Nightly Walk of the Monks to the Mountain Monastery Athos, Hermann Corrodi, 1888
Nightly Walk of the Monks to the Mountain Monastery Athos, Hermann Corrodi, 1888
A better account of the Afghani stabber in Germany: Omarzai was known to police for at least three prior criminal…
Henry Payne.
Tom Stiglich.
Matt Margolis.
Marketing spin; they aren’t even tanks. More like armored cars – the rubber tyred variety.
Assuming all Grants Hoovers, Affirmative Action Grifters, subsidised interest chiselers hafta show some Proof of Aboriginality,
anyone with the power to sign off on a Certificate Of Aboriginality has the keys to the gold mine.
Pascoe is to the University of Melbournibad as van Wrongselen is to the University of Wesern Australia. Another reason their annual begging bowl pamphlet goes straight in the bin.
Switzerland set to destroy millions of doses of covid vax after it couldn’t offload them to Africa.
Very light tank. Kyiv Post seems unimpressed;
January 8, 2023 at 2:16 pm
“How Can Anyone Take This Charlatan Seriously” should be the title of every article in Quadrant and the Spectator.
Two points. First, that is because Quadrant and the Spectator often include articles about the idiocies of leftards, who are almost all charlatans. Second, calling a Labor “Icon” like Kim Beazley a charlatan might get you unpersonned.
PS, is this an example of you in your new, “angry meatsuit”? Or did you mean meathead?
There is alleged to be footage somewhere, marked “never to be released, showing Beazo, wearing his specially tailored camouflage uniform, wedged in the turret hatch of a Leopard tank, having to be extracted by his flunkies.
You idiot, mOron. Frogs are cleaning out the sheds of Cold War relics they’ll never use, making way for their modern materiel that they are ramping up in production. CL is correct. You ,as usual, are wrong.
I wonder how many Ukes will volunteer to man an aluminium “ronson” in battle against the Russ?
Dutton doing well to link Albo to The Voice. …going down with the ship.
That’s interesting Roger, appears it’s a mix of local languages and pirate.
75 million speakers apparently.
My guess was based on UK political correctness pandering to an outspoken minority
west African pidgin
It’s so close to English it might as well be written in English. The BBC simply looks ridiculous.
Just got back from seeing “The Lost King” about the story behind the discovery of Richard III’s bones in a Leicester carpark. It’s a very good film, highly recommended. I really liked it.
January 8, 2023 at 3:24 pm
It’s so close to English it might as well be written in English. The BBC simply looks ridiculous.
But not quite as ridiculous as Their ABC actually is.
Understandable. Young English people of Caribbean descent are actually doing quite well by all the indicators. So well they’re more likely to get into a university than a young white English person, from where they can afford to indulge in woke politics and call for statues of their benefactors to be torn down. The horror!
Anyone noticed that the socialist work experience censors in the Paywallian comments section seem to be letting more robust comments through?
““How Can Anyone Take This Charlatan Seriously” should be the title of every article in Quadrant and the Spectator.”
Okay then, as long as every comment you post here has the title “How Can Anyone take this Charlatan Seriously”.
Via Michael Smith News,
Somebody should have smacked the snot out of that little bitch a long time ago.
This was linked at the Jikkyleaks site mentioned by Bourne1879. It’s an Australian site which really seems to get into the nitty gritty of the jabs.
Your immune system on the edge.
I have a magnificent Seville orange tree (for orange sauce and authentic marmalade).
It has been so cold the thing hasn’t flowered. 🙁
Remember the Aboriginal interpreter for Sneakers McGowan during Covid?
And was it Nelson Mandela’s funeral where we had an imposter doing the sign language?
January 8, 2023 at 2:25 pm
So landlords may not soon to be able to set their rules for tenants it seems.
Reckon “we aint seen nothin’ yet”. If we see an increase in mortgage defaults in 2023 (likely if interest rates rise significantly) there will be even greater pressure on the rental market – which has already been affected by the cessation of large scale immigration during the Covid years. The Labor government will almost certainly move to further protect tenants in various ways.
Already tenancy agreements are very specific concerning what”rules” can be enforced. While many people think that landlords have a clear run – the actual tenancy laws already very much protect tenants. For example, significant notice must be given of rent increase at the end of a fixed term tenancy & if this is not given (eg if self managed & “missed”) an increase cannot be subsequently implemented. Tenants can also challenge rent increases in tribunals. Anyone who has had a savvy tenant who has caused significant loss to a landlord via damage and/or unpaid rent(which the bond may not cover) will know that the image of the downtrodden tenant does not always accord with reality.
I think I saw somewhere that the orange was originally used in the middle east as an ornamental plant, for it’s blossom and scent.
The hybridising for sweet fruit was Spanish innovation I think.
White House Pressed Facebook To Censor Tucker Carlson, Document Reveals
Will check out The Lost King, Cassie – thanks.
