That’s not really how that might work. Once the ICBMs start flying, they all go, because that’s the logic of…
That’s not really how that might work. Once the ICBMs start flying, they all go, because that’s the logic of…
Finbarr Bermingham@fberminghamExclusive: the European Parliament has removed curbs on lawmakers meeting Chinese officials
Arabism has appealed to many poms. A culture of laziness, living in tents, attractive camels.
2AM last pie in the roadhouse bain-marie retard strength. Those following me will find death a blessing.
Steve T, you might be onto something about Indian curry being crap. Waiting at the airport there is an Indian…
So, where does he stand with the voice/treaty/truth/reparations/compensation agenda?
“Offensive dolls”
Sorry, I’m not stupid enough to keep up with these “important” issues.
Kennedy specifically blamed thimersol which hasn’t been used in childhood vaccines since 2001.
Cages in liquor stores.
Try heavy duty perspex and bank style lazy susans to pay and get your food in a fast food restaurant.
That was near Paramount in Los Angeles, obviously they’d been robbed once too often.
My friend from the mid west said most of the stores in her old neighbourhood were gone, getting robbed every other day is wearisome.
Then people complain they aren’t getting the services enjoyed in more law abiding communities.
…it finally made TheirABC…
So when Tennis Albo puts the boot into Thorpe, then the ABC does so too…
Talk about His Master’s Voice!
The Jacinta advert for NO to the Voice is good, very good.
Just had a look, Cassie. Quite so.
NASA posits several moon bases rather than one.
These people are psychopaths-what a loathsome creature
One for each letter in LGBTIQ?
Need another sexual anomaly.
I still have my childhood golliwog. He’s gorgeous. I love golliwogs. He sits by my bed and protects me.
There used to be a toy store in Sydney’s QVB building. The toy store was owned by a woman and it’s gone now. I think it was the Covid lockdowns that forced the woman to shut up shop. Her shop sold the most exquisite English, French, German, and Italian toys, dolls, doll’s houses, puppets, train sets, and yes, golliwogs. Some of the merchandise was hand made and yes, it was expensive but beautiful. Over the years I bought many things from her for my nephews and nieces. But I don’t think it was just Covid that forced her to close down, I think she’d had enough. For years her store had been called “Just White Toy Shop”, located on the second floor of the QVB. In 2017 or 2018, I remember going into her store and I noticed that the store name had changed. I asked her why? She told me that activists had targeted her store for selling golliwogs, and wait for it, for the name of her store, she was accused of promoting racism. They pressured QVB management to make her stop selling golliwogs and to change the name of the store. She did but I don’t blame her for finally shutting up shop. It still makes me angry.
I had a golliwog money box….
All the twitter angst about how the Catholic Church were being mean to Father Bob this last year or so.
Seems the decision to send in a assessment team was the caring and correct decision.
He was past it, physically and mentally as clearly evident from his death just two days after making his latest claim.
May he rest now in peace.
Father Bob clarification
Fox to pay dominion fraud, er. vote counting machines, $1.2 billion
Utah is even stranger. In 2003 we stayed in a hotel in Salt Lake City and had dinner in their restaurant. I ordered a glass of wine and my husband asked for a beer. The waiter said they do not serve alcohol but if we wanted a drink we would need to join some club and go to drink there.
Once we were in Idaho Falls we did the same in a restaurant and were simply told they are a dry state. After that we waited until we arrived in Wyoming.
Great edit.
David Bowie – Space Oddity
3 Oct 2020
To see the world, things dangerous to come,
to see behind walls, draw closer,
to find each other, and to feel.
That is the purpose of life.
Movie: The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013)
David Bowie – Space Oddity
More efficient at this late stage to throw in a wild card search with LGBTQI* or, better yet, put an M in there for Muslim.
I blame my childhood golliwog for making me kindly disposed towards black ppl. I might have been a racist. *Sigh*. Too late now.
If the management have not rented her shop yet it serves them right.
Steve Trickler – This evening I’ve been exploring DUST. Lots of fine short science fiction! I had watched FTL a few days ago, before the vid you linked yesterday. It’s amazing how well you can tell a full story in a five minute video.
I remember that shop Cassie. Lovely, lovely dolls. I always thought the name was a play on what a little child would say – just right.
What weirdos people are.
Is the Philly government liquor store a hangover from prohibition?
Sweden has a similar government monopoly.
I remember Swedes getting on the ferry at Fredricksburg? in northern Jutland with great crates of cheaper Danish booze and apparently the Danes used to day trip to Germany for cheaper alcohol too.
alcohol in Sweden
These activists are incredibly stupid. You give a small child a soft doll that looks a little bit like a well dressed black kid, and the child loves it and knows not a damned thing about nigger minstrels. How the hell does that promote racism? Quite the opposite.
The wire cages were in the liquor store in Brewarrina when we passed through about seven years ago.
