Daedalus and Icarus, Charles Le Brun, 1645
Daedalus and Icarus, Charles Le Brun, 1645
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Tase and tear gas. Reduces the blowback, whil offering genuine entertainment. Driving them through razor wire is good for some…
@SirBylHolte Just now at happy hour, this Karen took immediate offense to my MAGA hat! HER: “I can’t believe you’re…
Agree. I think we’ve all had enough of the Saxe-Coburg Gothas too now the Queen has gone.
The tunnel and pizza crew walk again.
See what I mean?
Isaac Asimov would not approve.
Gordon Bennett.
Luxury,,,,,,,When ,I went travelling in 1983 along with the 4 Yorkshireman we never had anything like that……………………lol
I was frisked very thoroughly when leaving Heathrow this time after I set off alarms in the Xray scanner. Something in my middle region. A woman patted and dabbed me all over and still couldn’t find anything. I know nozzink, was all I could say. We were both bewildered and I thought I might have been dragged off for an ‘internal’ investigation. Feeling the heat of the moment I pulled off my black cardigan to assist the search, and suddenly I got the all clear. The thin wool favorite cardie I have just wrecked in the wash was found to have a row of small metal buttons down one side of it. I never wear it done up so I had never registered them in my mind as metallic objects. After this they went full ballistic on me and turned me over for explosive testing. Hairy meantime thinking wtf as on the other side he gathered my computer and stuff which had gone through the machines already.
Moral is beware of elderly ladies bearing buttons.
I put the question back in ChatGPT.
This is what I got:
No, it is not morally acceptable to speak the racial slur in this scenario. The use of racial slurs is a form of hate speech and is never acceptable, regardless of the circumstances.
Additionally, it is important to remember that the harm caused by hate speech extends beyond individual interactions and can contribute to a larger culture of discrimination and prejudice. Instead of resorting to the use of hate speech, it is crucial to find alternative, non-harmful solutions to the situation.
I’ve read all GOT but only watched season one of the show.
Martin’s habit of killing off likeable characters was a bit irritating. More so on TV.
Anya developed well in book one then spent book two aimlessly, and iirc never seemed to blossom in the novels.
Maybe I’ll watch the rest of series eventually.
I’ve got Amazon prime here on the big screen and started watching Man in the High Castle, I’m assuming it’s on Aussie prime too so I can watch on my phone when I move on.
I rarely get to the 23kg bag allowance, let alone the two for BC. Also brutal with packing, usually putting half back in the wardrobe. I never, ever want to lug a heavy suitcase up a spiral staircase ever again.
Basic clothes and shoes plus laundry stuff…and I always do a laundrette check before we leave. Even now I know the laundrette location in Lyme Regis for June.
Sad. But…always be prepared.
flatly refuse to pay for any sort of streaming/pay TV.
I pay for PARAMOUNT ($45 for the year, on special) so I can watch the “fitba” but nothing else .. I download everything else for free except “thugby” and for that I watch Channel 9 coverage …….
Been re-watching (for the umpteenth time) the BBC mini-series of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy. Possibly Le Carre’s, and the BBC’s finest achievement (allowing for Brideshead.)
The only thing wrong with it is that they scrapped the Hong Kong location in favour of Portugal, for budgetary reasons.
Apart from Alec Guiness’ perfect rendition (Cornwell said that he based his character on Guiness thereafter) it is a showcase of brilliant British actors.
Every one of them is restrained, just right. I especially admire Bernard Hepton in this (RIP) but there is not a dud note anywhere.
You know what? Nobody rushes up to somebody and kisses them in the entire series. Just like real life.
Aliens tuning into TV must think that every human interaction involves kissing.
Low energy, sad. It’s not 2016 any more.
This could come true. Meme of greta
Lol, Beaugan, that was a wonderful example of how common sense to say nothibg of moral assessment evades the AI mindset.
These robots are not us.
They are woke simulacra and can never be trusted.
I liked The Night Manager.
Mainly because it had House & Loki in it.
Great actors.
Giving old white ladies a good going over at airports has been de riguer for a few years now.
Last time through da Row I was treated to a man of ME appearance going apeshit because they wanted to remove the draperies from his property. Meanwhile, there was I, down to a singlet and leggings being patted down by a grotesque behemoth in uniform and dreadlocks.
The property was taken to a room to protect her modesty. Mine was of zero interest, natch.
And I will say it again………………….lol
Johnny Rottensays:
February 8, 2023 at 4:51 pm
It was always fun at Ncl Airport, since I’d turn up early. The explosives guy would look at me and I would look at him and he’d gesture come over. I would be dutifully done. It became a ritual. He knew I had plenty of time and I knew he had to get his numbers up.
If only he knew I was a chemist who knows explosive stuff all the way from ordinary gunpowder to nuclear weapons, although I doubt I could design one of those to fit in my carry-on briefcase. I don’t think he ever understood his nitrate spectrograph, it was just a machine that goes ping.
The Action for Alice Facebook page has a never-ending series of stories. Wonder if Albo is monitoring it:
Action for Alice 2020
Another account of the Gap Rd incident
Hey guys,
A friend of mine is a nurse and she was doing outreach work this morning when she got attacked in her work car by a 30-40yo Aboriginal women in an unprovoked attack.
The woman came up the side street off of Gap Rd my friend was driving down to go back to work and stopped her to ask for a lift into town – my friend refused and the woman started yelling and jumped on the bonnet of the car and attacking the car to get to my friend. She thankfully was able to lock the doors in time but was the stuck in the car with the Aboriginal woman still going for it.
The woman then picked up rocks and tried to smash the windscreen in.
While this is happening, my friend is on the phone with 000 – took 2 mins for the police to even pick up and log to incident (my friend is getting attacked while this is happened) and told the police will be there soon – 4hrs later still no response or call back from the police.
Calli, Bonds make some excellent silky knickers which I discovered lately, ideal for a quick overnite wash and dry (dry in 2 hours) when travelling and only around 5 bucks each. They are a light stretchy synthetic material, in patterns or plain colours, with a proper gusset, very comfortable and easy to slide your trackies down and up over when using tiny aircraft toilets. Buy the larger size for extra comfort.
I guess Brittany the Knickerless could usefully get a few pairs too.
I was frisked very thoroughly when leaving Heathrow this time after I set off alarms in the Xray scanner. Something in my middle region
Lizzie – your story no doubt brings to mind those of other Cats. I have a dear friend who accompanied us, with her husband, to Vietnam years ago. For some reason, she was seized by a customs official at the Sydney end, and carted off to be body searched.
As she was carted away, she wailed , “But I’m from Northbridge!” For Cats from other realms, this is a rather posh harbour suburb in Sydney. She reeled around, and implored me to accompany her to the dreaded search. I was in such hysterical laughter that I could hardly talk!