When last in the UK, we went and had a look at the actual grave site – it’s still open and covered in heavy glass. The Brits have built a tourist centre around it.
Richard is buried in the cathedral over the road in a very impressive raised tomb.
Beazley is a big fat greazy turd who’s never had a real job and never seen a shot fired in anger. The fat filth was never in the services but did a course at Oxford. Beazley is the dregs of the middle class his father was talking about. Just f*ck off fart boy slim. F*ck right off.
Quite, Makka. And I see that the Polish PM denied that they were passing on any Leopold 2s.
“He confessed to doing cocaine, smoking cannabis and taking mushrooms”
War service and allegedly killing 25 enemy counts for nothing when the fundamental character traits of self control and self respect are given way to the voluntary taking of mind altering narcotics…
He’d be more coherent that way.
Beazley (ironically) personified the small target strategy. He came up short as Howard rained cash on whatever demographic Loughnane told him the Lieborals needed that election. Superannuants, families, women. Whoever was needed.
The English upper class do cocaine. I’m shocked. Shocked I say.
The fruit from my Seville orange is as sour as- you’d never eat it. But it makes perfect marmalade.
And yes, it is decorative. Great orange globes, slightly flattened at the poles. And the scent of the flowers is lovely.
My Meyer lemon set fruit, but the cold made it all drop. The only thing that appears to endure is the blood orange. Even the Tahiti lime has some fruit on it, also set very early in the season.
Gosh. Maybe he needs the publishing money for his habit. It would explain the erratic behaviour.
That reminds me.
It is getting close to G&T time.
Young English people of Caribbean descent are actually doing quite well by all the indicators.
What indicators.
Apart from leading knife attacks, it’s a sorry story for the descendants of the Windrush Generation.
Aussie Valencias are my favorite oranges. Unbeatable.
Apparently we are supposed to take Captain (ret’d) Sooky McCheaty at his word when he says he has taken a catch cleanly above the ground.
Yeah, nah.
A lawyer died and arrived at the pearly gates. To his dismay, there were thousands of people ahead of him in line to see St. Peter. But, to his surprise, St. Peter left his desk at the gate and came down the long line to where the lawyer was standing. St. Peter greeted him warmly. Then St. Peter and one of his assistants took the lawyer by the hands and guided him up to the front of the line into a comfortable chair by his desk. The lawyer said “I don’t mind all this attention, but what makes me so special?” St. Peter replied “Well, I’ve added up all the hours for which you billed your clients, and by my calculation you must be about 193 years old!”
Three guys talk in a bar. Two discuss how they are king in their castles and how much their wives respect them. The third guy remains quiet. Finally, one guy turns to the quiet guy and asks “What about you? Do you rule your roost?” The quiet guy says “Well, just the other night, my wife came to me on her hands and knees”. “What happened then?” they ask. “She said, ‘Get out from under the bed and fight like a man.’”
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.
– Laurence J. Peter
What a mean little face Captain (ret’d) Sooky McCheaty has. That soft descended-from-norman-conquistadors sort of face.
They are good, milton. Not popular for retail because they always have that tinge of green, even when completely ripe and sweet.
The navels they bring in from California are something else too. Sweet and juicy. Also full of Greta angering carbin miles too.
You know, in the 80s I distinctly recall Ireland was considered the poorest country in Europe and the Irish were referred to as the Africans of Europe because of their relative poverty. Now it’s the 3rd richest per cap after Luxembourg and Singapore. Incredible. turnaround.
Yes Calli they are slightly green now that you mention it. Super easy to peal too.
Yep, patriotism goes out the window when it comes to orange buying.
If only Luxembourg, Singapore and Ireland had manufacturing and made stuff. If only.
Still not ready for Chinese garlic though.
I’m somewhat conflicted on this but if they have been serving with the ADF for a good while and legit combat ADF personnel in-country can vouch for them, then this is a low dog act IMO. We can’t just leave them to the wolves.
So much for black folks being unable to make it.
Bermuda $85,192 per cap is no. 5.
Australia at no.19 is frankly an embarrassment. Per cap is $55,000. We should be no.1 by far.
I though Luxembourg made steel.
They would vote Right leaning. The Liars wouldn’t have a bar of them.
I wouldn’t put too much faith in Irish economic stats. Lots of profits get booked there for EU tax purposes. It’s not quite a peat bog but it’s not Switzerland either. Nice place to play golf in summer.
They must be counting the Trillions stashed in their offshore banks. The resort workers don’t see any of that.
Bear, I would baulk at anything grown in a Chinese field. Brrrrrr.
