Open Thread – Tue 1 Nov 2022

All Souls’ Day, Jules Bastien-Lepage, 1882

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November 3, 2022 5:55 am

I’m so looking forward to glowing in the dark.

November 3, 2022 5:57 am
November 3, 2022 6:00 am

Is the vaccine regret survey broken into age groups?

November 3, 2022 6:12 am
Winston Smith
November 3, 2022 6:22 am


Quite so, and you know what angers and upsets me the most? The left won because the right refused to fight.

I suppose we can expect the Right to exercise their ‘right’ to refuse to fight, but what rankles is those on the Right who undermine the ones who are trying to fight because they aren’t being polite or genteel.
Unfortunately if one does fight against the Left, it will get dirty – that’s a given, a swamp is the natural breeding place for them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 3, 2022 6:22 am

Haha, Albo who criticized ScoMo for not going to the last COP has decided he’s not going to this COP. Too busy he says.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese defends not heading to Egypt for United Nations Climate Change conference (2 Oct)

“I can’t be in all places at once,” Mr Albanese told reporters.

Maybe he doesn’t want to suffer the ritual humiliation that we always get at those events. They daren’t pelt China or the US so they do it to us instead.

November 3, 2022 6:26 am

Biden giving a speech at Union Station tonight.
They had to clear out all the homeless just so someone had a back drop some Hollywood producer thought would be cool.

Winston Smith
November 3, 2022 6:41 am

Bruce O’Newk:

In between comments I’ve been reading Inferno by Schlichter, his latest. His’s not a bad future extrapolation either. In the last ten pages he’s managed to overtly include Mad Max, Lucifer’s Hammer, Python’s Holy Grail and Apocalypse Now. Glorious!

The part I found surprising was the “Mutilated”. And yet it’s so obvious that the tens of thousands of mutilated kids will grow up and find just how badly they’ve been abused by people who knew better, and who will be known to their victims.

November 3, 2022 6:42 am

Excellent , excellent news.

Meta/Facebook down 3.7%and Atlassian is down a nice whopping 10% retesting the recent lows.

Happy times.

November 3, 2022 6:46 am

Here is the unspoken truth about the energy transition to renewables (from Rosie’s link last night).
You need to read between the lines, but it’s clear enough:

According to Professor Blakers, Australia also had to become much smarter about how it consumed energy through measures such as demand management.

This could include providing incentives for households, businesses and industry to pare back their usage or even switch off entirely during periods of stress on the grid.

He said the coming electric vehicle revolution would only add to the requirement for behaviour change, arguing it would be “crazy” to load any more demand on to the system in the evening when solar was not producing.

You’ll have nothing (including power), and be happy.

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 6:53 am

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
November 3, 2022 at 6:22 am
Haha, Albo who criticized ScoMo for not going to the last COP has decided he’s not going to this COP. Too busy he says.

Too busy doing what? Too busy wrecking Australia that’s what………………………….

Anchor What
Anchor What
November 3, 2022 6:57 am

BBC still running the “Meloni & Co. are fascists” line.
I certainly see totalitarians in our society:
Covid control fascists.
Climate change control fascists.
Clean Renewable Energy fascists.

All of them should cease and desist. They will all be needing forgiveness before long.

November 3, 2022 7:00 am

Mater, you are right, they know there will not be enough power and they are satisfied with that. You and I will be in the cold and dark and the elites will be in their fortified compounds.

I always thought that the polite westerners will go along with it but the masses in the Third World may not but then I remember they already have those conditions and will not know how to fight for anything better.

November 3, 2022 7:00 am

there’s a faction that believe people are a cancer on the planet

Some people are. Such as Dan Andrews and Vaxtards.

November 3, 2022 7:01 am

If Australia wants to do anything meaningful, the kids of certain Solomon’s bigwigs should already be attending the schools of their choice on the taxpayer tab.


The stint I did there the wealthy already send their kids here for education. Even with Xi paying all the bills now I don’t see this changing. Brisbane is much closer than Beijing and more desirable.

As for sending the SI Mk18’s (Google tells me it is basically an M4), well Roger nailed it last night with Wong being incompetent. Sogavare is playing her and Albo like an accordion, besides I am noticing how NZ is staying well out of this. One wonders why? My experience of the Pacific Is is that NZ have had a bigger soft presence than us Aussies. Could it be that Horse Face doesn’t want to upset her masters?

November 3, 2022 7:01 am

Friend has been after Dan re accident for years Headlines in HS this morning Boy now trying to sue Dan Unfortunately on Facebook and can’t read news print . Firies called first and no blood tests done when police arrived and covered up Claimed wife driving but seat set for large person . Interviewed on 3AW news boy never interview re accident

November 3, 2022 7:03 am
November 3, 2022 7:04 am

Potential Mechanisms for Human Genome Integration of Genetic Code from SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination:

Eat shit Vaxtards.

November 3, 2022 7:06 am

Mater, you are right, they know there will not be enough power and they are satisfied with that. You and I will be in the cold and dark and the elites will be in their fortified compounds.

The introduction of EVs is merely a means to make individual travel reliant on a government controlled/regulated monopoly (electricity), and, by extension, obtain the ability control peoples movement and choice.

Whilst they may not initially use this power, they’ll always have the threat to hold over people. Even more power than they wielded during COVID.

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 7:12 am

There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents, and only one for birthday presents, you know.

– Lewis Carroll

Winston Smith
November 3, 2022 7:15 am


I know there is a number of problems with this scenario (it is only hypothetical) and EVs have plenty of other issues including the infrastructure to charge them, and replacement battery cost/disposal etc. We all know that, but we also know that governments around the world have committed to net zero by 2050. No nation can achieve net zero with ICE petrol cars on their roads so the transition must be in force from about 2035 otherwise the national fleet can’t be replaced in time.

Government is quite capable of interfering with the price signal necessary for the economy to work, but that same government isn’t capable of realising that a price signal that is distorted without thought of the ultimate consequence is one that crashes and burns.
It’s the major reason socialist governments stuff up on delivery of their Utopian Dreams – they mistake their pricing for genuine market signals.
That’s why the outcome of the NetZero Nirvana will be – yet again – catastrophic industrial collapse and the impoverishment of the citizenry.
Perhaps we should call it the Great Leap Backward 2.0 and if the death toll from the first iteration was about 300,000,000 then the next version should be about 2 Billion. Which, coincidentally is how many of us there is too much of.

November 3, 2022 7:26 am

I have said many times that if they want to be serious they should go into centralized methanol synthesis, since methanol can be used in nearly standard ICE vehicles, and the logistics and supply distribution infrastructure is all there already.

this is an excellent idea – but of course it involves combustion, so bad, ‘mkay.

(* no – you can’t explain to people that the process can be ‘carbon neutral’ and thus assuage their idiocies. They won’t listen).

November 3, 2022 7:29 am

New Neurologic Side Effects From the COVID-19 Vaccinations

Because lipid nanoparticles get into the brain and install mRNA code for the damaging Spike protein. No way to avoid some degree of neurological injury. Subclinical for all and clinical (neuropathy headache tinnitus stroke GBS) in the less fortunate.

Hopefully Vaxtards keep taking their ‘boosters’ – LOL!!

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 7:29 am

It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.

– Lewis Carroll

November 3, 2022 7:31 am

Fancy spending a fortune on a company and not charging to use it. Oh, hang on. You can use it, just not certain features. A king’s ransom of $8 a month.

Musk needs to conform to everyone’s idea of “my kinda guy”. Which won’t happen.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 3, 2022 7:33 am

Via Powerline’s links:

With 86% of votes tallied, Netanyahu headed for decisive comeback victory (2 Nov, ToI)

With some 86 percent of the votes counted, the bloc of parties loyal to Netanyahu was predicted to win 65 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, a comfortable majority.

The numbers were expected to shift as officials had yet to begin tallying the so-called double-envelope ballots cast by members of security forces, prisoners, people with disabilities, diplomats serving abroad, and others, but significant change to the balance between Netanyahu’s bloc and its opponents was not seen as likely.

I don’t know if it is paywalled as it comes up ok for me. As far as I can tell Times of Israel is moderately lefty, perhaps on a par with the Oz. I haven’t ever read it. But it’s pretty amazing that they’re calling 65 seats for the Likud-led bloc since the polls have had them 59-60 range for most of the campaign. Sounds like Israel has a lot of shy righties too.

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 7:33 am

Hopefully Vaxtards keep taking their ‘boosters’ – LOL!!

The only boosters that I know of are in the back seats of the car. And they don’t work as the ankle biters keep on saying, “Are we there yet?”

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 7:37 am

But it’s pretty amazing that they’re calling 65 seats for the Likud-led bloc since the polls have had them 59-60 range for most of the campaign. Sounds like Israel has a lot of shy righties too.

Never ever believe those Polls. The only one that counts is on Polling Day. But not in the USA are those Polls are fixed when even dead people can vote……………………………..

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 3, 2022 7:37 am

He said the coming electric vehicle revolution would only add to the requirement for behaviour change, arguing it would be “crazy” to load any more demand on to the system in the evening when solar was not producing.

This is also known as ‘managing expectations’.

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 7:38 am

as and not are I meant to type………………….

November 3, 2022 7:39 am

Thanks Tom,

Spooner a good chuckle this morning.

November 3, 2022 7:42 am

The Spike Protein Isn’t Benign, New Study Finds

November 3, 2022 7:44 am

Dr Campbell: Excess deaths continue

November 3, 2022 7:46 am

Both my Aunt & Uncle got early onset dementia soon after getting the clotshots.

Makes sense now it is confirmed the brain is also generating the spike proteins.

November 3, 2022 7:49 am

@catt needs to learn how to read, that list of people have not formed some new sort of moderation council and when did Musk ever say he was going to introduce a one hundred percent subscription model?
The bottom line is whinging cat is back on twitter under the new regime, obviously negative predictions are his core business.

