And in Werribee the Libs are very close. The poof preferences might squeeze Labor over the line. But they’ve copped…
And in Werribee the Libs are very close. The poof preferences might squeeze Labor over the line. But they’ve copped…
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
proposing Biden as lesser evil than Trump will get a pile-on going here. Its possible to have “derangement syndrome” on all sides of politics these days …
Gluttony and no roughage for the bowels takes them in the right direction. No taking a number 2 in the morning for this group at the table.
Next Floor (a short film by Denis Villeneuve)
And yet Alexander Downer was happy to contribute. Says a lot about his intelligence.
“proposing Biden as lesser evil than Trump will get a pile-on going here.”
Nup, not a pile on, if a person writes rubbish such as “Biden is a “lesser evil than Trump” that person will simply incur a forceful rebuttal for posting such utter bullshit.
Am I to understand that criticising Stan Grant on his poor performance is racism?
Another thought, if we can criticise King Chuck but not Stan then who is the monarch?
Paging Mr Googlery LLB, KC to reception.
A load of chicken shit has just turned up.
And we’ve got it all on CCTV.
What happens when people determine that justice will never be delivered to evil doers? Eg the Hunchback
Inside the ABC bubble they think there are millions out there just waiting for a chance to show support for ABC “stars” like Stan. Outside the bubble nobody much cares about a part-time Q&A presenter with excessive tanning.
He will accept a payoff of millions due to a “hostile workplace” and lack of “(white) management support” by ABC.
It’s much more common to choose friends with similar worldviews.
Long bow to draw (and deliberately so), but I’ll bite!
Yes, yes it is. and it is never good. One must, however, consider a bit of nuance. It is one thing to suggest guilt by association. It is quite another to demand deliberate ignorance of what look for all the World like objective facts.
I can confidently say that your (reversed) namesake would be a better result than an old man who ought to be enjoying his twilight years. It doesn’t mean I think that Kamala! would be anything approximating useful. That also doesn’t mean I am “piling on” for Trump.
Nor did I see Crossie “piling on”. I just thought that enthusiasm might have temporarily overcome common sense. Happens to all of us, in my experience.
Yes, it most certainly is. I do so all the time.
It’s excluding those who don’t share views, or those who are friends with those who don’t share views, I was having what I hope was a mild crack at.
No offence intended.
does going knickerless constitute ‘undressed’ ?
I await Commander Michael Chew’s evidence with interest. Who lean’t on him?
Agree 100%.
True! Thats a very good way of viewing stuff written late at night or under some kind of influence.
Oh, and the name is nothing to do with Kamala … unless she was born in Malaysia.
Chris Kenny
Worked for the ABC 7.30, Downer and Turnbull.
A political chameleon who blends in with his surroundings but every so often you can see the old colours.
proposing Biden as lesser evil than Trump will get a pile-on going here. Its possible to have “derangement syndrome” on all sides of politics these days …
Trump isn’t evil and anyone who makes that comparison is a retard. Biden is a demented, corrupt, treasonous POS who is the sock puppet of the swamp and who has literally brought the world to the brink of war and stuffed the US. Everything these vermin accuse Trump of they are themselves.
Cohenite> Don’t hold back – tell us what you really feel … BDS can be cured, also.
Get stuffed.
Objectively, bollocks. Subjectively, who cares? At least you’re a better quality of stirrer.
From Cassie’s link above.
I’m only 8 minutes in, but he’s describing Australia too, and in some ways, describing me.
Holy smokes.
Apologies for the multiple quotes (see Cassie’s link above), but they need to be emphasized.
(I have no idea who this bloke is, by the way. I’m only responding to his words).
Cassie’s link:
Please watch it. Eighteen minutes.
Worth it.
The bloke using the chainsaw @12:38 ended up in a spot of bother, as did the cyclist before him on the bridge.
Fleccas Talks:
Mark Dice:
A Newsmax Shocker! I Can’t Believe They Did This! – Bye, Bye Fox!
He’s just got a call from the AFP about the Brittany tapes. He may be offline for a couple of days.
