Open Thread – New Year’s Weekend 2023

The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840

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Cassie of Sydney
January 5, 2023 9:47 am

“Inside government ranks, some MPs have privately expressed concern at the outspoken approach their former colleague may take in his new diplomatic role, suggesting he could become a “second foreign minister” based in Washington.”

A certainty.

January 5, 2023 9:49 am

m0nty says:
January 5, 2023 at 9:43 am

Trump hitching his wagon to McCarthy may prove to be very costly.

To whom?
As to his ability to pick duds?
Yup, it’s well known, you have to wonder if cheating would’ve been enough to oust him, had he picked better people?

January 5, 2023 9:53 am

This was obvious to anyone with half a brain since day 1, that obviously exclude pretty much the entire woke endlessly fawning, echo chamber NPCs

Cassie of Sydney
January 5, 2023 9:53 am

“Don’t forget: only grooming by priests is evil and must be condemned, not grooming by Muslims and leftists, which doesn’t even exist, and is only a right wing moral panic. So say the most moral among us.”

Grooming by Muslims is a step up, not a step down, it’ll even get you promoted by UK Labour and the NHS.

January 5, 2023 10:01 am

In October, President Joe Biden’s administration belatedly published its National Security Strategy. Such documents are always the work of a committee, but internal dissonance shouldn’t be this obvious. “The post-Cold War era is definitively over,” the authors declare, “and a competition is underway between the major powers to shape what comes next.” However, “we do not seek conflict or a new Cold War.” For the major powers have “shared challenges” such as climate change and Covid and other pandemic diseases.

gobbledygook written by absolute morons

January 5, 2023 10:03 am

Duk, there are plenty of commercial single pilot operations, generally in smaller aircraft. Also in EMS helicopters. I know the one Toll runs for NSW Ambulance is single pilot. The pilot does have a crew person to help tune radio to next frequency etc. The operation is high workload, day/night/VFR/IFR as required with minimal time for flight planning, as you would know.
There are also military operations with large drones controlled from the ground such as our MQ4C Tritons. As I understand it initial large aircraft single pilot ops will be for cargo only. Likely the aircraft will be routinely monitored from the ground with the single pilot for emergencies. Eventually I can
see getting rid of the pilot for those ops.
For passengers pilots will be retained. You really want people up front whose hides are on the line and who want to live (one reason why ground based air traffic control is a dangerous concept). This is why pilots who eat with a knife and fork are a good idea. Last thing you want in an emergency is for the guys up front to declare “inshallah”.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 10:09 am

January 5, 2023 at 9:49 am
m0nty says:
January 5, 2023 at 9:43 am

Trump hitching his wagon to McCarthy may prove to be very costly.

To whom?
As to his ability to pick duds?
Yup, it’s well known, you have to wonder if cheating would’ve been enough to oust him, had he picked better people?

It hardly seems two months since m0nty=fa was sneering at Trump because not everyone he supported was elected. Now he is screeching that the Republicans should elect the candidate supported by Trump.

Make up your tiny mind, m0nty-=fa.

January 5, 2023 10:09 am

As I have pointed out elsewhere, the US today is in some ways in the situation of the British Empire in the 1930s. If it repeats the mistakes successive UK governments made in that decade, a fiscally overstretched America will fail to deter a nascent Axis-like combination of Russia, Iran and China from risking simultaneous conflict in three theaters: Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Far East. The difference is that there will be no sympathetic industrial power to serve as the “arsenal of democracy” — a phrase used by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a radio broadcast on Dec. 29, 1940. This time it is the autocracies that have the arsenal.

in other words the only way to protect the west will be to use nukes as we have sold out our industrial capacity to china

January 5, 2023 10:09 am

Zipster says:
January 5, 2023 at 9:35 am

Watched that on the way back from town just now.

The first cracks in this rotting edifice are starting to appear.

Keep getting those children jabbed, monty.

January 5, 2023 10:18 am

in other words the only way to protect the west will be to use nukes as we have sold out our industrial capacity to china
That won’t protect the West, merely get it incinerated.

January 5, 2023 10:22 am

The Gaetz faction are achieving nothing at the moment except some grandstanding and ego stroking. Which is probably their primary goal.

Er, no…they want reform of the speakership in order to make House processes more democratic by devolving power to members and fear that with McCarthy it will be business as usual.

You’re welcome.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 10:32 am

Zippy – An irony of the Z war is that it has given the old military industrial complex a new life. I’m sure China is unhappy with this as all sorts of production lines are being started up again. Vast numbers of AA, AT and AS missiles, plus artillery and drones. Poland yesterday placed another order for more Abrams. Also the Dems recognize the vast graft opportunities from necessarily opaque military equipment orders. The trouble for China with all this is they aren’t ready – they’re frantically expanding their navy but it has a long way to go to be tough enough to stand off the USN.

Plus corruption in the Chinese military industrial complex is pretty bad too it looks like.

China Hits Pause Button On Investment-Heavy Approach To Support Chipmakers Amid At Rivaling US (5 Jan)

Last month, Reuters reported China was set to roll out a 1 trillion yuan ($143 billion) support package for its semiconductor industry following the Biden administration export controls on the sale of cutting-edge semiconductor chips and advanced equipment needed for domestic semiconductor manufacturing. The plan was to boost domestic chip production that would one day be superior to the US.

Now Bloomberg reported top Chinese policymakers are discussing ways to pivot away from massive subsidies for the chip industry “that has so far borne little fruit and encouraged both graft and American sanctions.”

As we saw with the baby formula scandals Chinese entrepreneurs will take any opportunity to extract a buck, and with a vast amount of dosh from the PLA on offer I’m sure they would promise the moon and the stars to get at it. Unfortunately real high tech requires serious quality control standards for which cutting corners won’t work.

January 5, 2023 10:33 am

Clott Adams being owned by Salty and Garrison.

A commenter notes his self insertion into 2020 was very inorganic!

January 5, 2023 10:35 am

Scott Adams was wrong because he’s smart!

You were right because you’re dumb!

January 5, 2023 10:36 am

The most awesome deposit of Dotonium uncovered, and its Australian.
And yes, apparently thats her real name.

What does an invisible woman know about passion?
ByMelinda Coxhead

Out of nowhere, the fifty shift has taken over my body. It’s brutal as it breaks down my reproductive ability one perimenopausal month after another. Occasionally teasing me with a token period, like the last of my sad little eggs are waving and shouting: “Wait … don’t forget us, we’re still here!?? Not to mention all sorts of brain fog and uncontrollable rages.

Fifty has taken my once-heaving breasts and tenderised them into schnitzels. Forlorn nipples facing my knees in defeat. Middle age has slackened my jawline, lined my neck and deepened my wrinkles overnight.

I’m trying to love myself whilst dealing with being less attractive. It’s true what they say about becoming invisible as I notice people see me less and less.
Which leads me to the next shift. What has happened to the men in my demographic? Collectively they have left me scratching my head. I’ve racked up my fair share of pathetic first date stories, but these most recent experiences have me rattled.

Now let me remind you, I’ve been single for 15 years and I’m not used to a man in my space. It was a cold Melbourne night and I was all rugged up. I had just greeted him when he said “let me take your coat”.

I wasn’t ready, it was meant to be my security blanket for the first few minutes before I took it off when I felt comfortable. He rips it from my back, one of my arms gets caught and I’m flapping it about in the intimate, dimly lit restaurant. He pulls it free, along with my scarf and runs off to hang it up … I may as well be naked. I left my hat on to compensate.

We have a polite conversation, there’s not a lot of laughter, but the conversation flows and he is interesting. Until it also becomes apparent that he is quite rich. And refers to it to the point where I become uncomfortable with my poor status. I mean every girl wants to meet a millionaire but, in the end, his big talk is just tedious.

Then we got up to go. He runs to get my coat which he helps me with. But then he positions his arm in a way so I must loop mine through it. It’s so forced and awkward I walk stiffly out of the restaurant. Suddenly, I’m cast back to regency England like we are taking a turn about the room before the men retire to the drawing room for cigars.

I managed to get my hand out as we bought gelati after dinner. He offers his arm again, but I say, “Sorry, no I can’t do that. Um, don’t take it personally.” Insert nervous laughter. I see him grimace. Cue few minutes of discomfort, thank God we are walking back to the car.

Cats, so many cats in her future.
The apparently nice, considerate millionaire didnt make he vay-Jay tingle on the spot, so is consigned as a ‘dud”.

Have men given up? Or is there such a man shortage they think they can get away with this lacklustre behaviour? My hands are in the air. I give in.

So, I’m baffled. I know what you’re thinking, I must be fussy, unrealistic, indecisive. What is wrong with me? I’m not desperate, lonely, or sad. I have a full life. But these experiences have galvanised my resolve to search for nothing less than butterflies, desire and anticipation.

When I do meet my life partner, I know it will feel like coming home. I need it to feel like coming home. We just haven’t found the way home yet.

The last line is even better if you imagine it being spoken like fredo from the godfather.

January 5, 2023 10:36 am

Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec
Trump testifying before Congress in 1991. Notice how they are actually asking him substantive questions

Interesting replies.

January 5, 2023 10:45 am

Have men given up? Or is there such a man shortage they think they can get away with this lacklustre behaviour? My hands are in the air. I give in.

stupid bint expects a successful 50yo male to behave like a 20yo. you are 30 years too late dear, you swapped your life’s evolutionary mission for a “career”, welcome to equity, enjoy a cat or a poodle

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 10:45 am



January 5, 2023 10:49 am
January 5, 2023 10:54 am

I feel a great disturbance in the force.

Like millions of eggs have been flushed down the funny.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 5, 2023 10:57 am

Australia’s incoming ambassador to Washington, Kevin Rudd, has been accused of engaging in “opinionated lecturing” after he declared the United States needs to stop throwing its allies “under a bus” on the economy.

Mr Rudd stressed he was speaking in his capacity as president of the Asia Society and had not begun his ambassadorial role, noting it was “three months before I turn into a pumpkin”.

This is a 100% predictable foretaste of Ambassador Rudd’s MO.