Cassie of Sydney
November 3, 2022 7:53 am

Let me just say at the outset that the murder of Cassius Turvey is a tragedy however the only reason why his murder is front page news is because his alleged assailant is white.

The left in this country are trying to use it as our Georgina Floydina moment and shout, scream and screech “racism, racism, racism”.

If Cassius had been murdered by other indigenous, you’d be hearing crickets.

November 3, 2022 7:53 am

Maybe some people might be happier at the anti Semitic cesspool aka Gab
Right-Wingers Are Already Turning on Elon Musk

Cassie of Sydney
November 3, 2022 7:54 am

“Sounds like Israel has a lot of shy righties too.”

Israel lives with an existential threat, voters aren’t stupid.

November 3, 2022 7:55 am

Exactly Cassie.
It’s another case of a select few black lives matter.

November 3, 2022 8:04 am

I love the way the most vocal anti-authoritarians demand others be made in their own image.

A huge gap in self-awareness.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 3, 2022 8:04 am

Timbo knows how to deal with people like our Greta:

Greta Thunberg Shocks the World

Nobody saw this coming – except everybody who knows that climate change alarmism is merely a cover for commie advancement.

Tim Blair

Greta Thunberg, the left’s favourite doom goblin, this week turned up in London to tell adoring followers that the real problem wasn’t climate change but wicked capitalism. Nicholas Harris reports:

Previously, she’d sold herself as a five-foot human alarm bell, a climate Cassandra. Her role was to warn, not to instruct: her most viral moments involved her scolding political leaders, not trying to supplant them.

She strenuously avoided programmatic detail, saying such things were “nothing to do with me”. But now, on stage and in this book, she has found her political feet, specifically the Left-wing ideology of anti-capitalism and de-growth.

Interspersed among the usual directives about the need to pressure political leaders, her message was more radical and more militant than it has been in the past.

There is no “back to normal”, she told us. “Normal” was the “system” which gave us the climate crisis, a system of “colonialism, imperialism, oppression, genocide”, of “racist, oppressive extractionism”.

Haven’t heard “extractionism” before. I’m in favour of it, whatever it might be.

It is hardly surprising that Greta thinks this way given how closely tied environmental activism has become with the more experimental end of the modern Left. De-growth is surely not the only feasible solution to the climate crisis, but Greta appears to have no doubts.

And, like the bulk of her generation, she has lost any faith in the gradualist, establishment Left’s power to change things.

Her teens spent chiding national governments have made her one of the most famous people in the world — her twenties look set to be far more explosive, and even revolutionary.

And wealthier. Funny, that.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 3, 2022 8:08 am


Simply because I won’t give in to her Greta Thunberg talking points and I argue climate facts gleaned from Ian Plimer’s work.
She, like many others, was brainwashed at school and by the MSM.

Parenting begins at home. One of the primary functions of parenting is teaching children how the world works.

If you claim that your child has been ‘brainwashed at school and by the MSM’ and it’s all gone to shit then it is your fault because you have failed to take enough interest in your child’s formative years.

Blaming this on skinny noodle-armed elbow-patchers and the media is the path of least resistance, and frankly it’s weak as piss. Children are sponges, and will soak in everything – but they are also curious, and that doesn’t mean they accept everything they’re told at face value.

If you take enough interest, children will ask you questions about the world because you are their primary point of reference, and you should be in a position to provide some sort of context to the input they receive at school and through their devices. No need to rant – just provide context. They’ll work it out.

Schools are places where kids learn more about how the world operates from each other far more than teachers and curricula. Academic performance, while it certainly exists, is incidental. The kids learn about social dynamics, and they will surreptitiously compare how other families seem to operate compared to their own.

They will (or should) ask you questions about this as well – and if you’re not too busy doing whatever it is you do to have answers on hand for your own offspring when they have questions about life, then the deficiency is yours.

Just as kids get to an age where they overtly hang onto the belief that Santa is real, but in reality they’re on the scam for a couple more years of free ‘Santa’ presents, those same kids will work out the various scams disguised as teaching and will dance for free stuff. Exhibit A: a day off school to go to a climate protest.

They go because it’s something different, and they have realised that if they don’t go to that ‘something different’ they’ll just be sitting around at school for that day doing nothing. Then the protest will finish, and said kids will return and spend the entire weekend laughing about effectively having a day off.

‘My kid’s been brainwashed by teachers and Facebook’ is code for ‘I couldn’t have been bothered to raise my kids myself, and now it’s someone else’s fault’. It’s a cop-out, and nothing less.

If you claim that your grandchild suffers from this malaise, then perhaps it may be time to have a chat with your grown offspring.

November 3, 2022 8:08 am

Since some of you enjoyed my 60’s flashback yesterday, here’s something to play to the Hungry Lions Terrorise Mosman story.


November 3, 2022 8:10 am

Greta was born into wealth and privilege so it’s no wonder she’s an ardent supporter of communism.

November 3, 2022 8:12 am

Nolte: Atlantic’s COVID Amnesty Request Was a Massive Political Blunder

On Tuesday, the far-left Atlantic thought it could aid and abet Democrats with a plea for COVID amnesty.

They thought wrong.

The piece’s thrust was this:

We didn’t know then what we know now. When we closed your schools, masked your kids, fired you, fined you, LOL’d at your death, bankrupted your small business, arrested your preacher, killed your Grandma by pouring infection into her nursing home, and then made sure she died alone; we honestly believed we were doing the right thing!

As I laid out in detail Tuesday, that is all lies. These tyrants knew exactly what they were doing, most especially Atlantic owner — the fascist Laurene Powell Jobs — who did this while demanding your mom die alone.

So why did the Atlantic blatantly lie, and why should we thank them for blatantly lying?

Here’s why the Atlantic lied…

Democrats are about to get wiped out in large part by suburban mothers in blue states and cities where the COVID tyranny and human rights abuses were the worst. The Atlantic’s request for an amnesty was a direct, election-eve appeal to these suburban voters to forgive, forget, and vote Democrat. It doesn’t get any more cynical or dishonest than that, but that’s what the Atlantic was aiming for.

Without apologizing or even admitting they did anything wrong, without promising never to do it again, without any contrition or remorse or consequences, these monsters are requesting amnesty.

More proof arrogance breeds stupidity like rats breed plague.

And here’s why we should thank the Atlantic for lying.

This was a MASSIVE political blunder.

One week before a consequential national political election, the idiots at the Atlantic made COVID tyranny front and center again. This gave countless outlets like Breitbart good reason to re-litigate the left’s COVID horrors. One week before Election Day, these desperate and bubbled Atlantic morons put one of the Democrat party’s worst issues front and center.

November 3, 2022 8:12 am

It’s all US race baiting imported here. As we know, our own Marxist wreckers take most of their cues from the American left. In the 70s I remember Aborigines or part Aboriginals with afros.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 3, 2022 8:13 am

Hawthorn racism update from Fox Sports:

The statement released by Marque Lawyers also revealed the further trauma “Amy” has relived since the bombshell report first made headlines, while calling the AFL “disingenuous” and says claims the process will be independent are “a lie”.
“Amy has had to work through the guilt she feels at having stayed silent back then; that perhaps, had she said something, she could have prevented it happening to others,” the legal team says in the statement.
“Although, as she says, “it’s a little hard to speak up when it feels like your voice box has been pulled out of your throat”.”
It’s believed Amy is the second alleged victim to walk away from the AFL probe.

The statement says the investigation report “will be the property of the AFL”.

So brave and stunning. You, ‘Amy’, has had the chance along with another throwing racism claims around yet you won’t lend your brave voices to the probe.
Could, and I’m no legal eagle, it possibly be that the whole thing was manufactured or as they say in the classics, a crock of shit?
From this article

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 8:13 am

November 3, 2022 at 8:08 am
Since some of you enjoyed my 60’s flashback yesterday, here’s something to play to the Hungry Lions Terrorise Mosman story.


Try this one as well…………………………….lol

November 3, 2022 8:14 am

The climate ‘crisis’ isn’t what it used to be

Posted on November 2, 2022
by Judith Curry

Growing realization by the climate establishment that the threat of future warming has been cut in half over the past 5 years.

Summary: The climate “catastrophe” isn’t what it used to be. Circa 2013 with publication of the IPCC AR5 Report, RCP8.5 was regarded as the business-as-usual emissions scenario, with expected warming of 4 to 5 oC by 2100. Now there is growing acceptance that RCP8.5 is implausible, and RCP4.5 is arguably the current business-as-usual emissions scenario. Only a few years ago, an emissions trajectory that followed RCP4.5 with 2 to 3 oC warming was regarded as climate policy success. As limiting warming to 2 oC seems to be in reach (now deemed to be the “threshold of catastrophe”),[i] the goal posts were moved in 2018 to reduce the warming target to 1.5 oC. Climate catastrophe rhetoric now seems linked to extreme weather events, most of which are difficult to identify any role for human-caused climate change in increasing either their intensity or frequency.

The main stream media is currently awash with articles from prominent journalists on how the global warming threat less than we thought.

Here are some prominent articles:

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 3, 2022 8:17 am

I love the way the most vocal anti-authoritarians demand others be made in their own image.

Seen right here, on this august journal of record in the form of daily wordwalls.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 3, 2022 8:18 am


So brave and stunning. You, ‘Amy’, has had the chance along with another throwing racism claims around yet you won’t lend your brave voices to the probe.
Could, and I’m no legal eagle, it possibly be that the whole thing was manufactured or as they say in the classics, a crock of shit?

Known as Higgins Syndrome. The art of throwing accusations around and demanding both support and a trial by media, yet strangely reticent when asked to provide actual evidence.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 3, 2022 8:21 am

There’s a lot of ruination in a nation.

