The Rector’s Garden – Queen of the Lilies, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1877
The Rector’s Garden – Queen of the Lilies, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1877
Preferably the head from the body.
Australia was built on this stuff. Same as Pomgolia. Just ask your Parents if they are still alive. My Mum…
These are all good foods, Roger. You just need to ensure they are not prepared by an English cook.
Rosie March 7, 2025 12:09 pm Another scammer this one claiming to be Jane from Commbank security (don’t have an account)…
Hand typed out from my copy of The New MAGA Deal, Peter Navarro, 2024: …a foreign policy based on the…
I still don’t understand why asking someone where they are from is considered to be bad manners.
Indeed. Imagine, if after finding out where the race baiter had came from, the old lady had told her to fuck off to where she came from.
Mrs A’s Grandfather was born the same year as Custer’s Last Stand. And her grandmother 3 years later in 1879. No, that’s not a “typo”. They were her grandparents (not her “great” grandparents).
Mrs A celebrated her birthday 3 days ago, at the “ripe old age” of 56. I’m her “toy boy” (but not by much – months not years).
What on earth is wrong with an eighty-three year old being interested in the origin of the non-white woman wearing an African style of costume at a charity event for Caribbean victims of domestic violence?
She’s been a Lady in waiting for 62 years.
Nice old dears don’t get selected for this type of work.
Dress Code for these events includes National Dress, but not Disco Gear.
Her name badge was also obscured by her hair.
Hussey acted in a polite but firm way to ascertain just who Fulani was.
She’s probably a Lezzo too, which is likely the real reason King Chazza wants her gone.
My dear husband.
We go across Brisbane to my daughter’s genteel but contemporary lifetstyle world of grey-and-white ‘raised’ old Queenslanders turned now into mansions with pools, gardens, mud rooms and butler’s pantries, getting there via the Clem Jones tunnel. On entry to this dark tunnel from the spaghetti overpasses one is met by a range of instructions, do this, don’t do that (especially ‘avoid changing lanes’ repeated constantly), turn on radio, take care etc. Worse than in any Sydney tunnel. You just changed lanes for the second time with no good reason, I point out to Hairy, who replies that he is a freedom loving New South Welshman and shall behave accordingly.
Sitting here just now in the splendour of spaciousness and a soft Brisbane night I less than gently break wind, for our meal has been a good one, encouraging digestion. Lucky there is noone around to hear that, I say across the table on which we are both entertaining ourselves separately on the net for the evening, our daughter and son in law having retired to continue online working, as they do, now the children are abed. He looks up mildly, and merely comments that a tree falls in the forest.
He is a master of understatement and I do love him very much for that.
“She’s probably a Lezzo too, which is likely the real reason King Chazza wants her gone.”
Actually she’s not a “Lezzo”, Dick Ed. She was happily married to the late Marmaduke Hussey (who was not a “flamer”) and is a mother of several children.
Lady Susan was one of the late Queen’s best friends.
When someone really liked the boss of Balenciaga.
Last night, fashion, arts and finance luminaries gathered to celebrate Francois-Henri Pinault, as he received the International Leadership Award from the Anti-Defamation League, for leading the Kering Group in their efforts to end violence against women.
while the pasta boiled
which came planted in little pots that we gave a serious haircut before putting the root ball and stems into the veggie patch.
Reckon finally it may be warm enough for them to prosper.
a cast iron pan full of pine nuts took a couple of minutes to toast.
3 cloves of crushed garlic
a handful of parmesan
one big lemon juiced
a pinch of salt … a proper pinch
and enough last season olive oil to make the emulsion
then a touch more salt
finished with the left over grated parmesan, a smattering of the babiest of baby basil leaves, and freshly ground pepper medley
was ok … not as good as frozen pies but, decent enough
“Better an empty house, then a bad tenant” as my grandfather used to say.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 5, 2022 at 9:02 pm
I had my nails done today, and the pretty young woman sitting opposite me doing my nails was clearly from somewhere in Asia and had an accent so, I asked her….
“Where are you from?”
She answered…”Vietnam”
And I then asked….”North or South Vietnam?”
