Open Thread – Weekend 28 Jan 2023

Sailboat at Le Petit-Gennevilliers, Claude Monet, 1874

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Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2023 3:36 pm

Richard Cranium

Basically, Scotty was lying every time he opened his mouth.

Should he have stuck to playing the Opposition like a Stradivarius?

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2023 3:38 pm

Never heard of Kermit Roosevelt before this morning,
now a day of frenzied Gooooglin’ has made him an expert.


Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2023 3:42 pm

Should he have stuck to playing the Opposition like a Stradivarius?
Let’s put it this way:
Scotty looks like a Prime Minister, even now.

Contrast that to the real Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, who still looks like a piss stained derro.

January 28, 2023 3:43 pm

The NDIS is an absurd and grotesque failure.

535,000 participants

A 35 billion AUD budget.

An AI bot could give everyone in the scheme 65,420 AUD p.a.

NDIS funding employs more than 270,000 people and contributes indirectly to the employment of many more workers. It has been estimated that for every $1 billion the NDIS is underfunded, there is a drop in around 10,200 jobs and a reduction in the national employment rate of 0.1%.

Last year, a report estimated that every dollar spent on the NDIS creates $2.25 in the Australian economy. This means that when NDIS costs increase, the benefits to the economy also increase significantly.

Delusional fraud.

January 28, 2023 3:48 pm

An immigration rate of 0.01% of the population is insignificant. 1% is significant, rapidly becoming more so if it goes on at that rate.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2023 3:51 pm

January 28, 2023 at 2:58 pm
Yep. …and the whole scam is so obvious.

The whining by the right of “this government is so terrible it is going to turn me into a Nazi” is not as convincing as you think it will be.

Err, the conplaint is that this government is going the fascist path, onr that you show every sign of support.

Your reference to “Nazi” demonstrates that you are unaware of one of the key differences between fascism and Nazism – Jew hatred. Are you hoping for some of that?

Back to wanking while reading the Protocols for you.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2023 3:55 pm

meatsuit m0nty=fa

Godwin’s Law exists for a reason, and that is because invoking Nazis quickly degenerates any online discussion and almost invariably leads to misuse of the analogy.

You are the first person to mention Nazis on this thread. The rest of us understand the subtle difference to fascists. You have called Godwin’s Law down on yourself.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2023 3:58 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 28, 2023 at 3:32 pm
Forget about that, have you yet worked out which Kermit Roosevelt was the son of Teddy, and which was the grandson?

You googled Joe Bugner, didn’t you?
Sucked in again.

Wrong again. Sucked yourself off again.

January 28, 2023 3:58 pm

Interestingly, I know of no one in the non-vaccinated cohort that I know (and I know many) who has had Covid & suffers from “Long Covid”. I also don’t know any of the unvaccinated who has contracted Covid a second time – though, of course, this is possible in spite of the strength of “natural” immunity.

This has been answered before. Unvaxed and got long covid from alpha, delta and omicron. alpha was by far the worst. To get over long covid required a combination of 5 different meds with zero thanks to the utterly useless local medical establishment.

You can catch different strains with major variation that have immune escape from prior strains. We can thank the huge pool of vaxed for unwittingly breeding these and it’s seems possibly pfizer as well.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2023 3:59 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 28, 2023 at 3:38 pm
Never heard of Kermit Roosevelt before this morning,

Wrong again, still sucking yourself off.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2023 4:01 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 28, 2023 at 3:42 pm
Should he have stuck to playing the Opposition like a Stradivarius?
Let’s put it this way:
Scotty looks like a Prime Minister, even now.

Lying every time he opened his mouth made him look like a Prime Minister? Keep sucking. Eventually it might work.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2023 4:02 pm

Anyway, Teddy Roosevelt’s brother was an Alcoholic who necked himself.
So, likely a Flamer.

January 28, 2023 4:04 pm

We can thank the huge pool of vaxed for unwittingly breeding these and it’s seems possibly pfizer as well.

Pfizer needs to be nuked from orbit and Borla and his top 100 executives hung.

January 28, 2023 4:09 pm

You have called Godwin’s Law down on yourself.

Up, called it up, it’s the Godwin’s Law rake!

January 28, 2023 4:15 pm

Chinese intelligence services

You’re trolling your own site now?

January 28, 2023 4:17 pm

pootube/ evil google has just removed the veritas pfizer video

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2023 4:18 pm

that only around 35% of Syrians of working age are able to make a living

“Integrated into the economy”, but as vampires, not as contributors. This is what m0nty=fa sees as the path to Australian economic salvation.

No wonder m0nty=fa failed Economics 1.

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 4:21 pm


On the current trajectory (onwards and upwards) the interest will end up costing the entirety of GDP.
Still…if a thing cant go on forever …..

One of my favourite quotes:
“That which cannot endure, will not endure.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 4:21 pm

Dover – Still looks like about equivalent casualties on both sides, which isn’t surprising as they’re fighting WW1 all over again.

This morning I had a look at ISW’s report for the first time in ages, mainly because Glenn Reynolds linked it. They’re quoting a lot of RU milblogger sources these days. Not especially admiring of the RGS the bloggers are. And the on-ground movements are still extremely minimal, with what appears to be very large casualty rates on both sides. I figure the Russian artillery advantage is closely offset by the Ukie defensive advantage.

Amusingly, also, Girkin and Prigozhin seem to’ve gotten themselves into a pissing match.

January 28, 2023 4:24 pm

here’s the variant timeline four pre vaccine and omicron in South Africa in November 2021 Africa the most affected country in Africa still only has a vaccination rate of 64 doses per hundred people (as of January 2023)

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 4:31 pm


Actually Bob, I think you meant to say a shilling, a zac and a thrupenny bit.

No I meant to say 18 cents and I said 18 cents.
Decimal currency came in on the 14th of February, 1966.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 28, 2023 4:31 pm

… will be published in The Monthly on Monday …

Gotta luv the Jewish Vanity Press.

January 28, 2023 4:35 pm

Apropos the doing of PhDs..

I was asked to do one in the late 80s.. 3 years, interesting research, publications, teaching, a door opener for an academic career in an increasingly dysfunctional health system..
But… after an arduous NHMRC application process, which made clinical viva examinations look like coffee chats.. and a $27,000 p.a wage ie. a fraction of my wage as a medical registrar.
That is, a below-average wage for yet another supposedly valued sacrifice, after decades of hard slog.
F@ck that!

Instead I became interested in the math of discounted cash flows, TVM, IRR, MIRR, Bond yields and portfolio theory.
That middle-finger to academia allowed early retirement and sufficient FU money to tell some woke employers where to place their first digit.
It was definitely the right decision.

January 28, 2023 4:37 pm

Eyrie says:
January 28, 2023 at 3:48 pm
An immigration rate of 0.01% of the population is insignificant. 1% is significant, rapidly becoming more so if it goes on at that rate.

That wasn’t the point, Hallward.
The point was putting the German rate in perspective that your pal , Monster, raised in his response to me. And who the hell are you to be telling us what is an appropriate number! You weren’t born here – coming out as a 10 pound limy.

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 4:38 pm


Th SFL’s have allowed the Fabian Society approach to be a very successful model for the Marxists thus far. In fact, Marxism won’t get a mention the these days , despite it’s presence everywhere. Especially no mention by the coalition.

