The Census at Bethlehem, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1566
The Census at Bethlehem, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1566
As long as they confine WW3 to Europe, have at it, guys. Screw Europe, screw the EU, screw NATO and…
I like this guy’s technique with telephone scams https://youtu.be/QWgX_kWDXKg
I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…
Pure delusion. Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest…
I have to admit the English do produce good chrese.
December 16, 2022 at 8:02 pm
Rottenhead. Are you being medicated? You’ve been calling me a jerky c..t since I said I found your jokes boring.
Sure, keep posting Armstrong., While you’re at it, start posting comments by Jeffrey Epstein as well. It almost makes (equal) sense. We’re one really fucking weird dude. I presume you live alone and would be described as a quite type who keeps to himself by neighbors.
You seem to not like Mr Armstrong. You are still a ‘Jerkoff C(r)untface’ now as things get a little serious. Ha, ha, ha, I love that you find my jokes boring. As you are boring yourself and so boring and boring this Blog into the dust. Over to you to make this Blog a better place. But I bet you cunt’ in your lovely words to all those posters that you disagree wiv’……………TWAT
Martin Armstrong has more to give the World than you ever can from your cave in that place that used to be called MelBum………………..
Here’s How They Did it: Real-time Election Fraud by Database Latency
BREAKING: Ex-Twitter Manager Slapped With Three-Year Prison Sentence
by neighbors.
You Twat and you cannot spell the word neighbours. Do you like watching Neighboooooooors that boring TV Show from MelBum?
December 16, 2022 at 8:03 pm
I find it amusing that Rowan Dean’s career has officially peaked, such a low zenith.
This is a bit rich from someone who failed Economics 1, went on social security for a while, managed to pass a J’ism course, married into the upper middle class, and now runs a fantasy football game. This is not exactly a meteoric career trajectory.
Ivermectin converts cold tumors hot and synergizes with immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of breast cancer
Someone was asking up thread what the Yoorrook inquiry was all about?
Sacré blue – the correct spelling is “Neighbores”.
Thank you for doing mUnty the courtesy of not mentioning his golf swing, attire or fat ankles. It is very much in the new spirit of a more friendly and welcoming Cat.
Black Ball says:
December 16, 2022 at 8:11 pm
Tarmac rallying is the best fun you can have with your pants on. Pure adrenalin.
Yeah, he’s a real giver, which is why he spent 11 years in jail…. for being a real giver.
Ed Dowd on youth death rate surpassing the elderly, rising workplace disability, protecting your assets
20 bob was a Quid, a substantial sum.
Aunty Geraldine sounds senile, or else she’s making it up.
Let’s say it was 2 bob, enough to buy a packet of Craven A
or 2 dogs eyes anna canna Coke.
The little cunt was a thief who was going to jail and dying young anyway.
I bet you 10k AUD that will not happen.
Rowan’s show has ended, however he’s a permanent fixture on Sky, thankfully.
And further to the fat fascist fuckwit, and further to Twitter, I have some thoughts…
1. Those on the left, encapsulated by our resident grub here, don’t want free speech, they only want speech they like and approve of in the public square. Which is why the fat fascist fuckwit and his ideological comrades have spent years denigrating Sky, and desperately wanting Sky to fail. Why? Because, you see, Sky dares to allow right of centre opinion. How dare they! But Sky, unlike that taxpayer funded progressive echo chamber, their ABC, depends on subscribers such as myself, and crucially on advertisers. So what the left have done over the last five years is to target Sky advertisers to scare and frighten them, painting Sky as “far-right” and promoting “racism” and all the other bullshit and lies the left are good at. The worst time, of course, was when Andrew Bolt bravely came out in 2019 and supported George Pell, rightly questioning the ludicrous verdict and maintaining that Pell was innocent. Of course our resident grub at the time delighted in calling Pell a “rock spider”, a description he’s never retracted. But I digress, the scare campaign against advertisers did work, some of Sky’s advertisers fled, but others held the line and all credit to those companies such as Harvey Norman. You see, it’s quite ironic that the fat fascist fuckwit comes here and, like an unneutered male cat, sprays his drivel on these pages, knowing full well that Dover allows him free speech. He takes advantage of that. I certainly don’t want him banned, he provides us with a window into the mind of an adolescent incel male, and it isn’t pretty. Ultimately though, the fat fascist fuckwit reminds me of the Soup Nazi…..”No free speech for you”.
