The Census at Bethlehem, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1566
The Census at Bethlehem, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1566
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
– J. K. Rowling
I like how the only Trump NFT with an actual real picture of Trump has been heavily photoshopped to remove his wide torso.
Sledgehammer meets walnut…
Looks like the powers that be are determined to take all the wrong lessons from the Wieambilla incident, and that’s before the police reports have even been typed.
The proposals being aired – expanding terror laws to capture right-wing extremists, crackdowns on social media and associating peaceful public protest against covid restrictions with “extremism” will only confirm individuals like Gareth Train in their thinking and further set the power of the state against its citizenry.
Lizzie’s point about cross cultural marriages is important.
The English middle and uppers can be frigid and cruel during social interactions. It wouldn’t surprise if Meghan copped a bit of that and thought ‘eff it, I’m outa here’. Wouldn’t blame her.
Trump NFT trading cards are genius. Good fun, great prizes, doable price.
In a week some douche will ask him a leading question and he’ll be able to say “They’ve been very successful, more than we’d ever hoped… in fact people tell me very smart people who know thses things tell me we’ve broken many… many records, no-one’s ever seen digital cards sell like this before it’s really really something. And all the funds raised have gone to the best causes, the very best, and let me tell you the Golden Ticket winners are so very very excited, people who never dreamed of meeting their favourite president are now going to get to meet me and I’m going to meet them I’m very excited too we’re going to have dinner and golf and meeting Melania too she’s very excited- just average everyday people, even some people who had been given the cards as a gift which is a thing you can do I didn’t realise but there you go folks”
And that will be the Week in Trump… maybe even all the way through Christmas. next week, something new.
KD, GreyRanga usually makes good sense in his laid back commentary on blog issues. I don’t know whether this was about cricket or stoushing on the Cat. I suppose it could be both. I’ll readily admit I know little about cricket, but I’ve seen a lot of Cat stoushing over ten years or more of being here, so I’ve opted for it being an observation about stoushing. I’ll just say on that – no one here really wants to lose a good opening batsman, but sometimes the really good ones need a little R and R to recover top form again against economic illiteracy and the left, the original purpose of Catallaxy.
I like how the only Trump NFT with an actual real picture of Trump has been heavily photoshopped to remove his wide torso.
There you go with your wild improbable conspiracy theories again, you kooky cooker you
NZ is basically 1950s Britain with better skiing.
December 16, 2022 at 9:02 am
there was more to it than just Digital cards, which has been justly ridiculed
President Trump Announces Plan to Protect Free Speech and Digital Bill of Rights
December 15, 2022 – Sundance
This afternoon President Donald Trump released a video outlining a campaign platform position around free speech. {Direct Rumble Link}
Referencing the latest revelations about various political groups, campaigns and government agencies instructing social media platforms on the removal of content, President Trump notes his position would be to dismantle the government systems that facilitate the censorship. President Trump notes he would sign an executive order banning any federal agency from censoring of limiting the free speech of American citizens.
Additionally, President Trump noted he would ban federal money from being used to label domestic speech as misinformation or disinformation, along with firing any bureaucrat who has previously engaged in the domestic censorship, directly or indirectly, including within all agencies of the DHS, FBI or DOJ who have targeted the free speech rights of Americans. WATCH:
Among other initiatives, President Trump called for the federal government to break ties with any nonprofits and academic programs that are aimed at tacking mis- and disinformation.
“If any U.S. university is discovered to have engaged in censorship activities or election interferences in the past, such as flagging social media content for removal of blacklisting, those universities should lose federal research dollars and federal student loan support for a period of five years, and maybe more,” he said.
MUST WATCH: “I Am Urging House Republicans to Immediately Send Preservation Letters” – President Trump Makes HUGE Announcement Vowing to Reclaim Our First Amendment Rights
President Trump’s Big Announcement – Digital Trading Cards
This was not the announcement we were expecting.
However, President Trump made another absolutely huge announcement promising, “When I am president, this whole rotten system of censorship and information control will be ripped out of the system at large.”
One Twitter user said, “Trump Card was the noise, then comes the signal.”
Just did a search for the cost of replacing all our gas appliances with electric including central heating, hot water system, gas log heater, gas oven top. All up about $15,000 not including installation. Albo and the Greens seem intent on making our lives hell. This is a direct attack on the public.
Sancho, who is ‘ideally placed to lecture’? Perhaps someone not a million miles from yourself?
On another note, I had a disturbing interaction with my bank yesterday. I have two accounts, a savings and a trading (ye olde cheque plus credit card). ANZ.
At the coffee shop, my savings card was ‘declined.’ Obviously a mistake, so I used the other, which announced that the PIN was wrong.
No, it wasn’t. Account held for more than 20 years with the same PIN.
Luckily, I had cash.
Tried to use the savings card later, and it said the PIN was wrong.
Trotted down to the bank branch. Confirmed that the PIN I’d been using for decades didn’t work. Solution – change the PIN. How/why did this happen? No answer.
I’m really nervous about this. I could wake up tomorrow and find all of my money gone. My PIN has somehow been disabled, and they don’t care. They don’t even bother to record it. They just change the PIN (but not before the prick in the branch suggested that I had forgotten or misremembered it).
With all the recent data leaks, and everyone being forced to use electronic banking, am I alone in finding this very disturbing?
That is the logical destination.
Human sacrifice in the name of climate change paganism is rapidly approaching.
JC says:
December 16, 2022 at 7:05 am
Talking about Brits throwing out the garbage, I’ve never understood the love Australian descendants of convicts have for Britain. The upper class mostly despised the lower classes and in fact transportation was a way for them to literally dump the garbage as far away from them as they could. They found the convicts despicable. I can’t understand why there was a love of Britain when growing up as it simply wasn’t justifiable.
JC, I’m one of “those.” It’s not that I love Britain, although in sending a number of my forebears here has meant that their descendants ended up holding the smooth end of the stick – you’ve gotta be thankful for that!
So, we, the inheritors of the Currency Lads and Lasses, have opted for the benefits and few (if any?) of the drawbacks of the British system.
And what we inherited and built on to create as our own, well, millions have wanted to come join us.
Years ago I saw a funny Far Side Mother’s Day card, which had a drawing of mother standing “away, over there” and the caption was ‘thank you for always being being “there”.’
‘With all her faults we love her still…’ But away, over “there.”
Speaking of R&R, and to change the subject, does anyone remember the days of the American servicemen who were here on R&R during the Vietnam War? Bourbon and Beefsteak at the Cross was a favoured hang out. Do they even teach the Vietnam War in schools any more? We are roughly the same distance from that war as the second world war was from us in the mid 70’s.
Can slag features cook chicken?
ps. it’s safe here now, isn’t it, with Commo Bob not around, to mention Vietnam again?
When the State Comes for Your Kids
Tom another Toon for you
“Three Wise Men & a Welfare Baby”
The ‘Patient Zero’ of Transgender Kids
The English are not renowned for kindness and tolerance.
On the other hand, if you relish irony, poking fun, witty put downs, and satirical barbs, then it’s the world capital of humour. BBC all the way.
A small “smoking gun” study shows Covid vaccination likely led to fatal myocarditis
By Jo Nova
Diagram of the human heart,
If anyone says “but this was only a few people” — the absolute scandal here is that every nation in the West should have been doing studies like this nearly two years ago and by the hundreds.
German pathologists studied heart muscle cells in 25 people who died at home within a month of getting vaccinated. Of these, five people had strange strange clusters of white blood cells infiltrating their heart muscle and all of those died within just a week of being vaccinated. In three of those cases, the results were quite clear, and there were no other potential causes of myocarditis, and no obvious heart problems, and the link to the vaccination was quite strong. “Further studies are needed”.
Constantin Schwab and others searched back through historic records and were struck that during the last 20 years of autopsy service at Heidelberg University Hospital they had not seen any “comparable myocardial inflammatory infiltration.” It really was unusual.
In this case the myocarditis was not necessarily severe, but the mild localized inflammation in clusters may have interfered with the pattern of contraction of heart muscle, causing fibrillation — where contracting cells become unsynchronized. In that trembling state, the heart can’t pump blood and death is rapid unless someone gets “defibrillated” and the electric shock resets the pattern.