A predominantly aboriginal town. You knew what the problem was there just by looking at those hanging around outside on dole day.
Doc Beaugan:
You’re gonna need a bigger boat.
Good question and I don’t have an answer, but clearly its a case of ‘nature’ (genetic makeup) plus ‘nurture’ (vaxx given). The sex differences don’t exclude an environmental cause – breast cancer and testicular cancer show strong sex differences in incidence also.
The best recent evidence I have seen strongly implicates the aluminium preservatives used in vaccines. In nature we have little exposure to aluminium and it all comes in via the alimentary tract. In contrast, even adhering to the ‘recommended’ vax schedule exceeds the toxic dose allowed, and given its injected (bypassing alimentary defences) this is likely highly significant.
Now that we know how fraudulent the covid vax testing and marketing was – is it so hard to believe they have done the same for other vaxxes too?
I wrote here in October when we were in Selma, Alabama, how scared I was when we pulled into a Dollar General store on the wrong part of town. I felt seriously threatened. Anything could have happened. The town that started the promise of the Civil Rights movement against terrible systemic oppression had descended from these great heights into a nightmare of BLM burnings and chaos. Appalling.
Small world !!
I once flew into Idaho falls, and got offered a job in Cheyenne Wyoming.
An excellent account of the rise of a modern heresy not dreamt of by the long ago writers of the Christian credo.
But the heresy that threatens the church today …… is about the nature of people; it’s an anthropological one, over the nature of humanity. The historical creeds didn’t address this. It wasn’t their crisis. So to suggest the present issues of sexuality is no great matter because it doesn’t offend the historic creeds is also a category error. Human identity and its relationship to our sexuality and our sexual preferences wasn’t on the theological map in the early church for the first five centuries. But now it is.
Ashenden scripted – On leaving the Church of England after it decides to bless the un-blessable
Some DUST short scifi stories:
Gill (9 min)
Freight (4½ min)
R’ha (6 min)
First class CGI. Anyone brought up on Golden Age SF anthologies would recognize the feel.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
April 19, 2023 at 8:00 pm
Steve Trickler – This evening I’ve been exploring DUST. Lots of fine short science fiction! I had watched FTL a few days ago, before the vid you linked yesterday. It’s amazing how well you can tell a full story in a five minute video.
Cheers. Check out the Omeleto channel, too.
Mark Dice@42:55
Alex Stein:
TRUMP ON TRIAL: Live Reaction with Mark Dice | Ep 24
Except you haven’t provided any proof for your assertion.
Other possible causes are aging fathers, and in Australia a rush to diagnosis to take advantage of NDIS.
Taiwan has one of the lowest autism rates in the world but there is little difference between them and us in childhood vaccination rates.
In fact in 1999 Taiwan was averaging a 90% childhood vaccination rate against Australia’s 88%
Reading this article I’d be far more worried about soy based infant formulas than vaccines.
Aluminum adjuvants are used in vaccines such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, diphtheria-tetanus-containing vaccines, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and pneumococcal vaccines, but they are not used in the live, viral vaccines, such as measles, mumps, rubella, varicella and rotavirus… The aluminum contained in vaccines is similar to that found in a liter (about 1 quart or 32 fluid ounces) of infant formula. While infants receive about 4.4 milligrams* of aluminum in the first six months of life from vaccines, they receive more than that in their diet.
“These activists are incredibly stupid. “
Maybe, but they’re also incredibly successful.
Racism, it’s the new black. Never too late, come on over to the dark side, man.
It looks suspiciously like it took a month at least to filter up to the lass running the Home Secretary Office. It only too a week to direct a staffer to make a complaint. Just to rub our noses in diversity.
There’s a slightly larger dimension to this story – The White Hart (And doesn’t that have potential for pressing buttons unless one realises it isn’t White Heart) – was/is a niche SF writers drinking spot famous for “Tales of the White Hart” by Arthur C. Clarke .
So this dopey Dora hasn’t just picked a fight with a racist White Pub, she’s picked a fight with a large sector of the British Literary Class.
And as usual, the damage is coming not from the initial act of stupidity – it’s coming from the coverup.
Cool. I was more wondering if they took into account the neurological aspect of the bite which IIRC take about 6 months to settle and can resurface well after the original bite is sorta forgotten.
Been a while since I’ve read Tales of the White Hart. I have it somewhere, fossilized under a rock perhaps.
Arthur C Clarke nailed a lot of stuff, and Niven a lot he missed.
“Dusty sperm” is a baseless theory, let alone how autism a grab bag of so many different neuro-atypical conditions.
Older fathers having autistic children was not observed until the age of the mother also increased.
The age of the mother is much better explanation given the differences in the cell biology of male and female sex cells (motility, cost, viability, age when fertility ends) and there is no solid proof of this either. It appears to be coincidental, just like the number of childhood vaccinations.
