Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847
Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Tase and tear gas. Reduces the blowback, whil offering genuine entertainment. Driving them through razor wire is good for some…
@SirBylHolte Just now at happy hour, this Karen took immediate offense to my MAGA hat! HER: “I can’t believe you’re…
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Gary Varvel #2.
Thanks Tom.
Beazley filth eh- the very model of a modern political parasite. Some sort of military eggspurt- never actually been in the services but did a course at oxford.
Howard left the country in worse shape than he found it. Not good enough.
It seems that assassins have been infiltrated into the Queensland police. And the evidence for this is the murders of problematic police at their desks with their own service pistols. These murders of course being characterised as suicides.
How we know this to be a deep state initiative is if the media Pravda acts as one body in relation to the phenomenon.
miltonf says:
December 21, 2022 at 4:32 am
He wouldn’t be a R Crusoe there as far as PMs go.
Hard to pint to one who did.
Closest for me comes Kenneth in VIC, but on second thought, no. Also he wasn’t PM, big rooster on little hill.
He and his treasures Greenwood?? inflicted a lot of pain on Victorians to fix the budget.
Good morning, old mate.
Scrolling back, I see it has been a Festival of Brian.
Any fool can create a surplus by taxing more and spending less.
Bear is not a troll, arma.
Which I can safely predict I won’t.
I can only hope it is allocated a whole section to itself, so I can easily meander past its entrance in search of actual facts and history.
Yesterday I didn’t even know about magnetic pole shifts.
Now I can think of nothing else and am paralysed in fear of them.
Get off this magnetic nonsense. The real pole shift is the issue. Now hopefully this is not a variant of Q where we are supposed to chill and let nature sort things out.
December 20, 2022 at 7:40 pm
Thank you Roger.
It’s been the downfall of many an Officer carrying a map and compass.
It’s been the root cause of many of them being nicknamed ‘Circles’.
Remember (in the Southern hemisphere):
– Grid to Magnetic – Subtract the Magnetic Variation (GMS – GrandMaSux)
– Magnetic to Grid – Vice versa.
Monty will have to try harder if he’s to compete with Bird for troll points.
Combat tip one: If you are running away from bad Santa’s or wicked principals or evil unicorns don’t try to hide in long grass.
Combat tip two: If you are worried about a killer with a glock, don’t take your hands off your rifle to favour a set of matches in the insane idea that you can make the grass burn AND that the fire will chase down the armed killer for you.
So why is the deep state compelled to write dramas with this level of idiocy? Is it always going to be box cutters all the way down?
The best way to understand this drama writing deficiency is to compare one fake and gay scenario to another.
With Apollo there was no way to control excessive heat. They could have been more realistic and pretended to land in a crater to cultivate shade. But then they could not force feed striking but fake images to everyone. They could have pretended to bring their own lighting. But that would remind everyone that it was a movie set. So they went with the box cutters and bad educators approach.
So hence the grass fire magic story. They needed imagery. Poisonous snakes, magic pussy seeking fire, the heat warming her cute gym sculptured legs.
NDIS keeping AFP employed
the convicted man gets named.
The price of gold and silver has rocketed up quite a bit in the last 2 weeks…
I suspect institutions are finally losing faith in fiat currency.
Faked moon landings.
Faked 9/11 attacks.
A dead young woman’s virginal fear of penises.
Her tight gym sculpted legs.
WTF are you smoking? Are you a male crack ho yet?
Good on [Kerryn Phelps] for speaking up about the Covid vaccines however … blah … blah …
Phelps is a Spook.
It’s limited hangout from the Vax manufacturers.
How is the benevolent vaccine hypothesis going for you Rosie? No vial of virus on the planet. Without that no possible way to make a valid test. Without these two no conceivable way to make a helpful vaccine.
So you still thinking that Banchel Bourla and Gates mean well? Deaths up, births down, miscarriage, miscarriages, miscarriage?
In summer, in rural Australia, in Queensland, after a dry spell, this is indeed possible.
Go back to New Zealand. They all can’t be crazy fuckers like you.
Yes Ed, all AMA Presidents are from the intelligence community or are at least groomed by them. ASIO runs fake elections for them as well.
Please Ed, I would like to know more.
If only Dot if only. You sorted Apollo heat regulation yet?
I would like to be part of their writing team. But they would always have to remind me of how stupid the public is, so the more unrealism the better.
Rudd gets the gig in Washington.
For some Yanks, meeting him will answer the questions they had as to why Australia was locked down so hard for so long.
Combat tip two: If you are worried about a killer with a glock, don’t take your hands off your rifle to favour a set of matches in the insane idea that you can make the grass burn AND that the fire will chase down the armed killer for you.
First thing I thought of when the grass fire story broke?
They’re known for burning people out.
So, Abos are Blackwashed, plus people are Gaslighted for WrongThink.
Anyway, the property is being bought by the cops and presumably the house demolished.
That follows a pattern, the house in Cairns where 8 died was demolished before any Court proceedings.
The tree that killed Brock was cut down and the T intersection completely relocated, yet that tree had claimed many lives previously, without being cut down.
It’s as if our entire history as a people is being destroyed before our eyes.
Please Ed, I would like to know more.
S’okay, Dot.
You sound pretty well informed.
Phelps has a toxic personality, plus she’s a Narcissist, yet the Media can’t get enough of her?
As you say, it’s HorseShit.
Yes they destroy their own crime scene and paper over this evil with explosions of treacly bullshit.
Summer Solstice today, some say tomorrow, anyway woke at 5.30 this morning, beautiful sunshine, no breeze, lots of mowing to do and then no work till the new year. Head to Melbourne on Sat for early Christmas lunch with all the kids and grandkids, 9 grandchildren now, from three of my six kids so a good chance of more.
Christmas Day, see Dad and then Mum in the nursing home, that will not be good, she’s been there for six months and refuses to leave here room “I’m not talking to those old people out there!”. It would be funny but she’s serious, hates her life and wants to die and is making sure that everyone knows it, especially Dad. Mum can’t walk or care for herself but wants Dad to take her home, he’s 92 and is terribly upset, he knows he can’t care for her but feels guilty. Good on yer Mum, for ruining what maybe your and Dads last Christmas.
After Mum and Dad, lunch at the in-laws and straight back here. Melbourne depresses me nowadays.
At least we didn’t have to empty out two mosques simultaneously for our false flag. And it was a real cutie doing all the hugging rather than NZ’s notorious horses head tranny.