Dr John Campbell describes this study as a “smoking gun” in terms of the cause and effect connection with vaccines.
And in one of those uncanny coincidences, wouldn’t you know it, but communal defibrillators are being installed on the front of houses in a trial in one suburb of Melbourne this year. Because fibrillation can happen to anyone… see below.
Wally Dalí at 9:13
I’ve still got my Trump talking pen and a book of his poetry. Both were gifts and I suspect taking the piss.
The whinger is a crazed feminazi and a racist. She deserves no pity. The ginger – maybe a little, but he made his bed with his d1ck and has to sleep in it now.
I listened to the police audio from Wieambilla when they took down the 3 Trains. I have no sympathy for the 3 Trains but it does seem that the Police had decided to take out the 3 instead of capture. It came across that the Police had decided to become Judge, Jury and Executioner in this instance.
It some eyes it would make them martyrs which they don’t deserve.
They’re too tolerant if anything, look at horrible instances like Rotherham.
Their Empire was relatively enlightened. They were free men a lot earlier than other European nations. They didn’t take the Nazis out back and shoot them, they gave them due process. Poles, Free French, Czechs were hosted by the British and so were the US armed forces.
Tourists don’t get ripped off by street gangs.
I think they’re okay.
Norwegian filmmaker faces three years in prison for saying a man cannot become a lesbian
‘It’s just as impossible for men to become a lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant. Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes.’
My wife travelled to San-Fran with our friends. They tried to help one beggar. This ended up with them being pursued, very aggressively, by this bastard for about 30 mins demanding more money – at least $50. They were scared for their lives. And my wife had our baby son with her too. My wife said – no more San-Fran for me. This guy wasn’t the only thing that turned her off.
And this was almost 10 years ago. I imagine it’s not getting any better there.
December 16, 2022 at 9:21 am
The ‘Patient Zero’ of Transgender Kids
David Reimer drove to a grocery store parking lot on a Tuesday in 2004, raised a shotgun whose barrel he had methodically sawed off that morning, and ended his life with a blast to the head. Years earlier, he had become a kind of “patient zero” for transgender kids and struggled with the trauma for the rest of his life.
The tragedy that affected Reimer is more relevant now than ever. On Tuesday, while signing the inaccurately named “Respect for Marriage Act” into law, President Joe Biden called for challenges to state laws “targeting transgender children.”
“We need to challenge the hundreds of callous, cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need,” Biden said.
To understand why Biden’s comments are an inversion of reality, how we got here, and why we must protect children from those who would target them for “transitioning,” it is helpful to revisit the “John/Joan” case, whose main subject was David Reimer.
The John/Joan experiment was the brainchild of the influential psychologist and sexologist John William Money.
The case for which Money is best-known involved two identical twin brothers: Brian and David Reimer (born Bruce Peter Reimer). Money called it the John/Joan case to conceal David’s identity. After a botched circumcision severely damaged his penis, David’s parents brought him to Money at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. The Reimers had become aware of Money’s ideas about gender through the media long before he saw their son.
Upon meeting with the Reimers, Money quickly advocated David be “sex reassigned” into a girl. Though Money and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins had performed sex reassignments on hermaphrodite children, a similar procedure had never been attempted on a child born with normal genitals and nervous system. Desperate and badgered by Money to proceed (he accused the parents of “procrastinating” for taking time to make up their minds), the Reimers ultimately agreed to move forward.
The truth about the John/Joan case was revealed thanks to the work of Milton Diamond, an academic critic of Money, and Colapinto’s journalism.
But that didn’t stop the tide that brought us to where we are today.
Meanwhile in the Lunacy that is the West today
Norwegian Filmmaker Faces Three Years in Jail for Saying Transgender ‘Women’ Can’t Be Lesbians: ‘Men Are Men Regardless of Their Sexual Fetishes’
Christian teacher jailed after refusing to use gender-neutral pronouns is told he will remain behind bars for Christmas after telling court he should not be punished for his views on ‘transgenderism’
. Enoch Burke will spend the festive period behind bars, a court has told him
. The teacher was jailed for refusing to obey a court order to stay away from his school in County Westmeath, Ireland
. His school told him to stay away after he refused to address a student as ‘they’
Case One.
Probably already fixed with a hammer and 8 kopek’s worth of pop rivets.
Case Two.
Probably a Cat. 3 write off.
Snap Zipster re Norwegian Filmmaker
Poms tend to not take themselves too seriously. Think Punch, the Goodies, Monty Python … London is magnificent, I would take it over Paris in an instant. The British Museum is the greatest collection of stuff in the world. And then there will be some little house converted into a museum by some crank in 1860. Samuel Johnson was right.
I am very torn in my patriotic loves. Australia comes first, but there is a hankering after Britain still residual in me and in many who still have relatives in Britain. It was the ancestral Old Country, which always counts, in spite of it offering us the ongoing ‘convict stain’ until at least the 1950’s and the British press calling PM Keating’s arm on the Queen as done by The Lizard of Oz. My parents living in Australia always joined the British housos who called Blighty ‘home’ in all conversations. My mother pined for ‘home’ in her loneliness for all of my childhood and adolescence, returning sans dad for 18 months. My father never went back, his family had ditched him, and I barely knew them, but I lived with my mother and my two siblings in one bedroom in my Welsh Nana’s tiny old rental in Middle England when I was eleven. It was in that town, as the old abbey bell tower pealed joyfully every Sunday, that I discovered the true entrancement of a British Spring and kindly schooling and the salt of the earth tolerance and stern grit of the traditional British working classes.
Later in my life I’ve married a Cambridge Man, and that grand institution can still order our lives, for we visit his Jesus College friends still (as we will again in Janury) where they will celebrate as alumni their win against those who wanted to remove all traces of a C17th benefactor due to what proved to be non-existent connections to ‘slavery’. As he gets older, the friends of his youth who are still alive achieve a relevance beyond simple friendships made today. I guess this is so with all who are lucky enough to have maintained contacts from their salad days. I don’t have many.
This will begin on the new OT, although if we have another outbreak today similar to yesterday I’ll bring it forward.
Turning a blind eye is not tolerance, it’s complicity.
Roll X-Files theme.
And closed because of cranks who have arisen in the past five to ten years – as shown in a recent Speccie articles, which looked at how the Wellcome Trust Museum of Medical History has suicided – it has closed itself because the medical remnants of the past were ablist and racist so had to be shot down by the latest canons of ‘diversity’. Sadly, as the article then elaborates, all museums in Britain, even the smallest ones, are now infected by the constant relabelling of collections to show how colonialist and terrible was the society and Empire that did so much to improve the world.
I want to put in a missing persons report.
For a lady called Summer.
She’s nowhere to be seen.
Amusingly BoM has a forecast of 22 C for the Cafe. We got to that yesterday, but currently it’s running 7 degrees lower than this time yesterday. Ridiculously cold.
Sancho Panzersays:
December 16, 2022 at 8:51 am”
Quite so.
Bruce, I have had to bring out my fluffy winter dressing gown for these cold mornings.
I had washed it, fluffed it up in the dryer, and put it away for the summer.
Makes going to England in January not quite the summer loss it seemed.
December 16, 2022 at 9:44 am
Roll X-Files theme.
Watch this and have your mind blown. Whoever wrote the script for this episode of X-Files has to be a time traveler or a senior deep state operative who revealed the entire plan just for giggles ?? – 4 mins 25 Secs
Perfectly describes the World over the last 2 years – Creepy
Hmm – Someone from Pfizer Covid Vaccine and the DemoCraps with FBI, CIA & DOJ?
Just did a search for the cost of replacing all our gas appliances with electric…
Funny thing – most ACT houses run their heating off gas. Going to be interesting watching the reaction of tenants, landlords, owners etc sink in as Elbow’s’ new vision becomes reality.
It’s December 16. It’s 16C and feels like 12C.
I’m wearing the same winter jacket I was wearing in July.
