The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
Yay, first!
Turd place.
Oh and Furst, not 1st.
The 5th Element.
-A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said “Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face”. “Yes” the class said. “Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn’t run into my feet?” A little fellow shouted “Cause your feet ain’t empty”
Seventh, heaven
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
Peter Schrank.
Brian Adcock.
A.F. Branco.
Michael Ramirez.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Al Goodwyn.
Steve Kelley.
Gary Varvel.
Henry Payne.
Lisa Benson.
A Warby essay at Helen Dale’s substack.
I thought it was a good description of the tactics of warriors for the cause of right think.
Reminded me particularly of the crap pulled on me by a climate emergency do as I say the other day.
Social justice as social leverage
Is social justice advancing our evolution or gaming it?
It’s a transman’s world.
guardian journo resigns over censorship on trans issues.
Doing my morning roundup of blogs, happened to get on the other cat blog, where the owner again asking for reassurance, for keeping the blog alive.
The answer from the few rusted-ons is of course a resounding yes, extolling the splendid camaraderie and tolerance on the blog.
Bar of course the ‘dick..ds’ and trolls. Defining who is a dick..d is very subjective, I clearly remember the oh so holy kaysee driving away or getting people banned.
Nasty remarks will do that for most people.
Letting a known antisemite take over for weeks without a murmur from the admin, as he states now “Admin has pretty much been unnecessary and not required.”
That made Cassie and a lot of others leave.
There is a very good reason this blog and others like this are flourishing while others wither, the atmosphere is just not there, one or two people take over and lord over it.
Having spent nearly a year bedridden, just now getting mobile, I had plenty of time to lurk around blogs
and observe how they operate.
You need diversity, first and foremost. By diversity I don’t mean trolls who add little more than traffic to the blog.
Here we have plenty of that, sometimes it leads to robust debate, so much the better.
Helen Dale?
I thought she was much older, a young 50, good for her.
Dinesh D’Souza
On January 6, 2021 Ray Epps texted his nephew to say, “I WAS IN THE FRONT WITH A FEW OTHERS. I ALSO ORCHESTRATED IT.” See the relevant section and also link to full transcript below
Brick Suit
RayEpps, in his J6 commitee testimony, claimed that he was only trying to protect the police when, on the night of J5, he publicly advocated for people to go into the Capitol.
Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine Crimes in Florida as Australian Senator demands Investigation into Corruption & Bribes paid to Health Authorities by Pfizer
The vaccine itself is our best convincer in shifting people from believing the narrative to seeing the truth
Confidential Pfizer and Government Documents confirm ADE, VAED, and AIDS due to COVID-19 Vaccination have led to Millions “Dying Suddenly” & still counting
Warby essay is good. Thank you
The word “stigmatise” jumped out
The FBI, at least, has never been anything else.
What we know now: The CIA and FBI have been corrupt for seventy years
-“An abstract noun” the teacher said “is something you can think of, but you can’t touch it. Can you give me two examples?” “Sure” teenage Pauly replied. “Your tits”.
Gingrich: ‘This Is the Most Corrupt and Dangerous Executive Branch in American History
If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.
– C. S. Lewis
Wipeout! Global Bonds And Stocks Suffer $18 Trillion Wipeout In 2022 (MSCI All Country World Index Down >20% In 2022)
The Borg wins again.
JUST IN: Bolsonaro Rules Out Military Intervention in Brazil, “I Have No Support from Other Institutions to Act Against Lula!”
Catturd™ says if they can’t explain Ray Epps, ‘they were in on it’
The bad news: 2023 is already shaping up to be a very, very bad year
I care not for blog wars each has it has it foibles. Worst of all is the self appointed inner circle nannys carrying on like cultists. If blogging become more then just an opportunity to share and test opinions you need to step back and prioritise those around you not the internet.
WEFer Germans Suggest Washing 1X a Week or Less
And…here we go again.
A couple of things. Firstly, would anyone trust China on the “test before travel” requirement? I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could kick them. Secondly, what’s to stop passengers going through a pit stop en route on separate tickets?
The whole thing stinks of yet another attempt to cripple the West, or what remains of it. And we are stupid enough to play along.
Bespoke, funny you mention that. Yesterday morning I treated myself to a re-reading of C.S. Lewis’ The Inner Ring.
First time I read it I was at school and instantly realised that I was caught up in it…the desire to be “in the know” and “one of us”, “we very few”. Something to think about.
At the end of his warnings is this:
I wonder if he was remembering his good times with Tolkien et al at the Bird and Baby, discussing Myth and Legend? 😀
bespoke says:
December 31, 2022 at 8:04 am
Hear what you say, I had plenty of support from family, I wouldn’t be here otherwise, but they all have their own lives to live and can’t be there for you 24/7 to entertain as well as give support.
I have no complaints about the internet or FB or other stuff, use them.
Don’t let them use you!
Dr. Simon Goddek
The last three years have been riddled with illogical rules and policies. It is a mystery to me how some people can actually still buy this narrative. So here are my top arguments against a dangerous pandemic.
Where is everyone? Getting in some zzzzzzz-es before a late night?
Kulvinder Kaur MD
Stanford Prof Ioannidis et al Covid pre-vaccination Infection Fatality Rate paper is now peer-reviewed & published. Conclusions all same.
Catastrophic societal harms imposed d/t irrational fear & mass hysteria of a virus with IFR lower than influenza.
I suspect the same of the IRS.
