Open Thread – Tues 11 April 2023

Passage of the Jews through the Red Sea, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1891

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April 11, 2023 12:09 am

Good evening any interested parties ?

Louis Litt
April 11, 2023 12:16 am

2nd just finished aplocolypse now

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 11, 2023 12:29 am

Just hushed the Scottish kids off to bed for the last time- last three weeks of their visit has flown by. Not helped by stop-start grape harvest, which has been seriously derailed by an inch of rain since midday.
Good fun kids, nicely irreverent. Invented a game yesterday called Tinnie Tag, Capture the Flag- involves two teams running across the garden throwing empty neoprene stubbie holders at each other, you can only hold two at a time and if you get hit by one, you have to drop yours and return to base for refills- but one stubbie holder has got a 330mL can hidden in it -and can’t be thrown!- capture that and get it back to your team base for a win.
Farm kid genes run deep. (it’s not as bogan as it might look)

April 11, 2023 2:08 am

I have memories of harvesting grapes in rain bogged to the axils in the red sticky mud WD, that was in February down south.

Bruce in WA
April 11, 2023 2:09 am

6.07 pm Monday evening on the Rhine River just past Bonn heading to Amsterdam and about to attend the farewell cocktail event. Sleep tight.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Rossini says: April 11, 2023 at 12:09 am

Alas not a taker.
Just finished a tiresome workday. 1 x gin + tonic, then cranking out some zeds.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Louis Litt says: April 11, 2023 at 12:16 am

You’re made of sterner stuff than me.
Apocylapse Now bored me to tears, I’ve tried a few times & found after a while I’ve got the volume turned down & am reading a book.
I’ve no idea what happens in the movie & likely never will.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Wally Dalí says: April 11, 2023 at 12:29 am

Oh boy, can I relate!

April 11, 2023 3:00 am

Just finished work, called back in to fix a problem with seaplane refuelling.

April 11, 2023 4:01 am
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April 11, 2023 5:31 am

Horses fear unstable ground*
* which is why ‘waterjumps’ are the most challenging fences in event riding

Unlike the riders, they don’t pick the horses in the big southern states (i.e., Vic and NSW) from the local pony club. They are big and cranky, well trained (by others) and know what they’re doing more than the people riding them.

such as a seething mass of protestors who suddenly sit down on the roadway

The 650+kg jack nags are trained for this, and are in no way fazed by it. You will get trampled. This ‘tactic’ was tried and failed by protestors during the riots in Mongyang in 2000, and before, and after. Look it up if you like. I’m not being contrarian.

particularly if there happens to be a significant number of marbles somehow present on the road surface in front of them

Again, this will not work. For the last 50 years since the Vietnam protests, the jack nags have been appropriately shod to negate marbles and the like. Also, and because there are so many cameras all over every protest, anyone pegging marbles at jack nags will immediately become the subject of a ‘wedge’ attack by the jacks either then and there, or ten minutes later, or an hour later or two hours later.

Look. I’m not saying don’t protest. You should go the protests and protest, as I have.

But this, along with whoever said it was a good idea to carry spray bottles of bleach and/or petrol for ‘self-defence’, is a) straight out of first year uni pamphlets handed out at happy hour, b) decades out of date and c) will not get you the result you want.

There are more effective methods of getting this done that don’t make you a martyr.

Continued from the old thread over horse/protest discussion.

People need to recognise that the government has effectively declared war on them.

The question also needs to be asked, what is the next step beyond an actual peaceful protest?

If you hold a large peaceful protest and kindly read out your list of demands, the government at this point will either:
(a) not listen to you and wait until you move on, or
(b) violently put an end to your gathering through use of force

Now we reach the next stage, what do people do next?

Everyone here knows the answer, but we’re not allowed to say it because then we will be classed as ‘inciting violence’.

The average citizens, collectively, need to be willing to go all the way…
Unfortunately, such devotion to a cause is usually only possible due to some kind of commitment to a higher power (some kind of religious belief)

If you need proof of this, look at how people are still worried about upsetting Muslims.

Because when the Muslims want to make a point, they spell it would in capital letters written in the blood of those they deem enemies….

But hey, I’m sure if we just peacefully assemble enough times, a violent government will eventually listen….

April 11, 2023 5:40 am

Because when the Muslims want to make a point, they spell it would in capital letters written in the blood of those they deem enemies….

Spell it out ****

Damn it, point is still valid.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 11, 2023 5:52 am

An Alice Springs gun owner is suing NT Police for more than $130,000 over a raid on his home in which they seized toy guns, “chilli oil” and a chemical “consistent with water”.
It came after a court dismissed a string of weapons charges against Ron Sterry after ruling he was justified in taking one of his guns with him when coming to the aid of a neighbour in 2021.

Mr Sterry was handed a good-behaviour bond without conviction after he was found guilty of a single charge of unnecessarily attaching a bayonet to the rifle at the time, with the court ordering that his licence and guns be returned.

Chief Judge Elizabeth Morris later ruled police had no choice but to seize the guns after revoking his licence following the raid, while noting the “incongruity and absurdity” of the legal provision in question.

A statement of claim lodged with the Local Court reveals Mr Sterry is now seeking $137,824 in total damages, plus interest.

The claim includes, $28,000 for “embarrassment, humiliation, distress, and insult”; $21,000 for trespass “in that the police entered the property by means of an unlawfully obtained search warrant”; $19,000 for trespass “in that the police commenced entering and searching the property 46 minutes prior to the search warrant being issued”; and $1000 for replacement of a damaged firearms safe.

Meanwhile, in a letter seen by this publication Ms Morris has written to Police Minister Kate Worden seeking an “urgent review of this particular piece of legislation”.

“It is not clear what flows as a disqualification period from the penalty; and even if the law appears to be clear in a certain instance, it would create an incongruous and apparently disproportionate result for an alternative but lesser penalty,” she wrote.

“For example, someone who receives a bond without conviction, faces a greater penalty of two years disqualification, than someone who is convicted (on one interpretation of the section).”

In response to the dismissal of his appeal in January, Mr Sterry said he was “a bit upset by this decision” but had “no regret in helping my neighbours”.

“Hopefully there will be enough political momentum to protect future good Samaritans,” he said.

Ms Worden has been contacted for comment but said at the time she had asked NT Police to “take into account the judge’s comments and report back to me about a potential review of the legislation”.

NT News – comments surprisingly open

April 11, 2023 6:17 am

Awake to grim news of another shooting in the US.

Young bloke in his twenties not previously known to police.

Every time I hear this now I can’t help but think it’s not just random or coincidental.

Quite rare before 2000 now ramped up to almost one a week.

April 11, 2023 6:31 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 11, 2023 6:35 am

Arrest those golliwogs!

Suella Braverman slams police for sending six officers to seize golliwog dolls from pub (10 Apr)

Six members of Essex Police were sent to a pub in Grays, Essex where 15 dolls were seized following an anonymous complaint.

The dolls, displayed in the pub as gifts from customers, were seized under suspected ‘hate crime’. The officers were captured on CCTV seizing the dolls, and placing them into an evidence bag.

I hope SATP doesn’t have any golliwogs in his pub, or he’ll be in strife as soon as the local plod hear about them.

April 11, 2023 6:36 am

Jorge says:
April 11, 2023 at 6:17 am

Awake to grim news of another shooting in the US.
Young bloke in his twenties not previously known to police.
Every time I hear this now I can’t help but think it’s not just random or coincidental.
Quite rare before 2000 now ramped up to almost one a week.

but think it’s not just random or coincidental.

No it’s not, it’s entirely cultural.
Lack of purpose in life, going out in “glory” being remembered, what for matters not.

Why is it not happening in cities in other parts of the world with the same if not larger populations?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2023 6:43 am

The question also needs to be asked, what is the next step beyond an actual peaceful protest?

It’s a question of persistence.

The hundreds of thousands of people that protested in Melbourne in mid-to-late 2021 shook the Victoria government to its core, because they never expected those numbers to turn up. This resulted in them being way overstretched in trying to ‘defend’ the CBD (as I wrote at the time) to the point they had recruits from the police academy stationed at what Mater aptly described at the ‘Hot Gates’ in Richmond.

The resultant chaos ended in a massive shitfight and terrible publicity for the establishment – and the lack of command and control, combined with enthusiasm to try out new stuff finished with people being bean-bagged outside the Shrine. It was a terrible indictment of VicJack Inc – not just that it happened in the first place, but that their own control measures (or lack thereof) made it almost inevitable.

It highlighted incompetence.

Previous protests – although nowhere near on the scale of that day – were allowed to be hijacked by the nuffer element along with every space cadet single-issue cause (and particularly letting them near microphones) did nothing for the protestors’ credibility.

Ultimately though, and from the gummint’s point of view, it was just one day.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2023 6:48 am


Because governments and the people in them are driven by self-interest, it is their Achilles’ heel. They will hang onto whatever stupid idea gets into their tiny little heads until it becomes apparent that said ideas are politically unsurvivable.

To date in this country, protests have been largely half-hearted because the people living here are affluent enough (compared to most other countries) to ride out most things and still be alive at the end of it. Both the economy and the population are generally placid – again, in comparison to almost everywhere else. People aren’t out in the streets demonstrating something that affects their actual AND imminent survival. This is why the jacks don’t have water cannons here.

April 11, 2023 6:51 am

People aren’t out in the streets demonstrating something that affects their actual AND imminent survival. This is why the jacks don’t have water cannons here.

That will change soon, the electricity shortages are coming…. :/

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 11, 2023 6:55 am

Show me the man and I’ll show you the driving fine.

Roadside eye tests set to be carried out by police should ‘benefit road safety’ (10 Apr)

According to police data, some 3,000 people are killed or injured by drivers with bad eyesight every year. With that in mind, an expert has exclusively told that roadside eye tests set to be introduced by the police should “benefit road safety”.

Queensland government could introduce series of changes for motorists following deadliest year on roads in a decade (10 Apr)

Drivers in Queensland may be required to retake a basic skills test when renewing their licences, following a concerning spike in deaths on the state’s roads last year.

Transport Minister Mark Bailey confirmed the Labor government is considering the measures during an interview on Monday. He described the test as a “refresher” given new laws have been introduced over the past few years.

They really really don’t want you to have the freedom to drive a planet-killing car do they?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 11, 2023 6:57 am

Young people are educated to think everything’s bad in the world. They are constantly barraged with doom and gloom on a global scale and given long lists of the individual sins they are guilty of without hope that just being a good person is enough.
The statistics on youth depression show a sharp uptick since the doomsday covid madness. This is overlaid on the ‘end of the world’ global warming cult.
Quoting from the Blackadder comedy series based on soldiers in the trenches in WWI – Captain Blackadder concludes acting insane isn’t likely to get you sent home from the front.
‘I mean, who would notice another madman round here’

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2023 6:58 am


The beginning of the end for the Sri Lankan government and their stupid (green) policies only last year was the number of people that turned out day after day after day. Hundreds of thousands, day after day after day. Cities didn’t burn, Portland or Minnesota antifa-style, although there was smacking about on both teams.

It was persistent enough that other influential organisations began to see that their self-interest no longer lay with the establishment, but with the protestors. The Sri Lankan Bar Association publicly supported the protestors, followed by a dozen or so former and current international cricketers. Then, sensing the wind:

On 5 April, Parliament reconvened for the first time since the state of emergency began and was set to discuss the current state of affairs. The Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna-ruled (SLPP) government began losing the support of its key allies: 9 SLPP MPs decided to defect from the government and to work as independent MPs, while the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), the Ceylon Workers’ Congress (CWC) and the All Ceylon Makkal Congress (ACMC) left the government and moved into opposition.

When the government lost support from within itself – due to the aforementioned self-interest of its members – the end was near. Police defected individually, and then en masse.

The PM fled his house, which was then occupied by protestors. Then he resigned, once again due to self-interest.

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 11, 2023 7:00 am

Ask not for whom the Liddell tolls, it tolls for thee.