JC, you were right earlier, Twitter should be for all speech, left, right, centre. But please allow me some schadenfreude with what Musk is doing. He’s expertly and superbly stripping bare the leftist fascism which was controlling and running amok on the social media platform. The progressive left wanted a Twitter echo chamber, the progressive left had a Twitter echo chamber, they routinely banned people, they routinely shadow banned people, it was a cradle of progressive censorship, and how they loved their power. But then one day they went too far, they decided to ban a conservative satire site named Babylon Bee and that move rightly angered Elon Musk, so he decided to buy Twitter. Since taking control a few months ago, he’s discovered, unsurprisingly, that it’s a cesspit of far-left lunacy and unproductivity (a lethal combination) and it’s quite amusing to see how the fat fascist fuckwit and his ideological cronies are suddenly badmouthing Musk and the platform, you see they know they had it all to themselves for so long but now the party’s over. It’s now been opened up to free speech, not just “some speech”. Musk has allowed back on the platform the likes of Meghan Murphy, Carl Benjamin, James Lindsay and of course, MAGA man, President Donald Trump, and the left are angry, very angry, because one of their control platforms has been taken away from them.
Today’s news about Musk banning various accounts, among others the NY Times journalist Ryan Mac, the execrable Keith Olbermann and Aaron Rupar, is comeuppance. Not one of these individuals protested the banning of President Trump. What goes around comes around.
It is, however, pretty par for the course for the Latter-Day Leftist…
December 16, 2022 at 8:45 pm
Martin Armstrong has more to give the World than you ever can from your cave in that place that used to be called MelBum………………..
Yeah, he’s a real giver, which is why he spent 11 years in jail…. for being a real giver.
convicted felon who spent 11 years in jail for cheating investors out of $700 million and hiding $15 million in assets from regulators.
You are like a broken record. Stick to your own world which is a goldfish bowl that you can only swim in with the other small fish. There is a bigger World out there. One day you may well see it when you grow out of your shorts……………..
The judge was a real giver too. Marty gave contempt and the judge “gave” him more time. It was a trial of giving.
Three shots in a matter seconds is easily achievable with a bolt action rifle, and Oswald was using a scope, which gave him an effective range of forty meters or so.
His media career is full of him punching down on people less fortunate than he. Good riddance.
Ed Case says:
December 16, 2022 at 7:19 pm
So save Brittany gets $3million for nothing,
They had a choice:
1.pay $3 mil.
I don’t understand what is the basis of this opinion?
She made allegations that were not proven, she made up stuff etc. etc.
Neighbor is the American version whereas neighbours is the English. We, in Australia have also begun to use American spelling and American terms, particularly since the advent of the internet. You need to try an assimilate to the culture ….and bathing once week is also frowned on too just to remind you.
AOC Climate Change Documentary Flop
From Armstrong Economics –
More stuff to upset some sensitive people here like JC -‘Jerkoff C(r)untface ‘
“AOC’s four year in the making Documentary of fighting for Climate Change was a complete flop. It debuted in movie theaters around the country and took in $10,000 averaging $80 per movie theater. Of course, the leftist media hail the film, and it was the worst debut of any film in history.
Just maybe people are becoming WOKE – walking up to the real propaganda.”
JC doesn’t like Mr Armstrong so over to you JC. Why not?
Aunty Geraldine is the lady who had a run in with Lidia.
No such thing as a twenty shilling coin was there?
Even 2 shillings would have been quite a sum in 1962 when she was around 10.
December 16, 2022 at 9:01 pm
Really, you take delight in a person potentially falling on difficult times in their life because… why?
His media career is full of him punching down on people less fortunate than he. Good riddance.
Your media career here has been full of you calling on others to punch down on people with whose politics you disagree, and thus consider, with no real basis, to be Nazis. You, otoh, show every sign of fascist tendencies uncontrolled by any emotional maturity.
Great post Cassie
Do you think Elon and Trump had a plan?
I don’t understand what is the basis of this opinion?
She made allegations that were not proven, she made up stuff etc. etc.
Richard Cranium (aka Dick Head) doesn’t have any basis for his opinions, other than a fevered imagination. He imagines himself to be an eyewitness to events that he could not possibly have seen. He is delusional.
December 16, 2022 at 9:07 pm
You Twat and you cannot spell the word neighbours. Do you like watching Neighboooooooors that boring TV Show from MelBum?