Washington D.C. to Legalize Public Urination (2 Nov)

November 3, 2022 8:21 am

Further to the EV conversation.

Reviewer Exposes EV Truck’s ‘Kryptonite’ After Trip Takes 3 Hours Longer Than It Should’ve

Auto reporter Henry Payne is only the latest person to discover that electric vehicles are simply not ready to replace gas-powered cars, especially for long-distance driving, when his Ford F-150 Lightning got only just over half the mileage that the manufacturer claimed on a 280-mile trip.

November 3, 2022 8:22 am

Isis ‘brides’ is interesting language.
Not fierce independent Isis Warrior women.
apparently that Matt guy said no to Isis ‘brides’

November 3, 2022 8:23 am

More proof arrogance breeds stupidity like rats breed plague.
And here’s why we should thank the Atlantic for lying.
This was a MASSIVE political blunder.

If your empty head has replaced thought with ideology and communist slogans, you can take it to the bank that you’re shit at politics.

The only thing that can save the Democrats in next week’s mid-terms is industrial-scale cheating.

November 3, 2022 8:29 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 3, 2022 8:32 am

Here you go Tom.

The Midterm Election Rigging is Underway (1 Nov, Daniel Greenfield)

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 3, 2022 8:37 am

The only thing that can save the Democrats in next week’s mid-terms is industrial-scale cheating.

Hallelujah. The demoncrats have been saved.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 3, 2022 8:39 am

November 3, 2022 at 12:25 am
…..the voters will not let their cars be taken away….

They won’t be – just replaced.

Time will tell I suppose but I stand by my comments that the decisions have already been made.

Germany decided some years to get rid of coal and nuclear generators.

Then they changed their collective minds, because egg on faces is better than heads on pikes.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 3, 2022 8:41 am


November 3, 2022 at 7:00 am

Mater, you are right, they know there will not be enough power and they are satisfied with that. You and I will be in the cold and dark and the elites will be in their fortified compounds.

And yet we had someone here yesterday telling us to lay off sticking the boots into Mike Cannon-Brookes.

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 8:42 am

Here is a tip for here everyone here about these so called Elections –

As Joseph Stalin said, “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”


November 3, 2022 8:46 am

industrial-scale cheating.

Of course. That’s why “election denial” will feature in the SOTU speech.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 3, 2022 8:51 am


November 3, 2022 at 7:46 am

Both my Aunt & Uncle got early onset dementia soon after getting the clotshots.

Is it possible they’re just pretending they don’t remember you?

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 3, 2022 8:53 am

November 3, 2022 at 7:00 am
Mater, you are right, they know there will not be enough power and they are satisfied with that. You and I will be in the cold and dark and the elites will be in their fortified compounds.

I always thought that the polite westerners will go along with it but the masses in the Third World may not but then I remember they already have those conditions and will not know how to fight for anything better.

The so-called “elites” may well come to regret importing large numbers of Third Worlders who have both become used to western lifestyles, and remember that violence gets results.

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 8:53 am

November 3, 2022 at 8:42 am
Dr. John Campbell, Excess Deaths continue

1800 excess deaths in UK every week. Excess deaths across all age groups. UK gov and media largely silent about this even though it is now thought that the indirect costs of pandemic measures will outweigh the direct costs of COVID itself.

Its the same here. You lose a million in the UK and who cares? There will still be well over 60 million left (or not right). You lose a few hundred thousand here a year and who will notice as Australia imports nearly 200,000 alleged Australians a year.


November 3, 2022 8:56 am

you live and learn

Grandson having sent to Nonna a short video of himself with a beating heart transposed on him, Nonna took awhile to get the message and replied “My beating heart loves you too” in text

Response was 😉 – Nonna had to ask her daughter what it meant – wink

searching 😉 comes up as ?

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 8:56 am

not notice I mean………………….As if the ‘Pollies’ would notice anything other than their obscene Pension Schemes going down the gurgler……………………..

November 3, 2022 8:58 am

interesting – original showed 😉 and emoji but when posted

showed emoji and ?

One day will understand how technology works

November 3, 2022 8:59 am

Ok emoji comes up 😉 instead of ; )

November 3, 2022 9:00 am

OldOzzie… 😛

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 9:00 am

So where is St Ruth, Montypox Virus and Head Case? Maybe too early in the morning as they get over their hangovers……………………………

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 3, 2022 9:02 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 3, 2022 at 7:53 am
Let me just say at the outset that the murder of Cassius Turvey is a tragedy however the only reason why his murder is front page news is because his alleged assailant is white.

The left in this country are trying to use it as our Georgina Floydina moment and shout, scream and screech “racism, racism, racism”.

If Cassius had been murdered by other indigenous, you’d be hearing crickets.

Much as in the US, where many, many times as many blacks are killed by other blacks, and a very small number by police, but the latter gets all the headlines.

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 9:02 am

And where is Jerky Crunt (JC) and Mrs Stncho Pantyhose? Still reading the Melbourne Cup form I guess……………………

November 3, 2022 9:03 am

Kind of hoping with the level of discussion about election cheating in the US the democheats have been put on notice and everyone else is scrutinising bigly.
But wringing hands also works.

November 3, 2022 9:03 am

A bit more from that article about the electric Ford Ute/Truck? As i said, the heavier the vehicle the more expensive batteries. This is for what is basically a big ute, real heavy vehicles carry a lot of weight and also tare out at very heavy as well. It will be a long time before (if ever) that battery is equal or better than diesel.

“If Payne’s truck had needed a battery pack replacement on that trip, it could have cost him more than $35,000!”

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 9:04 am

In a small town, a man just opened a small store selling trumpets and guns. One day his neighbour pays him a visit and says “So how is your strange business going?” “What do you mean ‘strange’?” “Because you sell only trumpets and guns!” “So?” “Well, let me put it this way, what do you sell the most, trumpets or guns?” “It evens itself out. Each time a customer buys a trumpet, one of his neighbours buys a gun”.

November 3, 2022 9:06 am

And in more safe/effective/lockdowns work and mandates were justified news…..

Covid has hit eight in 10 – At least two thirds of all adults and children have contracted Covid-19, according to blood tests, but the true figure is likely to be more than eight in 10 people.

The true figure is EVERYONE in the country was exposed, multiple multiple times, and either defeated it at the door, or got some degree of clinical illness. Its over – give it away.

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 9:06 am

Sentence first, verdict afterwards.

– Lewis Carroll

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 3, 2022 9:14 am

Arrest ’em, Charge ’em, find ’em guilty, try ’em, hang ’em


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 3, 2022 9:15 am

Saw that preformed, in Capetown, by an African choir. One of life’s experiences,

Johnny Rotten
November 3, 2022 9:16 am

Many People will Starve & Die from Freeze While Fighting Global Warming

From Armstrong Economics –


November 3, 2022 9:19 am

Knuckles at 8.18

And money too Knuckles, preferably attached to a sinecure that will keep it rolling in.
My guess is that the Hawthorn saga will end (or at least allow the AFL to “move on”) after mediation and a compensation payout. The reputation of the coaches will be protected by assertions that there had been misunderstandings due to lack of cultural awareness by lots of people.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 3, 2022 9:20 am

From the Oz, on the murder of Cassius Turvey. Words fail me, they honestly do.

Among those to speak at the Perth event was former Australian of the Year Professor Fiona Stanley, who had met Cassius at a community program before his death.

“All are joining us today to mourn Cassius, to comfort his family, and to hug and love each other as human beings,” she said.

“The life of a child is sacred. The death of a child is a tragedy.”

Professor Stanley said Cassius’ death was a reminder that racism was endemic in Australia and was evident in the divergent outcomes for Indigenous people in areas like health care, education, justice and child protection.

She used the event to issue a rallying call for the Indigenous voice referendum, which she said could give Indigenous people a greater say over their own destinies.

“We want those in power to listen to our First Nations brothers and sisters. They know what to do to keep kids strong, healthy and on track for a successful adulthood,” she said.

November 3, 2022 9:21 am

The true figure is EVERYONE in the country was exposed, multiple multiple times, and either defeated it at the door, or got some degree of clinical illness. Its over – give it away.


‘A new wave of Covid-19 infections is looming in New South Wales, the state’s chief health officer, Dr Kerry Chant, will warn on Thursday, with transmission of the virus predicted to increase in coming weeks.

It follows Victoria’s chief health officer, Prof Brett Sutton, making a similar announcement last week, with Omicron subvariants BQ.1 and XBB tipped to overtake BA.5 as the dominant variants throughout Australia.

Chant is expected on Thursday to reiterate the importance of getting booster doses…’

The Guardian Thu 3 Nov 2022 05.30 AEDT

November 3, 2022 9:21 am

The introduction of EVs is merely a means to make individual travel reliant on a government controlled/regulated monopoly (electricity), and, by extension, obtain the ability control peoples movement and choice.

Correct, but its bigger than that: they want *everything* electrified – heat, light, cooking, small engines (box already ticked in California) and for the same reasons – they control the supply of electricity, and its devilish difficult to store it.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 3, 2022 9:22 am

In the Oz this morning:

Anthony Albanese has vowed to broker short-term relief from soaring energy prices by consulting heavily with business and governments,

I’m hoping my comment gets up:

“One term Albo” will be his legacy if a) prices go through the roof, and they’re on the way there now, or b) the lights go out this winter.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 3, 2022 9:24 am


My understanding is that they didn’t even speak to Fagan or Clarke.

It is nothing more than another “story my Aunty told me”. “Culturally unsafe” what utter BS. Prediction- Fagan and Clarke will be coaching in 2023.

November 3, 2022 9:25 am

‘Family calls in the lawyers over Andrews’ crash

A young cyclist hit by Daniel Andrews’ car has aired explosive claims about the crash, alleging the car was “speeding” and that he’s been denied justice.’