The University of Sydney has started offering tampons and sanitary products in male bathrooms.
The products are available in wall-hung dispensers, alongside a note endorsed by the University of Sydney Union.
It reads: ‘Respecting and supporting our gender-diverse community with free sanitary products for those who need them.’
The products are available in wall-hung dispensers, alongside a note endorsed by University of Sydney Union
The products are available in wall-hung dispensers, alongside a note endorsed by University of Sydney Union
The Student Services and Amenities Fee logo is also included on the note, indicating the sanitary products are actually funded by fees that all students pay each semester.
Daily Mail
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Patrick Blower.
Christian Adams.
Steve Bright.
Morten Morland.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
Ben Garrison.
So much quality stuff dropped into my inbox overnight.
The Gates funded Pro Publica has a puff piece on using bats in research (winged ones, not Gray Nicolls).
TikTok have named their project to Americanfy their servers Project Texas.
And according to the big brains, Bakhmut was a trap to bog the Russians down & to get ready for the biggest summer counter offensive from Ukraine ever.
And Ray Stevenson is brown bread.
Rome was one of my favourite shows, a delightful romp.
Only 58 years old.
It is almost comical the coverage of the US debt ceiling talks.
As usual the coverage always comes back to either raising income taxes or cutting entitlements (social security).
It is so moronic.
Colonel Crispin:
I thought by disguising the spelling, I might have shaken off the accusation, but it looks like you’ve caught me out.
One of the benefits of the increased focus on all things Aboriginal is that we may be prompted to test some of what we are told to see if it is actually true.
Regrettably, even a cursory examination reveals that much of what we are told about the ‘oldest continuous living culture on earth’ seems to not be as accurate as others would have us believe.
That’s not to denigrate the history of Aboriginal tribes, it’s just that I wonder why some groups need to make things up if there is already so much to be proud of.
We’ve previously discussed the ubiquitous welcome to country ceremony.
It was invented in the 1970’s by Ernie Dingo to appease some performing Pacific Islanders.
Now it’s become an ancient ritual that only gets performed when someone woke corporate or government agency seems to be paying for it.
But that’s just the start of the myth-making.
DNA research suggests that Aboriginal people are descendants of the first people to leave Africa up to 75,000 years ago.
Australian Geographic reports:
A century-old lock of hair, given by a West Australian indigenous man to an anthropologist, has led to the discovery that ancestors of Aboriginal Australians reached Asia at least 24,000 years before another wave of migration that populated Europe and Asia.
Experts from the University of Western Australia (UWA) and Murdoch University were part of an international team that analysed DNA from the hair, and found no hereditary material from European immigrants to Australia. This made the man’s DNA a perfect candidate for looking at the history of Aboriginal migration.
Another study from the American Journal of Human Genetics found that when these ancestors of Aboriginals crossed through Asia, they may have interbred with Siberian people.
For that study, DNA was extracted from a finger bone excavated in the freezing temperatures of Siberia to analyse the migration of people to tropical parts of Asia and Australia more than 40,000 years ago.
Examining DNA from the finger, researchers from the Harvard Medical School in the US and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany concluded that the Denisovans – a primitive group of humans descended from Neanderthals – migrated from Siberia to tropical parts of Asia. They contributed DNA to Aborigines along with present-day New Guineans and an indigenous tribe in the Philippines known as Mamanwa.
History is certainly fascinating and these studies seem to confirm that everyone in Australia actually migrated here from somewhere else.
It also suggests that the cultures that didn’t leave Africa can lay claim to the title of oldest continuous living culture on Earth.
One of those cultures is the San people, also known as Bushmen. They are among the indigenous people of Southern Africa.
A DNA study of fully sequenced genomes, published in September 2016, showed that the ancestors of today’s San hunter-gatherers began to diverge from other human populations in Africa about 200,000 years ago and were fully isolated by 100,000 years ago.
That’s just one example of human history that doesn’t conform with the narrative we are being fed about our earliest migrants.
Here’s another one.
