPLIFY VLF from plasma balls made from High Frequency.
DARPA project allocated funds , but they told us HAARP WAS CLOSED and transferred to the University in 2014, didn’t they?!
Hahah, sure! whatever you say Mr. Belvedere! hahaha Whoops!
The dollar amount allocated is in MILLIONS (USD $)
Description: This thrust will obtain insights into physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning, and geo-physical phenomena. New fundamental understandings of these phenomena will enable the ability to predict and exploit these physical processes.
A major emphasis of this thrust is to provide predictive models for the interactions between plasmas and electromagnetic waves across a range of energy and length scales, and into new regimes. Specific efforts that fall under this heading are foundational studies on the initiation, propagation, and attachment of lightning, and their associated emissions; the critical factors affecting magnetospheric sub-storms; the generation and amplification of extremely low frequency (ELF)/ultra low frequency (ULF)/very low frequency (VLF) radiation in the ionosphere utilizing the High Frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) transmitter; and understanding and quantifying the interaction of electromagnetic and acoustic waves with the plasma in flames.
Mum taught to say those mean things? Go replace Faulty’s diaper, you dickhead.
nudge nudge.
Apropos Kanye, Norm MacDonald on Saturday Night Live.
I’m sure you are.
Thousands of people over the years have paid good money to learn what took me years of study, of coal face experience and a passion for knowledge about history and my country.
Nowadays, (before covid anyway) they got upset if their tour driver didn’t agree with the dark Emu.
I have done at least a thousand runs around Ayres Rock yet I am no longer allowed to speak while driving around it.
The same with Kakadu.
Without a certificate of indoctrination, thou shalt not speak.
Which I won’t obtain out of principle.
The tours you go on these days are talking shit.
Or else.
After 10 overs, the Paddies are 1 fer 92
HAARP transmitter.
yeh – alters the weather.
He’s such a venomous c..t.
Known in South Africa as “Mother in Laws Heart” – there’s always room for one more!
funny experience visiting Mutawintji some years back (great place.. must do.. and much better than Mungo which is a bunch of eroded mud hills with anything interesting locked way from prying eyes).
Have to book an approved tour out of Broken Hill to visit the main arena. Fair enough, price is fair for a multi-hour walk around and explain.
Turn up – white bloke jumps out of 4wd and starts the tour. After a while, we tease out of him why this (on a platter) business opportunity hadn’t been filled by Indigines. “Not interested in working” was the (as expected) answer.
It is the same in so many places — like the derelict resort at the tip (Cape York).
Homer P was banned from the Sinc Cat before I arrived there.
He babbles on over at CL’s blog, implying that he knows something about economics and maths, but getting mixed up all the time. Do you know what his academic background is? And where he is employed? In summary, is he bluffing, or does he actually know something?
Damn! Second wicket down for Ireland in freaky circumstances where bowlers pinky touched the ball and ran the runner out.
clearly not enough wokeshits on the jury, what so hard about destroying a man’s life on the mere say so of a wyminsis
John H.says:
October 26, 2022 at 3:56 pm
What Zelensky does not realize is that Putin is a middle-of-the-road guy.
Believe it or not, he is. Several posts on the Cat have examined this question.
To reiterate, Putin is the hub of an oligarchic system of interrelated ‘clans’ and whilst he is undoubtedly the dominant figure as the arbiter, moderator and has the final say, some of the clans, particularly within Defence and the FSB, are far more hardline. Putin is a master manipulator and has maintained his power by forcing compromises and sometimes setting clans against one another.
There is not a reserve of Alexei Navalny type clones waiting in the wings to pounce on a weakened Putin. Far from it. Putin’s demise (however caused) would very likely see one of the hardline clans ascend to power and the whole structure of Russian politics and global behaviour would change overnight – and not for the better.
So, although it may seem absurd at first glance, Putin is the more moderate middle-of-the-road guy relative to who else will jostle for the position of President when Putin eventually departs. The west can and should do business with Putin but they will never be able to force him to backdown – Russian politics doesn’t work like that.
Now the farken Pomms on a hat-trick…
Goodnight everybody.
October 26, 2022 at 4:30 pm
Haha…whatever. You’re a bit behind with all this. That’s ok.