On another tack, husband has titanium screws in his ankle (fell several metres onto concrete years ago) – so he regularly sets off the metal detector at the airport. It is a real nuisance, but the surgery was outstanding -so who can complain?
They are as good as Cottontails but far more attractive.
Hairy despises Cottontails and we do have to think of appearances.
Have you tried Madman Entertainment, they take most cards.
Carpe, Crawfords are the only place to buy Crawford Productions. They zealously guard their copyright and woe betide any fakes. Thanks for the tip re Madman though. I will see what they have.
The Night Manager is brilliant. I have watched it three times so far.
February 8, 2023 at 10:35 am
Heres where the wheels will fall off for Sneakers in WA, and the golden rhinestone codpiece of cornucopia will stop rotating and spunking money at the Eastern States.
WA’s push for 2030 coal exit draws broad warnings the power system ‘may not cope’
In short.
With the closure of all WA coal power in 5 years there is ZERO% chance of gas making up the shortfall.
Gas units designed to operate for peak times are already running 24/7 – and starting to feel the sting of “renewballs” creaming off the higher prices while they cop the slops at the bottom.
The existing gas pipeline is already at capacity- so even with new gas plants being built (and why would you when you are next in line for the 5 minutes hate as a fossil fuel) there is a lack of available fuel.
And we “only” need to upgrade all our transmission lines to allow more feed in from renewballs pirates.
This is actually a national crisis, without WAs exports thats a massive chunk of Australias exports rooted.
I agree and in the East once Liddell is shut down the System is Farked…………Hello Black d
Down Bowen, what will you do next?……………………….
Yep, Heathrow security folks are animals. I watched a thug of Indian origin delight in reducing a young teen girl to tears as he took the gift wrapping off every single little plastic doll in her backpack.
The dolls were obviously intended as gifts for pals. At the completion of his bit of bastardery he pushed the resulting mess into a corner and walked off.
Yells of outrage from the delayed and furious punters were met with threats of calling the police.
A watching cleaning fellow told me that this sort of bullying was SOP for some of the security thugs.
And let’s not talk about Western women being patted down by the butch nazis at Dubai.
Thanks for confirming it, dot. It came from Not the Bee, which can be hoaxed. I don’t trust any source for anything, but the answer looked very like Chat GPT output, so I gave it better than 70%probability of being genuine.
“The Working class can kiss my arze
I’ve got the boss’s job at last!”
I collect the washing machine lint from behind the washing machine where I throw it along with the dryer lint.
After 10 years, there’s a nice little pile of it and it’s really dry.
Then I throw the lot in two truck rim incinerator in the backyard, and burn all the excess plastic bags that IGA won’t take back because ‘reason’.
Marvellous fire starters, those lint thingies.
Nah. My nanna knickers will do just fine. Daggy, comfy and bulletproof. They have been through the extremes of the Greek by-the-pound laundry and still survived.
Trial by fire.
When I wear them I’m indestructible! 😀
I pack to 20kg if our trip is multi-seasonal, esp if it includes winter snows and any non BC flights. That leaves 3 kgs spare for souvenirs. We never take more than one suitcase each plus a pullalong cabin bag each. This means we can manage our own luggage anywhere if Hairy does the heavy lifting as necessary. This time I also dumped some older clothes in a UK charity bin to keep to the allowance. Hairy said condition of more clothes shopping in Baronial Scotland was the dumping of stuff that had proved redundant.
And yes, I did promise to obey, so what’s a gal to do?
It was worth it. You look really cute in that new outfit, he complimented me. Yay!!
True secret. The cut is good and hides the extra tummy kilos.
You just cannot diet when travelling.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
February 8, 2023 at 5:24 pm
Landlord Anthony Albanese is raking in $115,000 a year in rental income on top of his salary as Prime Minister as interest rates soar for struggling families.
“The Working class can kiss my arze
I’ve got the boss’s job at last!”
Why be so amazzed…………………..?????????? Hasn’t it always been the way, You CROOKS…………
9News trying desperately to stoke the fear of climate change with this alarmist headline:
Tale of two extremes in 2022 after wetter and warmer than average conditions
Only to confess in smaller print that
The Bureau of Meteorology said 2022 was the 22nd warmest year on record since 1910 so certainly was not a record breaker however it was the ninth wettest year on record
Some screenshots of CHAT GPT answers with DAN (Do Anything Now) prompt
Lots of fun to be had
It just ocourred to me, the evvvil Imperialist Poms were, when they pushed the darkies poo in at Benin, were actually overthrowing another imperial project. (the Benin Empire).
In this case it was the civilized Poms overthrowing a human sacrificing, slaving and murderous bunch of swine on the cusp of the 20thcentury.
Those calling for “restoration” of the artifacts looted and sold to defray the costs of the expedition are literally on the side of a slaving, human sacrificing empire.
In the 1890s the kingdom of Benin was still keeping slaves as a blockade had made selling them almost impossible. Its oba had his human sacrifices crucified, beheaded or disembowelled. Meanwhile, British public opinion had been inflamed by the massacre of an unarmed expedition to Benin City in January 1897. Two Britons escaped to tell the story, and a punitive expedition was swiftly despatched, fighting through to the palace by 18 February and deposing the oba and his chiefs.
The expedition’s surgeon Dr Felix Roth survived uninjured, though surgeon C.J. Fyfe RN was shot dead while tending the wounded. This extract from Roth’s journal for 18 February 1897 describes his first sight of the blood-crusted Benin bronzes of obas’ heads:
As we neared Benin City we passed several human sacrifices, live women-slaves gagged and pegged on their backs to the ground, the abdominal wall being cut in the form of a cross, and the uninjured gut hanging out. [Dead] men-slaves, with their hands tied at the back, and feet lashed together, also gagged, were lying about. As our white troops passed these horrors one can well imagine the effect on them — many were roused to fury, and many of the younger ones felt sick and ill at ease.
As we neared the city, sacrificed human beings were lying on the path and in the bush — even in the king’s compound the sight and stench of them was awful. Dead and mutilated bodies seemed to be everywhere — by God! May I never see such sights again! … In the king’s compound, on a raised platform or altar, running the whole breadth of each, beautiful idols were found. All of them were caked over with human blood, and by giving them a slight tap, crusts of blood would, as it were, fly off.
Lying about were big bronze heads, dozens in a row, with holes at the top, in which immense ivory tusks were fixed. One can form no idea of the impression it made on us. The whole place reeked of blood. Fresh blood was dripping off the figures and altars … Most of [our] men were in good health, but these awful sights rather shattered their nerves … We put out strong sentries, and slept the night amongst this filth in the open.
