The Pont de Arts and the Institut de France, August Renoir, 1867
The Pont de Arts and the Institut de France, August Renoir, 1867
The Auditor General is on the case. However, if they own the land then NO. And I thought that in…
Mostly from twitter. Here’s the thread. The videos are always nice. Belugas Cafe – Ace (13 Mar)
Ace’s stuff Really. Who did he get it from?
Playing Chess. Checkmate.
Well I can download it I have a Subscription.
Here this….
I will own a lot
I will NOT exist in a pod
I will NOT eat bugs, I will eat lots of lamb, beef, chicken, duck, goose, goat and whatever
If I can’t do and eat the above I will be very unhappy, and I will make sure those smug elites who are trying to enforce their totalitarian ways on me will be made to pay for their totalitarian crimes so I’ll sit, knit and watch, like the tricoteuses during the French Revolution, the blades of the guillotine fall on these putrid totalitarians….and I’ll enjoy it.
“And what, one wonders, do the bugs eat?”
Prions, most likely.
Off to annoy the missus and play some records. 😀
Granga – you are not a true romantic – I thought you were referring to “breathy” womanages, e.g. the Monroe, who made it one of her trademarks.
Eddles is never elevated in my consciousness, unless he’s spectacularly beclowned himself (again).
Had a look for abalone this morn in my super super secret spot, ie right under the noses of a billion tourists but only logical in a very very low summer king tide. Nice haul, I’ll pull some more out tomoz.
Then to Margaret River, that magnetic hub of Best Buy affluence. Ugliness has spread to very man, woman, child and dog. “Stitch” tattoos have spread like monkeypox, grimy children’s drawings in dashed lines, Southern Penitentiary green.
Perth is full of scary types of all stripes KD, just get yer Uber driver to get you 5k out on an urban arterial and stop at a red light. I’m seriously never taking my kids there again, not until after a Resident Evil-style purge of the walking dead wastrels which fill every crack. It’s heading to be the San Angeles of the eastern hemisphere.
Here’s a pic.
I’m a railway buff, but I’ll readily concede it’s not as attractive as the original.
MR has also lost its last record shop, which was the real deal, new releases for two Reibys type. Now there’s only a premium shack in Witchcliffe run by the obligatory knowall pom where everything is from the last century and also a rare pressing at $75, and a FIFO-soaker in Busselona where everything is from the last decade of the last century and a limited release for $9o.
…and yet another seemingly healthy male in his 40s drops dead.
2022 12 09 Unconditional Surrender Is Now Russia’s Goal
Breathy pom femme to lay the Saturday night disco beat…
Dua Lipa – Levitating. Hypnotic falling cadence, barely controlled friskiness- I remember an RN Music Show program where Andrew Ford was demonstrating the sexual charge of a falling cadence, everywhere from Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde, Puccini to Roy Orbison.
Get the album. The last song is rubbbbbisssh, but it’s 11/12 killer cerebral dancefloor filler.
Neil Oliver – ‘…it’s anti-human & evil, and I think it’s heading your way’
EXCLUSIVE: ‘I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to be homeless’: Canadian man, 65, has a doctor’s approval for euthanasia despite admitting becoming POOR is a main reason he’s applying to die
BREAKING: Elon Musk confirms US political candidates were blacklisted while running for office
The hairy Scottish personage who inspired me to state, “I will never wear a face nappee again, willingly or otherwise and anyone who tries to make me will experience the ancient Martial Art of Eckee Thoomp” (and not in a good way). 🙂
This whole “Twitter thing” is really confusing in the following sense.
Elon Musk has basically admitted that his company (he owns it) has been up to “no good”. In fact, some really bad shit. Lying, cheating and stealing plus more.
There are so many people that have been affected by this, that the list is endless. People have had their earning capacity diminished, their businesses bankrupted, they have been slandered and labeled “conspiracy theorists”, advertisers mislead, voters have been disenfranchised, political parties have been smothered (just to name a few of the ramifications). I’m only scratching the surface here.
They will all be seeking redress via the courts. The number of claimants will stretch from DC to the Texas border. And who are they going to sue? Well, the obvious answer is “Twitter”. And who owns Twitter? Yeah, I already covered that.
So here is the big question. So why the hell would Elon Musk go and open himself up to massive litigation after paying a record $42 billion for the company. That’s insane. A smart man would just shut his mouth.
I think everyone would agree that the bloke isn’t an idiot. He’s a genius.
The only conclusion I can reach is that he “has the goods”. He now has EVERYTHING on these people.
Elon will likely end with a $42 billion business for FREE with zero liability.
Unfortunately, the American taxpayers will be picking up the tab for a Democrat (and RINO) Government that is corrupt to the core. But in the long run, it will be worth every last penny.
He didn’t disrupt our energy, Western sanctions did.
Anyone remember when Lefties liked to quote Pearl Buck to Righties, saying a society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable?
That headline is about as believable as this headline, which I saw today:
Vladimir Putin ‘securing Venezuela escape route’ if Russia losses war in Ukraine (8 Dec)
I love the reporting going on right now, it’s wonderfully silly. Something is happening in between and underneath all of this guff, but you will be doing well to find out what the reality really is.