Neighbor is the American version whereas neighbours is the English. We, in Australia have also begun to use American spelling and American terms, particularly since the advent of the internet. You need to try an assimilate to the culture ….and bathing once week is also frowned on too just to remind you.
Good to see that you are now not using your usual profanity. How refreshing. I will keep posting Armstrong Economics as long as I live. You can just not read my posts and just move along and abuse all those other people before you get banned from this site.
“His media career is full of him punching down on people less fortunate than he. Good riddance.”
Nah, once again the fat fascist fuckwit gets it wrong. Firstly, not once have I ever heard Rowan Dean “punch down on anyone less fortunate than he”. For example, I’ve never heard him utter words such as “rock spider” to describe an innocent man, and if he had done so, he’d have the decency to retract those words and say he was wrong. Has the fat fascist fuckwit ever retracted those words he used to describe George Pell? No. But I suppose such a mea culpa would need to come from a man, and a man is something out basement dwelling incel is not.
Oh and Rowan Dean isn’t going anywhere, he’s still a staple on Sky and he’s still at the held of Sky most successful programme, Outsiders.
Now fuck off.
Oh and I’ve never heard Rowan Dean threaten to “punch a Nazi”, code for “punching someone I disagree with”.
Hey Cassie, you’re preaching to the converted. There was more to the story as there was a privacy issue. He’s actually in more danger than what people realize and he’s hyper concerned with what happened to his little kid and therefore his family.
He’s a vid of the cowardly prick hiding behind a mask.
Care to name some of those alleged “less fortunate peoples”, mUttley?
A ridiculous concept, fabricated by collectivists to make any justified criticism of anyone sound like “racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, moozleyphobia, LGBQWERTYism, etc.
You unrepentant hypocrite. Collectivists have always attempted to justify their pointless existences by dishing out non stop utterly foul verbal and physical abuse left, right and centre.
Oh – that’s when they’re not busy starving and/or massacring people, you ahistorical imbecile.
Now fuck off.
Why is it that the lovely sign off from this Web Shite is that lovely phrase? Seems rather basic to me.
And there’s never any surplus from left wing ideas.
I don’t know why you bothered with the rest of your drivel.
Aunty Geraldine is the lady who had a run in with Lidia.
So, Aunty Geraldine can never be in the wrong?
No such thing as a twenty shilling coin was there?
The term Aunty G used was “20 bob”.
Ever heard anyone use that before?
Neither have I.
Even 2 shillings would have been quite a sum in 1962 when she was around 10.
Did you read my comment, or are you a compleat idiot?
There’s no “20 Bob”, but even if there was, Primary School teachers were on 1,100 Pounds/year in 1962 [20 Pounds / Week]
They weren’t leaving 1 Pound coins on the desk for tiny thieves to steal.
I reckon Aunty G had a priviledged upbringing and she’s making it up.
“Last night, car carrying lil X in LA was followed by crazy stalker (thinking it was me), who later blocked car from moving & climbed onto hood.
Legal action is being taken against Sweeney & organizations who supported harm to my family.
He’s a vid of the cowardly prick hiding behind a mask.”
Yeah, he’s Antifa. Antifa groups are furious at Musk because he’s banned hundreds of Antifa accounts, accounts which have been using Twitter for years to organise and promote violence.
Oh dear .
I’m sure Auntie Geraldine Atkinson nee Bamblett has confused ‘2 bob’ with ’20 bob’.
I make no comment about the veracity of her tale.
God, you’re sheltered. People used to say that all the time.
‘On Fridays when I was a young lad, my old man would send me on the tram with thruppence ha’penny. I would go to the picture movies, and come home with an armload of fish and chips for my eleven brothers and four sisters. Dad let me keep the change, and when it got to 20 bob I bought my own water cart.’
Common as muck, that was.
His media career is full of him punching down on people less fortunate than he.
Examples dickless swine or be branded a liar. Oh wait.
looking at the tone and tenor of many comments on this blog atm, there are certain elements who would be thinking, “mission accomplished”.
Cats – you know what annoys me the most about Fatso Murray?
He’s just a big waffling marshmallow, with a weathervane implanted in the top of his thick empty bonce.
“Talk about pretending to be a conservative”, which he most certainly isn’t.
