The millenials who control Australian TV advertising are so sucked in by backward bullshit that they constantly present bird-killing windmills as a symbol of the future when they actually symbolise the failure of civilisation and the truimph of scientism, propaganda and brainwashing over science.
I actually laugh out loud at Australian TV advertising’s glorification of the 19th century’s technological failures as 21st century “solutions”. It’s hilarious.
May 15, 2023 6:38 pm
Most were horrified that they will be made to pay another tax or land rates on their properties which will be given to people simply on the basis of race.
They will pay it.
May 15, 2023 6:39 pm
Robert Sewell says:
May 15, 2023 at 1:52 pm
REPORT: San Diego Border Patrol Agents Arrested Afghan National on the FBI’s Terror Watchlist After Crossing the Border Illegally
George W Bush took the war to Afghanistan so they don’t have to fight the terrorists at home while Biden admin are allowing in the terrorist via the southern border so they can fight them at home. Alright, that way allies will not be asked to assist.
May 15, 2023 6:42 pm
They will pay it.
Oh? and how do you know that?
May 15, 2023 6:45 pm
I don’t know why people waste their time watching TV. I’m glad to say I have much better thing things to do with my time. Like reading this blog for example.
May 15, 2023 6:48 pm
The dirty little secret of aviation is that aeroplanes do a good job of flying themselves.
May 15, 2023 6:50 pm
Been watching a heap of ‘Song of the South’ clips as a follow-up to John Nolte’s article at Breitbart.
As Nolte points out, in erasing ‘Song of the South’ the wokerati also erased a black Oscar winner:
The true outrage about Song of the South is that the great James Baskett earned a well-deserved Honorary Oscar for his iconic work as Uncle Remus, and today, this iconic performance by the first black actor to earn an Academy Award has been disappeared by Disney’s Woke Nazis. What’s more, Baskett still holds the only Honorary Oscar in history ever awarded for a single performance. Sadder still, Song of the South was Baskett’s final performance. He died just a few months after receiving that Oscar.
And now, no one is allowed to experience James Baskett’s triumph.
Just like the Left disappeared black characters like Aunt Jemima off food packages, they disappeared James Baskett. All in the name of raising up minorities.
In an uncanny coincidence, they are now disappearing women in the name of raising up minorities.
John Nolte got a copy of Song of the South on eBay. I really hope that somebody puts together a decent version of it and sells it below the radar. It’s great, including the Tar Baby and ‘please don’t throw me into the bramble bush’ sequences.
Knuckle Dragger
May 15, 2023 6:50 pm
On a serious note, I would like to post a correction.
rosie, at 2.37, and which I just noticed:
Seems like Digger and Knuckles, both veterans, agree with Dot and Sancho
I would draw a distinction between Digger and I, rosie. A pretty big one in my view.
I served. I do not classify myself as a veteran. I went overseas, twice, but neither was to a war zone or what is recently termed ‘on warlike operations’.
There are people here who have done just that, on more than one occasions in some cases, and who I accord deep respect for doing so.
Except Liability Bob, who probably still lurks here, and who I regard as a sniveller who endangered his comrades.
Sancho Panzer
May 15, 2023 6:50 pm
Just re-visiting the more grandiose of Joe Viall’s claims.
That is, that the Americans (and their you-know-who hook-nosed allies) caused the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.
Apparently using some sort of nuclear device.
Yeah, OK.
Time for some arithmetic.
Modern day nukes are roughly 20-30 times the power of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki weapons.
The power unleashed in the tsunami was estimated at 23,000 Japanese strength nuclear bombs (say, 1,000 modern nukes).
That is some multiplier if they used, maybe ten nukes.
And it would require incredibly accurate geological knowledge of where to place them and when to detonate them to release the fault.
Unless dutchsinse was involved.
And to what end?
Knuckle Dragger
May 15, 2023 6:52 pm
Although I did single-handedly foil the Chinese invasion of this country via Tullamarine Airport.
Easy. Australians are stupid and will do what ever they are told.
May 15, 2023 6:57 pm
Knuckle Dragger says:
May 15, 2023 at 6:36 pm
Potentially mentioned earlier, but (the Hun):
Channel 10’s flagship prime time news and a current affairs program, The Project, has completely ignored the Sofronoff inquiry into the handling of the rape case against Bruce Lehrmann, despite the network being the first media outlet to air an interview with the complainant Brittany Higgins.
The weeknight show, predominantly hosted by Sarah Harris and Waleed Aly, last week did not make a single mention of the high-profile inquiry which has dominated newspaper front pages and TV and radio bulletins headlines all over the country since it began last Monday.
Waleed – ‘There’s a rape case enquiry?’
I’m guessing that their now fired former legal adviser’s successor has told them all to shut the F up until further notice.
Farmer Gez
May 15, 2023 6:57 pm
How does Bowen intend to compensate for the clearings of hundreds of thousands of trees and native vegetation over 25,000 kms of new lines?
Every solar and wind installation will also need line access to the big grid. More environmental clear felling.
The big dirty secret of renewables is the great land grab involved. If we don’t stop this lunacy you’ll see the biggest change to the landscape since settlement.
Barrister Steve Whybrow nailed it today and said the words that have been ringing out since early 2021.
From The Oz…
Earlier, Mr Whybrow said his client was convicted in the media before his trial on charges of raping former ministerial staffer Brittany Higgins had even started.
Mr Whybrow said the perception of Ms Higgins as a victim was enhanced by ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates walking into the ACT Supreme Court with the former ministerial staffer during the trial last year.
“I don’t have a problem or a concern with that office, that statutory office holder [Ms Yates], providing that sort of support but it only served in this case, in my personal perspective, to already make a very difficult situation for Mr Lehrmann who was convicted in the media before the trial started,” he said.
“With the press club statements and any other number of public statements out there … the Logies … to then be walked in court every day by somebody whose job is to support victims, it only served in my perspective, to elevate her position as a complainant in this criminal justice sphere to one who is actually a victim of crime and we’re just going through the process here.”
From the moment Miss Knickerless appeared before the Cane Toad on the Project back in early 2021, Lehmann was found guilty by scurrilous media, politicians and assorted progressives on the left. The whole thing, from day one, has been a disgrace.
How does Bowen intend to compensate for the clearings of hundreds of thousands of trees and native vegetation over 25,000 kms of new lines?
it’s a shake-down Gez.
yr not dealing with govt, yr dealing with some trumped up ‘authority’ that is effectively acting as agent for global-corp
the state and fed govt have put it arm’s length hoping it doesnt become a constitutional problem
tell them all to F-off
May 15, 2023 7:07 pm
Been watching a heap of ‘Song of the South’ clips as a follow-up to John Nolte’s article at Breitbart.
My recollection of ‘Song of the South’ from childhood is exactly that of Nolte and his conclusion. The Disney banners are either crass beyond belief or malicious shits. Loathesome people either way.
Except Liability Bob, who probably still lurks here, and who I regard as a sniveller who endangered his comrades.
What’s been written, in the past twenty years, with access to the North Vietnamese archives, reveal just how completely Numbers Bob fell for the Party line…
Easy. Australians are stupid and will do what ever they are told.
But not you. Are you an Australian, or do you concede that your statement is simply wrong?
This sheeple/Australians are stupid (except for me) stuff is tedious and boring and offers no solutions. It does, however, allow those who spout it to set themselves above the masses, seers with exceptional vision and perception.
I remember when those seers and visionaries and purists declared that we were doomed to endless Labor governments fifteen years ago, and then Tony Abbott won convincingly in 2013.
No doubt it is very personally satisfying to float above the masses. I suppose you could be called right wing hippies, but I call you a collective ashtray on a motorbike.
May 15, 2023 7:15 pm
The big dirty secret of renewables is the great land grab involved. If we don’t stop this lunacy you’ll see the biggest change to the landscape since settlement.
Not only that, when the YES vote comes in, our indigenous persons will be responsible for it all, which will enable Albo to say “none of this is my fault, it’s theirs”.
May 15, 2023 7:19 pm
The Patriot isn’t chasing the Kinzhals, it has to intercept them.
A battle of algorithms, computing power and radar/laser technology…
May 15, 2023 7:21 pm
allow those who spout it to set themselves above the masses, seers with exceptional vision and perception.
“The left-wing opposition Labour Party of Sir Keir Starmer is reportedly set to run in the next general election on the promise to expand voting rights by giving the franchise to millions of EU citizens and 16 and 17-year-olds in Britain.”
