Open Thread – New Year’s Weekend 2023

The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840

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Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 2, 2023 10:48 am

About half the pubs in the extended district closed before sundown on Christmas Eve & will reopen on Tuesday or Wednesday.

lol. A few stray Cats were just about the only customers in a Paddo upstairs bar yesterday.
But plentiful conversation flowed over a longish pub lunch. Nice pub, good grub.
The wait staff said all their regulars were probably not up yet from revels last night.
It is Paddington after all.
A few km away everyone in Vaucluse was up walking their dogs.

January 2, 2023 10:49 am

JC is right about the civil servant voting block. Factor in their partners who also benefit from the very generous pay and conditions plus pay rises that were not affected by the Covid downturn.

Plus they are concentrated in the urban areas.

I know a senior Qld civil servant who is politically conservative but who votes Labor as best personal outcome for him. Can’t blame him.

It is a significant loyal voting block.

January 2, 2023 10:50 am

I stayed in a motel at Tennant Creek just under a year ago. It was fine – you just have to make sure you have your own food and have the car parked in the compound by sunset so it can be tucked in.

Reminded me of Goroka but no tribal wars that night for entertainment. Sad as expectations were running high.

The Three Ways is good too for a snack. Stayed at Barkly Homestead on the way to Isa – good spot also.

January 2, 2023 10:51 am

If you think the coercion has ended you are mistaken.

Perhaps, but I think governments sense a lot of apathy, if not antagonism, out there.

Hence Butler’s “we’re going to treat it like the flu” approach as of yesterday

January 2, 2023 10:53 am

I know a senior Qld civil servant who is politically conservative but who votes Labor as best personal outcome for him. Can’t blame him.

I would.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 2, 2023 10:54 am

Watch out for Camels on the road between Alice and Coober pedy if driving at night

Yep. There are more feral camels in this country than there are sheep. Also, NT stations are largely unfenced, so the yuugely yuuge Prado-sized cattle (not yer suthin fairy cattle) have a tendency to wander about on the road at night.

January 2, 2023 10:56 am

Would anyone advise visiting Broken Hill? I’ve always wanted to drive up there for some unfathomable reason as I’m really interested in seeing the place. I’ve never really been out to the outback. I suggested to wifey we should drive there this summer and she looked at me like I was crazy. I think there’s a lot of history there and you could drive distance in a day. I googled the time which said just under 9 hours.

(I have been to the Outback, having flown over it tons of times beside a window seat :-))

January 2, 2023 10:57 am

My view is that the “nudging” will start mid-Autumn in preparation for Winter. We’ll start to get more infection reports and dire warnings and encouragements to “get tested” via RAT as a good citizen head pat. Some govt and qangos may impose -ve RAT for attendance.

There are still plenty of ways the thing can stay front and centre. And don’t forget the Karen Army. They’re quiescent right now because Voice.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 2, 2023 10:58 am

Apparently an inheritance tax can fix juvenile crime:

Queenslanders should know one of the main causes of juvenile crime is social inequality. They should also know one of the main fiscal measures for combating inequality is an inheritance tax, which Queensland notoriously abandoned under Bjelke-Petersen, forcing the rest of Australia to do likewise. If Queenslanders are serious about reducing juvenile crime they should be in the forefront of a campaign to reintroduce an inheritance tax in Australia.

Ian Robinson, Cowes, Vic

January 2, 2023 10:58 am

There are more feral camels in this country than there are sheep
OK, I’ll add that to the list about the middle of Australia. Good country for camels, along with strip mining, storage of nuclear waste and keeping the coasts apart.

January 2, 2023 10:59 am

I suggested to wifey we should drive there this summer and she looked at me like I was crazy.

Yes, go in winter.

January 2, 2023 11:02 am

Would anyone advise visiting Broken Hill?

I would. Stay in an old miner’s cottage and visit “The Line of Lode” centre and memorial. You can’t miss it!

The thing they mined out there is vast, it just blew me away. A sample of Australia’s tapped and untapped riches.

Also, pop out to Silverton and check out Mad Max territory.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 2, 2023 11:02 am

Silence on details is already dooming the voice to failure


The Indigenous voice has entered the slow, long death dive of Australian referendums. Unless it pulls out, it will crash and burn on polling day.

The problem is not malice, trickery or incompetence. It is the absolute refusal of the Albanese government to provide details for the voice. The red lights are flashing clearly. Statistically, recent polls show support for the voice collapsing as the referendum slowly draws closer. This is typical of Australian referendums, but this early and for a referendum without detail it is catastrophic.

As a director of the pro-voice organisation Uphold and Recognise, I have been involved in numerous attempts to bring out wise, respected, moderate Australians in favour of the voice. Much less than a handful have agreed. The polite refusals are all the same. Eminent Australians will not back the voice until they know what it is.

Yet it seems a point of honour with the government that it would rather die than divulge, even if this takes the referendum with it.

This horror of detail is a terrible misreading of the failed republican referendum in 1999. Labor saw the republic mercilessly attacked on detail, so the voice referendum will be detail free. The government just cannot accept that any void of information will be filled with speculation, some of it genuinely confused, much imaginatively hostile. This assault began immediately the referendum was announced. Unfounded accusations of “third chambers” and “special rights” have followed the voice like stalking furies.

Yet Anthony Albanese remains steadfastly covert. He refers vaguely to the substantial report by Marcia Langton and Tom Calma, as well as “other reports”. But he has never promised to implement any of them. Last week there was excitement that he might have committed to something. He talked in an interview about a region-based voice of 20 Indigenous people. But it was just another noncommittal reference to Calma-Langton. So the government’s formal position is a constitutional lucky dip. You pay your money, stick your hand in the barrel and hope the prize is not a dud.

In these circumstances, it is grimly unsurprising the polls have turned on the voice. A few months ago, boosters were trumpeting figures of 75 or even 80 per cent approval, admittedly after fairly crude mathematical manipulation. Now support is down to about 50 per cent. The other half of the electorate is evenly divided between hard Nos and Undecideds.

Inevitably, a confusing and sometimes misleading campaign will result in most of the Undecideds voting against the voice. Just as depressing is the softness underlying approval of the voice. About a third of the Yes vote is a present inclination rather than a firm vote.

Yet another problem is that, as much as the Prime Minister says this referendum does not belong to him or Labor, it does. The polls show support for the voice overwhelmingly comes from Labor voters and other progressives. Support from conservatives is miserably thin. A bipartisan referendum this is not. But the knockout blow comes from electors demanding exactly the sort of detail Labor just will not give.

Only half those supporting the voice think they have enough information to vote. Undecided voters overwhelmingly demand more information. This is a train wreck willing itself to happen. But Labor’s refusal to elaborate is unflinching. Its only theoretical attempt to justify its ban on detail is an absolute proposition that with constitutional amendments you put the principle in the Constitution and leave the undisclosed guts for future legislation. This is not fair dealing with the public.

This is an unusual referendum. It creates a new, important institution. It does make drafting and practical sense to establish that institution in the Constitution, and leave structures, proceedings and details for parli­amentary legislation. But that is no excuse for not informing the electorate of the broad shape of the institution before it is set in concrete. The lack of explanatory constitutional language makes it even more vital electors are fully briefed.

Sadly, schoolboy debating analogies abound. Who would buy a car without knowing its make or price? Who would buy a house without knowing its suburb and number of bedrooms?

As the polls on the voice show, not many. This chronically subterranean approach to constitutional amendment needs to be critiqued within the invariable politics of referendums. To win, they must have bipartisan support. But no opposition can agree in advance to something they have never seen. Hence the frustration of Coalition voice supporters such as Julian Leeser, tasked with persuading his colleagues to the undisclosed.

The other assumption made by the government seems to be that, in the absence of public funding, there would not be a No case. The Yes case would be awash with don­ations from friendly corporations. This was utterly misconceived. No cases spontaneously generate around a referendum and easily attract media coverage. So far we have out there Tony Abbott, Jacinta Price, Pauline Hanson, Warren Mundine, the Nationals and (probably) Lidia Thorpe. Who are we waiting for, Bismarck?

When you read the 200-odd pages of the Calma-Langton report, and the preceding report of the parliamentary committee on constitutional recognition, tallying the questions that need at least preliminary answers from government is not difficult. What will be the name of the voice? Calma-Langton and Albanese sensibly go with “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples voice”. Some Indigenous radicals want the divisive “First Nations voice”. Which is it? How does someone get on to the voice? Will you be elected or appointed as a representative by local bodies? Calma-Langton wisely avoids the politics of election. So is this the idea? Which local bodies will feed into the national voice and keep it firmly grounded in Indigenous people and problems, and how? What government action will be scrutinised by the voice? The proposed draft says “matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples”. But does this catch only specially connected matters or also general laws inevitably affecting Indigenous people?

Albanese apparently says general amendments to Medicare would not be caught. Is that right? Is it totally up to parliament when and whether it consults the voice, or are there some situations where parliament is obliged to consult? Calma-Langton says yes. What does the government think? Will the government stick with its draft amendment subjecting executive action to the consultation requirements of the voice? Rightly or wrongly, people will worry this could involve the judges. Is the worry worth the gain?

On the issue of the judges enforcing the voice, Calma-Langton wisely said they should not but did not offer a specific legal formula to prevent it. Some eminent lawyers do not think judicial intervention a realistic problem. But between genuine worry and conscious mischief, what (if anything) should or could be done about it? Again, Calma-Langton proposed that the voice would be kept away from loads of money and resources, so preventing the standard accusations of a new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. Is this the idea? Every public body needs assurance. The ultimate assurance is sacking someone who acts inappropriately. Calma-Langton says only the voice should be able to sack one of its members. Is this a problem?

Finally, the sternest criticism is it will make no difference on the ground to real problems such as family violence, poor educational outcomes and appalling health. Have we considered putting legislative priorities over the voice requiring it to focus on these policy failures?

None of these questions is meant negatively. Each is a genuine query that reasonably can be asked by strong supporters of the voice to understand the proposal and to answer ill-willed criticism.

The difficulty is we have few answers to this questionnaire, other than ritual general references to Calma-Langton.

But there is nothing here that cannot be fixed. The government can resolve these questions and decisively inform an increasingly worried public. This is not about the proposed public education campaign. People cannot be educated once they have already made up their minds in a ringing silence. They need clear answers in advance, not podcasts. If these answers are not provided, we face our 37th failed referendum.

Greg Craven is a constitutional lawyer and a former vice-chancellor of the Australian Catholic University. He is a member of the federal government’s constitutional experts group. The views in this piece are his own.


January 2, 2023 11:03 am

Who speaks more sense – the Idiots running America or

Putin speaks out as a voice of reason and truth against the Empire of Lies.