Missen Eva, on the other hand, is an actual conservative, imbued with the courage of her convictions.
To think that I used to be dismissive of blondes, Cats. 😕
Do I need to say it? 🙂
There was. My dad has one.
One. They were quite rare. Rare enough that he skytes about having one. Picked it up somewhere in the early 1950s apparently.
Not saying Aunty Geraldine is full of sheep, however doesn’t “a quid” roll off the tongue far more easily than “twenty bob”?
The Atkinsons, like the Thorpes and the Firebraces in Victoriastan are the ‘preemient’ Aboriginal families with many fingers in many pies. Ability to do stuff is not considered for any black organisation work, the nepotism will carry you through.
Amongst all the doom and gloom, a silver lining. At least for me andy wife.
Rising interest rates stopped us refinancing our mortgage as it put us out of our own home loan, so we put our investment property on the market and got full value, above our target price.
Today was settlement day, which went without a hitch. No lottoesque profit, but a modest profit for 3 years’ work, enough to pay all our other debts,,put some on the house and pay for a modest holiday next year.
You can’t beat the market, but you can play it.
A couple of strong Belgian ales and champagne going down well to celebrate the occassion. Burp.
Tom, if you’re around, what do you make of the Darren Weir racing ‘scandal’?
If history is any guide, there is a lot unsaid.
Missen Eva is rather angelic Rabz. Mark Steyn calls her his favourite milk maid
Former Australian batsman Greg Ritchie has a crack at Captain Alinta, Pat Cummins ahead of the First Test against the Jaapies tomorrow (msn):
However – and this is a great get I hadn’t heard of before:
I tried to explain the aesthetics of a garden today to a friend. My impromptu explanation was this: “A garden is like an orchestra. Each plant is an instrument. Each should have its own presence. None should be overwhelmed by the next. And each should be able to sing its tune when the time is right. The role of the gardener is that of the conductor, to prepare the plants which together in concert with each other and with nature create a unified vision.” I’m sure there are many great writers and gardeners that have a far better description. Now that I have dipped my foot in the water I would like to explore the topic further. Any suggestions, quotes etc welcome?
Love it, Beery.
LOL, that’s like saying “Matt Guy’s most successful leadership decision”.
Good gravy those Dutch birds are lovely. No wonder Adam Piggot kinda lost the plot after losing his.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 16, 2022 at 8:53 pm
Rowan’s show has ended, however he’s a permanent fixture on Sky, thankfully.
He is f*cking usless.
Using a scope with a centrefire bolt action rifle in quick succession for 3+ shots is not easy. On a (slow moving) target?
The Jack Ruby thing is also suspicious as hell. “Oh he was just so patriotic”.
Same with James Forrestal.
I think the opposite this “you believe in conspiracies because you want meaning” meme.
People don’t want to consider that a President or Secretary of the Navy can get murdered, particularly by organised crime (Giancana) or with foreign agents (Castro). It makes them feel unsafe. I have no idea who killed Forrestal. “He just jumped outta nowhere he window, he must have been depressed”.
Gilas has outlined why the autopsy was dubious.
Abraham Bolden outlined how three weeks prior he and other Secret Service agents foiled a very similar plot in Chicago three weeks prior. Cubans were there.
I don’t see why it is shocking to assert that the Cubans and Giancana used Oswald. Cuba involved itself in foreign wars to advance totalitarianism and Giancana was simply a murderer.
Every time a lefty abuses someone like the Simpsons Crazy Cat Lady, I go to their home page and search for “compassion”.
Multiple hits every time. They either think compassion is something you show to people who think like you, or it’s nothing more than a strategic virtue to be used as a weapon.
Or both. They’re both deranged and psychotic. Compassion is a human emotion they think will make them liked if they can just replicate it like actual humans.
For a layman or beginner.
Oswald was photographed at the entrance to the TSBD as the Presidential Limo drove past.
I believe Fat Cat Ritchie was one of the people who ran onto the ground when Steve Waugh made 200 in the West Indies in 1995. When asked by a fielder to leave the arena, Ritchie’s response was to tell him to go forth and fornicate, it’s a great innings.
BB – Missen Eva is far more than just a pretty face. I sent Miss Emily the video of the Hairy Scotsman and Missen Eva discussing the realisation that the latter was a conservative and all that subsequently meant.
Eva and Emily are among the most immaculate creatures to have existed on this planet in human history. In Europe, their contemporaries are being willingly gifted to savages and I’m not happy about it.