It’s complete folly, but given the UK’s voluntary voting, I don’t see too many 16 and 17-year olds turning out. However, here in Oz, if such legislation was introduced and passed, with our “compulsory voting” it would be a disaster, and we’d have a permanent Labor Greens government.
May 15, 2023 7:26 pm
How does Bowen intend to compensate for the clearings of hundreds of thousands of trees and native vegetation over 25,000 kms of new lines?
This is already an issue in north Queensland with local environmentalists (that is to say, not Greens) pushing back against clearing.
Sancho Panzer
May 15, 2023 7:28 pm
Knuckle Draggersays:
May 15, 2023 at 6:50 pm
On a serious note, I would like to post a correction.
i wouldn’t worry
that was in response to a pathetic attempt to disqualify anyone without jangly tin on their chest from calling out the epic stupidity of joe vialls
Unless I missed it, neither Ch9 or SBS made any mention of the ammo store explosions in Ukraine. Much salivating about Zelensky visiting the UK, France and Germany.
But worst of all, the ‘journalist’ on SBS repeated phrases from a statement by Ukraine as news without attributing the statement to ‘a Ukrainian government spokesperson’ or similar. I read those phrases yesterday and they were repeated word-for-word today as news.
These people have the temerity to call themselves journalists – what a disgrace.
May 15, 2023 7:36 pm
That’s why they’re called presstitutes.
Sancho Panzer
May 15, 2023 7:37 pm
Knuckle Draggersays:
May 15, 2023 at 6:52 pm
Although I did single-handedly foil the Chinese invasion of this country via Tullamarine Airport.
Yeah, I know.
I’ve still got “Unmarked aircraft landed at Hobart airport the night before” and “John Howard met with Klaus Schwab” on my Port Arthur Bingo card.
I’m still hopeful though.
May 15, 2023 7:37 pm
Indigenous cultural protocols: what the media needs to do when depicting deceased persons
This was just a thought , this 60,000 year old culture, how the fuk did they know about pictures and media stealing souls.
Soros funded organisations such as Gun Control Australia (Funded via Soros’s Open Family Institute) started tapping their media contacts at the need for more Gun Control as they do everywhere around the globe. The public health angle was also pretty new at this time so they had a new angle to promote. The likes of Simon Chapman also arrive on the scene fresh from the success of smoking as a public health issue.
Being fundamentally left wing the media dutifully oblige upon these requests as it fits their world view. Politicians and media start bouncing of each other on the topic in the now all to familiar Australian Mong Loop. Politicians and Police start thinking about what would be a suitable framework for restrictions. Most probably following guidance material from IANSA and the UN (they’re not very imaginative).
The media sense that they are really getting somewhere with the topic, especially useful on slow news days. The power of laziness. This puts them into overdrive on two fronts. The first is grotesque promotion of shootings and in particular the shooters, which helps prime the right type of individual to start thinking about doing something similar. The second is promoting in detail the risk of such an event, detailing how to get arms and potentially how to do a shooting. Remember 60 minutes water melon shooting expose?
Bryant was exactly the right type of loon to pick up on these ideas. Long ignored by rural Taspol as something they didn’t want to deal with. More common than you might think, having seen this policing model first hand. This, in the main, is why the issue was put to bed so quickly, the sheer negligence of Taspol in enforcing existing laws.
The AR-15 is an excellent firearm, particularly with respect to the ability to acquire good proficiency quickly. Who knows how much self training Bryant did, but it would have been effective in improving his point and shoot skills.
Where did the AR-15 come from? There is an allegation that it had been surrendered to Vicpol some years before. Not that surprising that it resurfaced, the corrupt Vikpol isn’t about to put $ under a hydraulic press. Also a further motive for getting things put to bed quickly. As for the dealers culpability in supplying a firearm to a loon, my recollection is that they never got any charges to stick, this indicates that Bryant had a firearms license which is not surprising as it was all quite cursory at that time.
If the shooter was a true operator, the magazines would have only been loaded to 28. The old metal 30 round mags were notorious for stoppages on the first two rounds when loaded fully. Bryant did it, the hits with training are certainly surprising, but not beyond the realms of possibility. What is surprising is the ability to start and then keep going without slowing down as the blood and guts escalated (German MG gunners on the Normandy beaches frequently just packed up and left because of the mental impact of the slaughter.). This underscores Bryant’s insanity, he should have been tried and executed.
Following all of this the Australian Mong Loop goes into hyperdrive. Any voice of reason gets shredded. Spastic and incoherent regulations pour out (oops! forgot pump action rifles!). Politicians and Bureaucrats believe in the wankfest, which sees such memorable ‘tard as JWH in a flack jacket. The Australian Sheeple are of course all in for this, they’re scared!, govern me harder daddy! I remember being counselled at work by my manager for very calmly offering an alternative perspective on the situation.
Sancho Panzer
May 15, 2023 7:41 pm
Although I did single-handedly foil the Chinese invasion of this country via Tullamarine Airport.
I forget.
Who raised that one?
Ed Case
May 15, 2023 7:41 pm
Knuckle Dragger virtue signals while leaving out a few important facts:
Incensed, Lee stomped towards neighbours Saumotu Gasio, 62, and Tibor Laszlo, 72, who were chatting with a group of residents outside. “Go back to where you came from,” Lee told Gasio, calling him a “c–t”.
They were a pair of poofters, and Rodney was tired of their bullshit.
This is one of those instances where the Jury should be carefully instructed about Nullification.
May 15, 2023 7:41 pm
I would draw a distinction between Digger and I, rosie. A pretty big one in my view.
I served. I do not classify myself as a veteran.
Don’t undersell yourself, mate. You are definitely a military veteran and more importantly, a patriot… traits everyone who served has every right to be proud of… Every one of us, no matter where we served, signed that blank cheque for the people of Australia, to a value up to the loss of our lives…
In almost every case it is only timing, fate and circumstances of the day that determine where we serve…
Luck fell my way when I was selected to serve in Vietnam. I was the youngest CD to serve on Team-3 and was selected for some reason, unknown to me, when I had only qualified less than 6 months earlier and I think every CD who had qualified before me, who did not get the chance, was resentful to some degree…
Boambee John
May 15, 2023 7:42 pm
that was in response to a pathetic attempt to disqualify anyone without jangly tin on their chest from calling out the epic stupidity of joe vialls
No jangle if they are court mounted (and no, I don’t have enough to jangle even without court mounting).
Sancho Panzer
May 15, 2023 7:48 pm
Was the legislation an over-reaction to Port Arthur?
That is certainly a debate to be had.
Which is worlds away from the suggestion that the massacre was engineered to justify the legislation.
May 15, 2023 7:48 pm
allow those who spout it to set themselves above the masses, seers with exceptional vision and perception.
narcissism in other words.
Believing oneself to be better informed than the majority for knowing that masks won’t stop a virus isn’t narcicism, just the beginning of an education. Being sceptical of the integrity of the government and the medical authorities isn’t narcicism, just good mental health. Noting the moral cowardice of all the mask wearers and those who screamed abuse at the non-vaxxers isn’t narcicism, just a decent self-respect.
May 15, 2023 7:48 pm
As a kid. Bolt bombs, Shanghais, Penny Bangers, Ninja Star Knives (The Samurai), graduated to slug guns and then more fun things. All banned or strictly controlled now. Are we better off?
May 15, 2023 7:49 pm
Writer Pamela Druckerman gave her husband a threesome for his 40th. That was 13 years ago, but she tells the story very nicely!
But are they still married?
Sancho Panzer
May 15, 2023 7:50 pm
It was a metaphorical jangle.
Not necessarily an actual jangle.
May 15, 2023 7:51 pm
How does Bowen intend to compensate for the clearings of hundreds of thousands of trees and native vegetation over 25,000 kms of new lines
An area of about 800ha of vegetated land on Bohle Plains was purchased by the Queensland Development Corporation from the Tapolas family (Owners of Parkside Developers). Proposal is for a 100ha solar farm that IMO will be much larger, NQ Conservation Council normally very vocal on any development have been very mute despite the presence of the Black Throated finch they liberally bashed Adani around with.
The EPBC was done by a firm who are a go to for the ALP and I found rather sloppy with its findings. In fact they based their findings on environmental data that was collected well before the development of Burdell and payed lip service to normal requirements a development proposal would have to satisfy in regards to stakeholders. The fact that QDC is run by odious Mike Kaiser another person unfit for any public office tells me the fix is in.
Too many with snouts in the trough.