I would bet money it is modern diet (re inflammation) and endocrine disrupting agent causing epigenetic changes (since the 1950s until recently) leading to certain mutagenic effects on the fetus.
Different computers. You have some pathetic objection?
Top Ender:
When I was younger I remember hushed references to “change of life” babies.
That is, the risk of deformity increasing as women give birth closer to menopause.
No idea whether that is based in fact or not.
Rosie, Rosie, Rosie:
…. how many times do I have to say that the NDIS is NOT being swamped with Aspie kids who were never previously diagnosed – Aspies are quirky but not ‘disabled’ (just ask me, I’m one) – the NDIS autism load is made up of seriously disabled kids – kids who cant speak or feed themselves – kids who head bang, bite, rock and scream. We didnt somehow fail to notice 99% of these kids in the past – they are new, its not ‘better diagnosis’.
. that may be true ( I dont know), but most vaccines are *injected* not taken orally – this means the normal mucosal defences which keep undesired molecules out are bypassed. We dont know what the safe limit for *injected* aluminium is because it has never been studied. There is now growing evidence that the immune system picks up injected aluminium and transports it into the brain, where it has a highly inflammatory effect.
Even a quick ‘google’ brings up contradictory evidence:
Whatever the cause, even one more ‘doubling’ will be catastrophic, yet our ‘public health experts’ – who shut the world down for a disease with a 0.1% fatality rate, are silent and apparently unconcerned.
More KY jelly will fix that. Need another sex accessory.
I may be unhappy with the direction NASA has been taking lately, a little.
Get yourself in sync.
That is, the risk of deformity increasing as women give birth closer to menopause.
Downs Syndrome wasn’t it.
I think so, yes.
I had a golliwog as a kid too.
Mine was hanging from a tree outside my window.
It served as a reminder to all the other dollies.
If you think inflammation might be a cause (as do I), I urge you to consider that the whole purpose of the vaccine schedule (and the aluminium adjuvants in particular) is to stimulate the immune system. It is because most vaccines are now dead molecules that we need to co-administer ‘adjuvants’ to make the immune system sit up and take notice of the material injected (otherwise it would regard the dead proteins as just another piece of garbage to be taken out – like a splinter).
It is likely that the ‘collateral damage’ of these immune stimulant adjuvants is to sensitise the immune system to *other* allergens in the environment, possibly explaining the rise in asthma, food allergy etc, and to permanently shift the immune system into a more active state.
Entry of the aluminium adjuvant into the brain (as data increasingly suggests) might also cause brain inflammation, and autism.
Read that Dementia can be curable, but it’s now diagnosed as Alzheimers Disease [incurable].
It’s all about the Benjamin$, baby.
Anyway, one cause of curable Dementia is Vitamin B12 deficiency, another is too high a dosage of Tranquilisers, forgot the other one.
Steve Trickler:
I loved the Gunslinger with a stage voice following him around, but sadly no longer on Omeleto Channel. It was one of those short clips like the “Are we the Baddies?” you could watch multiple times.
What part of the deep South did you live in?
But, yeah, you gotta wonder if the female brain has some peculiarities that protect against Aluminium [or whatever toxin causes Autism]?
It could be that Ali has some affinity with Testosterone.
Of course we all know that Blacks have High T-levels, a black woman in America is likely to have higher T than the average American Male.
If that was so, perhaps the disparity between boys and girls in Australia isn’t so marked in black populations in the First World?
Nothing to do with and news and politics.
Escapism and good fun.
Agents of Shield:
Yo-Yo Rodriguez All Powers Scenes | MCU Compilation [HD]
Trump’s latest ad attacking the grub biden:
PML with hildebrand justifying net zero (brains). Fatso’s argument is still that Australia is only 1% so why should we be punishing ourselves when the chunks are 25% . The argument should be there is no climate crisis, alarmist is bullshit and so are ruinables.
I can’t fu.king believe this. I had LM out here in 2009. The Newcastle Town Hall was packed to he rafters and in 90 minutes he demolished the arse off alarmism and the punters walked out satisfied. Even the media were on board with everyone of the bastards wanting to interview him. We all thought this would be knocked over in a year or less. I still remember the boss of MacGen being much more sceptical and saying alarmism was going to be around for a long while. He had to listen to the pollies and obviously knew more than the rest of us saps. Here it is 14 years later and we’ve fallen off the cliff.
That’s my understanding.
Any evidence to support your assertion?
People who have children with those kind of severe disabilities wouldn’t have waited until NDIS was available to seek confirmation of a diagnosis.
If a child had severe symptoms would parents need to do this? $5000 diagnosis fee for NDIS autism slot
Calli, Cassie; In my past I had a soft spot for the QVB, & am pretty sure I remember the shop. About 3/4 the way along, on the ground level.
IIRC it originally retailed linen – and morphed over time into a toyshop – retaining the original name.