Speaking specifically as a private individual, not, I might add, in my official capacity as Australia’s Ambassador, let me just say…”

The light goes on for hapless village idiot Birmingham:

Last month, Shadow Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham welcomed Mr Rudd’s appointment but has now criticised the former Prime Minister’s language.

“I doubt many will see Kevin Rudd’s tone as an encouraging start to a role that requires both deft handling and policy smarts.”

What is it about Australian Leadership that makes experiential learning so necessary?

How many times do they need to ponder: ‘I wonder what happens if I stick this fork in that power socket?’.

Why are they allowed to do this with Australia’s best interests?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 5, 2023 11:04 am

The apparently nice, considerate millionaire didnt make he vay-Jay tingle on the spot, so is consigned as a ‘dud”.

There’s certain among the local swampies here that are looking for a well established man, preferably with his own house, and plenty of money – they want someone who will be a father to their children, but “they aren’t taking on some other woman’s slops.”

January 5, 2023 11:05 am

What an appalling woman. A man with excellent manners, kindness, and consideration…but just not enough of something or other. And a female so dumb she writes about it as though it’s something horrid.

I wonder what his version of events would be?

Sir, you have dodged a bullet.

January 5, 2023 11:10 am
January 5, 2023 11:12 am

Why are they allowed to do this with Australia’s best interests?

Because we let them.

January 5, 2023 11:14 am

So, I’m baffled. I know what you’re thinking, I must be fussy, unrealistic, indecisive. What is wrong with me?

Gee. So difficult to pin it down.

I’m trying to love myself whilst dealing with being less attractive.

Hmmmmm. This might be a clue.

Now let me remind you, I’ve been single for 15 years

Hmmmmm. Another clue. No need for the reminder, it was a given.

There’s a meme for all that, of course.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 11:14 am


January 5, 2023 at 10:36 am

The most awesome deposit of Dotonium uncovered, and its Australian.

In a very different way, it reads something like those letters to editor of old men’s magazines.
Barely believable but designed to evoke a specific response from the target audience.

January 5, 2023 11:16 am

What an appalling woman.

Ardent feminist reaches middle age & finds herself left on the shelf.

It’s a mystery.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
January 5, 2023 11:17 am

Where would we be without the ABC to give us the really important news of the day?

January 5, 2023 11:18 am

In Covid crisis, PLA prepares for war over Taiwan. East Asia is to become a military hotspot in 2023
China Insights
Regardless of how or when the Russian-Ukrainian war ends, the Russian military has been greatly damaged and will sooner or later fall from the second position of world military power, making another major war in Europe less likely. And as long as the CCP remains in power, the hot spots in East Asia won’t subside. The U.S., Russia, China, India, Japan, and South Korea are currently considered the top six military powers in the world, followed by Britain and France. From the Taiwan Strait, the East China Sea, and the Philippine Sea to the Korean Peninsula, the military hotspots in East Asia will only get hotter.
Now that the CCP is in constant internal crisis and has to confront and start an arms race with the US and Japan simultaneously, the CCP will only be dragged down more quickly, which should become another gas pedal, fueling the fall of the CCP regime.

January 5, 2023 11:18 am

Well, she sucked me right in. But then I don’t read old men’s magazines. They sound horrible and likely to smell a bit. Eeeeew.

Dunno about “barely believable” though. Insecure narcissists are everywhere, and some are *gasp* columnists.

January 5, 2023 11:19 am

Er, no…they want reform of the speakership in order to make House processes more democratic by devolving power to members and fear that with McCarthy it will be business as usual.

Devolving power… to them specifically. Not members in general, just them.

Florida Republican Matt Gaetz, who was among those who questioned whether the coronavirus originated in a lab in China, wants to chair a House Armed Services subcommittee. Maryland Republican Andy Harris, one of Congress’s most conspicuous opponents of abortion and recreational marijuana, wants the gavel of the Appropriations subcommittee on health and human services. And a freshman wants two A-list committee assignments.

These are just some of the latest demands from conservative hard-liners in exchange for their support of California Republican Kevin McCarthy to be the next speaker of the House, a person in the negotiations said on Wednesday.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 11:20 am

Go long Wkiskars.

January 5, 2023 11:23 am

The end of that Bloomberg piece:

Here are some of the other concessions conservatives are demanding, the person said:

– Tennessee Republican Andrew Ogles, who like the other freshmen has yet to take the oath of office, wants seats on the powerful Financial Services and Judiciary committees. Efforts to call Ogles, a conservative who voted for Ohio Republican Jim Jordan for speaker, on his new office line were unsuccessful.
– Hard-line conservatives want to claim four of the nine seats on the House Rules Committee, which would give them outsized influence on what does — and what does not — get debated on the House floor.
– The House Freedom Caucus wants four seats on all A-list committees, a move that would be met with stiff objections from establishment Republicans.

There are at most 20 people voting against McCarthy, and they are acting like they are the majority of the Republican caucus. It would be hilarious if… actually, yes, it’s just hilarious.

January 5, 2023 11:25 am

Devolving power… to them specifically. Not members in general, just them.

Erm…that’s not the way it works, munty.

January 5, 2023 11:25 am

President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday presided over the launch of a warship armed with new hypersonic cruise missiles on a training mission to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean.
“I am sure that such powerful weapons will make it possible to reliably protect Russia from potential external threats and will help ensure the national interests of our country,” Putin was quoted by Russian news agencies as saying.
“We will continue to develop the fighting potential of our armed forces,” Putin said, adding that the Zircon missile system on the ship “has no equivalent”.
Putin and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu took part via video conference in a ceremony for the launch of the mission of the Admiral Gorshkov frigate.
“The main focus of the mission will be countering threats to Russia and supporting regional peace and stability together with friendly countries,” Shoigu said.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 11:28 am

January 5, 2023 at 10:22 am
The Gaetz faction are achieving nothing at the moment except some grandstanding and ego stroking. Which is probably their primary goal.

Er, no…they want reform of the speakership in order to make House processes more democratic by devolving power to members and fear that with McCarthy it will be business as usual.

m0nty=fa supports centralised dictatorial control, as long as it is by fascists (=DemonRats and their allies in the GOP Establishment). He is appalled at the very idea of allowing a wider range of voices to hold positions of power.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
January 5, 2023 11:28 am

For the major powers have “shared challenges” such as climate change and Covid and other pandemic diseases.

gobbledygook written by absolute morons


That’s one helluva camel!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 11:29 am

I wonder what his version of events would be?

Sir, you have dodged a bullet.

She was bitching about ‘no spark’ yada, yada.
I’ll bet he was screaming inwardly “Beam me up, Scottie!” before entree arrived.

January 5, 2023 11:30 am

Erm…that’s not the way it works, munty

mUnty thinks everything operates like a kindergarten does.

let’s keep having votes, says the Kindergarten teacher, until we get the correct outcome

Cassie of Sydney
January 5, 2023 11:30 am

“hapless village idiot Birmingham:”

Generous. Bummingham is a scumbag of monumental proportions. He’s the epitome of the “uniparty” in Canberra and why it must be smashed, actually not smashed, rather obliterated until there’s nothing left. Everyone knew from the moment of the announcement that Rudd wasn’t just an appalling choice, he will do untold damage to the relationship

This is why I’m enjoying what’s going on in Washington. McCarthy and co are just more of the same and it needs to stop. Sooner or later politicians of the so called right need to stop the tiptoeing, the bending over and the constant capitulation and instead start to stand up for for some right-wing principles. If chaos ensues, so be it.

January 5, 2023 11:33 am

Regardless of how or when the Russian-Ukrainian war ends, the Russian military has been greatly damaged and will sooner or later fall from the second position of world military power, making another major war in Europe less likely….

Well played, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 5, 2023 11:35 am

I like how that Cochran woman still thinks she is going to get a life partner.

And that she thinks he rich and successful, debonair, cultured, and kept himself available (despite having been desirable to women for decades) for a woman who by her own reckoning is past her prime.

‘Cos that is what guys are like – waiting on the sidelines for women to tire themselves out and decide that it would suit them to keep a man permanently now.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
January 5, 2023 11:39 am

in other words the only way to protect the west will be to use nukes as we have sold out our industrial capacity to china

To the idiots on the left, conventional weapons largely make nukes redundant. If all you have is a hammer…..

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 5, 2023 11:39 am


WTF is it with Auto-corrupt? If I got a letter wrong it changed most of the letters to ‘correct’ it.

January 5, 2023 11:41 am

Everyone knew from the moment of the announcement that Rudd wasn’t just an appalling choice, he will do untold damage to the relationship

He’s going to be a turkey, for sure, but even Rudd can’t wreck the US-AUS alliance.

The Americans will simply work around him if necessary.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 5, 2023 11:42 am

And this is the best person to next represent Australia in Washington DC?

LOL. Well done Albo, you pillock………………..

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 11:51 am

My favourite KRuddy video

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 11:52 am

January 5, 2023 at 11:41 am
Everyone knew from the moment of the announcement that Rudd wasn’t just an appalling choice, he will do untold damage to the relationship

He’s going to be a turkey, for sure, but even Rudd can’t wreck the US-AUS alliance.

The Americans will simply work around him if necessary.

It only seems like a few days since m0nty=fa was claiming that this appointment was an act of genius by AnAl.

January 5, 2023 11:56 am

Out of nowhere, the fifty shift has taken over my body. It’s brutal as it breaks down my reproductive ability one perimenopausal month after another. Occasionally teasing me with a token period, like the last of my sad little eggs are waving and shouting: “Wait … don’t forget us, we’re still here!?? Not to mention all sorts of brain fog and uncontrollable rages.

What a winning combination! If you’re a bloke, and you’re keeping in good shape, the exact opposite of this is happening!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 11:57 am

Mother Lodesays:

January 5, 2023 at 11:35 am

I like how that Coxhead woman still thinks she is going to get a life partner.

So, what we got here is someone who has pursued her career, ‘passions’ and personal gratification for thirty years. She now realises two things simultaneously:-
.1 Her choice of career has not delivered financial security; and
.2 Her Plan B of marrying a rich bloke is no longer viable because the goods on offer are showing signs of wear and tear.
Interesting that apparently her latest target “talked constantly about how rich he was”.
I’ll bet he was being interrogated non-stop with indirect questions of wealth indicators – job, house, car etc.
As Bear implies, this has got cat lady written all over it.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 5, 2023 11:59 am

Regardless of how or when the Russian-Ukrainian war ends, the Russian military has been greatly damaged and will sooner or later fall from the second position of world military power, making another major war in Europe less likely….

