The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
Heh, I’m in Rocky and seat too.
Just cancelled out your downticker.
Bike gangs in NSW are mostly Lebs
I didn’t know that, sorry to hear it. At one stage , one of his staff was Chris Barrie. I…
How firm is the CCP grip on power? How many in government will be concerned for their Little Emperor’s?
db in 2013: Muslims are monstrous and their sharia law is immoral, we must resist this creeping evil at all costs
db in 2023: hmm actually we need Muslim voters to vote for sharia law as it aligns with our Christian beliefs, All?hu ?akbar I guess
The political alignment of extremist Islam with extremist Christianity was always overdetermined.
However I can’t help but notice how, once again, you deliberately dog whistle and gaslight here with people’s comments. Goebbels would really like you.
m0nty=fa’s comme t was another classic case of m0nty=fa being the only one to hear the “dog whistle”. Which, in this case, makes him the Islamophobe.
Just as he is the only one to hear fascist “dog whistles” (88 million years, for example).
m0nty=fa is everything that he accuses others here of being. He is a fascist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic fool.
Peoples! 🙂
Wow, it was a very complex entanglement, Sanchez. ASIO, the CIA and I presume the Russian and Chinese intel services were all closing in, but was Mi6 involved?
DQSH looks pretty satanic, from the pics I’ve seen.
Since it appears to be aimed at White children only, Muslims ain’t gonna save us.
If it involved no sexual suggestiveness they wouldn’t be in ‘drag’. The names used, make-up, clothes, mannerisms, and so on, are sexually suggestive in subtle and unsubtle ways and they’re very much intended to be because that is the whole point of the practice. Otherwise, they would just be in non-drag attire reading books.
“Wearing ‘drag’ is a fetish, no different from being a leather queen or bondage mistress. No sane person should think that wearing a fetish costume, which you find sexually arousing, is legitimately worn while attending a workplace let alone reading to kids.”
Correct. An autogynephiliac male puts on women’s clothes and makeup in order to become sexually aroused at the thought of himself as a female. These males are dangerous to women and children. They are PERVERTS.
“m0nty=fa is everything that he accuses others here of being. He is a fascist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic fool.”
Oh you forgot one BJ….he’s also a Jew hater.
January 2, 2023 at 5:26 pm
A subset means you are admitting that drag story hour is a drag performance, otherwise, it wouldn’t be a subset of the latter.
Not all drag performances involve sexual suggestiveness. Drag storytime, for instance, is not sexually suggestive. It is just a human reading a book. No gyrating, no dry rooting, no simulated sex acts.
Suuuuuure it is. How many have you attended? Or do you just copy/paste from the talking points, without checking their accuracy?
So later on he can claim you were in favour of firearm violence against others who you didn’t agree with .
This is what JC does continuously – alter your words and then claim you said something quite different.
The only way around it is to save every conversation you have with the pair – as I have done on multiple occasions.
Now driving an Ubuntu.
Hey Sally, if you’re so concerned about the despoliation of today’s youth… how young do you think a girl has to be before she is off limits for your advances?
Drag storytime, for instance, is not sexually suggestive. It is just a human reading a book.
Its not racist, its just a human playing some music
And we see you scuttling from your first bout of idiocy defending Malaysian style racial discrimination to hide behind men in dress’ petticoats.
My position re Muslims is far more nuanced.
vroom vroom … is it coloured green?
As it happens, former child actor turned Christian evangelist Kirk Cameron did just that in the US recently.
He got many knock backs, along the lines of “No, we will pass on having you run a program in our space. We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align” (that’s an actual quote) but finally two libraries accepted, one of which was in Indianapolis, where 2500 parents and kids turned up to hear him read.
It was the largest public event the library had ever hosted (and that includes trannies reading to kids).
A pity they’d booked him in a room that could barely hold 10% of those who showed up.
Seems they misread their audience.
This is so basic even I understand it.
Go pop on a pair of pantyhose, m0nty. Only females know it’s worth the effort.
Scrub Me Mama With A Boogie Beat is simply part of American culture, only extreme wokists think it is offensive at all.
Now we’re merging keeping perverts out of primary school story time, with adult heterosexual intercourse.
You’re off your rocker, you sick bastard.
Accusations of antisemitism should not be used casually it will dilute its meaning.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
January 2, 2023 at 5:45 pm
“m0nty=fa is everything that he accuses others here of being. He is a fascist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic fool.”
Oh you forgot one BJ….he’s also a Jew hater.
Sorry Cassie, how could I forget his overt anti-Semitism?
Wimps …
This is how it’s done, peoples … 🙂
That is your opinion. If the people themselves are to be believed – and of course you would say that they shouldn’t – then you are wrong. They say it is mostly about expression: personal, artistic and/or political.