In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: Thursday, 22 December 2022 at 8:48 am AEDT
In Brisbane, Queensland, Australia: Thursday, 22 December 2022 at 7:48 am AEST
With 9/11 trucks of dirt were already filled and on standby to reduce the radiation. The incendiary cut girders were quickly shipped to China at a time when scrap metal prices were at a record low. The next mayor outlawed Geiger counters but he was feeling daffy and Dave says that’s a coincidence.
So the crime scene was properly ruined. But in Sandy Hook they left the crime scene unmolested. People checked it out and discovered that the school had been many years abandoned and in no
fit state for kids or teachers.
So you can see why we have to be oppressed by this eeeediocy from the police union infil-Traitor.
In fond memory of Managers who love shopping lists:
Has Bird been a disinfo agent for all of these years?!
Ed’ll know.
GB is the sort of person who, even if he were present at an event that didn’t fit his narrative would find a way to twist his pretzel.
All the above is checkable Dot. I know you liked what you saw to be the magic of fractional reserve. But if this cold evil, yet seemingly innocent practice, is so much as tolerated. this is the “mouse utopia” world we end up in.
If Birdy commented under his own name nobody would believe it was him. That is until they read the utter tosh he presents as his version of reality.
How is that for projection hey Rosie? Those vaccines. Still good stuff hey?
I noticed the callousness with you and Calli the other day. The mandates are over? Nope. If the unvaccinated are looking for a job they are still systematically excluded. Punished for not being idiots like you and Calli. Since the genocidalists don’t need governments to project power.
The reality flows easily and naturally from the facts. For your information you useless degenerate.
We did get a bit bogged down when we did not know the extent of hologram technology. But that aside the reality flows pretty nicely.
This time it’s deep fake tech that is hard to assess.
NDIS fraudster named.
At twenty four he sounds like the apprentice in a much bigger scam family.
NDIS is like leaving the keys in the car for the falafel fellowship.
Grey if you can fully understand that genocide is being practiced around you just as brazen as you like you may be able to get with reality.
Other then that does the word “castration” mean anything to you? We don’t want you passing on the stupid gene right?
Morning Brian.
It’s the fourth day of Hanukkah. Just so you know.
You do know what happens on Hanukkah #4, don’t you?
Was Graham the writer of Bizarro World ? A little young at the time but it certainly looks like natural progression. Maybe just the catalyst.
52mm in the gauge overnight. Smacked on the tin roof like fury.
Another 250ish forecast for the next week or so. Yeah, baby.
Not sure but it will be to do with s celebration of specifically innocent people outside the cult.
The thuggee and the Aztec are no more. But their spirit lives on.
A celebration to do with the mass murder of specifically innocent non cult members
No no. That’s Day 8.
Day 4 is for realigning magnetic poles on various planets – the ones they can reach with current technology, of course. It’s what the Black Prince set out in his manifesto.
It’s real pole shifts dopey. Not magnetic.
“NDIS fraudster named.
At twenty four he sounds like the apprentice in a much bigger scam family.
NDIS is like leaving the keys in the car for the falafel fellowship.”
Yep, and the out of control NDIS is yet another failure of the almost nine years of Abbott/Turdbull/Scumbag governments.
December 21, 2022 at 6:33 am
NDIS keeping AFP employed
As soon as I saw AFP had not named the Jailed man – I thought Australian M.E . Amish
KRudd as the new ambassador to the US?
He will have to recruit a small army to manage all the ‘leaks’ of his phone calls which happen to show that he is the grand old man of statesmanship.
We’ll be hearing about the advice he gave Biden for dealing with China, the advice he gave China about dealing with America, the advice he gave King Charles in dealing with his wayward son, advice he gave to Wallis Markle on his many visits to hers and Harry’s compound in LA (he even has his own key! Celebrities love him!), advice he gave Zelensky, and Putin, and Guterres, and von der Leyen, and George Clooney, and so on.
And all around the world when leaders meet they will ask each other “Do you know who this Gavin Dudd is? I keep getting calls from Australian reporters.”
Oh, and you can bet he is unable to sit still, jiggling excitedly in his chair in anticipation of wading on in and putting Elon Musk straight.
December 21, 2022 at 5:45 am
However, when asked whether it is sufficient that less than 2 per cent of the expansion is predicted to be dedicated to the frontier wars, Mr Beazley told 7.30: “I think you will find that it is very substantial when it is opened and we all get a chance to see it.”
Which I can safely predict I won’t.
I can only hope it is allocated a whole section to itself, so I can easily meander past its entrance in search of actual facts and history.
Beazley is babbling about a pre-Federation section, so I guess it will be lumped in with the Boxer Rebellion and the Boer War. The principal visitors are likely to be school groups marched in to teach them their “white privilege ” and j’ismists and pollies looking for photo opportunities.
And set them wondering whether it not be done on a more permanent basis.
TwitterGate part 8
Australia has confused its arse with its Elbow.
Is there a child proof gate someone forgot to close?
Meanwhile, Bettina Arndt in today’s Tele:
bettina arndt
Melbourne University research fellow Dr Anna Kosovac is a civil engineer and an expert in water policy.
Last year she wrote an article for The Conversation entitled ‘Boys and their toys: how overt masculinity dominates Australia’s relationship with water’.
Sounds crazy? Believe me, this one is a ripper.
Kosovac argues “toxic masculinity” is the basis for “the dominant ‘technocracy’ approach to water management, in which infrastructure and technology is relied on to solve problems’’ So, she doesn’t seem to approve of engineers using technology to solve problems – one wonders if that includes “boys’ toys” such as flush toilets?
In her article Dr Kosovac doesn’t explain in detail how we would cope without water infrastructure but notes with approval that in 2017 “the New Zealand government passed legislation that recognised the Whanganui River catchment as a legal person”.
We are currently witnessing a massive remake of science where traditional considerations of merit and rigour are seemingly trampled by demands for “gender equity”.
Of course, there are many brilliant, hard-working and rational female scientists who have achieved success on the basis of their brain power and dedication to their work.
But some of these women are adding their voices to the growing public discontent about how science is being hijacked by ideology.
Just look what’s happened to our major source of funding for medical research – the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC). This important body is easily the main source of funding for medical research in Australia with a budget of over $1 billion.
It was the appointment of immunology professor Anne Kelso in 2015 as CEO of the NHMRC which turbocharged the ongoing push to get more women into top positions in science.
The result appears to be systematic discrimination against male scientists, starving them of funding.
Kelso’s effort for the sisterhood has been relentless.
In her first year she introduced regular monitoring of all science institutions to make sure they have policies in place to advantage women over men.
Next, in 2017, she brought in Structural Priority Funding, which divided grant money into two parts, one for the best research proposals and the other for women whose proposals weren’t good enough to make that cut.