Well outside my lane here, but I see Russia’s conventional military being snotted by a citizen’s army (albeit the Russian B-Team, with the Ukraine, supported by heavy donations of old stock weapons, taking a terrible flogging) as more, rather than less likely to end up with a major war in Europe.

The Poot has arguably knocked the Red Army reputation off its pedestal. However it seems to me that the learning for Russia is likely to be that any direct trouble with NATO is going to receive tactical nukes toot sweet.

With Invincible Horror Weapons as a psychological backup.

January 5, 2023 11:59 am

It only seems like a few days since m0nty=fa was claiming that this appointment was an act of genius by AnAl.

A masterstroke on both the domestic and international fronts!

Meanwhile, the American embassy will already have warned Washington what they’re in for, if they didn’t know already.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 12:02 pm

I was hoping the authors were Wang, Dong and Ho.

Bionic penis: Synthetic tissue restores erections in pigs (, 4 Jan)

Researchers in China have used artificial tissue to restore erectile function in pigs, a promising development for repairing penile damage in humans.

“This is an area that has received little attention, yet the related need is huge,” said Xuetao Shi, an author of the study published on Wednesday in the science journal Matter.

Yes I’m sure the related need is huge, especially in China.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
January 5, 2023 12:06 pm
January 5, 2023 12:07 pm

Andrews and Perrottet unite in bulk billing venture and urge Albanese government to reform ‘broken’ national Medicare system

Perrottet working with Andrews tells you all you need about Perrottet. Same, shit slightly less hideous package.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 12:07 pm

I’ll bet he was being interrogated non-stop with indirect questions of wealth indicators – job, house, car etc.

Two options – 1. It’s all on finance because the first wife got most of it; or
2. He is surrounded by toys because he is single and ain’t going to jeopardise that now. You might be allowed to play with them for a few weeks if you’re under 30 till something better comes along.

January 5, 2023 12:09 pm

However it seems to me that the learning for Russia is likely to be that any direct trouble with NATO is going to receive tactical nukes toot sweet.

True…a threat which might result in a standoff, the least worst outcome.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 12:10 pm

Yes I’m sure the related need is huge, especially in China.

A lot of rhinoceroses will be holding their breath. And a few tigers.

January 5, 2023 12:12 pm

What is it about Australian Leadership that makes experiential learning so necessary?

The root of the problem is that two of Australia’s 21st century prime ministers have egos you can see from the moon — Kevin Rudd, who, without an ALP faction to watch his back, kicked off the national deficit-borrowing binge in 2007 before the party sacked him because he didn’t have a faction watching his back; and Malcolm Turnbull who made it his personal mission to destroy the Liberal Party (his second choice after the ALP rejected him as a member) — first as PM, then as king-maker via his surrogate, Scott Morrison, who implemented the ALP policy platform to protect the Turnbull family’s investments in renewable energy.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 5, 2023 12:13 pm

“Now, we have actually a recording of Pemulwuy singing it, and he’s really good,” she says, before singing it, too: “Barrabula barra ma …”

Amazing. A recording made in Sydney before 1802 of an Aboriginal man? And silly me thought the first recording of the human voice was of Au Claire de la Lune, recorded 58 years later by French inventor Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville.

Wtf is this shit? Did anyone ever test the veracity of the claim? A recording dating to 1802. FMD
It actually angers me. To get paid to regurgitate this crap is an affront to every taxpayer in the land.

January 5, 2023 12:13 pm

Extraordinary video from inside helicopter involved in deadly Gold Coast crash | 7NEWS

Looking at the damage to the front end, it’s remarkable that pilot was able to land.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 5, 2023 12:16 pm

True…a threat which might result in a standoff, the least worst outcome.

Yes. I hope that’s the way it works.
MAD still seems to be the backstop.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 12:18 pm

Big brother is watching your dog.

Best of CES 2023: Electric skates, pet tech and AI for birds (via, 4 Jan)

Tech companies of all sizes are showing off their latest products at CES, formerly known as the Consumer Electronics show.

If you wonder what your dog is doing while you’re not home, French startup Invoxia has a product for you. The company’s smart dog collar monitors your pet’s activity and sleep, sending the data to your phone.

The latest version unveiled at CES, which has a GPS tracker, includes more advanced heart health monitoring.

Bird Buddy showed off a smart bird feeder that takes snapshots of feathered friends as they fly in to eat some treats. The startup says its AI technology can recognize more than 1,000 species of birds, allowing users to share through a mobile app what kind of birds they’re feeding.

Journalists had fun zipping around the exhibit hall on remote-controlled, electric inline skates from French startup AtmosGear.

The battery lasts for 20 miles (32 kilometers), said founder Mohamed Soliman, who hopes people will see them as a viable way to commute, like electric bikes or scooters.

Poor dogs. The electric skates sound like a great way to fill hospitals with damaged humans.

January 5, 2023 12:19 pm

Wtf is this shit? Did anyone ever test the veracity of the claim?

She’s even claimed membership of a “nation” in southern Queensland that doesn’t exist in the anthropological records.

Perhaps they were victims of genocide?

January 5, 2023 12:22 pm

What a winning combination! If you’re a bloke, and you’re keeping in good shape, the exact opposite of this is happening!

Not that age yet but I do have those laser eye and galaxy brain things now.

January 5, 2023 12:24 pm

BB it further illustrates the complete degeneration of hiya ejucashun

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 5, 2023 12:27 pm

Something more to cherish than fabricated recordings from 1802:

Derek Dawson was an Englishman from Blackpool, who settled in South Australia, but despite his longevity and accomplishments in both places, his name will be etched in time alongside that of Normandy on the coast of France.

At 97, the southern suburbs RSL stalwart was one of the last South Australian veterans of the famed 1944 Normandy landings which began the downfall of the Nazi scourge in Europe 11 months later.

Derek died on December 20, and was honoured by family and the RSL at a funeral in Morphett Vale yesterday.

At the service, Daughter Emma Sampson paid tribute to her father’s life in the UK and SA, where with her mum Nessie and brother Barry the family moved in 1967.

“Dad you have had a long ride, been a gentleman to the end, so rest in peace, give Mum a hug for us and enjoy your next journey. Love you forever,’’ she said.

The funeral service included The Last Post, Ode of Remembrance, and one minute’s silence, along with references to Derek’s WWII service.

This began when he signed up as a Driver for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in July 1943, aged just 18, and ended helping rebuild a shattered Germany until 1947, well after the end of the war in 1945.

Normandy is remembered as the turning point of the war. The successful liberation of Europe turned on creating and holding five beachheads won with the tenacity and sacrifice of those like Derek and his comrades.

In the first wave, at his Gold Beach landing point alone, 350 of Derek’s 24,000 fellow troops who made it to shore on D-Day, or attacked German defences from behind enemy lines, did not make it past the heavily fortified defences.

But by the end of the first day of the battle, 156,000 Allied troops had survived the onslaught, and Europe would soon be liberated.

The Royal Engineers were part of the second wave on the beaches soon after, in charge of making sure machinery and weapons functioned properly.

The Royal Engineers were part of the second wave on the beaches soon after, in charge of making sure machinery and weapons functioned properly.

Derek met his wife Nessie, also in the army, just before returning to civilian life. In 1967, as economic conditions worsened in the UK, the Dawson family, including Emma’s brother Barry, were bound for Newcastle where Derek was to work as fitter with BHP.

“Dad and Mum made the decision to make a better life for their family, paid their ten pounds, but a week before they were due to leave England Dad got a letter saying he would now be working in Whyalla South Australia,’’ she said.

“In February 1967 we left the UK on the Fairstar Ship to make the 6-week journey to Australia, this would be the last time dad and mum ever saw England.

“While in Whyalla until 1992 dad worked at BHP in the Coke Ovens as a Fitter and our mum owned her own women’s clothes shop.”

Speaking at a gathering of friends and family at the Port Noarlunga and Christies Beach RSL club, President Jason Tank, said it was the role of the organisation to honour people like Derek.

“The RSL is all about acknowledging the service and the lives and the sacrifices these people made,” he said.

“A lot of these people here today were best mates with Derek and it is a honour to attend his funeral and pay tribute.”

In 2016 at the age of 91 Derek was part of a small group of 12 veterans who were awarded the French order of Merit – Frances highest decoration “The Legion of Honour” at an Adelaide Town Hall ceremony.

Barry Dawson said his father continued to honour fallen comrades each year after the war.

“Dad would always attend Remembrance Day Service and the Dawn Service and ANZAC march in the city were on his calendar every year, rain, hail or shine,’’ he said.

“On Sundays Dad was on parade at the RSL. To everyone who is not sure, “On Parade” means being with his mates at the club.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 12:30 pm


January 5, 2023 at 12:13 pm

Extraordinary video from inside helicopter involved in deadly Gold Coast crash | 7NEWS

Looking at the damage to the front end, it’s remarkable that pilot was able to land.

Probably the best thing was it completely smashed out the windshield, giving him a forward view.
But, yes, regardless of what went before, a good job to set it down on the nearest available patch of ground*.
Not sure if that is the video I saw, but there was one where a second row passenger taps him on the right shoulder and he turns to that side. In hindsight, a tap on the left shoulder might have been more helpful.
* Years ago an Irish flying instructor gave me some blunt advice regarding a quite long “Engine Failure After Take Off” checklist.
“Feck dat. Just get it to best glide speed, switch de tanks and check de fuel pump and mags. Den look fer somewhere to land. Dere’s no feckin’ time for any of dat udder shit.”

January 5, 2023 12:35 pm

It actually angers me. To get paid to regurgitate this crap is an affront to every taxpayer in the land.