That expression tends to challenge your beliefs, because you are close-minded. That is not a reason for them to stop. If anything, that is a good reason for them to continue. Making you mad is a positive in their books. They are expressing their liberty.
I would much rather ask parents who take their kids to drag storytime what they think about it. Your opinion does not matter, since you are not attending and your life is not impaired in any way by the storytime’s existence.
and there’s the dialectic … and what gaping maw it is
with extremist Christianity
Thats when you forgive them father as they do know what they do??
Pinch 2 communion wafers instead of one?
Have sex solely in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction?
It’s a simple question Sally. If you’re such a champion of the innocence of minors, surely you would have a rule to only bonk 18+ ladies? Or do you cast your net a bit wider.
How nice.
Can they please confine their “expression” to other adults? I don’t think littlies quite understand it.
But that’s the point, isn’t it? They will be made to endure it no matter what. Otherwise bigotry and whateverphobia.
Thanks to the recent outburst by an insane and very not welcome personage, slightlyyounger than this gorgeous li’l sweetie! 🙂
Nothing sexually suggestive about drag costumes, no, not one little bit.
Crikey, you see minors being taken to a perverted Punch & Judy show as being on a par with an adult choosing who they have sex with?
You are one sick bastard. Very sick.
Now I agree with you. What purpose do they think it serves? Will it make their children more “tolerant”? Are there any adverse effects? Have they considered those? Do the parents want to “fit in” with their peers? What aspirations do the parents have for their children? Are they different from, say, my own for my own children?
Monty, the fat turd who was happy to see entire states locked down and people beaten in the streets for demonstrating against vaccine mandates is now presenting itself as a champion of individual liberty.
Rather than 1/2 its chances of illness by losing 20kg it instead took its kids along to get their nostrils reamed when they got a sniffle because it was in deadly fear of getting the couf.
What a disgusting hypocritical little swine it is, like a pot bellied pig with an acquired brain injury and less sense of decorum.
And that’s why they call themselves names like Jojo daho.
Anyhow it’s Monty in all his relativistic glory.
Men who dress up as exaggerated women aren’t being overtly sexual.
Oh nonononono
I remember when Conservatism meant that we ‘conserved’ the good parts of a society and discarded the rest.
Tell me, Monty, do you throw away a loaf of bread if it has a mould spot on it? Or do you just cut out the slice and toast or whatever the rest?
How about ramping it up? Once the child is used to seeing men dressed as parodies of women, what next? Do the parents then take them to the Pride parade? Do they permit them to participate on a float?
Sometimes parents can be very stupid. Just because “parent” doesn’t mean “perfect” or even “competent”.
To be fair. Two things, I really hate to bring up the past. Really I do. I also find it uncomfortable siding with Monst. However, let me remind you that when Prince Andrew was accused of making “headway” with minors, you did suggest that in the end Andrew would be strongly supported by the UK Public. He ended up paying out 12 million pounds to the girl he supposedly had illegal sex with and is now publicly invisible. Some prediction there , tiger. Also, you’ve made some lazy comments about “drilling” barely legal girls which frankly were jaw dropping. So it’s fair to ask you these questions and I swear, I’m not judging as you know. It’s fair to ask because if you think these things( and please correct them where I’m wrong,) then how do you reconcile the trannie issue?
I would much rather ask parents who take their kids to drag storytime what they think about it
Its pretty much a single mums convention.
Just putting it out there. KKK story time for tots.
“How about ramping it up? Once the child is used to seeing men dressed as parodies of women, what next? Do the parents then take them to the Pride parade? Do they permit them to participate on a float?”
What about taking the children to Sleaze Ball, or the Mardi Gras party?
“m0nty=fa is everything that he accuses others here of being. He is a fascist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic fool.”
Oh you forgot one BJ….he’s also a Jew hater.
He (sic) also has no dick.
Ah yes, now we’re blaming single women again. The Right really doesn’t want to win elections any time soon, does it?
January 2, 2023 at 6:05 pm”
I think you’ve said it best.
How far into encouraging perversions in front of children is m0nty prepared to go? If someone who liked having sex with corpses (but only before they got too manky) wanted to read stories to littlies, would m0nty take his kids along?
youse want to know the sad truth readers?
although mUnty is operating under the guise of provocateur,
there’s a pretense as well,
that being that its an exaggeration designed to solely provoke
but the reality is that, he really does believe and that’s the terrifying part
its fashionable now … and they all believe
this is the post-modern toxin that feminism released in the 90’s
it has a half-life measured in generations
corrosive and deadly
there is no cure
Shantaram, stick to forecasting that there’ll be no interest rate rises in 2022.
Y’know, something you’re good at.
I don’t want to agree with JC either Sally, but it is quite weird how you are dodging the question. All you need to do is say you are not minor-attracted. Not a tough gig.
