Open Thread – Weekend 3 June 2023

One of the Family, Frederick George Cotman, 1880

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Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 4, 2023 11:54 pm

Just because you can speak articulately and cohesively doesn’t mean you haven’t got mental health issues …

That’s what I felt watching Brittaneee. I’ve never seen a more dissembling face than at times tonight.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
June 5, 2023 12:01 am

Good luck with your recovery Joh.

June 5, 2023 12:03 am

PeterM says:
June 4, 2023 at 11:19 pm

Re Johanna @ 1040:

And now the ACT govt wants to take over Calvary Public and run it the same way.

Yup, I was coming to that in a later comment. I don’t have any personal experience of Calvary, but it could hardly be worse.

Thanks, all, for kind wishes. I’m fine now that I am out of there, there is no worse place to get well than in a hospital like that one. 🙂

June 5, 2023 12:23 am

Pretty sure Canberra hospital had a Covid outbreak in past week.
Also where head of the AMA works.

June 5, 2023 12:25 am

ok, but I disagree on the whole Aztec wrong thing

I do however, agree with the ‘ultimately God’ thing

and that’s where the conundrum begins

June 5, 2023 12:32 am

what is it that we know about ourselves that ancient cultures didn’t know about themselves?

their timeline was only was fleetingly shorter than ours

June 5, 2023 12:44 am


Australians are such bloody wacists.

Newspoll: Less than half Aussies intend to vote ‘yes’ on voice

You go girl. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it went down the low 30s dead equal with the liars voting base. This should make the really shot themselves too.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Ho hum, slow night, time to watch another tractor video, perhaps of the tomato harvest in Italy.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 5, 2023 1:15 am

What this country needs is an Aztec Voice To Parliament.

Mallee Miss
Mallee Miss
June 5, 2023 2:14 am

June 4, 2023 at 8:54 pm
I just watched the Bruce L interview.

I have to say, that there’s a big hole in his account. He went to Parliament house with her and then left through an alternative route and didn’t check on her before leaving. I don’t buy that.

She reckons she was rolling drunk and found him on top. She never reported the incident immediately and only did so when there was a threat to her job. She wasn’t rolling drunk as we saw on the video footage.

Why would he leave there when he went with her?

If that footage is the missing footage that Shane Drumgold was so upset about and that Whybrow thought would show yet another inconsistency of Brittany’s testimony, then I will be interested to see if the enquiry explores how channel 7 came into possession of it.

June 5, 2023 4:02 am
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Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
June 5, 2023 4:27 am

Thanks Tom. Lots of Biden falling again ‘Toons.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
June 5, 2023 4:29 am

The only thing you owe the public is a good performance.

– Humphrey Bogart

June 5, 2023 5:14 am

Speed recovery Johanna. Shocked that canbra hospital is so bad. The Western at Footscray has a bad reputation but my experience of it has always been pretty good.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
June 5, 2023 6:12 am

Johanna sorry to hear about your broken arm hope it mends well and you recover without incident.

Sounds like Canbrrraaa Hospital is the best place not to be. It was 1991 I recall at a major teaching hospital in Sydney the filthy bathroom in which my my mother was expected to use after open heart surgery, matted hair in the drain hole and greasy smelly built up grime everywhere.

I complained returned an hour later with bleach and a scrubbing brush to clean the filth. I could hardly wait for her to be out of there and as inevitable she ended up with a severe infection – amazing who’d a thunk it.

Cassie of Sydney
June 5, 2023 6:40 am

Speedy recovery Johanna.

June 5, 2023 6:42 am

Sancho Panzer:
June 4, 2023 at 10:07 pm


June 4, 2023 at 9:57 pm

Sorry, they had coffee the following week, I think on Monday.

Espresso, cold filtered or instant?


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 5, 2023 6:48 am

Apropos of the missing limb discussion from overnight (the NT News):

Three months farm work is a right of passage for thousands of backpackers exploring the wonders Down Under each year, but for Henry Dunn the trip of a lifetime took a horrific turn while helping out at a Northern Territory cattle station.

On November 15 the 23-year-old British backpacker was just one week away from finishing his time working on the remote Larrimah station when a post driver he was using to hammer fences into the ground crushed his left arm, requiring it to be amputated below the elbow.

‘Post driver’. Uh huh. Pretty good cover story for your mum, Mr Dunn.

Anchor What
Anchor What
June 5, 2023 6:50 am

Is the collapse of America inevitable? Andrea Widburg at American Thinker.
The replacement of competency with diversity won’t work, and is already creating huge problems. The complex and interwoven systems that support our high standard of living were created by the meritocracy, but have been degraded over some decades to the point where collapse and disarray is closer than ever. The current administration is notable for appointing departmental heads who are either incompetent or destructive.
Read it all, based on an article by Harold Robertson.

Cassie of Sydney
June 5, 2023 6:54 am

“Newspoll: Less than half Aussies intend to vote ‘yes’ on voice

I have to say, after a week of bleak news, particularly with the BRS judgment, it was sweet, very sweet, reading this last night. This shows that Sleazy, and his arrogance around da “Voice”, is backfiring bigtime. Sleazy has swallowed, hook, line and sinker, the polls of the last year, he imagines himself as king of Australia, a narcissist, hence his refusal to even change the wording of the Voice. Let me tell you how comforting this is, because walking through Sydney’s CBD yesterday, there are “YES” adverts everywhere. I think Australians are heartily sick and tired of the propaganda and that will only grow in the coming months. Australians aren’t being told to engage in, discuss, and debate the Voice, we’re being told by Sleazy and his ugly comrades to vote for it or else we’ll call you a racist. Okay then, I’ll be a racist, because you think I’m a racist anyway.

I emptied my mailbox the other day and there was a pamphlet from Svengali Simon’s Big Spender advertising her forthcoming Wentworth Town Hall on the Voice. She’s already spruiking it, as “Wentworth for the Voice”. I do hope those cretins in Wentworth who voted for her thinking she’s an “Independent Liberal” will think twice next time, however Sharma wouldn’t have been much better, being the soft mint Green he was on everything.

Anchor What
Anchor What
June 5, 2023 6:54 am

Canberra’s hospitals used to be first rate. Labor foisted self-government on the territory for blatant political reasons, and administration has drifted leftwards and down the competency slippery slope ever since.

Cassie of Sydney
June 5, 2023 6:57 am

“Louis Littsays:
June 4, 2023 at 11:31 pm”

What a load of codswallop.

June 5, 2023 7:01 am

Cassie of Sydney:
June 5, 2023 at 6:54 am
“Newspoll: Less than half Aussies intend to vote ‘yes’ on voice

‘…Big Spender advertising her forthcoming Wentworth Town Hall on the Voice. She’s already spruiking it, as “Wentworth for the Voice”….’

Cassie, you should go along just to throw a spanner in the works.

June 5, 2023 7:01 am

Solidifying a NO vote in QLD, NSW and WA and then working to majority NO votes in each other State and territory would be the way to go.

If the YES vote is in a minority without an official or unnoticed NO campaign, JC might be right and we could get sub 40% YES votes.

June 5, 2023 7:04 am

We need more Aboriginal activists on TV.

Lidia Thorpe giving a rambling, expletive laden list of facile threats.

“Burn baby burn.” (Remember that!?)

We need to platform Senator Thorpe and signal boost her message.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 5, 2023 7:04 am

Think your head’s a bit rough? Leave it be (the Hun):

A woman who was left with permanent scarring and paralysis after a facelift is preparing to launch legal action against the cosmetic surgeon who operated on her.

Kathleen Morris had dreams to work as cabin crew for Jetstar

The lowest of low bars.

but said she was now a “shell of a person” after she underwent the procedure with a surgeon at the Melbourne clinic. “With my face now, there is no way I can ever do this job, it’s been ripped from me,” she said.

“I am withdrawn, I stay home and when I do go out, I don’t look at people, but they stare at me.”

You wanted to be stared at. Mission accomplished, I would have thought.

Ms Morris booked the procedure after finding an advertisement for the facelift on Facebook. It was promoted at the “special” reduced price of $3000 from $9000.

I am terribly sorry Ms Morris, but if you are witless enough to arrange an apparent facelift from a Facebook ad, then you deserve everything you get. However – like so many before her, Morris has grown retrospectively wise:

Ms Morris urges others to think twice before they consider cosmetic surgery. “Try to be happy with the face you have,” she said.