”The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the neo-colonial system which allows it to live off the world, to plunder it thanks to the domination of the dollar and technology, to collect an actual tribute from humanity, to extract its primary source of unearned prosperity, the rent paid to the hegemon. The preservation of this annuity is their main, real and absolutely self-serving motivation. This is why total de-sovereignisation is in their interest. This explains their aggression towards independent states, traditional values and authentic cultures, their attempts to undermine international and integration processes, new global currencies and technological development centres they cannot control. It is critically important for them to force all countries to surrender their sovereignty to the United States.

In certain countries, the ruling elites voluntarily agree to do this, voluntarily agree to become vassals; others are bribed or intimidated. And if this does not work, they destroy entire states, leaving behind humanitarian disasters, devastation, ruins, millions of wrecked and mangled human lives, terrorist enclaves, social disaster zones, protectorates, colonies and semi-colonies. They don’t care. All they care about is their own benefit.

I want to underscore again that their insatiability and determination to preserve their unfettered dominance are the real causes of the hybrid war that the collective West is waging against Russia. They do not want us to be free; they want us to be a colony. They do not want equal cooperation; they want to loot. They do not want to see us a free society, but a mass of soulless slaves.” ~ Vladimir Putin (Source)

The Russian president has an alternative future in sight, in which nobody on Earth will be considered a second-rate player and all nations are equal and sovereign.

Around this strengthened leadership, Russia is building new geopolitical configurations and balances of power in various regions of the world – from Central Europe, Transcaucasia to West and Central Africa. Over a dozen countries have now applied to join BRICS, including Saudi-Arabia, Algeria, Iran and Argentina. A new reality is taking shape: the uni-polar world is irretrievably receding into the past and a multi-polar world is being born.


”Let me repeat that the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all.

This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a “religion in reverse” – pure Satanism.

Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, and not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself.” ~ Vladimir Putin (Source)

January 2, 2023 11:05 am

I can’t see it Calli. The populace is now way beyond this bullshit. Everyone I’ve spoken to doesn’t fear it as much as we used to.

We got back from the US. I ended up with Flu A and a cold at the same time. Wifey caught covid. We’re pretty sure it happened on the NY/LA leg of the flight because although we were sitting apart, we were also next to folks who were coughing and sniffling.

Out of the two, I was worse for wear with the Flu and cold thing. Wifey was okay and just felt really tired. I reckon the flu is worse as it stands at the moment and although my experiences are anecdotal I don’t think I’m that far off gauging how folks feel about Covid. If you were going to close up shop, I would be closing up because of Flu A instead of Covid. Flu A is terrible.

January 2, 2023 11:05 am

That will get me to Gawler, or possibly Snowtown.

KD, dropping off anything in Snowtown, hmmmmmm? A little deposit at the Bank? 😉

January 2, 2023 11:06 am

Odd body language and reactions…
He kind of patronisingly manhandles her before getting down on the knee…
She seems trapped and unenthusiastic.

Inside Brittany Higgins’ romantic proposal – new fiance decked out Australia’s best-known lighthouse with rose petals, candles and photos of their best moments.

January 2, 2023 11:07 am

Dot says:
January 2, 2023 at 10:59 am

I suggested to wifey we should drive there this summer and she looked at me like I was crazy.

Yes, go in winter.

Fair enough. Dude, she’s from North Western Vic. That hellhole is 75C there in the summer and in the shade. It’s not as though she’s unused to hot hot.


January 2, 2023 11:08 am

The dangerous new cult calling for permanent lockdowns in the name of ‘equity’

The New Yorker has published a disturbing article by Emma Green (‘The Case For Wearing Masks Forever’) on the political activists in America demanding we lockdown forever in the name of racial justice.

They sound like textbook left-wing loons, but we know from bitter experience that these post-Christian, quasi-religious cults have a nasty habit of infecting state bureaucracies, particularly in public health – and that already appears to be happening with respect to this cult. Here how the article begins:

Last December, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that it was shortening the recommended isolation period for those with covid-19 to five days. Getting exposed to the virus no longer meant that people needed to quarantine, either, as long as they were fully vaccinated and wore a mask. It was a big moment, and it occurred just as the Omicron variant was surging. Mindy Thompson Fullilove, a Professor of Urban Policy and Health at the New School, was livid.

Fullilove, who is Black, has spent her career studying epidemics: first aids, then crack, then multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. She has seen how disease can ravage cities, especially in Black and working-class communities. From the beginning, Fullilove was skeptical of how the federal government handled the coronavirus pandemic. But these new recommendations from the C.D.C., she said, were “flying in the face of the science”. Not long after the announcement, she sent an e-mail to a Listserv called The Spirit of 1848, for progressive public-health practitioners. “Can we have a people’s CDC and give people good advice?” she asked. A flurry of responses came back.

What emerged was the People’s C.D.C.: a ragtag coalition of academics, doctors, activists, and artists who believe that the Government has left them to fend for themselves against COVID-19.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 2, 2023 11:08 am

They should also know one of the main fiscal measures for combating inequality is an inheritance tax,

Inheritance taxes are the politics of envy at their finest.

January 2, 2023 11:09 am

This sovereignty is a spiritual notion: the ancestral tie between the land, or ‘mother nature’, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were born therefrom, remain attached thereto, and must one day return thither to be united with our ancestors

Apologies to the Pythons

Australia: Old Aboriginal!

The Aboriginal turns around, revealing that he is in fact a man.

Man: First nations member!
Australia: First nations member, sorry…. What country lives in that landmass over there?
Man: I’m 20,0000!
Australia: (suprised) What?
Man: I’m 60,000! I’m old–
Australia: Well I can’t just call you “First nations member”…
Man: Well you could say “Yugambeh”–
Australia: I didn’t know you were called Yugambeh!
Man: Well, you didn’t bother to find out, did you?!
Australia: I did say sorry about the “Old Aboriginal”, but from behind, you looked–
Man: Well I object to your…you automatically treat me like an inferior!
Australia: Well I *am* the Government of Australia…
Man: Oh, Government of Australia, eh, very nice. And ‘ow’d you get that, eh?
(Never reachin his destination he puts his hand out for more money)
By exterminating the Abos! By ‘dishin’ out smallpox laced blankets
and running amuck with 130 redcoats and their brown Besess of doom.
If there’s ever going to be any progress,–
Leftist: Yugambeh! There’s some lovely ATSIC tenures down here!
(noticing Australia) Oh! ‘Ow’d’ja do?
Australia: How do you do, good lady. I am Australia, Government of Australia. Whose
landmass is that?
Woman: Government of Australia of the ‘oo?
Australia: Government of Australia.
Woman: ‘Oo are the Government of Australia?
Australia: Well we all are! We are all Australians! And I am your Government of Australia.
Woman: I didn’t know we ‘ad a Government of Australia! I thought we were stone age tribal rabble.
Man: (mad) You’re fooling yourself! We’re living in a dictatorship! A
self-perpetuating genocide in which the centrelink classes–
Woman: There you go, bringing centrelink into it again…
Man: That’s the money is about! If only people would–
Australia: Please, *please*, good people, I am in haste! WHO lives in that
Woman: No one lives there.
Australia: Then who is your Government?
Woman: We don’t have a government!
Australia: (spurised) What??
Man: I *told* you! We’re an stone age tribal rabble! We’re taking
turns to act as a sort of Big man for the-week–
Australia: (uninterested) Yes…
Man: But all the decisions *of* that rabble ‘ave to be ratified by the Big man at the bi-weekly meeting–
Australia: (paying money) Yes I see!
Man: By a simple flogging, in the case of purely internal affairs–
Australia: (funding rabble organizations) Be quiet!
Man: But by a spearing through both thighs, in the case of more major–
Australia: (Lodging bullshit “studies” in universities) BE QUIET! I *order* you to be quiet!
Woman: “Order”, eh, ‘oo does ‘e think ‘e is?
Australia: I am your Government of Australia!
Woman: Well I didn’t vote for you!
Australia: You don’t vote for Government of Australia!
Woman: Well ‘ow’d you become Government of Australia then?
(holy music up)
Australia: The Old men of the states– their wallets clad in the purest taxpayer GST,
held aloft the Exchequer from the bosom of the deficit, signifying by
the threat of jailing that I, Government, was to spend profligately. THAT is why
I am your Government of Australia!
Man: (laughingly) Listen: Pale stale males governing in States distributing taxes
is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power
derives from a Big man flogging the masses, not from some… farcical
Constitutional assembly!
Australia: (paying) BE QUIET!
Man: You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some
Pale stale males held a convention and gave powers to you!!
Australia: (coming forward and setting up fully funded institutions) Shut *UP*!
Man: I mean, if I went ’round, saying I was an emperor, just because 200 tribes had lobbed some ochre paint at me theyd put me away!
Australia: (throwing the man more money) Shut up, will you, SHUT UP!
Man: Aha! Now we see the racism inherent in the system!
Australia: SHUT UP!
Man: (yelling to all the other workers) Come and see the racism inherent
Australia: (Paying more and setting up a parallelly fully funded arm of government) Bloody Separatist!
Man: Oh, what a giveaway! Did’j’hear that, did’j’hear that, eh? That’s
what I’m all about! Did you see ‘im being racist to me? You saw it,
didn’t you?!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 2, 2023 11:10 am

This is it, Cats and Kittehs. I can’t put it off any longer.
I must rouse Hairy and get the suitcases out ready to pack for tomorrow so we can watch relax and enjoy Fauda again tonight. List constructing in my head now. Attapuss’s things all aok for the sitter, house ok, keys ok.
Warm clothes, clothes for the funeral, clothes for Singapore, sox, snow boots and shoes for it all.
All phones and chargers, plugs Euro and UK, laptop, tablet, hairdryer, hairspray, electric toothbrushes, shaver, medications, useful tubes of this and that, cosmetics, jewellery, various glasses. Keep spares in separate cases and ensure the most urgent things are in carry ons. Passports, credit cards, printed bookings.

Oh, and underwear, including thermals. I am no Britannee.

January 2, 2023 11:10 am

”The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the neo-colonial system which allows it to live off the world, to plunder it…”

Given the billions Putin has ripped off Russians, pardon me if I question his sincerity.

January 2, 2023 11:10 am

The other road I want to do is the Track up to Birdsville with a detour over to Innaminka. Been on the Track just south of Birdsville, but would like to do the entire thing.

As Dot says, Winter is best.

When we were there last year there was a couple of blokes who’d done the Track in a Model A called Betty. So you can do it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 11:12 am

Viking Orion: Cruise passengers stranded after fungus halts ship

Fungus is nearly always a problem unless it’s in your morning scrambled eggs.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 2, 2023 11:13 am

January 2, 2023 at 9:53 am
Dividing a country by race is racism. It is a prelude to apartheid.

