Open Thread – Tues 21 March 2023

Saturn Devouring his Son, Peter Paul Rubens, 1636

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March 22, 2023 6:05 pm

Have you ever noticed how the idiots that appear in hollywood films are usually (wrong) depictions of the good people from the Southern States of US? I see it’s been happening for years, no wonder they’re pissed.

March 22, 2023 6:06 pm

What you have to understand, JC, is that Ukraine is the real baddie here. Russia was doing a defensive invasion, they were liberating the Ukrainian people from imperial oppressors. Ukraine had its beady eyes on Moscow, they were coiled like snakes ready to pounce with their hordes of fascists.


H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 6:06 pm

The AVO breaches are neither here nor there and probably the result of some Liar dirt file anyway. The fact that he was 4 or 5 on the ticket suggests he is an even greater hack than they usually put up anyway. A minutes silence forAlannah MacTiernanโ€™s cellar would be appropriate.

Delta A
Delta A
March 22, 2023 6:11 pm

March 22, 2023 at 2:39 pm


I scroll him because the few times I’ve accidentally read his posts I come away feeling angry and unsettled. Which is, of course, precisely what he wants.

I won’t tell people to ignore him – they’ll do what they want – but I will say that all the brilliant arguments and rhetoric will not make an iota of difference. He is here to incite and derail the blog.

March 22, 2023 6:11 pm

The Paywallian’s John Ferguson always takes the ideological position of the loony left.

He’s just been on Sharri Markson’s Sky News show disgracing himself again in viciously opposing the existence of SFL MP Moira Deeming as an advocate for women because he is almost as stupid as Monty in toeing the loony left’s ideological line supporting male homosexual for transsexual kiddy fiddlers.

Ferguson is like 99% of journalists: they don’t think like ordinary people, vote like them or like them.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 22, 2023 6:11 pm

Had a mate who was a perfesionnal assemblist for IKEA.

The freakin’ worst Ikea I had was a bed.
It had eight of those little knock-down cams at 7 mm diameter and another eight at 8.5 mm diameter.
After I had banged about three of the bigger ones into the small holes I realised the mistake. They were a little difficult to extract.
Most IKEA furniture is structurally sound to 93.1% of the advertised weight loading with up to three fasteners missing. This has been verified by Panzer Test Labs Inc.

March 22, 2023 6:12 pm

HB, I think Alannah McHiccupan was #1, some business owner who doesn’t want the job was #2 and this Dawkins douche was #3… although, I think WA Liebor are looking to kick him out now because of his attacks on a woman?

March 22, 2023 6:13 pm

Even Chatgpt confirms my thoughts:

One reason for this is the stereotype of the “dumb Southerner” that has been perpetuated in American culture for many years. This stereotype is often based on a perception that people from the Southern US are less sophisticated or educated than those from other regions.

Although, on previous GPT form, that could mean I’m wrong….

March 22, 2023 6:15 pm

I think Perrotet just signed his political death warrant by admitting he got the health minister to call an ambulance for a family member because waiting in a queue as the public has to do is life-threatening.

This calls for the compulsory intervention of the moleman method of political remuneration.

Parliament (state or federal) is only to sit in the worst socio-economic area either Australia wide or State wide.
Politicians pay is to be the minimum wage.
All politicians & their extended families to be actively spied upon 24/7 with all communications and activities to be live streamed to a dedicated police channel.
There will be a new top rated TV show “Polipenalty” where punters watching the live feed get to call a hotline to report laws broken by said pollies, and receive the monetary penalties inflicted (maximum for the breach- on the spot) as a cash prize.

And loss of office is rewarded by a generous lifelong* pension, before they are thrown to the crocodiles.

* Surprisingly short

March 22, 2023 6:20 pm

Bendigo road rage

Anyone know this tool?

March 22, 2023 6:28 pm

I think Perrotet just signed his political death warrant by admitting he got the health minister to call an ambulance for a family member because waiting in a queue as the public has to do is life-threatening.

Classic conservative FYIGM behaviour. Government that can drown in a bathtub, except when itโ€™s your mate in the bath, then itโ€™s no public expense spared.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 6:31 pm

Parrothead’s gone, he had an opportunity to be something different, a real conservative, a real Liberal, our version of Ron DeSantis, but but he squibbed it, probably because he’s not in control and never has been, he’s the puppet of Matt Kean. As for Kean, hopefully he is the soon to be ex-member for the seat of Hornsby, I hope, I pray, however he’ll probably scrape through and be the next leader of the state Liberal Party.

However, the last thing I want is the Liberals or Labor to have to rely on the creepy crawly member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, to form government, if that happens, we’re in big trouble.

March 22, 2023 6:31 pm

Classic leftie FYIGM behaviour. Government that can drown in a bathtub, except when itโ€™s your mate in the bath, then itโ€™s no public expense spared.

FIFY dickless.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 6:31 pm

Ferguson is like 99% of journalists: they donโ€™t think like ordinary people, vote like them or like them.

Can’t get a decent mark in your degree if you do.
And only top marks journo graduates get jerbs in the media.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 22, 2023 6:33 pm

Brittany Higgins hits out at appointment of scandal-hit Ben Dawkins to WA Parliament
Kellie Balaam
The West Australian
Wed, 22 March 2023 1:37PM

Brittany Higgins has slammed WAโ€™s newest member of Parliament, denouncing his appointment as โ€œcompletely mind bogglingโ€.

Ben Dawkins has been chosen as Laborโ€™s replacement for Alannah MacTiernan in the Upper House, despite pleading guilty to 42 counts of breaching a family violence restraining order.

Ms Higgins, who claims she was raped at Parliament House in Canberra in 2019, shared an article by The West Australian on Twitter about Mr Dawkins โ€” who is trying to reverse his guilty pleas โ€” condemning the embattled lawyer.

โ€œThis is WAโ€™s newest parliamentarian. He is a former lawyer who has plead guilty to over 40 AVO breaches,โ€ she wrote.

โ€œA completely mind boggling decision. The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.โ€

On Tuesday, Dawkinsโ€™ attempt to reverse his guilty pleas to all charges was delayed a further two weeks, after the magistrate adjourned proceedings to allow more evidence to be gathered.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 22, 2023 6:35 pm

Greg Sheridan – “Trump is an abomination”.

March 22, 2023 6:36 pm

Monty, you have no idea what 90% of the population thinks.

You are the radical 10%.

God help your children. I pray your are protecting them from the sexual predators you align yourself with.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 22, 2023 6:37 pm

March 22, 2023 at 6:05 pm
You sound like someone who reads the NYT.

I do when I have time. I also read the Guardian and the WaPo. You should too in order to figure out what the left is saying and doing and why. Not reading the other side is what the left does.

Then again you could rely on Martieโ€™s analysis. Wodney does cartwheels over Martie the Leavenworth graduate.

If you can read or even look at the Guardian then you are a Left Wing Nut Job.

I present the information. If you don’t like it then get farked, You don’t need to read it No one is making you read it. Dick Head. So get farked and get farked often.

March 22, 2023 6:38 pm

Credlin with that piece of shit sheridan on sprouting the usual bullshit about Trump.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 22, 2023 6:38 pm

Perrottet using contacts to hasten an ambulance for his wife: Shocking! Awful! Election Losing!
Rail Unions using “safety concerns” to inconvenience/delay commuters on their way home, not on their way to work, Nothing to see here!

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 6:39 pm

Lysander – havenโ€™t really been following it. I saw the fat slob on the news the other night. Words would struggle to capture my interest in the WA upper house.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 6:40 pm

“I pray your are protecting them from the sexual predators you align yourself with.

I’ve asked him if his wife knows that he’s proud pervert apologist. Thus far, no answer.

March 22, 2023 6:42 pm

Yeah HB… I haven’t really been following myself but somehow I must’ve passed into a coma or something cos I found myself watching 7 news when he came on…

March 22, 2023 6:43 pm

…and the only good thing about the WA Upper House is Nick Goiran.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 6:44 pm

Has Brittany joined Ms Tame on the speakerโ€™s circuit? You would think she would be looking to cut back on media releases.

March 22, 2023 6:44 pm

Iโ€™ve just had a conversation with a work colleague whose husband joined up with some Lebanese men and they went to the church last night in Belfield, to protect the church and speakers. Leb Muslims also went to help.


The stench of the Fascist/Lib/Lab/Homo/Lezzo/Trans/Pedo block is so bad that Christianโ€™s and Muslims are cooperating.