Perhaps some words of advice along the lines of ‘Don’t undergo facelifts advertised at 66% off for this week only at Dr Nick Riviera’s Facebook locum’ would also be appropriate.

Anchor What
Anchor What
June 5, 2023 7:05 am

Today in No Evidence of Election Fraud:

Kanekoa Releases The Konnech Files: FBI Shielded Two Firms Tied to Chinese Communist Regime That Holds US Voter Data in Mainland China.

Gateway Pundit

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 5, 2023 7:07 am

Best wishes Johanna. The state of Canberra Hospital is interesting. My old mum did similarly to you earlier this year, but the regional base hospital she was in was much cleaner and nicer. They were very helpful and her cracked arm healed without need for surgery, which was a good thing for a lady of her advanced age.

June 5, 2023 7:11 am

Sorry guys, gotta repost. This is too funny.


Crazy leftist cat lady chick architect goes to Portland OR County Commission meeting.

Wears a hilarious bubble helmet to “avoid concussions AND COVID”.

I’m done LOL!

June 5, 2023 7:11 am

The one wearing the hat looks suspiciously like one of the Rent-a-Nazi group who crashed the rally where Moira Deeming spoke. The fellow who proved to be a serving VicPol Detective’s son. hmmm?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 5, 2023 7:37 am

Bean gets red-pilled.

Mr Bean star Rowan Atkinson confesses he feels ‘duped’ by the electric car trend (4 Jun)

Petrolhead Rowan Atkinson, who was an early adopter of the electric vehicle trend, has said that he now feels “duped” by it.

However, the Blackadder star’s issues aren’t with the vehicles themselves but rather the environmental impact of their production.

The 68-year-old car fanatic got an electric hybrid 18 years ago and his first all-electric car nine years later.

He wrote: “Electric vehicles may be a bit soulless, but they’re wonderful mechanisms: fast, quiet and, until recently, very cheap to run.

“But increasingly, I feel a little duped,” the Mr Bean actor added in a comment piece in The Guardian.

He continued: “When you start to drill into the facts, electric motoring doesn’t seem to be quite the environmental panacea it is claimed to be.

“The problem with the initiative is that it seems to be based on conclusions drawn from only one part of a car’s operating life: what comes out of the exhaust pipe.”

Aside from a love of cars, Rowan is actually fully qualified to offer his opinions on this. He studied electrical and electronic engineering at university before gaining a subsequent master’s in control systems.

Nothing that Cats haven’t known for yonks, like that you have to drive a Tesla for 8 years just to catch up with a similar ICE on net CO2e, by which time you need a new battery and are behind again. But it’s nice that a lefty has the courage to speak truth to power like this.

June 5, 2023 7:39 am

Mend fast, Joh. I wondered where you were.

One of the up-sides – if you can’t do it up, no pesky underwires! Enjoy your reprieve. This is one of the occasions (apart from the theatre) when zips and velcro come into their own. Although your typing was better one handed than my two handed stuff-ups.

I have noticed how dirty “hospitals” are, having been in and out so much with dad over the past couple of years. You can tell how little floors are washed generally by the peeling, filthy “socialist distancing” tape. Brrrrrr. And cleaners with dark grey mops and similar coloured water wiping surfaces to smear any germs further just in case you might miss picking one up. I was glad to get the old guy home.*

* he lost the sight of one eye due to an infection from a dirty needle. Others at the clinic had similar infections but better outcomes. He was approached by an ambulance chaser over a claim, but was in no condition to proceed.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 5, 2023 7:41 am

Had a look at the Brit’nah footage.
Looks like a young woman in a frisky mood, chatting to any guy of passable maleness and size.
She doesn’t show any particular closeness to Lehrmann at the bar or during the security video at PH
Could be tipsy maybe but not drunk, though the effects of quick drinking can kick in suddenly.
Brucie leaves with purpose but not any particular rush – like a bloke heading home to bed.
What happened in the minister’s office is pure speculation and without physical evidence of forced sex will remain an unanswered question.
The “I see you, I hear you” mob reckons that’s worth ten years in the clink.

June 5, 2023 7:41 am

How does she breathe with that thing, dat.

Back during the lockdowns I publicly made a bet with myself that there’s someone in NYC who won’t leave their apartment for the next 20 years because of covid. I intend to collect on the bet. 🙂

June 5, 2023 7:41 am


June 5, 2023 7:43 am

Atkinson also did an address over free speech, which was posted on the last thread. As you say, Bruce, scales have fallen from his eyes…finally. Perhaps.

My view is that people like him only “discover” what they knew all the time when it directly affects them.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
June 5, 2023 7:44 am

Whilst I don’t like to give credit to Pollies, Dutton has out thought Albanese on ‘Da Voice’. His questions have raised more questions which Albanese can’t or won’t answer or he has contradicted previous answers.

If he would just have a bit more courage on other issues.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
June 5, 2023 7:46 am

Roger 4/6 at 7.06pm
French and Indian wars led to the 7 yrs war.
Could you pleas elaborate.

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 5, 2023 7:50 am

Can’t get into the city for your dose? Don’t worry, the mong in chief has it sorted. Hun:

Mobile injecting buses have been raised as an option to service Melbourne’s CBD, as plans for a second drug facility in the city have “stalled”.

High level sources told the Herald Sun the concept of mobile injecting buses was one of the key discussion points between former top cop Ken Lay and stakeholders as part of his report into an injecting room for the city.

“They are mini buses with booths where people can safely inject. The model could be adopted as an effective trial in different locations before a fixed site is decided upon,” one source said.

It comes as government insiders told the Herald Sun plans for a second injecting room in Melbourne’s CBD had “stalled”, with fierce debate continuing over whether 244 Flinders St was an appropriate site to offer the service.

In major European cities including Barcelona and Berlin the mini buses, or vans, are fitted out with two to three injection booths.

In 2017, Montreal launched its first safe injecting site, alongside a two-booth mobile unit.

Some buses move to different locations, while others stay in a fixed spot that is well-known for drug use and dealing.

The buses are sometimes parked outside existing health services, with signage on the vehicles that say “safe consumption”.

The state government refused to comment on mobile injecting buses in the city when asked by the Herald Sun.

The Andrews government last week received a report from Mr Lay into an injecting room for Melbourne’s CBD.

Mr Lay’s report was meant to be finalised at the end of 2020 but the government pushed it back blaming the pandemic and changed drug user behaviour.

He was tasked with writing the report amid concerns the area has a high proportion of heroin overdoses, but traders have railed against the facility being placed near them.

The state government bought 244 Flinders St for $40.3m in 2021.

New Freedom of Information documents between Mr Lay and the Department of Health also reveal key issues facing Melbourne’s CBD.

The documents said the city had suffered “disproportionate, significant economic impacts during the pandemic” and recovery was an additional factor for consideration for location of an injecting room.

A spokesman from Keep Our City Alive, who are a group of residents calling for an injecting room in Melbourne’s CBD, said with one person dying from overdose each month in the CBD, the need for such a facility had never been greater.

“We call on the Andrews Government to urgently identify a site for a second supervised injecting room in the City of Melbourne, and prevent any further lives lost to overdose in our city,” the spokesman said.

Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association chief executive Sam Biondo said he had “serious concerns” there was no determination by the state government to offer an injecting room in Melbourne.

“Those concerns are based on the continuing number of deaths that are occurring in the city and the increasing number of ambulance call-outs,” Mr Biondo said.

Opposition Mental Health spokeswoman Emma Kealy said: “CBD businesses, residents, and the AOD sector simply want clarity on what Labor’s plans are for Melbourne’s CBD. Is it an injecting room, an injecting bus or simply a drug outreach services as outlined in the budget?”

A state government spokeswoman said Mr Lay’s report had been provided to the Mental Health Minister.

“We are considering its recommendations and will release the report, and a government response, in due course,” the spokeswoman said.

Warped priorities I can only say.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 5, 2023 7:56 am

Da Voice.
46% Yes.
43% No.
11% Undecided.
Albo knows the 11% isn’t going to fall his way on polling day.
Some are either shy No voters, or will vote No because they are nervous about the ill-defined powers which will be granted to the Grifting Identifiers.