April 11, 2023 7:02 am

It appears the Louisville mass killer was a bank employee. “Mental health” issues are being explored. Seriously. No word on what sort of issues though.

Thanks Knuckles for your comment about mounted police and the marbles. I remember that from my youth, and the measures they took.

April 11, 2023 7:05 am

In La Nina news this morning…heater ON. Usually starts on ANZAC Day, but the severe glowball warming we are experiencing has left us shivering once the eiderdown comes off.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2023 7:06 am

Why is it not happening in cities in other parts of the world with the same if not larger populations?

Because it’s a hoax.
The Security Establishment worked out that there are no loose ends with a theatrical production compared to a mind controlled zombie shooting real people, so they switched tactics.
Yeah, you see the same Crisis Actors at different events, and the “shooting” always happens while the cops are running a Live Drill 50 metres down the road, but, whaddya whaddya?

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 11, 2023 7:06 am

Gun control in the US is the sought-after “one ring to bind them all”. Without it they fear the people.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 11, 2023 7:10 am

Spooks in church.

House GOP Subpoenas FBI for Infiltrating Catholic Churches (10 Apr)

Jordan’s committee reports that documents have revealed the FBI sought to develop sources in local Catholic churches, as it sought to use local religious organizations as “new avenues for tripwire and source development,” according to a Monday news release highlighting the subpoena.

All those Catholic terrorists will have to go to Mass elsewhere! (You do get the feeling the FBI is desperate to find their hoped for right-wing extremists somewhere, anywhere.)

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 11, 2023 7:11 am

At American Thinker the question is being asked:
Is it time to panic over the state of the USA?
Well past time, I’d say, but the author is equivocating.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
April 11, 2023 7:12 am

KD – also the show put on by the construction workers – marching to the top of the Westgate bridge and back again – although that was politically awkward for Labor maaates also.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2023 7:14 am


You are not going to out-violence the jacks. It’s that simple. Spray bottles of petrol and pegging marbles at horses’ hooves with get you smacked about and binned, and that’s it. The public outrage over the ‘horse puncher’ will be replicated and directed at people attempting to injure them via marble, AND it will be ineffective, AND (as mentioned) it’s 50 years out of date AND it won’t achieve anything.

There only needs to be one StandAndFightAndIfNecessaryFall type waving a rifle* at one of these protests to trigger an immediate and terrifying (to the general punter) response, and in all likelihood it will be jumped on by establishment media calling it domestic terrorism, and once that door’s open you WILL have the ADF – the proper kind, not unarmed Reservists and RAAFies wandering about – on the streets.

Public opinion will turn 180 degrees in a few seconds, and everything those hundreds of thousands of people turned up for will all be gone – buried under a sea of negative opinion. Plus, it will give those same self-interested politicians the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see themselves as saviours of the people from nuffers.

The short answer is that to get a Sri Lanka result, i.e. – a change in government – people have to be as committed to turn up day after day after day in the same numbers.

Until then the self-interest of our ruling class will remain unchanged, and whatever the next protest will be about is going to be dismissed as another storm to be endured before life – for them – goes on as normal.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2023 7:15 am

*For clarity – having a rifle is cool. Bringing it to protests, or stupidly posing with it on the socials is not.

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 11, 2023 7:17 am

Mainstream media, with the exception of Fox News (and even they seem to have secreted Chris Wallace back into a low profile Sunday gig) constantly reports Trump in a negative fashion, but has nothing bad to say about the Biden Regime and it’s cast of clown show departmental heads plus the string pullers behind the curtain, the powers behind the throne.

April 11, 2023 7:23 am

Queensland government could introduce series of changes for motorists following deadliest year on roads in a decade
Doesn’t seem to occur to the mongs that
1) There are more people in Queensland now.
2) The roads are complete shit after 2 years of extremely wet weather.
Anyhow, it may just be the IQ reduction caused by the jabs.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2023 7:24 am

KD – also the show put on by the construction workers – marching to the top of the Westgate bridge and back again

Perfect example. It indicated the inability of VicJack Inc to control movement in the very area they sought to ‘defend’.

But it was just one day. Granted, it was a day which must have contributed to the eventual lockdown windbacks, but it wasn’t replicated for days on end which would have almost certainly hit the self-interest-eject button in Spring Street.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2023 7:25 am

Rabbi Leo Dee’s wife, Lucy, and two of his daughters, Rina and Maia, were murdered on Friday by a terrorist, ambushed in their car, on their way to a family Passover holiday near Lake Tiberias.

A few hours ago Rabbi Leo Dee, despite his grief, stood before the media and spoke….

He speaks about good and bad, and he eloquently deals with scum who portray Lucy, Rina and Maia’s murderers as having “legitimate grievances”.

I stand with Israel. I stand with the Dee family.

April 11, 2023 7:25 am

Thanks rosie.

Another is a GIF of Star Wars character Kylo Ren saying: “I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.”

Great. An angry, concussed LARPer. Yet another one. What a hero.

April 11, 2023 7:25 am

The short answer is that to get a Sri Lanka result, i.e. – a change in government – people have to be as committed to turn up day after day after day in the same numbers.
A General Strike?

April 11, 2023 7:28 am

On the Melbourne march.

It was also the day that workers discovered that their UNION would obey the government and not their best interests.

April 11, 2023 7:31 am


You are not going to out-violence the jacks. It’s that simple. Spray bottles of petrol and pegging marbles at horses’ hooves with get you smacked about and binned, and that’s it. The public outrage over the ‘horse puncher’ will be replicated and directed at people attempting to injure them via marble, AND it will be ineffective, AND (as mentioned) it’s 50 years out of date AND it won’t achieve anything.

There only needs to be one StandAndFightAndIfNecessaryFall type waving a rifle* at one of these protests to trigger an immediate and terrifying (to the general punter) response, and in all likelihood it will be jumped on by establishment media calling it domestic terrorism, and once that door’s open you WILL have the ADF – the proper kind, not unarmed Reservists and RAAFies wandering about – on the streets.

Public opinion will turn 180 degrees in a few seconds, and everything those hundreds of thousands of people turned up for will all be gone – buried under a sea of negative opinion. Plus, it will give those same self-interested politicians the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see themselves as saviours of the people from nuffers.

The short answer is that to get a Sri Lanka result, i.e. – a change in government – people have to be as committed to turn up day after day after day in the same numbers.

Until then the self-interest of our ruling class will remain unchanged, and whatever the next protest will be about is going to be dismissed as another storm to be endured before life – for them – goes on as normal.

Let’s agree to disagree then…

Personally, I would not even attend a protest of any kind now.

You will have you picture taken by the many cameras, identified by AI and put on a blacklist.
You will then have your bank account frozen as a ‘precaution’

Though I do agree with your point about our government seizing any opportunity to put the military on the streets. We already have several of these things in all state police branches already.

The actual problem is the population itself, the people of Australia, collectively value ‘safety above all’ and love having a government that inches toward total control

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2023 7:38 am

“The actual problem is the population itself, the people of Australia, collectively value ‘safety above all’ and love having a government that inches toward total control”


April 11, 2023 7:39 am

The reparations pandemic has spread to France.
Looks like the Froggy grifters are following the Anglosphere grifter’s
never mind the quality, feel the width approach to history.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 11, 2023 7:45 am

Hmmm, how many right-wing extremists put their pronouns on their social media account?

Louisville Bank Shooter ID’d as a Portfolio Banker, ‘Pronouns He/Him’ (10 Apr)

Recent uni graduate, so if he was faking woke he’d been doing so for several years.

April 11, 2023 7:45 am

calli says:
April 11, 2023 at 7:05 am
In La Nina news this morning…heater ON. Usually starts on ANZAC Day, but the severe glowball warming we are experiencing has left us shivering once the eiderdown comes off.

#MeToo. I shivered at breakfast yesterday but this morning it was even colder so heating was switched on.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2023 7:49 am

In world news…

UK police hunts down golliwogs.

FBI infiltrates Catholic Churches.

American female swimmer tries to speak at a San Francisco university, is then punched by perverts and held hostage in a room for 3 hours. Her crime? For saying biological males should not compete against females.

And yet everyday I’m told that Putin and Russia are mad, bad, and dangerous. Am I the only one who is having difficulty swallowing that?

April 11, 2023 7:52 am

Summer came in late and winter has come in early which doesn’t seem to track with global warming, opposite in fact. Yet our learned scientists at BOM need to hide that fact somehow by erasing past warm periods. It was warm well into late May in 2003 but we had the warmest March in years therefore global warming.

April 11, 2023 7:55 am

FBI infiltrates Catholic Churches.

Cassie, and those devout Catholics Biden and Pelosi not saying a word in defence of their co-religionists.

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 11, 2023 7:57 am

When most of the MSM and quite a few in formerly trusted government-funded bodies like BOM and CSIRO are onboard with climate catastrophism, and governments continue to tilt the playing field in favour of intermittent energy systems that just can’t cope, is it any wonder that the lumpenproletariat are indoctrinated?
Tony Thomas at Quadrant does a “let me count the ways” the media delivers outright lies to the unsuspecting.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 11, 2023 7:58 am

If you say “red pilled” you are a terrorist.

FBI: Internet Slang Like ‘Based,’ ‘Red Pill’ Associated with ‘Extremism’ (10 Apr)

FBI documents obtained by the Heritage Foundation through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show the Bureau associating a wide variety of internet slang with “extremism.” According to the FBI, words like “based” and “Chad” are signs of violent extremism.

“Red pill,” according to the document, means someone who has “adopted racist, anti-Semitic, or fascist beliefs.”

I wonder if Vicplod has a similar glossary that they use?

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2023 8:05 am

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
April 11, 2023 at 2:36 am
Louis Litt says: April 11, 2023 at 12:16 am

You’re made of sterner stuff than me.
Apocylapse Now bored me to tears, I’ve tried a few times & found after a while I’ve got the volume turned down & am reading a book.
I’ve no idea what happens in the movie & likely never will.

The only good part was the helicopter assault to the tune of Ride ogf the Valkyries.

And the young Martin Sheen in the film was the image of Charlie.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
April 11, 2023 8:07 am

April 11, 2023 at 7:23 am
Queensland government could introduce series of changes for motorists following deadliest year on roads in a decade
Doesn’t seem to occur to the mongs that
1) There are more people in Queensland now.
2) The roads are complete shit after 2 years of extremely wet weather.

We also seem to have much larger numbers of people of certain ethnicities that come from places where driving is more of a ‘state of mind’ than a ‘skill’. There are driving schools targeting those people even down to their signage on the cars being in their language. They are, it appears set up to get them to pass the test only and not actually teaching them that we have road rules.

Uber has a lot to answer for. They drive like they have free reign to stop anywhere any time.

Police resources are put into the easier to enforce and more lucrative “Every k over is a killer” on straight, wide freeways. You can pretty much do whatever else you want on the rest of the roads as the cops aren’t around. Everything is legal as long as you don’t get caught. Hence the crap drivers who suddenly ‘no habla’ and only have their foreign licence .

April 11, 2023 8:09 am

Why is it not happening in cities in other parts of the world with the same if not larger populations?

Hmm, quite a conundrum that one. Does America have different laws? The mind boggles.

April 11, 2023 8:19 am

Drivers in Queensland may be required to retake a basic skills test when renewing their licences, following a concerning spike in deaths on the state’s roads last year.

Transport Minister Mark Bailey confirmed the Labor government is considering the measures during an interview on Monday. He described the test as a “refresher” given new laws have been introduced over the past few years.

They really really don’t want you to have the freedom to drive a planet-killing car do they?

Bruce, Phat Ph*ck Murray was rabbiting on about this last night. He was all for it. Then he went the “if it saves one life!” shtick and I nearly smashed the tv. I was channel surfing during the ad breaks and listened for a minute. aaaarrrggghhh

That’s what the last three years of lockdown were about. “if it saves one life”. How did that work out?