Barbarian Invasions, indeed.
Hahahahajajajaha! Now you are denying the concept of… well, everything. Power, identity, class… you are rejecting a lot of reality there Rabz. Impressive acrobatics.
Lol, that’s like saying Muttley’s most successful weight loss program. Wombats have a better golf swing than you. And better hygiene.
As someone who learned the trade, using the old .303, I beg to differ.
Fat Cat here towards the end. A young Glenn McGrath held on to help the great Waugh
A fine discussion that was Rabz between Oliver and Missen Eva.
And not for the first time (allegedly), mUttley.
Criticism – it’s a concept, which can be positive or negative, but hardly an excuse to get all shoutee about fabricated slights (again).
Moving target (motorcade)?
The funny thing is prior to 22 Nov, Oswald attempted (failed) a single shot assassination of General Walker in his home.
Which seems very curious – also hinting at Cuban involvement. Kennedy and Walker were not on the same page politically.
The action on the SMLE is slick AF though.
What was Oswald using?
Funny how often you hear from a sporting legend or groundbreaking academic or inspirational performer or faaaabulous fag or rich businessman that in their youth they were pulled aside and told by their school headmaster or junior coach or first boss that They Were Never Going To Amount To Anything. Usually a kicker that it was because they were not already rich or famous or lilywhite or a man or a woman’s man or they couldn’t sit still in class.
I never had that opportunity. Never got that repercussively motivational sledge.
Look at me now, washed up in the middle ground, faffing around all day on the farm with my mid-range dog before having a tinnie and a shower before heading out to play some amateur sport and then some amateur music.
The Early Career Sexist-Racist-Snobbish Give-Up-Now lecture sector should be expanded so that every scruffy kid can get their shit sorted early. Then we’d have a hell of a lot more millionaires in Mosman and a lot less derroes bugging them for a few bucks, down and out and huffing meth for the brief ecstatic rush of the sort they were promised would be their natural high, after absorbing the cruel lie that nothing would get in their way to the top because they were white, straight, had a nuclear family and a traditional work ethic.
“Which seems very curious – also hinting at Cuban involvement. Kennedy and Walker were not on the same page politically.”
Agree, however they were on the same page politically to Oswald.
Yarks – how would we actually know?
Speaking as someone who’s been to the sixth floor of the legendary Texas School Book Suppository.
Two Minute Jack was a sitting Duck.
Manlicher Carcano 6.5 mm bolt action rifle using surplus WWII ammunition.
Seems odd he took multiple shots at Kennedy (motorcade) but not General Walker (in his own home)?
I reckon Cassie will snap and accuse me of being anti-sematic.
I’m not saying the shot would have been an easy one Dot.
If you believe Oswald was one of the shooters, a Mannlicher-Carcano, reputed to be the worst rifle ever made.
ongoing power outage in Sydney’s Burwood and Strathfield
who voted in a Labor rep (Reid) at the latest feral election
maybe a form of karma for the doctors wives (in Strathfield) and hi-rise dogbox residents (in Burwood), who knows.
Just landed.
Remembering how much I dislike this country and everything it pretends to stand for.
Sydney Thunder not sending their best. 5 wickets down for the grand total of 9 runs.
LOL, that’s like saying “Matt Guy’s most successful leadership decision”.
No it’s not dickless. More like saying the total contribution of leftism to humanity.
That’s an old furphy, dispelled a long time ago, Grogs. Do try and keep up.
Make that 6 for 9.
Mannlicher-Carcano, reputed to be the worst rifle ever made.
I own an M38, the only drawback it has is that it doesn’t have a slick bolt. Nothing like a Mosin, Enfield or Mauser. Apart from that, everything else works pretty well. Accuracy is good, feeding is reliable and recoil is mild.
Rabz, is that like the suppository of knowledge?
Ignorance is bliss.
Twitter Suspends Far-left Reporters from CNN, NYT, Washington Post, and Other Independent Reporters Related to Doxxing Event that Endangered Musk’s Child
7 for 10
Some memes which sum up the utter shit stain which is leftism.
I’m not saying the shot would have been an easy one Dot.
In my opinion it’s an easier shot than it might appear. Having stood on the spot the road starts heading directly away and slightly down. Given the distance, shooting without any lead would seem feasible.