I must mention that both black troops (who led all the way, by the by) and all the white men behaved splendidly. All of you at home can be proud of them.
Its strange, the chap in the gruiniad yesterday said the first expedition was trying to overthrow the Benin regime, without weapons… and that the overthrow of the regime was a terrible moral blight on the Poms…
Known as THEIFrow back in the day.
It was so wet that day when Noah said get on the boat, Would it ever stop raining……………………..
He looks thinner.
People who compare his age to the doddering homeless man in the White House are truly overlooking such vast differences in mental capacity. And seriously, does anyone believe that Obama, even in his first year, was a mentally alert and nimble as Trump is now?
When Reagan won the Presidency (and the press all moaned about his age)? An actor? (Which was unfair, he did not just stagger off he backlot at Universal.) They saw it as an insane break with the status quo. Thing was that the status quo was precisely what needed breaking. And once shattered what new life grew up and out from between the cracks.
Maybe a President coming back after a term out of office (in the current climate) is one of those moments. Normally a President leaves and they are shat on with impunity. This time, now that the malevolent forces have revealed themselves with the usual expectation of invulnerability, imagine how copiously their bowels will loosen if Trump gets back in. For here is the thing: I don’t think there is any real loyalty in the Swamp. There is alliance, where people will cooperate for their own interests, but there is nothing above self-interest. No mission, no teleological imperative, nothing. They will turn on each other if it means their own interests are served and screw everybody else. A judicious doling out of immunities for conduct done will serve to root out all but the worst (and the worst thus deprived of minions will be extremely exposed). It may not be possible to punish everyone for the past, but their enduring danger lies in the future.
Trump does not have to be a great demagogue or visionary. They tend to be problems because they foist their visions on people whose commonsense would lead them to more productive pursuits. All he needs is to not be a demagogue. Not try to govern people’s every moment. All he needs is to say ‘stop that, and leave them alone’ and America will go gangbusters.
Three contractors arrive to quote a job for a local council – one Lebanese, one Vietnamese and the other an Aussie. All bidding to repair a broken fence. They go with a council rep to examine the fence.
The Lebo contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. “Well” he says “I figure the job will run $900. That’s $400 for materials, $400 for labour and $100 profit for me”.
The Viet contractor does his own measuring and figuring, then says “I can do this job for $700. That’s $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me”.
The Aussie contractor doesn’t measure or figure, but leans over to the council rep and whispers: “$2,700”. The rep, incredulous, says “You didn’t even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?” “Easy” the Aussie explains “$1,000 for you, $1,000 for me and we hire the Vietnamese guy to do the work!” “Done!”
And THAT is how government contracting works…
On Heathrow, I only found out recently that it’s named for the small village that was razed to create the airport. As are all the London airports (apart from City).
Much more preferable than naming them for some pollie of the month because it’s their turn.
Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.
A- . A. Milne
We took non BC flights to Rovanieme and then back to Heathrow. Also went non BC on the Scoot flight to Singapore, which was 9 hours daytime and very roomy with excellent service and food. All other flights BC. Asiana BC to Korea was of a very good standard and very well priced. Qantas BC back from Korea wasn’t great, costly but in an older plane, only one very tiny toilet for all BC, and generally inattentive service. I’m not fussy about that but Hairy who has flown BC with them for years corporate and private sees it as declining standards.
Guess who.
kitten corner: medical alzheimer’s
Exclusive: What the Medicare data from Connecticut tells us
Indeed Jo. I do like Smiley’s People also. Hepton in People was superb, the Hungarian spiv with connections everywhere that mattered- “and cheap too George!”
They don’t make them like this any more. These are the high water mark of Spy Thrillers, superb casting , storyline and acting. With so much material around they should be able to produce great spy thrillers. Although, “Slow Horses” currently is a bloody good yarn.
Bruce O’Nuke:
When I fly, I wear my old field jacket.
But only at Brisbane airport. At Barky, they’re used to it. Helps the numbers. I’m still waiting for the opportunity to wear loose jeans and having to remove the belt. While going commando.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is the Latest Casualty of the State of the Union Rebuttal Curse
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night, and like many of her predecessors, she did herself no favors. The speech was good, mind you—on Fox, Democrat Harold Ford called it “formidable”—it’s the production itself that continues to haunt those who take on the duty.
The SOTU rebuttal, given by a member of the opposing party after the president’s Capitol Hill remarks, is a thankless assignment that has proven to be a disaster for many politicians who were tapped to speak after the main event. Without the pomp and circumstance of the setting, a vocal audience, the presence of the Supreme Court, the gravitas of a designated survivor, the wall-to-wall network coverage, the endless applause and glad-handing, these speeches often tend to be played in front of a limited or sometimes even non-existent audience—and often feel funereal.
In Sanders’ case, she delivered her remarks from a living room setting, with no audience—and therefore no energy—sitting in a chair and speaking directly to the camera. I like Sanders, but this format did her no favors, and quite simply seemed like she was reading a bedtime story (my wife pointed out her dress looked like a hotel bathrobe and now I can’t unsee that).
Since it was clear the point was to contrast the GOP’s youth and vitality with Biden’s age and early bedtimes, who thought placing Sanders in a chair to suck up all her charisma was a good idea?
She was moving, however, in talking about her recent thyroid cancer scare, and we wish her the best.
Not a whole lot of good can come out of these rebuttals, though—mostly people just remember the ones that went badly. Only four people delivered such a speech and later went on to become president: Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Joe Biden. (By the way, Sanders’ fellow Arkansan Bill Clinton’s speech was infomercial style and was spectacularly cringe.)
For others, their careers were never the same. Remember rising star Joe Kennedy III’s 2018 speech from a garage, in which he was remembered for unfortunate drool as much as for anything he said?
The State of the Union response can be the place where dreams go to die. For Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, it wasn’t a disaster—as I said the content of her remarks was actually good—but it’s a mystery to me why politicians on both sides of the aisle have continued this tradition, and not updated into a more modern format. Have you heard of Hollywood production values?
Whatever you think of Hollywood, they know what they’re doing, and there are plenty of conservative storytellers, set designers, and stylists who would have helped their team to put their best foot forward.
‘Scientific And Public Health Failure’: Fauci Admits COVID Shots Didn’t Have A Chance Of Controlling The Pandemic
Katie Hopkins: The truth about GB News — I have been keeping this to myself…until now.
British Airways BC from Singapore to Heathrow was similar to Qantas. Not great.
Best BC in recent years for us was Air Canada in terms of facilities and carrell comforts. Hawaiian also quite good.
A lot depends on the newness of the plane. Definitely not all BC is the same. Shop around these days I’d say.