March 22, 2023 6:44 pm

I pray your are protecting them from the sexual predators you align yourself with.

Beginning to think there’s a reason for this.

March 22, 2023 6:45 pm

Ferguson is like 99% of journalists: they donโ€™t think like ordinary people, vote like them or like them.

Tom, I now place them in the same intellectual category as the Hollywood carnie folk.

Sometimes entertaining, but donโ€™t go anywhere near them for an opinion on anything.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 22, 2023 6:45 pm

Firing squad executions if Idaho runs out of drugs
A bill allowing death-row inmates to be shot has been proposed as a โ€˜humaneโ€™ alternative.

By Will Pavia
The Times
11:00AM March 22, 2023
1 Comment

Idaho will allow the execution of condemned inmates by firing squad if lethal drugs are not available.

The measure can take effect under the terms of a new bill that has already passed with enough support to guarantee it becomes law even if the stateโ€™s governor opposes it.

A bill allowing death-row inmates to be shot was proposed as a โ€œhumaneโ€ alternative after the execution of a longtime prisoner named Gerald Pizzuto Jr was called off in December.

Doug Ricks, a Republican state senator who co-sponsored the legislation, said shortages of drugs for lethal injection would persist โ€œindefinitelyโ€.

โ€œThis is a rule of law issue โ€“ our criminal system should work and penalties should be exacted,โ€ he said.

Opponents included Dan Foreman, a state senator and a fellow Republican. โ€œIโ€™ve seen the aftermath of shootings, and itโ€™s psychologically damaging to anybody who witnesses it,โ€ he said.

โ€œThe use of the firing squad is, in my opinion, beneath the dignity of the state of Idaho.โ€

Brad Little, Idahoโ€™s governor, has not commented on the legislation but it passed with a sufficient majority to override any veto.

The Idaho Department of Correction says it will cost about $US750,000 to build or adapt a chamber for firing squad executions.

Jeff Tewalt, its director, said last year that there would be legal challenges just as with attempts to execute prisoners by lethal injection.

He said he would be reluctant to ask his staff to participate in such executions.

Four other states โ€“ Mississippi, Utah, Oklahoma and South Carolina โ€“ allow for executions by firing squad if drugs are unavailable, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Difficulties in obtaining drugs for lethal injections have grown in recent years as pharmaceutical companies have sought to bar their products from being used.

States seeking other methods of execution have turned to new, previously untested drug combinations, including the synthetic opioid fentanyl, which was linked to more than 70,000 accidental deaths through overdose last year.

The federal government, which conducted 13 executions in the final months of the Trump presidency, turned to the sedative pentobarbital.

Some federal inmates facing execution have argued that death by firing squad was preferable to the administration of pentobarbital, which is said to cause a sensation akin to drowning.

However, a 2019 legal filing argued that a death by firing squad was not necessarily instantaneous, and could be โ€œseverely painful, especially related to shattering of bone and damage to the spinal cordโ€.

John H.
John H.
March 22, 2023 6:46 pm

March 22, 2023 at 6:36 pm
Monty, you have no idea what 90% of the population thinks.

You are the radical 10%.

God help your children. I pray your are protecting them from the sexual predators you align yourself with.

Tom how do you know what the population thinks? I don’t and I’m not interested in the opinions of the population. Modern politics is so laughable I can’t take it seriously. Everyone shouting at everyone else, people claiming to be possessed of some psychic allocentric perspicacity that enables them to understand the cogitations and motivations of people they have never met, and liars and frauds on soapboxes on every corner. Ya can’t have it dude. I’m outta here.

March 22, 2023 6:47 pm

โ€œI pray your are protecting them from the sexual predators you align yourself with.โ€

As many children of Leftists have sadly found out, sometimes sacrifices have to be made…

March 22, 2023 6:47 pm

WA family violence restraining orders.

Not really much different to a plain VRO.

Broadened to include financial and emotional abuse as is the current zeitgeist.

Can be from a family member (wife/defacto/stray root) or lodged by the police.
To rack up as many as he has seems… careless.

March 22, 2023 6:49 pm

Doug Ricks, a Republican state senator who co-sponsored the legislation, said shortages of drugs for lethal injection would persist โ€œindefinitelyโ€.

Not looking very hard, Pfizer has plenty of safe and effective products available for this task.

March 22, 2023 6:51 pm

Seems the Dawkins have a history of bad tempers and the drink:

March 22, 2023 6:52 pm

Was that a flounce? Boo hoo

March 22, 2023 6:53 pm

Tom how do you know what the population thinks?

John H, I have spent a lifetime in journalism trying to find that out.

March 22, 2023 6:54 pm

Tom how do you know what the population thinks?

Listening to talkback radio is a good way of finding out.

I donโ€™t and Iโ€™m not interested in the opinions of the population.

Why not?

March 22, 2023 6:55 pm

Want a sick laugh…

Guess who are STILL exempt from Covid clot shots in WA?

Prisoners and detainees are exempted from the directions but have been given access to COVID-19 vaccinations while in custody.

So they are comfortable with monstering people out of work/careers by making the shots a prerequisite for work, but not for people directly under their control.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 6:57 pm

Listening to talkback radio is a good way of finding out.

6PR, of course.

March 22, 2023 6:57 pm

Well Cats, have a nice evening… I have to go watch one of my kids (attempt to) play basketball*

*the dumbest game on Earth…

March 22, 2023 7:00 pm

That was very dramatic, John H. I enjoyed your thinking but not your conclusion.

This place is a soapboxโ€ฆand we are safe from the odd malicious cabbage or tomato. If we pull percentages out of thin airโ€ฆso what? From what I can gather 93.7% of sensible people donโ€™t read a word I say.

Their loss. *sob* ๐Ÿ˜€

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 7:01 pm

” Iโ€™m outta here.”

Bye, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

March 22, 2023 7:02 pm

Tony Burke said: โ€œTough things are said in this chamber.โ€

Archetypal hard man.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 7:02 pm

Bush at 6.20:

Anyone know this tool?

That dapper chap in the tweed would be Ray. Ray the GT owner, who personalises his plates in order to receive additional attention, which I am sure he will receive. If that is in fact Ray driving Ray’s car.

If that’s a flatbed tow truck, incidentally, I am astounded that Ray didn’t walk back to his car with the towie’s 12-inch shifter hanging out of his forehead.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 7:03 pm

93.7% of sensible people donโ€™t read a word I say.

What was that again?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 7:03 pm

Bendigo road rage

Nice tour of the town. We’ll be there at Easter for the Opera.
The open streets seem to encourage tooling.
That won’t be us.

March 22, 2023 7:17 pm

There is one expression uttered by politicians when asked about an egregious act from their opposition and that is that they are disappointed. It is such an anodyne expression, no passion, no indignation. I want them to state that they are definitely not pleased, are angry and livid. They are being paid enough to at least act that way. If they want to inspire people they should show passion which is catching.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 22, 2023 7:18 pm

Archetypal hard man.

Tony Burke was Minister for Agriculture when we “had the farm.” Completely disinterested in the portfolio, no attempt to deal with any of the issues confronting agriculture, and always giving the impression that the whole business was beneath a man of his towering intellect.

March 22, 2023 7:21 pm

Anchor What says:
March 22, 2023 at 6:38 pm
Perrottet using contacts to hasten an ambulance for his wife: Shocking! Awful! Election Losing!
Rail Unions using โ€œsafety concernsโ€ to inconvenience/delay commuters on their way home, not on their way to work, Nothing to see here!

Even Chris Minns said on the news tonight that if he were in the same situation he doesn’t know how he would react. This is rare from a Labor politician unless he figures it may get him some votes.

March 22, 2023 7:22 pm

The stench of the Fascist/Lib/Lab/Homo/Lezzo/Trans/Pedo block is so bad that Christianโ€™s and Muslims are cooperating.
Reminds me of the meme I saw a while ago:
view from back of Saracen and Crusader facing Fascist/Lib/Lab/Homo/Lezzo/Trans/Pedo mob.
Saracen: “Together?”
Crusader: “Together”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 7:24 pm

Modern politics is so laughable I canโ€™t take it seriously.

Then don’t try, John H. Plenty here don’t.

Just soapbox your own thing, whatever that is, as long as you enjoy doing so.
That’s what counts. Take a break if it starts to get you down.

Arky used to say the universe hated his face. I’m sure it doesn’t though.