Breaking: Corrupt Pelosi and House Drop Trump’s Tax Returns Resulting in One Big Nothing-Burger (30 Dec)
The eagerness of Pelosi and Biden to release Trump’s tax returns seems odd and dangerous on the surface. Dangerous because Pelosi’s tax returns would make very interesting reading I should think. Ditto those of many other Dems.
Which makes me believe they don’t fear their own financial records ever getting out, probably because they’re confident the IRS won’t release them, and that even with court orders the DoJ will not enforce it.
Then of course are all the other alphabet agencies. The EPA is totally corrupt, we know from sue and settle. And DHS, DEA, CDC and even the Dept. of Agriculture.
SloJo funds the SMO.
New World Odor™
“Close to zero benefit now in the Covid vaccines in preventing death…serious adverse events rates are at least 1 in 800.”
“We approved a vaccine that likely should have never been approved in the 1st place.”
@DrAseemMalhotra on the Dr Drew show
I’m here, calli.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
And, keep your peckers up, folks. Resist the temptation to wallow in eternal gloom. Count your blessings, enjoy nature’s beauty and bounty.
Refusing to let the baddies make you miserable is the best revenge. 🙂
Quite so. At present I’m watching the son in law programming a toy drone with Mr Seven.
They have been warned…one mistake and it’s in the lake. And I’m not going to risk an eel bite fishing it out. They can enjoy nature’s beauty, bounty and bites themselves.
Beating J R to it
Remember to poop tonight.
You don’t want to carry the the same shyte into the next year.
Calli, just read that essay by C S Lewis you linked to. It’s very good, wish I had read it when I was a young man.
I’m reading along, Calli. Not commenting much because I’ve not much to add to the ongoing debates and I’m trying to keep my head above the various nonsense narratives proliferating like rabbits.
I’m busy doing what I love – making something I could buy at K-mart for less than $5, that takes days of work and involves me re-learning the weaver’s knot. With added patience practice. Whilst I scroll and watch, my hands are too occupied to type a response. And someone else has generally said it first.
Here’s to the New Year coming and whatever difficult challenges it brings along side the gifts of friendship and love.
EV skid row! How LA’s ‘Electric Avenue’ has become overrun with homeless – and drivers are too intimidated to charge their $60,000 cars at sidewalk stations (30 Dec)
It’ll be fun when the logical thing happens and the vagrants steal the copper out of the chargers. Meanwhile the Toyota CEO has dropped a truth bomb:
Toyota CEO: ‘Silent Majority’ Of Automakers Skeptical of Making Electric Vehicles a ‘Single Option’ (30 Dec)
In other words they’re scared. Tesla’s anathematization will be contributing to that.
I’m here too though laying low for fear of incurring bad juju for next year. I so want the world to get back to normal and the powers that be to remember that they are now the adults running the show and not rebellious teenagers who want to get even with the grownups.
This is the full interview with Dr. Malhotra excerpted in the New World Odor tweet above. Very, very worthwhile.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra Promoted mRNA Vaccine, Now Warns of Heart Risks w/ Dr Kelly Victory – Ask Dr Drew
Just think what an evil world it has become when truth is so dangerous and revolutionary.
Preach it Sistah! Now I have the guilts…a neatly sorted pile of French cotton prints on the work table ready to be cut into tiny pieces and re-assembled in exciting and hopefully tasteful patterns. Marquetry for ladies.
Haven’t done a “weaver’s knot” since my spinning days. Perhaps it’s a skill that needs to be re-learned given our low energy, brown out future.
I’ll be sticking to my old 1HZ land cruiser for now.
Once I see all electric police (highway patrol 😛 ), fire, ambulance and military vehicles (including helicopters and combat jets)
Then I may consider the purchase of an electric vehicle. 🙂
Patchwork guilt?
In 2023
Never once will I click on an indolent link because it is known they usually stink
About to do so! I normally go out for a walk down by the lake shore earlier, but delayed this morning. Partly that’s because the running club takes over the shared path from 8am of a Saturday morning, which is ok. They’re mostly finished around 9am though.
Unfortunately some are less patient than I am though. Yesterday I encountered the pied butcherbirds down near the shore early. But today they got sick of waiting and all turned up at my front door at 8:30am saying “Oi, we’re hungry, where were you?”
Toyoda never said that. It’s fake. What he actually said:
“People involved in the auto industry, largely a silent majority they are”. 😀
From Indolent’s link above
How the Virus Works in Restaurants
The Chinese once again making covid their main export. Demonstating their care and concern for others, as they have done so many times since early 2020.
Remember the Toilet Paper!
I have a vewy old car. Someone tell Toyota et al that I prefer 1990s vehicles to their current offerings.
In Black And White is a column in the Hun who also do podcasts. The column touches on something in history in Victoriastan mainly, podcast has a guest speaker to flesh it out. This from yesterday:
Angus Murray was hanged for a murder he didn’t commit.
Tens of thousands of Victorians protested after he was sentenced to death for murdering a bank manager in a bungled robbery, even though authorities knew full well another crook fired the fatal shot.
But Murray’s fate was sealed and he became the last man hanged at Melbourne Gaol in 1924.
His story is told in a new episode of the free weekly In Black and White podcast on Australia’s forgotten characters.
By the time he died at age 42, Murray, an associate of crime kingpin Squizzy Taylor, had accumulated prison sentences totalling 32 years.
Historian Deb Robinson, general manager of Geelong Gaol Museum, says Murray, born Henry Donnelly, was only 11 when he first faced court – for having an unregistered dog.
