Open Thread – Weekend 25 Feb 2023

The Seven Arches Adel Woods, John Atkinson Grimshaw, mid-late 1800s

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February 26, 2023 12:27 pm

Mmyes, that must be why all of Europe is sending Ukraine its tanks, planes, missiles, ammo and whatever else is lying around their military warehouses.

Yeah, that’s why most of the Leopard I’s will ultimately come from a scrap machinery dealer in Belgium. (He had dreams of parting them out, he’s going to end up selling the Ukies complete machines at a premium, machinery dealer heaven!)

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 26, 2023 12:28 pm

why all of Europe is sending Ukraine its tanks, planes, missiles, ammo and whatever else is lying around their military warehouses.


They had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to send what they already have sent. That’s how low the barrel was in the first place. There’s nothing left to be sent. I suppose they could purchase the weapons they originally gave to Ukraine from the Albanian arms dealers that quickly acquired them, and give them to Ukraine again.

Serious question: has anyone thought about doing this? It’s not a bad option.

February 26, 2023 12:30 pm

Any Tech Heads here at Cat, which Navigation app is the easiest and best to download? Normally I plot my way via “where is” or good old Gregory’s but there have been so many changes re new roads and housing estates it’s a bit confusing.
Have to leave my country bolt hole tomorrow and head to Parramatta. I’m fine up ’til the Meccano Set.

Any advice much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 26, 2023 12:31 pm

What has been the fate of Australia’s Bushmasters? I suspect they’re resting in pieces – has there been any confirmation of this? I saw a photo of one that’d been destroyed, didn’t hear anything else after that.

February 26, 2023 12:31 pm

Churchill was on a loser in the post war election because of the manner in which he treated the military, factory workers and their families.
Displaying his aristocratic cultural traits, he saw no problem with soldiers being treated like convicts, paid starvation wages and their families living below the breadline.
His arrogant dismissal of the lower class’s financial plight, and absence of home leave, was directly responsible for so many women jumping the fence to chase well financed Americans, further entrenching soldier bitterness.
Surveys at the time revealed wide class based resentments including about officers being dressed in service dress despite material shortages while they were kitted out in the equivalent of chaff bags.
Compounding the indifference was the policy of holding hundreds of thousands on draftees in the UK for up to two years in preparation for the invasion. They were not being effectively trained but were held under the command of Territorial colonel blimps who simply imposed ‘Army bullshit’ as it was referred to.
Slim told him that he must improve conditions and organise home leave, but he was blind to lower order concerns.
The Conservatives were fortunate that the Attlee commos acted just like our current lunatics. They imposed such a radical agenda so frantically that they got booted.
Unfortunately the NHS survived.

February 26, 2023 12:34 pm

Mmyes, that must be why all of Europe is sending Ukraine its tanks, planes, missiles, ammo and whatever else is lying around their military warehouses.

You’re such a mindless idiot, mOron. One day, you will confound us all and amazingly come up with an original unique thought that will actually prove correct. But until then this drivel isn’t even worthy of a post from a wrongologist like you.

February 26, 2023 12:38 pm

Pilbara rescue: Young boys steal car, only to get stuck in the bush in State’s far north
This is such a common occurrence that I’m surprised it made the news.

251s .. not reporting it would be soooooo wacist .. don’t cha know!

February 26, 2023 12:41 pm

why are the fuel suppliers not better prepared for such a scenario?

Cos private companies, maybe? .. no profit in storing vast amounts .. just in case ….!

Cassie of Sydney
February 26, 2023 12:43 pm

Chris Minns, NSW Opposition Leader. The same Chris Minns who skipped Pell’s funeral but turns up last night to march in Mardi Gras. At least Premier Parrothead didn’t turn up last night. Well, I now know Minns’ priorities.

I won’t be voting for Minns in March, I’ll be doing a donkey vote in the lower house and in the upper house I’ll be voting One Nation.

February 26, 2023 12:45 pm

Indolent says:
February 26, 2023 at 10:08 am

Now in WEFland Switzerland, Swiss residents are thrown out of their apartments and replaced by Ukrainian refugees

If you read it, it’s a council flat, and they are forced by the federals to take in a certain number of Uks.
I’m amused by the sanctimonious greetings at the end, but.

February 26, 2023 12:46 pm

I won’t be voting for Minns in March, I’ll be doing a donkey vote in the lower house and in the upper house I’ll be voting One Nation.

Same here .. tho Craig Kelly is running on an Independent tix for the Upper House, as well

February 26, 2023 12:48 pm

Yes the situation in NSW is distressing Cassie. Nowhere to go. Photios won’t get what he deserves which is even more galling.
At least in QLD there are some flickers of hope that the LNP remain basically conservative. Perhaps its just dying embers.

February 26, 2023 12:49 pm

Pogria, google maps was good for me navigating round streets for roadworks near Sydney airport and in NZ round closed roads using detours.

February 26, 2023 12:49 pm

Two eye watering charts.

Michael A. Arouet

Replying to
Regardless what politicians and central banks must pretend in response to the cost of living crisis public outrage, in reality they have no other option but to inflate unsustainable debt away.

No choice but to keep printing, borrowing , spending and racking up more public debt.

February 26, 2023 12:50 pm

Bourne1879 says:
February 26, 2023 at 12:26 pm

Thanks for your thoughts on evidence.

Please note the evidence I am referring to was not given in a court case but in a AZ hearing into 2 recent elections. The lawyer spoke for 45 minutes and had very specific references to fake documents, fake notaries, fake Uni records, forgeries, particular property transactions, and how the election was manipulated. She went into details about Gov Hobbs and husband. She had already submitted a large amount of backup documents to the committee but that did not include a further bundle of 500 pages. In relation to the Gov the property transactions go back to early 2000’s. She names two people, frontmen, involved in the corruption on behalf of Sinaloa.

Remember Katie Hobbs prior to winning election was Secretary of State AZ which includes responsibility for running the election. You may recall there were problems with the election voting system on election Day but only in Republican voting areas.

One of the others she specifically named was the boss who installed the election system which lawyer claimed was designed to allow interference.

ERIC Empty: Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen Visits ERIC Headquarters in Washington DC – But Nobody was There, There Were No Servers, There Were No Computers, There Were No Employees

After he won his election, Alabama’s new Secretary of State, Wes Allen, withdrew the state from the ERIC voter registration system.

The Gateway Pundit commends Mr. Allen for keeping his campaign promise to protect elections and secure the personal information of Alabama residents.

However, Mr. Allen was not done with ERIC. He was in the Washington D.C. area last week for the 2023 NASS Winter Conference. It’s the annual meeting for all Secretary of States. In a brilliant move, he decided to visit the published address for ERIC’s headquarters. That address is 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste 600, Washington, DC 20036.

Allen said, “Since I was in town, I went to see the ERIC Headquarters. What I found was that there was no ERIC headquarters at that address. There were no employees. There were no servers. There was no ERIC presence of any kind. Instead. I found a virtual office that is rentable by the day. What it was missing was people, servers and any sign of the ERIC team.”

This 12 story location, known as the Longfellow Building, is partly operated by a company called Expansive. They offer virtual workspaces across the country and rent space by the day. Other companies offer this same exact 6th floor Suite 600 address for rent too. In fact, the Global Innovation Fund, Dezenhall Resources, Grassroots Plus, and other businesses have the exact same address, including the same suite number, as ERIC’s headquarters.

Posted on the Alabama SOS website, Allen explains his ERIC visit,

SOS Wes Allen: “Before I took office, Alabama transmitted the personal information of millions of our citizens to this private organization for the past several years. That information is stored on a server somewhere but we do not know where. There is no ERIC operation at the location they claim is their office. A lot of personal data and taxpayer money has been transferred to ERIC. Where is that data? Where are the employees? Where are the offices? Where are the computers?”

As previously reported by GP, ERIC has 3 employees that operate as remote staff. The Executive Director, Shane Hamlin, resides in Washington State. He has been unwilling to disclose where the data resides, not even the city. Ericka Haas is the Systems Engineer from the onset and resides in Oregon. GP reported on Sarah Whitt, their “Systems and Data Specialist”, hired in 2019. She resides in Wisconsin. Although her title indicates a “Specialist”, she previously worked for the State of WI managing their voter rolls for over a decade. You could say she “specialized” in creating the worst, most easily corrupted voter rolls in the country, containing 3.4 million ineligible voters. Now you know why ERIC hired her.

February 26, 2023 12:51 pm

The discussion threads on those 2 links is interesting too. Especially about Germany…

February 26, 2023 12:53 pm

Seeing that the fuel supply is in such a parlous state, as someone who is well versed in the industry, why are the fuel suppliers not better prepared for such a scenario?

It’s just another example of the greater profits to be had under the ‘just in time’ system, with its minimisation of inventory/storage costs…… until, of course, the supply chain is disrupted.

February 26, 2023 12:54 pm

For the record my go to USA sites are GP, Powerline, American Thinker, American Greatness (especially Julie Kelly on Jan 6) and Revolver

What is GP?

February 26, 2023 12:56 pm

GreyRanga says:
February 26, 2023 at 12:49 pm

Pogria, google maps was good for me navigating round streets for roadworks near Sydney airport and in NZ round closed roads using detours.


agree with GreyRanga – stick with Google Maps – amazing accurate in predicting travels times

When you think about it, many thousands of Mobile Phones giving Google Maps updates help create that accuracy

I used my Vodafone Mobile in the UK – My Mate UK Irish Ex-Chairman- coming back from his Son’s wedding Plymouth to Godalming, was impressed with the clarity of the Female Google Maps Australian Voice and it was spot on in identifying traffic holdups and time of journey

February 26, 2023 12:57 pm

he merely pointed out that it seemed “fraudulent,” perhaps even “a touch comic,” to call oneself “Dr.” when one’s doctorate was not in any medical field (Biden’s is in Education)

The German system makes more sense, where degrees are reported by both field, and rank.

For example, a physician is a Dr-Med, and and engineer might be a Dippl-Ing (Bachelor level) of a Dr-Ing (Higher level).

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 12:58 pm

Sunday and time for you to get moving. Here’s Mr. Motivator in a large range of 20 minute workouts. Start with the early January ones and you can do it sitting down or standing, his wife does the sitting down ones to show you how. There is no excuse Cats for not keeping basically fit in your older years from the security of your own home or room or chair. He uses basic dance rhythm and warm-up moves to get you going. I’ve just done one in the 20 mins before lunch and enjoying Outsiders. Good stuff and free on Youtube at any time. No joining needed, no space required, privacy ensured.

February 26, 2023 1:00 pm

They also rely on the efficiency of running the small petrol engine at constant optimum revs and charging the battery at a consistent rate

a normal car’s ICE is essentially over sized so that it can usefully accelerate on demand

power at low speed is costly for an ICE and we use gearboxes to help with making the whole gear-train useful

electric motors are vastly better at delivering power at all speeds and their ‘torque’ curve is essentially flat from zero to max.

a Hybrid’s efficiency derives mainly from
– not using ICE for acceleration
– turning off when stopped
– lower mass (watch the benefits disappear as you scale up … like in a Toyota Kluger)
– tweaking the ICE to be more efficient in a narrower band of application
– regenerative braking is pretty much a by-product of having electric motors and storage (Mazda use capacitors)

hybrids make sense in the city
a Taxi is a excellent use-case
just don’t bother if you live in Wagga Wagga

Robert Sewell
February 26, 2023 1:01 pm

Woolworths The Fascist People
Ever get the feeling that they are refusing to listen to our protests and are daring us to do something about it?
We can do the passive/aggressive treatment too, Woolworths.
Like leaving a trolley of ice cream and meat at the checkout while we get our credit cards we left in the car.
I’m sure there are other ways we’ve learnt from the Left.
But I’m not going to shit in the aisle, no way.

February 26, 2023 1:03 pm

Seeing that the fuel supply is in such a parlous state, as someone who is well versed in the industry, why are the fuel suppliers not better prepared for such a scenario?
It would seem to me that they would be just as much at fault if the tankers stopped as the government. After all, if they have no product to sell, they’ll go broke.

the petroleum industry relies on slim margins and high volumes of throughput. Storage is expensive and limited and the product can deteriorate.

February 26, 2023 1:05 pm

What has been the fate of Australia’s Bushmasters? I suspect they’re resting in pieces – has there been any confirmation of this? I saw a photo of one that’d been destroyed, didn’t hear anything else after that.