March 22, 2023 7:26 pm

beneath a man of his towering intellect

Tony Burke, Wilkie, Albo. All cast from the same mould, the one labelled snivel.

March 22, 2023 7:28 pm

rickw says:
March 22, 2023 at 6:44 pm
Iโ€™ve just had a conversation with a work colleague whose husband joined up with some Lebanese men and they went to the church last night in Belfield, to protect the church and speakers. Leb Muslims also went to help.
The stench of the Fascist/Lib/Lab/Homo/Lezzo/Trans/Pedo block is so bad that Christianโ€™s and Muslims are cooperating.

Who would have thunk it only a few years ago? Our decadent society is driving former enemies to join forces to stop this decadence being inflicted on them and their children.

It is obvious that our elites are not as well educated as the Christians who know what happens when leaders become decadent. It was the normal people of the Roman middle classes who were so revolted by their patricians that they sided with the invading Barbarians and Vandals rather than live under their decadent rule.

March 22, 2023 7:30 pm

You canโ€™t eat gold.

I have none, but it sure came handy to a lot of people in Europe when the paper currency was worthless.
Gold buys food an stuff when nothing else does..

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 7:33 pm

Believe all women (the Tele):

A senior police officer has admitted to assaulting her colleagues in blue and resisting arrest after an alleged domestic dispute at her south Sydney home.

Natalie Ellis, 40, appeared in Downing Centre Local Court for the first time on Wednesday.

Sutherland police officers were called to Ellisโ€™ Bonnet Bay home shortly after 10pm on Thursday last week following a report of a domestic dispute.

Documents tendered to court said Ellis assaulted four police officers and resisted the attempts of seven officers to bring her under arrest.

Absolute gold. The manner of assault wasn’t detailed in the piece, and I can only hope she got a few handfuls of NSW jack sack before she got the ‘Tase me, Sarge!’ treatment.

Apparently she’s using the Slater/O’Keefe business model, here:

Ellis โ€“ a senior constable attached to the Central Metropolitan Region โ€“ was charged with four counts of assault police, hinder or resist police officer in the execution of duty, and stalk/intimidate intend fear physical etc harm (domestic).

And sadly, here:

In court, Ellis entered pleas of guilty to the assault police and resist arrest charges with her lawyer indicating she would make an application under the Mental Health Act.

There’s a pic attached to the piece. She’s not even on the hot/crazy matrix.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 22, 2023 7:39 pm

I have none, but it sure came handy to a lot of people in Europe when the paper currency was worthless.

The odd gold sovereign, dispatched from Australia, came in most handy to my forebears, surviving the hyperinflation of the Wiemar republic…

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 7:44 pm

Thereโ€™s a pic attached to the piece. Sheโ€™s not even on the hot/crazy matrix.

They can be extremely dangerous and this one was on the edge.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 7:45 pm

Thereโ€™s a pic attached to the piece. Sheโ€™s not even on the hot/crazy matrix.
Are you a Lezzo this week, Joffa?

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 7:49 pm

Yesterday on GB News, Ben Habib, a former Tory MP and now member of Reform UK (which in the next election will probably end up with more seats than the Conservative Party) said this…

“my aim and I’m absolutely unequivocal about it, and Richard (Tice) and Nigel (Farage) are on board with this, it to obliterate the Tory Party, there will be no surrender, there will be no deals, there will be no standing down in seats, we are going to take the fight to the Conservative Party, they are not conservative, they are not pro-Brexit, and they are certainly not unionists (Habib earlier had been talking about Northern Island).

The GB News anchor said, “but if you kill the Tory Party you might let in Keir Starmer who wanted a second referendum”

Habib….”Andrew, you can’t reward failure with incumbency, going down that road lies massive moral hazards, you inculcate bad behaviour and we’ve had too much of “oh I know we’re awful but the other lot are even worse”. We’ve got to put paid to that, we’re going to boot them out. This lot under Sunak are not conservative, no one should bemoan the fact that the Conservative Party is going to be thumped in the next election”

Every word Habib has said above applies to the Liberal Party of Australia, state and federal.

Adios Parrothead.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 7:55 pm

Are you a Lezzo this week, Joffa?

Give me a ping, Vasily.

March 22, 2023 7:59 pm

Being smacked in the chops by someone you thought would turn the other cheek will give them pause.


You have freedom of speech, but not freedom from consequences.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 8:02 pm

I’d rather not, Joff, but …
… if you insist, which end would you prefer?

John H.
John H.
March 22, 2023 8:10 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
March 22, 2023 at 7:01 pm
โ€ Iโ€™m outta here.โ€

Bye, donโ€™t let the door hit you on the way out.

Why do you ridicule so many people?

March 22, 2023 at 6:53 pm
Tom how do you know what the population thinks?

John H, I have spent a lifetime in journalism trying to find that out.

Tom journalism, psychology, sociology, all blunt instruments. I’m too old to find out. I imagine you’re much younger than me. Keep going but keep an open mind, avoid rushing to judgement.


Calli this place is not a soapbox. It is an echo chamber. A soapbox is where we go out to reach people who haven’t heard a message.

March 22, 2023 8:11 pm
March 22, 2023 8:12 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 8:12 pm

No, no, no. Those nice SovCitters aren’t complete windowlickers and are completely grounded in reality (the Tele):

A northern NSW man was kicked out of court after telling a magistrate she had no jurisdiction โ€“ while battling to get his driverโ€™s licence back under her jurisdiction.

You just knew this was going to be first rate after reading the opening sentence. The bloke did his licence for repeated speeding, apparently. SovCit Bingo time:

A โ€œsovereign citizenโ€ P-plater was kicked out of a Northern Rivers courtroom twice after telling a magistrate she had no jurisdiction


while appealing to have his licence reinstated. West Ballinaโ€™s Luke Daniel William Simpson represented himself


in Ballina Local Court in a bid to get his driverโ€™s licence back. Magistrate Karen Stafford called the case and Simpson stated: โ€œI am not Luke Simpson.โ€


Confusingly, a friend of Simpsonโ€™s watching on from the back of the court said during the March 16 licence appeal: โ€œI can verify Luke Simpson is before the court.โ€

Reverse Bingo! He was kicked out of court to get his story straight, and came back with:

โ€œYou have no jurisdiction โ€ฆ I have documents, I do not submit to the maritime law,โ€ he said.

Bingo Bingo Bingo!!!

Ms Stafford replied: โ€œYou say I have no jurisdiction, but you have requested a licence appeal under my jurisdiction.โ€ Simpson continued to interrupt Ms Stafford and was again kicked out of the courtroom.


Ms Stafford said Mr Simpson was not a safe driver. She said the application was โ€œwithout merit and he does not consent


to the jurisdiction of the courtโ€œ. The licence appeal was dismissed.

And a very good evening to all the SovCit lurKers out there, no doubt sitting on their regional Quenthland properties making signs both large and ill-informed to put on their front gates.

March 22, 2023 8:15 pm

I donโ€™t and Iโ€™m not interested in the opinions of the population.

You’re way too intelligent to be hanging around here, John.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 8:16 pm

Equally amusing is Mr Captain Cheaty McSook departing the Third ODI stage in India for a three-ball duck.

Apparently the midget range houso cheat’s playing as well this time, against all odds and common sense.

Oh please, oh please oh please piss off early and throw a tanty as well.

March 22, 2023 8:21 pm

Calli this place is not a soapbox. It is an echo chamber. A soapbox is where we go out to reach people who havenโ€™t heard a message.

Hopefully, John H., the message I want to convey is between the lines. It isnโ€™t just about politics, but the way we treat others. Sometimes I fail dismally, but there it is.

John H.
John H.
March 22, 2023 8:22 pm


Not interested because

“Many studies have shown that more than half of adult Americans never reach the stage of formal operations (Arons and Karplus, 1976), meaning that they can’t analyze a situation with several variables or understand a simple syllogism.”

Uncommon Sense, The Heretical Nature of Science. 1993 Cromer

As a CEO once said, I know half of our advertising is at the wrong market but I don’t know which half. How can I interrogate a person to know how the origin of political orientation? Can I trust their verbal accounts? I certainly don’t trust psychology studies to illuminate. At a population level we can make some reasonable inferences, at an individual level it so much more difficult. Suicide and divorce, these often are unexpected, even by those closest to them. Einstein was a socialist and didn’t believe in free will, the latter not so surprising given he was a fan of Schopenhauer. Socialism Albert? Seriously!? That’s the weird thing about human cognition. We can be very rational in one domain and completely nuts in another.

Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 8:26 pm

Old Ozzie:
Reply to Megan Fox:

If I could talk to Jazz, I would first hug him and tell him how sorry I am that the adults in his family, his medical team, and this country didnโ€™t stand up for the child we all watched go through this heinous reality. What kind of monsters are we? Were the executives at TLC so blinded by money that none of them asked themselves, โ€œwhat happens if this backfires and we destroy this kid?โ€

Oh no you bloody don’t, you malicious pervert. You don’t get to blame this shit on us!
We’ve been standing on the sidelines, being abused, assaulted, sent to gaol and fined for telling these kids THE TRUTH.
And the truth is that they were treated as disposable humans worth no more than the Third Reich treated the malformed. An experiment that could be thrown in the waste bucket when it failed, and used like a Kleenex tissue when useful for your perversions until something younger and prettier came along.
The trans fad – and that’s all it is – a fad, soon to be replaced by another perversion, because perversions are never satisfied, so what can the Gay Lobby think of next?
But don’t think you have gotten away with this – all the kids you’ve used in your demonic fetishes are growing up and Jazz is just one of hundreds of thousands of mutilated kids who know who did this to them and know where they work, and how they lied to them when they were young and naรฏve.
The Trans Lobby has sown a horrific crop. Who knows what they will harvest?

Apologies to any one offended by my blunt speech, but abuse kids and it presses all my buttons.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 8:27 pm

“Why do you ridicule so many people?”

I don’t. And I wasn’t ridiculing you, you proclaimed very grandly that you were out of here (but your back here) and I said “bye, don’t let the door hit you on the way out”.

March 22, 2023 8:29 pm

Thereโ€™s a pic attached to the piece. Sheโ€™s not even on the hot/crazy matrix.

They all are.

Fun zone.
Danger zone.
No go zone.
Marriage zone.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 8:29 pm

“Calli this place is not a soapbox. It is an echo chamber. A soapbox is where we go out to reach people who havenโ€™t heard a message.”

Despite finding this place “an echo chamber”, you’re back.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
March 22, 2023 8:30 pm

Lysander on baseball reminds me of Stan McCabe’s comment after having a go at it on a visit to the US.

‘Easy! All bloody full tosses’.

Stan was the kindest andost genial of men but had a sharp wit. When a journalist asked if he planned to write memoirs, he paused for a few seconds and said ‘No. I’ve never hated anyone enough.’

March 22, 2023 8:31 pm

John I am starting to think most people are smarter than they realise but cannot articulate what they mean or have missing information.

What people overestimate is competence and their ability to complete tasks quickly (often without planning errors).

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 8:31 pm

Fun zone.
Danger zone.
No go zone.
Marriage zone.

Well she’s in the ‘jawline like Chesty Bond zone’ and I will have no part of it, sir.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 8:32 pm

“You have freedom of speech, but not freedom from consequences.”

Which is what the left always like to pontificate to the right, yet when they are faced with the consequences of their speech and actions, they cry and wail “victimhood”.

March 22, 2023 8:35 pm

I can tell when Bern (MIA) and KD like my posts. You guys lap up fan service like a degenerate weeb.

Give me Juan shping! Vasihily.

March 22, 2023 8:39 pm

I was hoping Bern would be lured back by the Silmarillion talk. But he resisted temptation.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 8:40 pm

Calli this place is not a soapbox. It is an echo chamber.

John H – I regard this place to be a forum in the classical sense. Brutal combat with words! I’m sure 5thC BC Athenians would love it (plus there’s no hemlock!) I hope you will stick around since I like reading what you write even though sometimes I don’t agree with it.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 8:42 pm

You guys lap up fan service like a degenerate weeb.

Urban Dictionary:

A weeb is a person who is interested in anime and Japanese culture.

Steady on. I don’t even like tentacles.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 8:43 pm

Bern is just taking a break. I’m in contact with him. He’s okay.

Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 8:43 pm

Dover Beach:

Reckless endangerment for starters. Anyone doing this deserves time in jail whatever the result of the act.

Reckless endangerment? Call it what it is – attempted murder.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 8:45 pm

Bingo Bingo Bingo!!!

Only need to claim not being a corporation for the Full House. There was usually a couple of these in the Supreme Court library working on their interlocutory prodedures before being clapped in irons for contempt. You soon learnt to give them a wide berth.

March 22, 2023 8:46 pm

“A soapbox is where we go out to reach people who havenโ€™t heard a message.”

Not interested in proselytising myself, they don’t want to hear it and I don’t need the grief. This precludes the need to stand on a soapbox.

The echo chamber thing can be true at times, but it is an echo chamber apart from the bulk of the other echo chambers in terms of content. Then there is also the real time picking apart of current issues that quite often turns out to get the right answer. Then there is the heckling, pretty humorous at times for people that like that sort of thing.

All in all, the place has things to recommend itself.

John H.
John H.
March 22, 2023 8:50 pm

March 22, 2023 at 8:21 pm
Calli this place is not a soapbox. It is an echo chamber. A soapbox is where we go out to reach people who havenโ€™t heard a message.

Hopefully, John H., the message I want to convey is between the lines. It isnโ€™t just about politics, but the way we treat others. Sometimes I fail dismally, but there it is.

There is a lot of good people here Calli but too much vitriol for my liking. You’re polite, rational, a good example of bees to honey. That is a much a better strategy for changing minds. Sales aren’t made by rebuking the customer, converts aren’t made by berating the sinner, and minds aren’t changed by tirades of abuse. Consider the responses I have received today. All but Cassie have been polite and questioning. I appreciate that I come at these issues with a different attitude than most. I have my own struggles in understanding human behavior. Perhaps I’m too cynical, perhaps there is more that can be said. However, over the last decade my fundamental limitation is I spend very little time with people and without that frequent exposure to individuals of various types, it is too easy to get lost in generalizations and misunderstandings.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 8:50 pm

Calli this place is not a soapbox. It is an echo chamber.

What happened to that one true Scotsman who used to jump up and down if you didnโ€™t bow at the John Howard shrine?

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 8:53 pm

There is a lot of good people here Calli but too much vitriol for my liking.

If you arenโ€™t abusing at least 3 others are you even trying?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 8:54 pm

that one true Scotsman who used to jump up and down if you didnโ€™t bow at the John Howard shrine?

You leave Neil alone. He was a massive Joe Burns fan too, which was equally entertaining.

The one-sentence argument, repeated 400 times regardless of any contrasting view put forward.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 8:54 pm

“All but Cassie have been polite and questioning. “

Oh dear, what about your own patronising smugness and elitism towards others here? I get the impression that you think you’re better than the rest of us.

March 22, 2023 8:54 pm

Thanks Cassie. Not all of us know about the intricacies of elvish politics or the lore of the dwarf kingdoms. It would be a pity to be the only one left.

March 22, 2023 8:55 pm

Hi Lizzie and Tinta. Good to see you here. I hate what is happening to our country. Some 200 years ago, Fredriech Schiller said it best: “Mit der dumheit Kampfen gotter selbs vergebens” Or something. “With stupidity, even the gods struggle in vain.” If it is as unlikely, I last until the referendum, It will be a NO from me.
Tally ho!

March 22, 2023 8:55 pm

All in all, the place has things to recommend itself.


Thanks and credit must therefore go to the blog owner for keeping it alive with his constant attention accompanied by well chosen artwork.

March 22, 2023 9:00 pm

Monty, you have no idea what 90% of the population thinks.

You are the radical 10%.

You and your mob, Tom, have lost every culture battle you fought over many decades. At some point it must be concluded that you are not going to win the war.

God help your children. I pray your are protecting them from the sexual predators you align yourself with.

I was going to ask why you lot so frequently bring up my wife and/or kids, but I know why. It is because you havenโ€™t got any valid arguments, so you resort to ad hominem. It only underlines the paucity of your intellect.

March 22, 2023 9:01 pm

Gold Gold Gold , Trumps in the game chair he can play this all the way.
That’s providing they don’t call the end of the world ,like ….say by November/ December 2023.