The next logical step in this is for Elon to release how Twitter was actually being run by the Whitehouse, DNC, FBI and CIA.
He knew nothing of this when he handed over the $42 billion big ones.
No wonder these people are shitting themselves. But it’s just the beginning. There are going to be plenty of other big fish yet to fry. Big tech and Fake News are next in line.
National Geographic’s B737-800 just taxi’d past.
Not many AGW promoters own a B737….
“Anyone remember when Lefties liked to quote Pearl Buck to Righties”
Was that around the time time that people used to refer to “the muscular left”? Don’t hear that one much anymore.
Give big stupid government an inch and they’ll be hastily attempting to bring your life to an end in any way they might be able to (at somebody else’s expense, of course).
We are sliding inevitably into a tyrannical state that will make 1984 look like a toddlers’ picnic, Cats.
I’d like to go all St Ruth on their house sized backsides, but I’m just one man. 😕
I lived and worked there for nearly a decade all up since the 80’s. A couple in Bali.You aren’t missing anything. Yes Tom I know the appeal but in this woke world of the cancel culture, Indo holidays should be top of all young Aussie lists, no? Or is it just vanilla hypocrisy?
People within big tech, fake news and Government will eventually start to squeal.
Look at the FBI whistleblowers. The snowball has only just started.
Musk now has access to the medias “preferred communication tool”. Not just their “tweets”, but their DM’s as well. He knows exactly what’s been going on (and can prove it).
There is no way in the world Elon would be exposing himself to litigation without a rock solid backup plan.
Big in America … 🙂
Better watch out for the skin deep, Cats …
DIY bloke almost caused a disaster today.
He replaced the exhaust and muffler on his truck with a second hand unit. His first trip with the repair to pick up grain for a farmer out our way resulted in twenty spot fires over a fifteen kilometre stretch.
Thankfully the sides of the roads are still a half green and today was mid twenties and calm.
Two weeks later with a warm northerly blowing you would have had a fifteen kilometre fire front.
He was lucky but that’s no recommendation.
Not much love for Perf today. It was a lovely day to be drinking beer on the Swan on a gentle broad reach. Sea breeze is a bit too strong – time to retire to the yacht club lawn.
For good ol’ Arks, who is finally back.
P.S. Great news about the new shed, Squire.
“It was a lovely day to be drinking beer on the Swan on a gentle broad reach.”
Thursday night twilight racing was pretty good back in the day. Big boats and booze, in the dark. Not sure it would be allowed to carried out like that these days.
Hard yards HB.
We’ll make a fire fighter out of you yet.
Knocking off work early to go twilighting one a stinking hot day is one of the finest Perf experiences. Especially if it’s not your yacht.
Ed Casesays:
December 10, 2022 at 5:50 pm
Trash like Hunt are essentially foreign agents acting for foreign interests on their instructions.
He’s a Spook, is that what you’re trying to say?
Only if (Ho, ho) he is working in the interests of Australia. If he is working in the interests of another nation or organisation, then he is a traitor, a quite different matter.
December 10, 2022 at 6:05 pm
After letting free the Bali Bomber, self respecting Aussies should be crossing Bali off the list. It’s just a corrupt shithole.
Oh yeah, “cheap beer!”.
Need to drink a lot to cover the cost of even a cheap plane ticket.
December 10, 2022 at 6:14 pm
Federal Energy Minister Chris Bowen said, “there’s one form of energy which Vladimir Putin cannot disrupt” at a media conference on Saturday.
I didn’t know Putin had disrupted our domestic coal, gas and oil resources.
Putin doesn’t have to, our Slime, Liars and Lieborals do that quite effectively without his help.
And shamelessly lie to cover their tracks.
You would love the footage of the cops seizing the child from the parents…
You did that rosie.
Never liked twilighting, too many crazies. I only sailed on the ocean on a regular basis.
Cats, I dudded the Marvin in last week’s cover theme.
Here he is, just being the coolest … 🙂
December 10, 2022 at 7:42 pm
BREAKING: Elon Musk confirms US political candidates were blacklisted while running for office
Is this why we haven’t seen m0nty=fa here today? Or did I miss him?
There is an apocryphal story that I once read somewhere, back when Indonesia liked to buzz Darwin with Ilyushins from time to time, that a Mirage was once allegedly scrambled from Tindal in response to ‘something,’ and came back with empty gun bays.
Neil Oliver – ‘…it’s anti-human & evil, and I think it’s heading your way’
They’re offering the same old promise the elites always come up with. Sacrifice today for a better tomorrow. But after all the sacrifices, only the elites get to a better tomorrow. The promise of more carrots ahead of the sacrificial donkey that is always just beyond reach of the ones doing all the work. We’ve been promised that better world every generation, and it always turns out to be a pile of crap.
Was explaining to Miss Emily last week how we were all at the mercy of the UN/WEF when I suddenly realised that I sounded like some bizarre conspiracy hypothesis crackpot (again). 😕
The subject was quickly changed to back to more comfortable topics.
