New York Movie, Edward Hopper, 1939
New York Movie, Edward Hopper, 1939
Reply to the daily telegraph post, Libs say the tide has turned: It will be the same as the WA…
I just don’t believe the above, Winston. I’ve seen no plausible evidence of it anywhere.
And how many riches are in the Vatican (gold, jewels, silver, diamonds, etc.) ? And why have them? This applies…
Hopefully they discover that the meteorite killed the Wagyl and we can all just get on with fixing bridges over…
Both sprang from, and were nurtured to adulthood, by the same Marxist whore.
Then sought injunctions, Pro Bono, natch, to stop any Trial.
Now he’s going to Court again as a Litigant, pro bono, natch.
Pro bono; you fu.king moron. Really crotchless, even by your meagre trolling standards that is pathetic. One might say pro bono standard.
Knuckle Draggersays:
March 8, 2023 at 2:22 pm
‘I picked up this chick at the pub on Saturday night, and factor at her place later on.’
That reminds me of a very Old Joke –
‘Why did Jane Russell? Because Max Factor………………….lol
three of whom were what boy Cats would describe as tatted landwhales.
aka “bushpigs”.
Anything that is against the current thing is controversial.
Would the cause of disability be the fact that they do not have any men teaching them at school and are being nannified to within an inch of their sanity?
As good an explanation as any.
Lying to the police when you are the complainant is a big deal.
She told them she bought the Morning After Pill, but the Cops couldn’t find any proof of that after a desultory search, so she lied?
Look, the Cops didn’t want to prosecute, so they weren’t trying real hard.
Give them a break.
Groogs really needs Troll Aid. He’s just phoning it in lately.
F Me!
Videos, presentations, raffles, online meetings- you would think that this ohso special day equates with the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. My employer is so fkg woke. The videos messaging ; women are in strife because men.
And later this month it’s Harmony Day. Yay!
Anything that is against the current thing is controversial.
True, but Deves appears to be playing a Pauline Hanson game.
Talk big, do nothing.
Pull up the transactions on your banking app. No transactions from a chemist on the day … Awoooooogha awoooogha
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 6:15 pm
… she committed perjury and has made an admission about this being a lie.
Proof, or you’re lying again.
ROFLMAO. Demands for proof from someone who makes the wildest assertions, without ever offering even a shred of proof? And accusations of lying from someone who is, to put it tactfully, regularly economical with the truth?
Tinta – I was thinking that, albeit from a different direction. My gut feel was a mix of aspergers spectrum and ADHD. The former is more common in boys (and is fashionable), while a lot of the latter is basically boys being boisterous boys, and not meek girls. Unfortunately the current clique in schools can’t cope with boys being boys, so it becomes a “medical” issue. Of course not having a father to help the boys be boys is likely a large contribution to the supposed problem.
I was wondering why they haven’t changed the name to International Birthing Persons Day.
Relatives had gathered in the hospital waiting room, where their family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and sombre.
“I’m afraid I am the bearer of bad news” he said as he surveyed the worried faces “The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant. It’s an experimental procedure, semi-risky, and you will have to pay for the brain yourselves”.
The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news.
After a length of time, someone asked “Well, how much does a brain cost?” The Doctor quickly responded “$5000 for a male brain, and $200 for a female brain”.
The moment turned awkward. Men in the room tried not to smile, avoiding eye contact with the women, but some actually smirked. A man, unable to control his curiosity, blurted out the question everyone wanted to ask “Why is the male brain so much more?”
The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and then to the entire group said “It’s just standard pricing procedure. We have to mark down the price of the female brains, because they’ve been used”.
Lol. So the Ukes assist in crippling Germany’s economy and force millions to suffer crazy energy prices. And then they go all out for these clowns? The krauts deserve everything they get from this.
“The German investigative authorities have apparently made a breakthrough in solving the attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. After joint research by the ARD capital studio, the ARD political magazine Kontraste , SWR and ZEIT, it was possible to largely reconstruct how and when the explosive attack was prepared in the course of the investigation. Accordingly, traces lead in the direction of Ukraine.”
I am not the richest, smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeed because I keep going and going and going.
– Sylvester Stallone
Sadly, Tucker didn’t help his cause by going along with the steal on the night. I’ve lost trust in him due to that – either he couldn’t see the steal, which was obvious, or he could, and kept schtum.
In either case, trust gone.
You would expect the nature of the AFP investigations to be of interest in the ACT DPP inquiry.
Less than a week later, large protests materialize. Uncanny coincidence.
It was a cash transaction, Diogenes. 🙂
Trouble is the Chemist will have it on their inventory. How many cash transactions for the drug were made on that particular day? Oh.
Well, it was Canberra.
Pull up the transactions on your banking app. No transactions from a chemist on the day … Awoooooogha awoooogha
Yeah, I know, i’ve shot your fairytale down.
The screaming elephant in the rooms the explosion in Autism in recent decades- up from 1/1000 to 1/40 now, and 4x more common in boys.
The increase, btw, started in the 70’s with the massive expansion in childhood vaxxes.
It is just above north-west Iran.
Makka – Actually it was the climate crazy SPD/Greens coalition that did it. But since they can’t fess up to their insane global warming policies they have to find a convenient squirrel.
Trouble is the Chemist will have it on their inventory. How many cash transactions for the drug were made on that particular day? Oh.
The transaction was 2 years previous.
Chemist doesn’t keep any records that long.
Hmm who to believe.
A skin suit wearing vault dweller who knows as much about the Higgins rape trial as he does about the sinking of the Sydney by the WHIIITE SUUUB or the Police Manager of Criminal Investigations in charge of the cases own admissions?
The newspaper quoted evidence from an executive briefing last year, where the ACT Police Manager of Criminal Investigations, Detective Superintendent Scott Moller advised that investigators ‘have serious concerns in relation to the strength and reliability of [Ms Higgins’] evidence but also, more importantly, her mental health and how any future prosecution may affect her wellbeing’.