The Bear @ 3.17 pm
We can only hope Dutton doesn’t capitulate. Not that I have any intention of voting Lib/Nat while my arse points to the ground, anyway.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
January 8, 2023 at 4:35 pm
No visas for families of Afghan ADF personnel
Amaani Siddeek
These Afghans did not “join” the ADF, they were in the Afghan forces and served with the ADF, as did many Vietnamese in the 1960s and 1970s. The LTGEN also was not in the ADF, and any connection to ADF operations would have been fairly tenuous.
Spanish garlic wasn’t bad from memory although I didn’t mind paying a premium for the local stuff.
It does, but it’s mostly banking and other services like Insurance. You know, I’d actually remove Lux from the number 1 spot because they have a ton of foreign workers who travel there by day and head home literally to a foreign country every evening. Consequently their production gets mixed in with the locals and grosses up their GDP and therefore per capita. I’d remove that part of the GDP to obtain a better picture. Same goes for Switzerland and Lichtenstein.
CIA fact book suggests Lux is strongly services oriented.
H B Bearsays:
January 8, 2023 at 4:56 pm
Grow your own. Bloody easy and there a quite a few Australian outlets where you can source your bulbs. Garlic doesn’t take a lot of room.
Smith has been standing too far back all day. Perhaps if NSW players had to play a bit of shield cricket to be selected like everyone else, he’d know you had to get closer as the SCG pitch stops being a road and starts it’s fairly wuick journey to “rubbish mess”.
You’d think these idiots, hating Australia as much as they do, would just piss off to one of the Woke Nations at the very first chance.
Buy no, they have to keep bloody nagging at out multi hued failures across the entire spectrum of human behaviour.
Even if they didn’t piss off, you’d expect they might just shut up for a couple of weeks, but no.
Every frigging chance they get, they nag nag nag.
Dutton should also leap on Albo’s refusal to provide funds to the ‘No’ case. The constitution is higher than the government. Changes to it must have a mandate from the people.
But Aalborg will only let one side be told so, if they succeed, they will have just used the referendum as an empty protocol to get Australians to rubber stamp a Labour policy where they actually have no business.
And worse, Albo and Labor would be happy to do this with no idea as to the details as to what they are waving through.
Not any more. You can’t stash money in tax havens anymore thanks to the Americans.
You been there? We used to go to see clients and it’s only about 1 1/2 out of NY. I think it’s just beside one of the Carolinas in the Atlantic. It felt like the folks there were doing pretty well. In any event, you do what you can to play to your strengths. Even if you believe they’re “just” a tax haven you also have to consider the fact that tax “haveners” are prepared to put their money there, which by definition means they see the joint as stable.
Grey Ranga:
Is there such a thing in Australia any more?
Whatever happened to our timber industry? I’ll tell you – insatiable Greens, gutless politicians, and a bureaucracy that wants to get invited to the ‘right’ parties.
It needs a lot of work, but you wouldn’t trust this lot of arseholes to manage anything.
The Bermudian weather is great too. The Island is slap bang under the jet stream carrying warm air all the way to the Welsh coast. It’s great weather and some of the beaches are great too.
Smith has been too far back all day. Perhaps if NSW players needed to play a few more games of shield cricket before being handed their baggy green like everyone else, he’d know you have to move up as the SCG makes it’s change from complete road to variable-bounce rubbish.
Are you sure JC?
I prefer the explanation from Kiwi Ian Smith – since the pitch has been built up over the years with layers of top soil it is higher than the outfield. The camera angle doesn’t show the bottom of Smith’s boots because they, and the legitimate catch, are hidden by the crown of the wicket square.
Yeah, it should have been goooorne. We wuz robbed.
You can live there as a tax exile. I thought you were suggesting that foreigners parked their money there and lived elsewhere.
I always got the impression the folks there were pretty well off. The towns and major city are nice and clean. Also, the tourism there is of the wealthy type because it’s really expensive.
Look, these are my impressions during the 90s.
Doesn’t Trumble bank in the Bahamas or Bermuda? Not exactly a gritty man of the people.
Re Monks on Mt Athos
Following Calli’s reports on her Croatian travels prompted me to track down Patrick Leigh Fermor’s “the Broken Road”, the third and last book of his trip from the Hook of Holland to Istanbul in the 1930s, when he was 19. Why? You ask. Well it’s all vaguely Balkanish when viewed from here; however he does mention Croatia but doesn’t actually go into modern day Croatia, and I enjoyed reading the first two books.
This third book was published after PLF’s death in 2011(?) and his literary executors had to finish the story of the trip from what was left behind. At the end of the story of the trip to Isranbul is included the record of PLF’s journey around the monastries of Mt Athos, of which he left behind copius notes, contemporaneous with his visit.
All interesting, very much a male only environment, where even female animals are banned, so presumably no milk, no eggs He described an awkward moment at one of the monasteries when, shaking hands with a monk, his hand was held rather longer than was comfortable. He managed to get out of the situation, but remarked that, given the circumstances, it was not surprising there was some hint of “abnormality”. The book was published around 2013, I doubt it would get through with that reference in 2023.