‘This Is The Incompetence Of Government!’: Rand Paul Blocks Antitrust Reform Bill
‘New Cold War’?: House Forms Committee on China Threat; US House Approves Bill w/ Military Spending
01:00 ‘New Cold War?’: House Forms Committee on China Threat
03:12 U.S. House Approves Bill with Record Military Spending
04:56 Australian, Japanese Ministers Hold Defense Talks
06:27 Canada Suspends Contract with China-Tied Firm
08:17 EU Takes China to WTO Over Patents, Lithuania
10:28 Chinese Residents’ Fear Grows After Curbs Drop
13:22 ‘Wuhan Whistleblower’ Remembered as China Reopens
14:55 Expert: Global Downturn Due to China’s Economic Collapse Is Possible
The one I posted was from Gonzalo Lira who’s in Kharkiv. His point was mainly about the useless suffering being endured by the Ukrainians in the field, particularly now that it’s getting seriously cold there.
The rim of her mouth was golden …
But that’s not her
It’s only an image of her
Just a trick of the light …
Covid has taken over all of our lives in one way or another. Whether that’s because of higher prices for everything, the loss of school time for the kids or business slowing and jobs being lost, life is a lot different from where we all were in 2019. And everyone knows it.
Cassie wrote a great post about the way young women of her business acquaintance think and react to current events. It was a really good thread with many contributors noting that they, too, feel overwhelmed – you might say, had it – with where the world is headed, especially when such hairbrained ideas inhabit the minds of the next couple of generations. So how to fix it?
I don’t think that making climate change the issue will change minds. I’m not suggesting that we should give up on the subject altogether. But because it’s one of the areas that has been taken over completely by the left, and so much so that among the young viewpoints are now firmly in place that Gaia is dying from CO2 emissions.
Yes, higher electricity prices may help to dislodge the chaff inside the brains of some of these climate warriors. Yet after years of school indoctrination, even out in the suburbs there are many young people who think the same way as their inner city cousins: “the west is bad and is screwing over the environment and the government must spend more to fix it.”
One thing that’s happened because of covid and the jabs is that there are a lot more sceptical people. Maybe that’s because covid proved not to be as dangerous as the authorities asserted. Or maybe it was because the jabs have not been the successful health intervention that was originally promised, and in fact have caused too many serious side effects. And then there’s the group who were dismayed if not completely p1ssed off that they were forced to take something that they didn’t want just to keep their jobs.
The opening up of what really happened over these last three years, imho is the only way to break the left’s hold. As with the revelations now coming out of Twitter, because of Musk’s takeover, the covid agenda, which used the CCP playbook to control whole populations and stymie any alternative discussion is what could fully bring down the totalitarians. If covid is fully revealed, only then will climate change be realised as the bulldust story it always was.
Wall Street Silver
Censored SNL clip from 1998.
This aired one time … then was banned from ever being used again.
Do NOT retweet. NBC does not allow this to be shared.
coming to australia. the fascist left must confiscate all guns as they fear the people
Ejected from House of Commons for telling the truth on Bill C-21 (Raquel Dancho)
More Evidence that Twitter Was Run by the Deep State – Former CIA and FBI Employee Identified at the Top of the Censorship Activities
HUGE! TWITTER IN A PICKLE: Policy Director for Twitter Nick Pickles Admits Twitter Was Working with FBI to Censor Trump, Conservatives
It gets worse. “I got vaccinated so I could go to the pub.”
White House Furious After Vaccine Mandate Ends, Claims Troops Need 5 Jabs To Be ‘Prepared’ For War
Story goes that, when East Timor kicked off, the Indons were making bellicose noises about targets in Australia, two squadrons of F 111’s were deployed to the Territory, and the message was “Your move,”
Reminds me of the story I heard that the F111’s were capable of reaching Jakarta. Message understood by the Indonesians.
So you don’t believe in trickle down economics? So cynical, surely all those politicians weren’t lying to us.
its worserer than that.
I got vaccinated .. and now I don’t even go to the pub.
Monday we have a lunch booked for xmas
first time at the pub in probably 12 months
and that’s definitely not normal
Bar Beach Swimmer says:
December 10, 2022 at 10:14 pm
Hope you are right, but even on this blog there are staunch supporters of that failed policy.
Earlier tonight I watched a speech by Freeman Dyson. He has a somewhat paradoxical position because he acknowledges the models do a good job in certain respects and a bad job in others. He raised the issue of soil carbon sequestration as a possible strategy. That’s not new, many years ago a French Ag. scientist was pushing it. Dyson thinks the current strategies are misguided, unlikely to work, and the risk is overstated. I like his approach because instead of the screeching and raging he puts forward alternative approaches.
Putin Says Russia Could Adopt “Preemptive Strike” Concept Of US
Vladimir Putin said Russia was considering whether to adopt what he called Washington’s concept of a pre-emptive strike.
“First of all, the United States has the concept of a preemptive strike. Second, it is developing a disarming strike system,” Putin told reporters in Kyrgyzstan.
Putin said Moscow might need to think about adopting US “ideas for ensuring their own security.”
“We’re just thinking about it,” he said.
“If a potential adversary believes that it is possible to use the concept of a preemptive strike, but we do not, then nevertheless this makes us think about the threats that such ideas pose to us.”