May 15, 2023 7:52 pm
Dr Bogan your whole attitude comes across as supercilious, haughty and condescending
May 15, 2023 7:53 pm
“Cute Owls”, don’t really get how it relates to hot chicks. Anyway you can’t beat Dale Bozzio for excellent trashy blonde looks. She was HOT!
May 15, 2023 7:55 pm
I almost had a threesome once, I had a twosome.
May 15, 2023 7:56 pm
The COVIDians found community — something they longed for but had not found in their meaningless jobs or on Twitter or wherever they had been looking — in banding together to defeat the unvaccinated. In this way, otherwise rational human beings — particularly liberal women, who are statistically the most negatively affected by the modern techno-dystopia — are turned into vicious, rabid animals willing to condone the most inhumane treatment of their enemies, weaponized cynically by the social engineers as they are unleashed on the public.
And feeling oneself morally superior to these rabid animals isn’t narcicism. There’s something wrong with you if you don’t.
Seriously, connecting Martin Bryant to George Soros and his foundations is drawing a long bow.
Look, I don’t much like George Soros, but back in the 1980s and early 1990s Soros wasn’t the ogre he is now. Soros’ foundation funded thousands of scholarships for young eastern European men and women to attend university in order to cultivate democracy in eastern Europe. Those scholarships were quite successful Goodness, the Soros foundation even funded a scholarship for a “far-left progressive person by the name of Victor Orban”, enabling Orban to study at Oxford in the early 1990s.
The British Royal Family at least embraced the melaninised Markle, and it was her who rejected them.
May 15, 2023 8:00 pm
Dr Bogan your whole attitude comes across as supercilious, haughty and condescending
Sorry about that. And I thought I was doing such a good job of suffering fools, if not gladly.
Sancho Panzer
May 15, 2023 8:01 pm
Believing oneself to be better informed than the majority for knowing that masks won’t stop a virus isn’t narcicism,
Well, maybe.
Except Razey-san pulls this superior “sheeple-mong-retards” line on every issue constantly, not just masks.
Not sure where the superiority complex comes from.
I mean, really?
Twelve months on and the dumb-arse can’t even get himself to the airport and get to Japan.
Low energy Razey-san.
QLD Indigenous Partnerships Minister Craig Crawford has said that indigenous peoples may include sovereignty in their reparations claims after the state’s new treaty bill was passed last week but it may not be recognised.
If they’re not sovereign nations, on what basis are these treaties being negotiated?
May 15, 2023 8:18 pm
Psychologist Breaks Down How Society Descended Into COVID Insanity
No need for a psych babble break down. Australia descended into Covid insanity is because its chock full of ignorant, stupid, mouth breathers.
Mother Lode
May 15, 2023 8:19 pm
Kevin Rudd, adding new dimensions to the words “pretentious” and “wanker.”
The man is, and always has been, a trailblazer.
May 15, 2023 8:26 pm
The Patriot isn’t chasing the Kinzhals, it has to intercept them.
The Patriot (depending on variant) has a range of up to 100miles, making it an area defence weapon, not a point defence weapon. Given that, it will often be facing incoming ballistic missiles which are not pointed straight at it, but rather have a significant cross angle.
That, plus the Kinzals extreme velocity (Mach 10 = 3000 m/s*) would make interceptions by *any* means the exception rather than the rule I would think. This is why both the Russians and the Chinese use hypervelocity in their ‘carrier killer’ weapons, and why the US would, I believe, think very hard before committing carriers to the defence of Taiwan.
* albeit they will slow down as they drop into denser air as they dive on the target. Nevertheless, from maximum Patriot engagement altitude of 80,000 ft to the ground, even at an average of Mach 5 would only allow 15 seconds to engage, less if there was a significant off angle to the incoming missile.
Sancho Panzer
May 15, 2023 8:27 pm
Australia descended into Covid insanity is because its chock full of ignorant, stupid, mouth breathers.
How can we reach your lofty standards, oh, Razey-san?
Bro, she’s got crazy eyes. A literal praying mantis demon.
May 15, 2023 8:42 pm
It says a lot about the dept of foreignaffairies that they would even employ someone like Krdd.
May 15, 2023 8:42 pm
caveman says:
May 15, 2023 at 7:37 pm
Indigenous cultural protocols: what the media needs to do when depicting deceased persons
This was just a thought , this 60,000 year old culture, how the fuk did they know about pictures and media stealing souls.
It’s absurd, but there is another aspect.
These ‘protocols’ (ridiculous, bullshit, formerly described as
customs) were apparently in place here and there, principally in northern Australia.
Like the bogus ‘welcome to country’ it is part of a dishonest attempt to place a veneer of unity across Aboriginal tribes when there is none.
The myth that taking photos is haram and the myth of not using names of dead people are equally recent, like ‘welcome to country.’ But guilt-ridden or career-minded urgers never let facts get in the way of a self-serving narrative. And, the Industry has adopted them and applied them to people whom, if asked, would not know what they are talking about.
H B Bear
May 15, 2023 8:45 pm
After individual judges of the High Court found that the indigene had a metaphysical connection to this country which prevented them as non citizens being deported there’s no telling where they may go next. I don’t intend to give them the chance.
The Kihnzal probably doesn’t exceed or hit Mach 6 and the Patriots (c Mach 4) weren’t even that successful in the First Gulf War (the Scuds had a lot of malfunctions, fortunately).
Sancho Panzer
May 15, 2023 8:53 pm
May 15, 2023 at 8:39 pm
Hey Razey why don’t you just fuk off then?
Now that is a question which has piqued my curiosity.
May 15, 2023 9:02 pm
Seriously, connecting Martin Bryant to George Soros and his foundations is drawing a long bow.
I connected Soros to Gun Control Australia via Open Family Institute. Please provide alternative funding explanation for GCA given that they have about 10 members. At the time there seemed to be little refuting of this connection by any of the parties involved. This was prior to Soros’s notoriety.
May 15, 2023 9:06 pm
Facts and/or coincidences –
1) Helen Harvey, heiress of the Tattersall’s lotteries fortune, died by accident Oct 1992 at 59yrs of age.
2) Bryant’s father died by suicide Aug 1993
3) Fr Jeremy Flynn, an heir of the Tattersall’s lotteries fortune died by accident on 21 April 1996 at 54yrs of age.
Port Arthur massacre occurred a week later on 28 April 1996.
pete m
May 15, 2023 9:10 pm
Ed Casesays:
May 15, 2023 at 7:41 pm
Knuckle Dragger virtue signals while leaving out a few important facts:
Incensed, Lee stomped towards neighbours Saumotu Gasio, 62, and Tibor Laszlo, 72, who were chatting with a group of residents outside. “Go back to where you came from,” Lee told Gasio, calling him a “c–t”.
They were a pair of poofters, and Rodney was tired of their bullshit.
This is one of those instances where the Jury should be carefully instructed about Nullification.
The stupid is strong in this one.
A Judge instructs the jury about the law. Jury nullification is not law but emotion. A judge cannot instruct the jury to ignore guilt and find innocence because ma feelings.
Ed – you are dangerously (to yourself) stupid.
May 15, 2023 9:12 pm
Sfw it doesn’t count as a twosome just because your left hand feels like someone elses. Changing hands doesn’t make it a threesome.
May 15, 2023 9:13 pm
GreyRanga, so droll.
May 15, 2023 9:14 pm
Was the legislation an over-reaction to Port Arthur?
That is certainly a debate to be had.
If Taspol had done their job with the mildest degree of diligence there would have been no massacre. Similarly if the ADF had handled Knight with the mildest degree of diligence, there would have been no Hoddle St.
As I said in my post, I have seen exactly the same transpire in other jurisdictions, fortunately without any grievous outcomes.
If MSM put a sock in it over gun massacres in the way they do over suicides, there would be no culture of gun massacres. Although I note that post Port Arthur they did cool it quite a bit in Australia, can’t gin up massacres too much in a land where the problem has supposedly been “fixed”.
May 15, 2023 9:15 pm
GreyRanga, as a young man some of my ‘mentors’ told me “if you wake up and your arm has gone to sleep, use it to ‘pleasure’ yourself because it feels like someone else”, does it?
Mark from Melbourne
May 15, 2023 9:21 pm
Catching up…
Sancho Panzer @ 10:38 am
…“Tsunamis by Mossad”…
Sounds like a perfume brand.
May 15, 2023 9:22 pm
Australia descended into Covid insanity is because its chock full of ignorant, stupid, mouth breathers.