Why can’t the Voice spruikers see this? Or do they see it and they just don’t care?

Oh, they do care. Like m0nty=fa gagging for war with Wussia, they desperately want apartheid here, but they will call it by another, softer, name.

January 2, 2023 11:14 am

Inside Brittany Higgins’ romantic proposal – new fiance decked out Australia’s best-known lighthouse with rose petals, candles and photos of their best moments.

And a videographer to record the whole thing.

No pressure!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 2, 2023 11:14 am

KD, dropping off anything in Snowtown, hmmmmmm? A little deposit at the Bank? ?

Bringing my shovel. A 44 would be too much wind drag.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 2, 2023 11:16 am

Herald, Tele and Courier Mail all running same article about new Omicron variant and what we need to know.

Pretty much a repeat of what they said about BA 4 and 5 especially the bit about might evade vaccines. However you guessed it the new bivalent Vax is the solution.

That’s funny. Because I could’ve sworn I read an article earlier that the new variant evades the vax.

XBB Omicron variant evades vaccine-induced immunity (12 Dec)

Highly immune evasive omicron XBB.1.5 variant is quickly becoming dominant in U.S. as it doubles weekly (31 Dec)

But we must trust Newscorpse and the holy vax. It is ineffable!

January 2, 2023 11:16 am

That proposal was very theatrical. Horrible stuff. These men and women are so silly. Who takes their friends with them on a proposal date?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 2, 2023 11:17 am

Dude, she’s from North Western Vic. That hellhole is 75C there in the summer and in the shade.

God’s country. Obviously a top chick.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 2, 2023 11:20 am

Oh, and some little Aussie battlers in casho. I never leave home without it. 😉
You can’t trust credit cards and banks with this new-fangled the electric net thinggy.
Commbank, for instance, is currently have one its periodic ‘downs’.
At a pinch, I guess too there’s always the gold and diamonds in my rings.

January 2, 2023 11:20 am

Apparently an inheritance tax can fix juvenile crime:

In the UK, abolishing non-domiciled tax breaks will fix the sacred NHS.

January 2, 2023 11:20 am

Putin the shirtless is not the first guy to exploit internal divisions in others countries as cover.

Cassie of Sydney
January 2, 2023 11:22 am

I’m still waiting, waiting, waiting for Dutton and the stupid effing Liberals to come out and OPPOSE the Voice. The fact that they haven’t is clear proof that…

1. they remain craven, spineless and captive to the latest virtue signalling crap.

2. Dutton is beholden to Bummingham, Brag, Leeser and others who should migrate to the Greens.

3. they’re remain scared, they’re terrified of upsetting progressive scum, particularly the progressive scum in the MSM. In fact, incurring the wrath of the MSM might win them more than a few votes.

January 2, 2023 11:22 am

January 2, 2023 at 10:56 am
Would anyone advise visiting Broken Hill? I’ve always wanted to drive up there for some unfathomable reason as I’m really interested in seeing the place. I’ve never really been out to the outback. I suggested to wifey we should drive there this summer and she looked at me like I was crazy. I think there’s a lot of history there and you could drive distance in a day.

I googled the time which said just under 9 hours.

(I have been to the Outback, having flown over it tons of times beside a window seat :-))


at 9 hours you are obviously in Melbourne and as Calli said Silverton Mad Max Territory

I would go Mungo National Park, White Cliffs (stay overnight in Opal underground dwelling)

then Broken Hill, Silverton and come back via Mildura, Grampians to Melbourne,+New+South+Wales+2880/Grampians+National+Park,+Victoria/Melbourne+VIC/@-34.2512385,138.6713674,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m38!4m37!1m5!1m1!1s0x6ad646b5d2ba4df7:0x4045675218ccd90!2m2!1d144.9630576!2d-37.8136276!1m5!1m1!1s0x6ae78cfa3a74f2cf:0x40609b4904401e0!2m2!1d143.1654127!2d-33.7624981!1m5!1m1!1s0x6afa5d77747749db:0x40609b490440130!2m2!1d143.0890939!2d-30.8523679!1m5!1m1!1s0x6aef3360de52c2cd:0x40609b490440170!2m2!1d141.4608138!2d-31.9595859!1m5!1m1!1s0x6acde191539cb8b3:0xf0579a51442dfc0!2m2!1d142.3979571!2d-37.2108819!1m5!1m1!1s0x6ad646b5d2ba4df7:0x4045675218ccd90!2m2!1d144.9630576!2d-37.8136276!3e0

PS you get to see beautiful Wilcannia

January 2, 2023 11:22 am

Apparently an inheritance tax can fix juvenile crime…

It might cure cancer too.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 11:23 am

1492 – Reconquista: The Emirate of Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain, surrenders

The last time a policy successfully dealt with a Muzzie problem.

January 2, 2023 11:24 am

Putin the shirtless is not the first guy to exploit internal divisions in others countries as cover.

It’s an old KGB tactic.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 2, 2023 11:25 am

These men and women are so silly. Who takes their friends with them on a proposal date?

I may have spoken of this quite some time back.

I had a mate once. I say had, because when he met the deranged nuffer that became first his missus and then wife this bloke – over about two years – changed fundamentally as a person. Went from an independent, normal bloke – six three and just over the ton in kg – to a snivelling doormat, courtesy of constant nagging, a belief that he wouldn’t be a successful person until he was married, and that it was time to tie the knot with someone.

It really was slow-motion train wreck stuff. Terrible to watch. He wouldn’t be either advised or told by people who’d been duped onto that ride and jumped off at the last moment.

He asked every single one of her male rellos for her hand in marriage, and having been judged suitably beige by all concerned, proposed to her – in front of several dozen family (all her family) members at Cottesloe Beach.

That was 20 years ago. I caught up with him the other day when in Perth. He is in excess of 150kg, a slow-moving wallet, and dead inside.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 11:26 am
January 2, 2023 11:26 am

January 2, 2023 at 11:10 am
The other road I want to do is the Track up to Birdsville with a detour over to Innaminka. Been on the Track just south of Birdsville, but would like to do the entire thing.

As Dot says, Winter is best.

When we were there last year there was a couple of blokes who’d done the Track in a Model A called Betty. So you can do it.

VW would do it easily – did similar roads outback NSW to Adelaide in 1947 Ford Prefect early 60s, when Dubbo to Bourke was Dirt Road

January 2, 2023 11:27 am

Old Ozzie

Thanks a mill for the info.

But this

I would go Mungo National Park, White Cliffs (stay overnight in Opal underground dwelling)

The idea of sleeping underground isn’t for me. That’s like being temporally buried alive unless there’s an earthquake in which case it would be permanent. 🙂

But really, thank you.

January 2, 2023 11:27 am

Priorities, OldOzzie! Why waste a detour via Clare? And a boot full of good stuff to make the trip worthwhile?

Wilcannia is a must see. Cross the bridge, park the car, walk quickly back to the bridge for a photo of the Darling, return to car. Drive 200 metres to loo block. Do what needs doing, return to car and drive on. Fifteen minutes, max.

January 2, 2023 11:28 am

Thanks, Top Ender, for posting the Oz article by Greg Craven. My inadequacy in the tech dept is my shame! This Voice issue is not one that should end up being passed by default, because people think it must be a good idea even if they have no clue what it entails.

January 2, 2023 11:28 am

incurring the wrath of the MSM might win them more than a few votes

yes and they are seriously incapable of understanding this

January 2, 2023 11:30 am

lotocoti says:
January 2, 2023 at 11:20 am
Apparently an inheritance tax can fix juvenile crime:
In the UK, abolishing non-domiciled tax breaks will fix the sacred NHS.

There goes London.

January 2, 2023 11:31 am

I am no Britannee.

Whilst weeding three weeks ago, something bitey crawled up the leg of my shorts.
Praise the Saints for knicker elastic.

Cassie of Sydney
January 2, 2023 11:34 am

“The last time a policy successfully dealt with a Muzzie problem.”

Not quite, in 1565 there was the Great Siege of Malta, when the Muzzie Ottomans attempted to conquer Malta, and were comprehensively defeated by the Knights Hospitaller, and in 1683 the Muzzie Ottomans were comprehensively defeated by forces led by John Sobieski of Poland.

Now Western Europe has opened its doors to Muzzies. It won’t end well.

January 2, 2023 11:35 am

Dividing a country by race is racism. It is a prelude to apartheid.

Why can’t the Voice spruikers see this? Or do they see it and they just don’t care?

calli, do you understand that analogising the Voice to apartheid brands you instantly as a fool to the vast majority of the public? You don’t seem to get this.

Do you really expect white people to be marginalised and brutalised like the black South Africans were under apartheid? If not, why use that analogy?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 2, 2023 11:35 am

I’m still waiting, waiting, waiting for Dutton and the stupid effing Liberals to come out and OPPOSE the Voice. The fact that they haven’t is clear proof that…

Dutton has a cunning plan – he is allowing Elbow and his rabble enough rope to hang themselves…..(pulls pin, shouts “Grenade…”). I’m just seeing the race card played often against anyone who opposes the “Voice.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 2, 2023 11:36 am

Inside Brittany Higgins’ romantic proposal – new fiance decked out Australia’s best-known lighthouse with rose petals, candles and photos of their best moments.

Better not consummate the marriage son. You could be arrested for rape.
I can think of three million reasons.

January 2, 2023 11:37 am

January 2, 2023 at 11:27 am
Old Ozzie

Thanks a mill for the info.

But this

I would go Mungo National Park, White Cliffs (stay overnight in Opal underground dwelling)

The idea of sleeping underground isn’t for me. That’s like being temporally buried alive unless there’s an earthquake in which case it would be permanent. ?

But really, thank you.


was accompanied by my Irish Ex Chairman from the UK on one of our many 4WD Trips across Australia – amazing white, bright and airy in the underground Motel – no feeling of claustrophobia – White Cliffs definitely worth a visit

You can stay above ground –

January 2, 2023 11:41 am

Apartheid wasn’t set up to brutalise blacks, Monty.

January 2, 2023 11:42 am
January 2, 2023 11:44 am

Do you really expect white people to be marginalised and brutalised like the black South Africans were under apartheid?

Of course I don’t. That would be silly, as Australia is a completely different sort of country. I do see unequal treatment in the form of legislation which distinguishes black from white on the horizon.

I don’t mind being called a fool. In tragedies it is often only the Fool who is allowed to speak the truth.

Have you ever been to South Africa m0nty? Would it matter if you had?

January 2, 2023 11:45 am

Oh. And I don’t care what “most people” think.

I’m not that type of fool.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 11:47 am

Inside Brittany Higgins’ romantic proposal – new fiance decked out Australia’s best-known lighthouse with rose petals, candles and photos of their best moments.

I’m guessing Dave won’t wearing pants in that relationship either.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 11:47 am

Metaphorically speaking.