December in Victoria doesn’t usually warm up until Christmas, but this year is exceptional — one of the coldest starts to summer since I arrived on this earth.
‘Some Sort Of Sex Slave’? Son Of Paul Pelosi’s Attacker Breaks Silence, Fuels Speculation
The son of Paul Pelosi attacker, David DePape, says his father ‘is not evil,’ and is ‘hardly a right-wing conservative.’ He also implied that the 82-year-old Pelosi may have invited DePape over for sexual activities.
Official reports about the attack have changed several times. First, an ‘unknown third party’ opened the door after police arrived at the Pelosi house – after which police witnessed DePape take a hammer from Pelosi and hit him with it. Then, it was that Pelosi and DePape were both struggling with the hammer, and DePape wrested it from Pelosi and beat him with it. Then, in a now-retracted report which has gotten veteran NBC reporter banished from the air, after being alone in the home for 30 minutes, Pelosi opened the door when police arrived. However, he did not try to escape or alert police to an emergency, and he instead walked to the police and back toward DePape.
Comments are a load of fun
ASX about to open. For what we’re about to receive…
The market hates Friday at the best of times, but after over 2% drop on Wall St last night it could be painful.
“They’re too tolerant if anything, look at horrible instances like Rotherham”
That wasn’t tolerance, that was deliberate, wilful progressive political interference, a blanket refusal by Labour dominated councils and politically compromised and indoctrinated police forces across the UK to deal with the problem, all because they didn’t want to upset the progressive narrative about the religion of pieces. The victims were white working class girls. Beyond scandalous.
Baby polar bear (BPB) : “Mum, are you sure that I’m a polar bear?”
Mother polar bear (MPB): “Yes son, you are a polar bear”
BPB: “Not a brown bear or a black bear or a grizzly bear?”
MPB: “No. Why do you ask?”
BPB: “Ferkin cold isn’t it”
December 16, 2022 at 9:54 am
I want to put in a missing persons report.
For a lady called Summer.
She’s nowhere to be seen.
It’s December 16. It’s 16C and feels like 12C.
I’m wearing the same winter jacket I was wearing in July.
December in Victoria doesn’t usually warm up until Christmas, but this year is exceptional — one of the coldest starts to summer since I arrived on this earth.
Yep – same in Sydney – Inside of house 18C – Winter Temp after last night’s cold Southerlies
WEATHER STATION – Sydney – Observatory Hill
Sorry zip, I’m not buying that. Monty has had an excellent experience transitioning to a fat lesbian and made a huge difference to his life. He’s a lot happier and no longer stressed out.
From the link re the Irish schoolteachers refusing to call a ‘transgender’ student ‘they’.
It seems to me that I can be a Christian in Mountjoy Prison or be a pagan and respecter of transgenderism outside of it. I know where I belong.
‘My faith has led me to that place and will keep me there, God helping me.’
He told the court that if that choice was put to him ‘every hour of every day for next 100 years’, he would answer the question the same.
Mr Burke added: ‘This court is seeking to deprive me of my religious beliefs.’
He also claimed there was an ‘unlawful attempt’ to persecute him for stating his opposition to ‘transgenderism’, and that the court was depriving him of his liberty and dignity.
He added: ‘I have had much time to consider my actions and behaviour that brought me to that place and far from finding any instances of misconduct, let alone gross misconduct, I only found my actions to be commendable and that I had the courage to respond to the principal telling her that transgender was an abuse of children and a breach of my constitutional rights to free expression of religious beliefs.’
blockquote fail – put it the other way round.
John of melb.
I was only talking about my experience in the big Apple.
Rule 101 dealing homeless over there. Do not make eye contact and do not engage in any way. Walk right past like they don’t exist.
There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.
perhaps a 24hr ban to let some flare ups cool off
Thanks, JC. First belly laugh of the day.
Which answers the question several of us asked in the run up…who exactly was at fault?
Haha, it’s 11 C at the Cafe having actually gone down two degrees in the last hour.
“Which answers the question several of us asked in the run up…who exactly was at fault?”
It was never about “fault”. She was a political tool, to attack and end the Morrison government. She’s served her purpose and now she gets her nice payout. As I said a day or two ago, she’ll live comfortably with her financial largesse but she’ll never be happy. She knows she was used.
If the Liberals don’t push for this to be sent to a federal ICAC then they don’t deserve the time of day.
That was the suggestion implied by the question, Cassie.
Whatever they do, the Liberals will act according to the dictate of political expediency as they see it, rather than principle.
It’s how they roll.
My suspicion is wanting the whole thing to go away will win out over holding Labor to account. Prove me wrong, Dutton.
Who is more woke ?
Miss Markle or the Royals ?
Oscar Wilde comes to mind.
lol of the day – Monty talking about a wide torso
That tends to be a feature outside the courts. Which accounts for its popularity amongst the usual suspects.
Dover , forgive me for offering advice.
Can I suggest you keep a wary eye for those useless scumbags that appear to always want to join pile ons when two people are having a stoush. They are just a worthless bunch causing more animosity than necessary. Let me know if you need the names.
Also, we’re finding the ones complaining most about the c word are also the ones throwing around pretty rancid racist abuse. Excuse me for naming names but Driller Stuphid Train and angry Karen are three of the most insidious examples. Two appear to be from the outer “burrows” of QLD.
It’s not all fantasy football at mUnty’s place.
Johanna, the Medibank and other hacks made us all vulnerable. I have had a couple of messages about ‘suspicious activity’ on my Comm bank a/c which I assumed were from the hackers and ignored after checking. But make sure not to reply to anything that seems suss.
This is struth calling from the dark side Lizzie.
Later we will discuss hypocrisy and actions speaking louder than words….and being good Nazis …and or course deserved respect and individualism.
The proposals being aired – expanding terror laws to capture right-wing extremists, crackdowns on social media and associating peaceful public protest against covid restrictions with “extremism” will only confirm individuals like Gareth Train in their thinking and further set the power of the state against its citizenry.
I look to the days pre WW1, where various monarchies screwed the lid down tighter and tighter in an attempt to keep control.
Im expecting a resurgence of “propaganda of the deed”- semi anarchist killings of public figures as the outcome.
Not wanting it, just seeing it as a possible outcome.
You could almost put the train mob into that category, but their targets werent high enough profile.
Id prefer the turds ruling over us/ making the rules as targets anyway, rather than random acts against the public.
Anarchists carried out a string of assassinations and bombings from the 1870s through the early 1920s. They succeeded in murdering six monarchs, including the Tsar of Russia, the Empress of Austria-Hungary, and the Kings of Italy, Portugal, and Greece.
An anarchist assassin also killed US President William McKinley, the leader of France, two prime ministers and hundreds of other officials, policemen, and innocent bystanders. In 1886, in Chicago, someone threw a bomb during an anarchist demonstration in Haymarket Square. Seven policemen were killed. Four anarchists were later hanged.
In 1893, anarchist Santiago Salvador tossed two bombs into the packed Liceu Theater in Barcelona, killing 20 people. Another anarchist, Auguste Vaillant, detonated a nail bomb in the French Parliament, wounding two dozen. Vaillant went to the guillotine proclaiming, “Death to Bourgeois Society, Long Live Anarchy!” Bourgeois society had good reason to feel under siege.
Anarchism isn’t the rejection of law, but rejection of the state. Anarchism sees the state as a tool of the ruling class, a system of control and exploitation. Anarchists believe destruction of the state will free humanity to create a genuine, egalitarian society.
The state is an instrument of violence, so it’s okay to use violence against it. Violent action is called “propaganda of the deed” as opposed to “propaganda of the word.” Anarchists see violence as defensive, and a means of revenge.
Cassie of Sydney says:
December 16, 2022 at 7:30 am
I’m not interested in watching the Ginger and the Whinger show. They happen to be two of the most vulgar, grotesque, narcissistic cretons on the planet. He’s a low IQ fop, she’s trailer park trash. However, after reading snippets of what the Ginger has said about his father, his brother, and his recently diseased grandmother in the Netflix documentary, I hope Buckingham Palace do two things…
1. The Ginger and the Whinger should not be invited to the coronation.
2. The Ginger and the Whinger should be stripped of all royal titles.
I have a third wish, alas the royals don’t do this anymore, which is a pity, and that is that William emulate what his ancestor Edward IV did to his treasonous younger brother, George, Duke of Clarence.
