Open Thread – Tues 18 April 2023

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, Caravaggio, 1601

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Boambee John
Boambee John
April 20, 2023 3:37 pm

Grandpa Ed turns the raaaaaasciiiissssssm to high.

Johnny Rotten
April 20, 2023 3:39 pm

April 20, 2023 at 10:22 am
It’s cloudy and rains intermittently here so I don’t think I will be seeing the eclipse today.

There is always another day. The Sun, the Moon and the Earth will still be doing their thing even if you are no longer here. And the way things are going, that may not be too long to go now.

April 20, 2023 3:40 pm

Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, a structural engineering professor at the University of California at Berkeley, explained that the high temperatures in the fires weakened the steel beams and columns, causing them to become “soft and mushy”, and eventually they were unable to support the structure above.
Yeah, “soft and mushy”.

Blacksmiths are a conspiracy theory…

Johnny Rotten
April 20, 2023 3:46 pm

Boambee Johnsays:
April 20, 2023 at 3:37 pm
Grandpa Ed turns the raaaaaasciiiissssssm to high.

Head Case (And a Suitable Case for Treatment) cannot do a race, let alone a walk. Being in an Iron Lung, he has trouble even breathing in the air. What a waste of space the Knob Head is.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 3:47 pm

Pales into insignificance next to the energy content of 100 tonnes of kerosene.
That’s what brought down the tower.

No fire has ever collapsed a concrete and steel building before.
As a matter of fact, there’s never been structural damage from a fire.

Including the Liberator Bomber that hit the 79th floor of the 102 storey Empire State Building.
One engine went straight thru and out the other side, the other straight down a liftwell.
Guess what?
The building opened for business the next day

April 20, 2023 3:48 pm

high temperatures in the fires weakened the steel beams and columns, causing them to become “soft and mushy”, and eventually they were unable to support the structure above.

Yep. Like this metal framed building collapsing in on itself during a fire in Madrid.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 20, 2023 3:50 pm

Having been advised about eight times that he’s wrong:

Including the Liberator Bomber that hit the 79th floor of the 102 storey Empire State Building.

It persists.

This is Burns-esque. Monty or Joe, take your pick.

Johnny Rotten
April 20, 2023 3:51 pm

Ed Casesays:
April 20, 2023 at 3:22 pm
Jacinta Price, running scared of PK, but she’d be a good P.M.

What idiot said that?

I don’t believe that Jacinta Price is scared of anyone let alone a Left Wing Nut Job like you. Get back under your rock and STFU. Dick Head.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 3:51 pm

No fire has ever collapsed a concrete and steel building before.

Don’t ever try for an engineering position with the Roman Army, Ed.
They knew this stuff well before Christ was born.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 3:55 pm

Jacinta Price won’t appear on ABC Radio National breakfast,
because …

Patricia Karvelas is The Waugul, and she doesn’t wanna upset The Waugul.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 3:55 pm

I also might know a bit about this stuff, since I’ve been called a metallurgist from time to time.
People who only experience room temperature and pressure amuse me.
There’s a whole universe of other worlds out there.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 20, 2023 3:57 pm

so she can afford her prescriptions.

PBS scripts are cheap if you are on benefits. Was $3, maybe now $5 (correct me if I am wrong here).

I have fed my kids on spag boll spaghetti alternating with roast chook (or fried egg) and home-made chips, always with cheap frozen peas, and other similar basic meals, for weeks at a time when as a single working mum I had to cut my cloth to suit my income and mortgage. No subsidised scripts either, but generic asprin or panadol was cheap. Generic antiseptic and a band-aid soothed most hurts.

As a single young woman of no means at all, casual work dried up for a while and I lived once for a whole week on peanut butter and sliced banana on fresh buns all eaten at 6pm, no lunch (maybe an apple), enlivened only with powdered milk and two Wheatbix with sugar for brekkie. I didn’t feel deprived, it was all good tasty food, sometimes a hamburger from the milk bar as a treat. No fridge. No welfare. Single room rented in a grimy boarding house in Queensland when I was 17. This was in the days before ‘Backpackers’ places. My International Roast coffee was in a big tin and always on hand, which I also had with two sugars. Eventually, a proper job in Sydney started to have appeal. 🙂

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 20, 2023 3:57 pm

The freaks are one problem, the parents that expose their kids to them is another…we are at the bottom of that slippery slope.


Stew Peters Show:

If we allow the LGBT to come for our kids then an entire generation of American children will be destroyed.
Dr. Michelle Cretella is here to talk about the psychological and physical abuse being propagandized on children.
So called puberty blocking drugs are used in some states to chemically castrate sex offenders.
The trans agenda is a fake religion and is based on redefining objective truths.
People who are born intersex are being exploited by radical trans activists.
Being born intersex is a birth defect and is not normal.
According to studies as many as 98% of teenagers who come out as transgender have an average of 5 traumatic events in their childhood.
They also struggle with mental illness years before they ever claim to be uncomfortable with their biological gender.
The Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage caused trans activists to ride the coat tails of the so called gay rights movement.
The United Nations has issued a report wanting sex between children and adults to be legalized.
We are on a slippery slope of depravity and we must embrace Christianity and God’s morality to fight back.

LGBT Demons Are Coming For YOUR Children: Genital MUTILATION & Chemical CASTRATION Is CHILD ABUSE

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 3:58 pm

Are you a Concrete-urgist too, Bruce?
Because there was about 5 million tonnes of the shit in the Twin Towers [and Building 7, which wasn’t hit by any airplanes].

April 20, 2023 3:59 pm

The only part of the twin tower collapse that doesn’t add up for me was the collapse of the second tower.

Based on the footage, the aircraft took out the corner of the building.
The laws of physics would dictate that the top of the building would break off towards the weakened area.

Instead, the building collapsed perfectly upon itself (like a controlled demolition).

I’ve never been able to work that out…

Johnny Rotten
April 20, 2023 4:03 pm

The Richest Man in the World

“Bernard Arnault has unseated Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos to become the richest man in the world. The CEO and chairman of LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton is estimated to be worth $235.7 billion. That is more than the entire GDP of some countries. Musk is now in second place with a net worth of $180 billion. To put it into perspective, Arnault has more money than Jeff Bezos And Mark Zuckerberg combined who are worth $127 billion and $81.4 billion, respectively.

LVMH stock has soared around 42% in the past year alone, and it rose by 17% YoY in Q1. The company’s revenue reaches 79.18 billion euros in 2022, a 23% increase from 2021. This is another indicator that current economic conditions are not hurting the higher upper class as the rich have not slowed their spending on luxury goods amid this recession. LVMH owns numerous designer brands such as Louis Vuitton, Tiffany, TAG Heuer, Christian Dior, Celine, Moet & Chandon, Hennessy, and Sephora. Arnault personally owns 40% of LVMH and has a 90% stake in Christian Dior.

This perhaps makes Bernard Arnault the most powerful man in the world. Once you reach the billions, money ceases to be money and becomes a tool for power. It is not possible to spend that amount of money in one lifetime or even among numerous generations. Even if you are a millionaire, you are closer to being homeless than you are a billionaire. This is a very powerful position and we have seen countless billionaires attempt to alter society simply because they can. Arnault seems to keep a low profile compared to others in his bracket, but he possesses the power to change the world for better or worse on whim.”

April 20, 2023 4:04 pm

Which tower did the Liberator hit again?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 4:04 pm

Are you a Concrete-urgist too, Bruce?

Yes. I am a pretty good hydrometallurgical silica chemist. I saved a smelter from closing through this expertise.

Concrete is a hydrogel of silica, calcium and water, plus aggregate. If you apply heat the water will piss off. The remaining material will decrepitate since it has lost the binding hydroxyl bonding.

Tobermorite (wiki)

April 20, 2023 4:07 pm

Instead, the building collapsed perfectly upon itself (like a controlled demolition).

I’ve never been able to work that out…

As far as I understood it, the wall structure was what held up each floor, and the wall beams were steel, so once those beams melted down, the floor above collapsed onto the floor below. The beams holding the floor below were unable to hold the weight of the floors above. The building fell into itself.

April 20, 2023 4:07 pm

Ok, its telling me this has been posted, but its not visible.

Ill post without the calculator link.

For the difference in energy – even without fuel fires weakening the steel over time.
Note Im only using the basic mass x speed.

The B-25 had a cruise speed of 200 kts and was probably loitering at under 150 kts. The 9/11 aircraft were travelling at over 500 kts.

B25 weight – absolute gross- fully loaded 15875kg
The Boeing 757 weighed an estimated 82400 kg

B25 absolute maximum speed 438 km/h
747 estimated impact speed 748 km/h

Impact energy of the B25 (assuming absolute maximum weight/cargo and speed) = 1,522,761,750 megajoules of energy.
Impact energy of the 747 based on what is known about the day in question = 23,051,564,800 megajoules of energy

Or 15.1 times the energy on impact.

Johnny Rotten
April 20, 2023 4:09 pm

April 20, 2023 at 3:59 pm
The only part of the twin tower collapse that doesn’t add up for me was the collapse of the second tower.

Based on the footage, the aircraft took out the corner of the building.
The laws of physics would dictate that the top of the building would break off towards the weakened area.

Instead, the building collapsed perfectly upon itself (like a controlled demolition).

I’ve never been able to work that out…

Even more remarkable is the smaller building next to the twin towers that also ‘collapsed’ (only 7 storeys high). And this building apparently held lots of stuff that would not be missed in a………………………pink fit. LOL.