The article mentions that the executive briefing listed a series of concerns mentioned by senior police, including that Ms Higgins had repeatedly refused to provide her original mobile phone; had deliberately deleted messages from a second phone; and had allegedly lied about seeking medical attention after the incident.
Funny how Virgin Airlines know what a woman is but others don’t.
It seems to be very selective.
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 6:15 pm
Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment says……………Sweet Fark All…………………..lol
Really? How do you know this?
Most business records need to be kept for 7 years. Even sales records.
Dover – Russia let Armenia swing in the breeze during the recent war with the Azeris, despite a formal mutual defense pact. Armenia being further south than even Georgia. I read this as Georgia looking longingly at the bits of Georgia they don’t control and thinking “hmmm, can I chance it?”
You would expect the nature of the AFP investigations to be of interest in the ACT DPP inquiry.
You would?
I thought the idea of the Inquiry was to hang Shane Drumgold, not investigate the dodgy AFP.
The Colin Winchester assassination, they eventually had to let that poor dope go and pay him off, but was the investigation ever reopened?
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 6:15 pm
And even better. There is one born every minute, the trouble is they live. And they grow little by little to be a little ed case………….
Delta Asays:
March 8, 2023 at 6:13 pm
Dare i ask.
Did the tatts include the dreaded arse antlers?
Or something more tasteful like this one?
Lucky we’ve got those tapes eh Groogs?
Excess dementia deaths in Australia seems to have only one possible explanation
Most business records need to be kept for 7 years. Even sales records.
Gimme a break.
Distraught woman presents at counter, says she needs the MAP, well groomed chick says
that’ll be 4 dollars, please
that’s it.
Cop turn up in June 2022, say
Gissa a lookit yore cash sales for 24th March 2019.
Chemist says
Yeah, they’re in a storage unit at Fyshwick, in a box, somewhere.
Cop reports back
Sorry Sarge, nothing there
Sarge says
Good boy, Cletus.
Ukrainian Military Dissent Against Zelensky
“Our sources in Ukraine, not Russia, are warning of serious dissent building against Zelensky. He is a high-heel actor who has been playing a confidence game. He is by no means a military leader and the Ukrainian Military is at its ends with him. The Ukrainian General Valery Zaluzhny, is having a serious conflict with Zelensky. Even others have come out and commented to the German newspaper, the Bild, that the General called for a withdrawal from the Donbas city weeks ago, but Zelensky orders his men to die all for his endless PR campaign to pretend that Ukraine is winning.
The General told Zelensky to withdraw from Bakhmut. But Zelensky pretends for PR that it is a fortress despite the fact that it has been cut off and completely;y surrounded with only one road available for possible evacuation and Zelensky refuses to withdraw. Even the Biden Administration has been urging Zelensky to pull out and focus on preparing a major counteroffensive for the spring. Yet, Zelensky fears admitting publicly a defeat that would hurt the billions flowing into Ukraine. This was part of the Ukrainian defense line that they created when Kiev began its invasion of the Donbas in 2014 on their claimed Anti-Terrorist offensive to kill all Russians and deny them any right to separate seeking their independence in the 2014 Revolution.
Even those speaking to the Bild expressed deep concern that they “do not understand why the city is being held” and believe they should have withdrawn a long time ago. Zelensky proclaims that his Ukrainian forces would defend Bakhmut as long as it “remains reasonable” to do so.
Our sources are clearly saying that Zelensky is losing support and if anyone will becomes the next President it will be General Zaluzhny.”
Our sources in Ukraine, not Russia, are warning of serious dissent building against Zelensky. He is a high-heel actor who has been playing a confidence game. He is by no means a military leader and the Ukrainian Military is at its ends with him. The Ukrainian General Valery Zaluzhny, is having a serious conflict with Zelensky. Even others have come out and commented to the German newspaper, the Bild, that the General called for a withdrawal from the Donbas city weeks ago, but Zelensky orders his men to die all for his endless PR campaign to pretend that Ukraine is winning.
The General told Zelensky to withdraw from Bakhmut. But Zelensky pretends for PR that it is a fortress despite the fact that it has been cut off and completely;y surrounded with only one road available for possible evacuation and Zelensky refuses to withdraw. Even the Biden Administration has been urging Zelensky to pull out and focus on preparing a major counteroffensive for the spring. Yet, Zelensky fears admitting publicly a defeat that would hurt the billions flowing into Ukraine. This was part of the Ukrainian defense line that they created when Kiev began its invasion of the Donbas in 2014 on their claimed Anti-Terrorist offensive to kill all Russians and deny them any right to separate seeking their independence in the 2014 Revolution.
Even those speaking to the Bild expressed deep concern that they “do not understand why the city is being held” and believe they should have withdrawn a long time ago. Zelensky proclaims that his Ukrainian forces would defend Bakhmut as long as it “remains reasonable” to do so.
Our sources are clearly saying that Zelensky is losing support and if anyone will becomes the next President it will be General Zaluzhny.
Our sources in Ukraine, not Russia, are warning of serious dissent building against Zelensky. He is a high-heel actor who has been playing a confidence game. He is by no means a military leader and the Ukrainian Military is at its ends with him. The Ukrainian General Valery Zaluzhny, is having a serious conflict with Zelensky. Even others have come out and commented to the German newspaper, the Bild, that the General called for a withdrawal from the Donbas city weeks ago, but Zelensky orders his men to die all for his endless PR campaign to pretend that Ukraine is winning.
The General told Zelensky to withdraw from Bakhmut. But Zelensky pretends for PR that it is a fortress despite the fact that it has been cut off and completely;y surrounded with only one road available for possible evacuation and Zelensky refuses to withdraw. Even the Biden Administration has been urging Zelensky to pull out and focus on preparing a major counteroffensive for the spring. Yet, Zelensky fears admitting publicly a defeat that would hurt the billions flowing into Ukraine. This was part of the Ukrainian defense line that they created when Kiev began its invasion of the Donbas in 2014 on their claimed Anti-Terrorist offensive to kill all Russians and deny them any right to separate seeking their independence in the 2014 Revolution.