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 5, 2023 8:02 am

Moira Deeming news:

Exiled Liberal MP Moira Deeming has been labelled many things in recent months — a friend to trans-activists has not been among them.

Until now.

Deeming has caught up with Tosh Finnigan, who claims to be the first trans-identifying local councillor in Victoria.

And Finnigan — who scholarly readers might recall as the whistleblower for the Andrews Government’s red shirts controversy — was impressed.

“Moira was perceived as someone who’s a massive transphobe,” Finnigan tells the Source.

Referring to Deeming’s eventual expulsion from the Liberal Party after the Let Women Speak rally in March, Finnigan says: “I don’t think Moira Deeming is a bigot or a Nazi.”

Finnigan met with Deeming, and Liberals Joe McCracken, Bev McArthur and Renee Heath, as well as One Nation’s Rikki-Lee Tyrrell in the state parliament’s dining room.

“I think there is common ground to be found,” Finnigan says.

“We don’t have to shout at each other and be nasty for nastiness’ sake, and I commend them for sitting down with me, and for talking in good faith.

“You would have thought the leadership team of the Liberal Party, if they were so committed to supporting trans people, would have spoken to the only trans-elected official in the state.

“(But) I haven’t heard tickety boo.”

No Tosh, you remain a bloke.
Deeming continues to show Pessuto as a shallow clown who has insulted all women with his actions against her.

June 5, 2023 8:06 am

Just on this BRS pile-on:

Yesterday I tried to refresh my memory on the very early attacks on BRS in the media (shortly after his VC award) by the woke brigade. I recall that a story in a women’s magazine about the difficulty that he and his wife initially had in having kids was lampooned by some female commentator in the media as BRS “firing blanks”. Couldn’t locate the story on Google.

Also recall a story that BRS was bullied at school. Couldn’t find the story on Google. It seems Google was instead consumed only with details of the allegations against him. The Woke are very good at rewriting history.

June 5, 2023 8:06 am

Some are either shy No voters, or will vote No because they are nervous about the ill-defined powers which will be granted to the Grifting Identifiers.

Might also be something to do with this:

Australia’s “misery index” is at near GFC levels.

The University of Melbourne survey has tracked the impact of inflation/cost of living, interest rates and unemployment on the national psyche since the 1960s.

The whining of already privileged indigenous activists would be especially grating when you’re already feeling miserable about your prospects.

June 5, 2023 8:07 am
Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 5, 2023 8:08 am

I think the Indigenous Heritage Act in WA might have sunk The Voice in that state.
It’s an insight into the mad demands of the Dreamtime revivalists.
Albo would give the departing McGowan a swift kick in the quoit if he could.

June 5, 2023 8:08 am
Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 8:09 am

Ed Casesays:
June 4, 2023 at 9:52 pm
“Had a coffee with him that morning?”

You’re confused.
Higgins left PH at 10.30 am in a cab, went home.

The plot looks like Lehrmann didn’t want Higgins around anymore so he pretended he’d been sacked and the COS tried to bluff Higgins out of her job.
Higgins wasn’t having that, so she called their bluff and they folded.

Basically, Lehrmann’s told a lotta lies and painted himself into a corner.

It was Mae West who opined:
Even the dumbest woman can outsmart a man when she’s got to.
and that maxim was never truer than in this case.

Uncle Ed loyally defends the virtue of his favourite niece.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 8:13 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
June 4, 2023 at 10:06 pm
Was Eddie was on the jury that was discharged?

Perhaps he was the sole holdout for a Guilty verdict?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 5, 2023 8:15 am

I think many erstwhile doubters would have been swayed by the CCTV footage of Britnah faultlessly sashaying up and down in front of security coupled with audio of her telling Cane Toad she was “schoolies level, 11/10 hammered”.

June 5, 2023 8:15 am

Sorry to hear you are in hospital Johanna . Swift recovery !

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 8:16 am

Ed Casesays:
June 4, 2023 at 10:21 pm
Lehrmann was called in first and was told he had breached security protocols. As this was his second breach he was goneski.

There was no breach.
Both of them were entitled to enter Reynolds offices 24/7/365 so long as they were on the book as working for her.
The Security Guard checked their names, then escorted them to Reynolds Office and unlocked the door.

Still no quoted paragraph from the Parliament House Security Handbook, Grandpa Cletus>

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 5, 2023 8:18 am

Perhaps he was the sole holdout for a Guilty verdict?

I think Shane Dumkpof admitted as much.
The jury was 11-1 to acquit.
The holdout juror introduced the extraneous material to the jury room to deliberately sink the trial, for fear the judge might accept an 11-1 majority vote to acquit.

June 5, 2023 8:20 am
June 5, 2023 8:22 am
June 5, 2023 8:23 am
June 5, 2023 8:24 am

Roger 4/6 at 7.06pm
French and Indian wars led to the 7 yrs war.
Could you pleas elaborate.

Scrapes between the British and the French on the North American continent where their claims bumped up against each other escalated into war. The battle at Jumonville, in which Washington led the British colonial forces, was the spark that ignited the conflagration, bringing various European powers and alliances into play. The conflict then extended across the seas to every continent except, of course, Australia. The result was that Britain became the pre-eminent colonial power.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 8:25 am

June 4, 2023 at 11:19 pm
Re Johanna @ 1040:

And now the ACT govt wants to take over Calvary Public and run it the same way.

I only ever visited Calvary, but I don’t recall sticking to the floors!

If Calvary had been as bad as Canberra, I have no doubt that the ‘elf inspectors would have come down like a ton (tonne?) of bricks.

June 5, 2023 8:27 am

We built this city.
Hermann Goering could make the same claim too.

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 5, 2023 8:37 am

Cane Toad

Speaking of which, Samantha Maiden in the Daily Telegraph:

Channel 10’s Lisa Wilkinson told Brittany Higgins in an off the record discussion that she knew “friendly” MPs who might drive the story forward, including Anthony Albanese and Tanya Plibersek.

In an extraordinary trove of CCTV and audio never seen or heard before by the public, the Seven network last night broadcast excerpts from The Project’s interviews.

The audio was handed over by Channel 10 under subpoena during the criminal trial, though much of the material aired was never played to the jury. Mr Lehrmann is suing Ms Wilkinson and Channel 10 for defamation in the Federal Court.

At the time the story first aired in 2021, Mr Albanese was not prime minister, but was the opposition leader. The Labor Party strongly pursued the allegations in parliament.

Channel 7’s television special featured audio from a five hour discussion conducted by Ms Wilkinson and her producer Angus Llewllyn with Ms Higgins and her partner David Sharaz in the lead-up to the sit down interview.

“Do you have friendly MPs? You know, that could fire questions at Question Time?’’ Mr Sharaz asks.

“Oh, certainly Albo,’’ Ms Wilkinson replies.

The Project host then adds that another option is the Labor frontbencher Tanya Plibersek.

“Tanya Plibersek, definitely,’’ she says.

Mr Sharaz then suggests they could get Australian of the Year Grace Tame to back the story in after it aired on Channel 10.

“You want friendly so they don’t saturate the air time,’’ he says.

When the story aired, Seven interviewer Liam Bartlett suggested, it was “by any measure, the worst day of Mr Lehrmann’s life”.

The former Liberal staffer said he first read the allegations when published an interview with Ms Higgins.

“I, like everybody else who had read it, was horrified,’’ Mr Lehrmann said.

“I think there are text messages between me and friends saying I used to work with her, you know, horrified.

“I think there are text messages between me and friends saying I used to work with her, you know, horrified.

“It then became apparent at 2pm or thereabouts, when Rosie Lewis of The Australian emailed my boss at British American Tobacco and said that she’d heard from government sources that I was the alleged rapist, now I’m called in for a meeting with my bosses. They suspend me pending an internal review.”

Earlier, Channel 7 aired more tapes of the off the record discussion conducted by Ms Wilkinson before the sit down interview.

At one point, Mr Sharaz asks Ms Wilkinson what she wants to achieve.

“Whether it’s white privilege, male domination, whether it’s, you know, criminal activity. I am from the western suburbs of Sydney. I have always been motivated by exactly the same thing, people who deserve to be heard, not being heard,’’ Ms Wilkinson replies. (FMD)

Mr Lehrmann flatly denied raping Brittany Higgins in his TV interview, declaring it “simply didn’t happen”.