Putin claimed that Russia’s cruise missiles and hypersonic systems were “more modern and even more efficient” than those in the United States.
On Wednesday, Putin warned that nuclear tensions were rising, although he insisted that Moscow would not be the first to deploy atomic weapons.
At the same he said: “If we aren’t the first to use them under any circumstances, then we will not be the second to use them either.”
Richard Feynman
Supposed to have been a top level meeting of Indonesian ministers at the time of the East Timor intervention. They were speculating as to the Australian reaction. A senior minister is said to have walked to the window, and claimed that “an Australian F 111 is capable of putting a guided bomb through this window, as we speak?” Disclaimer – may, or may not be true.
like what ?
“Trickle down” economics would work but people have NFI how much tax they pay.
A minimum wage earner’s value of labour is taxed at a far higher rate than the simple income tax rate that may apply.
You have to look at payroll tax, taxes on superannuation, GST on worker related insurances, tax components of allocated overhead, income tax, tariffs, GST, excise taxes, stamp duties, direct or indirect rates and land taxes, charges such as registration and government licensing, import charges and the overzealous imposition of fines.
Stop that talk Dot, you’re killing my buzz.
Didn’t an F111 crew photograph in their Canberra office the 2 defense bods who questioned the utility of the F111?
Went to Scarborough Beach for a feed and whatever and a look around. Wally at 7.21:
I was wondering where all the white trash was, and I found it there. Everywhere. Scrawny hayper-alert druggies with worn-out trackies and roided-out cockheads with designer singlets and matching tribal ink.
Plus, something I’d never seen before in Perth. Loads and loads of fat dressed-up chicks all in the same place – so much so that my previous complimentary attitude towards WA ladeees has now been set on fire and thrown into the Indian Ocean. Bear at 8.25:
A bit of an understatement. Straight from the Antarctic, and almost blew the cellulite off the fat women.
we know a recession is baked in as the money supply is in reverse
Lol Maison and his goils , existing as they are on Heartache Avenue …
KD – can’t fight the sea breeze. Got to get to the beach by 10am, forget it in the afternoon. Cott is OK in the sea breeze if you stay on the grass banks or the front bar. JC woulda approve. Here endeth the lesson.
Soil carbon sequestration.
Geo engineering.
Genetic engineering of plants to increase growth. This has already been done but only a few months ago and the results aren’t that spectacular; on a broad scale could be significant.
He didn’t mention this but may have had it in mind. What I would like to see is a genetically engineered rubisco alternative. It is the most abundant protein on earth. Rubisco is the key enzyme for fixing carbon. It is very, very inefficient which is why any increase in CO2 concentration helps plants. That is botany 101. That it hasn’t been done suggests it might not be possible.
The story of the Bleus
l’histoire du blues, deuxième part
Boambee Johnsays:
December 10, 2022 at 8:58 pm
December 10, 2022 at 7:42 pm
BREAKING: Elon Musk confirms US political candidates were blacklisted while running for office
Is this why we haven’t seen m0nty=fa here today? Or did I miss him?
MontyPox Virus and Head Case are having a ‘Love In’. Steer well clear.
Fuck! First commissioning spill. PRV blow off and guy in control room just watched blow down tank go through high and then high high without registering what was going on…..
An interview with the Kiwi parents that rosie believes were rightfully stomped on by The State:
I never said anything supportive of the state.
The only person in this fiasco I’m concerned about is the baby.
I feel sorry for the parents that have been sucked so far into the antivaxx vortex.
Russian perspective on the hostage exchange:
I never said anything supportive of the state.
You implied that the parents had gone to far and that they basically got what they deserved. Being trampled by the state. (Not your first instance of this either).
The only person in this fiasco I’m concerned about is the baby.
Did you watch the interview? Are the parents not concerned about the child? It’s not a zero sum game, they have the blood available, a number of Doctors agree with their position. If you are having a huge surgery, why use blood that may have an increased risk of clotting?
Keep digging that hole rosie.
There is no evidence whatsoever that there is an increased risk of clotting from vaxxed blood transfusions.
My only comment re the parents was they apparently claimed they would abide by the court order and wanted to spend time with their baby then tried to prevent pre operation work being done.
I don’t know why the NZ government refused to let them use unvaxxed blood, though apparently there were limits re plasma as some needed to be sent to Australia for processing
Now stop making up lies about me because I don’t think mrna vaccines are the devil’s work.
interesting story about the blood at stuff new Zealand
Week In Pictures.
I’m guessing hundreds, possibly thousands of surgeries have been performed on babies and small children in the last eighteen months involving blood produces from people who have had covid/been vaccinated.
Is there any evidence from anywhere that blood clots are on the rise post surgery?
For anyone?
Amazing skill and patience:
No whistling.
Catcalling to Become Illegal in Britain with Up to Two Years in Prison (10 Dec)
This is what happens when you take a nation and suck all the common sense out of it.
Poms haven’t had any luck against the French since Agincourt.
Pommy player clearly fouled and then the Frogs score from the play.
Bring on the longbows.
It begins
Can’t say I’ve ever done that sort of thing. Never like it when women do the same either.