Even those speaking to the Bild expressed deep concern that they “do not understand why the city is being held” and believe they should have withdrawn a long time ago. Zelensky proclaims that his Ukrainian forces would defend Bakhmut as long as it “remains reasonable” to do so.
Our sources are clearly saying that Zelensky is losing support and if anyone will becomes the next President it will be General Zaluzhny.
The spooks are still laughing about that one. Idiot.
I need to take this excellent advice.
And this was a comment under the Steve Kirsch dementia link above. I’m quoting it in full. There was mention earlier about the Perth Mint fiddling with gold content but this seems to be much bigger than that.
An under 30 using cash ? Riiiiiiight.
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 6:55 pm
Most business records need to be kept for 7 years. Even sales records.
Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment. You need serious treatment. FFS. Your sales records only need be kept for 1 nano second………………………lol
The Vigilant Fox
: The People Who Lied About January 6 Now Want to Send Billions More to Ukraine
“The majority of Americans do not want to be in a hot war with Russia … because they don’t think a war like that would benefit the United States. But the Republican Party … and the Democratic Party … disagree. They don’t want any limits and any kind of military hardware we might send to Ukraine. And they don’t care about the consequences of that decision.
Snort! I learn something new every day here…
An under 30 using cash ? Riiiiiiight.
Yeah, don’t want a reference to the MAP on your Bank Statement for some, oh, unimaginable reason,
[if you’re a Chalkie who’s never had a real job],
use Cash.
The Vigilant Fox
Tucker Rips Chuck Schumer’s Attacks on J6 Tapes: “In Free Countries, Governments Do Not Lie About Protests”
“Those videos touch a nerve because they’re a threat to the lies that Chuck Schumer has been telling for the last 26 months.”
Exclusive: Mother Sues D.C. Doctor Who Gave Kids COVID Vaccines Without Consent
Gotta get up pretty early to get one past the ol’ Groogster.
Democrats Go Ballistic and Call for Tucker Carlson to Be Forcibly Removed From Air
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 6:55 pm
You really are a farking Plonker. How on earth did you make it out of Kindergarten?
Flight MH370: Netflix doc reveals shocking theories about vanished Malaysia Airlines flight
Finished “1916 Battle of the 5 Empires” by Benoit Chenu
A good read, english translation has a few fudged words but other wise vey readable.
Depressing to think the war could have ended in 1916 with an allied victory but for a series of really, really poor decisions, military and political.
Probably the worst being to halt after smashing through the German lines when pretty well all signs were the boxheads were in disarray.
Cavalry units were held back when this was probably their one huge shining moment to have wreaked havoc among a disorganized and defenseless enemy. (as in no prepared defenses to latch onto).
Backed by the abysmal political decisions that should have seen Bulgaria enter the war on the Allies side but for the dickheadedness of the French premier.
This would have caught Austria Hungary between Bulgaria, 100,000 allied expeditionary forces and the rampant Brusilov offensive.
And given the allies a way of supplying Russia with supplies it lacked through a friendly port.
Things have changed Calli.
Why are we so scared of clowns? Here’s what we’ve discovered (MedicalXpress, 6 Mar)
“Are you scared of clowns? You are not alone. Coulrophobia, or the fear of clowns, is a widely acknowledged phenomenon. Studies indicate this fear is present among both adults and children in many different cultures. Yet it is not well understood due to a lack of focused research.
While numerous possible explanations of the phobia had been put forward in academic literature, no studies had specifically investigated its origins.
The Fear of Clowns Questionnaire was completed by an international sample of 987 people aged between 18 and 77.
More than half the respondents (53.5%) said they were scared of clowns at least to some degree, with 5% saying they were “extremely afraid” of them. Interestingly, this percentage reporting an extreme fear of clowns is slightly higher than those reported for many other phobias, such as animals (3.8%), blood/injection/injuries (3.0%), heights (2.8%), still water or weather events (2.3%), closed spaces (2.2%), and flying (1.3%).
We also found that women are more afraid of clowns than men. The reason for this difference is not clear, but it echoes research findings on other phobias such as the fear of snakes and spiders.”
I think the scary clowns thing is like the mad scientist thing. A protomeme that has built up in popular culture over decades, helped I think by Hollywood especially. But now clowns are widely regarded as scary. Cultural changes like this are interesting.
“”Georgia’s proposed foreign agent laws gravely threaten Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic future and the ability of Georgians to fulfill their own economic, social, and other aspirations. I call upon the Georgian Parliament to drop these proposed laws.”
Georgia doesn’t belong in any “Euro-Atlantic” future. Interesting how only a few weeks ago the whore Power was in Hungary, fomenting protests. The war mongering whore is getting around, isn’t she? Also, as I mentioned earlier, the Sniffer’s administration is egging on the protests in Israel.
Dear Ed Case,
I have on a hard drive, and copies on two separate memory sticks, of the entire retail transactions
that occurred in our business from 01/01/2000 to 16 Feb 2019. Another entity ( our software provider) also has a copy. Not a Chemist, I bet they are even more thorough.
The young guy at Delta’s party sounds like a socially awkward doofus who’s discovered a way to matter. The fact that he now matters to the worst examples of womanhood will not have occurred to him, or if it has…so what.
He’s getting the attention he craves and they’re getting their social credit ticks.
Everyone wins. Until the inevitable breakdown.
Bulgaria scraps large quantities of expired COVID vaccines
You can bet your life that the most resistant are the Eastern European countries which only recently escaped from the Soviet yoke.
Bulgaria apparently has one of or the highest excess death rates in Europe (over 19 %) and one of the lowest vaccination rates at 30%.
The complainant did everything possible to hide the actual truth of what happened on that night. Then, when presented with a better offer for financial gain and told stories of the pivotal role she might play in elections she decided to make a complaint. Though, only after making all preparations for a full media campaign.
The police would have been happy to boost the stats of convicted cases for rape, but not on this lying, deceitful complainant whose media activity made the whole prosecution impossible anyways.