April 20, 2023 4:11 pm

You could literally crap on the peasants below the walls.

nothings changed…

April 20, 2023 4:11 pm

Fight you bastards, fight…

The former Greens senator on Wednesday described Albanese’s comments as “insulting”.

“My health is not for him to comment. Very inappropriate,” she said. “It’s an attempt to demonise me based on misinformation,” Thorpe told Guardian Australia.

“Nothing new really. Another day in the colony.

“The PM like others are taking their info from rightwing media. If that’s any indication of where he thinks truth is told, then that’s on him.”

Seven News said Thorpe was attending a friend’s birthday party.

“Small penis, small penis,” Thorpe was filmed saying to men outside the nightclub.
After one man asked “how the fu5k does someone get in parliament like you?”, Thorpe responded: “We’ve been repressed all our fu5king life in this country and you let this little dog speak.”

Apparently film is “right wing” now.

April 20, 2023 4:11 pm

headcase – Your freudian slip of a name speaks truth, but not any of your text. Tho, good to see you are owning your sides racism against indigenous peoples not part of the Green/Teal/Labor coalition of the cretinous comrades.

April 20, 2023 4:17 pm

Yeah, the Empire State, 102 storeys, built in 1929.

A Libertator bomber flew straight into the 79th floor at night, killed the
crew and everyone on the 79th, yet the 23 stories above that didn’t collapse and the damage was repaired in a coupla months.
How about that?

Eddles, the Empire State building is a mass of concrete, and an atom bomb wouldn’t bring it down.  🙂 I worked at 11 Madison Ave, which was going to be the Empire State’s twin. It was never completed because the Great Depression hit and they went up by about 25 floors before they just stopped. The freaking building is a fortress and appears to be as strong as anything ever seen.

Empire State and 11 Madison Ave. are entirely different structures to the World Trade Centre

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 20, 2023 4:17 pm

Grandpa Ed Simpson

Including the Liberator Bomber that hit the 79th floor of the 102 storey Empire State Building.

Your story might have a smidgen (just a smidgen) more credibility if you could get the details correct. Read back, and try again.

PS, abandon Google, you have lost the ability to use it. Sad.

April 20, 2023 4:23 pm

Fire – How it Affects Structural Steel Framing

Note particularly Figs 2.1 and 2.2.

“What Happens to Steel During a Fire?

Physical and material property changes occur within the structural steel framing during a fire event. Thermal elongation, strength reduction, and a reduction in stiffness can occur. Due to the property changes deformations and buckling can occur at 600°F. If a structural steel framing member, such as a beam or girder, is completely constrained at its connections, deformation and buckling can occur as low as 250°F. Typically though buckling of the member occurs around 1,300°F due to the 50% reduction in strength and stiffness (Depicted in the graphs above).”

April 20, 2023 4:23 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 20, 2023 4:24 pm

Rose’s motive was to see grandkids travel was a distant second.
You are confusing her with someone else.

Not me, I hope, Bespoke.

I have my daughter, her husband and three grandchildren in Queensland.

We went up there whenever we could between lockdowns. Had to show a certificate of vaxx to do so.

As I am older than Rosie, travel was also important to both me and Hairy before we get older; we lost two of the best retirement travel years with Covid restrictions. We went to the UK in May last year, some of the first cabs off the rank in flights. Also, early returners to cruises, taking up the Panama cruise in October last year, vaxx essential for boarding and for shore excursions to many countries on the way. Older people here might understand the urgency for us of getting travelling in pronto.

April 20, 2023 4:24 pm

LUCKILY, BOYS AND MEN ARE REGARDED AS EXPENDABLE: “For years, the conventional wisdom has been that a lack of sex-specific health research mainly hurts women and gender minorities. While those concerns are real, a closer look at longevity data tells a more complicated story. Across the life span – from infancy to the teen years, midlife and old age – the risk of death at every age is higher for boys and men than for girls and women.”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 20, 2023 4:28 pm

What the Arrente are saying is that her people [the Warlpiri], brought their problems to Alice Springs from Yuendumu, and that Price is a troublemaker

The Arrente are a subgroup of the Walpiri, who range from the SA Pitlands right up to Lajamanu and Kalkarindji.

A helpful preview of the unifying representation the Voice is designed to bring – objective, evidence-based, broad yet well integrated, and aimed at delivering ‘best outcomes’. Properly advised like this, Australian executive government will be an ornament on the tree of democracy.

It’s only good manners.

April 20, 2023 4:30 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
April 20, 2023 4:33 pm

Unless things change the Cat will need to carry some kind of (mental) health warning.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 4:33 pm

Even more remarkable is the smaller building next to the twin towers that also ‘collapsed’ (only 7 storeys high). And this building apparently held lots of stuff that would not be missed in a………………………pink fit. LOL.

LOL … is right.
Look, stupid.
It wasn’t called Buiding 7 because it was 7 storeys high.
It was 46 storeys high.
But, yeah, it was a coupla miles away from the Twin Towers, a fire in a waste paper bin caused it to collapse, according to the, er, Not Lysenko guys here.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 20, 2023 4:35 pm

Turns out the Manchurian candidate was Sneakers. Twiggy can stand down.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 20, 2023 4:36 pm

Cash as the Lion King. Rowdy the miniature horse is no longer allowed in the joint.


woof bark growl:

Cash 2.0 Great Dane visits an indoor shopping mall 40

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 4:40 pm

Eddles, the Empire State building is a mass of concrete,
It’s a steel frame building, JC.
Lotta photographs, here’s one.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 20, 2023 4:40 pm

Jebus. Now Brittany’s dog is under threat.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 4:41 pm

Ed, if a large piece of the tallest building in the world falls onto a smaller building, the smaller building just might collapse too. Gravity and mass have consequences son.

No it wasn’t “a coupla miles” away. Photo here. 7 WTC is top centre of the photo.

April 20, 2023 4:47 pm

Building 7 was a couple of blocks away from One WTC. Which you’d know if you ever travelled to NY or looked at a map.

Do you ever check details before posting or is the standard of discourse among the left so low that facts are considered “far right wing” and/or “toxic mansplaining”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 20, 2023 4:48 pm

Velocity is squared in calculating kinetic energy.

Pales into insignificance next to the energy content of 100 tonnes of kerosene.
That’s what brought down the tower.

That’s certainly true to the extent that it ignited the estimated 60 tonnes of combustibles on each affected floor – that burned for over an hour before the buildings collapsed. An estimated third of the fuel burned outside the building in the initial fireballs – the rest was effectively consumed within minutes [ Fire Development].

Although, wait, that’s what the Government wants us to believe.

April 20, 2023 4:53 pm

No it wasn’t “a coupla miles” away. Photo here. 7 WTC is top centre of the photo.

Are you implying ed-mong knows nothing about a subject!
You will be hearing from his mummy!
(probably coming from under your bed, after midnight, in a voice much like bluebottles)

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 20, 2023 4:53 pm

ASIO has warned the government that “hostile foreign powers” are testing Australia’s security clearance system by targeting possibly disloyal personnel inside government agencies.

Yeah, these ASIO guys can’t stand one bit of competition!

April 20, 2023 4:55 pm
Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 4:55 pm

Ed, if a large piece of the tallest building in the world falls onto a smaller building, the smaller building just might collapse too. Gravity and mass have consequences son.

Yeah, Bruce.
And if Ifs & Buts were Cherries & Nuts, every day would be Christmas Day.

April 20, 2023 4:55 pm

Ed Case says:
April 20, 2023 at 4:40 pm

Eddles, the Empire State building is a mass of concrete,
It’s a steel frame building, JC.
Lotta photographs, here’s one.

True, but I never said steel wasn’t used. The difference is that the steel, outer shell of the WTC was what held up the floors. That wasn’t the case with the Empire State.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 20, 2023 4:56 pm

H B Bear says: April 20, 2023 at 4:40 pm

Jebus. Now Brittany’s dog is under threat.

Ed! We need a panties crotch sitrep on the dog, stat!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 5:00 pm

Robert Kennedy Jnr. challenging Biden is going to make the Dem primaries dynamite

Wet firecracker more like.

Poll: RFK Jr. Launches 2024 Campaign With 14% Support of Biden Voters (19 Apr)

In the survey, taken Saturday through Tuesday, only 67% of Biden’s 2020 supporters said they would support him for the Democratic nomination over his current challengers. Kennedy stands at 14%, and self-help author Marianne Williamson, a quixotic candidate for the nomination last time, is at 5%. Another 13% are undecided.

Dems are not dumb even though they are idiots. That 67% wants a vegetable in the White House because they know that the climate activists in the Dem party can get a vegetable to sign legislation that no sane President would.

On top of that the Dem machine which controls the electoral apparatus wants a vegetable, not a man which they can’t so easily apply reins to. If they can steal a whole election, a Dem primary would be a doddle by comparison.

Hence Kennedy isn’t likely to win the nomination.

April 20, 2023 5:01 pm

A shame that a lively forum like this is spending time speculating & fact-checking on the cause(s) behind 9/11 falling buildings like WTC 7. Some facts can be found on WTC 7 here – hopefully before more useless, fact-free speculation clutters this forum.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 5:02 pm

Robert Kennedy Jr. might run into trouble over one of the books he’s
[ghost]Written if he does well in New Hampshire.

His old man married into real wealth, that’s why he’s never worked in his life, but there was a huge problem about 25 years ago that’s never been satisfactorily resolved.
Murder of Martha Moxley.