In 1923, he pulled off an astonishing escape from Geelong Gaol, where he was serving time for robbing a bank in Melbourne.
“One of the unusual things with the jail was we had a choir, and Murray was actually the head of the choir,” Ms Robinson says. “He had the most beautiful singing voice.”
The choir sang in broadcasts by Geelong radio station 3GL, forerunner to BayFM.
Murray was also entrusted with the job of clerk, and looked after prisoners’ personal belongings.
That allowed him to smuggle cutting and digging implements into his cell, and he hid them in a hole in the wall.
“They’d cover it up with a mix of bread and water and stuff to make this paste to put over the hole, which would seal,” Ms Robinson says.
To escape, he removed large bluestone blocks from his cell wall over a couple of weeks and scaled a high wall with the help of a blanket torn into strips.
According to one urban legend, Squizzy Taylor then picked up his mate in his car, but Ms Robinson believes that’s unlikely to be true.
While still on the run, Murray and a criminal named Richard Buckley robbed Melbourne bank manager Thomas Berriman.
Buckley fired the shot from which Berriman later died, after identifying Murray as one of his assailants.
Tens of thousands of people protested the death sentence in petitions and public meetings, and 10,000 people marched through Melbourne’s streets the day before the execution.
But it was to no avail.
“I believe probably because they couldn’t get their hands on Buckley, and it was such a high-profile case, that someone had to pay for it,” Ms Robinson says.
Buckley was finally caught seven years later, but escaped execution.
Like my spiritual advisor, Anthony Soprano says, you’ve got to be the happy wanderer, the strong silent type like Gary Cooper.
There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’
– C. S. Lewis
December 13 sorry that column.
Didn’t affect me. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had to the time to scratch* my arse.
* or wipe
A man lays sprawled across three entire seats at a theatre.
Before the show has even starts, an usher walks by and notices the man. “Sir, you’re only allowed one seat, can you please sit up?” The man groans but remains sprawled.
The Usher becomes impatient with the man “Sir! If you don’t get up, I will need to get my manager involved” Again the man just groans, which infuriates the Usher. So he marches off to get the manager.
In a few moments he returns with the manager and they both repeatedly attempt to move him, but with no success. At this point the manager calls the police. Moments later, a police officer arrives and after making a reassuring gesture to the manager, he approaches the man.
“Alright buddy, what’s your name?” “Sam” the man moans.
“And where ya from Sam?” With another groan, Sam replies “The balcony”.
The balcony joke is older than I am.
I’m flat out preparing for a gourmet sit down luncheon tomorrow for 10. I have been hosting it now for over 20 years. A lot of work, but everyone enjoys it so much they say the year wouldn’t start without it. Good food, good wine and good friendship. Now back to the kitchen. Happy New Year to all cats.
Corruption & Bribes paid to Health Authorities by Pfizer
Anyone else heard the Pfizer radio featuring Ita Buttrose spruiking Pfizer’s anti-virals?
Was she paid? How much?
Is it appropriate for the national broadcaster’s supremo to be moonlighting as a Big Pharma shill?
Or put it this way: Can you imagine the editor of The Australian doing advocacy work for a drug company whose products are at the centre of public debate?
Didn’t think so.
I haz it!
Have three unfinished quilts that date back to a time in my life I actually thought I would enjoy a craft requiring accuracy and precision. 2023 is the year I will donate them to someone who can finish them.
I’m needing the weavers knot because I failed to cut sufficient thread to complete the task in hand. See? I’m a near enough is good enough kind of crafter.
Reductio or slippery slope, it no longer matters.
alwaysright says:
December 31, 2022 at 9:13 am
Most of his jokes are, but never mind, some still makes you chuckle.
Commentators offering a critique in Liverpool’s match against Leicester this morning.
December 31, 2022 at 9:13 am
The balcony joke is older than I am.
Well, here’s anuver’ one then…………………………
Boyce is a 78-year-old man and is having a drink in a bar. Suddenly a gorgeous girl enters and sits down a few seats away. The girl is so attractive that he just can’t take his eyes off her.
After a short while, the girl notices him staring, and approaches him.
Before Boyce has time to apologise, the girl looks him deep in the eyes and says to him in a sultry tone: “I’ll do anything you’d like. Anything you can imagine in your wildest dreams, it doesn’t matter how extreme or unusual it is, I’m game. I want $100, and there’s another condition”.
Completely stunned by the sudden turn of events, Boyce asks her what her condition is. “You have to tell me what you want me to do in just three words”.
Boyce takes a moment to consider the offer from the beautiful woman. He whips out his wallet and puts $100 dollars in her hand. He then looks her square in the eyes and says slowly and clearly… “Paint my house”.
Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success.
– C. S. Lewis
it’s time to fully decouple at whatever the cost!!!!!
’81 Valiant Station Wagon.
A crossword a day keeps the doctor away or at least starts the day well when you get it all right.
The Burmese Beastie Boy Junta is as afraid of Su Kyi as the Demonrats are of Trump.
Looks like they found the filth that murdered the college students in Idaho. Good.
Plasmamortar hows the Valiant? Guarantee it doesn’t handle as well as you want. It has to be done manually to get it right. Takes ages to get it done properly. The tyre places can’t do it on alignment machines.
Universal Health Care Ends With The Government Telling You To Kill Yourself
El Camino Hospital’s Emergency Department Head Laura Cook died suddenly in her sleep
Refusing to let the baddies make you miserable is the best revenge. ?