By 2021, reviewers of grant proposals assessing candidates’ work histories were required to treat time mothers spend out of the workforce as if that had been devoted to producing high quality research.
Then came the big one, the push for equal grants for women.
Last year the public propaganda exercise began, with compliant media dutifully making the case for an “equitable research landscape”.
A petition popped up asking for the NHMRC to “allocate the same amount of funding to each gender” and the organisation released a discussion paper presenting various options designed to give women funding from the critical Investigator Grant Scheme, which awards around $370 million in research funding each year.
The NHRMC’s initial preference, option 3, involved separating applications based on gender and allocating an equal number of grants to each gender.
But then it emerged that while this approach would be highly effective at discriminating against more senior male researchers, it actually discriminated against early career men less than the existing system.
Naturally, the NHMRC decided to keep the existing discriminatory system for early career researchers and introduce option 3 for senior researchers.
By October this year, it was announced that this had become policy.
Now, here’s the twist.
On very same day the new policy was announced, the NHMRC released data showing that it actually wasn’t true that men received most of the Investigator Grants – women already received 52.9 per cent.
In an interview in November, Kelso did not respond to a question about the current gender balance of grant recipients and said of the discrimination “as soon as it’s achieved its goal, we’ll stop”.
It’s hard to believe this gender warrior was unaware of the most recent statistics imdicating the ostensible goal was potentially in the rear-view mirror.
Academics normally keep quiet about such matters taking place in their ranks. Yet this latest outrage saw many come out of the woodwork, like emeritus professor Anthony Jorm who argued that “Australia’s unnecessary new NHMRC policy will lead to a decline in scientific quality”
The famous American scientist Lawrence Kraus wrote that the NHMRC “breaks new ground for anti-male bias”.
And Professor Georgia Trench on Sky News stated “Australia should be funding female scientists on merit not gender quotas”.
This is a world where there’s a steady stream of female-only positions and female-only awards including the Federal Government initiative, “Superstars of STEM”, which one scientist explained as “a ruse to justify subsequent preferential appointments (especially to tenured positions) by padding the CV of female applicants”.
What is the mysterious Athena Swan medal?
One scientist described how it works to push universities to compete using women-only jobs and perks, increasing the number of female scientists in order to gain the prestigious Athena Swan medals for their institution:
“Such-and-such university already has an Athena Silver, and we are only Athena Bronze. You don’t want our university to lag behind them, Comrade, do you?”
The NHMRC really didn’t need to impose this latest outrage. The system is already sewn up, a very good reason for all competent male scientists to pack their bags and head overseas.
Bettina Arndt blogs on Substack
No doubt ‘comming soon’® to a gulley near you:
In her article Dr Kosovac doesn’t explain in detail how we would cope without water infrastructure but notes with approval that in 2017 “the New Zealand government passed legislation that recognised the Whanganui River catchment as a legal person”.
Variation East, magnetic least.
Variation West, magnetic best.
Always right.
Australia has confused its arse with its Elbow.
I took that to mean Rudd and Albo. …made me laugh.
Ed has his mummy and the distinctions of being oldest vergin in history but it’s mystifying how bird be so dysfunctional and survive.
Having white people playing blue aliens is racist.
If I say water is wet does that make me a misogynist?
Phelp’s ‘wife’ has long term health problems, perhaps giving a little perspective to her particular adverse reaction to Pfizer.
Real pole shifts, not magnetic?
Err, how do you think the poles were first thunk of?
I can only hope it is allocated a whole section to itself, so I can easily meander past its entrance in search of actual facts and history.
First Nationses Genocide Wars will be the entrance. To pass through with due deference, all Australians will be kicked in the goolies and required to kowtow through the pantheon of those proud, noble, gentle people who knew nothing of conflict before they became fierce and undefeated warriors when debbil debbil white man came.
Phelps also pulled out of the Sydney mayoral race last year because of family member health problems but didn’t say anything about vaccines.
Empiric proof that a peek out the window reveals that for all the things that are shit about this country (and do not get me wrong, for they are legion) there are boundless other joints trapped way further down in the quicksand of imbecility.
Mater at 5:45 on the AWM.
Dream on.
It will be the “exit through the gift shop” model. They will make it totally unavoidable which means they can claim the exhibit had x million visitors each year (93.1% of whom didn’t give a rats).
Why didn’t they build a separate museum?
It’s not the money.
It’s that they knew it wouldn’t attract any visitors apart from compulsory school excursions and public sector conferences.
On the David Burge model, we are between 1. and 2. with the AWM:-
A little boy and his grandfather are raking leaves in the yard. The little boy sees an earthworm trying to get back into its hole. He says “Grandpa, I bet I can put that worm back in that hole”. The grandfather replies “I’ll bet you five dollars you can’t. It’s too wiggly and limp to put back in that little hole”. The little boy runs into the house and comes back out with a can of hair spray. He sprays the worm until it is straight and stiff as a board. The boy then proceeds to put the worm back into the hole. The grandfather hands the little boy five dollars, grabs the hair spray and runs into the house. Thirty minutes later the grandfather comes back out and hands the boy another five dollars. The little boy says “Grandpa, you already gave me five dollars”. The grandfather replies “I know. That’s from your Grandma”.
In a train from London to Manchester, a tourist was berating the Englishman sitting across from him in the compartment. “The trouble with you English is that you are too stuffy. You set yourselves apart too much. You think your stiff upper lip makes you above the rest of us. Look at me… I’m me! I have a little Italian in me, a bit of Greek blood, a little Irish and some Spanish blood. What do you say to that?” The Englishman lowered his newspaper, looks over his glasses and replied “How very sporting of your mother!”
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
– Dalai Lama
With apologies to Darwin, “Survival of the shittest”.
So where’s Dutton and the Liberal Party re. the KRudd role?
Over the past month, Dutton and the Liberals have been gifted a lot of juicy stuff to attack Sleazy the Slusher with, the strange Brittaneeeee da Knickerless payout, why hasn’t Dutton insisted it be referred to the new federal ICAC? The IR laws, okay okay, they did attempt some feeble opposition but it wasn’t much and now the KRudd role. They should be attacking Sleazy for his endless lies and hypocrisy. But no, and on Sky last night I saw that supine dripping wet Senator Bummingham praise the choice of Rudd as the next Oz ambassador. I needed a bucket.
There’s an old saying that in space no one can hear you speak, shout or scream. Actually, it’s a scientific fact because sound travels through the vibrations of atoms and molecules in air and and water. The Liberals, being so utterly useless at speaking up, shouting at or screaming about anything belong in space, their natural environment. So, we need to put them all in a rocket and thrust them into space because not only won’t we hear them, we won’t have to see them either.
