World War three ensues, not too good. My body is ready… ?
World War three ensues, not too good. My body is ready… ?
As long as they confine WW3 to Europe, have at it, guys. Screw Europe, screw the EU, screw NATO and…
I like this guy’s technique with telephone scams https://youtu.be/QWgX_kWDXKg
I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…
Pure delusion. Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest…
Grandpa Ed Simpson
and he went within 300 votes of winning Gilmore, which was the best Liberal result in Australia, so he’s done well.
Funny definition of “best Lieboral result”, unless you believe that no Lieborals won a seat at all in 2022, and going “within 300 votes of winning” is therefore a great result.
Inevitable, given every other part of Sydney within a certain distance of the CBD has been blighted with those shoddily built neo-brutalist monstrosities.
Those hundreds of thousands of chinese “students” have to exist somewhere, after all.
rose jackson – recognised the arrogant communist cow from her appearances on sky (fatso murray’s idiot fest of course).
Entitled, inarticulate, dumb as dogsh*t and screechy as all hell.
Your modern labore wymmenses in a nutshell.
Easy Tiger. This slur cannot stand. Perf luvs Baz. OK, he’s no Howard Sattler.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
April 12, 2023 at 7:48 pm:
That was illuminating enough that I’ve lifted it whole to my FB page where my nationwide readers can see it.
Turns out Sil (Stevie van Zandt) was a domestic terrorist.
For FS, Cohenite. That’s gross. What must be going through those girls heads to be distorting their bodies like that.
Cadmium used in NiMH batteries and some solar panels is nasty shit, mined out of mind and out of sight in third world communist nations.
And bring back corporal punishment – sometimes boys need to be taught by a teacher with a club in her hand….
when nudges become shoves
Japan says 1.5m people are living as recluses after Covid
Jack Poso ??
BBC slug: So you took away the Covid misinformation labels
Elon: You mean about the BBC’s misinformation about Covid? For example not reporting the side effect of vaccinations because the British govt pressured you?
Catturd ™
Moron alert.
JUST IN: Former NHL Player Dead of a Heart Attack at Age 38
Thugby .. the game where putting both feet in your mouth is the standard! ..
last week, this same bloke, “Spud Carroll, was seeking media publicity cos the NRL management won’t pay for his “concussion” scans years after he stopped playing .. this week he’s cheering on blokes belting each other’s heads ..
Apparently, “spud” also suffers from memory loss to add to his myriad of “playing” woes .. LOL!
Glenn Greenwald
Perfect illustration of how scumbag reporters lie:
This BBC hack claimed he’s seen more hate on Twitter. When asked, he can’t name a single example because he hasn’t look. Then claims
@ISDglobal — funded by US, EU and neoliberal billionaires – said it:
His whole career was impeachable.
“THIS IS IMPEACHABLE” – BIDEN BUSTED – Removed President Trump’s Executive Privilege in Order to Raid Mar-a-Lago to Cover-Up His Own Illegal Possession of Classified Docs
Anheuser-Busch sheds nearly $5 billion in value since Bud Light’s Dylan Mulvaney pact sparked outrage
Rep. Matt Gaetz Recounts Death Threat From Activist, Says It’s Time To “Reopen The Asylums”
Good post at Spiked on the BBC/Musk interview, and another good one on the New Elite being in complete denial.
Knuckle Dragger:
Denyer will be given parole for one purpose and one purpose only: To predate upon women in our society so we can learn who rules over us. It’s the very same reason Bayley was allowed out to kill again.
Italian Politicians Push for Fines on Activists Who Damage Cultural Sites During Climate Protests
Donald Trump Hints U.S. Was Behind Nord Stream Explosion
Those scooters must have something useful inside.
“If they can’t get behind it, well, get out of the way because we desperately need it,” said NSW Housing Minister Rose Jackson.
methinx, a lotza “Heritage” orders will soon scupper these seditious ideals ….. still, it scored a personal mention headline making it a trougher name-out-there success! ……
Spiked Musk interview.
As BJ says, worth a look.
Best from Spiked
When I view Twitter feeds, the most horrible and cruel comments I see come from the Left, probably because the feeds I see are from people I most align with. I’m sure it works both ways.
Well, wadd’ya know….
The new Heritage Minister is a Commo lesbian.
Currently waiting for a haircut at my local barber. ABC News is on. Currently interviewing that specialist legal and political mind, Patty Karvelas.
I’ve never seen her on television before. She could frighten Nosferatu. Face like a bag of three day in the sun prawns.
I can’t turn the TV off so I think I’ll ask for number 1 clippers on my eyes.
As with Perrottet, it would seem Minns is the acceptable public face of the loony left.
And as a Labor Premier he doesn’t get to choose his own cabinet.
I’d walk out. I refuse to have the ABC polluting my life.
Bad enough having Koch on the telescreen at my fav roadhouse. Fortunately the volume is down and I can face the other way.
Yes, like Australia. 😀
Dot – cadmium and zinc are in a ratio 1:200 in pretty much all zinc ores. So mines like Dugald River in Qld are mining it whether they like it or not, and the zinc refineries separate it out and sell or stockpile it as ingots.
Excellent news.
To predate upon women in our society so we can learn who rules over us.
Antisemitic trope + Conspiracy Theory.
It’s the very same reason Bayley was allowed out to kill again.
Bayley was a rapist and a thug, he hadn’t killed anyone before that [as far as is known].
Parole Boards are infested with flamers.
Put 2+2 together to work out why some get parole and some don’t.
You’re not normally this naive, CL.
Do you really think the Norks and Iranians will ditch their plans to achieve nuclear power status?
JC earlier.
And how do you know this?
Aussie Cossack may be a grifter and a lout. But his Youtube videos during Covid mucking around with the police were hilarious. And appropriate and useful for the public to see. There was very little push back to police overreach during covid and he did provide that.
I happened to drive past the incident one Saturday morning, where he was at a service station on Victoria Rd around Rozelle. I thought there must have been a mass shotting there was so much police activity. It was only a month later watching the YouTube clip I saw what the commotion was about.
And he should however, definitely man up and report to the police.
Is it time for me to deliver a “Youse voted for it. Suck it up.”?
Winston Smith says:
April 13, 2023 at 9:26 am
I’d suggest one way to fix education is to get back to min 50/50 ratio of men/women teachers and offer boys option to have male teachers. This represents what feminists asked for decades ago to help girls do better … ain’t life strange.
And bring back corporal punishment – sometimes boys need to be taught by a teacher with a club in her hand….
Memories of Nuns with ruler/strap in hand – we did not get on, moved to boys school year 3 with all Male Teachers and never looked back
Grandsons Melbourne – all boys Junior school Male teachers – Male Principal stood at the gate every morning and greeted every boy by name – did not know how he did it – Now final years – Male teachers in High School – have enjoyed every moment and are well rounded Sceptics of all current social trends, and totally up to date on political scene
Grandsons Sydney -all boys Junior schoool Male Principal/Female VP with sons in Junior school – Eldest loves school and participates enthusiastically in all areas – into High next year with Male Teachers, remainng 2 will be going as well from feeder Catholic Primary
Israel has lived under this sort of threat for a decade and hasn’t turned Iran into a hole in the ground, while the rest of the world pats the Iranians hands and does nothing concrete to stop a regime that constantly threatens to use their nukes when they make them, to obliterate Israel.
If we don’t want to be complicit in a second Holocaust, we must stop Iran from getting the bomb.
Check out the HK races where they intersperse each race with a trophy presentation and group photo.
The HK Jockey Club employs elegantly uniformed young women to shepherd the groups into lines facing the cameras and ensure the smooth passage of presentations. Ribbons in neat hair, high heels, tailored skirts and jackets, smiles like something out of a 1960s magazine advertisement.
In the crowd overweight, tattooed westerners watch on, feeling so much more sophisticated.
The best thing about nuclear weapons is that it makes it much easier to get the enemy leaders, who are otherwise nearly impossible to reach. Since leaders of nations have egos the size of a planet they rather dislike being exterminated, therefore tend not to start wars with people who can do that.