Words to live by. After the upheaval I have been put through the last three years, I am settling into my new life and starting to enjoy myself and plan for my new future.
Paraphrasing your words Johanna;
“The best revenge is to live well”.
Happy New Year to you all, love each other and be kind to your old parents, young children and your pets.
Good for you, sweetie. Best you toddle off back to the ABC, where the fictions are more your go — comfortably upper-middle class.
Indolent is so good with those posts on this Blog. Please keep it up for the New Year. Ta very much.
? Police Scotland has used the term “minor-attracted people” to describe paedophiles in a major report despite warnings it normalises child abuse
having watched a couple of Netflix docos on how Scots plod fabricate evidence to obtain convictions in high profile cases I’d say what they call things matters little .. end result will be the same ..
The best line:
He’s on a hat trick!
It would appear that the international jetsetters who vote Melbourne one of the world’s most liveable cities each year have never had to contend with Myki.
They must know it just cannot be done!
I could post many more of these reports and studies, as more and more information points to the abject failure of spike protein poison, but it is clear to me that the members of the mRNA church are entrenched and I will not change them.
Given the risk for COVID-19 increases with the number of vaccine doses previously received, the whole premise of the current COVID-19 vaccination scheme must be reconsidered. If looked at as a tool used for surges during the pandemic to mitigate risk of serious infection, they can be considered successful less a true independent analysis of actual risks to various age cohorts. But declaring these products as a universal success given the tremendous social upheaval associated with the program (mandates, etc.) represents more of a political agenda than a scientific one.
The Chinese once again making covid their main export.
You can export anything you like when the receiving countries welcome it with open borders .. FFS!
Katie Hopkins
Climate Lockdowns
End of our Freedom
alwaysright, ’81 Valiant Station Wagon.
Purple, with a wobble-head dog on the dashboard, last seen heading towards a St Albans’ enclave of woggery.
DECEMBER 29, 2022
FBI Cointelpro is Back and Worse Than Ever
Thus far, most of the American media has ignored or downplayed the story, known as the Twitter Files. Since many of the individuals who the FBI got squelched were pro-Trump, the violation of their rights is a non-issue – or a cause for quiet celebration. At this point, it is difficult to know whether the scant reaction to the Twitter Files is the result of political bias, collective amnesia, or simply a total ignorance of American history.
The history of the FBI provides perhaps the best guide to the abuses that may be now occurring. From 1956 to 1971, the FBI carried out “a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order,”
a 1976 Senate report noted. The FBI’s Operation COINTELPRO involved thousands of covert operations to incite street warfare between violent groups, to get people fired, to portray innocent people as government informants, to destroy activists’ marriages, and to cripple or destroy left-wing, black, communist, white racist, and anti-war organizations. The FBI let no corner of American life escape its vigilance; it even worked to expose and discredit “communists who are secretly operating in legitimate organizations and employments, such as the Young Men’s Christian Association and Boy Scouts.”
While many people are aware of how the FBI hounded Martin Luther King, Jr., and pressured him to commit suicide, that was not even the tip of the iceberg of the FBI’s racial persecution.
Regarding Buttrose definitely inappropriate to be extolling Pfizer product Paxlovid. Paxlovid about $1,000 per client. Plus the Government doing a huge amount of free publicity for the drug.
Same drug that Biden took and then got a rebound case of Covid a few days after testing negative.
Dr Robert Booy in the same ad is part of the Immunization Coalition that is sponsored by big pharma. IC also running its own ads on 2GB and then you have the actual Government ads.
The frequency of the ads is sometimes quite high so forming quite a big part of 2GB revenue.
I guess all that spruiking the vaccines and cutting off callers by Hadley and others has paid off. Surely if he and others pushing the vax on air now they should be pointing out Pfizer a sponsor.
I find the Immunization Coalition ad to be misleading in the extreme. It says get up to date with your Vax but they are talking about a Vax created 2 years ago and multiple variants ago.
Let’s not forget the other anti viral was found, after billions spent, to have no effect.
Then you have AZ and apparently Moderna Vax being pulled from the market.
My faith in TGA/ATAGI completely shot as their success rate is abysmal. Oh wait I forgot they approved Remdesivir a failed Ebola drug. Families in USA are now suing hospitals in USA for administering it to family members who died.
However not to worry as we have had no Pfizer deaths. That only happens in UK and NZ. Weird huh ?! We must have got the good stuff.
it’s time to fully decouple at whatever the cost!!!!!
This could be Luigi trying to get the universities onside! .. after all, they stand to be the big winners, money-wise, letting “no proof’students back into Oz …..
wouldnt surprise me if they sent out a new engineered variant. omicron was almost certainly re-engineered.
DECEMBER 30, 2022
JAMES BOVARD: FBI Cointelpro is Back and Worse Than Ever.
I think the media folks are ignoring the story because they’re complicit.
Meanwhile, note what appears at the top if you search it on Google:
Compare Bing:
And DuckDuckGo:
China lies completely flat: OPEN UP travel, Tesla suspends production at Shanghai plant and more
Overseas Chinese said that in recent days they have been sending sensitive content on social media sites in mainland China. Those posts were approved as if online police had disappeared.
A Beijing-based dissident interviewed by Radio Free Asia said that the domestic security guards in his hometown told him that the entire public security building in his hometown had its one to two hundred employees become positive. Only a few were left on duty.