Of which I will not be one. Never again.
Thanks collectivists, you arrogant dishonest destructive narcissistic knobheads.
To be fair I would otherwise be interested but if we are going to get black arm band shoved down our throats I’m not even walking into the section, so I don’t.
this is pretty easy to avoid.
With the final and only destination being the Sun.
Criminally Prosecuting Trump?
From Armstrong Economics –
“There was NEVER a question that the Democrats began their January 6th investigation with the intent to charge Trump criminally with an insurrection all to prevent him from running for office again in 2024. They have “recommended” that former President Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attacks. This was probably the worst possible thing the Democrats could ever have done to the country. They are solidifying their weaponizing of the rule of law for political gain. They have succeeded in reducing the integrity of the United States to nothing better than a banana republic where they routinely imprison political opponents for political objectives.
Now what? The Republicans get to impeach Biden for the real criminal conduct of taking bribes and using the power of the office to threaten Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating the very company his son was hired to put on their board. What about Hunter who is on film with cocaine? If he were Black, he would go to jail for at least 5 years. The Democrats are also now rushing through to reduce the penalty for cocaine. Obviously, they are doing that for Huner. What about all the people in prison for the same thing for decades?
This is all part of the collapse of the United States. Washington is disgusting. It is all about war and they must defeat their opponent regardless if it is good for the country. Perhaps now as we enter 2023, this political corruption is just going to boil to the surface. Even Mitch McConnel, a career politician who hated Trump because he wanted to drain the swamp, joined in to condemn Trump.
People laugh at Donald Trump for questioning the results of the 2020 US Presidential Election, where Joe Biden secured more votes than any other president in American history. How quickly they forget that the entire DNC rejected Trump’s appointment for the duration of his presidency. Remember – “He Ain’t My President!“The Democrats have denied previous elections for every political tier, and some refused to concede. They said Trump incited the January 6 protest by questioning the election results, as if they have never questioned the authenticity of an election.
EVERY election is always rigged! The only question is did it actually affect the outcome? Nobody will dare to actually launch a real investigation into that. When a Grand Jury in 1908 investigated elections in Chicago, they concluded that there was probably NEVER a fair election. It does not matter which side, for they all are in the game.
The real problem is all the claims that there was “no fraud” when that is impossible. There is ALWAYS fraud in EVERY election. They prosecuted people in Florida for filing votes for people who died. That is not the question. The question is did the fraud change the outcome of the election?
These claims that there was no fraud are simply false. They do not wish to admit that there is vote harvesting and the oldest trick is to vote for dead people. That has been the joke in Chicago for decades – more people vote than those who are alive.
The Democrats rushed to get this out before the end of the year because the Republics have retaken the House. The Democrats will use this to attack anyone who Trump endorsed and Republicans in general. This is a lame-duck publicity stunt for it would be fantastic to watch Trump on trial for such a thing. He would get to call all the democrats and Hillary for spying on him and Russia Gate. That would be standard to show that the allegations have been political. It would be the Trial of the Century.
This House panel that’s been investigating the 2021 “insurrection” for the sole purpose of preventing him from running for politics again. He can be a felon and be president. That is not the issue. They must call it an “insurrection” to prevent him from office using that prohibition against any southerner who supported the “insurrection” of civil war from holding office.
The Democrats have totally undermined the integrity of the House. They unanimously agreed to refer Trump for prosecution for multiple offenses including insurrection, which Rep. Jamie Raskin said would disqualify him from holding office, if convicted, which was the whole objective of the investigation. Why was it Unanimous? Because the four Republicans were voted out of the office or decided not to run. All were so anti-Trump that they are a disgrace to the idea of impartiality. They were selected by the Democrats to be on the committee because they were anti-Trump. This was political theater from the outset regardless of if disliked Trump or not. Try standing before a judge you is your next-door neighbor who hates your guts and see if you get a fair trial.
Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.
Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla.
Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Va.
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.
Not one of these people will be returning to their office. These four Republicans illustrate why Trump was played for as a fool. There were Republicans who want the Swamp to remain as is – a better term would be a cesspool of corruption on both sides. These people have stabbed their own country in the back and are solidifying civil unrest and the demise of the country all for political greed.
I have heard some same that if Liz Cheney were on fire, they would not piss on her, they would only reserve that for her grave. What I can say is that I believe she is evil and the apple did not fall too far from the tree. Her father created the Iraq War and handed all the contracts to his company Halliburton, and when they wanted to investigate his firm, they resigned from their American domicile and moved to Dubai. And she was the vocal critic of Trump? Why? To protect the Swamp?
It’s the first-ever such referral of an ex-President in the entire history of the United States. Bill Clinton committed perjury and was never prosecuted. Richard Nixon was also to just resign. However, this is a political stunt for there is no obligation for the Justice Department to prosecute Trump. It would be a real circus if they dared and unleash serious civil unrest.”
Paranoia must be hell to live with. Imagine walking down the street: cars glide past, birds piping and chirping in the trees, sun shining, a young healthy woman catches you eye as she passes in the other direction. Life is beautiful!
But for the paranoid, even the headlights on the cars are like eyes watching, the calling birds are talking about you, the air seems to glow with a faint yellow hue from the electric signals as they beam above you, around you, and even through you, the young woman’s face behind a shadow of her duplicity – ready to use her sex to distract and confuse you.
And then of course there is that which you cannot see. How many pairs of binoculars lurk behind the windows of the houses you pass, people in shops comparing notes, and far above and invisible the satellites that send images to underground rooms where silhouettes sit behind sick-glowing monitors observing your every move.
Hell, even sitting huddled in the darkest corner in a basement with alfoil taped on the narrow windows, at night, with the lights off, in a Faraday cage made from old coat hangers, wearing a tracksuit and socks with the hood cords pulled so tight only his nose protruding – and still feeling the blackness is watching you and the silence listening.
And other people’s happiness just proves your suspicions.
Tom’s link to the cartoon about Krudd says it all:
“With the final and only destination being the Sun.”
Ultimately, yes, but I like the idea of almost all Liberals, apart from Antic, Rennick and maybe one or two others being rocketed into space to drift aimlessly forever, because that’s all they’re good at…..drifting aimlessly around everything.
The Twatter Files must be scaring the DemonRats, now up to Episode 7 or 8, and we haven’t had m0nty=fa here for days, to tell us that it is all a big nothingburger. “Nothing to see here (except Hunter Grunter’s nine-inch hog), move along there now.”