Funny thing is I could drive out of Arnhem Land after touring Ramingining and Maningrida as one of the first whites ( I ran the second tour in there, ever), through to Black point and Seven spirit bay (Check out Outback Spirit’s Itinerary) yet couldn’t open my mouth around the “done to death” Kakadu national Park.
And I wouldn’t have been anywhere near Arnhem land if the money hadn’t dried up from the smelter closure in Gove.
I also did some of the first tours into the Bungles when nothing existed in there and all camping gear had to be brought in.
There were never any aboriginal paintings there.
They are made of crumbling soft sandstone, and in bad spirit country.
Just like Daily waters….bad spirit country.
I think the word you are looking for is “descent”.
You’re welcome.
Worth keeping in mind when consuming reports in our MSM. Urals and Siberia are pretty much like the mid-West and South in the US.
Feeling insignifcunt?
Another Q aficionado? Sssssssshhhh … secret squirrel.
I lost all respect for Dick Smith, when he said Davis Hicks wasn’t getting a “fair go.” Big boys game, big boys rules.
Look, you’ve bin tol’about yer fancy book lernin’. Just fuck off.
I may have alluded to a potential reason for this before.
You’d also think one of the ‘most experienced’ tour drivers would know the names of the places he drives past.
*Flinders Ranges*
*Gosse Bluff*
*Tanami Track*
Just dismiss the jury and pass judgement yourself.
You know you want to.
What is the point of juries anyway? They might use their brains.
Ok Dot, if you know more about Russian politics, their history, place in the world, local sentiment and their refurbished relationship with China, then how about you stump up a reasoned argument? Better yet, how about a guest post where you can set out your in-depth knowledge and Cats can assess and comment.
The aboriginals conducting the boat tours on Katherine Gorge learned about the bush around them from the white men who lost their jobs to them, after training them.
They didn’t know what a bush apple was until the white man taught them their traditional knowledge.
Didgeridoos were only ever played in northern Australia.
Dot paintings are a complete croc of shit, taught to “Yuandamu” Wapliri by a bloody white Queensland schoolteacher.
There is no such thing as “stolen generations”.
There are half castes who were saved from being murdered for being half caste.
By aboriginals.
Or more specifically, for being born outside of a strict naming system.
A culture that routinely left a baby twin on a bull ant’s nest because raising it meant too many mouths to feed.
A culture that never progressed in 40 or so thousand years due to unchristian superstition.
These are truths that should have been spoken more often, and loudly, and I fail there as well.
Looking back, I was far too diplomatic as a tour driver.
FAR too diplomatic.
Is there any way we can just book the muted part of the tour?
B John
Presumably, the pet rock has an undergrad, but I think he’s also said he has an MBA from Macquarie. Make of that what you want. He could have a grad degree from MIT and would still be a complete idiot.
Heaven on earth.
“To reiterate, Putin is the hub of an oligarchic system of interrelated ‘clans’ and whilst he is undoubtedly the dominant figure as the arbiter, moderator and has the final say, some of the clans, particularly within Defence and the FSB, are far more hardline. Putin is a master manipulator and has maintained his power by forcing compromises and sometimes setting clans against one another.”
This is the story of Russia. It’s how power has always been played. Three hundred years ago, it was the the boyars, it took Peter the Great to crush them and consolidate Romanov rule, today it’s the oligarchs and various power clans.
Give it a rest KD.
You’ve done it again.
You’re a Victorian blow in who didn’t even know that when the new fuels were brought into the communities it was known as Avgas.
That was what all Territorians called it.
This was back before the place fell to poofs and Lesbian in the public service and other Victorian detritus hiding in retirement.
So I’ll let you do some research.
Look at some older writings and see if it was called Gosse’s bluff or just Gosse Bluff.
It won’t take long.
Are they familial based?
I agree with a lot of what you said St Ruth but you can’t blame the Aborigines from 40,000 years ago for not being Christian.
We had a great tour guide in Scotland but he was pure swampy when it came to renewables. The “audience” was split pretty much fifty/fifty on some of his sillier assertions.
That domestic coal delivery that I witnessed in Glasgow told the story.
I liked him. I hope he has lots of winter woollies for Jan/Feb.
There is an invention known as “Ear plugs”.
You could always use this invention. Your investment would not be wasted. The use of this invention is not limited to bus tours, you are able to use ear plugs at any time.