Bourne: If she’s being paid, that should be the end of her. Key word: should, because, after all, this is Australia
In one study, over 700 male and female social drinkers were divided into groups of three strangers and instructed to drink for 36 minutes.
The participants thought the drinks were a prelude to the experiment, but researchers were observing what they did at the table. Initially, the strangers did not smile much. But as they consumed their vodka cranberry drinks, their expressions changed. They not only smiled more, but also caught each other’s smiles, and spoke more in succession. And they shared more of what researchers called ‘golden moments’ when all three strangers smiled as one.
As Edward Slingerland notes in his magisterial book, Drunk: How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization,
alcohol and the social bonding it creates may be the reason for civilization.
search “JAMES BOVARD: FBI Cointelpro is Back and Worse Than Ever.”:
google is evil
Germany considers banning Telegram app, accused of facilitating hate speech
alcohol and the social bonding it creates may be the reason for civilization.
And then we brought in 0.05 and RBT.
Breaking news: a bunch of academics in the university bubble have accidently discovered how the world works.
I also like Indolents links. I don’t click on all of them but many have been good.
I get information from multiple sources and the amount of information out there about issues with the Vax is incredible.
No problem if somebody like Rosie wants to keep taking them but any form of mandate or requirements for children I am totally against.
I hope those in the TGA /ATAGI approving them are now having problems sleeping due to all the issues being raised.
Unfortunately as Dr Phillip Altman mentioned in a recent interview they are now building a Moderna plant in Melbourne. Funded by VIC and Federal Government’s.
Areff, my relatives there are Ford people though uncle had to buy a Mercedes recently since no new Fords were manufactured in Aus. He said if he was buying imports might as well get something different.
When the “West Australian” publishes articles like this about a Labor politician……….
Perhaps not paid but something indirect like a visit to Pfizer HQ.
Either way not a good look.
SpaceX launches Israeli reconnaissance satellite, lands rocket in final flight of 2022
The launch and landing marked SpaceX’s 61st flight in 2022.
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 launched retrograde to (against) the Earth’s rotation and to deploy EROS-C3 in low Earth orbit. The first stage then executed three burns (a boost back maneuver, entry burn and landing burn) to touch down on land at SpaceX’s Landing Zone 4 at Vandenberg.
This was the 11th flight for the Falcon 9 rocket’s first stage. It previously flew two astronaut flights for NASA, two Starlink internet satellite missions and six assorted uncrewed commercial and NASA missions.
Its successful landing marked the 160th landing of a SpaceX’s orbital rocket, including both Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy boosters.
The EROS C-3 launch also marked SpaceX’s second launch in as many days. On Wednesday (Dec. 28), the company launched its first Gen2 Starlink internet satellites from Cape Canaveral Space Force Base in Florida, delivering 54 of the next-generation Starlinks into orbit.
Ita is such a flattery hound all they would need to do is butter her up a bit and she is theirs.
““minor-attracted people””
The goal has always been the sexualisation of children and sexual access to children. It is a core tenet of queer theory.
Any parent who takes a child to drag queen story hour is pimping that child.
It’s good to be Joe Biden: Vacation edition
Holy schamoly, have we ever had a president as disengaged as this…well, “guy” is the kindest thing I can call Joe Biden.
It is a point of fact that Regular Joe has spent dang near 40% of his time since assuming the presidency on vacation. As in out of the White House, gone vacation. His favorite spot to skulk out to for weekends – which unlike yours or mine often start on a Thursday – is to head back to his home state of Delaware and the little family cottage by the shore. Naturally, you wouldn’t expect him to spend time trapped in traffic on the Beltway. So he flies.
As of mid-November, that time and money to get him to his hide-away was adding up.
President Biden’s regular trips to his home state of Delaware have cost taxpayers at least $11 million since the start of his presidency, a Fox News Digital analysis has found.
Biden has made 57 trips to Delaware, spanning all or part of 185 days, according to data from former CBS correspondent Mark Knoller.
The trips require taxpayer dollars to fund costs associated with the use of either Air Force One or Marine One, as well as security costs for the Secret Service. The president spends time in Delaware at his homes in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach.
Most of the trips involved direct travel between the White House and Delaware. Biden has made 101 flights between the White House or Joint Base Andrews and Delaware — 71 flights using Marine One and 30 using Air Force One, according to Knoller.
Well…wow. Sort of a gobsmacker when you see the numbers hard in front of you. And remember, presidents have lovely places closer to home to relax in, so it seems like Biden could think frugally on occasion, and at leas…oh, look. He’s used those a couple of times, too.
Whatever “running the country” may be doing, overworking him is not one of the problems it’s causing.
Let’s fast forward to this past week, shall we? Nothing much happening in the country to furrow his brow over besides Christmas, Congress squabbling over the ONEPOINTSEVENTRILLIONDOLLAR Omnibus bill, death, and destruction through the upper Midwest and North East…
What’s a president to do?
Relax in St, Croix, baby. Where it’s warm, the crib is free, and they’ve “missed him.”
How could anyone begrudge the president a break…after break after break after break?
“When Anthony Albanese first said he intended to govern like Bob Hawke, it was worth a laugh.”
I did laugh, Albanese loathed Hawke’s policies.
energy-efficient, long-distance running to run down prey to exhaustion
I’m a bit concerned that Warby couldn’t see that this “Born To Run” theory is errant nonsense.
The best line:
He’s on a hat trick!
Yes, but for the wrong team……………….lol
With Venetians on the rear windows?