You’re not alone.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 12:41 pm

Zipster and Roger.
That is the video I saw.
The video the ATSB will be keen to get a look at is the guy with the i-pad or tablet in the left hand seat of row 2.
Unless he was just playing Fortnite.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 5, 2023 12:46 pm

Was in the supermarket this morning and overheard a woman mention her power bill. ‘Its just come in its $880. We don’t have the money. I don’t know what we are going to do.’

Welcome to Victoria 2023. You get what you vote for. This is going to get rough people.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 12:53 pm

January 5, 2023 at 12:19 pm
Wtf is this shit? Did anyone ever test the veracity of the claim?

She’s even claimed membership of a “nation” in southern Queensland that doesn’t exist in the anthropological records.

Perhaps they were victims of genocide?

Jurassic Park IV, the Indigenous Recovery?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 5, 2023 12:57 pm

Prince Harry claims brother attacked him over wife Meghan

By Sam McPhee
12:52PM January 5, 2023
No Comments

The Duke of Sussex claims William physically attacked him in his London home after his brother labelled wife Meghan ‘rude’ and ‘difficult’.

In excerpts obtained by The Guardian from his new autobiography Spare, Harry says he was confronted by an incensed William over his marriage to ‘abrasive’ American, Meghan Markle.

Harry, keen to hash out the ‘whole rolling catastrophe’, welcomed his brother into his cottage in the grounds of Kensington Palace, revealing his older sibling was already ‘piping hot’.
Read Next

The Prince of Wales complained about the behaviour of Meghan, Harry writes, replying he was ‘parrot[ing] the press narrative’, which saw the argument escalate.

The two started shouting over the top of each other, before Harry accused William of acting like an heir.

The book is titled Spare as it is an aristocratic reference to the order of the Royals, with the first son in line to receive all titles and power, while the second son is a ‘spare’ should anything happen to the first.

The Duke explained to his brother he didn’t understand the difficulty of fulfilling that role. William then claimed he was trying to help, before Harry replied: “Are you serious? Is that what you call this? Helping me?”

The Prince followed Harry into his kitchen. He writes that he was scared as he attempted to hand a glass of water to his angry older sibling.

“Willy, I can’t speak to you when you’re like this,” he writes, before the future king “came at me”.

“He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor,” the Duke says in his autobiography. “I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out.”

Harry claims his brother was attempting to provoke him to hit him back, referring to fights they had as children. He says William left shortly after, before returning to apologise and leaving again.

He also claims William asked him not to tell Meghan about the incident.

The scuffle led to Harry suffering injuries to his back, he claims, and represents the first explosive story released from the highly-anticipated book to go on sale next week.

It is sure to further enrage the Royal Family, who were reportedly shocked by the recent Netflix special featuring the Sussexes which saw the pair claim they were blocked from seeing the Queen and their relatives ‘lied’ to protect William.

January 5, 2023 1:00 pm

Mother Lodesays:
January 5, 2023 at 11:39 am

WTF is it with Auto-corrupt? If I got a letter wrong it changed most of the letters to ‘correct’ it.

Turn it off.
Live free!

January 5, 2023 1:03 pm

Welcome to Victoria 2023. You get what you vote for. This is going to get rough people.

Universal poverty incoming! Maybe this will wake Victorian’s the hell up.

January 5, 2023 1:13 pm

Welcome to Victoria 2023. You get what you vote for. This is going to get rough people.

“You get what you vote for.” Clearly Prictorians have not worked that out yet and appear ready willing and able to bend over and spread em!

Robert Sewell
January 5, 2023 1:16 pm


Mr Sewell, every time you post I am reminded of the magnificent offensive lineman Detroit drafted out of Oregon.

OK, I don’t follow popular culture that much. Even less do I follow tennis. Who was the magnificent offensive lineman Detroit drafted out of Oregon?
I could do with a larf…

January 5, 2023 1:18 pm

Melbourne to become Australia’s most populous city by 2033 amid Sydney exodus

Greater Sydney is expected to be home to 6.06 million people by 2032-33 as overseas migration increases and travel restrictions ease after years of disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, but will still lose its status as the largest city according to forecasts by the federal government’s Centre for Population.

More than 30,000 people are expected to leave Sydney in 2032 – almost three times as many as are forecast to leave Melbourne – while international migrants are also going to favour the Victorian capital, helping it to reach a population of 6.1m within a decade.

January 5, 2023 1:20 pm

Prince Harry claims brother attacked him over wife Meghan

A good brother

Robert Sewell
January 5, 2023 1:20 pm

Old Ozzie:

Apparently, California Representative Kevin McCarthy has already moved his personal effects and furniture into the House Speaker’s Office despite not winning enough votes to be considered Speaker of the House.

Reminds me of that famous photo of the incoming Labor government that didn’t.
Now that was embarrassing for them. But it was OK – we all got the joker.

January 5, 2023 1:31 pm

Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec
BREAKING: McCarthy leadership Super PAC just cut a deal to not get involved in safe open seat primaries, per Punchbowl News
For many anti-McCarthy votes, this was a top concern
This deal paves the way for more MAGA candidates to win in open-seat primaries without facing well-funded establishment candidates

This was not about principle at all, just your normal horse trading by careerist politicians. So much for draining the swamp.

Mind you I wouldn’t be surprised if McConnell pours more money in to compensate.

January 5, 2023 1:34 pm

The trouble for China with all this is they aren’t ready – they’re frantically expanding their navy but it has a long way to go to be tough enough to stand off the USN.
Do PLAN ships run into innocent commercial shipping just minding its own business?

Cassie of Sydney
January 5, 2023 1:39 pm

“The Duke of Sussex claims William physically attacked him in his London home after his brother labelled wife Meghan ‘rude’ and ‘difficult’.”

You know what I think, I think it’s absolute utter codswallop. He and the trailer park trash he’s hooked up with are both attention seeking whores and will say anything for a buck.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 5, 2023 1:41 pm

You know what I think, I think it’s absolute utter codswallop. He and the trailer park trash he’s hooked up with are both attention seeking whores and will say anything for a buck.

What happened to the days when Royalty used to keep such “trailer park trash” as mistresses?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 1:49 pm

Eyrie – The shipping container Q ships are a bit of a worry if that’s what you’re referring to. But I suspect the USN is well aware of them.

I was just observing that while the PLAN has got some carrier task groups going, albeit with limited practical experience, and likely less AEGIS-style missile defense, so far they’re very outclassed. Much more so than Japan in 1941. Which means the USN should eat them for lunch, provided they have an admiral with balls. That is not guaranteed in these days of wokeness, of course, either militarily or biologically.

The PLAN may be able to do a lot with nukes, but nukes do then then to lead to more nukes. If I was the ONI I’d be carefully working out where all the Central Committee’s various bunkers are located, and make sure I have enough penetrating nuclear munitions ready for all of them.

Robert Sewell
January 5, 2023 1:50 pm


This is the hotel worker from the migrant hotel in Killarney, Ireland, whose face was slashed by an illegal immigrant staying at the hotel

That would be the luckiest man ‘ve seen in over 30 years of A&E and remote area nursing. To have missed the major vessels in the neck would have required Divine Intervention.
See here.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 1:57 pm

A useful reminder is how the AEGIS destroyer USS Mason went when attacked by a total of 9 Silkworms in Oct 2016. I suspect the PLAN took very close notice of that encounter.

January 5, 2023 1:57 pm

Eyrie – The shipping container Q ships are a bit of a worry if that’s what you’re referring to. But I suspect the USN is well aware of them.

I was referring to the two incidents where plain incompetence caused collisions between US Navy ships and commercial shipping. Hate to think how the USN will do if the shooting starts. Will the watch officer on the bridge get over her hissy fit with the officer in the CIC?

January 5, 2023 2:01 pm

I wonder if the PLAN has the ship attack version of the Kalibre or a copy/close equivalent of? Mach 2.9 in terminal phase.
The Chinese are a people who can put up a space station and land rovers on the far side of the Moon. I’d say they have all the tech they need.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 2:08 pm

Will the watch officer on the bridge get over her hissy fit with the officer in the CIC?

Haha, yes. That fiasco was amusing. Doesn’t seem to affect male watch officers quite to the same extent. 😀

I’ve commented on Chinese tech upthread. They’ve only very recently been able to build engines for their frontline fighters for example, previously they got them from the Russians.

The training and doctrine is going to take a while to mature. Whether they have enough for purely littoral security during an invasion of Taiwan, say, I couldn’t say. I suspect not…yet.

January 5, 2023 2:19 pm

So, poor little Hazbeen was yelled at by his big brother*. Wouldn’t he have been yelled at plenty by the various training NCO’s and officers during his stint in the military? Pathetic!
‘He broke my necklace’ Not the necklace. Oh noes. Instant phone call to therapist for broken necklace.
Suicidal wife? Not calling the therapist because not a good look for the Firm.

Yeah, you utter drongo. Make it make sense.

*Wills has probably gained thousands more fans for this long overdue lesson for Harold.

January 5, 2023 2:22 pm

For want of something better to do I was over on Ebay having a look at what is selling on American Civil war collectables in Oz .. pity I don’t need the money cos a lot of the CW bits & pieces I have are, apparently, worth money these days .. understandable, I suppose cos if your into this sort of stuff the O/S postage, nowadays, on top of the item price is enuf to put you right off …….

January 5, 2023 2:26 pm

Watched the mini series, WITCHER, FIRST BLOOD last night .. only runs to 4 episodes & well worth watching if you liked Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon …….

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 2:28 pm


The Chinese are a people who can put up a space station and land rovers on the far side of the Moon. I’d say they have all the tech they need.

Yet, oddly, Chainerr is still recorded as a “developing nation”.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 5, 2023 2:31 pm

“He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor,”

My opinion of Wills has gone up.

My opinion of Hazza couldn’t go down any further though.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 5, 2023 2:33 pm

This was not about principle at all, just your normal horse trading by careerist politicians

It always gets me that when the left want to discuss what’s wrong with the wrangling/”failing” of their opponents it’s always the higher bar they set.

While they can be full on horse traders, because they do it behind closed doors to hide the cupidity of their own sausage-making, that’s all ok.

See, for example, Elbow giving the Australian Ambassador to the US job to Krudd. Made long ago, was that decision, and more than likely made during the election to ensure no leaks against his old party. So, no prize there as purveyors of temperance, reason and honest dealing.