Get fucked. Really don’t want to visit our old lordly relatives now.
England was coveted for centuries.
Now it is repellant.
The algorithm assumes I’m a troll.
This masterpiece comes up next.
Get fucked. Really don’t want to visit our old lordly relatives now.
England was coveted for centuries.
Now it is repellant.
yes it is rather with a sick joke for a king- it’s never recovered from the bliar era. Seemed to be so much promise back in ’16 too. Maybe they need to piss off London.
What is striking about the ‘anti-catcalling’ laws and other trivia like ‘financial abuse’ is that they are a distraction from very real problems that the Uniparties refuse to address, or even acknowledge.
In the UK, thousands of young girls were sexually abused by mostly Muslim men. Here, little kids in remote communities have venereal diseases, and children of all stripes are left in filthy households with the druggo/alky ‘parent(s)’ by useless so-called child protection agencies.
Oooh, look! Squirrel!
Talking to some friends a while back and we agreed we were glad that our forebears emigrated (Britain, Italy, Sri Lanka)
One of the great joys in life was walking past a building site and having a bunch of guys giving the big whistle!
There was the occasional slime who was disgusting, but the other guys usually sorted them. Plus, in those days, we aussie chicks could give as good as we got. No “me-tooing” then.
A great buzz I received was when I was eight months pregnant, feeling really bloated and I am whistled at as I walked past a building site. I was startled and pointed to my belly and mimed huh? Every single bloke on that site yelled out, “that’s beautiful”. Really made my day.
There is but the fix for most is more government not less.
I think we’re missing the Queen very much too. A very hard act to follow.
Not that King Tampon I is even trying.
The longbows worked!
Poms back – one all.
Common sense isn’t common. Most ppl just conform to the current fad.
Poms gone
In my state their are dozens family members trying to get there cousins, siblings and grandkids out of the system but don’t fit the woke agenda.
Clearly kneeling wasn’t enough to counter the prohibition of rainbow armbands.
Farmer Gezsays:
December 11, 2022 at 7:39 am
Poms gone
Still going well in Pakistan. Morocco for the World Cup please……………………
Two aliens are flying near Earth. The first one says “The dominant life form here have developed satellite based nuclear weapons”. The second one says “Are they an emerging intelligence?” The first one says “I don’t think so, they have it aimed at themselves”.
A divorced mum took her young daughter to the zoo. One of the elephants had a huge, huge erection. “Mummy, what’s that?” asked the shocked and confused daughter. “Nothing” replied the embarrassed and flustered mum. The next month, dad took the daughter to the same zoo. The same elephant had the same huge, huge erection. “Daddy!! I saw that with mum. What is that??” Dad, trying to be careful, asked “What did your mum say it was?” Daughter replies “she said it was nothing”. Dad stares at the erection and says “Just like your mother – never fucking satisfied!”
While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.
– Leonardo da Vinci
The third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday
Its name is taken from the entrance antiphon of the Mass, which is:
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.
Indeed, the Lord is near.
This is a quotation from Philippians 4:4-5, and in Latin, the first word of the antiphon is gaudete (Latin, “rejoice”; it’s also pronounced with three syllables: gau-de-te)
Here are 11 things to know
Couldn’t agree more and well said Johanna.
The IC4 male led abuse scandal in England and remote indigenous communities here were overshadowed by Beech and “Jay” as well.
It is tragic. Real abuse hidden by political squirrels and outright perjury.
Yesterday I put up a kiddie’s guide to how climate change is a cult and not happening.
Talk it over with your grandies and their parents over Christmas, drawing contrasts to Covid.
Or sometime soon anyway, when the time is right. We have to provide them with the info.
The least we can do.
Queen Jane, the ten-day Queen of England who lost her head, took solace in her religion at the end.
‘Learn you to die’, the seventeen year old advised her loved ones as her execution time approached.
Someone noted yesterday that Qantas is now flying direct to Seoul and back from Sydney.
I know. Hairy has booked us to return with Qantas from the UK in early February on a flight from Seoul; he has taken a Korean Airlines flight from London to Seoul so that we can have a four day holiday in Korea on the way back and he can visit the DMZ, on his bucket list, and the business class fare was competitive. Qantas does the usual gouging, but by that time we will be wanting to sleep our way home.
I will report back on any hostilities on the border (other than our usual disagreements over timings). 🙂
I’m banned from using my new longbow in a couple of weeks time before Christmas to hunt deer. Mein host insists on using a 6.5 mm Creedmoor.
Why does the 6.5 mm Creedmoor get so much criticism? Seems like a well designed rifle round to me. Not every can afford more than a couple of centrefire rifles. Most people compromise. Not everyone will own a 22-250, .223, .243, .270, .308, .338, .375 H&H, etc.
“The IC4 male led abuse scandal in England and remote indigenous communities here were overshadowed by Beech and “Jay” as well.”
And now here with the so called Higgins “rape”, which makes a mockery of women and girls who’ve experienced real sexual violence violence and abuse.
I enjoy the way China claims it is surrounded by enemies. It’s a lot like the person who claims clemency for murdering its parents because it is now an orphan.