On Sunday night, The Australian newspaper published further extracts from the recording which it said included Ms Wilkinson suggesting Mr Albanese was “a bit of a dead duck at the moment”.

“Well, he’s in a car crash, leave him alone,” Mr Sharaz responded. “He got a lot of coverage out of that.”

Earlier, Ms Wilkinson tells Ms Higgins she does not want “to put words in your mouth” but does want her to discuss the culture of Parliament House.

“I have every confidence that you will answer that very eloquently, but it’s one you just need to really think about,” Ms Wilkinson says.

“I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but if you can enunciate the fact that this place is all about suppression of people’s natural sense of justice.”

Ms Higgins says in the February, 2021 recording that she was worried about the prospects of conviction. (mmmyes that might happen if you make shit up)

“If he wants to go after me, like on a civil basis, I think, on the balance of probabilities, I think I could win. I think it’s, if the onus of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt, I think that would be different. I don’t think I could win that,” Ms Higgins says.

In an extract of the recording that was played at the trial, Mr Sharaz says that if the story breaks in a parliamentary sitting week “they have to answer questions at question time, it’s a mess for them”.

“I’ve got a friend in Labor, Katie Gallagher on the Labor side, who will probe and continue it going,’’ Mr Sharaz said.

In the recording Ms Wilkinson also criticises former deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop.

“The biggest frustration that I have with Julie is that she had so many opportunities to speak out against the culture,” Wilkinson says. “And for one woman too, what was she, deputy to 13 different prime ministers over the course of her time in parliament?”

Mr Sharaz then interjects: “Always loyal too. Bridesmaid, never the bride.”

“The minute she was out of there (she said) ‘Oh it’s really sexist.’ I tried to get her on the record with that so many times when she could’ve actually affected change, and she wouldn’t,’’ Ms Wilkinson replies.

Conversation then turns to whether Ms Bishop might speak out or would back Michaelia Cash and Linda Reynolds.

“They’re all Perth girls,” Ms Wilkinson says. However, Ms Higgins says “they were never friends”.

“I don’t know why, but they never liked each other,” Ms Higgins says in the recording.

Mr Sharaz then adds: “Julie doesn’t have any friends.”

Do you think now that Wilkinson and Fitzsimmons pace the corridors of their plush abode and say “you know what, I think we might have just stuffed this up”?
There’s more

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 5, 2023 8:38 am

I think the Indigenous Heritage Act in WA might have sunk The Voice in that state.

It’s bitterly dividing this community – the fellow travelers are going to great lengths to point out that the Act and the Voice are two entirely separate issues, the local farmers response is short, sharp and to the point.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 5, 2023 8:40 am

If Calvary had been as bad as Canberra, I have no doubt that the ‘elf inspectors would have come down like a ton (tonne?) of bricks.

Slugs in the kitchen?

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 5, 2023 8:41 am

Plibersek snaps at Higgins question

Labor frontbencher Tanya Plibersek hit back at claims she was prepared to take directions from Ms Higgins or her partner to ask questions in Parliament.

Ms Plibersek was grilled on Channel 7 after the claims aired on Sunday night.

“Nobody tells me what to ask in question time,” she said.

“I don’t recall anything like that. She was a very fragile and upset young woman. That’s my involvement.

The Minister said it was not “any surprise” that she provided assistance to Ms Higgins given her history of advocacy for complainants in sexual assault matters.

Ms Plibersek said that the odds are stacked against complainants.

She said she “was in touch with Brittany Higgins because I was concerned about her welfare.

“We couldn’t get a straight answer from the Prime Minister. “

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce said a bigger issue was the involvement of Finance Minister Katy Gallagher.

Ms Gallagher’s department was involved in the negotiations over the compensation payout to Ms Higgins but the Finance Minister insisted she was kept at arms length.

“That’s an awful lot of money. We’ve got to make sure that’s transparent,” Mr Joyce said.

In a television special that included, for the first time, CCTV of the night in question, Mr Lehrmann described the “dark day” that the allegations were first aired on February 15, 2021.

“It is a metaphorical version of a nuclear bomb or the world exploding before your eyes,’’ he said.

He said he had been “kicked to the curb” and was “outraged” by the fallout that followed Ms Higgins interviews in 2021.

“Did you rape Britney Higgins?,’’ Mr Bartlett asked at the beginning of the program.

“No, I didn’t. It simply didn’t happen,’’ Mr Lehrmann replied.

“Did you have consensual sex?,’’ Mr Bartlett replied.

“No,’’ he replied.

“Did you kiss her?,’’ he was asked.

“No,’’ he replied.

Ms Higgins publicly accused Mr Lehrmann of raping her inside the Parliament House office of then minister Linda Reynolds, in February, 2021.

The initial stories did not identify him by name. He was not publicly named until he was charged in August, 2021.

The allegations centred on what happened after Mr Lehrmann and Ms Higgins returned to work at around 2am after a night of drinking.

He has always insisted that she turned towards the minister’s own office inside the suite and he went right to his own desk.

He later told police he didn’t see her again and left without saying goodbye to her after completing work at his desk.

A criminal trial in the ACT Supreme Court was first delayed following Ms Wilkinson’s Logies speech and then derailed last October because of juror misconduct.

As a result, the jury never reached a verdict, but had appeared deadlocked and unable to reach a unanimous verdict in the days that preceded the trial’s collapse.

In December, the ACT prosecutor Shane Drumgold announced he would not proceed with a second trial on the basis of the threat to Ms Higgins’ mental health. The charge sex without consent was dropped.

June 5, 2023 8:42 am

I am from the western suburbs of Sydney.

The horror!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 5, 2023 8:47 am

The whining of already privileged indigenous activists would be especially grating when you’re already feeling miserable about your prospects.

I suspect that this is exactly what is playing out at the moment.

The younger cohort in the population is more likely to accept government exhortations about workshopped ‘preferred behaviours’ – given that this social engineering has been the MO of governments for the past 20 years. This is borne out in the poll results:

Among younger voters, 65 per cent of 18 to 34 years are in favour and to a lesser degree, 53 per cent of 35 to 49 years. But this turned sharply among the older age brackets with 55 per cent of 50 to 64-year-old voters opposed to the voice and 61 per cent of over-65s.

Unfortunately for Uncle Luigi, these same 18 to 49 year olds are currently being BBQed by unmanageable rent and living costs – and looking sadly at the shite economic prospects ahead of them.

Despite the “generous offer” to all Australians claimed for the Voice, the racially aligned squirrel grip that goes with it is coming into focus.

June 5, 2023 8:47 am

Mobile injecting buses

Great idea.
Like all good ideas, it needs to start with a pilot plan – rotated weekly outside the house of every councillor and politician who has backed the plan.

June 5, 2023 8:50 am

The jury was 11-1 to acquit.
The holdout juror introduced the extraneous material to the jury room to deliberately sink the trial, for fear the judge might accept an 11-1 majority vote to acquit.

It’s time to hold this juror to account.

It might be incredible what their chat logs reveal – or whom they were talking to.

June 5, 2023 8:51 am

18 years old to 49 years old eh?

I wonder if that is a large voting bloc or not?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 5, 2023 8:53 am

“It then became apparent at 2pm or thereabouts, when Rosie Lewis of The Australian emailed my boss at British American Tobacco and said that she’d heard from government sources that I was the alleged rapist, now I’m called in for a meeting with my bosses. They suspend me pending an internal review.”

Enquiring minds would like to know who “government sources” were.
And, even if Lehrmann later resigned from BAT, he would have a case for constructive dismissal.
Since when is suspending someone based on rumour legal?

June 5, 2023 8:54 am

Imagine the grievance bound mindset…you wake up every day in your Sydney harbourside mansion, look out at the sunshine dancing on the emerald waters, and you think to your self…”I’m from the western suburbs; who can I take that out on today?”

June 5, 2023 8:55 am

Rowan Atkinson was trending on Twitter last night due to that article.
He caused some serious triggering among lefties.

June 5, 2023 8:57 am

Rosie Lewis of The Australian emailed my boss at British American Tobacco

What a beautiful human being. Took all that trouble to get a man sacked over a rumour from “sources”. Her family must be so proud.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 9:00 am

June 5, 2023 at 7:43 am
Atkinson also did an address over free speech, which was posted on the last thread. As you say, Bruce, scales have fallen from his eyes…finally. Perhaps.