I would much rather ask parents who take their kids to drag storytime what they think about it. Your opinion does not matter, since you are not attending and your life is not impaired in any way by the storytime’s existence.
Most here have children and grandchildren, whom we wish to protect. We also do not wish to see other people’s children exposed to grossly inappropriate displays (to borrow a leftard expression).
But tell us. Have you taken your children to Drag Queen stories? What was their reaction?
And if you and your children are nor attending, shirley your opinion does not matter either?
Then, as mentioned, they can have Adult Drag Queen Story Hour in front bars of pubs, in shopping malls, in factory lunch rooms, at stockyards and out the front of Parliament.
But they won’t do that. Do you know why, mUnter? Because those places (with the exception of the last) are chockers with normal people who will not put up with that shit.
They can’t do it as part of the Arts experience as a play, due to the same reasons. Normal people aren’t there because it’s shit.
No, they go straight to the low-hanging fruit. Small children, under the guise of ‘expression’, when the reality is nobody in Normal Land wants to see that expression and the kids are too small to question it.
Predators, pure and simple.
Observing & stating that it is single mothers is not the same as blaming single mothers.
You’re not very good at this.
Fag Hags.
We’ve proved throughout our lives that we aren’t.
Collectivists, on the other hand, have vomited into existence the concept that is “minor-attracted-personages”.
You sick evil twats.
Why not, you’re both wankers.
It is quite weird how you’re attempting to change the subject.
Do you still belt the crap out of your spouse?
Monty wants to expose our kids to perverts.
JC sides with him.
This actually was on my bingo card for 2023.
This place is dying in the arse.
Two days in and only 2,000 comments.
Ads you will never see:
Walk right up! Amazing Drag Queen Current Events Hour!
JBS Abbatoirs, Brooklyn, Melbourne
Hamzy Automotive Wholesalers, Coburg and Dandenong
Rebels OMCG Clubhouse, Sunshine West
Time: Wednesday, 1.00 p.m.
Sancho Panzersays:
January 2, 2023 at 6:25 pm
This place is dying in the arse.
Two days in and only 2,000 comments.
We must ensure standards are kept high.
And why should it be drag queen story hour for littlies? It would make more sense, if it’s just performance art, to do it in the old folk’s home.
You know, I used to wonder what happened to the Paedophile Support Group.
Now I don’t wonder any more:
Worldwide Child Abuse Organisations.
Quite a lot of them it seems.
Since dickless is praising islam let’s see what’s currently happening in the whacky world of islam:
Jihad Watch
Who wasn’t involved?
MI5, MI6, RP7, the KGB, YMCA, CIA, Mossad, CWA, ASIO, WD40, MCC, RACV … you name it, they were in on it.
its mostly because you two weird kids have been in the corner all afternoon eating each others scabs
Sewell at 5:45.
To what end?
FFS, politics* gives me the f#ckin’ proverbials, Cats.
There is much, much art and beauty on this planet. I’ll try to post comments tonight that are solely related to those two concepts. 🙂
*As does “economics”, if it could be gifted with a “definition” that might appear to bestow upon it more gravitas than the enormous mountain range sized pile of utter bullshit would otherwise deserve … 😕
Wow Sally, do you holiday regularly in South East Asia as well?
The LGBTQ movement overtly say that the sexual (personal) is political and monty is here is trying to claim that the later excludes the sexual. You’re just making things up now , monty.
The moral idiocy of liberalism. If there is nothing wrong, objectively, why is the opinion of the parents material? And if there is something wrong, objectively, why is the opinion, again, of the parents material? The same applies to your last claim as well; if something is objectively wrong, it is irrelevant if I’m excluded from potential injury as to whether or not I can have an opinion on the matter.
If you need to ask that you’re as stupid as Albanese.
So the drag queens at library story time are not sexually suggestive?
Remember the drag queen who caused the brouhaha in Brisbane a few years back who want by the name of Diamond Goodrim. That is blatantly sexual, advertising a perversion that any normal person would find sickening. More than that, it is nasty, scatological and misogynistic parody of the name of a female singer, Delta Goodrem. How ‘innocent’ is that?
As well as what?
Oh, I get it – rooting little boys is an art form.
Monty are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Paedophile Support Group, or any of its affiliated organisations?
Roger at 5:51.
Proves my point with a real world example.
This is sooo not about “just reading books to kids”.
So the drag queens at library story time are not sexually suggestive?
Where did this abomination originate from? I imagine the US but anything more specific?
Delta Goodrem shall not be insulted after that AFL Grand Final performance.
The monarchists should have used her to nip the republicans in the bud.
Queen Delta would have been more popular than Lizzie II if she came back from Las Malvinas with General Galtieri’s head in her own hands.
