Open Thread – Tue 29 Nov 2022

Joseph’s Dream, Rembrandt, 1645

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 11:20 am

“I donated to both parties. I donated about the same amount to both parties,” Bankman-Fried told the crypto commentator and citizen journalist Tiffany Fong.

Yep, he did. To all the RINOs. So Biden’s money taken from taxpayers was sent to Ukraine then laundered back via FTX to the US to support Dems and RINOs. Which says a lot about RINOs.

December 1, 2022 11:21 am

Wally Dalí says:
December 1, 2022 at 11:13 am

The chores. The boss is going to be at boiling point if she finds out you haven’t done the chores & spent the day waffling.

local oaf
December 1, 2022 11:21 am

Remember all those half-dead skin and bone wraiths who populated Vogue a few years ago?

Designing dresses for pre-adolescent boys was one of the accusations tied to the trend.

Fashion industry mainly gay men, their preferred models would be teenage boys but until recently there was no chance of that being allowed.
So they chose the nearest models possible to their ideal – very skinny women and girls, tall and broad shouldered with tiny breasts and narrow hips.

Youth is the ultimate aphrodisiac for some in the gay world, hence younger and younger girls for models. Less chance of any horrible curves.

December 1, 2022 11:21 am

December 1, 2022 at 11:15 am
Grey Ranga says absolutely nothing except Meow again.
Fuck off Grey Ranga, you absolute bitter old fuck stick

Who’s bitter? I must have been over the target.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 11:22 am

… will modernise birth certificates to make sure a person’s legal identity matches their lived identity.

Ummm … I’m not sure that is their purpose.

December 1, 2022 11:23 am

That you’ve done to yourselves what you have done with the jab really is only of a concern now because you are in denial.
Say what you want about the furniture store, but we’re about two years ahead of you guys regarding what is going on.
So is CL’s blog.
This is the home of Dover’s denialists……
Denialism is keeping you way behind the eight ball.
No matter how much you are presented with by the likes of Indolent and others.
The ability to ignore all is gobsmacking.

December 1, 2022 11:26 am

I thought Sancho was out fishing in the boat he got cheap from some Queenslander 🙂

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 11:27 am

for the sartorial splendour of the GQ profile… donned threads costing in total $6,439

Don’t forget to add back the teeth. Probably had to sell an investment property for those. Always hated spending money on haircuts, petrol and suits.

December 1, 2022 11:29 am

I take it you’re not posting from Africa or India.

Funny about that.

It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that you think the lies surrounding disease and vaccination started and ended with covid.

Could you please explain how you can maintain this? Do you really think they could have gotten away with what they did the past three years if they hadn’t already had a complete infrastructure and propaganda technique that rendered getting any kind of traction from criticising any vaccine virtually impossible?

The funny part is that you just inadvertently proved my point. After all that’s been said and done you still use the term “anti-vaxer” in a derogatory sense.

That, you see, is how everything that has happened, happened.

If you want to understand how the last three years occurred, go and read about what they did to Andrew Wakefield.

Go and read about the stories of parents whose kids have been injured by DTaP or MMR shots and how those parents were treated.

Go and read about how deregistering of doctors for advising against vaccines happened *before* covid vaccines even existed.

Go and read about how the WHO literally made up the notion that measles killed millions of people in developing countries, and then, they completely made up the idea that their vaccine program saved millions.

Go and read about how doctors use vaccine status as part of their differential diagnosis.

Read about how the diagnostic criteria is often strengthened after the introduction of a vaccine (eg requiring a lab test).

Go and read up on the differential diagnoses of all so-called vaccine preventable diseases and ask yourself how doctors throughout history could have correctly differentiated all these diseases.

Read about how chronic illness and disability have exploded since the widespread use of vaccination.

Read about how deaths from so-called vaccine preventable diseases had all but disappeared before the vaccines came along (in countries with genuine cause of death data).

December 1, 2022 11:31 am

Brereton’s November 2020 report found there was “credible evidence” that 25 current or former ADF personnel murdered up to 39 Afghan civilians and prisoners

Anyone remember what the freshly censured Goose Morristeen’s stance was on this disgusting evidence free witch hunt?

Hint – “absolutely disgraceful and expedient” doesn’t even come close to describing it. Under the bus treatment that he later also administered to a certain former political staffer.

Worst prime minister ever, with daylight second. An appalling fat stupid spineless tone deaf imbecile.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 11:31 am

Youth is the ultimate aphrodisiac for some in the gay world …

As Hendo would point out to Mincing Marr on Insiders to much amusement for some of us.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 11:34 am

A Royal Commission into Covid management would clear the air and control future excesses, but I don’t hold out much hope for that. Trust in medicine has diminished, but I caution re babies and bathwater there. Childhood vaccinations are still effective, and so are some non-mandatory adult ones as you age. I’ve no problem with taking a flu vaxx yearly and ten yearly tetanus, shingles, pneumococcus vaxxes. After eighty-five though a lot of vaxxes only mount a poor immune response so it is often not worth having them in late old age.

A cautionary tale about one’s own untutored ‘researching’ of medical interventions comes from my first husband, a leftie, who took on board sites claiming the overuse of stents by money-grubbing cardiologists, refused to have a stent as recommended, and soon after suffered a massive heart attack with ensuing long term debility needing rehab. He’s now got numerous stents that keep him alive.

And I’ve mentioned above a similar thing – I was lucky to escape the ideological narrative about ‘natural’ childbirth relatively unscathed, simply a couple of episiotomies worse off, and probably better done than not, given the lack of a caesarian. Hence I donate to Catherine Hamlin’s Ethiopian Women’s Fistula Hospital, where natural peasant childbirth with obstructed labour can be repaired by modern obstetrics. Obstructed labour happens world-wide – I saw it in New Guinea in 1965 where I went with a patrol officer taking three women in obstructed labour (and another woman with her breast partially chopped off by a jealous husband) to hospital over 30 km of rocks called a road.

I’ve seen a fair bit of the third world. Some problems really are first world problems.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 11:34 am

Worst prime minister ever, with daylight second. An appalling fat stupid spineless tone deaf imbecile.

A Kevin from Queensland has rung in …

December 1, 2022 11:35 am

Everything is “personal abuse” with Lizzie.

It’s no different than a lefty calling it hate speech or offensive.
Lizzie wants to comment, say what she likes but any criticism is “personal abuse”
Lizzie, l could put this in a more polite way, but where’s the fun in that?

Listen you silly old cow, I was talking to Mater and you decided to bud in and put your two cents worth in.
Then when you get a response you deserve, you cry “personal abuse”

You used to be amusing when you’d rabbit on trying to be a writer….(don’t all bored rich, trophy wives, even the elderly ones), and I knew the world was not in short supply of pixels so why not…live and let live.

But you have taken a stand, butted in on other’s conversation and then want to cry “personal abuse” when you get taken on.

It’s time it was said to you, and not just Johanna.
Get back in the kitchen and cook Hairy something nice.
If you’re not good at it, learn.

December 1, 2022 11:38 am

December 1, 2022 at 11:26 am
I thought Sancho was out fishing in the boat he got cheap from some Queenslander ?

Might be right, the boat goes round and round in circles till it disappears up its own proverbial, had all its training from the previous owner.

December 1, 2022 11:40 am

I’ve no problem with taking a flu vaxx yearly and ten yearly tetanus, shingles, pneumococcus vaxxes.

With current technology, yes. However, all these will be converted to mRNA as it cheap, and more profitable. The question us, how safe will it be, given the disastrous mRNA covid clotshots.

December 1, 2022 11:41 am

Would you have a booster now, Mater?

No, but I don’t believe I’ll ever be pressured to do so, for the reasons I gave in this 2021 post.

In military parlance, I traded ground for time. Time for the truth to come out, and some semblance of rationality to return. The truth is coming out slowly, and some rationality is sporadically appearing. I don’t think they could run compulsory boosters on a wide spread basis.

I won’t be commenting further on this, Struth. I didn’t contribute to any repercussions you felt, and the risk to my wellbeing was mine to accept. I was well aware of what bullshit the whole thing was, and I still am.

If you have any doubt about my position in all this, fully read the thread I just linked to, and all the responses I gave underneath it. I’ve posted continually throughout this fucking mess, and if you think I have succumbed to the lies and propaganda, you are being deliberately blind. I was constantly running the numbers, and they didn’t add up. If you think that I believe I’ve won something by having this shit in my veins, you’d be dead wrong.

Out to you.

December 1, 2022 11:41 am

Is this only the start?

The McGowan Government has put Western Australian businesses on notice that it will not tolerate vehicles being used to advertise material that is sexually explicit, discriminating and offensive, by introducing a Bill to ban offensive advertising on WA licensed vehicles.

So, define, what is “offensive?” I fear a slippery slope here in the PDR of WA.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 11:43 am

A Royal Commission into Covid management would clear the air and control future excesses, but I don’t hold out much hope for that.

Lizzie – It’d be even more useless than Dyson Hayden’s RC into the unions, which was studiously ignored. Neither major party wants to talk about the fact that they are medical fascists, nor that they did everything wrong and killed thousands of people. So even if a RC happened it would be an exercise in blind men carefully avoiding room-elephants. Clear the air it wouldn’t do.

December 1, 2022 11:47 am

The funny part is that you just inadvertently proved my point. After all that’s been said and done you still use the term “anti-vaxer” in a derogatory sense.

That’s correct.
I do.

I’ve had the measels, you idiot.
They were around when I was a kid.
Not now.
These jabs are not vaccines.