And when it comes to our political parties jockeying here in OZ, we see the same phenomenon. The Liars always pointing out where the SFLs are going wrong in order “to help them regain their lost ground” – see, for example, Steven Conroy’s ad nauseum commentary on Sky on what the Libs must do to make them more electable. So it’s more ruinables; support the voice; female quotas, I tells ya!, (h/t Rabz) that will do it, Dutto!

What’s happening here, Monty, is that open egg breaking should get the right omelette. And if it doesn’t then the electorate will judge the matter accordingly.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 2:34 pm

“He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor,”

I hope that he didn’t cause a ladder in Harry’s stockings. Or spoil his perm.

January 5, 2023 2:35 pm

Sicktoria, ground zero for catholic bashing.

Victorian court allows abused altar boy’s children and wife to sue Catholic church
Unique case may set precedent as family alleges church’s failings caused man’s violence in later life

A Victorian court has paved the way for the children and wife of an abused altar boy to sue the Catholic church, alleging the church’s failings caused their father and husband to become a violent alcoholic and drug addict who beat them later in life.

The abuse victim, now dead, was an altar boy in north-west Victoria in the mid-1970s when he was allegedly raped by Father Bryan Coffey, a parish priest who allegedly used his role as the supervisor of the local school’s cross-country team to prey on children.

Coffey, who died in 2013, is alleged to have abused nine children across four parishes between 1960 and 1975. The church allegedly moved Coffey between various parish appointments because of “knowledge or suspicion that he was capable of child abuse”.

In the years that followed his abuse, the altar boy began drinking heavily and later developed a serious substance abuse disorder. He was violent and abusive to his wife, whom he married roughly a decade later, and their two children, according to court documents.

Now the wife and two children, who cannot be identified, have sued the Catholic church, alleging they are “secondary victims” of its failure to prevent Coffey from abusing children.

They allege the church should have known that failing to protect the boy from abuse meant that, if he went on to have a family, his immediate relatives would be left “vulnerable to the risk of harm”.

The case is unique in that it alleges the church had a duty of care to the victim’s immediate family members, despite the fact that the abuse happened more than a decade before he met his wife and before the two children were born.

If the argument is accepted at any trial, the case could set a precedent that would potentially expose the church to claims from other immediate family members who have suffered intergenerational trauma caused by clergy abuse.

Last month the church failed to have the claim struck out in the Victorian supreme court.

And if the abuse is alleged, then we have secondary claims for compensation based on unproven offences (to a criminal standard).

Slater and Gordon’s funding of the ALP machine is paying big dividends. Who would imaging just losing the files accusing a sitting PM of facilitating a crime to rip off orphans and widows would pay such long term dividends.

January 5, 2023 2:38 pm

More than 30,000 people are expected to leave Sydney in 2032 – almost three times as many as are forecast to leave Melbourne – while international migrants are also going to favour the Victorian capital, helping it to reach a population of 6.1m within a decade.

Winter 2023 with Dickhead Dan at the helm could easily change this.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 5, 2023 2:39 pm

Harry had served in the Royal Marines, right? I haven’t heard that he was by any means a slouch when serving.

Does anyone else get the image in their head of Meghan holding the pinky of one hand to her top lip, laughing, while in the other hand she holds a giant theatrical syringe containing Harry’s extracted *air quotes* moe-joe.

January 5, 2023 2:42 pm

Final thoughts on Linux install:
-As only about 2% of desktops are running Linux I expected a much more marginal experience, but aside from a lot of overly verbose and slightly mongishly aspbergers instruction videos and articles, it wasn’t.
– Highly recommended if you have time on your hands and have an old PC to breathe new life in or are on a budget build, even for non nerds like myself who prefer spanners to keyboards.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 2:42 pm

“He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor,”

Jewellery on men is always a worry. A crown is OK at a coronation.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 2:48 pm

Melbournibad future demographics are a function of cow paddocks. If they surrounded Sydney you would be knocked down in the rush. Neither has a major city urban transit network. Catching a Sydney bus is a truly awful experience, all the delays of driving with none of the benefits.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 5, 2023 2:50 pm

On Harry: he should never dress in regimental dress uniform for any reason again. His behaviour in imitating a shrill, tweenie with issues, would bring shame on that which he has formerly worn.

January 5, 2023 2:50 pm

Arky in a couple of years..



Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 2:52 pm

Does anyone else get the image in their head of Meghan holding the …

My impression is Harry and William did well in their military service, and much better than their dad. But Meghan does appear to have a firm grip on the um, handle she steers Harry by. Not sure what her superpower is, but whatever it is it’s clearly quite potent.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 5, 2023 2:53 pm

In Ramp It Up To Eleventy Times Infinity Squared noos from the Hun:

An Omicron subvariant that has been tearing through parts of the United States was detected in Australia just before Christmas, health authorities have confirmed.

The highly transmissible XBB. 1.5 subvariant, which has been dubbed “The Kraken”, was detected in small numbers in the two weeks to December 24, NSW Health said on Thursday.

There is no evidence the subvariant causes more severe symptoms than the original Omicron Covid strain, but it is reportedly behind more than 40 per cent of new Covid cases in the US.

Data from NSW Health’s two-week Covid summary released on Thursday showed Covid cases had decreased 40 per cent in the week to December 31. Positive cases amounted to 22,281 compared to 37,371 in the previous week to December 24.

The BR. 2 Omicron subvariant was the most common source of infection, but XBB. 1.5 had been detected, a statement said.

Infectious diseases expert Professor Robert Booy told Sky News existing vaccination levels and natural immunity meant the subvariant would not be a major risk to the community.

“Our vaccines probably do protect against it and we shouldn’t be overly concerned although I’ve called it ‘extra bad boy’ – it’s just a way of remembering the name XBB.1.5,” he said.

“It’s more transmissible, it’s more active, young and able to get around but it’s not more severe it’s not more virulent, it’s not more likely to put you in hospital.”

January 5, 2023 2:53 pm

He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor, his rough coarse workmans hands roamed my shivering heaving bosoms as I cried out “no, no, not while the budgie is watching”…

/Barbara Cartland eat your heart out.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 5, 2023 2:55 pm

The Kraken. Yet later it’s described as something more benign.

January 5, 2023 3:01 pm

In the years that followed his abuse, the altar boy began drinking heavily and later developed a serious substance abuse disorder. He was violent and abusive to his wife, whom he married roughly a decade later, and their two children, according to court documents.

Zero pitty for him.

Cassie of Sydney
January 5, 2023 3:07 pm

“And when it comes to our political parties jockeying here in OZ, we see the same phenomenon. The Liars always pointing out where the SFLs are going wrong in order “to help them regain their lost ground” – see, for example, Steven Conroy’s ad nauseum commentary on Sky on what the Libs must do to make them more electable. So it’s more ruinables; support the voice; female quotas, I tells ya!, (h/t Rabz) that will do it, Dutto!”

It’s very deliberate gaslighting, designed to make the Liberals unelectable because they know ruinables, net zero, quotas, the Voice and so on are electoral poison for the Liberals, particularly for the base. Remember how a little over a month ago, the day after the Victorian election, Lord Malturd of Point Piper went on Twitter and stated that the Victorian Liberals had moved too far to the right! The Turd of Point Piper knows he’s undermining the party that made him PM. But the SFLs always fall for it, particularly the likes of Bummingham, Bragg and the few remaining wets in the party who seem to have Dutton’s ear.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 5, 2023 3:19 pm

Some poetry of colossal intellect

January 5, 2023 3:24 pm

Covid cases had decreased 40 per cent in the week to December 31.

Covid needs a holiday as much as everyone else.

I blame a fall off in testing, (mandatory or hopeful of sick leave).

The Kraken, huh? Misspelled Karen.

January 5, 2023 3:26 pm
January 5, 2023 3:27 pm

Stop linking to the Vogons, Black Ball. Rabz won’t like it. No, sir-ee!

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 3:31 pm

What the Lieborals do in Opposition is virtually irrelevant. The real question is whether Albo and the Liars can get a 2nd term. They just fell over the line with Gillard after dumping KRuddy. The next Federal election is a long way off in political terms. Things aren’t going to get any easier for Albo from here.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 3:34 pm

Stop linking to the Vogons

Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit?
There’s certainly a cadential similarity.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 5, 2023 3:39 pm

The scuffle led to Harry suffering injuries to his back, he claims, and represents the first explosive story released from the highly-anticipated book to go on sale next week.

Back injuries you say?
Why on Earth is this not subject to a compo claim?

Stupid boy.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 3:39 pm

It would have been interesting to see how the Lieborals would have gone at the last election if they had dumped SloMo 18 months out. He was electoral poison.

January 5, 2023 3:41 pm

January 5, 2023 at 3:26 pm

Hannity is swamp.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Headline at The Australian:

Repatriated ISIS bride arrested and to face court on terrorism charges

I feel so safe. I’m glad we spent so much money bringing them halfway across the world to Australia.

Robert Sewell
January 5, 2023 3:43 pm


Polish and Ukrainian borders are tense! Hundreds M1A2 Abrams Tank arrives & conduct live firing

Noticeable is the absence of the vertical chains for use in predetonating RPGs in urban environment.

January 5, 2023 3:44 pm

00:54 ‘White Lung’ Phenomenon Among China’s COVID-19 Spike
03:44 Too Many Corpses: China’s New Cremation Campaign
04:59 Beijing Citizen Denounces Official China Death Rate
06:58 China Lashes Out at Countries’ Travel Restrictions
08:53 S. Korea Tests Chinese Travelers, One Goes Missing
10:01 Japan Toughens Border Control for China Travelers
11:27 World Health Organization: China’s COVID-19 Data Not Credible
15:27 NASA Chief: China Could Claim Moon Territory If It Wins New ‘Space Race’ with the U.S.
16:54 Man Sentenced: Plotting to Steal General Electric Secrets for China

January 5, 2023 3:46 pm

11:27 World Health Organization: China’s COVID-19 Data Not Credible

attack on lungs not consistent with known omicron variants

January 5, 2023 3:58 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 4:01 pm


January 5, 2023 at 2:19 pm

So, poor little Hazbeen was yelled at by his big brother*. Wouldn’t he have been yelled at plenty by the various training NCO’s and officers during his stint in the military?