I do hope it all comes out in the enquiry and perhaps the defamation case. There are some Labor senior Pols as guilty as the media stars regarding this fake nonsense and also the Kitching bullying.
Watching boxing on Focks Sports.
Two bleck blokes belting each other. The referee is also bleck.
Obviously, this is racist.
Tucker Carlson: There is no justification for this
Probably because the Armenians have been playing both sides. Except the Georgian Parliament overwhelmingly supports the proposed law.
Jimmy Savile roars:
You really are a farking Plonker. How on earth did you make it out of Kindergarten?
IQ 128?
Alamak! Love your screen name.
Can you chortle backwards? 🙂
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 6:19 pm
Lying to the police when you are the complainant is a big deal.
She told them she bought the Morning After Pill, but the Cops couldn’t find any proof of that after a desultory search, so she lied?
Look, the Cops didn’t want to prosecute, so they weren’t trying real hard.
Give them a break.
Were you on the Case or are you still a Head Case? FFS you seem to be here there and everywhere. They seek him here, they seek him there, they seek him everywhere, that dammed elusive edwallywhere,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Neil Oliver ‘…they lied to & manipulated us, and it’s still happening!’
ABC report
He landed a gig with CNN online. For a short while anyway.
> Bruce of Newcastle
Same happened to my son last year. Teacher (female) pushed hard to get him diagnosed as ADHD, school refused to move him to male (or any other) teacher. This year he is at new school and zero issues. The school refused to admit that boys were being singled out or even had worse academic results, despite the actual records showing just that. Time to move bring back Boys schools for anyone who requests it to save the schooling of Boys from current disaster …
There are some Labor senior Pols as guilty as the media stars regarding this fake nonsense and also the Kitching bullying.
Kitching betrayed her own side.
If you’re saying that Albanese got Elected on the revulsion Women voters had for the way the Morrison Government handled the Affair, then I agree.
And if you’re saying that Wong and her mates cynically used the issue for partisan ends, yeah, you’re right there too.
But, so what?
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 7:26 pm
Jimmy Savile roars:
You really are a farking Plonker. How on earth did you make it out of Kindergarten?
IQ 128?
“I do hope it all comes out in the enquiry “
There will only ever be an enquiry if there is a future Coalition government and quite frankly I’m not hopeful of that happening for a long, long time.
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 6:40 pm
Trouble is the Chemist will have it on their inventory. How many cash transactions for the drug were made on that particular day? Oh.
The transaction was 2 years previous.
Chemist doesn’t keep any records that long.
Perhaps not for perfume or toothpaste, but I suspect that records of drug sales might be kept a bit longer.
Unless Spooks hacked the system and deleted them.
When police asked her if she had taken the morning-after pill, Ms Higgins said she had not.
Okay, so where’s the problem, rosie?
Some hysteric upthread is shrieking
“Probably because the Armenians have been playing both sides. “
Richard Cranium
Cop turn up in June 2022, say
Gissa a lookit yore cash sales for 24th March 2019.
Chemist says
Yeah, they’re in a storage unit at Fyshwick, in a box, somewhere.
Cop reports back
Sorry Sarge, nothing there
Sarge says
Good boy, Cletus.
Proof or you made this up.
Johnny Rottensays:
March 8, 2023 at 7:33 pm
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 7:26 pm
Jimmy Savile roars:
You really are a farking Plonker. How on earth did you make it out of Kindergarten?
IQ 128?
Maybe a bit higher at 129,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol
Nimrata Randhawa is a Presidential candidate?
In what stinking hellhole can this be a reality?
Oh, right, the U.S.A.
Geez Ed … you’re sooo above average
No Dover. It was because the Russians are balls deep in Ukraine and couldn’t afford the forces to teach the Azeris a lesson. Sorry mate, but betraying a formal defensive alliance is not to be swept under a convenient carpet.
I do know the Armenians aren’t particularly happy with Mr Putin, not that they can do anything about it. On the other hand if this current war keeps going the situation in the Caucasus may come unravelled. Russia has kept it in check since 1989, but if they’re not in a position to exert power then all the little potentates will try it on – including places like Dagestan, Ingushetia and Chechnya. Mr Kadyrov doesn’t have many days left, from recent reports. He looks like a tomato.
The transaction was 2 years previous.
Chemist doesn’t keep any records that long.
I’ll ask my not long ago retired pharmacist friend and get back to us.
“Kitching betrayed her own side” – so its fine that she was hounded and bullied to death, then. And modern feminism must be the standard for all to follow – except when its a traitor or one from the other team. got it.
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 7:26 pm
Jimmy Savile roars:
You really are a farking Plonker. How on earth did you make it out of Kindergarten?
IQ 128?
Youn forgot the decimal place between the 1 and the 2.
IQ 128?
I must admit that you have made it to this lovely Blog with a limited IQ. And you keep on showing us the limited IQ that you have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL
Time to move bring back Boys schools for anyone who requests it to save the schooling of Boys from current disaster …
With a significant majority of male teachers.
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 7:33 pm
There are some Labor senior Pols as guilty as the media stars regarding this fake nonsense and also the Kitching bullying.
Kitching betrayed her own side.
If you’re saying that Albanese got Elected on the revulsion Women voters had for the way the Morrison Government handled the Affair, then I agree.
And if you’re saying that Wong and her mates cynically used the issue for partisan ends, yeah, you’re right there too.
But, so what?
Still shilling for Labor, Richard C?
brittany misremembered about going to see a doctor not about visiting a pharmacy.
I saw Slater and Gordon advertising on HDT’s Alan Jones programme yet Alan is too risky for Sky News.
FMD Cassie, you gave Power both barrels with that appellation.
Delta, so enjoyed your description of the 21st, you are clearly an astute observer. Will be very interested in the follow-up. So lovely that your family is able to host such gatherings.
Youn forgot the decimal place between the 1 and the 2.
When it comes to Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment he would not know. He hears it it one ear and it goes through the other ear but it doesn’t make sense as there is nothing in between….LOL.
“FMD Cassie, you gave Power both barrels with that appellation.”
