The Temptation of Adam, Tintoretto, 1552
The Temptation of Adam, Tintoretto, 1552
Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
heat wave?
This bitch and Sky News Au were shilling the clotshot and Covid nonsense from day one. They can’t be trusted.
I remember when covid sceptics were claiming no European excess deaths in 2020 and now here we are.
Covid is the biggest scam in human history.
I’ll get in first. The Hun:
I’ve still got MAGA merch from 2016 and 2020 which I wear, particularly the hat at golf on occasions. In 2016 he was the great hope. In 2020 he was dudded by The Machine, there’s no doubt.
If he runs in 2024 though, he’ll be just another player. In my perhaps uninformed view they need a blank canvas, as DJT was in 2016. Another anti-hero from outside the system, with the possible exception of de Santis.
It would be like the Libs trying to bring back Abbott. It worked then, wouldn’t work now.
World Population Data Sheet 2022 Highlights Excess Deaths Due to COVID-19
And according to the Sky News commentator, it is not just viewers in Victoria who should take heed of the program.
‘If what has happened under Andrews in Victoria is now the new manifestation of Labor you want to hope it doesn’t come to a state near you,’ Ms Credlin tells Daily Mail Australia.
The Dan Andrews critics who Peta Credlin has interviewed for a new documentary have described the Victorian premier as a ruthless, relentless, arrogant bully – and that was just those from his own side of politics.
Ms Credlin has examined what she calls the hard left Labor leader’s ‘stranglehold’ on the state in a program titled The Cult of Daniel Andrews, to be screened as Victorians prepare to vote in the November 26 state election.
Credlin has spoken to senior Labor insiders, including former MPs and union officials, who feel let down by ‘Dictator Dan’ as he seeks a third term in government.
The picture these figures paint is of a man who is seemingly unaccountable, in charge of a government Ms Credlin calls inept, but yet is likely to be voted back in if the opinion polls are correct.
‘I said to them, “Good on you for telling me all this stuff now but how on earth does he stay there?” Ms Credlin says.
‘More than just one of them said, “Peta it’s a cult. It’s an absolute cult. When you’re in there and you’re in his favour you’re just so consumed by it”.
‘”And when you’ve crossed him or you’re in the freezer or you’ve left, you go, what the hell was I thinking?”‘
Asked for some of the terms her interview subjects used to describe Mr Andrews, Ms Credlin says: ‘Arrogant, bully, ruthless, relentless, cruel – a couple have used cruel – disparaging’.
‘There’s not a lot to like from people who know him intimately,’ she says.
Ms Credlin’s one-hour investigation, which airs on Wednesday night, explores the myths and mystery behind the all-powerful Mr Andrews, including his rise to prominence and real political agenda.
‘The purpose for me of the documentary was to aggregate in one place the eight years of the Andrews government and you make your own judgment,’ she says.
rosie 7.15
If you’ve gone from being an active person to a breathless person, after one Covid jab,
you’ll be even more disheartened to read that your greatly affected health is dismissed simply as “clinical representations….predominantly mild”
Hang on.
Ms Credlin’s one-hour investigation, which airs on Wednesday night, explores the myths and mystery behind the all-powerful Mr Andrews, including his rise to prominence and real political agenda.
7.30pm tonight on Sky News HD – set record on Foxtel
Within Minutes of Arizona Gov Election Call, Twitter, DHS and Big Tech Begin Blocking Discussion of Difference Between “Ballots and Votes”
November 15, 2022 | Sundance
Second biggest.
Renewable South Australia Islanded, flying by the seat of their pants, afraid of a solar surge on a sunny day (Jonova, 16 Nov)
Germany’s Compounding Energy Woes: Even Wind Power Industry Is “Sliding Into Crisis” (15 Nov)
Wind farm companies going bankrupt in Germany and South Australia afraid of a sunny day tomorrow. And eat the damned bugs, peasants.
Just went through the Director’s ID process by phone (13 62 50):
Rang bang-on the ABRS’ opening time: 8am
Recorded the whole interaction (for quality and assurance purposes…).
Heard the usual long pre-recorded BS about using MyGov option etc..
I had prepared all required ID documents, expiry dates, colours, addresses etc..
Said “yes” twice to prepared consent statements (that’s how these f@ckers can direct any future liability to you, if anything goes wrong, whenever, for whatever reason).
Received the individual 12-digit number (first 3 digits are the same, Australia-only prefix).
Process, and call, completed in just under 15 minutes.
If I was so disposed, I’d celebrate with a few doses of Hennessy.. maybe after lunch.
Just loved this phrase.
And the kicker? A weekend with a registered respite provider would cost around $10,000
I’m left wondering why it’s alright for taxpayers to pay for anyone’s birthday weekend regardless of health status .. by all means enjoy a “life” experience but do what the rest of us have to do .. pay for it yourself!
Wind farm companies going bankrupt in Germany and South Australia
And UK.
So much for Elon’s takeover of Twitter and the sacking of thousands when the censoring of opinions and posts continues unabated. I guess he is simply conforming to the powerful. If one of the richest men in the world is afraid what hope is there for the rest of us?
Eyrie, I’m 66 and I have a lifetime of friendship groups spanning a couple of cities and many…many occupations. But it isn’t the people I know as “people”. It’s what they do, which I made perfectly clear in my comment.
Locals are falling off the twig around here all the time. But all in the elderly cohort, mostly out of nursing homes and retirement villages which proliferate. There have been a couple of tragedies with young people, accidents and one little one who succumbed to a disease from birth. Plus a dear friend who lost her husband to cancer after a long and cruel battle – and that’s another story of serious “covid neglect” from the medical system.
I’m not saying it isn’t happening, it’s just that I’m not seeing it here where I’d expect to see it, and also that none of my friends and acquaintance from up and down the coast have reported anything unusual either.
It may be that the “death can” has been kicked down the road because lockdowns and non-exposure or non-diagnosis. It might be because of vaxx. But it always appears to be happening somewhere else.
I’m reminded of all those early 2020 films of people dropping dead in Wuhan streets and all the other hubbub. Remember when we were avidly following traffic movements in China ffs? I was part of it and probably added to the unease with my comments. No more. Fear is profitable and I won’t be adding to someone else’s bottom line.
They are just another form of crypto investments, you know there is something off about it but you hope you will get you savings out before it tanks.
Bruce O’Newk:
Currently giving a nudge to Hardy’s Crest Cab Sav 2019. None of this shit out of date stuff for me!
I did open a mixed dozen of a Pinot Gris, and I reckon it must have been stored on the shop window because the contents had faded to a pale yellow from the sunlight. So I’ve donated it to Old Mate next door, who’ll probably feed it to his pigs or something. A wine that comes out the same colour as piss has got to be a bit dodgy, I reckon.
This election was no loss for Trump
Incumbents of all bents were returned to office, and the right still has all the energy
The official narrative of the election is meant to drive the right to suicide. Democrats, NeverTrump ex-Republicans, and critics of the populist right who remain in the GOP have all blamed Trump voters for the party’s failure to take the Senate and claim a commanding margin in the House. Donald Trump himself was not on the ballot, but he made endorsements, and voters who followed those endorsements chose weak candidates, the story goes.