Herald Sun paywalled

Iirc it was alleged Andrews’s wife was driving.

November 3, 2022 9:27 am

“Sounds like Israel has a lot of shy righties too.”

Israel lives with an existential threat, voters aren’t stupid.

And yet the great majority of them, both in Israel and the US, simply ‘followed orders’ this last nearly 3 years.

November 3, 2022 9:28 am

It’s pretty obvious Andrew’s suburban rail loop is part of the sinister plan to get plebs out of cars. Why else is Eblow handing over squillions of taxpayer’s hard earned?
People squished like bugs into trains will also come in handy for the next pandemic.

November 3, 2022 9:30 am

Parenting begins at home. One of the primary functions of parenting is teaching children how the world works.

This x 1000

I remain ever grateful that I managed to show my children how the world really works (hard work, saving, personal responsibility, individual reputation) which has given them the same healthy scepticism of government, experts and fiat currency that I have.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 3, 2022 9:30 am

former Australian of the Year Professor Fiona Stanley

Notorious soft Left political grandstander. Like all medicos, needs to stay in their lane.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 3, 2022 9:30 am

A young cyclist hit by Daniel Andrews’ car…

Look here. The car is just owned by Dan, he can’t be expected to monitor that fossil fuel beast 24 x 7.
So his car misbehaved and the police forget to breath test the vehicle. Simples.

November 3, 2022 9:30 am

Nice one making Israel over the last three years sound like a repeat of war time Germany.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 3, 2022 9:30 am

“We want those in power to listen to our First Nations brothers and sisters. They know what to do to keep kids strong, healthy and on track for a successful adulthood,” she said.

But hang on. Isn’t it the case that in those Outback “communities” which are run by “the elders” that all of the success performance indicators crash and burn through the floor?

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 3, 2022 9:34 am

Cyclist hit by Daniel Andrews’ car demands justice

A young cyclist hit by Daniel Andrews’ car has aired explosive claims about the crash, alleging the car was “speeding” and that he’s been denied justice.

A young man who almost died in a collision with Daniel Andrews’ car has engaged lawyers and is disputing the Premier and his wife’s claims about the circumstances of the crash.

Ryan Meuleman’s legal team last month requested ­access to documents the then teen signed in the aftermath of the January 2013 smash.

Now 24, Ryan says he was warned to never talk about the incident.

Speaking for the first time about the horror crash, Ryan says the Andrews’ car was “speeding” and “seemed to come out of nowhere” when he was struck aged 15 as he rode his bicycle across a road in Blairgowrie on the Mornington Peninsula.

As he lay on the ground screaming in agony, Ryan claims Mr Andrews and wife Catherine – who said she was driving the car – were “yelling at each other” and were slow in helping him.

“I saw the man and the woman looking down at me. I remember that they were standing next to me and looking down with horrific looks on their faces. They did not bend down to assist me,” he said.

Ryan – who suffered a punctured lung, broken ribs, internal bleeding and was left with just 10 per cent of his spleen – has also condemned the then-opposition leader for leaving the scene after calling triple-0.

Mr Andrews has said he needed to take his traumatised children, who were screaming, to their nearby holiday rental home before returning.

Police failed to use breathalysers at the scene and Ryan now says he never gave a police statement to detail his version of events.

Police documents detailing the Andrews’ claims about the circumstances of the crash – which have recently been ­obtained under Freedom of Information by the Meuleman family but cannot be made public – have added to their fury.

The Meulemans have also called for the reports to be publicly released.

Mr Andrews has previously insisted that it was Ryan’s bike that heavily hit their Ford Territory. “He was moving at speed, he absolutely T-boned the car, hit it at such force he was literally inside the car … he flew up over the car and hit the road,” Mr Andrews said in 2017.

But Ryan says the ­Andrews’ car was travelling too fast for the conditions before the impact, which was about 17m from the intersection where a small bike path meets the road.

“I was riding very slowly because it is difficult to pick up any speed along that stretch,” he said.

“The bike belonged to my sister. It was a girl’s bike … not a racer … I had a helmet on. I also had a backpack on as I was moving some personal things from one house to the other. There was also a mechanic’s bag full of tools that was attached to the back of the bike. This was another reason why I was travelling slowly and not able to pick up any speed.”

The Meulemans have recently engaged high-profile lawyer George Defteros to ­explore their legal options in relation to the incident.

Ryan secured an $80,000 compensation payout from the Transport Accident Commission, to be paid after his 18th birthday. But the family has raised concerns about the process.

Neither he nor his mother Sonia Johnstone, who were dealing with major law firm Slater & Gordon at the time, can recall how the firm had been engaged.

Ryan’s parents had separated prior to the crash, and his dad Peter Meuleman said he had not been privy to compensation negotiations.

Ryan said: “I was basically told that I could go to court (to contest the TAC payment) but that he (Daniel Andrews) is a pretty powerful man … and if I just take this money now then I wouldn’t have to worry about it and would definitely get the money, but once I signed the contract then I would have to keep quiet about it and that’s it, it’s done,” he said.

“I basically had to keep my mouth shut. It sort of scared me into signing straight away and just agreeing with it. It’s something you don’t forget.”

Ms Johnstone said: “It was just … ‘If you do decide to speak then you won’t get the money’.”

Before the crash, Ryan said he had been riding from his father’s house to his mother’s place during the school holidays on a “sandy, gravel footpath”.

“As I came up to the bitumen in Ridley St … I slowed down. I did not come to a complete stop, but I was travelling very slowly,” Ryan said.

“I put my left foot down onto the gravel section and I moved forward slightly so that I could look to my left and to my right once again.

“I had moved forward onto the bitumen when all of a sudden I was struck to my left- hand side by a car that seemed to come out of nowhere.

“Although I did not see where the car had come from, it must have been travelling fast …

“I know that it is about 20m from the stop sign. The car that struck me full-on did not apply brakes. There was no screeching of tyres. I did not see it coming.

“It was a massive loud impact. I remember spinning in the air. I remember hitting the windscreen of the car. I experienced enormous pain and trauma to my body and was thrown some distance away from the car.

“I began to scream in pain … I continued to scream because of the pain that was getting worse and worse …

“I remember that it wasn’t until neighbours came out and my sister had appeared that someone had come to my immediate assistance.

“Someone put a towel above my head to shield me from the sun.”

In 2017, Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) investigated the police’s response, including the failure to deploy a breathalyser in the aftermath of the crash.

Then-Victoria Police Commissioner Graham Ashton said the officers who did not breathalyse Mr Andrews’ wife – who had said she was driving the Ford Territory – simply “mucked up” at the busy scene.

IBAC clarified at the time that it was “not investigating the incident or the conduct of the Premier Mr Andrews, or any member of his family”.

Ryan spent 11 days at the Royal Children’s Hospital, before being visited by two uniformed police on the day he arrived home.

He said he was unable to speak to the officers because there had been “tubes removed from my throat”.

“They did not come back at any time thereafter to get a statement from me,” he said.

A recent reassessment of the accident conducted for the family by a traffic engineer asserts that it is “highly unlikely that the cyclist was travelling at high speed”.

Ryan has endured a troubled life since the accident. He ran away from home before a period of substance abuse and depression.

“I have suffered from severe mental health issues, which I believe are as a result of this incident and its aftermath,” he said.

But he is now fighting back, studying a mechanics course at TAFE and helping his dad race cars.

He said he felt he had been “used as a pawn” and has “never been able to tell my side of the story properly”.

“I feel that I never really got any justice,” he added.

Mr Andrews has said that his family had been returning to their Blairgowrie holiday rental after a morning at the beach just after 1pm on January 7, 2013 when his wife made a right turn.

He has described the crash as “one of the most sickening, awful things that I have ever experienced”.

“The sound of him hitting the car, the sound of the children screaming in the back of the car will never leave me or Catherine,” he said in 2017.

Herald-Sun – article not allowing comments

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
November 3, 2022 9:35 am

If the price of a good is out of reach for folks then it’s out of reach

True, BUT to get take-up the stupid stupid government will subsidise the EVs down to manageable levels.
So the full cost will be shared between the buyer and the taxpayers.
Australia has a history of making cars affordable, and IIRC WA has already started on cash giveaways to EV buyers.

November 3, 2022 9:36 am

“One term Albo” will be his legacy if a) prices go through the roof, and they’re on the way there now, or b) the lights go out this winter.

Meanwhile, one of four generating units at Callide power station in central QLD has been taken off-line due to a structural failure damaging two cooling towers.

The union boss says the incident happened because they were pumping too much water through the cooling system as the unit’s generating capacity was being boosted to meet increased demand during the recent hot spell.

This is the second such incident at the plant in two years. The rebuild of the unit damaged in the first incident is not yet complete.

The power station, which supplies baseload power to the national grid, is owned and operated by the QLD government through CS Energy.

Safe hands, comrades.

November 3, 2022 9:38 am

The main stream media is currently awash with articles from prominent journalists on how the global warming threat less than we thought.

Yes, yes, they’ve moved on to supporting the current thing – sadly I use the MSM little and social media not at all, so I’m a bit in the dark about what that is.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 3, 2022 9:41 am

Iirc it was alleged Andrews’s wife was driving.

Two things.
Apparently she would not have been able to reach the pedals from the seat position.
And the cops attending “forgot” to breath test anyone. Standard practice at any accident scene where someone is hospitalised and would have been drummed into every recruit from day one.

November 3, 2022 9:41 am

TE – the full headline in my daily Oz email:

Albanese drives relief from energy prices
Anthony Albanese vows to broker short-term relief from soaring energy costs by consulting heavily with business and governments

I’m at a loss as to how anyone (even a braindead lamestream meeja j’ismist) could write that with a straight face. Probably composed by a bot.