She’s one of the magic negroes special whores. Nuland is another one.
Armenia and Iran are very close.
Oh, Mother!
We Were Treated Like Sheep During The Covid-19 Pandemic – Dr. Robert Malone
We were not treated like sheep. Sheep live in big mobile mobs, lives full of sunshine, grass and gambolling.
We were treated like battery hens.
Pace Mz. Powers and also dover & cassie, developments in former Soviet republics aren’t viewed optimally through the contemporary West v. East lens. The former Soviet republics have legitimate interests of their own that such a limited view doesn’t do justice to.
IQ 128?
Geez Ed … you’re sooo above average
Yeah, pard.
Look, I did consider lying and saying it was 67, just to make you feel better …
There is zero chance that Higgins spent two days crying in bed because she entered the Defence minister’s office drunk, vomited in there , then took a Carla Zampatti jacket from her wardrobe and then thought she might lose her job, obviously.
Cassie – Armenia is a Christian country. If they are close to Shi’a Iran it’s only because they’re deadly enemies with Sunni Azerbaijan.
The politics are complex as you know. Israel has managed to get close to the Azeris, which I don’t blame them for doing since the Iranians are existential enemies of Israel. But sometimes friends can be less than friendly, and I sense recently a distancing of the relationship. Made even more complex by the Azeri-Turkish alliance – Turkey being very much in a love-hate relationship with Israel.
On the other hand if diplomacy and politics in the Middle East were easy it wouldn’t be the source of so many Nobel Peace Prizes.
“Pace Mz. Powers and also dover & cassie, developments in former Soviet republics aren’t viewed optimally through the contemporary West v. East lens. The former Soviet republics have legitimate interests of their own that such a limited view doesn’t do justice to.”
I would agree with that, and that also includes the warmongering whore’s limited views. It’s funny, both Armenia and Georgia are the two sole Christian countries in the Caucasus, yet they don’t like each other, and haven’t for centuries.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 8, 2023 at 7:44 pm
Probably because the Armenians have been playing both sides.
No Dover. It was because the Russians are balls deep in Ukraine and couldn’t afford the forces to teach the Azeris a lesson. Sorry mate, but betraying a formal defensive alliance is not to be swept under a convenient carpet.
There is no way that the UKR will win this War. Game over very soon, You heard it here in Australia first.
What if the teachers didn’t have fathers either and in that way don’t know what is the normal male behaviour, whether child or adult? What are they being taught in their university courses?
To quote William Faulkner, ‘The past is never dead. It’s not even past.’
Yes but the government ruined the lives of anybody who said so which means, as per Dot, it’s been scientifically debunked.
Have we all been manipulated?
Duk, he has acknowledged the fraud recently and is definitely making up for it now with the J6 security cameras footage revelations.
“Cassie – Armenia is a Christian country. If they are close to Shi’a Iran it’s only because they’re deadly enemies with Sunni Azerbaijan.”
Wrong and wrong. Firstly, Azerbajan is a Shiite majority country. Secondly, Armenia has been close to Iran for centuries. Iran has a large Armenian Christian community which is well looked after.
Oh and since I’ve called you out for being incorrect, don’t start with the passive aggressive shtick like you did the other night. It was tedious and embarrassing.
March 8, 2023 at 10:36 am
What were they planning to murder Pelosi et al. with?
Strangulation by Old Glory?
March 8, 2023 at 10:37 am
Old Glory
Odd name for a hammer, but go on.
Nancy Pelosi wanted the Hammer her Husband & “Visitor” used during Home Visit, after it’s Glory Visit, hence the name “Old Glory” as part of California Today’s Lifestyle – Prescient of Nancy
Slight correction – the regime in Azerbaijan is Sunni as far I can see, but there’re a lot of Shi’a in the countryside. Not that that changes things – muzzos seem quite able to attack other muzzos of their own sect, if convenient.
What’s more, Trump, when he was president, warned Germans that they were making a mistake by relying so heavily on Russia for their energy supply. They laughed at him, I don’t believe they are laughing now.
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 7:26 pm
Jimmy Savile roars:
You really are a farking Plonker. How on earth did you make it out of Kindergarten?
IQ 128?
Bruce, and why wouldn’t they? Putin is all into realpolitik so he should understand that there will be others with similar ideas. The problem with that is that if he gets cornered somebody will get nuked.
Yep, scroll past the clowns.
” the regime in Azerbaijan is Sunni as far I can see, but there’re a lot of Shi’a in the countryside.”
Bzzzzzzzzzzz, wrong again. The regime is “secular” but most of the government, including the current president, are nominally Shiia.
There is zero chance that Higgins spent two days crying in bed because she entered the Defence minister’s office drunk, vomited in there , then took a Carla Zampatti jacket from her wardrobe and then thought she might lose her job, obviously.
Is that you, Dot?
#1. Higgins was paralytic drunk.
She didn’t leave the Suite until 10:30 that morning.
#2. Carla Zampatti jacket?
Who cares?
Reynolds handled the entire thing disastrously.
All she needed to do was do nothing and nothing woulda ever happened.
Very funny Cassie. I’m not. Maybe ask the families of the poor Armenians who died trying to fight the Turkish-supported Azeri army.
Read a press release recently from the Armenian President, Mr Ben-Gvir. He said he meant the Russians no harm.
Bruce, Wiki tells me Azerbijan is 60-65% shi’a and the rest sunni.
Armenia has 90% of the population identifying as Christian according to Christianity Today (2020).
“Very funny Cassie. I’m not. Maybe ask the families of the poor Armenians who died trying to fight the Turkish-supported Azeri army.”
Yes, you are wrong. You don’t even have the character to acknowledge your errors. Everyone here makes mistakes but not you. Are you infallible? Hombre!
“Very funny Cassie. I’m not. Maybe ask the families of the poor Armenians who died trying to fight the Turkish-supported Azeri army.”
Yes, you are wrong. You don’t even have the character to acknowledge your errors. Everyone here makes mistakes but not you. Are you infallible? Hombre!