March 22, 2023 9:02 pm

I thought you were ‘out of here’

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 9:02 pm

Joe Burns (and Watto) certainly get people off the fence.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 9:02 pm

So what if this place is an “echo chamber”. We come here because we know there are likeminded people here, and whilst we might not necessarily agree on everything, there’s general consensus here, and I like that. We live in an increasingly segregated and polarised world where we are unable to talk openly and frankly about things, for fear of being called “bigot” or smeared as “far-right”, even “Nazi”. Because the left now control everything, there are few places for us and this is why this blog (and C.L.’s) are important, they’re like a sanctuary where we can vent. It’s now difficult to get even benign comments published at The Australian because the moderators are all little Maoists.

Everyday I think Dover for this site.

March 22, 2023 9:03 pm


Not interested because

โ€œMany studies have shown that more than half of adult Americans never reach the stage of formal operations (Arons and Karplus, 1976), meaning that they canโ€™t analyze a situation with several variables or understand a simple syllogism.โ€

Uncommon Sense, The Heretical Nature of Science. 1993 Cromer

The simple answer to that is that as messy as democracy is and how dumb (sic) the punters are there is no better system of social, political and economic organisation. You listen to people because they are the gears of democracy and they continually surprise as much as they exasperate.

A long time ago I went to a party full of rednecks and ferals. I had a lot of letters after my name and was condescending. I went outside and listened to how a guy organised his garden: it was brilliant; all of it intuitive and observational. He didn’t know what a syllogism was but I bet his survival mechanisms are still better then those who do.

March 22, 2023 9:03 pm

John H. says:
March 22, 2023 at 8:22 pm


Not interested because

Having read that condescending garbage at 8:22, I thoroughly agree with this.

โ€œbye, donโ€™t let the door hit you on the way outโ€

There are many more people with common sense and understanding of how the world works than you think. Of course one has to leave the confines of ivory towers, be it politics or academia or any other sheltered workplace, to meet them.

March 22, 2023 9:04 pm

Victory doesnโ€™t make the victor just, or even right. It just means they are stronger.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 9:04 pm

Great to see you still with us Macbeth!
I think we’re in one of those periods of history when a lot of people go nuts.
Hopefully we’ll get through it without somebody doing something unfixable.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 9:04 pm

“Everyday I think Dover for this site.”

“thank Dover”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 9:05 pm

Aaaand the softest of soft dismissal from the cheating little cack-handed scrote. Straight up the chimney to mid-off.

Piss off, yer out, as they say in the classics. Wearing a broad-brimmed hat, thinking you’re Richie Richardson.

As Cromwell presciently remarked, no doubt aware of events 350 years into the future:

Go! In the name of God, go!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 22, 2023 9:09 pm


March 22, 2023 at 6:20 pm

Bendigo road rage

Anyone know this tool?

Did I see personalised plates?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 9:09 pm

You and your mob, Tom, have lost every culture battle you fought over many decades.

Haha Monty. You haven’t worked out the difference between absolute truth and relativism.
Anyone who stands on absolute truth cannot lose a culture battle.
Which is why the Left hates Jews and Christians so much.

It’s also why the Left is so bad at science, since science is immune to relativismic argument.
It is what it is, and no amount of leftist propaganda can change that.

March 22, 2023 9:13 pm

He didnโ€™t know what a syllogism was but I bet his survival mechanisms are still better then those who do.

As, no doubt, is his sarcasm detection.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 9:14 pm

So what if this place is an โ€œecho chamberโ€

In no sense is this august journal of record an ‘echo chamber’. I’m excluding the trolls as well.

There are a multitude of differing views, of differing strengths, on any number of topics. The last thing this joint is, is a one-trick pony – the range of life and professional experience here is stratospheric compared to anything else I’ve ever heard of.

Apologies, but I’m not having it. A disagreement with someone, or even three or four correlating views compared to one does not make the place an echo chamber.

As far as abuse goes, that generally either the domain of the aforementioned trolls, or the odd angry uncle or frustrated cat lady without his (or her) own actual argument, which means it means nothing.

Incidentally, ‘abuse’ is a world apart from ‘piss-taking’ – of which the latter sometimes also results in wailing of echo-chamberage which would also be incorrect.

March 22, 2023 9:15 pm

Did I see personalised plates?

Up to 20 charges apparently.

March 22, 2023 9:15 pm

The simple answer to that is that as messy as democracy is and how dumb (sic) the punters are there is no better system of social, political and economic organisation. You listen to people because they are the gears of democracy and they continually surprise as much as they exasperate.

(Clears throat)

Term limits
Recall voting
Jury nullification
CIR to repeal bad laws
Sunset clauses on all legislation

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 9:16 pm

Best of Moe Szyslak, with guest appearance by Cletus.
[YouTube; 4:32]

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 9:18 pm

As Cromwell presciently remarked, no doubt aware of events 350 years into the future:

Go! In the name of God, go!

How did this occur, Joffa?
Cromwell has been dead for 365 years.

March 22, 2023 9:26 pm

Tony Burqa, its hard to have a towering intellect when you’re lower than a snakes belly.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 22, 2023 9:28 pm

Someone, I believe frollickingmole posted something about Aboriginal land councils, or similar. I present you this kind reader from the NT Times, via Hun:

Territory senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has revealed she has reached across the aisle to join forces with fellow firebrand senator Lidia Thorpe to take on Australiaโ€™s powerful Aboriginal land councils.

In a speech at the NT Cattlemenโ€™s Association annual conference on Friday, Senator Price said she was โ€œseeking to initiate an inquiry into land councils nationallyโ€, to crack down on governance and accountability.

In a speech at the NT Cattlemenโ€™s Association annual conference on Friday, Senator Price said she was โ€œseeking to initiate an inquiry into land councils nationallyโ€, to crack down on governance and accountability.

โ€œIโ€™m a Traditional Owner in Warlpiri country but I believe โ€” this is me personally speaking and for many members of my family โ€” that the Central Land Council acts as a gatekeeper and diminishes opportunities for economic development,โ€ she told the conference.

โ€œI mean letโ€™s face it, land councils themselves are now part of a bureaucratic welfare structure that are dependent on the welfare of royalties, but also federal government funding and there needs to be a review to reassess.โ€

But in an early sign of a potential rift with the former Green turned independent, Senator Price agreed with former NTCA president Roy Chisholm that land councils were โ€œjoined at the hip with the environmental groupsโ€ and about the need to โ€œbust that down to make development happenโ€.

โ€œMore opportunity, more choice, needs to be provided for Traditional Owners to have control over their own land more specifically, and more opportunity to determine what they want to do without environmental activists getting involved, who have no place whatsoever, when they can fly in from places like Melbourne and tell Aboriginal people how to suck eggs,โ€ Senator Price said.

โ€œIโ€™ve heard the concerns from your industry on this issue, I share those concerns as well, and itโ€™s going to take brave people, but slowly but surely.

โ€œThe more Aboriginal women we have in parliament, Iโ€™m seeing thereโ€™s a bit of a shake up going on โ€” you might find this surprising but senator Lidia Thorpe also wants this inquiry up and running, so thatโ€™s a start.โ€

Senator Price also fielded a question from Isolated Childrenโ€™s Parentsโ€™ Association NT president, Sarah Cook, about how to support the senatorโ€™s message โ€œwithout seeming to come across as supremacist or racistโ€. (FMD)

โ€œAll you need to do is fight back with the truth, with evidence and with facts,โ€ Senator Price said.

โ€œRemove the emotion from it all because thatโ€™s the weapon that the other side have, is the emotional side, if you donโ€™t get drawn into the nonsense you can stand back and present the facts and say โ€˜Look this is the truth of the situation, love it or leave it, but you canโ€™t argue with the facts and facts donโ€™t care for your feelings eitherโ€™.โ€

March 22, 2023 9:30 pm

A fresh start:
Sortition, Term Limits, Subsidiarity, Recall voting, Confederalism (I did have reservations once)
Jury nullification, CIR to repeal bad laws, Sunset clauses on all legislation

March 22, 2023 9:34 pm

Mark Latham is doing an absolute barn stormer on Paul Murray’s show. I can see why the government financed and the elite media are absolutely terrified of him.

Twenty years ago who could have imagined that Mark would be the most consequential politician in the country?

March 22, 2023 9:35 pm

March 22, 2023 at 6:20 pm
Bendigo road rage

Anyone know this tool?