My view is that people like him only “discover” what they knew all the time when it directly affects them.

More than a decade ago, he featured in a major anti-PC campaign, complaining about the deleterious effect on comedy. Again, self-interest, but that is always the horse to back.

June 5, 2023 9:00 am

Imagine the grievance bound mindset…you wake up every day in your Sydney harbourside mansion, look out at the sunshine dancing on the emerald waters, and you think to your self…”I’m from the western suburbs; who can I take that out on today?”

Or, if you’re Rose Jackson, “I’m from the North Shore and the ES – how can I punish them today?”

June 5, 2023 9:01 am

Yes, BJ. John Cleese also comes to mind.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 5, 2023 9:02 am

Dot at 8:49

It’s time to hold this juror to account.

It might be incredible what their chat logs reveal – or whom they were talking to.

No doubt a Britnah fan sabotaged it.

June 5, 2023 9:07 am

The Britney saga, I think it’s turned into a Guy Richie movie an ensemble of players all at cross purposes. It’s a political hit job going pear shaped .

June 5, 2023 9:10 am

Was it Ed telling us that Higgins was paralytic and almost had to be dragged into PH?

June 5, 2023 9:10 am

What a beautiful human being. Took all that trouble to get a man sacked over a rumour from “sources”.

While we’re dealing out contempt, the craven management at BAT are worthy of some attention.

Anchor What
Anchor What
June 5, 2023 9:10 am

Lehrmann gives his side of the story, but Laura Jayes asks “Does it add up?”
Tell me, has she asked this about Brittany’s version?

June 5, 2023 9:11 am

Interesting vignette of a decaying Amerika, tell me Australia is any different.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 9:12 am

Sancho Panzersays:
June 5, 2023 at 8:40 am
If Calvary had been as bad as Canberra, I have no doubt that the ‘elf inspectors would have come down like a ton (tonne?) of bricks.

Slugs in the kitchen?

After Johanna’s report, probably at Canberra, less so at Calvary (unless the ‘elf inspector is from Victoria).

June 5, 2023 9:17 am

I didn’t watch the exposé (chortle) on Brittnah last night for fear it would be a hatchet job on Lehrmann and I needed my beauty sleep.

Reviewing the footage at pub and PH – she’s a bit handsy with him. Too handsy for a professional meeting, regardless of the setting. And he appears to be her “type”. Also, if she’s 11/10 schoolies inebriated, I’m a potplant. On the other hand, he doesn’t appear interested at all. Either one cool customer or it’s just as he says.

June 5, 2023 9:21 am

Indolent says:
June 5, 2023 at 8:06 am
The Rabbit Hole

Pride is a sin, but only if you are White.

What’s that saying about pride going before a fall?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 5, 2023 9:25 am

Country shopper news.

Dutch Try to Keep Muslim Migrants From Stealing Bikes by Offering Them $20 Bikes (4 Jun)

Residents of the asylum seekers’ center in Dronten will soon be able to purchase a cheap bicycle. A workshop for bicycle maintenance will also be available. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) hopes that this will reduce the number of bicycle thefts in the area…

Poor deprived people, can’t afford a bicycle. I wonder if they’ve been stealing them for something other than to ride? Nah, not possible. Meanwhile across the Channel:

Migrants Stage Pavement Protest Outside London Hotel Demanding Private Rooms, Better WiFi (4 Jun)

Better Wi-Fi, more financial assistance, and private rooms were just some of the demands made by migrants who demonstrated outside the doors of their new hotel accommodation in an upscale residential area of central London on Thursday.

The group of adult men, many of whom arrived in Britain illegally in small boats via the English Channel with a view to claiming asylum, used their suitcases to barricade the front doors to the Pimlico Comfort Inn and staged a pavement protest against what they consider to be offensive living standards afforded to them by the British government.

The group was recently transferred from a hotel in Ilford, Essex, but told reporters that their new accommodation was not to their taste and refused to return to their rooms until they are each provided with private accommodation.

Oooh, do I smell a strong sense of self-entitlement? Nah, that couldn’t possibly be possible either.

June 5, 2023 9:25 am

“Nobody tells me what to ask in question time,” [Plibersek] said.

Sure…she doesn’t attend the daily strategy meetings and employs no advisers.

She’s a singularly gifted and independent parliamentarian.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 5, 2023 9:29 am

Imagine the grievance bound mindset…you wake up every day in your Sydney harbourside mansion, look out at the sunshine dancing on the emerald waters, and you think to your self…”I’m from the western suburbs; who can I take that out on today?”

Or, if you’re Rose Jackson, “I’m from the North Shore and the ES – how can I punish them today?”

Yes, a lot of media people surround us in this neck of the woods, but personally I’m just here for the peaceful ambience and the views. The harbour looks cold and grey this morning. Only the occasional ferry breaks the flat surface. The tradies working on the big rebuild next door are already at smoko.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 9:29 am

June 5, 2023 at 9:10 am
Was it Ed telling us that Higgins was paralytic and almost had to be dragged into PH?

That photo pretty much destroys everything that Mizzz Knickerless said about her state when she arrived at Parliament House, and her actions later.

She was clearly NOT paralytically drunk, she clearly was NOT about to collapse unconscious on the couch, she clearly WAS quite able to refuse any advances, and clearly WAS quite able to notice if her dress was being forcibly removed.

Apart from that, what more needs to be said?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 5, 2023 9:30 am

How Lisa Wilkinson and Brittany Higgins war-gamed which ‘friendlies’ to fire up

The more than a five-hour session, which also involved Ms Higgins’ boyfriend David Sharaz and Wilkinson’s producer Angus Llewellyn, was recorded on January 27, 2021 a few days before they filmed the interview that was broadcast on February 15 revealing Ms Higgins’ claims she had been raped in Parliament House.

The group brainstormed MPs who would “fire questions” in question time over the alleged sexual assault, highlighting Labor leaders Anthony Albanese and Tanya Plibersek as key players, with Wilkinson highly critical of former foreign minister Julie Bishop for refusing to “speak out” against the poor culture of Parliament House.

Ms Higgins told Wilkinson that she could find some “friendly MPs” who could fire questions in question time.

Wilkinson then suggested “Tanya Plibersek, definitely”, to which Mr Sharaz said: “Yeah”.

Mr Sharaz told the group: “I’ve got a friend in Labor, Katie Gallagher on the Labor side, who will probe and continue it going.”

Luckily, prominent social worker Plibersek, “was in touch with Brittany Higgins because I was concerned about her welfare.” So, synchronicity.

And equally luckily, it was Mz Gallagher at the helm of the Payola Committee, although she had nothing to do with its deliberations – other than monstering Linda Reynolds away from participating*.

Nothing to see here…

* The dimmest of dim moves by the SFL’s not indemnifying Reynolds and allowing her to participate. Almost as if they wanted the implication of a truly massive workplace payout to hang over the Opposition.

June 5, 2023 9:33 am

Apart from that, what more needs to be said?

All women must be believed.

June 5, 2023 9:34 am

Dutch Try to Keep Muslim Migrants From Stealing Bikes by Offering Them $20 Bikes

At least its not the Germans stealing their bikes this time.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 5, 2023 9:34 am

As I recall Ms Reynolds’ office had to be steam cleaned the next morning due to a technicolor yawn…

June 5, 2023 9:34 am

“If he wants to go after me, like on a civil basis, I think, on the balance of probabilities, I think I could win. I think it’s, if the onus of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt, I think that would be different. I don’t think I could win that,” Ms Higgins says.

I am so naive I never knew until the BRS case that a life can be ruined and millions squandered simply because you can convince some people that something COULD have happened, not having to prove anything. That is abominable.

June 5, 2023 9:35 am

When I came back, you could see the stripes on the floor where she had washed – and the parts that she missed.

That would be the same water used to mop up the splatter from the impacted bowel, which then mopped the foyer before doing the hallway where some unidentified ooze from a suppurating pustule was seeded along by the wheelchair wheel in a lovely non specific colour stripe.
But its ok, they used the regulation cap full of bleach in the 1/2 bucket, and change it out 2 x per day.