January 2, 2023 11:47 am

Who takes their friends with them on a proposal date?

Two people who aren’t really comfortable with each other.

January 2, 2023 11:48 am

If not, why use that analogy?

Now that calli has responded…

Because governments treating people differently according to race is a highly questionable proposition, on both political and moral grounds.

January 2, 2023 11:50 am

I do see unequal treatment in the form of legislation which distinguishes black from white on the horizon.

On the horizon? .. we already is 2nd class when it comes to legislation .. look at all these, legislated, 251 outfits and then list all the white “exclusive’ equivalents ……

January 2, 2023 11:51 am

January 2, 2023 at 11:27 am
Priorities, OldOzzie! Why waste a detour via Clare? And a boot full of good stuff to make the trip worthwhile?

Done the Eden, Clare, Barossa, Coonawarra detours, many times returning from 4WD trips, in fact last night turned back upright 1999 Majella Coonawarra Shiraz to drink tonight, part of 2 Doz purchase Majella Cellar Door Coonawara, just as the were closing, returning from 3 up Solo Trip across the Simpson late Nov 99 (Only Vehicle in Simpson over 5 days) via Oodnadatta – drinking well so far and 3 more bottles to go

Eden & Clare Rieslings Superb

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 2, 2023 11:52 am

And a videographer to record the whole thing.
No pressure!

Do we really look so stupid as to think a media-savvy couple didn’t rehearse and orchestrate the whole thing?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 2, 2023 11:52 am

Who takes their friends with them on a proposal date?

Two people who aren’t really comfortable with each other.

And/or two people seeking social approval, rather than that of their potential squeeze.

In any event, there is no chance – zero – that Mr Sharaz, if that is in fact his real name, would be proposing to Brih-nee had she not been unjustly compensated by the taxpayer.

Cassie of Sydney
January 2, 2023 11:52 am

“calli, do you understand that analogising the Voice to apartheid brands you instantly as a fool to the vast majority of the public? You don’t seem to get this.”

Wow, the resident moron calling calli a “fool”, that’s some chutzpah!

In 1967, Australians voted in a referendum to remove race from the constitution. Now Australians are being asked to vote in a referendum to reintroduce race into the constitution. The resident moron doesn’t seem to get this.

January 2, 2023 11:53 am

Inside Brittany Higgins’ romantic proposal – new fiance decked out Australia’s best-known lighthouse with rose petals, candles and photos of their best moments.

Gotta wonder about “Knickerless” she opted for a marriage proposal rather than an afternoon with Luigi, Davey & Candace .. priorities, girl, priorities! ..

January 2, 2023 11:54 am

The Higgins meja sh*t show continues…

January 2, 2023 11:55 am

So very canbra

January 2, 2023 11:56 am

KD trade the ute in for a P76 and nobody will know you’re transporting a barrel to Snowtown. Then again why else would someone have a P76. Keep the ute, I’ll be back with more advice as soon as I sober up.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 2, 2023 11:56 am


calli, do you understand that analogising the Voice to apartheid brands you instantly as a fool to the vast majority of the public? You don’t seem to get this.

You might indeed be personally vast, but that is not the same thing.

Are you so committed to whatever the narrative of today is, that you cannot see the error of having a racial element in the Constitution?
For decades the left has criticised any division or categorisation on the basis of race or ethnicity, now they support it? Why?

All references to race should be removed from the Constitution.

January 2, 2023 11:57 am

I wouldn’t strictly describe da Voice, Apartheid in the Sth African sense. It’s a just a noxious virtue signaling exercise by whites (again) that will end up in shit creek as most virtue signaling does. This crap never ends well. Invariably, it will be about money and more of it for the select few. If it means more money and these days, you can identify as anything you want, then why can’t we all identify as aboriginal. For instance, I’ve been identifying as aboriginal from the Olympic Dam tribe as there a ton of copper and uranium there.

January 2, 2023 11:58 am

It’s hard to tell which one’s britnee unless you turn them upside down. I wonder if david goes commando as well.

January 2, 2023 11:59 am

Snowtown’s a good place, I’m offended!

January 2, 2023 11:59 am

C.L. says:
January 2, 2023 at 11:47 am

Who takes their friends with them on a proposal date?

Two people who aren’t really comfortable with each other.

Theoretically at least, she shouldn’t be. He’s a dead ringer for Bruce. 🙂

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 12:02 pm

I do see unequal treatment in the form of legislation which distinguishes black from white on the horizon.

The High Court has already done this with respect to the power to deport people. Don’t look there for any help.

January 2, 2023 12:06 pm

Apartheid wasn’t set up to brutalise blacks, Monty.

Oh really. Please enlighten me as to its purpose.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 12:06 pm

That particular piece of High Court dreaming wasn’t their finest hour.

January 2, 2023 12:07 pm

I’m just seeing the race card played often against anyone who opposes the “Voice.”

that is 100% of the goal, there is no other reason for it

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 12:08 pm

mUnty is seeking enlightenment. Spare me.

January 2, 2023 12:10 pm

Do we really look so stupid as to think a media-savvy couple didn’t rehearse and orchestrate the whole thing?

I really wouldn’t know what they get up to…apart from the trial the only time I read anything about them is here.

Like Harry & Meghan, they’ve become reverse-clickbait for me and I suspect I’m not the only one.

January 2, 2023 12:11 pm

Re The Voice:

Wouldn’t you think that lessons would have been learned after ATSIC? But then, only Australians of older generations can recall it, I suppose. But the same thing will happen. the “Big Fellas” (now to include “elders” like Marcia Langton) will dominate the 3rd Chamber and exert even more influence & extract more personal gain than even ATSIC, which had to be disbanded because of extreme corruption.

It is totally confounding that so many who should no better, on both sides of politics, are supporting a constitutional change that will not only lead to social division and resentment, but possibly the dangerous power of this 3rd Chamber to weaken the international integrity of this country.

January 2, 2023 12:12 pm

Emma Alberici’s daughter, 18, is banned from going within 50m of her ex-ABC star mum and is ordered not to speak to her as cops take out an AVO against the teenager and charge her with destroying property

. Emma Alberici is a former ABC presenter and chief economics correspondent
. She was made redundant by the ABC in 2020 amid tensions with management
. Police have taken out AVO to protect Alberici from daughter Allegra McCauley
. McCauley, 18, has also been charged with destroying or damaging property

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 2, 2023 12:12 pm

Please enlighten me as to its purpose.

Battle of Blood River

Lefties aren’t good at history, probably because they keep altering it.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 2, 2023 12:13 pm

That proposal was very theatrical. Horrible


That was my first thought also. Tacky.

It is like people who extract their idea of romance from movies and TV: a trail of rose petals, candles, scenic locations, etc.

But the movies and TV do more than just that: camera angles, panning, cuts and edits, and perhaps most importantly a set up within a finite story with preceding (and succeeding) events.

But tacky people buy props and do play acting, imagining how things will look from the outside.

January 2, 2023 12:13 pm

I could almost be persuaded to support the Voice if selection and representation was restricted to full blood aborigines. As confirmed by DNA testing.

The anguish of the activists would be wonderful to observe.

Racist you say? Well, yes. What’s your point?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 2, 2023 12:14 pm


January 2, 2023 at 10:19 am

Trump craps on pro-lifers.

Bye-bye, Donald.

C.L. is off the pace.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 2, 2023 12:14 pm

Weird formatting fail.

My comment started at “That was my…”

January 2, 2023 12:15 pm

Moreover, prolifers did turnout in the mid-terms, so raising this only turns the heat off the RNC that ran a terrible federal campaign and also went silent after Dobbs and let the Dems lie through their teeth unopposed.

Unmarried sheilas voted Demon in record numbers. The large majority of Americans don’t like abortion, but they also appear to object equally in making it either illegal or more difficult. It doesn’t make sense, but there it is. Demons lied. How unique.

Trump’s points are reasonable especially if the idea is to greatly reduce abortion. The GOP will not be able to eliminate it and will cost the party votes – particularly urban votes.

January 2, 2023 12:18 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
January 2, 2023 at 11:22 am

I’m still waiting, waiting, waiting for Dutton and the stupid effing Liberals to come out and OPPOSE the Voice. The fact that they haven’t is clear proof that…

1. they remain craven, spineless and captive to the latest virtue signalling crap.

2. Dutton is beholden to Bummingham, Brag, Leeser and others who should migrate to the Greens.

3. they’re remain scared, they’re terrified of upsetting progressive scum, particularly the progressive scum in the MSM. In fact, incurring the wrath of the MSM might win them more than a few votes.

Point No. 3 covers it, in my opinion.

January 2, 2023 12:20 pm

I’m absolutely not surprised that Trump believes in exceptions. What is surprising and disappointing is that he’s buying into the ‘Dobbs effect’ nonsense. Moreover, prolifers did turnout in the mid-terms, so raising this only turns the heat off the RNC that ran a terrible federal campaign and also went silent after Dobbs and let the Dems lie through their teeth unopposed.

DeSantis assuming favouritism for the Republican nomination as a hardcore pro-lifer would be excellent news for Democrats in swing states like Arizona, Colorado, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. He could win Florida by 30 points and lose the electoral college by 100.

January 2, 2023 12:21 pm

It’s a just a noxious virtue signaling exercise by whites (again) that will end up in shit creek as most virtue signaling does. This crap never ends well. Invariably, it will be about money and more of it for the select few.

Absolutely JC.

Since the disastrous policy of people like Nugget Coombs to return Aborigines to “home country”, those in remote communities (and more recent, increasingly in big rural towns) have fallen behind other Australians in terms of health and life expectation. It is “disadvantage” that is the direct result of “do-gooders” who have a warped idea of what is “best” for our indigenous population. When integrated successfully into mainstream life, there is no reason why Aboriginal youth cannot go on to achieve what most Australians understand as a decent life with opportunities to obtain an independant
life without “handouts”. Irrespective of what you might think of Noel Pearson’s sometimes wayward political ideas, he has one of the most impressive intellects in this country. He should be a role model for all Aboriginal youth in what is possible.

PS before all of you Cats pour scorn on my opinion of Pearson, I have to agree that he is way “off” in supporting The Voice.

January 2, 2023 12:23 pm

Trump’s obvious contractual commitment to Truth Social is killing him politically.
Nobody reads TS or cares about it.

This is a huge change from the halcyon days when Trump ruled the news cycle as the first and most brilliant exploiter of the platform.

He’s becoming like vengeful Constanza who flew to Akron with high hopes for “jerk store.”