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 20, 2023 5:02 pm

Yeah, Bruce.
And if Ifs & Buts were Cherries & Nuts, every day would be Christmas Day.

Shorter Ed,
“I’ve been caught out, change the subject!”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 5:04 pm


Son. When you apply your brain more constructively I’ll stop applying that term.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 20, 2023 5:13 pm

How to find a cut on your finger quickly.

Charge a battery a bit longer than you should and put in back in place without washing it down first.

April 20, 2023 5:22 pm

April 20, 2023 at 5:01 pm
A shame that a lively forum like this is spending time speculating & fact-checking on the cause(s) behind 9/11 falling buildings like WTC 7.

I see it as an opertunty to refresh memories and rifene arguments not normally discussed in general discussions.

April 20, 2023 5:24 pm

The White House has accused Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of repeating Russian and Chinese propaganda.

Quite sure the White House pushed this guy overtly and made veiled threats when the mob was running amok in Brazil. LOL They sure know how to pick them…

April 20, 2023 5:26 pm

Price isn’t native to Alice Springs, her tribal Country is 180 miles northwest.
What the Arrente are saying is that her people [the Warlpiri], brought their problems to Alice Springs from Yuendumu, and that Price is a troublemaker.

What a pity we can’t all just be Australians.

As a NT senator she actually does represent them, regardless of their view.

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 20, 2023 5:30 pm

What a pity we can’t all just be Australians.
As a NT senator she actually does represent them, regardless of their view.

Because she thinks for herself and wants the best outcomes for the people she represents. Aboriginal or not.
Which is why she will be getting a lot of crap coming her way in the lead up to the referendum vote.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 5:34 pm

Son. When you apply your brain more constructively I’ll stop applying that term.

Here’s how I see things.
You’ve sold yourself out by arguing for every mob opinion that’s ever
appeared on The Cat, so I’d say it’s mighty presumptuous of you to be lecturing anyone at all about
[using their] brain more constructively.

April 20, 2023 5:39 pm

April 18, 2023

Exclusive: Freshwater Strategy polling on ‘The Voice’ for Sky News

– Support for a The Voice has fallen by more than 8pts since December

– Support for The Voice has been steadily declining over the past year

April 20, 2023 5:40 pm

Just read Tim Blair’s article about his heart attack at 57. Apparently, he now believes in the Party Line about diet and booze and smoking. Not surprising – people who have had a near death experience often react like that.

But, I hope he recovers, both physically and mentally. Having a heart attack at his age is most likely largely genetic in origin. Unless he was having bourbon for breakfast, drinking is not going to cause that at 57. Smoking – yes, an increased risk, someone with his risk profile should probably give up, but there are plenty of elderly smokers. A few of them comment here.

As for diet – please tell me that he has not fallen for the cholesterol and salt nonsense. Obesity is a real risk, but Japanese (lots of salt) and northern Europeans (lots of animal fat) have very long lifespans. Then there are the many millions of Asians who subsist mainly on carbohydrates, declared to be poison by ‘gurus’ in the West.

As we have been discussing for a few years now, a lot of what is dispensed as ‘science’ in the medical field is pure voodoo.

I am not saying that diet is irrelevant, but in Tim’s case, he should look at the family tree. Or perhaps it is just a quirk, like tennis star Arthur Ashe who dropped dead of a heart attack at 50 after an impeccable lifestyle.

He’s had a terrible fright, and hopefully he will regain his sense of perspective in due course. And his health, of course.

April 20, 2023 5:40 pm

A former Supreme Court judge predicts the Indigenous voice will paralyse the Australian parliament

Given that the seem to be consistently working towards screwing everyone this isn’t a bad thing.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 5:41 pm

Haha, Ed seems to think physics and chemistry are wrong.
Nice one…son. I argue from the fundamentals of data, science, materials and engineering.
For which I have extensive formal qualifications and experience.
And for which I can cite extensive references and data, like I did with tobermorite.
Which is a synthetic polymeric mineral I first learned about in high school Engineering Science.
Then went on from there. I’ve consulted on such things to large companies.
Your turn, Ed, what is your justification for your observations?

April 20, 2023 5:42 pm

Although, wait, that’s what the Government wants us to believe.

A controlled demolition, that footage of the aeroplanes colliding previously was just a coincidence. They were remotely controlled anyway, empty, the supposed passengers are in some CIA black site to this day. All a ruse to allow MacChimplerBurton free access to the oilfields of the Middle East. Rosie O’Donnel told me.

Ahh, good times they were.

April 20, 2023 5:42 pm

You made me weep Gez.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 5:49 pm

Or perhaps it is just a quirk, like tennis star Arthur Ashe who dropped dead of a heart attack at 50 after an impeccable lifestyle.

Arthur Ashe was a flamer.
He died from AIDS.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 20, 2023 5:50 pm

It would seem Netflix has produced a new mini-series called Queen Cleopatra, which depicts Cleopatra as black.

It is the creation of Jada Pinkett Smith’s – the woman whose smooth-pated honour was so gallantly defended by husband Will Smith’s slapping Chris Rock…after himself having laughed at the very joke which now incensed him.

There seems to be this weird mental defect where people think because Egypt is on the continent of Africa, that it was peopled by what people colloquially refer to as Africans – black people.

Tony Blair did the same thing when making a speech to some committee or association or whatever of black people in the UK, speaking of the contributions of Africans to European society – such as St Augustine, who would have been a Berber. Perhaps we could call him Tony Blur.

There was research done on the DNA of mummified ancient Egyptians by the Max Power Institute, and the University of Toboggans.

The international team of scientists, led by researchers from the University of Tuebingen and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, sampled 151 mummified remains from a site called Abusir el-Meleq in Middle Egypt along the Nile River. The samples dated from 1400 BCE to 400 CE and were subjected to a new high-throughput DNA sequencing technique that allowed the team to successfully recover full genome-wide datasets from three individuals and mitochondria genomes from 90 individuals.

They found that ancient Egyptians were closely related to Anatolian and Neolithic European populations, as well showing strong genetic traces from the Levant areas in the near east (Turkey, Lebanon).

It makes sense that people migrated following the shores of the Mediterranean.

Now, add to that the fact that Cleopatra was from of the Ptolemaic dynasty – Greeks who went to Egypt with Alexander when he was in conqueror-mode, and who decided to stay when Alexander was in dead-mode.

The need to change ethnicities of historical people is strange. It annoys me for what I might call a historical conscience – or at least a conscience compelling me to honesty when contemplating history. I can’t see how you can think about history without being honest about it.

Some people are so ignorant of history, or blinded by their personal conceits, that they could watch a series with black Cleopatra and not find it jarring. Perhaps they feel a little thrill because they are seeing something that raises them by lowering others. I think the woke grievance industry stokes both studied ignorance and self-gratification.

Well, that is the least charitable interpretation. There may be another impulse that this serves – although again through ignorance and deception.

Imagine you are a black kid at school in the US, all the heroes parading through your text books are white. (Hardly surprising given America’s cultural and historical provenance. What would you expect in China?) No one knows how intimately their ancestors may have been involved in history – by looks it could be any one of them. But if you are a black kid your forebears or remote kin were pretty surely not at Valley Forge. Nor the Crusades, nor Agincourt, nor the Teutoburger Forest. So what can you look back to? Nothing. Before slavery African history is pretty much a black (no pun intended) hole. You got nothing.

That has to be annoying.

When you get older you can deal with that because you are not imagining yourself in the roles. The child of Irish ancestry knows with almost absolute certainty that the Ancient Romans and their achievements had nothing to do with their ancestors. But they can share in the culture that Rome is part of. Their DNA is not a VIP pass that gives them special access to Roman magnificence.

Some people just don’t grow up enough.

If you fixate on race then you are doomed to disappointment and the best you can hope for is that you can find enough people willing to play act the lie that you can immerse yourself in it as if real. A pretty dismal outlook.

Oh, and apparently the wife of King George III, Queen Charlotte (as in Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz) was part black. Queen of a country that is constantly touted as the by-word for racism (which always means against blacks) who came from a country and culture with even less contact with Africa, was gladly accepted in both.

Go figure.

April 20, 2023 5:51 pm

Given that the seem to be consistently working towards screwing everyone this isn’t a bad thing.

Not when you’re trying to build a dam, for instance, which the Feds get involved in via environmental approval and funding. It will add an extra layer of black tape to red and green tape.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 20, 2023 5:53 pm

Which tower did the Liberator hit again?

The Jenga tower of Ed’s consciousness.

April 20, 2023 5:54 pm

Instead, the building collapsed perfectly upon itself (like a controlled demolition).

I’ve never been able to work that out…

Inertia. Thousands of tons just wants to go straight down.

This is why kick-back can occur during tree felling.

The centre of mass of the tree wants to go straight down. To get it to fall, you need to be able to sustain a force at the base to effectively move the centre of mass away from the stump.

If the notch is insufficient or the stump is weak or rotted, then the base of the falling tree trunk pushes past the stump.

In this case the centre of mass of the trunk ends up roughly over the stump and the bottom of the trunk has effectively shot backwards by the distance equal to its distance from the tree trunks centre of mass.

Why you move away at right angles from the supposed direction of falling.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 20, 2023 5:55 pm

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc:

The illiterati, the truth deniers, have invented a language of their own. By looking for their favourite words you can easily identify the psychopathic criminals who make up the conspiratorial globalists (or, as we refer to them the `nutters’).