Whe I was a nipper the kid next door had one of those tops that spun and then would flip over on its axis. I kid you not, that kid’s name was Graeme. I hope graham is not suggesting this occur. It would certainly be his wackiest theory yet.
Inflicting a scar or frightening them?
Probably right.
There has always been donation boxes at the entrance (near the Menin Gate Lions). Given that they apparently have enough cash to waste on this fantasy they call ‘The Frontier War’, they clearly don’t need my donations.
Going up there again shortly. I must remember to take some washers along so the kids can experience the Pool of Reflection (like we all did as kids) without contributing meaningfully to the destruction of the institution itself.
Winding up the hyperbowl to eleventy.
Hard to believe, but the ACT DPP chief Shane Drumgold must be a flavour of woke so extreme as to be unpalatable to people in Canberra.
The Chief Minister’s announced an ‘enquiry’ into the Lehrmann trial.
Policewoman hits perp with three shots out of five after gunman shoots her partner.
Go back to New Zealand. They all can’t be crazy fuckers like you.
Whitewash of Drumgold’s disgraceful behaviour in 3.. 2.. 1..
ACT to launch Lehrmann enquiry
Independent inquiry to be held into handling of Brittany Higgins’ allegations against Bruce Lehrmann
ACT chief minister and attorney general have announced inquiry following claims police pressured director of public prosecutions Shane Drumgold SC not to pursue the Lehrmann case
This will be for the express intention of muddying the waters for a mooted federal ICAC investigation.
The allegations have already been referred to the federal integrity and corruption watchdog for law enforcement, as ACT policing is a branch of the Australian federal police.
I’ll be fine. Unless Bird comes to visit me while I’m in hospital. Nobody will be getting any sleep then.
They will make it totally unavoidable which means they can claim the exhibit had x million visitors each year
Unless they change the layout of the building, there is currently a way in, and a way out. Find out which one the display is blocking, and use the other for both purposes? At a minimum they will then have to install turnstiles, and delay and annoy all visitors.
Today, 21 December, is apparently How To Make Gravy Day.
That soppy rainbow-themed socialist cretin Paul Kelly ruins Christmas every fucking year.
Ruins it. Every fucking time. It enrages me every time I hear it, and you just know it’s going to be on continuous loop all goddamn day.
No. NO. Just fuck off Kelly, and take your fake-Australiana themed indy folk shit with you.
Albanese is a prudent and measured fellow. This is his payback and retaliation for the latest false flag the Americans have imposed on us.
How To Make Gravy Day.
+++ Lots…
A whiny beta boy song that shits me to tears.
Make gravy fat-flour-water-heat, thank you.
Montys wife in legal peril??
Woman in Wales admits manslaughter by letting daughter become obese
Father denies causing death of Kaylea Titford, 16, and will be tried in Mold crown court
After all she chooses what slop to liquify and pour down the feeding tube into the basement.
Compulsory Preferential Voting can do that.
Someone has taken my shoes.
December 21, 2022 at 8:47 am
The Twatter Files must be scaring the DemonRats,
Inflicting a scar or frightening them?
Ah, the wonderful subtleties of the English language, when a simple letter can change the meaning of a word.
Frightening now, then hopefully scarring them, preferably maiming them politically, later.
Yep. Hit the skip button every time. If only you could do this more often.
There’s a link to a Gateway Pundit story in this tweet. I linked the tweet rather than going directly to the story because Catturd has over a million followers worldwide. It is certainly getting out there.
Catturd ™
Imagine that.
Top Australian Doctor Who Advocated for COVID Vaccine Finally Breaks Her Silence – Says Doctors are Censored – Reveals She and Her Wife Both Suffer Serious COVID Shot Injuries
Catturd ™
We Warned You!
December 21, 2022 at 8:48 am
Winding up the hyperbowl to eleventy.
KJP is too stupid and ignorant to be aware that the Civil War was started by racist DemonRats who would never have employed her except as a house maid or wet nurse.
Lee Fang
Mark R. Levin
1. The FBI has taken on the character of the old Stasis, working on behalf of the Democrats and “the state” against the citizens. This is shocking.
I have been searching for online accounts of Kerryn Phillips’ opinions on vaccine injuries – nothing in The Australian, & although google lists The Daily Telegraph & other newspaper stories on the matter – nothing comes up. I think there is panic from on high reaching editorial desks.
On the other hand, Channel 9 Breakfast interviewed Phelps on the matter this morning.
‘Sweet and bright’ Derby girl, 15, dies suddenly after collapsing at school
KD – More likely someone who can safely go under the bus without endangering the other occupants.
Is it Muellerween yet?
“Did You Approve Hidden State Censorship in Direct Violation of the Constitution?” Elon Musk Calls Out Adam Schiff After Documents Reveal Schiff’s Office Was Emailing Twitter
DeSantis Takes Aim at Teacher Union Dues
Brilliant article from American Greatness
Trump Was a Mistake
‘Woke’ Non-Binary Artist Caught Trying to Rape 9-Year-Old Boy
Bear watch out for the old male nurse with the pillow you didn’t ask for.
Just gone up on Courier Mail :
The ACT government will move ahead with an inquiry into Bruce Lehrmann’s aborted trial.
The Territory’s Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury and Chief Minister Andrew Barr have announced the independent inquiry.
The inquiry will consider whether the function of criminal justice was “discharged with appropriate rigour, impartiality, and independence”.
Ordinary Americans Are Going To Have To Save The Country Themselves, One Town At A Time
Darren J. Beattie
This is the only Jan 6 participant Adam Kinzinger will defend!
Still not arrested…
New York Post
‘Super Sized Salon’ star Jamie Lopez dead at 37
how intelligence agencies take over governments and nation states
Likewise – infuriating and excruciating in equal measure.
There are three wallies in Ozzie public life named Paul Kelly – and all three of them are jokes. A fourth is a former Ozzie rules player who thankfully keeps a low profile nowadays.
Parents, do not name your son Paul if his surname is Kelly.
As the chorus of “Covid vaccines are unsafe” grows, WHO threatens “anti-vaccine activists” and labels unvaccinated a “major killing force”
UK Consultant Surgeon calls for halt to Covid injections and speaks out against medical censorship
Mitch McConnell Suggests Funding Ukraine With Your Tax Dollars Is “Number One Priority” For United States
This proves it.
Whisky drinkers are gayer than faggy McFagpants.
Also the ad reminds me very directly of this cartoon.
Unbelievable. With all the information now available, pushing this poison on young people in particular is nothing short of evil.
Dr. Eli David
Breaking: Israel ?? Ministry of Health has made it mandatory for all medical students to get at least 3 Covid shots.