I’ve repeatedly made the argument the Libertarians were infiltrated and subjugated decades ago, and recently advanced that point by saying the Labor Party and the bulk of the Liberals have become the Uniparty – or if you like – the camouflage of the Inner Party from 1984.
Nothing else fits the facts.
The current Liberal Party only exists as a means of preventing non Marxist parties a voice in the Parliament.

January 28, 2023 4:44 pm

Yep. Musk needs to move rapidly to add a video capability to Twitter.
Reduced censorship will swamp the platform with contributors.

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 4:51 pm


Year, Robert?
Not because I think you’re making it up.

I was 13 and 8 months when decimal currency came in.
I turned 18 in 1970.
No. You don’t get any closer information so you can work out my birthdate.

January 28, 2023 4:54 pm

pootube/ evil google has just removed the veritas pfizer video

1. People who are good at writing HTML code are the exact opposite of the people you want curating journalism — autistic anti-democratic fascists who hate the human race whose only talent is sitting in an empty room talking to computers.

2. Everyone who works at Youtube and Google is an anti-democratic fascist who lives in a world inhabited by fascist Antifa hoodlums with the same agenda — to destroy American democracy and the free thought that created the Silicon Valley revolution.

Youtube and Google employees uneasy about the fascist corporate agenda are long gone.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 28, 2023 4:57 pm

“This is critical to guide how we design markets, facilitate flows of capital into priority areas and ultimately make progress on our collective problems and purpose.

Please leak some more of this Marxist Rubbish. It has never worked. Adam Smith is now rolling in his grave.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 28, 2023 5:02 pm

Correct. As JC said earlier, bring him (Abbott) back to be opposition leader and then once an election is won, sack him.

Dutton could do a lot worse than getting some tips from Abbott.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2023 5:03 pm

I see the Australian described jug-ears Chalmer’s scribblings as “a seminal work”.
I can’t disagree.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2023 5:05 pm

It’s coming up to the start of February and, to quote Dirty Harry, “in all the excitement I kinda lost count myself”.
How many months do we have left?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 28, 2023 5:06 pm

coming out as a 10 pound limy.

Jerkoff Cretin still not able to spell limey. Just like Dotty Dot and her/his/it/whatever ‘just deserts’……………… Sounds like a great ‘edjucashion’ system here. Bring out more Brits.

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 5:10 pm


As is the fact that while Australians pay lip service to climate worrying they’re not prepared to sacrifice for it. When it begins to really hit the hip pocket they’re going to be very cranky about it.
The locus of political stupidity is urban millenials and their well to do parents, whose voice is magnified on social and mainstream media.

There’s a funny aspect to this Wodger, and its the Urban Millenials and their parents who are the ones going to get slugged for these Green Dreamers. The Wukkas are pretty well sucked dry and in no mood to fund the grandiose dreams of the elites. The Elites won’t fund those dreams – that’s what they’re getting fat on at the trough. It only leaves the upper and middle class with any cash to plunder.
Death taxes, Superannuation Levies for reconstructing Australia after the ‘Market Failure’ the government is causing, rising GST etc.
The Millenials haven’t a clue what their Radiant Future is going to cost them. MMT is a con and they haven’t any idea just how badly it’s going to hit them. Every teenager with their own bathroom? IF you’re lucky, you’ll have a Communal Bathing Facility per block of flats and be sharing a two bedroom flat with another family of 5. Just like the original Communists.

January 28, 2023 5:12 pm

Tom says:
January 28, 2023 at 4:54 pm

pootube/ evil google has just removed the veritas pfizer video

1. People who are good at writing HTML code are the exact opposite of the people you want breathing and moving.

..and not just HTML. Any website or WinApple OS coding.

How is it that no one seems to complain about the constant re-coding of the same commands and features, in almost every update of their over-engineered OSes?
Having to re-learn new ways of doing the same thing, and without the benefit of tangible interface improvements.

Musk has admitted that the Twitter code is an overcoded spaghetti-fest of un-editable crap. Any change will break something else, the only option is to re-write the whole thing from scratch.
This from the previously overpaid noodle-armed soyboys.. which are now hopefully selling access to their sphincters for bread and coffees.

January 28, 2023 5:12 pm
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 28, 2023 5:17 pm

I see the Australian described jug-ears Chalmer’s scribblings as “a seminal work”.

I can’t disagree.

Yeah. My first thoughts at ‘Chalmers’ and ‘seminal work’ was:


January 28, 2023 5:17 pm

This has been answered before. Unvaxed and got long covid from alpha, delta and omicron. alpha was by far the worst. To get over long covid required a combination of 5 different meds with zero thanks to the utterly useless local medical establishment.

Sorry Zipster, I hadn’t seen your post before. Wow – I am sorry to hear that. Not surprised that alpha strain was the worst. We were very fortunate to be able to “see out” much of the early days and strains of Covid at the farm. We changed our diet, and took all the recommended supplements and preventatives suggested by the FLCCC and other sources. When we did get Covid eventually (husband about 8 months ago (attending a funeral in Sydney) & me about 2 months ago (attending a huge 70th birthday at the Art Gallery) – it was the relatively benign Omicron.

Whether our used of suggested (by FLCCC & others) treatments (corticosteroids, Quercetin, aspirin, Vitamin D3 & Vitamin C + zinc) helped – who knows? But we both were only mildly sick for about 5 days & had no after effects. In spite of this, we think we were very fortunate in not contracting the early strains.

Even though I think the IFR was grossly overstated by the medical authorities for all age groups, I have never regarded Covid as “just a normal flu.” It was a virus modified to be particularly injurious to our species.

January 28, 2023 5:17 pm

dover0beach says:
January 28, 2023 at 4:23 pm
Chinese intelligence services

You’re trolling your own site now?
Not sure how it’s a troll to quote them coming in on the low side.

You are quoting some account that appeared from literally nowhere in the last year using the name of a character from a video game, quoting “Chinese intelligence”.
You’re trolling, surely?

January 28, 2023 5:18 pm

I can see Musk doing a better version of uputube. The quality is pathetic.

January 28, 2023 5:18 pm

I know how to spell Wodney Woddenhead, you slimeball. Limey or Limy an American slang word for creatures like you and there’s no correct way to spell it. And as always. you miss the point, which is imports shouldn’t really be talking about other imports.

How’s the ladyboy going?

………………………………………………………… LOL.

Is that the right amount of dots before the LOL, Wods?

January 28, 2023 5:21 pm

Monty, always right
Syrians are the main beneficiaries of refugee protection in Germany, yet many are still forced to rely on state welfare to survive. New figures show that only around 35% of Syrians of working age are able to make a living

That is massaging the figures a bit. 35% of Syrian refugees rely entirely on benefits but another 15% or so are employed but take some benefits as well. A significant portion of the other 50% are stay-at-home mothers, which is fully Cat-approved.

Merkel’s approval ratings rebounded towards the end of her reign back to what they were before the migrant surge. She was fully vindicated.

Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2023 5:21 pm

“Dutton could do a lot worse than getting some tips from Abbott.”

Abbott would be a helluva lot better than Bragg and Bummingham.

January 28, 2023 5:21 pm

Spellchecking comments is the highest form of wit.