“Bruce, Wiki tells me Azerbijan is 60-65% shi’a and the rest sunni.”
He’s been caught out and he’s not even man enough to admit it.
Cassie, Biden or the junta behind him want the world to to be remade in their image or burn. They don’t seem fussy which way it goes.
Azerbaijan is closely allied with Turkey, who is Sunni. They are antagonistic towards Shi’a Iran. Always watch what the hand is doing not what the mouth is saying.
I’m sorry Cassie, I respect you and your opinions, especially on local politics where you are more than excellent, but sometimes you seem really to have a tin ear. That’s fine by me, as I’ve said I have a thick skin.
I’m sure Bruce will Google it just like I did. The interwebs never lie. 🙂
Cassie – Armenia is a Christian country. If they are close to Shi’a Iran it’s only because they’re deadly enemies with Sunni Azerbaijan.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with a little country called Turkey & stoushes over the last thousand or so years.
Was the Carla Zampatti jacket used to clean up the vomit in the Minister’s rooms?
Azerbaijan is closely allied with Turkey, who is Sunni.
Turkey has had a secular Government since 1923.
No wacky headgear, they’re all Muslims in the same way that we’re all Christians.
Calli – I corrected myself, I hope you noticed. But it is absolutely clear that Azerbaijan is aligned with Sunni Turkey, who supplied a large amount of munitions for the recent Azeri-Armenian war, especially drones. They aren’t aligned with Iran, not at all, indeed they’re quite close to Israel.
The point I intended to make is that the Azeris attacked Christian Armenia, who had a formal defensive alliance with Russia. Russia failed to support Armenia, not surprisingly since they were stretched. Turkey of course hates Armenia, so no surprise they supported the Azeris. All of this pretty much illustrates that the whole region is a festering hole of untrustworthy used camel salesmen, except Armenia, Georgia and Israel.
“I’m sorry Cassie, I respect you and your opinions, especially on local politics where you are more than excellent, but sometimes you seem really to have a tin ear. That’s fine by me, as I’ve said I have a thick skin.”
The hombre speaks of “tin ear”, well it’s clear that Bruce the Hombre thinks he’s always right, even when he’s wrong. I’m pretty sure it isn’t me who has the “tin ear”. Being a man means owning up when you’re wrong, something Bruce of Newcastle can’t do.
Pentagon Worried About Chinese Spy Cranes | China In Focus
00:38 Pentagon Worried About Chinese Spy Cranes
04:16 Apple Supplier Shifting Production to India
05:21 Survey: More U.S. Firms Not Profiting in China
06:19 E.l.f Beauty Announces Departure from Chinese Market
07:21 China Still Blocking U.S. Probe of Virus Origin: Reps.
08:38 End Ukraine War, Focus on CCP: Retired General
10:05 Canada to Probe Allegations of CCP Election Meddling
11:46 Germany to Ban Huawei, ZTE from Parts of 5G Networks
13:05 $865 Billion Funding Shortfall Hits China Local Authorities Reeling in Debt
Of course I did. After I demonstrated my Google-fu, sadly. But wasn’t it still the wrong way around?
My knowledge of ME politics is precisely zero so I have no dergs in this argument, if argument it is. What I love is more light and less heat, regardless of the subject.
That way I might learn something.
Anyway everyone, we have a new thought leader, who even when he’s wrong, he’s right!
Cassie – I will defend my claims with sources where I can. That’s all I can do. I would ask you to be polite about it.
If I am wrong I will fess up and say sorry. I have done this many times before in this forum. I am not wrong in this instance, other than the correction I made just now. So I won’t say sorry, that would be dishonest.
Perhaps you could debate the matters being discussed? I’d have to go find a lot of links for that but I’m happy to do so.
Reynolds handled the entire thing disastrously.
All she needed to do was do nothing and nothing woulda ever happened.
Our tame Spook, Richard Cranium, believes that Reynolds should have done nothing about a significant breach of office security. LOL.
In other news…something amazingly amazing.
Two weeks out from an election, a “radio glitch” immobilises the entire Sydney railway network. Minutes before peak hour.
It’s just…miraculous.
I understand the staff loan is available to all RBA staff at concessional interest rates. Always has been.
Appropriate for an institution that creates money
“If I am wrong I will fess up and say sorry. I have done this many times before in this forum. I am not wrong in this instance, other than the correction I made just now. So I won’t say sorry, that would be dishonest.
Perhaps you could debate the matters being discussed? I’d have to go find a lot of links for that but I’m happy to do so.”
You are wrong and you’re not man enough to admit it. I’ve got the violin ready to start playing since you clearly like to play the victim. You like being passive aggressive, don’t you? As for being “polite”, saying I have a tin ear is not polite. Perhaps you should go out and get some fresh air, might do you some good.
No my mouth breathing NDIS recipient friend.
Higgins made an admission to the AFP that she had indeed lied.
As quoted before, from the Bettina Ardnt article:
“” Central to this issue is the Moller report – Detective Superintendent Scott Moller was the guy in charge of the AFP investigation.
After a four-month investigation of evidence presented by Higgins, with police travelling across the country to check facts in her story, examining 32,736 phone messages and 173,531 media files from Higgins’ phone, Moller concluded that “throughout the investigation, Ms Higgins has been evasive, uncooperative and manipulative.”
The report cites: Her repeated refusal to hand over her phone. When she finally did, she had deleted key evidence: “I’m clearing out my phone ahead of police,” she acknowledged.
Her claim to have sought medical attention and the morning-after pill after the incident. The police travelled to Perth and Brisbane and found she’d misled them about the medical assistance. She later admitted she’d lied about this. “”
Dickless uptick for Cassie
I see Tucker Carlson’s texts on Trump two days before J6 have come out.
“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.”
“I hate him passionately.”
Azerbaijan and Turkey hail alliance at Nagorno-Karabakh victory parade (202)
Erdogan Launches Sunni Islamist Revival in Turkish Schools (2014)
Is Baku Transforming Azerbaijan From A Shiia To A Sunni Muslim Country? (2017)
Read a press release recently from the Armenian President, Mr Ben-Gvir. He said he meant the Russians no harm.