Given their design parameters: They are PMVs designed only to resist mines, 30 calibre projectiles, and small artillery fragments, if they have been used in frontline combat, the 14 .5 mm and up automatic weapons fitted to most Russian IFVs will have chewed them up.

Even in Afghanistan, we lost *dozens* of Bushmasters – mainly to IEDs – the Taliban had little in the way of heavy machine guns and above.

February 26, 2023 1:05 pm

February 26, 2023 at 12:49 pm
Pogria, google maps was good for me navigating round streets for roadworks near Sydney airport and in NZ round closed roads using detours.

Old Ozzie,

thanks gentlemen. I was leaning towards Google, just wanted reassurance from people who have used it. I know millions use it everyday but I have purposely stayed away from stuff like that because I’m a big believer in “what if the battery runs out or if something breaks?”
Still, I bought a phone that allowed me access to the internet when I moved down here as I couldn’t get connected for several months. (thank Elon for Starlink and Mater for recommending it)
The phone is connected to my car so I may as well make use of it.

Thanks again fellas. 😀

February 26, 2023 1:06 pm

hybrids make sense in the city
a Taxi is a excellent use-case

A family member runs hybrids in his taxi fleet. Has done for years now. Swears by them as long as he turns them over at optimal intervals and he doesn’t buy brand new either. Surprisingly, they go very well on regular trips hundreds of km’s from the city base. And of course perfect for the inner city and close by suburb work.

February 26, 2023 1:09 pm

For the record my go to USA sites are GP, Powerline, American Thinker, American Greatness (especially Julie Kelly on Jan 6) and Revolver. Obviously only click on articles of interest.If I see something of real interest will dig further as has been the case with the lawyer giving evidence.

GP? Yes, they’re excellent sites. I was thinking more of the “short-form sites” when I mentioned the others as they give a good summary of what’s going.

February 26, 2023 1:09 pm

No choice but to keep printing, borrowing , spending and racking up more public debt.

And wait for the inevitable ….

Who was it said ‘if a thing can’t go on… wont’ ?

Robert Sewell
February 26, 2023 1:10 pm

Wally Dali:

Disgusting. If there is a single incidence of a police officer being disciplined for Batflu brutality, I haven’t heard of it.

And you won’t either.

February 26, 2023 1:11 pm

GP is Gateway Pundit.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 1:14 pm

I’ll be doing a donkey vote in the lower house and in the upper house I’ll be voting One Nation.

Cassie, I’ll check with Hairy but isn’t it the case that in NSW State elections you don’t have to award preferences for the lower house? If so, then I will search for a Lib Dem or someone of similar ilk and award my 1 to that person, just as encouragement and to help them get their deposit back. Why is a Donkey vote better?

I’m with you on One Nation in the Senate. Mark Latham has shown how useful that can be, bringing attention to conservative issues on the floor of the House and also in Senate enquiries.

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 26, 2023 1:16 pm

What has been the fate of Australia’s Bushmasters? I suspect they’re resting in pieces – has there been any confirmation of this? I saw a photo of one that’d been destroyed, didn’t hear anything else after that.

There would be close to 150 under tarps where they are made in Bendigo. If that’s what you mean?

February 26, 2023 1:18 pm

And wait for the inevitable ….

I think the story will unfold in the USD (DXY) , precious metals and oil.

February 26, 2023 1:19 pm

Thanks for the ERIC post. Did see it at GP but did not click to look.

Americans are having their elections stolen too often and that is another good example.

Remember it was AZ in 2020 that Fox News called very early for Democrats when many in CA had still not voted. I think Fox later apologised for calling it too soon.

USA is going down hill rapidly.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 1:26 pm

In all of our travelling now, here and internationally, Hairy always uploads maps of the regions he wants from Google Maps and then when we are looking for directions, major road, or especially, in ways around roadblocks or in minor streets, then we get his laptop out, I hold it and find ‘blue dot man’, the marker that indicates where we are now, and then I guide us using the map. When blue dot man doesn’t line up with the route we have taken in a major spaghetti junction where indicators are lacking then we know immediately that we have to turn around until we are moving in concert with him again. You can pinch the map in or out make it smaller (where the bloody hell are we?) or larger (what damn street name are we supposed to be turning right down now?).

The only flaw in this system is human fallibility. I do tend to fluster at crucial moments and get left and right confused, so I am always yelling, no right, go right, I meant right not left, go right etc.

The joys of travel.

February 26, 2023 1:26 pm


I just took a look at what’s trending in Twitter. There may be something about what Bourne said about Hobbs taking money from the Mexican cartels. FMD.

BREAKING: Katie Hobbs and Runbeck election services have been named as recipients of Sinaloa cartel bribes via deeds of trust and phony mortgages in AZ senate investigation.

When are the criminals running this country going to be held accountable?

More here;

But I don’t know if it’s just a GP regurgitation.

February 26, 2023 1:27 pm


I just took a look at what’s trending in Twitter. There may be something about what Bourne said about Hobbs taking money from the Mexican cartels. FMD.

BREAKING: Katie Hobbs and Runbeck election services have been named as recipients of Sinaloa cartel bribes via deeds of trust and phony mortgages in AZ senate investigation.

When are the criminals running this country going to be held accountable?

More here;

But I don’t know if it’s just GP regurgitation.

Cassie of Sydney
February 26, 2023 1:27 pm

Some musings on Australian and American politics.

NSW Labor leader Chris Minns holds his electorate by only a few hundred votes. It’s winnable by the Liberals, and if this government wasn’t so sad, tired and inept, the Liberals probably would win it. Minns’ seat is not located in inner-city Sydney, it’s in Kogarah which borders Botany Bay and has a large ethnic population of Greeks, Turks and Arabs and some Chinese. I strongly suspect that these people are not interested in Mardi Gras, and in fact most would be offended by such public exhibitionism and displays of nudity*. Driving through yesterday, I didn’t see any LGBTQI+ banners, flags or posters. So why did Minns march last night? He doesn’t need the votes of Sydney’s inner city. Methinks he’s not the moderate he makes himself out to be. Which is why I’ll be voting One Nation in March. I reckon One Nation will do quite well.

Last week, on MSNBC, Ron DeSantis was smeared/defamed and lied about by veteran journalist, Andrea Mitchell, in her interview with the imbecilic Vice President, Kackling Kamala. DeSantis’ office sent off any email requesting a retraction and apology and if not, DeSantis will never appear on MSNBC. Mitchell offered a “non-apology” apology and so DeSantis’ office has said, fine, we will never appear on MSNBC again until there is a genuine retraction….from The Hill…

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will boycott media appearances on NBC News and MSNBC shows, according to his press team, until one of the network’s star reporters apologizes for a question she posed about the governor’s education policies.

“There will be no consideration of anything related to NBC Universal or its affiliates until and at least Andrea Mitchell corrects the blatant lie she made about the governor,” DeSantis’s press secretary, Bryan Griffin, said in an email to the network that he posted on Twitter.

The “lie” that the DeSantis camp is protesting is a question Mitchell put to Vice President Harris last week, in which she asked: “What does Governor Ron DeSantis not know about Black history and the Black experience when he says that slavery and the aftermath of slavery should not be taught to Florida schoolchildren?”

Mitchell later said her questioning was “imprecise” but did not explicitly apologize. The Hill has reached out to NBC for further comment.

Griffin said NBC and its affiliates must “display a consistent track record of truthful reporting” before DeSantis, who has had an often acrimonious relationship with the mainstream media, agrees to future appearances.

It’s the kind of thing the ABC and other MSM do all the time to the Liberals here, THEY LIE, DEFAME, and SMEAR, yet you still see Liberal and National idiots, like the Beetroot, happily and willingly appear on ABC shows like Q&A, only to be smeared, ridiculed and humiliated. It would be nice if Liberals and Nationals could take a leaf out of the Governor Ron DeSantis playbook and the next time their ABC invites them to appear on Q&A or the 7.30 report or The Dumb….READ MY LIPS, NO, NYET, NUP.

I know, I know, I’m dreaming. We don’t have anyone hear that is the calibre of Governor DeSantis.

* Looked at the Oz website and it has a story about Lidia Thorpe’s antics last night. Under the story there are some pictures, one showing Thorpe posing for a picture and behind her, and the Oz has published this, is a male standing with his bare bottom showing. So much for public decency. Is it okay for people to now walk around Sydney with bare bums showing?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 1:30 pm

In all of our travelling now, here and internationally, Hairy always uploads maps of the regions he wants from Google Maps and then when we are looking for directions, major road, or especially, in ways around roadblocks or in minor streets, then we get his tablet gadget out, I hold it and find ‘blue dot man’, the marker that indicates where we are now, and then I guide us using the map. When blue dot man doesn’t line up with the route we have taken in a major spaghetti junction where indicators are lacking then we know immediately that we have to turn around until we are moving in concert with him again. You can pinch the map in or out make it smaller (where the bloody hell are we?) or larger (what damn street name are we supposed to be turning right down now?).

The only flaw in this system is human fallibility. I do tend to fluster at crucial moments and get left and right confused, so I am always yelling, no right, go right, I meant right not left, go right etc.

The joys of travel.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 26, 2023 1:30 pm

Pumping mostly ration packs outta Amberley.

So, we’re doing our part to keep the slaughter going by feeding the Uke, who has an average life expectancy of 3 hours at the Front Lines, but Australia has no blood on it’s hands, oh no?

February 26, 2023 1:30 pm

Who’s the Beetroot, Cass?

February 26, 2023 1:30 pm

Okay, I’m connected to Google maps, have activated voice, so wish me well. While I adore labour saving devices, powerful mixers, power tools etc, none of mine are connected to the net. I have an abiding aversion to anyone, let alone faceless drones, knowing what I am doing or where I am going. Unless I choose to.
I haven’t been to Parramatta in twenty years. Used to go there regularly as there were great little shops that were unique and had clothes, shoes etc you couldn’t find anywhere else.

February 26, 2023 1:31 pm

I was leaning towards Google

accurate travel times
dodges accidents and road works
suggests alternatives and the reasons why
gives live reports on speed camera locations

Robert Sewell
February 26, 2023 1:31 pm

Bourne 1879:

Saw Katie Hobbs Gov Arizona was trending on Twitter and went to look. Ended up watching a lawyer giving evidence about corruption including Hobbs which show long time planning ahead. Very detailed evidence by very brave lawyers which names Gov, politicians, judges and cops.

I’ve been watching that whole episode for a while now. Almost unbelievable as to how well the criminal cartels, the political machine and the Law have been corrupted by the money available to them from illegal drugs.
I wouldn’t mind betting the drug money will be the one thing that destroys the US.
It’s one reason I want Trump in to have a go at the country – he now knows in his gut just how bad the situation is. I doubt de Santis really has a clue and thinks you can negotiate with them.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 1:33 pm

Sorry for the double post. It took such a long time to load I gave up and reloaded, thinking it had disappeared as they sometimes do.

February 26, 2023 1:33 pm

Trans sounds like “Q”

February 26, 2023 1:33 pm

SpecSavers .. new ad ..!

February 26, 2023 1:34 pm

I saw the Hobbs story Twitter trending last night and first saw the clip on an ex cops Twitter. His description of the interview was what made me watch it.

I don’t think GP is the source of it trending on Twitter as there were many thousands of Tweets.

You can imagine the censorship of the story pre Elon Musk taking over.

February 26, 2023 1:35 pm

Robert Malone has written a very thoughtful piece on the evil that has befallen western society during the Covid years. Maybe this would have formed a good subject for its own thread.

“Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”

? Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil

As the COVID crisis begins to sunset in the West, and the next set of manufactured then weaponized crises dawn in the East, we are left with the problem of trying to make sense of what we have experienced since 2019.

What has been done to us, and by whom?

Like the shackled group huddled together in Plato’s allegory of the cave, we observe, watch, and discuss the shadows on the wall. A rotating priesthood of endorsed sages tells us how to interpret the shadows, and we all nod and agree “oh yes, that must have been the person (or organization) responsible, now it all makes sense”. We hunger for simple explanations, thirst for a perpetrator.

Many are increasingly conscious of the profound evil which has been unleashed upon the world over the last three years under the guise of public health. As our social media and propaganda-crafted hive mind begins to experience the fury of victimhood, we reflexively seek to identify and focus on some organization or mastermind upon whom to pin blame. Blindfolded by ignorance, hearing vague shouted clues from a faceless crowd, we flail about seeking the perpetrator responsible for our fear, anguish and pain as if trapped in some nightmare game of “pin the tail on the donkey”.