8 for 10. FMD
9 for 14
All things the Leftist has been utterly obsessed by over the ages.
And that which they would gleefully and spitefully deny to all others.
Case in Point, our very own Fat Man…
All out for 15. A grand total of 34 balls faced.
Almost as bad (and outright jaggy) as my historic Two-Up performances…
All but 2 wickets caught behind the stumps, one bowled and one caught extra cover. Perhaps Thunder betrayed Gaia somehow
Life being what you might make of it, mUttley, you determinist.
Individual will, free choice, taking responsibility for one’s actions – fuuugggeddabbbooodittt …
The busted minion one is pretty good.
And this one is going on the velour-covered wall in my basement. Where all the good puns go for display.
I call it the Velvet Punderground…
Surely we’ll be gifted with a page turn sometime soon?
The Fat Man cannot bear the thought of someone making the ‘wrong’ decision.
The Fat Man really should have been a Doctor. He’s got the perfect temperament- Smug, egotistical, narcissistic and neurotic in about a very neat 50:50 ratio and a tendency to snap out dictates first and ask diagnostic questions later, after the initial You Will Do This! backfires or doesn’t quite have the desired effect.
Hell, he’d fit right in with most (albeit, not all) Consultants I ever met or worked with…
To Everything,
Turn, Turn, Turn…
Twitter Suspends Far-left Reporters from CNN, NYT, Washington Post, and Other Independent Reporters Related to Doxxing Event that Endangered Musk’s Child
Hang on, monty man tits sez it didn’t happen because no police report was filed. Despite video evidence. However can this be?
There is a Season,
Turn, Turn, Turn
Turn indeed
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven…
Anyone with a bit of training and practice under their belt could easily do that, even at a moving target, and Oswald was a trained marksman by the US Marines.
Evidently not.
How about those gas price caps bestowed upon us by Luigi the Munificent, Cats?
I have gas hot water, heating (which I now never use) and a stove top and oven.
Anyone who attempts to remove any of them while I exist on this planet will be gifted with a very big, long overdue dose of HOP Time™.
Seriously though, enough. You Z-grade morons are not Stalin and his henchmen – and we will not meekly submit. The Solzhenitsyn solution to collectivist tyranny will be employed, with great relish.
Don’t have a reference, but the author of one of the books on the assassination, put Oswald’s former weapons instructor from the Marine Corps at the fatal window, with a rifle of the type used in the assassination. His conclusion was that Oswald couldn’t have missed. Apparently the film “JFK” which I haven’t seen, replicates the situation, but has said weapons instructor claiming the shot was impossible.
Stock up on beans.
Domestic self-production may become an unavoidable necessity…
Commiserations Rickw. I’m not due back till after Christmas. Landing at Melbourne to clear customs too.
Lovely day today. Other half got all sorts of clothes that will add to our luggage allowance. Spent day bantering with mostly Poms in a bar. Got some good info on Thailand though I’d never retire here, too many other pitfalls.
Off to Sa Kheo tomorrow to stay with another friend & his Thai Mrs who are Aussie based. Her family have done well with a good size house so no accommodation needed. Plans afoot to visit old Khmer ruins near Aranya Pratet, Rong Kleua markets at border crossing and another temple ruin up in Buri Ram Province.
Knowing the hospitality I am about to receive am likely to be back to lurking. Enjoy all.
Rabz said, December 16, 2022 at 11:02 pm
Jumping the gun there.
It happens at multiples of 250.
You still had 102 to go.
Thankee, Colonel.
It’s a Friday night, Cats!
Everyday peoples, hopefully about to enjoy a normal Christmas.
Unlike some of us … 😕
I get a little tired of hearing what a “tough shot” it was.
The distance was relatively short – 81 metres – with a telescopic sight.
As for the “moving target”?
Well, the motorcade was moving quite slowly (11 mph) and as the car was travelling away from the book depository and on a downhill slope, it would have barely been moving in Oswald’s field of view.
The only surprise is he didn’t get a direct hit with the first shot.
I expect tall stories about the nightmare on Elm street will mysteriously go missing between here and The New Open Thread. https://newcatallaxy.blog/2022/12/17/open-thread-weekend-17-dec-2022/
It is currently 100% Oswald-free.
I guess they dont care
Harry and Meghan are now among the most unpopular public figures in Britain. That is what my polling reveals this week, after they released their Netflix documentary.