Oops, first link is from 2020. I did a typo. But it’s clear that the Azeri leadership are increasing Sunni-aligned, and chumming up with Sunni Erdogan, who likes to think he’s a senior statesman in the region.
Those are just three quick links. Say if you want more.
Bruce mansplaining the Middle East to Cassie, high comedy.
Our tame Spook, Richard Cranium, believes that Reynolds should have done nothing about a significant breach of office security. LOL.
What breach of security? Was Grytpype-Thynne on the loose?
A Rape occurred in her Office.
Reynolds never intended to do anything about that, but Higgins was perceived as an embarrassment [by Reynolds], so she tried to fudge it.
It ended up bringing the Government down.
No m0nty, he’s mansplaining it to me. And to others who haven’t got a clue either.
What we make of it is our business.
O/T, but I’m reading Ian Toll’s monumental work “Pacific Crucible” – it’s the first volume in a trilogy of a history of the United States Navy, during the Pacific campaign, and would be about the best work on that subject I have ever read.
“Between 1940 and 1943, Britain tripled its war production, Germany and Russia doubled theirs, and Japan increased it’s war production fourfold. In that three year period, the United States multiplied its war production by TWENTY FIVE TIMES.” (My emphasis.) Page 489.
“But it’s clear that the Azeri leadership are increasing Sunni-aligned, and chumming up with Sunni Erdogan, who likes to think he’s a senior statesman in the region.”
1. You said that Azerbajan is mainly Sunni. Wrong, it is not, it is mainly Shia.
2. You said that the Azerbajani regime is “Sunni”. Wrong, it is not, it is a secular regime. The president and most of his government are secular but they come from a Shia background.
So what if Azerbajan is aligning itself with Erdogan, Iran allies itself with Sunni Hamas.
It is not me who has a tin ear, it’s you.
No Cassie, I am not wrong. I am however willing to be convinced of that, but aside from rhetoric you haven’t given any evidence. I know you are a very intelligent lady, and it is my hope that you would engage in debate on such things. If you are unwilling to do so that is fine by me, but you need to do the work to persuade me.
And I’d be happy for Cassie to Chicksplain her point of view about the regoin to me too.
I’m all for equal opportunity.
The AFP spent 4 months investigating Higgins and found Bupkis.
How much time did they spend investigating Lehrmann?
F… All.
“Bruce mansplaining the Middle East to Cassie, high comedy.”
Sometimes Monty, once in a blue moon, you get things right. And you’re right about the “mansplaining”. He’s embarrassing.
“No Cassie, I am not wrong. I am however willing to be convinced of that, but aside from rhetoric you haven’t given any evidence. I know you are a very intelligent lady, and it is my hope that you would engage in debate on such things. If you are unwilling to do so that is fine by me, but you need to do the work to persuade me.”
Notice the passive aggression. You need help Bruce, have you left your cellar today?
Groogs, mention the panties. We know you want to.
Cassie, m0nty is enjoying your contretemps with Bruce. Don’t think for a moment he’s on your “side”.
Some wins are not worth the price.
No m0nty, he’s mansplaining it to me. And to others who haven’t got a clue either.
No, he hasn’t got a clue either.
But he’s doubling down anyway.
And, just like that, Ed proves my point.
I guess a sensible discussion can wait for another day.
That’s not the point Dot, it’s arguing about proof or not at a pharmacy when Higgins had admitting she didn’t take a morning after pill.
Did she initially claim to police she did? Not clear from the reported questioning by Whybrow, perhaps it’s in the transcripts.
Our Brucie is an expert on Ukraine, Russia, Russian military tactics, Israel, Jewish law, Azerbajan, Iran, Georgie, Amernia, Westeros, and so much more. There’s no end to his knowledge. He reminds me of Samwell Tarly from Game of Thrones who knew a lot, because, because, he read it in a book.
Actually she committed perjury and they have a ready to go admission.
Evidently they spent too much time.
” Don’t think for a moment he’s on your “side”.”
Oh I don’t calli. But he’s right about the mansplaining.
Never bring yourself down to retard Ed’s level.
Ed, go and make flake and chips.
her point of view about the regoin
Did you mean “groin”?
The Zampatti was worn home, I think the vomit was left for the cleaners.
Ask Ed, he has a conspiracy theory about that too.
Marie Claire scolding about mentioning the jacket.
Wasnt me arguing Dot.
Ed Casesays:
March 8, 2023 at 9:11 pm
Our tame Spook, Richard Cranium, believes that Reynolds should have done nothing about a significant breach of office security. LOL.
What breach of security?
If you have to ask, you clearly are not well informed on the subject. Do your research.
Biden Regime Retaliates Against Elon Musk, Demands He “Identify All Journalists” Given Access to Twitter Files – Musk Responds
Approx 19 million left the UKR.
McConnell’s ‘Exhilarating’ Insurrection
Be nice to see Matt Kean lose his seat.
March 8, 2023 at 7:53 pm
Hzhousewife, we are so lucky that Daughter, Son in Law and their family have invited us to come and live with them. It’s a regeneration for us, hearing again the ‘trials and tribulations’ of our young grandies; watching them grow as we did our children 40 years ago. I keep thinking,”Everything old is new again.”
Except that youngsters today face more sinister influences than we ever did. And with social media, they are far more intricately judged for their words and actions than we ever were. I think it makes us – parents and grandparents – more important than ever before, offering comfort and guidance to help them through these tricky times.
A bit of hyper-bowl based on what has been released so far.
Franking credits on the dividend component of off-market buybacks are gone.
And paying franked dividends after a capital raising are out too.
But credits on regular dividends paid in the normal course of business out of recurrent profits are fine.
At least for now.
No Cassie. Here is exactly what I wrote:
I have given you a link to the effect that the Azeri leadership are aligned to the Sunnis. I also clarified my comment within a few minutes. Therefore what I said is quite true.