And so here are their favourite words. If you see more than two of these words in any document then you know you are dealing with a dangerous lunatic. You should stand well back.

The Ten Dirtiest and Most Offensive Words in the English Language

April 20, 2023 5:59 pm

Because she thinks for herself and wants the best outcomes for the people she represents. Aboriginal or not. Which is why she will be getting a lot of crap coming her way in the lead up to the referendum vote.

She’s a strong woman, but this will likely be a level of public antagonism she has not yet experienced, even in indigenous politics. Earthly politics always has a dimension of struggle against the spiritual “principalities and powers”, to quote St. Paul. I’ll be keeping Jacinta & her family in my prayers in that regard.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 6:02 pm

It would seem Netflix has produced a new mini-series called Queen Cleopatra, which depicts Cleopatra as black.

The Egyptians aren’t happy.

Egyptian lawyer sues Netflix for ‘blackwashing history’ over new Cleopatra documentary (20 Apr)

A furious Egyptian attorney has filed a lawsuit against Netflix after the streaming service produced a new documentary depicting Cleopatra as a Black woman.

In the reenactment scenes of the trailer for Queen Cleopatra the show has depicted her as being black.

The move has led many people on social media to slam Netflix for ‘Blackwashing’ the historical figure.

According to the Egypt Independent, lawyer Mahmoud al-Semary filed a case with the Public Prosecutor to see Netflix shut down in his country in the wake of the trailer release of Queen Cleopatra.

All explicable when you consider that the paler Egyptians have been fighting the duskier Sudanese for six thousand years. The Greeks aren’t happy either.

New Netflix Documentary Forgets Cleopatra was Greek (14 Apr)

April 20, 2023 6:05 pm

Mother Lode says:
April 20, 2023 at 5:50 pm

It would seem Netflix has produced a new mini-series called Queen Cleopatra, which depicts Cleopatra as black.

An Egyptian MP has already lodged a complaint, and demanded that it not be shown in Egypt.

There is no reputable version of ancient history in which she was black.

The people who complain about ‘cultural appropriation’ are somewhat selective in their outrage.

April 20, 2023 6:07 pm

PS: The best notch you can use for tree felling is one called a “Humbolt Notch”. It looks very counter intuitive but ultimately engages much more of the stump in resisting the force induced by the falling trunk. So much so that the end of the trunk is normally projected 1-2m from the stump. Worksafe British Columbia has some excellent training videos on YouTube for their basic dimensions and use.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 20, 2023 6:08 pm

The child of Irish ancestry knows with almost absolute certainty that the Ancient Romans and their achievements had nothing to do with their ancestors. But they can share in the culture that Rome is part of. Their DNA is not a VIP pass that gives them special access to Roman magnificence.

What the Irish can be proud of and are proud of is that their ancestors, poor monks dwelling in beehive stone huts, carefully copied the major works of the Ancient Greeks and Romans for posterity. So much would have been lost without this Irish input. So they were certainly part of the great Western project.

It is sad to see the West turn its heritage inside out to accommodate the imagined feelings of non-Europeans, visible by skin colour, who have joined into the rise and expansion and successes of the West, making their own contributions on the way. Their cultural story is one that needs to be told, and increasingly is told, through slavery period and the Civil War, the music of the black churches and ragtime days, and rising up against Southern prejudice with Civil Rights marches, and as the workforce of the industrial north, and as a new and rising middle class. They are a legitimate part of the West, and can rightfully see themselves in tales of the above. They don’t need to see Cleopatra the Greek as a black woman for that. Nor turn Ann Boleyn black, anymore than the women of the dynasties of African Kingdoms of the past need to be whitened up. Sticking to reality is always a good choice.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 20, 2023 6:08 pm

Not all Doc’s are under the spell of Big Pharma….with that said, a great rant from the Rev.


Reverand Simon Sideways:

Doctors wages profit from keeping you on medication

April 20, 2023 6:09 pm

Like Ryan Gosling playing Obama in the upcoming miniseries.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2023 6:12 pm

Anthony Albanese in ‘racist and misogynistic’ bid to silence me: Lidia Thorpe

5:25PM April 20, 2023
No Comments

Lidia Thorpe says Anthony Albanese’s suggestion she should “get some help” is a “continuation of a racist and misogynistic narrative” used to silence Indigenous people.

The independent Indigenous senator also claimed she was “harassed by racists” last Sunday when she was filmed leaving a strip club at 3am, and the media had mischaracterised the incident.

Senator Thorpe has been embroiled in controversy after she was captured on video yelling profanities and accusing men of having small penises while she was leaving a Brunswick strip club while celebrating a friend’s 50th birthday.

Senator Thorpe was banned from the club for life after footage showing her shouting obscenities was broadcast by the media.

“On Saturday night I was provoked and stood up for myself,” Senator Thorpe said in statement on Thursday. “No one was hurt. The story should be about the racists brazenly harassing a senator. The story is that I can’t go out without being harassed by racists. This is the racism Blak people deal with everyday in this colony.”

And we are meant to take this fvcking swivel eyed loon seriously?

April 20, 2023 6:13 pm

Snap, Bruce.

Anyway, everyone knows that Cleopatra looked like this.

and this.

Just ask Richard Burton!

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 20, 2023 6:13 pm

And we are meant to take this fvcking swivel eyed loon seriously?

No. No we aren’t.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 6:19 pm

Just ask Richard Burton!

Also Mark Antony and Julius Caesar. She was a babe.

Netflix turns off comments on Queen Cleopatra trailer after receiving major backlash for historical revisionism (20 Apr)

Hehe, a certain corporation is copping flak in a sensitive portion of its anatomy!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2023 6:19 pm

No. No we aren’t.

She’s sitting in the Senate, drawing a Senator’s pay and allowances.

April 20, 2023 6:22 pm

Lidia Thorpe says Anthony Albanese’s suggestion she should “get some help” is a “continuation of a racist and misogynistic narrative” used to silence Indigenous people.


Hoist on his own petard.

And we are meant to take this fvcking swivel eyed loon seriously?

No, but…she’s proving herself very useful atm.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2023 6:28 pm

From the Oz.

30 minutes ago
I noticed that the ABC only reported the Thorpe story when the PM became involved. They didn’t regard it as newsworthy when it occurred. Funny, most other media did.. Was this a chance for them to boost their PM??

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 6:29 pm

She’s sitting in the Senate, drawing a Senator’s pay and allowances.

Unrepresentative swill?

He’s been hitting the talk shows lately, I can hope that someone could ask him about our Lidia and his senatorial…comment.

April 20, 2023 6:32 pm

“On Saturday night I was provoked and stood up for myself,” Senator Thorpe said in statement on Thursday. “No one was hurt. The story should be about the racists brazenly harassing a senator. The story is that I can’t go out without being harassed by racists. This is the racism Blak people deal with everyday in this colony.”

Brazenly harassing a senator? Do you know who I am?

She just keeps digging herself in deeper and deeper.

The vast majority of Australians would just see her as an angry drunk doing a number after too many … let’s just say G&Ts, or Pimms and lemonade. Maybe sherries at the Vicarage.

Oh, wait – she was at a 50th birthday party at a strip club, something that almost any MP might have in their appointments book, right?


Look, I don’t care if she has a raucous private life. But when she, as a Senator, starts arguments inside the club by accusing people of being racists and then carries it further outside as we have seen, claiming that she was harassed ‘as a Senator’ is making the one that plays Jingle Bells … jingle.

April 20, 2023 6:35 pm

I am not saying that diet is irrelevant, but in Tim’s case, he should look at the family tree. Or perhaps it is just a quirk, like tennis star Arthur Ashe who dropped dead of a heart attack at 50 after an impeccable lifestyle.

He’s had a terrible fright, and hopefully he will regain his sense of perspective in due course. And his health, of course.

Jo, Tim Blair’s reckoning at 57 is typical and pervasive: give up the smokes and you’ll live until your life expectancy of 80+.

Thankfully, Timmo has done that and he will probably be here for another 25-30+ years.

April 20, 2023 6:41 pm

Your turn, Ed, what is your justification for your observations?

Dont rush him, hes squatting over the mirror as we speak laying out a new justification.

Winston Smith
April 20, 2023 6:42 pm

Dover Beach:

Robert Kennedy Jnr. challenging Biden is going to make the Dem primaries dynamite, and, if he gets through, the Presidential very interesting.

Don’t tell me the Kennedy Klan is going to have another try of the “Conscience of the Senate” ploy ?
The Democrats are going to have trouble filling a taxi after Trump gets through with them this time – fingers crossed.

April 20, 2023 6:44 pm

Oh, wait – she was at a 50th birthday party at a strip club, something that almost any MP might have in their appointments book, right?

Paging Mr Rudd, Mr Rudd to the courtesy phone…

In interviews yesterday Mr Rudd admitted visiting Scores and said he had been too drunk to remember much of what had happened. He said he was not normally a big drinker.
The tabloid Sunday Telegraph also alleged that the father-of-three was cautioned by management for touching the strippers and had been asked to leave the club. “I have absolutely no recollection of that,” said Mr Rudd, “but if my behaviour caused any offence to anybody whatsoever that evening I, of course, wholeheartedly apologise.”

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 20, 2023 6:55 pm

Sometimes, to amuse myself, I imagine what would happen if I were to make a new version of Zulu, but where some (perhaps the most powerful – which is how Netflix does it) of the Zulu tribesmen were white.

There would be outrage.

From me too.