Zero scientific evidence to support this mandate.
Union dues not a problem in Australia. Scum Labor inflate the cost of government funded projects to pay the bruvvers 3 or 4 times what they used to get. They don’t care how much dues are. My Bil when employing a new operator says we pay union dues. This is to find out if there is going to be potential trouble at mill. He rarely employs unionists unless he needs them. He had one then employed some other guys. When work dropped off he sacked the unionist who complained that others were employed after him. Bil says they’re not in the union. Last on first off, union rules.
Dr. Jessica Rose: Update on Fertility Data & VAERS
East is least
West is best.
Fishing potential based on winds at Penneshaw jetty.
New World Odor™
“Not a New Thing”: It’s Been Known for 10 Years That Lipid Nanoparticles Accumulate in the Ovaries
-Dr Jessica Rose
“This was known by them at the time that they were pushing these products on people, including pregnant women, & women in general, & this was known 10 yrs ago,”
Is it Muellerween yet?
I hope so, I just put my decorations up!
Frolics give us a kiss and I’ll prove they’re not.
Dr. McCullough: New Data Shows Non-injected at Serious Risk from Global Vaxxx Campaign
I don’t know why set the seasons according to neat calendar dates in nest three month packets. The Summer Solstice is the real first day of Summer, Spring is really only about 6-8 weeks long etc etc. In this instance the aboriginals were right, there are about six distinct seasons in across most of Australia.
PM needs to recall sad resources saga
Anybody remotely aware of the history of Labor governments over 50 years knows the destruction of Gough Whitlam and Kevin Rudd as prime ministers was tied to their arrogance and ineptitude in dealing with the resources sector – a narrative now worth recalling.
History never repeats itself but history should not be forgotten. The Hawke-Keating era aside, federal Labor governments have displayed a deep suspicion of resource industries, an ignorance of the sector, a compulsion to intervene to impose new rules in the public interest, and a profound conviction the politics of intervention works in Labor’s favour and against the industry.
For Whitlam and Rudd these judgments proved disastrous. To a lesser extent Bill Shorten, ALP leader at the 2019 election, became a casualty in his hostility to the Adani mine located in Queensland’s Galilee Basin.
The political DNA of federal Labor seems to include a syndrome of resistance and retaliation against the sector that for years saw federal Labor perform dismally in the big resources states of Queensland and Western Australia, a situation only partly reversed at the 2022 election. Whether Albanese Labor breaks from or merely repeats the cycle hangs in the balance.
The longevity of Labor’s resources sector problem is remarkable. Federal Labor seems chronically uncomfortable with an extractive industry that enjoys hefty profits, faces competing environmental and Indigenous interests, has significant foreign ownership, possesses a global reach, is basic to the nation’s comparative advantage and now occupies the frontline in Labor’s headlong transition to renewable energy. These factors seem to constitute a cultural chasm.
Australia’s resources sector could take a $68 billion hit next financial year as the nation’s export boom begins to… ease. The Department of Industry and Resources shows Australia is set to earn $459 billion from exports as the current financial year closes midway through 2023, but in the 2023 More
Among the city-based, progressive, pro-Greens legions, hostility towards the resources sector is embedded as a badge of honour that transcends rationality. It is captured in the ceaseless campaign of the Greens to extinguish the fossil fuel industries with Australian Greens leader Adam Bandt hailing Labor’s new gas pricing policy as “the beginning of the end for gas”.
For successive Labor governments the resources sector has been too consequential to ignore yet too offensive to Labor’s beliefs and instincts.
It is long forgotten that Whitlam’s resources policy was pivotal to his failure as prime minister and that long before the 1972 election Whitlam and his future minerals and energy minister, Rex Connor, had laid the framework for one of the most astonishing economic revolutions in our history, a revolution that was thwarted.
Their vision was driven by state control. As early as 1966 Whitlam said the federal government’s role was “to discover and process minerals” with state governments and private industry.
Connor, in his famous political epitaph, declared: “I have stood in the path of those who would have grabbed the mineral resources of Australia.”
Governing during the early 1970s OPEC oil shock, Connor, a pro-development minister, sought to become the chief executive overlord of the resources sector backed by his departmental head, Sir Lenox Hewitt. Connor’s purpose was a massive intervention to allow government to determine the industry’s direction by price controls, investment initiatives, a government authority to develop and sell resources, the substitution of natural gas for fuel oil, and support for a uranium industry.
Convinced he knew the industry better than its leaders, Connor dismissed them as “mugs and hillbillies”. His pursuit of a $US4bn overseas loan – which became basic to Labor’s political destruction – was integral to his vision. Indeed, Graham Freudenberg, in his history, called the loan “the logical extension of the philosophy Whitlam had been developing”.
Whitlam and Connor made two core miscalculations: believing massive government intervention would successfully redirect the industry when it only led to a supply and investment strike; and believing their interventions would be a political triumph when it only hastened their demise.
In my book Triumph and Demise, on the Rudd-Gillard government, I argued that Rudd would have probably led the government to the 2010 election if not for the damage done by the proposed mining tax. The then head of the Prime Minister’s Department, Terry Moran, said: “It’s one of the biggest own goals I’ve seen.”
The Rudd government shocked the industry with its tax design, convinced it had a political winner based on redistribution and fairness. The industry had accepted the principle of the tax, and Minerals Council of Australia chief Mitch Hooke said the notion was “almost incontestable”. Yet Labor overreached fatally and was haunted by this failure up to the 2013 election.
The idea arose from the Henry tax review. Treasurer Wayne Swan chose to run on the mining tax, alert to the emerging resources boom Mark II. For Labor, the case for the tax seemed inarguable. Under its complex and contentious design, devised by Treasury, the government in effect became a silent partner sharing 40 per cent of the costs and profits.
Rudd’s sheer distaste for the mining leaders, notably BHP Billiton, the largest taxpayer in Australia, was conspicuous. When he heard the details of the tax, resources minister Martin Ferguson said: “It won’t work. I felt like resigning.” There were just nine quick days between the release of the tax and its incorporation into the budget – the industry, having been promised full consultations, felt ambushed and betrayed.
The companies said ministers didn’t understand the tax and the Canberra-based Treasury was too theoretical. The government was uncertain whether to sell the tax as an economic reform or as a soak-the-rich populist pitch, so it tried both. It belted the miners and praised itself as a reforming government. Then Treasury chief Ken Henry said of Labor: “They thought the resources tax was a deadset political winner for them.”