When the yearly flu disappears and the disease that replaces it has the same symptoms.
It has been renamed.
Covid is the seasonal colds and flus killing exactly the same amount of people the yearly cold and flus do.
This is obvious to anyone who didn’t fall for the propaganda.
It still is something you cannot argue against logically.
Colds and flus never disappear and can only do so if renamed.

Elites were never going to let anything really deadly be released they may catch.

The tests were impressive.

That certainly was a psych game to behold.
Getting tested to find out if you feel sick!!!!!!!
Getting a test because you have a cold to find out it’s AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH COVID…..yet it’s still just a runny nose and a headache.
The belief people held in a Chinese test kit.

Fuck me, watching the insanity over the last two, nearly three years, and you wonder why I might be a little intolerant to the denialist minds.

Disgusting, weak sheeple.

December 1, 2022 11:48 am

Sancho was out fishing

Footage here.

December 1, 2022 11:56 am

I wouldn’t be worried about Italy Tom, considering they’re not in it.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 1, 2022 11:58 am

Princess it’s amazing that you’re still reading my posts and addressing your efforts to me, considering I cOnTRibuTE NOtHInG tO ThE BLoG
…is it to distract yourself from hitting the bottle? You know, you being a recovering alchoholic would explain a lot. The OCD, the anger, the no personal life, the sanctimoniousness

December 1, 2022 12:00 pm

What you’re saying is that irrespective of the opinions of “Indolent and others”, you’re happy to tar everyone on this blog with monty’s ‘You lot’ brush.

No, I said this is the home to the denialists.

Indolent posts here.
So do I.
So does Matrix and many many others.
They are either ignored or mocked by the denialists here.
Unfortunately Dover,……..and I’m being serious here….when the split happened from Sinclair’s blog, you got most of the bigotted conservatives.
By that I mean people who aren’t really conservative but want to be in a club.
A country club conservative.
Not in it for true conservative values, but for their own perceived status.
Hence the lack of actual conservative views amongst those people.
I have called them such names as the little gang of snearers, and probably much worse.
All deserved.
If they were the entire commenters here, I wouldn’t be here to challenge their insanity.

Look at “I don’t care WHY China is cheaper just that they are” type idiots like JC.
That’s not conservatism.
That is someone with no idea of how wealth is created.
He’s a moronic “libertarian”
Someone who believes the natural state of man is wealth and freedom, and it has nothing to do with maintaining the institutions of the west as they are supposed to be.

He has failed miserably as a man regarding the jabs, but still has an aweful lot to say for himself and abuses others here endlessly.
I only pop in every now and then to have a go.

There are some sick bastards here, Dover, you must admit that.

Not all, but some.
And until Sancho has skidmarked away, they lived on the blog and held the floor, holding back your blog.

As they die, (or leave) your blog will improve.

It’s the few bad apples spoiling the whole barrel.

December 1, 2022 12:17 pm

I know you haven’t succumb to the lies and propaganda Mater.
But just let me assure you.
I don’t and never have agreed with the decision you have made regarding this, and hope that you can respect that I didn’t just go along with it, because it was you.

I speak my own mind, and wish you had never succumbed to taking the jab.
I think what you did was foolish and only produced short term gain for long term pain.

I have to know my conscience is clear and I want you to know that I never agreed with you doing it, I have always been against you doing it, and there were ways around it.
You cannot say I just agreed for the sake of keeping the peace.

That being said…………it is done, but I am forever glad that you still have your clear mental state, and god willing, I hope this jabbing leaves you and your family until some antidote is found.
And that won’t be done until we all fix this mess, by realising who the enemy is and accepting what must be done.

December 1, 2022 12:17 pm

Covid was a difficult time for everyone. People made their own decisions, as they should, in the light of their own situations.

Covid was fine for pretty much everyone. The government and corporate “response” to covid is an entirely different matter.

We need to stay on target. Covid wasn’t the problem.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 12:19 pm

This is so not going to happen. I amused that Albo is playing these games.

Julian Assange’s father ‘welcomes’ PM Anthony Albanese’s lobbying efforts to fight against US extradition (1 Dec)

Julian Assange’s father has thanked Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for his recent comments which have given the family new hope that the Wikileaks founder may return to Australia.

The Left is who wants his arse, not the Right. Biden and his cronies especially. So having Albo lobbying Joe to allow Assange to come here has zero chance. An inane and useless effort. I suppose it gives Albo a headline though.

December 1, 2022 12:23 pm

December 1, 2022 at 10:59 am
Ursula von der Leyen’s slip of the tongue yesterday, later airbrushed, was interesting. She let out that Ukraine has suffered over 100K KIA, which would put their casualties to date at about 400K when you include WIA. This is a higher loss rate than that suffered by the Americans in WW2 and they were fighting in multiple theatres.

EU chief’s assessment of Ukrainian casualties deleted

Ursula von der Leyen had earlier said around 100,000 Kiev troops had been killed to date


Russian troops advance in Donbass – Defense Ministry

The military has pushed Ukrainian forces from multiple locations in the region, Moscow claims

The Russian military reported new advances in the north of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) on Wednesday. Multiple locations have been liberated on the outskirts of the town of Bakhmut, a major stronghold held by Ukrainian forces, which has seen intense fighting in recent weeks.

“On the Donetsk axis, the settlements of Belogorovka and Pershe Travnya of the Donetsk People’s Republic were completely liberated during offensive actions [by] Russian troops,” the Defense Ministry said in its daily briefing, adding that “up to 50 Ukrainian servicemen, four armored combat vehicles, three self-propelled artillery units and six soft vehicles were destroyed.”

The village of Belogorovka is a small settlement located some 20 kilometers northeast of Bakhmut. The second settlement mentioned in the briefing is, presumably, the village of Ozaryanovka, located about 12 kilometers south of the town. It was known by the name Pershe Travnya before 2016, but was then renamed under Kiev’s ‘decommunization’ efforts.

Later in the day, the Defense Ministry announced the liberation of Andreevka, a village five kilometers north of Ozaryanovka. The acting head of DPR, Denis Pushilin, said that troops have entered the adjacent village of Kurdyumovka. The settlements are located on an important supply route, crucial for the Ukrainian garrison of Bakhmut, he explained, referring to the town by its pre-‘decommunization’ name – Artemovsk.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 12:27 pm
December 1, 2022 12:27 pm

When the truth gets accepted, and the denialists stop trying to blur the lines, rubbish the truth, and muddy the waters, as has been happening here for years now…..imagine a pro-active blog, where news is shared, it’s accuracy tested via argument and research and ways to fight this suggested by the many, we may help in the win that will then see the billions now wasted on everything from solar panels to Ukraine money Laundering, used to discover an antidote for the jabs.

December 1, 2022 12:28 pm

She let out that Ukraine has suffered over 100K KIA, which would put their casualties to date at about 400K when you include WIA.

Looks like a pretty comprehensive de-nazification program.

December 1, 2022 12:28 pm

Ukraine has suffered over 100K KIA, which would put their casualties to date at about 400K

Cost benefit suggests this amount of death is not worth it.

If Russia were trying to take out the whole of Ukraine, would make sense. But they are only after a shitty patch of land lightly inhabited by mostly Russians anyway.

December 1, 2022 12:30 pm

December 1, 2022 at 12:27 pm
When the truth gets accepted, and the denialists stop trying to blur the lines, rubbish the truth, and muddy the waters, as has been happening here for years now…

Hunchback reckons they work still. I’d say that fucker is hatching another evil plan to shove down our throats.

December 1, 2022 12:33 pm

Princess it’s amazing that you’re still reading my posts and addressing your efforts to me, considering I cOnTRibuTE NOtHInG tO ThE BLoG

Funny, because you promised you’d that. And then you didn’t. Now you expect me to walk away, you hypocritical zero.

…is it to distract yourself from hitting the bottle?


You know, you being a recovering alchoholic would explain a lot. The OCD, the anger, the no personal life, the sanctimoniousness

And you’re still a house husband. You bore.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 12:34 pm

Tony Thomas does a takedown of Elbow

Yes. And correctly skewers that old saw of a gentler and less oppositional politics.

We need, says Tony, a far more oppositional politics against Albo’s stinking policies, not a less oppositional tack.

I couldn’t agree more.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 12:37 pm

Sort of like Dan really.

Xi Jinping will maintain power despite ‘terrible lockdown repression’ (Sky News, 30 Nov)

Former Labor MP Michael Danby says China is getting this “terrible lockdown repression” through Present Xi Jinping and the communist arrogance of the Chinese government.

“Sadly, Xi will maintain power, their police internal security budget is larger than their military budget and the communist arrogance has meant that they refuse to get effective western vaccines,” Mr Danby told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

Arrogance? Someone might want to ask Mr Danby about Victoria and WA especially. I’m amused that he thinks Western vaccines are any better than Chinese ones.

December 1, 2022 12:38 pm

Sort of like Dan really.

LOL. Understatement of the year.

December 1, 2022 12:39 pm

No Dover.
While what you say is true, you got the 24/7 bigots and sneerers………hey just bad luck on your part………who sat here night and day and did their best to do as I stated before.
Blur the truth and keep the blog from being what it used to be many years ago, in front of the rest, able to conclude things that took the rest of the world or just this nation months longer to figure out…and all due to a true belief in conservative principles and values, which means also a healthy respect and knowledge of history.
Sancho and his mates kept things from going forward by means of their 24/7 garbage.
It only takes a few, and unfortunately you got them.

Now, due to denialism….some of which has been caused by the same arseholes muddying the water here, and their 24/7 crap fest, it is way behind.

There is nothing much you can do about it Dover, unless you start banning people and that ends up being detrimental to your blog.

So the answer to bad speech is more speech.