Dutton should also leap on Albo’s refusal to provide funds to the ‘No’ case.
That’s the last thing he should do, since it taints him as a Partisan, something Dutton has been very careful to avoid.
Albanese has gotta come good with the facts, and until he does The Voice is an unknown quantity and has to be turned down.
I’d say The Australian will be wall to wall Voice by Australia Day and Peak Ethnic Group Leaders will be leading the charge.
Bermuda Salary
Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $167,500 $13,958
75th Percentile $120,000 $10,000
Average $113,216 $9,434
25th Percentile $76,500 $6,375
Last day of the holidays.
Eye fillet with red wine jus, and a bottle of Pauillac.
He is the most acceptable ALP or LNP leader post 1972 to me.
If he’s awful, the rest are nightmare fuel.
Is WA copper Pommynese a form of da Pigin langwig?
“Patrick Leigh Fermor”
My favourite travel writer.
If only Harry did more cocaine.
He could have met a nice model who wanted to retire to the Cotswolds and have many, many children and help an avuncular DCI arrest a shockingly high moida rate…oh wait that’s my fantasy.
Truly, Cats – we exist in the stupidest age in human history. The headline above should be a parody, not reality.
Yet here we are, in thrall to a preposterous animist idiocy that quite frankly, after nearly 34 years defies any logical description.
But yeah, collectivists are supposedly the clever ones among us.
I do not know what that stuff is that they pass off as garlic from Chai-nah in the supermarkets, but it tastes nothing like the stuff we grow at home.
Fart boy slim never actually made it PM Dot so you don’t really know.
Aussie Imperial Mandarins >> Aussie Valencias
Dr John Campbell has a further post about his previous day Swindon myocarditis post. Within 12 hours of his first post Swindon Health contacted the original guy who did the FOI and submitted corrected figures. Gone from one extreme to the other.
The new figures basically showed very few figures for each year since 2019. One total figure went from 59,000 to 344 ! The new stats show no impact of virus or vax on stats at all.
He then went on to show information by NIH about pericarditis / myocarditis as a side effect of Covid. Then states Swindon seems very lucky to have had zero impact. Suggests might want to investigate Swindon info.
It’s over for the Eurocels
Served with the Resistance on Crete – Achieved a certain amount of fame by kidnapping the commander of German forces on Crete, and getting him off that island.
I haven’t visited Britain since the start of the bLIAR era nor have I visited Romania but, from what I’m reading about 2020s Yookay, it reminds me of the end of the Ceau?escu era in Romania.
Jeez, 91.5% of marriages end up in divorce in Portugal? Why bother getting married?
No one other urinalists have ever claimed the AMX – 10 is a tank.
Armoured car
Used for reconnaissance, skirmishing or a platform for old SAM systems such as the Roland IIRC?
Surely the next step for them is to transition, with daily updates on Instagram.
Meghan will become Morgan, with a big brown bushy beard.
Harry will become Harriet, the first Royal tranny.
Netflix will do a gushy series on the story.
other than
Been watching “The Monster of Wall Street” on Netflix.
About Bernie Madoff.
Very good, and presents some interesting takes on who benefited.
But no spoilers for now.
After it’s been legalled and through Netflix management I would be surprised if it bears any resemblance to reality. Unless you count the Kardashians as reality.
that data was just for 2020, 2021 Portugal divorce rate dropped back to under 60% which is still high.
Been watching National Cycling Championships from Ballarat via SBS. Great race but the woke ads on SBS make be sick. As someone mentioned earlier the left never rest.
Ought to mean something during a crisis. I think it’s meant to.
No, the Nationals should start high court proceedings.
Last day of holidays as well. Been a great couple of weeks. Worth a couple of beers tonite to steady me for the year ahead.
They grew a backbone, got called Nazis and shut up.
Cat’s, this morning’s Rolling Stone’s execrable and monstrously self indulgent “greatest 200 warblers of all time” did manage to get at least several things correct.
Aretha at No 1.
Also – sacré bleu! How was I never previously aware of this femme fatale fille?
She makes la Birkin look some trashy hired help.
Bruce of N
Meghan will become Morgan, with a big brown bushy beard.
Doesn’t she already have such?
The somewhat sad funeral of Benedict XVI: Václav Klaus reflects
Buried News: Obama muscled Zuckerberg to censor Trump — and made an example of him
When too many apostrophes are barely enough, I tells ya! 😕
I don’t think legal risk is such a biggy.
Most of the key players are dead.
Madoff, his two sons, his right hand man CFO, and his biggest client who is suspected of tumbling Madoff’s scheme and milking it.
All dead.
Except the wife. I can’t imagine she didn’t know what was going on.
Our Covid Crisis! screams Seven News.
Apparently it’s “millions” of swimming lessons missed because of the pandemic. Result – children at risk of drowning.