January 2, 2023 12:23 pm

Elon Musk
– Accurate – as is Photo below

Robert Sewell
January 2, 2023 12:25 pm

Regarding the Bumper Stickers being sold – at cost – by Joanne Hackett, This is the guts of the letter I got from her yesterday:

Hi Bob,
Thanks for your inquiry. I’m not sure what you already know about the stickers so sorry if this is repetition.
They are 295 mm by 60 mm, each with a coloured Australian flag as shown in the attachment (1-7, left). We have recently designed a new set (8-14) to better explain the background to the No vote, as requested by supporters. Some have a QR code to refer the reader to further information, to help people learn more about the issues. There is such a lot of ignorance about what is actually going on here.
The response has been almost overwhelming since Quadrant first published my fictitious story in October. My original supplier, Brisbane Custom Signs, said they would not make stickers that could be considered racist, hate speech or other forms of discrimination so I had to go elsewhere; very annoying. This is yet another example of what is wrong with Australia at present. We’re about to have a referendum, but only one side of the argument is permitted! The disgracefully one-sided budget has inspired many people to join the fight for the No side. The recent announcement that the PM is intending to change the rules regarding running referenda is astounding. If you didn’t hear it, he plans to remove the now-legal requirement for the government to inform voters about both sides of the proposed argument ( in the form of two essays posted to all voters by the electoral office). Apparently discussions about a No vote will be too distressing to aborigines! Enough is definitely enough! The decision by the Nationals to oppose the voice is a big plus, though. Perhaps I’m naïve, but I think Noel Pearson’s and Marcia Langton’s unpleasant, ugly words about Jacinta Price will turn people away from the Yes side.
The stickers are $2 each plus $3 postage for any number up to nine. If you want ten or more, postage is free. Just chose which ones (or one) you want and let me know how many of each. Include your postal address. At present I have no Number 5 stickers. They are some weeks away due to Christmas closures.
Payment to be deposited in:
ANZ Account, Account Name: Hackett Joanna Barbara, BSB 014-231, Account No. 5496-75216
Do put your name on the deposit so I can identify you. I’ll post the stickers when payment is received.
Please note that I’m selling these stickers at cost because this is an issue that I strongly believe in. My intention is not to make a profit, just to spread the word, to make people think and discuss the subject.
I look forward to hearing from you and am pleased that you’re joining the fight for the No vote. The more stickers we display, the more chance we have of success. To date, I have distributed over 2,000 across Australia and the demand continues.

I can’t figure out a way to post the actual sticker.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 12:27 pm

If you are going to do tacky look to Pamela Andersen – bikinis, beaches and Coke ring pulls. OK, maybe not the bikini although there are plenty of crimes against Lycra being committed out there this summer.

January 2, 2023 12:28 pm

Trump may be or may not be anti-abortion, but the crux of getting rid of that Roe/Wade abortion wasn’t all about eliminating “abortion”. You could be pro and still find the Roe/Wade an abomination of a ruling.

The right to gay marriage suddenly found in the US constitution was also abominable, but the problem here will be issues dealing with co-mingled property rights and the court will be loathe to intervene now, I think. At least that’s what conservative constitutional lawyers have said. Roe/Wade didn’t really interfere with co-mingled property rights.

Believers in the US constitution and pro-lifers got a lot from the current ruling. It returned law to states rights and also limited abortion on demand by pushing this back to the states.

It’s good. Trump picks did good and he’s right about this.

Perfection isn’t always available.

Robert Sewell
January 2, 2023 12:28 pm

Padma Lackshmi
Tulsi Gabbard
Now who was it said that women shouldn’t get the vote because they’ll vote for any bloke with a good smile and a full head of hair?

January 2, 2023 12:29 pm
January 2, 2023 12:29 pm

Dividing a country by race is racism. It is a prelude to apartheid.

I’m also curious how “is a prelude to apartheid” can be read as “is apartheid”. In the South Africa example, it definitely was. How it will pan out in Australia is anyone’s guess.

My gut feeling is the bias towards wickedness and division and enmity is as strong as ever it was. If the framework is basically immoral, which this is, then it will be built upon in like materials.

I’m also astonished that the already numerical overrepresentation in all levels of government is insufficient. Isn’t it something to be celebrated?

And I know it’s only Wiki, but it gives a reasonable outline of the SA experience. If you scroll down to the end though, you will see a number of other applications of the word to quite different circumstances in other countries. SA owns its own iteration, but the blight is worldwide.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 2, 2023 12:29 pm

The Higgins meja sh*t show continues…

Brittany Markle and Harry Sharaz.

Wait for them to start whining about their privacy and for him to sit their, head bobbing like a bobble-head dash ornament, while she recounts the horrors of her previous existence with more lurid details budding off previous lurid details with each TV and radio retelling.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 2, 2023 12:29 pm

A gentler time when a sex tape wasn’t a rite of passage.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 2, 2023 12:32 pm

Um, Munster, the definition of apartheid is A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups. which is EXACTLY what “The Voice” intends to do.

By the way, Greg Craven’s missive looks like a “I come to bury Caesar not to praise him” tactic – he has been so articulate in damming “The Voice” whist bemoaning criticism of it.

January 2, 2023 12:32 pm

Trump picks did good and he’s right about this.

Perfection isn’t always available.

Granted, JC, but it isn’t perfection to expect that he refrain from trashing his own base.
Doing so with a family man like DeSantis waiting in the wings is just unfathomably daft.

January 2, 2023 12:32 pm

The other road I want to do is the Track up to Birdsville with a detour over to Innaminka. Been on the Track just south of Birdsville, but would like to do the entire thing.

As Dot says, Winter is best.

I think winter is the ONLY time to do it. And NOT if rain is in any way possible. We. drove from Birdsville to Maree a few years ago when a rainstorm went through. Our Landcruiser (we then had the 40th Anniversary 80 Series – a brilliant car) struggled through mud and water that had her sideways most of the way. It was a joy to see Maree and the Cruiser was covered in mud from bonnet to boot.

Innaminka roads (& this was quite a few years ago) were cut up by big mining rigs many places. We came across a couple of cars with severely damaged suspension. Tibboburra and White Cliffs OK. But don’t head out across Cordello Downs until you can negotiate bull dust of huge proportions.

Other than that – it is God’s Own Country that you should see at least once in your life.

January 2, 2023 12:34 pm


By Harry Richardson

Well, this is interesting… America’s National Library of Medicine recently published an article about the Covid19 censorship of doctors and health professionals.

This isn’t an insignificant institution. It is situated in Washington at 8600 Rockville Pike and is embedded in a sprawling group of National Institute of Health (NIH) buildings just near Chevy Chase (no, not that Chevy Chase).

The article is a serious academic effort which is based on interviews with a number of health professionals. These were the few who stood up against the medical-industrial complex which had pushed an approved narrative like their lives depended on it.

It details the censorship, defamations, insults and threats they received for daring to challenge the poison dwarf and his capricious diktats.

It’s a long article so I’ll just put the first part up here and link to the rest on the US Government site. It feels to me a bit like a case is really starting to build and in America, they still have capital punishment.

There are some pretty high up officials who are starting to realise what has been done to them. When that penny really drops, it will be interesting to see just how pissed they become.

The whole affair has been like a giant Milgram experiment. Richardson Post readers are well aware of the few who passed the test and the many who failed.

Will 2023 be the year of Nuremberg 2.0 when we say “never again” again?

Editor-in Chief

Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics

January 2, 2023 12:36 pm

After I watched that Team America movie yesterday, very crude but amusing, I watched The Other Guys with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, structure of both movies was very similar but the funniest bit of The Other Guys was Ferrell’s character listening to LRB in the car.
Who does that?

January 2, 2023 12:38 pm

My gut feeling is the bias towards wickedness and division and enmity is as strong as ever it was. If the framework is basically immoral, which this is, then it will be built upon in like materials.

That is just silly goose talk, calli. The idea of the Voice is not wicked or immoral.

Aboriginal people are not analogous in the slightest to the Afrikaans people of South Africa. They are opposites in key ways: number and power being the two main ones. Adding a Voice is not going to give them absolute power over whites, no matter how it is structured. Anyone saying that is being ridiculous.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 2, 2023 12:39 pm

Please enlighten me as to its purpose.

Separate, but equal, development.

January 2, 2023 12:40 pm

Hang on, help is on its way?

January 2, 2023 12:40 pm

January 2, 2023 at 12:32 pm
The other road I want to do is the Track up to Birdsville with a detour over to Innaminka. Been on the Track just south of Birdsville, but would like to do the entire thing.

As Dot says, Winter is best.

But don’t head out across Cordello Downs until you can negotiate bull dust of huge proportions.

Followed by the Gibber Plains and then the road into Birdsville

January 2, 2023 12:40 pm

Granted, JC, but it isn’t perfection to expect that he refrain from trashing his own base.
Doing so with a family man like DeSantis waiting in the wings is just unfathomably daft.

Fair enough, CL. I think, though, the base will be able to see through this and what he’s leading to. I’m guessing, but the percentage of potential abortions falling under the umbrella of rape and incest are very small compared to other reasons. Also, particularly in the case of say violent rape, the hospital visit straight after surviving such an evil act would eliminate the risk of pregnancy through a curettage. Okay, this doesn’t cover all, but it does reduce the numbers somewhat.

Reducing abortions in large numbers while getting elected should be the GOP’s objective.

January 2, 2023 12:40 pm

Dunno if anyone else has linked to this, Apparently the Fair Work Commission has made a finding that if anyone was coerced into getting jabbed then they cannot be sacked and that no one can be subject to ‘significant pressure’ to be vaxxed. Well that’s how this bloke sees it. Don’t know who he is.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 2, 2023 12:41 pm

I see Roger beat me to the point about Brittany and David and Meghan and Harry.

January 2, 2023 12:41 pm

I’ll let Clint explain it.

I clearly can’t.

January 2, 2023 12:42 pm

Um, Munster, the definition of apartheid is A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups. which is EXACTLY what “The Voice” intends to do.

Ooh how terrible, the whites are going to be herded into their leafy grottos and forced to stay there lest they be beaten with sticks or shot.

Don’t be stupid.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 2, 2023 12:44 pm

Well, this is interesting… America’s National Library of Medicine recently published an article about the Covid19 censorship of doctors and health professionals.

California has just passed a law to criminalize doctors for telling the truth.

California’s Crazy New Year: Five Radical Laws Go into Effect (One on Hold) (1 Dec)

California will see several radical laws go into effect on Sunday, January 1, including a law making the state a “sanctuary” for “transgender kids,” and a law imposing penalties on doctors for COVID “misinformation.”

Without truth and reality medicine may as well go back to leeches and patent medicine shows.

January 2, 2023 12:44 pm

Separate, but equal, development.

Hahahahaha! Apartheid was actually a vehicle for equality!?!! Oh Zulu, you are a clown.

January 2, 2023 12:44 pm

Ooh how terrible, the whites are going to be herded into their leafy grottos and forced to stay there lest they be beaten with sticks or shot.