You get the feeling McCallum CJ is treating this case like it is ticking. Straight bat, pad up to anything outside Leg. No way any other jury would still be piss farting around after 3 or 4 days.
Adam Bandt, sound economic theorist.
Also on HAARP:
And the best one:
Even better:
There was a time in a more robust age (C18th and before) when jurors were shut away without food and drink until they had reached a verdict.
“They might use their brains.”
We live in a post-brain time, what matters is da feelz.
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned. – Isaiah 9:2
A couple of my indigenous friends would definitely agree.
Here’s he is, right on queue.
Driller, this is not your concern. Stop stoush trolling and go wash the filthy sheets, you clown.
Never blamed them.
Just said that was the reason they never progressed.
Highly superstitious.
Scared of the unknown.
Their culture is not great.
it’s primitive and basic.
Hard and voilent.
As was most of humanity until our culture developed over thousands of years and with the opening up of invention and enlightenment through Christianity ….became the beacon of light now being attempted to be snubbed out.
By the superstitious yet again.
No one wants to live in a traditional aboriginal culture.
No one.
That’s what superstition is taking us back to.
The unchristian climate cult and their anti human communist controllers.
Lilydale ( The gateway to The Yarra Valley) got flooded last night
Drench all rain ( as somebody once said)
This year everyone gets a flood
Thanks. I thought there was a link to Macquarie Uni, and an MBA. I found an entry on LinkdIn, which he denied was him. But I doubt that there would be more than one Homer Paxton in Australia. I also made a couple of references to “one of the lesser universities”, which did not amuse him.
You are correct about the idiot assessment. Still, it is fun to wind him up.
Would 37,978 (40,000 – 2022) also apply to the rest of us?
Spelling Nazis, there’s a few errors in the last post.
Starting with violence.
Vy Oh Lens.
Go for it.
With or without the capital B?
You’re right. It didn’t. You’re wrong, fake country boy.
And Gallery Cavoodle.
McCallum is ensuring she only gets invited to the best dinner parties that Canberra has to offer.
“You know I tried….”
The other guest “Oh we knowwww”.
Always a sign of a true Christian.
JC says:
October 26, 2022 at 5:07 pm
today it’s the oligarchs and various power clans.
Are they familial based?
No. Its not like the mafia (although some may take a different view! 🙂 )
I could have said ‘groups’ rather than clans but clans implies a stronger bond although without the familial ties. Perhaps alliance or coterie.
Interesting comment Calli. One of the support folks on my high lochs ride in April was a full blown climate obsessive who wouldn’t give it a break.
Firery words were eventually exchanged and we customers collectively used the post ride debrief to emphasise to the organisers that we could not give the, otherwise wonderful experience, a recommendation if he was going to continue to be part of the team.
They were accepting but I don’t think that they understood our frustration.
HP used to write for some magazine forget it’s name.
Is it money that brings together? Would say a Georgian form a bond with someone from another region?
No proof KD just makes statements hoping no one checks.
In the Joh Jury Case, the Defence challenged the first 78 Jurors, accepted 79 thru 90 and that was that.
Did anything similar happen here, because it sounds like a Ringer is holding up a Verdict?
Bons, I was in a land far, far away.
I was more forthright with a guide on the Little Reef that Could. Much of what I said winged its way over her head, sadly.
Apparently the young hire tour boats and go out to inspect the North Sea turbine array. Much the same as we do the Reef. And like us, they sail out. /sarc
Just did a search of the ABC, Nine, The Age and 3AW news sites and not a single one mentions the overnight ruling in “NY State Supreme Court [which] reinstat[ing] all fired unvaccinated employees, order[ing] backpay, say[ing] the state violated rights, acted arbitrary & capricious”. To coin a Custardism, “Why is that? It’s very interesting”.
Actually, you don’t have to go back to the eighties or ninties. They were still calling it Gosse’s bluff into this century. Political correctness (marxism) took the possessive out of it.
Any right thinking patriot would call it what it is, Gosse’s Bluff.
Keep knitpicking KD.
You’re a Newby and I’ll shut you up every time.
You belong back in Foot-es-cray with your criminal mates.
Would it be outrageous to suggest that, over the course of 50,000 years, some “civilisations’” brains physically developed faster than other “civilisations?”
Lizzie, that’s a very naive viewpoint.