The words of W.B Yeats, his immortal “Second Coming” penned following conclusion of the collective insanity called the “First World War”, seem closest to capturing our collective intersection of angst and ennui.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
What name for this twenty-first century rough beast?

What persons or organizations are responsible for planting the seed, rocking the cradle and attending the birth?

From all over the world, day after day, I am asked some version of this question. Essentially this was the question posed by Bret Weinstein at the end of the pivotal June 11, 2021 Dark Horse Podcast entitled “How to Save the World, in Three Easy Steps”. Unexpectedly put on the spot during the podcast, I reflexively attributed cause to development of emergent properties characteristic of complex systems. Ever since that moment, this question has bedeviled both Jill and I. Our book, “Lies my Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming” is basically a chronicle of our journey in attempting to answer that simple question. A journey of both inward and outwardly-directed discovery and sense-making which may last the rest of our lives. Perhaps you are also traveling along this same road.

Along this path, we have all encountered a wide range of stereotypical cardboard cutout villains (Anthony Fauci, Alejandro Maryorkas, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Larry Fink, Tedros Ghebreyesus, etc.) as well as many who are unconsciously (or subconsciously?) recapitulating the heroes journey.

A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.

Joseph Campbell, “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”

Many colleagues have chronicled the widespread, global, harmonized abuses of power.

The deployment of weapons-grade “fifth generation warfare” psy-ops, nudge and censorship technologies by western governments on their own citizens, rationalized as a necessary evil to advance public health objectives and insure uptake of vaccine products widely marketed as “safe and effective” which have proved to be neither.

The mask mandates which primarily served to demonstrate obedience to the overlords and their arbitrary and capricious mandates. The “flatten the curve” lockdowns which destroyed general employment, small businesses, families, farms, and overall mental health and wellbeing while facilitating the greatest upwards transfer of wealth in modern recorded history.

The six foot “social distancing” rules which became the worldwide norm without any scientific basis. Closure of Churches and other public gathering places.

The “Noble Lies” which degenerated into mundane political expediency. The obscenely criminal masking, school closures, vaccine mandates, student harassment and bullying which primarily served to appease the irrational fear of unionized “educators”, administrators and school boards. The gaslighting and algorithmic suppression of the voices of the vaccine damaged and dead. The prevention of family and friends from attending to the elderly and dying in hospitals and eldercare facilities. The explicitly illegal injection of unlicensed and inadequately tested medical products into military personnel.

Weaponized demonetisation and other forms of violence against any who dare question or protest authority. Vaccine passports, arbitrary and irrational travel restrictions and digital tracking apps. And the complete suppression of true informed consent coupled with forced and compelled violation of individual bodily autonomy.

Public servants sworn to uphold and protect the US Constitution who actively collude with industry to circumvent the Bill of Rights. All up and down the hierarchy of the modern administrative state, from POTUS down to school boards, the rule of law has been disregarded, seemingly in a game of “catch me if you can” enabled by a fragmented, cludgy, expensive and time consuming legal system staffed by politically appointed federal judges and supreme court justices. This system of high priests requiring an anything-but-fair interaction with the expensive anointed clerics of large law firms and high-powered lawyers who all too often hide behind byzantine conflict of interest rules that are readily manipulated and weaponized by large pharma and other corporatist interests.

“For when I speak of the banality of evil, I do so only on the strictly factual level, pointing to a phenomenon which stared one in the face at the trial. Eichmann was not Iago and not Macbeth, and nothing would have been farther from his mind than to determine with Richard III ‘to prove a villain.’ Except for an extraordinary diligence in looking out for his personal advancement, he had no motives at all… He merely, to put the matter colloquially, never realized what he was doing… It was sheer thoughtlessness—something by no means identical with stupidity—that predisposed him to become one of the greatest criminals of that period. And if this is ‘banal’ and even funny, if with the best will in the world one cannot extract any diabolical or demonic profundity from Eichmann, this is still far from calling it commonplace… That such remoteness from reality and such thoughtlessness can wreak more havoc than all the evil instincts taken together which, perhaps, are inherent in man—that was, in fact, the lesson one could learn in Jerusalem.”

? Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil

The list goes on and on. Recognition, acknowledgement and discussion of all of which has been actively suppressed at each step along this path to hell by corporatized media and big tech in a massively capitalized “public-private partnership” (ergo fascism in a 21st century embodiment acting under the guise of corporatism). All rationalized as being for our own good.

But, on the positive side, we have also seen the rise of new media and citizen journalism, and in particular some amazing investigative journalism from the likes of Whitney Webb, Maryanne Demasi, Jeffrey Tucker and the whole crew at the Brownstone Institute, my own partner and co-author in this substack Dr. Jill Glasspool-Malone, and so many, many others.

To those not yet familiar with her, I also strongly recommend the work of Katherine Watt, who publishes her detailed, methodical citizen journalism under the Substack title “Bailiwick News”. If you are not yet familiar with her, this video clip provides a good introduction. Her granular documentation of the stepwise legislative degradation of US civil liberties under the guise of biodefense preparedness is an amazing achievement, and the consequences of these actions are indisputable. However, just to make the point, I respectfully disagree with her interpretation of intent. More on that below.

And then there is the amazing new media insurgency lead by the improbable “everyman” hero Joe Rogan. In both video and audio formats, the podcast is widely recognized by both external and internal analysts as the largest current threat to the information hegemony of corporatist media, its censorship/trade organization the “Trusted News Initiative”, and it’s public-private partnership relationships with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, national governments, the five eyes intelligence alliance , its transnational integrated financial backers Blackrock/State Street/Vanguard/Bank of America, and its corporate partners- particularly the pharmaceutical industry.

But after investing over a year of your life in trying to ferret out all of these rabbit holes, as Jill and I (and so many others) have, there always remains the big question. The one which Bret Weinstein posed seemingly ages ago.

What and who is behind all of this?
What name for the rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem?
Is this the hand of the World Economic Forum (WEF) acting on behalf of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the transnational funds which it services?
Is this the CCP acting via its client the World Health Organization?
Or does all of this stem from the hidden hand of a dying United States’ Empire, seeking to prolong imperial dominance of the Leviathan administrative state via its intelligence/biosecurity/national security public-private partnerships together with many captured surrogates, overseen by the Five Eyes alliance?
Despite suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune hurled at me by corporate media over the last three years, Jill and I have been able to avoid lashing out as well as (most) rhetorical excesses by keeping in mind the simple training, repeatedly beaten into my head by a leading qui tam law firm during my training to serve as an expert legal witness. Never speculate on someone else’s state of mind or intent. Stick to the observable documented facts, and interpret the meaning of those.

Like many of you, I have read the words of Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and so many others in which they advocate for global population reduction. I am aware of the history of the BMGF in advancing vaccine candidates in Africa which appear to have been surreptitious form of birth control. I have witnessed the disease and death associated with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-based genetic “vaccines.” But absent clear documentation, I cannot conclude that these “vaccines” were intentionally crafted genetic weapons. Frankly, that would require a level of competence, foresight, and intelligence among those involved in developing these products which I just do not see evidence of. I know many of these people, and have watched their careers and publications, as well as those of their peers.

To be blunt, these people are just not that smart or all-knowing. They tend to be rather cocky technocrats with a profound sense of entitlement and often a broad streak of narcissism. And in some, that narcissism blends into sociopathy/psychopathy. But the level of comprehension and foresight to be able to predict the patterns of toxicology and pathology observed with these genetic “vaccines”? I see no evidence of that. And I do not see evidence that the US DoD has deployed an intentional kill box for both both American citizens and warfighters alike.

No, what I see is most closely described by Hannah Arendt’s observations regarding the banality of evil. Any who have been paying attention to what has happened over the last three years cannot deny that there is evil in the world, and that we have clearly seen its face revealed during the COVIDcrisis.

But as I consider the evidence, I think we are observing more than just the mundane banality of evil. I think we are observing the consequences of the last gasps of Imperial Pax Americana play out in real time before our eyes. American imperialism is quite literally running out of gas, teetering on the edge, awaiting some push (from BRICS? From the CCP?) over the knife’s edge towards dollar-based fiat currency collapse and imperial decline such as the British empire saw during the 20th century.

Here is the thesis. The rise and fall of empires is not driven by failures of leaders, or the madness (or senility) of presidents, kings and emperors. The longevity and durability of empires are self limited by the accumulated weight and inefficiency of their own bureaucracies. And, in turn, these bureaucracies are the consequence of a million tiny cuts, each rationalized as being in the best interests of the empire and its citizens. The United States is dying under the weight of the administrative state, abetted by a lazy and corrupt two party political system which cares more for the preservation of its own privilege than for the Constitution and Nation-state that it ostensibly serves.

Read and consider the stepwise legislative and executive branch actions, so meticulously documented by Katherine Watt, which have empowered the modern security state/biopharmaceutical-defense complex. Each bill, each action, has been the vector sum of a myriad of political forces, lobbyists, think tank analyst and National Academy of Science inputs. I suggest that this provides a case study in how empire repeatedly eventually betrays its own ideals under the pressure of mundane, everyday decisions, each of which may seem justified in isolation at the time they are implemented, but which in aggregate develop an unstoppable momentum which grinds inexorably towards authoritarianism and overwhelming inefficiency.

According to Karl Popper (1902-1994), an Austrian-British scholar known for his total rejection of Plato as a philosophical ideal, Plato’s ideal republic was essentially a totalitarian state overseen by a benign, all-wise, all knowing dictator. In my experience, and in much of Christian teaching, mankind is deeply flawed. I very much doubt that a benign, all-wise, all knowing dictator has ever existed in human history. To my way of thinking, the minimalist, decentralized federal republic envisioned and codified in the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution and Bill of Rights is as close as mankind has been able to come to an ideal form of self governance. But it is groaning under the weight of accumulated years, legislative and administrative baggage.

As I see things, the real problem is that once enacted, political and legislative decisions are rarely re-evaluated, and instead each new wave of political activities layers upon the prior until the entire system cannot sustain the weight of the unexamined and unrevised sins of the past. No matter how noble the lie or the intentions, integrity, efficiency, and legitimacy dies a slow lingering death under the burden of past unacknowledged, unresolved and uncorrected legislative and bureaucratic mistakes.

The question in my mind is whether this trajectory can be altered by anything other than financial, political or military catastrophe, revolution, or all four.

Hope springs eternal.

February 26, 2023 1:38 pm

Some may have noted about a week ago NSW Health were encouraging a certain demographic to get Monkey pox jabs. I somehow doubt they will let us know how many took up the offer and if there have been any cases.

Seems like they may have been suggesting a super spreader event was going to take place.

February 26, 2023 1:41 pm

Seems like they may have been suggesting a super spreader event was going to take place.

What?! No lockdowns, no getting the shit beaten out of you by police?! Almost like there’s a different set of rules.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 26, 2023 1:42 pm

Underage girl-on girl sex…
Anyone feel like digging into what sort of taxpayer-funded, MiniArts controlled grants or incentives went into our very own home-grown bit of dodgy raunch?

February 26, 2023 1:43 pm

He’s been around for years, peddling leftwing swill. A a generational public sector parasite too.

Look at how this Liar’s party groober is trying to cover up for his side.

Greg Jericho
Just a reminder, no one is suggesting you can’t put more than $3m in a retirement fund; you just wouldn’t get the tax breaks for monies over that amoun

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 1:44 pm

We could of course use a GPS that gave directions but you do have to have an address or place to plug into. Overseas, the GPS on hire cars, even when installed, is often faulty or obscure in its operation and set up in a foreign language with no indication of how to change that.

In Australia the car GPS is more useful. Also the main roads are well known to us.

We’ll be heading for Bendigo in a month to attend some selected operas in Wagner’s Ring Cycle, which they are putting on in three cycles over March and April. At least this performance will have some of the Nordic mythic elements, unlike the performance in Brisbane which we dipped out of due to its lack of such recognition. Without Nordic myths, the music is still engrossing but the reasons for its shifts in tone are obscured.

February 26, 2023 1:44 pm

February 26, 2023 at 1:11 pm
GP is Gateway Pundit.


February 26, 2023 1:44 pm

I think the story will unfold in the USD (DXY) , precious metals and oil.

And BTC 😉

February 26, 2023 1:46 pm

Malone mentions Whitney Webb. Only come across here about a month ago but she has given some fascinating interviews about big picture type stuff.