But for those black people who are most stung by the vast scale of European history compared to the poverty of black history, it would be much worse – they would feel that their historical presence was scant enough, but to take what little they have would be more of an insult. And again, not without reason.

But they really need to find a better solution than lying about white people and black. Black people actually existed at the times in question, but they are being abandoned while they raid white history to create a faux black history at the expense of real historical blacks.

April 20, 2023 6:57 pm

dover0beach says:
April 20, 2023 at 5:46 pm

If RJK Jr has 14% already that is a good start. That the DNC will be against him goes without saying. He has a little over a year to catch up. Good luck to him.

No chance the DNC would ever cheat in the primaries.

April 20, 2023 6:57 pm

FMD. The Australian government is still flogging Kung Flu vaccine boosters in prime time TV ads.

How dumb do you have to be to fall for that?

April 20, 2023 6:57 pm

Good news from the irrepressible Ross Cameron, Go Go John Ruddick (MLC, NSW!), man of dedication Rob Cribb and the unstoppable Victor Tey!

Dear Dot Dottson of Dottington Palace,

This afternoon the NSW Electoral Commission held its “final distribution of preferences” confirming that Liberal Democrats candidate John Ruddick has been elected to the NSW Legislative Council for an eight year term with 162,755 votes, 3.53% of the statewide vote. This is the first time the Liberal Democrats have won a seat in the NSW Upper House, Australia’s oldest legislative chamber and gives the party elected representation in the two most populous Australian states after the success of David Limbrick in Victoria. We are not blind to the immediate, material benefit to the NSW Liberal Democrats of a member in the chamber, an office and two full-time staff and, by the rorts of incumbency, an annual cash allowance for party administration costs.

For some perspective, the result represents a 62% increase on the party’s result in the 2022 NSW Senate race and an even greater advance on the NSW State Election in 2019. Ironically, after securing both Liberal and National Party preferences at #2 statewide for the first time, we have been comfortably elected without the benefit of any preference flows because of the way the quotas filled, securing victory at #19 out of 21 vacant spots (with Shooters, Fishers and Farmers winning #20 and Rachel Merton scraping over the line just ahead of Animal Justice to give the Liberal Party #21 and seven in total.

One of the great things about the result for John Ruddick and the Party is that the Upper House is now evenly split 21:21 between the Left (ALP, Greens, Animal Justice, Cannabis) and the non-Left (Liberal/Nationals, One Nation, Liberal Democrats and Shooters), before election of the President which will deprive (probably the ALP) of another vote, meaning the Government will have to negotiate with the cross bench to pass every piece of legislation.

We may indulge a little speculation on how the Liberal Democrats managed such a startling rise in the statewide vote, as the thieves gather after the heist to divide the spoils. There may be some benefit, however, beyond self-gratification, in learning from what worked and didn’t work, so that we may build electoral momentum for the NSW Division’s next major contests, which are the Senate race (probably late 2024 but possibly early 2025) and the next State election in four year’s time. The factors were a mix of candidate, luck, strategy and execution and the weight of each factor clearly contestable, with well informed and thoughtful people having different views but my own rough list of key factors would include:

We ran a clear, bold, unapologetic libertarian candidate and policy, which was right in principal and gave us the best chance of retaining our base and harvesting the homeless and disaffected Freedom Movement votes.
The failure of the UAP to register as a political party in NSW left 160,000 votes as drifting refugees looking for a new port (note to self – we gotta’ get the basics right).
The poor result for One Nation (achieving 5% and only one seat against expectation of 10%+) followed failure to allocate preferences or engage with other freedom parties and internal tension neutralising Pauline Hanson’s electoral appeal.
Turning Point helped deliver 17 candidates in the Lower House and 17 in the Upper House, including Millie Fontana (PHON) at #2 and Natalie Dumer (UAP) at #3, which acted as glue and permission for UAP, PHON, IMOP etc to vote LibDems.
The preference deal with Liberals and Nationals meant we had over a million how to vote cards, endorsing LibDems at #2, handed out by Liberal and National volunteers, creating an explicit permission for Liberals and Nationals to vote LibDems.
In the limited time available after our internal spasm on Boxing Day 2022, (Ed: LOL!) the new State Executive, Campaign Director Rob Cribb, donors, volunteers and the Party as a whole united and mobilised around the candidate as one credible, vote-winning machine.

I don’t think anyone should under-estimate the importance of John Ruddick’s individual merits as a candidate, including his 10 years of work as a democratic reformer building alliances within and beyond the Liberal Party and then on SMH, Sky News, the Spectator and elsewhere. There is no substitute for conviction. For a candidate to succeed, however, he or she must also have the ability to attract talent, build a team, reach beyond the usual suspects to create something new and bigger, more than the sum of the parts. In the end, the voter must mark a box, on a piece of paper, next to an individual name – 162,755 voters selected “John Ruddick” and as a party, we can be thankful for John’s willingness to run, for Kelly’s instinct to support him so completely and for Mamma BooBoo Ruddick’s amazing individual effort as a volunteer, worthy of the best traditions of the cadres of the Chinese Communist Party. Most minor party MPs disappear without trace – I think possible Ruddick could emerge as a significant figure on the rational right.

The decision of Turning Point (Joel Jammal and Millie Fontana) to commit early to the Liberal Democrats campaign delivered a range of benefits not immediately visible from outside. Turning Point’s “How to vote Freedom” card, with John Ruddick at the very top, was downloaded over 60,000 times (interestingly, almost exactly the number of new votes the party won beyond the 2022 Senate result). Millie Fontana was the first advocate of Craig Kelly running at #2 on a LibDems freedom movement ticket and we only went to Millie when Craig declined, where Millie executed the strategy she had largely conceived. Both Joel and Millie did fantastic work in recruiting candidates from across the Freedom Movement and there is no doubt in my mind, beyond the benefits of luck, that Turning Point was our “winged keel”, with the right strategy at the right time and backed up with very solid execution. I am therefor grateful to the Liberal Democrats rank and file membership, the long term party members and candidates, for the grace, wisdom and street smarts, to support the Lead Candidate, State Executive and Campaign Director in allowing “foreigners” onto our ticket, in order to maximise the total LibDems vote.

The NSW Division is benefiting from a very cohesive and skilled State Executive, who are a happy band of brothers, and I would acknowledge the outstanding individual efforts of Rob Cribb as Campaign Director, who worked himself to near hospitalisation and to Victor Tey, who completed the excellent Candidate website and corflute design as his wife was going into labour. I would also (excuse the nepotism) like to thank my son Dougal, who played the key role, along with Rob Cribb and Nathan Thomason, in recruiting both Ruddick and me to the Liberal Democrats, which Dougal described accurately, “as the only real libertarian party on The Australian political landscape.”

You may recall, my first and only myopic goal as your president, was to get Ruddick elected to parliament. The question now happily arising is “What next?” On that subject, the most obvious thing that stands out in my mind, from an organisational standpoint, is that over 160,000 people voted LibDems but close to only 400 of them are party general members. We must add them to the rolls. Secondly, I am keen to see the Liberal Democrats continue to play a leadership role in welding together disparate elements of the freedom loving, rational non-Left and finally, I want to see the Party deliver to John Ruddick the level of support and resources that his vision clearly merits and deserves.

On those matters, the State Executive and I will detain you further in due course but for the time being, thanks for your terrific support throughout the campaign, congratulations to John Ruddick and every Liberal Democrat – you are the true believers, this victory is deservedly yours, broad sunlit uplands await.

With kind regards,


The Hon Ross Cameron
NSW Liberal Democrats

April 20, 2023 6:58 pm

The tabloid Sunday Telegraph also alleged that the father-of-three was cautioned by management for touching the strippers and had been asked to leave the club.

You would just love to have Kevin sweating all over you.

April 20, 2023 6:59 pm

Paging Mr Rudd, Mr Rudd to the courtesy phone…

Surely there is a (union-provided) training course for Green/Labor/teal pollies on how to do strip clubs right? Lidia had to play the race card to stay out of Jail. Rudd used the standard “… don’t recall”.

Elbow would probably repeat his “housing commission + single parent” speech which works for most crowds and causes, throwing in some tears if needed …

April 20, 2023 6:59 pm

FMD. The Australian government is still flogging Kung Flu vaccine boosters in prime time TV ads.

How dumb do you have to be to fall for that?

yep on the radio at work too- ‘authorized by the Australian government canbra’. Eff off canbra.

April 20, 2023 6:59 pm

Re someone upthread whose bank is suddenly demanding ID.

Today, I rang the Grab ‘n’ Go medical centre I have been using for more than five years to book a phone appointment. It is a tedious and time/money wasting ritual for elderly patients with arthritis who require pain relief. Mine is at the bottom of the scale, 50mg Tramadol slow release, but it requires renewal every month and a Health Department approval number. That is because otherwise I would probably sell them down at the pub or something, if I had the chance.

Anyway, I phoned the Grab ‘n’ Go to make an appointment, and was informed that they now require a ‘three point identification’ to make an appointment, whether in person or over the phone. They already have have all the information, like my name, date of birth, and address.

It seems like the quest for more and more of our personal information, just waiting to be hacked, marches on.

April 20, 2023 7:04 pm


Moxely was killed by the Skakel father, wasn’t she?

April 20, 2023 7:05 pm

johanna it was me who whinged about my bank asking for info after 16.5+ years of being a customer they’ve made a bit of money out of.

Now I cannot condone illegal activity, but I am not surprised at all that people use drug dealers.