That is the reason I do not turn right at the traffic lights until I see the oncoming traffic is going to obviously slow down to stop or stop. Too many tools run orange and red lights.
Same for waiting at Giveway and Stop signs. Vehicles indicating to turn left do not always turn left.
Also before going when the light goes green at an intersection, I check to make sure vehicles have stopped where they are supposed to be stopped.
That saved me from having the front end of the ute go missing from the firewall one night when a road train didn’t stop and ran the red light at the intersection.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 9:36 pm

In a speech at the NT Cattlemenโ€™s Association annual conference on Friday, Senator Price said she was โ€œseeking to initiate an inquiry into land councils nationallyโ€, to crack down on governance and accountability.

She’s never heard of Rupert Max Stuart, long time boss of the Central Land Council?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 9:38 pm

Anyone know this tool?

I bet Ray’s the sort of bloke who buys firewood pre-cut, in a plastic bag from servos.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 9:40 pm

Sortition, Term Limits, Subsidiarity, Recall voting, Confederalism (I did have reservations once)
Jury nullification, CIR to repeal bad laws, Sunset clauses on all legislation

Sounds like a fraud on the public, to me.

Jury Nullification exists anyway, like it or not.
What do you want, Juries having to give notice of applying Jury Nullification?

March 22, 2023 9:43 pm

You might find it hard to believe anyone can be that vaccuous, but he is

so you’re saying mUnty’s just a wanker then ?

March 22, 2023 9:47 pm

I am not a New South Welshman, so I am unapologic in asking, “who owns Keane”. Is he a Photios spawn or are there darker forces at play.
Super funds.
Eastern Suburbs family trusts.
Green fifth columinists.
Chunk aligned engineering contractors; or just the increasingly revealed criminal brilliance of Labor.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
March 22, 2023 9:48 pm

Tinta, the other half noted how tiny he is โ€“ all this huff and puff could be small man syndrome.


I’ve never clapped eyes on the ham but clearly he thinks that elevated stupidity increases stature. I think Bugs Bunny says it best

March 22, 2023 9:48 pm

That is the reason I do not turn right at the traffic lights until I see the oncoming traffic is going to obviously slow down to stop or stop. Too many tools run orange and red lights.
Same for waiting at Giveway and Stop signs. Vehicles indicating to turn left do not always turn left.
Also before going when the light goes green at an intersection, I check to make sure vehicles have stopped where they are supposed to be stopped.

Beertruk, I do the same in roundabouts, I go in and then slow down and sometimes even stop until the other cars have come to a stop. I particularly detest those drivers who drive at full speed to the roundabout and almost screech to a halt when they see I am about to turn. I had no idea so many drivers were blind and couldn’t see my right turn indicator.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
March 22, 2023 9:50 pm

March 22, 2023 at 8:55 pm

. God bless you macbeth good to see you here too and still sharp and with it. Take care.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 9:51 pm

“โ€œwho owns Keaneโ€. Is he a Photios spawn or are there darker forces at play.
Super funds.
Eastern Suburbs family trusts.
Green fifth columinists.
Chunk aligned engineering contractors; or just the increasingly revealed criminal brilliance of Labor.”

He’s a Photios/Turdbull acolyte.

March 22, 2023 9:53 pm
March 22, 2023 9:53 pm

bons says:
March 22, 2023 at 9:47 pm
I am not a New South Welshman, so I am unapologic in asking, โ€œwho owns Keaneโ€. Is he a Photios spawn or are there darker forces at play.
Super funds.
Eastern Suburbs family trusts.
Green fifth columinists.

I think he is a Photios man but probably all of the above. He is the quintessential oleaginous insect.

March 22, 2023 9:53 pm

Kean expects to be the leader of the opposition in NSW after Saturday’s election.

March 22, 2023 9:55 pm

Lysander and dumb southerners. Multinational manufacturer I worked for had a Chief Quality control guy who talked really slowly. Don’t know what qualifications he hsd for the job but heaven help anyone not listening to what he had to say. Same with an engineer at ALCOA, nobody took a crap without his sayso. I don’t know why people think if you talk slowly you’re a slow thinker. I’ve found slow talkers don’t want listeners to get confused with hurried speech. My late FiL was at a Judicial hearing. The Judge took testimony for 2 days, summed up for over an hour without looking at notes and delivered judgement. This was not a criminal case but concerned procedure in the Real Estate Act. Spoke slowly, nobody was in any doubt what conclusions he came to. The Government lawyers were not happy. Word walls do not make up for content. FiL when relating the story commented about wishing to be able to see things as clearly as the Judge had.

March 22, 2023 9:59 pm

So they are comfortable with monstering people out of work/careers by making the shots a prerequisite for work, but not for people directly under their control.

Just when you think AusGov are complete scum, you find out that theyโ€™re even worse.

March 22, 2023 9:59 pm

With roundabouts you giveway to the person in the roundabout not the person approaching on the right but not yet entered. First in best dressed.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 10:02 pm

Beertruk, I do the same in roundabouts, I go in and then slow down and sometimes even stop until the other cars have come to a stop.

Yuk. Stopping inside a roundabout is asking to get rear-ended, and not in a good way.

Don’t bank on indicators of the other cars. Watch their front wheels – that will tell you where they’re turning to better than an orange flashing light ever will.

March 22, 2023 10:03 pm

You canโ€™t eat gold

but you can eat bullshit

March 22, 2023 10:05 pm

With roundabouts you giveway to the person in the roundabout not the person approaching on the right but not yet entered. First in best dressed.

Maybe so, but it still pays to check. Left and right.

March 22, 2023 10:05 pm

Jihad Watch

Ramadan: Iโ€™m surprised that they can get motivated to kill anyone, given that they donโ€™t seem particularly interested in working.

March 22, 2023 10:08 pm

Thanks BB I was pleased to hear Jacinta Price and Lydia Thorpe have a go at the land councils. Who would have thought Lydia of all people doing it. It goes without saying the same thing applies to every Town council as well.

March 22, 2023 10:11 pm

GreyRanga says:
March 22, 2023 at 9:55 pm
Lysander and dumb southerners. Multinational manufacturer I worked for had a Chief Quality control guy who talked really slowly. Donโ€™t know what qualifications he hsd for the job but heaven help anyone not listening to what he had to say. Same with an engineer at ALCOA, nobody took a crap without his sayso.

All of this reminds me of my late husband’s career. For most of his life he worked in the aluminium industry. He worked for all aluminium manufacturers in Australia starting in Alcoa them Comalco, Alcan and finally Capral. At age 50 he decided to do something completely different and to my bemusement ended his working life at Westmead Hospital.

March 22, 2023 10:13 pm

Opps, pressed send too quick. Why does every committee or council attract scumbags. They no longer care what people think. Lack of dignity doesn’t begin to scratch the surface. Rules are only for mugs.

March 22, 2023 10:15 pm

Frank says:
March 22, 2023 at 10:05 pm
With roundabouts you giveway to the person in the roundabout not the person approaching on the right but not yet entered. First in best dressed.
Maybe so, but it still pays to check. Left and right.

I know that but you would be surprised how many people do not observe that rule. It’s usually drivers with bigger vehicles who know you will stop if you don’t want to be obliterated.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 10:19 pm

I see that m0nty=fa has adopted the “Declare victory and go home philosophy”. Not sure that always works out well.

See variously Hitler, Adolph, Bush, George W, and so many others.

It ain’t over till it’s over, m0nty=fa. But feel free to hold your victory parade.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 22, 2023 10:22 pm

Anyway, I’m about to have a wee dram, and watch a very politically incorrect film – “Game for Vultures” – an arms dealer is running fifty ex – Yank helicopters into Rhodesia, at the height of the “bush war.”

March 22, 2023 10:25 pm

I was going to ask why you lot so frequently bring up my wife and/or kids …

do they know how committed you are to wanking?

honestly, I’m genuinely concerned for them

especially after you just used them to wipe yourself off rather than use the curtains as you normally do

(and you will note, that my criticism above, is actually a valid argument)

March 22, 2023 10:28 pm

March 22, 2023 at 6:53 pm
Tom how do you know what the population thinks?

John H, I have spent a lifetime in journalism trying to find that out.

Tom – how were you in Athletics over 800m? (trying to guess age)

March 22, 2023 10:35 pm

France votes for more nukes.

Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 10:36 pm


We will have it with some left-over orange syrup cake from Sunday.

If cake is >24 hours from oven, it needs custard. Hot custard. And perhaps some sliced banana…

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 10:38 pm

Attention men. There are no problems, none whatsoever in hooking up with single mothers who have vindictive exes (the Courier-Mail):

An Ipswich child confessed to his mum that her boyfriend never โ€œhurtโ€ him โ€” five days after a jury heard his testimony to the contrary.