February 26, 2023 1:46 pm

Did anyone actually observe PM the Rt Hon Rhinestone Wogboi mincing with the perverts last night?
If yes, could we have a description of his chaps, vest and general demeanor please?

February 26, 2023 1:47 pm

I think the story will unfold in the USD (DXY) , precious metals and oil.

And BTC ?

Add natural gas and coal to that equation as well.

February 26, 2023 1:47 pm

Oh come on says:
February 26, 2023 at 12:31 pm
What has been the fate of Australia’s Bushmasters? I suspect they’re resting in pieces – has there been any confirmation of this? I saw a photo of one that’d been destroyed, didn’t hear anything else after that.

There is something of a ‘blackout’ on reporting Western equipment losses by comparison to us being routinely shown Russian equipment losses. I have seen a photo of a Russian captured Bushmaster now emblazoned with the ‘Z’ logo and ‘thankyou Australia’ (written in cyrillic) on the side.

I understand the vehicles are not directly on the frontline per se but are used to ferry wounded Ukrainian soldiers from the ‘Aid Station’ at the rear to more advanced hospital-like facilities elsewhere. They are also used to ferry Ukrainian soldiers to a ‘step-off’ point and those soldiers then make their way to the actual fighting. (Might be the same place – drop off fresh soldiers/pick up wounded). I imagine the inbound Bushmasters would be a tempting target.

(apologies if I have not used the correct military terminology – military Cats could provide accurate location descriptions.)

February 26, 2023 1:49 pm

Seeing that the fuel supply is in such a parlous state, as someone who is well versed in the industry, why are the fuel suppliers not better prepared for such a scenario?

Would you be investing if Government kept telling you they were ending your industry?

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 26, 2023 1:50 pm

Ed Casesays:
February 26, 2023 at 1:30 pm
Pumping mostly ration packs outta Amberley.

So, we’re doing our part to keep the slaughter going by feeding the Uke, who has an average life expectancy of 3 hours at the Front Lines, but Australia has no blood on it’s hands, oh no?

Richard Cranium

That “3 hours” statistic seems very dodgy. Are they trying to say that a section of nine men goes to the front line, and 24 hours later only one is still alive? It has echoes of the average life of a subaltern on the Western Front in WW I was two weeks, a number that did not match the number of dead subalterns during the war.

February 26, 2023 1:52 pm

Greg Jericho was trending on Twitter 2 nights ago.

I had a brief look and seemed like an organised trending based on people Tweeting.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 26, 2023 1:52 pm

Thought for the dasy
Every state-pushed novel cultural ceremony, from the month long Pride Parade to the briefest stumbling primary school Welcome To Country, to an Eid feast, is a Triumph. In the old Roman sense. And every action to crush ceremonies like Easter, Australia Day, and ANZAC marches is deliberately shoving these traditions into the postmodern memory hole mulcher.
And I’m sick of the Cathedral carrying the water. Leni Riefenstahl has written their playbook.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 1:55 pm

In that double post I changed Hairy’s ‘laptop’ to Hairy’s ‘tablet gadget’.

Are tablets redundant now though? As the handheld mobile becomes bigger, or flips out bigger?
Laptops seem to have pretty much replaced the work desk computer now too. Maybe the thin travel laptop is now also replacing the tablet.

Hard to keep up with all of the technology.
I still use and enjoy my CD’s and DVD’s but I am a dinosaur who makes grandkids laugh.

February 26, 2023 1:56 pm

Bourne1879 says:
February 26, 2023 at 1:52 pm

Greg Jericho was trending on Twitter 2 nights ago.

I had a brief look and seemed like an organised trending based on people Tweeting.

The Liar’s Party groober has been around for ages – always acting as a lick-spittle to the ALP.

Cassie of Sydney
February 26, 2023 1:58 pm

“Who’s the Beetroot, Cass?”

Barnabus Joyce.

February 26, 2023 2:04 pm

I think we are observing the consequences of the last gasps of Imperial Pax Americana play out in real time before our eyes. American imperialism is quite literally running out of gas, teetering on the edge, awaiting some push (from BRICS? From the CCP?) over the knife’s edge towards dollar-based fiat currency collapse and imperial decline such as the British empire saw during the 20th century.

A very interesting point there. POTUS Biden is not at all a good look for the future of the US.

The US has been top of the pile for a very long time. Over a century. The clear world leader providing direction and technological advances . Stumbling from that position doesn’t necessarily mean another takes her place. It could just mean that what replaces the pile is a muddled disorganized heap engaged in a dog fight for dominance – that could last for many decades. More or less until some kind of global cataclysm transpires to throw up a new dominant leadership.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 26, 2023 2:09 pm

The BeetRooter?

He had a lucky escape at the 2016 Election.

Richard Torbay announced he would challenge Joyce, then the next thing ya know, The Australian reveals that Torbay was being funded by the ALP for all the years he spent as an Independent in the NSW Cabinet.
So much for voting Independent.

Then Tony Windsor challenged Joyce.
10 days out from Polling day, The Australian has an expose of Windsor’s brutal tenure as a prefect at Woodlawn College.

Fast forward to 2017:
It turns out Beetrooter is actually a New Zealand citizen and GrandDad Beetrooter was Military Governor of New Zealand during World War 2
[Beetrooter Grandpere said
” Don’t worry about calling the 1943 General Election.”
so they didn’t.]
All this was news to BeetRooter, of course.

BeetRooter, Spook, or just incredibly lucky, like winning PowerBall 4 weeks in a row?

February 26, 2023 2:11 pm

Kate McClymont broke the Richard Torbay story.

February 26, 2023 2:14 pm

When I was in NZ I had a Toyota Aqua hybrid. Known here as a Prius C. No longer available here, pushing Yaris hybrid instead. Got approximately 3.3/100 mixed driving with a high proportion of rural with lots of hills.

February 26, 2023 2:16 pm

The reason why I didn’t include BTC, coal or NG is that I think that a cyclical confirmation the approaching “inevitable” in response to the obscene debt load Govt’s are landing on us, will first appear in DXY, oil and gold. The more traditional and established assets where the serious “old” money flows in and out of. The “insiders”.

February 26, 2023 2:17 pm

Thanks for all the hybrid information guys. It has been very instructive.

February 26, 2023 2:18 pm

Interview – Oliver Stone & Lex Fridman from May 2022:

In this interview it is claimed that in the days before 24 February (start of Ukraine war) there was heavy artillery fire into Donbass. Claim is that Ukraine had 110,000 troops on the border & were about to invade.

February 26, 2023 2:19 pm

You’re such a mindless idiot, mOron. One day, you will confound us all and amazingly come up with an original unique thought that will actually prove correct. But until then this drivel isn’t even worthy of a post from a wrongologist like you.

Makka, you’re having a lovely time today predicting the downfall of NATO. Blowhards like you have predicted the death of NATO for decades, and yet still it stands as the biggest military and political grouping in the world.

Russia is in far more danger of winking out of existence than NATO is right now.

February 26, 2023 2:22 pm

Makka, you’re having a lovely time today predicting the downfall of NATO.

You can’t even fkg read, mOron. Stick to video games. They’re better suited to your lemming mentality.

Robert Sewell
February 26, 2023 2:23 pm

Bruce O’Newk:

The ousting of Mr O’Keefe days after PV caught Pfizer in flagrente delicto was curious to say the least. Widespread suggestions that the very rich and very powerful Pfizer was behind it, which isn’t to say they were or weren’t. But the total collapse of PV after the board’s action shows there’s something subterranean going on.

Reinstate O’Keefe and sack the 16 who signed the letter. (But if the 16 are prepared to state publicly and succinctly why they demanded his resignation, then they can be re employed and then dismissed at the next reorganisation.)

February 26, 2023 2:26 pm

Just looking at RT site. There is a photo of a buggered Bushmaster and commentary that “Russian arms makers have carefully studied Western weapons captured during the fighting in Ukraine and used this experience for the benefit of the country’s military, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said. “We’ve also studied enemy weapons, which were captured in the form of trophies and dismantled piece by piece in our military design bureaus. We’ve learned a lot of useful things for ourselves and turned the enemy’s experience to our own advantage,”

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 26, 2023 2:27 pm

Bakhmut Life Expectancy Near Four Hours On Frontlines, Fighter Warns


February 26, 2023 2:36 pm

This is how the leftist thought police operate in modern USA (and very likely here too)


Ed Case
Ed Case
February 26, 2023 2:42 pm

The Australian reveals that Torbay was being funded by the ALP for all the years he spent as an Independent in the NSW Cabinet.

Kate McClymont broke the Richard Torbay story.
Have consulted Wiki, here are the correct details:

In August 2012, Torbay was pre-selected as the National Party candidate for the federal seat of New England for the 2013 election, challenging former fellow state independent and current sitting member Tony Windsor.
However, he continued to sit as an independent in the state parliament, and did not join the NSW Nationals party room. Polls consistently showed Torbay well-positioned to reclaim the seat that had been in National hands for 79 years before Windsor won it in 2001.
Indeed, most calculations of “traditional” two-party matchups between the Nationals and Labor during Windsor’s tenure had shown New England as a comfortably safe Nationals seat.

However, on 19 March 2013, in a surprise move, the Nationals forced Torbay to stand down as the party’s candidate in New England and resign his party membership.
Later that night, the Nationals referred information about him to the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption. The following morning Torbay also resigned his seat in State Parliament.

It later emerged that the Nationals had received word that Torbay had received illicit donations from Labor interests to run against National Party candidates in Northern Tablelands. They were also alarmed by his ties to Labor power-broker Eddie Obeid, who at the time was the target of the biggest corruption investigation in NSW history.
Reportedly, Torbay also faced questions surrounding his ownership of 20 Centrelink buildings dating back to John Howard’s tenure as Prime Minister.

Torbay was also Speaker during the Keneally, Iemma and Rees Governments

February 26, 2023 2:46 pm

“We’ll be heading for Bendigo in a month to attend some selected operas in Wagner’s Ring Cycle”

The only thing worse than a week in Bendigo would be having to sit through Wagner. I entered a raffle once, first prize was a week in Bendigo, second prize was two weeks.

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 26, 2023 2:46 pm

What’s to learn from studying the Bushmaster? It’s not exactly cutting edge tech.

February 26, 2023 2:48 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
February 26, 2023 at 12:58 pm

Thanks for the Motivator link.
Sent it to mum, and she started doing the ‘sitting down’ version but only can manage a few minutes, but increasing each day.
Great, she can’t stand the voice unfortunately, nothing racist, so she does it with the sound off.

February 26, 2023 2:49 pm

Bendigo boasts the best sausage rolls in the Western world. The bakery up the street directly across from the Town Hall should be declared a national treasure. Also, there’s a wonderful, vast and well organised secondhand bookshop.

February 26, 2023 2:51 pm

Oh come on says:
February 26, 2023 at 2:46 pm
What’s to learn from studying the Bushmaster? It’s not exactly cutting edge tech.

Dunno. How not to do it? Where the weaknesses are?

February 26, 2023 2:54 pm

I understand the vehicles are not directly on the frontline per se but are used to ferry wounded Ukrainian soldiers from the ‘Aid Station’ at the rear to more advanced hospital-like facilities elsewhere. They are also used to ferry Ukrainian soldiers to a ‘step-off’ point

Cue the outrage over ‘war crimes’ when one of these (dual use) Bushies gets popped, despite it ‘clearly displaying the red cross*’

PS you *cannot* use a cross emblazoned ‘ambulance’ to transport active troops – that is as much a war crime as disregarding a red Cross on a real ambulance.

February 26, 2023 2:59 pm

BREAKING: Katie Hobbs and Runbeck election services have been named as recipients of Sinaloa cartel bribes via deeds of trust and phony mortgages in AZ senate investigation.

When are the criminals running this country going to be held accountable?


Robert Sewell
February 26, 2023 3:00 pm

Old Ozzie:

The other speech came from Putin, who spoke for a whopping two hours on Tuesday evening, in which he reiterated his commitment to total victory over Ukraine and how the United States was ruled by “satanists” and “pedophiles.”

Honestly, I can’t say that he’s wrong.

Face it, there will be no peace in our time. The recent speeches made by Biden and Putin, as well as the increasing involvement of China in the Ukraine conflict, mean that war is our lot – and this war is not one that the West can easily win.

These are evil times and the West is not one of the goodies.

February 26, 2023 3:00 pm


Putin is a worse military leader than Stalin.

A fairly uncontroversial statement.

February 26, 2023 3:04 pm

These are evil times and the West is not one of the goodies.