Not banning.
Staying true to those types of principles……and people willing to take the bullshit on, will eventually win the fight.
Nothing beats the truth …..eventually we win……’s just a pain in the arse getting there.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 12:40 pm

Forums are going to reflect different philosophical positions, and even when the philosophical position is the same, people can honestly and reasonably arrive at different practical responses to a given problem.

Well said, Dover. The way to destroy a blog is to have it without a robust range of opinion on what is wrong and how to proceed. A blog should also not bore you to death. Entertainment rocks.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 12:43 pm

Yawn. Struth gives notice he intends going down the boredom route.

Guess there is always the scroll wheel.

December 1, 2022 12:46 pm

Xi Jinping will maintain power despite ‘terrible lockdown repression’

My CCP boss, woman with 4 degrees, was essentially saying FU Xi on coms that the CCP can easily intercept. They’ve all had enough of this shit. Hopefully Xi ends up with his head on a pike for his arrogance and stupidity.

December 1, 2022 12:50 pm

Christine McVie brown bread.

Say You Love Me

December 1, 2022 12:53 pm

You’ll be still right to go, won’t you Liz.

Sorry if it’s a boring subject and you miss Sancho.
Those with a good Nazi pass are probably bored shitless with people opposing this stuff.

December 1, 2022 12:54 pm

Aboriginal activists
I suggested to an old soldier, whom I admired, that these angry activists must hate the white in them.
He said “No, you have it the wrong way around”.

December 1, 2022 12:57 pm

Bloody hell (pun intended);

Police in Covington, Louisiana, say one of two burned corpses found near the St. Peter Catholic Church is that of 70-year-old Father Otis Young, Jr., a retired priest who was reported missing Sunday along with his 71-year-old caretaker and parish assistant, Ruth Prats.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 1, 2022 12:57 pm

Holy cr*p. I’m having an interpersonal connection moment with JC.
Ok, you have my promise that i’ll try my utmost to never rag you about boozing. I know how dangerous and destructive that can be, and the hazard is never ending. Good on you for tackling it, i respect you for it.
As for leaving you alone on this blog… impractical and impossible, esp if you reckon i’m “indirectly referencing” you. I might have admitted that you bring out worst immaturities, but in core belief i’m not into standing idly by while someone tries to lord it over the common battler. So, my apologies if you thought i’d given you a promise to not make eye contact or something, but i’m not going to treat you like a princess here.

December 1, 2022 12:58 pm

Ok need Cat’s help. QG want to build a solar farm right on my housing estate. I do know that it won’t enhance prices off the bat.

Any reputable links to loss of values in areas that have been lumped with these white elephants appreciated. Google and others have tweaked their algorithms to stymie any research. I was allowed to find 1 European report that was it.

I am going to letterbox drop first. 2 grounds it can be objected to being residential & possibly environmental being in a major creek system. The whole thing is cloak & dagger, I had to email them to find out what the land aquisition was for and have disappeared down various rabbit holes this morning trying to find info.

Any tips appreciated.

December 1, 2022 1:03 pm

Thank you Dot for that. It is a remarkable admission from government/medical circles.

As most will know, even the dissenting immunologists are not certain of the mechanism of adverse reactions in some recipients. However, Robert Malone has always been concerned about the addition of N1-methylpseudouridine to the mRNA vaccines. He believes this could be the culprit in many of the cases. The horror is that he believes the pharmaceutical companies understood the risk.

December 1, 2022 1:13 pm


Everything you say is either wrong or projections of your own sad circumstances. Also, if you continue with these outbursts of wrongology,

1. Sanchez was supposed to be someone else.
2. Bird had invaded the site.
3. I’m a drunk.

…you’re taking the honors for not only being the house hubbie of the year, but also the wrongologist for 2022.

You asked we not speak, you ridiculous clown. I heartily agreed as I consider to be useless.

Now go do your chores you henpecked lonely house bubbie. You’re boring.
The third person schtick serves you well too.

December 1, 2022 1:14 pm

It’s not over Mater and they will attempt it again.
The G20 just voted to implement vaccine passports for international travel.
Maybe you got the idea it was all over by the scoffers here?!

I know some of the people who were running the vaccination program here in Victoria, and even they’ve stated they’re not getting anymore.

People in work places are now opening discussing the fact that others (and themselves) are now getting constantly sick, from one thing or another (the absence figures don’t lie). Someone asks why it might be. They look at each other knowingly, but everyone’s afraid to broach the obvious. The possibility that it’s because we were locked up for so long and our immune system aren’t game fit, always gets a run, but without much conviction. The obvious conclusion goes unmentioned, but the eyes say it all. People know they are getting sicker, more regularly, and they are suspicious.

Let’s see how that vote translates into action before we start wetting our pants. People are more aware than you think. If countries want to limit their tourism market, let them fill their boots. Europe is going to be cold, and I’ve lived in the US.

December 1, 2022 1:21 pm

People in work places are now opening discussing the fact that others (and themselves) are now getting constantly sick, from one thing or another (the absence figures don’t lie). Someone asks why it might be.

Lefties, especially Karen variety lefties, have a simple explanation. Long Covid.

December 1, 2022 1:31 pm

Any tips appreciated.

Have you tried wrapping a slug in a tissue and….

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 1, 2022 1:38 pm

You say house husband like it’s a bad thing

December 1, 2022 1:46 pm

Any tips appreciated.

RD, in QLD these entities are required to operate with a “social license.”

That means, among other things, fully engaging with any affected community from well before the get go.

If they’re giving you the run around that’s a big mark against them already.

I’d suggest you document every call and record every response and always be sure to get the name of the person you’re talking to.

December 1, 2022 1:51 pm
December 1, 2022 1:56 pm

Where’s dinner, you fat lazy bastard. While I’ve been working, you’ve spent your time waffling and boring everyone there.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 1, 2022 1:56 pm

Roger, “social license” means ringing in someone who is in no way connected to an activity and declaring a veto. It only works for collectivists acting against individuals, not the other way around.

December 1, 2022 1:57 pm

Julie bringing the harshness.
It is a strange society indeed which has less of a problem with sexualising seven-year-olds (the age of ‘Desmond Is Amazing’ when he started out as drag queen, his mother beaming from the gay-club wings) than it does with sexualising 17-year-olds (the age of Virginia Giuffre when she met the ghastly Prince Andrew.)

December 1, 2022 2:03 pm

Roger, “social license” means ringing in someone who is in no way connected to an activity and declaring a veto. It only works for collectivists acting against individuals, not the other way around.

Erm…to be polite, Wally, you don’t know what you’re talking about in this instance.

The Queenland government uses the term “social license” in this context to refer to the community engagement requirements set out in the relevant legislation. If the firm that wants to build the solar farm doesn’t follow these requirements they put their plans at considerable risk of not being approved.

December 1, 2022 2:10 pm

Neither major party wants to talk about the fact that they are medical fascists, nor that they did everything wrong and killed thousands of people.

Yes, but it would be excellent if they were all made to do so. Shortly before being righteously HOP Timed (NaDT).

December 1, 2022 2:16 pm

Struth, here you go. Found this via this morning.
Everyone better hope he’s wrong.

December 1, 2022 2:18 pm

What was the name of that famous, legendary Australian Prime Minister who bought and proudly displayed artwork depicting an under age female?

December 1, 2022 2:19 pm

Lefties, especially Karen variety lefties, have a simple explanation. Long Covid.

A rose by any other name…

December 1, 2022 2:20 pm

It’s not over Mater and they will attempt it again

Always inspiring. God, I love Firefly/ Serenity.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 1, 2022 2:27 pm

Roger… i am writing informally, but don’t treat me like a fool.
“Social license” is entirely granted and weilded by the powers that be. It’s of a piece with “stakeholder capitalism”. If you think you can use it to your advantage, good luck, but you’d better get going very aggressively and quickly, ie six months ago.

December 1, 2022 2:32 pm

Roger… i am writing informally, but don’t treat me like a fool.

I wasn’t, but I will request that you read what I write and try to understand it in the context of the topic.

Put simply, if the entity proposing the project doesn’t engage with the local community they don’t get their “social license” from the state government to build the thing.

It’s the law.

Now, if you persist with your irrelevant speculations I’m going to ignore you.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 1, 2022 2:51 pm

Ok, here’s some relevant speculation.
I speculate that the social licence to operate is not issued by your local social bowls club.
I speculate that the legislation was co-authored by government, developers, super funds and unions.
I speculate that compliance will be checked by otherwise unemployable academics.
I speculate that it is an insurmountable administrative burden for the common prole.
I speculate that all boxes are ticked by the developer, fairly easily, by one and a half full time staff. There is probably some speculative meetings with local uncles and sizzling speculative sausages in park too.
…need I speculate on?
This can hardly be surprising speculation on this blog. I mean, you’re up against leviathan gov-bus-reg, and i still wish you luck… but don’t be a wanker with it.

December 1, 2022 2:56 pm
December 1, 2022 2:59 pm

Channel 10 has cancelled its staff Christmas party following a disastrous year of poor ratings, high-profile resignations and cancelled shows.

According to an insider, things are ‘worse than imagined’ as the network fiercely battles it out with rival stations in a desperate bid to attract advertising dollars.

The insider said Paramount is cutting back on everything from hiring new staff to paying for the office bash as it battens down the hatches.

‘This year’s Christmas party was called off. Management said there was nothing to celebrate for Ten,’ the source said.

‘Everyone is p***ed off because they just wanted to let their hair down. It’s not the staff’s fault people don’t care about these shows anymore and people aren’t tuning in.’

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 1, 2022 3:00 pm

Ok, apologies, i’m not being my best self at the moment.
My advice: forget “social licence”, find yerself an endangered dreaming frog.