They could have even set up that poor dumb idiot Henry Wales with her.
A doctor wanted to get off work and go hunting, so he told his assistant “Jimmy, I am going hunting tomorrow and we don’t want to close the clinic. I want you to take care of the clinic and take care of our patients”.
“Yes, sir…” answers Jimmy.
The doctor goes hunting and returns the next day and asks “So Jimmy, how was your day?” Jimmy tells him he took care of three patients. “The first one had a headache, so I gave him TYLENOL”.
“Bravo, Jimmy! And the second one?” says the doctor.
The second one had stomach burning, and I gave him MAALOX, sir” says Jimmy.
“Bravo, bravo Jimmy! You’re good at this and what; about the third one?” asks the doctor.
Sir, I was sitting here, and suddenly the door opens, and a woman enters like a flame. She undresses herself, taking off her bra and her panties and lies down on the table, spread her legs and shouts ‘HELP ME! For five years I have not seen any man!!’”
And what did you do Jimmy?” asks the doctor. “I put eye drops in her eyes”.
bullshit, the entire point of drag is to be hyper sexualised
When are you going to clock off from your trolling shift monty? Do you know PRGuy17? No connection to the ALP eh munter?
This is how you lie:
Single mothers are not all single women.
(Do you mean women with female reproductive organs and chromosomes or all women, monty?)
…and sorry monty it might offend your “Eastern Suburbs Dinner Party” of childless lesbians in their 30s you tell us you talk to all of the time, but MOTHERS are far, far more into forcing cross dressing, being gay, transgenderism and childhood gender reassignment surgery than fathers.
I’ll even posit it will be 99:1, mothers to fathers pushing this individual crushing nonsense.
I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.
-Pablo Picasso
Like this?
What a revolting display by monty today, trying to cover his support for something completely antihical to normal civilization by comparing those against Drag Queen Story Time to Muslims and in Sal’s case, pedophilia with the ‘casting the net a bit wider’ comment.
Just abhorrent.
You haven’t answered the question. Do you take your kids to Drag Queen Story Hour?
If you do not, than by your own (perverted) reasoning, you should have no interest in the subject.
Now, answer the question.
Sancho Panzer:
So I can refute the false accusations made against me made by him in front of others. And I can guess where you’re going with this.
Monty logic:
Being inclined to thump perverts if they expose themselves to kids = you’re a paedophile.
the cutting edge of tofudreg architecture
First Migrants: Ancient Migration in Global Perspective – Prof Peter Bellwood
Interesting. I was hoping Keith Windschuttle and Tim Gillin might make this:
into a book, but maybe someone’s got an alternative out there:
On art and beauty…I can give you beauty, if a bit weird. My Stahopea orchids have finally flowered after around nine years of cajoling and nurturing.
They smell gloriously of vanilla, and are immense. I am officially a happy gardener.
Whoops. Stanhopea.
Gloating causes typos.
He was asked nicely by an anonymous emailer.
We’ve seen this movie here too.
The claims of a pile on will come later as JC waves his “I’m a victim, here.” It will be quickly followed by his calls to the Blog Meister – which he has never made, of course.
Watch and learn as the minions are called to support the Smartest Man In The World.
Can’t you just refute?
You might be surprised how few people care in the cut-n-paste tit-for-tat stoushes.
Do tell.
Obtain for yourself an invention known as a “scroll wheel” mouse. Use this invention to avoid those tit-for-tat thingys you abhor.
It’s easy once you know how.
amazing how issues can be traced back to universal suffrage
Hearing that the Taliban were banning girls going to university had me coming around to thinking they weren’t all bad.
I’d do the same here, except I’d be more nuanced. They could go to a real* university, but only if they enrolled in Chemistry or Physics or Engineering.
* if such could be found.
This particular issue can be traced back to mankind’s desperate need to be part of a “set”. It might be a club with secret handshakes, it might be a political persuasion.
In this case, it’s a desire to be “cool” with the people one associates with.
Oh daaahling! Haven’t you been to the library lately? Story Time has never been such FUN! They have a Drag Queen this week! Afterwards we can have coffee. *air kiss*
It has nothing to do with voting and everything to do with tribalism and its rites of passage.
A desperate need which seems to me to be more desperate in womankind in general.
I was pleasantly cruising in the Ubuntu, nice new experience, liking it, discovering something new, all good. Then the wireless dongle stopped being recognised. Threw in another one the same model, didn’t work either. Research showed that this model dongle can have trouble with the power management of the Ubuntu. Control Alt T brings up a dialogue box. I can’t believe I am typing commands into a dialogue box in the 21st century. I’m just going to find a list of ones that work with Ubuntu and buy another wifi dongle.
It was fun for the 5 minutes it worked.