The child now alleges his father had coerced him to make the false allegations against the man.

The man was convicted on April 1, 2022, of one count of indecent treatment of a child under 12 in his care (DV) after a trial in Ipswich District Court. The man pleaded not guilty and flatly denied all accusations against him โ€” but the jury found him guilty.

Five days after the verdict, the child admitted the allegations against him were untrue.

20 years, this bloke could have been in for. He (rightly) appealed his conviction:

The appeal documents reveal the childโ€™s motherโ€™s account of how her son โ€œwas not looking very happyโ€ in the days following the verdict, and she had asked if he was okay.

โ€œHe initially just shrugged indicting that he didnโ€™t really want to talk and he was being ambivalent,โ€ the affidavit recounts.

โ€œI then said to him โ€˜come on buddy, you can talk to Mum, whatโ€™s going on?โ€™. At this time he turned and looked at me and said โ€œMum, [the man] never hurt meโ€. The child was interviewed by police in February 2023, and maintained that [the man] had never hurt him.

The child claimed in that interview that his father had told him to say what he did. Court documents reveal the child told police: โ€œI think, that my dad told me to do that, to say that in court and stuffโ€.

โ€œBecause my dad like hated [the man].โ€

The child confessed he was scared his dad might physically hurt him if he didnโ€™t testify, saying โ€œI just didnโ€™t know what to do, โ€˜cause I didnโ€™t wanna be beaten up. โ€˜Cause I went to my dadโ€™s every weekend.โ€

And, compounding the actions of this piece of shit father, the poor bloke’s defence cocked up:

At no point [during the trial] did the defence put it to the child that the offending did not occur โ€” and the defence admitted at the time of the trial that this was an oversight on their part.

The trial judge had informed the jury of this oversight during his summing up, saying โ€œYou have not had the benefit of hearing [the child] respond himself to the suggestion that his account was untrue. However, we proceed on the basis that his answer to that question would have been that he did not agree with the suggestion that his evidence was untrue.โ€

Satisfactorily, the obvious conclusion was reached:

On appeal, this was deemed a โ€œmisdirectionโ€ and โ€œmiscarriage of justiceโ€, as the jury was asked to โ€œspeculateโ€ upon the evidence the child would have given.

The appeal concluded: โ€œThe childโ€™s present version not only impugns the only evidence of commission of the alleged offence, but also undermines the evidence of the only other Crown witness, the childโ€™s father.โ€ No credible case can now be mounted by the Crown against [the defendant]โ€.


It is unknown whether the childโ€™s father has been charged with any alleged wrongdoing at this time.

Oh, I hope so. I most certainly do.

March 22, 2023 10:40 pm

calli says:
March 22, 2023 at 9:04 pm

Victory doesnโ€™t make the victor just, or even right. It just means they are stronger.

Indubitably , but they still make the rules after, like it or not.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 10:41 pm

Note carefully the words from this young man, used as a proxy for his cockhead father’s rage:

โ€œI just didnโ€™t know what to do, โ€˜cause I didnโ€™t wanna be beaten up. โ€˜Cause I went to my dadโ€™s every weekend.โ€

If anyone needs to be beaten up over this, it’s not the child.

Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 10:44 pm

Boambee John:

Poor quality Chinese steel in the towers, plus aa strong wind, as happened in South Australia once upon a time. Why do you ask, Blog Spook?

He’s trying to make the suggestion of nefarious deed, as a basis for getting the Blog into strife with the authorities.
It wouldn’t occur to him that the same problem that would happen to a single track railway would also happen to a power line.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 10:47 pm

France votes for more nukes.

Macron, when he came to office, did so on a platform of halving nukes by 2025.
Backflip or what?

Wally Dalรญ
Wally Dalรญ
March 22, 2023 10:47 pm

Beertruk, I know what you mean
Another good survival tactic is to make sure you don’t start turning the wheels until you’re on the move across the corner. With turned wheels, someone bumping you from behind will push you into the oncoming traffic. Happened to me once, a follower clipped my passenger’s side corner, impatiently trying to roar around when he thought i was in his way. Fairly messed up his Maloo, did nada to the back bumper of the Volvo.

March 22, 2023 10:55 pm

Backflip or what?

Macron knows where the political centre is at all times and keeps a firm grip on it.

He is a consummate politician.

So long as he can keep getting to the second round in presidential elections, he will keep winning them.

Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 10:55 pm


Iโ€™m asking self proclaimed explosives expert Robert Sewell what heโ€™s suggesting at
Robert Sewellsays:

You’re the first one to mention explosives. A referral to where I proclaimed myself an explosives expert is necessary, or you are just verballing.
And then you can explain to Dover Beach why you are making statements of this nature on his blog, which can be construed in multiple ways – some of them with dire consequences to us all.
Yes, Dick Ed – we’ve met arseholes like you before and you are not as clever as you think you are.

March 22, 2023 10:56 pm

Boambee John:
March 22, 2023 at 10:19 pm

It ainโ€™t over till itโ€™s over, m0nty=fa. But feel free to hold your victory parade.

Monty=fa at his ‘victory parade’ reviewing the troops.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 10:57 pm

Heโ€™s trying to make the suggestion of nefarious deed, as a basis for getting the Blog into strife with the authorities.

You know quite a bit about that caper, “Robert”?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 10:59 pm

And then you can explain to Dover Beach why you are making statements of this nature on his blog, which can be construed in multiple ways โ€“ some of them with dire consequences to us all.

Don’t bring the big guy into this, you weak scumbag.
Explain your comment!

March 22, 2023 11:01 pm

Interesting and slightly amusing RBA research paper title

Research Discussion Paper
22 March 2023

We have released Research Discussion Paper 2023-03: โ€˜Doing Less, with Less: Capital Misallocation, Investment and the Productivity Slowdown in Australia’ by Jonathan Hambur and Dan Andrews.

March 22, 2023 11:03 pm


It is unknown whether the childโ€™s father has been charged with any alleged wrongdoing at this time.
Oh, I hope so. I most certainly do.

Indict him ex officio and demand the highest penalty allowable with no parole.

March 22, 2023 11:06 pm

Term Limits
Recall voting
Jury nullification
CIR to repeal bad laws
Sunset clauses on all legislation

Even โ€˜Ed Case canโ€™t stop talking about classical republicanism and what it can do for us.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 11:06 pm

Donโ€™t bring the big guy into this


Howdy there, Hunter! Angling for 10% won’t cut it now!

March 22, 2023 11:08 pm

Wally Dalรญ:
March 22, 2023 at 10:47 pm
Another good survival tactic is to make sure you donโ€™t start turning the wheels until youโ€™re on the move across the corner.

Excactly Walli.
I got Mrs Beertuk out that bad habit when I said ‘if you keep doing that and someone rear ends us, it will send us straight into the on coming traffic.’

Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 11:09 pm


As I said last week, I find it odd that the Polish Government (who truly are the JPII types) are so anti Russia but, having thought about this some more, I guess there could some historical residual distain (and maybe understandably so with recent โ€œrevelationsโ€ about JPII coming out from the former Secret Police of the USSR).

Probably the hatred goes back to Stalin and the Second WW. Add in the Katyn Woods Massacre, then the pack rape of their women and children by the Glorious Red Army then the 40 year occupation by the same Glorious Red Army. Yes, there’s probably a bit of history there. Actually it would be called hatred if one is allowed to. And frankly I don’t blame them.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 22, 2023 11:12 pm

First in best dressed

In NSW the unwritten roundabout rule is Otto von Bismarck’s motto – Might is Right
Fastest car has right of way.
Biggest stream of traffic gets right of way.
Major road gets right of way over minor road
Ram trucks only give way to semi trailers.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 22, 2023 11:22 pm

So how are those walls closing in again?
We’re going to need daily updates from m0nty on whether Trump has done the perp walk yet.

Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 11:31 pm


Bendigo road rage
Anyone know this tool?

Anyone can read the number plate. Even the police.
I reckon its Andrews.
Have a look at the jerk as he gets out of the car…

March 22, 2023 11:33 pm

If anyone needs to be beaten up over this, itโ€™s not the child.

Actually a top effort by the child.

Absolutely Mong effort by the defence.

The scum father should have the book chucked at him.

March 22, 2023 11:37 pm

Indicting Trump Will Usher In Americaโ€™s Banana-Republic Stage

MARCH 21, 2023

The move to indict a former president for the first time in our countryโ€™s history will make political prosecutions the new norm in America.