The anti-right narrative is a remarkable thing: when a candidate Trump supported lost, like Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania, it was Trump’s fault; when a candidate Trump opposed lost, like Joe O’Dea in Colorado, it was Trump’s fault. When a candidate Trump supported won, such as J.D. Vance in Ohio, pundits discounted the victory; when a candidate Trump opposed won, such as Brian Kemp in Georgia, the same pundits found it enormously significant. Ron DeSantis’s nearly 20-point margin of victory in Florida, a big win for the right, was mostly hyped as a defeat for Trump, even though Florida is Trump’s home base.
In light of all the other commentary, it should be clear to voters of the right what liberals are trying to do: they prefer DeSantis to Trump, and by presenting the midterms as a defeat for the populist right, they hope to persuade DeSantis to shift away from the right if he runs for president in 2024.
The first thing to notice is that incumbents won last Tuesday no matter what their ideological tilt — not a single sitting senator or governor lost.
Moderate Republican incumbents like Ohio’s Mike DeWine won; liberal Democrat incumbents like Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer and New York governor Kathy Hochul won; libertarian-leaning Trump-friendly Republican incumbents like senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul won; and DeSantis himself, the right-wing incumbent governor of Florida, won.
The flip side tells the same story: challengers of all stripes, right-wing, moderate, or liberal, almost always failed. If the 2022 election was meant to signal a rise in anti-Trump sentiment, the original NeverTrump candidate, Evan McMullin, shouldn’t have lost to Mike Lee in a double-digit blowout. Utah, after all, is the least friendly red state in the country for Trump’s brand of politics, and McMullin, who ran an independent campaign for president in 2016, ran against Lee this year on a platform entirely focused on tying the senator to the former president. He still lost by nearly 14 points.
Compare that dismal performance by a NeverTrump champion to the narrower loss by a Trump Republican like Blake Masters to an incumbent Democrat senator.
Going into the midterms, I was as wrong as everyone else about the mood of the electorate.
Adding John Fetterman to the Senate does nothing to rejuvenate the party of Joe Biden, and the loss of Tim Ryan — who did have promise as a potential national figure — is more significant for the Democrats’ future than Fetterman’s victory.
The 44-year-old Ron DeSantis and the 38-year-old J.D. Vance, by contrast, do strengthen the future of the Republican right. Moderate Republicans did well with incumbents, just as everyone else did, but gained no new momentum from the re-election of governors like Mike DeWine. And Evan McMullin’s rout shows that NeverTrump politics has nothing to look forward to even in Mitt Romney’s Utah.
The present knife’s-edge balance in legislative and presidential elections will give way to decisive results before long. Which side has the energy, drive, confidence, and courage to claim the future — no matter how long it takes?
The fact that the right may be in for a bruising battle between Trump and DeSantis is only proof that there is a prize here worth fighting for, and it’s more than just the 2024 Republican nomination.
Old Ozzie:
An accurate summation of the political scene in the US.
Both DeSantis and Gabbard are Democrat stalking horses.*
*A candidate put forward instead of any of several potentially successful candidates in order to initiate a leadership debate, gauge feelings, divide opposition etc. Most people will know the exact term – I’ve put it in so posters can see the context I’m using it in.
Gilas made an observation yesterday about frequent commenters here having no lives. Not necessarily. When I’m here you know I’m having a cuppa. 😀
If I listed all the stuff I got done yesterday your heads would spin.
Old Ozzie:
What are Australia’s government ministers attempting to achieve?
Do they believe if they cosy up to Xi Jinping, China will build fewer coal plants?
Do they think China has any motivation to try to end the Ukraine war, and to end the Western sanctions which have turned Russia into a captive supplier of cheap energy to China and India?
Does looking weak and needy in any way help Australia placate an increasingly belligerent Chinese leadership, or help the USA maintain a strong front against Chinese aggression in the South China Sea?
The phrase which comes to mind is “amateur hour”.
Old ozzie, the word that comes to mind is “Treason”*.
*”The betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.”
Again, I’m giving the definition that explains the context I am using it in.
Norman Swan isn’t a practising Doctor. Hasn’t practised in decades. If I recall correctly, he isn’t even registered anymore. He joined the lucrative “Public Witch Doctor for Hire”, cabal.
The British “Dr” Michael Mosley is the same. I believe with Mosley, when the public found out he was not a practising Physician, the television companies were forced to stop advertising him as “Doctor”, Mosley.
The same thing should happen to Swan.
Just say *Lizard People Winston, forget your fancy subtle shades of meaning
From what I have heard of the NDIS, it costs about $25k a week to fully care for a quadraplegic living in provided accomodation. That is full-time round the clock care with onsite personnel.
I just saw a phone film clip of heavy snow in the NSW high country. Not sticking to the ground but quite an impressive white-out nevertheless.
I hope the Global Warmistas squirm in their COP27 seats.
Mark Jessop has noted that:
‘SAPN appears to be increasing line voltages to cause PV inverters to trip out.
Interesting decision, but I’m not sure what other options they would have (probably not enough systems which are remotely controllable yet).’
Below is a suspicious voltage jump on Monday, with Mark Jessop saying that “even though it was cloudy today I guess there was enough generation for SA Power Networks to have to do the voltage step thing again…”
If it is deliberate it would be a Wild West story in grid “control”. We know high voltages above 253 trip out solar panels, but they also damage other appliances too. If they need to create “demand” they could ask everyone to turn their air conditioners and ovens on at midday.
This has left some solar power owners feeling somewhat vexed and perplexed and downright deflated — they’re sitting in the dark, and with a Tesla powerwall, yet they can’t use their solar panels at all and their neighbors have the lights on with diesel generators…
And some people thought solar panels meant they were less dependent on the grid, but it turns out the grid controllers were just renting their roof space.
One of the lessons in this experience is what happens when the renewable states can’t dump their excess power in the state next door. When every state is in the same boat, and all running unreliable renewables, they will all still need complete back up and the ability to switch off your solar panels.
And speaking of fear…
At 1:45am yesterday morning we were awoken to an almighty crash and the tinkling of broken glass. Both of us shot out of bed to see what it was. And here’s the difference between husband and wife – I thought it was a big muscovy duck or somesuch flown into one of the big back windows. The Beloved thought it was a break-in.
He raced around the house looking for the intruders shouting angrily and waving his arms while I systematically went from room to room behind him looking for evidence, possibly a great bird with a broken neck.
After all was searched and nothing untoward found, I looked him up and down – he was wearing only a T-shirt. “What were you going to do exactly? Scare them to death Braveheart fashion?”.
Finally found the culprit. The enormous mirror in the ensuite had crashed to the floor – the glue fixing it to the tiles had failed. 😀
AEMO has determined that the rolling sum of the uncapped market ancillary Lower Reg, Raise Reg services prices for the SA1 region over the previous 2016 trading intervals has exceeded the cumulative price threshold (CPT) of $1,398,100.00.
In accordance with Clause 3.14.2(b) of the National Electricity Rules, AEMO has determined that an administered price period will commence at the trading interval starting 0405 on 16 November 2022 and will continue through to the end of that trading day.
An administered price cap (APC) of 300 $/MWh will apply to all trading intervals during this administered price period. This APC will apply to all market ancillary service prices in the SA1 region.