January 28, 2023 5:23 pm

Merkel’s approval ratings rebounded towards the end of her reign back to what they were before the migrant surge. She was fully vindicated.

Why isn’t she the German Federal Chancellor anymore?

I’m squinting hard, monty. Help me out here.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 28, 2023 5:24 pm

Abbott would be a helluva lot better than Bragg and Bummingham.

Jeez. Talk about a low bar.

January 28, 2023 5:24 pm

Dot says:
January 28, 2023 at 5:21 pm

Spellchecking comments is the highest form of wit.

The slimy limy is now correcting slang. But he’s so funny.

At least he hasn’t posted the crook yet.


Hope it’s the right amount of dots.

Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2023 5:27 pm

“She was fully vindicated.”

Nup. You’re a fantasist.

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 5:27 pm


When Bruce Bilson was small business minister he was lobbied to change the rules regarding the old 457 visa.

I went pricing a 20litre drum of Power Kero for my lamps the other day – if you buy it at $10 for 1 litre from IGA, 20 litres costs $200. 20litres in a drum costs $85.
That’s not the issue – out of three servos in town, 2 are run by Indians/subcontinentals.
Only one left with someone who wants the sale, a local Aussie woman.

January 28, 2023 5:28 pm

Why isn’t she the German Federal Chancellor anymore?

She was 67 and had been in office for 16 years. Good innings, clapped off and replaced by a leftist.

January 28, 2023 5:28 pm

The Dutch may be very dumb, but this is embarrassing.

Nine million adults in the UK are functionally illiterate, and one in four British five-year-olds struggles with basic vocabulary. Three-quarters of white working-class boys fail to achieve the government’s benchmark at the age of 16.

Australia is marginally better off. Nevertheless we don’t need to be taught literacy by people less literate than us.

January 28, 2023 5:29 pm


Rosie – thank you so much for that link. This is a fascinating study and long overdue. The use of specific anti-coagulants could be a real game changer.

The villain is almost certainly the blasted spike protein. The good news is that the effect seems to diminish after about 12 months. At least, that seems to be the indication. What seems likely, is that it the effect from the spike protein may be seen in both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Even so, the
design of the response of our own immune system to the mRNA vaccine – in producing spike to art the immune system – would seem to prolong the likelihood of developing a problem.

January 28, 2023 5:29 pm

Godwin’s Law exists for a reason

gawd, yr gibbering idiot

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2023 5:31 pm


Merkel’s approval ratings rebounded towards the end of her reign back to what they were before the migrant surge. She was fully vindicated.

Suuuuuuure she was.

January 28, 2023 5:31 pm

And here’s Trans, raising the IQ.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2023 5:35 pm

January 28, 2023 at 5:29 pm
Godwin’s Law exists for a reason

gawd, yr gibbering idiot

He’s the gibbering idiot who first mentioned Nazis during the discussion, then criticised himself for doing so, without actually realising it.

Taking on an “angry meatsuit” has not improved his gibbering idiocy.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 5:36 pm

Just for those Cats who think the Z is some sort of evil genius Blofeld-figure.

Exclusive: Sky News interviews President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (28 Jan)

Doing an interview with a tin pot righty news outlet says it all. He’s a frontman. A salesman who talks to whoever will listen. He’s even addressed Lowy, which is even more obscure.

Well he got himself a few more Bushmasters out of it, so I suppose it was worth it for him.

January 28, 2023 5:36 pm

A significant portion of the other 50% are stay-at-home mothers, which is fully Cat-approved.

Not exactly, only 35% of Syrian refugees are female, and no-one here, that I know of, thinks living on welfare is a good outcome.
Next up Monty applauded intergenerational welfare dependency as a valuable contribution to society.
The results are what you would expect from a large cohort of poorly educated non native language speakers suddenly arrive in a country where employability is predicated on education.
In any case, not what you claimed.

January 28, 2023 5:37 pm

Even so, the design of the response of our own immune system to the mRNA vaccine – in producing spike to art the immune system – would seem to prolong the likelihood of developing a problem.

I must proof read what I write! That should read ” “in producing spike to kick off the immune system…”

January 28, 2023 5:38 pm

Godwin’s Law exists for a reason, and that is because invoking Nazis quickly degenerates any online discussion and almost invariably leads to misuse of the analogy.

the self-awareness is so minuscule in this one

January 28, 2023 5:39 pm

What seems likely, is that it the effect from the spike protein may be seen in both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated

Except its got nothing to do with vaccination but with the disease.

January 28, 2023 5:40 pm

Scott Adams

If the biggest critics of the COVID shots are right, it’s the end of civilization.

er… not sure where that came from…

January 28, 2023 5:41 pm

She was 67 and had been in office for 16 years. Good innings, clapped off and replaced by a leftist.

Scholz is changing their immigration policy though. The government coalition (SPD, Greens & FDP) and the electorate are changing her policies. She’s vindicated after she lost an election?

2021: SPD, FDP and Greens up, the Die Lienke, SPD and AfD down.

Totally vindicated eh monty?

January 28, 2023 5:41 pm

What seems likely, is that it the effect from the spike protein may be seen in both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated

an order of magnitude higher in the vaxed than unvaxed because of the pseudo-uridine modified mRNA

Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2023 5:43 pm

“The results are what you would expect from a large cohort of poorly educated non native language speakers suddenly arrive in a country where employability is predicated on education.
In any case, not what you claimed.”


January 28, 2023 5:49 pm

He’s the gibbering idiot who first mentioned Nazis during the discussion, then criticised himself for doing so, without actually realising it.


January 28, 2023 5:55 pm

The villain is almost certainly the blasted spike protein. The good news is that the effect seems to diminish after about 12 months

up to a year my ass. there’s people on the long covid forums that still haven’t recovered from early 2020 infections.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 5:55 pm

If the biggest critics of the COVID shots are right, it’s the end of civilization.

er… not sure where that came from…

He’s been getting a lot of stick on soshul media for admitting that vaccine sceptics were, um, entirely correct. He hasn’t been liking it.

Mr Adams is a fine guy but he called the Covid stuff wrong, big time. Forgiveable, since who would’ve thunk the entire medical industrial complex had been white-anted by the Left? Which it has been. Those PV vids today are devastating.

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 6:00 pm

Bruce O’Nuke:

You’re ass backwards again Monty. Maybe you should view the vid.
The government are the ones who’re turning into Nazis, or at least fascists.
As is clear from history: fascism is totalitarian socialism allied with big business.
Looks like we’re about to get exactly that. Don’t you just love lefties? They never learn.

I read the Montyreply and decided that stupidity of this degree was eventually going to collapse into a Black Hole of Political Idiocy.
So I didn’t bother replying – I don’t want to be responsible for the destruction of the universe.
(But I did bookmark it just in case I changed my mind.)

January 28, 2023 6:02 pm

fascism is totalitarian socialism allied with big business.

Except there’s no alliance. It’s the state directing business in every way.

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 6:04 pm

The only clue provided is the teenager’s name: Daniel Harris.
He a whitey.