While I’d express that in a slightly more nuanced manner, I can understand someone feeling that way, and don’t object to it being stated here.
As we all know, Grandpa Ed is a shill for collectivism and against freedom and civil liberties.
What a weirdo, but he’s been smack talking jury nullification since I brought it up on the Republic (God Save the King!) thread.
His bizarre ranting really can be quite adventurous.
He says public advocacy for it should get you locked up, but judges can talk about it as a jury direction; even though US State judiciaries have struck it down directly contrary to novel State laws enshrining the idea. (Which, is in turn, why we need recall elections).
May 15, 2023 9:41 pm
While I’d express that in a slightly more nuanced manner, I can understand someone feeling that way, and don’t object to it being stated here.
Sweeping inaccurate statements, casting aspersions on a lot of good people in a wonderful country. Sure I object.
May 15, 2023 9:42 pm
Dr Bogan your whole attitude comes across as supercilious, haughty and condescending
I forgot to add ‘smug’.
Real Deal
May 15, 2023 9:42 pm
Ranga at 9.12.
Made me laugh, which I needed.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 15, 2023 9:46 pm
From the Oz. I’ve posted the whole article. WFM, they honestly do.
Indigenous treaty negotiations to include mine veto in Queensland
By Charlie Peel
Rural reporter
@charliepeeled ?
and Sarah Elks
Senior Reporter
8:51PM May 15, 2023
1 Comment
Indigenous corporations will push for the power to veto mines in environmentally and culturally sensitive areas as part of landmark treaty negotiations with the Queensland government.
Joshua Gorringe, the general manager of the Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation in western Queensland, says a priority for a future Mithaka treaty with the state would be the right to block resources projects on their traditional land.
Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Minister Craig Crawford told The Australian that First Nations groups could put “anything on the table” during treaty negotiations.
Mr Crawford also flagged that individual treaties could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars apiece, reflecting the devastating impact of British colonisation on the state’s Indigenous peoples.
The Labor government passed the historic Path to Treaty legislation last week, with the backing of the Liberal National Party opposition, describing it as “setting the standard” in Indigenous-government relations.
The Mithaka have been calling on the government to rule out development of future resources projects in waterways on the Lake Eyre Basin flood plain, but Mr Gorringe said the government had been full of “empty promises”.
The Australian has previously revealed that the government has delayed the release of its plan for environmental protections across the Lake Eyre Basin because it is trying to facilitate future mines in the northern part of the basin.
Mr Gorringe said his people were supportive of resources projects if they were appropriately located and suggested a right to have a say on suitable mining sites was something that they could put forward in the treaty process.
“We’d love to see some more restrictions put on mining over the flood plains and all that kind of stuff as well,” he said.
“To have an actual say, not just a tokenistic say, where our opinion actually counts for something.
“We know that we need resources (projects).
“We’re not that naive or stupid to think that we are going to survive on air only but there are spots where it’s going to be less detrimental to the environment and our songlines and cultural sites associated with the river systems and flood plains.”
The Mithaka people are the traditional owners of a vast 55,425sq km portion of southwestern Queensland that rivals Tasmania in size.
Asked how much compensation his people would seek as part of a treaty, Mr Gorringe was unsure.
“Compensation is an extremely hard one,” he said.
“How do you put a value on cultural loss? We’ve lost a lot of our language, song, dance, ceremony stuff, purely because of colonisation. What dollar value do you put on that?
“If a government told everyone, ‘Righto, we don’t believe in God anymore’, how does that affect society? Is it worth $100m?”
Mr Gorringe compared trying to find a dollar value on sacred sites like the Jukkan Gorge caves, destroyed by miner Rio Tinto, with ascertaining a value for Notre Dame Cathedral.
“It’s a really complicated thing,” he said.
“I think a lot of people would be looking at some kind of compensation, but it’s a million-dollar question as to how that would work.
“One size won’t fit all.”
Mr Gorringe said Mithaka negotiations would be based on ensuring the corporation was self-sustaining and able to employ its people. That could include ownership of cattle stations or businesses in mining, environmental protection and tourism industries that the corporation currently contracts workers to.
Mick Gooda, a member of Queensland’s Interim Truth and Treaty Body who has been consulting with First Nations people about treaties since 2019, said many treaty parties would want an acknowledgment of sovereignty and past atrocities.
“A lot of people will talk about sovereignty; we are a sovereign people, and some people will as a result talk about colonisation and removals,” said Mr Gooda, Australia’s former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social justice commissioner.
“As for compensation, it’s up to each group to make their decision about what they want.”
Mr Gooda said “just about every treaty party” would push for joint decision-making on elements of government services such as education, health, youth justice and housing, and joint management of national parks.
For example in child protection policy, Mr Gooda said a treaty party could ask that decisions usually made by the state government department about foster care or kinship care could be delegated to a local Aboriginal organisation.
He pointed to a situation in the Northern Territory in which police had agreed with local elders to not enter men’s lore camps in order to arrest suspects.
“There’s a protocol now – if someone is wanted by the police, the police would have to go to the senior elder group, and the elder would undertake to bring the person out of the camp,” Mr Gooda said. “That could be done in Queensland, if the treaty party wanted.”
He said even if a traditional owner group had not been recognised as native title holders, such as the Bidjara people over the Carnarvon Gorge national park, there could still be a treaty negotiated, and joint management of the national park awarded.
H B Bear
May 15, 2023 9:46 pm
Special Ed’s various sock changes haven’t really resulted in an improvement of his arguments over the years. If anything they’re going backwards.
“If a government told everyone, ‘Righto, we don’t believe in God anymore’, how does that affect society? Is it worth $100m?”
Mr Gorringe compared trying to find a dollar value on sacred sites like the Jukkan Gorge caves, destroyed by miner Rio Tinto, with ascertaining a value for Notre Dame Cathedral.
“It’s a really complicated thing,” he said.
“I think a lot of people would be looking at some kind of compensation, but it’s a million-dollar question as to how that would work.
How to bullshit, 101.
May 15, 2023 9:55 pm
You are free to object, Milton.
My comment was focused on that one statement by one individual.
I make no apologies for empathising with bitterness and resentment, if indeed that is what motivates Razey.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 15, 2023 9:59 pm
“How do you put a value on cultural loss? We’ve lost a lot of our language, song, dance, ceremony stuff, purely because of colonisation. What dollar value do you put on that?
What dollar value do you put on modern medicine, hospitals, schools, motor vehicles, supermarkets, welfare?
May 15, 2023 10:03 pm
, with ascertaining a value for Notre Dame Cathedral.
Actually no, they aren’t the same. And yes it’s pretty easy to ascertain a value for Notre Dame as it’s currently being rebuilt.
No one gets compensation because someone declares God doesn’t exist, not that that is something that a governmentor or anyone could actually do.
Why is there no acknowledgement that many Aboriginal people embraced Christianity of their own free will, just as they often abandoned ‘culture’ for a life that they decided was in some way superior .
In fact placing a monetary value on these things says all we need to know about what Aboriginal culture means to those who think money should be provided as ‘compensation’ for something that you can’t even adequately describe.
But keep saying these things, we need to hear them.
May 15, 2023 10:08 pm
The sacred has a price.
Sounds profane.
May 15, 2023 10:12 pm
Knuckle Draggersays:
May 15, 2023 at 6:52 pm
Although I did single-handedly foil the Chinese invasion of this country via Tullamarine Airport.
But hey, it’s just scenario’ing. No biggie. They were also flying Etihad commercially. Chinese troops caught flights from Abu Dhabi and senior military snuggled up in business class.
May 15, 2023 10:15 pm
I forgot to add ‘smug’.
One of my sins, although I prefer the term ‘self assured’.
More white supremacy: Marea Yann was brutally in 2003. The only suspect was acquitted in 2008 after crucial evidence was with-held at the trial no doubt for non-racist reasons.
The Kihnzal probably doesn’t exceed or hit Mach 6 and the Patriots (c Mach 4) weren’t even that successful in the First Gulf War (the Scuds had a lot of malfunctions, fortunately).
Patriots have improved dramatically since the early 90’s when they were clearly deficient against the Scuds. There have been 8 variants built since and the latest complete system upgrade with PAC3 MSE missiles and M903 firing system is extremely advanced compared to those initial systems.
The PAC3 MSE missile has even been adapted to fit USN Mk 41 Vertical Launch System with Aegis missile defence capabilities and the Eagis Ashore system so the Americans are pretty impressed with it.