If you’re not completely black pilled then we owe it to future generations to eject and punish our rulers and stop pretending that cheering on Putin’s neoconservative adventurism is going to save the West or cure it of wokeism because he says some appealing things.

February 26, 2023 3:06 pm

Makka, you won’t be surprised to learn that the fellow behind NewsGuard is serial entrepreneurial failure Steve Brill. And who’s behind Brill? Why, George Soros!

The Contentville partnership, like the backing Mr. Brill originally obtained for Brill Media Ventures from the entrepreneur Barry Diller and the investor George Soros, was a testament to his ability to persuade wealthy friends that his ideas would flourish. Asked about the extent of the financial losses of Brill Media Ventures, Mr. Brill said only: ”It’s safe to say we all lost money. Our net worth was not greatly diminished.”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2023 3:06 pm

Alice Springs update.

Shit, but not nearly as shit as painted earlier (and now forgotten) by the media class.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 26, 2023 3:09 pm

I don’t know any bakeries across the street from the town hall. There’s a couple of bistro type places back toward the mall and a pub is on the other side.
Have you got a name? I don’t want to miss out.

February 26, 2023 3:13 pm

areff says:
February 26, 2023 at 2:49 pm
Bendigo boasts the best sausage rolls in the Western world. The bakery up the street directly across from the Town Hall should be declared a national treasure.

Oh no you don’t. I make the best sausage rolls in the world. Me. At home. I will accept the Bendigo Bakery opposite the Town Hall to claim the best ‘commercial’ sausage rolls in Australia but in the outright category, it’s me. I have family/friends who will attest if necessary.


Ed Case
Ed Case
February 26, 2023 3:13 pm


… the United States was ruled by “satanists” and “pedophiles.”

Putin’s neoconservative adventurism is [not] going to save the West or cure it of wokeism because he says some appealing things.

If Putin is correct, curing Wokeism is the least of our worries.

February 26, 2023 3:14 pm

Oh for lord’s sake. Get a load of the crap that sold for 42 million in QLD – Gold Coast hinterlands.

What’s Italian style about it, other than the stupid name they gave the shithole. The architect should be thrown to the sharks.

All of Queensland’s previous property records have been smashed after with the auction sale of a sprawling estate in the Gold Coast Hinterland which achieved a bid of $42m that almost looked as though it would not be enough.

The private auction on Saturday at Bellagio La Villa at Tallebudgera Valley attracted 20 people and two bidders.

The Italian style mansion on 49ha of land has been on the market on and off for the past two years, with billionaire Chinese developer, Riyu Li, founder of Ridong Group, doing extensive works on the property to get it ready for sale.

The unconditional agreement was left open for negotiation on Saturday after the auction, with the vendor hoping the final offer may be raised to get closer to the properties original asking price of $50m.

pic 1 exterior.

Pic 2 Get a load of the interior

February 26, 2023 3:15 pm

Bellagio La Villa


Ed Case
Ed Case
February 26, 2023 3:16 pm

Sounds like Putler has unleashed his inner Iranian Mullah?

Satanists and Pedophiles?

February 26, 2023 3:18 pm

No balconies, small eaves, hideous carriage awning and a lack of complimentary gardens.

The interior suffers from a lack of consistency.

It’s not absolutely awful but it is how you squander a few million.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 26, 2023 3:21 pm

The Chinese go nuts over the white interiors and that 19th French style.

Another Chinaman musta been the bidder, no Aussie could live there.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 26, 2023 3:22 pm

Are you lot sure you mean the town hall?
It faces Bull Street.

February 26, 2023 3:22 pm

That place gives Italians a bad name. Once again money doesn’t buy good taste.

February 26, 2023 3:23 pm

sfw says:
February 26, 2023 at 2:46 pm

“We’ll be heading for Bendigo in a month to attend some selected operas in Wagner’s Ring Cycle”

The only thing worse than a week in Bendigo would be having to sit through Wagner.


Ring Cycle I agree – howver enjoyed Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg in Albert Hall London

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg occupies a unique place in Wagner’s oeuvre. It is the only comedy among his mature operas (he had come to reject his early Das Liebesverbot) and is also unusual among his works in being set in a historically well-defined time and place rather than in a mythical or legendary setting.

February 26, 2023 3:24 pm

Gez, I just checked street view for the bakery. It seems in the three years since I was last there it has gone out of business. The address is now a ladies’ boutique. Sigh

February 26, 2023 3:24 pm

Bellagio La Villa at Tallebudgera Valley in chunkese: Tallebudgera sh?ng? de Bellagio La Villa. What is its feng shui rating.

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 26, 2023 3:26 pm

Robertson pie shop. They’re the best.
Murrabit market, first Saturday every month. Well worth a look.

February 26, 2023 3:26 pm

Bendigo boasts the best sausage rolls in the Western world. The bakery up the street directly across from the Town Hall should be declared a national treasure. Also, there’s a wonderful, vast and well organised secondhand bookshop.

Bendigo is lucky. Dead lucky.

Meanwhile in Williams in WA, the tourist attraction known as ‘The Woolshed’ has a good cafe whose homemade sausage rolls I have found unequalled in WA, Whyalla, Ravenshoe, Mt Hagen, Harare, Marrakech, Mashhad, Iznik, Kochi, or Portsmouth. (I have not checked Bordeaux or le Marais adequately yet, but will.) Their sausage roll is nearly a pound of lightly spiced oily, pastry-wrapped meaty goodness that leaves you stonkered for the rest of the drive to Albany or Denmark.

February 26, 2023 3:27 pm

I think this is joint, which has moved house an is part of a chain

Robert Sewell
February 26, 2023 3:31 pm

Old Ozzie:

Obama’s Former WH Physician: Biden’s Cognitive Decline ‘Brings Us Closer to an All-Out War’ with Russia, China

The issue here:
Russia or China tries for a decapitation strike against the US.
Only Biden can authorise a retaliatory response unless he is dead or removed from office for mental reasons – like the ships doctor is the most powerful person on a ship, he is the only one who can dismiss the Captain on mental health grounds.
In that case the VP is sworn in as President, and can then order a retaliatory strike.
Can all this be done in the half hour timeframe it takes for an ICBM to hit Washington?
Can it be done in the ten minute timeframe that a hypersonic missile will take to hit Washington from China or from the middle of the Pacific?
The US is in a very vulnerable position because senile Joe is not going to be able to react in time to an existential threat, and no one appears to be thinking about how dangerous is the US position.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 26, 2023 3:34 pm

Did anyone actually observe PM the Rt Hon Rhinestone Wogboi mincing with the perverts last night?
If yes, could we have a description of his chaps, vest and general demeanor please?

Daggy dad, not a sequin in sight – with his unfortunate lady in close physical contact.

In typical Albanese style, two bob each way:

I’m the First PM Right On Enough to Mardi March (but I’m straight as an arrow, a man’s man – well, not like that, of course – not that there’s anything wrong with a bit of bottomly love – although, obviously not something I do, obviously not, look, here’s my heterosexual partner – so I’m still tight with gaydom, but electable).

February 26, 2023 3:34 pm

The only flaw in this system is human fallibility. I do tend to fluster at crucial moments and get left and right confused, so I am always yelling, no right, go right, I meant right not left, go right etc.

mum is that you?

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 26, 2023 3:38 pm

Ed Casesays:
February 26, 2023 at 2:27 pm
Bakhmut Life Expectancy Near Four Hours On Frontlines, Fighter Warns

NewsWeek, ROFLMAO.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2023 3:42 pm

‘Fighter Warns’

Yeah. Righto.

February 26, 2023 3:42 pm

Makka, you won’t be surprised to learn that the fellow behind NewsGuard is serial entrepreneurial failure Steve Brill. And who’s behind Brill? Why, George Soros!

He’s everywhere , that insidious old grub.

February 26, 2023 3:45 pm

“here’s my heterosexual partner”
in the big, pink, satin pants
attempting Coy and Demure

February 26, 2023 3:45 pm

On the subject of sausage rolls, honourable mentions to the Pt Elliot Bakery (SA) and the Willunga Bakery (also SA).

Robert Sewell
February 26, 2023 3:48 pm


Who was it said ‘if a thing can’t go on… wont’ ?

That was me.
+ a couple of billion other people.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 3:50 pm

Gabor, glad your mum found The Motivator link helpful and good on you for passing it on. He is an OK bloke to listen to in my view, he has an easy style to follow, and he does keep you at it. I am fitter than most oldies I know and regularly dance harder dance classes to better music than his intro classes provide, but I still find a daily gee up with him keeps me fairly limber, which is important for living a life not much changed from my thirties. Nor is he just for oldies. I am sure he’d be good for getting many sedentary Cats of all ages up from the computer for a while, and thus fitter for the challenges of maintaining what is left of Western civilisation in the years to come. Anyway, now you know how easy it is to get a gentle and free workout to start you off exercising, no excuses.
I won’t put this up again now unless requested.

February 26, 2023 3:55 pm
Black Ball
Black Ball
February 26, 2023 3:56 pm

Flicking through the channels, some lady (?) on Offsiders. Tattoos all over the arms, soccer shirt on rainbow colours. ‘Footballers v Homophobes’ emblazoned across the front.
Samantha Lewis be her name. Railing about FIFA accepting some sort of sponsorship or somesuch from a Middle East country for the ladies World Cup.
Er sweetie, where was the men’s tournament just held? FMD

February 26, 2023 3:58 pm

Cue the outrage over ‘war crimes’ when one of these (dual use) Bushies gets popped, despite it ‘clearly displaying the red cross*’

PS you *cannot* use a cross emblazoned ‘ambulance’ to transport active troops – that is as much a war crime as disregarding a red Cross on a real ambulance.

The trick to not committing war crimes is to not lose the war…

If you win, no crime has been committed, no matter how horrible the actions committed against your enemy may have been.

They are all justified as being necessary to win the war at the time…

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 3:59 pm

In typical Albanese style, two bob each way:

That’s what I thought too. Very daggy dad and ‘protected’ by his girlfriend.

There, but not there.
Like an electron.*

* simile pinched from Bill Bryson, describing his search for Shakespeare, the man.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 26, 2023 4:03 pm

Why Marcus Blackmore is voting no on the Voice
[Feb 23, 10.30pm]

Why #Boycottblackmores is blowing up Twitter

Mass calls for a boycott is something no business wants to see – but that’s the exact position an iconic Aussie health firm has found itself in today.

However, lost in the small print:

A Blackmores Group spokesperson said it was not able to comment on the views of Mr Blackmore who has not been an employee or director of the company since late 2020.

This passes for debate on the future of Australia’s democracy.

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 26, 2023 4:04 pm

This is what she was on about.
Again, if this offends any of the players or teams in general, don’t play.

February 26, 2023 4:05 pm

The Vietnamese run bakery in Glenbrook is must do.
Also the deli down the street is a great place to stock up when having a weekend in the mountains.

February 26, 2023 4:11 pm

Mr Blackmore said he would be supporting Indigenous senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price’s ‘vote no’ campaign which is funded by conservative group Advance.

‘If Jacinta tells me I should vote no, I am voting no. She obviously knows a lot more about the Aboriginal issues than I do,’ he told The Australian Financial Review last week.

‘I have not been convinced by the Prime Minister or anybody else that I should vote yes. It’s no different to business. If you’re no good at sales, employ a salesman.’

The twatterverse is trying for a boycott of Blackmore’s. Lol. Not what it used to be eh twatter?
Judging by the comments on that story, Tennis Albo and his squeaky “Voice” are not the slam dunk he thought it would be.

February 26, 2023 4:12 pm

Dr Faustus,

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 26, 2023 4:15 pm

There, but not there.
Like an electron.*

An elegant simile.
(Buggered up slightly for autists by the Albanese Certainty Principle – he’s a certain quantum wherever there’s a potential vote.)

Robert Sewell
February 26, 2023 4:20 pm


t’s to learn from studying the Bushmaster? It’s not exactly cutting edge tech.

It’s more about how it’s manufactured and what the design philosophy is. The quality of the welds, the amount of machining that goes into an item. Does a particular part get manufactured by stamping or milling? Is the weld machine driven, or done by hand? Can the engine run on diesel or synthetics?
The MiG ?29 that the Russian pilot defected to Japan in the ?80’s had valves in its electrical system, not just transistors. It wasn’t until the laughter died down at the ‘backward Russian design’ that someone realised valves had superior protection to EMP than transistors, and the aircraft had better survivability in a nuclear confrontation.
All this sort of detail can give a good look at an adversaries industrial base and from there an idea of its capacity.
Russian design philosophy is a lot cleverer than is made out and it’s better adapted to a Total War scenario than ours.