Then how come the drag queens are all men?
Garbage. Men have their clubs and societies. They have a need to belong and identify with a set or sub-set.
Even the ones who imagine they’re uninterested and detached. Like all the Apps, there’s a sub-set for that.
I belong to the set of ppl who have no desire to belong to a set of ppl.
There are damn few of us and we have nothing in common.
Experts discover something normies knew decades ago</a
Thank you DrBeau. Exactly as I said.
I, too, am part of a minuscule sub-set. Aaaaand…loving it! 😀
Libraries are just another institution taken over by the left.
I’m surprised they even have books to be honest.
Much of the stock in children’s sections now is either multi culti or climate changy.
Fortunately children’s books comparatively inexpensive and available in abundance secondhand.
The Ubuntu? Never heard of it. So…..
I genuinely thought the Ubuntu was a small sedan, or hatchback of some kind. Geez.
Tell me, Ms Chaney, how many of these poor wronged little souls are you prepared to assume responsibility for?
I think it’s better described as a cult.
Teena McQueen and Katherine Deves on Sky. Katherine scathing about minor attracted people and more scathing about the weakness of the LNP in not opposing these freaks. She also predicts matt kean will identify as a woman and run as a Teal. Teena gets snooty and says matt is a minister of the crown and deserves respect and therein personifies why the LNP are gutless losers.
Libraries are public places, funded by ratepayers. Holding the drag sessions in libraries isn’t about reading. Nothing to do with it. It’s got everything to do with transqueers receiving the “official” blessing of legitimacy from the local authority inside a public building.
Sure , drag queens have been around for many many decades. In adult clubs and shows, it’s a giggle. But why so recently bring transvestites into public libraries and direct engagement with impressionable children? Have drag queens suddenly become so concerned about the literacy of children?
No of course not. This is a sexual grooming strategy, employed by loyalist LGA perverts like mOron, doing their bit for the global leftfilth cause. Get the kiddies ready to accept deviants among us as “normal”.
John Anderson interview
COVID 19 Censorship | Dr. Jay Bhattacharya & Dr. Gigi Foster
I don’t think Sneakers will go in to bat for Banksia Hill rioters anytime soon. A perfect Laura Norder issue for the front page of Teh Worst. And stick it up a Cth pollie at the same time.
Who is “Teena McQueen”?
They are?
I think I might have made a terrible mistake.
welcome to Linux
“Teena gets snooty and says matt is a minister of the crown and deserves respect and therein personifies why the LNP are gutless losers.”
Just watched it. Teena’s reaction was emblematic of everything wrong with the Liberals.
You wanna know the truth Teeeeeeeena. Matt Kean, aka Matt Green, deserves no respect whatsoever.
Miriam Armstrong . Martin Armstrong in drag.
Yes, Makka. That’s one side of the coin. I was talking about the “normalising” and social acceptability side.
That one has to be fought, otherwise it is just the desire of perverts. Acceptance brings it into the mainstream. The way to do this is to make it appear “uncool” or “discriminatory” to reject it. We have had this demonstrated in real time this afternoon.
Years ago, Salvatore made a comment about chasing ‘barely legal’ women.
Nothing wrong with that – after all, they probably chased right back. After all, legal is legal, and he never made a comment on age difference as if they were 16 + a day and he was 95. But this innocent remark has been used repeatedly against him as a hint of him seducing underage girls on many many occasions. In fact it’s one of JCs favourite barbs.
But it’s enough to give one pause and suspect the worst if one wants a line liner to cast suspicion.
And that sort of “Tell the truth but not all of it” sort of lying is why I copy any conversations I have with JC.
Probably not the best descriptor, but watch a politician answer a question and the bits click into place.
The answer may be truthful, but it has only marginal relevance to the question or statement.
Cohenite at 7:24.
Now, that is genuinely funny.
I’ve been reading a book, but it’s interesting how Monty is defending depravity with such fervour.
I wonder what has changed?
Care to regurgitate his comment about Prince Andrew?
Wood girl, I’ll say.
An icon and a role model and envied and admired by men everywhere.
But what a squalid mess. No different to being an uncontrolled glutton.
It was probably ill-considered, Sancho. Like so many comments late at night.
And, yes, I remember it clearly. I don’t think it reflected Sal’s predilections in any way, just the opportunism of the moment.
I, too, am part of a minuscule sub-set. Aaaaand…loving it!
Which part of the Venn diagram calli lol
Such mistakes are easily avoided if one performs the “Croc Dundee” test.
The really really little bit that looks like a fly dirt in the margin. That bit. 😀
Have found a PDF of this if anyone would like it – email the blog site owner for my contact:
First Migrants: Ancient Migration in Global Perspective – Prof Peter Bellwood
Actually those are Shantaram’s words.