December 1, 2022 3:01 pm

With current technology, yes. However, all these will be converted to mRNA as it cheap, and more profitable. The question us, how safe will it be, given the disastrous mRNA covid clotshots.

Razey – this, in my view, is an incredibly important point. I have already read indications that the conversion of most vaccines to mRNA technology is being planned. Indeed, I believe that it will go further than vaccines into other areas of pharmaceutical delivery.

Given that there is clear evidence of problems with confinement and/or control of the antigen, it is astonishing that the scientific community is not pushing back. But then, the Covid years just revealed how beholden and constrained the medical profession is by the medical bureaucracy and Big Pharma.

It is the stuff of nightmares.

December 1, 2022 3:03 pm

I am consoling myself by going to the TV to watch a bit of the cricket if only to watch Labushagne get his 200. And listen to Lara commentating.

December 1, 2022 3:05 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
December 1, 2022 3:20 pm

December 1, 2022 at 2:18 pm
What was the name of that famous, legendary Australian Prime Minister who bought and proudly displayed artwork depicting an under age female?

Did he have “potential greatness’?

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
December 1, 2022 3:24 pm

Channel 10s cancelled Christmas party.

Well the staff could always dip into their own pockets and buy each other a beer. You know like the old days. I know of one recently departed staff member who has plenty of coin to say thank you and good night.

December 1, 2022 3:25 pm

Ta for tips. Rog am meticulous with records from past pain but appreciated.

Well aware of the consultation process being an exploration geo but the thing that gets me is the land was bought in 2016 and no one was notified about anything. Plenty of government flyers around on net but no specifics.

LOL this has put a bee in my bonnet. Time to be a pain to our useless ALP council again….

Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2022 3:26 pm

My kids: Zero vaccines. Zero antibiotics. Zero doctor visits for illness.

Me – No Jab(s). Me – No Antibiotics. Me – No Doctor visits except to get the referral for Pathology blood/urine test. Me – Now age 70 years. You – FFS, please stop your constant belly aching. It is way too boring.

December 1, 2022 3:28 pm

Former Chinese Leader Jiang Zemin Dies at 96; Protests Escalate in China’s Guangzhou

00:57 Former Chinese Leader Jiang Zemin Dies at 96
05:15 Protests in Canada and Across U.S. Against Chinese Communist Party and its COVID-19 Policies
09:56 Protests Escalate in China’s Guangzhou
12:43 Pentagon: China May Have 1,500 Nukes by 2035
14:12 South Dakota Bans TikTok for State Employees
15:45 S. Korea Scrambles Air Force Jets as Russian, Chinese Bombers Enter Air Defense Zone

December 1, 2022 3:34 pm
Top Ender
Top Ender
December 1, 2022 3:38 pm

Breaking News: Lisa Wilkinson to pay for a $1m slap-up Xmas Party for the Ch 10 staff.

December 1, 2022 3:39 pm

Mater, I am not here to scream “you’re all gunna die”
But even Eyrie’s link shows what is disturbing and expected.
And we are all seeing it.
The “died suddenly” deaths are going through the roof.
Increasing dramatically every month.
Look at his chart at the link, (I haven’t looked but I assume it is one from the same blog I have already seen.
Canada’s sudden death explosion.
It’s not stable per month.
It’s increasing dramatically.
When those people in work places you speak of will not mention the obvious as you say they are not, that is denialism, is it not?

When proof starts to emerge that the jab is killing people and the numbers are increasing that facts are obvious….they fall silent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re no good fighting this dead Mater, which was my very simple point all along.

I’m not free of this.
Many loved ones , including my beautiful only son has taken this jab.
I’ve just been to his wedding in SA.

Many of the banned doctors like Batachari and many others where telling us that this would happen back in 2021, as soon as they started jabbing people.
America’s front line doctors.

Many others.

They were telling us it would cause blood clots, damage organs, destroy immunity back at the start.
All scoffed at by the human detritus that should have stayed quiet so to let those who were confused not be swayed into something stupid.
If I had done what Rosie has done through this, I couldn’t live with myself.
It’s much more than purely selfish……
The reasons for not taking the jab were brought to this blog many times and ignored and scoffed at by the usuals.
You can’t deny that looking back, Notafan’s hysterics and piss poor behaviour over this may also have panicked others into getting a shot that may have killed them.
Personal responsibility.
She could have never beeen sure the jab was ok so silence regarding it would have been the more responsible, mature approach.
But not her.

This of course is all boring stuff to Lizzie, who would rather talk about ANYTHING ELSE.

Bob Sewell
December 1, 2022 3:41 pm

It looks like Pat Dodson is getting concerned he may be locked out of the latest banquet.

“It’ll send a tsunami wave across the international spheres that we are still stuck in our colonial past basically, and that we really cannot find the generosity of heart and spirit that underpinned the issuing of the invitation that came from the Uluru Statement From the Heart from the First Nations peoples,” Dodson said.

The very same people who he thinks will disapprove of the rejection of the Squawk will be first to pillory him for Apartheid.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 1, 2022 3:42 pm

Irish whistleblower bloke complains about being paid over 100,000 pounds a year and given nothing to do:

He said he was ‘isolated’ at his job site at the Inchicore railway works in Dublin almost nine years since first raising an issue.

‘I either work from home or go into the office – two days at home, three days in the office,’ he told the Workplace Relations Commisison at a hearing yesterday.

‘If I go to the office, I go in for 10am. I buy two newspapers, The Times and The Independent, and a sandwich.

‘I go into my cubicle, I turn on my computer, I look at emails. There are no emails associated with work, no messages, no communications, no colleague communications.

IIRR the Japanese call it sitting by the window when you are frozen out/sent to Coventry – can’t remember the word though.

Daily Mail

December 1, 2022 3:44 pm

December 1, 2022 at 3:39 pm
Mater, I am not here to scream “you’re all gunna die”
But even Eyrie’s link shows what is disturbing and expected.
And we are all seeing it.
The “died suddenly” deaths are going through the roof.
Increasing dramatically every month.

My opinion is I really just don’t care about what happens after the clot shots.

What I do care about is mandating medical treatments – for any reason. That’s where I get extremely pissed off.

December 1, 2022 3:49 pm

Top Endersays:
December 1, 2022 at 3:42 pm
Irish whistleblower bloke complains about being paid over 100,000 pounds a year and given nothing to do:

IIRR the Japanese call it sitting by the window when you are frozen out/sent to Coventry – can’t remember the word though.


December 1, 2022 3:49 pm

Inaction through denialism will cause many more deaths.

Admitting what they have done to you.
Admitting the truth and seeking justice… it what you will, Vengeance…..(we didn’t start this)….will bring them down.
The left’s only power is in silencing the opposition.
When the opposition aren’t silent the left crumble very quickly.

The quicker we get our nation and civilisation back, (which we will) the quicker we get to study the concoction in your bodies and find some sort of antidote.

Having our western medicine back in our hands and out of the hands of these globalist communists may save millions.
But first the truth must be accepted.
And I’m not talking about people here, but people everywhere and especially people in medicine.
After what has happened, do you think they can bring themselves to break free of this psychosis they are under?

December 1, 2022 3:56 pm

Ed Casesays:
November 30, 2022 at 7:27 pm
Look, it’s no secret I didn’t think much of Bob Hawke, but his canning of the Sovereign Hill[?] mine to avoid upsetting Bula was one thing he got right.

It wasn’t Sovereign Hill, it was Coronation Hill, you dickhead.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 1, 2022 3:58 pm

Thanks OO.

Saw some people in Defence (uniform) have that happen to them.

December 1, 2022 4:02 pm

and that we really cannot find the generosity of heart and spirit that underpinned the issuing of the invitation that came from the Uluru Statement From the Heart from the First Nations peoples

Shortened to OPM

Other Peoples Munni

Its not a problem that we have these parasites and grifters of the grievance industry that galls me.
Its that every one of them has been gifted a (usually uni) highly paid sinecure from which to operate completely free of any need to generate a positive return for soociety.

Heres a thought Mr dodson.
Most of the rest of Australia, white, brown and brindle are doing better than “your mob” in every metric.
The only group in the black/white/brindle that isnt is the underclass, which generally have crippled themselves & their children by lifelong drug-fuckery and poor life choices.

At some stage you will have to confront the fact “your mob” more closely resembles the underclass because of choices “your mob” are making.

“Your mob” has all the autonomy they need to improve their lives, giving wads of cash to a dysfunctional underclass will slaughter them, not make their lives better.

In short “your mob” need to remove the beam from their own eye before focusing on the mote in the rest of Australias.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 1, 2022 4:04 pm

St. Ruth, just now:

Mater, I am not here to scream “you’re all gunna die”

St. Ruth, earlier:

They will kill us all, and those who survive will wish they were dead.

I reckon there’s half a dozen truckies at Quenthland Big Corporate dancing in the rain at home because they don’t have to endure the concert-level RiseUp!* monologues from the fake country boy today.


December 1, 2022 4:09 pm

US-EU alliance heading for ‘ugly divorce’ – ex-Russian president

The “marriage” between the US and EU will likely end in divorce, following the obvious “economic cheating” by the American “alpha-male,” former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said.

The remarks were made on Monday amid media reports that EU nations are becoming increasingly angry over what they see as American opportunism amid the Ukraine crisis.

Medvedev, the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, wrote on his Telegram channel:
“The US has no intention to share his income. On the contrary, he steals the last savings of his aging partner and pockets the money without any qualms.”

Washington increasingly makes the business conditions at home attractive to European companies and encourages other nations to buy its products, he noted. Meanwhile, the market for European goods is shrinking, in part because of its decision to decouple from Russia, he added.