Because you never miss an opportunity to throw a bit of sand in the works. They like to do it to us, now we can return serve.
New Zealand’s Largest Egg Producer Goes Up in Flames Killing 50,000 Hens Amid Nationwide Shortage
calli you and I must have been separated at birth — didn’t watch All the Rivers Run but read the book and didn’t didn’t watch Against the Wind but bought the album. I don’t have much time for television today’s stuff is such rubbish, I watch cooking shows and old episodes of Murder, She Wrote and Columbo – sad really, I still haven’t been able to get back to reading, concentration totally gone I blame PTSD.
Lawyer challenging B.C. COVID-19 orders says class action could result in 3 million claims
While we’re on the subject of mini-series and DVD’s, does anyone recommend “Reilly, Ace of Spies”?
I never saw it when it was on the box but heard good things about it at the time. I can buy it on DVD and was wanting to know if it is worth the money.
Personally, I have very little interest in the goings on in either Turkey or Ukraine/Kiev but one thing I have noticed as I scroll past various postings is that folk are not using the”new norm” media spellings for both places ..
Sooooo, let’s be careful out there and get ’em right! ….. Kyiv, Türkiye ..
lotza, highly paid, professional news-folk have gone to a lot of time & effort to update these spellings into flavour-of-the-day-luv speak … !
Can’t complain your Princess Vax injured and then expect visitors to be jabbed.
Thailand makes U-turn on COVID vaccination rule for visitors
January 10, 2023 – 3:26AM
Health minister says checking vaccinations was inconvenient & a panel of health experts had agreed to withdraw the rule.
On a bucks weekend a million years ago, the buck was made to walk through airport security in a tight pair of footy shorts with a pair of socks down the front of his undies.
Wasn’t stopped.
Such simple humour.
Probably toxic masculinity these days.
This is really funny. And even more relevant today.
New World Odor™
“ALMOST PIZZA” brought to you by….you guessed it…PFIZER
(SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SKIT from 10 yrs ago)
Mother Lodesays:
February 8, 2023 at 5:38 pm
President Trump Responds to Biden’s State of the Union – 2 Mins
He looks thinner.
People who compare his age to the doddering homeless man in the White House are truly overlooking such vast differences in mental capacity. And seriously, does anyone believe that Obama, even in his first year, was a mentally alert and nimble as Trump is now?
As good as DeSantis is Trump is the last and best hope of the West. There is no way the swamp is going to let him be POTUS again.
New World Odor™
The Global Elite’s plan for Human 2.0
We live in a sci-fi horror movie.
Tinta…just between you and me…John Waters and Jon English.
Yes it’s certainly worth it. I have a digital copy of the series – loved the use of The Gadfly by Shostakovich.
No warming for 8 years:
Reilly ace of spies is excellent
Laughing out loud at the woke stereotypes on SBS Food – a microcosm of the nonsense being fed to us by the millenial revolutionaries who control the Australian advertising industry.
It’s now de rigeur for whites to have genetically impossible Asian, African or West Indian children. They’re hoping we won’t notice the world they want to indoctrinate us with is dominated by Third World trash and not the white authors of The Enlightenment, who have lived (and died in war) for our freedom.
Come the revolution, there will be no individual freedom: that must be sacrificed for the new ruling class who, like China’s Xi, will rule the proletariat with an iron fist.
BTW, I’m watching a series on Mediterranean tucker by Jewish poofter Yotam Ottolenghi, which is quite good if you ignore the turd-burgling sub-text.
Yeah sure a coal mine in Central Queensland is really so terribly dangerous to the little reef that could. Pull the other one Tanya it has bells on.
Government makes first ever refusal of coal mine under environmental law (8 Feb)
The lying Liars lie with every word they speak, and their understanding of science is at Aztec temple level. Sheesh they’re evil.
Mother Load:
Damn fine rant, ML.
And it contains an essential truth.
…some bloke, way back then.
Thanks Wolfman, Thanks Eyrie. Much appreciated.
Baron of the Taiga
You can definitely tell something sinister is going on, because in 1991 say, there would not have been enough of such people to storm a phone booth. What happened?
Don’t know if many of you op-shop (on my level, anyway LOL) but things must be getting tuff charity-wize .. both Salvos (who were always dear) & Vinnies (who’ve branched out into franchising) are both competing to see who can out-price the other ….. getting quite expensive they is! .. the $2 books are becoming a rarity as the new norm is $4 or $5 .. problem for both is they don’t pay too much attention to detail .. you get the original $2 sticker on the back and the “new” $4 0r $5 sticker on the front ..
The perils of having lotza “work for the dole volunteers” doesn’t always translate into workplace efficiency .. LOL!
Solution(s) is simple .. either peel the expensive sticker off or present the books backcover 1st .. tho this is short term as the stock replenishes over several weeks their will be only one sticker, anyway …
I know, I know I hear the howls but a rip-off is a rip-off charities or not …..
Ahahah! And there I was imagining my nana pants in silver lamé. With or without weaponised underwires.
the best episode in that series is the one on Corsica. The food, the Island, the food, the view, the food.
Did I mention the food? 😉
Gonzalo Lira
You know why Europe could afford its vast social welfare systems?
>Low defense spending b/c US umbrella.
>Cheap goods from China.
>Cheap energy from Russia.
Then the Euroweenies divorced Russia—they’re buying overpriced US weapons—and they’re going to break with China.
I suppose mop top redheads don’t count. Too much Outlander?
There was a Netflix series called “Steak”. A Corsican won the best steak in the world. Funny, because the treated France as a separate joint.
Racist traffic lights.
Researchers propose a fourth light on traffic signals for self-driving cars (7 Feb)
Well I suppose it would be difficult to add a black light. But why not UV or IR? The EV could detect the invisible light and it would then not be racist.
Or to have genetically impossible aboriginality
Dr John Campbell
Vitamin D and diabetes
I saw a different version of that photo, a close up, just dad’s arm and the girl’s body, looked like she was crushed/pinned by a huge piece of concrete.
Quite so, JC.
BTW, if you want the best beef bourguignon, don’t stuff around with imitations: eat in Paris or the French regions.
“There was a Netflix series called “Steak”. A Corsican won the best steak in the world. Funny, because the treated France as a separate joint.”
JC, I haven’t heard of that series, not having Netflix, natch. I do have a dim memory though of having read about it somewhere.
Blast from the past: Oprah, Weinstein and prey.
Franchise vinnies near me prices books at $3 $4 with a date, if they haven’t moved they go on the 50c table, even then they sometimes have a sign in the window saying they can’t take books ATM.
I bought a bunch of 50c ones for my trip. Still struggling through the Ian Irvine.