AEMO has detected there is an elevated risk of the contingent disconnection of Distributed PV (DPV) with the loss of scheduled generation exceeding secure thresholds in the South Australia region from 1000 hrs 16/11/2022 to 1600 hrs 16/11/2022. The maximum forecast DPV contingency is 117 MW at 1330 hrs and the DPV contingency direction trigger is 36 MW.
From the Comments
– Errr..
What are they saying?
– my translation fwiw
they are putting price caps on to limit the price escalation Jo detailed (dont know if it included FCAS)
they are saying they will disconnect distributed solar panels is they have (if they form to large a part of generation they cant schedule)
it’s a shame these notices have to be couched in Sir Humphrey Appleby speak rather than plain English
calli says:
November 16, 2022 at 9:04 am
Gilas made an observation yesterday about frequent commenters here having no lives. Not necessarily. When I’m here you know I’m having a cuppa. ?
If I listed all the stuff I got done yesterday your heads would spin.
Sorry Calli, it was meant to be a tonguee-in-cheeky comment, no aspersions were meant for casting.
It’s hard to be clever sometimes..
Most relevant, indeed.
Swan used the deaths of two well known Australians to promote fear of a Covid-caused death and therefore push Australians into accepting a vax.
He was totally wrong in the Kitching case, and probably wrong in the Warne case.
Your argument about vax related deaths is a different issue.
I know Gilas! It was a cheeky return of serve. I often embarrass myself when I finally get around to scrolling back. It’s all been said before and I’m six hours too late.
Pogria says:
November 16, 2022 at 9:05 am
Norman Swan isn’t a practising Doctor. Hasn’t practised in decades. If I recall correctly, he isn’t even registered anymore.
Alas, it DOES seem that a Dr Norman Gabriel Swan, trained in Aberdeen, is registered with AHPRA, “practicing” in Ultimo, until 30-09-2023.
Bad news out of Poland. I hope everyone has the brains turned on.
Old Ozzie:
I can hear the ghostly echo of Obama and his ‘reaching across the aisle” speech. Which has led to more racial violence and murder than anything since the “Days of Rage.”
There’s very little stopping those days from returning and an awful lot of impetus from the Democrat Media.
Pog it’d be a decent country which declined to use any horourifics outside the workplace. No Drs, Profs, Honourable Member Drs, arts sector PhDs, Aunties, Proud Gnanawarry Mans, Rabbis, Imans, nothing, all of that verbal giggling and grovelling belittles our culture and only encourages the bastards to try it on lording it over their proles.
His Excellency The Governor-General General Sir Peter Cosgrove was peak colonial cringe here. We should guard against it by never tolerating any prenomial or post-nomial in anything other than obituaries.
And just like that…Novak Djokovic’s ban on entering Australia has been rescinded.
Even good ol’ QE2 was happy with “ma’am”
After the introductory “Your Majesty” of course
But fer crying out loud, she was the flippin’ queen, and there was usually a few of her big lads close by if you tried to give her any lip
Russia denies striking Poland with missiles
Moscow insists a reported explosion near the Ukrainian border is not related to its military operation
Russia has not carried out any strikes against targets near the Polish-Ukrainian border, the defense ministry in Moscow said on Tuesday, following reports of a missile striking the village of Przewodow and killing two civilians.
Some Western media outlets and politicians have claimed that Russia is responsible for the incident. However, no evidence has been provided to support such assertions.
Missile fragments, photos of which were published by Polish media outlets on the scene, “have nothing to do with Russian weapons,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.
Statements by the Polish media and officials about the alleged ‘Russian’ missiles falling in the area of the village of Przewodow are “a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation,” the Russian military added.
Poland convened an emergency meeting of its national security council on Tuesday evening, after reports that at least two civilians were killed when one or more missiles struck the village in the Lublin region, just across the border with Ukraine.
While the AP reported that Russian missiles had crossed into Poland, citing an unnamed “senior US intelligence official,” the Pentagon declined to corroborate the claim.
“I can tell you that we don’t have any information at this time to corroborate those reports and are looking into this further,” Air Force Brigadier General Patrick Ryder told reporters, when asked about the Przewodow incident.
Polish government spokesman Piotr Mueller called on the media and the public “not to publish unconfirmed information.”
Officials from the Baltic states blamed Russia and claimed that Poland should invoke NATO’s Article 5 in retaliation. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky accused Russia of “terrorism” and said NATO needed to “act” against this “attack on collective security.”
thanks for the heads up. I was sure I had read somewhere he wasn’t registered anymore.
However, I would rather be corrected and know the truth than blithely believe I was right.
Their ABC wants you to Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article.
In due course, their expert, Mick Ryan, will further keep family & friends informed
by explaining how the Ukies Grumbling a Polack tractor
is active Russian incompetence.
Yes, Roger.
And it tells you all you needed to know about the previous government, and the cunning of doing nothing while the enemy is making a mistake.
So much for Elon’s takeover of Twitter and the sacking of thousands when the censoring of opinions and posts continues unabated.
FFS, what’s it been? Three weeks? Have a little patience.
what you said x 100.
Of course he did.
Pentagon responds to reports of missiles hitting Poland
US military’s statement comes amid reports of a deadly explosion that killed at least two people on Poland’s border with Ukraine
The US military is “aware” of reports of missiles supposedly hitting Polish territory and killing two people but have no evidence to confirm them, Pentagon spokesman Air Force Brigadier General Patrick Ryder told reporters on Tuesday.
Some western media outlets and politicians have claimed that Russia is responsible for the incident. However, no evidence has been provided to support such assertions.
“I can tell you that we don’t have any information at this time to corroborate those reports and are looking into this further,” Ryder said, vowing to provide an update on the situation when the US is better informed about the incident.
When pressed by journalists on an earlier AP report, citing a US intelligence official and claiming it was Russian missiles that had struck Poland, Ryder once again insisted that the Pentagon has “no information to corroborate” such reports but is “looking into it.”
The Polish authorities did not confirm these reports, while government spokesman Piotr Mueller called on media and the public “not to publish unconfirmed information.”
I just see the voice as being a vehicle for the activists, and an instrument of division.
Roger says:
November 16, 2022 at 9:25 am
And just like that…Novak Djokovic’s ban on entering Australia has been rescinded.
Who would have predicted that the Liars had more common-sense than the SFLs?
Morrison’s farrago of flatulent faggots in their true perspective.
UK government clarifies vaccine injured can sue manufacturers despite indemnity
The Government has responded to a petition calling on it to “remove indemnity from the manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines, to allow individuals to pursue claims for compensation against them” by clarifying that “individuals’ right to sue the producers of the vaccine” has not been removed.
Instead, the indemnity “determines who will pay the manufacturer’s losses arising from such a claim”.
This means the vaccine injured can sue the manufacturers, though the Government will foot the bill.
The Government’s response states:
In August 2021, amendments to the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 were made to support the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. Although the legislation provides partial immunity from civil liability for vaccines supplied under emergency authorisation, it preserves individuals’ right to sue the producers of the vaccine under Part 1 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987. This provides an important level of protection if the safety of the product is not such as people are generally entitled to expect, taking all circumstances into account, and if that defect causes personal injury.
In relation to compensation from the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme, the Government adds that “the figure of £120,000 is a one-off lump-sum payment, not designed to cover lifetime costs for those impacted”.