You’d be laughing right now thinking about what wasn’t answered. …challenges not accepted….last night if denialism hadn’t blinded many of you.
David Rowe is a piece of shit
Let it go!
What you see as political expediency might be political wisdom. Dutton might think it better to let this criticism roll on without an intervention on his part that would allow Labour to say that it was just a political spouse. As it rolls on we may get more of what we’ve heard from Claton Utz. There are many in the legal profession disturbed by this whole saga. Maybw a retired judge will have a go. Dutton needs to delay until he’s got more to work with.
Cassia has missed the point of your comment. Assuming that Higgins is in a bad state, whose negligence or breach of statutory duty caused the damage. Was it Lehrmann, Reynolds, her close associates? or was it the politicians and media figures who encouraged her make her allegations public? (Or worse, to make it all up?)
I found it interesting that Hairy reports King Charles (as he is now) trying to calm him down by addressing him as ‘Darling boy, etc etc’.
Harry would do well to remember that his father had his own trials with the press during the years with Diana, and in particular, that Charles even survived Tampon Gate. The Netflix show The Crown put a sympathetic light on that little number with regard to Charles – his very secret privacy was totally invaded there, yes he just soldiered on. Good on him for that. So Charles’ ‘Darling Boy’ was said in considerable sympathy I’d say.
No, most of them are commie turds.
They stop chucking bombs when the “correct” party is in power.
Look I hate all this vaccine stuff with a passion and the masks. They are still mandatory in Thailand, however Princess Bajrakitiyabha is still very much with us.
I’m in Thailand atm, if a royal that close to the top of the pile pops clogs the response would be immediate outpouring of greif.
That said sun just popping over the horizon and roosters crowing everywhere. Coffee in hand enjoying the cool, been very cold nights this year. More than normal. Life’s good.
People love reality shows and I guess the Harry & Meghan Windsor spectacle would be the ultimate.
The vulgar one believed she’d be New Diana; it didn’t happen and she can’t bear it.
The pathetic, indignant one is crippled by resentment.
If you take away the octopus arms and those bendy thumbs
and the hair-straggles and the head-scratching,
the Californian woman is quite photogenic.
yet not yes re the soldiering on.
“…bought Bosch and it’s stood up to a tremendous amount of wear and tear from a young family.”
My LG front-loader washing machine finally died after approximately 20 years, the last 5 or so doing 3+ (sometimes as many as 10!) loads per week.
Needless to say, I got another LG to replace it…
“Stoush” not spouse.
No, most of them are commie turds.
They stop chucking bombs when the “correct” party is in power.
I tend to see them as useful idiots.
Bomb throwing gets less exciting when your entire extended family goes to gulag for your fuckups.
And pre USSR there was only really “the right/monarchies” to rebel against.
Loons like the chap who attacked Pelosis husband only need a smattering of “manifesto” to go from mad idiot to anarchist assassin.
Indeed she is, and she also has internalised the hurt she has told herself she feels; you can see it in the hurt showing in her face. One obviously feels some sympathy but not for the right reasons; she needs to shake herself out of it. Only she can perform that miracle, drop the game show, and get on with life.
One thing to note re her looks – early photographs show that she has quite curly African hair. She must spend a fortune in time and money on straighteners to get the look she currently uses. I do wonder – is that some form of cultural appropriation? She’s not too keen on looking more than a touch African??
I think that in addition to all his other issues Harry has got a bit of an Oedipus Complex going on, with the constant comparison of his wife to his mother.
struth, you seem to labouring under the misapprehension that anyone reads what you post.
Looks as though the Trains lured the police to an ambush and were in hides full of ammo to pick them off and stage a showdown.
The used the retrieved police pistols in a last ditch stand. Stacey was just as involved it seems.
The poor neighbour was picked off at 150 metres.
Full on Armageddon nut jobs.
“the Californian woman is quite photogenic.”
She is. However, now that she’s exposed herself as avaricious, opportunistic and narcissistic, she’s less attractive.
ooops. Make that Harry, not Hairy.
Hairy went to Cambridge at the same time as King Charles but they never became close. lol.
I understand JC. And I was talking about my wife’s personal experience.
I’m just saying that you can’t discount something based purely on your personal experience.
Based on the crime data from the Democrat-run states (and I’m pretty sure they try to hide as much of it as they can) most of these states are basket-cases, especially the cities in them.
The Ginge’n’Minge show is pure car crash entertainment. MAFS paid for by Netflix. How could you not watch it?
Anarchists are lefties. We are already getting anarchist violence, it’s coming from the Extinction Rebellion bunch and their various colleagues.
‘Last Generation’ Climate Extremists Block Entrances to German Parliament After Police Raids (15 Dec)
When you have people calling themselves Extinction Rebellion and Last Generation and the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement you’re getting very close to the bomb throwing stage.
Also, walk with purpose. If you wander about looking like a tourist, they – in the manner of wild dogs – will sense weakness and go in for a crack.
Quite right. Everyone, at all times, must behave as courteously as JC. He must also change his name to JFC.
Since I’m doing leftist existential angst it’s only fair that I do some righty existential angst too.
Nearly Half of US Christians Say ‘End Times’ Near: Pew Research (15 Dec)
So you have the Greens fearing Thermageddon and Christians expecting Armageddon. Sounds like a good time to make some more Hollywood disaster movies for a potentially large audience.
Invariably one or more of them would have completely unravelled by then, and started using the end of world (‘It’s Happening!) as a prompter to freedive further into the nuffy vortex. Being on the crystal pistol wouldn’t have helped.
Whether or not they were anti-vax – compared to their much, much larger problems, such as the Jesuit/Mason conspiracy that resulted in their individual brillance not being recognised – became irrelevant, although some would still use it as a shield.
They were – were – just another handful of garden variety cockheads, feeding off one another’s insecurities and inability to operate in normal society. History is replete with them. The events of Monday have happened before, and will happen again.
Sure, anecdotes are just that. We walked around a lot and there didn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary that was of concern. As I said.
I was responding to the excerpt posted by Rottenhead quoting that Armstrong fraudster who made it sound as though NYC is a war zone. It’s not. Wifey went to a museum in the Bronx of all places and never felt threatened while there either l.
Crime is elevated as the stats I posted showed but not by a head spinning lot. In fact the number that took up the overall crime rate was car theft. It’s expensive but liveable 🙂
We are being driven absolutely spare by our Comm Bank credit cards, which are being constantly rejected and then restored later as Hairy is making all sorts of bookings from Lappland to Korea late at night in Sydney. Then in the middle of Christmas shopping at Westfields Bondi Junction yesterday my linked Comm Bank card was rejected, then allowed, then rejected again. I turned to my NAB card, which was ok for $150 in Kidstuff without a pin, but rejected later in a bookshop for $70, and which now seems to be ok again. Are NAB coat-tailing on Comm Bank’s rejections? Tried my Comm Bank one on something else, and it worked! Crazy!!! What annoys Hairy is that when you complain about it they get huffy and simply say these are anti-fraud measures, get used to it.
We’ve had to return to using AMEX a lot and there are no problems with that, although most vendors charge a hefty fee for using it, and some simply don’t accept it. I’m certainly thinking that their ad for ‘don’t leave home without it’ is good advice.
We are determined to stick some emergency funding on one of those ‘hold your money’ cards that are now on offer. Just in case you can’t access even a savings account once a credit card is rejected, and especially when in furrin climes, where you can’t wait to do the business of getting in touch with the bank and saying yes, we did make that purchase etc and getting the card restored. And I always secrete around five hundred Aussie dollars in my carry-on luggage or person, just because. Hairy says make it US dollars and you might have better luck using it. Pffft. I can spend the battler at home later.