“You can’t really trust those rich patrons. Just like that – Europe is off the allowance! The EU could ‘break up’ with its cheating … partner and start a new life of freedom, but most likely they do not have enough resolve and “testosterone” for it.”

He added a nod to ‘political correctness’, declining to define the genders of the characters in his metaphor.

The growing rift between EU leaders and their American counterparts has been reflected in public statements within the bloc and in Western media reports.

Last week, Politico described a growing anger in the EU due to the perception that Washington is profiting from the crisis among the member states. Some of the bloc’s senior officials are irritated by the fact that US energy suppliers are selling liquified natural gas to EU nations at a price four times higher than at home, while military contractors are benefitting by “selling more weapons” to Ukraine, the article said.

EU officials also point to the US Inflation Reduction Act and the impact that the financial incentives for eco-friendly businesses that it provides will have on European companies trying to compete, and which are finding it difficult to cope with the record-high energy prices at home, Politico added.

December 1, 2022 4:10 pm

I reckon there’s half a dozen truckies at Quenthland Big Corporate dancing in the rain at home because they don’t have to endure the concert-level RiseUp!* monologues from the fake country boy today.

The fearful one comes in cherry picking and twisting………

Go on say it, KD, you know you want to…

I’m inciting rebellion!

December 1, 2022 4:10 pm

Capability gaps must be standard operating procedure.

BAE Systems asked to explore bringing retiring Typhoons back to life in a crisis

The Defence Select Committee has asked defence manufacturer BAE Systems to come back with answers on whether Typhoon fighter jets could be upgraded out of retirement after 2025, in case of “national emergency”.

Up to this point, the firm has never been asked to produce any design studies on bringing out-of-action Typhoons back to life in a crisis, claims the BAE’s air branch Chief Operating Officer Ian Muldowney, but the committee claims timelines drawn up pre-Ukraine war must be revisited.

Meanwhile, the Tempest aircraft – hoped to underpin the future of combat air for the UK – isn’t set to be operational until 2040.

Giving evidence to the committee on aviation procurement, Mr Muldowney said incoming radar and weapon fits to the Tranche 2 and 3, combined with the British fifth-generation F-35 fighter capability, should see the UK through to 2040 regardless of total aircraft numbers.

In the case of a “come as you are” war and regardless of costs, BAE doesn’t know how long Tranche 1 crisis upgrades would take, but building one from scratch would take four years.

Unsure if Russia would grant its enemy that grace period and citing a seven-year lead time for F-35s, Mr Francois has asked the firm to write back with answers.

December 1, 2022 4:12 pm

Judge Cain is, in my opinion, likely to be a bald headed flog.
Gabriel Messo died after being shot three times by a Victoria Police officer who confronted him as he brutally attacked his mother in a public park in Melbourne’s north-west about two years ago.

The assault was so ferocious that his mother, Lilla Messo, lost an eye and developed an acquired brain injury. She ultimately survived the attack.

Mr Messo’s death was being investigated by the Victorian State Coroner John Cain, who today found that the first two shots fired by Constable Emmanuel Andrew was an acceptable use of force.

“The level of force used was not disproportionate to Constable Andrew’s objective to prevent the assault from continuing and to protect Lilla from really serious injury,” Judge Cain said.

But Judge Cain said he was “gravely concerned” about the third shot which was fired just five seconds after Gabriel Messo, who was by that point unarmed, had stopped attacking his mother and was moving away from police as he clutched his torso.

“I have formed a belief to the requisite standard that an indictable offence may have been committed by Constable Andrew in connection with Gabriel’s death,” Judge Cain said.

This is the level to which the Danistan Judiciary has sunk.
Its indescribably juvenile and useless.

Judge says officer could have used ‘less than lethal’ options
Judge Cain said he was “greatly” concerned that there was no evidence indicating that either officer considered less lethal options like their extendable baton or capsicum spray.

“This incident escalated from verbal negotiation directly to lethal force and the repeated discharge of a police firearm,” Judge Cain said.

“The threat that faced the officers was a male on his knees armed with a tree branch stabbing an unconscious female,” he said.

“It is difficult to understand why less than lethal tactical options were not attempted … In the circumstances, attempts could have been made to disarm Gabriel.”

What condition was the victim of the assault in by that stage??

The assault was so ferocious that his mother, Lilla Messo, lost an eye and developed an acquired brain injury. She ultimately survived the attack.
The inquest was told that Gabriel Messo viciously assaulted his mother for 17 minutes, using his fists at first and then nearby sticks, which he used to repeatedly stab her.

The coroner was told that Lilla Messo was not seen defending herself and ultimately suffered four heart attacks and a collapsed lung, as well as injuries to her head and neck.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 4:15 pm

Those with a good Nazi pass are probably bored shitless with people opposing this stuff.

I will go my own way and oppose by protesting as I have any vaxx or other constraint that is made mandatory, or which removes freedoms, or which the imposes restrictions for political purposes.

I don’t have a ‘good Nazi pass’. Are 95% of Australians Nazis? Especially elderly people like me?
Ridiculous analogy.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 4:19 pm

Stephen Loosely

Wasn’t much good when he was full time. Doubt he is any better now.

December 1, 2022 4:24 pm

When those people in work places you speak of will not mention the obvious as you say they are not, that is denialism, is it not?

More like fear of being labelled, but it doesn’t mean they are going to mindlessly queue up for another hit.

Look, Struth, if you’re worried about my welfare, it’s too late. It’s in my veins. Instead of trying to convince the choir (and pissing them off at the same time), perhaps refocus the energy.

I’ve chosen the manner in which I’m going to fight this, and unfortunately it involved getting the two primary shots. Shit happens. I’d prefer to wake people gently from their slumber, provide a few undeniable facts and let them open their eyes in their own good time. Such awakenings tend to endure. You want to violently rip of. their eyelids using gaffer tape and scream white noise in their ears, all whilst they are still dozing.

Which do you think will be a more effective, long term approach? People don’t respond well to your approach. The response here amongst a sympathetic audience should demonstrate that.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 4:26 pm

The coroner was told that Lilla Messo was not seen defending herself and ultimately suffered four heart attacks and a collapsed lung, as well as injuries to her head and neck.

I am so sorry for this poor lady and what she went through, but I do wonder if she really wanted her son killed. He was obviously in a state of psychosis. Capsicum spray or direct truncheons might have been a better approach. However, if a firearm was the only way I wouldn’t be blaming police for a third shot after the first two. ‘Making sure’ is a valid human response in tense circumstances. That’s the trouble with firearms – they are so instant you can’t be sure of the effect unless the target drops.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 4:27 pm

Zyconoclast at 2:59 pm

Channel 10 has cancelled its staff Christmas party following a disastrous year of poor ratings, high-profile resignations and cancelled shows.

Bwahahahahaaaa. Wouldn’t want to be the US management sap who signed off on the purchase. A possible career limiting decision. Expect Ch 10 will be back on the block soon.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 4:35 pm

Stephen Loosely

Wasn’t much good when he was full time. Doubt he is any better now.

His columns for Sky News have excellent comedic value!
I think that’s why they keep him on the books.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 4:37 pm

I’m inciting rebellion!

Nope. You’re inciting boredom. Same old stuff.
Take Mater’s advice and diversify.

Turn some ire on Apple bending to the CCP’s diktats, or the EU hitting on Twitter.
Outrageous things happening right now.

December 1, 2022 4:39 pm

Top Endersays:
December 1, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Thanks OO.

Saw some people in Defence (uniform) have that happen to them.

Top Ender,

I did successful business in Japan over 30 years – Japanese working for American Companies were usually descended from Koreans early 1900s

In the Japanese Company I worked with, the Boss sat in the centre of the office surrounded by descending levels of hierarchy out to the windows.

Going out in the evenings was a hoot, juniors were allowed to get pissed and insult seniors and it was all forgotten the next Day, with one of the funniest sights being the Boss asleep with his head on the table during a meeting the next day and no one battered an eyelid.

The other treat was Beaujolais Nouveau in the Executive Dining Room the day after release in France.

One of my most memorable evening was having signed a large Contract, we all went out to celebrate as an “End of Year” (alternate to Xmas) on Xmas Eve – I was only Gaijin in a group of 25 and it was a low table, with a well for legs – thankfully, especially as I do not do cross legs sitting down

Thankfully, my flight home was Christmas Day evening, so I slept in and had recovered from the previous night.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 4:46 pm

Saw an interview with the CEO of Disney on Laura Ingram’s Angle (Fox News, today).
He’s in a state of retreat from the worst of the woke, as it has hit Disney’s bottom line as well as its image. He wants to remove Disney from all political issues and get back to being Disney.

Ingram doubts that this will result in a full-scale purge of the woke at Disney in the manner of Musk on Twitter, but it is certainly a win to chalk up for fighting back politically as with De Santis and on social medja. A inspirational template for us all to join forces and refuse to take it any more.

December 1, 2022 4:46 pm

Good Nazis always find the facts boring.

I will go my own way and oppose by protesting as I have any vaxx or other constraint that is made mandatory, or which removes freedoms, or which the imposes restrictions for political purposes.

I don’t have a ‘good Nazi pass’. Are 95% of Australians Nazis? Especially elderly people like me?
Ridiculous analogy.

Into straight out lying now Lizzie?

That’s how it happens.
You submit to lying socialism and you find yourself doing the same.

Trying to tell me that 95% of Australians are good Nazis like you…..FMD.

Lizzie using the old “I’m free to submit to Nazis if I want to…it’s a personal choice” chestnut.

December 1, 2022 4:53 pm

That’s the trouble with firearms – they are so instant you can’t be sure of the effect unless the target drops.