June 5, 2023 9:36 am

Mr Sharaz then adds: “Julie doesn’t have any friends.”

Julie Bishop forgot the other side of the bargain, you had to be a friend to have friends.

Cassie of Sydney
June 5, 2023 9:37 am

“was in touch with Brittany Higgins because I was concerned about her welfare.”

Goodness, I’m touched by Ms Plibersek’s decency and compassion. However, did Ms Plibersek’s decency and compassion also extend to Bruce Lehmann out of concern for his welfare?

Clearly not.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 5, 2023 9:38 am

I didn’t watch the exposé (chortle) on Brittnah


Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 9:41 am

June 5, 2023 at 9:33 am
Apart from that, what more needs to be said?

All women must be believed.

Including Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash? Oh, sorry, they are not part of the leftard wymminses group.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 5, 2023 9:42 am

18 years old to 49 years old eh?

I wonder if that is a large voting bloc or not?

Rough as guts:

~75% of the Australian population is voting age;

~40% of the Australian population sits in the 18 to 49 yo cohort.

June 5, 2023 9:43 am

Ed Case must have chocked on his dinner when he saw the exact CCTV footage aired on CH 7 that he swore had been deleted by a cabal comprised of the AFP, Scott Morrison, Linda Reynolds and her COS, and APH Security. Also, now it appears very very likely that the Jury was 11 to 1 to acquit, his theory that Scott Morrison got ASIO to get to the 12th Jury and cause a mistrial seems a bit flattened. All in all, very amusing stuff….

Now where is Munty? He might take the day off. Nothing to see here.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 5, 2023 9:43 am

At least its not the Germans stealing their bikes this time.

It’s a joke in the Netherlands that any German tourists are asked “Can we have our grandfathers bike back?”

A wreath, laid by a German ex – serviceman’s group, on the memorial to the battle of Arnhem, was removed, and thrown into the Rhine.

June 5, 2023 9:44 am

calli says:
June 5, 2023 at 8:57 am
Rosie Lewis of The Australian emailed my boss at British American Tobacco
What a beautiful human being. Took all that trouble to get a man sacked over a rumour from “sources”. Her family must be so proud.

Almost everyone who comes into contact with a journalist lives to regret it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 5, 2023 9:48 am

Heavy rain in Perf overnight, extending through into the wheatbelt.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 9:48 am

Newspoll: Less than half Aussies intend to vote ‘yes’ on voice

You will hear the bleating from the moon.

June 5, 2023 9:50 am

Britney’s background has never been mentioned anywhere as far as I’ve seen. A late night program on RN last night focused on the disappearance of a couple in the Ballarat area a while back. The man’s body was discovered at the bottom of a disused mineshaft. The woman has never been located. The journo doing the story was somehow related to one of them and mentioned that the missing woman was Britney’s mother.

June 5, 2023 9:50 am

“was in touch with Brittany Higgins because I was concerned about her welfare.”

I do hope she was as kind to Kimberley Kitching.

June 5, 2023 9:52 am

Anchor What says:
June 5, 2023 at 9:10 am
Lehrmann gives his side of the story, but Laura Jayes asks “Does it add up?”
Tell me, has she asked this about Brittany’s version?

Laura Jayes is not the sharpest tool in the box. If somebody didn’t feed her the lines into her earpiece or give them to her on a clipboard she would have a hard time interviewing anybody. But let’s not absolve her of being unfair either.

June 5, 2023 9:53 am

Brittany Higgins mother Kelly testified at the trial.

June 5, 2023 9:53 am

Brittany’s mother appeared at the show trial. She gave testimony about how the parliamentary position was her daughter’s dream job.

Dad was unavailable for comment, though I doubt he was down a mineshaft. 😀

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 5, 2023 9:54 am

Regarding morning toonage, Blower had me at first frowning-bunny.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 5, 2023 9:54 am

Last night Bruce Lehrmann had to very very circumspect in giving his answers. I think he did well in spite of that limitation. He could show no real personality until just at the end, with a load of expletives of relief. The talkative and interactive young Turk he seemed to be previous to all of this was almost gone; he spoke with great hesitancy about his suicidal feelings. He was mostly extremely measured and cautious, but occasionally the sense of the well-brought up young man did shine through. His love for his mother won’t do him any harm with the viewing public.

To note in assessing it all. Someone saw him on a sofa ‘kissing’ Knickerless at the second venue. He says that is an incorrect memory from a couple of years later. Knickerless was in a happy mood doing a little skip down that Parliamentary corridor holding her shoes, definitely not paralytic drunk. Bruce was pretty much ignoring her ‘girly’ play there. Bruce claimed to have not said goodbye. If he’d judged she was in a ‘coming on’ mood that might explain his solitary exit back to his girlfriend. She could have pulled off that tight dress in order to feel better when she wanted to lie down and throw up.
She was not, as we know, big on underwear.

June 5, 2023 9:55 am

Reviewing the footage at pub and PH – she’s a bit handsy with him. Too handsy for a professional meeting, regardless of the setting. And he appears to be her “type”. Also, if she’s 11/10 schoolies inebriated, I’m a potplant. On the other hand, he doesn’t appear interested at all. Either one cool customer or it’s just as he says.

Calli, it occurred to me that she may have accused him of rape because he was not interested and dented her ego.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 9:59 am

It’s time to hold this juror to account.

Don’t think there would be any appetite for that, regardless of what Sofronoff might find. I didn’t do any real jury stuff (take note Groogs) but I would think 3rd party materials in jury rooms would be close to unheard of. New Perf District Court has airport type scanning but could walk straight into the Supreme Court in my day.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 10:02 am


She could have pulled off that tight dress in order to feel better when she wanted to lie down and throw up.
She was not, as we know, big on underwear.

Or maybe she thought that just a teeeeny bit more “advertising” might win her the prize? And Lehrmann ran away in horror, back to the tender arms of his girlfriend?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 5, 2023 10:04 am

And Lehrmann ran away in horror, back to the tender arms of his girlfriend?

“How many other guys has she bonked on this couch?”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 5, 2023 10:04 am

The woman has never been located. The journo doing the story was somehow related to one of them and mentioned that the missing woman was Britney’s mother.

This is surely checkable.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 10:07 am

Almost everyone who comes into contact with a journalist lives to regret it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 10:14 am


Nobody tells me what to ask in question time,” [Plibersek] said.

She’s a singularly gifted and independent parliamentarian.

Plibbers is the only one who emerges as credible and with any dignity. Bad news for Albo.

June 5, 2023 10:15 am

Plibbers is the only one who emerges as credible and with any dignity.

I’m not buying it, Bear.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 5, 2023 10:18 am


June 5, 2023 at 9:07 am

The Britney saga, I think it’s turned into a Guy Richie movie an ensemble of players all at cross purposes. It’s a political hit job going pear shaped .

It looks like Sam Maiden* has decided to take the steel-caps to Cane Toad in her article this morning.

* I am surprised she wasn’t called as an expert witness on the matter of “11/10 schoolies level pissed”.

June 5, 2023 10:19 am

Dot, fire up your old spice, put a fresh packet of Winnie Blues under the arm of the T-Shirt and slick back the mullet, your new ride has arrived…
She says she didn’t publicly share that she had uterus didelphys until she started her OnlyFans account in 2018 with the support of her spouse.

“OnlyFans has helped me to finally embrace my condition,” the blond enthused. “Creating content and having people complexly fascinated by my condition is really great.”

“I was always curious about sex work, and sometimes other men are involved, too,” Miller declared. “It doesn’t feel like cheating really. I’ve got one vagina for work and another for play.”

The content creator currently makes an incredible $1,480 a week via the subscription site, saying the raunchy venture has “massively paid off.”

“People are really curious,” she explained. “They love the fact that I’ve got two vaginas. It might sound bad to say it, but that can feel incredibly validating.”

See, you wont be a cuck shacked up with a prostitute, because you are using the non cuck vadge!

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 10:21 am

“How many other guys has she bonked on this couch?”

Only one person can answer that question. No, make that two.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 5, 2023 10:22 am

Seems Jacinta Adern – avowed Republican – has been made a “dame” in the Kings Birthday list honors.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 5, 2023 10:23 am

The Britney saga, I think it’s turned into a Guy Richie movie an ensemble of players all at cross purposes. It’s a political hit job going pear shaped .