Catturd ™
The U.S media complex is more full of propaganda than Russia, China, and North Korea – combined.
They truly are the enemy of the people.
Has abandoned Twitter
Oh dear – devastating.
A bit of levity.
anti-cat discrimination by “big bird”
Dr. Rand Paul Joins Eric Bolling to Discuss Possibility of FBI, Big Tech and Big Media Collusion
A late charger in the Headline of the Year event from the NT News:
This is either an inadvertent result of words being glued together, or a deliberate ‘cop this’ by the online subbies. I would like to think it’s the latter.
In any event, very well played. *golf clap*
John H:
Just give the poor bloody plants a bit of their essential nutrients like CO2. Stuff the genetic engineering, pump the CO2 up to 0.1% and give ’em a feed.
Genetic engineering will only benefit the Bioengineer companies.
The only criticism I can even think of (or have even heard) is that it wears your barrel out quick, and the ammo isn’t as prevalent (or as cheap) as some of the more traditional rounds.
A good round, just with some trade offs…like all varieties.
Goes a long way to explaining why Twitter tolerated child abuse.
Yoel Roth in 2010
Slowly the voters are waking up to the scam.
Rising power bills force renewables rethink (Daily Tele, 11 Dec, paywalled)
Ipsos: Climate Skepticism Rising Three Years in a Row (WUWT, 10 Dec)
What they mean is unexpectedly the ordinary people are starting to see through the lies. You can understand how difficult that would be from the Twitter files, where anyone who said anything the Left doesn’t like was shadowbanned and derated. I know the same occurs with Google and Bing from my own checks, and I assume Facebook is exactly the same, as is the MSM which is studiously ignoring the Twitter story.
This would be funny if it weren’t exactly correct.
Pretend Doctor Jill Biden Urges Americans To Get Pretend Vaccine That’s Really Gene Editing In Time For Christmas To Please Pretend President ‘The Big Guy’
Sacré bleu!
This would not be happening if the parents were Maori or Muslim, would it? The administrators wouldn’t dare. So as far as I’m concerned this is a race/religion issue, with Christians being denied parental rights that are sacrosanct to others.
A bit like the Virgin Flight Flap Emergency.
Is there some sort of back room bet going on, amongst the various media outlets, around who can publish the best double entendres and get away with it?
Anyone who thinks anyone but NT News can win, is kidding themselves. They just need to dip into their archives.
Internationally Renowned Cardiologist Turns Anti-Covid ‘Vaccine’ After it Kills His Father
Fauci’s Replacement Signed Deals Pushing Research Collaboration With Chinese Communist Party In Wuhan, Responsible For Secret Reversal Of Gain-of-Function Funding Ban.
Ian Miles Cheong
What the heck? This dude died?
The opening up of what really happened over these last three years, imho is the only way to break the left’s hold. As with the revelations now coming out of Twitter, because of Musk’s takeover, the covid agenda, which used the CCP playbook to control whole populations and stymie any alternative discussion is what could fully bring down the totalitarians. If covid is fully revealed, only then will climate change be realised as the bulldust story it always was.
And remind them on every possible occasion that the Klimate Alarmists are already moving to base their future Klimate response on the COVID response, which did so much harm.
Not from me it doesn’t! I took a retired Bundeswehr Oberst ‘mile shooting’ last week, and we got him his mile with the Bergara 6.5. That well beyond its real range, but it’s a tack driver to 1000m.
Agree about barrel wear though, it’s due a rebarrel after about 2000.
John H
Didn’t an F111 crew photograph in their Canberra office the 2 defense bods who questioned the utility of the F111?
Story goes that they photographed the wrong window, “getting” instead a senior ADF officer.
This short essay (first in a series) is more intriguing than the title suggests:
The Politics of Masturbation: Was the Sexual Revolution a Government Psy Op?
Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid “vaccines” are a US military program
This gibes with the interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon I posted a few days ago where he said that Event 201 was about the 12th such exercise over decades, commencing with the US Military and spreading worldwide and in every case the focus was on population control, not treatment.
Cats, if you haven’t seen the footage of Shrillary and various other imbeciles screeeching at top note, don’t – and consider yourselves lucky.
F-111 buzzes the Evans Head Range Facility.
Wait for it!
Broken windows, cracked plasterboard, etc
Ahhhhhh, the good old days.
Chris Bowen has asserted in parliament that Putin cannot stop the generation of power from wind and solar. Bowen has obviously never heard of the concept of a nuclear winter. If he wanted to, Putin could launch all or half of his nuclear arsenal which would blast enough dust into the upper atmosphere and reduce sun penetration for the entire globe.
It always amazes me how ignorant are the people who presume to govern us.
This is about Parent vs State rights and responsibilities. And as I’ve pointed out, it’s also about White Christian parents being refused choices they are legally entitled to that the Administrators would not even dream of denying other religions/races.
You may be comfortable with being ruled over by authoritarian governments, I am not. And it would appear these parents aren’t happy about it either.
Can it be?
Note: When the duped realize that they have been duped they tend to be angry and aggressive.
Why would he do that?
If that was the case then it’s been a failure. Why else would they still need to teach it in schools?