February 26, 2023 4:22 pm

and stop pretending that cheering on Putin’s neoconservative adventurism is going to save the West or cure it of wokeism because he says some appealing things.

Putin will not save the west or cure it of wokeism. The sickness of the west is self inflicted and must be cured by ourselves. But if he manages to be successful in taking the Donbass and going no further, he will have totally humiliated the Euros/ NATO , the sick Biden Administration and the vile western MSM . Given horrible the state of those 3 entities at present, I certainly would’t shed a single tear for them.

February 26, 2023 4:25 pm

Thanks Dr Faustus, but wasn’t he meant to be marching with “That Wong Chap”, as some refer to them?

February 26, 2023 4:27 pm


February 26, 2023 4:27 pm

The MiG ?29 that the Russian pilot defected to Japan in the ?80’s had valves in its electrical system

Mig 25 Foxbat I believe.

Designed specifically to intercept high altitude bombers that the U.S. had plans for, but never put into production.

The West called it backward because it was designed to counter a specific threat that never materialised.

February 26, 2023 4:28 pm

The big bear bald eagles are copping a bit of a pasting in the Californian blizzard (global warming, don’t ya know).

Watch hubby(?) come home about 17:27:50. “Shit weather we’re having, eh?”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 26, 2023 4:41 pm

Reading that Daily Mail report on Blackmore’s, and noting that Blackmores dissociates itself from the founder’s position, saying he is no longer with the Company, leads me to despair that the Voice will ever be adequately explained in the media as the disaster it could become nor will it be resisted by Corporates. It is all YES as the way to vote and NO as disappointing unconcern for aboriginal disadvantage. Unless this can be changed, and soon, the YES vote will romp in and we will be left with an unfixable Constitutional problem for the future.

The Libs coming out for NO would be an improvement.

February 26, 2023 4:47 pm

But if he manages to be successful in taking the Donbass and going no further


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 26, 2023 4:55 pm

Thanks Dr Faustus, but wasn’t he meant to be marching with “That Wong Chap”, as some refer to them?

Peter: Not sure – although I’m sure it would have been carefully choreographed to the nearest sequin.

I’ll flick back through my recording and check – oh, damn, someone has recorded Midsomer Murders over it…

February 26, 2023 4:57 pm

Sorry, my link is buggered

see mig 25 here

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 26, 2023 4:57 pm

Robert S

The MiG ?29 that the Russian pilot defected to Japan in the ?80’s had valves in its electrical system, not just transistors. It wasn’t until the laughter died down at the ‘backward Russian design’ that someone realised valves had superior protection to EMP than transistors, and the aircraft had better survivability in a nuclear confrontation.

A MiG-25, not -29. IIRC, some of the skin was (low quality) stainless steel.

February 26, 2023 4:59 pm

Robert Sewell says:
February 26, 2023 at 4:20 pm

What’s to learn from studying the Bushmaster? It’s not exactly cutting edge tech.

It’s more about how it’s manufactured and what the design philosophy is. The quality of the welds, the amount of machining that goes into an item. Does a particular part get manufactured by stamping or milling? Is the weld machine driven, or done by hand? Can the engine run on diesel or synthetics?

The MiG ?29 that the Russian pilot defected to Japan in the ?80’s had valves in its electrical system, not just transistors. It wasn’t until the laughter died down at the ‘backward Russian design’ that someone realised valves had superior protection to EMP than transistors, and the aircraft had better survivability in a nuclear confrontation.

Today – Old Fashioned Technology

Triode – TRX-M845 – Tube Monoblock Power Amplifiers (Pair)
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Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 26, 2023 5:01 pm

First public hearing announced for Bruce Lehrmann trial inquiry
The ACT government inquiry will investigate how the criminal justice system responded to rape allegations made by Brittany Higgins against Bruce Lehrmann.
NSW Editor
4:29PM February 26, 2023

The independent inquiry probing misconduct in the prosecution of Bruce Lehrmann for the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins will hold its first public hearing on April 26, as Commissioner Walter Sofronoff, KC, continues to subpoena central figures in the case.

Among those who have now been ordered to hand over all relevant material are the Australian Federal Police: the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold SC; ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates; and the ACT Bar Association.

All material produced under those subpoenas is subject to suppression orders imposed by Mr Sofronoff but it is expected that most evidence, including written statements and submissions will, in due course, appear on the commission’s website.
Read Next

Both Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann have indicated they will cooperate fully with the inquiry.

Mr Lehrmann’s lawyer, Steven Whybrow, has also been subpoenaed. Mr Lehrmann has waived legal professional privilege over his communications with Mr Whybrow so his lawyer can cooperate fully with the inquiry.

Mr Sofronoff, a former Queensland solicitor-general and retired president of the Queensland Court of Appeal, has the power to issue search warrants and compel documents.

The inquiry will investigate the conduct of the police investigation and the conduct of the DPP, including his decisions to proceed to trial and not to proceed to a retrial.

Mr Sofronoff will also examine whether Ms Yates, who frequently accompanied Ms Higgins to court, “acted in accordance with the relevant statutory framework in terms of support provided to the complainant”.

Among the crucial questions to be considered by Mr Sofronoff is whether Mr Drumgold exercised his prosecutorial discretion properly. That is, on the facts known at the time, would a reasonable person acting properly have decided to prosecute?

The Commissioner is specifically empowered under the terms of reference to examine the “reasons and motives” of all parties and will look at whether the DPP acted for the right reasons or whether he started from a position that led him to act improperly.

Mr Drumgold’s public statements when he decided not to proceed with a second trial, after the first was aborted due to juror misconduct, are also likely to come under the microscope.

At his press conference, Mr Drumgold stood by his belief that there were reasonable prospects of securing a conviction against Mr Lehrmann and praised the “bravery, grace and dignity” of Ms Higgins but said nothing of the presumption of innocence due to Mr Lehrmann, who has at all times denied the allegations.

The comments astonished many in the legal profession who asked whether it was consistent with the responsibilities of a DPP to the administration of justice rather than to individual complainants.

Mr Sofronoff will be required to consider whether Mr Drumgold’s remarks reflect a prosecutor who had such a set view about the case that he allowed it to influence his role as prosecutor.

Mr Sofronoff will not revisit any of the evidence in the trial, but it is within his power to call witnesses who appeared.

One witness, former Liberal staffer Fiona Brown, has accused the prosecutor of threatening and ­intimidating her as she left the witness box on a morning tea break, and of ignoring her pleas to be ­recalled to the stand to refute what she alleged was “blatantly false and misleading” evidence by Ms Higgins.

Ms Brown, who was former minister Linda Reynolds’ chief of staff, has alleged Mr Drumgold and an associate berated her for providing “inadmissable evidence” and that Mr Drumgold then tried to use her mental health to discredit her as a witness.

Senator Reynolds will lodge a submission with the inquiry into the conduct of the DPP.

The inquiry will likely also look at whether Mr Drumgold took appropriate steps to guard against prejudicial material coming before potential jurors, particularly when it became known that TV presenter Lisa Wilkinson’s interview with Ms Higgins was up for a Logie Award.

Ms Wilkinson won the Logie and Mr Lehrmann’s trial was delayed by several months after Chief Justice Lucy McCallum ruled that her victory speech was highly prejudicial to the case.

Network Ten told Justice McCallum that neither Ms Wilkinson nor its senior legal counsel present at a conference with Mr Drumgold before the broadcast had been cautioned by him that her speech could result in the trial being postponed.

In a complaint to the ACT Bar Association, Mr Lehrmann has also alleged his former lawyer John Korn had a phone conversation with Mr Drumgold the day before Ms Higgins was to address the National Press Club, to establish whether he would provide a similar warning to Ms Higgins.

“His reply to Mr Korn was remarkable,” Mr Lehrmann said. “The director indicated it was not his place to tell her what to do or say in the media.”

The inquiry will also investigate Mr Drumgold’s claim, in a letter to ACT police chief Neil Gaughan, of “inappropriate interference” by police during the investigation and trial.

Mr Drumgold said there was “a very clear campaign” by police to pressure him not to prosecute Mr Lehrmann for the alleged rape of Ms Higgins.

“Then when charges resulted, the [police] interests have clearly aligned with the successful defence of this matter rather than its prosecution,” he wrote.

Mr Sofronoff is specifically required under his terms of reference to look at how that letter came to be released by the DPP to The Guardian newspaper but withheld for several days from other media outlets,

The Commission is expected to question senior police including ACT Police Manager of Criminal Investigations, Detective Superintendent Scott Moller after revelations by The Weekend Australian that police believed there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Mr Lehrmann, but could not stop the DPP from doing so because “there is too much political interference”.

The Commission is expected to examine whether the proper administration of justice was undermined by pressure arising from the #MeToo movement and the media attention on Ms Higgins, and other forms of “political interference” at play, including any conversations between the DPP and politicians.

Mr Drumgold was reported to have expressed “serious concern about the potentially unlawful sharing of police material” after publication of the documents by The Australian and the leak of that material may also be examined by the Commission.

The inquiry will not reach into the courtroom to explore how Chief Justice McCallum conducted the trial. The executive arm of government in the ACT cannot investigate the judiciary.

Mr Sofronoff is due to report back on June 30.

February 26, 2023 5:21 pm

Hopefully in the not too distant future there will be a Royal Commission into the Brereton Inquiry.

Thoughts and prayers.

Cassie of Sydney
February 26, 2023 5:31 pm

“The inquiry will investigate the conduct of the police investigation and the conduct of the DPP, including his decisions to proceed to trial and not to proceed to a retrial.

Mr Sofronoff will also examine whether Ms Yates, who frequently accompanied Ms Higgins to court, “acted in accordance with the relevant statutory framework in terms of support provided to the complainant”.”

Janet A reported back in December last year that whilst the Higgins case was being heard, next door in another court room there was also a rape case. She noted how Ms Yates never bothered assisting the female plaintiff in that case.

The whole things reeks of a political hit job.

February 26, 2023 5:32 pm

In typical Albanese style

Craven toadying to all sides.

February 26, 2023 5:38 pm

Bridgewater bakery was always a treat but I hear its unbelievably busy nowadays. And the local markets too.

Was there a few hours ago and yes it’s unbelievably busy! We bought the last four pies.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 26, 2023 5:44 pm

The Libs coming out for NO would be an improvement.

How can they announce for No when Albanese won’t release any details?

February 26, 2023 5:45 pm

GAME OVER: Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your chance of dying

This is why the CDC has NEVER used the Medicare data to prove the vaccines are safe. And this is why NOBODY in mainstream medicine wants you to see this data. EVER. They ALL want it hidden. FOREVER.

February 26, 2023 5:45 pm

Anal’s a cultural marxist and the ‘mardi gras’ is a manifestation of cultural marxism- society wrecking and ridiculing all that is good. Just like transvestites dressed as warriors.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 26, 2023 5:48 pm

The cheapest Pie Shop is the Vietnamese bakery on Vulture St West End, 4 doors down from the Indian Kitchen, which is also good value.
Their specialty is Pork Roll.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 26, 2023 5:57 pm


February 26, 2023 at 3:14 pm

Oh for lord’s sake. Get a load of the crap that sold for 42 million in QLD – Gold Coast hinterlands.

What’s Italian style about it …

It’s about as Italian as haggis or sushi.
Like those faux chateaux we see shoe-horned onto suburban blocks in Melbourne.
Totally out of proportion, out of context and out of taste.

February 26, 2023 6:05 pm
February 26, 2023 6:13 pm

Perceptive article by Brendan O’Neill at Spiked about how the transgender ‘movement’ is reviving gay guilt:

The return of gay shame
Identity Politics

On the face of it, Munroe Bergdorf and Milo Yiannopoulos don’t seem to have much in common. Bergdorf is the hyper-woke transgender model and activist who has supped so much of the identity-politics Kool-Aid that he even thinks homeless people enjoy ‘white privilege’. (Literally. ‘You can be homeless and still have white privilege’, Bergdorf said back in 2017. Make sure you tell the next white beggar who asks you for a couple of quid what an entitled life he leads.) Yiannopoulos, in contrast, is the one-time ‘alt-right’ blowhard who loved nothing more than making fun of fat feminists and riling right-on students. Where Bergdorf sashays with the politically correct establishment, Milo was a star in the dark, weird, ostentatiously un-PC catacombs of the world wide web. Also, Munroe’s star rises, Milo’s has faded (give or take his recent shortlived dalliance with Ye).