Have a look at Donut Operator if you have inclination and time. It is not uncommon for the police in the states to dump an entire magazine into someone and then reload in case they get back up for a second try. Not that uncommon to do so. As far as I can tell, once you start shooting someone the idea is to finish them off, otherwise they just get angry.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 4:55 pm

“Your mob” has all the autonomy they need to improve their lives, giving wads of cash to a dysfunctional underclass will slaughter them, not make their lives better.

Yes. Home grown self-help is the way forward. And police protection for aboriginal women who want to offer it against the vicious will of drunken men. A return of the cashless debit card would be a welcome assistance for that too.

An piecemeal movement to areas away from the ‘settlements’ and to areas of greater employment would be a great help too. Other people move to get work and rentals, why not aboriginal ‘communities’?

December 1, 2022 4:55 pm

My hope is that everyone, whenever the Overlords mandate a medical procedure, on principle reject the treatment, even if they think they might need it. Acting together is the only way to defeat tyranny.

December 1, 2022 4:56 pm

Look, Struth, if you’re worried about my welfare, it’s too late. It’s in my veins. Instead of trying to convince the choir (and pissing them off at the same time), perhaps refocus the energy.

Is it too late?

Are you just resigned to dying?

Interesting, I mean we all die, but you’re resigned to it as if there is nothing that can be done.


Old Mater think he has all the time in the world.

Yes it’s true, people don’t respond well to being browbeaten.
Especially spoilt teenagers and those who can’t admit they’ve been wrong

But before people can try your tactic of waking everyone up some time after they’re dead, or close to it, somebody has to speak the truth loudly and forcefully.

And make no mistake, it’s only certain members of the choir who are pissed off.
Not the whole choir by a long shot.

You may be under that misapprehension due to the carrying on of the little gang of sneerers.

That’s why they got so upset with the upticks.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
December 1, 2022 5:03 pm

Judge Cain is, in my opinion, likely to be a bald headed flog.

Mind boggling. This pencil necked, noodle armed pansy has probably never even seen an angry man, much less grappled with one, and he sits in his air conditioned courtroom criticising a copper who has filled a maddened psycho full of lead to stop the psycho killing his own mum. The copper should have emptied the magazine into the slug IMO.

Son of that odious ex-Premier of Victoria, ALP stooge; definitely a bald headed flog.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 5:07 pm

He wants to remove Disney from all political issues and get back to being Disney.

He’s already said they will remain committed to woke movie-making.

Bob Iger Promises Disney’s Embrace of Acceptance and Inclusion Will Continue After Florida Controversy (29 Nov)

“When asked about the company’s current position, Iger said, “one of the core values of our storytelling is inclusion, and acceptance and tolerance. And we can’t lose that; we just can’t lose that…How we actually change the world through the good must continue.”

Iger referred to this as a “core value” at Disney, acknowledged the approach is “not going to make everyone happy all the time,” and claims it isn’t trying to. “

They’re dying of a terminal disease and refuse any treatment to save themselves. Sad.

December 1, 2022 5:09 pm

I speak to you directly Mater because you are not lost to the propaganda.
You’re still sane…..somewhat.

If that be the case, before you attempt to chastise me regarding my behaviour on this blog, surely your memory is still fine?

Can we all be honest about how people were and what they said in 2020?
So much insanity that I left the blog for a year as it was literally hopeless.
So many lost to fear.
And by that I mean they had lost the ability to think clearly.
Again I give you notafan , but there were many like her.

Aggressive in their hysteria.

It was an insane asylum and thanks to the sneerers and others, many still are lost.

But can they at least be honest about how they carried on….calling me a nanna killer and all the other vile crap they spewed.
Or does denialism mean forgetting your own shitty behaviour as well and re writing history to suit.
I didn’t realise I was amongst such precious angels.

Mater, the fucking choir here has long been out of tune.
A softly approach was never going to work.
I don’t give a fuck about what they think of the messenger.
But only now is the message getting through.
The same message sent out in 2020.
Once the dying can’t be denied.

How fucking insane is that?

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 1, 2022 5:09 pm

Joffa is Poffa?
Your thoughts, Knuckle Dragger?

December 1, 2022 5:09 pm

He wants to remove Disney from all political issues and get back to being Disney.

Most people aren’t interested in gays or trans nutters. Go woke, Go broke.

December 1, 2022 5:10 pm

My hope is that everyone, whenever the Overlords mandate a medical procedure, on principle reject the treatment, even if they think they might need it. Acting together is the only way to defeat tyranny.

Have a look at that KD, he’s inciting rebellion.

December 1, 2022 5:11 pm

Is it too late?

Why, do you want to come and try to suck it out of the puncture wound?

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 1, 2022 5:11 pm

I speak to you directly Mater because you are not lost to the propaganda.
You’re still sane…..somewhat.

Ahahahahaha …
You’ve still got it, struth.
That’s up there with:
I reckon Knuckle Dragger is a good bloke.

December 1, 2022 5:12 pm

Saw an interview with the CEO of Disney on Laura Ingram’s Angle (Fox News, today).
He’s in a state of retreat from the worst of the woke

The big flops hitting the screens now from Disney were green lighted while he was in charge previously.

Also the Chap they just dumped was apparently looking at some major scalping’s to restore profitability, and the woke whale whould have been high on his list.
It may be more a woke hive expelling a potential Elon type foreign body from the mollusk.

Under Chapek, Disney also faced a backlash over a lesbian kiss in kids’ movie Lightyear and a transgender man buying tampons in TV series Baymax. Those productions were likely signed off during Iger’s tenure.

Most importantly, however, Chapek was criticized for not condemning DeSantis’ Parental Rights in Education Act, dubbed by detractors as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill. He moved to try and quell the backlash, which eventually gave way to a backtracking statement from Disney to staff declaring its opposition to the bill.

December 1, 2022 5:15 pm

Why, do you want to come and try to suck it out of the puncture wound?

Always the soldier.
It was a fucking needle, not a bayonet wound.
10 points for dramatic effect.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 5:15 pm

Razey – There are a lot of signs that that is happening. The powers and principalities are concerned that vaccines that people used to get are now not being taken up. Measles vax especially. This is the problem when you lose trust, which the medical profession most certainly has over the last 2 years.

Measles vaccinations rate at lowest point since 2008, study finds (23 Nov)

“Global coverage with the first dose of the measles vaccines increased from 72% in 2000 to 86% in 2019. However, that rate dropped to 83% in 2020 and continued to fall to 81% in 2021. The researchers say this is the lowest coverage rate since 2008.”

Golly I wonder what happened in 2020? It’s a mystery.

December 1, 2022 5:15 pm

I speak to you directly Mater because you are not lost to the propaganda.
You’re still sane…..somewhat.

You’ve got my number, feel free to call me.
Let’s not annoy everyone on this blog.

December 1, 2022 5:16 pm
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Gabor says: November 26, 2022 at 12:43 am
The longer one reads blog posts the more one learns about the personality of the posters.

If the Chatname & email address are autosaved, then the personality of a particular ‘poster’ would pretty much depend upon who is using the computer in the house/office at any particular time.
This may explain some of the more erratic personality traits of various posters.

December 1, 2022 5:22 pm

First day of summer: 14C max in these parts.

December 1, 2022 5:24 pm

Channel 10 has cancelled its staff Christmas party following a disastrous year of poor ratings, high-profile resignations and cancelled shows

Tough titties, you purveyors of braindead televisual shite.

December 1, 2022 5:24 pm

Ahahahahaha …
You’ve still got it, struth.
That’s up there with:
I reckon Knuckle Dragger is a good blok

I think KD could have been a good bloke, but alas, he lacks confidence .

He needs to belong to a gang, whether it be the little gang of sneerers, or the Vicplod boofheads.

One in the same really.
Get told what to think of others, adopt it and group together sneering at others, safe in your little gang .

He finds individualism and individual thought threatening.
Hence he was the first to go all teary eyed when I mentioned we should ignore calls to stay in our driveways and head to our cenotaphs for dawn services.

It was and still is the right thing to do, yet he , all threatened by this display of individual, non government sanctioned thought, tried to make out that I was only suggesting it to become the next Peter Lalor…..when it actually happened all across the country organised by others as well.
Especially in Perth.
By people who did not know each other and just knew it was the right thing to do.

Unfortunately, KD has been a public servant, and worse still a Vicplod space cadet, so certain things trigger him.
He’s quite confused.
My advice to him would be to sue his Vicplod trainers for removing the “independence” part of the brain.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 1, 2022 5:26 pm

I’m inciting rebellion!

By other people, sure. RiseUp!

I’m a bit busy today and tonight so won’t have the time to wind you up in the manner you thoroughly deserve, Gallery Cavoodle.

By the way, Australia are 3/501.


December 1, 2022 5:28 pm

I read that China is spending 1.5% of GDP just on testing for covid. That is over $250 billion USD a year.

December 1, 2022 5:29 pm

You’ve got my number, feel free to call me.
Let’s not annoy everyone on this blog.

So it’s back to the cricket.

December 1, 2022 5:31 pm

By other people, sure. RiseUp!

See, he’s all threatened by the thought of non compliance.
Completely triggered the little waif.

December 1, 2022 5:34 pm

So it’s back to the cricket.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 5:34 pm

First day of summer: 14C max in these parts.

Cool here also. I was amused that BoM forecast 24 C for yesterday and today. It got to 21 both days. I’m sure it’s because their model is over-egged, since it’s the climate model they got from Hadley Centre in the UK (as features in the Climategate emails) as well as forecasting model.