She answered… “South Vietnam, from “Ho Chi Minh City” and I said “Saigon”, and she smiled and said “yes, that is its real name”.
and that was poor Lady Susan’s bad luck, she tried to have a conversation with a hideous, narcissistic, vulgar, parasitic, UK loathing Marxist race grifter.
You mean a Black African who makes up 3.4% of the UK Population, and in America, the Black Amish who make up 13% of the population (but majority of Crime per head of Population), and who have been left behind by Vietnamese, Korean, Cambodian, Chinese, Thai, Indian, even Pakistani immigrants etc, who work and succeed whilst the Black Amish whinge about never succeeding, but never seem to want to return to Africa, where their African Forebears rounded them up and sold them into Slavery,
did you know that l’acqua bolle means get your shit together in Italian?
“The Arts” has always been a “meat grinder” for kids. Doesn’t matter if it’s Hollywood or Vogue or whatever else. Promises of “fame and fortune” (usually encouraged by mentally unstable parents). Pretty much every kid who ends up famous, ends up fucked in the head. Pity the ones who don’t become famous (the majority). It’s an incredibly sick industry, full of sickos.
Now we have social media, you can x the victims by the millions.
Tic Tok is aptly named. It’s counting down the seconds until Western society completely implodes under the weight of its own vanity and idiocy.
Furrin muck.
Throw that shit out and have a nice curry, souvlaki, chicken yakatori or something else properly Australian.
oh, I got a lamb curry recipe that will have you weeping
read the report and see what they plan. “consumption interventions”. page 78 ambitious targets:
reduce meat consumption to zero.
reduce dairy consumption to zero
page 86 reduce private car ownership to zero
Dickless not returned from his quest to find proof Trump tried to censor anyone as obuma, clinton, biden, the techs, the demorats all did.
notice sydney and melbourne have signed up
A ring burner ?
page 87 reduce private jets and yachts to zero
Oh wait. I might have misread that one.
I claim boasting rights to calling out Drumgold’s motives two years ago at Old Cat.
Yay me.
who signed us up for this? when was this put to the people?
government no longer represents the people, government is the new lord and master that we must comply with. our rights have been trampled on and no longer exist
How do they plan to do this? they will price dairy and meat out of reach of most people. NZ is introducing a tax on livestock emissions, Netherlands is buying up farms to shut them down. prices will steadily go up and consumption will forced down.
bugs and fake meat will be all that the great unwashed will be able to afford.
they are quietly building dystopian Logan’s Run civilisation in plain sight.
No wonder Russia’s government needs to be destroyed.
page 82 only 3 items of clothing per person per year
digital currency is the only way they can enforce this. we are doomed, nothing short of military intervention will restore freedom and liberty which have been quietly assassinated under the guise of a pandemic.
Miranda Devine Retweeted
Miranda Devine’s article reveals an FBI Agent had close ties to both the DNC and Twitter’s lawyer (Baker).
How many meat patties are in this nothingburger?
Turfing members of the justice system for political patronage might be a thread you don’t want to start pulling. Especially in the ACT and Victoriastan.
What’s been missed in the EV debate and the inability of the grid to support a full fleet replacement of ICE cars to EVs is that they have no plans to do so. What they are planning is to slash private car ownership entirely. the non ambitious target is 190 cars/1000ppl. In Australia that is currently about 800/1000
So they intend to slash car ownership by 75%
again who signed up for this???? when was any of these lunatic ideas put to the vote?
democracy has died quietly in the dark.
Private car ownership doesn’t make sense if you live in a major international city with a half way decent mass transport system. Which rules out Sydney and Melbournibad. Unless your apartment had its own parking you could forget bringing a car into even relatively small places like San Sebastian. Even the concept of “owning” a car as we know it has gone in the UK with new car ads carrying a monthly “ownership” charge through various financing structures.
Jorge; did you mean “economics”?
There is more than one way to skin a cat.
There really seems to be a disconnect between Rural/City areas these days. “Fly Over Country” as the elite like to call it.
A good old fashioned siege might be in order.
Oh wait. Too late. Supply chains are already being cut from within.
I didn’t own a car for the first 4 years of living in NYC and never really missed it until we bought a weekender and needed personal wheels.