Appropriate for linen, somewhat abstract for a toyshop.
I think it was Cassie who posted at here (well, at sinccat) some years ago when the wokerati forced them to ditch golliwogs – IIRC the complaints came from whiteys who were offended “on behalf” of darkies, coz no actual darkies had bothered to complain.
Superduper patronising really, whitey knows what you want & never mind that you haven’t asked for it.
No, but certainly they are on they same spectrum, their similarities including the three main diagnostic identifiers of ASD: 1) sensory misinformation, manifest in atypical responses to certain stimuli, particulary visual and auditory input, 2) expressive language irregularities, which may include pedantic or repetitive speech (which, when used inconjunction with their current obsessions, is a form of auditory stimulation), 3) impaired social skills.
Indeed, but because intellectual impairment is not part of their diagnostic criteria, as it is with children with autism, they can learn to become sneaky and manipulative.
Verbal autistic children do not lie, unsurprising when one considers the complex cognitive skills necessary to assess the probable outcomes of lying/not lying and so making the decision to lie or admit the truth. Asperger kids, although slow learners in this department, can lie like a pro to save their skin.
Autistic children do not develop empathy and so can not comprehend the effects of their behaviour on others. Asperger children are, again, slow to develop this skill, but it is certainly a turning point for themselves and their teachers/parents when they do. But, as Duk says, they are usually a pleasure to interact with, both educationally and socially.
BTW, Duk, when I began teaching children with autism in mid 70s, the incidence of autism was four in 10,000 (one in 2,500). Breaking it down, there were three boys diagnosed to every girl, and the girls typically were more severely affected. Shortly after, Asperger Syndrome became flavour of the month, even though Hans Asperger identified the syndrome around the time that Leo Kanner identified autism. In the 70s and 80s, accepted incidence of Aspergers was approximately one in nine, with Aspergers girls presenting at one in nine of that group.
How times have changed.
In other words doctors are exaggerating symptoms to get kids on to the NDIS
NDIS rules fuelling surge in autism kids as doctors diagnose more severe cases in bid to help families
The Australian has published a series of articles about the need for independent assessment of children with autism.
Doesn’t seem like the claims that most children have level 3 autism might stand up to scrutiny.
Winston Smithsays:
April 19, 2023 at 9:26 pm
Steve Trickler:
Cheers. Check out the Omeleto channel, too.
I loved the Gunslinger with a stage voice following him around, but sadly no longer on Omeleto Channel. It was one of those short clips like the “Are we the Baddies?” you could watch multiple times.
Good memory, Winston! There are a few platforms I reckon I can find it… it is still here.
In a small town in the old west, a lone and weary gunfighter enters a saloon. As he walks through the room surrounded by the people of the town, a voice begins narrating the scene, telling us exactly who this gunfighter is. But unlike every classic western to use the
narrator trope, the characters in this film can hear the voice.
This omniscient narrator quickly begins divulging the deepest, darkest secrets of the people in the saloon. He exposes infidelity, homosexuality, prejudice and even a bit of bestiality. As the story unfolds it becomes evident that the voice is a bloodthirsty bastard that wants nothing more than to see the people of the town kill each other in a needless gunfight.
The Gunfighter | A Short Film by Eric Kissack (narrated by Nick Offerman)
Delta A,
I appreciate your comment above. You have been with this for decades and have had first hand experience. It shows. I admire those who have worked in this field.
Archbishop of Melbourne pays tribute to ‘larrikin priest’ Fr Bob Maguire, who has died aged 88
“Bob has been a faithful priest of the Catholic Church in Melbourne since his Ordination in 1960, and a fierce friend of the downhearted, the broken and the lost throughout his whole life,” Archbishop Comensoli said in a statement.
“Without a doubt, he was the ‘larrikin priest,’ who had a great love for Jesus—who also lived with the outcast and the unloved.
flyingduk dared:
Ten years of testing versus 10 months of testing.
Yes it is hard to believe they did the same for the earlier jabs.
Anyone buying that?
We’ve all got smartphones, Ipads, Imac and and Mac equivalents. We all carry the same moniker on all of them.
I was in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, Adelaide one Saturday afternoon back around that time when a side door suddenly swung open and amidst a blazing burst of sunlight the good Lord himself suddenly manifested.
I’ve never forgotten the expression of joy and wonder on his face as he looked up and around, taking in the quiet and stillness of the empty pews, drinking it all in.
I think electrostatic adherent dust is going to be an issue with this vehicle.
The biggest issue is whether NASA can get back to the moon in 2025.
He played the ultimate wanker in this series.
Bill “Game over, man!” Paxton.
Bill Paxton in Agents of SHEILD Montage
Daily Mail.
Please don’t tell me his face appeared on a piece of toast or something.
Steve Trickler:
The Gunfighter | A Short Film by Eric Kissack (narrated by Nick Offerman)
Thanks for that – just watched it again.