It is another fairy tale told by Shantaram.
So say the screenshots.
She also predicts matt kean will identify as a woman and run as a Teal.
Deves was planted on the Liberal Party.
Probably lost them a coupla Seats off her own bat.
Just realised I still own a copy of the BBC’s The Silver Chair.
Be sure to regurgitate the comment I made after that.
(Also helpful would be the comment I was responding to – don’t take it out of context)
Unless you want to be guilty of reframing, or verballing.
I think I recall something about drilling, probably the same comment Calli remembers.
Years ago, Salvatore made a comment about chasing ‘barely legal’ women.
Drilling, not chasing.
Also, I don’t remember any “barely legal” and obviously, they weren’t women.
The statement above is about as true as it gets.
Sancho Panzer:
Why would that be more effective than refuting with evidence – i.e. links back to the initial statements + context? Seems to be a lot less effective, making it easier for an accomplished liar like JC to smear his enemies.
I’m not playing your game Sancho. Piss off.
Yes, rosie. Young, nubile, available women. Male attraction and how it overcomes restraint. I think we can all see that. And also how it can be used to blackmail and coerce.
I’m also curious how the talk about the Voice was turned towards trannie story time. It may be that the case isn’t as strong as it should be.
“Probably lost them a coupla Seats off her own bat.”
Absolute rubbish.
I bet Teena will not appear again at any CPACs.
I also was shocked at her snippy remark which to me indicates that she is part of the problem and cannot be part of the solution.
Kean can be whatever you want him to be.
I don’t think that dress fabric is going to be very comfortable when the chips start flying…
“I bet Teena will not appear again at any CPACs.
I also was shocked at her snippy remark which to me indicates that she is part of the problem and cannot be part of the solution.
Defending Matt Kean. A joke. Matt Kean smeared Katherine Deves all the way up to the May election, calling for her to be disendorsed. He joined with other bullies such as the unlamented Sharma and Zimmerman and Senators Bummingham and Bragg to pile on Katherine. I’m glad Katherine said what she said tonight.
Malcolm Turnbull’s mini-me?
Sewell didn’t add any “late night” qualifier.
No-one said it did.
Irrespective of “legality” of ages, the assertion was that Prince Andrew would be highly regarded by the UK public for “drilling” women younger than his own daughters.
After his “I don’t perspire” train-wreck, and his despatch to spend the rest of his life as the King’s Deer Monitor in the back-blocks of Balmoral, he is widely regarded by the British public as both dim and a grub.
Anyone know where I can get an imperial gallon of iodine?
nothing, smutley is just always on narrative. If the narrative was males to auto-castrate, smutley would be clambering over others at the secateur isle in bunnings
Cassie, I think you misunderstood, I agreed with Katherine Deves and laughed at her comment. My criticism was of Teena whom I consider as one of the problems in the Liberal Party and not someone who can turn the ship around.
I’m pleased that’s cleared up.
As for Prince Andrew, he’s a grubby dope. And Epstein knew his prey and the right type of lure. There was a term for the type of Royal PA represented, but it escapes me right now. Someone inconsequential with connexions who inhabited the upper crust party scene. The younger ones were “Hooray Harrys”*, but the older ones?
* once the “chinless wonders”
Hah! Yet he can’t be what conservative voters want. The truth is he is in the wrong party.
Liberals will find at the next election that their voters are very flexible and will vote for many other candidates except the Libs.
“Cassie, I think you misunderstood, I agreed with Katherine Deves and laughed at her comment. My criticism was of Teena whom I consider as one of the problems in the Liberal Party and not someone who can turn the ship around.”
I agree with you Crossie. I liked Deves’ comment. I was surprised by Teeeeeenaaaa’s surly reaction.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
I didn’t take a screenshot of the initial remarks, Salvatore, as they disappeared into the past, but it fits the pattern.
Blogs don’t give paper cuts when you get something wrong.
You don’t require any iodine.
Anyone else thinking of bidding on the Parrot’s Bentley? Don’t forget to factor in the buyer’s premium and an allowance for steam cleaning.
Google is my friend:
Is Teena McQueen the old heifer who got done for driving without a licence last year?
& she got caught because she performed an ostentatious U-turn, at a “No U-turn” sign?
“As for Prince Andrew, he’s a grubby dope. And Epstein knew his prey and the right type of lure.”
All true, but I still think Randy Andy is low hanging fruit, meanwhile Gates, Clinton and others get a free pass.
Oh and remember Ms Katherine Keating, spotted exiting Epstein’s mansion? That story went shtum very quickly, because she’s Keating’s girl. Ya reckon if that had been an Abbott girl, caught hanging around grubs like Epstein and Maxwell and photographed exiting the Epstein Mansion of Horrors in NYC, the MSM would have quickly and quietly buried the story? Not on your nelly.