I’ve just been granted some “short term relief” from (No) Energy Australia on my last gas bill for the year – which is preventing me trying to calculate how much the gas bill went up in 2022 compared to 2021. Unlike my annual electrickery bill (which went up 1.12% in 2022) the gas bill looks likely to have gone up by between 30% to 40%. The final gas bill is normally due around 10 November each year, but apparently they won’t email the bill until around Tuesday next week, with twenty days to then pay it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 3, 2022 9:43 am

Aboriginal mothers know racism well Hannah McGlade
Cassius Turvey.
Cassius Turvey.

11:00PM November 2, 2022

Candlelight vigils and rallies across Australia following the horrific attack on Noongar children and the death of young Cassius Turvey have highlighted racism in Australia as alive and well, with our innocent children being most vulnerable. In the wake of this horrific violence, we must ask ourselves, what must now be done to prevent this violence in future?

Anthony Albanese powerfully recognised what happened to Cassius and the other Noongar children attacked on the street of Midland. This was a racial attack, he said, imploring Australians to remember “We are a better country”. The Prime Minister’s words were especially meaningful to the Noongar community, which has been terribly traumatised.

We must be a better country, and we can start even just by listening to Aboriginal mothers and children. We know racism well; our grandmothers were forced to hide children from governments that inflicted unimaginable cruelty in the name of “civilisation”.

As mothers, we know our children continue to experience racism; it can happen anywhere at any time. Our kids can be watched walking the streets and shops, experience exclusion and bullying in schools, and even be subjected to racial profiling from the police. The impact on them is serious and can include trauma and mental health distress.

Some years ago, I was working with UNICEF developing a children’s version of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Noongar children told me about the racism they experienced, even being followed in shops buying a loaf of bread for mum. We know this is real and can speak from lived experience. I remember my son walking home from primary school with his cousin when they were stopped by police, just for throwing grass seeds in the air. And on Australia Day when I warned him not to go out, knowing we are especially at risk, the bottle thrown at his face for no reason. I’ve even seen children angrily shouted at for no reason as they played in dirt outside an exclusive tennis club.

This is the ugly face of racism and hate, and it must stop. Our children deserve better and we as a country must do better.

Racism unaddressed grows, it can also become violent and even deadly. In 1991 the Human Rights Commission undertook a national inquiry into racist violence and found that for Aboriginal people it was “widespread” and “endemic”. The inquiry recommended Australia monitor race hate crimes, and prosecute racial violence as hate crimes. Governments largely ignored this critical inquiry of three decades ago. However, change is on the horizon, with the Queensland government recently committing to introduce race hate crimes in parliament, and South Australia soon to follow.

In Western Australia, the Criminal Code was amended so that racism will be an aggravating circumstance in relation to assault offences, but we question whether this law is being given any effect. And surely the crimes of murder where racism exists must be treated as especially heinous.

Australia remains deep in its denial of racism. In the aftermath of this shocking attack, the Police Commissioner and Premier said we must “not speculate”. The children attacked spoke of racial slurs being used but we are told to be quiet. This helps no one; it only harms our people.

The ugly truth is many Aboriginal children are dying from racism.

Led by Albanese and Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney, Australia has now committed to a process of nation building that seeks to heal the wounds of the past. Building on the reconciliation commitment and outstanding Aboriginal business of treaty, we will be called to vote in a national referendum for a constitutionally entrenched Aboriginal voice to parliament.

We need a voice about racism and racist violence. It’s very real, the violence must stop. We need the voice, now more than ever. For our children’s sake, and for our ­future as a nation.

Hannah McGlade, from the Kurin Minang people, is an associate professor at Curtin law school and a member of the UN Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues.

Cassie of Sydney
November 3, 2022 9:45 am

“and that he’s been denied justice.”

Ask Cardinal Pell about “justice in Victoria”.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 3, 2022 9:45 am

You lot, should stop blaming Dan for everythink.
Heez dun nuffink rong.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 3, 2022 9:47 am

The Chairman’s wife’s accident is about as believable as the Pelosi hammer incident. Victoriastan is a cesspit.

November 3, 2022 9:49 am

See my post at 0200 about Courier Mail article. It was hyping the danger of new variant to Christmas gatherings and pushing booster.

“Chant is expected on Thursday to reiterate the importance of getting booster doses…’”

The push is on to get more boosters into those holding out.

They are despicable scum.

Rosie mentioned research about effectiveness of Novovax. Research is out of South Africa. That is weird as Wikipedia (several weeks ago) said initial trials of Novovax were only 50% effective whereas they claimed 95% in UK trials.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 3, 2022 9:50 am

Via Zulu

“We want those in power to listen to our First Nations brothers and sisters. They know what to do to keep kids strong, healthy and on track for a successful adulthood,” she said.

Surely Perfesser Stanley jests. Or else she is the very epitome of an ivory tower wackademic.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 3, 2022 9:53 am

The idea that any driver was not breathalysed at an accident attended by police is laughable. Or criminal.

November 3, 2022 9:54 am

Mr Andrews has previously insisted that it was Ryan’s bike that heavily hit their Ford Territory. “He was moving at speed, he absolutely T-boned the car, hit it at such force he was literally inside the car … he flew up over the car and hit the road,” Mr Andrews said in 2017.

I did 2 years full time as an accident investigator at Adelaide University’s Road Accident Research Unit. If the impact was as forceful as described, there would be clear forensic evidence on boy, bike and car showing the exact orientation of the 2 vehicles at the time (ie did car hit bike or bike hit car?). Car exteriors are quite soft and there would have been dents, abrasions etc in the panels.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 3, 2022 9:56 am

Greta Thunberg, the left’s favourite doom goblin, this week turned up in London to tell adoring followers that the real problem wasn’t climate change but wicked capitalism.

I recall she went on that trip to try to embarrass Trump at the UN, travelling to the US on a boat that only capitalism could have created.

(Funny how the only areas of socialist economies that pursue innovation are the ones where they are in direct competition with capitalist countries, eg. space and rocket, military and weapons technology. Look at the gap in domestic achievements between the West and the Soviet Union, or even China up until a few years ago. China now is unusual as they are trying to hit the American economy with their own. If America foundered does anyone think the Chinese would continue to develop new ideas for their own sake?)

Also remember those pictures of Greta riding the train on her way back home, her own private cabin, grinning from ear to ear, and surrounded by such piles of fast food packaging that it looked more like the back seat of a stoners car than a train?

She would be part of that happy class of leftists who wants communism but never imagines themselves toiling on a factory floor or crunching numbers that mean nothing to them to produce other numbers that mean nothing to them. Big offices, fawning secretaries, and the eternal thanks of a grateful people is what they dream of.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
November 3, 2022 9:57 am

If you claim that your grandchild suffers from this malaise, then perhaps it may be time to have a chat with your grown offspring.

Yes, the MSM and teachers stepped in to fill a vaccuum.
However I’d disagree with the skinny noodle-armed elbow-patchers description of teachers. Many have very strong woke opinions and hurl them into all sorts of settings at school, and are backed by woke curricula.

November 3, 2022 9:57 am

If the price of a good is out of reach for folks then it’s out of reach

True, BUT to get take-up the stupid stupid government will subsidise the EVs down to manageable levels.

That seems to be the current plan for dealing with unaffordable electricity bills.


incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 3, 2022 9:58 am

Car exteriors are quite soft …

Human exteriors are softer.

“Excuse me dear, I think you have something squelchy stuck in the tyre tread.”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 3, 2022 9:59 am

Greta Thunberg, the left’s favourite doom goblin

Has anyone ever seen Greta Thunberg and Grace Tame, together?

November 3, 2022 10:00 am

The Chairman’s wife’s accident is about as believable as the Pelosi hammer incident. Victoriastan is a cesspit.

At least Pelosi was breathalysed and subsequently charged & sentenced after his car accident earlier this year.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 3, 2022 10:02 am

Weather in Sydney for the last couple of days has been exactly as expected by the climate models.

I don’t mean it agrees with the climate models. Just that when they predict something you know what instead to expect.

November 3, 2022 10:05 am

Rosie mentioned research about effectiveness of Novovax. Research is out of South Africa. That is weird as Wikipedia (several weeks ago) said initial trials of Novovax were only 50% effective whereas they claimed 95% in UK trials.

1) the 95% claims (even if you believe the numbers) were fraudulent in that they reflected a fall in RELATIVE infection rates whereas the ACTUAL infection rate fell from ‘minimal’ to ‘less than minimal’ in the trials
2) Given todays admission in the Oz that 80% of Australians had antibody evidence of COVID infection – clearly NONE of the measures taken (Vax, lockdowns, masks etc) ultimately made a jot of difference.

This was predictable from first principles – respiratory illness enters the body via the respiratory tract, hence you need your defences (antibodies, lymphocytes cilia, mucus etc) on that beach if you are to be protected. Injecting your vaxxine is equivalent to setting up your beach defences 1000 miles away, around your capital – they CANNOT prevent the invaders getting ashore and over-running your country.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 3, 2022 10:05 am

VicPlod in it up to its eyeballs. Again.

November 3, 2022 10:06 am

She would be part of that happy class of leftists who wants communism but never imagines themselves toiling on a factory floor…

Factories won’t exist in Greta’s utopia; she’s a negative growth nut.

Her personal wealth is estimated at USD$2m; not bad for a 19 y.o. who’s never worked a day in her life (did she ever graduate from high school?).

Her new book will boost that further. She’s learned well from her original corporate sponsors in the Swedish renrewables game.

It’s not called the great climate swindle for nothing.

November 3, 2022 10:07 am

I think I just figured why Musk wants to charge 8 bucks for some Twitter users. I think he wants to kill the bots.