Re the NDIS, I worked for a Catholic organisation in 1989 and 1990 in the administration of an office supporting Western Sydney, by newsletters and a number of cottages housing the intellectually handicapped.
So I welcomed the idea of the NDIS. I just hope that the needs of those like I regularly spoke with so badly in need especially of respite care, even just for short periods, will be met.
Damn. J.c. has finally twigged to the fact that:
Winston Smith,
Winston Smiths Keyboard, and,
Winston Smiths Other Keyboard,
May – just may – have been the same person.
*Golf Clap*
Lord Monckton, cohenite’s LM, KD.
Anthony Albanese urged Lidia Thorpe to ‘get support’
But rogue senator has hit back in extraordinary tirade
This is so much fun! My money’s on the bikers mol!
Paywallian story on. the WA Lieborals contains this gem from an ex MP who naturally wishes to remain anonymous
which is a shame I would like to buy them a beer.
Yep, Albo is a receiver not a giver.
P says:
April 19, 2023 at 10:34 pm
So do we all, hoping for them.
But, they are usually the quiet ones, and ignored while the bulk of the money goes to waste on inflated fees for ‘services’ and into the pockets of spivs.
April 19, 2023 at 6:19 pm
Australian banks are odd. Been at mine for 17 years, now they want me to verify my identity.
This just doesn’t make sense.
Recently had the same experience, similar duration of banking. Really pissed me off.
“So now you want a photograph of me holding my license to add to the information you’re going to lose in the inevitable data breach?!”
I am me.
Who are you?
H B Bearsays:
April 19, 2023 at 11:18 pm
This is so much fun! My money’s on the bikers mol!
Yep, Albo is a receiver not a giver.
Tennis Elbow is a giver of SFA. But then again, he is a giver of Grief.
We’ve all got smartphones, Ipads, Imac and and Mac equivalents. We all carry the same moniker on all of them.
Damn. J.c. has finally twigged to the fact that:
Here is a photo of J.c. and his Ipad – High Tech or what? Nice moniker that.
Elon Musk will be selling timeshares in the Sea of Tranquility to NASA by then and happy to comp them transport.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
David Rowe.
Patrick Blower.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Steve Kelley.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks again Tom.
There’s a lot of carry-on about racism and historic slavery these days, but human trafficking in high places – now and recently – gets no attention despite allegations by Marjorie Taylor-Greene.
American thinker
Thanks Tom – Garrison has it in a nutshell. Everything the left is doing has this goal, and can’t be explained in any other way. It’s Destroy America ASAP.
Had our late son still been alive when it was introduced, the NDIS would have caused more grief than it was worth it. His physical condition changed depending on what bits of his brain lactic acid was burning away and what bypasses it could build. The issue is you have to lock in your plan for a whole year in advance, so if say, he was just starting to loose his swallow (which happened when he was 8) , intense speech therapy was on the cards, then 2 months later, his swallow was back to normal, so no speech therapy required, but all of a sudden his foot decided to point down 45degrees and twisted through 90, so a completely different set of services (eg wheelchair) would be required…. Sorry not in your plan, btw why isn’t he doing speech therapy any more?
“I won’t waste my time looking through your telescope, the sun revolves around the earth and you’re just seeing ‘complexities’”.
You have no answer to this because it’s a round square.
If people exposed to doctor office germs had supercharged immune systems they wouldn’t need a doctor. If they had weak immune systems, visiting a doctor would obviously be fatal.
No. They didn’t.
It’s called circular reasoning.
Do you know how much smallpox Cortez saw?
Basically none. He thought the disease warranted a small footnote.
It was historians who decided that a) millions of natives died; and b) exactly what they died from.
This may shock you but cause of death data wasn’t particularly robust in 17th century America. Neither was population data.
And by “not robust” I mean entirely non-existent.
Because historians are brainwashed about germs (like 99 per cent of people) they merely superimposed their prejudices on two completely unknowable phenomena – how many died and what from.
You read it in a textbook and never once asked “but how could they have possibly known this?”
A similar thing recently happened with measles “deaths” in sub-Saharan Africa and the WHO. They literally made them all up. Not just attributing deaths to measles but the deaths themselves. Just to propagandize for the vaccine.
Similar for Black death. There were lots of deaths (parish data sampling) but the rats, fleas and buboes story is a baseless and impossible fantasy.
When you pull the thread, you hit the bullseye and all the dominoes fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!
Australian banks are odd. Been at mine for 17 years, now they want me to verify my identity.
Had the same recently. Told them to go jump. So they’ve done nothing.
Have a look at the regulations to the Money Laundering Act, seems last year Feds have tweaked them so if you are medium risk they are required to ask for some verification.
IMO seems like an excuse for data mining
Looks like Rupert and the boys got done over. A bit of elementary research on the part of their lawyers would have thrown up some very pertinent history of commentary in the MSM going back years.