May 15, 2023 10:40 pm
Hmmm, upon thinking it over, if Razey were not an Aussie as I perhaps naively assumed, then I’d be a bit toey about an ‘outsider’ criticising my country, though I do believe there is a kernel of truth* in the statement at issue. Perhaps that’s hypocritical?
*I’m inclined to believe that a variety of factors influenced people to submit during the covidiocy, rather than an all-encompassing lack of intellect.
Knuckle Dragger
May 15, 2023 10:42 pm
Digger at 7.41:
Wally Dalí
May 15, 2023 10:44 pm
…everyone I know who resisted the Batflu Panic Reset is street smart. Intelligence has just about nothing to do with intellect, when the rubber hits the road.
May 15, 2023 10:53 pm
… everyone I know who resisted the Batflu Panic Reset is street smart. Intelligence has just about nothing to do with intellect, when the rubber hits the road.
I don’t mind admitting that my decision to advise my family and myself to not touch the vaccines came largely from very sage advice and information I read on the Cat…
For that I am eternally grateful and have been a very vocal anti mRNA and Viral Vector vaccine ever since…
May 15, 2023 11:03 pm
Thanks for the info on the updates to the Patriots, Digger.
Makes the story about downing a Russian missile more plausible.
Biden did Robert Byrd’s eulogy. He is the absolute last person who should ever bring up “white supremacy”.
Dr Faustus
May 15, 2023 11:04 pm
Joshua Gorringe, the general manager of the Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation in western Queensland, says a priority for a future Mithaka treaty with the state would be the right to block resources projects on their traditional land.
Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Minister Craig Crawford told The Australian that First Nations groups could put “anything on the table” during treaty negotiations.
I’m just about to retire after 40 years involved in the increasingly complicated process of exploring and developing resource projects in Australia. The geology is there in abundance – as is the social and political grit in the wheels.
I say go for it.
Go nuts.
This is an experiential learning threshold. Where urban Australians get the opportunity to significantly reduce their standard of living for a while – as they check out whether massive wealth transfer and racial preference delivers the folkloric dividend they expect.
The possibility of working out and testing the consequences from first principles seems to have gone.
May 15, 2023 11:05 pm
I’m inclined to believe that a variety of factors influenced people to submit during the covidiocy, rather than an all-encompassing lack of intellect.
I think a lack of the moral courage to ignore peer pressure was a component. Also the laziness to not investigate the facts and numbers.
As a kid growing up in the 50s in (very) working class East Victoria Park:
• homemade gings – heavy duty jobs with car tube rubber AND, later, much more lightweight weapons with bricklayer’s wire connectors (?), multiple heavy-duty lacky bands and using sheet lead cut into 10mm x 10mm squares. Several in the holder had a “shotgun” effect at close range. Nanna employed us to hammer the green-eyes devastating her figs. We did so — but she was less than pleased that the lead “shot” had also shredded her tree and wreaked more havoc on the figs than the birds. Later, used with quandong nuts in a game of “Take the fort” up and down a sandhill. One of those in the middle of the forehead was quite … ummm … devastating. DAMHIK.
• rocket wars – tiny penny rockets, launched from bottle necks, in pitched battles across the back yard
• cracker guns — Dad never did find out why his car pump split at the neck. (Hint: 6d bomb; cotton wool and scrunched paper wadding, tombola marble, more wadding. Straight through a mate’s letterbox and one side of the dustbin.
• Later, mini-crossbows with handmade stock using jelly rubber for propulsion, firing homemade darts with sharpened nail points
• Mate’s old, well-worn Daisy airgun, with a drop or two of diesel added into the cavity in the base of the pellet. Did nothing for accuracy, but the flame/smoke was occasionally spectacular. Fired at Airfix model aeroplanes hanging by fishing line and spun from his Mum’s rotary clothes hoist. Spin it and run like buggery.
Good times, good times.
Wally Dalí
May 15, 2023 11:20 pm
Where urban Australians get the opportunity to significantly reduce their standard of living for a while
I’m off to an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act workshop to learn how turning our back on science, common law, the Magna Carta, freehold title etc and granting a deliberately hermetic caste of swindlers unlimited access to our farmland and agricultural production is going to deliver absolution to the Horrors of Colonialism.
I’ll let you know how the non-urban Australians get along, we’re up against the wall first.
Dr Faustus> Sadly it looks like a decade or two of learning the hard way regarding destruction of a productive, modern economy by the Voice && Net Zero climate policies. I don’t see anything but complete failure changing peoples minds.
Bruce in WA> You had some very cool forms of kids weaponry indeed. We tried slingshots, bolt bombs, exploding hairspray cans at the local rubbish dump, molotov bottles. Tell my sons about this kind of play and they don’t believe it. 😉
May 16, 2023 7:59 am
Sfw we’ve all heard the same anecdote. With you it struck a cord. I thought it it funny. You didn’t laugh. It’ll make you go blind, so I’ve heard.
May 16, 2023 8:03 am
Good luck rickw. My nephew lives there. Runs 3 Architecture offices overseas from there.
May 16, 2023 8:05 am
Quite right Kamala.
May 16, 2023 8:08 am
ZK2A kruddy is a Doctor, dontcha know!
May 16, 2023 8:31 am
DrF I hope you have something to keep the brain going in retirement. I’ve seen too many fall apart with a lack of interest in anything but work related subjects. Wife’s Granddad was MD of a large Stock Co. After retirement nobody paid attention to him as beforehand he ruled the roost. Depression set in rapidly. Physically in great nick, mentally he didn’t know what to do.
May 16, 2023 11:53 am
Nothing yet kn the Austrslisn about the Durham report
Okay. Whatever you say, Jack.
Zinc dust and sulphur makes lots of dense white smoke. Also OK as rocket fuel.
I notice ‘Sir’ Kier Starmer, an empty suit if ever was one, is pushing for 16yo getting the vote- I expect the marxists will be pushing for it here too seeing the Australian left takes its orders for overseas.The left-wing opposition Labour Party of Sir Keir Starmer is reportedly set to run in the next general election on the promise to expand voting rights by giving the franchise to millions of EU citizens and 16 and 17-year-olds in Britain.
The millenials who control Australian TV advertising are so sucked in by backward bullshit that they constantly present bird-killing windmills as a symbol of the future when they actually symbolise the failure of civilisation and the truimph of scientism, propaganda and brainwashing over science.
I actually laugh out loud at Australian TV advertising’s glorification of the 19th century’s technological failures as 21st century “solutions”. It’s hilarious.
They will pay it.
George W Bush took the war to Afghanistan so they don’t have to fight the terrorists at home while Biden admin are allowing in the terrorist via the southern border so they can fight them at home. Alright, that way allies will not be asked to assist.
They will pay it.
Oh? and how do you know that?
I don’t know why people waste their time watching TV. I’m glad to say I have much better thing things to do with my time. Like reading this blog for example.
The dirty little secret of aviation is that aeroplanes do a good job of flying themselves.
Been watching a heap of ‘Song of the South’ clips as a follow-up to John Nolte’s article at Breitbart.
As Nolte points out, in erasing ‘Song of the South’ the wokerati also erased a black Oscar winner:
Just like the Left disappeared black characters like Aunt Jemima off food packages, they disappeared James Baskett. All in the name of raising up minorities.
In an uncanny coincidence, they are now disappearing women in the name of raising up minorities.
John Nolte got a copy of Song of the South on eBay. I really hope that somebody puts together a decent version of it and sells it below the radar. It’s great, including the Tar Baby and ‘please don’t throw me into the bramble bush’ sequences.
On a serious note, I would like to post a correction.
rosie, at 2.37, and which I just noticed:
I would draw a distinction between Digger and I, rosie. A pretty big one in my view.
I served. I do not classify myself as a veteran. I went overseas, twice, but neither was to a war zone or what is recently termed ‘on warlike operations’.
There are people here who have done just that, on more than one occasions in some cases, and who I accord deep respect for doing so.
Except Liability Bob, who probably still lurks here, and who I regard as a sniveller who endangered his comrades.
Just re-visiting the more grandiose of Joe Viall’s claims.
That is, that the Americans (and their you-know-who hook-nosed allies) caused the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.
Apparently using some sort of nuclear device.
Yeah, OK.
Time for some arithmetic.
Modern day nukes are roughly 20-30 times the power of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki weapons.
The power unleashed in the tsunami was estimated at 23,000 Japanese strength nuclear bombs (say, 1,000 modern nukes).
That is some multiplier if they used, maybe ten nukes.