“A successful claim to VDPS does not stop an individual from bringing litigation against the vaccine manufacturer for damages as the VDPS is not a compensation scheme,” it adds.
The Government’s full response to the petition is as follows.
Swan practising in Ultimo… lol
Good bet he does a bit of filing in some three-room consultory, located conveniently between the ABC studios and the cold filter coffee shop, once a fortnight
Old Ozzie:
But how could that be?
Sunshine is FREEEE!
Now, courtesy of a question asked by Liberal senator Paul Scarr at Senate estimates last week, we know why. They didn’t get any legal advice.
The Prime Minister solemnly and publicly proposed a major change to our Constitution – a change he wants Australians to vote for – without having a blind clue as to its legal or constitutional consequences.
It is hard to comprehend this level of professional incompetence. It raises troubling questions, not only about how this debate has been conducted and will likely be conducted in future, but about the way we might expect this government to govern.
Prime Minister, are there any other proposals for great change that you intend to implement without getting any legal advice about the implications?
The Liars’ Common Sense was focussed on winning the election. They would have done exactly the same thing in the circumstances and probably worse, given the example of Victoria, Queensland and WA.
They kept a very low profile. Cunning buggers.
Conservatives – take note. But you won’t because you’re stupid.
Comment, on the article on the Voice..
What date is the Voice referendum?
Winston Smithsays:
November 16, 2022 at 9:34 am
Old Ozzie:
Believe it or not, another solar energy company has gone bust. This time, it was one of the largest in England.
Toucan Energy Holdings 1 Ltd., based in Essex, Southern England, has gone into administration after racking up a whopping half a billion pounds in debt, according to a new Bloomberg report.
But how could that be?
Sunshine is FREEEE!
What Sunshine?
Watch Jeremy Clarkson farming or any drive show re Rain in the UK.
And as my Irish Mate who lives in UK , but has a house in Dublin said last week
Scotland to most Englishmen is a cold, far away place full of people who speak in a strange way. It might be English they are speaking but…. And they never go there. France is much closer, the food is better, the wine is cheaper and the natives only slightly less intelligible than the Scots.
That being said, I like Scotland. Whenever we have driven up there, we found it clean and well organised. The people we met were unfailingly polite and helpful and found for us some nice places to stay.
The weather though was a bit like the last six months in Sydney.
However, millennia of evolution has made Irishmen (and Scots) waterproof.
Norman Swan must be registered with AHPRA in order to be Dr Swan on the ABC.
Registration does not mean he is in active medical practice.
I am pretty sure he has been full time ABC medical journal reader for 30+ years.
Speaking of doctors, Flyingduk was due in court this week.
Has there been any news if his outcome?
The Toucan solar farms continue to operate, Thurrock ratepayers are the only ones more out in the cold.
Don’t mention the bans. I think I might have but I got away with it.
Old Ozzie:
In all likelihood, Pfizer and Moderna are trying to get out ahead of burgeoning side effects with their own studies as a means to spin or mitigate bad press in the future.
Why is Big Pharma investigating their own covid vaccines for myocarditis side effects if the vaccines were already supposedly tested and proven safe and effective?
That’s nice – they’re going to investigate the ‘vaxxine’ for cardiac risks. Perhaps they should have done that before injecting the stuff into unwilling peoples bodies?
There is a wave of arrogance/hubris sweeping our professional and political classes – a wave they are determined to not see or acknowledge.
Will the Ukie tractor attack provide Poland with a casus belli to reclaim Lvov?
might be something about Duk in today’s tellies, paywalled
Apart from one or two outliers, calli, the Libs are no longer a conservative party.
You’ll understand the analogy if I say that their parliamentary wing has the same attitude to their statement of beliefs as liberal CofE ordinands crossing their fingers as they vow to uphold the 39 Articles of Religion.
Pace Nick Minchin.
I understood from a doctor friend in a similar situation that registration required a certain number of hours in practice each month. Iirc, he did a day a week in a GP clinic.
Interesting take from Rowan Dean last night – the Republicans have two excellent contenders for President, the Democrats zero. Hence the fear of Trump and Republicans.
Just to reiterate Shane Warnes Dr, in one of the articles about Norman Swan, said Warne had heart issues leading up to his death. He was overweight, a heavy smoker etc.
Kitching was under extreme pressure in weeks leading to her death.
Neither Covid or the Vax had a role in my humble opinion.
Seems any case of a heart attack must now be related to Covid or the Vax in some way. I still prefer to use my common sense.
I would image that includes a couple of only fans chicks thrown in for mercy
April 1st.
Looks like the Polish incident involved a S-300, AD missile.
Maybe. Still too early to tell.
Won’t stop the conspiracy theories, of course.
The heatwaves were caused by the vaccine.
calli, as I said, your personal observations are meaningless given the numbers involved. There are also obvious attribution difficulties. Only careful statistical analysis will reveal what happened and the “authorities” are clearly not interested and in any case are unlikely to put out any honest numbers.
I can make personal observations too: of the people I interact with who are vaxxed, nearly all have suffered Covid, bad flu, some multiple times, continuing poor health and other “interesting” effects such as heart issues and women with menstrual issues. Also 5 cases of severe vertigo, 2 of which required hospitalisation. Of the ones adamantly unvaxxed (surprisingly many), none of these issues have surfaced. Sample is small and uncontrolled so doesn’t mean much but I’m VERY pleased that Mrs Eyrie and I did the research early on to convince us that taking the jabs was a bad idea. Now I will admit that our personal circumstances are such that we didn’t need to submit to eat or keep a roof over our heads but that to a large extent is because we worked to insulate ourselves from this sort of nonsense long before Covid was an issue. We sure as hell weren’t going to take the jabs to “travel” or go to pubs.
We still don’t have a safe and effective vax against any Corona virii.
What are the conspiracy theories?
First-Order Thinking.
November 16, 2022 at 9:54 am
Looks like the Polish incident involved an S-300, AD missile.
S-300 is a series of long range surface-to-air missile systems developed and operated by the former Soviet Union, now fielded by the militaries of Russia and Ukraine as well as several other former Eastern Bloc countries
The ALPBC hive would be a lucrative practice. Imagine the counselling required when it was threatened from bombing by the IPA. Fortunately Ita recognised the threat and defused it (no pun intended).
Either it’s a false flag by Ukraine to escalate Western arm shipments, or it’s a British plot to argle bargle rhubarb. They don’t make much sense.
I’ve pointed this out before:
Because they idyllically believe Australia, and Australians, are worth sacrificing for and, possibly, dying for. They have a purpose and commitment.
After leaving and experiencing mainstream Australia, they realise they were mistaken, and it was all for nothing.
November 16, 2022 at 9:57 am
What are the conspiracy theories?
If there is any way at all to even suggest a link to Wussia, regardless of any lack of substantive evidence, m0nty-fa will be all over it like blowflies on a turd.
Any suggestion at all of a link to Ukraine, no matter what substantive evidence might be offered, m0nyy-fa will reject it as a “conspiracy theory”.
given reuters, AP etc where shrieking about how safe and effective the vaccines were, we can take this with a good dose of salt. Historically the prognosis for myocarditis is in fact 50% mortality at 5 years. the tragedy from these genetic injectables has a long way to play out. keep gaslighting us about how safe and effective the injectables are and how myocaditis is mild. utter f*ing c*nts
Mathematician who solved prime-number riddle claims new breakthrough
After shocking the mathematics community with a major result in 2013, Yitang Zhang now says he has solved an analogue of the celebrated Riemann hypothesis.