No, you dissembling numpties. It wasn’t because of the “pandemic”. It was all down to YOU and your ilk, desperate for a crisis, and lockdowns and housebound misery. Incessantly pushing draconian government measures with not a peep of dissent or question, YOU failed to do your job, becoming a mouthpiece for propaganda.
Dr Aseem Malhotra
It’s more specific than that. It’s 30,000 excess deaths due to coronary artery disease. Not heart failure, NOT myocarditis but CAD.
There will be a number of factors BUT without any doubt the mRNA jab will be in the mix as a primary driver.
It doesn’t take forever to learn how to swim.
Hey, maybe watch your own kids.
“Still not ready for Chinese garlic though.”
Eating anything made in China counts as an extreme sport in my opinion. Those big bags of peeled garlic do look pretty cheap though, something to consider when littering in from of a Bain Marie at the takeaway shoppe.
when loitering in front of
spell check is my frend
Something for a Sunday:
Rods from God.
Pretty much the definitive KO of the idea.
Boambee John:
The dead hand of communism. No-one wants to fall foul of a new Hundred Flowers campaign.
There’s nothing like 30 million dead to make one aware of the perils of being the nail that stuck its head up.
“Meghan will become Morgan, with a big brown bushy beard.”
Markle become Mirkin.
Lots of Seville blossom here but no pollen.
Thems what know about these things claim that the excessive rain has prevented the uptake of K.
Assiduous application of sulphate of potash achieved nothing.
Same situation with the limes and passionfruit.
Bizarly, there are no bees which are normally in plague numbers.
I need to pay more Gaia tax obviously.
Hard to say. Many of them genuinely don’t have a clue. My sister and BIL would fall into that category – except for a period where she checked the credit card balance before going to the supermarket. Just a distant memory now as he comes home having bought another 60 foot boat for the Christmas holidays. Just sign what is put in front of them.
Shake – glad you enjoyed them – I’ve got one more week to go.
My tailor is going to be working overtime next week. Not to mention fishing the suits out of the wardrobe and assessing the damage after three years of barely being worn. The dry cleaning bills are likely to be astronomical. Just hope the moths haven’t been too busy. 🙁
Don’t mention the frozen Vietnamese prawns. Hopefully the wok works some special magic. Always pass on the pangolin soup.
She’s already got a pair of balls from somebody who wasn’t using them.
Rakurai. I’m rereading the Safehold series atm, now in fact (with some chardy to assist).
January 8, 2023 at 6:10 pm
“Still not ready for Chinese garlic though.”
Just don’t do it and also be very very careful as to what you consume that’s made in NZ This might mean McCains. Check the packaging. NZ have chucked their food standards into the sewer to remain on good terms with the CCP.
I was having a conversation yesterday with my mother and sister about the last three years of Covid and I said, “you know, from day one Craig Kelly was right, about antivirals, vaccines, lockdowns. Perhaps Kerryn Phelps could, if not apologise to Craig Kelly, then acknowledge publicly that Kelly was right. Remember how he was demonised by the MSM? Remember how Scumbag sided with the left against Kelly?
I’ve tried to like him but ….. I find him an insufferable, old fashioned pommy snob.
I would rather go with Jonathan Raban or prickly old Paul Theroux
Old Ozzie:
I’m reminded of the “Night Witches” in the Russo/German war.
Capable of night flight, close to the ground – finding campfires of German soldiers and, with turned off engines, capable of gliding over and dropping small bombs on them.
It doesn’t have to be fast and sexy to do the job – just capable.
And our arms procurers have forgotten that.
Yep, it’s going to be a poor crop for a lot of fruit trees. The cumquat tree outside my door had dozens and dozens of fruit last season. This year, due to cold, miserable weather, there were hardly any flowers. What’s more, even when there were flowers, there were no bees because of the wind and cold.
On another topic, yesterday I mentioned how much TheirABC hates Summernats, having given it zero coverage despite it being the largest car event in the country.
Well, we finally got a story now that it’s over:
Yep, it was mayhem. The other 119,990 attendees were shaking in their thongs all weekend. 🙂
Fantastic scene in Generation War when the brothers’ camp is bombed by the night witches after spotting Freidhelm’s cigarette light. Which subsequently earned him a severe beating from his kamaraden, overseen by his brother.
I am the undisputed head of my household. Sadly Mrs D is the “neck”, the head can only go where the neck points it. 🙁
The families of Afghans who joined the Australian Defence Force to fight against the Taliban are living in fear for their lives because the Australian government refuses to process any visas from Afghanistan
People who put their neck on the line to help Australia? NO WAY!
People who left Australia to be ISIS Bitches? HELL YES!
We are so f’cked.
Plenty of bees here, one has to run the gauntlet to the front door at my mother’s place.
Bees loving on lamb’s ears.