November 3, 2022 10:09 am

‘Lights would go out’ under Cannon-Brookes’ 1.5 degree target: AGL

Angela Macdonald-Smith
Senior resources writer

AGL Energy chairman Patricia McKenzie said the faster closure of coal power plants as demanded by the company’s biggest shareholder Mike Cannon-Brookes is just not possible because replacement capacity cannot be built in time to keep the lights on and prevent prices shooting higher.

Writing in The Australian Financial Review on Thursday, Ms McKenzie said that aligning AGL with a 1.5 degree warming pathway would require the closure of all the company’s coal power generations by at least mid-2029 and for all coal plants in the National Electricity Market to shut by two years later.

That would require 98 gigawatts of new supply to be built by 2030, compared to 2.2 GW on average over the last five years.

“Simply put, we do not consider that the replacement renewable generation, firming and supporting transmission can be built quickly enough and this would put an unacceptable pressure on energy security and affordability,” Ms McKenzie writes.

The comments come as Mr Cannon-Brookes’ Grok Ventures gained more powerful allies in his campaign to overhaul the board and ensure AGL, the country’s biggest coal power generator and CO2 emitter, goes on the fast-track to decarbonisation.

The support from key proxy advisers Institutional Shareholder Services and Ownership Matters for most or all of the candidates put forward by Grok makes it more likely his picks for directors will get elected at the November 15 annual shareholder meeting.

It also represents a further blow to Ms McKenzie, who was dealt a double-whammy from ISS, which highlighted “governance concerns” in relation to her role, given her previous support for the now-abandoned demerger.

Standing by the board

Grok put forward four “independent” directors to enlarge the skill-set of the existing five-strong AGL board, arguing their candidates have important expertise needed to help steer the embattled electricity supplier through the transition to clean energy.

Duty to shareholders

November 3, 2022 10:14 am

This is latest scare article from Courier Mail. Title is Covid for Christmas.

Queensland Covid cases predicted to explode over Christmas holidays
Experts fear pre-holiday celebrations could become superspreader events with warnings of a new Covid wave in Queensland just in time for Christmas.
Infectious diseases experts are urging Queenslanders to take extra precautions in coming weeks with fears Covid cases will explode over the Christmas holidays.

Despite Queensland’s Covid-19 public health emergency ending on October 31, University of Sydney infectious diseases expert Professor Robert Booy said people should be still looking at downsizing their gatherings to avoid spreading the virus.

“Whenever there are events, with lots of humans, milling together in crowds for extended periods, you have the potential for a super spreader event, Christmas to New Year, big examples” he said.

“The practical approach in Queensland is to have smaller events for shorter periods and based outside instead of inside and if anyone is symptomatic that they should be wearing a mask, and if anyone is vulnerable because of age, or immunosuppression, they should also wear a mask”.
Professor Booy’s warning comes after Covid cases in Victoria increased by nearly 25 per cent in just a week.

Another wave of coronavirus is taking hold in Australia according to health authorities, driven by two new variants of Covid-19.

The new variants, named XBB and BQ. 1, have been detected in New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia, with cases and hospitalisations rising after what had been months of declines.
“Covid is still a killer, and it kills far more vulnerable people than influenza so, taking precautions is wise” Prof Booy said.

Queensland Health reported 4447 new cases of Covid-19 from October 20-26, with 105 people in hospital and 18 Covid-related deaths.
Another cause of potential Covid outbreaks throughout the Christmas period is the number of Australians not being up to date with their booster vaccines, University of Queensland’s infectious diseases expert Professor Griffin revealed.

“Most concerning is our uptake of boosters has actually been slower than the increasing eligibility of people, so our proportion of people up to date with their vaccines is actually declining” he said.

Professor Booy has even said Aussies have become overly complacent in regards to Covid boosters.

“Australians are undoubtedly complacent, they’re bored, they’re burnt out, they want to move on, but Covid hasn’t moved on, and people can’t make a virus move on” he said.

“If you haven’t had a booster for six months, and you’re vulnerable, make sure you get the appropriate booster for your age band.”
Just days after chief health officer Dr John Gerrard, confirmed the state will respond to Covid-19 with a new traffic light system, Professor Griffin said the new relaxed approach wouldn’t adequately protect Queenslanders.

“It’s clear, there is going to continue to be a risk with Covid in the community, and the drivers of the risk at the moment include that new sub-variants that are circulating, X BB and BQ, in particular, as well as whatever new sub-variants emerge over the coming weeks” he said.
“And then coupled that with the fact that all their strategies to control this virus have been wound back recently, so we obviously have reductions in mask wearing in mandatory isolation, for example.

“My concern is that lack of preparedness as we’re quite quickly winding a lot of things back as we’re seeing the emergence of new variants that are likely to be challenging, we just need to keep our basic level of preparedness at a level that keeps us safe,

“And I’m just concerned, we might not necessarily be doing that.”

Professor Booy said despite fears of a Christmas wave in Queensland, he was confident mutations will slow down over the next year.

“There’s every possibility of having outbreaks, because we’ve got crowding of large numbers in small spaces” he said.
“Having said that, the Covid-19 virus is running out of new ways to mutate and change to make it more transmissible and less prone to antibody attack.,

“So we have the real hope that Covid disease will be better next year, provided a new variant doesn’t arise in the next few weeks and months”.

The experts consensus seems to be 80% had Covid so far so how are boosters stopping the spread ? Note again no mention of ages of those dying. Clearly deliberate.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 3, 2022 10:14 am

“The sound of him hitting the car, the sound of the children screaming in the back of the car will never leave me or Catherine,” he said in 2017.

Tells you everything you need to know about the khunt.

November 3, 2022 10:16 am

Cyclist hit by Daniel Andrews’ car demands justice

Another version…”the car went in”.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 3, 2022 10:17 am

industrial-scale cheating.

We just aren’t seeing what is necessary for that which is a huge volume of mail-in voting.

That is how it seems to me as well. They got away with it last time because the scale was so overwhelming and the brazenness so open.

People are ready for those tactics now. Especially considering the places they had to cheat last time were places they would not have won otherwise i.e. places voting red. Those areas will have plenty of volunteers ready to pounce on anything shifty.

If the Democrats are going to do anything to steal the election it will have to be creative and unexpected – or at least outside the ballot box, like declaring an emergency or pretending MAGA people have corrupted and invalidated the process.

November 3, 2022 10:17 am

Oh. I see. Andrews reckons “the bike went in”.

November 3, 2022 10:27 am

Just days after chief health officer Dr John Gerrard, confirmed the state will respond to Covid-19 with a new traffic light system, Professor Griffin said the new relaxed approach wouldn’t adequately protect Queenslanders.

I remember Griffin on ABC radio saying people shouldn’t visit their relatives in hospital.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 3, 2022 10:28 am

calli says:
November 3, 2022 at 10:17 am

5 times

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 3, 2022 10:29 am

The Chairman’s wife’s accident is about as believable as the Pelosi hammer incident. Victoriastan is a cesspit.

Remember this was 2013 and Hunchback was opposition leader, which just demonstrates how far back and how deep the corruption has been.
Maybe the attending cops didn’t get a nudge.
Maybe they just knew.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 3, 2022 10:31 am

I thought that issue was dead and buried.

November 3, 2022 10:31 am

Remember this was 2013 and Hunchback was opposition leader, which just demonstrates how far back and how deep the corruption has been.

The cyclist says he was told Andrews was “a very powerful man.”

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 3, 2022 10:32 am

I did 2 years full time as an accident investigator at Adelaide University’s Road Accident Research Unit. If the impact was as forceful as described, there would be clear forensic evidence on boy, bike and car showing the exact orientation of the 2 vehicles at the time (ie did car hit bike or bike hit car?). Car exteriors are quite soft and there would have been dents, abrasions etc in the panels.

If (and it’s a big “if”) a proper investigation was conducted, there will be many photos of the scene, the car, the bike and anything else that seemed likely to be relevant. A subpoena to Vic Stasi, asking for these would be very revealing, particularly if they “unfortunately cannot be located”.

November 3, 2022 10:32 am
November 3, 2022 10:32 am

“Excuse me dear, I think you have something squelchy stuck in the tyre tread.”

FWIW, Contrary to popular parlance, people are hardly ever ‘run over’ – they are usually ‘run under’ because their COG is higher than the bonnet edge. Their injuries mainly come from forceful upper body rotation into the vehicle structure.

Even if you are hit by a flat fronted bus, you get rapidly accelerated up to the speed of the bus, then thrown onto the ground some distance in front (now travelling at the same velocity as the bus). By this time, the bus is usually braking, and it decelerates more rapidly than you do (its braking co-efficient of friction being greater than yours as you slide along the road).

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
November 3, 2022 10:34 am

A guide from NZ’s security services details dozens of indicators that a friend or family member could be planning a terror attack.

From the roolly serious document –

Makes dehumanising, hostile or violent statements against individuals or groups they perceive as ‘the enemy’ or the ‘other’.

So, it’s the gummint?

Uses fake names, aliases or pseudonyms when online or within specific communities.

So, it’s you lot with yer fake names?

Sells or disposes of personal belongings unexpectedly, or with urgency,

I was just trying to pay my electricity bill, officer.

Withdraws from or abandons close relationships.

I was in home isolation against my will, officer?

Stops participating in regular and established commitments.

It was the Convid rules, officer.

Helps fund other violent extremist causes.

It was income tax, officer.

Becomes involved in a group whose members are violent extremists or where extremist ideas are discussed.

I applied for a job with VicPol, officer.

Donates money to violent extremist figures or causes

It was my union subscription, officer.

November 3, 2022 10:35 am

QLD CHO John Gerrard isn’t perfect, but his “keep calm and carry on” approach is a breath of fresh air compared to the putrid regime of the former incumbent.

November 3, 2022 10:36 am

I think I just figured why Musk wants to charge 8 bucks for some Twitter users. I think he wants to kill the bots.

Yes, he has stated this.