Honestly – you may be healthier using a small amount of cannabis if you’re not going to drive anywhere.

You are right about these data breaches. The institutions are weak because an attack on them has economies of scale. I have had a credit/debit card number copied once and that’s all the fraud I have directly encountered. It is more likely the bank had a lot of other CC numbers stolen than my poor security because I rarely used that card online.

I tore the letter up last night.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 7:06 pm

Sometimes, to amuse myself, I imagine what would happen if I were to make a new version of Zulu, but where some (perhaps the most powerful – which is how Netflix does it) of the Zulu tribesmen were white.

Awesome! The Wakandans can be assailed by hordes of whities.
Hollywood would go for it, whilst completely missing the point.

It could actually be a very fine movie, if you could put together the right story. Maybe a post apocalypse scenario, with a secret Wakandan colony in the US or suchlike.

I’m watching short Scifi. Just now one called Checkpoint, which would be painfully familiar to computer game players…

April 20, 2023 7:07 pm

A hard day’s yacker and I sit down with some aged blue JW and what do I fu.king find: head prefect libelling the beautiful, fit girls I post to edify and instruct you poor saps by posting a photo of rachel levine’s younger brother.

Take this you myopic bastard.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 20, 2023 7:11 pm

Repeat ( :


Two lovely ladies:

Bette Davis Vs Marlene Dietrich – Maneater

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 20, 2023 7:14 pm

GoT marathon.

Not the last season. The better stuff, about halfway through.

Cassie of Sydney
April 20, 2023 7:18 pm

Here this…

1. Cleopatra was not black, she was a very white member of the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty.
2. Jesus was not black, he was a Semitic Hebrew, his skin colour was either white or olive, modern Mediterranean.
3. Moses was not black, he was a Semitic Hebrew. His skin colour was either white or olive, modern Mediterranean.
4. King David was not black, he was a Semitic Hebrew. His skin colour was either white or olive, modern Mediterranean.
5. Mohammed was not black, it is recorded that he had white skin. There are good solid records about Mohammed’s appearance.
6. Arabs are not black, they are Semites. Racism is endemic in the Arab world, any blacks in modern Egypt or Iraq or anywhere in North Africa are descendants of slaves, and they are still looked down upon and badly treated because of their skin colour.
7. The Phoenicians were not black, they were Semites.
8. The Berbers are not black, they are the indigenous people of North Africa. Many Berbers have red hair and blue eyes.
9. The Queen of Sheba was not black, she was a Semitic Sabaean.
10. Anne Boleyn was not black.
11. Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III, was not black.

Last year I saw a very good Danish film called Queen Margrethe, about the last “Queen” of Denmark who reigned (correct spelling) in the early 1400s. She was the last Danish queen to reign in her own right before our Mary’s mother-in-law, the current Queen Margrethe. After this medieval queen, the Danes introduced salic law. But I digress, the film was based on true events and what I liked is that the Danes didn’t tamper with history and they didn’t put any black actors in the film because the bottom line is that there weren’t any blacks in medieval Denmark, and if there were one or two, they were slaves.

I don’t know about others but I’m getting absolutely sick and tired of this blackwashing.

April 20, 2023 7:19 pm

JC says:
April 20, 2023 at 7:04 pm


Moxely was killed by the Skakel father, wasn’t she?

My memory of the case was incorrect. It wasn’t the father who spent time in jail. It was one of the Skakel children who was later released.

What a shit show of a court case though.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2023 7:19 pm

Solar eclipse celebration for 50th anniversary of Pink Floyd’s iconic album The Dark Side of the Moon

5:58PM April 20, 2023
No Comments

When Pink Floyd fired co-founder, songwriter and frontman-guitarist Syd Barrett in 1968 as a result of his rampant use of LSD and subsequent mental illness, they never told him. Instead, they just didn’t pick him up on their way to a performance in England. Through trial and error, the band figured out how to fill Barrett’s creative shoes after they officially parted ways later that year.

By 1971, with the release of Meddle, few rock bands were dreaming on Pink Floyd’s scale. To cope with their Barrett guilt and growing creative differences, the quartet, with David Gilmour now lead vocalist and guitarist, began using their albums and concerts as a form of therapy. For their eighth studio album, bassist and lyricist Roger Waters envisioned an LP that would explore a single concept – the forces that chip away at one’s sanity.

The result was The Dark Side of the Moon, evoking both the mysterious, sunless lunar rear and the centuries-old belief that the moon influenced moods and was responsible for lunacy. Released 50 years ago, the album reached No. 1 on Billboard’s LP chart for a week (the Australian ARIA charts did not begun until 1988) but has since remained on the chart for nearly 1000 weeks, selling more than 50 million units worldwide.

To commemorate the 50th anniversary, Sony Music has released a new deluxe boxed set of the remastered studio album on CD, LP and Blu-ray and DVD audio, and for the first time in Dolby Atmos, as well as a CD and LP of Live at Wembley Empire Pool, recorded in London in 1974.

April 20, 2023 7:20 pm

Blot wheeling out his favourite dinosaurs (again), Gen Buck Keane (Retd.) of the Henry Kissinger Peace Academy and everybody’s favourite expedient hypocritical political mediocrity, the Beetrooter.

Value for money, it is not.

April 20, 2023 7:20 pm

Ackchyually, Queen Margrethe I of Denmark was Chinese in appearance.

April 20, 2023 7:22 pm

All we need now is that Basset Hound faced cretin Sheridini and we’ll have the trifecta.

April 20, 2023 7:24 pm

Going from memory, Tim Blair also had bowel cancer around 2005 ish or so. It was stage 4 according to him at the time. He’s been through a lot.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 20, 2023 7:28 pm

Moxely was killed by the Skakel father, wasn’t she?
No, Skakel’s grandson was convicted.
George Skakel was extremely wealthy from Coal and Shipping on the Great Lakes.
Robert Kennedy Sr married one of his daughters, that’s where the initial funding for RFK Jr’s run likely originates.
Michael Skakel is RFK Jr’s cousin, Kennedy wrote a book proclaiming Skakel’s innocence.
Kennedy is also onboard with the Ukraine War, that might change if it gets unpopular.

Winston Smith
April 20, 2023 7:36 pm

She’s sitting in the highest offices in the land, bitching about being victimised, pissing on the people she is being paid a Kings ransom to represent, and still sees herself as a victim of white racism?
She needs psychiatric help.
Or at least a good frigging belting with a nulla nulla to get her head back into the reality her mother and grandmother experienced.

April 20, 2023 7:37 pm

Zulu. rubbish, members of the Floyd loved Syd. The breakup was ugly and messy, but not malicious.

Maybe you have never been closely associated with a young man who has what is called ‘schizophrenia’ , but I have. It’s a thing that hits young men, 18-22, often guys who are on track to be high achievers.

Essentially they drift further and further from what most people call reality. On one level they know this and are very frightened. On the other, all kinds of delusions are rampant.

Early Floyd was not a psychiatric hospital. It was not their fault.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2023 7:39 pm

Or at least a good frigging belting with a nulla nulla to get her head back into the reality her mother and grandmother experienced.

For shame, don’t you know that traditional culture was Utopia?

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 20, 2023 7:44 pm

Shine On, you Crazy Diamond, was just the right description of young Syd Barrett.

April 20, 2023 7:44 pm

12. Hamilton was not black.

Winston Smith
April 20, 2023 7:46 pm


It seems like the quest for more and more of our personal information, just waiting to be hacked, marches on.

They don’t give a shit about the personal information, Johanna. They want to make the process so unwieldy and bureaucratic that you decide it’s not worth the trouble any more and join the que for termination.
If you don’t believe me, check out the rate at which Canadians and Dutch are settling for euthanasia.

Cassie of Sydney
April 20, 2023 7:47 pm

“12. Hamilton was not black.”


Perth Trader
Perth Trader
April 20, 2023 7:48 pm

Syd Barretts first name was Rodger.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2023 7:50 pm

Shine On, you Crazy Diamond, was just the right description of young Syd Barrett.

Roger Waters is going that way also. Seriously off the planet these days, unfortunately.

Roger Waters vows to play Frankfurt citing Kristallnacht (17 Apr)

The projection is strong with this one.

April 20, 2023 7:55 pm

Might sound dodgy but personally I got sick of branches asking too many questions about what I was using my money on, sign here and oh could you do that again. That was the result after they started disappearing their ATM’s for the generic ones with a fee, all of which I would have used instead.

You want to withdraw cash no questions asked, Post Office or Supermarkets but the PO will do up to the daily limit in my experience no questions asked.

April 20, 2023 7:56 pm

Top Ender says:
April 20, 2023 at 7:44 pm

Shine On, you Crazy Diamond, was just the right description of young Syd Barrett.

Magnificent, as a body of work, the Floyd are right up there as top musical artists.

April 20, 2023 8:01 pm

Shine On, you Crazy Diamond was written about Syd B, whose solo album was called “The Madcap laughs”

I’ve been mad for fcuking years

I’ve always been mad, I know I’ve been mad
Like the most of us have
Very hard to explain why you’re mad
Even if you’re not mad

April 20, 2023 8:01 pm

Dot, Margrethe I of Denmark looks nothing like Chinese.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 20, 2023 8:01 pm

“Father Bob” McGuire will be granted a State Funeral.
Being a Catholic priest- and sacked a decade ago for impropriety- can we expect rainbow ribbons and screeching at the event?
Well no of course not, because such protests as the disgraceful show at Cl Pell’s are products of the Hive Mind, and the Lizard People say no, that bloke was one of our’s.