Stencho, are you deliberately reframing/verballing?
Or are you just plain dumb?
Sit down and yarn with the elders – yeah, that will solve all the problems…..
You suspect that isn’t the only skeleton in the Keating … um, closet.
It’s a solid Sancho. If you heat it it doesn’t melt, it sublimes into the most marvelous purple fumes. I’ve always liked iodine and Jimi Hendrix.
Purple Haze
I’m his Mum, I should know if he’s a promising footballer.
Epstein had two types of marks.
Those he could blackmail, and those he could use to build his network of targets.
Randy Andy was in the latter category.
The advantage he would have had over almost everyone else is the intelligence services would have known Epstein was a blackmailer, and any Royal or government minister going anywhere near him would have been briefed as to the dangers.
But Randy Andy was too smart.
He knew Epstein was a good guy.
(Or maybe Randy Andy’s brain in his dick thought that).
Caroline Di Russo was on James Morrows’ show tonight and she was absolutely hilarious when commenting on the range of the electric vehicles before requiring recharging. She said that all you had to do is attach something as light as a toothbrush to an electric car and it loses half its range.
The US cold snap is taking the shine off not only the electric cars but the politicians who are mandating them. God has a sense of humour by making the most global warming states suffer the most.
I doubt even the ALS would try and lead hearsay from Mum.
“He’s a good boy, just led astray by them others, and the racist white cops just keep picking on him…..”
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
January 2, 2023 at 7:33 pm
I’ve been reading a book, but it’s interesting how Monty is defending depravity with such fervour.
I wonder what has changed?
m0nty=fa is about to transition, and seek employment as a drag queen?
Just rewatching Dirty Harry; all about emerging woke bullshit in San Franshitsco hindering good police-work against a minor attracted mass murderer. Damn thing was made in 1971, 52 years ago. Wokeism has been infecting for a long time.
Water is wet
The sky is blue
The earth is (allegedlee) round
Etc, etc, etc … 😕
Prince Andrew has not been publicly admonished like Peter Hayman was.
I’m also curious how the talk about the Voice was turned towards trannie story time. It may be that the case isn’t as strong as it should be.
The talking points were too easily refuted, time to change the subject?
What do you do when a naked perv with a hard on and a carving knife is running after a screaming lady? I shoot the son of a bitch!
I think Magnum Force skewered the woke a bit better;
Hypothetically, what if Ms Grey offered to give me a private show with a donkey? What violation of the Californian Penal code would that be?
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity says:
January 2, 2023 at 4:26 pm
Drag storytime is not a “sexual performance”. It’s reading books.
Through all this discussion this fact was nagging me also.
What’s the point of it?
What was he reading that needed a dress-up?
As well as watching “Jackie” (or about half of it) on my days off, I have been bingeing on “Air Crash Investigation” and also re-watched “The Good Nurse”.
Watched the Boeing 737 Max episode again. I didn’t realise until now the level of ridiculous shit the Boeing software engineers pulled, writing code to deduce airspeed from angle-of-attack indicator and other inputs.
You measure airspeed via a pitot. You don’t calculate it.
How senior engineers weren’t subject to criminal charges for multiple counts of manslaughter is beyond me.
Speaking of mass murder, it is now generally accepted that the most prolific serial killer in the USA wasn’t Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy.
It was Charles Cullen (“The Good Nurse”) who has admitted to killing 40 patients, but it is accepted that the real number is well over 100.
Makes you think, eh.
Ms Chaney is no doubt referring to what the specialists call Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder, caused by mothers drinking while pregnant. For argument’s sake, let’s accept the existence of this disorder. It cannot be cured but only managed. The key to doing this succesfully this is early diagnosis and intervention, removal of the child to a stable, loving home environment free from violence and other disruptive behaviours & the consistent provision of special social services and education thoguhtout the school years. Because of the numbers involved this would mean placing aboriginal children with non-aboriginal families. But the authorities daren’t do this because “culture”. What, then, does she suggest?
The bloke who runs the pub next to me is able to cure this “inability to learn from mistakes” in a split-second.
Wow, Sancho! Eleven thumbs ups in a matter of seconds!
I thought the Green River Killer may have killed more.
Lurker Energy! Love it.
Watching a really old Clint Eastwood film, I saw what a truly handsome face he had.
Almost lovely.
As a KAR holder, I am bloody outraged.
UK weather forecast: 2023 to kick off with more snow as ‘wintry’ blast sweeps nation
The UK faces several days of wind and rain with a north-south divide in temperatures that will see the mercury drop close to zero on New Year’s Day while a lot milder in the south
Miss Maggie and her Hollyweirdettes … 🙂
What Reuters would class as a “reliable source’ informed me that some Aboriginal women held that drinking while pregnant made the children smaller and easier to deliver…..