November 3, 2022 10:36 am

Excess deaths continue
Dr. John Campbell

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
November 3, 2022 10:37 am

I’m off to editing school. You lot will work it out.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 3, 2022 10:37 am

The U.S. invasion of Haiti could start in days not weeks

Haha, no. Biden is planning to move Haitian illegal immigrants to Gitmo though.

White House weighs housing surge of migrants at Guantanamo Bay or third country: Report (31 Oct)

The Biden administration is considering transporting Haitian migrants seeking to enter the United States illegally to migrant detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay or a third country ahead of an anticipated rush, according to a report.

The White House National Security Council and federal departments are bracing for a potential rush of people to the U.S. by boat or on foot amid worsening violence and gang control of the Caribbean island, NBC News reported Sunday.

That lets him free the rest of the nice beardies and fill the place up with people the Dems don’t seem to like for some reason I haven’t yet worked out.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 3, 2022 10:37 am

November 3, 2022 at 10:17 am
Oh. I see. Andrews reckons “the bike went in”.

The “bike went in” so hard that Dirty Dan assures us that the rider “was literally inside the car … he flew up over the car and hit the road,”.

How he went from “literally inside the car ” to fly “up over the car and hit the road,” was not explained.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 3, 2022 10:43 am

November 3, 2022 at 10:32 am

I’ve been “run over”. It is most uncomfortable.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 3, 2022 10:44 am

Candlelight vigils and rallies across Australia following the horrific attack on Noongar children and the death of young Cassius Turvey have highlighted racism in Australia as alive and well

This can only prove that it happened to one kid, not that it happens regularly. Nor that it happened to the kid because he was Aboriginal.

It is almost as radical as saying ‘all lives matter’ in the US, to say that the guy who killed the kid should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Besides, if racists discover that assaulting or killing black kids will see you treated as badly as if it was a white kid, then the discouragement will be the same. And any stubborn racists who still terrorise black kids will be punished more than one that just sat at home blaming Aborigines for his marriage failing, the hot water running out, and grumbling to his mates about how unfair it is that you can only whinge about it.

The only objection can be that the institutions are racist, not the people. But in that case you would have to make a case and have to defend it – instead of just broadbrush insulting people hoping a weak politician will whiff an opportunity for going on the telly.

November 3, 2022 10:46 am

“Covid is still a killer, and it kills far more vulnerable people than influenza so, taking precautions is wise” Prof Booy said.

if Perfessor Booy (or should that be Boetjie? 😉 really wants to associate COVID and Influenza, he needs to note that:

1) Flu shots were pushed on the well for decades ‘to protect grandma’ – and they failed at that
2) Flu mutates so rapidly that vaxxines often fail to work *at the time they are given* and certainly lose effectiveness a year or 2 after that.

“Australians are undoubtedly complacent, they’re bored, they’re burnt out, they want to move on, but Covid hasn’t moved on, and people can’t make a virus move on” he said.

COVID ‘moves on’ so rapidly that even within ONE person with a clinical infection, there are *multiple* variants. It moved on so rapidly that the the original plan (to get the WUHAN spike into everyone via natural infection) had to be replaced by Plan B (to get it into people via injection).

It is the ‘experts’ who need to move on.

November 3, 2022 10:47 am

The Biden administration is considering transporting Haitian migrants seeking to enter the United States illegally to migrant detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay or a third country…

And just like that offshore processing was acceptable.

November 3, 2022 10:48 am

“Having said that, the Covid-19 virus is running out of new ways to mutate and change to make it more transmissible and less prone to antibody attack.

So, soon to die out like the flu then?

November 3, 2022 10:52 am

If (and it’s a big “if”) a proper investigation was conducted, there will be many photos of the scene, the car, the bike and anything else that seemed likely to be relevant.

Given the crash involved
1) a child
2) serious injury
3) a ‘prominent person’

you can *guarantee* that a thorough accident investigation was done – then buried.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 3, 2022 10:53 am

‘Lights would go out’ under Cannon-Brookes’ 1.5 degree target: AGL

Wow if Loose-Cannon has lost AGL, which is as climate bedwetting as a company can be, then he must be really on the nose amongst the hoi polloi of the investment world. Maybe this anti-ESG stuff is getting real.

Speaking of being on the nose, maybe Mike should stop washing. For the planet.

Why you do NOT need to shower each morning… or ever again! Hygiene expert insists washing yourself is ‘really unimportant’ (just be prepared to stink!) (1 Nov, via Instapundit)

according to one hygiene expert, bathing every day is ‘really not important’ and does not need to be done ever.

Professor Sally Bloomfield, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said the only reason we do it is to be ‘socially acceptable’ by warding off ‘nasty’ body odour.

Last week, Amou Haji, nicknamed the ‘world’s dirtiest man’ because he did not wash for nearly seven decades, died at the age of 94 in Iran.

And Professor Bloomfield, who endorsed the Government’s handwashing campaign during the Covid pandemic, implied there was nothing wrong with his lifestyle from a hygiene perspective.

She said washing too much could strip the body of its self-regulating microbiome — the microorganisms that live in our body and help control oil levels on skin. In theory, dermatologists say it may leave skin more susceptible to irritants.

Despite her claims, Professor Bloomfield admitted that she still showers every day to keep her hair looking ‘reasonable’.

I don’t want to be downwind of her when she gets around to making a principled stand for Gaia.

Winston Smith
November 3, 2022 10:54 am

Old School Conservative:

You have forgotten the heavy, visible hand of Big Government who will probably ban the sale of new ICE vehicles, ban the use of second hand ICE vehicles, tax petrol out of reach, mandate the use of electric cars, subsidise EV manufacture, and “nudge” the population into accepting the high price of EVs.

One further way to limit the ability of government to nudge the people would be a taxation limit of 10% of ?GNP?GDP? and no ability to extract more by the dodgy ways you describe above.
The reason the country is in so much financial strife is because there are no effective limits on government taxing. We need to work out a way to do this.

November 3, 2022 10:58 am

I’ve been “run over”. It is most uncomfortable.

Is it a bad time to add – there are 2 main exceptions to the ‘rarely run over’ principle:

1) when the victim is *already* lying on the road – usually due to extreme intoxication (more common than you might think) or having been previously struck
2) when the victim is of very short stature, eg a toddler.


November 3, 2022 11:03 am

Wow if Loose-Cannon has lost AGL…

He’ll have to gain control of it.

He’s our reverse Elon Musk, using his fortune for evil purposes.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
November 3, 2022 11:04 am

November 3, 2022 at 9:36 am
“One term Albo” will be his legacy if a) prices go through the roof, and they’re on the way there now, or b) the lights go out this winter.

Meanwhile, one of four generating units at Callide power station in central QLD has been taken off-line due to a structural failure damaging two cooling towers.

The union boss says the incident happened because they were pumping too much water through the cooling system as the unit’s generating capacity was being boosted to meet increased demand during the recent hot spell.

This is the second such incident at the plant in two years. The rebuild of the unit damaged in the first incident is not yet complete.

The power station, which supplies baseload power to the national grid, is owned and operated by the QLD government through CS Energy.

Safe hands, comrades.

While I am a fan of nuclear energy, maybe it would be better if we don’t go there until we can guarantee that we don’t have an socialist f’wits running the plants? Chernobyl 2.0 anyone?

Yes, I know modern reactors are much safer and closer to idiot-proof but we are dealing with Terminator levels of idiocy.

November 3, 2022 11:04 am

Internal Worms Error…again.

Take ivermectin please WordPress.

Winston Smith
November 3, 2022 11:06 am


I was present during the ‘hitting her’ episode and it was exactly the opposite – she went for him in with terrible schizoid ferocity, he was sitting on a bed and merely raised his arms to fend off her blows.

Until you see those episodes, it’s very difficult to imagine how devastating they can be emotionally – and how difficult it is to believe what you are seeing is really happening.
The part that really grates is – as you say – the Feminazis, who infest institutions for the single reason of carrying out their own agenda of stirring up issues beyond any hope of recovery.
They are very difficult to identify as they are usually mentally unwell themselves and cunningly manipulative. They also tend to bully the other staff and form cliques that protect each other.

November 3, 2022 11:06 am

One further way to limit the ability of government to nudge the people would be a taxation limit of 10% of ?GNP?GDP? and no ability to extract more by the dodgy ways you describe above. The reason the country is in so much financial strife is because there are no effective limits on government taxing. We need to work out a way to do this.

You would have to include restricting the inflation tax to make this work. The current $644 billion budget included a deficit of 38 billion dollars (rising to 44 next financial year), paid for by borrowing and printing. Government is already partially funding itself without taxation – there is no reason why it could not fully do so if it had to – indeed this is becoming the preferred method nowadays – squawking of geese and all that.

November 3, 2022 11:06 am

Even Greenpeace has finally acknowledged the truth: Recycling plastic makes no sense.

This has been obvious for decades to anyone who crunched the numbers, but the fantasy of recycling plastic proved irresistible to generations of environmentalists and politicians.

They preached it to children, mandated it for adults and bludgeoned municipalities and virtue-signaling corporations into wasting vast sums — probably hundreds of billions of dollars worldwide — on an enterprise that has been harmful to the environment as well as to humanity.

the wife dutifully collects recycling, which I then dutifully place in the normal bin.

November 3, 2022 11:08 am

Trudeau says Canadians ‘have to intervene’ somehow in Haiti, convenes incident group

“It’s just not acceptable that there’s a country called Hatey”, Mr. Trudeau said.

“As Canadians, we must do something about this.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 3, 2022 11:09 am

I used to wear a helmet when bicycling before it was compulsory. Saw a car turn right across a bicycle going down a hill. Cyclist straight across the bonnet and flew 5 or 6 meters. Had a few crashes myself, nothing serious. The funniest was when I was trying to sharpen my golf pencil on the front wheel. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

November 3, 2022 11:11 am

He’s our reverse Elon Musk, using his fortune for evil purposes.