April 20, 2023 8:02 pm

Piper at the Gates of Dawn is fantastic album.

April 20, 2023 8:05 pm

grantchester meadows beautiful song by early Floyd.

April 20, 2023 8:06 pm

Kenny being a total cuck (again). Denouncing Hydia’s father for laying down some home truths about the mad slag’s descent into screeching insanity.

Sparkle’s ol’ man had few choice things to say about his daughter as well.

Winston Smith
April 20, 2023 8:06 pm

Cassie of Sydney:

I don’t know about others but I’m getting absolutely sick and tired of this blackwashing.

The Blackwashing is tolerable. What is not is the people who condone it because of ideology.
It is in fact, cultural treason – representing a lie as reality because of fashion. There’s little wrong with portraying history in an alternate sense for entertainment – the wrongness lies in portraying it as fact.
History must be accurate. To accept lies as truth is akin to building your own culture on sand.

April 20, 2023 8:10 pm

Drinking Chivas Regal while playing backgammon with Pink Floyd playing was a regular past time for me at seventeen.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
April 20, 2023 8:12 pm

‘The Turning Away’ played at 100 decibel’s gives me a out of body experience. My children cant believe I was young once.

April 20, 2023 8:12 pm

I gave up on this blackwashing bullshit when they started infesting adaptations of our Jane’s novels. It occurs because no one in authority defends Western democracy which evolved from the Greeks via Henry the 8th, the Reformation and the separation of church and state. Democracy did not evolve in any black culture. I guess in a way its a compliment; or would be if it were not being done by white commies.

April 20, 2023 8:13 pm

Dot, Margrethe I of Denmark looks nothing like Chinese

Don’t whiteface our Celestial Kween!

April 20, 2023 8:13 pm
April 20, 2023 8:16 pm

Athenians were black Kingz, but technically they practiced demarchy interspersed with military dictatorships and dole bludgers wreaking havoc as invidious, vindictive, part time lay jurors .

April 20, 2023 8:19 pm

Athenians were black Kingz, but technically they practiced demarchy interspersed with military dictatorships and dole bludgers wreaking havoc as invidious, vindictive, part time lay jurors .

In fact it was the reverse Dot.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 20, 2023 8:20 pm

A Roy Morgan poll conducted between Friday April 14 and Tuesday April 18 found 46 per cent of Australians were in favour of the voice, down seven percentage points from the pollster’s December results.

The no vote has galvanised in that time, with 39 per cent of respondents opposing the voice, up 9 percentage points from December.

Fifteen per cent of respondents were undecided, down two percentage points.

Oz. Albo needs to get out for a chorus or three of “You’re the Voice”…

April 20, 2023 8:21 pm

Arthur Ashe died of AIDS. The poor man had a transfusion after heart surgery. This was prior to screening, when gay men were using the blood bank for detection of STDs.

Like Paul Michael Glasser’s wife, and haemophiliacs like Bryce Courtney’s son and many…many others.

Love is love.

April 20, 2023 8:24 pm

Roger Waters apart from creating great music was brought up in a communist household. One of the problems in the group cited he was a money grabbing bastard, like most communists if they get the chance. The talent in that group is amazing. Look at all those pommy groups of the time. Some of the finest anywhere. They are all my favorite no matter who I am listening to. No, not true, Townshend is my favourite followed by Steve Winwood.

Cassie of Sydney
April 20, 2023 8:26 pm

“Arthur Ashe died of AIDS. The poor man had a transfusion after heart surgery. This was prior to screening, when gay men were using the blood bank for detection of STDs.

Like Paul Michael Glasser’s wife, and haemophiliacs like Bryce Courtney’s son and many…many others.

Love is love.”

Yes. Thanks calli.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 20, 2023 8:29 pm

Drinking Chivas Regal while playing backgammon with Pink Floyd playing was a regular past time for me at seventeen.

Now THAT’s quality.

April 20, 2023 8:32 pm

The Floyd are an astonishingly powerful musical achievement and influence, although almost no ‘influencer’ would ever have heard of them by name, let alone comprehend what they did.

Someone will mention ‘careful with that axe eugene’ or ‘set the controls …’ and they will be social media champions.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 20, 2023 8:36 pm

Ed Casesays:
April 20, 2023 at 5:34 pm
Son. When you apply your brain more constructively I’ll stop applying that term.

Here’s how I see things.

Don’t forget your white cane and guide dog, Grandpa ED Simpson. You will need them to “see things”.

April 20, 2023 8:39 pm

George Floyd, “Squeeze House” (aka The Main Squeeze).

Cover of Have A Cigar.

April 20, 2023 8:44 pm

Face the facts. The white race dragged humanity out of the gutter, and now they are sending it back.

April 20, 2023 8:44 pm

Some of the covers of Pink Floyd are good: High Hopes.

April 20, 2023 8:45 pm

We’ve survived long enough as heroes to become the villains.


April 20, 2023 8:51 pm

Only 9% wind energy and no sun tonight across the whole eastern seaboard, that’s Qld, NSW. Vic SA and Tas. Wouldn’t make any difference if we had more turbines. They’d be standing silent too. As no wind. Just as well we still have coal and can import from Tassie’s hydro plant as otherwise we would be working by candle light. And we haven’t turned off all the coal yet. There will be a big awakening when that happens.

April 20, 2023 8:57 pm

is momentum a vector quantity or am I just being finicky?

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 20, 2023 8:58 pm

I received this today.

I then watched the 4Corners story it related to – Tainted Gold, which is about the Perth Mint.

April 20, 2023 8:59 pm

There will be a big awakening when that happens.

Nah. Turtle and the rest of these tards will simply say we don’t have enough ruinables.

April 20, 2023 8:59 pm

Let’s not talk about relativity and particle physics at rest.

April 20, 2023 9:03 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
April 20, 2023 at 8:26 pm
“Arthur Ashe died of AIDS. The poor man had a transfusion after heart surgery. This was prior to screening, when gay men were using the blood bank for detection of STDs.

Like Paul Michael Glasser’s wife, and haemophiliacs like Bryce Courtney’s son and many…many others.

So did my mother. She had unscreened blood. I nursed her at home for 6 years up bush when I was a teenager until my early 20’s, whilst driving to Melb and back to go to uni. They didn’t know what was wrong and when they did, never said so.

April 20, 2023 9:06 pm

When he’s not installing ac units he’s lecturing on quantum mechanics at MIT.

Winston Smith
April 20, 2023 9:08 pm


Only 9% wind energy and no sun tonight across the whole eastern seaboard, that’s Qld, NSW. Vic SA and Tas. Wouldn’t make any difference if we had more turbines. They’d be standing silent too. As no wind. Just as well we still have coal and can import from Tassie’s hydro plant as otherwise we would be working by candle light. And we haven’t turned off all the coal yet. There will be a big awakening when that happens.

I’ve spent the last twenty years warning them of the consequences of the Net Zero policies. The idiots still refuse to listen.
It’s now their problem. They can learn the hard way or the other hard way.

Winston Smith
April 20, 2023 9:10 pm


So did my mother. She had unscreened blood. I nursed her at home for 6 years up bush when I was a teenager until my early 20’s, whilst driving to Melb and back to go to uni. They didn’t know what was wrong and when they did, never said so.

And for that, they should be reviled for generations.

April 20, 2023 9:13 pm

If your into black comedy/not so serious drama then COCAINE BEAR is very well done .. lotza blood & gore scenes but a superb script turns it all into an enjoyable laff-fest .. great little movie! .. 8/10
Ray Liotta’s finale (he didn’t age well, poor bloke!) ..

halfway thru BLONDE .. the Marylin Monroe story .. why, oh why! do they feel the need to concentrate on the miserable parts of her life rather than the glamourous side most folk are used too ….!
watchable .. but I’m 90 minutes into its 2 hrs 50 mins and all this misery side means enuf is enuf for one night .. will finish, mainly, cos I started .. but in the words of Vivian Leigh ..
“I’ll think about it, tomorrow” …. 6/10

Which also reminds me .. picked up a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle ($4) of a GONE WITH THE WIND poster for my CW collection in a Vinnies over the weekend … still to do ..

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 20, 2023 9:14 pm

Install a oil pressure gauge on the car. If the oil pump dies and the pressure drops, flick the ignition switch off and save yourself a fortune with engine!!!

The little red gauge on your dash? F-in crap.

That gauge in the middle of this clips bonnets car? Learn from it.

<a href = ""Our FIRST DRIVE In the 1,700 Horsepower Supercharged Big Block KILLA-B!! (melts tires instantly

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 20, 2023 9:15 pm

mem, very sorry that that happened to your mum.

When the medical and regulatory authorities discovered what happened to your mum, but did not tell your family, shows that in these bodies unethical behaviour has had a long history.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2023 9:18 pm

Tainted Gold, which is about the Perth Mint.

Did it feature the Mickleberg brothers?

April 20, 2023 9:19 pm

When the medical and regulatory authorities discovered what happened to your mum, but did not tell your family, shows that in these bodies unethical behaviour has had a long history.

But telling the truth might have led to a general disapproval of homosexuals and what they get up to. And we couldn’t have that.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 20, 2023 9:20 pm

Just watching Fred Pawle on ADH TV. He’s interviewing John Ruddick of the LibDems, who has been successful in gaining an upper house seat in the NSW parliament. Pawle said Ruddick may have the balance of power in the LC. let’s hope so!