A Manhattan grand jury appears poised to indict Donald Trump, according to news reports and the former president himself. Hereโ€™s what you need to know to understand the chatter about the anticipated criminal charges against Trumpโ€”and why the move to indict a former president for the first time in our countryโ€™s history will make political prosecutions the new norm in America.

While only the grand jury and prosecutors know for certain what charges against Trump, if any, are being considered, the consensus is that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, a Democrat, is pursuing a criminal case against Trump for allegedly falsifying business records, in violation of Sections 175.05 and 175.10 of the New York Penal Code.

Section 175.05 provides โ€œa person is guilty of falsifying business records in the second degree when, with the intent to defraud, he makes or causes a false entry in the business records of an enterprise.โ€ Falsifying business records in the second degree is a misdemeanor, subject to a two-year statute of limitations.

A violation of Section 175.10, however, is a felony, subject to a five-year statute of limitations.

That section defines the offense of falsifying business records in the first degree and provides that if a person falsifies business records with the โ€œintent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commissionโ€ of another crime, the offense is one in the first degree.

Even before reaching the merits of the legal theories being bandied about to charge Trump criminally, a public suspicious of the Get-Trump attitude seen over the last seven years will notice the statute of limitations seems to bar Braggโ€™s prosecution of Trump. But Bragg has two ways to sidestep the two- and five-year statutory time limits.

First, if Bragg charges Trump with a felony, the longer five-year period applies. While more than five years have passed since the Trump Organization last recorded a โ€œlegal expenseโ€ to Cohen, New Yorkโ€™s former governor, Andrew Cuomo, by executive order extended the statute of limitations for one year (or thereabouts) due to Covid-19. That tolling would make a felony indictment against Trump timely.

Alternatively, because New York law provides that any time a defendant remains โ€œcontinuously outsideโ€ of the state is excluded from the statutory period, an indictment against Trump would be timely. From late January 2017 on, Trump was โ€œcontinuously outsideโ€ New York, first in D.C. and then in Florida, meaning the statute of limitations only ran those few times Trump was in New York. That isnโ€™t even close to the two years necessary for the misdemeanor statute of limitations to expire, much less the five-year period applicable to felony offenses.

So, the statute of limitations wonโ€™t likely bar one or more falsifying business records counts. But what about the merits?

Cohen already pleaded guilty to federal charges related to his payments to Stormy Daniels. But to convict Trump on the anticipated state charges, the Manhattan prosecutor would need to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump (1) caused the Trump Organization to falsify its business records (2) โ€œwith the intent to defraud.โ€

From public reporting, it appears Cohen is a star witness for the prosecution, likely testifying Trump directed him to make the payments to silence Daniels and promising reimbursement from the Trump Organization. Whether a paper trail supports Cohenโ€™s testimony is unclear, but without one, it will be Cohenโ€™s wordโ€”the word of a convicted felonโ€”crucial to establish the crime.

Cohenโ€™s testimony also already appears under fire. A โ€œformer legal advisor to Cohen,โ€ Robert Costello, reportedly testified before the grand jury on Monday, โ€œsolely to undermineโ€ Cohenโ€™s credibility.

But prosecutors will need to prove more than that Trump caused the Trump Organization to falsify its business records. They will need to establish he also had the โ€œintent to defraud.โ€ Here, the defense can easily counter that Trumpโ€™s intent was to avoid embarrassment to his family caused by what he claims is a lie, rather than to โ€œdefraudโ€ anyone.

Should prosecutors nonetheless prove their case, it is only a misdemeanor, unless they can further establish Trump intended โ€œto commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commissionโ€ of another crime. Proving either will be even more challenging.

First, to establish Trump intended to conceal a violation of federal election law, the Manhattan D.A. would need to prove Trump had committed an election-law crime. While Cohen alleged paying off Daniels to advance Trumpโ€™s electoral chances, Trump has another justification, namely avoiding any embarrassment for himself and his family, that does not run afoul of federal election law.

Proving Trump intended to commit tax fraud would likely be a difficult case to prove as well, with prosecutors needing to establish Trumpโ€™s knowledge of the intricacies of the corporationโ€™s tax filings to show he held the requisite intent.

This inside-the-law analysis reveals an exceedingly weak case, but that is only a fraction of what the public will care about.

On top of the questionable charges, the general public will see a man hounded for seven years with false claims of Russia collusion and other supposed crimes. They will see a statute of limitations that on its face appears to have run. And they will see a local prosecutor pushing charges previously rejected by a federal U.S. attorney.

Then there was the public pressure placed on Bragg to indict Trump, best exemplified by the backlash he faced after he apparently backed off charging the former president for crimes supposedly connected to the Trump Organizationโ€™s finances. At the time, โ€œtwo prosecutors quit his office,โ€ and โ€œone of the prosecutors, Mark Pomerantz, wrote a highly critical book that the media has celebrated.โ€

In short, the public will see a vindictive political prosecution of Trump.

March 22, 2023 11:47 pm

Anyone who stands on absolute truth cannot lose a culture battle.

You really donโ€™t understand the concept of culture, do you Bruce? That is probably why you keep losing.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 11:53 pm

Bern is just taking a break.

As I said above to John H (to a fairly resounding silence), many people feel they need a break from here for a short time, for various reasons. Even CL once took six months leave of absence from the old Cat while still being seen on other blogs.

There are so many back stories which still colour how people are viewed here; Arky for instance has gone through various levels of stress and had to leave for a while. Some slowly return or keep that return occasional. I was happier once after three months away licking some wounds which had cut deep. The Cat is like life; same sorts of issues as clever and/or purposeful or simply disruptive people jostle around with ideas and experiences and opinions. As Cassie says though, it can also be a place of refuge in tough times, politically and when in other sorts of strife, such as health or relationship issues. Neither a mere echo chamber nor just a soapbox but something more organic. The late C19th and early C10th social theorist Tonnies called it gemeinschaft, a natural community of interest and affiliation with its own history and mythos.

And a place too of old friendships. Good to hear from you still Macbeth. You have to stick around to add your voice to Albo’s wretched Voice, saying a loud and clear NO to that. And because we expect you to be here for a few more Christmas greetings yet. Wouldn’t be the same without you.

Robert Sewell
March 23, 2023 12:02 am

Ed Case:

How did this occur, Joffa?
Cromwell has been dead for 365 years.

He came back from the dead.
There is precedent.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 23, 2023 12:02 am

You really donโ€™t understand the concept of culture, do you Bruce? That is probably why you keep losing

So says monty, with all the culture of a farting contest.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 23, 2023 12:04 am

Gemeinschaft is the sort of thing Paul Murray tries to cultivate – often fake, but gee he was on the ball tonight – a superb interview with Latham. Unlike other Sky commenters such as Bolt and Chris Kenny, who were annoying tonight, Murray was not too scared to mention and defend the name of Maronite Christians in that so-called riot. Worth watching too because he had dug out some very good figures about the percentage of people in different electorates who in previous elections had used no preferences in NSW’s system. Often more than 50%, some as high as 70%. No preferences for me, and I’m voting Latham in the Upper House on Saturday. LDP in the Lower House. Hairy the same. The Libs are currently begging for preferences now. lol. Mat Kean is so on the nose in the Outer Suburbs. Let them eat cake in a Tarago for all I care. They’ve brought it upon themselves.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 23, 2023 12:07 am

I’d vote One Nation in the Lower House too if there was a candidate standing, but there is not.

I hope other centre-right candidates preference One Nation. The least they can do, for ON is on a roll.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 23, 2023 12:16 am

Hilarious, Beertruk, that North Korean hip hop with the Bee Gees.

Forgot to stress that part of the stress relief found on the Cat is due to all the humour.
There’s always a laugh somewhere, in repartee or in a classic link.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 23, 2023 1:09 am

This should be funny.

It does make you want to make you tune in tomorrow. Iโ€™m just here for an upper Middle Class perspective.

March 23, 2023 1:50 am

Nice work, but maybe you should go out and get chicks pregnant THEN build your model boats!

March 23, 2023 1:53 am

You really donโ€™t understand the concept of culture

Says someone who lives in a basement, engorges themselves on donuts, and proudly supports pedoโ€™s and genital mutilation.

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  1. Excellent find by Michael Smith. Listen to the Saudi tell the filthy Pallies the truth about themselves. The clip has…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x