Bruce, that ‘Letzte Generation’ group has been quite active lately. I’ve heard on the news on the Munich radio station I listen to online of runway incursions at Berlin Brandenburg and Munich airports in the past week or two. They’ve also disrupted traffic around Munich but over the past few week they haven’t been out on the roads because the heavy snow and ‘glatteis’ (black ice) have been causing multiple accidents on Bavarian autobahns, the temperature in Munich got down to -13 a few days ago.
If someone tells me that I need to behave like this when visiting their city, I’ll probably go somewhere else.
I’m very courteous, Ted. You should read the entirety of my comments. 🙂
Rudeness goes both ways.
Over target, Captain.
She’s also set up quite a precedent.
Rugbyskier – I think it likely they coordinate amongst themselves, since a couple hundred Froggy eco-extremists trashed a cement plant this week for emitting too much CO2. Plus there’re the mysterious electrical substation attacks in the US.
Violent action is called “propaganda of the deed”
IIRC, leftards were big into “propaganda of the deed” back in the 1960s to 1980s. Now, however, the leftards have become “the Man”. What goes around …. ?
Of course it’s ironic that their activities in Munich have been curtailed by the extreme cold weather.
Meanwhile, the authorities are shaping up to use it as a pretext to extend the powers of the security state and curtail civil liberties, apparently oblivious to how this reinforces the narrative the Trains and their ilk live by. Rinse and repeat.
I think what’s been overlooked in all this, and what raised a red flag for me very early on, is that Meghan didn’t seem to know a thing about the history of the institution she was joining and appeared to have no interest in learning about it but seemed to think she could change it to her own specifications. You could see the disaster approaching from a mile away. What you couldn’t see and predict was that Harry would be such a total idiot. You could almost think that he went out of his way to find someone with the same issues (real or imagined) as his mother had faced. As for Meghan, if she couldn’t make it in Hollywood being a princess was next best thing. All she wants is the attention and the lifestyle.
Also Ted, how do you feel about the courteousness extended to Fatboy and Eddles?While we’re measuring courteousness should those two not be included in the discussion ?
See my point, it becomes a question of value judgement.
My lack of courteousness can’t extend to those I don’t feel the need to be.
As I said it’s an opinion.
They can relax; it’s only the end of the republic.
Government must be seen to do something. You just cannot say we have sufficient existing laws, cannot adequately enforce the existing laws already on the books and the laws can neither prevent the Qld events or future events in any case. Kochie would not be happy.
No it isn’t.
I think the marriage counsellors/psychologists/therapists would tell you this is more common than we imagine and that people are often trying to resolve issues in their past life by their marriage.
Easy, I never watch reality TV.
I’m sorry Groogs. Reskinning Mother is very kind. And yes, the jacarandas are lovely.
We spent a week recently in New York, and it was pretty harmless. Did see some idiots and very suss characters on the Metro. Some of the stations you wouldn’t want to be there by yourself late at night, but that’s no different to most big cities.
Did have a weirdo enter the carriage on a Metro ride, around 10am, with the car about 1/4 full. He looked the full monty: wild hair, swaying, various badges, filthy etc. He came and sat down on the floor in the middle of the carriage, right in front of us, and shouted “I’m singing until I get five dollars” and commenced screaming.
Everyone ignored him, including us, and after threatening “I can do this all day” he gave it another 30 seconds and then jumped up and went off to the next car.
I’d considere it possibly the beginning, no civilisation last forever but every generation has its doomsayers when threre influences fade.
Hello sailor!
NSW Health warns against Costco spinach (16 Dec)
Also very large forearms and a craving for olive oil.
Good work by Piers Morgan last night putting paid to Sparkles’ lie that she wasn’t taught how to behave as a Princess. She had 6 months of training from Chiefs of Staff, and was provided with massive folders of information written by specialists in each field she’d be likely to encounter – royal duties, protocols, charity work, etc etc.
And as Piers said “the elephant in the room”, she was marrying the Ginger Whinger who had decades of Royal experiences to share with her.
But noooooooo. She makes more money as a victim, rather than one of the most privileged people on the planet.
Yep, trailer trash indeed. Rich trash certainly, but trash nevertheless.
It’s almost as though, right from the start, they had a certain narrative they wanted to shape — and that documenting everything fed into their narcissistic little plan.
Because that’s how Harry and Meghan appear to many of us: the ultimate narcissists in an age of narcissism.
Daily Mail
Same applies to every major city in Europe.
And should they physically accost you regardless, start yelling no.
Tv spoof The Windsors portrayed Harry as thick and easily influenced by anyone who was smart enough to use him for their own purposes.
It started in 2016 so the take on Harry predated Meghan. The writers and producers knew something.
And that’s true, but I think the Democrats (abetted by RINOs) are doing their darned’st to effectively dismantle what’s left of the American republican ideal and ethos under the cover of a security scare and social justice.
She was an actress before this debacle, and is acting now.
You have to admire anyone lecturing you on poverty sitting on a $10,000 Hermes blanket. You have to be born into that.
Funny that. I spent a few months of this year in one of the Stans (former USSR) and never ones seen anything like that. There are beggars there, but they are very calm, even polite.
Why is this being tolerated in the civilised (formerly?) parts of the world I have no clue.
No one gives a shit anymore when there’s hardly any masks being worn in Singapore.
No mask mandate on SQ.
Slowly walking back from idiocracy.
rickw, do you know if Singapore Airlines still requires the nazi pass for its flights?
She was an actress before this debacle, and is acting now.
She also purposely follows Diana in the way she dresses and conducts herself. Some of the outfits she has worn and some she wears now are updated versions, but same cut and colour which keeps reminding everyone of the late Princess Diana.
Wonder what it’s like as a newcomer in the House of Windsor. Royal courts are notoriously cruel, full of mischief makers and plotters competing for the Royal eye. Kate would almost certainly view Meghan’s arrival the way a Messerschmidt over the cliffs of Dover would have been seen eighty years ago. It cannot have been pleasant for someone who’d fallen for her own press releases.
December 16, 2022 at 10:49 am
“…bought Bosch and it’s stood up to a tremendous amount of wear and tear from a young family.”
My LG front-loader washing machine finally died after approximately 20 years, the last 5 or so doing 3+ (sometimes as many as 10!) loads per week.
Needless to say, I got another LG to replace it…
Same here – 2 LG’s over 25 years after 20 year Whirlpool Top Loader with destroy the clothes with vigorous action finally gave up the Ghost
Havent looked for it, Im sure its out there.
But the Train-wrecks did a youtube video after the shootings.
Queensland shooting: Gareth and Stacey Train published YouTube video after killing police officers
After ambushing police officers with a hail of bullets, Stacey and Gareth Train huddled together in the dark at their remote Queensland property and recorded a video.
“They came to kill us and we killed them,” Gareth said in the video, uploaded to a video-sharing platform on Monday night and still circulating online.
“If you don’t defend yourself against these devils and demons, you’re a coward.”
Stacey added: “We’ll see you when we get home. Love you.”
Flew MEL-BKK. Masks not required onboard and no nazi pass. However at Bangkok masks required but not really enforced for foreignes. Elsewhere in Bangkok & Chonburi (where we are) in public closed spaces required but again not enforced for foreigners. They desperately want tourist cash but so far I have seen only a fraction of what is normal, even among Indians & Chinese that were overwhelming last time I was here.
How did you go with flights Rickw? I avoided transiting Changi due to Sg’s strict mandates and can say that direct flights by Thai airways are not at full capacity yet. No Brisbane schedule yet.
That said Market Day, other half is going with a couple of Thai partners of friends. Great day to sit in an expat bar.
Full blown lunacy..
In another video posted on 10 December, two days before the shooting, a distorted voice reads out details of a missing persons report about fellow gunman Nathaniel Train, while the song ‘Bad Boys’, from the TV series ‘Cops’, blasts in the background.
The person claims that Nathaniel was a “whistleblower” for “high-level corruption” in the NSW Department of Education and NSW Police.
“You attempt to abduct us using contractors. You attempt to intimidate and target us with your Raytheon Learjets and planes. You send covert assets out here to my place in the bush,” the video’s description reads.