The WWII death toll:
Oh, that’s rubbish. They literally made them all up.
US historical news:
No there weren’t. They literally made them all up. It was a shill for Big Prosthetic.
Bullseye. Dominoes falling, etc.
Was it chemtrails?
The Black Death was caused by targeted BOM radar beams.
From China. This is well known in the right circles, but not spoken of in the sheeple media.
Looks like Philip Lowe won’t be getting a second term at the RBA, probably one of the last institutions in Australia where people were promoted on tenure rather than merit (or membership of a minority, more recently).
A long overdue shake up coming.
Thanks, Figures at 6:10 a.m.
It all makes sense now.
[Backs away].
I think it’s time for … yes … The Melting Point of Steel!!
“Nothing is true. Everything is permitted”
Funny how a line from a game can be more accurate that one would expect over 15 years later.
People who write history decide what ‘truth’ is.
Just as the people who win wars are able to paint the lower as the “bad guy”.
Lidia Thorpe has quite rightly criticised Albanese for making a public judgment about her mental health.
She’s just another race baiter.
According to press rumours, Dan Andrews is looking for a new challenge.
The RBA could be just the ticket.
Don’t laugh – Kevin Rudd is our Ambassador to the US.
During the Middle Ages?
Come on, man!
As if.
Obviously 5G.
Similar for Black death. There were lots of deaths (parish data sampling) but the rats, fleas and buboes story is a baseless and impossible fantasy.
Yeah, the cover story for The Black Death has changed over recent years.
It used to be posited that it was Ergotism, caused by harvesting and milling wet Rye in 1348.
A mass poisoning event, was “Ergotism”, turns into Bubonic Plague, eh?
Too late. Ed October brought it up yesterday, but even he backed away – realising he was on much safer ground with the usual spookflamer muttoning.
Turning away from being a power mad, scheming sociopath?
And, right on cue.
The Gaslighters are up early today.
“Similar for Black death. There were lots of deaths (parish data sampling) but the rats, fleas and buboes story is a baseless and impossible fantasy.”
Words fail me.
Well, that’s a point.
The Montgolfiers did come along a bit later.
BoM has announced the possibility of a Super El Niño.
Airlines are back up and flying in big numbers again – coincidence????
People are back in the office as covid work from home finishes and once again spraying the aluminium laden anti perspirants under the pits. El Niño follows.
The evidence is stacking up.
Labyrinths, it was the labyrinths, aided and abetted by the rose windows.
The aluminium in deodorants causes dementia and alzheimers which is just what BoM wants.
Not remembering their forecast from a day or two ago helps in climate change forecasting.
All buildings were demo-ed on 9/11.
Yeah, planes hit the Twin Towers [but not Building 7], but that’s not what brought them down.
If a plane could collapse a building, that Liberator Bomber that hit the 79th floor of the Empire State Building woulda.
But it didn’t.
Awful trend in Womens Sport since the mid 2000s. From zero reported cases to skyrocketing numbers testicular injuries are on the rise.
No Conspiracy Cake would be complete without a little dollop of Special Ed icing.
That is icing, right?
Still consuming plenty of icing, Sancho?
Dan Andrews reports his mental health is in top knick after yesterdays educational report from IBAC. He responded by getting on the beers and hitting the dance floor at Lindsays 86th Bday. Looking refreshed this morning Dan was back at his desk early refilling the trough and working on his memoirs.
Royal Commission now!
The PM like others are taking their info from rightwing media. If that’s any indication of where he thinks truth is told, then that’s on him.’
What the Hell have I stumbled into this morning?
And in the Oz today:
Experts eh? Top men I hope?
PS: Interest rates = the price of money, and ‘price setting’ by expert panels (rather than the free market) *NEVER* works – it always always always leads to market distortions. In the case of interest rates, decades of artificially low rates has lead to the build up of economic errors which can only be fixed by a monumental shake out. Its the old beach ball analogy (there is only so long you can hold it under water) but with the added twist that said beach ball is getting bigger all the time.
Twilight Zone meets X-Files plus street mimes.
Something for everyone.
In other three ring circus news, a two hour round trip and….I have a replacement remote control. Today the number of small fry in my household doubles.
How easy it is to achieve World Peace.
Politicians…take note.
It’s a diabolical liberty, innit.
Golliwogs are practically swastikas.
Another massive wind farm to commence at Rokewood SW of Ballarat.
This adds to the vast areas of wind turbines already across the area.
If you’re ever in those parts go for a drive and behold the spires of The Church of Zero Emissions in all its glory.
The Moon is blak.
Biden’s Black Astronaut Reads Anti-White Poem to Prep for Mission (19 Apr)
I still haven’t worked which of the four is the qwerty.
Just read it.
Insanity on skates.
Cock in a frock competes in Powerlifting. Organisation says piss off. CiF goes to Court, and gets the entire State Branch of Powerlifting shut down.