I suspect a lot of this is actually covid vax injury making workers unable to work. They then go on NDIS or, in the US, Medicare, and disappear from view since no one wants to talk about the issue.
Where are the workers? Research exposes ‘quiet quitting’ impact on labor shortage (7 Feb)
All the additional workers in the last US Payrolls were part time. I take that to be from two things: people who have to work, but can’t manage full time for health reasons, and other people taking extra jobs to cope with the cost of living.
If we’re seeing vax injury rates approaching 10%, as the numbers seem to suggest, then the impact on the availability of healthy potential worker numbers will be substantial. I’d add the unvaxxed as well, who now cannot get work in many areas because they’re unclean. They’d register as not in the workforce also.
Katie Hopkins: The truth about GB News — I have been keeping this to myself…until now.
I’m glad Lehrmann is going the full hog
Gee, I dunno about that, pard.
– but he’s missed out one potential target. Morrison.
Scotty knew nothing about it until Higgins went public, according to Scotty.
My opinion, the whole thing stinks.
Lisa did her best to kill the Trial and still managed to delay it for 5 months, yet Lehrmann wants money?
Bugger! I said I hadn’t heard of the series, Steak, but I had heard of the win for Corsica.
This is what happens when you try to do three things at once.
Reilly, Ace of Spies was good from memory – but must have been 30 years ao I watched it.
Meanwhile, Brittaaannny’s book deal is dealt a near-fatal blow:
It is understood the book was due go ahead even though the trial against Mr Lehrmann was aborted in November last year and the rape charge was dropped.
However, it is unlikely to be released in the near future due to the impending defamation cases.
Daily Mail
BTW, if you want the best beef bourguignon, don’t stuff around with imitations: eat in Paris or the French regions.
I disagree, mine is the best. 😀
The BOM are at it again.
‘Severe tropical cyclone Gabrielle’. 1000 mb.
1000 mb doesn’t even qualify as a tropical storm.
Just another bunch of Government fakers and liars.
Katie Hopkins
Three things the vax’d and unvax’d can agree on. What do you think?
I mentioned the possibility of this about a week ago. Anyone who reads SF will notice the concepts explored here aren’t far from our masters thoughts.
All he needs is to say ‘stop that, and leave them alone’
Im sorry, but Im not seeing the ability to ticket clip, play favorites or pork barrel there.
-F: You have failed elementary Parasite/politics 101.
Drummed out of the ANUs- oh the ignominy.
“It is understood the book was due go ahead even though the trial against Mr Lehrmann was aborted in November last year and the rape charge was dropped.
However, it is unlikely to be released in the near future due to the impending defamation cases.”
Sweet, very sweet. In the meantime, I’m sure Brittaneeeee da Knickerless and her Svengali partner have enough dosh, that’s our dosh, to live in some comfort.
Too organised Calli.
I’ve done some laundrette washing overseas as well but never pre checked.
I think my current place machine is a combo washer dryer but I’m not going to bother using the dryer bit.
Bit of mucking about to get to Malta, most of the ferries leave late and arrive there at 11.15 pm which doesn’t suit me at all. Only have afternoon trips a couple of days a week.
I think I now have my ducks in a row, just waiting on confirmation on my booked ferry seat for Sunday afternoon.
As soon as I have that I’ll book a flight from Malta to Madrid, gets in at 8.30pm which I’ll just have to deal with. Or I might have to suck it up and fly with Ryanair and go earlier in the day.
Or fly somewhere else altogether.
If you look closely, which I’m sure you did, or you wouldn’t have noticed – the reinforced bearer seems firmly supported by rubble and the bed is just cheap fiberboard.
It’s a version of the truck stuck under the bridge problem. Don’t try to lift the bridge structure, let the air out of the tyres.
I’m not saying I’m right, but after the Palestinian propaganda photos of dead children and teddy bears unmarked by dust or damage, I look damn closely at this sort of photo to see if it’s bullshit. To me, it looks staged.
Theres a beautiful conjunction of calamity possible in WA 20th April. Attended the local emergency planning meeting today.
We have the total eclipse occurring, best spot to watch from is at Exmouth – who are expecting about 20-60,000 people to attend (100% there)
Everything is booked out a couple of years ago, so bush camps everywhere.
Everything else from about Feraldton up is 80/90% occlusion and have been told to brace for thousands of extra bodies.
We are running a new road crash rescue course in preparation.
Im imagining 2 scenarios.
1- lots of wind and bushfire..
2- End of season/unseasonable cyclone.
Holy multicasualty event batman, even just traffic will be hell leading up to it.
They will be asking transport companies to try and limit traffic if they can during the period.
Clang, bang, watch your fingers on the door of the cells………
“Katie Hopkins: The truth about GB News — I have been keeping this to myself…until now.”
The Mark Steyn story reminds me of what happened here in Oz with Alan Jones at Sky back in late 2021. Exactly the same. GB News has now lost one of its best broadcasters. Mark is fearless, particularly about rape gangs and Covid.
Sadly, GB News suffers the same constraints that Sky Oz does, which is incessant activist aggression against its advertisers, and an intimidating censorious regulator called “Ofcom”. But what does GB News do to counter this? It not only treads timidly, it tiptoes around like a scared mouse, hence the Steyn decision. No different to Sky Oz. And like Sky Oz, it isn’t perfect but my God it’s still better than what they had prior to its establishment, which was Channel Four, Sky UK (nothing like Sky here) and the BBC.
I reckon Neil Oliver will vacate the scene soon, you can’t have truth tellers on television anymore.
The Dirtwater Dynasty
I still can’t understand why Linda Reynolds sacked Bruce Lehrmann on the spot.
Okay, he turned up at Parliament House without his Pass at 1:20 am on a Saturday and had to be manually IDed and signed in by security, and even if it wasn’t the first time, so what?
I reckon Bruce Lehrmann should sue Linda Reynolds and the Liberal Party for Unfair Dismissal.
Young (22) off-spinner Todd Murphy set to wear the Baggy Green against the Uber drivers in the First Test starting tomorrow.
We haven’t had two offies playing in a Test at the same time since 1988.
This will be sweet.
Apparently Bert ironmonger was unavailable.
1000 mb qualifies as a high pressure system.
Speaking of taxes, when the Romans conquered Catania they taxed them ten percent of their agricultural produce.
They got a rebate for I think four years after a bad earthquake in the early ADs.
Sounds a lot like a GST.
They got a rebate for I think four years after a bad earthquake in the early ADs.
33 AD?
There was a bad Earthquake one Friday in the general area.
The marxist indoctrination in skools both here and in the US makes me wonder if most teachers really are the dregs who couldn’t hack anything else and also just plain evil.