Rio Tinto’s chief at the time, David Peever, said: “In 33 years working in the resources sector I had never seen such anger on the part of mining companies.” In The Sydney Morning Herald, Peter Hartcher wrote: “Rudd wanted a fight. That’s the whole point.”
Rudd exaggerated his strength and underestimated the damage from a process that looked incompetent. Labor mythology started to take hold: a good government falling prey to an evil, multinational industry. The mining advertising campaign in retaliation was tough, astute and forced a rethink by the Gillard government.
For far too long federal Labor governments dealing with the resources sector have displayed gross policy ineptitude, an inability to grasp the consequences of their decisions and astonishing political arrogance. None of this denies their motivation of acting in the public interest.
The exception, as usual, was the Hawke-Keating era when the government introduced the successful petroleum resource rent tax operative from 1988, a profits tax based on the concept of economic rents – opposed by the industry at the time – but now warranting review and extension as Treasurer Jim Chalmers has signalled.
In the past week the Albanese government introduced in the teeth of industry hostility a 12-month cap on gas and coal prices plus a longer-run price control system. If the similarities between the Albanese government’s intervention and those of past Labor governments are striking, then so are the differences. Albanese must decide what sort of relations he wants with the sector. The viability of Labor’s policy will hinge on its actual impact. Meanwhile, if Albanese is prudent, he will remember the history.
Phelp’s ‘wife’ has long term health problems, perhaps giving a little perspective to her particular adverse reaction to Pfizer.
Don’t ever change rosie bourla!
When they’re old school Catholics, the choices are either Popes or Apostles.
His sister was a Sister at Mount Carmel, Coorparoo.
Indolent @9:39 am, I thought Israel would be the one sane country who would not put their people at risk considering everything they have been through at the hands of other rogue governments. When the whole COVID thing blew up I thought I’ll wait and see what Israel does and perhaps follow suit. It seems I was wrong.
Thank god Rosie is pumping out the facts dismissing the hundreds of reports indolent brings here.
No I won’t, I’m not at all impressed with Phelp’s public bleating now, when it pretty doesn’t matter any more because the mass vaccination program happened in 2021.
All we will perhaps see now is more people finding excuses to dip into the taxpayer’s pocket.
The partner was sick last year and, just a wild guess, her pre existing auto immune issues were exacerbated by the vaccine.
Maybe Phelps should have done a bit more research.
So what you are saying is that people with pre existing medical conditions should have been informed of the increased risk of vaccine injury.
Yeah that was never going to happen under the regime of Phelps’ mates in the medico-science community. As Phelps now attests.
ALPBC “News” have got theirs out again. Everyone is so excited.
Old school Catholics has a litany of saints to choose from.
My family is definitely one such, only one of four boys got an Apostle and only after a change of mind because a cousin jumped in and used the name first chosen first.
No jokes about Brittany’s lack of knickers will be tolerated.
John Rotten, I have gone from liking your jokes to memorising them to use on the friends and family who have’t been exposed to them yet.
Keep it up.
HT, I remember mid-80s we used to go on picnics on Labor Day weekend in short sleeves and shorts. Though only ten years earlier I wore my long winter coat the same weekend. It depends, 70s we’re cool, 80s and 90s were warm and we are back in the cool period again.
This cyclic pattern of warm and cool periods is what infuriates me about the climate change worshippers. The naive ones are used by the renewables carpetbaggers to push for their financial advantages. Always follow the money.
That’s still a vaccine injury.
The Pfizer vaccine was presented as safe for those with autoimmune diseases.
‘WEF Globalist & MP’ Says “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Threat To National Security… Oh The Fkn Irony…
In the words of Hillary Clinton:
‘What difference, at this point, does it make?’
And it’s one of the few times that I think they are entitled to do so…if they were vaccinated AFTER mandates became active.
The debasement of Treasury is one of the most disturbing aspects of the general decline in Australian governance. It is now generally worse than useless.
they were safe, even babies and pregnant women could take the shot… are we allowed to say woman… er I mean birthing ppl
Ha, ha, ha. Finally some humour in the media.
Remember Wayne Swan?
There are three wallies
Yeah, and this one plays How To Make Gravy too. Dusted it off last friday night at music shop christmas show- the trick is to treat it like fruit mince pies, ie bring it out earlier every year and reap the kudos before people get sick of it.
I’t a rubbish singalong, tho, you have to dominate the vox so that a boozy crowd doesn’t try to pitch in with more sentiment than swing.
“Phelp’s ‘wife’ has long term health problems, perhaps giving a little perspective to her particular adverse reaction to Pfizer.
Correct. This I know.
when it pretty doesn’t matter any more because the mass vaccination program happened in 2021.
Rosie is Hillary, confirmed!!!
Welcome, Hugh.
No doubt OSC, as a former AMA president Phelps was in a good position to do so.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Australians With Autoimmune Conditions – Updated 11 January 2021
ppl are still getting the jab
not only was it marketed as safe for ppl with autoimmune diseases, ppl were specifically advised to take the shot if they had one. in the uk, gov sent letters to ppl with known autoimmune disease to come in and get the shot.
as I have said repeatedly anything bad the virus does, the jab can do much worst as the mRNA has been modified to persist from the few minutes of a virus to weeks giving the unlucky recipient a mega dose of toxic spike protein.
rosie reads like someone who has been gaslit
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 21, 2022 at 8:29 am
So where’s Dutton and the Liberal Party re. the KRudd role?
They’d be well advised to be diplomatically silent, and let the monomanic twit dig himself into a hole lot of “invite to essential ceromonies only” lists. He’ll be there for a while, ie probably for the loss of PM Albanese and the second ascension of Trump
And just in case the medical profession’s “cooperation” in the implementation of bad policy can’t be relied upon next time ’round, Queensland has recently introduced legislation that threatens medicos with severe penalties for contradicting public health advice.
Snap Mater
Israel has its own mini-me deep state too. That’s why they’re going after Netanyahu on trumped-up charges. Or perhaps Trumped-up charges, since they’re as stupid and evil as what the Dems have been trying on re Trump. (Caroline Glick has written a number of articles eviscerating the charges, which if applied fairly would indict every pollie in the country.)
The vax for medical students is an ideological purity test which the Left has been using widely.
It’ll be interesting to see what Netanyahu does once his government gets going.
from rosies link
potentional side effects, like little trivial things like postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, dysautonomia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, endothelial dysfunction, small fibre neuropathy, cognitive impairment, cardiac arrest, stroke and death.
My Dad, 89, had two serious comorbidities in mid 2021. Both his specialists advised him not to take the vaccine as no upside and potentially might exacerbate his medical problems. If he was in aged care he would have been under great pressure to comply.
He never took the vax and it was pneumonia that got him.