January 28, 2023 6:07 pm

The old cat used to argue a lot about economics. Particularly with dome of the contributors coming from that background. Yet I’ve only seen a few comments on chalmers new mandate foe his version of das capital. In his framework he intends to reduce capitalism further and entrench the state even further in the economy. We are rookted as they say. This third way tripe was vented before by Tony Blair and even clinton. It’s crap. But if chalmers get his way we will be stuffed. For a start he will tax us to the hilt. Redistribution will be rampant. We will have public servants coming out of every orifice. To administer of course.

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 6:09 pm


Pfizer needs to be nuked from orbit and Borla and his top 100 executives hung.

Sounds like a Purge!
A little one, perhaps.
You need to add in all the ones who worked in a regulatory capacity previous.

January 28, 2023 6:16 pm

Except there’s no alliance. It’s the state directing business in every way.

Semantics. Allied with, directing, in cahoots with , it’s all very similar in the context that both parties enter into deals and wielding power for their own self interest by oppressing citizens and lining their pockets. Business is more than happy with fascism when it suppresses competition and/or promotes monopolies.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Yet I’ve only seen a few comments on chalmers new mandate foe his version of das capital.

We’re still awestruck by it Jock.
I near couldn’t believe what I was reading when I saw the headline.

We’re stuffed. This country may be unrecognisable in three years.

He’s doing it with Adern’s policies having been proved to have been a total & complete failure, destroying the living standard & harmony of an entire nation.

.. so the cockhead launches in, like a labrador pup, to do similar to Oz.

One look at his face tells you he’s stupid – this wanker is the stupidest treasurer we’ve had, well since before Whitlam. Jim Cairns was evil, Frank Crean was a combination of evil, incompetence & low IQ.

Chalmers is plain dumb. He’s so thick it is scary.

January 28, 2023 6:20 pm

I’d guess the numbers of Western tanks currently committed are only enough for training up crews.
More to come and months before any see combat.

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 6:21 pm

I know how to spell Wodney Woddenhead, you slimeball. Limey or Limy an American slang word for creatures like you and there’s no correct way to spell it. And as always. you miss the point, which is imports shouldn’t really be talking about other imports.

Point out a minor mistake and look at the ego meltdown!
Will one of the girls please put up a cheesecake recipe to settle it back down?

January 28, 2023 6:24 pm

This third way tripe was vented before by Tony Blair and even clinton.

Clinton (driven by Hillary) led the pivot to Wall Street much to the chagrin of James Carville at the time.
If it wasn’t for the filleting of the FTC in the late 90’s, the US wouldn’t have experienced as much inflation over last 2 years.
Carville now claims partial ownership of the pivot.

January 28, 2023 6:26 pm

I’d guess the numbers of Western tanks currently committed are only enough for training up crews.

about 300 of various types so far

January 28, 2023 6:32 pm

I’ve been oblivious to the sovereign citizen movement.
Shows how little domestic click bait media I consume.
Who’s pushing this stuff?

January 28, 2023 6:32 pm


The figure from Omelchenko comes after the US this week pledged to provide 31 M1 Abrams tanks and Germany agreed to send 14 Leopard 2 A6s. Previously the United Kingdom has pledged 14 Challenger 2 tanks, while Poland has asked for approval from Germany to transfer some of its own German-made Leopard 2s to Ukraine.

321 less the real deals outlined above makes me believe that the word “tank” is being liberally used by the propaganda media. Like frog “tank” versions, with rubber tyres.

Louis Litt
January 28, 2023 6:35 pm

Dot 27/1/24 11.1m
Disagree – behind the curtain of the big players I do not know why they do what they do.
Putin is pushed by people who have different values to him and mock him openly.
Their disrespect of him and attempt to oust/ kill him has failed.
As one blogger wrote yesterday, Maripoul is being rebuilt.
This city had the steel mill which would manufacture the railway gauges for the railway through the roof of the world connecting China, India, Pakistan, the other Stan’s into Russia and the Ukraine – this is real progress.
Just as Gaddafi was going to set up a pan African bank which would have decimated the us loans and $us.
Our idea of progress is to gAyifythe world, ruin skilled jobs, have white males unemplyed and white women gang banged by foreigners.

January 28, 2023 6:35 pm

Google/YouTube Block Project Veritas Expose’ on Pfizer Executive Discussing “Directed Evolution”
January 28, 2023 | Sundance

Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe announced earlier on Friday that Google/YouTube removed the expose’ and undercover story showing Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations – mRNA Scientific Planner, discussing the company pursuing “Directed Evolution” a process to modify the COVID-19 virus.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 6:37 pm

The old cat used to argue a lot about economics.

Seems pointless to do so, seeing that three quarters or more of Aussie politicians have completely abandoned that area. Both the ALP and the Libs are full on Magic Money Tree fans these days. The lemmings are in full flight, nothing will keep them from jumping over the cliff.

Much talk in the backblocks of the old idea of minting a trillion dollar coin. Maybe that’s softening up. I don’t know. The Dems dearly want to keep on spending and are disinclined to accept a veto from the Republicans in the House. Be fun if they decide to ignore the debt ceiling and just keep going. Who’s to stop them?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 28, 2023 6:38 pm

Very well put. Chalmers doesn’t understand what a market is. They’re not really a mechanism.

They’re a process.

If Chalmers imagines anything, it’s that markets generally should be capable of operating like the NEM. With mechanistic rules, market operators to apply the rules, and commissions to implement policy that set the rules, and an occasional government tweak to keep everything nicely on track.

And, like the NEM and its Top Men and Top Women, he misses the point that it’s the external, complex, sometimes random processes beyond the point of exchange that dictate the outcomes.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2023 6:39 pm


January 28, 2023 at 6:32 pm

I’ve been oblivious to the sovereign citizen movement.


Shows how little domestic click bait media I consume.

Very good.

Who’s pushing this stuff?


January 28, 2023 6:39 pm

Delivering prosperity will be the true test for “values-based capitalism”


January 28, 2023 6:41 pm

Robert Sewell says:
January 28, 2023 at 5:27 pm

I went pricing a 20litre drum of Power Kero for my lamps the other day

Power Kero for my lamps ?
Shouldn’t it be blue kerosene for lamps?
We had an old inter tractor that ran on petrol-power kero, accidentally filled her up with blue one day, couldn’t work out why t was backfiring and running rough on kero but sweet on petrol.

January 28, 2023 6:43 pm

Big ears has a big issue other than his ears.. This country is filling up, very quickly, with old people. They can’t run a high inflation rate/ loose monetary policy because the oldsters are on various forms of fixed or relatively fixed incomes and they will object at the next election. Raise taxes? Possibly, but that wouldn’t be very popular either.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 28, 2023 6:45 pm

Just visited an Indian school for girls without parental support or parents in most cases.
They were dancing with my daughters to Indian music. Beaming smiles and pure joy from kids with nothing but the care and support the wonderful staff provide.
We sponsor three girls here currently and as they graduate we take on another group. You get called mummy and daddy by the kids, if that doesn’t pull the old heart strings nothing can.

January 28, 2023 6:45 pm

Sorry for being a bit obscure again, Cats. I’m existing in a world of grate pain at the moment after an unfortunate accident this morning.

Let’s “unpack” the concept of “values based capitalism”.

Oh f8ck it – let’s not. What a joke.

I’m a capitalist and I’m proud of it.

The only value I give a rodent’s about is how to multiply my wealth.

January 28, 2023 6:45 pm

Putin is pushed by people who have different values to him and mock him openly.

He was a KGB Lt Col. stationed in East Germany overseeing the Stasi (what else was he doing?). You’re damn right I will mock him.

Their disrespect of him and attempt to oust/ kill him has failed.

He’s not a victim. He has chosen his predicament.

As one blogger wrote yesterday, Maripoul is being rebuilt.

Of course they’d the Russian government would say that; they also likely need it for war purposes.

This city had the steel mill which would manufacture the railway gauges for the railway through the roof of the world connecting China, India, Pakistan, the other Stan’s into Russia and the Ukraine – this is real progress.

That could be legitimately a grand project with many benefits, with the CPC in charge in the east, it is hard to see this as anymore than support for the Belt and Road policy (until the CPC is ousted).

Just as Gaddafi was going to set up a pan African bank which would have decimated the us loans and $us.

It would have been a joke. A thieving dictator running an international bank.

Our idea of progress is to gAyifythe world, ruin skilled jobs, have white males unemplyed and white women gang banged by foreigners.

Not even the soft wet left of the west intend for this to happen.

If I don’t accept the ridiculous Russian shill agenda (like Gadaffi being the benevolent bank to the world, are you reading trash like Larry Romanoff or Brian Berletic?), I cannot disagree with skilled work, low unemployment and no ethnic rapes?

Robert Sewell
January 28, 2023 6:49 pm


Power Kero for my lamps ?
Shouldn’t it be blue kerosene for lamps?

We may have a semantics problem. I’ve always called it power kero from working with it in the paint factory, but I understand it’s also called Blue Kero because … it’s blue.
I’m unsure of the difference … apart from the colour.

January 28, 2023 6:50 pm

Point out a minor mistake and look at the ego meltdown!
Will one of the girls please put up a cheesecake recipe to settle it back down?

There’s no reason to point out minor mistakes, you dickhead.
You mean like your meltdowns – doing mini-me’s to Driller, hoping he will help you out. how about groveling? Posting ridiculous nonsense about Chinese invasions through international airports using commercial airliners? Posting death wishes? When that’s highlighted here for a good laugh, your routine is going away for a few days trying to recover and then returning here acting all spiteful. You mean those meltdowns?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 28, 2023 6:53 pm

Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe announced earlier on Friday that Google/YouTube removed the expose’ and undercover story showing Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations – mRNA Scientific Planner, discussing the company pursuing “Directed Evolution” a process to modify the COVID-19 virus.

Oddly, I’ve just used Goggle to take me to Project Veritas and the exposé video. Similarly Goggle will take you to any number of Jordon Triston Walker YouTubes.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
January 28, 2023 7:07 pm

The GayBC/Arseholes Broadcasting Communism doubles down on its Stalinist pervert jihad against Catholicism.

January 28, 2023 7:08 pm

Nine million adults in the UK are functionally illiterate, and one in four British five-year-olds struggles with basic vocabulary. Three-quarters of white working-class boys fail to achieve the government’s benchmark at the age of 16.

The fact that it is against this background which makes the success of the English Free Schools even more astounding.

We spend a fortune on education research, and for decades we have had nothing to show for it. Why is there no such research into this one area of success?

January 28, 2023 7:09 pm

Who’s pushing this stuff

being call a sov-cit is similar to being called a nazi by mUnty
it’s vacant gibberish by shit-talkers

January 28, 2023 7:13 pm

dover0beach says:
January 28, 2023 at 6:48 pm
You are sidestepping the obvious.
Anonymous git quoting “Chinese intelligence”.
There is zero information in that. Why are you linking this shit?

January 28, 2023 7:13 pm

Quote f up. Sorry.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
January 28, 2023 7:14 pm

The excellent Redfield College at the centre of the ABC smear campaign is, so I understand it, one of the most oversubscribed schools in Sydney: parents are queueing up to get their kids into it because they know a good school when they see one. I am not, by the way, a member of Opus Dei, not are most of the parents.

There is good educational research, 2dogs, on how children learn to read. But it supports structured teaching of phonics, which is anathema to the leftist dogmaticians who control state schools (and for that matter too many mainstream Catholic schools). Hence it is ignored.

January 28, 2023 7:15 pm

Not sure anything really changed with Musk.

Dover, Musk took over Twitter, not Youtube.

January 28, 2023 7:15 pm

I found it impossible to believe that a soverign nation could, in this day and age, be invaded for territorial expansion.
It is much much more impossible to believe that an Australian treasurer would, without consultation, or mandate, declare a command economy. That is such a bizarre concept from every perspective that it will certainly destroy its originators.
The Teal Daddies must be rapidly reevaluating their daughters political antics. It was going to be great sport when the girls were just getting them into the climate scam. But now – whoa, “whadda mean governmrnt direction of business”.

January 28, 2023 7:21 pm

Opus Dei again, yawn…

January 28, 2023 7:24 pm

I’m a capitalist and I’m proud of it.

The only value I give a rodent’s about is how to multiply my wealth.

I, too am a capitalist and I’m proud of it.
And the values I give a rodent’s about are much more than multiplying my wealth in dollar terms. For instance, multiplying grandchildren, and multiplying their opportunities; multiplying my community’s resistance to bushfires; multiplying my subordinates’ training for higher value to this or future employers.
And multiplying the number of people who call for

Shut it down
Fire them all
Mountain of skulls
Nuke it from orbit!

These are the values I am proud of.

January 28, 2023 7:24 pm

Back on Titter (reinstated account)

Find out the truth of the Ukraine bio labs

January 28, 2023 7:25 pm

This third way tripe was vented before by Tony Blair and even clinton

Yep, except the guy doing the touting called his movement Fascism… Oh wait

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 7:29 pm

I found it impossible to believe that a soverign nation could, in this day and age, be invaded for territorial expansion.

Plenty of it has been going on.
Eritrea/Ethiopia. Ethiopia/Tigray. China/India. Saudi/Yemen. Azerbaijan/Armenia.
It just tends to happen under the radar.

January 28, 2023 7:35 pm

If some country decided to take a bit of Australia, not all, just a bit and made it clear that they just wanted a bit. Who could we rely on to come to our aid?

Peter West
January 28, 2023 7:35 pm

@Dr Faustus

Re your comment on Fenton’s analysis.

An example: Professor Norman Fenton claiming a “strong causal effect” between vaccines and excess deaths world-wide, while his data and analysis say the opposite.

From that link:

There is a clear signal that the vaccination programme is causing, at least, some of the excess death rate. With this data the vaccines don’t look to be safe.

Is your problem with the word strong?

January 28, 2023 7:36 pm

You learned well Sancho.
Granita is an anytime food and a meal.
People are ordering them for breakfast.
I’m sorry I ordered a coffee now.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 28, 2023 7:44 pm

Opus Dei again, yawn…

All sinister albino monks and cilices – and victims.

January 28, 2023 7:45 pm
January 28, 2023 7:51 pm

Otherwise known as pricing building work out of the market.

US company gets $120 million boost to make ‘green steel’

January 28, 2023 7:51 pm

Greg Sheridan, rattled by his own drift to emoting, is defending the West again…

Why victory for Ukraine is essential for the West

And Ukraine’s success is of tremendous direct importance to Australia.

In Ukraine we have a free, sovereign and democratic nation willing to bear enormous costs for freedom.


January 28, 2023 7:52 pm

Power Kero for my lamps ?
Shouldn’t it be blue kerosene for lamps?
We had an old inter tractor that ran on petrol-power kero, accidentally filled her up with blue one day, couldn’t work out why t was backfiring and running rough on kero but sweet on petrol.

There shouldn’t be a world of difference between power kerosene and lighting kerosene in an engine. The key difference is wrt to smoke point which is an indicator of cleanliness of burning. If there’s much kero around now it’s most likely DPK, dual purpose kerosene meeting bot Jet A-1 spec. and Lighting kerosene spec.

Interesting that those old dual fuel tractors use pretty much the same fuel as a modern airliner!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2023 7:52 pm

Dr Faustussays:

January 28, 2023 at 7:44 pm

Opus Dei again, yawn…

All sinister albino monks and cilices – and victims.

The beauty of it for Their ABC is, the more it is denied and the less overt evidence of it’s activities, the more they can beat up the “secret and sinister” angle.
How will they weave George into the narrative?

January 28, 2023 7:55 pm
January 28, 2023 7:55 pm

And Ukraine’s success is of tremendous direct importance to Australia.

This really needs a massive explanation. I’m not seeing any connection.

Australia has plenty of problems with Democracy. All self generated, our politicians don’t like the “constraints” it places on them one bit.

January 28, 2023 7:56 pm

Robert Sewell says:
January 28, 2023 at 6:49 pm

We may have a semantics problem. I’ve always called it power kero from working with it in the paint factory, but I understand it’s also called Blue Kero because … it’s blue.
I’m unsure of the difference … apart from the colour.

Minor issue Robert, in between the powerful and important arguments here.
BoN could clear it up, but Power Kero is a fuel for engines, that much I know and it’s of a clear colour, there must be a reason why they tint the other kind blue, and I assure you the blue one don’t work very well in an internal combustion engine.

I still remember your bonus for watching paint dry.
Well done.

January 28, 2023 7:58 pm

Deny, deny, deny.

Pfizer Responds to Research Claims

Of course, they’re in the fight of their lives. Lie and bullshit or get dragged onto the street by an angry mob and …..

January 28, 2023 7:59 pm

The partial loss of sight in one eye

Yeah, no Arks. Not due to bat flu. Had a similar symptom in 2019 where I would wake up in the middle of the night and no sight in my right eye. Absolutely terrifying. It would come back in a couple of seconds, but made me want to seek a diagnosis, ASAP.

Went to two optometrists and two ophthalmologists, one of whom was in my year at school and who died “mysteriously” two years ago at the top of his game.

Their multiple diagnoses? There is nothing wrong with your eye.

Utterly disillusioned, I tried to figure out why this phenomenon might have been happening, starting with, what position was I lying in when I woke up?

It was always the same – sleeping on my right shoulder with my face (and my eyeball) pressed into my pillow. Trained myself not to sleep like that and guess what?


And yes, currently, still feeling like I’ve been fed knees first into a cement mixer. Every pain receptor in my body is going ballistic. Cassie has been informed of the debacle.

Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2023 7:59 pm

“The excellent Redfield College at the centre of the ABC smear campaign is, so I understand it, one of the most oversubscribed schools in Sydney: parents are queueing up to get their kids into it because they know a good school when they see one. I am not, by the way, a member of Opus Dei, not are most of the parents.”

It’s been done by their queen of smears, defamation and fabulous and fantastical falsehoods, the one and only Louse Nilligan. Strange how she and their ABC are never interested in the goings on at Malek Fahd Islamic School or Al Sadiq College but I suppose that’s because it doesn’t suit their vicious anti-Catholic narrative.

I expect it to be on a par with Nilligan’s absurd hatchet job that tried to smear Morrison by associating him with QAnon.

All paid for by you and me.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 28, 2023 8:01 pm

If some country decided to take a bit of Australia, not all, just a bit and made it clear that they just wanted a bit. Who could we rely on to come to our aid?

New Zealand?

January 28, 2023 8:01 pm

And Ukraine’s success is of tremendous direct importance to Australia.
In Ukraine we have a free, sovereign and democratic nation willing to bear enormous costs for freedom.

The man is either deranged, ignorant or an utter fool.

Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2023 8:02 pm

“And yes, currently, still feeling like I’ve been fed knees first into a cement mixer. Every pain receptor in my body is going ballistic. Cassie has been informed of the debacle.”

I wouldn’t use the word “debacle”, “mishap” is a better word to use. I prescribe chicken soup and alcohol, both will cure everything.

January 28, 2023 8:02 pm

there must be a reason why they tint the other kind blue, and I assure you the blue one don’t work very well in an internal combustion engine.

They tint lighting kero blue to make it distinct from Mogas. If you accidentally put Mogas in your kero burning lighting and cooking equipment, people die.

Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2023 8:04 pm

“In Ukraine we have a free, sovereign and democratic nation willing to bear enormous costs for freedom.”

Hasn’t Mr Zelesnky shut down opposition parties and media?

January 28, 2023 8:05 pm

And Ukraine’s success is of tremendous direct importance to Australia.
In Ukraine we have a free, sovereign and democratic nation willing to bear enormous costs for freedom.

In Ukraine we have a free, sovereign and democratic nation willing to bear enormous costs on its citizens to keep the gravy train rolling.

January 28, 2023 8:11 pm

For Arks:


Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2023 8:12 pm

The NSW Liberals are going to be decimated in March but, as with what happened in the Victorian election, I reckon the Teals are not going to have an impact.

Teal independent Jacqui Scruby defends family holiday in Aspen

A ‘Teal’ candidate in the northern beaches suburb of Pittwater has been accused of pretending she was at a local rally while she was hitting the slopes in Aspen. Another has been accused of photoshopping pictures from the same rally. It’s in The Sauce.

Hundreds of angry locals turned up to a public rally to protest against plans to allow tourists to stay overnight at a lighthouse complex located in the northern beaches seat of Pittwater last Sunday.

With a state election weeks away, the pollies were also out in force with Pittwater MP Rob Stokes, Opposition environment spokeswoman Penny Sharpe and Pittwater Liberal candidate Rory Amon among those present.

However, one key person was missing.

Despite photographs of the rally appearing on the Facebook page of “teal” independent candidate Jacqui Scruby, the Pittwater hopeful sent her apologies.

The Sauce can now reveal the environmental lawyer and Pittwater local was on an overseas holiday with “part” of the trip spent at the ski resort town of Aspen.

However, Scruby’s office rejected accusations from some of her political rivals that posting a photograph of the rally despite not being physically present was misleading.

The rally photographs were posted with Scruby writing: “Wonderful to see so many people – and so many Team Jacqui volunteers – turn up to help save Barrenjoey’s gorgeous heritage-listed buildings from becoming short-term rentals.”

When asked to confirm local gossip that she had actually been “skiing in Aspen” when the rally was underway, The Sauce was told she was overseas before it was later clarified how part of her trip had included Aspen.

“I’ve recently had an overseas family holiday to spend time with my two daughters following a busy year as both campaign manager and then parliamentary advisor to Dr Sophie Scamps MP,” Scruby said in a statement.

“I’ve recently had an overseas family holiday to spend time with my two daughters following a busy year as both campaign manager and then parliamentary advisor to Dr Sophie Scamps MP,” Scruby said in a statement.

Ms Scruby – who worked for federal “teal” Dr Sophie Scamps before announcing her own candidacy – also tackled the question posed by some of her political rivals whether she had offset her flights, declaring she had.

“My family has carbon offset our flights and I hope the NSW Liberal Party are as concerned about the emissions from the 26 coal and gas mines they have approved in the last four years as they are with my family’s flights,” the climate change adviser said.

The NSW government is proposing to commercialise part of the spectacular headland by converting the Assistant Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage for enable overnight tourists to stay.

Locals, including community lobby group Palm Beach and Whale Beach Association, have declared the plans as “tantamount to vandalism”.

The lighthouse is often featured in the TV series ‘Home And Away’.”

January 28, 2023 8:12 pm

In addition, in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus.

in other words yes pfizer does mutate viruses

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2023 8:15 pm

This really needs a massive explanation. I’m not seeing any connection.

Greg Sheridan tells a lot of lies and doesn’t like Australia?
That’s the explanation that makes most sense.

He claimed a few months back that Dutton was naive to believe the US would sell us Nukular powered Subs, but it’s been back on the agenda, so presumably Marles has just gotta make the right noises?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 28, 2023 8:17 pm

Is your problem with the word strong?

Peter: Correct.

With a very weak correlation coefficient of 0.1354, despite the significant P-value, the best he can say is vaccination may be a contributory cause.

The temporal cross plots don’t help the ‘strong’ argument – either in r^ or distribution.

The authors know better; hence “the the vaccination programme is causing, at least, some of the excess death rate.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2023 8:18 pm

I wouldn’t use the word “debacle”, “mishap” is a better word to use. I prescribe chicken soup and alcohol, both will cure everything.

Don’t stress too much if you haven’t got any chickin soup.
Not essential.

January 28, 2023 8:18 pm


Possible explanation as to why the Lighting Kerosene didn’t work well.

The Jet Fuel Specs and Lighting Kerosene specs don’t have a requirement for cetane number. Cetane number is irrelevant to the fuels performance in these two applications.

However, in reciprocating compression engines the cetane number is very important. I haven’t been able to confirm, but it is very likely that the Power Kerosene spec had a minimum cetane number requirement.

If your lighting kero happened to have low cetane number then it would likely result in very poor and rough running due to late ignition / poor ignition.

The lack of minimum cetane number in the Jet Spec is a big problem for diesel cycle aircraft engines. That’s not going to change either, the 0.01% of consumption isn’t going to end up dictating the rest.

January 28, 2023 8:21 pm

Greg Sheridini tells a lot of lies and doesn’t like Australia?

A cardigan clad cocks*cker and classic example of what existing in a garbage bin will do to you.

January 28, 2023 8:22 pm


Not a common last name.

January 28, 2023 8:23 pm

Don’t stress too much if you haven’t got any chickin soup. Not essential

I’m rapidly running out of alcohol. 😕

January 28, 2023 8:26 pm

Ah, good ol’ Scrubes, of the “Very Pedestrian Council”.

His dóttir appears to be a chip off the ol’ block (head) …

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 8:26 pm

Opus Dei again, yawn…

All sinister albino monks and cilices – and victims.

Paul Bettany in Da Vinci Code was awesome. I quite liked that fillum despite all the controversy.

One of my work friends was in Opus Dei, even participated in site bible studies with a horrible Protestant like me. We have always gotten along well. Eventually he moved to the US to teach college chemistry, I haven’t heard from him for many years now.

January 28, 2023 8:28 pm

One of the Mafia income sources is contraband cigarettes.
Could explain why 20 packs of Malboro were only€2.50 at the market yesterday.

spotted a plaque in the park, here the rainbow flag is displayed with the words ‘no mafia’

January 28, 2023 8:31 pm

Teal independent Jacqui Scruby defends family holiday in Aspen

Any relation to Harold Scruby?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 8:31 pm

Sorry you are feeling poorly Rabz.
Enjoying Wings!

January 28, 2023 8:33 pm

Oops reread what I said about a tender I put in. The maintenance was 5 mil not 50. Even at 5 mil it was 3 mil too much. The rollout of installations at 750 sites was to be 200 per year with the maintenance not being pro rata. I’ll try not make a mistake again. The library is being renovated at the moment and I’d like to see it finished.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2023 8:34 pm


January 28, 2023 at 8:23 pm

Don’t stress too much if you haven’t got any chickin soup. Not essential

I’m rapidly running out of alcohol.

Incredible negligence!
I always have enough on hand to weather two nucalear winters.

January 28, 2023 8:34 pm

Thanks, BoN.

January 28, 2023 8:36 pm

shiela’s tennis final

the Russian v the shiela that formerly identified as Russian

what a waste of pointless gesture

January 28, 2023 8:36 pm

Rosie we must have a discussion about which is worse, Mafia or the crowd behind the rainbow flag?

January 28, 2023 8:37 pm

Pancho – got just enough on hand to get through this night.

Dreading how I’m going to feel in the morning. 🙁

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2023 8:38 pm


January 28, 2023 at 8:28 pm

One of the Mafia income sources is contraband cigarettes.
Could explain why 20 packs of Malboro were only€2.50 at the market yesterday.

JC will be booking flights as we speak.
I think €2.50 would buy less than two ciggies in Straya.

January 28, 2023 8:41 pm

I told you Shogyu was a druid!

From 2021

When you hold a job like Defense Minister of Russia, you presumably have to be bold and think outside the box to protect your country from enemy advances. And with his latest strategic idea—cloning an entire army of ancient warriors—Sergei Shoigu is certainly taking a big swing.

In an online session of the Russian Geographical Society last month, Shoigu, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggested using the DNA of 3,000-year-old Scythian warriors to potentially bring them back to life. Yes, really.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 8:42 pm

Ok to cheer you up Rabz here’s an Aussie babe.

January 28, 2023 8:42 pm

Can you be Russian at the AO if you’re from the country formerly known as eastern ruthenia?

January 28, 2023 8:43 pm

On this weeks All-In podcast they discuss a University of Massachusetts study into post vax injuries. It’s in the 40.27 segment. One of their better sessions.

(0:00) David Sacks does bestie intros!
(2:49) DOJ sues Google over ads business
(23:09) EU probes Microsoft over Slack complaint based on “bundling” Teams
(40:27) Pfizer CEO grilled at Davos, analyzing studies questioning vaccine effectiveness
(1:12:14) Ukraine escalation: US to send tanks and warms to Crimea invasion, reconstruction costs, and more
(1:22:39) Science Corner: Will we soon be able to reverse aging?

January 28, 2023 8:43 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 8:47 pm

I told you Shogyu was a druid!

Not surprised. He comes from serious hickville. Big supplier of shamans, I suspect. He might even like The Hu.

January 28, 2023 8:47 pm

Thanks, BoN – for the last man on Earth

January 28, 2023 8:47 pm

Back in the I had an Anderson steam cleaner, made in Christchurch, home of Arky. The guys could use it in the workshop and sweep up afterwards, there was so little water in the steam. We ran it on Jet A1. $0.95 a lt. No tax on it at the time.

January 28, 2023 8:48 pm

Back in the day………

January 28, 2023 8:49 pm

There is no recent articles in Xinhua about uke KIA figures.
There is no recent Chinese language articles mentioning any Chinese intelligence agencies estimates of uke KIA searching Baidu in Mandarin that I can see..
Would appreciate any link to the original source if you have it Dover.

January 28, 2023 8:52 pm

With a very weak correlation coefficient of 0.1354, despite the significant P-value, the best he can say is vaccination may be a contributory cause.

It might be the only significant cause. Likely you may never find the right randomised controls to find out? I suspect a specialised regression method is required.

If you’re examining a truncated phenomena, you need something like a Heckit model.

AI & ML will unlock this to most people eventually.

January 28, 2023 8:52 pm

Had a back and forth with a feminist friend today re the trans issue.
She’s in furious agreement with me on everything, especially the children side of it.

Sent me this link to a Germaine Greer interview from some time ago.
Quote from GG @ 30:20 mark is “There is nothing feminine about being pregnant”, followed by a list of reasons she thinks why.

I disagree but maybe I’m just looking at it from a male pov.
Friend agrees with GG.


January 28, 2023 8:54 pm


There are bread-making and a butter-making plants in the town.[citation needed] Coal is mined in the town’s vicinity.[citation needed]

Sounds like Mr Shogyu is actually Poldark.

January 28, 2023 8:54 pm


You couldn’t get her to talk about cars or fishing?

January 28, 2023 8:56 pm

Any relation to Harold Scruby?

I suspect it’s the daughter in law as she’s hitched to a Scruby who looks like Harry (the most boring human being in Australia). They live on the Northern Beaches where Harry appears to reside.

January 28, 2023 9:01 pm

In 1990 a bee learned to clone herself – now her army of millions threaten other species

Far out. Imagine if Jacinda did that.

January 28, 2023 9:02 pm

“There is nothing feminine about being pregnant”

“There is nothing at all homosexual, with being an exclusively male-male courtesan and exclusively an enthusiastically receptive sub-dom bareback power catamite, willing to service your male husband as a male concubine and also servicing your brother concubines as your male husband furiously masters his collection of mylar packaged My Little Ponies….”

I am sorry but the first assertion is so silly all I can do is carry on with more nonsense.

January 28, 2023 9:02 pm

“There is nothing feminine about being pregnant”

Many middle and old aged wallies have pregnancy envy, given their ample beer bellies.

So yeah, nothing feminine.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 9:04 pm

Perfect riposte Rabz! I think that’s the track of hers I like best too, awesome and rich.

Thought about who to reply with. Single Gun Theory or Died Pretty? Decided on this one, which with full stereo at 11 is serious audio.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 9:06 pm

(Ok yes I mean the CD track not the YT version, which is rubbish. Ah well.)

January 28, 2023 9:14 pm

I suspect it’s the daughter in law as she’s hitched to a Scruby who looks like Harry (the most boring human being in Australia).

Parasite class confirmed!

January 28, 2023 9:16 pm



January 28, 2023 9:20 pm

The lack of minimum cetane number in the Jet Spec is a big problem for diesel cycle aircraft engines. That’s not going to change either, the 0.01% of consumption isn’t going to end up dictating the rest.

In light of that I’m wondering how EASA certified the AustroAero diesel engines in the diesel version of various Diamond Star aircraft to run on jet fuel?

January 28, 2023 9:25 pm

You couldn’t get her to talk about cars or fishing?


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 28, 2023 9:26 pm

It might be the only significant cause. Likely you may never find the right randomised controls to find out? I suspect a specialised regression method is required.

And yet, here we are, with a major statistician floundering in the weeds, unable to make a cogent argument.

The solution, if ever it’s found to anyone’s satisfaction, is going to be way more complicated than ‘the vaccines have caused a 15,736% increase in excess deaths’ as per shite commentary from the Exposé, Steve Hirsch, or Gateway Pundit et al.

In the meantime, serious guys with something to say, like Fenton, are just fuelling culture wars.


January 28, 2023 9:26 pm

Huge wonder too Hallward. Everyone here was wondering.

January 28, 2023 9:27 pm

Far out. Imagine if Jacinda did that.

The question is has she already?

January 28, 2023 9:27 pm
January 28, 2023 9:30 pm

Far out. Imagine if Jacinda did that.
The question is has she already?

Why does this uncomfortably remind me of an S.M.Stirling novel called “Drakon!” Shudder.

January 28, 2023 9:33 pm

In light of that I’m wondering how EASA certified the AustroAero diesel engines in the diesel version of various Diamond Star aircraft to run on jet fuel?

I wonder how any of them got certified anywhere. We had an indemnification form where we knowingly refuelled them. “You’re relying on a property for engine correct engine performance that we don’t test for.”

Cetane number in Jet A-1 will “normally” be sufficient?!!

January 28, 2023 9:35 pm

There was a fatal police beating in Memphis of a black dude. Five black cops are facing murder charges.

Tyre Nichols Body-Camera Footage Released After Former Officers Charged With Murder
Five former Memphis police officers stand charged with second-degree murder and aggravated kidnapping

The five cops

One of the most brutal police beatings I’ve seen. The poor dude died 3 days later.

January 28, 2023 9:37 pm


Of course it’s another case of vibe over reality. They’re wedded to reducing the number of Avgas burning engines (lead content). They need an alternative. So push through an alternate they did.

Incidentally, cetane number minimums are of course in the Diesel ground fuel spec.

January 28, 2023 9:41 pm

a fatal police beating in Memphis of a black dude. Five black cops are facing murder charges

They beat him to death because – looked like he had a bag of fentanyl stuffed up his backsayeedah?

Err, there’s an easy explanation?

Cue (mainly) peaceful demonstrations across the country. 😕

January 28, 2023 9:43 pm

There was a fatal police beating in Memphis of a black dude. Five black cops are facing murder charges.

CNN had an opinion piece that it was racially motivated…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2023 9:46 pm


Marvelous album. I love Karmacoma especially. Rage played it often.

From Mezzanine: Angel.

Simple video, but full of power. Who knows what it means? 😀

January 28, 2023 9:49 pm

Cetane number in Jet A-1 will “normally” be sufficient?!!
rickw, amazing how the normally anal retentive certification criteria are waived for “environmental” reasons.
The “get the lead out of avgas” movement has been going for the last 30 years. It is only the really high compression larger turbocharged engines that need the lead. They are 20% of the fleet but use 80% of the fuel. It is possible to eliminate that need by using water injection for takeoff. Once at lower power turn that off and the engine runs fine on unleaded.
Making 100 octane unleaded is difficult. One avgas candidate worked fine but was also excellent paint stripper.

January 28, 2023 9:50 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 28, 2023 9:53 pm

Dreading how I’m going to feel in the morning.

Let us have wine, and women, mirth and laughter
Sermons and soda water the morning after

No wine, no women, no mirth, no laughter
Just the cold, grey dawn of the morning after…

  1. Hang on – I’ve got that arse about – they’re enacting lunatic policies so they can destroy Britain. After all,…

  2. “Strike Force Pearl detectives must be commended for acting swiftly under enormous pressure and public expectation,” The confessed murderer turned…

  3. My wife rarely swears. This morning, after hearing that scum nurse was charged, came “what about those effing imams preaching…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x