In theory you can build bunkers deep enough to survive, but that isn’t as easy as it sounds.
Britain’s ‘pointless’ and ‘futile’ nuclear survival manual from Cold War unearthed (12 Apr)
Walgett mother of ten whinging about grocery bills and buying bottled water.
Household hint
don’t buy Pepsi Max for your baby to drink.
As for the others crying about multiple health issues, we can all see the cause of your problems.
Despite all that, the BBC is still better than our $1bn per annum Mini Me, Our ALPBC. As anyone who has seen one of their copy cat versions will attest.
Their David Speers preaches to the choir:
Peter Dutton left with a difficult decision, after Julian Leeser’s stand blows big holes in his Voice argument
Holes blown?
Shot down?
If the Voice was actually designed to “shift responsibility and decision making” this might have legs. In practice, the Langton Calma model is quite clear: all advice no responsibility. Decision making and delivery blame remains firmly with gummint at all three levels.
Now Uncle Luigi may have another Voice model up his sleeve*, but it’s not clear in Leeser’s argument that there is any benefit in the Voice that requires a constitutional race preference and the governance risks that go with that.
* He does. It’s the ALP entrenched in government because ‘only Party that can work with the Voice’ model.
Bruce of WA
Sounds like an interesting stay in Lyon.
I always read the reviews to get a hint of the location.
I’ve stayed in a fantastic former silk workers apartment in Lyon on ‘the hill that works’, was owned by a French rock star turned actor who moved out when his guests moved in, great location opposite a church that still had cannon ball damage from the revolution.
Love Lyonaisse cuisine.
Anyhow the voice will bring clean water to Walgett.
yum … $20 per meter scrapped
The way it is refined near to the mine in China is only acceptable in the west because we don’t live with it. I don’t care if it’s a by product of zinc production or lead is a by product of mining for relatively rare cadmium.
150 villagers in China (Xinma village) died over 15 years ago due to cadmium mining and smelting, good luck with that safety record in the west, it is only possible with third world communists profiteering from peasants they can censor and murder at will.
[1,100 people in the village, over 200 had severe poisoning – virtually everyone was poisoned to some extent.]
That never went down well with the Victoriastanis. Who again find themselves on the edge of another Cain/Kirner abyss.
I always look to Asia to set the dress standard.
Apparently it’s when they move to Australia that they start wearing the thongs and trakkie dak uniform.
When the Voice is heard, Baiame will heal the land from the Warrambungles, the Castlereagh will run clear and true, the sand and salt will be washed away and only boulders will remain.
Walgett water will be as sweet as the Snowy and the fish traps at Brewarrina will always be full and there will be a chicken in every pot. It will cool down, it will never flood again, the town cinema will be rebuilt, the sand greens will be grass at the Sporting Club, Saint Tim Freedman will blow up the pokies, no one will be addicted to smokes, booze or ice and no one will ever have hangovers and no one will get into fights with each other and the cops will never arrest anyone. The kids will go to school and New Town will be a hub of industry and the arts.
Dutton let Leeser believe that Liberal support for a Voice implied support for the Referendum question, keeping him inside the tent until it didn’t matter anymore.
Bottom line:
Peter Dutton is quite a bit more savvy than Julian Leeser
[and Anthony Albanese].
Uncle Luigi ‘ll fix it.
So simple, and yet less than 1% of our politicians and bureaucrats actually understand it. Which makes the threat of hyperinflation a very real concern in our future.
But the best part of this is the trough gobblers will sit back one day in their mansions, look at the piles of money they’ve snuffled up, and realise it won’t buy a loaf of bread.
The inability to realise that we are all in the one boat is the greatest failing of our criminal class.
Could be.
I just reminisce about how lovely it was to grow up on the North Shore. The tree-lined streets, even in Willoughby and Crows Nest, the rows of between-the-wars houses interspersed with grander ones of an earlier time, some even retaining their tennis courts for we youngsters to play on.
The demographics have changed and the prices have skyrocketed. Working class no longer…soon to be mendicant class.
Cadmium: nearly as deadly as Gypsum itself.
Have you ever watched By Dawn’s Early Light?
Captain Moreau had a good argument not to decapitate the enemy’s leadership.
Dot, the Dingo shall lay down with the Bilby also.
Too right. Although, if you don’t speak French, there is a risk from the nose-to-tail set of most menus.
The Beloved found this out, but manfully got through his plate.
I did warn him. 😀
Steady on Winston.
Whilst experienced heads within Plod have serious concerns that this wasn’t Bayley’s first rodeo*, he didn’t actually have a prior murder conviction when he killed Jill Meagher.
Sure, he had breached parole and should have been back in the slot after a conviction for assault, but he hadn’t been done for murder at that stage.
* I’m told these experienced Plodsters apparently would say that Bayley totally over-egged his interview, trying desperately to project the Meagher murder as a “one-off”.
Protesting this point 6-7 times an hour screams of other buried bodies.
Uncle Luigi has got his own problems. Mad Uncle Phil and the RBA have left a big steaming floater in the bowl.
Alice Springs mayor Matt Paterson says the state of violence in the town has reverted back to that before national attention at the start of the year.
“There was a lull around February and March,” he told Sky News. “But what we faced on the weekend and weekends prior is back to … ‘normal’.”
“On the weekend we’ve seen … cars again driving through erratically, stolen vehicles with kids in the back, kids hanging out windows.
“Police again told people to avoid our CBD early in the morning because they couldn’t control the kids.
“The old timer’s village got broken into twice in two days. It’s just the same old stuff. These kids are stealing cars and then ram-raiding other cars on the road.”
Mr Paterson echoed Peter Dutton’s call yesterday for AFP assistance in the region.
“I put out the call for the AFP in January … we need more boots on the ground here,” he said.
“There was a police operation in November where there was a visual presence of police and there was an automatic feeling of safety, of perception of safety.”
The Oz
I’ve been bested.
Via Dr F
“I believe that by empowering people and building institutions that shift responsibility and decision making closer to people, we’ll more likely shift the dial on Indigenous health, education, housing, safety and economic advancement.”
Leeser’s “dream” is local voices handling local issues, without involving distant bureaucracies.
If he believes that the AnAl Voice will resemble that in any way, he is very sadly deluded.
As many people who fell victim to the steak tartare before the internet will attest.
That’s why you assemble a pack of legal academics and QCs from the cities to thrash out what the Voice entails. Like that’s never been done before.
Dot, I even have a bit of cadmium cathode I keep as a souvenir. It’s quite pretty. I haven’t died horribly yet.
Chinese villages are a law unto themselves with such things. I would not be surprised that they’d get it in their heads to build a bootleg zinc plant to make money. That though isn’t the style of the big electrolytic zinc plants around the world, which are well run and safe.
One thing you may be unaware of is that superphosphate fertilizer has a fair bit of cadmium in it. That’s because guano is the result of two concentration steps: first the fish concentrate it, then the birds further concentrate it by metabolizing the edible bits and excreting the inedible bit, which includes cadmium.
Fortunately cadmium is excreted by humans, although slowly. Lead is excreted faster.
There are some right evil bastards living on this planet.
Sometimes even managing to order the steak wasn’t the end of the problem. A Pommy mate was served a slab of cow near Hossegor that had a barely passing acquaintance with a heat source of any description.
Via Top Ender
Mr Paterson echoed Peter Dutton’s call yesterday for AFP assistance in the region.
“I put out the call for the AFP in January … we need more boots on the ground here,” he said.
“There was a police operation in November where there was a visual presence of police and there was an automatic feeling of safety, of perception of safety.”
Maybe the NT government and Police shouldn’t have gone so hard against Rolfe? Then they might be able to keep their Police strong and willing to act to protect the general public, including non-offending indigs.
Format fail.
In addition to 65,000 years, there are other straw-persons rustling around what passes for discussion on the Voice.
It’s Apartheid. No it’s not, nothing remotely like Apartheid – actually antithetical.
It’s a Third Chamber. No it’s not, no decision-making anticipated, just 57 varieties of conflicting advice.