He was anti vax based on very competant medical advice.
“So what you are saying is that people with pre existing medical conditions should have been informed of the increased risk of vaccine injury”.
What bullshit. His songs are not particularly political, nothing socialist or progressive at all. Nothing gay. It’s all personal, storytelling stuff.
In his interviews he comes across as a likeable bloke, not up himself in the way you suggest.
Brilliant article from American Greatness
Trump Was a Mistake
Good piss taking.
They were talking about the j’ismist, Paul Kelly.
(Unless I missed your joke)
So Rosie links to an obscure webpage called squeakyjoints.org.
Here’s the ABC around the same time:
Should people with auto-immune disease get a coronavirus vaccine?
So, for example, particularly multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and others, they involve suppressing either one or several parts of the immune system, and it has been shown that people with autoimmune diseases who are on immunosuppressive therapy are at higher risk of serious COVID-19 disease and death. So in fact it’s extremely important that people with autoimmune diseases get immunised. And diabetes is a risk factor, type 2 diabetes, and probably type 1 diabetes as well.
So if you are one of these one in 14 people, the question in your mind is; should I be immunised, is it safe to be immunised? Well, the answer is you should be immunised because you are at risk, and the trials that have been done have not specifically looked at autoimmune diseases separately, but they have captured people with autoimmune diseases, and it looks as though these vaccines are safe. In fact, not just that, it may be that you would preferentially get a vaccine, at least in a dose or a type of vaccine that gives you a stronger immune response rather than a weaker one, particularly if you are on immune suppression, so that you get the best possible immunity. And that would either be the Astra vaccine 12 weeks apart all the Pfizer vaccine here in Australia.
In answer to this question, you should have it done. The American Rheumatology Association recommends COVID-19 vaccines, and they have looked at the evidence, so I think that this is safe and really something that should be done. And there have been a couple of studies in the Lancet in the last couple of days looking at vaccine hesitancy in people with autoimmune disease, a little bit of difference, but it turns out that people with autoimmune disease are probably not that much more hesitant than other people and therefore fairly open to getting the vaccine, which is good news.
Hmm, given the forthcoming inquiry into the Brittaneeeee da Knickerless saga, and given her intimate involvement in the saga, shouldn’t mean girl Gallagher stand down?
Nope, not at all political.
‘A tipping point’: Paul Kelly’s new song attacks climate inaction (2020)
Mrs Snowcone and Four Corners get a Yellow Card from ACMA. About time but better late than never.
NY Post’s Miranda Devine on the Twitter Files & FBI Suppression of the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal
Glenn Greenwald
Today those doctors could be subject to a raid on their premises and a c. $15000 fine for each instance in which they contradicted the public health advice (at the time) that the vaccines were safe for those with serious underlying condityions. At the very least, they would be called upon to explain themselves to the authorities.
In which case it is a treatment, or pre-treatment, not a vaccine. This also was known and that’s why all the lies in order to knobble the existing, cheap and effective competitor treatments. In other words, grounds for class action suits down the road.
One of many useful idiots in the entertainment business.
This fucked up “vaccine” program was paid for by the taxpayer. In this country to the tune of the same amount that could have kept car manufacturers happily churning out local vehicles for decades.
Whatever you think of subsidising manufacturing, the government just blew through in a little over a year on subsidising this one thing alone what could have… Well, let’s compare.
So, with some quick and dirty maths, one year of jabbing everyone with a dubious concoction = 3 French subs = 3 decades of car manufacturing.
Two wrongs don’t make a right Arky. Perhaps a pro argument not based on vanity including what conditions a local car could flurrish without being parasites and diminishing choice.
December 21, 2022 at 9:27 am
Ordinary Americans Are Going To Have To Save The Country Themselves, One Town At A Time
Same here. Start by taking back local government, then work upwards, emphasising state rights all the way until the federal government is back in safe hands (which excludes the Slime, Teals, almost all of the Liars and most of the Lieborals).
QLD made it illegal to prescribe ivermectin for covid. What does that tell you about the QLD gov? it is CORRUPT!
Of course, the big difference between jabs, subs and cars is that no one was coercing you to sail in a froggy sub or drive a Falcon.
Look at the relative magnitudes of the costs, and the level of coercion involved. The jab is by far the biggest evil.
Macron tried it on.
Possibly Morrison’s greatest achievement (I know…I know) was telling him where to get off.
Sure but it would happened with or without a car industry. Next to zero push back from unions against lock downs.
There are none, of your definition of parasite is subsidised. All car industries around the entire globe are subsidised by government. Countries want those manufacturing bases. They are a geopolitical asset.
Ita’s superannuated Socialists aren’t much better than the J School kiddies. And a lot more expensive.
Lithium-ion battery fires on the rise as Consumer Protection WA issues ‘critical’ warning
The batteries have sparked between 50 to 60 structure fires in WA this year, and that figure is rising.
“There are many, many more that we haven’t been able to prove are lithium-ion related but we suspect that they are,” Mr Jones said.
When the battery faults or overheats, it can shoot debris 5-10 metres away
“It’s extremely difficult to put them out with water,” Mr Jones said.
“Some of the gases given off are really quite toxic and explosive as well.
“People don’t really understand the risk until they’ve been exposed to it firsthand unfortunately.
“It doesn’t make sense that a battery can cause a fire that would affect your whole house.”
Consumer Protection WA is trying to change that gap in knowledge, by issuing a “critical” warning to the public.
“Make sure you get the manufacturer’s charger that comes with that device,” Commissioner Gary Newcombe said.
“Do not leave devices charging overnight, particularly in the house or the garage.”
Mr Newcombe said the batteries should be charged outside, away from flammable items and not in direct sunlight as they can overheat.
“Lithium-ion batteries don’t need to be on charge in order to fail, they can fail at any time without notice,” he said.
Mr Rattenbury said the relationship between the DPP and police was evidently “fractured”.
While it would be far easier and more practical to replace the DPP rather than the police, what are the odds the ACT Town Council tries to resuscitate the old separate ACT Police?
I sit corrected. That’s a terrible song from Kelly. Might have to revise my opinion.
Parents, do not name your son Paul if his surname is Kelly.
Just name his first name as Ned.
Subsidies didn’t disappear with local car manufacturing. In fact, it got worse and stupider:
Can’t fault Pedro. The idea that Ukraine is any Western countries first priority is as absurd as it is cynical.
OK we can’t compete in an international market that is heavily subsidised. That leaves local production reliant on coercion.
Don’t know if you saw it, Dover, but I sent an email to the proton-thingy account. Just not sure if that was the right place.