“What is your play here? To have me and my wife murdered during a state police ‘welfare check’? You already tried that one … eat shit and die.”
The videos also contain several menacing threats towards police officers in the comments, warning, “monsters and their heads are soon parted”.
Other comments discuss recent “welfare checks” at their property, saying “these fools are stepping into a world of hurt they know nothing of.”
“After dealing with covert agents and tactics for some time now, Daniel believes that should they choose to cross the rubicon with public state actors our Father is giving up a clear sign,” they say.
That must have been weird, seeing St. Ruth on a train.
“For BJ:
Scrollin’, scrollin’, scrollin’”
Te he – every time I hear the words or music, it reminds me of “McRawhide” by “The Chaps” – yes, a scottish version of “Rawhide”.
Including such lines as (in a scottish accent)
“All the stuff I’m missin’,
The haggis, beer an’ fishin’
It’s enough to give ya a
Ride ’em in, Cut ’em out,
Cut ’em out, Ride ’em in – who wrote this?
Ride ’em in, cut ’em out
Hey! Comanche – so wrote this rubbish eh?
Well see you – does your mother sow?
Then get her to sow an apache on that then eh?”
Normal service will now resume just as soon as we can figure out what normal is.
No, no, no. They weren’t Radio Rental at all. They’re heroes for Standing and Fighting.
And, because it was certainly ‘necessary’, they Fell.
Why [are beggars] being tolerated in the civilised (formerly?) parts of the world I have no clue.
1. It suits the Left.
2. All beggars are there because of raciiiiism, or white patriarchy being selfish, or business taking all the dosh.
3. Therefore when they assault and rob people it is OK.
4. The solution is public housing and free handouts for everyone from the government.
Jorge 12.29[m
“It cannot have been pleasant for some who’d fallen for her own press releases”
It would’ve been a huge shock to her system – she was an expert in the field of Gush and Bubble.
But it wasn’t working on the in-laws.
I can imagine them drawing-in their skirts, when she zoomed in.
Makes me laugh
Luigi the inconceivables team are now performing feats of governance that would have made Whitlam blush.
Bowen brushes off ‘Soviet-style intervention’ comment as ‘laughable’
Bowen is now taking questions and is asked what he thought about the comments that came this morning from Santos boss Kevin Gallagher calling the plan a “Soviet-style” policy in an interview with the Australian newspaper.
Bowen says he’s not fazed, calling Gallagher’s comments “laughable.”
That sort of shrill response is just laughable. Governments around the world – whether they are rightwing governments, leftwing governments – governments around the developed world are acting and responding.
I understand chief executives’ desire to maximise their profits. That is their job. We have a different job. Our job is to act in the national interest. Not in Santos or any other company’s interest, in the national interest, to protect Australian industries, to protect Australians.
Mr Gallagher has a different job. It’s his job is to maximise his profits, it is our job to maximise national interest.
That sort of shrill commentary is water off a duck’s back. We will get on with the job.
Dreyfus is a dangerous lawyer, one in the Erdogan mould, where the law is used to arrive at a destination then you get off.
The AAT’s dysfunction has had a very real cost to the tens and thousands of people who rely on the AAT chair to independently review government decisions that have made major and sometimes life changing impacts on their lives.
Decisions such as whether an old Australian receives an aged pension, whether a veteran is compensated for a service injury or whether a participant in the NDIS received funding for support.
The Albanese government is committed to delivering a new, accessible, sustainable and trusted administrative review tribunal that serves the interests of the jealous people. A central pillar will be a new transparent merit-based appointments process, a new body will be properly funded, we will reduce the ongoing delays, currently experienced by those seeking review of government decisions.
Coincidentally that is also a gift for the country shoppers, as its the body that hears many appeals.
Luigi the inconceivable chimes in
Albanese rejects Soviet comparison over energy changes
A journalist tells Albanese that Santos has labelled the energy changes as “Soviet-style intervention”.
What is your response to that? If gas companies start pulling investment from Australia, would that force you to reconsider your energy price control measures?
Albanese says the production costs in Australia haven’t changed.
Those businesses were profitable, will continue to be profitable and they will also gain the windfall gains that are on the international market. So I say to business don’t talk yourself down. And I do think that there is some irony in the fact that you have references given to Russia when it is the Russian invasion of Ukraine that has had devastating impact on the people of Ukraine but has also led to record profits and returns for these businesses, a long way from Ukraine and Russia, but they have benefited from the global spike in prices.
What our action does is say that yes, manufacturing here in Australia, and households, should be shielded from those windfall gains. And if those companies had a look at what is happening internationally, by the UK Conservative government that has put a windfall tax on those companies, we have chosen to not go down that road. We have chosen a modest intervention to make sure that Australian manufacturers are not driven out of business as a direct result of these high global prices being imposed in Australia, even though these are Australian resources with no increase whatsoever in Australian production costs.
75 maaaaates given a golden trough to sup from.
Dreyfus says the reform will see dollars committed to address the current backlog of cases:
The new body will have a modern, reliable and fit for purpose case management system that delivers administrative efficiencies for all users.
As part of this reform, the Government is committing $63.4 million over two years for an additional 75 members to address the current backlog of cases and reduce wait times while the new body is being set up.
And $11.7 million over two years for a single streamline case management system.
rickw, do you know if Singapore Airlines still requires the nazi pass for its flights?
Last flight, a couple of months ago, they asked for it. What I would say though is that they were very disinterested. I could have shown them any old crap and they would have given me an OK. I don’t think it was airline policy driving it either, Singapore rules. If I had of refused to show on the basis that Maldives doesn’t require vaccination, I think they would have let me board.
I seem (?) to recall some docco on last year about the Koresh Waco shooting and how some copper knocked on their door (they weren’t doing anything wrong) and demanded to know what sort of guns they had. When Koresh told the copper to bugger off with no explanation they brought the whole brigade back with SUVs, tanks, lights, loud music to try wear them down…
It was an “angle” I’d never considered before and was surprised that an SBS docco was showing **some** sympathy to Koresh… (I’m not saying the man wasn’t a nutter but there was a lot more to the story than was ever reported in the 90’s).
How did you go with flights Rickw? I avoided transiting Changi due to Sg’s strict mandates and can say that direct flights by Thai airways are not at full capacity yet. No Brisbane schedule yet.
I went SQ because it was cheapest, and I had a Nazi pass.
Happily Changi looked totally normal, if you time travelled in from three years ago you wouldn’t notice any difference.
I think they would have let me board.
Maybe not. Philippine Airlines, which is still in the grip of COVID madness wouldn’t let me board an October flight without proof. Fortunately I had a photoshopped stiffcate on my phone, which satisfied them. Later found my Novovax card which I had to produce at least ten times while marooned in Manila by cancelled flights.
A former flight attendant for Spirit Airlines is suing the company, claiming she was discriminated against and wrongfully fired because she was too overweight to strap herself into a crew jumpseat.
Check out the pics. I think she could barely fit down the aisle.
Raytheon Learjets > Trains > Trucks
Monty has had an excellent experience transitioning to a fat lesbian and made a huge difference to his life. He’s a lot happier and no longer stressed out.
To good to leave on the last page.
Freudian slip?
After almost 60 years, the US government still refuses to divulge who killed President John F. Kennedy and why because government officials see themselves as above those who pay their wages and unaccountable to voters in the American democracy.
PS: The “lone” man who killed President Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, was working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
The phrase “conspiracy theory” entered the English language the year after the Kennedy assassination.
Tucker Carlson Tonight.
I’ve been grabbed by the hand/arm a couple of times by gypsies, once in Granada, once in Malaga.
Now I give them a wide berth.
Anyone who is travelling to Thailand an fyi. Arrivals card not required either anymore. COVID entry requirements for Thailand dropped in October but from conversations with residents the tourist uptake has been fairly muted. Guess that’s why I was given a special day visa on arrival instead of the normal 30 day.
I guess they couldn’t fit her favourite chair (scroll down for a pic) in a cabin.
What a disgrace, Tom.
It is the one undeniable conspiracy theory and they still can’t come clean.