A mathematician who went from obscurity to luminary status in 2013 for cracking a century-old question about prime numbers now claims to have solved another. The problem is similar to — but distinct from — the Riemann hypothesis, which is considered one of the most important problems in mathematics.
Number theorist Yitang Zhang, who is based at the University of California, Santa Barbara, posted his proposed solution — a 111-page preprint — on the arXiv preprint server on 4 November1. It has not yet been validated by his peers. But if it checks out, it will go some way towards taming the randomness of prime numbers, whole numbers that cannot be divided evenly by any number except themselves or 1.
The Landau-Siegel zeros conjecture is similar to — and, some suspect, less challenging than — the Riemann hypothesis, another question on the randomness of primes and one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in mathematics. Although it has been known for millennia that there are infinitely many prime numbers, there is no way to predict whether a given number will be prime; only the probability that it will be, given its size. Solving either the Riemann or Landau-Siegel problems would mean that the distribution of prime numbers does not have huge statistical fluctuations.
“For me in the field, this result would be massive,” says Andrew Granville, a number theorist at the University of Montreal in Canada. But he warns that others, including Zhang, have previously proposed solutions that turned out to be faulty, and that it will take a while for researchers to comb through Zhang’s argument to see if it is correct. “Right now, we’re very far from being certain.”
Lets get a list together. Putin is responsible for:
– Blowing up his own pipelines
– Ethnic cleansing in the Eastern Ukraine
– Donald Trump
– Climate Change
– Bombing Poland threating NATO intervention
Or watch “Grand Designs”. There is always a weather-induced extensive delay.
What they’re doing to Kari Lake and Boebert is treason.
high doses of niacin are extremely effective against covid/long covid/jab shortness of breath. up to 1g 3 times a day. start at 100mg and increase till you get a decent flush response.
No problem, they have already demonstrated their ability to move from ice age doomsdayers, we’re all gonna freeze!, to we’re all gonna fry! in a matter of days.
Presumably the process is reversible.
Sounds like the Ukies fired at a Russian missile and missed. Collateral damage from your own Air Defence is always a possibility.
Well said, Mater, Be interesting to follow the comments on that article.
I see General mUntgomery has received his “intelligence” briefing. Basement lyf.
Zipster, tried buying Niacin in Australia?
…and there’d better be a lot of life sentences “Pour encourager les autres”
Ivan Kalibrated a Polish tractor with a reduced warhead and bits of Grumble junk to simultaneously prove the missiles they were going to run out of six months ago
are wildly inaccurate and to provoke a wider conflict.
This is the most likely scenario.
It will just have to be recalled and compensation paid by governments that forced people to take it.
As long as you separate out the ignorant who couldn’t be bothered doing their own research and fools who took it to travel or go to the pub. I don’t want my taxes paying for self inflicted stupidity.
Or they hit the target and debris from the Russian missile fell on the village.
I tried to do a bit of research into Australian Forces suicides in WWII.
Almost impossible due to them being ascribed to other causes.
And some people thought solar panels meant they were less dependent on the grid
The fact that solar power systems are usually connected to the grid for (i) replacement of grid supply to reduce bills, and (ii) for feed-in rebates, means that they have to turn off whenever there’s a blackout. This is a safety rule, so workers trying to get power back up don’t get zapped by solar feeds, at leats that’s what I’ve been told.
The nasty bit for solar consumers is that when there’s a blackout they are blacked out too. Look forward to more blackouts when those crooks finish wrecking the coal-fired power. With Liddell, Bayswater and Eraring all having heads on the chopping block, that’s the future. That and continually rising power charges for the ridiculous new stuff that won’t save the planet, just costs heaps and delivers intermittently.
We are governed by idiots.
Constitutional lawyers. LOL. Where’ve they been the last 3 years?
Hanging out with the Human Rights Commissioners.
That might be stretching the parameters of post intercept non-ballistic properties.
November 16, 2022 at 10:14 am
Zipster, tried buying Niacin in Australia?
When I was a kid growing up in Watertown, South Dakota, we had a Carnegie Library. It was an imposing stone building, and I spent many happy hours there. The library was a haven of peace and quiet, as it was manned by middle-aged librarians who would shush anyone who started to talk.
One thing we did not have was drag queens. I don’t know what would have happened if a drag queen had shown up and started hanging out with the kids, but it would not have ended well.
Weirdly, for reasons I cannot fathom, the concept of a “drag queen story hour” has gained currency.
Someone apparently thinks it is a great idea for drag queens to be stationed in libraries, reading to children. To me, it seems like the product of a random bad idea generator. Happily, that appears to be the majority view.
Rasmussen finds:
The popularity of “Drag Queen Story Hour” doesn’t include the parents of school-age children, who overwhelmingly oppose the phenomenon in which men dressed as women perform for children.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of American Adults consider “Drag Queen Story Hour” not appropriate for children, including 44% who say it’s Not At All Appropriate. Only 29% think “Drag Queen Story Hour” is appropriate for children, including 11% who consider it Very Appropriate. Another 10% are not sure. …
Among those who are parents or [grandparents] of school-age children, a majority (51%) believe “Drag Queen Story Hour” is Not At All Appropriate for children.
I do wonder about that 29%, though.
Probably Single Women!
Roger says:
November 16, 2022 at 9:48 am
Registration does not mean he is in active medical practice.
I understood from a doctor friend in a similar situation that registration required a certain number of hours in practice each month. Iirc, he did a day a week in a GP clinic.
“Recency of practice” obligations in AHPRA registration renewals place a minimum requirement of 1 month’s practice every 12 months, or a 3-months’ minimum over a 3-year period.
How Norm does this is anyone’s guess, and it is open to system-gaming.
As for “Ultimo” being his practice location, probable BS… easy to do.
Though most general practices these days have to be registered with State Medical Councils, PBS and ATO.
It’s getting harder to fool the cretinous incompetents who supervise these regulations.. but it’s still possible.
I suppose we’ll find out…eventually.
Thanks for confirming that, Gilas.
Is it possible Swan records his locaity as Ultimo but actually puts in his time in somewhere else? Thereby ensuring mobs of female fans don’t turn up and swoon in his consulting room.
can confirm there is no real ivm in india. we even sourced it from a hospital and again was fake.
you can tell if your ivm is real by tasting it. should have a slightly sweet medicinal taste. if it just tastes like chalk its fake
LOL at Zippy licking fake horse paste.
JUST IN: McCarthy Announces Sweeping Changes From Pelosi Era, Says He Will Be Speaker
If you’ve been paying attention, HESTA, the biggest super fund, your money, has just invested $100,000,000 in Renu Energy to pursue the green hydrogen dream. I wouldn’t go to the Renu Energy website if I were you. Mind you, if you’re in SE Oz or Tassie, -253degC isn’t too far away.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis addresses Trump controversy
The Prime Minister solemnly and publicly proposed a major change to our Constitution – a change he wants Australians to vote for – without having a blind clue as to its legal or constitutional consequences.
On the respite care, ex-nurse here was looking at setting up a high dependency unit at his house near perth.