No, it’s top down, Milton.
Like everything else.
Dutton is playing this like a Strad.
My only concern is the likelihood of him having played some role in the extreme reluctance of the AFP to prosecute Bruce Lehrmann.
Since he was Home Affairs Minister at the time and Home Affairs is basically … the AFP.
Linda Burney:
This woman is on another planet.
The Winston makes a sad face.
I see Seven is doing a piece on the Cronulla riots. Apparently it was the most tewwible, tewwible thing to ever happen in Sydney evah!
I suppose they forgot the plague in the Rocks or the midget sub attacks. Or the Granville horror.
I wonder if they’ll include the hideous harassment of girls on the beach by creeps from the western suburbs, all driving in to do just that to “whitey”. If not, why not?
Ed Casesays:
February 8, 2023 at 7:32 pm
Dutton is playing this like a Strad.
We’ve heard this before, it didn’t turn out well.
Bugger off, Googleory.
If you have time look up the interview with Le Carre on the film of The Spy Who ….. It’s fascinating.
He thinks Burton was too theatrical and wrong for the part……. which fits in with what you were saying about the restrained performances in TTSS.
He liked best of all Cyril Cusack’s performance as the Controller (M). Cusack, an Irish actor with a deep loathing for the British says Le Carre, enjoyed playing a ruthless and amoral civil servant, typical of British officialdom and did it with quiet vehemence.
You’ll look at the film differently after you hear his analysis.
For Gargooglery read “has his hand on it”.
Due to the tumultuous reception for my final, of the night, cute owl last night I now put up an even better cute owl. Feel free to rate out of 10 (whatever).
Dover is fortunate. C.L. has the worst trolls.
Compared to so called Liberal Clare Batch, Sarah Game, the One Nation MP from SA, is very impressive. Calm measured, clear, and concise. I hope one day she moves to Canberra.
Compared to so called Liberal Clare Batch, Sarah Game
She’s a liberal! FMD; no wonder they’re dead in the water.
Plastics should be recycled not injected.
Though I think I’ve sat through a couple of episodes of SITC, though was largely tuned out.
A Country Practice was on when TV first got transmitted to this part of the world. It was such a novelty that anything got watched for a while. At least it had the super-hot Helen Scott as the matron, plus Brian Wenzel (he had star quality).
Didn’t take long to twig the show was full of the usual stereotypes. i.e. the only smart people in the rural town were the blow-ins from the big smoke with degrees & white collar jobs ‘saving’ the hicks from themselves.
Farmers were either well meaning halfwits or moleskin wearing toffs that made Malcolm Fraser look like a honest yeoman labourer.
The town locals were failures or figures of wasted potential (coz they wouldn’t move to the big smoke)
Groogs is harmless. Our village idiot.
February 8, 2023 at 7:40 pm
I see Seven is doing a piece on the Cronulla riots.
You can’t “do” the Cronulla riots unless you cover the m*slim rape gang trials before and the Asian shop smash-ups after.
Nix is fun. He/she doesn’t know what a woman is.
Biology is hard.
Yeah…OK…but where would Australian scriptwriters be without stereotypes?
Just wait for the chorus of woke bleeding hearts telling us that the bourgeois fascist racist colonialist etc etc 75-year-old has sinned against the ever so sensitive souls of the poor yoofs …
No need they have to sell it at the cheapest price.
Silly, silly Owls. The dehydration affects their decision making…
Can’t decide, am I chilly in these strings or hot in this jacket?
Should I wear heels or just walk on tippy toes?
Zinc for the afternoon sun, or will a quarter inch of slap do the same job?
The raiding parties after Friday prayers that went on a cultural outreach mission (beating and stabbing spree). If it came down to a rumble between them and the boys from the block it would be interesting to see the outcome as well as who the press chose to demonise.
That’s the glaring let-down of Australian TV & movies – a dearth of script/screen writing talent.
Have to admit to not having seen any GoT, but my younger daughter is a huuuuge fan.
By accident, I came across this: The Rains of Castamere, from GoT . This is just one singer — Geoff Castellucci — and I am in awe of his voice and its range. My daughter was so impressed she actually thought it must have been faked. But a quick search soon convinced her otherwise.
Calli was offering to throw her hat in the ring earlier today.
I’d wager she’d be better than the professionals.
February 8, 2023 at 6:41 pm
Looked at it this arvo. Messy mass of convection at the moment.
Doesn’t even look Cat 1 yet, Cat 1 usually are starting to show a rough circular shape or show banding into a centre of circulation. The latest visual run is starting to show signs of banding on north side but the Monsoon Trough has kicked in up the Cape. Be interested to know what they are relying on to name this, the pressure for at Cat 1 is generally between 985 b& 996Hpa so can’t be that.
That said, the vorticity at 850mb is off the scale, divergence & convergence are still dislocated NE, shear is low, SST are well above minimums. All the ingredients there for a severe storm. The evenings have been going nuts here late around midnight for thunderstorm activity lately, I do know tropical storms strengthen during the evening. JTWC have her turning into a monster and IMO she will likely bomb overnight.
Already drying out on NQ coast as the system sucks all the moisture in. Be interesting to see whether she drags the MT south giving us another burst of weather. BOM thinks not at this stage.
Liz Storer is doing her best to argue common sense to clueless Kenny and his pansy boy guest.
Liz could have me if she played her cards right.
Silly, silly Owls.
Liz Storer is a cute owl; and she’s not silly. I’m totally unsurprised by the number of pansies intimidated by muscles on women. It’s a challenge!
Liz could have me if she played her cards right.
Get in line mate.
February 8, 2023 at 7:51 pm
Dover is fortunate. C.L. has the worst trolls.
Including Homer in a aprticularly stupid mode, Nix (waste of pixels) and the unlamented Yank, a “life-long Republican” in the Lincoln Project style. Hi Alan ….
February 8, 2023 at 7:51 pm
Dover is fortunate. C.L. has the worst trolls.
Including Homer in a particularly stupid mode, Nix (waste of pixels) and the unlamented Yank, a claimed “life-long Republican” in the Lincoln Project style. Hi Alan ….
Of course.
Muscled up gals is basically a form of latent homosexuality, Cronkers. But please don’t think I’m being judgemental.
I should have said, liking muscled up gals.
February 8, 2023 at 8:19 pm
You can’t “do” the Cronulla riots unless you cover the m*slim rape gang trials before and the Asian shop smash-ups after.
The raiding parties after Friday prayers that went on a cultural outreach mission (beating and stabbing spree). If it came down to a rumble between them and the boys from the block it would be interesting to see the outcome as well as who the press chose to demonise.
There can be absolutely no doubt whom the press would choose to demonise.