Gillards intent was – as a Fabian Socialist – to cause as much damage as possible by crushing the taxpayer under an avalanche social costs. The issue you describe above could have been easily dealt with by closer examination of the Mediterranean Back recipients and their mates. The same with the Lebanese who go back to Lebanon when they get their pension, then whenever the region shits itself, they demand free airfare and assistance back to Australia. (Mostly they don’t get it, but not for the lack of trying and the stories the media splash on their front pages of ‘appalling conditions’ and terrified children.)
The naivety of the people like yourself to these scams have contributed to the biggest line item in the latest budget. It isn’t cute, it’s dangerous – and is wrecking Australia.
You may be able to weather it but the lower and middle classes (remember them?) are the ones who are copping it in the neck.
If you want to help, Lizzie, start by manning the walls and pushing these bludgers away from the line that should be for own needy.
England are 1 fer 1.
Eire got 158-ish…
You linked to an American website, you ‘true patriot’ you. The NASA Earth Observatory site from 2003.
The Yanks can be forgiven for getting it wrong. You can’t.
Always a sign of a true Christian.
I wasn’t talking to you, wogboy.
You’d be too scared to leave hi rise and head to the suburbs.
Thank god.
We live in the country because shit like you are in the cities.
Full of ignorance snd taken up with fads and fools.
theres nothing mild about this bioweapon
…accumulating evidence suggests that it also affects the pan-vasculature in the extrapulmonary systems by directly (via virus infection) or indirectly (via cytokine storm), causing endothelial dysfunction (endotheliitis, endothelialitis and endotheliopathy) and multi-organ injury. Mounting evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to multiple instances of endothelial dysfunction, including reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability, oxidative stress, endothelial injury, glycocalyx/barrier disruption, hyperpermeability, inflammation/leukocyte adhesion, senescence, endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT), hypercoagulability, thrombosis and many others. Thus, COVID-19 is deemed as a (micro)vascular and endothelial disease.
Not “outrageous”, Lysander. But interesting.
There are a few experts here – my (very inexpert) take is that development follows stimulation and need.
Reflecting on Knox’s “school in every village”, the stimulation can be applied. The “need” … every society has needs. If they’re pressing enough, a solution will be found.
Are you Amish St Ruth?
I have given a little commentary on the floods around the joint. Allow me to add more.
Listening to the local airwaves, SES bloke sez that the peak water level hasn’t been attained yet, it will come maybe in the next 5 days. After prognostications it was here last week.
But there’s a silver lining ladies and gentlemen. This, er, delay allows the SES to super duper prepare for the upcoming waters. He did acknowledge that public anxiety was a concern in almost a throwaway comment.
So old mate who has tended his farm for 50 years, lady around the corner from the milk bar who sandbagged, the expected date has been pushed back. Don’t feel anxious guys, SES are all over it.
Still can get around the district, had a delivery come from Swan Hill that had to go up to Moulamein down to Barham to Murrabit to us. 2 hour trip.
As a final note, Melbourne mastheads haven’t been delivered to our town for 2 weeks, but surrounding towns have had no interruption.
As Frasier Crane once said:
You’re talking to everyone here as the conversation wasn’t directed to one person alone, you redneck cunt.
Gosses Bluff
163 Gosses Bluff..Australian government.
Money and power. One usually begets the other whichever way you look at it. And to be fair, that isn’t exclusive to Russian politicians or the oligarchs – look at the WEF and similar cohorts. In the west it has long been fashionable to deride Russian politics and the oligarchs, but every Cat can think of dozens (if not hundreds) of examples where western politicians and/or the wealthy have gamed the system for personal or political advantage. Money and power – always was, always will be.
Hey, Laborinos,
Here’s 2 minutes of Kevin Rudd.
The ones who took the clotshot are like the War Boys in Mad Max Fury Road.
Life will be short.
Witness me!
Who hasn’t done a bit of that, eh?
Would it be outrageous to suggest that, over the course of 50,000 years, some “civilisations’” brains physically developed faster than other “civilisations?”
It would be Struth level, dumb, but not surprising.
You’re making the assumption that all brains started off the same size and shape at some point in the past.
What’s your basis for making that assumption?
Oops, here’s another who still calls it Gosse’s Bluff and hasn’t been informed that the Marxists don’t allow the possessive hypostrophe anymore.