I don’t think it got to 30 C any time in spring either, whereas most years it’d be unsurprising to get a 40 C day in late spring. (Just checked the data, we DID crack 30 on one and only one day…last Sunday – three days before the end of spring. Pretty amazing.)

December 1, 2022 5:35 pm

The powers and principalities are concerned that vaccines that people used to get are now not being taken up.

That was always my biggest worry with the mandates and apparent failure of the clot shots to perform as advertised.

Because of the nature of the virus even a 100% reliable vaccine would have been 3/4 useless inside 6 months to a year as a new variant emerged.

By screwing people over they call the long standing successful campaigns into disrepute.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 5:35 pm

Trying to tell me that 95% of Australians are good Nazis like you…..FMD.

Huh? Crrrraaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeee man speaks.


December 1, 2022 5:35 pm

Ahahahahaha …
You’ve still got it, struth.

You’re so unkind, Ed.
You’ve cut me deep.
I’m not sure I can go on.
I might have to end it all…by going out to the shed and sniffing some gypsum.

December 1, 2022 5:36 pm

Seriously, has Sancho gone on a road warrior mission in his mind again?
Flipping the bird to wayward truckies as he goes?

December 1, 2022 5:38 pm

You’ve got my number, feel free to call me.
Let’s not annoy everyone on this blog.

So it’s back to the cricket.

Don’t stress, I’ll answer. Doesn’t mean I’ll put it on pause though.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 5:39 pm

I read that China is spending 1.5% of GDP just on testing for covid. That is over $250 billion USD a year.

Ironic if the Wuhan lab gain-of-function virus causes the collapse of the Chinese regime.
It’d be the biggest own goal in history.

December 1, 2022 5:40 pm

Hey, I didn’t mean to send you completely around the twist, Lizzie, but hey, look at you go.

This is how all nazis end up.
It’s OK while you’re the chosen special people with your passes, but ends in a teary bunker as the truth bombs fall all around.

95% of Aussies got the jab?

You aren’t that thick, so I can only conclude you thought I would buy this rubbish.

December 1, 2022 5:42 pm

I’m not sure I can go on.
I might have to end it all…by going out to the shed and sniffing some gypsum.

So many things to say………………..

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 1, 2022 5:42 pm

Second day of summer will see Christopher Dawson sentenced for the murder of his wife Lynette in January 1982. He was still porking his school student Joanne Curtis at the time.

It’s a travesty he led a full and long life while his wife’s family still don’t know what he did with her body.

Sentence should include being put with the general prison mob.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2022 5:47 pm

We’re heading up to Queensland tomorrow on the ‘interstates’ (being in the US does that to you).

Gotta pak now, suitcases out and Attapuss quivering in hiding at the sight of them.
Tidying up for the Cat Sitter to arrive.

No border police asking for papers now though, unlike last year.
With Scott Morrison saying nary a word about it. Palacechook still in power too.

December 1, 2022 5:49 pm

Roger says:
December 1, 2022 at 5:22 pm

First day of summer: 14C max in these parts.

Last day of winter: 31C in these parts.

December 1, 2022 5:49 pm

Wherever Sancho of the slip lane is….shouldn’t be voting in another leader?

Who are members of the Gang who qualify for leadership positions?

Of course there is KD.

Hmmm, he’s got cricket to watch, barmaids to annoy, but does hover here 24/7 as the unemployed do.

But he lacks self control and gets triggered about certain issues.

A maybe.

Choo Choo?
Died of the jab.

Or as the communists call it “unknown natural causes”

That’d be a fucking larf…..would love to see it.

What about Grey Ranga?
Is he in the club? (so to speak)
I’d say by his mood swings he is in the club, as you know that men can be that way these days.

There are a couple of others who butt in from time to time but are irrelevent and we can’t even remember their names, and that’s about it.

Slim pickings indeed.

December 1, 2022 5:54 pm

With the sudden disappearance of the Slip laner, I think for diversity purposes, Rosie should head up the Little Club of Sneerers.
Anyone who objects is a sexist racist ist ist.

It should never have anything to do with performance.

December 1, 2022 6:08 pm
December 1, 2022 6:09 pm

Palacechook still in power too.

Currently presiding over a housing crisis & a public hospital crisis.

Situation normal…in other words.

One thing you’ll find has changed is that she’s now a blonde.

December 1, 2022 6:09 pm

Whatever struthpid is sniffing is making him manic. Giving advice to Dover on how to run his blog is laughable. The furniture shop could be good too if not for the few fruitcakes that are the only ones there said no one. I enjoy winding you up. It doesn’t take much.

December 1, 2022 6:13 pm

One thing you’ll find has changed is that she’s now a blonde.

Maybe she’s hoping people won’t recognise her as the woman who separated families at the border in 2020 & 2021, making international news.

December 1, 2022 6:19 pm

Christianity is responsible for democracy

Athens disagrees.

December 1, 2022 6:23 pm

A left out the worst bits.

Violent Transgender Killer Completes Sentence for Torture, Murder of 13-Year-Old Child

A trans-identified male who brutally r@ped and tortured a little girl to death has completed his sentence and been fully released from New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision custody.

Synthia China Blast, born Luis Morales, was sentenced in 1996 for the horrific r@pe and murder of 13-year-old Ebony Nicole Williams. Blast, along with his boyfriend Carlos Franco, were sentenced to 25 years for the crime, one that had both sexist and racist motivation.

… the r@pe charge was not pursued.

Blast reportedly suggested he avoided the r@pe conviction because of his gender identity and homos3xual orientation.

“They had to switch their story in the trial because how do you tell the jury that he had on a dress and then he was r@ping a girl?” He is quoted as saying, claiming he had never had s3xual intercourse with a female.

Following his detention, Blast became a noted advocate for incarcerated trans people’s rights, successfully demanding the state of New York provide him with feminizing hormones in 1999, and suing the state in 2003 after having been refused s3x reassignment surgery.

Blast repeatedly became a media sensation for his s3xual exploits while in custody, beginning a romantic relationship with Heriberto “Eddie” Seda, a convicted serial killer who had sought to murder one person of each zodiac sign as an homage to San Francisco’s infamous Zodiac Killer. Blast and Seda’s relationship was dotingly covered by New York Magazine in 2004, who even commissioned a portrait photograph of the couple.

“I met my friend, lover and infamous husband… the NYC Zodiac Serial Killer,” Blast told the New York Daily News. “My sweet serial killer is a lady’s man now. Only if I was a real woman I could bring about little future serial killers to terrorize NYC like my husband did. How [New Yorkers] would of loathed the Zodiac Children.”

In 2015, Jezebel published an article condemning Blast’s treatment while in prison, noting that he had been in involuntary protective custody (IPO), or solitary confinement, for almost two decades.

Blast was similarly profiled in a 2017 VICE article in which he called for trans-identified males to be housed with women.

One year after being paroled, Blast appeared as a member of the Sylvia Rivera Law Project’s prisoner advisory committee, and was interviewed in a video with three other trans-identified males. The video was posted to the SRLP’s Facebook.

December 1, 2022 6:25 pm

Something completely different.
But this little vignette from the battle of Jutland would make an awesome/terrible movie.

Told entirely from the view/perspective of the men in the dynamo room.
You wouldnt even have to make them boxheads, they could be generic servicemen in an unnamed battle.

“Suddenly the entire ship is roughly shaken. The colossus heaves far over, and everything that is not fixed is upset. The first direct hit! The torpedo pierces the fore part of the ship. Its effects are terrible. Iron, wood, metal, parts of bodies, and smashed ships’ implements are all intermixed, and the electric light, by chance spared, continues to shine upon this sight.

Two decks lower, in the diesel dynamo room, there is still life. That compartment has not been hit, and twenty-seven men, in the prime of life, have been spared, but the chamber is shut off from all others, for the water is rushing into all sections.
Orders were given to carry the wounded to the stern. Then the order rings out: “All hands muster in division order abaft.” A tumult arises on the lower deck, for everybody is now bent on saving his life. It is impossible in that short space of time to bring up all the wounded, for they are scattered everywhere. Eighteen men had the good fortune to be carried up, but all the rest who could not walk or crawl had to be left behind.

The twenty-seven men shut up in the diesel dynamo chamber had heard the order through the speaking tube, for many, mad with anguish, screamed through the tube for help, and it was learned that two of their number lay bound because they had become insane. Inspired by their sense of duty, these sealed-up men had continued to carry on their work in order to provide the ship with light.

December 1, 2022 6:25 pm

Christianity is responsible for democracy

Athens disagrees.

It’s complicated.


December 1, 2022 6:28 pm
December 1, 2022 6:29 pm

This is basically the crux of the matter. One side has all the power. Truth and justice have become irrelevant.

Tucker Carlson: The real criminals are getting richer

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 6:31 pm

Another smorgasbord laid on by CA. The entertainment value of watching a man kicking a dog.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 6:35 pm

It’s complicated.

Acts 17 is actually a very interesting account as it is the Jewish-Christian world encountering the Socratic Greek world. Two great worldviews in conversation in the Lyceum.

December 1, 2022 6:36 pm

December 1, 2022 at 6:23 pm
A left out the worst bits.

Far be it for me to advocate vigilante justice.

December 1, 2022 6:41 pm

Two great worldviews in conversation in the Lyceum.

One clearly fading, the other nascent.

For those interested, Larry Seidentop has some interesting things to say on the influence of Paul on the Western mind (including democracy) in ‘Inventing the Individual’ (terrible title, but a very good book).

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 6:42 pm

Blast and Seda’s relationship was dotingly covered by New York Magazine in 2004, who even commissioned a portrait photograph of the couple.

Echoes of the ALPBC human interest homos who flew to the US to pimp out “their” pre-toddler child.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 1, 2022 6:45 pm

Maybe Pfizer and CSL should stop making vaccines that no one want and start producing antibiotics instead.