April 20, 2023 at 7:07 am
Lidia Thorpe has quite rightly criticised Albanese for making a public judgment about her mental health.
She’s just another race baiter.
I never realised that Tennis Elbow was now an expert on mental health. Has he looked in the mirror and at his Cabinet lately? Blackout Bowen is just one of the fruit loops.
As for Thorpe – She is more like an ‘In Your Face Hater’.
Golliwog Nazis!
Poor old Net Zero. Still trying to be noticed.
There…have a beggin’ strip.
April 20, 2023 at 7:47 am
It’s a diabolical liberty, innit.
Golliwogs are practically swastikas.
I always remember Robertson’s Jam in England and the Golliwog on the jam jar label.
He only put his grubby comment out there, wrapped in faux concern, because he saw political advantage in doing so, given she’s an opponent of the Voice.
Figures – very little smallpox in the Americas from the Spanish.
The Spanish: https://enl.wired-humanities.org/fcbk12ch29/elements/fcbk12ch29f53v/00
I always remember Robertson’s Jam in England and the Golliwog on the jam jar label.
They also used metal Golliwog badges/pins giveaways as a promotion for several years ……
Yep, could be a long day. I’m going out to look at the sun.
NEW YORK—The FBI arrested two people on April 17 on charges of operating a secret police station in New York City on behalf of China’s regime, according to the Justice Department (DOJ).
The duo, Lu Jianwang, 61, and Chen Jinping, 59, conspired to work as agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and took orders from the regime in order to track down and silence Chinese dissidents living in the United States, prosecutors said.
If they can’t do it in the UK, which is a nation the size of a postage stamp, how are they going to do it in Australia?
The village where net zero won’t work – and why it’s not alone (19 Apr)
“Households are being blocked from making net zero upgrades to their homes due to lack of electricity supply, the energy watchdog has warned.
Residents of rural villages have been told by network operators there is not enough grid capacity to support electric upgrades, despite government plans which will require homes to install heat pumps and electric car charge points.
In one remote Norfolk village, visited by this newspaper, local residents said they were unable to make even the most basic upgrades to their homes due to a lack of supply. … Ofgem, the regulator, said on Tuesday that the expansion of supply into rural areas was “a massive project over the next decade” as the industry frantically tries to remove bottlenecks and accelerate grid connections.
Ofgem said the “big issue” was rising waiting times for electricity grid connections due to a dramatic increase in demand, especially from large developments like data centres, energy storage, and electric vehicle hubs. Some areas in Britain faced connection dates as far away as 2035, the regulator added.”
But Albo has shown massive disinterest in anywhere outside of the inner cities, so this probably doesn’t matter to the Labor Party.
Robert Malone on glyphosate as a possible cause of autism
I never realised that Tennis Elbow was now an expert on mental health.
The media demanded comment .. off-the-cuff is not his strong point ..!
Please stop peddling the myth that I am a supporter of Big Mime.
Speaking of the CCP, ASIO has warned the government that “hostile foreign powers” are testing Australia’s security clearance system by targeting possibly disloyal personnel inside government agencies.
Inquiring minds might like to ask how they identify their targets?
Winston, Winston, Winston it wasn’t a secret police station it was a “service center“. Just being helpful they were.
A Technocratic Superclass of Earth Saviors seek to manage every aspect of our lives
There was nothing off the cuff about it.
He would have expected the question and had his response would have been worked through beforehand with his advisers.
I take then we can disband the first tier board since they just admitted that they don’t have any expertise in finance or economics. We need to save every cent we can in this financial situation. ?
In other three ring circus news, a two hour round trip and….I have a replacement remote control. Today the number of small fry in my household doubles.
I couldn’t find the remote the other day (fallen between cushions on the lounge) .. had to consult the instruction book as to where the manual controls were .. tucked away in a bottom corner on the back .. same colour (blek) as the rest of the rear panel ..
Can’t believe I grew up without remote TV .. then again in those days you only needed on/off & channel changer dials … FFS!
It’s dispiriting how feudalism keeps reasserting itself.
Reserve Bank interest rate decisions will be handed to a second board of experts, as part of a sweeping overhaul to be unveiled today.
Experts eh? Top men I hope?
I’m guessing the only reason for a sweep out of the Board is to send a warning lesson to the incoming lot
Grandpa Ed Simpson
It used to be posited that it was Ergotism, caused by harvesting and milling wet Rye in 1348.
Citation needed.
Shatterzzz, my kids were very young when they could tell the channel numbers on the TV dial. They also competed who was going to get there first to turn the knob.
He would have expected the question and had his response would have been worked through beforehand with his advisers.
he should have gone with .. “I’m on holidays, pleeeze respect my privacy” .. LOL!
They’ll be tasked with governance.
The new board will handle monetary policy.
I read that as Egotism and couldn’t quite get the context. I need my glasses.