And it would require incredibly accurate geological knowledge of where to place them and when to detonate them to release the fault.
Unless dutchsinse was involved.
And to what end?
Although I did single-handedly foil the Chinese invasion of this country via Tullamarine Airport.
Man, did I brass them up that day.
Oh. Oops. Can’t say too much.
Cohenite probably even likes tall owls.
I predicted this.
Easy. Australians are stupid and will do what ever they are told.
I’m guessing that their now fired former legal adviser’s successor has told them all to shut the F up until further notice.
How does Bowen intend to compensate for the clearings of hundreds of thousands of trees and native vegetation over 25,000 kms of new lines?
Every solar and wind installation will also need line access to the big grid. More environmental clear felling.
The big dirty secret of renewables is the great land grab involved. If we don’t stop this lunacy you’ll see the biggest change to the landscape since settlement.
Barrister Steve Whybrow nailed it today and said the words that have been ringing out since early 2021.
From The Oz…
Earlier, Mr Whybrow said his client was convicted in the media before his trial on charges of raping former ministerial staffer Brittany Higgins had even started.
Mr Whybrow said the perception of Ms Higgins as a victim was enhanced by ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates walking into the ACT Supreme Court with the former ministerial staffer during the trial last year.
“I don’t have a problem or a concern with that office, that statutory office holder [Ms Yates], providing that sort of support but it only served in this case, in my personal perspective, to already make a very difficult situation for Mr Lehrmann who was convicted in the media before the trial started,” he said.
“With the press club statements and any other number of public statements out there … the Logies … to then be walked in court every day by somebody whose job is to support victims, it only served in my perspective, to elevate her position as a complainant in this criminal justice sphere to one who is actually a victim of crime and we’re just going through the process here.”
From the moment Miss Knickerless appeared before the Cane Toad on the Project back in early 2021, Lehmann was found guilty by scurrilous media, politicians and assorted progressives on the left. The whole thing, from day one, has been a disgrace.
it’s a shake-down Gez.
yr not dealing with govt, yr dealing with some trumped up ‘authority’ that is effectively acting as agent for global-corp
the state and fed govt have put it arm’s length hoping it doesnt become a constitutional problem
tell them all to F-off
My recollection of ‘Song of the South’ from childhood is exactly that of Nolte and his conclusion. The Disney banners are either crass beyond belief or malicious shits. Loathesome people either way.
Turkey, not owl.
World’s tallest woman votes in Turkey election (15 May)
What’s been written, in the past twenty years, with access to the North Vietnamese archives, reveal just how completely Numbers Bob fell for the Party line…
Forget the scavenging birds as that’s only a small part. Watch the end.
But not you. Are you an Australian, or do you concede that your statement is simply wrong?
This sheeple/Australians are stupid (except for me) stuff is tedious and boring and offers no solutions. It does, however, allow those who spout it to set themselves above the masses, seers with exceptional vision and perception.
I remember when those seers and visionaries and purists declared that we were doomed to endless Labor governments fifteen years ago, and then Tony Abbott won convincingly in 2013.
No doubt it is very personally satisfying to float above the masses. I suppose you could be called right wing hippies, but I call you a collective ashtray on a motorbike.
Not only that, when the YES vote comes in, our indigenous persons will be responsible for it all, which will enable Albo to say “none of this is my fault, it’s theirs”.
The Patriot isn’t chasing the Kinzhals, it has to intercept them.
A battle of algorithms, computing power and radar/laser technology…
allow those who spout it to set themselves above the masses, seers with exceptional vision and perception.
narcissism in other words
“The left-wing opposition Labour Party of Sir Keir Starmer is reportedly set to run in the next general election on the promise to expand voting rights by giving the franchise to millions of EU citizens and 16 and 17-year-olds in Britain.”
It’s complete folly, but given the UK’s voluntary voting, I don’t see too many 16 and 17-year olds turning out. However, here in Oz, if such legislation was introduced and passed, with our “compulsory voting” it would be a disaster, and we’d have a permanent Labor Greens government.
This is already an issue in north Queensland with local environmentalists (that is to say, not Greens) pushing back against clearing.
i wouldn’t worry
that was in response to a pathetic attempt to disqualify anyone without jangly tin on their chest from calling out the epic stupidity of joe vialls
Unless I missed it, neither Ch9 or SBS made any mention of the ammo store explosions in Ukraine. Much salivating about Zelensky visiting the UK, France and Germany.
But worst of all, the ‘journalist’ on SBS repeated phrases from a statement by Ukraine as news without attributing the statement to ‘a Ukrainian government spokesperson’ or similar. I read those phrases yesterday and they were repeated word-for-word today as news.
These people have the temerity to call themselves journalists – what a disgrace.
That’s why they’re called presstitutes.
Yeah, I know.
I’ve still got “Unmarked aircraft landed at Hobart airport the night before” and “John Howard met with Klaus Schwab” on my Port Arthur Bingo card.
I’m still hopeful though.
This was just a thought , this 60,000 year old culture, how the fuk did they know about pictures and media stealing souls.
look, I just watched a Volvo ad on the TV and it was very convincing
LIDAR and braveness, will allow the blind to skateboard the big bowl and win Olympic medals.
…it’s only a matter of time
Psychologist Breaks Down How Society Descended Into COVID Insanity
Port Arthur:
Soros funded organisations such as Gun Control Australia (Funded via Soros’s Open Family Institute) started tapping their media contacts at the need for more Gun Control as they do everywhere around the globe. The public health angle was also pretty new at this time so they had a new angle to promote. The likes of Simon Chapman also arrive on the scene fresh from the success of smoking as a public health issue.
Being fundamentally left wing the media dutifully oblige upon these requests as it fits their world view. Politicians and media start bouncing of each other on the topic in the now all to familiar Australian Mong Loop. Politicians and Police start thinking about what would be a suitable framework for restrictions. Most probably following guidance material from IANSA and the UN (they’re not very imaginative).
The media sense that they are really getting somewhere with the topic, especially useful on slow news days. The power of laziness. This puts them into overdrive on two fronts. The first is grotesque promotion of shootings and in particular the shooters, which helps prime the right type of individual to start thinking about doing something similar. The second is promoting in detail the risk of such an event, detailing how to get arms and potentially how to do a shooting. Remember 60 minutes water melon shooting expose?
Bryant was exactly the right type of loon to pick up on these ideas. Long ignored by rural Taspol as something they didn’t want to deal with. More common than you might think, having seen this policing model first hand. This, in the main, is why the issue was put to bed so quickly, the sheer negligence of Taspol in enforcing existing laws.
The AR-15 is an excellent firearm, particularly with respect to the ability to acquire good proficiency quickly. Who knows how much self training Bryant did, but it would have been effective in improving his point and shoot skills.
Where did the AR-15 come from? There is an allegation that it had been surrendered to Vicpol some years before. Not that surprising that it resurfaced, the corrupt Vikpol isn’t about to put $ under a hydraulic press. Also a further motive for getting things put to bed quickly. As for the dealers culpability in supplying a firearm to a loon, my recollection is that they never got any charges to stick, this indicates that Bryant had a firearms license which is not surprising as it was all quite cursory at that time.
If the shooter was a true operator, the magazines would have only been loaded to 28. The old metal 30 round mags were notorious for stoppages on the first two rounds when loaded fully. Bryant did it, the hits with training are certainly surprising, but not beyond the realms of possibility. What is surprising is the ability to start and then keep going without slowing down as the blood and guts escalated (German MG gunners on the Normandy beaches frequently just packed up and left because of the mental impact of the slaughter.). This underscores Bryant’s insanity, he should have been tried and executed.
Following all of this the Australian Mong Loop goes into hyperdrive. Any voice of reason gets shredded. Spastic and incoherent regulations pour out (oops! forgot pump action rifles!). Politicians and Bureaucrats believe in the wankfest, which sees such memorable ‘tard as JWH in a flack jacket. The Australian Sheeple are of course all in for this, they’re scared!, govern me harder daddy! I remember being counselled at work by my manager for very calmly offering an alternative perspective on the situation.
I forget.
Who raised that one?
Knuckle Dragger virtue signals while leaving out a few important facts:
They were a pair of poofters, and Rodney was tired of their bullshit.
This is one of those instances where the Jury should be carefully instructed about Nullification.
I would draw a distinction between Digger and I, rosie. A pretty big one in my view.
I served. I do not classify myself as a veteran.