On the other hand the rosellas are nicking my apples before they are much bigger than cherries.
I might have to cover a couple just to see if they can ripen properly.
Looks like UKR is going to lose Soledar and Bahkmut in the next week or so. That will redraw the frontline considerably in that area.
Summernats is excellent. It was always interesting to me that the festival of the donk should happen in a deep green-lefty city like Canberra, even before trolling was invented.
Btw, people are still buying donks.
Big utes and 4WDs dominate new car sales in 2022 (6 Jan)
Only 3.6% of Aussies are buying electric golfcarts, and that’s probably fleet sales not ordinary punters.
Lost all my pears and peaches to possums. Still, the figs and passionfruit are doing well.
If you want to grow fruit to eat get a greenhouse, otherwise it is just a good way to attract birds to the garden. Birds are good, those white mesh bags over trees, not so much.
Senator Lidia Thorpe has opened her mouth on the subject of Australia Day.
Planted a heap of dahlia tubers and day lilies around the fruit trees as the bees just love the pollen rich flowers. Likewise brugmansia. There are usually a large number of the busy little things buzzing about.
The problem was actually getting any flowers. The few that bloomed were pollinated, produced tiny fruit which promptly fell off in the cold. I appreciate the endless rain has depleted the soil, which is sand here so needs boosting up constantly at the best of times.
Glowball warming. Perhaps Greta’s scowls have worked and the sun is afeared.
Summernats still has pit girls this year? They were trying to get rid of them once. Come to think of it, that is probably why the ABC dislike the event so much, it offends their fierce heterosexual tendencies.
The Pale Blue Eye is a good movie that could have been a great movie.
Bale is great but the guys who plays Poe is even better.
Odd that Fetterman (yes that Fetterman makes a cameo).
Ruth Madoff?
I struggle to believe that her and the two sons were completely ignorant of it.
They probably didn’t know it ran into tens of billions, but I reckon they knew Bernie was skating on thin ice and cutting a few corners.
The bane of my life are these buggers. They are bent on destroying my clumps of bromeliads, nipping off all the new growth.
To add insult to injury, the mongrels hopped onto the front porch today and pooed all over the mat. Grrrrrr.
Is an idiot who needs to be removed from the Senate. Why is she there when she plainly hates Australia?
Rabz earlier.
Throw some Chinese garlic in the wardrobe.
I wasn’t going to net the entire tree just cover a few individual fruit.
great news, seems we are at china level data reliability
For shame, BB , don’t you understand that the good, the holy, the saintly Greens see her as a fit and proper person to represent their constituents?
“Ruth Madoff?
I struggle to believe that her and the two sons were completely ignorant of it.
They probably didn’t know it ran into tens of billions, but I reckon they knew Bernie was skating on thin ice and cutting a few corners.”
A friend of mine in NYC lost her job at the company she worked at when the Madoff Ponzi scheme imploded. She would later say that she’d been “Madoffed”.
“Is an idiot who needs to be removed from the Senate. Why is she there when she plainly hates Australia?”
I note that the SFLs haven’t bothered moving a censure motion against her.
To me the problem isn’t Thorpe per se, the problem is that people vote for the Greens.
Apples are gone. Soft and brown before they developed.
Second year pear has 10-12 healthy fruit.
Apricot didn’t set fruit at all.
Peach looked to have terminal curly leaf but recovered with some growth and fruit.
Fruit farming is a total raffle.
Fruit netting day tomorrow.
They used to say “Bernie Madoff with the cash”.
T do as much damage as she can, presumably.
Brother and his fambalam took off to their holiday house on the coast yesterday. Minding the house.
He has a pool, enclosed by those half inch thick glass panels with clamp mounts on the tiles. About three hours ago I was standing around out the back when one of the panels decided to explode. And I mean ex-ploooode.
Three hours of cleaning up glass. Aside from the glass in the pool – that’s my bro’s gig for when he gets back. He is extremely unhappy – that’s the second one in two years.
Cassie, the Madoff doco is interesting in the way it looks at how he exploited the insularity – if that is the right word – of the Jewish community in Palm Beach.
Wow. No wonder Queensland Prisons are revolving doors. Who are these effwits?
Put halfway houses next to Mr Hamburger and Rallings. Lastly why is the minister entraining a hasbeen like Hamburger?
Just don’t do it and also be very very careful as to what you consume that’s made in NZ This might mean McCains.
We abandoned McCains about two years ago, after a bag of frozen chips tasted foul. Now we cut up fresh spuds, DIY rules.
We had one do that a few years ago at the City Penthouse.
Balcony panel just popped on a cold night. They are, as you say, supposed to shatter into lots of tiny pieces. Except when they have glazing film attached. Then big chunks hang together and plummet to earth.
I was told it was quite common.
Not hard to imagine that they might think it worth more for her to continue.