Don’t be stupid.

Munty’s working hard on making 2023 his dumbest year yet….

January 2, 2023 12:45 pm

Adding a Voice is not going to give them absolute power over whites, no matter how it is structured. Anyone saying that is being ridiculous.

It’s a tripwire you fat idiot. We have a parliament and a pretty decent system. Also, as CL has at times pointed out, when talking about the monarchy, believe it or not, this is one of the fewest, most stable democracies in the entire world. Before rooting around with it – avoiding virtue signaling for instance- you really have to be more than certain with what you’re doing. Why do we need that useless coconut head second guessing what our parliament is doing? Piss off.

January 2, 2023 12:46 pm

It’s amazing how abortion is the bedrock issue, outranking all others. The energy crisis, inflation, China are as nought compared to a woman’s right to choose to kill her kid.

January 2, 2023 12:47 pm

Adding a Voice is not going to give them absolute power over whites, no matter how it is structured. Anyone saying that is being ridiculous.

That is true, Monty. However, as we all know, bugger all detail has been provided. An article in Quadrant a few months ago (sorry, can’t place it right now) argued that a 3rd Chamber could well be established which is required to give assent to all legislation. The implications of that are enormous. Personally,it would not surprise me if The Voice may lead to large scale Aboriginal land – such as in Arnhem – becoming a new State or Territory with all the ramifications of that.

January 2, 2023 12:47 pm

Why do we need that useless coconut head second guessing what our parliament is doing?

Why not a coconut head, we already have a potato head.

January 2, 2023 12:48 pm

Will 2023 be the year of Nuremberg 2.0 when we say “never again” again?

Happy to do Nuremberg 2.0, but let’s not spare the executions for those responsible.

January 2, 2023 12:48 pm

An article in Quadrant a few months ago (sorry, can’t place it right now) argued that a 3rd Chamber could well be established which is required to give assent to all legislation.

That will not happen.

Robert Sewell
January 2, 2023 12:50 pm


Why are all of our pollies, well almost all, close to 99% of them so much in favour of massive migration? I know it props up the housing market, depresses wages for the least skilled and makes GDP look better than it is in reality.

Because it’s their country – not ours.
I’ve spoken on this before.
The people who ‘ascend’ to a position on the governing bodies of any organisation quickly confuse the organisations aims with their own, and start making/changing policy to suit their own agenda.
It’s most obvious in the 25 – 35 age group, then slowly tails off until retirement when their own agenda takes over again.
This explains the ABC, the political parties, the banks and the media. All of these have lost their original aims and are now just mouthpieces for the people who infest them.
The only chance of moving back to the original aims of the organisation is a massive purge of the employees. About 60/70% is a good start as they are usually grossly overmanned especially in the personnel departments.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 2, 2023 12:50 pm

Ooh how terrible, the whites are going to be herded into their leafy grottos and forced to stay there lest they be beaten with sticks or shot.

You do realize Monty that Malemba’s mob like singing “Kill The Boer”.
Maybe they mean it.
Lot of dead farmers in South Africa lately.

January 2, 2023 12:51 pm

Followed by the Gibber Plains and then the road into Birdsville

Oz, my recollection is that once you negotiated Cordello Downs, and get across the Gibber Plains , you reach “black top” all the way into Birdsville. It is a relief beyond anything!

January 2, 2023 12:51 pm

I see Roger beat me to the point about Brittany and David and Meghan and Harry.

Great minds, ML


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 2, 2023 12:52 pm

Hahahahaha! Apartheid was actually a vehicle for equality!?!! Oh Zulu, you are a clown.

I’m citing the reason for the setting up of the system, as given in the Museum of Apartheid, in Johannesburg. Show me where that makes me a clown.

January 2, 2023 12:53 pm

That is just silly goose talk, calli. The idea of the Voice is not wicked or immoral.

Dividing people by race isn’t wicked or immoral? Everyone other than Aboriginals to be second class citizens?

You are a true racist.

January 2, 2023 12:53 pm


Also, as CL has at times pointed out, when talking about the monarchy, believe it or not, this is one of the fewest, most stable democracies in the entire world.

And oldest too

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Crikey, did I misread, or did somebody actually call Broken Hill the outback?

Cassie of Sydney
January 2, 2023 12:56 pm

“That will not happen.”

That will happen.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 2, 2023 12:56 pm

Monty writes:
Hahahahaha! Apartheid was actually a vehicle for equality!?!!
Well, yes. Equality among blacks.
When you’ve got 45 million people with an average IQ of 58 where no one knows who their daddy is, structure is required to avoid Anarchy.
Oh Zulu, you are a clown.
No one is arguing with that observation.

Cassie of Sydney
January 2, 2023 12:57 pm

“I’m citing the reason for the setting up of the system, as given in the Museum of Apartheid, in Johannesburg. “

You are correct Zulu. Moron is showing his ignorance once again.

January 2, 2023 12:59 pm

I suspect it doesn’t, the number would be hitting to over 15% of the workforce in Victoria.

Throw in every major construction Co and all their subs, transport and logistics, crane operators, construction materials retailer, myriad small business (yes to feed this horde) and you have a voting block that is impregnable.

January 2, 2023 1:00 pm

And NOT if rain is in any way possible.

Slogging through mud to get to the Dig Tree is character building.
Camping three days on the wrong side of the flooded ford at Innamincka isn’t.

January 2, 2023 1:01 pm

I think this stat is overestimated. The differences between this and past years weren’t that different.

Okay, that’s what I read. They always had the unmarried sheila vote, but I’m pretty sure i read this vote increased.

Sure, there is a lot of room between a complete ban, this or that exception, and so on, but the thing is how are pro-lifers to blame for the mid-terms? Why even raise it when there are more clear an present explanations? It’s a politically dumb move given they are some of his most consistent supporters.

It was a bit of a shock and with the shock, the demons cut a lot of hay by lying about it. Their lying most likely frightened the horses and only a some time will make it apparent that they were lying.

You can treat co-mingled property rights separately and thus still reverse Obergefell. You could, for instance, treat all those that ‘married’ between 2015 and whatever date it is reversed as having co-mingled their assets during that time, and have their interests governed by a new instrument, or treated governed by something of their own choosing established by an agreement with their own lawyers, and so on.

True, but I don’t think they will overturn this one. They’re very careful about property rights. Also I’m not sure they could overturn it without an impact. Can they call gay marriage unconstitutional but then also recognize previous property co-mingling? I don’t really know.

January 2, 2023 1:02 pm

I could almost be persuaded to support the Voice if selection and representation was restricted to full blood aborigines. As confirmed by DNA testing.

And we could dispense with all the support services etc. and just deposit the surplus $500k each into their bank accounts annually.

January 2, 2023 1:02 pm

That is just silly goose talk, calli. The idea of the Voice is not wicked or immoral.

Aboriginal people are not analogous in the slightest to the Afrikaans people of South Africa. They are opposites in key ways: number and power being the two main ones. Adding a Voice is not going to give them absolute power over whites, no matter how it is structured. Anyone saying that is being ridiculous.

Since Monty is going to play silly games over the word apartheid how about we use the Malaysian version instead.

Ketuanan Melayu

The new state’s Constitution contained provisions, such as Article 153, guaranteeing the Malays certain privileges as a form of affirmative action. The Reid Commission, which drafted the Constitution, stated that Article 153 was to be temporary in nature, and should be reviewed by Parliament 15 years after independence.
One academic suggested that “The Malays have a deep-rooted feeling that they alone are the bumiputras, the sons of the soil, and as such have certain special rights over the land.” Indeed, the Tunku said in 1964 that “It is understood by all that this country by its very name, its traditions and character, is Malay

January 2, 2023 1:03 pm

I’m citing the reason for the setting up of the system, as given in the Museum of Apartheid, in Johannesburg. Show me where that makes me a clown.

Mmm hmm, and of course the architects of apartheid are to be believed when they said apartheid was for the good of blacks. You idiot.

And of course Cranky sticks up for apartheid too.

January 2, 2023 1:06 pm

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity says:
January 2, 2023 at 12:54 pm

Crikey, did I misread, or did somebody actually call Broken Hill the outback?

Here we go, the parasitical trolling begins. He tried it last evening by claiming to have read several pages about about Armweak and simultaneously complaining about it. Straight after ,he tries the trawling trolling routine by asking who Armweak was. What a waste of pixels by this useless turdball.

January 2, 2023 1:06 pm

Today on the Cat: the Voice is apartheid so it is bad, unlike actual apartheid in South Africa which was good actually, so anyway back to the Voice, it’s just immoral and wicked to segregate people based on their race, unless it’s the white people doing the segregation in which case it’s all about equality doncha know.

January 2, 2023 1:07 pm

On the Voice and everything else, where is Sleepy Pete?

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 2, 2023 1:08 pm

Major move by CheetoHead to dump the ProLifers.
Clearly the DNC can’t run Joey ShitPants in 2024, so Trump has staked his claim early.
What’s De Santis gonna do?
Bleat “Well, I’m not all that ProLife mahself?”

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 2, 2023 1:08 pm

January 2, 2023 at 12:06 pm
Apartheid wasn’t set up to brutalise blacks, Monty.

Oh really. Please enlighten me as to its purpose.

To ensure that power was held by a select group. Boers, aborigines, leftards, the lust for power was the controlling issue.

January 2, 2023 1:08 pm

You are correct Zulu. Moron is showing his ignorance once again.

Embarrassment Free Ignorance is his superpower….

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 2, 2023 1:09 pm

That’s “professional” aborigines, of course.

January 2, 2023 1:09 pm

Ferrell’s character listening to LRB in the car.
Who does that?

I wonder what CDs Knuckles has packed for the road trip

January 2, 2023 1:10 pm

For those interested in future Covid vax and treatment policy I recommend reading
Jane Halton review – submitted in late September
National Covid Health Management Plan for 2023 – released early DEC)

What you wont find mentioned in either is any mention of vaccine hesitancy amongst some people (ie. at 23 NOV 22 28% had not taken 3rd shot, protests, Dr’s opposing etc) or any mention of vax injuries (although do mention long Covid research). Whilst they do talk about prioritising high risk groups there is no statistical information about ages of those dying with Covid or comorbidities. This has been a feature of the past few years.

Below from pages 3, 4 and 5 of National plan :

“Vaccines: Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program continues to prioritise reducing severe
illness and pressure on the broader health system. This includes encouraging the uptake of
boosters and ensuring access to new vaccines”

“As we can expect to experience COVID-19 waves for the next two years, to maintain
protections in 2023 we need to continue to follow the expert advice on the need for additional
vaccine doses, particularly as new variants of concern and new vaccines and treatments

Our priority continues to be ensuring Australians maintain their full recommended vaccination
status, particularly those who are most at risk of severe illness from COVID-19”.