April 11, 2023 8:22 am

Ignore the troll.

April 11, 2023 8:22 am

LOL at Cats talking about starting a colour revolution over vaxx mandates.

To start a revolution, you have to have the people on your side. “The people” think you are fringe cranks. Because you are.

You failed at democratic means of making your point. You would also fail at a grassroots mass movement. Face it, you are a tiny minority.

Apart from anything else, Cats are at their core way too lazy to actually do anything. Tough talking about revolution like you are the next Lech Walesa is just hilarious!

By the way, you are welcome. The spook lurkers won’t knock on your door at sparrow. They will now know you are a bunch of harmless clowns.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2023 8:24 am

m0nty=fa is still obsessed with the US 2nd Amendment, and still ignoring the high concentration of daily gun deaths in the inner urban areas of DemonRat managed (in the broadest sense of the word) cities where there are high concentrations of both a particular ethnicity and illegal firearms, despite strict gun control laws.

It’s all a mystery to him.

April 11, 2023 8:24 am

Padraig Pearce famously wrote about the need for bloodshed, a blood sacrifice, in the struggle for Irish independence. The authorities helped out in 1916.

Trumpists haven’t got to that point yet but it gets more and more inevitable every day. Mind you, Vlad and Xi could be party poopers.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2023 8:27 am

6.07 pm Monday evening on the Rhine River just past Bonn heading to Amsterdam and about to attend the farewell cocktail event. Sleep tight.

Mme Zulu is making muttering noises…..

April 11, 2023 8:27 am

To date in this country, protests have been largely half-hearted because the people living here are affluent enough (compared to most other countries) to ride out most things and still be alive at the end of it.

And thats the nub of it. To quote Adam Smith, ‘theres a lot of ruin in a nation’ and we wont have a ‘Sri Lanka’ moment until things get bad, very bad – power out, food supply short, unemployment everywhere and hyperinflation bad – at which point the man in the street just doesn’t give a fcuk about it any more and surrounds the parliament in the millions. That is when the security apparatus has to look out at an unstoppable mass confronting them and chose either

1) empty my mag then its all over for me
2) throw down my gun and uniform and go over to the people.

We have seen it time and time again, Ceausescu, Mussolini etc. Revolutions only succeed when the people have truly had enough.

Sadly, even when they do, they generally result only in the replacement of the old rulers with new rulers, when the real problem is the power of the establishment, not the people running it. The American Revolution would be one notable example, albeit it gradually foundered on the the rider ‘if you can keep it’ ,

April 11, 2023 8:29 am

According to the Oz Clive Palmer thinking about campaigning for No to the Voice.

Hope he funnels money to No organisations rather than making it all about the Palmer party.

April 11, 2023 8:32 am

Voting here at retirement apartments on whether to litigate on Thursday . Suing everyone connected with the build as cladding was found not fit for purpose even before non compliant issues after Docklands and Grenfell
Building Code Australia had put in ratings for cladding in early 2000s on four indices .

Cladding for buildings where people sleep require low ratings. 0,1 or 2 Polystyrene like our cladding rates up at the 10 mark making it only suitable for commercial buildings . Not only not fit for purpose no sarking, no fire void in ceilings between apartments , wood framing instead of metal, and the list goes on as we have ongoing leaks and black mould since opening. How much should we sue for?

April 11, 2023 8:33 am

A few hours ago Rabbi Leo Dee, despite his grief, stood before the media and spoke….

I watched that, Cassie. Very difficult viewing.

He makes a great point – the ability to differentiate between good and evil being blurred in our modern world. The temptation to relativism, that it’s okay to do something unconscionable depending upon the “side”.

We see it all around us, this bias towards cruelty provided it achieves our warped aims. And if it’s anonymous, so much the better.

Have they rounded up the person who murdered these three women, or did they just melt back into the bushes?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2023 8:34 am

1 hour ago

. . . about acknowledging in our ­Constitution, the foundational document of our nation, that we don’t have a couple of hundred years of history, we’ve got 65,000 years of history and ­culture here in Australia – Tanya Plibersek

In his book First Migrants: Ancient Migration in Global Perspective – Prof Peter Bellwood Professor of Archaeology at ANU lays out the very clear evidence – with linguistics, lithology and DNA genetics – that in Australia, aborigines are descended from peoples who arrived no more than 3500 years ago. People here before yes, but these people are no relation to any one in Australia today.

Any Cats come across this one, before? 3,500 years ago?

April 11, 2023 8:36 am

And, just like that, Net Zero proves my point.

It’s like Pavlov’s Dog. Here…have a beggin’ strip.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2023 8:40 am

“According to the Oz Clive Palmer thinking about campaigning for No to the Voice.

Hope he funnels money to No organisations rather than making it all about the Palmer party.”

Yep. The problem with Clive is is ego.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2023 8:43 am

Ken Wyatt’s Indigenous voice to parliament talk to Liberals fails to bowl them over

Indigenous Affairs Correspondent, WA Bureau Chief
7:38AM April 11, 2023

Fewer than 20 people turned up to listen to former Indigenous Australians minister Ken Wyatt speak in favour of the Indigenous voice to parliament at an event hosted by the West ­Australian Liberal Party before he and his wife Anna quit the party last week.

The WA Liberals invited members to Mr Wyatt’s talk at the South Perth bowls club on March 24, three months after they hosted a much larger crowd for voice opponent Jacinta ­Nampijinpa Price at the same venue.

The Australian has been told 170 people attended the anti-voice speech by Senator Price, a Country Liberal Party member from the NT.

There were an estimated 19 guests at Mr Wyatt’s event, where he outlined work on a proposed voice model during the previous Coalition government. Tickets were sold for the same price for both events.

The Australian has been told Mr Wyatt’s supporters regard the low turnout at his event as an ­insult to the first Indigenous ­Australian to be promoted to a federal cabinet.

However it was the actions of senior federal Liberal MPs that prompted Mr Wyatt to resign.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton announced last Wednesday that he would campaign for the No case in the months before the referendum, expected to be held in ­October.

Western Australia’s most ­senior Liberal, Michaelia Cash, then argued against a constitutionally enshrined voice in an essay that appeared in the The West Australian newspaper.

Senator Cash cited her recent visit to the remote towns of ­Leonora and Laverton, and wrote: “No one in these towns that I met thought that the Albanese-­proposed voice was going to do anything to help the Indigenous residents.”

The councils in both towns have voted to remain neutral on the voice.

Former Victorian Liberal Party president Michael Kroger says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is getting a… whole lot of “naive” sports stars to endorse the Voice to Parliament. “The public didn’t like all the celebrities endorsing the republic in 1999, so there are dangers for him,” Mr Kroger told More

A Newspoll published in The Australian last week showed that most West Australians support a constitutionally enshrined voice, with 51 per cent in favour, compared with 41 per cent against. WA Liberal Party leader Libby Mettam has said she will vote Yes in the referendum. However, the WA Liberal Party’s state council is opposed and has repeatedly rejected an ­Indigenous advisory body in the Constitution.

The WA Liberal Party’s state council has also voted against ­inserting a mention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the preamble of the Constitution, as originally proposed by John Howard in 2007 and supported by the current federal party.

The state council’s views are likely to be tested on April 29 when it meets under new leadership in Albany.

The Liberals were poleaxed at the 2021 West Australian election and last May they lost five of their 10 federal seats, including Mr Wyatt’s seat of Hasluck, which he had held since 2010.

April 11, 2023 8:44 am

2) throw down my gun and uniform and go over to the people.
3) Use my gun on the arseholes behind me who put me in this position.

April 11, 2023 8:47 am

re: protests

I prefer Puerto Rican cat ‘s approach.

Become ungovernable. Break every petty rule imaginable.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 11, 2023 8:48 am

Fewer than 20 people turned up to listen to former Indigenous Australians minister Ken Wyatt speak in favour of the Indigenous voice to parliament at an event hosted by the West ­Australian Liberal Party before he and his wife Anna quit the party last week.

Packed house eh? LOL.

Voice to Parliament is a ‘power grab’ by a group of elites (9 Apr)

Indigenous leader Warren Mundine says the Voice to Parliament is a “disaster” and a “power grab” by a group of elites.

“It has been a vicious campaign,” Mr Mundine told Sky News Australia.

“I’ve never seen a more disgraceful behaviour by so-called intellectuals who’ve looked down their nose at the rest of Australia as if we’re some sort of bum sniffers and useless people.”

Maybe someone could ask Ken Wyatt what he thinks of Warren Mundine’s comments?

April 11, 2023 8:52 am

So while I believe Pearson’s criticism of the Liberals position is based on self-interest, there are plenty of reasons to be critical of the oppositions stance from those of us who oppose the Voice.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m pleased Peter Dutton will campaign against Labor’s proposal.

What I don’t get is the mealy mouthed mitigation of why they don’t like one voice but like many others.

Let’s deal with the constitutional issue first.

What is being proposed in this referendum is racist. It will divide Australians by race and entrench an Aboriginal House of Lords into our country.

It is a step on the road to apartheid where benefits and rights are accorded on the basis of race or skin colour.

The Coalition should have fired that shot right into the heart of this debate.

Instead, they now say they want recognition in the Constitution but can’t say what that should be. Talk about muddying the waters.

Then they say they want a voice but just a different one to Labor.

Again, mealy mouthed nonsense that tacitly endorses entrenching racism into our body politic.

Every politician, every lobby group and every Australian can be a voice for Indigenous Australians. Just like they can be a voice for the rest of us.

It doesn’t take a particular ancestry or skin colour to speak up for what’s right.

Of course there will be different approaches to how to deal with problems but that will be the case in any diverse group of people.

Why should only one group, selected on the basis of genetics, have their voice hold sway? Remember, it was the Prime Minister who basically told us the parliament wouldn’t really be able to reject the offerings from the Aboriginal House of Lords.

And it’s not as if Aboriginal people speak with one voice either.

Isn’t it odd how the voices of people like Warren Mundine and Jacinta Price are largely ignored, not because they are Aboriginal, but because they don’t seek to perpetuate ancient grievances and foster further rent-seeking.

They buck the group think that so dominates the partisan presentation of what this entire thing is about.

It’s not about reconciliation or better outcomes.

Like most everything else government proposes, it’s about entrenching power and influence in the hands of a relative few. In this instance, those few chosen on the basis of their ancestry.

That’s not democracy. It’s not fair or just. It’s not unifying.

It’s divisive and racist and anathema to our universal values.

I can’t believe the Liberal Party didn’t make that abundantly clear when stating why their no contains so many yesses.

Until tomorrow.


April 11, 2023 8:53 am

The Golliwog displaying Pub owner is fighting back!
Go you good thing.

April 11, 2023 8:53 am

Fewer than 20 people turned up to listen to former Indigenous Australians minister Ken Wyatt speak in favour of the Indigenous voice to parliament

Ken Whyatt *was* and indigenous voice to parliament already – is he admitting he didn’t do his job?

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2023 8:53 am

“Fewer than 20 people “

That many Liberal voters in WA?

April 11, 2023 8:53 am

Not only does the Fleet Air Arm face the same ski-jump dilemma as the PLA(N),
they’re also burdened with a non-stealthy lemon if it’s in beast mode.

April 11, 2023 8:55 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
April 11, 2023 at 8:34 am

Any Cats come across this one, before? 3,500 years ago?

not sure about the timing, but there is/was certainly controversy over DNA results suggesting Mungo man was not related to modern Aboriginies.

I think modern accepted DNA interpretation says this was false:

April 11, 2023 8:59 am

One added piece of info . Our apartments were built by leading luxury apartment company . Interesting when researching found that la crosse , docklands sued for same reason but judge did not include developer as he said that as expert advice was sought he was duped also . In our case developer not so lucky as my research found him to be a director on the construction company at same time. Do I tell legal team as developer as yet not in writ.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2023 8:59 am

Ken Whyatt *was* and indigenous voice to parliament already – is he admitting he didn’t do his job?