These concepts seem to bob up solely for some bien pensant to scoff at No Neanderthals.
…and where do you think the Chinese factories that make solar panels and smartphones we use in the west, source their cadmium from?
That’s the point.
Well, that must make everyone feel better that the heavy metals are excreted after they’ve disrupted DNA methylation.
It’s all for gaia, so that DNA damage heals right up! Chant to Brother Suzuki four times after supper and the embedded carbon budget in a Prius also is absolved.
There is a certain inevitable defect commonly arising from the chutzpah of progressives. Despite their imposture that they are drawn to the left by their massive intellects, it is actually their egos (and insecurities) that lead them the left because they identify it with being intellectual. And how do they make that identification? Not through rigorous thinking – if they could do that they would not be insecure – but because it looks like what they think intelligence looks like: the prickliness and pushiness they interpret as earnestness, the instant judgment as clarity of insight, the aloofness and dismissal of other opinions confidence and unassailability, and the constantly dropping names or jargon as breadth and depth of knowledge.
The left maintains this market branding by cosmetic artifice (the ABC, the MSM, Hollywood etc.) and by avoiding any engagement with those to whom they might lose.
That mediocrity who interviewed Musk would have sat down utterly convinced of his invincibility – after all, all the other progressives he knows agree with him and he agrees with them. They have everything down pat, don’t you know.
Musk’s responses and, worst of all, challenges to him to substantiate what he was claiming would have been to him a sign of bad faith. He would have been certain that Musk was employing trickery to make him look bad, trying to deflect from the certain skewering that had been dished out to him. The interviewer was desperate to move on from the points where he had been caught out. It didn’t matter that he could not back up what he was saying, he knew he was right anyway and Musk should simply have accepted it.
After the interview he will have retreated to some staff room in the BBC where they would all have talked about how Musk was in denial, had lied, had refused to answer questions etc, and finally the boy interviewer would have been feted as having delivered a devastating blow against Musk.
Progressives have a defence that is not unlike the way the human body will encase a foreign object lodged in its mass with a fibrous casing thus isolating it from the surrounding tissues where it will remain inert and innocuous until death. This bloke will have spun a casing around his manifest humiliation so it never disturbs his mien again, and by the end of his shift he would have been ready to step outside onto the sidewalk and shout at women who feel like women even when they are not wearing dresses and make up. You know: transphobes.
People wouldn’t be so reactionary if the usual suspects weren’t demanding sinecures and their white useless idiot mates were not advocating for a land rent to indigenous folk.
Winston, that looks like something extremely personal and malicious. She can remediate the soil, but it looks like clay so it will take a lot of leaching.
The smallness and meanness of the act beggars belief.
Some veggies are grown on reclaimed land, as in the Netherlands. I’m sure she’ll get support from some kind soul on what to do.
Not for much longer in Danistan.
Latest ginned-up story is “pigs being killed in gas chambers”.
Lots of Hi Alan! “farmers” ringing 3AW to complain.
Ten years ago I spoke with a totally hippie pig farmer who insisted on sending her piglets for slaughter using gas because it was totally humane.
I wonder what the real agenda is.
Good morning.
Has Biden regime-changed Russia yet?
Sky News just blanked Jacinta Price’s voice for a while and nearly dumped the live segment altogether.
Mother Lode nailed it. Brilliant post at 10.52am.
Would that all Australians might have such an opportunity and not just one “race.”
Mother Lode at 1052
We have at least one representative of the type here, routinely claiming his intellectual superiority on the strength of having failed economics and then becoming a j’ismist.
Rasmussen: Democrats backing RFK Jr.
I expect he will be officially declared a Nazi within the month and his Cape Cod home raided some time this year.
Ron DeSantis’ 2024 Florida Media Outlet Conducts a Poll – DeSantis Floor Collapses, Donald Trump Promotes DeSantis Poll
April 12, 2023 – Sundance
To understand the humor in this it’s important to know that Florida Voice News is a fake news and Astroturf media operation set up entirely to promote Ron DeSantis.
Organized by CEO Brandon Leslie, a man who Will Rogers never met, the entire construct of the Florida’s Voice media firm (established in 2021) is to support and promote Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Florida Voice Media conducted a poll from their Twitter account. The FLVoice followers are all DeSantis supporters.
That’s the backdrop for this level of funny.
Even when a poll is conducted within the group that carries the most die-hard Ron DeSantis supporters, the results are the worst yet.
The results are so bad for Ron DeSantis, that even Donald Trump promoted the DeSantis media operation on his Truth Social account.
Leeser’s “dream” is local voices handling local issues, without involving distant bureaucracies.
A Referendum isn’t required for that to happen.
Leeser got outsmarted by Dutton, anything he says from here on in is just sour grapes.
Latest ginned-up story is “pigs being killed in gas chambers”.
The abattoir I worked at used to slaughter by stunning with electricity and then sticking. They upgraded to gassing and then sticking.
Or, and in the immortal words of the great John Constantine:
His words liveth forevermore.
RFK Jr. is fully on board with LGBTIA+, has made no statement on the Ukraine War, and he isn’t even an AntiVaxxer.
Similar to Pauline Hanson, has an annoying voice too, he’ll fold under pressure.
Goodbye General Mark Milley
government monetary policy in action.
That would be…
Napalm-clad freedom barracks…Comrades.
Sorely missed.
DeSantis Is So Gonna Ride His Bicycle in Slow Circles at End of Republican Delegation Driveway if They Don’t Stop Endorsing Trump
April 12, 2023 – Sundance
The downward spiral has reached critical mass. Following the Trump endorsement by Florida Congressman Byron Douglas [See Here], Team Meatball is triggered. Ron DeSantis has begun calling Florida Republican congressional reps, begging them not to endorse President Trump.
You can almost see the cheese arriving to complement the whine.
As Trump continues to lead in the polls for the GOP presidential nomination, the governor is trying to stop defections in his own backyard ahead of his expected run.
DeSantis currently has no endorsements from the state delegation.
The efforts by the governor’s team started after Trump picked up the backing of Rep. Byron Donalds, who has been a DeSantis ally. The earlier three endorsements were from Reps. Anna Paulina Luna, Matt Gaetz and Cory Mills, who are vocal Trump boosters and whose support wasn’t surprising.
Since Donalds came out for Trump, DeSantis’ team has called at least six members of Florida’s congressional delegation, asking that they hold off on making any endorsements in the near future. The members called by DeSantis’ team are: Reps. Aaron Bean, Vern Buchanan, Kat Cammack, Mario Diaz-Balart, Laurel Lee and Greg Steube.
Ryan Tyson, a longtime GOP pollster and mainstay in DeSantis’ political orbit, has led the effort. Tyson has initiated the calls, reaching out to schedule a later call between the member of Congress and DeSantis himself.
“There is clearly some angst from the DeSantis camp that so many members of the state’s congressional delegation are throwing their support behind Trump,” said a GOP consultant for one of the members contacted by the governor’s team. “Gaetz going with Trump is one thing, but Byron’s endorsement of the former president undoubtedly rattled some cages.” (read more)
“DeSantis currently has NO ENDORSEMENTS from the Florida delegation“….
Readers, if you are a registered voter in Florida, you know what to do. Call your congressman or congresswoman and tell them your expectation, in advance of DeSantis calling them and asking for an endorsement.
Let the GOP representatives know your expectation, while simultaneously delivering a death blow to the influence of Wall Street, multinational corporations, billionaire influence peddlers and the professional political class.
They have dumped $500+ million into DeSantis… Make it worthless!
DeSantis ran to be governor of Florida. Make him live up to that expectation.
“There is only one leader at this time in our nation’s history who can seize this moment and deliver what we need – to get us back on track, provide strength and resolve, and Make America Great Again. That is why I am honored to endorse President Donald J. Trump for President in 2024, and I ask my fellow Americans to join me today.” ~ Byron Donalds
In the interests of full disclosure, it would be nice if Andrew Bolt informed his viewers that his go-to spokesman for endless war – Jack Keane – is, or has been, commercially associated with Humvee, General Dynamics (as director) and the Blackwater mercenary group. He is founder of IP3 – the outfit trying to sell US nuclear technology to the Saudis. If there was a buck in it, this bloke would back the bombing of the Holy See.