“The key ways to protect yourself, fellow Australians and the health system are to:
• stay up to date with recommended vaccines

“Future national communications campaigns will focus on:
• the National COVID-19 Vaccine Program – encouraging uptake in any additional
doses recommended by ATAGI”.

I have mentioned the radio advertising. Immunisation Coalition says get updated with your vax but it is with a vax created 2 years ago and even CEO Pfizer was quoted, a year ago, as saying first two dont work against Omicron. He then recommended taking a 3rd one. It is fairly common for news articles quoting experts to say a new variant evades prior immunity or vaccines but anyway get up to date with your vax !

This has now become a multi billion dollar industry just in Australia. We are going to get a CDC, production facilities in Melbourne and Brisbane and there are many jobs and grants available. The Dr’s and pharmacists who are in the injection programme make easy money from injecting a product provided for free by Government. Unfortunately on the medical side particularly in academia far more are benefitting from this continuing than are trying to speak out with concerns. The media and majority of politicians have failed miserably.

I just had a look a Griffiths University web page. Well outdated but based on the information displayed a new Uni student who may still be unvaxxed will have to get double vaxxed prior to enrollment. As mentioned above those two first jabs way out dated and this just proves for many it is a box ticking exercise. That student would not even be considered fully vaxxed anyway. The vax they are expecting students to take has been classified by ATAGI as more dangerous to take (ie. heart) than the virus risk when taking the 4th repeat. Why on earth would anybody who has the full information want to take it. Simple, no jab no education.

Like Calli I think the next push will come before Winter. Look at what happened in VIC election, Andrews was re-elected despite massive protests and lockdowns. This will have given encouragement to other Governments and the their health minions that the anti vax movement has little impact politically.

Just my thoughts.

January 2, 2023 1:10 pm

January 2, 2023 at 12:51 pm
Followed by the Gibber Plains and then the road into Birdsville

Oz, my recollection is that once you negotiated Cordello Downs, and get across the Gibber Plains , you reach “black top” all the way into Birdsville. It is a relief beyond anything!

They have been sealing in the Birdsville Developmental Road (Morney – Birdsville), pave and seal just in the wet sections

More than 5km of the Birdsville Developmental Road has been sealed to improve safety, efficiency and wet weather access for all road users.

This road links Birdsville and Windorah with markets in major centres across Australia. As well as playing a crucial role in the freight and agriculture sectors, it also supports outback tourism by providing access to areas of far western Queensland.

see map at bottom –

Current Hema Maps (I have an account) show perhaps a 1/5 of the Birdsville Development road from Cordillo Downs Access Road Turn Off as being sealed as of now.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 2, 2023 1:11 pm

On the Voice and everything else, where is Sleepy Pete?

Sleepy Pete is takin’ his time an’ keepin’ his options open.
Remember, Julian Leeser is a proponent of The Voice, and he’s the Party spokesperson.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 2, 2023 1:11 pm

Mmm hmm, and of course the architects of apartheid are to be believed when they said apartheid was for the good of blacks. You idiot.

Seem to be quite a lot more blackouts and murders that there used to be.
I wonder why that is?

Incidentally it is now more dangerous for a black person in Democrat controlled Chicago that it was for a marine in Afghanistan.

Study: Dem-Run Chicago 3X More Dangerous Than Afghan Combat Zone, And It Gets Worse (28 Dec)

Yep, those CRT policies are going just peachily.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 2, 2023 1:11 pm

JC earlier re 300,000 Viktorianistan public serpents.
I heard on radio yesterday that only 70% of them have returned to the office and this number was unlikely to increase.
So, we have nearly 100,000 pubic serpents on WFH.
I would estimate a good one-third of those would be putting in less than 20% of a full workload, and probably running a second job or side-hustle on our dime.

Robert Sewell
January 2, 2023 1:11 pm


And the antiquated idea that a large population makes a secsesfull civilisation (big Australia).

It’s the culture that makes a civilisation – as you suggest – and our is certainly under threat from cowardly politicians and Marxist romantics who are determined, yet again, to create an Earthly Paradise.
And, as usual, it will end up failing atop mounds of skulls of the people it was built for.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 2, 2023 1:15 pm

A really huge muscular guy with a bad stutter goes to a counter in a department store and asks “W-w-w-where’s the m-m-m-men’s dep-p-p-partment?”

The clerk behind the counter just looks at him and says nothing.

The man repeats himself: “W-w-w-where’s the m-m-m-men’s dep-p-p-partment?”

Again, the clerk doesn’t answer him.

The guy asks several more times: “W-w-w-where’s the m-m-m-men’s dep-p-p-partment?”

And the clerk just seems to ignore him.

Finally, the guy storms off in anger.

The customer who was waiting in line behind the guy asks the clerk “Why wouldn’t you answer that guy’s question?” The clerk answers “D-d-d-do you th-th-th-think I w-w-w-want to get b-b-b-beaten up?!!”

January 2, 2023 1:16 pm

Current Hema Maps (I have an account) show perhaps a 1/5 of the Birdsville Development road from Cordillo Downs Access Road Turn Off as being sealed as of now.

Drove that road last year, as the main road was cut by the Diamantina. Some was paved, the rest good quality gravel. To my amazement, there was a group doing a cycling rally with support vehicle.

A fascinating drive, it felt like driving across one of those Roger Dean album covers – the sea floor, interspersed with great dunes…up and over…and onto the vast floor again. Just wonderful, remote, alien.

Until the lycras turned up.

January 2, 2023 1:16 pm

Adding a Voice is not going to give them absolute power over whites,

mOron, very similar platitudes and bs was handed to us over gay marriage. “But, but, love is love.” Now that we are well along the slope and we have in your face child grooming, tranny freaks in change rooms all of which the left (and you) fully support. So making promises about constitutional changes is fkg worthless, because the leftscum like you will twist the stated intent into actually something much more odious and repugnant.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 2, 2023 1:17 pm

It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.

– W. Somerset Maugham

January 2, 2023 1:20 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
January 2, 2023 at 1:11 pm

JC earlier re 300,000 Viktorianistan public serpents.
I heard on radio yesterday that only 70% of them have returned to the office and this number was unlikely to increase.
So, we have nearly 100,000 pubic serpents on WFH.
I would estimate a good one-third of those would be putting in less than 20% of a full workload, and probably running a second job or side-hustle on our dime.

Sanchez, I swear this is true. I have a BIL working for the state pubic service. He has NOT, repeat NOT, been to the office since the first lockdown which started in March 2020. There’s no requirement to go in the foreseeable future. They’re literally eating the state alive– the Liars party and this voting bloc.

January 2, 2023 1:21 pm

Wow ! Just seen this Youtube clip after writing above post. From this ABC interview with Federal Health Minister and seems to have been this morning. Seems AMA calling for improvement in booster shot rates and Butler says already working on the campaign.

Australia’s 2023 Winter COVID-19 Vaccine Advertisement Campaign Coming Soon!

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 2, 2023 1:21 pm


Aboriginal people are not analogous in the slightest to the Afrikaans people of South Africa. They are opposites in key ways: number and power being the two main ones. Adding a Voice is not going to give them absolute power over whites, no matter how it is structured. Anyone saying that is being ridiculous.

Anyone denying that “professional” aborigines hold political power out of all proportion to their numbers is either ignorant or supports increasing that power via the “Voice”. Or botn, in your case.

Constitutional recognition of race opens Pandora’s Box.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 2, 2023 1:23 pm

Does anyone know if it’s acceptable to use Viagra for the purposes of self pollution?
I’m asking for a friend, not me.

– Johnny Rotten

Robert Sewell
January 2, 2023 1:23 pm


“Personally, I’ll give it a year and, if it’s still this bad, I’ll be borrowing a petrol car to go and see Grandma.”

I certainly wouldn’t be lending her one of mine. The year would have been filled with pious comments about how she is saving the planet, the planet is heating – which explains the snow and ice – and why her grandma only deserves one visit a year.
Perhaps one visit a year is all gran can tolerate from the bitch.
I wonder if Gran can join an organisation of like minded rels that spend December wrecking Tesla power chargers to keep their grandkids away?

January 2, 2023 1:25 pm

very similar platitudes and bs was handed to us over gay marriage. “But, but, love is love.” Now that we are well along the slope and we have in your face child grooming, tranny freaks in change rooms all of which the left (and you) fully support.

Transsexuals have not changed their behaviour, they are who they always were. Right-wing media has just chosen to concentrate their two-minute hate pieces on them, because they comprehensively lost the SSM debate and are looking for a more marginalised victim to pick on. People like you, Makka, eat that crap for breakfast because you enjoy having someone to punch down on. It doesn’t mean anything in the real world, though.

January 2, 2023 1:25 pm

Seek help!

January 2, 2023 1:26 pm
January 2, 2023 1:28 pm

Transsexuals have not changed their behaviour, they are who they always were

right there
is some very funny stuff

January 2, 2023 1:28 pm

January 2, 2023 at 1:25 pm
Seek help!

came from – I wondered if that was after the Hammer!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 2, 2023 1:28 pm

Seems AMA calling for improvement in booster shot rates

Would that be the same AMA that Kerryn Phelps used to be head of?

January 2, 2023 1:28 pm

Transsexuals have not changed their behaviour, they are who they always were. Right-wing media has just chosen to concentrate their two-minute hate pieces on them,

Co-opting school kids is bullshit then? All those vids of trannies swinging a leg or two to appear attractive to primary school kids in the US are all made up lies, are they?

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 2, 2023 1:29 pm

January 2, 2023 at 12:48 pm
An article in Quadrant a few months ago (sorry, can’t place it right now) argued that a 3rd Chamber could well be established which is required to give assent to all legislation.

That will not happen.

m0nty=fa has spoken, a third Chamber is inevitable.

January 2, 2023 1:29 pm

The benefit of being ethnic .. causes the deaths of 3 people whilst driving on a suspended licence and “declines” to be interviwed by plod .. why isn’t she under arrest?

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
January 2, 2023 1:31 pm

How surprised Britnah must have been when her ‘rock’ got down on one knee! Honestly, some of the elaborate ‘dates’ you might see on teevee’s ‘The Batchelor’ would be classier and less contrived…

Anyway, I just pray her fiancé doesn’t blow most of her misbegotten filthy lucre on his gambling habit, again.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 2, 2023 1:31 pm

It is interesting to watch the progression of leftard talking points.

A week or so back, it was the Twatter Files “nothingburger”, then some other subject, so ephemeral it is already forgotten, now the “Voice”.

Do leftards like m0nty=fa ever think things out for themselves? Or do they just regurgitate the latest leftard talking pounts?