Weekend respite for high dependency (thats feeding tubes, nurse on call/attendence and very severe disabilities) was somewhere around $20,000 for a person.
Lviv is tens of kms away. That never happened.
Eyrie, I understand the point you are making.
Personal observations can be meaningless when statistics tell you a different story. I am nowhere near a statistician. If you were on the blog the other day, you would have seen my comment to Mater where I said I was concerned for all the young men in my family and what the vaxx might do to them.
Personal observations whether it be from the world directly around us, or the work of number crunchers results in personal decisions – it has to otherwise none of it has any point. My decision is not to be spooked or manipulated into thinking that millions are dying or going to die from the vaxx, and I refuse to respond in fear.
It has to be, otherwise none of it has any point.
Garbage. Placing drag queens in children’s libraries is deliberate.
It’s about normalisation and access.
If Vlad was smart he’d just apologise for a malfunctioning missile if that’s what it is.
The US killed a while family of innocents with a targeted fuck up.
Roger says:
November 16, 2022 at 10:35 am
Is it possible Swan records his locaity as Ultimo but actually puts in his time in somewhere else?
Having “long lunches” and coffees with medico friends can also be made to look like active practice… as long as one doesn’t upset the wrong people.
Someone with such a high profile could easily become a target, but I know for a fact that the medical oversight bureaucracy is infested with Stalinist man-buns and nose-ringed harridans, so he might still get a pass.
All that & a well directed gobbet of spit in the direction of parents’ rights.
C.L. spotted in China.
Instead they’ve already resorted to the “provocation” line.
‘You’re Lying To The American People’: GOP Lawmaker Hammers Sec. Mayorkas Over Border Claims
A couple of Polish farmers are hardly Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Or shouldn’t be.
This is obviously a screw up. If Russia wanted to do it deliberately they wouldn’t do it this way. Ukraine doesn’t gain much and has a lot to lose if it was them.
Cooler heads should prevail.
destruction of infrastructure resumes
The BBC reported three analysts this morning suggesting that photos of fragments they’d seen from the missile indicate a S-300. They have an effective range of 120km. That is beyond the range of even Belarus.
November 16, 2022 at 10:39 am
LOL at Zippy licking fake horse paste.
LOL at m0nty-fa being too stupid or ignorant/uninformed to know that ivermectin is a human medicine that has been used safely by many, many, millions of humans (and a smaller number of horses) world-wide, for many decades.
Leftards, their irredeemable idiocy increasing the credibility of m0rons.
Kat Cammack Has Fiery Clash With Mayorkas Over Illegal Immigrants Released Into United States
One of the places I worked in had the Director of Nursing immediately removed from her position after a particularly unladylike performance of the birds and bees on the front lawn of her boyfriends? house during a party.
But that’s none of our business – what a lady does in her spare time with her current boyfriend on his front lawn is … is… something or other. Unfortunately, the boyfriends wife heard of the comings and goings, which made the DoNs position a lot more than untenable and she was last seen throwing gear into the back of her vehicle and disappearing toward the nearest exit with ‘family’ in hot pursuit.
When we were clearing out the office, we found underneath one of those blotter things, a stack of “Incident Forms” that were filled out by the staff after a particular reportable incident had occurred. Things like staff assaults, patient assaults, medication errors, missing narcotics, ‘lost’ narcotics,etc. They dated back a year or so and when we checked, none of them appeared on the data base.
Nothing more was heard even after a replacement DoN arrived.
I met up with the young lady a few years later when she arrived as a sort of roving troubleshooter in ?Fitzroy Crossing? to assess ‘Certain Incidents’ at the hospital & Community.
So she’d fallen up to a position of great responsibility where some – not all – of her obvious talents would be used.
So, in a short answer to your question re a Royal Commission knowing about the disasters, “Ha ha hahaha *snort* choke cough hahahaha!” And that is exactly what it is like across WA/NT/Qld/NSW. No one wants to know, and if you speak up, then your registration could be in quite some danger.
Newsom’s Wife Testifies That Harvey Weinstein’s Worm Looks Like a Fish
Mark Werksman, defense attorney for fallen Hollywood queenmaker Harvey Weinstein, opened his client’s latest rape trial by taking a shot at “Jane Doe #4,” aka Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of California Gov. Gavin Newsom. She has accused Weinstein of raping her in 2005.
“Today she is the wife of Gov. Newsom. She’s the first partner of California,” Werksman declared.
“She’s made herself a prominent victim in the MeToo movement. Otherwise, she’d be just another bimbo who slept with Harvey Weinstein to get ahead in Hollywood.”
Siebel Newsom testified that she met Weinstein in a hotel room to discuss a film project because “he could make or ruin your career.” She stated that at one point, Weinstein changed from a suit to a robe.
She tearfully testified that Weinstein raped her in the hotel room.
“I’m standing. I’m resisting,” Siebel Newsom, a former actress, stated in court. “Horror. I’m trembling. This is my worst nightmare. I’m just this blow-up doll that he’s just trying to masturbate off of.”
Things got fishy when Deputy District Attorney Marlene Martinez asked Siebel Newsom to describe Weinstein’s physical appearance.
“Lots of bruises, markings, yellow and green, lots of stretch marks on his belly, very not physically fit at all,” Siebel Newsom recalled. “Looked uncircumcised and strange though, kind of fish-like, the penis, something was distorted in the testicles. Lots of skin, lots of skin down there.”
Martinez then asked Siebel Newsom why she continued to correspond with Weinstein after the alleged attack. She responded by saying the attack was a “one-off thing.” Also, Weinstein had gotten married.
Siebel Newsom also emailed Weinstein two years after the alleged assault, when her then-boyfriend Gavin Newsom was having an affair with a married woman, asking him how to handle “bad press.”
“Of all things you’d think a woman that is raped by Harvey Weinstein wouldn’t do, it’s ask him how to deal with a sex scandal,” Werksman declared in court.
Put down the Coffee before linking!
Even the best missiles and smart bombs have a percentage that go ‘rogue’. I’ve loosed a couple myself. That’s the slam-cam you never see on CNN.
When it happens, you keep your fingers crossed that it lands in a paddock or away from populated areas. They don’t always.
The minutes seem like hours whilst you await the inevitable report of what/who it actually hit.
Keep calm and carry on, monty.
I don’t see NATO invoking Art. 5 over this.
China’s 4th largest city: 5 million people under lockdown/Foxconn hires 25,000 workers in India
China Insights
A large group of victims falling to the draconian lockdown measures of the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP, are college students. They are locked up on campus for long periods of time. What you see now is the nighttime schoolyard of the Communication University of China in Beijing. Students are crawling in a circle on the field in front of the university’s library.
So, is this strict containment policy really working to curb the outbreak in the metropolis? More and more Chinese people are realizing that something has gone wrong here, including those working on the front lines of epidemic prevention.
According to some hot takes, Vlad is so impoverished he’s using SAMs as rocket artillery.
Presumably shooting out of Belarus, using a Jacaranda Atlas and a compass.
‘Do You Continue To Maintain That The Border Is Secure?’: Mayorkas Grilled By Dan Bishop
partner? spoken like a true neo-marxist.
bimbo trying to get ahead scored well this time
November 16, 2022 at 8:21 am
World Population Data Sheet 2022 Highlights Excess Deaths Due to COVID-19
The World Population Data Sheet is released annually by the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), a non-profit organization that tracks population indicators for more than 200 countries and territories.