“Sancho Panzersays:
January 8, 2023 at 7:34 pm
Cassie, the Madoff doco is interesting in the way it looks at how he exploited the insularity – if that is the right word – of the Jewish community in Palm Beach.”
Yep, “insularity” is the correct word. Madoff was an expert schmoozer, particularly within the Jewish communities across the east coast of the USA and in Israel. Many, many people were “Madoffed”.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
January 8, 2023 at 7:13 pm
Is an idiot who needs to be removed from the Senate. Why is she there when she plainly hates Australia?
For shame, BB , don’t you understand that the good, the holy, the saintly Greens see her as a fit and proper person to represent their constituents?
Well, she does share the hatred of Australia with the rest of the Slime. But she forgets that she is there to represent all of her state, not just her party members.
This stuff has film on it but it didn’t stop it shattering into billions upon trillions of pieces. Maddeningly time-consuming.
Hard broom. Soft broom. Vacuum (including the lawn, using SIL’s vacuum cleaner with the head unit off). Full wheelie bin.
I won’t empty the vacuum bag. She’ll be pleased to see how much work I did.
Former high ranking state public servants, that’s who (you knew that, but…)
It’s a shallow talent pool.
KD, Pancho – I’m assuming the “shattering” may be due to sudden (or other) temperature changes?
Otherwise why would it explode?
There’s a lot to be said for avoiding glass wherever possible. All my coffee tables are glass as is my kitchen table. Looks wonderful until it doesn’t. 😕
It was in the sun, but I would imagine it’s in the sun every day.
Bro (when passing on the news via phone) said the bloke who re-installed the last one said on average one every 40 panels goes at some point.
That’s far too high for my liking. On top of that, apparently they’re supposed to have been treated for ‘heat’.
One of my mate’s glass dining table is “pre shattered”.
Making more sense by the minute.
Mmm…but why?
My money would be on a manufacturing defect or corners cut in regard to specs (Chinese manufacture?). That or incorrect installation.
Apostrophes really are a f*cking scourge designed to make you look careless, if not downright stupid.
Begone, ye li’l ticks, I tells ya! 😡
Yeah, he created this air of exclusivity, that you were somehow privileged to get in. He actually suckered some people into desperately throwing more and more money at him by feigning indifference, or treating their initial application moneys (often multi millions) as too insignificant to be bothered with.
He basically super-charged the Ponzi in four distinct phases:-
.1 Localised around NYC and the North East, and predominantly Jewish;
.2 The Jewish community in Palm Beach;
.3 US hedge funds;
.4 Finally, European hedge funds and private banks.
My brushtails have vanished. They do that from time to time when there’s a shortage of males – the females have the territory: the itinerant males are much more likely to suffer something fatal, like a powerful owl, or a car on a road. When that happens the females get the itch and go off to find another one.
The cockies of the Cafe have evolved a taste for lemons, courtesy of neighbour across the road. At first one or two would dismember the lemons for the seeds inside, then they acquired a taste for the lemon flesh also. But not the sweeter mandarins on the next tree. Why the local cockies like eating lemons not mandarins is a mystery, but they do, and I continually have bits of lemon dropped onto my lawn. We did have a lot of success with a net, but the neighbour doesn’t really particularly like lemons, and likes birds, so they have a free rein this year.
‘splodey pool glass.
Fark. I would be more worried about that than kiddies not learnin’ how to swim through a thoroughly grant funded PLC owned by the local swim charity President.
Sorry Rog, I live in an city with the real world results of their said policies. Amount of CCTV popping up is indicative.
BTW. Hope you are mending well.
Ouch, my feet hurt. Yesterday we travelled on public transport to the Tate Modern in London to meet up with my delightful but autistic thirteen year old grandson and his very sophisticated American photojournalist mother, who 14 years ago briefly had a relationship with my mildly autistic eldest son. Mother and son were stopping over on their way to Paris, where she was an artist in residence there before he was born. London trains are on extremly disruptive rolling strikes and there were only limited services from only a few suburban hubs. A meticulous cross-country planning operation on Transport Apps managed by Hairy and his brother with whom we are staying in Richmond got us by bus to Barnes station to train it into Waterloo and then on a tube to Embankment but then the whole operation fell apart. A new notice just up declared a sudden shut down on about half the tube lines, including the Circle Line which was part of ‘the plan’.
We’ll have to walk along the Embankment, says Hairy, and up to the Greyfriars Bridge to get over the river to the Tate Modern in the old Battersea Power Station. So off we set at a brisk pace to make our meet up in the Turbine Room entrance there, for there we no obvious buses or taxis. It was about 2km, and while an ok walk usually it was horrible in the mild rain and with my snowboots on, as they were a bit tight after the flight a couple of days ago.