Grandpa Ed Simpson
If a plane could collapse a building, that Liberator Bomber that hit the 79th floor of the Empire State Building woulda.
Citations needed on the fully loaded weight and fuel quantity for each aircraft type.
Was having a look at the failed Yorta Yorta native title claim and various advocates whose refrain always seems to be you have to do something, usually involving other people’s money.
Not much get an education, get a job and get on with it.
The claim’s failure was in part due to this book.
interesting book by Edward Curr
PS, it was a B-25 Mitchell, not a B-24 Liberator.
It used to be posited that it was Ergotism, caused by harvesting and milling wet Rye in 1348.
So an umbrella shortage in Rye .. way back when .. caused a plague? ..
Bruce was unavailable for comment .. LOL!
R.I.P. gluten.
We were all expected to multitask but our best and brightest can’t manage it? I think they may need staffers a la knickerless Brittney.
Robert Malone is a moon unit.
You never receive glyphosate along with attendant carriers and buffers in its raw state but only possibly as a metabolites that then pass through your digestive tract which effectively breaks down these particles.
This is reminiscent of foetal cell chicanery where they added a few drops of glyphosate to the petri dish and proclaimed it caused death. Other scientists pointed out that if you added a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid you get the same result.
To be fair, monetary policy and corporate governance are two quite different specialties.
Combining those responsibilites in the one board was the original mistake.
Seems to be a problem releasing the liturgy to be used in the coronation. King and Church with different opinions about the wording. It must be crook if Anglican divines find something in it to object to.
April 20, 2023 at 8:35 am
Can’t believe I grew up without remote TV .. then again in those days you only needed on/off & channel changer dials … FFS!
Shatterzzz, my kids were very young when they could tell the channel numbers on the TV dial. They also competed who was going to get there first to turn the knob.”
A very long time ago, when purchasing a new television, the sales guy also tried to sell me a remote for extra dollars. I said to him, “I have a three year old, why would I need a remote?”
Little kids can be awfully handy! 😀
Not that it was operating with a full payload, but the MTOW of a B-25 was a touch over 15,000 kgs.
The MTOW of a 767 is 150,000 kgs, and the 9/11 aircraft were close to that.
The B-25 was loitering in fog and travelling very slowly whereas the 767 was balls to the wall at impact.
I have calculated that the B-25 only generated 2.76% to 3.21% of the destructive energy of the 767.
Bruce of Ncl
But Albo has shown massive disinterest in anywhere outside of the inner cities, so this probably doesn’t matter to the Labor Party.
Despite whatever blather m0nty=fa and Grandpa Ed Simpson come up with, the Labor Party has long ceased to be the party that seeks to support the urban and rural working class. It is now interested only in its core demographic of inner-city dwelling, tertiary credentialled, taxpayer funded political tragics, though it will still put effort into harvesting the votes of some selected ethnic groups, to make up the numbers.
PS, hate to be pedantic, but that should be “uninterest”, not “disinterest”.
Not THE Dr. Robert Malone, quoted at length by Trusted Bloggers? The TruthPrep Collective will go off their heads when they find out he literally made it all up.
Latest U.S. dollar news
Most interesting point though is this:
Suggests that we are about to see more Chinese activity around Taiwan in the next 6-12 months
Hell no my bet is the UN.
Just a bit of a definite decision:
Do you want the Constitution altered to recognise the First People’s of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice?
Yes 8% 502 votes
No 85% 5,274 votes
Unsure 7%
432 votes
Vote here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11990623/The-Voice-referendum-Everyday-Indigenous-Australians-vote-No.html
Nah, it must be an imposter.
It just has to be.
I have calculated that the B-25 only generated 2.76% to 3.21% of the destructive energy of the 767.
Thanks, but I was hoping that researching the data and doing the calculations would keep Special Ed occupied for most of the day.
He’d be a good fit there.
The mind boggles. As I’ve noted before, the RBA may as well employ a monkey to bash a switch saying up or down every month. Or find an Octopus who’s an expert at tipping world cup results, when it’s between gigs. Or both and there’s your “board of experts”.
It wouldn’t take much to “provoke an altercation” with that paralytic brain damaged slag outside a strip club at 3:00am. Reminds me of the Tim Blair truism: “nothing good ever happens at 3:00 in the morning”.
Elon Musk: Things are getting weird fast
There is certainly room for analysis within the range I quoted, depending on the ambient temperatures and air pressures and the angle at which the B-25 contacted the building.
I look forward to debating any alternative views.
Another journalist, Peter Ruehl, once said that, if you can’t get your drinking done by midnight, then you have no business being out in the first place.
The politburo needs technocrats to blame and put in the dock in a show trial.
I imagine it’s over a fairly minor revision that could, however, have major implications.
The coronation liturgy in outline has been in existence for over 1000 years, with the present form in use since the 1600s with only minor variations.