I have given you a link to an article on that topic. Also it is well known that the Azeris are allied with Turkey, and the Turks substantially assisted them in the recent war against the Christian Armenians. I gave you a link to the effect that Erdogan is Sunnifying Turkey, which he’s been doing for a long time now. That hasn’t been good for Alevis or Christians.
So what indeed? Maybe you should read that sentence again. After all Hamas and Iran are deadly enemies of Israel. Turkey is pretty antagonistic too, if you’ve been reading the news, although Erdogan does run hot and cold. I wouldn’t trust the Azeris as far as I could throw one if I was Netanyahu, but then a fair weather friend is still worth the effort of cultivating in such a neighbourhood.
I hope you can see that I do know a little of the field. I have been reading about the politics of the Middle East for forty years, it’s fascinating and messy.
Richard Cranium is very emotional about the whole Mizzzz Knickerless/Lehrman thing. Does he have some kind of personal relationship with either of them? Curious minds.
The 900,000 + people who left Russia are most likely military age men. Those who left Ukraine are predominantly women and children.
As for the tank losses claimed by Ukraine, I can’t do any better than Oryx which was mocked here, but there was never a good argument made about why they were inaccurate, despite using geolocation methods. The argument against Oryx is handwaving and a chuckle.
If the claimed losses are way off – this goes back to the questions which seem to strike a nerve:
Why couldn’t they finish the initial invasion?
Why can’t they mass forces now or break through Ukrainian lines?
Those equipment losses seem to line up at least roughly with claimed manpower losses if infantry is added to the mix.
The Zampatti was worn home,
Who cares?
I think the vomit was left for the cleaners.
The cleaners had the Vax revving up in the corridor, waiting for Higgins to leave.
By the time they were finished, there wasn’t enough DNA to convict a DustMite for trespassing.
Ask Ed, he has a conspiracy theory about that too.
Not sure what you’re alluding to?
It’s no secret that PH Security had several meetings that morning, trying to make a decision on what to do about an unconscious naked woman in Minister Reynolds Office.
In the end, they did nothing, and Higgins eventually got up and left, with her belongings.
How the US has fallen. More and more like the USSR everyday. At least Brezhnev had accomplishments unlike the low class, low rent corruptocrat masquerading as POTUS. Schumer filth’s calling for Carlson to be censored is a new low.
Sure bro, they vacuumed her nether regions. Your conspiracy theory oozes with credibility.
Is my flake ready yet?
I hope you can see that I do know a little of the field.
Certainly more than the average Aussie in the street.
“Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 8, 2023 at 9:39 pm”
Confirmed, you’re embarrassing and tedious, an adolescent, and totally passive aggressive. Seriously, get some fresh air. There’s something wrong with you.
I for one am shocked that Biden would attack an African American man like Elon Musk.
“I hope you can see that I do know a little of the field. I have been reading about the politics of the Middle East for forty years, it’s fascinating and messy.”
LOL….my God you’re pathetic. You’ve read so much but you didn’t know that Azerbajan was majority Shia.
I’ve got the violin out again.
Bruce: book smarts
Cassie: ad homs
Bruce wins.
Cassie – I don’t know modern Jewish law and I couldn’t finish George RR Martin’s first book, as it got quite icky. The rest I can do reasonably well. You only have to ask and I will provide information as you wish, within reason since I’m a fairly well-read amateur not a scholar.
It is possible to know such things Cassie. I read a lot. I don’t know as much as you on local politics (your descriptions are fascinating) and I’m not good on a lot of military history detail that Cats like Zulu, Top Ender, BJ and Winston have at their fingertips. I love the comments though as I learn lots from you all, and that inspires me to read more. It’s fun.
Michael O’brien was trying to call out the Vic ALP relationship with QDOS some time back (with the red-shirts affair)
The payback and back-scratching is blatent.
It would be nice to deface David Elliot’s wikipedia page again.
No, not appropriate especially for an institution that inflicts financial pain on the rest of the country. They are remunerated well enough to be able to afford a costlier property then almost 99% of the rest of the populace.
New edition is up.
” You only have to ask and I will provide information as you wish”
I think it’s best you and I don’t engage. I prefer to deal with adults.
What a contrast: 2 women currently touring australia: Mary Trump, the fat lesso niece of the great man out here spreading her filthy lies about him. And by way of complete contrast Kellie-Jay Keen, the womens’ activist and anti trans freak also here and being described by the fu.king media as an extremist.
“It would be nice to deface David Elliot’s wikipedia page again.
A conga line of mediocrity……Gladys, Baird, Elliott, Hazzard, Kean, Stokes and all the rest of them.
Who TF stops Australians from putting shit on tyrannical politicians?
Idiots like this:
No, they’re mental patients.
That was badly worded. Kellie-Jay is against the trans freaks, she is not one.
Andrews is a law unto himself and too many Victorians didn’t care, and won’t care until their hip pockets nerves are hit with a cattle prod.
By the way tonight at 9.30 pm AET 62 % of electricity being used was being generated by brown and black coal and 9% by gas. This is for the whole eastern coast (Qld, NSW, Vic. Tas, SA). The remainder was made up of 8% hydro and a mere 18% wind. No solar, that’s zero, was being generated because after all, the sun doesn’t shine at night. Only nincompoops could imagine that we can replace this amount of coal generated energy with wind . It can’t happen no matter how much you wish it or how you load your computer programs. It is a dead duck.
Kellie-Jay Keen, the womens’ activist and anti trans freak also here and being described by the fu.king media as an extremist.”
Kellie -Jay is fabulous.
furry fandom
That’s the Liberal Party for you.
Dot says:
March 8, 2023 at 9:41 pm
I know that, and you know that the reason no male is leaving the UKR is the same as that of Russia.
Not permitted.
The rest is immaterial.
Why point out 900K?
I tell you what, if allowed, there would be hardly any military age men left in the UKR, specially of the minorities who are press-ganged into the army and sent to the front after a few weeks of “training” as cannon fodder.
Sure, probably the same applies to Russia as well.
War is not in favour in the civilised world, bar the politicians and some adventurous idiots.