Thanks Speedbox. Appreciate your insights. Very disturbing. If a man who repeatedly threatened the use of nukes is a moderate then pity the Russian people if he is toppled.
Planned parenthood pushing puberty blocking drugs.
And lastly a propaganda video that informs parents their 3 year old may know enough about their sexuality to be trans…
All done in that awful globohomo style they seem to love.
Mankind have not descended from monkeys. The monkey tribes of the earth are descendants of men. They are the products of the abuse of procreative functions by a branch of early humanity. It is even possible that the monkey ranks are often recuperated from the human family.
The monkey tribes are specimens of what the physical side of the human family might become and what some members of it will become if they deny God, shut their ears to his voice called conscience, and renounce their humanity by continuing to make wrong use of their procreative functions and powers.
Such an end for physical humanity is not in the scheme of evolution and it is not at all likely that the whole of physical humanity will sink into such abysmal depths of depravity, but no power and intelligence can interfere with man in his right to think nor deprive him of his freedom to choose what he will think and what he will do, nor to prevent him from acting in accordance with what he has thought and chosen to act.
– Percival
Should have also mentioned ideology. There are a few that are (probably) more driven by ideology in the first instance and might declare they have no interest in personal gain. Okay, but that feeds into the power model and of course from power, money usually follows.
So, how is that “Struth level dumb” when all I said was do you think some peoples’ brains in one part of the world grew faster than others in other parts of the world. Where’s this assumption you speak of?
And not that I am now going to argue the contrary, but surely there was a “first” human brain at some stage.
Heart attack deaths jumped sharply among young U.S. adults in 2nd year of COVID pandemic
You’re a Victorian blow in who didn’t even know that when the new fuels were brought into the communities it was known as Avgas.
That was what all Territorians called it.
I long suspected Opal was Avgas without the lead that is normally added in. They can take the lead out of Avgas anytime. My Lycoming doesn’t need it and the oil will stay cleaner.
Avgas, the hydrocarbon part is largely iso octane. Automotive unleaded has a fair bit of aromatics in it and god only knows what else.
Vitamin D deficiency associated with increased mortality risk
Even though I never said it……
I live for this from the Monties and the ed’s of this world.
Ed doesn’t think commos exist anymore.
Shh……he can’t hear the voices in his head….
EXPOSÉ: Canadian Residents & Businesses are about to be Carbon-Taxed into Oblivion
Lol Struth – I’m agreeing with you a lot today!!! 😛
There is an invention known as “Ear plugs”.
Also noise cancelling headsets. They work by having a small microphone inside the earcup, receiving the noise signal, making it opposite phase and feeding that into the earphone. They work a treat. Now if only we had a visual equivalent for this place for the “noise” posts.
Andrews really is a grubby prick.
England 3 fer 29 in 5th.
This guy has big brass balls.
Cuban Refugee Pilot Lands Soviet-Era Plane in Florida (25 Oct)
Must’ve been on the deck all the way since any military aircraft could’ve caught him and shot him out the sky. An-2s are so slow that an average suburban car has a faster top speed.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Fighting Back Against WEF
From Armstrong Economics –
“This is big news. Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is the first government leader to apologize for vaccine mandates. Taking it a step further, she directly criticizes the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Schwab; she has “no interest in being involved with them.” During her first day in office, Smith immediately apologized for the vaccine mandates. She is offering to rehire any government worker who lost their job due to their vaccine status.
“We are not QR codes,” Smith once said, adding that she wants to “purge” Canada’s QR database. She called out Alberta Health Services (AHS) for creating problems by colluding with the WEF. “They signed some kind of partnership with the World Economic Forum right in the middle of the pandemic; we’ve gotta [sic] address that. Why in the world do we have anything to do with the World Economic Forum? That’s got to end,” Smith said. Great question, Danielle.
She plans to look into amnesty for outstanding COVID-related fines. “The system, my friends, is broken,” she said. “Most of those managing AHS today are holdovers from the NDP years. They have had their chance to fix this bloated system and they have largely failed on almost all accounts. Failure is no longer an option.”