January 2, 2023 1:33 pm

Canada has reportedly introduced a ban on non-residents purchasing domestic properties in an attempt to relieve housing pressure.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 2, 2023 1:33 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 2, 2023 at 1:23 pm

Seek help. You need it Big Time. A friend told me.

January 2, 2023 1:34 pm

Transsexuals have not changed their behaviour, they are who they always were.

I must watch Priscilla again

January 2, 2023 1:37 pm

People like you, Makka, eat that crap for breakfast because you enjoy having someone to punch down on.

Guilty as charged mOron- “punching down” on leftist scumbags like you and your ilk is an absolute pleasure when the opportunity arises. Which is often given your leftist stupidity.

I can see you’re sensitive about being called out for supporting deviants and perverts, but you have chosen your Team. You can’t cry now though. You own all that comes with the odious left freak and creep show you support and enable.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 2, 2023 1:37 pm

Transsexuals have not changed their behaviour, they are who they always were. Right-wing media has just chosen to concentrate their two-minute hate pieces on them, because they comprehensively lost the SSM debate and are looking for a more marginalised victim to pick on. People like you, Makka, eat that crap for breakfast because you enjoy having someone to punch down on. It doesn’t mean anything in the real world, though.

People like monty=fa eat these talking points (aka crap) for breakfast because they enjoy punching in all directions, including down.

January 2, 2023 1:37 pm

JC earlier re 300,000 Viktorianistan public serpents.

they are not providing any “service” they are just enforcers of a million little rules and regulations, which they keep adding to ad infinitum. the public service needs to be pruned by 90%

January 2, 2023 1:39 pm

I would estimate a good one-third of those would be putting in less than 20% of a full workload, and probably running a second job or side-hustle on our dime.

The massive delays at licensing services would seem to support this hypothesis.

January 2, 2023 1:43 pm

Like JC I have a relative working in civil service. Now spends majority of his time working from home and has done for nearly 3 years now.

Now discussing setting up a side business which will be quite time consuming.

The problem with civil servants working from home is that any loss of productivity does not really matter as still get full pay. All the more reason to vote for the Govt that allows it.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 2, 2023 1:46 pm

World’s most liveable city news:

Four men will face court on Monday after allegedly assaulting a DJ in Toorak after he left a nightclub in the early hours of New Year’s Day.

Two Dandenong men, aged 22 and 19, have both been charged with recklessly cause serious injury in circumstances of gross violence, affray and assault.

A Dandenong North man, 20, and a Dandenong man, 19, have been charged with recklessly cause serious injury in circumstances of gross violence, affray, assault and commit indictable offence while on bail.

All four men were remanded and will appear at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Monday.

The victim, a 23-year-old Footscray man, remains in The Alfred hospital in a critical but stable condition.

Stonnington Crime Investigation Unit detectives have been told the alleged offenders were leaning on his car when he returned to it on Jackson St about 3am.

Following an altercation, four men allegedly assaulted the man.

A 20-year-old Endeavour Hills woman he was with suffered minor injuries.

It is understood the men who were charged had been at Jackson’s Hotel, which held one of its popular African music nights on New Year’s Eve.

Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Rick Nugent said the apparently unprovoked attack marred a largely trouble-free night of celebrations.

Mr Nugent described the man’s injuries as “life-threatening”.

“It’s really quite a tragic matter,” he said.

Mr Nugent said the man was not partying and there was no obvious reason behind the alleged attack.

“We understand that the victim may have been leaving his place of work and had just got back to his car when the (alleged) assault took place,” he said.

The investigation is ongoing.

I will don my deerstalker hat, light my pipe and ponder, whilst stroking chin and conclude it be the craft of Sudanese blokes with nothing better to do than cause havoc.

January 2, 2023 1:47 pm

Transsexuals have not changed their behaviour, they are who they always were.

note how they will never offer these mentally ill people the option of state assisted death, that is reserved for normal people.

January 2, 2023 1:47 pm

It’s mildly amusing that the 1967 referendum was held (unopposed) to remove particular and specific reference to ‘Aboriginals’ in the constitution so they were treated identically to everyone else. A reference, by the way, which was placed there so that the federal government couldn’t interfere with their ‘self-determination’.

Having realised over 50 years that being treated equally is actually not all it’s cracked up to be, some of them now want their special place in the Constitution back, in order to be recognised as different. It seems they want their self-determination back.

Monty, perhaps you should limit your wrongology to pontoons, you poltroon.

January 2, 2023 1:50 pm

Transsexuals have not changed their behaviour, they are who they always were. Right-wing media has just chosen to concentrate their two-minute hate pieces on them,

This is normal in Malmo with Monty.

January 2, 2023 1:52 pm

The massive delays at licensing services would seem to support this hypothesis.

licensing should be fully automated, why we pay nongs to rubber stamp a licence is very soviet

January 2, 2023 1:52 pm

This is real…
They were the iconic Washington Redskins. And now…

January 2, 2023 1:55 pm

Rooster, there could be an issue with variants caused by the vaccines. Herd immunity may be working in reverse. Covid is a real bitch.

WSJ opinion piece today.

Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants?
The virus appears to be evolving in ways that evade immunity.
Allysia Finley

Public-health experts are sounding the alarm about a new Omicron variant dubbed XBB that is rapidly spreading across the Northeast U.S. Some studies suggest it is as different from the original Covid strain from Wuhan as the 2003 SARS virus. Should Americans be worried?

It isn’t clear that XBB is any more lethal than other variants, but its mutations enable it to evade antibodies from prior infection and vaccines as well as existing monoclonal antibody treatments. Growing evidence also suggests that repeated vaccinations may make people more susceptible to XBB and could be fueling the virus’s rapid evolution.
rior to Omicron’s emergence in November 2021, there were only four variants of concern: Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma. Only Alpha and Delta caused surges of infections globally. But Omicron has begotten numerous descendents, many of which have popped up in different regions of the world curiously bearing some of the same mutations.

“Such rapid and simultaneous emergence of multiple variants with enormous growth advantages is unprecedented,” a Dec. 19 study in the journal Nature notes. Under selective evolutionary pressures, the virus appears to have developed mutations that enable it to transmit more easily and escape antibodies elicited by vaccines and prior infection.

The same study posits that immune imprinting may be contributing to the viral evolution. Vaccines do a good job of training the immune system to remember and knock out the original Wuhan variant. But when new and markedly different strains come along, the immune system responds less effectively.

Bivalent vaccines that target the Wuhan and BA.5 variants (or breakthrough infections with the latter) prompt the immune system to produce antibodies that target viral regions the two strains have in common. In Darwinian terms, mutations that allow the virus to evade common antibodies win out—they make it “fitter.”

XBB has evolved to elude antibodies induced by the vaccines and breakthrough infections. Hence, the Nature study suggests, “current herd immunity and BA.5 vaccine boosters may not efficiently prevent the infection of Omicron convergent variants.”

A New England Journal of Medicine study published last month provides more evidence of the vulnerability caused by immune imprinting. Neutralizing antibodies of people who had received the bivalent were 26 times as high against the original Wuhan variant as they were against XBB and four times as high as they were against Omicron and the BA.5 variant.

Similarly, a study this month in the journal Cell found that antibody levels of people who had received four shots were 145 times as high against the original Wuhan strain as the XBB variant. A bivalent booster only slightly increased antibodies against XBB. Experts nevertheless claim that boosters improve protection against XBB. That’s disinformation, to use their favored term.

A Cleveland Clinic study that tracked its healthcare workers found that bivalent vaccines reduced the risk of getting infected by 30% while the BA.5 variant was spreading. But, as the study explained, the reason might be that workers who were more cautious—i.e., more likely to wear N95 masks and avoid large gatherings—may have also been more likely to get boosted.

Notably, workers who had received more doses were at higher risk of getting sick. Those who received three more doses were 3.4 times as likely to get infected as the unvaccinated, while those who received two were only 2.6 times as likely.

“This is not the only study to find a possible association with more prior vaccine doses and higher risk of COVID-19,” the authors noted. “We still have a lot to learn about protection from COVID-19 vaccination, and in addition to a vaccine’s effectiveness it is important to examine whether multiple vaccine doses given over time may not be having the beneficial effect that is generally assumed.”

Two years ago, vaccines were helpful in reducing severe illness, particularly among the elderly and those with health risks like diabetes and obesity. But experts refuse to concede that boosters have yielded diminishing benefits and may even have made individuals and the population as a whole more vulnerable to new variants like XBB.

It might not be a coincidence that XBB surged this fall in Singapore, which has among the highest vaccination and booster rates in the world. Over the past several weeks a XBB strain has become predominant in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts, making up about three-quarters of virus samples that have been genetically sequenced. The variant has been slower to take off in other regions, making up only 6% of the Midwest and about 20% in the South. The Northeast is also the most vaccinated and boosted region in the country.

Hospitalizations in the Northeast have risen too, but primarily among those over 70. One reason may be that the T-Cell response—the cavalry riding behind the front-line antibodies—is weaker in older people. The virus can’t evade T-Cells elicited by vaccines and infections as easily as it can antibodies. Because of T-Cells, younger people are still well-protected against new variants.

Another reason may be that monoclonal antibodies are ineffective against XBB, and many older people who catch Covid can’t take the antiviral Paxlovid because they have medical conditions such as severe kidney disease or take drugs that interfere with it.

The Biden administration’s monomaniacal focus on vaccines over new treatments has left the highest-risk Americans more vulnerable to new variants. Why doesn’t that seem to worry the experts?

January 2, 2023 1:56 pm

The people of any race, other than the aboriginal race in any State, for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws.

— Constitution, section 51, clause 26, pre-1967

Section 51 meant that the federal government could make laws for anyone in Australia – except its Aboriginal population. Originally this clause was worded that way to enable parliament to make laws discriminating against racial groups like the Kanakas in Queensland. The words ‘other than the aboriginal race in any State’ were intended to exempt Aboriginal people from discrimination.

The 1965 prime minister Robert Menzies argued passionately against changing this section and held that if the phrase was removed the parliament could set up “a separate body of industrial, social, criminal and other laws relating exclusively to Aborigines”. The inclusion of the words were thought to be “a fundamental safeguard against discriminatory Commonwealth legislation directed against [Aboriginal people]”.

Source: Australian 1967 referendum – Creative Spirits, retrieved from

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 2, 2023 1:59 pm

They were the iconic Washington Redskins.

Ok, that’s fun, they’ve gone from not insulting native Americans to insulting two other groups of people who are traditional Democrat supporters. Great work guys oops yxes.

January 2, 2023 2:00 pm

Am just going out and was about to ask if somebody could post that article. The comments are interesting.

Nearly a year ago the EU version of TGA expressed concern about what multiple jabs would do to immune system.

It seems our medical experts / TGA are immune to picking up indicators from overseas.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x