Don’t undersell yourself, mate. You are definitely a military veteran and more importantly, a patriot… traits everyone who served has every right to be proud of… Every one of us, no matter where we served, signed that blank cheque for the people of Australia, to a value up to the loss of our lives…
In almost every case it is only timing, fate and circumstances of the day that determine where we serve…
Luck fell my way when I was selected to serve in Vietnam. I was the youngest CD to serve on Team-3 and was selected for some reason, unknown to me, when I had only qualified less than 6 months earlier and I think every CD who had qualified before me, who did not get the chance, was resentful to some degree…
that was in response to a pathetic attempt to disqualify anyone without jangly tin on their chest from calling out the epic stupidity of joe vialls
No jangle if they are court mounted (and no, I don’t have enough to jangle even without court mounting).
Was the legislation an over-reaction to Port Arthur?
That is certainly a debate to be had.
Which is worlds away from the suggestion that the massacre was engineered to justify the legislation.
Believing oneself to be better informed than the majority for knowing that masks won’t stop a virus isn’t narcicism, just the beginning of an education. Being sceptical of the integrity of the government and the medical authorities isn’t narcicism, just good mental health. Noting the moral cowardice of all the mask wearers and those who screamed abuse at the non-vaxxers isn’t narcicism, just a decent self-respect.
As a kid. Bolt bombs, Shanghais, Penny Bangers, Ninja Star Knives (The Samurai), graduated to slug guns and then more fun things. All banned or strictly controlled now. Are we better off?
But are they still married?
It was a metaphorical jangle.
Not necessarily an actual jangle.
How does Bowen intend to compensate for the clearings of hundreds of thousands of trees and native vegetation over 25,000 kms of new lines
An area of about 800ha of vegetated land on Bohle Plains was purchased by the Queensland Development Corporation from the Tapolas family (Owners of Parkside Developers). Proposal is for a 100ha solar farm that IMO will be much larger, NQ Conservation Council normally very vocal on any development have been very mute despite the presence of the Black Throated finch they liberally bashed Adani around with.
The EPBC was done by a firm who are a go to for the ALP and I found rather sloppy with its findings. In fact they based their findings on environmental data that was collected well before the development of Burdell and payed lip service to normal requirements a development proposal would have to satisfy in regards to stakeholders. The fact that QDC is run by odious Mike Kaiser another person unfit for any public office tells me the fix is in.
Too many with snouts in the trough.
Dr Bogan your whole attitude comes across as supercilious, haughty and condescending
“Cute Owls”, don’t really get how it relates to hot chicks. Anyway you can’t beat Dale Bozzio for excellent trashy blonde looks. She was HOT!
I almost had a threesome once, I had a twosome.
And feeling oneself morally superior to these rabid animals isn’t narcicism. There’s something wrong with you if you don’t.
Seriously, connecting Martin Bryant to George Soros and his foundations is drawing a long bow.
Look, I don’t much like George Soros, but back in the 1980s and early 1990s Soros wasn’t the ogre he is now. Soros’ foundation funded thousands of scholarships for young eastern European men and women to attend university in order to cultivate democracy in eastern Europe. Those scholarships were quite successful Goodness, the Soros foundation even funded a scholarship for a “far-left progressive person by the name of Victor Orban”, enabling Orban to study at Oxford in the early 1990s.
“Sancho Panzersays:
May 15, 2023 at 7:48 pm”
Quite so.
As for that boorish woman appalled by how ‘non-diverse’ the royal family is…
The British Royal Family at least embraced the melaninised Markle, and it was her who rejected them.
Sorry about that. And I thought I was doing such a good job of suffering fools, if not gladly.
Well, maybe.
Except Razey-san pulls this superior “sheeple-mong-retards” line on every issue constantly, not just masks.
Not sure where the superiority complex comes from.
I mean, really?
Twelve months on and the dumb-arse can’t even get himself to the airport and get to Japan.
Low energy Razey-san.
Has it made the news outside CanberraStephen McAlpine?
What’s next? Catholic schools?
Kevin Rudd, adding new dimensions to the words “pretentious” and “wanker.”
A comment on Bowen’s anti-nuclear tweet, with emphasis on launch delays.
File under “We are governed by idiots”:
QLD Indigenous Partnerships Minister Craig Crawford has said that indigenous peoples may include sovereignty in their reparations claims after the state’s new treaty bill was passed last week but it may not be recognised.
If they’re not sovereign nations, on what basis are these treaties being negotiated?
No need for a psych babble break down. Australia descended into Covid insanity is because its chock full of ignorant, stupid, mouth breathers.
The man is, and always has been, a trailblazer.
The Patriot (depending on variant) has a range of up to 100miles, making it an area defence weapon, not a point defence weapon. Given that, it will often be facing incoming ballistic missiles which are not pointed straight at it, but rather have a significant cross angle.
That, plus the Kinzals extreme velocity (Mach 10 = 3000 m/s*) would make interceptions by *any* means the exception rather than the rule I would think. This is why both the Russians and the Chinese use hypervelocity in their ‘carrier killer’ weapons, and why the US would, I believe, think very hard before committing carriers to the defence of Taiwan.
* albeit they will slow down as they drop into denser air as they dive on the target. Nevertheless, from maximum Patriot engagement altitude of 80,000 ft to the ground, even at an average of Mach 5 would only allow 15 seconds to engage, less if there was a significant off angle to the incoming missile.
How can we reach your lofty standards, oh, Razey-san?
Cohenite probably even likes tall owls.
She’s just tall, not a cute owl; I mean she seems like a nice person but this is a tall cute owl. Check out the nostril flare.
Thérèse is just thankful it keeps him out of her hair.
I just see this as leading to the sort of legal dogfight, which will tie up the High Court for thirty years and render Australia ungovernable.
Hey Razey why don’t you just fuk off then
Kevin Rudd could wank for Australia. In fact, he is.
Bro, she’s got crazy eyes. A literal praying mantis demon.
It says a lot about the dept of foreignaffairies that they would even employ someone like Krdd.
It’s absurd, but there is another aspect.
These ‘protocols’ (ridiculous, bullshit, formerly described as
customs) were apparently in place here and there, principally in northern Australia.
Like the bogus ‘welcome to country’ it is part of a dishonest attempt to place a veneer of unity across Aboriginal tribes when there is none.
The myth that taking photos is haram and the myth of not using names of dead people are equally recent, like ‘welcome to country.’ But guilt-ridden or career-minded urgers never let facts get in the way of a self-serving narrative. And, the Industry has adopted them and applied them to people whom, if asked, would not know what they are talking about.
After individual judges of the High Court found that the indigene had a metaphysical connection to this country which prevented them as non citizens being deported there’s no telling where they may go next. I don’t intend to give them the chance.
The Kihnzal probably doesn’t exceed or hit Mach 6 and the Patriots (c Mach 4) weren’t even that successful in the First Gulf War (the Scuds had a lot of malfunctions, fortunately).
Now that is a question which has piqued my curiosity.
Seriously, connecting Martin Bryant to George Soros and his foundations is drawing a long bow.
I connected Soros to Gun Control Australia via Open Family Institute. Please provide alternative funding explanation for GCA given that they have about 10 members. At the time there seemed to be little refuting of this connection by any of the parties involved. This was prior to Soros’s notoriety.
Facts and/or coincidences –
1) Helen Harvey, heiress of the Tattersall’s lotteries fortune, died by accident Oct 1992 at 59yrs of age.
2) Bryant’s father died by suicide Aug 1993
3) Fr Jeremy Flynn, an heir of the Tattersall’s lotteries fortune died by accident on 21 April 1996 at 54yrs of age.
Port Arthur massacre occurred a week later on 28 April 1996.
The stupid is strong in this one.
A Judge instructs the jury about the law. Jury nullification is not law but emotion. A judge cannot instruct the jury to ignore guilt and find innocence because ma feelings.
Ed – you are dangerously (to yourself) stupid.
Sfw it doesn’t count as a twosome just because your left hand feels like someone elses. Changing hands doesn’t make it a threesome.
GreyRanga, so droll.
Was the legislation an over-reaction to Port Arthur?
That is certainly a debate to be had.
If Taspol had done their job with the mildest degree of diligence there would have been no massacre. Similarly if the ADF had handled Knight with the mildest degree of diligence, there would have been no Hoddle St.
As I said in my post, I have seen exactly the same transpire in other jurisdictions, fortunately without any grievous outcomes.