Ken Wyatt was exposed by the Fin Review a few years ago as being in talks to “jump ship” to the Labor Party…

April 11, 2023 9:02 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2023 9:02 am

Bruce of Newcastlesays:

April 11, 2023 at 7:45 am

Hmmm, how many right-wing extremists put their pronouns on their social media account?

Who does that?
People who fill out an online employment induction form with pronouns as a mandatory field, that’s who.
So everybody.

April 11, 2023 9:05 am
April 11, 2023 9:06 am

Thanked the attackers

April 11, 2023 9:07 am

Ungovernable – be like musk.

You’ve got to love his shit stirring.

April 11, 2023 9:09 am

Talking to myself on ye oldde thread..

ABCcess switches to full retard.
Totally rational argument for the In-Voice, not emoting all over the place like a monty after someone spiked Xirs krispy kremes with ostregen.
“Our people laid their soul bare to you and made themselves vulnerable in extending the hand to this nation and asking you to recognise us and to give us a voice.

“This country has criminalised our children, they are highly incarcerated, we are even locking up 10-year-olds.

“What a shame to this country.

“And yet what you decide is going to determine our future.

“We shared with you our pain, but we also shared our hope, and if we don’t have that hope recognised, you are then damning us to hell, and you are going to kill a nation of people.

Im feeling positively Satanic after that lump of emotional bullshit.
Hell it is.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2023 9:09 am


April 11, 2023 at 8:44 am

2) throw down my gun and uniform and go over to the people.
3) Use my gun on the arseholes behind me who put me in this position.

Stand or fall alert!!

April 11, 2023 9:11 am

Ken Whyatt *was* and indigenous voice to parliament already – is he admitting he didn’t do his job?

He was elected to be a voice for the electors of Hasluck.

April 11, 2023 9:15 am

8/13 were working for DOJ.

Any case against remaining 5 should be dropped but under current situation in DC rule of law no longer applies.

Always remember the FBi lead investigator in the so called kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (multiple agents / undercovers) was posted to head the DC office prior to Jan 6.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 11, 2023 9:21 am

Interestingly the Louisville shooter’s social media accounts are being erased faster than you can say eff bee eye.

(via Instapundit/PJ Media who have a story on this but behind a paywall.)

April 11, 2023 9:23 am


Andrews in talks for ‘more support’ from PM ahead of budget

Gus McCubbing and Patrick Durkin

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is in talks with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on the need for federal help in the May 9 budget, as the financial hangover from the world’s longest lockdown bites and the state’s growing $115 billion debt threatens thousands of jobs across the public sector.

Ratings agencies will closely watch Victoria’s May 23 state budget – which has the lowest rating of the states after a double-notch downgrade during the pandemic in December 2020 – with the state’s net debt expected to grow from $115 billion to more than $165 billion by 2025-26. The interest expense on the debt is expected to increase to $7.32 billion by 2026.

Mr Andrews confirmed that the May budget would be challenging, with cuts of up to 10 per cent expected across the public sector, and that “tens of billions of dollars [spent] to protect health and save lives” now “has to be paid back”.

But the government’s coffers are being squeezed by union demands over the wage cap, a slowing property market, blowouts in the state’s major projects and a broken WorkCover system.

The Australian Financial Review understands from government sources that discussions with the federal government are on the agenda, amid concerns the growing debt and deep cuts could slow the Victorian economy and put a handbrake on hopes for a soft landing of the national economy.

The premier confirmed he is in talks with the PM over the parlous position of the state’s finances, although he denied the description of a federal bailout and it is not clear what form any additional financial support might take.

“I wouldn’t put it in those terms, but we’ll always lobby, push, pressure and advocate and put a good quality case to the Commonwealth government for more and more support,” Mr Andrews said, when asked by the Financial Review whether Victoria needed a federal bailout.

“You would expect nothing less. That’s what I’ve done regardless of the political make-up of the federal government. And beyond that … lobbying, that standing up for Victoria comes in the context of having been fundamentally ripped off for almost a decade by the Liberal National Party.”

A spokesperson for Treasurer Jim Chalmers said the government would work with the states to help fund essential services.

“Budgets at both the state and federal levels are facing significant pressures,” the spokesperson said. “The Albanese government will continue to work constructively and co-operatively with the states and territories to help fund the essential services the Australian people depend on, and to build to work a stronger and more resilient economy.”

Mr Andrews said that the “challenging” budget position was partly a product of being short-changed by the former Morrison government.

“Best politics is always about the future, not about the past, but it is important to acknowledge that we did not get a fair share, whether it’s infrastructure funding, health funding, in lots of different areas,” he said.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas has long complained that under the Morrison government, Victoria received “less than 6 per cent of new [infrastructure] funding, despite us having 26 per cent of the nation’s population” and under a “distorted” GST carve-up engineered by Mr Morrison, Victoria could lose more than $1 billion a year.

Economist Saul Eslake said even though the Victorian government had some legitimate complaints, the growing debt was largely a problem of its own making.

“Victoria’s financial position is by most measures in worse shape than any of the other jurisdictions, except the Northern Territory,” Mr Eslake told the Financial Review.

“To some extent that reflects the fact that Victoria had a harsher experience during COVID than most other states. But it also reflects conscious policy decisions ever since they came to office, to embark on very big, largely debt-funded infrastructure spending programs. All of those projects have suffered from cost overruns, as big projects almost inevitably do,” he said.

“A tough budget is never pleasant and is always challenging for the government that brings it down. But this is probably the least challenging period in the political cycle and things need to be done.”

Major pressures

S&P associate director Rebecca Hrvatin said the rating agency would examine the May state budget closely.

“Major pressures we’ll look at in the budget would be added inflationary pressures – obviously that has some revenue impact but also on the expenditure side,” she said.

“Wage growth could be higher than what was previously budgeted for, we’d have to look at things like that and how it might impact the operating balance. Another concern or thing we’d be looking for would be cost pressures on infrastructure projects … we’d have to see what pressures there are around those infrastructure project blowouts.”

Victoria would have to show sustained improvement in operating surpluses, which could potentially indicate slower debt growth to improve its rating, she said. But an operating surplus is not expected until 2025/2026.

Mr Albanese has already committed $2.2 billion to Mr Andrews’ signature $125 billion suburban rail project in a sign that there could be a rebalancing between the “good mates”.

Mr Andrews warned last week that the state’s pandemic bill meant there were billions to be paid back, as the premier flagged the May state budget would be “challenging”.

The Andrews government is also facing a battle against key unions after the government increased its wages cap from 1.5 per cent a year to 3 per cent, but declined to follow NSW’s lead in scrapping the wage cap.

The state’s public sector wages bill – which includes public servants, nurses, teachers, police, firefighters and others – is already expected to climb from $33 billion to more than $35 billion over the next three years.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Victorian secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick questioned if Victoria could pay “comparable wages to NSW and Queensland” and suggested the Albanese government could help fund more wage rises for nurses.

“How will the federal government contribute to the retention of our experienced workforce across the country?” she asked.

On the state’s debt, Victorian Labor had long maintained a debt ceiling of 6 per cent of gross state product, or about $30 billion, before the pandemic, which Treasurer Tim Pallas doubled to more than $60 billion in the lead up to the 2018 state election.

The debt is soon expected to reach 25 per cent of GSP, and the debt ceiling is no longer referred to by the government or in budget papers.

‘Cost blowouts’

In the state’s last budget, Mr Pallas announced that the Victorian government would establish a $10 billion Future Fund from the proceeds of partially privatising VicRoads to try to pay down its record debt.

But the state’s WorkCover liability claims have tripled since 2010 and the gap between the annual cost of claims and premiums collected has resulted in an annual premium deficit of $1.1 billion and growing.

The Victorian Liberals calculate more than $30 billion in waste and cost blowouts under the Andrews government including the North East Link, West Gate Tunnel and Metro Tunnel.

“Of course you would expect us to fight for every brass razoo of GST income that we can get from the feds in the interest of fighting for ‘Team Victoria’. But the only person that Daniel Andrews has to blame for the parlous state of Victoria’s economy is himself,” shadow treasurer Brad Rowswell said.

“The blame for more than $30 billion of waste on Victoria’s major projects can’t be pinned on others. I’m desperately concerned about the state of Victoria’s economy – we’re paying more than $10 million a day in interest payments alone. That’s climbing to $20 million a day in a few short years.”

The Community and Public Sector Union has urged the Victorian government to slash the $177 million spent on consultants in the past financial year, up from $59 million in financial 2015, to save core public servant jobs which are now under threat.

The Department of Treasury and Finance Secretary David Martine has written to the heads of each government department ordering them to detail plans to cut their budgets by 10 per cent, which the union estimates could equate to a loss of as many as 5000 jobs.

A stagnation in revenue from property transfer duties is also likely to weigh on state revenue over the next couple of years due to flat real estate prices.

The auditor who examined Victoria’s debt-laden finances during the 1990s, Bob Officer, AO, who audited the finances of both the Kennett and Howard governments, also warns that we are watching history be repeated when Victoria required a bailout during the 1990s under the Cain and Kirner government.

Mr Eslake warned of the risk that the state – already ranked the hardest in which to do business – could further raise taxes.

“Victoria is not going to default on its debt,” Mr Eslake said. “I don’t think Victoria’s situation is quite as dire as it was in the late 1980s, early 1990s. But it’s worse than it has been at any other time since then. Of course Victoria, with a lot of debt, is vulnerable to higher interest rates too.

“It may well be that they have to do more on the revenue side. In that sense you’re looking at the usual suspects – payroll tax, stamp duty, land tax, and maybe taxes on gambling if that’s not constrained by contractual arrangements with Crown,” he said.

April 11, 2023 9:26 am

In La Nina news this morning…heater ON. Usually starts on ANZAC Day, but the severe glowball warming we are experiencing has left us shivering once the eiderdown comes off.

Ordering firewood today.

April 11, 2023 9:27 am

The AFR View

Albanese must say no to bailing out Andrews

Instead of bailing out the most fiscally profligate left-wing government in Australia, the prime minister needs to focus on getting on top of the spending pressures on the federal budget.

When state governments locked down their people during the pandemic, the federal government picked up most of the bill for holding up the economy. The danger now is that this moral hazard will become double indemnity if the May federal budget includes a bailout out for Victoria.

When flagging the challenges facing the Victorian budget last week, Premier Daniel Andrews warned Victorians that the state’s tens of billions of dollars of pandemic debt that protected health and saved lives now has to be paid back. But as we report on Tuesday, Mr Andrews has confirmed that he is talking to Anthony Albanese about federal financial support.

If Mr Albanese has any genuine commitment to fiscal prudence and budget repair, he must immediately say no to using the taxes paid by all Australians to rescue Victorian Labor from the financial consequences of imposing lockdowns that were too long, too hard, and too political.

Victoria’s parlous financial position is not just the result of a once-in-a-century health crisis, nor should it be blamed on Victoria supposedly being dudded on Scott Morrison’s GST distribution deal with Western Australia. The forecast expansion of Victoria’s state debt from $115 billion to $165 billion over the next four years will collide with rising interest rates and will push up the cost of servicing the debt to more than $7 billion a year by 2026.

The state budget is being hit by the escalating price-tag of Labor’s massive debt-funded infrastructure program amid continued cost blowouts on major projects under a state government controlled by the party’s Socialist Left faction.

Under Mr Andrews, Labor tolerates the law-breaking CFMEU and its thuggish construction division secretary John Setka.

After Labor doubled Victoria’s debt ceiling from 6 per cent of gross state product before the pandemic in 2018, all references to that benchmark have been erased from Victoria’s budget papers. With debt soon to hit 25 per cent of gross state product, what can’t be disappeared down the memory hole are the rating agencies that wrote down the state’s creditworthiness during the pandemic.