The reason Elbow keeps lying he’s just like Hawkie is that he thinks we’re as dumb as he is.
All leftards enter politics because they think the proletariat is too stupid to make its own decisions.
That’s where the arrogance comes from.
Interesting development regarding retirement in Turkey.
Previous retirement age was 58 for females and 60 for males.
The new rules let you retire at any age provided you started working from 1999 Sep and paying social security tax for 20-25 years.
Currently there are about 14 Mil pensioners, and this will add an other 2.25 to the register.
I have a weird feeling, that this will backfire greatly, the Turkish economy is fairing poorly to say the least, inflation is rampant.
Everywhere else the age of retirement is going up, what do the Turks know that we don’t?
Biden drools in absentia, while the Deep State crafts Executive Orders to reverse Trump’s, and Congress’, actions that they disagree with.
All he has to do is sign on the dotted line. That doesn’t take long.
The President is a puppet.
Of all places, how did Buffalo, NY not know what WINTER STORM meant?
For a city that averages 95 inches of snow a year, and is always the source for spectacular lake-effect blizzard pictures, how on EARTH did it comes to pass that they lost – at last count – 37 people to this storm?
I mean, for crying out loud, we all knew what was coming – they’d talked about it for days. Even here in NW Florida, we’d wrapped pipes and plants because we knew temperatures on the trailing edge of this were going to be in the teens. And so they were.
Was everyone asleep at the wheel in the one place you could count on getting clobbered the hardest?
How about that new governor of theirs, for starters? You sure her last name isn’t Blanco because her response was about as incompetent.
Gov. Kathy Hochul’s fatal slow-to-act error in Buffalo winter storm
…With at least 37 people dead in Christmas weekend’s Buffalo snowstorm, New Yorkers are grimly learning of a big difference between former Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Gov. Hochul: a failure to issue a firm travel ban before the storm hit cost lives.
…Yet inexplicably, in this storm, despite days of forecasters’ warnings, Hochul failed to issue a broad regional travel ban ahead of the blizzard.
They knew this was coming. Every last one of these county and city officials and “emergency managers” should face citizens for answers.
I’ll test your theory.
Next time I see her I will say: “Noyse t–s!”
Just watching the film ‘Lean On Me’ on SBS World Movies. Morgan Freeman at his BEST. Education is a WINNER.
ehem … “bull-dust” is their main export
huge market for it world-wide
nanna’s love that stuff … nom, nom
Aha. I will leave my reply to Matrix to rest in peace at the end of the Auld Thread, where his whinging about me should be left to die.
Dover seems to have found a pic of my ex-husband to put up as a heads-up to the New Year.
Not that there is anything wrong with that. This world needs its Dreamers.
Just don’t marry them. 🙂
Interesting…ABC RN AM was the other day pushing for it to be on the PBS.
Does Ita have editorial sway at the ABC?
As I also said on the Auld Thread:
And now to travel. We leave on Tuesday for Singapore then the UK. After that Copenhagen, Finnish Lappland, Scotland, and back home via Korea. I want to catch up with Hairy but I never will now, because we always travel together these days. On Sinc’s Cities Index of Travels which he did last nite (sneaking in here on the Cat, he was, checking up on me spending too much time here with ‘that look on your face’, lol) he comes out with a solid 78 to my 69. And he’s moaning that he’s done many more that aren’t included, as they’re in more out-of-the-way places – lol – like Asia, South America, the Middle East and Africa. Me too, I smile, me too.
The Western World Today
Nearly 50% of participants in ‘Monkeypox in women’ study were biological men
Around 90% of the cases reported sex with men, and 27% were living with HIV, with 50% of the males who identify as women also being HIV+ compared to just 8% of the biological women.
A study on monkeypox in women was published in The Lancet recently in which almost half of the cohort being studied were males who identify as women.
In the study published in the world-class medical journal on November 17, researchers analyzed data for a total of 136 individuals with the monkeypox virus infection across 15 countries. There were 62 “trans women,” 69 “cis” women, and 5 non-binary individuals who were grouped with the “cis” women to form a category of “people assigned female at birth.”
The study notes that since May 2022, global outbreaks of human monkeypox infection have been reported in over 78,000 people, predominantly in men who have sex with men. The proportion of women has been very low, and very few studies have distinguished between cis and trans women.
Kim Beazley Sr. saw them coming 50 years ago:
“Dregs of the middle class” and “perverts”.
Roger, it’s called “groupthink”.
Bloody hell. Just took less than two minutes to put the already sodden backyard three inches under water. Again. I’ve forgotten what the Sun looks like.
510 mm in a fortnight. The full, turgid, rampant monsoon.
December 31, 2022 at 9:57 am
Bourne: If she’s being paid, that should be the end of her. Key word: should, because, after all, this is Australia
Remember when “Cash for comment” was anathema to the fascist left?
Coming from the only person here who’s admitted to donating to the ‘daily expose’ I’ll take that as a compliment.
Not that I watch or listen to the ABC nor am I am a member of the comfortable upper-middle class, just shows you really don’t know anything about me, ‘sweetie’.
I just don’t need to read any more OOT doom mongering or straight up nonsense.
Incidentally at best I’d be lower middle class, though a couple of relatives are quite well off, it doesn’t seem to rub off.
I can travel because I still work in my own small business and save my money.
Revolutionary right?
Coming from the only person here who’s admitted to donating to the ‘daily expose’ I’ll take that as a compliment.