Egyptian archaeologists have uncovered full-color portraits of mummies – the first to be found in over a century – the Egyptian government has announced.
Researchers found the two full portraits of Egyptian mummies and fragments of others at the Gerza excavation site in Fayoum, Egypt, making these artworks the first of their kind to be discovered in over 115 years.
The team investigating the Gerza archaeological site in Fayoum also uncovered a funerary building, records written on papyrus, pottery, and coffins dating from the Ptolemaic period, which spans from 305 B.C. to 30 B.C., through the Roman era, which lasted from 30 B.C. to 390 A.D.
In addition to these finds, archaeologists also revealed a rare terracotta statue of the goddess Isis Aphrodite inside a wooden coffin, per Artnet.
Jorge you’ll look better in Aviators.
Is it fair to say that when Ukraine hasn’t been mentioned on 6pm news on any single channel for a while that things prolly aren’t going their way?
I note every victory the Ukes have had gets pretty high coverage on the old 6pm news but when things are going shite, you don’t hear anything…
And no, I’m not starting an argument on who is right/wrong (I’m still using an Abbott-ism that it is “baddies v baddies”).
Still on the ground. Two Mongs didn’t turn up, still offloading baggage….
seems there has been a severe failure at the police if there have been previous “safety checks” that were told to buzz off. If that is true, on what grounds did they return?
I dunno Rick, there’s two things going on with mask wearing I think.
Avoiding passing it on, or avoiding getting it.
I had a nasty bout of the flu and cold this week -two together according to the Doc . I’ve masked up going to stores trying to avoid passing it onto other folks. I’m not sure they work but I think it’s worth a try.
I’ve masked up going to stores trying to avoid passing it onto other folks. I’m not sure they work but I think it’s worth a try.
I reckon if you’re crook, it’s worth a shot. Also fits with the approach of focusing on the sick and leaving every else the hell alone!
FFS. Autocorrect deleted the “45” day visa. All Western countries included apparently.
Have a nice day all. Will check in later. Off for a full English breakfast.
Two videos posted the week before also menacingly insult four named police officers and speak of previous welfare checks about the property.
Let’s keep poking these loonies until they do something really fucking crazy…..
FFS. Autocorrect deleted the “45” day visa. All Western countries included apparently.
I did wonder!
Full English! Awesome! I’m spending the next week only eating Bacon and Steak to make up for lost time!
Curiously enough, no.
I am pretty sure that all you did was question my masculinity non stop and call me a unionist when I disagreed with your clumsy generalisations and spectacular ignorance of everything beyond your limited sphere of experience.
But, since we want to play that game…
A representative diesel-electric locomotive in current Australian freight service (We’ll use the NR class) has a fuel capacity of 10,000 litres.
2 of these will pull a train of about 80 wagons (with an axle load of about 19 tonnes) and a gross load of ~4,000 tonnes from Adelaide to Perth with a single refuelling stop at Cook. This journey is otherwise non-stop, for a total distance of 2655km
Other companies take their own fuel sources with them across (~20,000 litres) and pull about 5-6,000 tonnes (once we get into double-stacking and bulkier and heavier goods like steel, etc.) non-stop.
They pull up only every 12 hours to change crews (15-20 minutes), and take an average of 2.5 days to complete their journey.
40,000L (2 locos getting completely refilled once)/4000t x 2655km gives us a rough figure of 0.0037664783 Litres per tonne-km. Or 4mL diesel.
A representative truck (let’s do something nice and as modern and capable as it gets on-road, like a current-spec Western Star 79X 72″ Sleeper) has a fuel capacity of 200L, and we’ll give it every possible favour by saying the Struth-surrogate in this argument is permitted and able to haul a Category 3 Triple Road Train (we’ll let him have those 3 trailers with triple axle bogies to allow a 20 tonne axle load, for a total load of ~365 tonnes) between the same 2 cities, a road distance of 2693.6km.
Our Struth-surrogate will need to refill at least 3 times along the way (and we will be kind by saying he has modified his rig to carry 900L). And, unless he fudges his books and does not take his breaks (and boast later of his illegality when he feels it is safe amd manly to do so), he will need to take 2 lots at least 8 hours’ downtime to sleep in order to complete his 29 hour trip.
So, 2,700L/365t x 2693.6km gives us 3mL per tonne kilometre.
Now, while these raw fuel numbers make our Struth-surrogate look pretty good, they do not account for traffic, road/rail conditions, mechanical condition, wind resistance etc. Nor that an economist will look at 5mL per tonne-km for 4000 tonnes in regular day to day service far more favourably than 3mL per tonne-km made by giving the our experimental truck every conceivable mathematical advantage. The ABB and BAB trucks normally in intercapital service may only make broadly equivalent figures, and have an advantage only in providing a (mostly) door to door delivery service.
TLDR: If Struth’s latest clutching at a dimly understood metric for the purpose of rhetorical superiority was actually borne out in real-world conditions, he’d be screaming endlessly at anyone who made the mistake of admitting on this blog that they worked in coastal shipping. Or Zeppelins. No freight forwarder of any kind would be using rail. At all.
SUMMARY: Struth really should just stick to questioning my masculinity and wishing I’d die of a blood clot…
Or feeds into the unjustifiable fear.
…The ABB and BAB trucks normally in intercapital service may only make broadly equivalent figures, to the rail ones…
Thanks for the Tucker link on JFK Tom.
Every single person in the world, except those in comas or vegetative states, knows it was a conspiracy (i.e. more than one person involved). But I will admit to having once “dug too far” and ended up with George Herbert Bush and his Nazi jerky circle gang… that also linked George Dubya to the death of JFK Jnr near Martha’s Village… (which was also a very strange plane crash story with a lot of inconsistencies about it)…
These days I’m more “mainstream” and just believe that the CIA/Military Industrial Complex were having their power existentially threatened and needed to do something about it…
How can you be missing and in contact with family at the same time?
Keep calling. I will not engage any more with you.
There is no light on the dark side. I don’t see in the dark.
Enjoy your day.
We have three kooaburras just turned up, very hungry, one a fledgie.
I have fed them because they saw the currawongs getting meat and they hung around till they got some.
Now I am doubting the wisdom of that – they are creating a treat in the jacaranda and their sound is far less musical than the currawongs. Guess we just have to get used to double birdsong.
Only the early model ones. Where Bill Lear went for fighter jet-style performance.
The Learjet Model 60 and 45 everything after them by Bombardier is just so much corporatised ‘meh.’
Other companies take their own fuel sources with them across (~20,000 litres)
Company I’m working for makes them, seems like a good idea to avoid stopping and restarting 4,000t.
CIA involvement definitely. I also say Sam Giancana.
I have seen an old USN and SS veteran say they foiled a similar plot in Chicago a mere three weeks earlier.
Only the early model ones. Where Bill Lear went for fighter jet-style performance.
Base on the fundamentals of the Swiss P-16:
The unusual fighter had not escaped the attention of Bill Lear in America. He was particularly impressed by the design’s unswept, thin, high aspect ratio wing designed both for high subsonic cruise speeds and low landing speeds. The wing was also of very simple and inexpensive construction, combining an innovative and efficient layout of very few ribs, multiple spars, and a thick skin. Lear then approached the chief designer of FFA, Dr. Hans Studer, and proposed developing a new corporate jet around the wing of the P-16. The new plane was given the designation SAAC-23 after Lear’s new company and the fact that this was Dr. Studer’s third twin-jet design.
Trains are great Rex but they attract lazy unions like fat to a Labrador.
The massive investments needed and the regimented systems allow too much scope for delays and ransom.
I’ve seen all your rationales years ago but the trucks keep coming. They’re flexible and will run 24/7 unlike rail. It’s why TaliDan and his union paymasters hate the independent truckers so much.
Despite going missing he remained in contact with family
How can you be missing and in contact with family at the same time?
It’s an Australian thing….
And, while I am still having my own monologue here, I was at a talk by a European Cardinal who was extolling the virtues of the vax last year (I’m not doing a St Ruth here cos I couldn’t care less if you got it or not)… he said “Catholics do not believe in conspiracy theories.”