Err, I very much doubt that Harry “Just One of The Troops” Windsor copped any bollockings.
His own self-image might be of the brave front-line warrior but he would have been the most cosseted boy scout in the history of the British military.
The biggest danger he ever faced was the possibility of being beaten up by a pimp in Las Vegas.

January 5, 2023 4:03 pm

What’s happening here, Monty, is that open egg breaking should get the right omelette. And if it doesn’t then the electorate will judge the matter accordingly.

You don’t cook an omelette by throwing rotten eggs across the House floor.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 4:03 pm

“He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor,”

Actually living out the phrase “beaten like a red-headed step-child”.

Cassie of Sydney
January 5, 2023 4:05 pm

“It would have been interesting to see how the Lieborals would have gone at the last election if they had dumped SloMo 18 months out. He was electoral poison.”

Yep, and who regarded him as poisonous? It wasn’t Labor voters, no, it was traditional Liberal voters who found him toxic and poisonous.

January 5, 2023 4:07 pm

The Kraken, huh? Misspelled Karen.


January 5, 2023 4:10 pm

I am so over our media ABC,Herald Sun etc making up controversies about tweets by C list celebrities.
What ever happened to journalism?
To answer my own question I presume it was the universities.
I used to know quite a few journos smart guys erudite but mainly drunks

January 5, 2023 4:11 pm

ISIS bride brought home to Australia in October 2022 now arrested for knowingly entering Syria and knowing what ISIS (and her hubby Munty, were doing).

FMD – Not a good look for Albo Akhbar…

January 5, 2023 4:11 pm

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has made a major deal with key holdout votes Wednesday night, but the House voted 216-214 to adjourn until noon Thursday.

Hammered out by the Club for Growth, the deal will move votes to McCarthy. Key to the agreement was the Congressional Leadership Fund to stay out of open primaries, Newsmax reported earlier Wednesday night and both PACs confirmed in statements later.

“This agreement on super PAC’s fulfills a major concern we have pressed for,” Club for Growth President David McIntosh wrote in a statement. “We understand that Leader McCarthy and Members are working on a rules agreement that will meet the principles we have set out previously. Assuming these principles are met, Club for Growth will support Kevin McCarthy for speaker.”

The next vote is expected to move in McCarthy’s favor, and it will be much closer. But that vote will have to come Thursday.

There is further reporting McCarthy also proposed key concessions:

– Allow just one member to call for a vote to oust a speaker.
– Placing more Freedom Caucus members on the House Rules Committee.
– Promises vote on bills like term limits and border security.

It is expected this deal will move perhaps as many as 10 votes among the 20 holdouts in favor of McCarthy.

January 5, 2023 4:14 pm

He was primaried out of his seat and look where he’s ended up.

Adam Kinzinger #fella

Happy to join the team @CNN

CNN Communications

Join us in welcoming @AdamKinzinger to CNN as a Senior Political Commentator. Welcome to CNN, Adam!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 5, 2023 4:16 pm

It is expected this deal will move perhaps as many as 10 votes among the 20 holdouts in favor of McCarthy.

As I recall he needs 16 of the 20.
I’m getting short of popcorn.

January 5, 2023 4:17 pm

Funking hell this pink shit is out of hand.All the Austrslisn cricketers filing past a silver bowl and placing their caps in it.Like bloody religious ceremony.Its communion in reverse.
I presume that the caps will be auctioned but seriously they are not holy items

January 5, 2023 4:18 pm

JC – one tweeter sums it up nicely:

“Imagine working your butt off for CNN for years only to be laid off before Christmas because they have no viewership and no revenue. Only to wake up one day in January and see KingZINGER, a hack Congressman, has been hired for $100’s of $1000’s more than you.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 4:23 pm

Mole at 2:35.
That is poor reporting by the Gruaniard.
There is nothing alleged about what Coffey did. After fighting charges tooth and nail and used every trick in the book to discredit victims and their families, he was found guilty of multiple child abuse offences in Ballarat in 1999.
The punishment?
He was given a three year suspended sentence.
Didn’t serve a day in jail.
One of the first offences was on the very day of his ordination as a priest. A bit like rogering the flower-girl on your wedding day.
A total grub.
Whilst the prosecution of Pell was a total cluster, I really don’t care if the Church has to shell out on this one.
The ridiculously inadequate sentencing for a crime like that is a double blow.
As for people expressing “zero pitty” for the victim, get back to me when one of your young relatives takes it up the arse from a teacher/priest/scoutmaster.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 4:26 pm

H B Bearsays:
January 5, 2023 at 3:39 pm
It would have been interesting to see how the Lieborals would have gone at the last election if they had dumped SloMo 18 months out. He was electoral poison.

Hold on. Our top electoral commentator here, Richard Cranium no less, assured us that “Scotty” was playing AnAl like a fine Stradivarius, and had it all wrapped up. Didn’t he win?

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 5, 2023 4:26 pm

It would have been interesting to see how the Lieborals would have gone at the last election if they had dumped SloMo 18 months out. He was electoral poison.
Perhaps there were no takers?
Scotty wasn’t the only problem they had.
Whitlam offered Hayden the PMs job in 1975 and Hayden told him no thanks, you can go down with the ship.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 4:28 pm

January 5, 2023 at 4:03 pm
What’s happening here, Monty, is that open egg breaking should get the right omelette. And if it doesn’t then the electorate will judge the matter accordingly.

You don’t cook an omelette by throwing rotten eggs across the House floor.

Indeed, you throw the rotten (RINO) eggs across the House floor, and use good eggs for the omelette.

Cassie of Sydney
January 5, 2023 4:28 pm

Just a thought, here in the West in 2022 we’ve never been so well off materially and we’ve never been so worse off morally.

January 5, 2023 4:31 pm

Just a thought, here in the West in 2022 we’ve never been so well off materially and we’ve never been so worse off morally.

Indeed – many have written about affluence and comfortability allowing “other virtues” to arise.

Cassie of Sydney
January 5, 2023 4:31 pm

“ISIS bride brought home to Australia in October 2022 now arrested for knowingly entering Syria and knowing what ISIS (and her hubby Munty, were doing).”

I reckon she’s just the first to be charged.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 4:31 pm


Whilst the prosecution of Pell was a total cluster, I really don’t care if the Church has to shell out on this one.
The ridiculously inadequate sentencing for a crime like that is a double blow.

Any background on the sentencing judge?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 5, 2023 4:33 pm

There was once a sheep farmer who had a French farm hand working with him to help castrate his sheep. As the farmer castrated the sheep, the French farm hand took the parts and was about to throw them into the trash. “No!” yelled the farmer “Don’t throw those away! My wife fries them up and we eat them, they’re delicious! They’re called sheep fries!” The farm hand saved the parts and took them to the farmer’s wife who cooked them up for supper. This went on for three days… and each evening they had sheep fries for supper. On the fourth night the farmer came in to the house for supper. He asked his wife where the farm hand was and she replied “It’s the strangest thing! When he came in and asked what was for supper, I told him French Fries and he ran like hell!”

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 5, 2023 4:33 pm

Any background on the sentencing judge?
Belonged to a worldwide Pederasty Cult?
Just a guess.

January 5, 2023 4:34 pm

He’s been coming out with his 10 surprises for decades. These appear a little mellow compared to other years though, but then he’s well into his 80s.

Byron and Joe’s Ten Surprises of 2023 are as follows:

1. Multiple candidates on both sides of the aisle organize campaigns to secure their party’s presidential nomination. There are new headliner names on the respective tickets for 2024.

2. The Federal Reserve remains in a tug-of-war with inflation, so it puts the word “pivot” on the shelf alongside the word “transitory.” The fed funds rate moves above the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index and real interest rates turn positive, a rare phenomenon relative to the last decade.

3. While the Fed is successful in dampening inflation, it over-stays its time in restrictive territory. Margins are squeezed in a mild recession.

4. Despite Fed tightening, the market reaches a bottom by mid-year and begins a recovery comparable to 2009.

5. Every significant correction in the market has in the past been accompanied by a financial “accident.” Cryptocurrencies had a major correction and that proved not to be a systemic event. This time, Modern Monetary Theory is fully discredited because deficits have proven to be inflationary.

6. The Fed remains more hawkish than other central banks, and the US dollar stays strong against major currency pairs, including the yen and euro. This creates a generational opportunity for dollar-based investors to invest in Japanese and European assets.

7. China edges toward its growth objective of 5.5% and works aggressively to re-establish strong trade relationships with the West, with positive implications for real assets and commodities.

8. The US becomes not only the largest producer of oil, but also the friendliest supplier. The price of oil drops primarily as a result of a global recession, but also because of increased hydraulic fracking and greater production from the Middle East and Venezuela. The price of West Texas Intermediate crude touches $50 this year, but there’s a $100 tick out there sometime beyond 2023 as the world recovers.

9. The bombardment, destruction and casualties in Ukraine continue for the first half of 2023. In the second half, the combination of suffering and cost on both sides necessitates a ceasefire and negotiations on a territorial split begin.

10. In spite of the reluctance of advertisers to continue to support the site and the skepticism of creditors about the quality of the firm’s debt, Elon Musk gets Twitter back on the path to recovery by the end of the year.

The “Also Rans” of 2023

Every year there are always a few Surprises that do not make the Ten, because we either do not think they are as relevant as those on the basic list or we are not comfortable with the idea that they are “probable.”

11. Because of medical breakthroughs across the board, many people decide on a cryogenic burial, expecting to be defrosted when a cure for the disease that caused their demise is discovered. Funeral homes across the country advertise that “It’s Nice to Be On Ice.”

12. A technology breakthrough in reducing the carbon emissions of coal-fired plants takes the edge off the climate / global warming scare. This lowers the political pressure on emerging markets to make a rapid transition to renewable energy sources.