Rising wage bill

Standard & Poor’s double-notch slashing of Victoria to AA was more severe than NSW’s downgrade from AAA to AA+. Ironically, the change of government north of the border has done Australia’s most indebted state no favours. NSW Labor Premier Chris Minns’ scrapping of the state’s 2.5 per cent public sector wage cap in response to high inflation has forced Mr Andrews to lift Victoria’s wage cap from 1.5 per cent to 3 per cent.

But that may not satisfy the public sector unions that are pushing for bigger pay rises that would further blow out the state’s wages bill. Amid reports of planned cuts of 10 per cent across the public sector and talk of one in 10 public servants losing their jobs, the more politically palatable alternative is for Victoria to go cap in hand to Canberra to avoid so-called “austerity”.

Victoria’s problem is that history is repeating itself as the Andrews government’s big spending approaches the financial mismanagement of the Cain-Kirner era.

The problem for the federal budget is that Mr Albanese has already proved a soft touch, after promising during the federal election campaign to write a $2.2 billion cheque for Mr Andrews’ signature Suburban Rail Loop project that has had neither a proper cost-benefit analysis nor a tick of approval from Infrastructure Australia.

Mr Albanese’s backing of gas as a crucial energy transition fuel has distanced federal Labor from Victoria’s highly ideological anti-gas stance.

Yet Victoria still drove the decision to exclude gas from the National Electricity Market’s capacity mechanism to provide reliable back-up power. Letting Victoria call the shots risks the grid going dark.

Federal Labor should not now allow Victoria to drive national finances deeper into the red by bailing out the most fiscally profligate left-wing government in Australia.

Instead, Mr Albanese needs to focus on getting on top of the spending pressures on the federal budget, such as by reining in the out-of-control National Disability Insurance Scheme.

April 11, 2023 9:29 am

. . . about acknowledging in our ­Constitution, the foundational document of our nation, that we don’t have a couple of hundred years of history, we’ve got 65,000 years of history and ­culture here in Australia – Tanya Plibersek

This line of reasoning has always puzzled me.

Regardless of our ethnic background, we all have this length of “history and culture” behind us. The object of the reference is clear – it imposes a vision of some sort of 65,000 year old Periclean Athens or the like.

Let’s face it. 65,000 years ago all our forebears were living hand to mouth in subsistence clans and migrating out of Africa. Some simply adapted better than others to a changing world.

April 11, 2023 9:32 am

And in other “walking upright” news, I have finally…finally managed to walk a kilometre on my damaged leg. Drugged and braced, but there it is. Yay for me!

Aim – to get to five kilometres before it’s holidays and off by air in June.

April 11, 2023 9:33 am

The Australian Financial Review understands from government sources that discussions with the federal government are on the agenda, amid concerns the growing debt and deep cuts could slow the Victorian economy and put a handbrake on hopes for a soft landing of the national economy.

Suggested new slogan for Victorian number plates:

‘Victoria: Too Big To Fail’

April 11, 2023 9:36 am

We saw a Vic numberplate the other day and noticed the “Victoria – The Education State”.

The Beloved opined that it was missing a “Re-”.

April 11, 2023 9:37 am

Albanese must say no to bailing out Andrews

Hahaha. As if. What are Labor maaates for?

April 11, 2023 9:39 am

LOL at the Fin. A decade of profligate Lib spending and corrupt no-bid tenders for maaaates, they don’t care. The minute Labor gets in, they are all about fiscal rectitude and austerity. Give us a spell.

April 11, 2023 9:39 am

WA to go back to 30% of the GST take while being lectured about environmentalism by a hunchbacked bat eared mong.

“You would expect nothing less. That’s what I’ve done regardless of the political make-up of the federal government. And beyond that … lobbying, that standing up for Victoria comes in the context of having been fundamentally ripped off for almost a decade by the Liberal National Party.”

Migration as a tool to secure funding via politics, where cramming more people in a state increases that states power.

April 11, 2023 9:41 am

On the JP Morgan case.

Looks like they are trying the “it was all the work of one individual – we are the real victims here” gambit..
Might be effective.

A federal US judge rejected requests to sever JP Morgan’s lawsuit accusing former executive Jes Staley of concealing what he knew about Jeffrey Epstein from two related lawsuits over the bank’s work for the convicted sex offender.

Monday’s decision by Judge Jed Rakoff in US district court in Manhattan is a defeat for Staley, as well as for women who claim Epstein sexually abused them and who are also suing the largest American bank.

JP Morgan sued Staley last month to have him cover its losses in both lawsuits and forfeit eight years of compensation.

Staley has expressed regret for his friendly relationship with Epstein and denied knowing about his alleged crimes.

He has also been accused of swapping sexually suggestive messages with Epstein about young women and committing sexual assault himself. Staley denies wrongdoing.

April 11, 2023 9:42 am

We saw a Vic numberplate the other day and noticed the “Victoria – The Education State”.

In these parts it’s usually ‘Victoria – The Place to Be’.

So why are so many of them up here? 😀

April 11, 2023 9:44 am

riffing … on theme by Anchor What

No Gen is an island entire of itself; every Gen
is a piece of the continent, a part of the NEM;
if coal be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any Gen’s death diminishes me,
because I am involved in grid-kind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
Liddell tolls; it tolls for thee.

— Completely Donne

April 11, 2023 9:53 am

UK police hunts down golliwogs

mUnty will be here any minute to explain why

sarcastic tapestry is a gateway craft towards fascist golliwogging

talk about voodoo dolls

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2023 9:56 am


April 11, 2023 at 9:39 am
Give us a spell.

Have a spell.
Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2023 9:59 am

In these parts it’s usually ‘Victoria – The Place to Be’.
So why are so many of them up here?

Yep, those plates don’t travel well. Chairman Dan really needs to have a couple of public servants with shifters at the border to change them.

April 11, 2023 9:59 am

America wonders Why It is Hated and Countries are abandoning America for BRICS

US sanction officials plan missions to clamp down on Russia

WASHINGTON (AP) — Top sanctions officials from the U.S. Treasury Department plan special international trips this month to pressure firms and countries still doing business with Russia to cut off financial ties because of the war on Ukraine.

The message is that those working with Russia’s government must decide:

1. Continue to provide Moscow with material support or

2. Keep doing business with countries that represent 50 percent of the global economy.

Those are the choices to be laid out, senior Treasury officials told reporters on a call Friday. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to preview the travel plans.

Treasury officials Liz Rosenberg and Brian Nelson — specialists in sanctions and terrorist financing — will travel to Europe this month to meet with leaders of financial institutions in Switzerland, Italy and Germany. They plan to share intelligence on potential sanctions evaders and to warn of the potential penalties for failure to comply with international sanctions.


The World Is Changing Before Our Eyes…

The dollar-based credit bubble is imploding, and emerging economies are seeking protection by accepting trade settlement in other currencies.

The US policy of threatening regime change, currency destabilisation, or other means of ensuring nations remain in its sphere of influence are now failing.

Mainstream economists in the West insist the dollar is irreplaceable, and that as a trade settlement medium China’s yuan is strictly limited. Referring to Triffin’s dilemma, China would have to run deficits to provide the necessary currency liquidity. But they ignore the role of bank credit, which can be expanded at will to meet trade settlement demand.

Furthermore, China’s exchanges offer hedging facilities into physical gold, attracting Middle Eastern energy exporters away from petrodollars, until the new trade settlement currency planned by Sergey Glazyev comes into existence.

For evidence of Russia’s intentions to reintroduce gold into trade settlement, a translation of the semi-official position penned by Glazyev jointly with his deputy is appended to this article.

Increasing systemic risk in US, European, and Japanese banking systems is accelerating the movement of international trade settlement away from fiat dollars into safer havens. These are or will be ultimately backed by physical gold.

US senator warns Europeans over ‘picking sides’

The EU may have to deal with the Ukraine conflict without Washington’s help if it acts soft towards China, Marco Rubio has threatens

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2023 10:00 am

Ordering firewood today.

Mme Zulu had the first log fire on Sunday.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2023 10:01 am

mUnty, hint: the problem isn’t the AFR. Stuch is on you side.

April 11, 2023 10:03 am

And yet everyday I’m told that Putin and Russia are mad, bad, and dangerous. Am I the only one who is having difficulty swallowing that?


April 11, 2023 10:05 am

Biden will give influencers White House briefing room – media

Washington is reportedly recruiting TikTokers for the president’s reelection campaign while working to ban their app

US President Joe Biden is amassing an “army” of youthful “influencers” to sell the country’s oldest-ever president to the “young voters who are crucial to Democrats’ success in elections,” Axios reported on Sunday. The administration is reportedly considering giving its social media superstars their own briefing room in the White House.

The White House has linked up with “hundreds” of content creators willing to throw their online influence behind Biden’s campaign, according to the news outlet, including 20-year-old New York University news TikToker Harry Sisson, finance TikToker Vivian Tu, and Boston College professor Heather Cox Richardson, whose preferred platforms are Twitter and Substack.

The president’s “digital strategy team” includes four White House staffers dedicated exclusively to recruiting influencers and social media content creators, with a specific focus on “young and suburban voters” and those who’ve largely tuned out politics, according to Axios.

This demographic doesn’t just include the voters under 29, who allegedly favored Biden over Trump by a 26-margin during the last presidential election and picked Democrats over Republicans by 28 points in the midterms. The White House is also targeting “moms who use different platforms to get information and climate activists and people whose main way of getting information is digital,” deputy chief of staff Jen O’Malley Dillon told Axios.

Ahead of the campaign, the administration hopes to establish relationships with location-specific influencers capable of bringing warm bodies and enthusiasm to local events. While Biden has not officially declared he is running for reelection in 2024 yet, he will no longer be the sole Democrat if and when he makes the announcement.

While the media establishment has largely written lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and author Marianne Williamson off as unserious candidates for their opposition to some of Washington’s most powerful lobbies, some believe the growing list of challengers must worry White House staffers already concerned about their candidate’s lack of support among the party faithful.

The president’s approval rating last month hovered at a dismal 38% in an AP poll, with just 54% of young Democrats saying they approved of his economic leadership.

At the same time as the Biden administration is recruiting TikTok talent, it’s putting unprecedented restrictions on the app itself. Biden effectively banned TikTok from government devices in December and last month ordered Chinese tech firm ByteDance to unload their stake in the popular platform or face a ban.

TikTok has over 100 million American users, including millions of content creators (and voters) whose livelihoods are threatened by a blanket ban on the platform.

April 11, 2023 10:06 am

Stand or fall alert!!

… if it saves just one golliwog

April 11, 2023 10:08 am

‘Gender-neutral’ pronouns will be introduced in Aussie state parliament for MPs and dignitaries… even His Majesty King Charles gets a ‘woke’ new title

SA Parliament to adopt gender neutral terms

. Even King Charles will get a new ‘woke’ title
. Some Upper House MPs are not impressed

South Australia’s parliament is doing away with ‘gender-specific’ terms including ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘him’ and ‘her’ and will introduce ‘gender-neutral’ pronouns.

The Lower House will adopt the changes as part of its standing orders with even ‘His Majesty’ King Charles to now be referred to as ‘the sovereign’.

Instead of saying His or Her Excellency for state Governors such as Frances Adamson, she and all subsequent titleholders will be called ‘the governor’.

‘They’, ‘their’ and ‘them’ and will replace all gendered pronouns in the rules of procedure while parliamentary committees will no longer have a ‘chairman’ but be presided over by ‘the chair’.

The state’s Labor government and the Coalition opposition jointly supported the amendments.

Despite the changes only applying to the Lower House some of South Australia’s Upper House MPs were far from impressed.

‘Wokeism has even penetrated the workings of parliament,’ SA-Best MLC Frank Pangallo said.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 11, 2023 10:08 am

I can’t believe the Liberal Party didn’t make that abundantly clear when stating why their no contains so many yesses.

Bernardi being a bit rhetorical here.

He understands completely: it’s the ‘No’ you have while trying to deflect the shrieks of ‘raaacist’.

There is no element of the Voice that is not race-based – it has been carefully set up for humbuggery and buttressed by race bait.