It is all that.

Which makes Morrison’s parliamentary apology to Brinny – followed by his second apology for his first apology – the work of a paper target.

As other Cats have noted, a strong candidate for Worst PM Evah – in a very competitive field.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 10:25 am

Mole your Internet privileges are suspended for 24 hours. Ask for the wifi password tomorrow.

June 5, 2023 10:25 am

…in some respects our ancestors were better off because we seem to be deliberately unlearning lessons and insights they took to heart.

To read the letters home of American Civil War soldiers – as I sometimes do – is to be struck by their generally refined sensibility as they convey complex emotions and respond to challenging military and political events. Literacy rates in America were about the highest in the world at the time but most enlisted men had never been to college but came from farms or occupations that involved manual labour.

Those men represent a snapshot of the human race in its Western incarnation six generations ago.

One comes away with the distinct sense that we are not evolving but degenerating.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 5, 2023 10:26 am


Avowed republicans really do lurrrrrrve their “honours”. See also AnAl and Kimbo B.

June 5, 2023 10:26 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
June 5, 2023 at 10:04 am
The woman has never been located. The journo doing the story was somehow related to one of them and mentioned that the missing woman was Britney’s mother.

This is surely checkable.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 5, 2023 10:27 am

One comes away with the distinct sense that we are not evolving but degenerating.

Well said!

June 5, 2023 10:29 am

Dad was unavailable for comment, though I doubt he was down a mineshaft.

That’s only because we have a mineshaft gap.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 5, 2023 10:31 am

If Lehrmann admits to any conversation or face-to-face encounter after he turned left and she turned right then a can of worms opens up for him. So he stays stum. Correctly, given his situation now.
And it may have been exactly as he recounts. He took a back exit door to avoid meeting her in there, aware by now of how it would look. She had made up a work reason to also join him in the Minister’s suite, and he had gone along with it, telling security on the phone he was coming in accompanied by the Minister herself due to his lost pass. So a man and a woman were allowed through Security.

So, two people who are work colleagues, a man and a woman, the woman tipsy, the man less so, go at 1.30am from a venue and he has to pick up his house keys and some papers, swings by Parliament House in an Uber where she also decides she should go in for ‘work’ reasons. He gets them both through Security, she’s elated and on an adventure, he’s not, he’s forging ahead having second thoughts all along that corridor about the wisdom of this, so he cools it, writes up some paperwork from the night (the sort that needs to be done soonest), she’s off pretending to do something at her desk, and then he packs it in, leaves her to her own devices (she’s equal to him in work terms) exits unobtrusively by the back door towards home and his worried girlfriend.

Alternatively, they both have some whisky from the console which was some of the reason they were there, continuing the drinkies, she makes a play at him, he says he has to write up his info from the night before he forgets details (standard practice btw says Hairy), after a while she calls him in a legally consensual manner to pash on the sofa and he takes flight via the back door.

The me-too version: she’s a sweet innocent who goes with him to her Minister’s office, enticed by the adventure of it, and he’s an evil plotter who once she’s in the room rips off her dress and rapes her while she’s collapsed drunk. Having had his evil way, he skips off leaving her to face any music. She doesn’t know what to do and does nothing till kindly media lefties help her out.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 10:31 am


I hope this does not affect the credibility of our much loved (yet still no Hammy) commentator.

June 5, 2023 10:32 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
June 5, 2023 at 10:22 am
Seems Jacinta Adern – avowed Republican – has been made a “dame” in the Kings Birthday list honors.

But of course, the ego demands it, never mind the principles. I can see how she may explain it to herself, this is the system as it exists at the moment and according to it I deserve the honour for a great job.

June 5, 2023 10:32 am

Two vaginas, one uterus and

According to evidence, telegony may occur either through the infiltration of sperm into the somatic tissues of the female genital tract or the presence of fetal genes in the mother’s blood.

Uterosomes: The lost ring of telegony?
Hamid Reza Nejabati et al. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2022 Oct.

Every bloke who ejaculates inside a woman potentially changes her heritable DNA and RNA.

June 5, 2023 10:34 am

from a post on JoNova (Sunday) this morning : The Daily wire doco by Matt Walsh “What is a Woman” has been put up on twitter for free for 24 hrs in the US so may be available here for a while longer


I just watched it – very good – over an hour long however.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 10:34 am

In parts of Australia,ending up in a mineshaft is a risk that should not be ruled out.

June 5, 2023 10:34 am

Erm…as I was saying.

June 5, 2023 10:35 am

well, another day has passed in this icy hellscape

there is a peculiar gadget on-board apparently called a ‘washing machine’ which to date, has frustrated all the best experts we have aboard

at this point I do regret not pressing more engineers into our employ,

and since we we just ate the last one I fear our situation has taken a turn for the worse

somebody please … ring Asko

yours miserably

JC Shackleton

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 5, 2023 10:35 am

Plibbers is the only one who emerges as credible and with any dignity.

I’m not buying it, Bear.

It doesn’t have to be actually true in the post-Normal world – just sufficiently truthy to score a couple of points.

Plibbers is always extremely careful to keep shit off her shoes. Although she would have directed traffic, she had the Mean Girls to do the rough stuff.

If Albanese crashes and burns, who will be the least noxious alternative…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 5, 2023 10:35 am

See also AnAl and Kimbo B.

See also Bill Hayden.

June 5, 2023 10:39 am

Which makes Morrison’s parliamentary apology to Brinny – followed by his second apology for his first apology – the work of a paper target.

As other Cats have noted, a strong candidate for Worst PM Evah – in a very competitive field.

ScoMo was completely without principles and he acted according to realpolitik at every moment. Whatever he thought would work at any given moment was the go without consideration for incongruities. Eventually he disappointed everyone.

Real Deal
Real Deal
June 5, 2023 10:42 am

Or maybe she thought that just a teeeeny bit more “advertising” might win her the prize? And Lehrmann ran away in horror, back to the tender arms of his girlfriend?

That is quite plausible.

This story has antecedents in Genesis 39. Joseph and Potiphar’s wife. Not to get all Titus on everyone but it describes Joseph as “handsome in form and appearance”. That certainly doesn’t describe Lehrmann or his twin Sharaz.

He may have spurned her ample charms and made a run for it. She stewed in her resentment and here we are.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 5, 2023 10:43 am

…he’s an evil plotter who once she’s in the room rips off her dress and rapes her while she’s collapsed drunk. Having had his evil way, he skips off leaving her to face any music.

This is the hardest part of the story we are invited to believe.

Having signed in through Security – and being on a warning – leaving a passed out, freshly porked, nude Higgins draped across the Ministers sofa would seem a tad reckless.
Even for a Canbra degenerate.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 10:44 am

SloMo’s best work was over when he gave us Lara Bingle. It was always going to be downhill after that. And so it proved. No wonder it is taking time to find a new outlet for those talents.

June 5, 2023 10:47 am

In parts of Australia,ending up in a mineshaft is a risk that should not be ruled out.

I blame the closure of regional banks, particularly in South Australia.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 10:49 am

Having signed in through Security – and being on a warning – leaving a passed out, freshly porked, nude Higgins draped across the Ministers sofa would seem a tad reckless.

It certainly requires a solid Plan B.

Cassie of Sydney
June 5, 2023 10:51 am

“Which makes Morrison’s parliamentary apology to Brinny – followed by his second apology for his first apology – the work of a paper target.”

From the beginning it was so obvious, and so transparent that this saga was a manufactured political hit job aimed at bringing down Morrison and the Coalition. It was a miasma of pong. Remember how in 2020 Morrison’s polling numbers were high, and Labor was desperate. And like a scene from Macbeth, the witches began to stir the stinking caldron, it began with the Four Corners’ expose in November 202, and then in February 2021 the Higgins allegation hit the headlines, followed very shortly afterwards by the ludicrous, ridiculous, fantastic and fabulous Porter allegations. Smack bang in the middle of this was the pile on of Craig Kelly, where Morrison and his government outrageously sided with the left to sideline and silence him. Craig, quite rightly, walked. I remember watching the footage of Plibershit conveniently confronting Kelly in a parliamentary hallway, and she had numerous media there to film the confrontation. She called him a “nong”….and I recall thinking that none of this was accidental, she and Labor were up to something. And so the Higgins operetta begin, and Morrison fell for it, hook, line and sinker. I watched in utter dismay as he fell on his knees and grovelled before the howling and baying leftist mobs. It was sickening, but what was worse, infinitely worse, was that he didn’t have the backs of his own, a conga line of men and women he threw on to the pyre, Arndt, Kelly, Christensen, Tudge, Laming, Porter, Cash, and Reynolds.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 5, 2023 10:51 am

“Did you kiss her?,’’ he was asked.