Ed Casesays:
April 13, 2023 at 11:03 am
Leeser’s “dream” is local voices handling local issues, without involving distant bureaucracies.
A Referendum isn’t required for that to happen.
Leeser got outsmarted by Dutton, anything he says from here on in is just sour grapes.
A referendum isn’t required for any of the cations needed to improve the lot of (particularly) aborigines in regional, rural and remote locations. It is only required to establish a permanent gravy train.
actions, not cations. Though a bit of electrolysis might help, if applied to tender parts of the usual suspects.
Indolent says:
April 13, 2023 at 11:08 am
Goodbye General Mark Milley
The US Has It Wrong
Instead of planning for war without weapons, money, and good leadership, the US should plan for bringing manufacturing and innovation back to America. Perhaps it can’t happen. Controlling Democrats make it too difficult.
Bidenistas have lost most foreign support. Allies of nearly fifty years, such as Saudi Arabia, are breaking away. There is a global movement to end the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and France wants Europe to be completely independent of the US.
Air Force Chief of Staff C.Q. Brown is an African-American general. He is allegedly impressive. However, according to The Daily Caller, he is WOKE.
The Daily Caller News Foundation said he will track promotions according to the [unAmerican] race, equity, and gender viewpoint.
“Brown …appeals to the administration’s DEI bent, Thomas Spoehr, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense, told the DCNF. His concerted messaging on racism in the military matches the White House’s agenda to combat racism and perceived barriers to inclusion and success for minorities,” the report continued.
Yeah, that’s great. Another Marxist?
Alice Springs mayor Matt Paterson says the state of violence in the town has reverted back to
…. what it was before settlement?
So….. there’s a cabal of New World Order-ites releasing Terminator-type beasties among us, deliberately and to sow terror and discord, thus making the public craven and even more dependent on The Borg for their very survival?
And they’re disguised as insular report-reading Parole Board hand-patters with John Lennon glasses and elbow patches?
Criminy jickens. This secret new agenda for world domination must have millions upon millions of highly-trained operatives sworn to secrecy by now.
Pentagon’s Leaked Documents Anger South Korea
“South Korea’s diplomatic policy dictates that it will not send ammunition to countries at war. The recently leaked documents from the Pentagon reveal that the US is bullying South Korea into breaking its policy to arm Ukraine. Worse, the documents reveal that US intelligence agencies have been spying on South Korea. This is an unfortunate start to President Yoon Suk Yeol’s meeting with President Joe Biden scheduled for April 26.
CIA personnel have been warning Washington not to speak to Seoul over the phone until they agreed to arm Ukraine. Former presidential secretary for foreign affairs Lee Moon-hee, named Yi Mun-hui in the documents, told former Director of National Security Kim Sung-han that South Korea would have two options. The first would be for the nation to change its stance. The second would be for South Korea to send weapons to Poland, using Poland as the middleman to avoid breaking policy as “getting the ammunition to Ukraine quickly was the ultimate goal of the United States.” The documents also reveal potential wiretapping against South Korea who is supposed to be an ally.
Yoon is under pressure from both the US and his own policymakers. Opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) floor leader Park Hong-keun is urging Yoon to demand an apology from Biden. “If confirmed, it is an unacceptable practice that cannot be tolerated in the 70-year alliance and a clear infringement of South Korea’s sovereignty that shatters bilateral trust … The U.S. government should be faithful to its ally and apologize to the South Korean public and the government, if those reports are true,” Park stated.
Why is the US risking its international alliances to fight a foreign war? The Biden Administration has completely abandoned domestic policy in favor of fighting a war on behalf of Ukraine. Countries previously yielded to the demands of the US as its military and economic power made it the key ally. Things have changed. Nations are increasingly distancing themselves from the US as the country spirals down a dark path that has already shaken its superpower status.”
I see that elbow’s reforms to aged care are starting to work, not. There have been facility closures in Victoria and NSW, with more to come. If you think aged care is expensive now just wait until the 15% wage increase causes more closures and as supply dwindles up go prices.
Trump: Maybe Biden leaked the documents.
There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.
– Aldous Huxley
DeSantis ran to be governor of Florida. Make him live up to that expectation.
Old Ozzie:
For gods sake, OO, give those poor girls a decent feed of steak and vegies!.
Leeser’s “dream” is local voices handling local issues, without involving distant bureaucracies.
There are many Commonwealth powers that could be devolved.
I see nothing wrong with anti nuke sentiment. Good arguments can be had like the US and Russia involving them selves in proxy wars behind nuclear shield. That said. M.A.D was never sold on the prevention of all wars.
Boambee Johnsays:
April 13, 2023 at 11:11 am
A referendum isn’t required for any of the cations needed to improve the lot of (particularly) aborigines in regional, rural and remote locations. It is only required to establish a permanent gravy train.
All that needs happen is to look to where the current 38 Billion Dollars (last year) goes each year to help the Aboriginal People. But no one in Guv’ment or the ‘Aboriginal Industry of Putting Money into their own Back Pockets’ is interested in looking at.
One thing for sure, is that the money does not get down to help those people that need it. No one in Power is or has been listening to their ‘Voice’. And nothing will change until that changes. This ‘Voice’ rubbish will not do it. Never Ever.
The Brit nuclear emergency plan had the local coppers open up and prepare the bunker for the pollies, top public servants and their families, then go home to take their chances. Anybody think the pollies wouldn’t be met by armed coppers defending their families already inside the bunker?
Was Leeser an advocate for subsidarity before the Voice?
Or has he only recently stumbled across this principle in the Liberal Party attic?
Cadmium is commonly used as plating on aircraft nuts and bolts. The vapour is dangerous if you weld it. Causes heart attacks.
Winston Smith says:
April 13, 2023 at 11:21 am
Old Ozzie:
I have been watching Netflix Korean Ron-Com Soaps and the Korean Actresses wear beautiful elegant clothing
For gods sake, OO, give those poor girls a decent feed of steak and vegies!.
Would you prefer Fat American Women?
Personally, having spent a lot of time in Korea, I will go with the Elegant Korean Women
PS they eat meat
Korean BBQ Excellent – Chatswood – http://theyook.com.au/3d-flip-book/theyook-dine-in-menu/
and drool over the Steak at Bugolgi Korean BBQ – 380 Victoria Avenue Chatswood NSW 2067 – just down fron Station
Winston, I’m not sure how you teleported from my observation to yours. I made no comment on the likelihood of any nuclear nation ditching missiles or plans.
Too Good to be left on WolfmanOz at the Movies #66
Muppet Songs: Peter Sellers – Cigarettes & Whiskey
I’m looking for a good duplicate photo sorting app. Going through a lifetimes worth of piccies and there’s 297Gb of the damn things. Obviously don’t want any dodgy software but happy to pay good money for good product.
Any suggestions?
Spent too much time with Greg Craven, would be my guess. Professional Catholics love subsidarity.
Great piece by Janet A in The Australian today on how both men were used as token ‘conservatives’ by Noel Pearson and friends before being cut loose by Voice Marxists with bigger plans to take over the government.
Leeser’s “dream” is local voices handling local issues, without involving distant bureaucracies.
Leesor’s “dream” is public relevance .. once the “3 day” news cycle moves on he’ll be back into irrelevance ….. troughin’ 101 .. they never learn ..!
Inflation Plateau Continues During March, Real Wages Shrink Again, Future Energy Costs Start to Rise Again with Oil
April 12, 2023 Sundance
In the latest round of statistics from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) the March inflation data has been released [DATA HERE]. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) climbed 0.1% in March after advancing 0.4% in February.
This puts the 12-month CPI outlook at 5% inflation. [See Modified Table A on Left]
A 4.6% decline in March gasoline prices was offset by higher rental and housing costs. That was the primary driver of the lowered inflationary data as gasoline is weighted heavier in the impact.
However, that said, gasoline prices are already rising again after Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ oil producers early this month announced further oil output cuts. This puts the April CPI data (starting to be assembled this week) on track to increase over March.