London seemed almost empty. Except for the few running tubes which were jam-packed, and unpleasant enough for my little grandson to faint and have to be carried off, to his mother’s distress, which of course made them late too. Eventually, we met up to eat at the restaurant in the Tate which has the best view over the river and across to St. Pauls. Grandson was fascinated , he’s into history. The Brits seem to be very much in Coping with the Blitz mode. I do wonder though how long this spirit will last. The Tate Modern was absolutely packed too, as so many other attractions and shops were closed as business was not brisk. Just what London needs after lockdowns.
Not altogether surprising since the greens have discovered a new tax for the holy planet.
Drivers warned over new Clean Air Zones in British cities – is where you live on the list? (8 Jan)
If you drive a dastardly internal combustion engined car into one of the pristine ULEZes you have sinned. Get out of the cities Poms, while you still can.
The only thing worse than the Tube in winter is the Tube in summer.
Dover – the blog is busted again.
Mother Load has a comment newer than my one from 8:16pm but nothing I can do lets me see it.
It’s the same issue that happened some while ago with weird caching problems.
Possums dont stand a chance against a flock of devious sulphur crested cockatoos. There normal diet are the lemons one bight per fruit but the fruit fly got there first this year ,next on the seasonal menu are the passionfruit where a look out is posted on the tallest gum tree and in silence they sit like white jewels on the fence taking one bight out of every passionfruit on the vine. Its now summer and they are shrieking to each other in delight as they crash into the foliage to plunder the macadamia nut trees. You cant see them to do unspeakable things to them but you hear the nuts dropping They only eat the outer green casing, and drop the rest onto the ground which prevents the kernal from maturing .With the unusual amount of rain it was a bumper crop .
Grab a Boris bike.
If I click on a comment on the sidebar I get KD’s comment at 7:43 pm. Nothing later than that.
Same problem as we had before.
I know. I’m afraid there’s little point in CCTV if, once identified & arrested, the magistrates are going to recycle the kids onto the streets. And the kids know that. In my neck of the woods, or in the local metropolis, to be exact, they’ve been known to strike a pose for the camera.
That was t.i.c. in regard to a previous comment about Roger Moore and me. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much. But thanks for the well wishes!
I blame the upticks.
It’s also very slow.
(Or maybe that’s my computer.)
Not complaining, dover, just informing.
Also – sacré bleu! How was I never previously aware of this femme fatale fille?
Cripes, she looks like the percussionist in a boy band. You complain about my taste head prefect; look at Rabz’s.
For a bit of balance here is a cute owl.
They are, Bruce.
It’s a trend.
At least two popular TV shows are based on it.
Rabz – I recall Don Lane had a liking for glass coffee tables too !
cohenite, is there something you need to tell us? Perhaps a latent fetish for being beaten up by butch women in bikinis that your therapist needs to be informed of? Do you need help? It is OK to talk about it, you are among friends here.
Whatever it takes: let’s make it more difficult to own and rent retail property. Marxism 101.
Nothing latent about it.
Stress from tension build up in the brackets? It’s fine until the point is reached where there’s no further give in the fittings. While temperature may be the contributor, lots of other factors as well – Cheap Chinese shit glass?
Nothing latent about it.
“Nothing latent about it.”
Something to do with the legal fraternity?
Much like every other young person (i.e. 91.3%) of his generation and generations before his.
Screechee headlines: “Formerly young person admits to taking illicit substances decades ago”
And most people on the planet, a rodent’s they did not give.
‘tension build up in the brackets?’
Potentially. Really not sure. The last panel that went kaboom was a different one. Might be a combo deal.
One thing’s for sure – if I was the bro I’d be thinking up ways to get the lot replaced, gratis.
I’ll believe there’s a problem with drugs in the workforce when the politicians get drug tested like our miners.
Until then, pissing off is as good a reply as any.
One of human history’s most supremely useless unfunny and hideously uglee dinobores.
Which made him a perfect fit for braindead FTA commercial television in this country in that most monstrous of ages, the nineteen seventies.
I have been getting visits by flocks of hundreds of white cockies at my new estate. The spend a few hours in the paddock and when I inspect I find they have dug up quite large areas – 10 or 15 m in diameter. I presume they are looking for seeds but I had no idea they could do so much earth moving.
Nothing is gratis…someone (or a lot of someones) pays for it.
Australian muzzie/isis bint gets a guernsey in the latest edition of the whacky world of islam:
Australia: Returned Islamic State bride charged with traveling to Syria for jihad
The destruction they can wreak in a very short time has to be seen to be believed, as Dr Duk has just discovered.
Well, Cats and Kittehs, I’ve gone and done it. I have joined a dating website, the same one on which my sister met my future BIL.
Wish me luck!
Or alternatively, if you know of a handsome, well-built, intelligent, funny, hard-working man between 50 and 55 (and grandfathers are very welcome), let me know*
*Dover, not wanting to use you as a dating middleman or anything….