And yet, reading Transitional, Bergdorf’s memoir of transgender life, it struck me that there might just be one thing that binds Munroe and Milo: both, essentially, are ‘ex-gay’. Both have liberated themselves from homosexuality. Sure, Yiannopoulos did it in a religious fashion – he was recently reduced to selling Virgin Mary figurines on a Christian YouTube channel – while Bergdorf has done it with impeccable correct-speak, gabbing about embracing ‘sexual fluidity’ over the binary idea that there is ‘[nothing] else other than straight or gay’. But both have moved on, or claim to have moved on, from gay. Is Munroe a woke Milo? It’s worth considering. Certainly we should talk about how the trans ideology more broadly seems to have rehabilitated gay shame and given rise to a twisted new take on ‘gay liberation’. Now it’s less about liberating gays from oppression than liberating oneself from gayness.

Bergdorf’s book is a strange mix of memoir and self-help. Ostensibly it’s about the ‘fluidity of identity and relationships’ – ‘in one way or another, we all transition’, it says on the cover. Really it’s about Bergdorf’s life, from his privileged childhood in Stansted Mountfitchet (‘a picturesque, upper-middle-class, Norman town’) to his sexual and gender agonising in early adulthood to his stardom as a transwoman model for the likes of L’Oréal and British Vogue. It’s mostly your average memoir-as-therapy, the usual Oprah-lite fare that weighs down the shelves of every bookshop these days. (The dedication page goes on about ‘The love that I deserve… The love that I owe to myself.’ Get a room, Munroe and Munroe!) But then there’s the stuff on homosexuality. These sections feel genuinely disconcerting. Squint and in parts it reads like the memoir of a Christian converted out of his homosexuality. Only where those ex-gays saw the light of God’s love, the young gay Bergdorf saw the light of ‘gender transition’, which seemingly revealed to him that he wasn’t gay after all – he was a woman.

The book is riddled with talk of gay shame. Bergdorf seems to have spent much of his early life consumed by shame: ‘I felt ashamed of my identity, my heritage, my skin.’ Shame of his homosexuality – which is how he understood his identity in his teen years – was a particular problem. ‘[Even] though I knew I was gay and even though I understood that being gay was not a thing to be shamed for, I was still ashamed.’ When he was called homophobic names on account of his being ‘effeminate… camp’, he says ‘a part of me believed in their slurs’. He says he dreaded becoming a ‘monster’ if he ‘pursued’ his homosexual urges. He so often heard the idea that ‘being a gay man and being a sexual predator were synonymous’ that he became ‘absolutely terrified that I’d become a monster [too]’. What’s more, his parents didn’t handle his coming out well at all. ‘It’s just a phase’, his mum said. He was forbidden from doing ballet, because boys don’t do that. It was all ‘guilt and fear and negative feelings’, he writes of his gay years.

Then, one day, he discovers that he might not be gay after all. He might be female. The language he uses to describe his journey away from gay might be flawlessly politically correct, but it’s no less alarming for that. Maybe, he says, society had conditioned him to think of himself as gay. ‘I assumed that I must have been male and I assumed that I must have been gay because I was assigned male at birth, because I’m in this body that everybody refers to as male and because I find men’s bodies sexually attractive’, he writes. ‘But’ – but! – perhaps he was being hemmed in by those nasty old sexual binaries that say we’re all either male or female, gay or straight. ‘I didn’t know there was anything else other than straight or gay’, he writes. ‘I didn’t have the reach or understanding or language beyond being gay.’ (My emphasis.) He finally went beyond gay, though, when he started to transition into ‘womanhood’. Finally he found ‘a version of myself that I could be proud of’. Coming out as trans was ‘the beginning of transitioning out of shame’, he says. He was ‘transitioning out of shame and into pride’.


The return of gay shame
Identity Politics

On the face of it, Munroe Bergdorf and Milo Yiannopoulos don’t seem to have much in common. Bergdorf is the hyper-woke transgender model and activist who has supped so much of the identity-politics Kool-Aid that he even thinks homeless people enjoy ‘white privilege’. (Literally. ‘You can be homeless and still have white privilege’, Bergdorf said back in 2017. Make sure you tell the next white beggar who asks you for a couple of quid what an entitled life he leads.) Yiannopoulos, in contrast, is the one-time ‘alt-right’ blowhard who loved nothing more than making fun of fat feminists and riling right-on students. Where Bergdorf sashays with the politically correct establishment, Milo was a star in the dark, weird, ostentatiously un-PC catacombs of the world wide web. Also, Munroe’s star rises, Milo’s has faded (give or take his recent shortlived dalliance with Ye).

And yet, reading Transitional, Bergdorf’s memoir of transgender life, it struck me that there might just be one thing that binds Munroe and Milo: both, essentially, are ‘ex-gay’. Both have liberated themselves from homosexuality. Sure, Yiannopoulos did it in a religious fashion – he was recently reduced to selling Virgin Mary figurines on a Christian YouTube channel – while Bergdorf has done it with impeccable correct-speak, gabbing about embracing ‘sexual fluidity’ over the binary idea that there is ‘[nothing] else other than straight or gay’. But both have moved on, or claim to have moved on, from gay. Is Munroe a woke Milo? It’s worth considering. Certainly we should talk about how the trans ideology more broadly seems to have rehabilitated gay shame and given rise to a twisted new take on ‘gay liberation’. Now it’s less about liberating gays from oppression than liberating oneself from gayness.

Bergdorf’s book is a strange mix of memoir and self-help. Ostensibly it’s about the ‘fluidity of identity and relationships’ – ‘in one way or another, we all transition’, it says on the cover. Really it’s about Bergdorf’s life, from his privileged childhood in Stansted Mountfitchet (‘a picturesque, upper-middle-class, Norman town’) to his sexual and gender agonising in early adulthood to his stardom as a transwoman model for the likes of L’Oréal and British Vogue. It’s mostly your average memoir-as-therapy, the usual Oprah-lite fare that weighs down the shelves of every bookshop these days. (The dedication page goes on about ‘The love that I deserve… The love that I owe to myself.’ Get a room, Munroe and Munroe!) But then there’s the stuff on homosexuality. These sections feel genuinely disconcerting. Squint and in parts it reads like the memoir of a Christian converted out of his homosexuality. Only where those ex-gays saw the light of God’s love, the young gay Bergdorf saw the light of ‘gender transition’, which seemingly revealed to him that he wasn’t gay after all – he was a woman.

The book is riddled with talk of gay shame. Bergdorf seems to have spent much of his early life consumed by shame: ‘I felt ashamed of my identity, my heritage, my skin.’ Shame of his homosexuality – which is how he understood his identity in his teen years – was a particular problem. ‘[Even] though I knew I was gay and even though I understood that being gay was not a thing to be shamed for, I was still ashamed.’ When he was called homophobic names on account of his being ‘effeminate… camp’, he says ‘a part of me believed in their slurs’. He says he dreaded becoming a ‘monster’ if he ‘pursued’ his homosexual urges. He so often heard the idea that ‘being a gay man and being a sexual predator were synonymous’ that he became ‘absolutely terrified that I’d become a monster [too]’. What’s more, his parents didn’t handle his coming out well at all. ‘It’s just a phase’, his mum said. He was forbidden from doing ballet, because boys don’t do that. It was all ‘guilt and fear and negative feelings’, he writes of his gay years.

Then, one day, he discovers that he might not be gay after all. He might be female. The language he uses to describe his journey away from gay might be flawlessly politically correct, but it’s no less alarming for that. Maybe, he says, society had conditioned him to think of himself as gay. ‘I assumed that I must have been male and I assumed that I must have been gay because I was assigned male at birth, because I’m in this body that everybody refers to as male and because I find men’s bodies sexually attractive’, he writes. ‘But’ – but! – perhaps he was being hemmed in by those nasty old sexual binaries that say we’re all either male or female, gay or straight. ‘I didn’t know there was anything else other than straight or gay’, he writes. ‘I didn’t have the reach or understanding or language beyond being gay.’ (My emphasis.) He finally went beyond gay, though, when he started to transition into ‘womanhood’. Finally he found ‘a version of myself that I could be proud of’. Coming out as trans was ‘the beginning of transitioning out of shame’, he says. He was ‘transitioning out of shame and into pride’.
What if ‘sensitivity readers’ came for my novels?
What if ‘sensitivity readers’ came for my novels?
Lionel Shriver

This is sad, no? Picture it another way. Picture a memoir by someone less hip and less starry than Bergdorf, someone who ‘transitions out of shame’ by converting from male homosexuality to male heterosexuality. That would be considered a tragic tale, right? Some woke activists might even agitate for the banning of such a book on the basis that positive depictions of ‘conversion therapy’ could have a negative, esteem-whacking impact on young gay people. So why is Bergdorf’s tale of transitioning away from the shame that consumed him as a gay teen into the pride that came with his intensive surgical transformation into a ‘woman’ considered acceptable, wonderful even? Here’s my sincerely held if possibly controversial take: Bergdorf’s is a story of conversion therapy, too. Only it wasn’t a religious ideology that lifted Bergdorf out of the shame-inducing doldrums of homosexuality – it was the trans ideology.

This is not to suggest Bergdorf is homophobic or politically anti-gay. Indeed, unlike queen turned Bible-basher Milo Yiannopoulos, Bergdorf remains ardently pro-‘queer’. ‘I am… queer as fuck and proudly so’, he writes at one point. (There is, of course, an entire PhD to be written on the intersection, to use woke parlance, between new ‘queer’ ideologies and the rehabilitation of gay shame. Between showy, blue-haired ‘queerness’ on one hand, and the demonisation of same-sex – shudder – relations on the other. But that’s for another time.) And yet one cannot just let slide the fact that, here, we have a memoir by a man who writes at length about his ‘internalised shame’ over his homosexuality, his inability to understand how ‘anyone could be proud to be gay’, who then discovers that, mercifully, there is something beyond gay – transwomanhood; the reordering of the body so that it might better accord with one’s inner feelings. Bergdorf’s great dread was to remain trapped in the ‘purgatory between the hand I was dealt at birth and the outward lie that appeased those around me’. That is, between his seeming maleness – gay maleness at that – and his feeling of womanhood. ‘Liberation’ from this purgatory could only come through transition – including incredibly intrusive forms of bodily and facial surgery – so that Bergdorf’s flesh might become a better representation of his soul.

We need to start being honest about what a regressive idea this is – this idea that an individual’s feelings of shame and self-disgust might be fixed by gender transition. This is an idea feverishly cleaved to not only by woke ideologues like Bergdorf, but also by ruthlessly homophobic regimes like the one in Iran. A 2014 report published by Justice for Iran – Diagnosing Identities, Wounding Bodies – captured well the Iranian regime’s belief that shameful homosexuals can only become proud citizens by being surgically corrected. The theocratic rulers of Iran believe, it said, that if people display ‘a marked aversion to the normative mannerisms of the gender they have been assigned at birth’, then they should ‘undergo sex-reassignment surgeries in order to successfully uncover the truth about their sex and make it agree with their “true gender”’. Going back even further, to the pathologisation of homosexuality in the 19th century, we find the insulting belief pushed by psychologists that homosexuality was a case of a ‘female soul inhabit[ing] a male body’. Anyone else feel uncomfortable that the old homophobic view that male gayness is trapped femaleness seems to be making a comeback?

It seems increasingly clear that homophobia – whether of the old-fashioned, the woke or the ‘internalised’ variety – is a key component of trans thinking. Whistleblowers at gender clinics for children have described trans interventions as ‘conversion therapy for kids’. For her new book on the rise and fall of the Tavistock Clinic – Time To Think – Hannah Barnes spoke to gender clinicians who became concerned that some kids were transitioning after experiencing homophobic bullying and shame. A couple of years ago, a former gender clinician said of the kids being treated: ‘We heard a lot of homophobia… A lot of the girls would come in and say, “I’m not a lesbian. I fell in love with my best girl friend but then I went online and realised I’m not a lesbian, I’m a boy. Phew.”’ And now we have a memoir by one of the best-known transgender figures in the UK talking about his gender transition as a ‘transitioning out of shame and into pride’. What’s going on here?

All those gays and lesbians joyfully leaping around during ‘Pride’ might want to consider what the implications and consequences of embracing the pro trannie crowd might be. I refer readers to a comment by Shy Ted at Adam’s today about the lesbian version of Grindr. The pics say it all.