Overall, in the big picture the data shows the plateau of sorts as we described for this spring. This plateau will be followed by another bump as a result of current input costs and prior energy costs traveling through the supply chain.
Energy services, electricity and natural gas, are stable but higher than last year. The crop cycles carry those increased costs from field to fork. Consumers cannot avoid those food prices increasing. The more processing involved in the food sector, the higher the price increase.
Housing increases are another unavoidable cost and generally cycle with a lag within them. As leases expire, the new lease rates increase accordingly. The same is true for insurance rates. Both unavoidable sectors have a rolling lag that hits the consumer upon renewal.
On the wage side [DATA HERE] wages went up .03% but the work week declined 0.3%. Essentially nullifying earnings growth with fewer worked hours. With inflation at 0.1%, real wages declined .01%.
For the total 12-month cycle noted by the BLS data, “real average hourly earnings decreased 0.7 percent, seasonally adjusted, from March 2022 to March 2023. The change in real average hourly earnings combined with a decrease of 0.9 percent in the average workweek resulted in a 1.6-percent decrease in real average weekly earnings over this period.” For the year, wages continue to fall far short of inflation; meaning real wages are negative. Actual real wage growth has been negative for 24 consecutive months.
The main street economy is feeling all of these impacts. The paper economy (Wall St) is not feeling these impacts at the same level. The chasm between the haves and have-nots is widening.
Based on Leesers mealy-mouthed mumbling about various “principles” since Aston, it would appear more likely that he values his own political “career” and future earnings from the Voice agencies than anything you or I might consider relevant to the issues of Voting YES.
Harsh, perhaps, but we need to talk about the 30B++ elephant in the room here which is the current/future employment of activists, lawyers, NGOs and other flotsam & jetsam hiding in the Canberra shadows.
A nice, but impossible, principle would be that anyone or any group campaigning for a policy that could result in their personal benefit should be barred from accessing any funds directly or indirectly for 10 years. Aided by a register of votes and benefits enabled should be maintained.
Dreaming, I know …
I’m looking for a good duplicate photo sorting app.
Check out .. http://www.majorgeeks.com freebies before spending money …..!
Faustus – It’s apartheid. Same as how RSA still practices apartheid now, just with a different bunch on top. The Voice will produce much of the same effects as the current situation in RSA: blackouts 12 hrs a day for example, since the Voice will stymie most energy projects.
It’s actually worse than a third chamber. The people who will make up the Voice are going to be the urban indigenous class, who lockstep vote Left, either Labor or Green. Consequently the Voice will veto anything that a Coalition government attempts. Effectively Australia will become a one party state. I am not joking, this is completely obvious and exactly why Albo has been avoiding any detail. It is a coup attempt.
This from The Guardian back in February.
So there. We used you, now shut up.
I’d love to see Albrechtson’s piece but I’m a cheapskate.
I think Faustus was expressing some scepticism about that line too, Bruce.
That’s how I read it, anyway.
That quote was from Tony McAvoy QC.
Here you go, Calli 😉 :
senior First Nations experts in the political field
The mind boggles .. LOL!
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The cadmium produced at the now closed lead-zinc smelter up the road* was purified by distillation! Zinc has a lower boiling point so it was distilled off the liquid lead first (to produce galvanizing grade Zn which contains about 1% Pb) then the cadmium was boiled out of the now zinc-free molten lead. The crude cadmium was then purified for sale, and was a good money maker until the market collapsed in the mid nineties. After that they just stockpiled the ingots – I suspect they’re now somewhere in the containment cell that the receivers put all the contamination into when the plant was torn down. There’s a Costco and a Bunnings on it now…
(* I worked there ten years)
Thanks C.L.
Albrechtsen comes to the same conclusion that I did yesterday. Leeser cited “constitutional conservatives” in his letter to the electors of Berowra as some sort of magical talisman of acceptance. We only had his word for it.
And it turned out to be untrue.
Is Lesser a Photios creature?
I guess he must be or he would never have achieved preselection.
“There is a particular corner of hell, etc”
Leaked pics show Bud Light exec who wants to update company’s ‘fratty’ culture enjoying fratty party
A Bud Light executive who claimed the beer company needs to update its “fratty” and “out-of-touch” image appeared to enjoy the Greek Life at Harvard while partying at an alleged “haven of inebriated ditzes.”
Budweiser’s vice president of marketing Alissa Heinerscheid could be seen in images on her now-deleted Facebook page enjoying a campus scavenger hunt, blowing up condoms like balloons, and downing beers during a 2006 “boozefest”
The Daily Caller obtained photos of the Bud Light exec.
Heinerscheid and her college pals can be seen in an album titled “Isis Senior Reverse Initiation Scavenger Hunt,” where the co-eds held a talk about “the exploration of the scrotum professors.”
The photos appeared to have been taken during an event hosted by Harvard’s ISIS Club, a group founded to create a “safe social space for women” to socialize on campus.
The club, however, was slammed by the Harvard Crimson student newspaper in 2005 as a “haven of inebriated ditzes” who took part in “boozefests.”
Many on social media called out Heinerscheid as a hypocrite for appearing to take part in the same fratty culture she claimed the beer company needed to do away with.
“This is too funny. Do as I say, not as I do,” one Twitter user wrote.
Leeser appears to think he deserves some level of trust from people just by virtue of his virtue signalling for “10 years” and repeating magic words. BS.
Lesson from NZ re sneaking co-governance into a western democracy is not to trust anyone who will benefit from or depend upon the resulting bureacracies generated by un-announced/unexplained policies.
So, she was a sorostitute?
Even though Head Case disagrees, there are such people as evolutionary biologists. The one linked backthread made a clear distinction between two sexes, male and female. It’s not biologically hard although the differences are complex. He also noted, as I have often said here, that rare genetic abnormalities producing an ‘intersex’, are not ‘another’ sex, simply a failed genetic process. As this biologist notes, transgenderism does not apply to these medical cases, as transgenders are clearly of one sex, either male or female, but who claim to be otherwise. They are thus of course much more numerous. They have no evidence that their ‘dysphoria’ is biological, nor that their basic sexual biology changes with either their clothing or their hormones and surgeries. They introduce the sad and rare intersex group as a furphy:
Keep up the reality chant. There are only two sexes.
Men are not and can never be women, nor can women become men.
If you are a rare intersex person, you chose with medical intervention a sex, either male or female, that best matches whatever is most sexually normal about your genes and your reproductive organs.
The old argument that nukes prevent war is obviously bullshit anyway.
Time to get rid of them.
Ok do the scenario of the current Russia Ukraine war without nukes tying either sides hands.
I think its extremely likely it would have turned into a hot Nato vs Russia war by now, with the Chinese seeing just how tied up the US got while eyeing of Taiwan.
Anyway, those cheering sides are basicly celebrating conscripts being killed.
People who dont want to be there being killed by those who wont be there.
End-blockquote fail in comment above. Last two short paras are my commentary.
Stone the cows!
Scientists evaluate potential human cannabinoid exposure from consuming meat if cattle are fed hempseed cake (12 Apr)
That’s sad. Hash brownies are ok, but hash hamburgers would be even more fun! I’m sure the cows would have a fine old time eating those hemp cakes also.
To be clear, for me, Apartheid and Third Chamber are terms encouraged by the Prog Yes tendency, easily to be knocked down because they are inaccurate – taking with them scrutiny of the underlying political realities that Bruce points to.
Ordered that for my then 12 year old son.
Much hilarity. He ate it though.
The only thing I’ve given up on is the snails in Valencian paella, prized out a couple from the shell then got squeamish and stopped, in that case though I knew they were coming. Did narrowly avoid frogs legs in Spain, thanks Google translate.
Boambee John:
Yes. The local Big Men will sort the problems out – not. How do they think the places got to this point?
Although, if you don’t speak French, there is a risk from the nose-to-tail set of most menus.
Your volets de vache enflammés marinés panés monsoir…
(google translated for your enjoyment).