There are no good guys, remember that.

November 3, 2022 11:13 am

November 3, 2022 at 11:11 am
He’s our reverse Elon Musk, using his fortune for evil purposes.

There are no good guys, remember that.

Society loves money so much that they believe that the Rich are somehow more virtuous than the common man.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 3, 2022 11:15 am

The farce is strong in this one.

A Detail in the Paul Pelosi Attack Story Makes No Sense (1 Nov)

Here is a direct quote from the court filing:

“DEPAPE stated that they went downstairs to the front door. The police arrived and knocked on the door, and Pelosi ran over and opened it. Pelosi grabbed onto DEPAPE’s hammer, which was in DEPAPE’s hand. At this point in the interview, DEPAPE repeated that DEPAPE did not plan to surrender and that he would go “through” Pelosi.”

So, let me get this straight. Assuming that DePape is giving an accurate account, when the police arrived, Mr. Pelosi was in a position to run to the door. But instead of running out to safety, Pelosi reengaged with DePape, who had a hammer and was going to attack him with it?

Does that pass the smell test for you?

Maybe DePape stopped having showers to save Gaia. And the hammer may’ve self-identified as a dildo, you never know these days. Meanwhile:

Galactic Empire Requests Amnesty For Anyone Who May Have Gotten Carried Away And Blown Up A Planet (2 Nov)

I was cleaning my Death Star and it accidentally went off, yer Honour.

November 3, 2022 11:16 am

The reason the country is in so much financial strife is because there are no effective limits on government taxing.

the administrative state raises vast additional sums through fees and fines. the entire government enterprise is awash with cash. some of which is diverted to left wing groups through grants.
the administrative state must be pared back to its core functions and its rules and regulations and powers dramatically curtailed. its ability to support left wing causes through grants must be abolished. many gov depts demand corporates have DEI policy in order to bid on gov contracts, this should be illegal.

GDP must exclude government spending. it isnt real earned spending since it is decoupled from earnings.

November 3, 2022 11:19 am

There are no good guys, remember that.

Society loves money so much that they believe that the Rich are somehow more virtuous than the common man.

Sheesh…don’t overthink it.

Maybe I need to use emojis.

November 3, 2022 11:21 am

Even Greenpeace has finally acknowledged the truth: Recycling plastic makes no sense.

Indeed – when my hospital introduced 3 separate waste bin types in my operating theatre, I first counted the number of separate pieces of rubbish I produced giving a single anaesthetic. It was well over a hundred. Just giving one drug IV (and a typical anaesthetic might include 10 or more) involved:

1) Flip lid off vial (1 piece of plastic – plus the vial itself)
2) Open syringe packet (syringe itself plus one piece of paper and one of plastic from the wrapper)
3) Open ‘drawing up needle’ packet (needle itself plus its plastic sheath plus 2 pieces of wrapping)

etc etc etc.

Add in the much greater volume produced on the surgical side and you could see it was a farce.

I refused from the start, stating that:

1) ‘only rich countries can afford environmentalism’
2) using my highly paid medical skills to sort rubbish was uneconomic and destroyed wealth
3) if recycling rubbish made any sense, private companies would be paying us to mine our rubbish.

It worked for me, but then again, so did refusing to resit my ‘Aboriginal Cultural Awareness’ module after scoring 9% on the first assessment. I said I couldn’t resit as I ‘found it culturally offensive’ – which was one of the topics in the module.

November 3, 2022 11:24 am

Australia has a history of making cars affordable, and IIRC WA has already started on cash giveaways to EV buyers.

Are you joking? Have you seen the taxes they load on cars?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 3, 2022 11:25 am

The idea that any driver was not breathalysed at an accident attended by police is laughable. Or criminal.

Oh yes. It’s called perverting the course of justice.

The only exception is when the driver is too badly injured to undergo the test, in which case he or she is subject to mandatory blood tests. Any other excuse , including and particularly ‘I forgot’, is horseshit.

November 3, 2022 11:25 am

According to journalists claims can be explosive, but none seem to go off.

November 3, 2022 11:26 am

GDP must exclude government spending. it isnt real earned spending since it is decoupled from earnings.

GDP should be ditched altogether, and if you must replace it (why should you? – the invisible hand works on invisible forces, it doesn’t need data), replace it with something that measures only *productive* expenditure.

Much of what now goes into GDP measures wasted spending – health care, welfare etc etc, which consumes rather than creates wealth.

Cassie of Sydney
November 3, 2022 11:26 am

““One term Albo” will be his legacy if a) prices go through the roof, and they’re on the way there now, or b) the lights go out this winter.”

Well yes, however what will he be replaced by? A party called the Stupid Fucking Liberal Party that still signs up to net zero emissions and spruiks climate crap.

The thing is, I’ve come to the realisation that people need a good serving of energy chaos, and only then will there be a change in mindset. As for Teal electorates, whilst they’ll cope with the prices, they won’t like the lights going out.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 3, 2022 11:29 am

Professor Sally Bloomfield, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said the only reason we do it is to be ‘socially acceptable’ by warding off ‘nasty’ body odour.

Of course it’s the London School of Kippers and Hygiene. Leading the charge for soap-dodgers everywhere.

November 3, 2022 11:32 am

The thing is, I’ve come to the realisation that people need a good serving of energy chaos, and only then will there be a change in mindset.

I’m afraid so.

The problem is that reliable energy generating infrastructure takes a relatively long time to build and is very expensive.

Which will leave a lot of time for regret.

November 3, 2022 11:33 am

The idea that any driver was not breathalysed at an accident attended by police is laughable. Or criminal.

Yes, and it shows how serious the AFP were about my ‘Dangerous/reckless/furious driving’ charge at the protests in Canberra. Despite apparently *witnessing* the incident, it took them over 30 minutes on the phone to HQ to decide to charge me, then they failed to alco test me. I had to request said test at the watch house – didnt want them adding ‘DUI’ later now did I ?

November 3, 2022 11:35 am

The problem is that reliable energy generating infrastructure takes a relatively long time to build and is very expensive.

Hence my living on the land and stacking firewood. I even have a book on ‘gassifying’ cars – running combustion engines on wood gas, and a 1983 Hilux, should it become necessary.

November 3, 2022 11:36 am

Dr John Campbell, excess deaths continue:

November 3, 2022 11:38 am

This reply, from Instapundit, to Emily Osters ‘COVID amnesty’ piece is so good it bears repeating:

I honestly think she thought it would be well received. My impression is that she thinks she’s a moderate. Because she agreed that schools should have opened up last year. And I’ll be fair, in her little bubble, she probably is. But, to me, that’s almost kind of the point. Nobody in her little bubble has ever stepped back and said to themselves “Holy Shit! We were atrocious to those people! We acted like thuggish, bullying, authoritarian douche-nozzles! We destroyed the social fabric and we may well have irreparably harmed society.” They’re still mostly writing it all off as “Oh, well, we got some things wrong….” No, they didn’t just “get some things wrong”. They behaved like a bunch of utter pieces of crap. They destroyed people’s lives. They silenced debate. They were blatantly hypocritical. They bullied, lied, and placed themselves over their fellows. And that’s why you can’t do “amnesty”. Whether they can be forgiven or pardoned their offenses is another question. But, until they can come to terms with the fact that they were the baddies, that it wasn’t just that they got the science wrong as a technical matter, but that their behavior was immoral, any talk of amnesty is superfluous. There can’t be reconciliation without repentance.

November 3, 2022 11:39 am

November 3, 2022 at 11:35 am
The problem is that reliable energy generating infrastructure takes a relatively long time to build and is very expensive.

Hence my living on the land and stacking firewood. I even have a book on ‘gassifying’ cars – running combustion engines on wood gas, and a 1983 Hilux, should it become necessary.

You’re still not safe if stuck in Sicktoria. Your rates will need to go up enough to pay off the $200+ billion debt.

November 3, 2022 11:39 am

Professor Sally Bloomfield, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said the only reason we do it is to be ‘socially acceptable’ by warding off ‘nasty’ body odour.

Idiot. Doesn’t she know about all the foul parasites that live on dirty bodies? Has she ever seen a poor soul who hasn’t had adequate access to water and soap?

November 3, 2022 11:44 am

For as long as the franchise is extended to those who don’t pay taxes there will never be an effective limits on government taxing.

November 3, 2022 11:46 am

Doesn’t she know about all the foul parasites that live on dirty bodies? Has she ever seen a poor soul who hasn’t had adequate access to water and soap?

She’s an expert. Don’t expect common sense from her.

November 3, 2022 11:48 am

Apart from institutes Griffin is the most prolific pusher of the Vax based on newspaper articles, radio and TV appearances. Things you will never see him mention are myocarditis in the young and the average age of those dying being mid 80’s.

He was the lead investigator for Novovax trials in Australia and works for a company called Nucleus Network. NN conducts trials for overseas pharma so when he is pushing Vax / boosters he is hardly impartial. You could say he is boosting his profile with overseas pharma whilst also promoting their product. Naturally the Courier Mail etc fail to mention Nucleus Network connection when seeking his expert opinion.

The problem is nobody knows enough to give Griffin a challenging interview. Courier Mail can’t get enough of him and prefer his opinion over that of CHO Qld and in one article, pushing boosters for teenagers, over ATAGI.

However in good news just heard on Club Grubbery that Woolworths have dropped their Vax mandates. Not sure if means will re-employ sacked workers.

“I remember Griffin on ABC radio saying people shouldn’t visit their relatives in hospital”

1 5 6 7 8 9 13
  1. Wielicki on why global boiling is bullshit; in his words: For decades, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and…

  2. Know of a few wide load operators and their pilots banned from various mine sites in the Bowen Basin. Basically…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x