Seasoned feminists like Greer, Bindel and Rowling know that men who pretend to be women are not women. For that, they have been pilloried by a tiny, tiny minority, a braindead ‘intelligensia’ and a despicable MSM. Lesbians who do not want to date men with penises (let alone without them) have been accused of being transphobic.

For women, it is a brutal attack on their right to have privacy in toilets, bathrooms, changerooms and even domestic violence shelters and prisons. But men should not be complacent, either. As O’Neill’s article demonstrates, the trannie movement validates self hatred for gay men to the point where they pretend to be women.

The women have kicked back, hard. The men are uncharacteristically silent. I suppose they have less to lose – nobody is going to be threatened by a girl in the boys’ toilet or changeroom. But surely someone in the very active gay politics world realises what is going on?

A mitigating factor is that it would involve questioning the sacred tradition of drag. Well, that’s a problem they need to deal with, unless they are happy with gay lads getting their genitals chopped off.

February 26, 2023 6:23 pm

Frank says:
February 26, 2023 at 5:32 pm
In typical Albanese style
Craven toadying to all sides.

Worse than ScoMo?

Anything is possible.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2023 6:25 pm

I suspect anything that comes out of the ABS right now is about as accurate as Soviet tractor production statistics. At best you can say GIGO. And given how corrupted organizations like BoM are, I’d doubt you could say the best you could say.

February 26, 2023 6:30 pm

I suspect anything that comes out of the ABS right now is about as accurate as Soviet tractor production statistics.

What, the ABS is suppressing death rates because they should be shooting up even higher according to your narrative?
Any evidence to support your assertion?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2023 6:30 pm

Sorry Rosie I didn’t mean to bite your head off – I am just completely pissed off with the distortion of data in the Western world. Totally Soviet and Maoist. Data and the using of it is a large part of my profession, and for it to be corrupted like it has been in the last couple of decades is an insult to my intelligence and my moral consciousness. The whole public service could do with a good solid Augean clean out and start over.

February 26, 2023 6:33 pm

Solar panels and windmills will solve the UK’s winter salad shortages.

February 26, 2023 6:36 pm

Sorry Bruce but if you are going to assert that the ABS are falsifying death statistics you ought to provide some evidence for that assertion.
Don’t hardware it away with everyone is horrible.

February 26, 2023 6:37 pm

The whole public service could do with a good solid Augean clean out and start over.

I don’t think that’s possible, BoN. We live in a post-Truth world. The replacements would still believe that pushing the narrative in defiance of the truth is the morally right thing to do.

“My feelings don’t care about your facts.”

February 26, 2023 6:39 pm

Sorry Bruce but if you are going to assert that the ABS are falsifying death statistics you ought to provide some evidence for that assertion.

Bruce merely expressed a polite scepticism about the reliability of the claimed data, Rosie. Quite a lot of us are sceptical of the official stats these days.

February 26, 2023 6:46 pm

I’ve got nothing Dr bg.
It can’t be that everyone is corrupt and everyone is lying.
I was only hoping someone would look at those statistics and make some comment about what they might be telling us.
And I politely disagree about the politeness. I think Bruce acknowledged that himself.

February 26, 2023 6:54 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
February 26, 2023 at 6:25 pm
I suspect anything that comes out of the ABS right now is about as accurate as Soviet tractor production statistics. At best you can say GIGO. And given how corrupted organizations like BoM are, I’d doubt you could say the best you could say.

Even so – despite the obfuscation, its clear that excess deaths excluding covid are way higher than deaths from covid.

For 2022
– 23034 excess deaths excluding covid
– 8824 covid deaths

February 26, 2023 7:02 pm

For 2022
– 23034 excess deaths excluding covid
– 8824 covid deaths

probably a combination of climate change and mis-gendering people

February 26, 2023 7:07 pm

It can’t be that everyone is corrupt and everyone is lying.

I don’t think they see it that way, Rosie. There were Christians who carefully filed random holes to look like human footprints in with dinosaur footprints so it would appear that humans and dinosaurs were contemporaneous. They wished to give support to the idea that the world was created in 4004 BC. It’s called ‘Lying for Jesus’. They saw themselves as the good guys.

Likewise, shading the numbers so as to give support to the official narrative is something the Woke see as virtuous. It’s a religion, it gives meaning to otherwise drab and pointless lives. And it appeals to the worst in human nature, not the best. See the Gay Pride movement and the adoration of trannies as evidence.

February 26, 2023 7:10 pm

if you are going to assert that the ABS are falsifying death statistics you ought to provide some evidence for that assertion.

rosie, only a complete idiot would believe that ANY statistics coming from our Public Serpents and Govt were true. The ABS uses creative accounting to “manage” UE figures, the CPI stats , the BOM with historical temps. To fit their narrative. They LIE to us all. They lied about covid, the vaccine and then locked us down for months on end to support their lies. If you think somehow the death stats are totally honest and accurate, then you are believing in a silly fantasy. But remember, these are the same cheating rotten bureaucrats that use your money to lie to you through the ALPBC, who desperately want you to believe men born with a penis and testicles are in fact really women.

Wake up.

February 26, 2023 7:10 pm

Real Mark Latham
BREAKING: In their latest electoral bribe, the NSW National Party has announced that anyone who does their dough on a country racetrack will be immediately compensated for their losses from the State Budget.
They are calling the policy BET-BACK!!

February 26, 2023 7:10 pm

Some commentary already about Alex Antic being called a racist by this liars senator for daring to want to know what criteria will define a 3rd nations in lieu of the fu.king voice The liar senator is straight left liar even down from working with Krudd. I thought Alex was much too polite, avoiding the first tactic with these bastards: which is to say they are what they accuse you of being.

February 26, 2023 7:17 pm

Dumb layman question.
I see 2020 is excluded because for some inexplicable reason deaths were much lower that year than average.
Given that people don’t live forever, how much of the excess deaths are catchup?

February 26, 2023 7:18 pm

But remember, these are the same cheating rotten bureaucrats that use your money to lie to you through the ALPBC, who desperately want you to believe men born with a penis and testicles are in fact really women.

One person’s transcendental truth is another person’s lunatic delusion.

February 26, 2023 7:26 pm

Been scrolling through TheirABC’s ‘Justin’ latest alleged news.

What do we get? A lot of stories that have been banked for a rainy day, very little actual news, except for sport, which they can steal from other sources.

Lots of greenie propaganda, like how wealthy city dwellers sold their houses and are now committed to a ‘sustainable’ lifestyle. That would be the one with solar panels, windmills and generators manufactured by pixies in the forest. How the earthmovers who prepared the site came about because of a thought bubble. How the lumber and concrete just appeared when Tinkerbell waved her wand.

But look! We have chooks! And a veggie patch!

When I was growing up in the Shire, people had those too, you morons. Because they were poor, not because of ‘getting back to nature.’

I loathe these hypocrites. Does any of their slavering interviewers have the guts to ask them what would happen if everyone tried to live like them?

February 26, 2023 7:28 pm

In light of the (2023) NSW election:

The Liberal Party in 2021 has become the ‘Australian Democrats’: John Ruddick

July 18, 2021
Former Liberal Party Member John Ruddick has told Sky News Australian government is at a “crisis point” – which is why he is now going to put his “political energy” with the Liberal Democratic Party.

“I know that there’s a lot of political activists who tune into your show,” Mr Ruddick told the Outsiders.

“And they will be in complete agreement that we are being badly governed at a state and federal level. So what are we going to do about it?”

Mr Ruddick said there are “two options” when it comes to resolving the issue.

“Option one is to try and reform the Liberal Party, option two is a fresh start,” he said.

“There is a trend going on, fellow conservatives, and that trend is going against us in the Liberal Party.

“The Liberal Party … it’s become the Australian Democrats.”

February 26, 2023 7:29 pm

I see 2020 is excluded because for some inexplicable reason deaths were much lower that year than average.

that data was compiled is a given
what it means when you look at it is where the problems really begin

to be honest, that 2020 is excluded at all, is an enormous red-flag
and it brings into question everything about the data

… and indeed, the monkeys reporting it.

how, what, and why are at least as important as the data itself

frankly, if there’s a gaping hole then the rest of of it is rubbish as well

February 26, 2023 7:30 pm

I suppose it all poses the big question. What can be believed?

February 26, 2023 7:33 pm

Voting in Australia is like getting a colonoscopy, and the party chosen being the level of sedation you get before the procedure!

February 26, 2023 7:34 pm

Black Ball says:
February 26, 2023 at 3:26 pm
Robertson pie shop. They’re the best.

Heard from a family member that they are overrated. Drove past there last Sunday and so didn’t stop to shop.

February 26, 2023 7:35 pm

What can be believed?


trust … but verify

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
February 26, 2023 7:35 pm

As seen on Nine news, The ADF is paying $180M for a submarine detecting drone. As the popular papal joke punchline says ‘The must of seen you coming Holy Father’. I bet this drone will spend more time in the hanger than sub detecting.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2023 7:35 pm

Been scrolling through TheirABC’s ‘Justin’ latest alleged news.

I was intrigued by Latham’s tweet that Miltonf put up, so I scanned the DT and the Oz to see if there was a story that matches it. No, wasn’t, but both news sites were so full of woke green crap I could just about throw up. Not going to subscribe any time in the next million years.

February 26, 2023 7:36 pm

calli, I think the question is ; who can be trusted? Gov’ts and the bureaucracy.

February 26, 2023 7:38 pm

Not Govt’s and their bureaucracy.

February 26, 2023 7:39 pm

Excess deaths and catch-up; would make sense that part of it is catch-up, but I doubt that farming accidents, rock fishing drownings or road deaths increase just because no-one died at work in those locked-down months.

Superannuation person I dealt with agreed that there was a massive surge of deaths, he said they were handling four estate payouts just that day.

Now its worth remembering that deaths and their causes have natural filters that delay reporting; murders may not be counted for a year or two while waiting for coroner’s findings.

February 26, 2023 7:39 pm

Verify…then trust.

This is true.

February 26, 2023 7:45 pm

The Libs have become the Australian Democrats?
Way more positive than the Liberals deserve. Remember when the Democrats were formed we had a more or less functional two-party system, and the ‘Keep the Bastards Honest’ made them a valuable competitive driver for better Liberals.

The Liberals have become the Teals; just bought by different sponsors.

February 26, 2023 7:49 pm

“The Liberal Party … it’s become the Australian Democrats.”

Tony Abbott awarding Stott-Despoja a plum gig on the public purse was an early warning

February 26, 2023 7:52 pm

I suppose it all poses the big question. What can be believed?

You don’t have to believe anything. Not in the sense of having faith or trust in your source. You can assign them various degrees of credibility instead, based on consistency checks and conformity with high credibility sources. And you have to keep updating your credibility ratings. There was a time when I rated csiro, bom and the fbi as relatively credible.

February 26, 2023 7:54 pm

We should be able to quantify the economic harms of Government covid over-reaction.

I want to see GST returns/BAS data by industry and by business size.
Then income, income tax receipts and Government payment receipts by individuals and by industry and profession employing the individuals.

Then I want a life year valuation… robbing 20 million people of 40% of a life year…

February 26, 2023 7:55 pm

I don’t think the Libs know what they want to be. “Not Labor” just doesn’t work any more.

As to what they want – a place at the trough. There might be a couple with convictions beyond self-enrichment. No names spring to mind. I find it very distressing, but not surprising.

February 26, 2023 7:56 pm

I am just completely pissed off

Well it’s fortunate you’re not listening to 3AW, as you’d be apoplectic. For the past hour the resident medico of the airwaves has been urging everyone to get vaxxed as often as possible. His logic: carditis cases are way up because those infections are a legacy of COVID infections. Therefore, given all the weakened hearts out there, more vaxxing is need to keep them beating.

Everywhere you turn these days, there’s another reason to be disgusted.

On a related point, I wonder how many millions of dollars Big Radio and Big Media pocketed from all those scare ads.

February 26, 2023 7:58 pm

As to what they want – a place at the trough. There might be a couple with convictions beyond self-enrichment. No names spring to mind. I find it very distressing, but not surprising.

It’s telling you something about human nature, calli. It shouldn’t be distressing, it’s just how it is.

February 26, 2023 7:58 pm

As I said, DrBeau – verify, then trust.

At some point you have to make the leap, like when the anaesthetist pops in the needle. Hopefully you’ve done sufficient research, but it will never be enough.

  1. Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.

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  3. We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x