You’re more worried about cannabinoid accumulation than heavy metal poisoning.
Yes. It’s just like the Left. Throw tomato soup over someone you disagree with. Open a tin of baked beans and pour it over a 400 year old painting. Daub a building with yellow ochre.
All of these acts are personal and malicious, just like the acts of spoiled children.
Nasty and vicious. Describes the Left to a ‘T’.
Bring back the lash.
Why? Because they are also cowards. They hunt in packs, and decamp at the first sign of retaliation. Personal discomfort to them is something alien and to be avoided.
Seems like a champion (not one to be “champed”).
Trust me, snails and frog legs are good. I’m conflicted because I have taken to little froggies after watching those “REEEing frogs” videos.
Paul Murray also has on that smug Linda Scott whom I cannot stand and who is worse than Rose Jackson. I change channels when she is on.
April 13, 2023 at 11:43 am
Leeser’s “dream” is local voices handling local issues, without involving distant bureaucracies.
Leesor’s “dream” is public relevance .. once the “3 day” news cycle moves on he’ll be back into irrelevance ….. troughin’ 101 .. they never learn ..!
That’s why I put “dream” in quote marks.
You will loe this one then.
My little bloke does a great impression complete with stalking away on all 4s.
That’s the classic REEing! frog actually.
People often make that argument as a way to explain why there hasn’t been a third world war. It is too expensive to wage total war so they stick to proxy fights instead which limits the carnage. Not sure how that logic works out when it starts to be proxy wars waged by drones.
The Amazon doco series The Celts was good up to the last show when it deverted into a pro EU love fest.
The Australian town where water insecurity is felt more than some communities in Bangladesh
7.30 / By Carly Williams
My first thoughts “why dont they have an RO plant in town..
They do.
Looks much the same as the one on the minesite.
Lack of maintenance and upkeep, the bit about waste water is a crock of crap, if you are using an evaporation pond and its too full build another one.
They arent some mystical white man magic, you swap the filters when it says so, change out the sand occasionally in that section and ensure chlorine goes in at the right predetermined rate, (changing out empties for full) and so on.
A couple of times a year you will have a breakdown which means swapping out a motor/impeller etc or a sparky will be needed.
Once a year a bloke from the plant manufacturer comes along to update anything that needs it.
There is literally only the sparky/ plant manufacturer which requires specialized knowledge beyond those of a week long tafe course.
The blokes running our plant are all self taught from the instruction books and copying the blokes who have been there longer.
“Cite your link, dope.”
Says Ed, without citing his own link!
Once it gets past the moderation (too many links, I suggest), you’ll be able to see my cites including one to Pew that refutes your claim that Trump had less black voters in percentage terms in 2020 than in 2016.
Today in Liberalism:
“Once it gets past the moderation (too many links, I suggest), you’ll be able to see my cites…”
It’s here in this thread, but still showing “Awaiting moderation”. Dunno if a direct link will show it, but anyway:
On their ABCcess.
They had a fertility Dr on bemoaning that all forms of pharmaceutical birth control wasnt free.
Wat stuck out was her saying “all women and people with uterus’”
FMD- we are way down the rabbit hole now.
Zelensky and team stole at least $400 million of US aid – Seymour Hersh
Corruption in Ukraine may be on par with what was seen in Afghanistan, the investigative journalist claimed
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and his senior officials are skimming American taxpayer dollars by the hundreds of millions, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claimed on Wednesday. The alleged grift even includes schemes involving trade with Russia itself.
Zelensky and his entourage embezzled at least $400 million from US funds meant for diesel procurement last year, Hersh claimed in a new article on Substack, citing a CIA estimate.
Kiev has allegedly been buying diesel fuel, which is essential for the war effort, from Russia itself – and in the process skimming large sums of US funds earmarked for diesel payments.
Reports had earlier surfaced about how oil products originating in Russia had made their way to Ukraine through Bulgaria and Latvia. The scheme involving the Baltic state, which was reported in detail by the Latvian television program Neka Personiga, may have violated the EU’s anti-Russian sanctions.
An expert cited by Hersh compared the level of corruption in Ukrainian procurement to what was seen in Afghanistan, when a US-backed government was in charge in Kabul. According to his sources, ministries in Kiev compete to set up front firms in order to export weapons and ammunition, with the relevant officials profiting from kickbacks. The US government, meanwhile, has stated that it has seen no evidence of Western-supplied weapons in Ukraine being diverted elsewhere.
Hersh cited an intelligence source who referred to the January meeting between Zelensky and CIA Director William Burns. The US official allegedly presented a list of 35 generals and ministers known to the CIA to be corrupt.
Senior Ukrainian officials also complained that Zelensky “was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals,” the source explained, comparing the meeting to a scene from a 1950s mob movie.
Hersh contends that the Ukrainian leader’s response was to fire staff from the Cabinet of Ministers, regional administrations, and other parts of the Ukrainian government. Kiev claimed the move was part of its anti-corruption strategy. Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov, who became mired in a scandal over purchases of overpriced food for troops, was widely expected to be sacked at the time, but he survived the purge.
Hersh’s sources blamed Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan for the ongoing crisis in the US government, which allegedly suffers from discord between the White House and intelligence community.
The two top foreign policy officials have shown “strident ideology and lack of political skill” over the Ukraine conflict, according to the sources.
Tony Abbott on the Voice:
Makes some eminently good points.
Glad you posted that, Ozzie.
Hersh really nails the Zelensky crime family.
Funniest line of the week…
Matt Walsh has accused Justin Pearson of “doing blackface.”
F8ck the TGA. The no tobacco bit reminds me of something Doc Ardis brought up relating to nicotine receptors in the brain and the muck shots…will dig for it.
Daily Insights:
13 Apr 2023
The Australian Government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration website states: “Some therapeutic goods, including prescription and certain pharmacist-only medicines, as well as biologicals (things such as vaccines, for example), are prohibited from being advertised directly to the public.” They’re very clear on that. It makes sense, right? When we feel sick, we can go see a doctor and they can prescribe a medication to us if they deem it necessary. It’s not a perfect system, but certainly, if advertisers had free rein, knowing that these giant pharmaceutical companies have very deep pockets, we’d end up with ads for tetanus injections and heart medications. So that’s why I found it unusual, but perhaps unsurprising, that there’s an exception to the rule, and I think you might be able to guess what for.
Medicine Ads Are Not Permitted (Well Almost!)
But I am really worried about him flying into Northern Ireland to fix things.
I watched a Dutch documentary many years ago on euthanasia where one of the participants was a female to male who opted in after ‘botched’ surgery.
As far as I’m concerned it’s always botched surgery.
Happy with my 73 likes for my comment in the Oz. Topic was Leesser. Comment essentially saying the bounder had put himself before the party, should never have been Shadow Minister for all things Abo. He was never aligned with Liberal values. Should have resigned year ago. However I was more happy about getting the term ‘Trojan Voice’ past the gate keepers. (They normally reject my comments or hold them for 3-7 hours until the first wave of interest has passed.)
The ‘Voice’ is an emotive soft weazel word. There is no harm in someone having a voice, who could be opposed to that? Like the term ‘Safe Schools’ in Victoria. Essentially they are trojan terms which invite support from all the soft-heads and enable activists to get their package of country wrecking devices past the people and into law. Trojan Voice hopefully will make some think a bit deeper about what is at risk.
Knuckle Dragger:
So you’re hitching your star to the idea that he’s been changed from a sadistic personality disorder killer, to a person who is no threat to the public at large, and young women in particular?
Most courageous, young feller. Most courageous.
And that is where he should have been left. A mildly amusing and vexatious shit-stirrer in the mould of the Chaser “Boys” or Salim Mehajer (remember him?).
Instead some elevated him to “Saviour of The Free World” status.
It was obvious at the time that his antics were largely about self promotion to create a grift platform.
Matt Walsh has accused Justin Pearson of “doing blackface.”
Any male trannie who claims to be a female should be accused of ‘womanface’.
The egomaniacs who go into politics pretending that they just want to make the world or the country a better place always reveal themselves. Leeser just wants to be known as one of the fathers of the new constitution, everything else is now just justification.
Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld thunders:
prominent intersex athletes like South African runner Caster Semenya.
Caster Semenya is a dude whose testes never dropped.
If you are a rare intersex person, you chose with medical intervention a sex, either male or female, that best matches whatever is most sexually normal about your genes and your reproductive organs.
Surgery solves all problems, eh, Doc?
BBC train-wreck interview here. Reminds me of J. Peterson’s
Ed wins the day for saying Robert F Kennedy Jr not an anti vaxxer.
Clearly never heard of the Children Health Defence organisation set up by Kennedy in connection with his campaign against vaccines. It even operates in Oz.
Some people here are arguably worse than Monty when it comes to word twisting.
Jill Meagher’s murderer had no prior conviction for murder.
Incidentally while Denyer may unfortunately be eligible for parole, doesn’t mean he’ll get it.
Personally I would be very surprised if he does.
If he doesn’t, someone’s theory falls flat on its face.
Rosie, I know how to get a cooked snail out of its shell and separate the edible part from the rest, it comes off easily. I have also had frogs legs and no, they don’t taste like chicken, more like crocodile.
Cletus dodders on:
My first thoughts “why dont they have an RO plant in town..
They do.
Looks much the same as the one on the minesite.
Lack of maintenance and upkeep, the bit about waste water is a crock of crap, if you are using an evaporation pond and its too full build another one.
Try reading the story.
They’re Reverse Osmosis-ing Artesian Bore Water.
The amount of solid waste quickly became so great that toxic run off became the issue.
As one of the women said, she grew up in a humpy on the banks of the Namoi River, it was clear enough to drink straight from the river.
Instead of bleating like a Broken Arsed Brolga, wonder why the river is now too polluted to drink.
it isn’t the Indigenous people’s fault.
who’s guessing Denyer’s question for sex reassignment surgery was a quest to get into a women’s prison to pick up from where he left off in Frankston?
“If you are a rare intersex person, you chose with medical intervention a sex, either male or female, that best matches whatever is most sexually normal about your genes and your reproductive organs.
Surgery solves all problems, eh, Doc?”
If you are an XXY or XYY – ie, intersex – (and such people do indeed exist), then surgery can help.
If you are, like 99% of us, either XX or XY, then no, surgery will likely not solve your problems.
SITREP 4/12/23: Offensive…or Collapse?
Let’s start by catching up on some sundry and important news of the past few days.
First it must be noted that there’s been a sharp uptick in the shrillness of desperation in the Western MSM reportage this past week. Ever since the Leaks to end all Leaks dropped, it’s been nothing but doom and gloom and panic.
These articles all talk about the inarguable mood in the air being that of a ‘last hurrah’ from which Ukraine will never recover, if their next offensive goes sour.
Of course, this can be read in several ways. The leaks could be a vast psyop and misdirection campaign, which Russian government officials have already acknowledged to being possible. Or, the leaks could truly be real, and have revealed such uncomfortable truths about everything inside Ukraine, that the vast yet fragile propaganda house of cards that’s been holding the AFU up is slowly coming undone.
The leaked classified information about the US and NATO plans for Ukraine might have been caused by US military and government officials frustrated with the Biden administration’s “demand for a US victory against Russia, where none is possible,” Karen Kwiatkowski, retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel and former analyst for the US Department of Defense, told Sputnik.
“It could also be frustration by intelligence producers inside the Pentagon or elsewhere with the political demands for shaped and tailored output, an output that eliminates researched and objective analysis in order to align with and support the political desires of the administration,” Kwiatkowski mused.
The problem with the leaks being a psyop angle, is that not only have there been many damaging revelations vis a vis U.S.’s relations to other countries, but the leaks have confirmed many inconvenient things we’ve already been taking notice of.
For instance, the way they exposed the near-depletion of UA’s air defense network is something that has already been getting hysterical outcries from the AFU itself, as recently Russia’s uptick in glide-bomb and guided bomb usage has gone up so drastically that it’s being noticed on every front. The AFU admits to being badly hammered and unable to stop it.
In the past week or so, there has been a major onslaught on UA ammo depots in particular, which UA channels have confirmed. Here is one such transmission from last night (autotranslated):
The translation is a little wonky but he’s basically saying Russia’s new guided bombs are not a moped (Geran/Shahed drone), not a “Hail” stone (Hail is the translation for ‘Grad’ MLRS), and not a 152mm artillery shell. In short, they are saying these new guided bombs are massively more powerful and are doing serious damage.
“Minus the opornik” means forts/fortifications destroyed, the rest is self-explanatory. The post further admits how their air defense can barely do anything anymore in stopping this.
There are daily reports now of various types of new guided bombs hitting everything in Ukraine:
This comes on the heels of many new, frank admissions by the U.S., such as a sudden newfound respect and fear of Wagner group:
Insiders in the Ministry of Defense are concerned about the Wagner PMCs, because it is the most highly organized and combat-ready PMCs in the world, surpassing even the American Blackwater PMCs, the British Aegis Defense Service PMCs, the French Salamandre PMCs,” writes the author of the publication Peter Carroll.
The author notes that, among other things, the mentioned Western PMCs have never encountered operations and tasks that the Wagner PMCs successfully performs.
A new source of despair has even been the worsening drone situation, as AFU reports that Russian EW capabilities are becoming increasingly widespread and more powerful.
According to The Guardian, soldiers operators of the Ukrainian forces in the area of the city of Bakhmut are concerned that after three months they will not be able to use the available quadcopters due to the improving Russian jamming systems.
According to them, the maximum range in the area of the city of Bakhmut is 500 meters, compared to 3 kilometers in December. While the Russian artillery takes positions 3 kilometers behind the front line, then withdraws.
This has extended to newly released leaks from last week’s leak batch which report that Russia’s EW has completely nullified the U.S.’s new JDAM-ERs:
For anyone that’s followed my work for a long time, you’ll know I posted the famous Dr. Philip Karber speech at West Point, where he talks about exactly this capability of Russia. He mentions how Russian EW can even fry the electronic fuses on American guided Excalibur artillery shells before they land:
The entire second half of this video talks about a lot of the Russian capabilities which are now being proven in Ukraine:
More and more the mood appears to be shifting towards acceptance of a new reality.
Seymour Hersh even dropped a new bombshell yesterday, claiming that he was told by an insider the following:
U.S. prepares draft agreement to end conflict in Ukraine – Seymour Hersh
According to an American journalist, the U.S. side is allegedly considering ending the conflict in favor of Ukraine, and, accordingly, is preparing for it.
However, the kicker was that this is being prepared in the event that ‘Russia loses the war’, at which point the U.S. will present it with a peace treaty. This makes no sense, and sounds to me like internal face-saving ‘cover’ meant to disguise the need to prepare a real peace treaty, by initially clothing it in favorable terms, like Ukraine being the victor.
Along those same lines, as part of the recent leaks, U.S. is reportedly now analyzing “wild card” (i.e. black swan) events that could send the conflict into tailspins. These include ‘the death of Zelensky’ or Putin himself.
Other new rumors abound, this one from Alistair Crook:
Zelenskyy is ready to transfer several western regions of the country to Poland in exchange for full-scale military assistance to the Ukraine army in the seizure of Crimea.
This was stated by the former intelligence officer of the British intelligence service MI6 Alistair Crook.
Ukrainian territory means nothing to Zelenskyy.
And The Times struck a very sour note in their new article, intimating exactly what we’ve been saying, that the feeling of time running out is high, and that this may be Ukraine’s “last chance”, particularly because if the offensive fails, they won’t have any forces left for a second try.
This summary paints a very dire picture:
New revelations 100% confirm that Ukraine did in fact launch massive attempts to storm the Energodar nuke plant last year, and in fact the scale of these was even larger than we thought.
As can be seen in the second paragraph above, they even make a giant admission: that the AFU used HIMARS to strike Russian positions at the plant. Recall that it was earlier confirmed that the U.S. has to give greenlights for every single HIMARs target/usage through a permission chain.