I’ve been in nyc approaching a month now. I hired a car to get out of town, used a bus once (so gay, right) and rest, “subwayed”. Haven’t missed a car.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 5, 2022 at 9:46 pm
“Love the Vietnamese people. “
Me too, a gift to this country.
Yes and the Vietnamese people don’t call it ‘The Vietnam War’, they call it ‘The American War’.
William is as sleazy as his grandmum was gracious.
I hope the prick ends up broke and homeless.
“There’s more ways to skin a cat than by stuffing its arse with butter.”
Bobs Mum.
Aussie Bush Etiquette is recognised throughout the civilised world but we all need to be reminded from time to time.
1. Never take an open stubby to a job interview.
2. Always identify people in your paddocks before shooting at them.
3. It’s tacky to take an Esky to church.
4. If you have to vacuum the bed, it’s time to change the sheets.
5. Even if you’re certain you’re included in the will, it’s rude to take your ute and trailer to the funeral.
1. When decanting wine from the box, tilt the paper cup and pour slowly so as not to bruise the wine.
2. If drinking directly from the bottle, hold it with only one hand.
1. A centrepiece for the table should never be anything prepared by a taxidermist.
2. Don’t allow the dog to eat at the table, no matter how good his manners.
1. While ears need to be cleaned regularly, this should be done in private, using one’s OWN ute keys.
2. Even if you live alone, deodorant isn’t a waste of money.
3. Extensive use of deodorant can only delay bathing by a few days.
4. Dirt and grease under the fingernails is a no-no, it alters the taste of finger foods and if you are a woman it can draw attention away from your jewellery.
He is a man of courage who does not run away, but remains at his post and fights against the enemy.
– Socrates
Zulu, Lizzie,
pull my finger!
JR, that is brilliant! I am going to hang a copy in my kitchen.
Best Lamb iv eaten was killed less then an hour before. It was so good I didn’t reach for the BBQ source.
Only up to point 1, and I’ve already got issues with this bullshit.
WTF. Why wouldn’t you take in an open stubby? It’s a signal to your new employer that you have almost finished your six pack. Time to “open up the corporate fridge”. If your dickhead “new boss” hadn’t been shuffling papers about, you wouldn’t have had to spend 20 minutes of your valuable time chatting up his Secretary.
This is bullshit.
What are you going to do? Phone the fuckers? Do you have their number?
Shoot first. Ask questions later.
Obvious typo here. “Tacky” is meant to read “Classy”.
Tisk. Tisk.
That’s a Sheliahs job.
I’m assuming you are talking about inside the Church? The graveyard is OK. Yes?
Excellent advice.
This needs clarification.
Depends wether you are still on the river bank, or driving a car.
The former is two hands, the latter is one hand. Safety first.
Handy Tip: “Or a mortician”. I learnt that lesson the hard way.
Meh. Depends on which guests the Wolfhounds want to eat.
Sal, yeh was idly wondering about the business side of running cattle in such a remote spot with only overlanding as a way to get to market.
Did they envisage shipping as a future option ? Also Asia/ Europe a bit closer than the East coast.
Use a guests car keys, or rifle through his missus’s handbag. Tampons are much softer on the earlobes than the cold hard steel of a car key.
This is total bullshit. No comment required.
bugs and fake meat will be all that the great unwashed will be able to afford.
Nah. there’ll always be Soylent Green. m0nty=fa, carefully processed, would feed a couple of suburbs for a week.
Yeah. Yeah. Nah.
Plonk your head in the piss trough. No one’s going to be worried about your lower “body odour”.
Absolutely correct.
That’s disgusting. Total deal breaker when a Sheliah has dirty fingernails. Ewww..
The Melbourne Children’s Hospital under pressure because of COVID:
Think of all the chemical castrations and surgical mutilations that they’ll have to postpone.
December 6, 2022 at 6:35 am
JR, that is brilliant! I am going to hang a copy in my kitchen.
There are more to be revealed. Just stay tuned to this Station……………………
Indian Chief ‘Two Eagles’ was asked by a white government official “You have observed the white man for 90 years. You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances. You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done”.
The Chief nodded in agreement.
The official continued “Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?”
The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied. “When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex”. Then the chief leaned back and smiled. “Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that”.
Merry Christmas……………………………lol