April 20, 2023 9:24 pm

On the subject of quantum mechanics

Doc, if there’s been any evidence to prove particle entanglement: the behavior of two particles is correlated even if they’re very distant.

Cassie of Sydney
April 20, 2023 9:25 pm

“So did my mother. She had unscreened blood. I nursed her at home for 6 years up bush when I was a teenager until my early 20’s, whilst driving to Melb and back to go to uni. They didn’t know what was wrong and when they did, never said so.”

Mem, I’m so sorry. Just dreadful, dreadful.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 20, 2023 9:27 pm

Zulu, it’s about the Perth mint’s links to criminals and, through the Bank of Cyprus, to the Russians. It’s about the Perth Mint not knowing who it’s clients really are and how, being owned by the WA Govt, McGowan, as the Treasurer, was in charge of it. It’s about deliberately reducing the amount of gold in the bars that the Shanghai Gold Exchange were purchasing.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 20, 2023 9:29 pm

Dr BG;
But telling the truth might have led to a general disapproval of homosexuals and what they get up to. And we couldn’t have that.

No, they, couldn’t have that.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
April 20, 2023 9:30 pm

A Roy Morgan poll conducted between Friday April 14 and Tuesday April 18 found 46 per cent of Australians were in favour of the voice, down seven percentage points from the pollster’s December results.

Albo is the no voice’s great asset. If he wasn’t a total moron, he would’ve brought the referendum forward to the first Saturday after the polls went south.

But Albo is stupid and is the best hope for the no vote.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 20, 2023 9:30 pm

Movies to watch:

1. Cocaine Bear
2. Blood and Honey

Cassie of Sydney
April 20, 2023 9:31 pm

“Just watching Fred Pawle on ADH TV. He’s interviewing John Ruddick of the LibDems, who has been successful in gaining an upper house seat in the NSW parliament. Pawle said Ruddick may have the balance of power in the LC. let’s hope so!”

Thanks BBS, further to ADH-TV, I also recommend Damian Coory’s talk with Campbell Newman which I watched this morning. It’s good. Newman speaks absolute sense about the Liberal Party.

Further to ADH-TV, it is the future. Sky Oz isn’t. For now I’m happy to support both as I will always continue to watch Outsiders etc but ADH-TV must be supported. As I wrote this morning about Alan Jones, who apparently is behind ADH-TV, in 2021 Sky News Oz, by succumbing to activist scum and pushing out Alan Jones, lost someone who had a real following and could pull in many, many viewers.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 20, 2023 9:36 pm

Cassie, I watched that Campbell Newman interview – pity he’s not still in power – and also the Catherine Deves one.

April 20, 2023 9:41 pm

Geez! .. they don’t miss a trick when it comes OPM do they? .. Labor only just starting out in NSW but in keeping with ‘good” governance has declared double traffic penalties from midnight Friday for the “long weekend” thru to midnight Tuesday even tho Monday isn’t a public holiday so in reality there is NO long weekend ……..!

April 20, 2023 9:41 pm

mass x velocity. Velocity is a vector. It’s a vector.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2023 9:45 pm

Live export phase-out consultation panel must visit eastern Wheatbelt: Mia Davies
Adam Poulsen
Thu, 20 April 2023 8:47AM

Central Wheatbelt MLA Mia Davies is calling on Labor’s live sheep export phase-out consultation panel to add more dates to its seven-town regional WA roadshow, labelling the process so far a “farce”.

The four-person panel was set to wrap-up four days of consultation in Albany on Thursday morning after holding meetings in Moora, York, Narrogin, Wagin, Katanning and Cranbrook.

Ms Davies wants the panel to visit the eastern Wheatbelt, saying consultation must be extended to allow more communities impacted by the Albanese Government’s planned sheep shipping ban to have their say.

“The dates were announced with very little notice, right in the middle of seeding, and ignored the eastern Wheatbelt completely,” she said.

“I personally believe the forums are just a tick and flick exercise for the Labor Government to say they consulted.

“But if they’re going to do it, they should do it properly and give the people they’re ripping a business out from under the chance to have their say.”

Federal Labor pledged to phase out live sheep exports in the lead-up to last year’s election but has yet to confirm a timeframe.

The panel — which includes senior public servant Phillip Glyde, prominent WA farmer Sue Middleton, former RSPCA chief executive Heather Neil and retired Northern Territory Labor MP Warren Snowdon — was appointed in early March to consult with industry on how and when to phase out the $92 million trade.

Ms Davies said there was a “palpable” feeling of “helplessness, anger and frustration” among WA farmers.

“They have every right to be angry with a Government that has made an arbitrary decision to shut down a legitimate industry,” she said.

“What the Prime Minister and his east-coast colleagues fail to realise is how devastating this will be for hard-working farmers, truckies, small business owners, port workers — everyone along the supply chain.”

This week’s meetings have angered farmers and industry leaders, most of whom were not invited and only found out after details were leaked on social media at the weekend.

The meetings were intended to facilitate consultation with “targeted gatherings of producers and other relevant stakeholders”, according to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

These included “grower groups, meat processing groups and other businesses in the supply chain” contacted in the fortnight before the visit.

The panel has instead been met with angry crowds of between 80 and 200 farmers, with the number rising at each gathering.

“prominent WA farmer Sue Middleton” Never heard of her.

April 20, 2023 9:50 pm

It’s a vector

… until it isn’t

Cassie of Sydney
April 20, 2023 9:52 pm

Think about this…

The Coalition won in a landslide in September 2013, and governed for almost nine years however, apart from its first flurry when they stopped the boats and got rid of the carbon tax, everything then dried up, like the Aral Sea. The Coalition then spent the next seven years basically doing nothing, wimping, scared of its own tail, adopting Labor lite policies, refusing to fight on climate or economic reform or free speech or education or anything, a government that constantly fellated its ideological enemies at the same time as spitting on its traditional voters.

Contrast the Coalition with this….

Labor won government in 2022, it’s only been eleven months yet notice the difference? They’ve wasted no time implementing its agendas.

What’s that old saying again? Ah yes…….chalk and cheese.

April 20, 2023 10:10 pm

But Albo is stupid and is the best hope for the no vote.

Even better is he doesn’t realise it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2023 10:12 pm

What’s that old saying again? Ah yes…….chalk and cheese.

I go back to the Malcolm Fraser years – elected in a landslide, given a thumping mandate to dismantle the failed social experiment of the Whitlam years, but almost too worried about what the Left in this country would say about him…

April 20, 2023 10:16 pm

“I personally believe the forums are just a tick and flick exercise for the Labor Government to say they consulted.

“But if they’re going to do it, they should do it properly and give the people they’re ripping a business out from under the chance to have their say.”

What’s the point? You get to swear at some useless wankers, you get to tell them they don’t have a clue how anything works, and they sit there until you’ve finished to earn their pay. Then they go back and say they’ve consulted with stakeholders, and the whole thing rolls on and over those stakeholders.
You can’t actually stop or even deflect the process. The consultations are a ritual to establish how kind the government is. They pretend to listen to you, and you play your part by swearing at them.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 20, 2023 10:18 pm

It may have been posted here already, but I’ve just watched Megyn Kelly saying she’s not putting up with it any longer – a woman is an adult human female and if you are a man who calls himself a woman then you are not one, nor will you ever be one. Do your worst, she says to the cancel crowd.

April 20, 2023 10:21 pm

I used to be a customer of Perth Mint in the 80’s and yes I knew of the Mickleburgs before they were a thing through other Army guys who I never considered to be trustworthy so was not surprised at the outcome.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2023 10:41 pm

a woman is an adult human female and if you are a man who calls himself a woman then you are not one, nor will you ever be one. Do your worst, she says to the cancel crowd.

Adult human females experience periods, with all that that that entails….

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 20, 2023 10:58 pm

I must admit I wasn’t worried about WWIII but after seeing KRuddy and his ludicrous wife in Washington saying they met with President Biden and see their role as promoting dialogue between the US and China, now I know I won’t be able to get to sleep tonight.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 20, 2023 11:04 pm

Adult human females experience periods, with all that that that entails….

Yep. Kelly is good on pointing that out – also childbirth, breastfeeding and menopause.

No man in a frock has a clue about any of that. Nor will he ever have one, it is a lived experience. So (it is late at nite so I can say it) is the experience of female orgasm from vaginal intercourse with the involvement of the uterus also a female-only thing. Kelly accurately says a surgical hole can’t replicate the female vagina. That’s not even all of the story. There’s the complex vulva, clitoris and surrounds, let alone the rest of our internal plumbing and hormonal balancing act, including the ‘let down’ of milk to the nipple that occurs when emotions towards the infant stir up breastfeeding; (there’s erogenous activity in that region too during sex where the childbirth hormone oxytocin also has a role on nipples and genitals). Our oestrogen-soaked bodies are only one part of the pituitary’s repetitive dance played out in our lives, our brains, our natures, and in every cell in our bodies.

It may be a pain to us at times, but this is our show, and we are not giving it away to any man.

And that’s it from me for ternite, ’tis bedtime.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 20, 2023 11:17 pm

Lizzie, you’re a brick.
God bless you, and goodnight.

April 20, 2023 11:32 pm

“Holding at t-40 seconds….”

Aw, come on man!

It is a go!

  1. Democrat Civil War Watch: Black Lives Matter Isn’t on the Kamala Coronation Train “A 24-hour process of talking to party…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x