If MSM put a sock in it over gun massacres in the way they do over suicides, there would be no culture of gun massacres. Although I note that post Port Arthur they did cool it quite a bit in Australia, can’t gin up massacres too much in a land where the problem has supposedly been “fixed”.
GreyRanga, as a young man some of my ‘mentors’ told me “if you wake up and your arm has gone to sleep, use it to ‘pleasure’ yourself because it feels like someone else”, does it?
Catching up…
Sounds like a perfume brand.
While I’d express that in a slightly more nuanced manner, I can understand someone feeling that way, and don’t object to it being stated here.
pete m
As we all know, Grandpa Ed is a shill for collectivism and against freedom and civil liberties.
What a weirdo, but he’s been smack talking jury nullification since I brought it up on the Republic (God Save the King!) thread.
His bizarre ranting really can be quite adventurous.
He says public advocacy for it should get you locked up, but judges can talk about it as a jury direction; even though US State judiciaries have struck it down directly contrary to novel State laws enshrining the idea. (Which, is in turn, why we need recall elections).
While I’d express that in a slightly more nuanced manner, I can understand someone feeling that way, and don’t object to it being stated here.
Sweeping inaccurate statements, casting aspersions on a lot of good people in a wonderful country. Sure I object.
Dr Bogan your whole attitude comes across as supercilious, haughty and condescending
I forgot to add ‘smug’.
Ranga at 9.12.
Made me laugh, which I needed.
From the Oz. I’ve posted the whole article. WFM, they honestly do.
Special Ed’s various sock changes haven’t really resulted in an improvement of his arguments over the years. If anything they’re going backwards.
How to bullshit, 101.
You are free to object, Milton.
My comment was focused on that one statement by one individual.
I make no apologies for empathising with bitterness and resentment, if indeed that is what motivates Razey.
What dollar value do you put on modern medicine, hospitals, schools, motor vehicles, supermarkets, welfare?
Actually no, they aren’t the same. And yes it’s pretty easy to ascertain a value for Notre Dame as it’s currently being rebuilt.
No one gets compensation because someone declares God doesn’t exist, not that that is something that a governmentor or anyone could actually do.
Why is there no acknowledgement that many Aboriginal people embraced Christianity of their own free will, just as they often abandoned ‘culture’ for a life that they decided was in some way superior .
In fact placing a monetary value on these things says all we need to know about what Aboriginal culture means to those who think money should be provided as ‘compensation’ for something that you can’t even adequately describe.
But keep saying these things, we need to hear them.
The sacred has a price.
Sounds profane.
But hey, it’s just scenario’ing. No biggie. They were also flying Etihad commercially. Chinese troops caught flights from Abu Dhabi and senior military snuggled up in business class.
One of my sins, although I prefer the term ‘self assured’.
It seems to worry you.
More white supremacy: Marea Yann was brutally in 2003. The only suspect was acquitted in 2008 after crucial evidence was with-held at the trial no doubt for non-racist reasons.
The only suspect.
The Kihnzal probably doesn’t exceed or hit Mach 6 and the Patriots (c Mach 4) weren’t even that successful in the First Gulf War (the Scuds had a lot of malfunctions, fortunately).
Patriots have improved dramatically since the early 90’s when they were clearly deficient against the Scuds. There have been 8 variants built since and the latest complete system upgrade with PAC3 MSE missiles and M903 firing system is extremely advanced compared to those initial systems.
The PAC3 MSE missile has even been adapted to fit USN Mk 41 Vertical Launch System with Aegis missile defence capabilities and the Eagis Ashore system so the Americans are pretty impressed with it.
Hmmm, upon thinking it over, if Razey were not an Aussie as I perhaps naively assumed, then I’d be a bit toey about an ‘outsider’ criticising my country, though I do believe there is a kernel of truth* in the statement at issue. Perhaps that’s hypocritical?
*I’m inclined to believe that a variety of factors influenced people to submit during the covidiocy, rather than an all-encompassing lack of intellect.
Digger at 7.41:
…everyone I know who resisted the Batflu Panic Reset is street smart. Intelligence has just about nothing to do with intellect, when the rubber hits the road.
… everyone I know who resisted the Batflu Panic Reset is street smart. Intelligence has just about nothing to do with intellect, when the rubber hits the road.
I don’t mind admitting that my decision to advise my family and myself to not touch the vaccines came largely from very sage advice and information I read on the Cat…
For that I am eternally grateful and have been a very vocal anti mRNA and Viral Vector vaccine ever since…
Thanks for the info on the updates to the Patriots, Digger.
Makes the story about downing a Russian missile more plausible.
Biden did Robert Byrd’s eulogy. He is the absolute last person who should ever bring up “white supremacy”.
I’m just about to retire after 40 years involved in the increasingly complicated process of exploring and developing resource projects in Australia. The geology is there in abundance – as is the social and political grit in the wheels.
I say go for it.
Go nuts.
This is an experiential learning threshold. Where urban Australians get the opportunity to significantly reduce their standard of living for a while – as they check out whether massive wealth transfer and racial preference delivers the folkloric dividend they expect.
The possibility of working out and testing the consequences from first principles seems to have gone.
I think a lack of the moral courage to ignore peer pressure was a component. Also the laziness to not investigate the facts and numbers.
It was always plausible. The information has been posted here multiple times today.
As a kid growing up in the 50s in (very) working class East Victoria Park:
• homemade gings – heavy duty jobs with car tube rubber AND, later, much more lightweight weapons with bricklayer’s wire connectors (?), multiple heavy-duty lacky bands and using sheet lead cut into 10mm x 10mm squares. Several in the holder had a “shotgun” effect at close range. Nanna employed us to hammer the green-eyes devastating her figs. We did so — but she was less than pleased that the lead “shot” had also shredded her tree and wreaked more havoc on the figs than the birds. Later, used with quandong nuts in a game of “Take the fort” up and down a sandhill. One of those in the middle of the forehead was quite … ummm … devastating. DAMHIK.
• rocket wars – tiny penny rockets, launched from bottle necks, in pitched battles across the back yard
• cracker guns — Dad never did find out why his car pump split at the neck. (Hint: 6d bomb; cotton wool and scrunched paper wadding, tombola marble, more wadding. Straight through a mate’s letterbox and one side of the dustbin.
• Later, mini-crossbows with handmade stock using jelly rubber for propulsion, firing homemade darts with sharpened nail points
• Mate’s old, well-worn Daisy airgun, with a drop or two of diesel added into the cavity in the base of the pellet. Did nothing for accuracy, but the flame/smoke was occasionally spectacular. Fired at Airfix model aeroplanes hanging by fishing line and spun from his Mum’s rotary clothes hoist. Spin it and run like buggery.
Good times, good times.
Where urban Australians get the opportunity to significantly reduce their standard of living for a while
I’m off to an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act workshop to learn how turning our back on science, common law, the Magna Carta, freehold title etc and granting a deliberately hermetic caste of swindlers unlimited access to our farmland and agricultural production is going to deliver absolution to the Horrors of Colonialism.
I’ll let you know how the non-urban Australians get along, we’re up against the wall first.
Crikey! That tweet by Rudd is so weird I was sure it was a parody Twitter account. I’m still not convinced it isn’t a parody account.
Champagne comedy- the fact I had to double check adds to the belly laugh.
Cats called “Ching Ching” and “Me Me Me” were perfect
Chris Bowen getting pushback on his nuclear energy lies.
But Bowen gets support from the usual suspects.
Dr Faustus> Sadly it looks like a decade or two of learning the hard way regarding destruction of a productive, modern economy by the Voice && Net Zero climate policies. I don’t see anything but complete failure changing peoples minds.
Residency Visa Received
Bruce in WA> You had some very cool forms of kids weaponry indeed. We tried slingshots, bolt bombs, exploding hairspray cans at the local rubbish dump, molotov bottles. Tell my sons about this kind of play and they don’t believe it. 😉
Sfw we’ve all heard the same anecdote. With you it struck a cord. I thought it it funny. You didn’t laugh. It’ll make you go blind, so I’ve heard.
Good luck rickw. My nephew lives there. Runs 3 Architecture offices overseas from there.
Quite right Kamala.
ZK2A kruddy is a Doctor, dontcha know!
DrF I hope you have something to keep the brain going in retirement. I’ve seen too many fall apart with a lack of interest in anything but work related subjects. Wife’s Granddad was MD of a large Stock Co. After retirement nobody paid attention to him as beforehand he ruled the roost. Depression set in rapidly. Physically in great nick, mentally he didn’t know what to do.
Nothing yet kn the Austrslisn about the Durham report