As part of a project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) has been supporting the Young Ambassadors for family planning from the nine member states of the Ouagadougou Partnership (OP). Launched in 2011, the OP focuses on meeting unmet family planning n… December 13, 2016
Enough said.
Do you drink water dickhead? You’re a cooker if you do. Everyone knows that water is horse juice.
Australian Media!
Anneliese Nielsen on Sky:
“There has been no proof that the 2020 election was stolen.”
Correction: no evidence
I don’t think -in fact I strongly doubt – there was ever a planned policy of that level, just the usual level of 10% of people busting their arses to do their job, 50% of the rest doing whatever required to keep the wages coming in, and the 40% burn outs who knew they were achieving Jack Shit but couldn’t walk away because they thought they might make a difference.
There was also the 5% straight out of Uni who knew everything that was wrong with the system because they had that lecture and did the assignment. They were ‘easy meat’ for the young bucks who used and abused them for the cash for kids and endowment. You couldn’t tell them and if you tried you were the racist. Some would wake up after a couple of kids, but usually too late. If they tried to scarper, they’d be brought back to the family along with threats and , yes, beatings to the kids if they tried it again.
It’s tragic, but it’s what the system delivers and considering the dysfunctionality of it, it’s all it can deliver.
The ones who manage to break away from the culture and make it stick are the real champions here. They deserve everything they earn. And bloody good luck to them.
“The Voice” is just Kabuki Theatre. It will do nothing to solve any problems. It’s going to be another ATSIC trough for the smarties – both black and white – to plunder.
What bubble do you have to have been living in to avoid all the evidence?
Who decides?
“Top men,” Calli. “Top Men.”
…and don’t you worry your pretty little head about it either… (Says Winston in his most condescending voice.)
BREAKING: “DeSantis 2024” airplane banner flies above Palm Beach to troll Mar-a-Lago ahead of Trump announcement
Mary Gay Scanlon Promotes Bill To Prevent NDAs From Silencing Sexual Assault & Harassment Victims
Unfortunately most today do not remember the ATSIC corruption.
The problem isn’t indigenous people. The ones I have known had very little if any interest in the arguments of activists, were fully adapted to modern life, and lived well. Any group of people living in remote communities will become dysfunctional. Remote communities are a very bad idea but we are stuck with them because no-one in the major parties will state the bloody obvious.
Winston a friend of mine moved to work in Darwin’s major hospital. When she first arrived she praised the indigenous people. After 12 months she despised them. One reason being she was horrified by the number of women coming into ER bashed by men. She told me that the Zimbabwean nurses on staff had contempt for the indigenous because some of those nurses walked hundreds of kilometers in order to emigrate to Australia. Ironically a bloody long walk would do the world of good for the health of many indigenous people.
G20 Panel Calls for a Global Digital Health Certificate Acknowledged by WHO to Track Vaccination Status
aaaargh! It’s midday and it’s snowing!
Revealing that med certs of death in Canada where the patient requests MAID are planned to not record the actual cause of death.
This kunt is a 4th Reich Nazi.
For years we have been regaled with horror stories about sexual abuse of young people. There was and remains a large component of “let’s get the Catholics” but it wasn’t restricted to that. All manner of people (usually men) were pinged. Swimming coaches, dance coaches, entertainers. Many instances were not of the “it ruined my life” scale of offence.
It now looks like the birds of a feather have decided they can run two lines of argument, forgetting that they are to a large degree mutually inconsistent – except insofar as they both have some destructive value against western civilisation, or what’s left of it.
I’ve been amazed at how many people and institutions have given at least tacit approval to all the horrendous aspects of the “gender dysphoria” movement. It’s not just inappropriate literature in schools. The whole gamut from puberty blockers to castrations, mastectomies, and perhaps penis construction or deconstruction are now given a pass by the fellow travellers of those who for decades have thundered about some young person’s genitals attracting inappropriate attention from an adult.
Anyone now fronting up on the televised or streamed mega-pulpit to decry abuse of minors should state their position on gender trickery and the awful things happening.
It should be more compulsory than acknowledgement of what tribal spot they are speaking from.
an extension of the all women must be believed trope …. empowering blackmail
Polish president describes Russian missile situation as ‘Article 4 situation’
More likely a S300 for SSM purposes.
The churches got out of that racket in the Middle Ages. A proven business model though.
I know a bloke wot knows a bloke, who used to run an air charter business, into some of those Third World sh!tholes – he had to sign a non disclosure agreement as part of the contract..
‘Kimberley’s mum is really angry about it. She said: “It adds to my heartache, he’s so obtuse and low class he wouldn’t even recognise his error”,’ the family member said.
nuff said.
Polish President says the Russian missile absolutely T boned his country.
Putin claims his partner was at the controls at the time.
The ABC puts the impact down to climate change.
Albo has glued himself to Xi’s bum.
Finally someone is doing something.
If the problem is fake horse paste, surely the real horse paste is OK then?
Shy Ted/Roger
Re constitutional lawyers – from experience these lawyers usually deal with govt only and tear down the contstitution.
Hand them a proeprty conveyance, a interview for a will, challenge a speeding fine and watch the color of their face change and the state of panic overwehlm them.
Really they are the flunkies who are frightened of the real world.
Victoria Police’s most elite squad is still looking to recruit its first woman.
The elite Special Operations Group (SOG), commonly known as the Sons of God, has been searching for its first daughter for at least three years without success.
Although it has taken longer than expected, the force say it is edging closer to a woman joining the SOG ranks.
Members of the highly trained tactical squad are called upon to deal with our most dangerous offenders including, terrorists, gunmen, armed sieges, hostage scenarios and other high-risk arrests.
I’m waiting for the Comm Bank to get back to me. A couple of years ago we went guarantor for one of our sons home loan. He’s now got enough equity to take us off the loan. Comm Bank agrees however they say they won’t return the paper title we gave them as security at time of loan. They say that they will convert it to a digital title, whatever that is and that the Title Office (Vic) will hold it.
I can’t see how they can do that without my agreement, they took a paper document and should return it. Or am I being obtuse?
Wasn’t there some discussion on the old Cat, about women being unable to meet the standards for infantry?
Wally Dali:
I get your drift, Wally, but what with Woke ideology and it ability to have a substitute meaning hidden behind every word, I finding it a lot easier to give the correct context. It was discussed here a couple of days ago how the process works:
“Gay marriage” becomes something you can only see through the prism of weird, and then supplants the concept of two blokes walking down the aisle with School excursions to gay bars with twerking freaks indoctrinating kids who have no clue what’s going on.
When the parents get the shits, it’s “Well while it’s not explicitly defined in the legislation we then passed, it can be implied, so shut up you Fascist bastards and follow the law. And let that little boy sit in my lap.”
It does my head in and it’s difficult to understand what the hell is going on, but that’s the whole purpose of “Woke” – it’s a form of gaslighting where the individual is kept doubting the evidence of their senses, only this time it is being directed at whole cultures.
I expected to see a cartoon of Luigi waving a piece of paper saying “Trade in our time”. In the manner of Neville Chamberlain.