Mid North Coast children and type two diabetics feeling pinch of antibiotic shortage (Ncl local news, 1 Dec)

Pharmacies on the Mid North Coast are feeling the pinch of a worldwide antibiotic shortage – leaving children and type two diabetics without vital medication.

It just a thought.

December 1, 2022 6:51 pm

Echoes of the ALPBC human interest homos who flew to the US to pimp out “their” pre-toddler child.

Since we’re on this disturbing topic…

Twitter unplugged: Musk wages war on child exploitation.

December 1, 2022 6:54 pm

Just back from the Big Smoke, sorting out finances.

Sydney is an over-built cesspit. Having fled 9 years ago, I struggle to understand how people can function normally there.

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 1, 2022 6:56 pm

Haven’t bothered watching Credlin for quite a while.
USA politics much more critical and gripping.
Tonight, very disappointed to catch a segment where her three-woman panel went off on a woke and easily-offended jaunt regarding supposed racism at the Buck Palace scene in UK.
Give it a rest!
Find something serious to talk about. Stop being so easily offended.
It looks like political posing, not a good look. Or worse, also program filler.

December 1, 2022 7:03 pm

Having said that, my children and their families are hostages to the Great Metropolis (of Oz). They won’t be escaping any time soon.

Every time I go there, I’m shocked at the human warehousing taking place in the north west. It’s like an anthill.

December 1, 2022 7:16 pm

And in other news…has everyone put up their Christmas decorations? Mine went up yesterday (booooo!) as I knew I’d be away today.

Disappointment…my LED string lights have all failed. The diodes have barely lasted six hours. CCJ syndrome. I don’t know whether to replace them and contribute to landfill or ditch the idea entirely. The little ones love them entwined around their photographs, whether the Santa ones or otherwise. When I think of the disposal cost of EV batteries, I think what’s another 100g max of garbage into the ground?

The tree is so festooned with travel mementoes that there’s barely room for a bauble. This year it’s some Dutch delft, a Harris tweed heart and some cute angels from Croatia. The tree tells the story of Christmas around the world.

As it should.

December 1, 2022 7:19 pm

Much surprise.

NBN losses to reach $25bn by 2040, report finds

While the new Labor government has said NBN Co will remain in government hands for a long time, the report found that NBN Co is “unlikely to earn a commercial rate of return in the future if the asset values currently used to measure rates are those reported”.

The commission said the asset values “exceed their current market value”, raising questions about whether the government’s investment in the NBN should be written down.

December 1, 2022 7:21 pm

And in other news…has everyone put up their Christmas decorations?

Christmas decorations in Advent?


I relented from my usual protests this year as my wife put them up early on account of her being out of action through to January due to shoulder surgery.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 1, 2022 7:22 pm

Right digs deep to fund No campaign on Voice to parliament

Chief Political Correspondent
Political Reporter
5:55PM December 1, 2022

The campaign to oppose an Indigenous voice to parliament has ­received a $1m donation and attracted more than 35,000 supporters in recent months, as the right-wing activist group Advance and the Institute of Public Affairs join forces to lead the No vote push.

The Albanese government’s decision not to fund the Yes and No campaigns is expected to open the floodgates for private donations from corporate Australia, activist groups and wealthy backers.

Legislation setting out referendum machinery provisions ­tabled in parliament on Thursday prohibits foreign donations over $100 for either campaigns. It also establishes a financial dis­clo­sure framework to support “transparency and accountability”.

Advance executive director Matthew Sheahan said the No campaign had received “tens of thousands of grassroots donations” and was “building the most powerful centre-right movement this country has ever seen to fight the voice referendum”.

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says the Nationals opposition to the Voice to Parliament is not… “premature” and aspects of the proposed constitutional changes are an “assault on parliamentary democracy”.

The $1m donation, only the second million-dollar donation received by Advance, has fuelled concerns inside the Yes campaign that cashed-up Australians could bankroll mass media campaigns across the country ahead of the referendum expected to be held late next year.

Northern Territory senator ­Jacinta Nampijinpa Price – who led the pushback against the voice inside the Nationals partyroom – said it was “heartening to know that everyday Australians are prepared to stand up for an Australia that’s not divided by race”.

“The No campaign will be driven by everyday Australian people of all backgrounds. These Australians are prepared to dig deep and give everything they can to fight for a united Australia based on our nation’s shared values,” Senator Price told The Australian.

“It will be a grassroots campaign as opposed to one driven by the out-of-touch wealthy corporations, the public service and the Aboriginal grievance industry.”

Senator Price claimed it was “disingenuous of the PM to claim Labor won’t fund either a Yes or No campaign when they have dedicated over $235m” to the voice referendum. Mr Sheahan said Anthony Albanese was “dead wrong to think they can strongarm us into defacing our Constitution with identity politics”.

Advance has commissioned the IPA to help inform its campaign, which will launch early next year. IPA deputy executive director Daniel Wild said the campaign would include analysis of the history of constitutional recognition, including “New Zealand’s experience of race-based governance”.

Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister Patrick Gorman defended the bill – which axes the distribution of pamphlets to voters explaining their MPs’ stance on a referendum – saying “modern technology allows parliamentarians to express their views to voters directly and regularly through a wide range of sources, such as television, email and social media”.

“The government has no intention of funding Yes and No campaigns (but will) fund educational material … to ensure Australians understood the referendum process,” Mr Gorman said.

However, opposition legal aff­airs spokesman Julian Leeser warned the legislation “puts a successful referendum at risk”.

“Why are they changing the rules? Why won’t there be an ­official booklet explaining the changes?” Mr Leeser said.

Special Minister of State Don Farrell said the Referendum Act was “out of step” with modern electoral laws.

The bill has been referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 7:23 pm

… the report found that NBN Co is “unlikely to earn a commercial rate of return in the future if the asset values currently used to measure rates are those reported”.

So why isn’t on the Cth government balance sheet?

December 1, 2022 7:25 pm

Thanks for that Frolics. It matters not who those men were, they did their duty like so many. Worthy of respect. They did their country proud. Heroes, each and every, just not visible.

December 1, 2022 7:26 pm

I’m a big kid. I love Christmas! There’s something hopeful, expectant, fruitful, glorious about it.

Tinsel and lights and wrapping paper and endless sticky tape disasters with gifts that defy wrapping. Food and hospitality and having fun with family and neighbours. And the general idea deep in the gut that finally something as gone…right.

December 1, 2022 7:28 pm

Always the soldier.
It was a fucking needle, not a bayonet wound.
10 points for dramatic effect.

You’re correct.

Hence calling people coerced into a violation of their bodies are not “Nazis”.

December 1, 2022 7:37 pm

I’m a big kid. I love Christmas! There’s something hopeful, expectant, fruitful, glorious about it.

My wife is the same, calli.

“But we celebrate Jesus!”

Which is why I always relent…every year.

December 1, 2022 7:37 pm

trans-identified males

homosexuals suffering gender dysphoria. nothing to do with “identified” anything.

the relentless effort to normalise genetic defects and mental illness as normal or a choice must be resisted at all costs.

December 1, 2022 7:40 pm

NBN losses to reach $25bn by 2040, report finds

Have they even finished building it yet or is the turkey yet to fly.

December 1, 2022 7:42 pm


I predicted that the NBN would never be finished and would cost over 250 bn. I was saying this back in 2010 (costs were lower – 200 bn).

I am the greatest economist who ever lived.

December 1, 2022 7:43 pm

NBN losses to reach $25bn by 2040, report finds

and the vast majority still have no access to gigabit internet

December 1, 2022 7:49 pm

Sydney is an over-built cesspit.
Nuclear weapons do have certain attractions.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 1, 2022 7:51 pm

Daily Mail.

Ben Roberts-Smith beams as Australia’s most decorated soldier is awarded a rare Royal honour – as the controversial veteran awaits the outcome of an explosive trial over allegations he’s a war criminal

Ben Roberts-Smith awarded Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal on Wednesday
The Afghan war veteran awaits the verdict of his defamation case against media
Roberts-Smith is suing newspapers for publishing accusations of war crimes 
The verdict for the case, which spanned 100 days in court, is yet to be delivered 

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 7:53 pm

Sydney is an over-built cesspit.

It serves a very valuable purpose. It keeps the rest of Australia better for the rest of us.

December 1, 2022 7:54 pm

Sexual assault charge against Bruce Lehrmann expected to be dropped
Bruce Lehrmann, the man accused of sexually assaulting Brittany Higgins in Parliament House, is set to have the charge against him dropped in a major new development

mis knickerless is now free to claim perpetual victimhood not just from lehrmann and from the system itself … cue calls for reforms in 3.2..

December 1, 2022 7:55 pm

My daughter is here and has discovered the Russian novelists.

She’s reading Anna Karenina.

War & Peace is next.

And then Dostoevsky. I suggested she start with Crime & Punishment.

Some great conversations being had.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 7:57 pm

Sexual assault charge against Bruce Lehrmann expected to be dropped

All Groogs hard work on those video tapes wasted.

December 1, 2022 7:57 pm

Why, do you want to come and try to suck it out of the puncture wound?

Always the soldier.
It was a fucking needle, not a bayonet wound.
10 points for dramatic effect.

I was thinking ‘snake bite’, but 10 points for dramatic effect.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2022 7:58 pm

Not to mention poor Mother and all those soiled tube socks.

December 1, 2022 7:59 pm

major new development


1 5 6 7 8 9 11
  1. And in Werribee the Libs are very close. The poof preferences might squeeze Labor over the line. But they’ve copped…

  2. Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x