Not that I watch or listen to the ABC nor am I am a member of the comfortable upper-middle class, just shows you really don’t know anything about me, ‘sweetie’.
I just don’t need to read any more OOT doom mongering or straight up nonsense.
Incidentally at best I’d be lower middle class, though a couple of relatives are quite well off, it doesn’t seem to rub off.
I can travel because I still work in my own small business and save my money.
Revolutionary right?
Drunk and chasing every bit of skirt that caught his eye ?
its pretty clear the woke neo-marxists were not assigned a brain at birth
If it’s worth saying, it’s worth saying twice.
Now the chinese are in the grip of their own bat flu and the rest of the world is coming round to living with it and economies are picking up a little doesn’t suit the chinese at all. Hence the exporting of their own variation. I remember video of actors falling down in the street and supposed tent hospitals full of young people when it didn’t affect young people. Crematorium smoke stacks fuming 24/7. The the release of figures saying it was only 1.5% of infections that died. The only truth that comes out of china is they lie all the time. We know how often our own government lie and moreso by omission which is harder to detect. The best part about this fiasco is the decoupling of reliance on china for cheap goods. Though Luigi and fellow paperbag recipients will want it to continue.
Jikky the mouse @TheJikky
Why is @ItaButtrose – head of the @ABCaustralia
advertising pharma products on behalf of #Pfizer on
Is she a doctor?
Is she receiving payments from #Pfizer?
Is the @abcnews receiving payments from #Pfizer?
Dec 23, 2022
OldOzzie, thanks for that fascinating reference to DRUNK. I am ordering it on Kindle.
The Cat does turn up its treasures. You can always find something interesting.
Martin Luther King was
1. a pervert
2. a publicity hound
3. a plagiarist
and much more besides, none of it good.
Here’s blacks looting a supermarket yesterday in snowbound Buffalo, NY.
On the contrary, I will be donating two cups of coffee at every link.
thank god for that,
and here I was thinking that you’d simply have to try and get the last word
and then make the claim that I’m attacking you out of spite rather than just pointing out how empty your posturing is
so glad you had the grace not to say anything here
Neck and neck with Mr Xi. The Chinese launched 64 for the year, which is a record by a fair bit. But they lost two, so that makes it a 62:61 nailbiter.
What is interesting is China clearly are going big on space. Why they are doing so is a bit of a mystery. Maybe they want to colonize the Red Planet before Elon does.
There it is in plain sight in numerouos ‘studies’. Witness the death of science.
I love you too Matrix. 🙂
Happy New Year and many more of them.
December 31, 2022 at 10:39 am
Good for you, sweetie. Best you toddle off back to the ABC, where the fictions are more your go — comfortably upper-middle class.
Coming from the only person here who’s admitted to donating to the ‘daily expose’ I’ll take that as a compliment.
Not that I watch or listen to the ABC nor am I am a member of the comfortable upper-middle class, just shows you really don’t know anything about me, ‘sweetie’.
I just don’t need to read any more OOT doom mongering or straight up nonsense.
Incidentally at best I’d be lower middle class, though a couple of relatives are quite well off, it doesn’t seem to rub off.
I can travel because I still work in my own small business and save my money.
Revolutionary right?
Errrrrrrrrrrr. Posted twice. Dover, please get your AI working proper………………………Ta.
Wrong take. The significance of their use of ‘minor-attracted people’ is that it signals a change in attitude not just in the police, but in adjacent branches of the justice system, and so on. Moreover, given what has occured re minors and sex ‘reassignment’ surgeries and chemical interventions, how can you believe that sensible people can limit the rot?
How many days to go for the Daily Expose?
‘Those ratfergers are trying to ratferg us!’
Fair go, Rosie.
Apart from St Ruth and Indolent, I doubt anyone else has fallen for the Daily Exposé grift.
Chubby Rain.
Watch out for Mind #uck.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 31, 2022 at 10:44 am
The launch and landing marked SpaceX’s 61st flight in 2022.
Neck and neck with Mr Xi. The Chinese launched 64 for the year, which is a record by a fair bit. But they lost two, so that makes it a 62:61 nailbiter.
What is interesting is China clearly are going big on space. Why they are doing so is a bit of a mystery. Maybe they want to colonize the Red Planet before Elon does.
China is just a developing Country don’t yer’ know. Been around for thousands of years though. I fink’ that the UN, the World Bank and many others have it massively ‘rong.
Trans is about emasculation.
Compare how many gals are getting fake dicks, versus how many men are getting their penes yeeted.
Richard Cranium
Here’s blacks looting a supermarket yesterday in snowbound Buffalo, NY.
That would never happen here, we have a better class of blacks.
Honestly, it handles better than I expected.
I haven’t even had the suspension work done yet.
how deep does the rot go? I bring you scientific american
One of the funniest things to come out of the ABC was their reaction to Abdel-Magied’s ANZAC Day Tweet a few years ago.
Literally overnight she went from the ABC’s “It” girl, popping up all over the place from her own show to The Dumb, to being described on air in news reports on the brouhaha as merely a “part-time presenter”.
Obviously the wdiespread negative reaction to her comments led to a decision from the top to “let her go” and that very quickly was reflected in editorial policy and the subsequent reporting of the controversy.
What I’m getting at is that when it comes to editorial polices, the Ultimo “collective” may be more top down than we realise.
not really a mystery, some of their satelites have arms to grab other satellites. its an arms race
Always are.
Tell you what.