I see all the hype about the 6.5 Creedmoor and go to the gun safe and pat the 243.
My gun makes short work of kangaroos and shoots far enough and flat enough for anyone hunting. You just need to be far enough away that the roos aren’t too suspicious.
Too much gun for foxes, not much left to look at after a hit.
I am off to get my flu shots
To spite Bowen, of course. Bowen seems to think that he already did so for oil, coal and other power sources. Putin is all kinds of a villain but the energy prices are not his fault, these should be laid at the feet of all green governments and particularly those in western Europe.
Got through two thirds then gave up.
This is a quote from an interview with Dr Malhotra linked below. The reason I’ve highlighted the quote which relates to the Covid 19 response and roll out of untested “vaccines” is that it could equally apply to countering the climate lie and the damaging and potentially lethal roll out of renewables to replace our reliable energy systems.
that was awesome and funny. As you said, the good old days. If that happened now, everyone on the ground would be suing for “trauma”, connected to said window smash.
Yes, but I just wonder why you think that’s a credible scenario?
He’s not a mad character out of a Bond film.
MY favourite Fact Check.
There’s a bit to digest, but it’s an interesting thesis.
The sexual revolution of the ’60s has sometimes been linked to Soviet destabilisation/demoralisation of the West, but what if it was driven by European Marxist exiles within Western institutions with an anti-fascist rationale?
Beautiful work there.
I wish I had the skills, patience, and kit when I was younger.
A steadier hand would go a long way as well.
Nothing since the results are the same.
That’s like saying the identity of the murderer is of no consequence as the victim is dead.
Absent the sexual revolution and all that was set in its train, would we be here?
The sexual revolution of the ’60s has sometimes been linked to Soviet destabilisation/demoralisation of the West, but what if it was driven by European Marxist exiles within Western institutions with an anti-fascist rationale?
evil men like Marcuse
I read a long time ago that it was Weimar decadence that corrupted the US and by extension us
Bruce O’Newk:
And they wonder why young men are refusing to enlist. Why the Hell should they when shit like this is enforced and the Illegal Migrants pour over the border?
“Look at me! Look at me! How DARE you look at me!”
I’m not saying it’s a credible scenario though it is just as credible as Bowen’s blame shifting.
While you guys are on the subject of Big Guns, check out this little ripper.
The coldest summer day in Australia and nobody notices
Weatherzone report that Thursday was the equal coldest morning ever recorded anywhere in Australia in summer time. Oddly, there were no preemptive emergency warnings the night before, no news stories announcing the area “might” hit a new record, no camera teams visited the scene and the BOM did not invent a Coldsnap Emergency Alert System to tell Australians to put on a jumper.
Chris Bowen is by far the dumbest member of any party to have been commissioned as an Australian federal government minister.
When people become more scared of the solutions to climate change than climate change itself, they will start to question the validity and importance of the issue to themselves. Faced with power blackouts, out of control energy bills and a crashing economy they might well agree to living with climate change as the lesser of two evils. Many may delve further and discover that they have been lied to and conned on a grand scale. But as with Covid, the great awakening will not occur overnight.
I dislike most of our pollimuppetts but Bowen is a standout. I think it’s the smug incompetence
As well as the damage the grub is doing to people.
No it isn’t. The sexual revolution had many influences one being reaction to largely fake portrayal of family in the media.
Dover, I came across this beautiful work. Would make Rabz happy as it looks like HOP time.
Genuinely gorgeous painting.
I’m always amazed at the old paintings with the quality of the fabrics and physical form even if I don’t particularly like the painting.
The wars did more to place women in the workforce then then the revolution.
Excellent point made by Julius Sanks at WUWT:
A way of mopping up otherwise unemployables?
The sexual revolution of the ’60s has sometimes been linked to Soviet destabilisation/demoralisation of the West, but what if it was driven by European Marxist exiles within Western institutions with an anti-fascist rationale?
More like a pro-Marxist rationale, since fascism and Marxism are both feathers of the same left wing. The fascist/Marxist clash is a fight to determine which of the two ideologies will rule.
The sexual revolution of the ’60s has sometimes been linked to Soviet destabilisation/demoralisation of the West, but what if it was driven by European Marxist exiles within Western institutions with an anti-fascist rationale?
Wow! bit more complex than it was for this 1960s teen’s hormones .. my lot, unanimously, thanked the inventor of the “pill” .. LOL!
December 11, 2022 at 9:30 am
And Michael P Senger has an article to add to that.
The sexual revolution of the ’60s has sometimes been linked to Soviet destabilisation/demoralisation of the West, but what if it was driven by European Marxist exiles within Western institutions with an anti-fascist rationale?
Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies by M. Stanton Evans, shows how European Marxists infiltrated the US State Dept, which led to actual American support for the communists in China.
GE already benefits us in multiple ways. What do you think has been happening in food production for the last several decades? Simply boosting CO2 is only one component of GE, it needs to be complemented with a range of other changes to maximise plant growth and nutrient value. Eg. Golden rice.
Steven Conroy from Victoria has phoned in.
Joe Ludwig must get a podium. The R-G-R years was a golden age of morons.