When I first moved to Melbournibad around 1990 we had a guy from the Special Operations group living in a crappy terrace house in North Melbourne. You would come home to find various handguns disassembled for cleaning on the lounge room table and then he would just disappear for a month.
Dover Beach 11.04am
Half time in the footy change rooms – I need a fag, I need a beer – Ahhhhh
Donald Trump LIVE
That S300 was a long way from any Russian held territory. Likely a Uke one if indeed any of this story is true and it wasn’t just an industrial accident in Poland.
The Baltic States seem to have loud mouths with NATO backing them. Won’t be sorry to see the warmongering bastards smacked in those mouths.
To paraphrase Peterson, I don’t actually believe that the Lizard People exist, but I think it’s prudent to think and act in all things as if they do. And patrolling charlatanism in language is a big front in the fight, I’m constantly pressing people to define what they mean by neologisms and euphemisms- usually their failure to give a succinct definition is followed closely by an entreaty to stop being pernickety, because the outcome of the transition/treaty/reset will override any failure to presently make a case in the fuddy duddy field of rhetoric.
At that point in the discussion, I maintain eye contact, and lose future invitations.
Trump has really gone to town on the bronzing cream today.
How do you feel about Our Vlad starting a war?
At least 25 American flags on the stage behind Trump LOL, he’s going all out.
Dot you mean the war the Ukes started by shelling the Donbass since 2014 at the behest of loose cannon criminal groups inside the Criminal organisation we know as the US Government. That war?
ZK2A: @ 0930 today.
That’s a chilling document from Janet.
The question is “Just what does the government intend to do with the Constitutional Amendment?”
I don’t know, but I suggest the government does and is not going to tell us.
This is kind of batshit and not really grounded in facts. I’m sure our fact checkers will notice they’re quoting Fox News after all.
I don’t see the point of hating half of humanity for any reason.
Biden Says “Unlikely” Missile That Hit Poland Was Fired From Russia
Update (2100ET): So much for Russia almost starting World War 3 (even if under the guise of a false flag).
As we noted earlier (see below), even pro-Ukraine accounts noted that the S-300 SAM that fell in Poland was a Ukrainian one. And while Biden will never admit that Ukraine nearly started war with Poland (as much as the deep state via its AP connections or the Ukraine president would have wanted Russia to get the blame), moments ago Biden explicitly said that based on preliminary information, it is “unlikely” that the rocket strike in Poland originated in Russia. Oops.
“There is plenty of information to contest that. I don’t want to say until we completely investigate. It’s unlikely in the minds of [sic] the trajectory that it was fired from Russia. But we’ll see.”
So if it was not fired by Russia, where was it fired from?
Ukrainian military telegram admits that the deadly explosion in Poland was caused by a Ukrainian anti-missile defense S-300P to protect their country against Russian missile barrages.
Haha he declared. Trump is running.
Excellent news for the Democrats.
Why did the shelling start?
Get to the bottom of this, you might learn something.
What is the timeline of this conflict since the breakup of the USSR?
(PS – it isn’t flattering for Russia).
only need to look at what is happening in nz
And just like that…Novak Djokovic’s ban on entering Australia has been rescinded.
And if Novak wUZ me he’d tell us (as in Oz gummint) where to stick his raquet! .. money/titles F**k Em! .. NEVER FORGET, NEVER FORGIVE ..!
Good luck to them getting the referendum up if that’s their position.
That Dutton is largely keeping quiet suggests he’s following Napoleon’s advice not to interrupt your enemy while he’s making a mistake.
Didn’t even seek legal advice….my, my; that beats Wong’s faceplant over Jerusalem.
Trump frightens the shit out of Monty and his mates as we see above.
There can be no greater endorsement.
Those who turned away so quick from the fighters of the right after another stolen election be the commo globalists. …wanting to dump Trump….I have two words for you.
Fuck off.
Listen to struth! Don’t throw us lefties in the nasty briar patch! Embrace Trump!
Colour me cynical, but I could write the “Yes” Campaign.
“Australia has done terrible things to Aborigines, starting with stealing their land, and fighting the Frontier Wars. Right all the past wrongs by voting “Yes” to the Voice. Their souls will be crushed if a callous, racist Australia votes “No.”
This story is just being milked.
Postal votes and no result on the day….what rot.
All the left can do is over react when you state the bleeding obvious.
For its not up to the people to prove corruption. …it is our duty to demand those we pay to run these elections are completely transparent and open to scrutiny at the behest of anyone at any time.
Their reactions to ballot harvesting accusations are the same as their reaction to Trump.
You know you are over the target.
Telling it like it is, Winston, telling it like it is. Despite holding back on the more gruesome stuff.
Just got in to the Mariott at LAX and enjoying rum and coke (me) and beer (Hairy) listening to Trump’s speech. Hairy wins! I agree that Trump can win and win bigly if he keeps his softer tone and as Hairy says, don’t listen to the fucking commentariat. We are enthused. Even though there are two years to go and things can change in two years.
Trump will only fail if the right wing in the USA are like the right wing voters here.
Spineless and thick.
And mostly godless.
Tiring travel day from Miami, having to change flights at Atlanta first.
Fox giving some stick to Republican leadership on the mid-terms.
Well Cats, it looks like you’re stuck with me for a little longer.
Doc says heart markers aren’t great and, if not attended to, would definitely result in some sort of CVD event in the “near future.” But some of the damage is reparable, even reversible by way of a “change of lifestyle.” So, while I’m not in awe of giving up my Wynns Coonawarra Shiraz or two (with ciggies) I guess it’ll be better to start making some changes here and there…
… re-tests early in the new year and we will see if the numbers have gone down. If not, I could be fucked so that’s enough of a jolt to make a few changes!!! 🙂
Bad news for the GOP with many former Trump acolytes recently stepping away from him. Trump support is already declining and that will continue. He’ll split the vote making a Democrat win much easier.
lol. Hairy now tells me re The Australian and its stupid analysis in the last few days, Greg Sheridan etc, to ‘have a look at the whole load of new comments you put on the Australian’.
He’s been using my name there! Oh well, marriage is like that. I took over his name after all. 🙂
We are off to eat, using east coast time, as we have to get up very early tomorrow on west coast time.
Such are the joys of travel. We both love it though. I sat next to a young stage director on the plane, a personable young man who spent his time knitting; it’s quite a thing apparently, there are groups for it. He was making a great job of a complex sweater, and says he finds knitting very relaxing. I told him of my lack of success more than sixty years ago with a scarf – too many dropped stitches. He was taking his mum and his gran to visit rellies in Australia, so he is basically a good lad, but on a different flight later to ours. We leave tomorrow.
Good to hear, Lysander. If all you need to do is give up all the little things that make life worth living, it’s a small price to pay. 😉
Lysander, get a calcium arterial scan and find out what exactly is the condition of your arteries.
They always prescribe lifestyle changes. But you also have to enjoy life, so unless there is good reason to go overboard, keep some pleasures in your life.
Winston can probably give good advice, from experience and others also. Hairy is not a role model in this, but he refuses to let a simple thing like a heart problem and a stent stop him. He may regret this, as I tell him, but his decisions are his own.
Do you need a stent anywhere – yet?
ps cardiologists are a brutal lot, some are zealots. Always take a second opinion, imho.