If the Top End gets a cyclone – even a pissweak Cat 1 – moving over it, the absolutely saturated ground (the water table must be about two inches below the surface by now) means every tree in the place will go over.
As long as the Stuart Highway doesn’t get cut again before 3 January, I’m sweet though.
right back atcha
your graces are innumerable
I bet they extend all the way from +ve to -ve infinity
I’ve always greatly admired you, Tom. But not for you saying that to Rosie.
Some of Indolent’s links are interesting and worthwhile; others are to loon sites.
I click because I consider I have enough good sense to sort out things for myself.
Anyway, Rosie has defended herself against this infection of class envy. Good on her.
I like Casper Friedrich’s work also. His “Wanderer” is my favourite, particularly today as we sit perched on the edge of a foggy tomorrow.
Like Nighthawks, it has spawned lots of spoof paintings, some very funny indeed. Here’s one for the grandchildren.
Iran also. Bit of backfiring going on there at the moment too.
Iran Replaces Central Bank Governor amid Currency Crash (29 Dec)
Fortunately for the mullahs and the IRGC they almost certainly keep their money in Swiss banks in Euro or USD accounts.
Indeed. Often ruthlessly so.
Boambee Johnsays:
December 31, 2022 at 10:52 am
Richard Cranium
Here’s blacks looting a supermarket yesterday in snowbound Buffalo, NY.
That would never happen here, we have a better class of blacks.
Yes and they do it in Alice Springs where it is warmer. Cold beer too at the shop. All free from Albasleazy……………………..
For shame, don’t you know that Hawkie gave the grog away when he became Prime Minister?
What is interesting is China clearly are going big on space. Why they are doing so is a bit of a mystery. Maybe they want to colonize the Red Planet before Elon does.
I think the Chinese want an extensive presence in Low Earth Orbit and the best sites around the South Pole of the Moon where they water ice is likely to be found. Along with black tarry stuff which came from the comets that brought the water. Hydrogen AND carbon, maybe some nitrogen compounds as well in the tarry stuff. Wonderful.
Re: the increase in mortality figures around the world, and the virtual absence of any notice of these by the media or most people:
Prof. Norman Fenton, renowned UK mathematician has this to say:
I’m over 99% sure they increased ACM but that doesn’t mean I can necessarily make others believe it to that extent. From a Bayesian perspective if somebody (before seeing the evidence) ‘believes’ the vaxx is safe & effective then no amount of convincing evidence to the contrary will shift their belief.
Anyway, Rosie has defended herself against this infection of class envy. Good on her.
What class envy? Grow up FFS.
We have had a couple of memorable Valiants in my family.
One was the old station wagon my sister had in the 80s. She was home with two toddlers while hubby was on the road with his company car. It was a disreputable looking rustbucket, but it was roomy and practical and started first time every time.
The other was the old man’s ute, also rusty, which he never washed. He always drove it to business meetings because he didn’t want anyone to think that he was rich. (He wasn’t, but YKWIM). His real car was a Mercedes 220SEB, yellow, beautiful thing. Bought second hand, just a lovely car.
For shame, don’t you know they are simply claiming what’s rightfully due to them as “reparations?”
Lovely, Bruce. It is quite easy to get very fond of certain wild birds. I never knew till one built her nest about a metre from our verandah.
This is the book my neighbour is going to lend me. I said I would have a look at it.
With Venetians on the rear windows?
Nah, venetians were a Holden thing. No self-respecting wog hung venetians in their wog chariot.
Purple paint job, sometimes, not bobble head dogs, Rosary and fluffy dice hanging from the mirror. 🙂
What is interesting is China clearly are going big on space. Why they are doing so is a bit of a mystery.
not really a mystery, some of their satelites have arms to grab other satellite
Jim Molan reckons the first “strike” of China in a war with the West will be the destruction of our key satellites. On clear nights at the farm we can see sats making their way across the night sky. When I read that in Jim’s latest book I felt like crying.
Okay, Newbie. You can shut up. You don’t realise how much of this ‘class envy’ bullshit I have copped here over the years. Maybe I was misjudging it, and Tom may have been referring to the Teal types, but in that case he wasn’t being very fair to Rosie.
Don’t start making things up, sweetie. You’re already regarded here as the village idiot.
Interesting point, Eyrie.
I suppose that the question of who owns satellite orbits must be on the agenda, given that there are now thousands of them and more planned.
many US defence and targeting systems depend on satellite data to function. It’s pretty clear what the communists are preparing for
afaik the entire early warning anti-icbm US defence is entirely dependent on satellites. its going to get ugly
Far-left trans activist made up hoax that Romanian authorities located Andrew Tate via pizza box
John Campbell has been doing good honest work through the covid madness. He trusted the ‘experts’ and their knowledge a bit too much at first, but he still did his own research and is now calling for the vaxxes to be scrapped.
My uncle had a Charger. Dirty pumpkin colour. His pride and joy, polished to a mirror finish.
He was the most un-cool, conventional man who ever lived. But he probably had a secret, misspent youth. I like to think so.
Rosie is not regarded like that by me. But then, I am apparently graceless beyond redemption.
What happened to being kinder to each other in the coming turbulent New Year?
That’s a bit tough, Tom! Also untrue.
I hold the record for the most stupid comment on any Cat, evah. I was told so in no uncertain terms. I want no one muscling in on my Podium of Shame.
Because if you want to win a modern war it’s useful to be able to communicate, geolocate and photograph from space.