That’s always been obvious. It is why some doctors resent the deep penetration of Big Pharma into every area of their profession. We wanted small government, we wanted privatization, so it was inevitable that Big Pharma would come to be its own regulator. The writing was always on the script. Bit late to be whining about it because his dad died when the problem has been growing for decades.
Want to know who is devoid of talent and just going through the motions? Ask “Who have the Liars made Minister for Agriculture.”
As a child of a GP you don’t want for useless trinkets.
That WUWT link is interesting but why did the author use BTUs etc, virtually no one involved in science or engineering uses those units nowadays, makes a well reasoned article look I’ll informed.
John H:
Genetic engineering of plants to increase growth.
But the Greens won’t have it because genetic engineering of food is so dangerous! It’s got to be organic.
Yet they’re all for jabbing human arms with something that is genetically engineered.
So, their logic is that it can go directly into the bloodstream as long as it bypasses the stomach.
for “defence” they claim
Btw thanks to Dover for all the fine artworks you’ve featured! Alas some sad news today:
Russia’s main art museum goes up in flames as footage sparks panic in Moscow (10 Dec)
Sounds like an electrical fire in the ceiling. No word in the story on the artworks.
Since I’m on fire and art though I’ll put up this one I was having a look at just now:
Volcano Art (Smithsonian/USGS)
Some interesting artworks, such as of Graham Island which temporarily existed off Sicily and nearly caused a war.
If the same yardstick was being enforced impartially across NZ the big news item would be the whopper “stolen generations” programme whereby the NZ courts declare every ill child of a Jehova’s Witness to be a ward of the state so they may receive lifesaving blood transfusions.
… how European Marxists infiltrated the US State Dept, which led to actual American support for the communists in China.
European Marxists, eh?
Yeah, whatever.
General Marshall wasn’t in the State Dept., but he was still the point man in giving China and half of Western Europe to the Communists.
Burned all his Papers before he died, too.
They’ve just sold a bunch of them to Poland.
Poland also is taking delivery of Sth Korean tanks.
Both stories from this week.
Senger comes across as a bit unhinged, he thinks everything is a double psy ops. wasted time on one his videos telling us the ccp virus can’t cause a pandemic.
But the Greens won’t have it because genetic engineering of food is so dangerous!
It’s got to be organic.
You’re perpetuating a Myth there.
If The Greens ever had a pro Organic Agriculture Policy, it was in the distant past before Bob “My fellow Earthians” took command.
Since then, the Policy has been that Organic Agriculture is elitist and discriminates against the Poor.
Presumably, their voters don’t read the Party’s Policies, otherwise they wouldn’t vote for them.
John H
Don’t even bother with Bob Sewage. He’s always been a fucking moron.
Sfw – the Yanks seem to use BTUs (which is ironic…British Thermal Units). The nat gas contracts are in mmBTU, which is pretty close to but not quite one GJ.
The laughable aspect of the organic movement is the claim it doesn’t use pesticides, it does, and one of their favourites was rotenone because it is naturally derived. They stopped using it circa 2000 because it is a very dangerous chemical that can cause Parkinson’s Disease.
So it’s:
Bowen makes a meal of everything he goes near (fails upward)
Keneally had been brought in by the faceless men of the Liars (Nobody’s Girl) to be NSW
Premier & lost in the greatest landslide evah. But was too dumb to understand
that she didn’t fit the Seat of Fowler (fails upward)
Turnbull Any port in a storm and any political party to get him to the PM-ship. Brought
down a government because he thought it was owed him
Rudd Marketed beautifully, but then, like every other product, reality hit home with
the consumer – a dud.
Morrison Managed himself right out of the job by supping with the Liar Devils in Nat Cab
while turfing out every liberal democratic principal that his party ever had
Ludwig destroyed an entire industry overnight
This didn’t happen. What we have is highly regulated industry acting as agencies for the government.
It’s good the guy has reminded people. There’s no economic scaling with renewballs. In fact some economists have suggested there’s negative scaling. In other words, the more renewballs more negative economies of scale.
It’s the worst form of energy production ever devised so of course the green left dive for it.
It’s a big call, and probably based in ignorance of history. Just like like the ‘worst Prime Minister’ calls, based on those who were in office in the caller’s lifetime.
Even a cursory delve into the history of State and Federal MPs should bring us back to Earth. Our history is replete with scoundrels, crooks, fraudsters, and worse sitting in State and Federal Parliaments.
The consistent quality of Henny Pennys is that that have no idea about history.
even quoting the falsehood of “tickle down” is acknowledging the lies of the left. In reality it “trickles up” as business pays their employees, suppliers, landlords and especially the government before capital is rewarded, if at all, and even if there is no revenue.
Wealth clearly trickles up.
From the comment at 11:27am:
Yet they’re all for jabbing human arms with something that is genetically engineered.
Greens Health Policy is that all Vaccines are Mandatory by law.
As I said above, their voters mustn’t read their Election Manifesto.
So, their logic is that it can go directly into the bloodstream as long as it bypasses the stomach.
Not making sense there.
One of the criticisms of Vaccination is that injection isn’t proven to be a method to induce an immune response.