Remember when Schwab boasted about infiltrating world governments with various Young Global Leaders, such as Trudeau? She publicly said that it is “distasteful” and “offensive” when billionaires brag about how much control they have over governments. Yes, this is a direct shot at Schwab. She is the first government leader to openly question why we have allowed the WEF to infiltrate governments and control policies. We need more leaders like Danielle Smith who are willing to acknowledge the growing power that Schwab and his minions have in shaping the global society. Better yet, we should question why they were handed power in the first place.”
Yet ignorance is no excuse. The moral crimes and vices of intercourse for pleasure only, of prostitution, of the prevention of conception, of abortion and of self-abuse, bring upon the actors dismal penalties. Retribution does not always come at once, but it does come.
– Percival
Language like this Dover?
I mean doesn’t there need to be some standards?
I’m a truck driver at the moment and therefore I don’t expect to hear or see bad language like this.
And these same people abuse me for calling bitches bitches and other women cows.
Yet they know this word really offends the ladies.
So there is this left wing hypocrisy level there, so synonymous with our observations of how denialists who are living a lie are becoming.
Can someone actually quote what Putin has said here? All I’ve ever heard him say is nothing more than that they will only ever be used if there is an existential threat to the Russian Federation, which is pretty much consistent with what everyone else with nukes says anyway.
Will no one think of the Ladies???
Shame on you, wogboy.
Apologise to the ladies immediately, you greasy spag.
Well, yeah. Hitchener opens up with the report:
‘Wonga Park Man Killed.
Hit by car attempting to flee armed robbery.’
Not sure why this lead the 6pm bulletin but there you go.
In the 2000’s the oligarchs were very heavily supported by the Regional Governors who in turn drew heavily on ex-KGB types or Mafia for their support and power base. My understanding is that Putin’s early path to consolidating his power was through those Regional governors and his KGB network. I think that network has only strengthened but obviously since then new blood has taken over, local trusted actors and yes, family wealthy type connections. But at the very top around Putin in Moscow it is the ruthless Security apparatus backing Putin. And if Putin is to be removed, it will be these thugs that will sort out the new leadership of Russia, not a flourish of democracy.
Beat me to it Dover.
And Greens want to give them half the planet. Not joking.
Orangutans: Could ‘half-Earth’ conservation save the red ape? (25 Oct)
I vote to give the orangs your half of the Earth. We’ll keep our half, thanks.
‘Government hopes new industrial bill will get wages moving’ sez another headline.
What does this mean, more attuned Cats and Kittehs may assist?
No cause of death …f….king amazing isn’t it?
An eleven yearlod dies and the doctors are baffled…when did that ever happen.
Industrial relations
At this point there is open warfare on the spiritual plane. People have mostly chosen their side.
I bow to the ‘right-thinking patriot’.
His linkage to primary school newsletters and semi-literate crank sites that make the Furniture Shop look like Encyclopedia Brittanica, and the insistence that communism killed off all the apostrophes is second to none.
Funniest abusive tourist carter ever. He doesn’t know Quenthland though. I lived there once, so I know it far more than he ever could.
So, how is that “Struth level dumb” when all I said was do you think some peoples’ brains in one part of the world grew faster than others in other parts of the world. Where’s this assumption you speak of?
The assumption is that there was a baseline and brains got bigger from then on, except when they didn’t.
I generally like wogs.
Shhhh, don’t tell the old urban snob that.
I actually have a bit of wog in the ancestory.
But as an Australian, it is your duty to pull the piss out of them.
But nonetheless, there is no need for language like that infront of the ladies, Giuseppe.
If you can’t control yourself, tie your hands behind your back.
That should silence you until you calm down.
Mum and Dad hid you in the boot when they went thru the Tick Gate?
Russell Brand
Rishi Sunak – THIS Is What They’re Not Telling You
A year ago, when he was Chancellor, Rishi Sunak refused to say whether he would profit from the Moderna covid vaccine. He was a founding partner of Theleme Partners, a major investor in Moderna. And, apparently, his richer than avarice wife does not pay tax in the U.K.
It’s total bullshit. Nett overseas migration is planned to ramp up to it’s highest ever intake over coming years so wages won’t be going anywhere. And definitely GDP per capita is headed south.
This Labor Govt is heading us in the direction of a command economy, where they have an increasing say (through regulation, taxes and policies) in the pricing of certain good and services.
standards here seem to have have slipped
but Im sure that grubby childishness is the future
…carry on
Hold it right there.