13. India begins to compete seriously to win/retain the manufacturing base that started looking for a new home after becoming increasingly uneasy with the uncertainty that has continuously surrounded US–China policies. The country initiates a campaign to attract global multinationals, focusing on its young population, relatively low income and growing consumer market, and prioritizing policies that incentivize investment in the auto, energy, pharma and tech sectors. Apple and Samsung are a proof of concept after successfully producing their respective flagship phones for global markets.

As to the first one about the 24 election. I’m going with Newson v DeSantis and Newsom wins by cheating. The last bit about cheating isn’t really that much of a prediction but more of a certainty.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 5, 2023 4:34 pm

For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.

– Vincent Van Gogh

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 4:35 pm

Richard Cranium

Gutsy call against an unknown judge, who might be a bit litigious.

January 5, 2023 4:36 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
January 5, 2023 at 4:23 pm

Thanks, I was hung up on the allegedly word.
Ill assume in this case it means hes a convicted pedo, but died before this chaps case made it to court.

Still uncomfortable with the idea that a secondary party can claim to have been damaged.

And yes, a manifestly stupid sentence for what should have been “you can die in jail, so sad” case.

Robert Sewell
January 5, 2023 4:37 pm


However she wanted to see the Whitney Houston biopic, I was only vaguely aware of Houston, I never really liked her music, after two hours I’ve decided that I hate her music. She had an amazing voice, trouble is much of her output seems to be a vehicle for her voice and all she is doing is vocal gymnastics. Rather boring and way too loud on the excruciatingly long high notes.

Thanks for the support!
I mentioned several years ago that if I wanted to buy music of someone practising their scales, I wouldn’t.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 4:37 pm

ISIS bride charged on “newly obtained evidence”. Suggests she’s been shopped by someone.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 5, 2023 4:39 pm


12. A technology breakthrough in reducing the carbon emissions of coal-fired plants takes the edge off the climate / global warming scare. This lowers the political pressure on emerging markets to make a rapid transition to renewable energy sources.

The whole Gerbil Worming crapola is nothing to do with Klimate or CO2, and everything to do with political control.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 4:40 pm


Any background on the sentencing judge?

I need to be careful here.
Some say he was “well connected in devout circles and the priest was never going to jail”.
(I know someone who was closely connected with the prosecution who is still spewing about the sentencing).

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 5, 2023 4:40 pm

The idea that Groog’s spooks are across the Moozely threat to Australians is laughable.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

ISIS bride apparently was arrested because:
1) She travelled deliberately to Syria
2) Knew what her husband was up to
3) Knew what ISIS was up to

Er… so, why is she the only one arrested?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 5, 2023 4:41 pm

He was primaried out of his seat and look where he’s ended up.

It must fill real Republicans with a warm glowing satisfaction that they can see through such snakes.

CNN, of course, will promote him as their resident representative giving his insights into what is happening on the right, holding forth with extreme assuredness on what the right wing grassroots think (broadly the Democrat agenda) and how the leadership is betraying them, and then adding lies to his earlier lies to explain why his predictions did not pan out.

January 5, 2023 4:43 pm

Er… so, why is she the only one arrested?

If you mean her husband, he’s dead. Killed in Syria a few years after she arrived.

January 5, 2023 4:44 pm

Whilst the prosecution of Pell was a total cluster, I really don’t care if the Church has to shell out on this one.
The ridiculously inadequate sentencing for a crime like that is a double blow.

1. 20+ years later the ex wife gets money as a third party?

2. Why was the sentence not successfully appealed?

January 5, 2023 4:47 pm

The whole Gerbil Worming crapola is nothing to do with Klimate or CO2, and everything to do with political control.

True somewhat, but if say there’s some catch up technology in further upgrading super-critical coal fired stations, they won;t be able to stop the use globally. Once a few adopt it then it becomes irresistible to the rest.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 4:47 pm

Ill assume in this case it means hes a convicted pedo, but died before this chaps case made it to court.

Yes, he is.
His death isn’t relevant as this is a civil case against the Church.

Still uncomfortable with the idea that a secondary party can claim to have been damaged.

It isn’t really such a stretch legally.
Imagine Qantas had a pilot who had been caught drinking on the job and had a couple of serious safety incidents. Let’s say Qantas move him to Jetstar NZ where he spears in, killing himself and 100 passengers, and his PM shows a BAC of 0.1%. The families of the passengers would definitely have a case against Qantas, and rightly so.

January 5, 2023 4:47 pm

The guy turned to violence when most don’t that is why I have zero sympathy, idiot! Inquisitor.

January 5, 2023 4:52 pm

I don’t believe this for a minute. The idea that even if Russia wins decisively the Russian military is greatly damaged makes no sense. Way too many Western commentators are talking their book.

It makes perfect sense. You’re not going to hold up Zelensky and smack him around, with tanks, artillery and new Russian soldiers being shaken out of his pockets.

Now you refuse to accept Western casualty estimates. If they’re correct this indeed is a phyrric victory.

Their conventional forces or demographics will not recover from this. Their economy is suffering badly. They’re not a banana republic so other sectors are suffering heavily.

The war is a total and utter embarrassment. Their territorial ambition will stop on the eastern bank of the Donets River.

January 5, 2023 4:52 pm

A bit on Coffey.

What the judge said
Sentencing Coffey, Judge Kelly said:

“In each case the prisoner [Coffey] was brought into the child’s realm by reference to his priestly profession, by his welcome in the home on a pastoral visit or a family occasion, and most shockingly by his training of boys to serve at the Eucharistic Sacrifice. In all these cases he acted with the full power and authority of the church, a power and authority which during the relevant years demanded and received unquestioning respect from the laity, especially from parents charged with the duty of bringing up their children in the Catholic faith. It is noteworthy that, with the exception of [complainant named], whose injury compelled inquiry and provided corroboration, the complainants assigned as their reason for making no complaint and seeking no assistance the believe that no-one would have believed them. Each of the complainants was a member of a Catholic family practising its faith, into which the notion that a priest would seek sexual gratification from a child would be an unwelcome invasion.

“The span of time, 15 years, the number of parish communities, four, in which it occurred, is significant. This was not an isolated surrender to temptation no a period of uncharacteristic behaviour occasioned by unusual circumstances or by some malignancy of the mind or body, by some stressful activity or by depression. These offences were part of the pattern of the prisoner’s life during his curacy at one parish after another.

“The betrayal of trust involved in these offences is as heinous as the trust was absolute. The prisoner betrayed the trust reposed in him by his church, both in its hierarchy and laity, betrayed the trust reposted in him by teachers at his school, who permitted children committed to their care to fall into his, and betrayed the trust of the children and betrayed the trust of their parents.”

Coffey sentenced
Judge Kelly gave Coffey a three-year jail sentence. However, the judge made this sentence wholly suspended in view of several mitigating factors — Coffey’s absence of previous convictions, the fact that the last of the charged offences occurred many years ago, the public humiliation suffered by Coffey by his conviction, and the termination of his priestly career.

The Director of Public Prosecutions appealed against the leniency of this suspension but in September 1999 the three-judge Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal by a majority of two to one. One of the majority judges claimed that Coffey had “stopped offending in 1975” and Coffey’s offences were “not the worst examples” of sexual crimes”.

When he attended this appeal hearing, Coffey brought a bag of belongings with him in case he was locked up if the appeal failed, but he did not need the bag and he left the appeal court to hand-shakes and back-slapping from a group of male supporters.

However, did Coffey really “stop offending in 1975”? In February 1998, police charged him with an indecent act on a boy, allegedly committed in the Sea Lake parish in 1993, but, fortunately for Coffey, this charge did not reach the courts.

Furthermore, some other charges against Coffey were indeed of the more serious kind. On 10 July 1998, Coffey appeared in the Ballarat Magistrates Court, charged with five counts of buggery allegedly committed against another boy at Ouyen in 1975 and 1976. However, the complainant was too shy to attend court, so, again fortunately for Coffey, these charges lapsed.

Police were told in 1997 that at least two Coffey victims have committed suicide after growing up with problems.

January 5, 2023 4:53 pm

Look who’s back.

I’m back baby, bigger than ever.

China is “perhaps reluctantly” reconsidering its ban on Australian coal amid the uncertainty over global supply due to the war in Ukraine and its own growing needs as it strives for economic rejuvenation after a spate of Covid-hit years, economists say.

“The possible resumption of coal imports should not greatly affect the quantity of coal we’re exporting, as we’ve already easily found alternative markets to sell to – especially given European shortfalls due to the war in Ukraine,” BetaShares chief economist David Bassanese said.

“What is likely to happen is a re-alignment of the patterns of global trade back to the pre-ban situation.

“China’s increased demand for Australian coal, however, should help our coal export prices to a degree, as the price premium for better quality coal that Australian tends to produce is enhanced.”

In the past two years since the ban, China has sourced coal supply from more distant markets and relied on local production of poorer quality coal while also suffering electricity outages due to less reliable supply.

In financial markets, the Australian dollar has trimmed overnight gains in response to the positive news and is near US68.2c.

The gains had followed a Bloomberg report about China’s National Development and Reform Commission holding talks this week with four major importers – China Baowu Steel Group, China Datang, China Huaneng Group and China Energy Investment Corp – on a possible resumption of Australian coal imports, possibly as early as April.

The potential breakthrough on the two-year coal ban, which has not been confirmed by the Albanese government, comes after Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s visit to Beijing last month – the first by an Australian minister in three years.

The visit attempted to thaw relations with Australia’s biggest trading partner, which has also imposed bans on a number of other lucrative exports, including barley, wine, beef and lamb, cotton, lobsters and timber.

Shares in Australian coal miners – major beneficiaries of the surge in demand for coal in 2022 – are tracking lower after a late spike on Wednesday. Whitehaven is down more than 2 per cent to $8.93 and New Hope is off 0.5 per cent to $5.88.
10:03 am
Dollar surges amid reports China to lift coal trade ban
Valerina Changarathil

China’s imports of Australian coal could resume as early as April, according to reports. Picture: Ian Waldie/Getty Images
China’s imports of Australian coal could resume as early as April, according to reports. Picture: Ian Waldie/Getty Images

The Australian dollar has surged 2 per cent amid reports China is moving to partially lift its two-year ban on Australian coal imports.