You cannot discuss it in any meaningful way without treading in an accusation of racism. Not even by characterising it as an ineffectual Canbra bubble.

April 11, 2023 10:11 am

“If we had foolish unchristian hopes about human culture, they are now shattered. If we thought we were building up a heaven on earth, if we looked for something that would turn the present world from a place of pilgrimage into a permanent city satisfying the soul of man, we are disillusioned, and not a moment too soon.”

C.S.Lewis, 22nd October, 1939

In the midst of dying dreams of earthly utopias, Easter offers an eternally renewed hope

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 11, 2023 10:14 am

we’ve got 65,000 years of history and ­culture here in Australia – Tanya Plibersek

Can she point to where this ancient culture is still being lived? And where it is can she explain what need it has, and how it could possibly connect with, a ‘Voice’?

I suspect that, if there truly are a few pockets where the traditional lifestyle is being lived – hunting, corroborees, traditional medicine and…shall we say, surgical procedures, wherever this place is the voice will be irrelevant to them. Conversely, the urbanites to whom the voice would cater are not living the 70 billion* year-old culture.

* I can’t believe Plibersek is using such an out of date number.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 11, 2023 10:14 am

According to the Oz Clive Palmer thinking about campaigning for No to the Voice.

Given Fat Bastard’s track record in his popular performance of Aussie Cloive – and the fact that he is currently suing Australia for $300bn – this may rank alongside ‘no welcome to country for you’.

April 11, 2023 10:17 am

Really depressing article on Jo Nova’s site about the increase in mental issues for young girls since 2012.Obviously exacerbated by Covid but huge increases before then.
Massive issues for society

April 11, 2023 10:17 am

Mme Zulu had the first log fire on Sunday.

I’ll be lighting one up tonight.

Enough wood left over in the shed from last winter for a week or two but usually I wouldn’t be looking to order until after Anzac Day.

April 11, 2023 10:21 am

Really depressing article on Jo Nova’s site about the increase in mental issues for young girls since 2012.Obviously exacerbated by Covid but huge increases before then.

I suspect social media plays a huge role in this.

April 11, 2023 10:26 am

I suspect social media

U-huh? Not computer games? D&D?
How about helicopter parenting and herd-panicking education changes?

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2023 10:28 am

I suspect social media plays a huge role in this.

Yes, and social media is behind the “trans” movement.

I have a friend whose daughter last year declared she was “non-binary”. And now she has major eating issues.

April 11, 2023 10:30 am

How about helicopter parenting and herd-panicking education changes?

I wrote that it plays a huge role; I didn’t say it was the only factor.

April 11, 2023 10:30 am

If you have Foxtel, put this in your diary: Donald Trump will give his first interview since his indictment in New York tomorrow at 10am AEST with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson – not his usual go-to Sean Hannity.

That means Trump will probably be breaking news that isn’t fake news as Carlson will be posing some real questions about Trump’s future.

April 11, 2023 10:32 am

I wrote that it plays a huge role; I didn’t say it was the only factor.

C’est juste.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2023 10:34 am

we’ve got 65,000 years of history and ­culture here in Australia – Tanya Plibersek

Making pharting noises, blowing down a hollow log, while Vivaldi was composing some of the finest music, ever written…..

April 11, 2023 10:35 am

Social media amplifies popular culture, which atm is highly narcissistic.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
April 11, 2023 10:38 am

And in other “walking upright” news, I have finally…finally managed to walk a kilometre on my damaged leg. Drugged and braced, but there it is. Yay for me!

Aim – to get to five kilometres before it’s holidays and off by air in June.

Way to go Calli.

Might I suggest that it is more effective to measure progress in steps than in kms? Finer granularity means that the next target is that much closer… always a good motivator.

Your phone will do the measuring for you.

April 11, 2023 10:43 am

Min have you tried the Ch9 program that Tracy Grimshaw used to do. They certainly exposed some shonks but this lot are too big for them probably with political backing. Go down the graft and corruption route.

April 11, 2023 10:44 am

Min put out the names of everyone who signed off on anything.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2023 10:44 am

Julian Leeser to resign from the Liberal Party’s frontbench over its position on the Indigenous voice to parliament.

Bye Julian.

April 11, 2023 10:44 am

Treasury Officials Planning EU and Central Asia Extortion Trip to Target Countries Evading Western Sanctions Against Russia

April 10, 2023 – Sundance

The United States Treasury Dept is planning to send officials to key parts of the globe to act as enforcers for western sanctions against Russia.

Essentially, it’s a blackmail and extortion tour, where Liz Rosenberg and Brian Nelson will visit non-compliant nations and central Western banking hubs to threaten foreign nations against continued noncompliance.

Whether any nation complies with the pressure campaign threats is still unknown.

However, against the backdrop of various geopolitical alliances now cleaving the global economy, and with a larger network of non-western nations now forming their own trade partnerships without regard for Washington DC opinion, the effort to draw “with us” or “against us” lines could backfire.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Top sanctions officials from the U.S. Treasury Department plan special international trips this month to pressure firms and countries still doing business with Russia to cut off financial ties because of the war on Ukraine.

The message is that those working with Russia’s government must decide:

1. Continue to provide Moscow with material support or

2. Keep doing business with countries that represent 50 percent of the global economy.

Those are the choices to be laid out, senior Treasury officials told reporters on a call Friday. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to preview the travel plans.

Nice country you got there…. it’d be a shame if anything happened to it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2023 10:47 am

Roger earlier.

I’ll be lighting one up tonight.

Enough wood left over in the shed from last winter for a week or two but usually I wouldn’t be looking to order until after Anzac Day.

I am burning renovation scraps at the moment.
Cedar window frames (gulp) and 4″ x 3″ hardwood which has been curing for 100 years.
I doubt my next delivery will be as good.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2023 10:49 am

Donald Trump will give his first interview since his indictment in New York tomorrow at 10am AEST with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson – not his usual go-to Sean Hannity.

Ditching “Tick-Tock” Hannity is a wise move.
He’s a dickhead.

April 11, 2023 10:49 am

US has I suspect always tried to covertly influence friends and allies.
It now appears to have dropped the mask and seeks to force its allies into a particular position.

Prime example is financing if protests against Israeli govt.

April 11, 2023 10:51 am

The Golliwog displaying Pub owner is fighting back!

Maybe the Resistance can adopt the Golliwog? Easy simple graffiti, stickers etc. Like Simon Jester.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 11, 2023 10:54 am

US President Joe Biden says he plans to run in the 2024 election as the Democratic candidate, but is not yet ready to make an official announcement.

Top White House advisers are set to make final decisions on launching Mr Biden’s re-election campaign, NBC News reported, citing several unidentified sources.

“The decision part is over, but he resents the pressure to have to announce what he’s already decided,” one source familiar with the matter told NBC.

He resents the pressure?

He’s supposedly one of the most important politicians in the world and he resents the pressure to announce whether he will continue in that role.

Presumably his carers resent being forced to decide whether he is a realistic candidate, or an historical embarrassment.

Johnny Rotten
April 11, 2023 10:55 am

An old farmer named Clyde had a car accident. In court, the trucking company’s fancy lawyer was questioning Clyde. “Didn’t you say at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine,’?” asked the lawyer. Clyde responded “Well, I’ll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favourite mule, Bessie, into the…”

“I didn’t ask for any details” the lawyer interrupted. “Just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident “I’m fine!’?” Clyde said “Well, I had just got Bessie into the trailer and was driving down the road…”

The lawyer interrupted again and said “Judge, I am trying to establish the fact that at the scene of the accident, this man told the Patrolman on the scene that he was just fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question”.

By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Clyde’s answer and said to the lawyer “I’d like to hear what he has to say about his favourite mule, Bessie”.

Clyde thanked the Judge and proceeded “Well… as I was sayin’, I had just loaded Bessie, my favourite mule, into the trailer and was drivin’ her down the highway when this huge semi ran the stop sign and smacked my truck right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurtin’ real bad and didn’t want to move. However, I could hear ole Bessie moanin’ and groanin’. I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans”.

“Real soon a Highway Patrolman came on the scene. He could hear Bessie moanin’ and groanin’, too. So, he went over to her. After he looked at her, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Then the Patrolman came across the road, gun in hand, looked at me, and said, ‘How are YOU feeling?’”

“Now what the heck would you say?”

April 11, 2023 10:56 am
Johnny Rotten
April 11, 2023 10:56 am

If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers.

– Charles Dickens

April 11, 2023 10:57 am

m0nty says:
April 11, 2023 at 9:39 am
LOL at the Fin. A decade of profligate Lib spending and corrupt no-bid tenders for maaaates, they don’t care. The minute Labor gets in, they are all about fiscal rectitude and austerity. Give us a spell.

They have become carbon copies of your lot, hence their continuing derision on this forum.
Or did you not quite pick up on that?

April 11, 2023 11:00 am

I suspect that, if there truly are a few pockets where the traditional lifestyle is being lived – hunting, corroborees, traditional medicine and

I have visited many traditional hunter gatherers in the NT and WA, they all have tinnies with big outboards, 30/06 rifles, 4*4 trucks, braided line on bait caster rods, nylon fishing nets and ALL of those items are “traditional”. FMD

April 11, 2023 11:01 am

April 11, 2023 at 9:29 am
. . . about acknowledging in our ­Constitution, the foundational document of our nation, that we don’t have a couple of hundred years of history, we’ve got 65,000 years of history and ­culture here in Australia – Tanya Plibersek

This line of reasoning has always puzzled me.

I always interpret this as “didn’t advance for 65,000 years”. An evolutionary zoo, if you will.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2023 11:01 am

The AFR has about as many pom pom wavers as John Howard. Actually, one fewer since iampeter disappeared.

April 11, 2023 11:03 am

He resents the pressure?

Grumpy old man syndrome.

April 11, 2023 11:03 am

Egypt secretly planned to supply rockets to Russia, leaked U.S. document says

President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi in February planned to produce 40,000 rockets for Russia and instructed officials to keep production and shipment secret ‘to avoid problems with the West’

President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi of Egypt, one of America’s closest allies in the Middle East and a major recipient of U.S. aid, recently ordered subordinates to produce up to 40,000 rockets to be covertly shipped to Russia, according to a leaked U.S. intelligence document.

A portion of a top secret document, dated Feb. 17, summarizes purported conversations between Sisi and senior Egyptian military officials and also references plans to supply Russia with artillery rounds and gunpowder. In the document, Sisi instructs the officials to keep the production and shipment of the rockets secret “to avoid problems with the West.”

The Washington Post obtained the document from a trove of images of classified files posted in February and March on Discord, a chat app popular with gamers. The document has not been previously reported.

The disclosure comes as Russia is fighting a war with Ukraine, in which both sides are seeking resupply of depleted arsenals.

In response to questions regarding the document and the veracity of the conversations it describes, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, spokesman for Egypt’s Foreign Ministry said that “Egypt’s position from the beginning is based on noninvolvement in this crisis and committing to maintain equal distance with both sides, while affirming Egypt’s support to the U.N. charter and international law in the U.N. General Assembly resolutions.”

“We continue to urge both parties to cease hostilities and reach a political solution through negotiations,” he said.

A U.S. government official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to address sensitive information, said: “We are not aware of any execution of that plan,” referring to the rocket export initiative. “We have not seen that happen,” the official added.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2023 11:04 am

Big_Nambas – it the thought that counts.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2023 11:06 am

Grumpy old man syndrome.

Seen a bit of that over the years. Always a terrible look. C’mon man!

April 11, 2023 11:11 am

The plague of mental illness in teenage girls
By Jo Nova

Girl using mobile phoneSomething is going wrong with teenage girls. Horribly wrong. Zach Rausch and Jon Haidt have published a bomb of an article. Across the Anglosphere (and perhaps elsewhere) Gen Z girls are more anxious, more depressed, more likely to self harm and less happy, and not just a bit more, but in a seismic kind of way.