This is tacit proof that the U.S. was in fact complicit in the targeting of a nuclear power plant.
Not only does this have major ramifications for the IAEA nuclear commission, but this heavily encroaches on a very thin red line for nuclear standoffs between superpowers. With this tacit confirmation, Russia would have a lot of evidence and ammunition for major nuclear deterrence escalations. This alone could be responsible for many of the new nuclear doctrinal changes Russia has been making, as discussed in the last report.
So all those reports from the Russian MOD, which were decried as “fake”, ballyhooed and mocked by many people even on the pro-Russian side, were correct, and those people can now eat their crow.
At the time of the attacks I had posted dozens of videos showing proof of the casualties the AFU was taking in these failed raids: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, etc. Call this a vindication. The Russian MOD, once again, has been proven accurate in hindsight.
Here’s an RT article on the same.
Another interesting report which Putin himself happened to corroborate, was how surrendering AFU troops were blasted by their own from the rear. In this case, a Ukrainian commander himself announced his surrender on an open radio channel, which Russian forces monitor for precisely this reason. The Russian forces organized a brief ceasefire in that sector in order to facilitate the surrender of the commander and his troops.
The AFU then unleashed a massive barrage on them, reportedly killing every single one of the surrendering troops:
Another important report is that Russia has in fact dredged up the downed American MQ-9 Reaper and has handed it over to the top KRET institute, responsible for Russia’s main EW platforms, who is reportedly gleaning very sensitive details from it:
Read this thread for more detailed info: https://twitter.com/Cicke69/status/1644463225306759168
As a brief low-intensity interlude, I wanted to share this long-ish writeup by a Russian channel on how Russian troops are situated on the frontline. For those who aren’t interested, you can skip this section to more juicier bits.
But this answers questions many have had in terms of how exactly do Russian brigade-sized forces distribute themselves on a front that is under constant threat of mass precision HIMARs strikes, which can wipe out an entire unit in one go.
Here’s what the insider had to say about this:
Onto other things. A new report from B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations for the U.S. Space Force, claims that Russia is interfering with U.S. satellites.
This was after a new report that the U.S. was in fact trying to mess with Russian civilian satellite signals itself.
Other military news includes the announcement by Russian defense firm Rostec that the state trials have finished for the Arena-M APS (Active Protection System).
It has passed specific qualifications against newly-seized Western anti-tank systems, which means it’s now ready for showtime:
I’ve saved the Bakhmut developments for last this time, so let’s begin on that.
There have in fact been major advances. Most notably, Wagner has finally broken through the key ‘rail line’ which bisected western Bakhmut from north to south.
Firstly, here’s a map showing the newly gained territory, more easily visualized this way:
More and more I’m beginning to think that there will be no real offensive. It will amount to nothing more than the infamous Kherson attempts long ago which were blown away with massive losses. And that’s not a change of mind due to the leaks—if anything the leaks would make me think the opposite, that the AFU could be much stronger than they let on. It’s simply a hunch formed of all the recent Ukrainian goings on and what I’m seeing on the field, coupled with how strong Russia has been getting in terms of the total stabilization of the frontlines and massive daily reports of its manufacturing and productive industrial progress.
I think they know the type of disaster they’re sitting on, and are just buying time for some magic unicorn moment to save them.
Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK gave us insight into this a few days ago
when he said that for now the AFU’s losses are state secret, but one day they will be revealed and they will be a “horrible number”.
So….. there’s a cabal of New World Order-ites releasing Terminator-type beasties among us, deliberately and to sow terror and discord, thus making the public craven and even more dependent on The Borg for their very survival?
“They’d bred me to create fear. And I just did what I was supposed to do. People are scared, they’re scared of each other, because of people like me. That’s the way they want it, ‘cause then it always stays the same. They keep control that way. Fu77king idiots, fu77in’ fools. I was never free. Nobody’s ever free. One man released, so they can imprison the rest of the world.”
1.22.07 for the old lags monologue.
Self serving- but given a tiny % of people actually commit horrendous crimes you have to ask how come they seem to be allowed out to reoffend.
1 junkie burglar keeps a dozen coppers employed, the security screen/camera company humming along and arent like those evil people who save money – they spend everything they have being true Keynesian heros..
Doc Ardis:
Dr. ‘Bryan Ardis’ “Nicotine Gum STOPS ‘Covid-19’, The Answer To The ‘Covid-19’ Pandemic”
And I never said it was.
The idea behind MAD was to raise the cost of nuclear war to a level no one would pay.
Unfortunately it became untenable as a doctrine when the mad Mullahs of Iran decided Armageddon was just the ticket to bring on the twelfth Imam.
Valencian snails are very small and I did eat a few, no problem with taste I just didn’t find it an enjoyable process with the provided tooth pick.
The frogs legs were at the bus station cafe in Zaragosa which is mainly why I declined.
Ed wins the day for saying Robert F Kennedy Jr not an anti vaxxer.
Do some research, dumbo.
AntiVaxxer are against all vaccines.
Kennedy picks and chooses, but if push came to shove, he’d fold and shill for Big Pharma.
April 13, 2023 at 11:54 am
Here you go, Calli ? :
Julian Leeser had no choice but to resign this week from the frontbench of the Liberal Party. Not just because shadow cabinet ministers will not get a conscience vote on the voice. Leeser had to leave because his position on the voice to parliament has been confused and untenable for too long.
I would go further than Albrechtsen. The Voice government will not be a co-governor but will supersede the existing parliament. Rub and tug is planning a coup.
Sad that someone is so dumb and misinformed as to do such things, but a rare double Darwin Award.
Bayley’s first name is Adrian, not Ernest.
Bit of Holier then thou finger pointing goin’ on, but the pointies missed that fact.
I can’t imagine why.
Do you really think the Norks and Iranians will ditch their plans to achieve nuclear power status?
I don’t understand how anyone could NOT arrive at my conclusion.
Also has a comfy gig at the Henry Kissinger Peace Academy.
And of course not once in the last 65,000 years did the Walgett area experience a drought.
Fresh potable water 365 days a year until the colonisers arrived.
Hence the saying, “The importance of not being Ernest”.
Full blown Kremlin propaganda.
Make NATO pay for destroying Libya
Showing Libya with Gaddfi vs Libya with “American Democracy”
summed up by Photo
Grandpa Ed Simpson
How many commenters on this blog do you call Cletus?
Now you have applied the term to mole. He’s a good commenter, but there is only one Cletus the Illustrious. Do better, make up new pseudo-insults if you must. Surely your education network, The Simpsons provides you with more options?
“I would go further than Albrechtsen. The Voice government will not be a co-governor but will supersede the existing parliament. Rub and tug is planning a coup.”
I would agree with that assessment. We are walking into a disaster.
They’re Reverse Osmosis-ing Artesian Bore Water. – We are RO ing water too loaded with salt and “hard” minerals to be fit for human consumption. RO plants work on some really crappy water.
The amount of solid waste quickly became so great that toxic run off became the issue.. So the seepage/evaporations ponds needed to be made larger to contain the waste? Thats literally “digging a large enough hole” level tech.
Solid waste would be sand from the filters which has become too loaded with material and old filters – calling it “toxic” is just mong level reporting.
Who also contaminated the pure rain water and grain alcohol with sodium salts and fusel alcohols.
No, and at no point did I say that, which you well know.
I am saying – although some may not have grasped the commentary of Parole Board members being insular and having Lennon glasses and elbow patches on their jackets – that the Parole Board are indeed insular, and are disconnected from the real world. There are indeed hand-patters on every such Board in the country, it is said.
They are in little position to understand the actual threat the Denyers of the world pose to normal people, because they judge their suitability for release primarily on reports compiled by handpatters within corrections systems.
Therefore – they are both out of touch and stupid, rather than hiding-in-plain-sight acolytes of the Stonecutters.
It’s idiocy, not conspiracy.
I’ve stocked up on iodine, so I should be all right. Iodine courage.
Speaking of conspiracies – I will muse further on this later today, when I’m down at the airport viewing area seeing if I can spot squadrons of PLA transports carrying infantry coming in to land.