The local currency is trading 1.7 per cent higher at US68.40c in US trade after Bloomberg reported China’s National Development and Reform Commission held talks on Tuesday that could allow four major importers – China Baowu Steel Group, China Datang, China Huaneng Group and China Energy Investment Corp – to resume imports, possibly as early as April.

The potential breakthrough, which has not been confirmed by the Albanese government, comes after Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s visit to Beijing last month, the first by an Australian minister in three years.

John H.
John H.
January 5, 2023 4:56 pm

Regardless of how or when the Russian-Ukrainian war ends, the Russian military has been greatly damaged and will sooner or later fall from the second position of world military power, making another major war in Europe less likely….

Long before the Ukraine conflict it was known the Russian military had pronounced personnel and hardware problems. The damage is not the losses from the conflict but the revelation of how serious those problems are.

January 5, 2023 4:56 pm

It isn’t really such a stretch legally.
Imagine Qantas had a pilot who had been caught drinking on the job and had a couple of serious safety incidents. Let’s say Qantas move him to Jetstar NZ where he spears in, killing himself and 100 passengers, and his PM shows a BAC of 0.1%. The families of the passengers would definitely have a case against Qantas, and rightly so.

There is too much distinction. The facts are not similar enough. You would need very specific and similar case law.

What he has is mitigation regarding his own sentencing, which a lot of (particularly conservative) ordinary people have a problem with.

January 5, 2023 4:57 pm

It indicates though how toxic and far reaching abuse can be. It blights people’s lives in so many ways, and some victims are able to handle and live with it better than others.

Resorting to violence against one’s own children is at the extreme end. There is an element of agency involved though – you have to decide to be violent.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 4:58 pm

Judge Kelly gave Coffey a three-year jail sentence. However, the judge made this sentence wholly suspended in view of several mitigating factors — Coffey’s absence of previous convictions, the fact that the last of the charged offences occurred many years ago, the public humiliation suffered by Coffey by his conviction, and the termination of his priestly career.

The Director of Public Prosecutions appealed against the leniency of this suspension but in September 1999 the three-judge Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal by a majority of two to one. One of the majority judges claimed that Coffey had “stopped offending in 1975” and Coffey’s offences were “not the worst examples” of sexual crimes”.

A couple of points here. The assertion that he “stopped offending” is not supported by the facts, and runs counter to everything we know about undetected pedos. He was charged with other offences alleged to have happened in the ’90’s, but these hadn’t made it to court by the time of the appeal.
As for “ending his priestly career”, again, that is a stretch. He didn’t get sent to another parish, but he wasn’t de-frocked or turfed onto the street as he should have been.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 5, 2023 5:01 pm

Gutsy call against an unknown judge, who might be a bit litigious.
Yeah, SpongeBob.
Anonymous commenters calling themselves Ed Case on a blog where other commenters regularly talk about skinning their mothers can’t be too careful.
Anyway, Judge Kelly was a member of Devers List.
No identifying initial given.

January 5, 2023 5:02 pm

The whole Gerbil Worming crapola is nothing to do with Klimate or CO2, and everything to do with political control.

Hear hear. Hrmmph. Abso frickin lootly.

January 5, 2023 5:08 pm

Australia to buy US-made HIMARS in boost to defense systems

The Australian government said the HIMARS it was buying included launchers, missiles and training rockets and would be in use by 2026. It said the system had a current range of 300 kilometers (186 miles), which was expected to increase with technological advances.
The government said it had also signed a contract with Norway-based Kongsberg to buy Naval Strike Missiles for navy destroyers and frigates, which would replace aging Harpoon anti-ship missiles from next year.

John H.
John H.
January 5, 2023 5:08 pm

Forget about Quantum Electrodynamics

Another example of scientists following the herd.

January 5, 2023 5:09 pm

This is the bit that sticks in my craw.

the public humiliation suffered by Coffey by his conviction (for diddling kids)

Try the same lines for some other offences
Molesting a dead horse
Installing hidden cameras in Montys bathroom
Aiding and abetting your boyfriend ripping off a widows and orphans fund.

In all those cases the public humiliation shouldnt be a mitigating factor, its part and parcel of getting caught.

Robert Sewell
January 5, 2023 5:10 pm

Bruce O’Newk:

Poland yesterday placed another order for more Abrams.

I understand the jigs etc for the Abrams hulls were destroyed to prevent more from being made. But have no evidence of this. I don’t understand why it would be done, but if anyone can correct me on this I would appreciate it.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 5, 2023 5:11 pm

If it’s the same Fr Coffey then he was up to no good in the eighties.
The girls in the local Catholic school classed him as a creep and complained to their mothers and the nuns.
The nuns went to the bishop and demanded he be removed.

January 5, 2023 5:16 pm

An alternative to QED matched with quantised inertia (as an empirically tested alternative to bogus dark matter) and we could make major progress.

How much has the standard model held back nuclear and exotic propulsion technology?

January 5, 2023 5:17 pm

Keep in mind string theory may even be impossible to empirically test.

January 5, 2023 5:19 pm

Farmer Gezsays:
January 5, 2023 at 5:11 pm

The broken rites link includes allegations from the 80’s, so yes, the same chap.

The awful effect of shit sentencing on the people affected. Proving the turd diddled you and then seeing him allowed to walk out of court would be crushing.
Back to the capital punishment/sentencing argument, there is a definite component of needing to see punishment of a fitting kind inflicted as a large component of restorative justice.

The mental difference between “He rooted me and walked away from court” as opposed to “he rooted me and will likely die in jail of old age” would be huge

January 5, 2023 5:21 pm
January 5, 2023 5:22 pm

On the abuse thing, I think it’s fair to say the Bishop in Victoria (up until 1996) was very secretive about these terrible “goings on.” I think it was AB Little?

And not in any defence AT ALL, but I am sincerely yet to find one single institution that handled such cases well as, sadly, the prevailing wisdom/psychology of the time was “if you change one’s environs, you can change their behaviour.”

State/public, religious, private all thought this.

John H.
John H.
January 5, 2023 5:23 pm

January 5, 2023 at 5:17 pm
Keep in mind string theory may even be impossible to empirically test.

There are too many string theories to make a viable alternative.

Renormalization is a crock of shit.

January 5, 2023 5:25 pm

Worse, though, was the prevailing thought (in seminaries and other educational institutions) was that men having sex with boys was ok. It was a Greek tradition after all!

And even worse, is that is exactly what they’re pushing openly for now.

Cassie of Sydney
January 5, 2023 5:25 pm

“And not in any defence AT ALL, but I am sincerely yet to find one single institution that handled such cases well as, sadly, the prevailing wisdom/psychology of the time was “if you change one’s environs, you can change their behaviour.”

State/public, religious, private all thought this.”

A very good comment.

January 5, 2023 5:27 pm

What is the difference today between somebody getting no more Vax and somebody who can’t wait for the next one.

The first is more interested in the information coming out of Germany and Cleveland about repeated Vax issues (see Dr Campbell etc) whereas the enthusiastic are reading about the latest variants in USA and booking their next jab.
Needless the say most mainstream media bleating about the new variant and quoting Dr’s who are known Vax pushers who would have us all taking them quarterly without question.

January 5, 2023 5:27 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 5:29 pm

Farmer Gezsays:
January 5, 2023 at 5:11 pm
If it’s the same Fr Coffey then he was up to no good in the eighties.
The girls in the local Catholic school classed him as a creep and complained to their mothers and the nuns.
The nuns went to the bishop and demanded he be removed.

That would be him.
And that is the crux of the claims Gez.
The Grub plied his fiddling career in the diocese of Ballarat almost entirely under the reign of Bishop Rotten Ronny Mulkearns (1971-1997). In a 30 year career, he was posted to more than 12 parishes, from the South West Coast to the Mallee and central Victoria. That is very, very unusual, to be shifted every 2-3 years. In Coffey’s case there is zero doubt that multiple parents from parishes hundreds of kilometres apart had made very explicit and detailed complaints.
Which were ignored.
The fact that the grub didn’t do jail time for offences against twelve (12) children, one aged five at the time of offending, might just be tilting the scales in these civil proceedings. Legally that shouldn’t happen but, in this case, it’s a big “meh” from me.

January 5, 2023 5:31 pm

Shorter Dover:

Be a cheery fellow and the good old Russians will quickly take all of Ukraine and those massive military, financial and human lives costs you mention prove you’re full of crap!

January 5, 2023 5:34 pm

but I am sincerely yet to find one single institution that handled such cases well

++ lots.
In most cases the damage to the kid/s was weighed against damage to the organization and the kids lost out.
Im sure lots were suddenly unemployed (rather than shuffled around) or left town after falling down stairs, but there didnt seem to be an idea that going to court/police was appropriate.

I found out decades later an assistant coach at our hockey team (he could have been a poster boy for “Mr Pervy old man”) described himself as “the queen of geraldton” yet was tolerated by the parents & coaches.
In hindsight he obviously liked looking at young fit blokes, but there was never a whisper (that i heard) of him doing anything to kids there.

The past is a different place, and it was the same years that one of the big nudie magazines was putting an underage Brooke Shields as the centrefold. Bizarre as that seems now.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 5, 2023 5:37 pm

January 5, 2023 at 5:22 pm
On the abuse thing, I think it’s fair to say the Bishop in Victoria (up until 1996) was very secretive about these terrible “goings on.” I think it was AB Little?

Little was Archbishop of Melbourne, and was asleep at the wheel.
Rotten Ronny Mulkearns was Bishop of Ballarat and raised the practice of the Cover Up to an art form.

And not in any defence AT ALL, but I am sincerely yet to find one single institution that handled such cases well as, sadly, the prevailing wisdom/psychology of the time was “if you change one’s environs, you can change their behaviour.”

Mulkearns had a vast amount of evidence hidden under his Persian rug that this was not true.
And did nothing.
Ballarat diocese had long gone past the “isolated incident and we’re on top of it” delusion some time in the late ’70’s and early ’80’s.
Mulkearns simply placed the reputation and standing of the Church above the prevention of child rape.
It’s that simple.

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  1. The elected European Parliament has NO power. The power is with the unelected Euro Trash rabble in Brussels. Wot’ a…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x