I am getting Khloe of Kurunda to adjudicate on this one.
I agree.
The Australian government websites could be classified as Crank sites.
Just shut up and accept you were wrong.
Be a man for once.
In the true sense of the word.
There’s still hope for you as I don’t believe you have been as foul mouthed as that terrible little wog prick in Melbourne ,ever.
But tell me, do you all speak like that from there?
Is it out of frustration for not ever being able to pronounce the word “mall” correctly?
If St. Ruth could only link to one of Liability Bob’s parish newsletters that incorrectly spells the name of a place 3500km away, my day would be complete.
And, apparently, his richer than avarice wife does not pay tax in the U.K.
The pays 33,000 Pounds/year, to be considered a Nom Dom for Tax on her overseas Income, to the Exchequer
Robby Soave: Covid Vaccine MANDATES Are Coming To A School Near You—Don’t Be FOOLED
omg … the wittiness … please stop
Neither word is welcome.
outrageously funny.
…honestly, my sides hurt
Knuckle Dragger:
I was more surprised by the ebb and flow of verbal manipulation than anything else. Whilst amusing to watch, I got a couple of lessons in how some devious minds work in that place. Mainly how an offhand remark could be manipulated into a career threatening fight.
Or how a truth half told and with the context removed could be very effective in a power struggle that started for no other reason than someone having a bitchy day.
Or how a patients life could be put at risk when one doesn’t belong to the right clique, or got trained in a ‘lesser’ hospital.
Oh yes. I understand how blokes get into such strife when they assume that women are the weaker sex.
If a bloke believes that, the first cute girlie he meets will have his nuts in their handbag ‘tout de suite’, and when he wakes up several years later will find himself in a trap that will leave him financially castrated if not in gaol for crimes he never committed. As we are seeing in Canberra – I’m open minded about the whole drink the ‘bosses good scotch’ endeavour, but his chances of justice are slim to bugger all, according to popular opinion here.
H/T internet.
It bloody well is outrageous! But … “Seeking the truth is not seeking what is desirable.” Camus
I largely avoid it on most forums because Godwin’s Law is invoked almost immediately.
A neuroscientist stated that the reasons hunter gatherers have exceptional eyesight is because their environment shapes their visual perception. The consequence is that while language is automatically learnt reading isn’t and learning to read alters visual perception in such a way that we lose other visual perceptive skills. There is nothing surprising about that. For me at least that is common sense. No free cognitive lunches.
The full maturation of the frontal lobes is very important for future planning, creativity, problem solving, social interaction, and inhibition of impulsive behaviors. The geneticist Lewontin has argued that for that full development to kick in there needs to be the relevant stimuli to generate the appropriate gene expression.
Urbanisation, which began with agriculture, requires much greater emphasis on inhibition because humans are dealing with non-clan members and history tells us how long we’ve taken to overcome that innate bias against non-clan members. For a rather interesting study on that issue have a look at The WEIRDEST People in the WORLD. WEIRD: Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic. The book is controversial and argues that the Western tolerance for living among so many strangers without wanting to bop them on the head was a hard won cultural battle.
It has been established the advent of agriculture altered our genes relevant to immunology. During devleopment immune processes play an important role in shaping cerebrum development. Long fascinating story I don’t understand because I’m too old and stupid to study that stuff now.
The point is: if immune relevant genes can be altered by contingencies, why not “above the neck”.
4. A study found northern Europeans have larger eyes and larger brains(technically the retina is part of the brain). Additionally there is this fascinating paper:
Bigger brains and bigger bodies for colder climates.
Tierra del Feugian: 1590
Peruvian women 1219
French men 1585
men from Xhosa (Mandela tribe) 1570
cf, Beals, Smith and Dodd, 1984. ‘Brain size, cranial morphology, climate and time machines’, Current Anthropology, 25:301-30
4. In 2001 a Prof of Anthropology sent me this. He stated he had been sitting on it for years and typically taught students there was no relationship because brain size and intelligence, which he admitted in that email that he knows that is not true. The r value is not strong but in many other contexts would be considered significant.
The problem with the nutrition argument is that it doesn’t explain the larger visual cortex. There are only so many stem cells so the larger visual cortex suggests, albeit faintly, that other regions of the brain may have missed out. For example, the frontal lobes are the last to mature.