You’re likely forgiven for thinking that ‘dot painting’ is traditional Aboriginal art. I mean, that’s how it has been presented to us for as long as I can remember.
Imagine my surprise to learn from Creative Spirits that:
“dot painting on canvas emerged in central Australia only in the early 1970s as a result of Aboriginal people working together with a white art school teacher, Geoffrey Bardon.”
The ‘dots’ were apparently added to disguise the original art which reportedly depicted secrets. It’s a fascinating tale but one I feel few would be aware of.
I don’t doubt there are many more historic inaccuracies in the legend of our first migrants.
Maybe it really is time to support the ‘truth telling’ but somehow, I don’t think these inconvenient truths are the telling that the indigenous lobby is demanding.
Until tomorrow.
Same here. The Mathew Goodwin speech didn’t quite say it, but I will. If the voting system becomes a sham – which it seems to have become in the US, Australia and Great Britain, – then those who promise things to get votes and completely ignore those things after they gain power, then they should not be dismayed when the masses who have been grievously abused, take their revenge not by the ballot box but by more direct means.
No, no, I was just wondering what alloy they were made of.
4130 chrome moly steel. Various levels of heat treatment are possible. Bolts usually cadmium plated.
Excellent Quadrant piece already linked above re a growing movement against the gender madness. Says it all. I’ve added a summary of the embedded long video, if you haven’t time to watch it, here’s my summary which might attract you to watch it:
Who could blame female students for ducking into the mens room when, as often happens, the machines in the womens toilets have run out. They won’t be much used in the mens otherwise.
What a ridiculous piece of social engineering, mainly catering to a few of the staff in the Arts Faculty, most of whom in their ‘masculinity’ are past their female menopause anyway. Those still menstruating hovering over the loo in the mens stalls and leaving little bloody reminders on the seat would luckily be few and far between.
Much worse are the poor female students who have to suffer ‘ladies’ with male equipment splattering smelly male urine all over the floor and leaving the lid up.
Are the sanitary products also free in the womens toilets? If not, there will be a rush on the mens for some freebies as these things are expensive for impecunious students. Also, if not, whatever happened to equality in the Student Union? Meanwhile, evesdroppers at the sink or stalls in the womens toilets will be busy getting excited if any woman gets a tampon, let alone if she’s talking to her friends about ‘the curse’, because these autogynophiliacs get off on menstruation talk.
If you don’t want to go into the mens to get the freebies you can always ask your boyfriend to do it for you. During a quiet time obviously, as the poor chap doesn’t want to be seen at those machines in there.
The Saturday Paper is anxious regarding the right wing plot to undermine the rule of law that is the Lehrman enquiry.
If anything done by the Canberra Village Council is considered to be right wing motivated, we are indeed in extremis.
Fair enough. I had a feeling they were made of titanium alloys to reduce weight. Ta.
I’ve never noticed any difference between male and female as far as smell goes. It’s more a function of time between the act and the disposal more than anything else.
That was one of my initial thoughts – the blokes would be plundering the machines to get freebies for their girlfriends…
But they wouldn’t be self conscious about it – there’d be ‘thumbs up’ for the blokes doing a favour for the girlfriends. A favour with benefits, so to speak.
Just finished watching the excellent Clint Eastwood produced and directed movie, Jersey Boys, on SBS, about the Four Seasons.
Before I start, here is the unforgettable hit that made Frankie Valli a star:
You’re just too good to be true.
Very few versions available, this is probably not particularly good considering what a wonderful song it is.
When wogs like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin started to become popular in the late 50s/early 60s, young Italian guys began to get into the music industry. For example, there were Dion (Di Mucci) with his I’m a Wanderer, Ruby Baby etc, and The Young Rascals, later known as The Rascals. Groovin’ and Good lovin’. Big hits.
The Italians quickly joined the mainsteam, now they are judges and governors and so on. Being based in Western civilisation, it didn’t take long. RIP Justice Scalia.
Just finished watching the excellent Clint Eastwood produced and directed movie, Jersey Boys, on SBS, about the Four Seasons.
I saw the stage version on Braodway back in 2013 whilst in New York ……