What got me thinking about Charles Cullen is that he went undetected for over 16 years, and kept moving on to avoid detection.
And he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Once they were onto him it was pretty easy to prove.
The point is that this occurred twenty years ago. Imagine a concerned family member questioning the behaviour of a “front line wukka” nurse these days, with these glorified Tik-Tok temperature takers being elevated to the level of minor deities.
No chance.
If ya want want …
The purest piece of pop from last year.
Hard to know.
Speculation and dot-joining puts him at around 90.
Cullen could be around 150-200, based on anomalies in death stats from hospitals where he worked.
Kind of interesting that the undisputed clubhouse leader on the other side of the Atlantic is Harold Shipman.
A doctor.
The caring profession, eh?
writing code to deduce airspeed from angle-of-attack indicator and other inputs.
You measure airspeed via a pitot. You don’t calculate it.
You measure airspeed via the difference between pitot and static pressure. Accurate pitot is easy, accurate static somewhat less so.
Angle of attack can be directly measured by using a vane which lines up with the local airflow. This was the problem in the Max as the sensor connected to the vane failed.
You can also deduce angle of attack by using the indicated airspeed and the g loading. This could have been done but wasn’t in the Max, which would have made AoA a triplex system. If all three agree, fine. If one is different from the other two which are in agreement, ignore the third.
Yes, the MCAS in the Max was a a bit of kludge but even when it malfunctioned it should never have been a problem for a properly trained crew, as demonstrated in the US experience. Trim runaway for any reason is very obvious and is a memory item for immediate action. The Indonesians and Ethiopians could have died with a trim runaway for ANY reason. There are 5 methods where the trim works plus MCAS in a Max.
I’m thinking you or the show’s producers got the AoA/airspeed thing wrong of confused but I haven’t seen that episode.
Debate re trannies on play school
Think back to when you were a child. You did not know all the parts to your body and what their function was.
You did not know what sex was.
You did not see anyone else body naked except for siblings at bath time – may be parents showering bathing.
The example was from the parents every day activity.
Think of how you saw them.
Now think of your reaction when a grown up say something like “do you like playing with your self” smirk smirk.
Or if a stranger exposed their genatils to you that’s confronting.
Or as mentioned seeing a man in loud Womens clothing.
How do you make babies.
As Lizzie/Cassie have put it, females do not dress like this nor do they grow beards.
There is nothing nurturing kind or loving about trannies reading to children
The South Americans have a good game too when it comes to ultra violence and serial murder.
Pedro Lopez
Alas Rabz, we’ve lost another one.
The Pointer Sisters – Neutron Dance
I liked the movie. Anita Pointer passed away yesterday aged 74.
Time for a holiday with the wonderful Miss Planet, Cats! 🙂
Didn’t a Iranian innkeeper murder 800+ people?
There was that Russian guy that had about 100 too, I think he was nuts (crazy eyes), pretty sure he got double tapped in Yeltsin’s time.
Plus that sentient, vengeful Siberian tiger that stalked the poacher and trashed his house before eating him out of spite.
I have the book. My learning:
Tiger tastes like mutton.
You sure about that?
Airspeed is measured by direct pitot pressure.
Altitude is measured by differential of static pressure calibrated against AMSL pressure.
Vertical speed is measured by rate of drain out of the pressure chamber.
Without going into a detailed dissertation that is a correct summary, right?
Anyway, Boeing have admitted it was a screw-up on roller skates, so not sure why you are defending them when they have admitted guilt, paid up and amended systems and manuals.
“Lessons learned while languishing, part XXIV”
Monty must be reading stories to his kids.
Kenyan/Somali nurse Billy Chemirmir killed at least 22 old women in the US for their jewelery and whatever cash they had on them.
There are joiners and non-joiners, of both sexes. It has nothing to do with gender. I am a staunch non-joiner, resisting the glossy, three monthly calls from “Limbs for Life” to join the amputees’ support groups. I easily resisted the local ladies wellness groups and the invitations to writers’ groups, after my first novels were published.
OTOH, I know men who belong to all sorts of clubs, and good luck to them. It’s just not for me.
preeetty sure you measure velocity pressure with a pitot
and then you can calculate velocity depending on stupid Bernoulli stuff … like density
you know what density is dontcha sancho?
anyway what would I no?
… waaay too many solder fumes
Like the sixties for western boomer numpties, any rooshan who claims to remember “Yelto’s time”, was not there*.
*Or a spook, lurking around in places such as Aerotorea (or whoever you spell it) …
I was pacifically referring to the USA.
The Good Nurse Cullen is the probable runaway leader there.
Although, in these cases, where the numbers are so large, and prosecuting every last one is practically futile, it is hard to nail down accurate numbers.