There is a distinct bias in the research community against the issues raised above. The only reason that Prof came to my defense was because I was presenting good data but being attacked by all and sundry. He came to my defense and everyone shut up.
Sorry for the long post. There is so much here to unpack that I prefer to avoid it but you did ask … .
Elbow and his lieutenants are still trying to run the planned economy of the Trotskyists and Leninists who turned Russia into the doomed experiment of the Soviet Union a century ago.
They simply will not accept the failure of of the fascist planned economy, so they’re trying to cripple it with “renewable” energy and the impoverishment it will produce.
Enviro lunacy is an embedded Scottish characteristic. Perhaps they view it as the latest boondoggle for ripping off the Sassenach.
I’ve quit watching a number of rather good Scottish nature shows because the climate claims were incessent and idiotic.
“Due to climate change” must be a required assertion in every Scottish program.
I didn’t know that, Will. But thanks for the first LOL of the day.
Geez the OT requires more care than walking barefoot through the Hay truckstop at midnight during a blackout.
I suspect the biggest danger is from the military. He has replaced a lot of generals, and militaries tend to be just as prone to cliques as business and the security services. If a coalition of general officers stages a putsch then the thugs and also the ex-KGB clique around Putin will get purged firmly.
The same dynamics apply in the US and Turkey. Erdogan has been purging Kamalist officers for so long that he now has total control over the military. The Democrats have been purging the US officer corps for 14 years now (Trump’s presidency might’ve slowed it, but he was ‘way too busy to reverse the process). By contrast when the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt they only had a year or two of exerting control over the Egyptian military – which was insufficient, since Gen. Sisi booted Morsi out and took over.
A problem for Russia right now is the higher level of the military officer class is in intense flux as Putin tries like Lincoln to find a winning general. But by stirring them up like this he risks a revolt from the guys he’s fired. There’s always a McClellan.
Channel Nein.
“Overweight women feel fat-shamed if they go to the GP and are told to lose weight.”
Apparently it isn’t a case of energy intake vs energy burnt. It includes “social and environmental” factors.
Yeah, nah.
If calories in minus calories out > zero, weight accumulates.
I have full faith that Albo and Goose Springsteen’s Chief of Staff will get the electricity market under control.
‘The pays 33,000 per year…’
Could it be ‘she’ Ed or is it another pronoun?
Now please provideth the evidence for this assertion, or is another lactose allergy episode?
Mother Load:
If you don’t mind, could I use your reply on my FB site? (Total Readership of 1.5) It’s a cracker of a reply…
It’s not the No 5 Tractor Factory after all.
Hay truck stops. Don’t disparage them, assisted many in need
Poms 5/105 after 14.3 overs.
Need 158 to beat the Paddies.
Rain stops play.
I suspect Mr Duckworth and Mr Lewis would be favouring the Green team if it gets called off.
I am long years behind, but when my Dad was flying across Australia last (about 1983) we were very worried about 100/130 Avgas having lead enough to eat your valves and pistons. The Lycoming o-235 was made for 80 octane avgas. Running it on good clean Super was much preferred to the 100/130.
Is there a good safe fuel for 80 octane motors now?
Excess young deaths, UK and US
I get the joke of course but it’s a nice little town. Football against them was always shit.
The junior lads played Aussie Rules on Saturday but the Union on the Sunday. If you weren’t beeboppin and steppin (HT George Costanza) then you were thrown to the turf, stood on and left to cough up blood.*
Very good club, South Hay a great pub near one of the aforementioned road houses.
Does ANYBODY understand Duckworth Lewis? Harder than explaining LBW to a chick.
Instead, could we arrange a one for one swap in the Congo Cobalt mines?
I’d gladly take on a couple of those poor bugger kids in exchange for us sending a couple of these morons to replace them.
”As Canada expands euthanasia to kill the mentally ill it demonstrates that a little bit of legal killing inevitably leads to more and more and more. If you are tempted by the seductive ‘right to die’ read how Canada became a world leader in euthanasia…”
And some say there’s no such thing as the slippery slope. LOL
He said it in relation to the current battles. It clearly was a threat against Ukraine. When was the last time you heard a national leader threaten the use of nukes?
Is the other one a midget, Winston.
Where is the quote?
And who could forget this case:
Elderly Woman Resisted Being Euthanized, So Her Family Held Her Down