B John
Are you are aware of the Skanke Ho thing Homer got himself into?
Muscled up gals is basically a form of latent homosexuality,
Stop projecting.
Yeah, latency, if not worse.
Some hack interviewed a chap that had been in Les Girls years ago.
Anyway, the performers mingled with the audience after the show, and this fellow said that by far the most common request for Tusslin’ they received from blokes was to be rooted in the backside by the Les Girls.
Something tells me Mr Sulu could relate to that.
Australia can be a very informal sort of place. We went out for a quick dinner down the road to an okay Italian restaurant that’s been around since the 1990s. At the end of the meal, the waiter, a totally unpretentious Aussie dude, sat down close to us, wanting to know if we knew some nice places in the Yarra Valley as he was taking some interstate pals there tomorrow. I can’t imagine any other country where that would occur.
Friday prayer leads to all sorts of multi culti enrichment across the globe. Apparently tensions had been building for some time around the place.
Flamers eh Groogs!
Can’t stop crying over it.
Something tells me Mr Sulu could relate to that.
More projection. I’ll ask head prefect what he’s doing later. Something tells me you’re a pillow biter.
JC, the waiter was coming on to you.
oh yeah … do you pay for any news subscriptions?
And now for something completely different! .. currently watching a Nepalese supernatural/detective series .. Final Hour .. not bad ..brings back memories of Lopsang Rampa & the 3rd Eye books .. seems it is still a big part of the folklore in the Himalayas …… no IMDB listing ..!
true, he may have confused me with Cronkers?
I’ve almost finished Black Spot on Netflix.
Series 1, one big story arc, lots of little arcs.
Quite good.
Series 2, turns into a formulaic serial.
Quite disappointing, so much they could have done with it.
How could you tell, Humpty Bear?
You should be happy, you’ve still got it.
Will keep your wife on her toes.
true, he may have confused me with Cronkers?
That’s low head prefect, comparing me to crotchless. No more backrubs for you.
I can’t find this Steak series on Netflix.
Is it gone?
Cronkers eats Italian?
Okay, I won’t be judgmental here.
February 8, 2023 at 8:49 pm
Australia can be a very informal sort of place. We went out for a quick dinner down the road to an okay Italian restaurant that’s been around since the 1990s. At the end of the meal, the waiter, a totally unpretentious Aussie dude, sat down close to us, wanting to know if we knew some nice places in the Yarra Valley as he was taking some interstate pals there tomorrow. I can’t imagine any other country where that would occur.
Why, you Jerkoff Cretin? And why call an Australian person a dude? There must be loads of places where that would happen in the World. As you live in Sicktoria, you need to get out a bit more………………………….from under your rock………………………
Convergence of themes…
GoT, when it was being made and drip-fed to a hungry audience, was brilliant drama and heaps good fun. Used to watch very dodgy pirated downloads, complete with highlight burn, in a beachhouse, about twelve of us- often the dissection and prediction sessions after would go beyond midnight.
So talso the Harry Potter effect- ie, when it’s being created live, there’s a genuine thrill- but, like Potter books it tanked badly, when it started winding up towards an inevitable end.
GoT- first four serieses essential, last three missable
Harry Potter- first three good enough, completeists only from there on. (The Fantastic Beasts sequels I’ve watched with the kids- much better imaginatively- and further exploring Rowling’s concerns with childrearing and Fascism)
Castle- first three series, excellent glossy cop rom com. (it’s what Vienna Blood is based upon, don’t’cha know)
Utopia re-runs return tonight, warming up to run on to series return. Head n shoulders the best show to come out of the ABC-Working Dog nexus… can it possibly last?
Whoops Bern. I could have sworn it was no Netflix, apparently it’s on Prime.
Apart from the finale, every episode of GoT added to to the story.
Each series in itself was spectacular.
Woddenhead, you really need to finesse an entree into a stoush. It needs a purpose—a reasonable argument of sorts. It otherwise looks like spite trolling, you limey maggot.
Half inch at least, plus botox is said to be SPF 250. Plus, her hip is deformed.
Rating – 2. Screams high maintenance and preciousness. Even though she has pointy elbows and is cross-eyed, the cute owl from last night is streets ahead.
It’s the best series I’ve ever seen.
The Red Wedding was had lots of impact. 🙂
Gonzalo Lira
About American efforts at regime-change in different “unfriendly” countries:
The Americans consistently support the most extreme opposition in the targeted country, like in Belarus, like Ukraine.
Why? Because extremists want to overthrow—not work with—the existing regime.
The West Instructed Zelensky – No Peace Agreements
From Armstrong Economics –
And just for Jerkoff Cretin, Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and Dotty Dot…………..
“I have been warned that my sources have constantly been whispering, and growing to yell and screaming, that the Biden Administration and NATO have been pushing for Ukraine to sacrifice all its people to weaken Russia so they could later come in for the kill. They were doing so by instructing Zelensky he was not to negotiate peace with Russia under any terms.
Now former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who mediated those contacts, confirmed what my sources have been saying from the outset. He openly said that peace might’ve been agreed upon between Russia and Ukraine shortly after the start of the conflict. However, Kyiv’s “Western backers” blocked the negotiations between them for they wanted war.
Make no mistake about it. Russia is now well aware that this is a war of all wars that is out to absolutely destroy their country, their culture, and their people. They will have no choice but to defend themselves against the aggression of the United States and Europe.”
I think nix is numbers.
Just a vibe.
you seem to like something different to watch TV wise. Have you checked out a program on SBS on demand called Infiniti?
I had seen it advertised and thought I’d give it a go. Sucked me in from the start. To me, the actor who plays the Kazakh Policeman is the star of the show. He is mesmerizing. The whole storyline is certainly different from the usual rehashed crap. I won’t describe anything that happens as it would spoil it for anybody who wants to watch it. I will say though, Kazakhstan, if they filmed there for real, is a complete shithole. The final episode, for me personally, was a real nail biter.
Just a little more spite trolling from the 5 quid pom I see.
Iirc G R R drew heavily on the French medieval king series by Maurice Druon.
I’ve read the first of thar series, very good but because it’s based on historical events, you know certain people are going to die.
Therefore I put the others aside for less difficult novels.
I guess that might explain G R R getting comfortable killing off main characters.
Watching Paul Murray on Sky, please don’t judge me. Erin Molan is getting dangerously close to the Kamala Harris cackling territory.
Cersei was the meanest, most manipulative bitch over such a long time.
But then I felt sorry for her with the Faith Militant.
Great story telling.
War Against Conservatives
From Armstrong Economics –
More stuff for Jerkoff Cretin, Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and Dotty Dot of Dottyness…………..