A couple is lying in bed. The man says “I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world” The woman says “I’ll miss you”.
Nina and Liz are having a conversation during their lunch break. Nina asks “So, Liz, how’s your sex life these days?” Liz replies “Oh, you know. It’s the usual, Social Security kind”. “Social Security?” Nina asked quizzically. “Yeah, you get a little each month, but it’s not enough to live on”.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
– Buddha
US to Hand Patriot Missiles to Ukraine? What Insanity!
From Armstrong Economics –
“There is little doubt that NATO and the United States want war. I believe this insanity is being driven by the idea that they MUST destroy the Russian economy because it is 50% based on fossil fuels. The people writing the cue cards for Biden are determined to create World War III. Russia has warned that if the US goes ahead and sends Patriot Missiles to Ukraine, they warned that will lead to ‘unpredictable consequences’ and the US knows this will unleash widespread war.
Ukraine is NOT TO BE TRUSTED. They have killed their own people just to keep trying to create World War III where they want Russia utterly annihilated. I cannot stress this more. I have warned that the hatred in this region will engulf the world as it did when the Serbs assassinated the heir to the throne of Austria in 1914. There is NO solution for peace as long as NATO and the US keep supplying arms to Ukraine and instructing them NEVER to negotiate peace.
NATO is doubling its forces in some countries and uses the propaganda that they need to stop Russia’s “Imperistic” advance. The very FIRST Ukrainian coins are those issued by Nazi Germany. They joined the Nazi movement and supported the ethnic cleansing of Jews, Polish, and Russians. Never before was Ukraine a country and the Donbas has historically been occupied by Russians for centuries. In fact, both Kruschev grew up there as well as Brezhnev. So were they Ukrainian who launched the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 or the Russian?
The very fact that there are NO coins ever issued by Ukraine demonstrates what I have been saying – it was never a country and now we are to engulf the entire world in destruction for the most corrupt country in Europe. There is another agenda here and it is not any more truthful than the Weapons of Mass Destruction that Iraq never had.”
Sacre bleu!
At least two were not direct hits!
I am starting to think an “expert marksman” in the marine corps is assigned a shotgun!
This is just anti semitic “Khazaria” fantasy bullshit Putin is tapping into.
Trump rightfully didn’t take shit from Putin.
Musk’s response is one of the funniest comments I’ve read on a long time .
His reply
AOC’s Flop – More Spent on Fossil Fuels than the Movie Took In
From Armstrong Economics –
COMMENT: “Regarding AOC and the FLOP climate change documentary. How much fossil fuel was used for this flop of a project. Sounds contradictory to the proposed agenda the are preaching. Almost as ironic as the elite jet setting with their private jets while we should all ride bicycles to work.
MA, Thank you for being a voice of reason in these truly uncertain times.”
Be well and keep doing what you do.
Regards, CRW
REPLY: “I know. This is so insane. I’m sure she spent far more in fossil fuels to make this flop than the $10,000 it raked in. I have been in my fair share of movie productions. The number of people running around you can’t even count on two hands for a small film. They were even filming a movie on the beach in front of the house next door I think for the Hallmark Channel. They even had a COVID enforcer who came running up when some of the girls on the film crew just wanted to pet my dog. She came running over and said no – they could not even touch any animal. How much did it cost to fly her around?”
Paddy tells his wife “My bumhole is really burning, I’ve no idea what it is?” “Ring sting” his wife says. Paddy replies “How the fuck will he know?”
A drunk is sitting on the street curb in front of a bar. A stranger comes buy and asks if he’s okay. The drunk replies by asking “Do you know who I am?” The stranger says “No. Who are you?” The drunk proudly says “I’m Jesus Christ… and I can prove it! Come with me!” They enter the bar and the bartender looks up and yells “Jesus Christ! Are you here again?”
A blonde walks up to a Coke machine and puts in a coin. Out pops a Coke. The blonde looks amazed and runs away to get some more coins. She returns and starts feeding the machine madly and, of course, the machine keeps feeding out drinks. Another person walks up behind the blonde and watches her antics for a few minutes before stopping her, and asking if someone else could have a go. The blonde turns around and shouts “Can’t you see I’m winning!”
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
– Confucius
Interesting how private firearm ownership is almost simultaneously back in the spotlight in all Western countries.
It’s like someone sent out a memo.
Lathe of the week in Echuca: