Open Thread – Weekend 18 March 2023

Landscape with a Hunter – Valaam Island, Ivan Shishkin, 1867

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Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 12:56 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 20, 2023 at 12:28 pm
Interesting that vicstazi let the nazzies thru. A bit like the capitol police.

Of course.

It was always a set up, Posie Parker and her crew were in on it, and they caught
Moira [dumber than dogsh!t] Deeming.

It seems more than reasonable to assume that, as usual, you actually have no evidence for the assertions in the last two paras.

Just as you have no evidence for your assertions about Curtin during WW II.

Stick to writing fiction, you’re not very good at it, but someone might buy a copy, somewhere, sometime.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 12:57 pm

More comedy (the Tele, again):

A home has been left badly-damaged following the explosion of an e-bike in Sydney’s east, with the fire forcing a man to jump from a second-storey balcony.

Fourteen Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) trucks responded to the incident 8pm last night at Mathewson St, Eastgardens.

The fire spread through the garage and ground floor of the home. All residents made it safely out of the home, including the man which jumped from the second-storey balcony.

Reported injuries included, but were not limited to smugness and pride.

Fire investigators believe a faulty lithium-ion battery on the bike exploded which started the fire. A vehicle in the garage was destroyed, and the home was badly damaged.

They’re all faulty.

The e-bike battery has been secured and immersed in water by firefighters to prevent reignition.

A fire crew remained at the scene overnight to prevent the battery’s reignition.

Nobody could have foreseen this.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 1:01 pm

Johnny Rottensays:
March 20, 2023 at 12:41 pm
Mark my words. Wait for the Government pressers later today, once they’ve got their stories straight. It will be various versions of ‘Yes, this was horrible, but lookit the poor indig disadvantaged people’.

Watch. Wait.

The Bottle Shop CCTV cameras do not lie.

Unlike, apparently, the Canbra Parliament House CCTV cameras, which failed to record Richard Craniums favourite in a compromising position.

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2023 1:01 pm

From The Oz, all working to plan…

New Zealand Immigration is considering preventing anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen from entering the country, after her appearance at a rally in Melbourne sparked right wing protests at the weekend.

Ms Keen, also known as Posie Parker, is due to travel to NZ this weekend to speak in Auckland and Wellington

Supporters of the provocateur and self declared women’s rights activist were seen giving Nazi salutes at Victoria’s parliament house, while the state’s upper house whip, Moira Deeming, may be expelled over her links to rally organisers. NZ’s immigration department told NZ TV it would review whether Ms Keen, a British citizen, should be allowed in without a visa.

British citizens don’t need a visa to enter NZ but must fill out a (NZ Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) in which they must declare any removals or exclusions from other countries.

“INZ is now reviewing whether in the light of the events at the weekend Ms Keen-Minshull is still able to travel to New Zealand on the basis of the NZeTA (NZ Electronic Travel Authority) that she holds without obtaining a visa first,” a spokesman said.

Victoria will move to ban the Nazi salute after the weekend’s protests.

As for “Supporters of the provocateur and self declared women’s rights activist were seen giving Nazi salutes at Victoria’s parliament house, “…note the gaslighting, the dog whistling, the unadulterated lies, trying to link the Nazis to the women at the rally?

What an effing disgrace.

Next Saturday night, when I am at Rabz’s place watching the electoral results come in, I am going to drink to the annihilation, the obliteration and the end of the Liberal Party of Australia.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 20, 2023 1:02 pm

So, having driven off the people they may have hoped to attract Tolkien fans – they were left trying to muster up an audience of people who had shown no interest in Tolkien.

Also true of the footy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 1:03 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 20, 2023 at 12:44 pm
And nobody should be anti-women.

Ask her what a woman is?

I asked m0nty=fa yesterday, but he seems to be having some difficulty coming up with an answer.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 20, 2023 1:03 pm

Alan Bond (pbuh)

Pig Excrement Be Unto Him!

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 20, 2023 1:08 pm

As curious as the ephemeral appearance of the Salon Nazis was, there was also a curious lack of the Pride March Police… you know, the stumpy dumpy neckbeard types. All the rozzers who were watching the larping were of the six foot plus and handy variety…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 20, 2023 1:08 pm

Nobody should be anti-trans.


Because trannies are such nice people?

Drag Queen Who Said ‘Love Has No Age’ Gave ‘Story Time’ Lessons to 11-Year-Olds (19 Mar)

Drag Queens Invade and Disrupt a Christian Story Hour (19 Mar)

Oh, um, as you were.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 20, 2023 1:09 pm

watching the larping
Sorry, meant to say “valiantly struggling to keep the mortal enemies separated”

March 20, 2023 1:12 pm

Gray Connolly
Very good statement by Senator Claire Chandler on hitherto unquestioned rights of women to their own female spaces … albeit in Victoria this may or may not be Nazi ideology now, depending on what the polling comes back with

March 20, 2023 1:14 pm

All the rozzers who were watching the larping were of the six foot plus and handy variety…

Except for the 6 or so little women astride large horses.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 20, 2023 1:20 pm

Farmer Gezsays:

March 20, 2023 at 11:10 am

If you’ve been to the Grampians then you’re associating with Nazis.
Resign, the bally lot of you.

I’ve been to Alan Meyer’s* fancy restaurant at Dunkeld.
I had kassler and sauerkraut washed down with a bottle of Gerwürztraminer.
In my leather shorts.

Or is it Meier?

March 20, 2023 1:20 pm

I’m surprised that with this, migrant, bloke’s ability to manage his finances Luigi can’t find him a spot as advisor to the Treasurer ….. LOL!
Balancing all these costs with precarious, low-paid employment and no local rental history saw Michell and his family renting a single room in a shared apartment for $500 a week in southern Sydney while they tried to find work that suited their skills.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 1:22 pm

Next Saturday night, when I am at Rabz’s place watching the electoral results come in, I am going to drink to the annihilation, the obliteration and the end of the Liberal Party of Australia.


It’s a New Zealand Labour Party Government who is considering banning Minshull from entering their Country?
They won’t, since they’re headed for defeat unless a rabbit gets pulled outta the hat, and Minshull is that rabbit.

March 20, 2023 1:23 pm

Nobody should be anti-trans

So blokes who chop their cocks off, wear dresses and have a penchant for small children are completely normal?

BTW: how’s munty’s transition going?

March 20, 2023 1:23 pm

Now, when I read LOTR (should it be LotR?) I understood as being a story from long past (like legends are) and very much English – Tolkien very deliberately sought to communicate that – with a bit of a Nordic or Germanic flavour. The roles and men and women (all species) were traditional roles, and I think most people also imagined it ‘white’ – like actual legends such as King Arthur or Robin Hood.

Tolkien said, of LOTR, “it is fundamentally a Catholic story.”

I was very peeved to go watch the Tolkien movie, spend $15 to see them airbrush all Catholicism from his life. The fact that they grew up paupers because when the father died, the Catholic mother was ostracised from the Prod rellies because she wouldn’t convert and it was the Church who saved them many times over…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 20, 2023 1:26 pm

I paid a visit to the Broad Church this morning.
I can touch both walls simultaneously.

March 20, 2023 1:26 pm

A home has been left badly-damaged following the explosion of an e-bike

Can’t wait for the first “communidy battery” to go super critical.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 20, 2023 1:32 pm

One of her friends tried to fight off the kangaroo with a hiking pole but the kangaroo had already sliced her leg with it’s claws.

Hiking pole?
I’ll bet she also owns a recumbent bike, a thirty year old Skoda, runs a scented candle shop at a loss and voted Australian Democrats until Bob Brown came along.

March 20, 2023 1:37 pm

Well according to the presser I just saw with the Sicktorian Opposition leader, it seems that if you oppose peterfilia you are a nayzee.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 1:37 pm

The fact that they grew up paupers because when the father died, the Catholic mother was ostracised from the Prod rellies because she wouldn’t convert and it was the Church who saved them many times over…

Not correct.
The father died in 1896 in South Africa while the mother and the children were visiting England.
The mother took them to live with her family in England, who were Baptists.
All was well until 1900, when she converted to Roman Catholicism, over the vehement protests from her family.

March 20, 2023 1:37 pm

They Might Be Giants


Black Ball
Black Ball
March 20, 2023 1:38 pm

Nazis the flavour of the month. Get in here monty. Hun:

An internal war has broken out in the Victorian Greens after the party reprimanded a member but failed to suspend or expel them over social media posts defending pedophilia and sympathising with Nazis.

The backlash relates to a panel review of posts by Bianca Haven, a transgender member who has held senior positions in the party and is understood to be seeking a position on the state council.

The Herald Sun can reveal that last week the party’s misconduct panel found Ms Haven had breached its code of conduct by posting offensive material on its social media.

“Through posts on this ­account, the poster identifies themselves as someone who holds repugnant views (defending pedophilia, sympathetic to Nazi views, defending incest),” the panel’s ‘Notice of Sanction’ says.

“The manner in which these posts interleave the respondent’s offensive content with detailed discussions of Australian Greens Victoria internal matters, in the public domain and over a long period of time, creates a serious risk of bringing the party into disrepute.”

But Ms Haven was only censured, prompting anger from some who had called for suspension or expulsion.

In one disturbing tweet, Ms Haven had written: “Dolls are fun, but what I want is the power to take a knife to the guts and keep f—ing.”

She wrote in response to a comment on the tweet: “You’re cute, lemme know if you needa get stabbed or smooched or anything.”

The feud is another flashpoint in an ongoing battle in the Greens over its handling of transgender policies. The issue has re-emerged amid Ms Haven’s push for a senior role in the party and after a protest on the steps of Victorian parliament was hijacked by right-wing extremists.

Nina Vallins, a former member of the Greens who was on the state executive, criticised the decision not to punish Ms Haven further.

Ms Vallins quit the party after she was suspended for six months for allegedly bringing the party into disrepute and vilifying members over her views on transgender policy.

“(Federal Greens leader) Adam Bandt today tweeted a series of tweets in which he said the feminists that gathered in parliament Saturday were allies of neo-Nazis,” she said.

“We are not allies of neo-Nazis but the Greens are sheltering a Nazi sympathiser in their party. The Greens suspended my membership for six months for saying women deserve women’s only spaces. It would be hypocritical to do anything other than expel someone who promotes vile views.”

The Greens and Ms Haven were invited to comment.

March 20, 2023 1:40 pm

How do you go about banning a “salute” ? .. does this mean that anyone, innocently, gesturing with their arm skyward is gonna be at risk of pepper spray/plod lockdown type tactics ….
is that a bird, is that a plane? ….. Noooooooo!…….. it’s a right wing Nazi thug ………..!
Shirley, if we is gonna be roolly serious about this demonstrations outside HUGO BOSS stockists is required and throwing eggs at BOSS suited folk compulsory ..
Ooooooh! .. those little, finger length. smudgie hair growths under the nose gotta be suspect …!
and anyone speaking/reading German whilst wearing lederhosen … the sheer horror ..!

March 20, 2023 1:40 pm

BTW: how’s munty’s transition going?

Stalled, they cant find even the vestigial remnants of manhood to lop off.

Can’t wait for the first “communidy battery” to go super critical.
They quietly changed the deign parameters of the grifter grid to include fireproof partitions between each unit.
Given that the buggers can burn very hot for days Im guessing the will be the very best repurposed apartment cladding.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 20, 2023 1:40 pm

Australian War Memorial reveals new Iraq War gallery will showcase ‘NO WAR’ Sydney Opera House protest items alongside fighter jet

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 1:43 pm

Ahem. From earlier:

And I would ALSO add that it would not surprise me one bit that one or more of the glass-smackers from the Beachfront Hotel, where they were refused service, were also involved in the murder at the Airport Hotel which is not all that far away.

Unfortunately, turns out I’m better at predictions than Armstrong Economics’ supercomputerthingy.

They just held a presser. Same car, same people. Knocked back at the first, glass the staff. Knocked back at the second, kill the staff. All done according to 60,000 years of culture.

Three in the bin, one hit with a moida beef.

Told youse.

March 20, 2023 1:44 pm

How do you go about banning a “salute” ? ..

Do a first instead of a flat hand and it is no longer the Nazis salute, but rather the communist/anarchist one.

March 20, 2023 1:44 pm

Famed autocorrupt – fist not first

March 20, 2023 1:51 pm

The Victorian Government will reportedly use the protest to pass laws banning the Nazi salute.

What if you were heiling a taxi?

March 20, 2023 1:53 pm

Lysander says:
March 20, 2023 at 1:23 pm

Tolkien said, of LOTR, “it is fundamentally a Catholic story.”
I was very peeved to go watch the Tolkien movie, spend $15 to see them airbrush all Catholicism from his life.

SDG Reviews ‘Tolkien’ – National Catholic Register

Nearly all fact-based films introduce fictional elements and invented drama, and all without exception must make choices about what to include or omit. Unhappily, among the omissions is all but the barest mention of the role of Catholicism in Tolkien’s life — as it happens, a source of significant drama.

We never learn that the reason for the Tolkiens’ financial distress, or “impeculiar circumstances,” as Mabel whimsically puts it, is the family’s outrage over Mabel’s conversion to Catholicism.

Tolkien would later consider his mother a martyr to her family’s opprobrium fidei, and his deep attachment to his faith throughout his life was linked in part to the trauma of losing his mother.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 20, 2023 1:56 pm

Tragic, KD. All of that in the northern suburbs of Darwin.

I remember arriving there in 1980s – anyone “living on the streets” was driven 20k’s down the Stuart Highway and released.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 1:58 pm

The Nazi Party ceased to exist in May 1945, 78 years ago.
All incarnations since have been controlled by the Security Services.

March 20, 2023 2:01 pm

A mate reckons anything over 2c is a blue chip. Nearly broke the “0” key on his keyboard drafting a prospectus.

A mate of mine has come up a title for his second book sold exclusively on HotCopper, “The Punter’s WINNING Mindset in dogshit stocks”

His first title was a cracker too.

My contribution would be “Let’s hope the oppies get up too!” or “1c to 2c a life changing trade”.

March 20, 2023 2:02 pm

Oh come onsays:
March 20, 2023 at 10:12 am
Stroke survivor Jemma Twidle urges other young people to know the warning signs

Watch out youngsters, it can happen at any time. And all the time, apparently. Especially if you’re from regional WA. And you have a hole in your heart. Couldn’t be anything else.


Ms Twidle completed a triathlon, just seven weeks later.

so she’s clearly a fit young lass.

but no, its sedentary lifestyles causing it..

Dr Murphy said strokes could happen at any age and 24 per cent happened in people aged between 18 and 54.

She said the number of young people experiencing strokes was increasing and could be linked to preventable “sedentary” lifestyle factors.

“We’re all sitting at computers, we’re not moving, we’re not exercising, it’s hard to get a healthy, balanced diet,” she said.

Johnny Rotten
March 20, 2023 2:03 pm

Two old friends were just about to tee off at the first hole of their local golf course when a chap carrying a golf bag called out to them “Do you mind if I join you? My partner didn’t turn up”. “Sure” they said “You’re welcome”.

So they started playing and enjoyed the game and the company of the newcomer. Part way around the course, one of the friends asked the newcomer “What do you do for a living?” “I’m a hit man” was the reply. “You’re joking!” was the response. “No, I’m not” he said, reaching into his golf bag, and pulling out a beautiful Martini sniper’s rifle with a large telescopic sight. “Here are my tools”.

“That’s a beautiful telescopic sight” said the other friend “Can I take a look? I think I might be able to see my house from here”. So he picked up the rifle and looked through the sight in the direction of his house. “Yeah, I can see my house all right. This sight is fantastic. I can see right in the window. Wow, I can see my wife in the bedroom. Haha, I can see she’s naked! What’s that? Wait a minute, that’s my neighbour in there with her. He’s naked as well! The bitch!”

He turned to the hit man “How much do you charge for a hit?” “I do a flat rate, for you, one thousand dollars every time I pull the trigger”. “Can you do two for me now?” “Sure, what do you want?” “First, shoot my wife, she’s always been mouthy, so shoot her in the mouth. Then the neighbour, he’s a mate of mine, a bit of a lad, so just shoot his dick off to teach him a lesson”.

The hit man took the rifle and took aim, standing perfectly still for a few minutes. “Are you going to do it or not?” said the friend impatiently. “Just wait a moment, be patient” said the hit man calmly “I think I can save you a thousand dollars here…”

March 20, 2023 2:03 pm

How can they tell you were doing a Nazi salute , you could be doing a Roman salute. This is becoming so stupid.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 20, 2023 2:04 pm

Another street crime in Darwin. Check the sentence the perp received:

A champion football player and married father of two who “callously” raped an unconscious woman in broad daylight before being interrupted by good Samaritans has been jailed for six years.
Three time Wadeye Football League champion Bruce Berry pleaded guilty in the Supreme Court to raping the woman, who he did not know, at the Moil oval in April last year.

The court heard the 29-year-old was drinking with a group of people at the Moil shops when they joined up with the victim’s group and she ended up so drunk she could not stand up.

Berry tried to kiss the woman as she lay on the ground but she pushed him away and they kept drinking until the rum ran out and he offered to take her to the oval where he had hidden more alcohol.

When they got there, the woman fell unconscious and Berry took off her pants and underwear and raped her where she lay.

Justice Judith Kelly said it was at this point that the first bystander noticed what was happening and called out to Berry but he did not stop and the witness called police while he continued to rape the woman.

Justice Kelly said another person also saw what was happening and yelled out from a car “What the f*** are you doing?” and Berry responded that he was “trying to help her” before “pretending” to put her clothes back on.

“While you were doing this, another witness started filming you,” she said.

“The first witness got out of her car and came up to you, she said, ‘Like f*** you were helping her, you were helping yourself’.”

“At this point, you ran away, while the other witness kept on filming you, then those two witnesses helped the victim, they gave her a cool drink, they held her head and they kept her conscious until the ambulance arrived.”

Justice Kelly said the woman was still unable to talk or stand and was “completely unaware of what had happened to her” but became “acutely distressed” after arriving at hospital.

In a victim impact statement, the woman said she remained “upset and angry” about what had happened and now felt scared to return to Darwin.

In setting a non-parole period of four years and three months, Justice Kelly said the offending was “brazen and took place in public”.”

“You did not stop, even when there were witnesses who saw what you were doing and tried to intervene,” she said.

“You tried to cover up what you had done by pretending that you were helping the victim. You left that poor woman in a humiliating position, naked from the waist down, in public.”

NT News

March 20, 2023 2:05 pm

I remember arriving there in 1980s – anyone “living on the streets” was driven 20k’s down the Stuart Highway and released.

They were forcibly bussing long grassers back to their communities as late at 2012, possibly even after that. Now the churches allow them to sleep rough on church property in Darwin.

Johnny Rotten
March 20, 2023 2:06 pm

I’m always amazed that people take what I say seriously. I don’t even take what I am seriously.

– David Bowie

March 20, 2023 2:08 pm

Shirley not Knuckles. I think you may be mistaken. Isn’t it 100,000 years by now. What did they blame for killing each other before whitey showed up with the grog.

March 20, 2023 2:12 pm

Can I still sing Springtime for Hitler on Spring St to protest Dan Andrews’ heavy handed governance of Victoria?


Here comes, the Master Race!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 2:14 pm

I think you may be mistaken. Isn’t it 100,000 years by now. What did they blame for killing each other before whitey showed up with the grog

The good news is that cannibalism is slightly down.

March 20, 2023 2:18 pm

I presume the joey’s still stuck on the fence.

March 20, 2023 2:18 pm

rickw says:
March 20, 2023 at 1:26 pm

A home has been left badly-damaged following the explosion of an e-bike

Can’t wait for the first “communidy battery” to go super critical.

Instigating a grid collapse and necessitating a “Black start”.
The visuals of a week long battery fire as grid operators desperately try to restart the grid will be a thing of beauty.

March 20, 2023 2:20 pm

Now the churches allow them to sleep rough on church property in Darwin.

That might void the insurance policies of the churches concerned.

March 20, 2023 2:26 pm

Strange events
Dr. John Campbell

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 20, 2023 2:32 pm

Nazis the flavour of the month.

The left like to pretend that there are always and everywhere only two possibilities on any topic – their view (left…I mean ‘progressive’) and right. If there are more than one view – for example with regards to the Trans agenda where feminists might be opposed to womanhood being diluted to irrelevance, Christians who think it an abuse of what God has created, or plain souls like me who think it is a sublimation of mental disorder into form encouraged by a few activists and their shills.

All three of those are now ‘right-wing’. Nazis were right-wing (they fought the Soviets who were left-wing) therefore any opposition to the Trans agenda is being a Nazi.

By the same token you can have 100 marbles, some of which are red, others blue, green, or yellow.

You separate them out into red, and non-red.

Then you insist that all the non-red (blue, green, and yellow) are the same colour.

March 20, 2023 2:38 pm

Thanks P.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 20, 2023 2:42 pm

So, looks like I’ll be seig-heiling with a Black Power glove on next demo

March 20, 2023 2:43 pm

ABC Investigations understands that a dedicated OSI team made up of homicide detectives and an intelligence officer examined the killing for more than two years.

I still contend if it takes that long to charge someone for a murder after they’ve been accused then you’re already pushing shit uphill.

March 20, 2023 2:43 pm

Rape was a capital crime in NSW until 1955.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 20, 2023 2:51 pm

I think “losing Womens Spaces” is a red herring here.
What we should be fighting to remain in control of, is the right of the parent, or common man in the street for that matter, to say “put some clothes on and get out of my children’s school, sports team, main street…” ie to get flaaaming perversity out of public life.
We might get reasonably secure changerooms and toilets, but Pride round, Pride month, Pride march, Pride workshops, Rainbow schoolrooms, not to mention surgically and pseudo-hormonally deranged she-males rampaging through women’s sports… they can, and will, still trample the wreckage of what was once a perfectly sensible civilization.

March 20, 2023 2:52 pm

Barry at ALP camps it was sport.

March 20, 2023 2:55 pm

Proud of being Freaks. So mentally deranged they think everyone has to be like them.

March 20, 2023 2:55 pm

Looks like we’ve had an upgrade.
Page turns seamlessly and no more hanging of comments.

Thanks Dover.

March 20, 2023 2:58 pm

Telling that the fat man has gone quiet on the Nazi story already.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 3:19 pm


They just held a presser. Same car, same people. Knocked back at the first, glass the staff. Knocked back at the second, kill the staff. All done according to 60,000 years of culture.

Three in the bin, one hit with a moida beef.

Told youse.

Dick Ed fails again.

March 20, 2023 3:20 pm

Quiet Part, Out Loud – Polish Ambassador Warns If Ukraine Not Successful NATO Will Join War Against Russia

I thought the Poles were the smarter ones in that part of the world?

Obviously not.

March 20, 2023 3:21 pm

On Galadriel as a “Mary” character, I would have picked Mélian from the Silmarillian as a bit closer. Galadriel left Valinor under a cloud, with all the other exiles – they were expressly forbidden to go, but go they did. She saw the wide lands of Middle Earth as an opportunity to rule a kingdom.

The “long defeat” she talks about fighting was not just against Morgoth and his lieutenant Sauron, but was a result of the curse of the Noldor. At the time of LotR, she was the oldest elf on Middle Earth, having existed from before the rising of Sun or Moon. Incidentally, she was also Elrond’s mother in law. 😀

Another fun bit of elvish trivia…Galadriel has no strand of the divine in her lineage, but Elrond, Arwen and Aragorn do, being descendants of Melian.

I shall leave you with this.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 3:21 pm

March 20, 2023 at 1:44 pm
How do you go about banning a “salute” ? ..

Do a first instead of a flat hand and it is no longer the Nazis salute, but rather the communist/anarchist one.

And scratch your upper lip at the same time?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 20, 2023 3:21 pm

Rape was a capital crime in NSW until 1955.

A relic from the days of patriarchy when we are assured women we oppressed and treated as worthless.

I suppose the argument that the left would urgently cobble together against the above is that women were someone’s property so the crime was not against the woman but some male ‘owner’, although why would you execute a man for something worth less than a man, who was not only still alive but also still available for the carnal appetites of men?

Personally I would say that it was an enduring dedication to notions of chivalry. In days past there was a reverence for women. It was the height of honour to charge into certain death to save a woman.

But, in 1955, the government voted to make rape no longer a capital case. They had to articulate their case against it. This would have been around the beginning of the Women’s movement I would think. Was that part of it? Pulling women down to the mundanity of mere biology without the special status accorded by centuries of gallant refinement.

Women insisted on being equal to men in the most unedifying ways they could – they could knock back grog like a bloke (they couldn’t really), could swear like them, and shagged promiscuously. Nothing to revere there. And, at the same time, guys stopped making the effort too. Once they would start saving for a family as soon as they got paid, they would make the effort to restrain their coarser habits in a woman’s presence, they would even make a point of dressing ‘up’ if going out in public.

But I hear there is a bit of a ‘traditional wife’ movement going about. I wonder if this might reverse the trend. I think guys would actually enjoy treating their wives (or at least women) as something precious and just need to know how, and to feel they are allowed.

(Funny thing is that I expect feminists again believe that rape should be given the most extreme punishment on the books.)

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 20, 2023 3:25 pm

The proposal is to ban the Nazi salute, yet burning the Australian flag is all good?

March 20, 2023 3:26 pm

On the LOTRs, I also thought the “men of the East” was a reference to Islam who are out to destroy the “men of the West?”

I never read it anywhere, I just presumed…

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 3:27 pm

But, in 1955, the government voted to make rape no longer a capital case. They had to articulate their case against it. This would have been around the beginning of the Women’s movement I would think. Was that part of it? Pulling women down to the mundanity of mere biology without the special status accorded by centuries of gallant refinement.

Capital Punishment for Rape in NSW was abolished in 1910, Sir Galahad.
1840 in the U.K.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 20, 2023 3:29 pm

By the same token you can have 100 marbles, some of which are red, others blue, green, or yellow.
You separate them out into red, and non-red.
Then you insist that all the non-red (blue, green, and yellow) are the same colour.

Us v Them.
Timeless; a convenient and flexible tactic.

In the current climate of ‘othering’ as retail politics, broadscale outright lies and deception by people in positions of trust, and ‘banal pabulum’ (using the 17th c meaning of pabulum) in the public square, it works particularly well.

The only slight problem is that complex reality bites back.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 3:29 pm

The Nazi salute has been banned in Qld since 1938.

The only exception is Police directing Traffic [to stop].

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 3:31 pm

March 20, 2023 at 2:58 pm
Telling that the fat man has gone quiet on the Nazi story already.

Goering comments here? Oh, sorry, do you mean the fat fascist fool m0nty=fa?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 3:32 pm

The only exception is Police directing Traffic [to stop].

With special traffic paddles.

And crikkit umpires, when they have occasion to signal byes.

Amiright Ed?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 3:34 pm

And schoolkids volunteering to answer questions in classrooms.

And people changing lightbulbs in public places.

And footballers standing on the mark.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 20, 2023 3:34 pm

In Back to the Future news:

The Air Force’s Hypersonic Scramjet Missile Aced Its Final Test, Beautifully

The future of aviation is hypersonic. The U.S. Air Force is hard at work on a next-gen hypersonic bomber, and even commercial aviation is looking for ways to push planes into Mach 5 and beyond. But the most pressing issue is to counter the world’s growing (and terrifying) chorus of hypersonic weapons.

Luckily, the Air Force just wrapped up a stunning final test of scramjet-powered Hypersonic Airbreathing Weapon Concept (HAWC) missile, a program it calls the most successful of its kind in U.S. history.

On Monday, the Air Force and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced that the weapon system successfully achieved Mach 5 flight and traveled 300 nautical miles at 60,000 feet. That’s an impressive feat, though the results don’t state exactly how long the missile achieved those hypersonic speeds.

In other news, monthly production from the Irkutsk No. 7 Tractor Factory increased by 792%…

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 3:35 pm

March 20, 2023 at 3:26 pm
On the LOTRs, I also thought the “men of the East” was a reference to Islam who are out to destroy the “men of the West?”

I never read it anywhere, I just presumed…

Peter Jackson had them arriving in ships rigged with lateen sails, the same as in Arab dhows.

Davey Boy
March 20, 2023 3:36 pm

Yeah, if they make the nazi salute a criminal offence,

make the law retrospective, please

March 20, 2023 3:37 pm

Tolkien nerds are the worst nerds, Lysander.

The Men of the West are the descendants of the Nümenorians, the Land of the Star given to them after the defeat of Morgoth.

The Men of the East are the ones left behind in Middle Earth. Some fell into degradation and evil (as Sauron still endured and grew again in power), others simply became rusticated (like the Men of Rohan).

During the War of the Ring, the Easterlings differentiated themselves by siding with Sauron, as did the folk displaced by the Men of Rohan who sided with Saruman.

In the south, the Men of Harad became allies of Sauron. Long before, he had mastered them from his base in Numenor by using Numerorean men he had drawn to himself and corrupted. This also included the Numenorean king, a distant relative of Elrond.

It’s complicated, and that’s how Tolkien liked it. He was having some fun with his sub-creation after all.

March 20, 2023 3:38 pm

is looking for ways to push planes into Mach 5

Whew! 6,000kmph!!!

When can I get me one and when will these speeds be applied to commercial airliners 😛

March 20, 2023 3:39 pm

Calli have you read the Simarillion all the way through? I got a 1/4 of the way through it, found it challenging, IIRC tried to power through the next 1/12th and gave up at about 1/3.

local oaf
March 20, 2023 3:41 pm

Our garage nasties wear shorts? Wodehouse LARPers!

Roderick Spode, 7th Earl of Sidcup, often known as Spode or Lord Sidcup, is a recurring fictional character in the Jeeves novels of English comic writer P. G. Wodehouse. In the first novel in which he appears, he is an “amateur dictator” and the leader of a fictional fascist group in London called the Saviours of Britain, also known as the Black Shorts.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 3:45 pm

Richard Cranium

Capital Punishment for Rape in NSW was abolished in 1910, Sir Galahad.
1840 in the U.K.

Citations needed.

Johnny Rotten
March 20, 2023 3:46 pm

Hunter Biden Countersues Laptop Repair Shop Owner

“Computer repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He found the horrendous, unspeakable content on Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell. John Paul thought he did the right thing by contacting the authorities, but they were in the Biden crime family’s pocket. The FBI stormed his shop and locked away the laptop. No one was permitted to say that the laptop even existed. Now, Hunter Biden is filing legal charges against the computer shop owner for violating his privacy. America is not a democracy; Joe Biden is a tyrant who is above the law.

The nerve these people have where they believe they have the “privacy” to conceal CP and treasonous secrets against the US. The contents of the computer were discovered on June/July 2019, before his dad could be installed as president. Intelligence agencies threatened media platforms such as Facebook and warned them against uncovering the story. Zuckerburg even admitted to censoring any story involving the laptop during Joe Biden’s presidential run. Everyone knows the truth behind the curtain but the public was brainwashed into believing it was all a big lie.

Hunter Biden finally admitted that the laptop was his in February 2023. Actually, he alluded that the laptop could be his in a statement written by his lawyers. So for three years, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, MSNBC, and nearly every media outlet denied that the laptop existed. Believe it or not, they actually tried to blame RUSSIA for Hunter Biden’s depraved recorded behavior.

The shop owner really is innocent in all of this mess, and it shows how the Bidens truly do not care about the average person. The owner looked at the contents of the computer because the laptop owner, who admittedly was using crack cocaine and other illegal drugs at the time, failed to pick it up within 90 days and could not be reached. I can assure you that the contents of that computer would send anyone to jail for a very long time. His father, the sitting US president, would also be sent to jail if this were a just system. Around 67% of the American people wanted Joe Biden impeached over the contents of the laptop before Hunter’s team even admitted it was real. Show the public the truth of Joe Biden’s treasonous involvement before the next election — the people have a right to know who they are voting for.”

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 3:47 pm

List of men executed for Rape in Queensland:

Chamery – 4 August 1859 – Indigenous. Hanged at Brisbane for the rape of Mary Treatroff at Dugandan.
Dick – 4 August 1859 – Indigenous. Hanged at Brisbane for the rape of Mary Treatroff at Dugandan.

Georgie – 12 Dec 1861 – Indigenous. Hanged at Brisbane for the rape of Bridget Ryan at Little Ipswich.

Billy – 7 December 1868 – Indigenous. Hanged at Brisbane for the rape of Mary Thompson at Tivoli
Jacob – 17 May 1869 – Indigenous. Hanged at Brisbane for the rape of Jane Knott and Amelia Reichmann at Ideraway.

Jacky Whitton – 7 March 1870 – Indigenous. Hanged at Toowoomba for the rape of thirteen-year-old Henrietta Reiss at Bodumba station near Warwick.

George – 15 May 1871 – Indigenous. Hanged at Rockhampton for the rape of Ellen Manning at Gracemere.
Dugald – 28 May 1872 – Indigenous. Hanged at Brisbane for the rape of twelve-year-old Catherine Hutchinson south of Gympie.

Alick (alias Johnny) – 29 December 1874 – Pacific Islander. Hanged at Brisbane for the rape of eleven-year-old Gertrude Brauer at Doughboy Creek.
Johnny Clayson – 14 April 1875 – Indigenous. Hanged at Rockhampton for the rape of Johanna Kopp at Palmerville.

George – 18 May 1877 – Pacific Islander. Hanged at Maryborough Gaol for the rape of Mrs McBride.
Tommy Ah Mow – 18 May 1877 – Pacific Islander. Hanged at Maryborough for the rape of Mrs. McBride.

Kagariu (Johnny Campbell) – 16 August 1880 – Indigenous. Bushranger. Hanged at Brisbane for the rape of Jane MacAlister at Kipper Creek, Northbrook

George Byrne – 22 May 1882 – Hanged at Brisbane for the rape of Susan Isaacs in Elizabeth Street, Brisbane

George – 15 October 1883 – Indigenous. Hanged at Boggo Road Gaol for the rape of thirteen-year-old Johanna Anderson at Gracemere


Donald – 25 April 1892 – Indigenous. Hanged at Boggo Road Gaol for the rape of Eva Scott at Hornet Bank Station near Taroom
1900s to 1910s
William Broome – 11 June 1900 – Indigenous. Hanged at Boggo Road Gaol for the murder of Mary Le Blowitz near Bundaberg

Twadiga – 14 May 1906 – From Gawa Island (now in Papua New Guinea). Hanged at Boggo Road Gaol for the murder of five-year-old William Baulch, at Homebush, near Mackay

Bismarck – 19 April 1909 – Indigenous. Hanged at Boggo Road Gaol for the murder of Janet Evitts at Jundah

George David Silva – 10 June 1912 – Hanged at Boggo Road Gaol for the murder of seventeen-year-old Maud Ching at Alligator Creek, near Hay Point. On the same occasion he also murdered Maud’s younger siblings Teddy, Dolly, Hugh and Winnie, and their mother Agnes

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2023 3:47 pm

Oh look who joins the bandwagon, the man who, as a 21 year old, wore a Nazi uniform to a party…

“NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has flagged he is open to banning the Nazi salute in line with his Victorian counterparts.

The Victorian government signalled it would move to outlaw the gesture after neo-Nazis protested in front of the state’s parliament.

Referring to legislation introduced by his government banning Nazi symbols, Mr Perrottet said he would support broadening the ban.

“Yes, open to it obviously,” he said.

“We banned symbols in NSW and led the way on that reform and ultimately there’s no place for that in society.””

You couldn’t make this shit up.

March 20, 2023 3:57 pm

Tell me Russia is stable and Putin is secure?

There are four armies in Russia, one more than when Henry VII and Richard III fought at Bosworth (Lancastrians, Yorkists and Stanleys).

Russian military
Wagner PMC
Gazprom PMC
Russian Orthodox Church PMC (St Andrew’s Cross PMC)

March 20, 2023 3:58 pm

“We banned symbols in NSW and led the way on that reform and ultimately there’s no place for that in society.””

No champ, free speech is sacred, enjoy your retirement.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 3:58 pm

What else is Parrothead supposed to do since a dopey Liberal Party token woman got sprung yukking it up with Grampians Blackshirts in Melbourne yesterday?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 4:00 pm

No champ, free speech is sacred, enjoy your retirement.

Is that right, champ?
You haven’t been particularly accepting of my
Sacred Right to Free Speech over the years?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 4:02 pm


The Double Champ!


March 20, 2023 4:02 pm

You haven’t been particularly accepting of my
Sacred Right to Free Speech over the years?

Get your own platform you lawfare sharting scumbag, please don’t ruin the good Mr Dover’s with your defamatory nonsense and literary diarrhea.

March 20, 2023 4:03 pm

One book I am currently struggling through is The Brothers Karamazov… it’s hard going and the father is a bloody idiot. I’d kill him lol!

And on other books, I found Tiger Tiger Tiger really disappointing. A lot of spelling mistakes, errors and sentences that didn’t make sense about his experience as a copper and only half a “chapter” dedicated to the siege…

March 20, 2023 4:03 pm

Time for the sword hand almost in in the chest. Listen, champ…

March 20, 2023 4:05 pm

The Victorian Government will reportedly use the protest to pass laws banning the Nazi salute.

This is primarily about stopping people taking the piss out of our fascist government leaders.

Remember when people at the Freedom Protests were taking the piss out of Dickhead Dan by giving him Nazi salutes, and then the press claimed that there were actual Nazi’s at the protest.

It’s hard to imagine how Australia could get any more rooted.

March 20, 2023 4:06 pm

Sent to me by a third party.

Texas mom Laura Maria Gruber always considered herself a “woke” liberal in favor of progressive causes, even sending her young daughter to a charter school that celebrates “diversity, equity and inclusion,” according to the school’s web site.

But she never thought her 13-year-old would be asked to play a “seducing hooker” in a bizarre classroom game.

“I picked my daughter and her best friend up from school and my daughter said ‘We played this game at school, Mom, and you’re going to be upset,’” Gruber told The Post Saturday from her home in San Antonio.

“When she told me about kids getting up in class and posing as hookers, I almost crashed the car.”

The September incident was so disturbing, Gruber said, she pulled her daughter from the school and demanded an apology from administrators.

Gruber, 45, a Latina from Puerto Rico, found out the game was called “Bear-Hooker-Hunter” and went online, discovering it is an adult drinking game version of rock-paper-scissors.

At least we know Hans Gruber DID get away with it and has some whipsmart kiddos out there. I hope they use their powers for good.

March 20, 2023 4:09 pm

This is primarily about stopping people taking the piss out of our fascist government leaders.

Don’t be dumb, be a smawrty, come and join the red shirt pawrty!

He’s the arts grad who wants to change history!

Look out, here comes the dear leader!

Heil me! (Giggles).

March 20, 2023 4:09 pm

Dot, I have read it many times. For me it has all the satisfying qualities of “history” and myth and it all hangs together cohesively. I was lucky enough to bag a first edition when it was published.

I also enjoy the way Tolkien, true to his philology discipline, created marvellous languages and not just the language itself but its history down to archaic forms and alphabets. I suppose it’s really the love of words and how they have shaped our culture and the way we see the world.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 20, 2023 4:10 pm

On the Darwin stabbing:

During a press conference on Monday, Assistant Police Commissioner Michael White said detective believe the alleged stabbing is linked to two separate matters around Darwin earlier that evening.

‘Two other people are also in custody, age 15 and 16, are assisting police with inquiries in relation to this matter, and also a separate matter at the bottle shop at the beach front hotel earlier that evening,’ he said.

Police believe the first incident took place at the Beachfront Hotel in central Darwin, and the second on the street in Karama – in the city’s eastern suburbs.

‘It is our belief that these two incidents are linked, and potentially a third incident earlier in the evening in Karama where a young person was assaulted and a number of items stolen from them,’ the assistant police commissioner said.

Investigators have seized a blue 2014 Toyota Camry which they allege was present at all three incidents.

Daily Mail

Robert Sewell
March 20, 2023 4:13 pm

Knuckle Dragger:

This might not be a tipping point for this ‘perpetual irritant*’ behaviour. But then again, it might be. Nobody blinks an eye when they kill each other. We’ll see if it suddenly matters now.

On this subject, you may very well be right.
There appears to be a groundswell of people who are over the childish antics of the 251 Nations.
Today while doing some shopping, I was wearing my “The Unvaccinated are not a Threat to Society – They are a Threat to Authority” Tshirt. Five different people pulled me up to register their displeasure at what they believe is the loss of representation in Parliament and the focus on ten percent of the noisiest. Two wanted to know where I got my bumper stickers from.
Perhaps the excesses of the government, the bureaucracy, and the screeching of the favoured Leftists and their pervert supporters have finally galvanised the sheep.

March 20, 2023 4:17 pm

Wow, just wow.

This particular skit has sparked outrage, numerous controversies and criticisms due to its content, among which the most famous is the Robert Swope controversy (see below). In the original version she is 13, but later versions changed her age to 16. It also originally included the line, “If it was rape, it was a good rape“, which was removed from later versions.

The f***ing gall. The gall.

V-Day is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization[7] that distributes funds to national and international grassroot organizations and programs that work to stop violence against girls and women.'good_rape‘)_critique

Robert Swope (‘good rape’) critique
In 2000, Robert Swope, a conservative contributor to a Georgetown University newspaper, The Hoya, wrote an article critical of the play.[27] He suggested there was a contradiction between the promotion of rape awareness on V-Day and the monologue “The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could”, in which an adult woman recalls being given alcohol and statutorily raped at 13 by a 24-year-old woman[28] as a positive, healing experience, ending the segment with the proclamation “It was a good rape.”

March 20, 2023 4:17 pm

I don’t think Government should be in the business of banning words, speeches or symbols.

Yes, you should have the right to be a Nazi symbol wearing toss pot and everyone can see you for what you are supporting. Yes, you should have the right to wear a hammer and sickle of the far more murderous regimes, like Munt. Yes, you should have the right to get laid by that hot Greens chick cos you wear a Che Guavera tee shirt (and that’s the only reason you wear it)… and wake up with gonhorrea.

I can’t believe I am going to quote George Brandis here but: You (should) have the right to be a bigot (and be seen as one).

(On a related thread, surely it’s only a matter of time until, say, a crucifix is banned because it triggers people)

March 20, 2023 4:19 pm

‘We played this game at school, Mom, and you’re going to be upset,’

Wonderful how kids are gifted with a innate sense of right and wrong.

Sad how adults can self deceive themselves out of these fundamental truths.

March 20, 2023 4:21 pm

… and wake up with gonhorrea.

Lucky, usually much worse.

March 20, 2023 4:21 pm

I can’t find the link (I’m at work) but John Anderson did a great, hour-long, interview with a couple of Russian academics.

They explained that society in Russia was so displaced by the fall in ’91 that everyone lost everything! Jobs, houses, status, certainty, money… “Order” (or the appearance of it) wasn’t really restored until 1999 and the Ruskies will be eternally grateful that Vladimir saved them from democracy.

They’re a weird lot but I’m still more perplexed by the Poles calling for WWIII as they’ve had far more cogent domestic policy parameters than any other NATO nation.

March 20, 2023 4:24 pm

“The Unvaccinated are not a Threat to Society – They are a Threat to Authority”


Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 4:27 pm

I can’t believe I am going to quote George Brandis here but: You (should) have the right to be a bigot (and be seen as one).

There’s no right to be a bigot, defending bigots is the height of stupidity, and George Brandis employed Bruce Lehrmann.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
March 20, 2023 4:27 pm

RIP Johnny Sattler. One of the toughest men to ever lace on a boot.

March 20, 2023 4:28 pm

They’re a weird lot but I’m still more perplexed by the Poles calling for WWIII as they’ve had far more cogent domestic policy parameters than any other NATO nation.

I think it’s just a European thing, they seem to need industrial scale butchery of men ever 30-50 years.

Hiram Maxim went to Europe trying to sell electrical appliances. He concluded that Europeans were only really excited about war. He obliged and returned a few years later with the Maxim Machine Gun.

March 20, 2023 4:28 pm

Dick Head VC & Bar, Munty Cross and Mentioned in Passing, you’re free to say just about anything on this blog thanks to Dover. Us telling you you’re a dickhead is free speech as well. Most of us know who’s right without a doubt.

Robert Sewell
March 20, 2023 4:29 pm

Cassie of Sydney:

Next Saturday night, when I am at Rabz’s place watching the electoral results come in, I am going to drink to the annihilation, the obliteration and the end of the Liberal Party of Australia.

Dover Beach:
Are we going to live blog this momentous occasion?

March 20, 2023 4:30 pm

On the LOTRs, I also thought the “men of the East” was a reference to Islam who are out to destroy the “men of the West?”

I never read it anywhere, I just presumed…

Peter Jackson had them arriving in ships rigged with lateen sails, the same as in Arab dhows.

Gosh !!
When I was 16/17 and read LOTR, I don’t think I had ever heard of Islam ! I never knew about homosexuality until I was 21 or so (thanks RMIT Mechanical Engineering lads !).
So young, so innocent.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 4:31 pm

Yeah, her purse was on top of her car, but even speaking to Lesbians can have fatal consequences.

He had no idea who she was talking on the phone with.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 4:34 pm

Dick Head VC & Bar, Munty Cross and Mentioned in Passing, you’re free to say just about anything on this blog thanks to Dover.

Why bring Dover into some stupid issue you’ve got with me?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 4:34 pm

but even speaking to Lesbians can have fatal consequences.

Give me a ping, Vasily. One ping only, please.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 4:35 pm


Robert Sewell
March 20, 2023 4:35 pm


Very good statement by Senator Claire Chandler on hitherto unquestioned rights of women to their own female spaces … albeit in Victoria this may or may not be Nazi ideology now, depending on what the polling comes back with

Then we’ll get stuck into the idea about the questioned rights of men to their own male spaces.
Look while I’m very sympathetic to the plight of women needing ‘safe spaces’ where were these women when our men’s clubs were being invaded by the wymmins libbers who felt they were an expression of male toxicity?
What about those sets of rights?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 4:45 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 20, 2023 at 4:00 pm
No champ, free speech is sacred, enjoy your retirement.

Is that right, champ?
You haven’t been particularly accepting of my
Sacred Right to Free Speech over the years?

Pointing out the stupidity of much that you post here is not the same as denying you your “Sacred Right of Free Speech”. Indeed, you should be allowed to demonstrate your stupidity here as often as you are silly enough to do so.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 4:49 pm


I suppose it’s really the love of words and how they have shaped our culture and the way we see the world.

The love of words: Logodaedaly definition: the cunning or skilful use of words.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 20, 2023 4:49 pm

Hiking pole?
I’ll bet she also owns a recumbent bike…

The recumbent bike has always been a step too far. Got hiking poles – you are a step away from joining the Pedestrian Council of Australia with you know who.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 4:54 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 20, 2023 at 4:27 pm
I can’t believe I am going to quote George Brandis here but: You (should) have the right to be a bigot (and be seen as one).

There’s no right to be a bigot, defending bigots is the height of stupidity, and George Brandis employed Bruce Lehrmann.

Richard Cranium is obsessed about the Mizzzz Knickerless case. Is she a family member?

March 20, 2023 4:56 pm

Nobody should be anti-trans.


Depends on what the term means. We should be kind to those poor sods suffering any mental derangement. That may mean locking them up somewhere safe in order to prevent the derangement spreading. It should be apparent by now that many forms of insanity are contagious.

Davey Boy
March 20, 2023 4:59 pm

handing out HTVs (for a minor party in the upper house) at prepoll, on Saturday and today

lower house Labor, Liberal, Green and Independent candidates have all turned up to pitch in for a significant portion of the time so far, they must think it important to do so (Liberal Democrats and other minor party rep both a no-show) – 30% to 40% of voters lodge their vote here in prepoll.

many, many assistant volunteers (on a roster) for both Labor and the Greens (who are preferencing each other on their HTVs).

Nada, zip volunteers for the Lib candidate in this electorate, poor bugger is completely on his own.
I approached him to talk about Vic Labor giving Bernie Finn and Moira Deeming the bum’s rush, but he point blank refused to talk about it. I also mentioned that the Libs seemed to have abandoned their base, his response was “public views change, they decide”


March 20, 2023 5:03 pm

you are a step away from joining the Pedestrian Council of Australia with you know who.

Bill Shorten?

March 20, 2023 5:08 pm

Winston, I’m pretty sure most women really don’t want access to men’s loos (except in extremis and that definitely happens).

Do I want to invade the Men’s Shed? No. Do I want access to men’s clubs? Absolutely not! Do I want to do work that was traditionally the province of males? My word I would, and I did.

We are talking about two different things here, and I don’t think punishing idiots will help vulnerable little girls.

March 20, 2023 5:19 pm

For those interested, Moira Deeming’s maiden speech now introduced and excerpted at Quadrant.

It’s great stuff, which is, of course, why her party leader detests it and her.

March 20, 2023 5:20 pm

The Chook’s command economy solution to her playschool Government’s having completely ignored public housing needs is to bring in a rental price cap.
Do these idiots not understand any lesson from history or basic economics?
Well, yes, of course they do, but they don’t care. “We will just beat up the Chook Olympics and all will be forgotten”.
This is just the latest in a chain of idiocies relating to the public housing scandal. They have been running a low-level terror campaign against landlords for some time.
All landlords, but especially those from holiday areas, have been receiving borderline threatening letters from their Councils (who in QLD respond to Govt, not the rate payers ) ‘advising’ them to cease holiday lettings, take on long term leases, or sell.
Council will kindly assist in locating ‘suitable’ tenants.
Landlords in my Shire have been advised by their association to not engage with the Council under any circumstances.
Just bin the letters and let the Council try it on.
But, it’s not all bad. Nazi salutes are still legal in the sunshine oblast.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 20, 2023 5:20 pm

Another tough day here at Jacarandas for Freedom. Email for bank account details.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 20, 2023 5:22 pm

Bill Shorten?

He was asked to leave after a rather unfortunate incident at O Camp.

March 20, 2023 5:25 pm

Oh, and Chooks, my sweet.
Rental caps in a high demand environment lead directly to under the table payments.
Simples eh girl.

March 20, 2023 5:26 pm

I never knew about homosexuality until I was 21 or so (thanks RMIT Mechanical Engineering lads !)

Oh my, we might have crossed paths! It wasn’t the year with the large number of navy blokes in it was it?! Bennet, Griffith, Becker, Kemp?

March 20, 2023 5:28 pm

Bons – yes, we’re going to see key money make a comeback, legally or not, under the same name or not.

March 20, 2023 5:29 pm

FMD Areff, I am going to have to re-subscribe, there is more sense in the Quadrant email that just came out than any six weeks of ABC Fewfacts and Newcorpse blatherings.

Robert Sewell
March 20, 2023 5:30 pm


We are talking about two different things here, and I don’t think punishing idiots will help vulnerable little girls.

No we are not.
Men wanted a female free environment because ‘reasons’.
They were denied these environments.
Women want a male free environment because ‘reasons’.
Should we deny them these rights?

This entire problem comes about because government decided the owners of establishments should lose their rights to decide who they would allow on their premises, and where.
Amazing. Government interfered with something and now it is a major problem.
But the one thing you will never find happening is government stepping back and saying “Well, we buggered that up, let’s get back to where we were before the problem got out of control.” and restore the owners right to decide the circumstances under which they will offer services. Then the market will decide – not some bureaucrat.

March 20, 2023 5:36 pm

Nazi open hand, arm raised, salutes out. Are clenched fist, arm raised, commie salutes still OK? Asking for a friend.

March 20, 2023 5:38 pm

So it has started.

The career defence personnel in the defence forces and their political comrades are purging the Special Forces. They have already banned the use of any insignia that marks a fighting unit. They will now gaol any special forces combatant fighting in foreign territory behind enemy lines who executes the enemy in ways that offend the new Woke in our academies and leadership positions.

I wonder if they now intend to reach back through the ages and revoke the VCs given to our forefathers for what was then termed “bravery”under duress?

Former SAS trooper Oliver Schulz has been arrested over alleged war crimes.
MARCH 20, 2023, FIRST PUBLISHED AT 2:14PM MARCH 20, 2023
The Australian Federal Police have made their first arrest of a former Australian special forces soldier over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.

Former SAS trooper Oliver Schulz, 41, was arrested in regional NSW on Monday morning and was expected to face local court later in the day.

“It will be alleged he murdered an Afghan man while deployed to Afghanistan with the Australian Defence Force,” the AFP said in a statement.

“The maximum penalty for a war crime-murder offence is life imprisonment.”

The alleged 2012 killing is set to become the first to be prosecuted following an investigation by the Office of the Special Investigator.

The OSI was set up to probe alleged war crimes identified by army reserve major general and NSW Supreme Court judge Paul Brereton in his November 2020 report for the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force.

The AFP said the arrest was the result of a joint investigation by the OSI and its own investigators.

“The OSI and AFP are working together to investigate allegations of criminal offences under Australian law related to breaches of the Laws of Armed Conflict by Australian Defence Force personnel in Afghanistan between 2005 and 2016,” it said.

The AFP said it would be inappropriate to comment further as the matter was before the court.

March 20, 2023 5:39 pm

Do I want to invade the Men’s Shed? No. Do I want access to men’s clubs? Absolutely not! Do I want to do work that was traditionally the province of males? My word I would, and I did.

Yeah Calli, but you’re (fairly) sane. 😛

March 20, 2023 5:49 pm

Nice piece from The Conservative Woman here about human nature as evidenced in an ancient Greek play:

Many wonders there be, but naught more wondrous than man;
Over the surging sea, with a whitening south wind wan,
Through the foam of the firth, man makes his perilous way;
And the eldest of deities Earth that knows not toil nor decay
Ever he furrows and scores, as his team, year in year out,
With breed of the yoked horse, the ploughshare turneth about.

To the doomsayers here (not to mention the ahistoricists who declare a current politician ‘the worst ever’ – no better than those on tik tok or twitter) I believe that Western cultures and those who lived in them have embedded characteristics that have not changed. Not only that, but many immigrants have either come from those cultures or adopted them.

Before certain people get all excited, no, not all.

This place sometimes seems like an old folks home, where everyone says that the world is going to hell and is not like it used to be.

Well, duh!

If you went to an old folks home in the 1950s, your Golden Age, what do you think they would have been saying?

‘This is the Golden Age, the younger generation is fantastic, the future is bright.’

Ahahahahaha! 🙂

Stop feeling sorry for yourselves and behaving like boring old farts. And especially, stop imagining that there was a Golden Age of politics and journalism, especially in the US, but no less applicable here. There was no such thing.

Outrage is no substitute for analysis. That’s what the Left do. Stop emoting and start thinking.

March 20, 2023 5:49 pm

It should be apparent by now that many forms of insanity are contagious.

Really doc, you think a dude getting dressed as a shelia may cause others to do the same thing?

Like this?

March 20, 2023 5:50 pm

Actually, I do want to invade the local Men’s Shed. I have a small business idea for them.

I reckon they could make a bit of money on their whetstones sharpening tools, as there’s no local sharpening service. I know a heap of people who would like scissors, secateurs, clippers, knives, even chainsaws sharpened…cash money.

Quick turnaround too.

March 20, 2023 5:51 pm

Hahaha. Designated News Corp ALP spruiker Joe Hildebrand is a never-Trumper.

Didn’t see that coming. Not. Hahaha.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 5:56 pm

March 20, 2023 at 5:50 pm
Actually, I do want to invade the local Men’s Shed. I have a small business idea for them.

I reckon they could make a bit of money on their whetstones sharpening tools, as there’s no local sharpening service.

Our local shed has one bloke who specialises in knife, axe, edged device, sharpening. Not wildly far from you, but definitely not local to you.

March 20, 2023 5:56 pm

The Australian Federal Police have made their first arrest of a former Australian special forces soldier over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.


F’cking leave as quickly as you can.

March 20, 2023 5:58 pm

Stop emoting and start thinking.


Where’s the fun in that? 😀

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 20, 2023 6:03 pm

I never knew about homosexuality until I was 21 or so (thanks RMIT Mechanical Engineering lads !)

I hope it wasn’t a compulsory unit.

March 20, 2023 6:04 pm

So let’s begin with a few things which are in need of saying about the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague’s issuance of an arrest warrant for Putin.

First, the most important and natural question on everyone’s mind: why now? And cui bono?

There are two main ideas behind the timing of this ruling. The first and most pressing, is that China’s Xi Jinping has only days ago been announced to be headed to Moscow for an important state visit on 3/20 – 3/22.

The timing of this sudden Hague ruling is deviously obvious: it’s meant to put pressure on Xi on the eve of his likely signing of important agreements. It’s meant to embarrass Xi, both internally within perhaps some of the detractors of his own party, and outside with the rest of the world, by generating the optics of him meeting with what is ostensibly an ‘international criminal’ in Putin.

Of course from the more ‘surface reading’ of the western side, the current narrative revolves around this Hague ruling being a pressure lever meant to topple Putin internally from power. Various UK tabloid rags are running with the take that Putin’s ‘oligarchs’ will now overthrow him, and that his tenuous grip on power is slipping due to the embarrassment of being perceived as an internationally condemned ‘criminal’.

Of course, this take is pure nonsense. No one in Russia cares about these lowbrow jester’s parlor tricks. The fact is, the Hague has no legitimacy not only because Russia is not a signatory to it, never having ratified the Hague agreement and thus does not recognize the court’s authority whatsoever, but also the fact that the US has already itself destroyed any credibility of the Hague by threatening to arrest its judges if they dared prosecute American troops for Afghani war crimes:

John Bolton also threatened to sanction the Hague for the same. In fact, the US literally passed the American Service Member Protection Act, which—I kid you not—gives the US the legal right to ‘invade the Hague’ should they prosecute American soldiers.

This authorization led to the act being colloquially nicknamed “The Hague Invasion Act”, as the act allows the President to order U.S. military action, such as an invasion of The Hague, where the ICC is located, to protect American officials and military personnel from prosecution or rescue them from custody.[2][3]

And in even bigger hypocrisy, it turns out that the chief prosecutor of the Hague, the very man himself who wrote the order of arrest for Putin—Karim Khan—is the brother of one Imran Ahmad Khan, UK Tory politician who was convicted of child sex last year:

But the kicker is, Kim DotCom claims that Karim Khan, the ICC prosecutor, helped get his convicted pedophile brother out 9 months early. The same Karim Khan who just issued an arrest warrant to Putin for the crime of ‘deporting/trafficking Ukrainian children’. Hypocrisy much?

With that said, I myself haven’t been able to verify the link that Karim Khan explicitly aided in the early release of his brother, so this could be speculation. However, given that Karim Khan is a prominent British lawyer and was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2011, it certainly lends credibility to the notion.

Also, this bit in his bio is quite intriguing:

Khan was the third chief prosecutor elected in the ICC’s history, and the first one elected by secret ballot. Khan had been nominated by the United Kingdom.[4][13] He took office in June 2021, replacing Fatou Bensouda.

Seems perhaps this compromised family has quite some kompromat pulling their strings.

Now, onto the other reason for why they would issue this ruling against Putin now. The first as I said was to throw a shade over Xi’s coming state visit. Another likely and more significant possibility is to undercut any potential future peace talks between Putin and Zelensky.

The powers that be are watching Ukraine’s collapse and know the last big ‘hurrah’ hail mary throw of the vaunted ‘Spring Offensive’ will be the true beginning of the end, at which point Zelensky will be under great pressure from various sides to begin formal overtures of peace/compromise toward Putin/Russia.

By issuing this arrest warrant on Putin, the powers that be are effectively dousing him with a ‘black mark’, or perhaps a scarlet letter which throws great legal weight against any potential peace proceedings. After all, how do you formally and officially meet for legal peace agreements with a known, internationally recognized ‘criminal’? Would Slobodan Milosevic be allowed to hold ‘peace talks’ with anyone in a formal, legal format?

In fact, this is straight out of the standard CIA playbook. Here’s a Washington Post article from May 28, 1999 which says:

Russia vowed today to continue to try to mediate between NATO and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic but said that his indictment on war crimes charges had complicated the effort and that the talks were not moving in a positive direction.

The indictment of Milosevic on the eve of Chernomyrdin’s visit was denounced by Russia, and viewed by some Russian officials as a sign that the West is taking an uncompromising approach. The newspaper Izvestia noted that “it is impossible to come to terms with a wanted military criminal” and claimed the indictment would cancel out Chernomyrdin’s diplomacy.

Read that last part again: “it is impossible to come to terms with a wanted criminal” and that this indictment would “cancel out…diplomacy.”

You see how conveniently it all works out? By branding a leader with the ‘black mark’ of international pariah status, you magically poison any possibility of his being allowed to hold formal, legal, internationally recognized diplomacy of any sort.

In short, this action is a ‘setting fire to the ships’ (rather than mere ‘show across the bow’) for Ukraine.

The message is, no peace talks will be accepted—we need you to fight and die to the last Ukrainian.

We can further assume that perhaps the situation has gotten so bad, there may have been secret internal ‘signals’ that got Washington worried. So they pulled the alarm to scuttle that ship.

March 20, 2023 6:05 pm

The Australian Federal Police have made their first arrest of a former Australian special forces soldier over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.

I have no idea whether this bloke is guilty or not. But being a special forces member isn’t a license to murder. If he
did murder someone without justification, then he should be on trial.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 20, 2023 6:05 pm

I wonder if they think the Grampian NAZIs can sustain another 24 hours of media “scrutiny”?

March 20, 2023 6:06 pm

Important RBA statement on Australia’s banks and interest rates.
Monday, 20 March 2023

It’s quite a technical speech from the RBA’s Assistant Governor – you might like to give it a miss if monetary policy isn’t your thing.

…conditions in global bond markets have been strained recently following the failure of Silicon Valley Bank in the United States. Volatility in Australian financial markets has picked up but markets are still functioning and, most importantly, Australian banks are unquestionably strong – the banks’ capital and liquidity positions are well above APRA’s regulatory requirements. Banks are already well advanced on their bond issuance plans for the year and could defer their bond issuance for a while. Even if markets remain strained for a time, Australian banks’ issuance will continue to benefit from the strength of their balance sheets.

March 20, 2023 6:06 pm

The AFP said the arrest was the result of a joint investigation by the OSI and its own investigators.

Let me guess, relying on Afghan witnesses and ADF personnel who would have been weeded out by any sort of sensible recruiting process?

That poor bastard Schulz is completely rooted.

March 20, 2023 6:08 pm

Tony Tardio
That the Liberals selected Moira Deeming as a candidate says a lot but if they fail to expel her from their party they may as well shut up shop.

3AW really is the pits.

I thought Tony Turdio was just meant to read the ‘news’.

The whole Australian meja fuktard complex is the pits.

March 20, 2023 6:10 pm

So canbra will either give you a pubic serpent medal or arrest you for doing your job. Of course this prosecution of soldiers for doing their job is just the canbra pubic parasites copying the poms.

March 20, 2023 6:11 pm

Rape was a capital crime in NSW until 1955.

There is a couple of ways of thinking about this.

Im fine with capital being on the table, but the bar for the prosecution needs to be very, very high.
No hand patting, ABC assassinations and perjury or attempting to game the court should result in jail time.

However if its to be on the basis of he said/she said with no other evidence then it must be treated as a nuisance crime (such as shoplifting/graffiti) with bugger all sanctions.

You cant mix the 2. either its something awful which deserves harsh penalty or its something trivial deserving a fine or probation/light jail time.

And depending on where you slide the scale of ‘awfulness” you have to have either robust full defense of the accused or that weeks duty legal aid lawyer in front of a local court.

At the moment there seems to be a lust for watering down the burden of proof and allowing trial via media but keeping severe penalties.
A recipe for injustice.
(As a certain Mr Pell could have told us)

I cant see it improving until there is another missive high profile case overturned against a person with very deep pockets (along the lines of Twiggy – deep pockets) and a massive bloodletting occurs in a plethora of civil cases.
Or the courts grow a pair and go extremely hard on perjury and the likes of the ABCcess.

March 20, 2023 6:11 pm

I hate canbra as much as they hate people like me.

March 20, 2023 6:11 pm

How Biden Bailed Out California and New York

The real motivation lies in the states’ budgets, which depend on the success of green startups.

Imagine a bank in Houston that caters to the oil-and-gas industry. It makes low-cost loans with credit-friendly terms to unprofitable shale frackers on the condition that they hold their deposits exclusively at the bank, where they earn an above-market return. It also manages the wealth of oil and gas executives.

The bank uses its enormous deposits to fund more risky loans to frackers and acquire Treasury bonds and government mortgage-backed securities. The latter obscure the credit risk on its balance sheet. As frackers burn cash, the bank struggles to redeem deposits and has to sell assets at a loss.

As news of the losses spreads, there is a run on deposits. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., with the approval of a Republican president, takes over the bank and guarantees all its uninsured deposits, including those of oil-and-gas executives. Wouldn’t Democrats scream “bailout”?

This essentially describes what has happened at Silicon Valley Bank over the past week.

Democrats insist the FDIC’s guarantee of uninsured deposits decidedly isn’t a bailout.

The truth is that the Biden administration not only bailed out Silicon Valley investors and companies. It also rescued California, whose budget depends on them, and the state’s liberal political class. It did the same for New York by back-stopping uninsured deposits at Signature Bank.

California’s tax revenue has swelled—and is now falling—in tandem with Silicon Valley’s fortunes. As the Federal Reserve pumped trillions of dollars into the economy and cut interest rates to near-zero, the stock market surged. Investors sold stock in tech companies at inflated prices. Startups took advantage of the hot stock market to float public shares.

Investors plowed their capital gains into high-yielding accounts at SVB and startups with accounts at the bank. Between December 2019 and December 2022, its deposits tripled to $173 billion. SVB became Silicon Valley’s premier bank by offering generous loan terms and above-market returns on deposits to unprofitable companies, many with no revenue.

But as the Fed raised interest rates and tech startups burned through cash, SVB had to sell mortgage-backed securities at a loss to cover deposit redemptions. You know the rest of the story.

Normally, uninsured depositors—those with more than $250,000 in an account—would take a haircut of some 10% to 15% if a bank fails. But tech investors, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Silicon Valley politicians lobbied the White House for help. Not guaranteeing uninsured deposits would “hurt the innovation pipeline” and “ordinary people,” claimed Silicon Valley Rep. Ro Khanna.

It’s true: Absent the FDIC bailout, startups would have had to raise more capital from venture investors to offset their losses. That may have proved difficult for less-promising enterprises, as investors refused to give more money while they tried to pare their own losses. But it likely wouldn’t have been a problem for the truly innovative firms.

And those with more than $250,000 in a bank account aren’t “ordinary” people. What has hurt ordinary people is the Fed’s inflationary policies. Why shouldn’t Silicon Valley have to bear some pain as the central bank corrects the ultra-loose monetary policies that enriched its technocratic class? Is Silicon Valley too important to lose money? As far as Mr. Newsom is concerned, the answer appears to be yes.

High earners in California’s Bay Area pay about half of state income tax. Capital-gains realizations surged to $245 billion in 2021 from $145 billion in 2019, helping create a more than $100 billion budget surplus last year. But stocks have plunged and tech layoffs are increasing, so California is staring down the barrel of a gaping deficit.

Tax revenue through the first eight months of this year is running $25 billion lower than last year. The budget carnage would be greater if investors had to write down their startup investments.

No wonder Mr. Newsom, who reportedly had an account at SVB, praised the administration’s bailout’s “profoundly positive impacts on California.”

Meantime, SVB’s New York bailout companion, Signature, has received a bum rap as a crypto bank.

But if most of its uninsured depositors were crypto companies, there’s no chance the FDIC would have bailed them out. Signature primarily caters to New York’s liberal special interests, which donate to Democratic campaigns.

It is New York City’s top lender to low-income housing developers and “a significant player when it came to financing for personal injury firms,” according to One of its specialities was financing the purchase of taxi medallions. According to the New York Times, it was also known “for catering to wealthy families.” Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo has a campaign account at the bank.

Mr. Khanna insists that a bank catering to the oil-and-gas industry would be treated the same as SVB and Signature.

But maybe the reason those two banks failed to manage their risks is their leaders knew they had political protection in case they got into trouble.

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2023 6:14 pm

March 20, 2023 at 5:19 pm
For those interested, Moira Deeming’s maiden speech now introduced and excerpted at Quadrant.

It’s great stuff, which is, of course, why her party leader detests it and her.

Thanks areff. Your piece is superb.

March 20, 2023 6:15 pm

Hiking poles are pretty expensive I imagine, carbon fibre and all that. Presumably they sell them in pairs. You never know when a retractable stick will come in handy.

March 20, 2023 6:16 pm

If he did murder someone without justification, then he should be on trial.

Murdering someone in Afghanistan is almost a logical impossibility. A beautiful country full of phenomenally shit people.

If you’re going to dump personnel into a Third World Hell Hole with a highly active insurgency and then dissect their every action from a first world perspective, from the safety of Australia, you might as well chuck the whole deployment in prison.

If there was any case to answer then it sits with the commanders, because apparently this issue spans a number of years which would suggest that they tolerated alleged misconduct, year in year out, most likely in order to get the job done.

March 20, 2023 6:20 pm

I’m beginning to understand crotchless’s antipathy to Moira Deeming and the women’s rights rally crashed by antifa dressed as nazis: Moira has noted there were some Jewish ladies there so its just his antisemitism bubbling up.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 6:23 pm

Former SAS trooper Oliver Schulz, 41, was arrested in regional NSW on Monday morning and was expected to face local court later in the day.

Any chance that Olly Schulz gave Evidence against Roberts-Smith, and this is payback from Roberts-Smith’s enablers?

March 20, 2023 6:25 pm

I have no idea whether this bloke is guilty or not. But being a special forces member isn’t a license to murder. If he did murder someone without justification, then he should be on trial.

Beaugy, the AFP is using the Democratic Party’s method of mobilising the justice system to persecute ideological enemies.

I have 100% confidence that the ADF soldiers the AFP is targeting are innocent and will be acquitted a la Pell’s 7-0 on appeal to the High Court if necessary.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 6:27 pm

I wonder if they think the Grampian NAZIs can sustain another 24 hours of media “scrutiny”?

I’d say those Grampians NAZIs might be lyin’low at some gym in Carlton.

March 20, 2023 6:28 pm

That’s a very good idea Calli
I’ll bring it up at the next meeting
( we’ve just forked out over $1000 for a new machine)

March 20, 2023 6:28 pm

Apropos of nothing, great British B movie here called The Big Day (1960), about rivals for the directorship of a small company.

Much better than many A movies of the time.

Also watched another one called ‘Snowball’ featuring Dennis Waterman aged 10. A child accuses a bus conductor of throwing him off because he doesn’t have a ticket, with awful consequences. Gordon Jackson stars as his Pa (how unlikely is that!).

He started out as he continued, just playing himself. It worked pretty well for him over his long career.

It’s on Youtube.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 6:30 pm

I’d say those Grampians NAZIs might be lyin’low at some gym in Carlton.

One ping only, please.

March 20, 2023 6:31 pm

But being a special forces member isn’t a license to murder.

What a stupid thing to say. The job of the special forces is to kill the enemy. The muzzies don’t wear uniforms and hide behind other muzzies. So how do you tell innocent muzzies.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 20, 2023 6:31 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 20, 2023 at 6:27 pm
I wonder if they think the Grampian NAZIs can sustain another 24 hours of media “scrutiny”?

I’d say those Grampians NAZIs might be lyin’low at some gym in Carlton.

At a gym? Definitely not m0nty=fa, then.

March 20, 2023 6:33 pm

Former SAS trooper Oliver Schulz arrested over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan
Former SAS trooper Oliver Schulz has been arrested over alleged war crimes. Picture: Supplied

rick – see my comment at 5.28pm. And also Dr.Beaugan.

If you are going to arrest people for alleged war crimes , beware the Woke scrolling back through war records to inculpate your grandfathers for war crimes in the last two World Wars – there were plenty of them if you invoke the current definition of war crimes.

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2023 6:35 pm

“I have 100% confidence that the ADF soldiers the AFP is targeting are innocent and will be acquitted a la Pell’s 7-0 on appeal to the High Court if necessary.”

True, but the process is the punishment.

Oh and watching John Pesutto on Credlin. Pesutto is a disgraceful weasel. One thing is for sure, Pesutto will never be premier. He actually makes me physically sick.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 6:38 pm

Read the Moira Deeming press release.

Deeming is saying
I’ve done nothing wrong being on a platform with ratbags at an event that Blind Freddie coulda told you would end in chaos,
and The LIberal Party has gotta declare me a benchmark for political sanity or I’m pulling the Circus tent down on toppa youse.
Ave Me!

Who’s advising this fruitloop?
Saying nothing, Davey Warner style, was the way to go, not throwing fuel on the Flames.

March 20, 2023 6:39 pm

March 20, 2023 at 5:38 pm
So it has started.

The career defence personnel in the defence forces and their political comrades are purging the Special Forces. They have already banned the use of any insignia that marks a fighting unit. They will now gaol any special forces combatant fighting in foreign territory behind enemy lines who executes the enemy in ways that offend the new Woke in our academies and leadership positions.

I wonder if they now intend to reach back through the ages and revoke the VCs given to our forefathers for what was then termed “bravery”under duress?

Former SAS trooper Oliver Schulz has been arrested over alleged war crimes.
MARCH 20, 2023, FIRST PUBLISHED AT 2:14PM MARCH 20, 2023
The Australian Federal Police have made their first arrest of a former Australian special forces soldier over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.

Former SAS trooper Oliver Schulz, 41, was arrested in regional NSW on Monday morning and was expected to face local court later in the day.

“It will be alleged he murdered an Afghan man while deployed to Afghanistan with the Australian Defence Force,” the AFP said in a statement.

“The maximum penalty for a war crime-murder offence is life imprisonment.”

The alleged 2012 killing is set to become the first to be prosecuted following an investigation by the Office of the Special Investigator.

The OSI was set up to probe alleged war crimes identified by army reserve major general and NSW Supreme Court judge Paul Brereton in his November 2020 report for the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force.

The AFP said the arrest was the result of a joint investigation by the OSI and its own investigators.

“The OSI and AFP are working together to investigate allegations of criminal offences under Australian law related to breaches of the Laws of Armed Conflict by Australian Defence Force personnel in Afghanistan between 2005 and 2016,” it said.

The AFP said it would be inappropriate to comment further as the matter was before the court.

Judging by the recruiting ads I’m seeing everywhere they’re already struggling. I can’t see this helping recruit or retain anyone.

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2023 6:41 pm

So John Pussotto uses Wikipedia. LOL.

He’s a f*cking disgrace.

March 20, 2023 6:42 pm

Pesutto on Credlin is claiming Moira arranged for the antifa dressed as nazis to turn up at the pro women rally. Apparently the left wing Jewish organiser had praised nazis as being anti-pedo; according to pesutto who has searched Kelli-Jay King’s wiki page which apparently has false info and is locked.

March 20, 2023 6:42 pm

Few pics of the nazis seem to show a disturbing lack of inked arms/ plumage normally associated with the type.

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2023 6:43 pm

I’m actually stunned and sickened by Pussuto. Calling him a weasel is perhaps too kind.

March 20, 2023 6:44 pm

The OSI was set up to probe alleged war crimes identified by army reserve major general and NSW Supreme Court judge Paul Brereton in his November 2020 report for the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force.

Brereton, whose greatest battle was defeating an undercooked steak.

March 20, 2023 6:46 pm

I see that TheirABC is running more and more stories about how people are rolling up their sleeves and helping those who are in need of food by growing a few plants. It’s the British wartime spirit all over again – grow a Victory Garden (which they frequently espouse) and a contemporary revival of the handbook of the 1970s group house, 101 Ways with Mince.

This is emotive crap. The vast majority of expenditure is on a roof over your head and energy costs. Things like pharmaceuticals and cleaning products are next. Food is at the bottom of the list, but is easiest to get cheap or for nothing.

March 20, 2023 6:46 pm

where were these women when our men’s clubs were being invaded by the wymmins libbers

Except the Melbourne club is still exclusively male and women’s toilets and changerooms is exactly the same thing as a men’s club.
The eternal suffering of the white male. Blub blub.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 20, 2023 6:47 pm

Pesutto is a stupid stupid little man.
He’s just handed the Andrew’s junta the stick to beat them with.
Danbots will be ordering their Grampians Nazi gear now so they can tar any conservative MP or candidate with the guilt by association brush.
Seriously, how dumb can you be!

March 20, 2023 6:50 pm

Did Deeming have correspondence with the Black Shorts or not?

March 20, 2023 6:51 pm

One ping only, please.

In this case a whiiiite ping.

ed-mong seems to be curiously animated lately, mummies crotch must have rotted out again.
And Boxhead backpackers are thin on the ground.

/goodbye horses intensifies.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 20, 2023 6:54 pm

The lack of tattooed plumage is indicative of the Lesser Nazi.
Their mating season starts on Labour Day and they then roost in inner suburban bistros.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 6:55 pm

101 Ways with Avocado.

Writes itself.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 6:56 pm

I wonder if they now intend to reach back through the ages and revoke the VCs given to our forefathers for what was then termed “bravery”under duress?

They’re compelled to, surely. They can start with Albert ‘I got the buggers, Sir’ Jacka, and see how they go after that.

March 20, 2023 6:56 pm

John Pesutto perfectly represents the Liberal Party’s fake conservative rump that believes you can be elected if you imitate your enemies – like Matt Kean, who is in the process of bringing down the NSW government this weekend by making the LNP unelectable for decades.

Pesutti’s defining characteristics are cowardice, cowardice and cowardice. Pesutto is what happens when you convince yourself that betraying your supporters are a viable political strategy.

March 20, 2023 6:58 pm
March 20, 2023 6:58 pm

is a viable political strategy ….

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2023 7:00 pm

Here’s Avi talking to Kellie-Jay today.

It’s why I just think she’s fabulous.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 20, 2023 7:00 pm

Was the AJA involved in the organising?

This is looking like perhaps Moira was set up?

March 20, 2023 7:02 pm

Well spotted Gez! There’s a subspecies known as the Waxed or Buffed Nazi also. It tends to socialise with the larger, more aggressive ones, but lacks the moral fibre to hunt alone.

Experts differ on whether it originates in the Grampians, or is actually a more urban type from Fitzroy and environs.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 20, 2023 7:02 pm

There’s going to be a few Aussies investigated for “war crimes” then, if you go back far enough:

A Japanese officer in New Guinea, with his position overrun, challenged the advancing Australian troops wearing a parade uniform and carrying a drawn sword. He “…went whoosh with his sword, and he carved all the bits of the side of the palm fronds,” inviting the soldiers to take him, one presumes, with their bayonets. He was given a count of ten to surrender and then shot.”

Towards the end of the war Cam Bennett, leading a company of the Australian Army, noted that in the rare event of taking a prisoner it was difficult to get them taken to the rear alive. “…it was essential to send some of them back with a good reliable NCO or they would be shot by their guards while attempting to escape (so the guards said).

Or in Europe:

An Australian section was attacking a German piece of the line after being heavily shelled by their enemy. When they came across a large detachment of the enemy, they attacked with bayonet to such effect that some Germans shammed being dead or wounded to escape attack. Then, as the attack passed on, some of them came back to life, so to speak. WJ Harris of the 24th Battalion of the AIF commented that: “…a number of these Huns rose up and started firing on us from the rear. That, naturally enough, made the boys see red. Their deaths were real enough after that”.

Or in WWI:

Captain Ambrose Cull tells of a similar incident in the early days of the European campaign, when three Germans surrendered in a dugout, and then as they came out with their hands up two of them suddenly reached revolvers and opened fire, hitting one of the Australian troopers; their sergeant responded with three shots of his own, killing the two Germans. Then the Australians opened up on every other one of the enemy in the trench, killing around 60 of them.

I could go on but you get the picture.

March 20, 2023 7:03 pm

Yep, but we didn’t really need Pew Research to inform us.

White leftwing American sheilas are nuts.

56% of liberal white women aged 18-29 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 20, 2023 7:04 pm

As promsied earlier this morning – here is (ALP) Deputy Chief Minister Nicole Manison speaking to a sombrely-nodding media after the stabbing murder of a bottleshop attendant by a recidivist indig property crime, violent offender and pisswreck (the NT News):

An emotional Ms Manison said the “devastating” incident “makes your blood boil” but deferred questions on whether anything would change in the government’s approach to tackling crime.

“This has happened overnight, there will be briefings that are received and police will go out there and investigate this thoroughly,” she said.

“We know alcohol issues are not new, they have been part of the NT for a long time but the best way for us to tackle it is to look at evidence based approaches, to have the hard conversations, and do the hard work.”

By ‘evidence based approaches’, clearly Manison means ‘evidence of anything that won’t make this shambles of a government look more shithouse than it is’.

Told youse. Handpattery writ large.

March 20, 2023 7:06 pm

Does Nazi watching make you a twitcher or a twerker?

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 20, 2023 7:08 pm

It’s quite a technical speech from the RBA’s Assistant Governor – you might like to give it a miss if monetary policy isn’t your thing.

Could you forward mine to Martin Armstrong. Thanks.

March 20, 2023 7:08 pm

This is looking like perhaps Moira was set up?

Ya think, Googleory?

That was the whole point — planned with the absolute certainty that the news media would support the anti-LNP witchhunt.

It’s all about the tribe.

  1. Sounds like a fallback job. No-one else wants the toxic bestard.Even this mob have got him on a fixed term.

  2. There you go 2nd stadium is near Harrup Park Country Club also close to the airport. Just been subject to…

  3. Cenk needs his nose driven into his head, ‘Shut up’: Douglas Murray clashes with Cenk Uygur over Israel-Hamas war

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x