“People are leaving Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and were moving to Parlar. Google and Apple removed the Parlar APP and then Amazon kicked then off of AWS. This is a complete purge going on of all conservatives. We are in the midst of nothing short of a real live Russian version of a revolution. Cheer up – you get to see what it was like to live history in a major confrontation between left and right. But make no mistake about it, the super-rich remains in power just behind the curtain. They own the press and social media while they use the virus to prevent people from gathering or organizing. It is their way or no way. Their motto: Resistance is Futile!”
Joe Hildebrand just insulted Senator Hollie Hughes. He threw at her that she will one day get into the Hansard. What a jerk.
He threw at her that she will one day get into the Hansard.
That’s a Paul Keating line.
Who probably pitched it from some pom from 300 years ago.
Liz Storer is almost as good as Rita, has a great sense of the ridiculous as well.
“Watching Paul Murray on Sky, please don’t judge me. Erin Molan is getting dangerously close to the Kamala Harris cackling territory.”
Molan is a lightweight.
I ordered in Don Pedros tonight.
Their beef brisket quesadilla is just too good.
Yeah sure buddy. Did your 1985 supercomputer MS DOS stock trading programme tell you that?
February 8, 2023 at 8:42 pm
B John
Are you are aware of the Skanke Ho thing Homer got himself into?
Yes, I’m sorry I missed that. Still his ravings on ruinable electricity are fun. It is hard to see that anyone can so firmly believe that repeating rubbish somehow makes it credible.
February 8, 2023 at 9:23 pm
And just for Jerkoff Cretin, Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and Dotty Dot…………..
Just a little more spite trolling from the 5 quid pom I see.
Jerkoff Cretin. Being an Italian short arse yourself and having an inability to read English, I will remind you that I was invited to this great Country and that I paid my own way here many years ago. And that I would never call any one here a dude. You have obviously been infected by the NYC mob and pizza people call people here as a ‘dude’. You are a T.W.A.T. so go off to NYC and eat loads of pizza you little fat short arse person you.
Quality, that is, right there.
Dot, I don’t want to be called a Russian booster but Mrs Zelensky was at the Black Pink gig in Paris a couple of weeks back.
Calli, I had not ever lived in Sydney and was a little starry eyed when we moved there.
Some Brit friends arrived almost immediately on hols and we dragged them around our spectacular city.
One day after lunch we went to the beach at Cronnula but very shortly after arriving my lady demanded that we leave because of the behaviour of a bunch of ‘middle eastern appearance’ folks nearby.
I was miffed, but forgave her two weeks later when the defensive action by Shire youth erupted.
Two weeks after that I was punched on the board by some thug at Coogee.
Not at all disappointed when the company moved us to Queensland.
Given all the discussion on TV series today maybe someone should write up a post say on favourite TV shows -split between 20th century and this century.
I was born here wodney. You weren’t. You’re a lowrent limey dickhead. Anyone who continues to post stupid crap from the former Leavenworth inmate has a personality defect. F… off.
that’s a great idea. I was just perusing a DVD catalogue and I can order a complete Box set of “Champions”. I was so young, no not young, little, when that series first aired. Seriously going to buy it.
As the hour of the Owls approacheth…
I mingle a bit with the gymn crowd, go in and lift heavy stuff as a prophylactic. And do legs. Do everything apart from arms, really, it’s the only thing which keeps me from constant niggling strains and the odd thoracic wrench which can put me out of action for days. That and running, which I hate as it’s solo and dull, but it’s cheap and easy.
So, there’s a lot of botoxic femininity, competitive spandex displays, and ear-bud ice queens, but a good few young girls who genuinely love building the strength and will talk of how it definitely blows the blues away. They’ll slaughter me on the leg press, ie doing well over 200kg. Why would any woman strive to build upper body strength, against all genetic inevitability, when they know that they can one, run, and if that fails two, crush the bejesus out any testicle which gives them grief?
Every now and then a certain type of girl- divorcee and/or lesbian- goes on a bodybuilder bender. They become no fun, don’t chat, don’t drink, eat by measure out of a can… and then dehydrate for a day and a half before a photo shoot. Photo shoot also comes with $500 of hair and makeup. And the hair is a wig, because your hair turns to floss and falls out if you aren’t getting the lipids in.
So, Cute Owls… don’t exist in the wild. They are put together like a Feejee Mermaid, and displayed like a hired Ferrari…. and no-one gets a ride.
After this they went full ballistic on me and turned me over for explosive testing.
I’ve always found it ironic at Brisbane airport that the people handling security and testing us for explosives are ironically very reminiscent of members of the religion of pieces that caused the situation we are now in regarding heightened checks.
I guess profiling of terrorism risk brings middle-aged caucasian ladies to the fore?
My name is Mister Armstrong
I did eleven years
And now I use the cash from dorks
To pay for all my beers
Coming up – Armstrong Economics predicts earthquakes using a supercomputer and an online tutorial a Year 7 kid could apparently follow.
Answer this wodney woddenhead. Man up for once instead of hiding behind other people’s jokes and statements.
What does Armstrong’s fraud does conviction mean to you?
FMD, Episode 5 of 1923 and Spencer and Alexandria have been run over by a ghost ship in the middle of the fu.king red Sea.
Stop it with this lame stuff about the last season and episodes.
Of course the dialogue was better early on, because there was less swashbuckling.
Part of the plot too was that clever plans turn to crap, despite Tyrion relying on his wit for so long.
Now I wish Varys lived, he turned into a good person, but Danerys was bent. She shouldn’t have killed Dickon or Varys.
The Bells made sense as Danerys lost a lot of whom and what was close to her, the Mad Queen was literally part of her DNA.
How it ended? It made sense, an all knowing demigod becomes King and leaves the Kingdom to the most capable hand, who is arguably still married to his sister, who has the large Kingdom to the north which is culturally the old ways with some influence of the faith of the seven. Tyrion is probably a Targaryen and the three headed dragon was Tyrion, Jon and Danerys, now it will be Jon past the wall, and Sansa and Tyrion (soon to remarry) jointly ruling the six+ 1 kingdoms. Bran is like the Fisher King, Arya is like Parsifal.
…and look if you don’t believe my Arya Lannister nee Stark theory from before, you’re off the pace!
It was weird of how Lt Col Richard Sharpe was in season 1.
No one believes Sam Tarly is Jon’s elder brother do they? Good.
Forgot to mention Department S and Jason King. Jason King was the seed for Austin Powers. Lol!
Also available was Randall and Hopkirk (deceased). I loved the early British Crime and Detective series. When I was allowed to watch them!
Watched American Rust on Paramount + recently – very good, Jeff Daniels and Maura Tierney, similar to Mare of Newtown and Hillbilly Elegy.