Things are not exactly great for teenage boys either, but the trends are worst for girls and young women and most of the downturn started around 2012, uncannily in at least five different countries.

Rausch and Haidt make a compelling case that this coincides with the rise of smart phones and selfie-culture, and perhaps that is all the rocket-fuel we need.

But the rise of the Glorious Victimhood Era of Woke was surely the guidance system that pointed a whole generation in a race to climb Mental Disability Mountain.

Teenage girls are magnets for fashion — not just in clothes but in ideas too. They may be collecting diagnoses like teenage boys collected football cards, but self-poisoning is not a sport.

The culture that acts like a teenage girl seems to be having trouble breeding healthy women.

April 11, 2023 11:11 am

btw – if you think Aboriginies evolved.. well, there were spears and stone tools in the upper paleolithic age when humans first moved into Aus.

.. and all of this carefully avoids mentioning who did the ~12k bp Bradshaw’s

April 11, 2023 11:12 am

“The statistics on youth depression show a sharp uptick since the doomsday covid madness. This is overlaid on the ‘end of the world’ global warming cult.”

I think Tim Pool hits that particular nail on the head – if you are 18 years old, you “grew up” with social media blasting you with click-bait extremism. You’ve seen nothing but videos of police shooting unarmed black men, one-sided views of climate scientists predicting the end of civilisation, of LGBTQI+QWERTY individuals suffering discrimination and so on.

For instance, in the USA, the real figure for unarmed black men being shot by police is less than 30 p.a. (out of millions of interactions), yet many believe it is more than 1,000 and a significant proportion saying more than 10,000.

As to climate, the complete reverse of Paul Erlich’s predictions (to take one example) of the 1960’s and ’70’s (mass global starvation, including in the USA, rapidly followed by lack of fresh water and ecological collapse by the mid 1980’s) actually happened – even over the last 30 years, the number of people living in poverty and/or being faced with insufficient food and water has fallen globally, and in those places where it remains, it is almost exclusively a political issue, not a supply or logistics issue. And yet, Erlich’s prognostications on (yet again) global civilisational destruction are not merely issued, but headlined as “expert” commentary and a “scientific warning of disaster ahead”, and the fact that his previous doom and gloom stories were beyond wrong is never mentioned.

Likewise with LGB and the “trans” groomers – and groomers they most certainly are! Teenagers are almost always confused and “threatened” by a feeling of not knowing who they are or what their place in society is – this is part of what being a teenager is, finding yourself and your place in society. The groomers do as all groomer do – “just try dressing and cutting your hair like a boy – you can always change back”, followed by “Wow! you look great”. They pander to the insecurities of their target, and then provide the acceptance and praise those targets crave. If it was just dressing and haircuts, that would be fine, but they then push hormones and surgeries that are both irreversible and sterilising – this is child abuse, pure and simple.

In every case, they are indoctrinated to believe that they have no future, that it has been stolen from them, that if anyone even questions their new-found identity, they are evil. They are told that argument against their views is violence and justifies violence against those who would even speak against what they believe. Speech is violence and violence is free speech.

The worst of it is that these sorry victims are used as political pawns by the powerful, who seek only to retain and increase their own power. Such people will “toss them under the bus” in a heartbeat if it serves their own ends – heard much about Black Lives Matter lately? By the time the victims realise this is true, it is too late and they have been permanently damaged, many physically as well as psychologically.

All very sad, and I don’t know how to fix it. But try to fix it we must…

April 11, 2023 11:20 am

From Discord to 4chan: The Improbable Journey of a US Intelligence Leak

In recent days, the US Justice Department and Pentagon have begun investigating an apparent online leak of sensitive documents, including some that were marked “Top Secret”.

A portion of the documents, which have since been widely covered by the news media, focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, while others detailed analysis of potential UK policies on the South China Sea and the activities of a Houthi figure in Yemen.

The existence of the documents was first reported by the New York Times after a number of Russian Telegram channels shared five photographed files relating to the invasion of Ukraine on April 5 – at least one of which has since been found by Bellingcat to be crudely edited.

These documents appeared to be dated to early March, around the time they were first posted online on Discord, a messaging platform popular with gamers.

However, Bellingcat has seen evidence that some documents dated to January could have been posted online even earlier, although it is unclear exactly when. Bellingcat also spoke to three members of the Discord community where the images had been posted who claimed that many more documents had been shared across other Discord servers in recent months.

As the channels were deleted following the controversy generated by the leaked documents, Bellingcat has not been able to confirm this claim.

Bizarrely, the Discord channels in which the documents dated from March were posted focused on the Minecraft computer game and fandom for a Filipino YouTube celebrity. They then spread to other sites such as the imageboard 4Chan before appearing on Telegram, Twitter and then major media publishers around the world in recent days.

Ukrainian officials have cast doubt on the veracity of the documents, with Mykhailo Podolyak, the adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, stating on Telegram that he believes Russia is behind the purported leak. But US security officials quoted by the New York Times appeared to hint at their authenticity.

Russian Presidential spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, told CNN that the documents showed the extent of US and NATO involvement in Ukraine. Yet one pro-Russian Telegram channel that has been providing updates on the conflict wasn’t convinced and said it was possible the documents could be Western disinformation.

The documents appear to detail events and offer analysis of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine up until March 2023.

None of the documents seen by Bellingcat had been scanned but rather had been photographed. Creases can be seen on the documents with items, such as a hunter’s scope box and some Gorilla Glue visible in the background of those dated from early March. This appears to indicate that at least some of the documents were photographed in the same location.

The content of the shared documents ranges widely, with some topics including maps of hotspots in Ukraine such as Bakhmut and Kharkiv, a delivery timetable for Western munitions to Ukraine as well as maps and catalogues of Ukrainian air defence assets – including a calendar of ammunition expenditures. A “CIA Operations Center Intelligence Update” marked “Top Secret” for March 2 is also included in the images, although much of the information in these documents had previously been publicly available through media reports.

While it has as yet not been possible to uncover the original source of these apparent leaks,

it has been possible to trace the spread of the documents over a variety of internet forums in recent months before they were reported by pro-Russian Telegram channels and then major media outlets.

Telegram and 4chan

Onto Discord

Thug Shaker Central

April 11, 2023 11:21 am

OldOzzie says:
April 11, 2023 at 9:23 am

Andrews in talks for ‘more support’ from PM ahead of budget

Gus McCubbing and Patrick Durkin

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is in talks with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on the need for federal help in the May 9 budget, as the financial hangover from the world’s longest lockdown bites and the state’s growing $115 billion debt threatens thousands of jobs across the public sector.

Time to remove the interrelationship between federal and state taxation. Just a way to sidestep responsibility and keep the attention away from important issues.

April 11, 2023 11:21 am

I’m starting to think that I’d join a crowd carrying pitchforks, torches and boiled rope who go after “scientists” like the gain of function mob, the climate change and renewable energy gits etc.

April 11, 2023 11:22 am

Rausch and Haidt make a compelling case that this coincides with the rise of smart phones and selfie-culture


April 11, 2023 11:24 am

Maybe the USA should just stay at home for a while and see how the world turns out, without their hand on the tiller?

Close all the US overseas bases, or mothball them, but take your troops home as well. 800 bases worldwide I heard, is that possibly true?

A problem for us, is the US$ failing and we’re left with our best buddy as a failed economy. Maybe Macron is right (chokes!) to be wobbling on US support?

We may need to make some hard decisions about the world soon, the UN and all that. Maybe we should also stop interfering in the affairs of other countires, in the pacific and elsewhere.

Are we still giving money to the Clinton Foundation? PM Juliar gave over $280M I believe and then Julie Bishop kept up the payments at least for another $80M of our money.

It’s looking dim for our future, I just hope we don’t cripple ourselves bringing in a racist addition to the constitution just to appease a mob of grumpy, angry old “yes” people who just hate us so much. That’s all I get when I see them interviewed or read what they write. We’ll never have reconcilliation as it would require effort on both sides, not just ours.

Have a nice day.

April 11, 2023 11:27 am


That is, the products of the Silicon Valley social media monopolies and the narcissist’s favourite tool, the iPhone.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2023 11:31 am

I see that the “Mission Accomplished” banner has again been unfurled triumphantly.

April 11, 2023 11:31 am

Leaked Pentagon Documents Reveal Secrets About Friends and Foes

The leaked material, from late February and early March, but found on social media sites in recent days, outlines how deeply Russia’s security and intelligence services have been penetrated by the United States as well as dire ammunition shortages facing Ukraine’s military.

The documents revealed that Washington appears to be spying on some of its closest allies, including eavesdropping on conversations between senior South Korean national security officials over whether the country would sell artillery shells that might be used in Ukraine.

That led to a political backlash in Seoul, where opposition lawmakers on Monday denounced what they called “a clear violation of our sovereignty by the United States.”

U.S. officials “are engaging with allies and partners at high levels” over the leaked documents, “to reassure them of our commitment to safeguarding intelligence,” Vedant Patel, a State Department spokesman, told reporters on Monday. But he declined to provide more specifics, including whether Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken had reached out to officials in South Korea.

The leaked documents show that Seoul is torn between its policy and Washington over Ukraine.

?SEOUL — When reports emerged late last year that South Korea had agreed to sell artillery shells to help the United States replenish its stockpiles, it insisted that their “end user” should be the U.S. military. But internally, top aides to President Yoon Suk Yeol were worried that their American ally would divert them to Ukraine.

Mr. Yoon’s secretary for foreign affairs, Yi Mun-hui, told his boss, National Security Adviser Kim Sung-han, that the government “was mired in concerns that the U.S. would not be the end user if South Korea were to comply with a U.S. request for ammunition,” according to a batch of secret Pentagon documents leaked through social media.

The secret report was based on signals intelligence, which meant that the United States has been spying on one of its major allies in Asia.

Both Mr. Yi and Mr. Kim stepped down last month for unclear reasons. Neither man could be reached for comment.

South Korea was aware of the news reports about the leaked documents and planned to discuss “issues raised” by the leak with Washington, a senior government official in Seoul told reporters on Sunday. When asked whether South Korea planned to lodge a protest or demand an explanation from Washington, he said the government would study precedents from the past and similar cases involving other nations.

Who leaked the U.S. intelligence documents? No one will say, but the Kremlin has some observations.

How highly sensitive U.S. intelligence documents on the war in Ukraine ended up on social media remained a mystery on Monday, with few clues — if any — yielding who might have leaked them. That did not prevent the Kremlin from saying something — or, really, nothing.

“These are quite interesting leaks,” Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, told reporters on Monday. “Everyone is analyzing and broadly discussing them.”

When asked if Russia bore any responsibility for the leak, he said, “No, I can’t comment on this in any way. We all know that there is in fact an inclination to always blame Russia for everything, and to attribute everything to Russia.”

The leak of the Pentagon documents, found on Twitter and other sites on Friday, wasn’t entirely in Russia’s best interests. They portrayed a battered Russian military that is struggling in its war in Ukraine and a military apparatus that is deeply compromised.

The documents also contain daily real-time warnings to American intelligence agencies on the timing of Moscow’s strikes and reveal the American assessment of a Ukrainian military that is also in dire straits.

. Russia promises bonus pay to troops who destroy NATO tanks, documents say.

. The leak suggests the U.S. could try to press Israel to provide lethal aid to Ukraine

. A pro-Russian hacking group may have targeted Canada’s energy infrastructure.

. A leaked document shows the dire nature of the battle for Bakhmut.

. Wagner’s influence extends far beyond Ukraine, the leaked documents show.

. Israel denies a claim that leaders of its spy agency encouraged its workers to join protests.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Top Ender says: April 11, 2023 at 5:52 am
$21,000 for trespass “in that the police entered the property by means of an unlawfully obtained search warrant”

Many search warrants are unlawfully obtained. More than the genpop would realise.
A police officer lying to a Magistrate regards the rationale for a search warrant happens far more often than the system would have us believe. So much so that it may be as prevalent as a GP lying on a “get out of work” medical certificate.