“No,’’ he replied.

Independent witnesses gave statements to the contrary.

Channel 7 have already pissed a fortune up against the wall over Ben Roberts-Smith, are they going for 2 in a row with Lehrmann?
Then there’s the 24/7 attacks on John Pesutto for not being a total bigot.

It doesn’t make any sense, unless …

June 5, 2023 10:55 am

Jorge 9.50am,
The disappearance was in WA goldfields, not Ballarat. The missing woman’s daughter was in the interview, name “Britt Higgins”.

June 5, 2023 10:59 am

Independent witnesses gave statements to the contrary.

Name them.

June 5, 2023 10:59 am

If Albanese crashes and burns, who will be the least noxious alternative…

OK…but I’m waiting for her to be asked “Can a woman have a penis?”

June 5, 2023 11:01 am


every prospective conservative politician needs to be given a 6-week induction course in the Overton window.

Never apologise, never back down, never criticise allies (except for being too moderate), always combat criticism of yourself with attacks on your opponents.

June 5, 2023 11:03 am

Her oft touted appeal to female normies might not survive the question du jour.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 11:04 am

Independent witnesses gave statements to the contrary.

Exactly Groogs, focus on the evidence. I have said previously Lehrmann may well have done it. That is a completely separate question of whether he should have ever stood trial for it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 11:08 am

It was sickening, but what was worse, infinitely worse, was that he didn’t have the backs of his own, a conga line of men and women he threw on to the pyre …

Most Lieborals have always been more comfortable taking on their own.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 5, 2023 11:09 am

… the plan is to keep the pot of Demoralisation simmering 24/7/365.

Have a think about it:
ADF not supporting our brave troops in Afghanistan
[which was true] but Ben Roberts-Smith wasn’t a hero either

Brittany Higgins being victimised by the Liberal Party [True] and let down by the Justice System [true] and getting a $3m. payout [Untrue]

John Pesutto an antiwoman Misogynist [untrue] who doesn’t see any need to persecute Transvestites [True]

Bruce Lehrmann as Labor Party victim [kinda True, but he brought it on himself by being an AssHat]

All these Moral Issues being constantly juggled in the Media without any commonsense Editorial ever being published anywhere
To wit: …

June 5, 2023 11:11 am

Name those witnesses champ.

June 5, 2023 11:15 am

Witness named in article by Samantha Maiden

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 11:15 am

Name those witnesses champ.

Not Drumgold again?

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 5, 2023 11:16 am

Never apologise, never back down, never criticise allies (except for being too moderate), always combat criticism of yourself with attacks on your opponents.
In other words,
Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals
Problem is that it doesn’t work the other way around.
Laborites laugh off appeals from Liberals to live up to their own rules, because they don’t believe in those rules anyway.
Plus, it’s demoralising for Liberal supporters.

June 5, 2023 11:18 am

June 5, 2023 at 11:11 am

Like rats claws over broken glass the grigglebots mind goes roaming for a fresh “free association” it can pluck from its fundament.

Im 93.4% sure the grigglebot is an early attempt at AI someone outsourced to the lowest bidder, who then outsourced the code work to the Bombay bulk code association for the final touches.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 5, 2023 11:19 am

I blame the closure of regional banks, particularly in South Australia.

Plenty of room for barrels. On such things (done up properties, not barrels) I liked this story this morning:

Tiny terrace house hides incredible vaulted mosaic cave which was chiselled by hand (4 Jan)

Astonishing. What you get when a bored sculptor lives for 20 years in a house built on a sandstone hill…

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 11:20 am

From P’s link, Prof van Wrongselen being sued by Ch 10. More awks.

June 5, 2023 11:21 am

Bruce of Newcastle says:
June 5, 2023 at 7:37 am

I saw this article a while ago and meant to post it. How about an electric Fiat 500 (yeah, the little one) for $52,500. I near choked on my Weet-Bix. $52 grand !!! And 0-100 km/h in 9 seconds. Nine! Good grief.

Mind you, there is a Mini electric version for ~$60,000.

Maybe I’m just out of touch these days but ~$60k for a small gutless car seems waaaay too high a price to me.

June 5, 2023 11:21 am

Tiny terrace house hides incredible vaulted mosaic cave which was chiselled by hand

I hope he got council approval.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 11:22 am

Might be a good one to put in your diary for your summer break if it ever gets to trial. Keep an eye on the court lists.

June 5, 2023 11:24 am

he’s an evil plotter who once she’s in the room rips off her dress

.. a dress which remains completely undamaged and worn at a later date.

June 5, 2023 11:25 am

Bruce, roger, have you heard of this crazy lad?

After 40 years’ burrowing, Mole Man of Hackney is ordered to stop

But this is no ordinary house. Since the early 1960s, the man who owns and lives inside the £1m Victorian property has been digging. No one knows how far the the network of burrows underneath 75-year-old William Lyttle’s house stretch. But according to the council, which used ultrasound scanners to ascertain the extent of the problem, almost half a century of nibbling dirt with a shovel and homemade pulley has hollowed out a web of tunnels and caverns, some 8m (26ft) deep, spreading up to 20m in every direction from his house.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 11:27 am

Maybe I’m just out of touch these days but ~$60k for a small gutless car seems waaaay too high a price to me.

An excellent opportunity to revisit this classic,

June 5, 2023 11:28 am

Seems like the young lady wasn’t particularly sozzled, that is, not until after she got stuck into the minister’s drinks cabinet.
Lehrmann’s ‘body language’ in the brief bits of video and various photos I’ve seen suggest ‘not the slightest bit interested’.
I’m now even more inclined to believe his version of events.

June 5, 2023 11:30 am

Prof van Wrongselen being sued by Ch 10.

Some might say that’s a cynical play by Ch.10, given that PvO is probably worth more than they are atm.

June 5, 2023 11:31 am

“I think I remember Bruce and Brittany being quite close. And I remember them kissing on the couch. And there was at that point, then – I don’t really remember much after that. I’ll be honest. Yeah, my memory is quite hazy because we did have a lot of alcohol to drink from the night,’’ she said.

Wow, what a witness!


*Do you accept that being sure of something and being certain of something is different?*

*You were drunk and have trouble remembering?*

*You are not completely certain of what you remember?*

*If you were drunk, don’t remember properly because of intoxication and are unsure what you remember, could you perhaps not remember what you saw on the couch in the bar somewhat or completely incorrectly?*

I can see why it was 11-1 to acquit and one rogue juror broke the law to sabotage a not-guilty verdict.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 5, 2023 11:31 am

The pics of Brittany Higgins on 22/3/2019 show a vivacious young woman.

2 years later she’s put on a fair bit of weight and she’s severely depressed.

I wonder what happened [not really, it’s obvious what happened, unless you’ve got your head up your arse]?

June 5, 2023 11:32 am

I’m now even more inclined to believe his version of events.

The CCTV stuff that has been released shows him ignoring her and other young men giving her attention.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 5, 2023 11:33 am

Groogs, stop thinking about all that lovely skin. Focus little buddy.

June 5, 2023 11:34 am

We should probably also see the bank account of this rogue juror as well as chat logs.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 5, 2023 11:37 am

Haha, unintended consequences 101.

New York City passes law barring weight discrimination (11 May)

Whales are healthy too!

Connecticut court rules that obesity is not a disability (3 Jun)

Hmm, if whales are healthy does that mean they’re not sick? Great disturbance in the DSP force detected…

  1. Excellent find by Michael Smith. Listen to the Saudi tell the filthy Pallies the truth about themselves. The clip has…

  2. Top Ender March 7, 2025 10:04 amWill be interesting seeing the EV vehicles in the south-east Qld streets, unable to charge,…

  3. Scam email today which could be very effective in the right age group telling me my passion has increased and…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x