I made a b-line for him afterward and, after some “navigation” managed to get to him and said “Dear Cardinal, the crux of Christianity is founded on a conspiracy.” I think he thought I was an anti-Christian nutter (by the look on his face) until I continued: “Christ was taken. In the middle of the night. By conspiring forces. The Romans and Jews conspired together despite hating one another and only half the Council was present. Those that opposed the Council that were present were told to go home.” I still think he thought I was a nutter (and perhaps right?) but at least it gave him food for thought! 😛
Rex Anger says:
December 16, 2022 at 1:28 pm
I cant wait for all freight to be sent by train from East to West, as soon as that is achieved the unions will shut down the rail until they are paid more than the prime minister and can have a tea break every 100 klm. All trains will require a crew of 10. SARC.
Joe Kennedy made promises to the mafia if they helped out with rigging the presidential election (Cook County mainly). Then John and Robert proceeded to give the unions and the mafia (BIRM) a hard time.
Joe didn’t deliver.
Was the mafia happy to help out with the cleanup* ? No problem.
* take note ALP.
Should I point out Big Trucking, Toll/Ipec, Linfox, Bill Shorten and the Lying Slapper’s
Road SafetyRenumeration Tribunal and the comparatively massive TWU, Cats?… because they are not under union control. They have no interest in railways beyond the Public Sector-controlled (and thus easily union-manipulated) metropolitan passenger organisations.
Well done, Lysander.
Just shows how blinkered the “professionals” can be.
Faking some moon landings wasn’t the smartest govt move either, they expected the sheep to unthinkingly accept that could happen.
Have not seen the video in discussion but this media quote stuck out as significant (and will assume it’s actually in the video).
This seems very unlikely.
In some ways the reality is worse than that. These folks were being expected to live a life they did not want to live. I don’t know if snuffing folks out without a fuss is as easy as Hollywood movies make it out to be. I’ll bet it’s not that easy. Besides, public service’s goal is compliance, and you can’t comply if you’re dead. So it doesn’t really make sense to believe this would be the police’s motive.
Still sounds like Mr Mackey‘s frequent admonishment was the main accelerant in this situation.
I have to wonder how many sieges would never have happened if the jilted had a good PR campaign. Focussing public attention on your issue and giving people good reason to believe it and take your side morally on the issue is probably the only chance at getting a better outcome without violence.
I already have that provision.
All locos have kettles. 🙂
And loos.
No need to cut holes in engine decks for me, baby! 😀
When things are grim in the world Nature always has a way of restoring gratitude for what we are granted in this life. For those on this blog who similarly enjoy the natural world I offer this small experience from yesterday.
We have returned briefly to the city and our urban wildlife take little time to be alerted to the fact that the meal providers have returned. As we sat out on our upper terrace having a glass of cheer in the late afternoon we were watched keenly by two Currawongs sitting high in the shade of our neighbour’s Frangipani tree. A small Water Dragon had soon arrived and positioned himself on the arm of one of our cane chairs as we sat opposite. He haunts this upper space as he is cowered by the Big Fella who commands the lower terrace. The small one began to do the most amazing thing – he waves his forearm. We used to think this was an aggressive sign. Maybe it is, but I’m sure he used it on this occasion to tell us he was there and waiting for a meal!
In a short while a sole Lorikeet arrived – a bit unusual as they are normally in pairs. We put a little honey in a dish (I know, I know we shouldn’t do this!) and he (it was a boy) sat on the edge, feeding, as I held the dish. I insisted he should earn his meal & stroked him gently, though he protested. And then, after his meal, he did the damnedest thing – he sat on my knee for a while before flying up into a small palm in a pot on the balcony.
It was quite a lovely scene, especially as a magpie joined the others with her latest squarking offspring on the lower terrace, looking for scraps left by the water dragons.
We are truly lucky to enjoy both rural and suburban wildlife. That is, except for our marauding fox in the country who recently despatched my chooks. And the bloody feral pigs, which for some unknown reason, have chosen to dig up the earth and turn over the stones in our Aboriginal Bora Ring..
Dreyfus has just announced the abolition of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal:
Yes, the pork-barrelling, cronyism and political stacking by the Coalition were bad.
But by the same logic those sub-branches of the ALP Left faction that pass for the Victorian and Queensland judiciaries would also be up for abolition.
John of Mel says:
December 16, 2022 at 12:20 pm
Mrs Speedbox is in Singapore at present with our youngest Ms Speedbox. They travelled with Qantas.
Officially, the Singapore govt require non-Singaporeans to undertake a PCR test 3 days prior to arrival in Singapore and proof of travel insurance covering medical expenses of no less than $30,000 and to download an app called ‘Trace Together’ when in Singapore.
In Brisbane, Mrs/Ms Speedbox report that when they approached the QF desk for check-in, they were asked “do you have all the documents you need?” “Yes” was the response to which the QF lady said “ok” but didn’t ask to see anything.
Upon arrival in Singapore, border security didn’t ask to see any of the documents and Mrs/Ms Speedbox were waved through.
Ms Speedbox is competing in an international level event and thus there are competitors from around the globe. Spectators are encouraged to wear masks, as are competitors when not competing, as this is an indoor venue . Mrs Speedbox reports that (maybe) 30% of spectators and 0% of competitors are wearing masks but it is not compulsory.
Elsewhere in Singapore, ‘some’ people wear mass but again (maybe) 30-40% that she has seen to date. She hasn’t been on public transport but believes that may still be compulsory.
People seem to be ‘over’ the mask wearing thing. And as rickw or Rock Doctor mentioned upthread, other destinations are desperate for the incoming tourist $$ so requirements were dropped some time ago. Singapore perhaps not so much but even they seem to have largely given up the idiocy.
Have you considered 1080 for the fox?
“After almost 60 years, the US government still refuses to divulge who killed President John F. Kennedy”
Because there’s nothing to divulge. Lee Harvey Oswald killed President John F. Kennedy.
David Pocock weighs in…
Dreyfus has just announced the abolition of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal:
he wasn’t happy that “illegals” were only winning 95% of their cases so he’s moving to ensure a 100% success rate .. I’m guessing the “new” look AAT will be a full-on rubber-stamp for Labor favourites ..
Plus as a bonus he’s adding an extra 70 “jerbs” cos the 1100 already troughin’ just ain’t enuf ..
Suddenly Catallaxy has become conspiracy central? I didn’t think the Train Sushi incident was that inspirational.
Two quick points.
alwaysright reckoned:
If he was the one making the promises to the Mafia, why did he die of a stroke at 73 instead of at the hands of the Mafia? This theory isn’t exactly leaping out as a credible explanation.
Salvatore said deadpan:
Now now, Salvatore, you know you can’t make jokes like that without someone thinking you’re serious and getting the whole blog made guilty by perceived association.
The bottom line is that the Russkis could have and would have busted the operation if it were a fake.
David Pocock weighs in…
Ensuring his upcoming date wiv the “druggie’s moll” to Canada ain’t his last taste of the “good life” .. LOL!
Yeah I don’t buy the fake moon landing conspiracy.
When I’m outside with my pretty powerful telescope, I see far far too many satellites buzzing overhead every single minute (or more in regional areas) and if you can have low earth orbit and deep earth orbit gizmo’s doing that… It’s not much of a leap from there onto the moon…
I did see, though, Rumsfeld once speaking that they did stage the moon landing at some desert location but was done in the case that they couldn’t beam the pictures back and in the end it wasn’t needed.
They failed to bust the NASA conspiracy that the moon is just dust and rocks and Helium-3 precursors.
And the Cheese factory on the Dark Side of the Moon (1 Crater Street, The Dune Sea) remains safe, productive and unmolested…
Shit. 🙁
Also, on the subject of Conspiracies:
Lazerpig presents to you- Zircon!
Nothing except jobs (direct & multiplier) a shedload of consolidated revenue in Royalties, infrastructure (wheelyabarrowbak gets new roads & stuff coz, gasplant) & … oh yeah…. gas to cook with on modern stoves.
Pocock should have stuck to gluing himself to bulldozers.