Consequences for the officer who lies to a Magistrate: Zero, i.e. the same consequences as are applied to a GP who lies on a medical certificate.

April 11, 2023 11:40 am

Making pharting noises, blowing down a hollow log, while Vivaldi was composing some of the finest music, ever written…..

Inventing new uses for the… stick.
65,000 years of history?
The word history implies record keeping. Oral tradition these days is made up for the ‘humbug of the hour’. Those who have read sources of two generations ago know that it is pretty much ‘no correlation’ and therefore not history.
65,000 years of what, exactly? Pottery? Red-figure wares? Goldsmithing? Leathergoods, hats, belts, coats, lace-enhanced underwear? Improvements in energy efficiency of food production? Developing better and better recreational alcohol? Medical research with repeatable remedies? Philosophical justification of law and ethics? Improved teaching praxis? Mining and metalsmithing? Boat navigation and use of recordkeeping for trade routes? Joinery of wood for housing and furniture? Storage and preservation of foodstuffs? Dying and mordants, carding and weaving of basic fabrics? Use of wind power for grinding or milling? Building fences and longhouses as military bases against raids by neighbouring people? Dressing stone for walls, lintels and arches? Piers, buttresses and stairs? Taxation, accounting and equitable provision for the poor, injured or sick? Ethical rejection of interpersonal violence, slavery and even cannibalism? Reduction of infant mortality via hygiene and nutrition? Political organisation, forming associations for limited purposes? Constraining abuse by the powerful through legal structures? Limiting theft, making sure children become well socialised and capable adults?
65,000 years.
What to show for it? Bruce Pascoe.

April 11, 2023 11:40 am

Intelligence leaks and the consequences of Israel’s resistance coup

Jonathan S. Tobin – Editor-in-Chief of JNS

strong>Pentagon documents spoke of the Mossad backing anti-government protests. Even if only partially true, this sends a signal to the Jewish state’s enemies about its weakness.

(April 10, 2023 / JNS) Israel’s government was doing damage control this past weekend and, for a change, it wasn’t about its losing battle to pass judicial reform, dissension over the surge in Palestinian terrorism or the threat from Iran. Or at least, not directly.

Instead, it was put in the unenviable position of having to deny a report published in The New York Times and widely reported elsewhere about leaks from secret Pentagon documents detailing the U.S. intelligence activity.

Yet as controversial as the contents of the report may be, the main concern shouldn’t be about the Biden administration’s involvement in Israel’s internal affairs.

Rather, the focus should be on the consequences of the debate going on inside Israel that Washington wants to influence.

Even the Israeli government’s fiercest and most unfair critics now believe that the Jewish state’s enemies regard the current atmosphere of political chaos as evidence of weakness. That means the price for the upheaval inside Israel will continue to be paid not in losing media cycles for the ruling coalition but in the blood of its citizens.

Most of the attention from the shocking exposure of U.S. internal reports centers on the revelations about American espionage that targeted Russia and its impact on the war in Ukraine.

But the dump of classified documents that have been spread around the Internet also discussed U.S. spying on friendly countries, including Ukraine, and allies like South Korea and Israel.

That included reports about American pressure on Israel to supply lethal aid to Ukraine despite it being in the interests of the Jewish state to stay out of direct involvement in that conflict.

What happened inside the Mossad?

But as concerning as all that might be, the documents that speak about the Mossad—Israel’s foreign intelligence agency—are especially troubling.

According to an internal report produced by the CIA, the Mossad’s leadership had encouraged its personnel, as well as other Israeli citizens, to participate in the anti-government protests that have shaken Israel over the past three months. If true, it would be an inexcusable violation of the agency’s responsibility to remain above politics and to follow the orders of the country’s democratically elected government. More than that, it would give some credence to claims by some of the government’s supporters, including Netanyahu’s son Yair, that hostile elements inside Israel’s intelligence community had colluded with the Biden administration to help fuel the protests with the ultimate goal of toppling the government.

The response from Jerusalem was immediate and emphatic.

It stated that the report “is mendacious and without any foundations whatsoever. The Mossad and its senior officials did not—and do not—encourage agency personnel to join the demonstrations against the government, political demonstrations or any political activity. The Mossad and its serving personnel have not engaged in the issue of the demonstrations at all and are dedicated to the value of service to the state that has guided the Mossad since its founding.”

Israel’s citizens and its friends elsewhere can only pray that the denial is more truthful than the American intelligence report. And although there appears to be no doubt about the authenticity of the documents that were published in the Times, it does not guarantee that the assessments made by American intelligence were completely accurate.

Still, some elements of this report are rooted in the truth. It has also been reported that some in the Mossad requested and apparently received permission to participate in the demonstrations as private citizens. Mossad director David Barnea, reportedly in consultation with Israel’s attorney general, seems to have ruled that lower-level staff could join in the protests as long as they didn’t openly parade their affiliation.

This fact is still shocking since it shows that Mossad personnel were not instructed that, whatever their private beliefs, their responsibilities as members of a service actively engaged in the country’s defense should mean that they must stay out of overt political activities. And by letting them do so—even if there was no encouragement or conspiring with the opposition or foreign government on the part of senior intelligence officials—the defense establishment was sending a message of its acquiescence to an unprecedented effort to topple a government that had been elected only months before.

. Disregard conspiracy theories

. Israel’s enemies smell weakness

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Bruce of Newcastle says: April 11, 2023 at 6:35 am
I hope SATP doesn’t have any golliwogs in his pub, or he’ll be in strife as soon as the local plod hear about them.

Er, darlings …. it’s not that sort of pub.
There are many objects on display around the pub. Dolls are not and never will be, among those objects.

April 11, 2023 11:43 am

“I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.”

Calli, this is the normal state of affairs for most people.

Just as bravery is not lack of fear, but rather acting in the face of fear, so heroism is typically the result of reaction rather than reflection – our most heroic persons are typically self-deprecating in saying things like “I’m not a hero – anyone would have done it”. Because they reacted as they were trained and expected to do – they didn’t think about it, they just did it.
This should in no way lessen our regard for their acts – they are still heroes and deserve our praise. I think most of them would agree that thinking about it, what they did was at least somewhat crazy, and if they had paused to consider the likely consequences, they too probably would not have done it. But they did do what they did, and that is all that matters.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2023 11:43 am

April 11, 2023 at 9:01 am
It’s called incitement.


SHOCK: DOJ admits that of the 13 Proud Boys involved with J6, eight or more of them were paid by the FBI to provide the government information about the group. The FBI was the majority of Proud Boys – only 5 are being prosecuted.

Two points.

.1 Did the number of “official” participants in J6 outnumber the number of Trump supporters?

.2 Hasn’t the US Supreme Court ruled against the use of entrapment?

April 11, 2023 11:51 am

if we just peacefully assemble enough times, a violent government will eventually listen.

Liberty quote.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2023 11:53 am

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is in talks with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on the need for federal help in the May 9 budget

Victoria – bludging off the rest of the Commonwealth since Federation…

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2023 11:55 am

Let’s face it. 65,000 years ago all our forebears were living hand to mouth in subsistence clans and migrating out of Africa.

This is absolute rubbish.
Homo Sapiens did not originate in Africa.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2023 11:55 am

April 11, 2023 at 9:39 am
WA to go back to 30% of the GST take while being lectured about environmentalism by a hunchbacked bat eared mong.

LOL. AnAl is about to fond out that having Liars governments from sea to sea has its downside. Ripping off WA to “help” Victoria is not as easy as when there is a Lieboral state government there.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2023 11:58 am

65,000 years of what, exactly? Pottery? Red-figure wares? Goldsmithing? Leathergoods, hats, belts, coats, lace-enhanced underwear? Improvements in energy efficiency of food production?

Aborigines are a European Race, and they haven’t been here 65,000 years or even a small fraction of that time.

April 11, 2023 11:58 am

Mr Sterry was handed a good-behaviour bond without conviction after he was found guilty of a single charge of unnecessarily attaching a bayonet to the rifle at the time, with the court ordering that his licence and guns be returned.

YOU are the enemy of The Australian Government, Police and Courts.

The Judge in this case is controlled opposition. A charge of unnecessarily attaching a bayonet and a good behaviour bond WTF?!

April 11, 2023 12:02 pm

Leak confirms what everybody sensible already knew…

Ukraine has been annihilated:

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
April 11, 2023 12:04 pm

LOL at the Fin. A decade of profligate Lib spending and corrupt no-bid tenders for maaaates, they don’t care. The minute Labor gets in, they are all about fiscal rectitude and austerity. Give us a spell.

I think that is an admission that the ALP is not about fiscal rectitude and austerity. That’s Monty’s conservative side coming out.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2023 12:05 pm

So much so that it may be as prevalent as a GP lying on a “get out of work” medical certificate.

GPs haven’t been writing Sick Certificates like that for at least 30 years.
Every single thing they write now gets CCed to the TGA and they’ve got the Power to suspend a GP forever.

April 11, 2023 12:05 pm

financial hangover from the world’s longest lockdown bites and the state’s growing $115 billion debt threatens thousands of jobs across the public sector

Let’s not forget that Andrews the evil c’nt thinks his crowning achievements are lockdowns and big build.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2023 12:06 pm

April 11, 2023 at 10:57 am
m0nty says:
April 11, 2023 at 9:39 am
LOL at the Fin. A decade of profligate Lib spending and corrupt no-bid tenders for maaaates, they don’t care. The minute Labor gets in, they are all about fiscal rectitude and austerity. Give us a spell.

They have become carbon copies of your lot, hence their continuing derision on this forum.
Or did you not quite pick up on that?

“You lot” or “your lot” are the fascist left’s descriptions. To differentiate ourselves from them, I suggest the expression “You and your ilk”.

John H.
John H.
April 11, 2023 12:10 pm

April 11, 2023 at 11:22 am
Rausch and Haidt make a compelling case that this coincides with the rise of smart phones and selfie-culture


You aint seen nothing yet Roger. That “bomb” of an article is old news. You saw it coming, I suspect many others didn’t. I’ve just read some studies highlighting how while traditionally the transgender movement was about male to female, the rise of social media and smartphones is driving the female to male transition with strong evidence of a strong social media influence driving that shift. Even more worrying is that the trend is more pronounced in those with mental health issues.

April 11, 2023 12:12 pm

BBC furious that Twitter has officially labelled it ‘government-funded media.’

Elon, mate: ABC. GO!

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2023 12:19 pm

LOL, Grandpa Ed Simpson again throwing random factoids around in the vain hope that at least one of might contain a modicum of truth.


April 11, 2023 12:20 pm

Just got sacked, went bankal.
Of course the notoriety attached to ‘mass shootings’ played a part.
Might also have something to do with lacking a well formed conscience in post Christian society.

The outlet also reported Sturgeon appeared to operate two since-removed Twitter accounts where he posted about sports, along with support for the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 and criticism of then-President Donald Trump.

Quote is from Forbes.
Occam’s razor.
Oh and he’s one of yours Monty.

he him ho hum

Winston Smith
April 11, 2023 12:32 pm

Cassie of Sydney:

“There’s no need to bring up Russia.”

Why not? The point is valid.

The point IS valid, yes – valid enough to stand on its own.
Bringing in external points just muddies the water.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2023 12:35 pm

Florida Triple Murder arrests, Australian Media not interested, for some reason?

Johnny Rotten
April 11, 2023 12:44 pm

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is in talks with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on the need for federal help in the May 9 budget, as the financial hangover from the world’s longest lockdown bites and the state’s growing $115 billion debt threatens thousands of jobs across the public sector.

Sicktoria’s State Budget is around the end of April 2023. Let Dan the ConMan take it on the chin. Why should the rest of OZ help him out of a hole of his digging. Maybe he should ask his mates the Chinks.

1 2 3 11
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  2. When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…

  3. Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.

  4. Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x